Bag Technique: Nursing Procedure Rationale Remarks

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Hidalgo, Adolf Fruelan E.

TH 7:00 AM – 1:00 PM
BSN2A October 9, 2020
Bag Technique
Bag technique – it is a tool by which the nurse, during her visit will enable her to perform a nursing procedure with ease and deftness, to
save time and effort, with the end view of rendering effective nursing care to clients

• To carry equipment and materials needed during a visit to the home.

• To carry equipment and materials that are needed to demonstrate nursing procedure during home visit.
Principles to consider in doing the procedure:

• Prevention for contamination

• Protection of the care giver
• Make articles/materials readily available
• Make follow-up care


1. Upon arrival at the patient’s house, place the bag on
• To protect the bag from getting
the table lined with clean paper. The clean side must
be out and the folded part, touching the table
2. If there is no faucet available, ask for a basin of
• To be used for hand washing.
water and place it outside the work area.
3. Open the bag and take out the towel and soap. • To prepare for hand washing.
4. Wash hands with soap and water. Wipe to dry. • To prevent infection from the care
provider to the client.
5. Take out the apron from the bag and put it on
• To protect the nurse’s uniform.
with right side out.
6. Put out from the bag necessary equipment
needed for a specific care and place on the
• To have equipment readily accessible
clean area without touching the outside of the
7. Close the bag and put it in one corner of the
• To prevent contamination
working area.
8. Do the procedure, nursing care and or • To provide comfort and security and
treatment. hasten recovery
9. After rendering the particular procedure, clean
• To protect the caregiver and prevent
all materials, use cotton swab moistened with
alcohol and wipe the materials used.
10. Perform hand washing, dry hands. • Hand hygiene deters the spread of
11. Remove the apron, folding it away from the • To prevent the spread of microorganisms
nurse/care giver, the soiled side in and the between the nurse and the apron or
clean side out. Place it inside the bag. between equipment and the bag
12. Fold the paper lining; expose side in, side in • To prevent contamination of the
contact with the table out. Place inside the bag. equipment’s inside the bag.
13. Fold paper lining same way as above and give • To prevent the spread of microorganisms
it to the patient or SO for disposal. between the nurse and the patient.
14. Take a record and write down all the necessary data
gathered, observations, nursing care treatment • For documentation and evaluation
gathered. Give instructions if necessary.
15. Make appointment for the next visit (for follow-up) • For follow-up care
• Paper lining • Tape measure
• Extra paper for making waste bag • 1 pair of sterile gloves
• Plastic/ linin lining • Baby’s scale
• Apron • Alcohol lamp
• Hand towel • 2 test tubes
• Soap in a soap dish • Test tube holders
• Thermometers (oral and rectal) • Solutions of
• 2 pairs of scissors (surgical and bandage) Betadine
• 2 pairs of forceps (curved and straight) Zephiran solution
• Disposable syringes and needles (g. 23 & 25) Spirit of ammonia
• Hypodermic needles g. 19, 22, 23, 25 Acetic acid
• Sterile dressing 70% alcohol
• Cotton balls (dry and w/ alcohol) Hydrogen peroxide
• Cord clamp Benedict’s solution
• Micro pore plaster
• Ophthalmic ointment


• Front of bag, left to right
- Oral thermometer - Rectal thermometer

• On the right near end of bag

- Test tube and holder - Medicine dropper

• On the left near end of bag

- Medicine glass - Bandage scissor
- Weighing scale

• Back of bag (left and right)

- Alcohol 70% - Zephiran solution
- Acetic acid - Spirit of ammonia
- Aromatic spirit of ammonia - Hydrogen peroxide
- Benedict’s solution - Ophthalmic ointment
- Betadine - Acetic solution

• Center of the bag

- Forceps (curved & straight) - Syringe & needles in container, 5 & 2 ml
- Roller bandage - Tape measure
- Alcohol lamp w/ denatured alcohol - Cotton applicator
- Kidney basin - Cord clamp
- Rubber gloves

• On the top file center bag

- Hand towel - Newspaper to serve as lining
- Soap on a soap dish - Apron
- Paper waste bag in pocket of bag - Plastic lining

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