CE153 04 Slope Stability Analysis
CE153 04 Slope Stability Analysis
CE153 04 Slope Stability Analysis
UNRESTRAINED SLOPE is an exposed ground surface that stands at an angle with the horizontal. The
slope can be natural, slopes that exist in hilly areas or man-made, slopes of embankments constructed for
roads railway lines, canals etc.
Civil engineers often are expected to make calculations to check the safety of natural slopes, slopes of
excavations and compacted embankments. This check involves determining the shear stress developed along
the most likely rupture surface and comparing it with the shear stress developed along the most likely rupture
surface and comparing it with the shear strength of soil. The process is called slope STABILITY ANALYSIS. The
most likely rupture surface is the critical surface that has the minimum factor of safety. Slope stability refers to
the condition of inclined soil or rock slopes to withstand or undergo movement. Slope stability is ultimately
determined by two factors: the angle of the slope and the strength of the materials on it.
This lesson discusses the basic principles involved in slope stability analysis.
Learning Objectives: After completing this lesson, the learner will be able to
1. Discuss the factors affecting the slope stability
2. Learn different terms and notations involve in slope stability analysis.
3. Differentiate and explain finite and infinite slope
4. Know and understand the different equations involve in solving the slope stability of given soil
5. Incorporate equations in calculating the factor of safety of given slope
6. Calculate correctly the values involve in the stability analysis of soil.
MODES OF SLOPE FAILURE: Cruden and Varnes (1996) classified the slope failures into the following :
1. Fall. This is the detachment of soil and/or rock fragments that fall down a slope
2. Topple. This is a forward rotation of soil and/or rock mass about an axis below the center of gravity of
mass being displaced
3. Slide. This is the downward movement of a soil mass occurring on a surface of rupture
4. Spread. This is a form of slide by translation. It occurs by “sudden movement of water-bearing seams of
sands or silts overlain by clays or loaded by fills”
5. Flow. This is a downward movement of soil mass similar to a viscous fluid.
1. INFINITE SLOPES – It is used to designate a constant slope of infinite extent.
Example: The long slope of the face of a mountain
2. FINITE SLOPES - Slopes that are limited in extent.
Example: The slopes of embankments and earth dams
No pore water pressure is found on the soil
c tanΦ
F. S. = +
δHcos²βtanβ tanβ
c (δsat − δw)tanΦ
F. S. = +
(δsat)Hcos²βtanβ (δsat)tanβ
Factor of safety without seepage
F. S. =
δsat − δw tanΦ
F. S. = [ ]
δsat tanβ
Hcr =
(δs)cos²β(tanβ − tanΦ)
Culman’s analysis is based on the assumption that the failure of a slope occurs along a plane when the
average shearing stress tending to cause the slip is more than the shear strength of the soil. Also, the most
critical plane is the one that has a minimum ratio of the average shearing stress that tends to cause failure to
the shear strength of soil.
4c sinβ cosΦ
Hcr = [ ]
δs 1 − cos(β − Φ)
4c𝑑 sinβcosΦ
Ho = [ ]
δs 1 − cos(β − Φ𝑑)
1. When the failure occurs in such a way that the surface of sliding intersects the slope at or above its toe,
it is called a slope failure. The failure circle is referred to as a toe circle if it passes through the toe of
the slope and as a slope circle if it passes above the toe of the slope. Under certain circumstances, a
shallow slope failure can occur.
2. When the failure occurs in such a way that the surface of sliding passes at some distance below the toe
of the slope, it is called a base failure. The failure circle in the case of base failure is called a midpoint
1. MASS PROCEDURE: In this case, the mass of the soil above the surface of sliding is taken as a unit. This
procedure is useful when the soil that forms the slope is assumed to be homogeneous, although this is
not the case in most natural slopes.
2. METHOD OF SLICES: In this procedure, the soil above the surface of sliding is divided into a number of
vertical parallel slices. The stability of each slice is calculated separately. This is a versatile technique
in which the non-homogeneity of the soils and pore water pressure can be taken into consideration. It
also accounts for the variation of the normal stress along the potential failure surface.
n = stability number
1 δsH
= (stability factor)
n C𝑑
Hcr =
FS𝑐 = FS𝛷 = F. S.
cd = c
H = Hcr
H𝑐𝑟 =
β = 20º
β = 21º
70º θ
(a) Stability number
Hcr =
8.22 =
𝐧 = 𝟎. 𝟐𝟎𝟎
𝛉 = 𝟒𝟎. 𝟎𝟕
(a) Calculate the undrained clay cohesion If the stability number is 0.18.
(b) Determine the nature of this critical circle?
(c) Determine the location or distance the slipping surface intersected the bottom of the excavation if
A B β = 38º
(a) Undrained cohesion
Hcr =
𝑪𝒖 = 𝟐𝟓. 𝟎𝟓𝟔 𝑲𝑵/𝒎²
(c) Distance
AB = nH
AB = 0.95(8)
𝑨𝑩 = 𝟕. 𝟔𝒎