BHR 2013 E5
BHR 2013 E5
BHR 2013 E5
Two discretisation methods have been proposed recently for the simplification of detailed
gas-condensate pipeline elevation profiles (1). Both methods preserve the hydrodynamic
behaviour of the original detailed profile and produce a suitable simplified profile for the
dynamic simulation of multiphase flows. A number of operators and engineering
companies have been evaluating and, in some cases, using these methods for the design
of world-class multiphase transport systems. The first part of this paper summarises the
key lessons learned from these first applications and concludes with a set of
recommendations for the simplification of detailed pipeline elevation profiles in the
context of dynamic simulation of multiphase flows.
In the early stages of offshore field developments, the potential routes for production
pipelines are commonly assessed from limited bathymetric data whilst detailed data from
geophysical surveys of the seabed may be available for the last phases of engineering
design. When pipelines are designed for multiphase flow transport, the complexification
of coarse bathymetric contours (to model the influence of the seabed roughness on the
hydrodynamic behaviour of multiphase flows) or the simplification of detailed bottom-
of-pipe and seabed profiles (to reduce the computation time of multiphase flow
simulations) must be exercised with caution because multiphase flows are known to be
sensitive to pipe inclination. However that sensitivity is more or less pronounced,
depending on the driving fluid (gas or liquid) and number of fluid phases involved (two
or three).
Four common multiphase flow configurations in offshore production are discussed below
on the basis of steady-state simulations performed with a thoroughly validated,
The steady-state condensate holdup in a pipe transporting a flow of dry (two-phase) gas-
condensate with a low liquid loading is known to be very sensitive to the gas velocity in
slightly upwardly inclined pipes (2). In Figure 1 (top left), a sharp transition from low to
high holdup occurs as the gas superficial velocity is gradually reduced, for any small,
positive angle to the horizontal. The critical gas superficial velocity, at which an abrupt
transition from low to high holdup (or holdup discontinuity) occurs, depends on the
inclination of the pipe: the higher the inclination, the higher the critical gas superficial
velocity. Although the steady-state condensate holdup may never be reached in practice
in large diameter, long gas-condensate pipelines, it is anticipated that the simplification
of a detailed elevation profile in the context of dry gas-condensate transport with a low
liquid loading would likely result in a significant underestimation of liquid inventories
should the angle distribution of the original profile be poorly preserved through the
simplification process; e.g. significant loss of high angles. Note: the angle distribution
refers here to the distribution of accumulated pipe lengths for a set of predetermined
angle groups (see Section 5 for an example).
The liquid holdup in wet gas-condensate systems is also sensitive to the pipe inclination
although the presence of a second (aqueous) liquid phase may reduce the sharpness of the
transition from low to high holdup (2). As shown in Figure 1 (top right), the sensitivity of
the total (condensate and water) liquid holdup to pipe inclination is less significant at
angles greater than 2 degrees as opposed to the sensitivity of the total liquid holdup to
smaller, positive angles. In this example a sharp drop of the liquid holdup is observed at
low gas superficial velocities and ca. 2 degrees. At this critical angle a flow regime
transition from stratified to intermittent flow takes place. This transition amplifies the
mixing between gas and liquid phases, resulting in a reduced slip, and subsequently a
decrease in liquid holdup.
In two-phase oil-water flows, the sensitivity of the aqueous phase holdup to inclination at
low oil superficial velocities is primarily driven by the sign of the pipe inclination. As
shown in Figure 1 (bottom left), this holdup varies sharply from low to high values as the
angle varies from negative values to a small, positive angle. Above this critical
inclination close to zero, the water holdup decreases gradually as the inclination
increases. The preservation of the angle distribution for positive inclinations would be
recommended for this fluid system should a detailed elevation profile be transformed into
a simpler geometry.
Similarly a variation from low to high water holdup is observed at low oil superficial
velocities in three phase oil systems when the angle approaches zero from negative
values (see Figure 1, bottom right). However, unlike two-phase oil-water systems, the
presence of a light vapour phase reduces the sharpness of this gravity-driven transition.
The black solid line shown in Figure 1 is a mathematical function modelling the typical
S-shaped curve of the liquid holdup with respect to pipe inclination; see Eq. 1, Section 3.
Although this function was originally introduced for the characterisation of gas-
condensate pipeline elevation profiles, through the concept of Profile Indicator (3), a
similar (S-shaped) behaviour can be observed across different types of multiphase flow
systems; see examples in Figure 1. As reminded elsewhere the Profile Indicator is more
an engineering tool for the characterisation of pipeline elevation profiles than a predictive
0.6 0.6
Condensate holdup [-]
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 0
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Pipe inclination [deg] Pipe inclination [deg]
Usg=1.05 m/s Usg=1.58 m/s Usg=2.12 m/s Usg=1.06 m/s Usg=1.60 m/s Usg=2.14 m/s
Usg=2.65 m/s Usg=3.19 m/s Usg=3.73 m/s Usg=2.67 m/s Usg=3.22 m/s Usg=3.76 m/s
Usg=4.27 m/s Usg=4.81 m/s Usg=5.35 m/s Usg=4.30 m/s Usg=4.83 m/s Usg=5.34 m/s
Holdup (Eq. 1) Holdup (Eq. 1)
Water holdup [-]
Water holdup [-]
0.3 0.2
0 0
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Pipe inclination [deg] Pipe inclination [deg]
Uso=0.07 m/s Uso=0.10 m/s Uso=0.13 m/s Uso=0.25 m/s Uso=0.41 m/s Uso=0.58 m/s
Uso=0.20 m/s Uso=0.27 m/s Uso=0.40 m/s Uso=0.75 m/s Uso=0.91 m/s Uso=1.08 m/s
Uso=0.67 m/s Uso=0.93 m/s Uso=2.00 m/s Uso=1.24 m/s Uso=1.41 m/s Uso=2.08 m/s
Holdup (Eq. 1) Holdup (Eq. 1)
Figure 1: Liquid holdup vs. inclination and superficial velocity for various
multiphase flow systems
The Total Climb, also referred to as the “sum of uphill flow elevation changes” (4),
should be conserved to predict the same overall liquid content in steady-state flow
The angle distribution of the discretised profile should be as close as possible to the
original distribution. Note that a perfect match would implicitly satisfy the above
requirement for preservation of the Total Climb.
If the discretised profile is used for dynamic flow simulations, the following
requirements should also be pursued:
The simplified geometry should have the same overall shape (large and small scale
undulations) to preserve the transient behaviour of the original profile; e.g.
propagation of level slugs upon restart, formation of liquid surge waves during
production ramp-ups or sustained production at low flow rates (gravity dominated
flow), production of slugs during routine pigging operations or inline inspection, etc.
The distribution of segment lengths should be uniform to avoid severe time step
limitation. In commercial dynamic simulators the calculation segments are defined
by the elevation profile and are not subdivided during simulation as they would be in
steady-state simulators where the calculation engine would automatically subdivide
long segments as needed.
Two discretisation methods satisfying the above requirements have been proposed
recently in the literature (1). A number of operators and engineering companies have
been evaluating and, in some cases, using these methods for the design of world-class,
multiphase transport systems. The next section describes the fundamentals of the first
method. Then some recommendations are made for the discretisation of elevation
The argument of the function, , symbolises the slope in % of the pipe to the horizontal.
A representation of the function can be seen in Figure 1 where is converted
into degrees. The PI is formulated as follows (3):
0 (Eq. 2)
The Total Climb (TC) is defined as the “sum of uphill flow elevation changes” (4):
,0 (Eq. 3)
where Δz is the elevation change in metres of the ith pipe in the direction of the flow.
From these definitions the indicators PI and TC can be computed for any portion of an
elevation profile, hereafter referred to as sub-profile. From our experience a uniform
distribution of sub-profiles with a constant span of 10 km is adequate in most cases for
the discretisation of detailed profiles. For example a pipeline covering a total distance of
135 km should be split in 13 or 14 sub-profiles.
When only detailed seabed survey data are available for the derivation of a pipeline
profile, it is advised to filter any noise from the data to remove unphysical roughness
from the seabed profile. It is also recommended to calculate roughness indicators from
the detailed seabed profile (see Section 4.1) and reduce the value of these indicators to
take account of the smoothing effect of pipeline laying; see Section 4.4. Then use these
reduced roughness indicators to calculate PI and TC indicators for the complexification
step above; see Eq. 4 and 5.
3.2 Recommendations
The following recommendations should be pursued for the discretisation of detailed
elevation profiles:
The discrepancy between the original and discretised TC shall not exceed a relative
difference of 1% for each sub-profile. A larger relative difference for the PI may be
acceptable although a relative difference below 1% is feasible in most cases for each
Undefined or poorly defined portions of the pipeline route should be removed from
the original profile prior to discretisation which would be performed on distinct,
detailed sub-profiles. The latter can be used to characterise the original pipeline
profile (see Section 4) and generate indicators for the complexification of the coarse
Vertical or steep geometries exceeding angles of +/- 45° like risers and wells should
be removed from the original profile prior to discretisation. However a manual
simplification of these geometries is recommended prior to reconnection to the
discretised sub-profiles to avoid severe time step limitation during dynamic
simulation should their minimum section length be much smaller than the minimum
section length in the discretised sub-profiles.
Following the simplification of the original profile (see Step 1 in Section 3.1) a
splitting based on 3 intermediate points per simplified section, or 4 segments, is
recommended. Whether a larger number of points in the final discretised profile is
deemed necessary to capture terrain undulations and to preserve the angle
distribution more precisely it is preferable to increase the number of original points in
the simplified profile (i.e. reduce the span between consecutive data points in Step 1)
rather than increasing the number of intermediate segments in Step 2.
This section introduces a new methodology for the characterisation of pipeline elevation
profiles. Working as a sort of fingerprinting this methodology was developed through a
comprehensive analysis of detailed seabed surveys and as-laid bottom-of-pipe profiles
covering long distances (more than 100 km in most cases).
The Profile Indicator and Total Climb are two practical indicators to quantify the
propensity for a pipeline to accumulate liquids in steady-state flow conditions (see
Section 3). However these indicators are inappropriate to quantify the roughness of an
elevation profile. For example, a pipeline laid on a rugged, horizontal terrain and a
(Eq. 4)
(Eq. 5)
0 . 1000 (Eq. 6)
. 100 (Eq. 7)
Δ is the horizontal span of the profile and Δ is the corresponding elevation change; see
Figure 2 for an illustration of these variables.
Elevation [m]
-134 x
0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000
Distance [m]
The TI indicator is a positive indicator. It is equal to zero for a straight profile (no
undulations). When an elevation profile is horizontal or running downhill (Δ 0 the
TI is equivalent to a “kilometric Total Climb” ( / /1000 .
The SPI indicator quantifies the “smooth fraction” of the PI. It is positive when a pipeline
is upward inclined (Δ 0 and negative if the pipeline is running downhill (Δ 0 .A
profile with an end-to-end inclination less than 0.66% (0.378°) has a SPI below 150 (see
Figure 3). A pipeline laid on a continental shelf is an example of such profile. A pipeline
laid on a steep continental slope has a SPI above 150. A flowline sloping downwards to
the base of a deep water riser or the downhill section of a pipeline crossing an oceanic
trench are two examples of profiles with negative SPI.
The RPI indicator measures the “rough fraction” of the PI. For SPI values between ∞
and 150, the RPI is positive. For steeply inclined pipelines (SPI > 150), the RPI is
negative: see Figure 4.
-10 -5 0 5 10
Sub-profile inclination [deg or %]
250 100
200 50
150 0
100 -50
50 -100
0 -150
-50 -200
-100 -250
-10 -5 0 5 10
Sub-profile inclination [deg]
A linear dependence of the TI on the RPI is visible for each geographical area, which
indicates that the TI and RPI indicators are adequately defined to quantify the roughness
of the seabed. Long, steep routes with PIs exceeding 150 are characterised by negative
RPI values as per Figure 4. The regressions presented in Figure 5 cannot be used for the
complexification of pipelines laid on steep continental slopes. However TIs can be
calculated from analogues in the same area and used for the complexification of steep
profiles (see Section 5).
y = 0.0848x - 0.3796 y = 0.0739x + 0.1084
Terrain Indicator [-]
3 2
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Rough Profile Indicator [-] Rough Profile Indicator [-]
12 3
y = 0.0652x + 0.1076
10 2.5
Terrain Indicator [-]
Terrain Indicator [-]
y = 0.0896x - 0.2207 2
6 1.5
4 1
2 0.5
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 10 20 30 40 50
Rough Profile Indicator [-] Rough Profile Indicator [-]
Barents Sea
Pipeline A Pipeline B
14 y = 0.1546x - 4.2183
Terrain Indicator [-]
20 40 60 80 100 120
5 y = 0.0755x + 0.1778
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Rough Profile Indicator [-]
Flat Seabed + Megaripples + Scarps + Palaeochannels + Ridges + Sandwaves + Low Relief
Flat Seabed + Megaripples + Scarps + Palaeochannels + Ridges
Flat Seabed + Megaripples + Scarps + Palaeochannels + Sandwaves + Depressions
Flat Seabed + Megaripples + Scarps + Palaeochannels + Sandwaves + Low Relief
Flat Seabed + Megaripples + Palaeochannels + Sandwaves + Low Relief
Flat Seabed + Megaripples + Palaeochannels + Sandwaves
Flat Seabed + Megaripples + Scarps + Ridges
Low Relief
Flat Seabed + Megaripples + Sandwaves + Low Relief
Flat Seabed + Megaripples + Sandwaves
Flat Seabed + Palaeochannels
Megaripples + Sandwaves
Flat Seabed + Low Relief
Flat Seabed + Megaripples
Flat Seabed
Figure 6: TI vs. RPI for various seabed features (North West Shelf Pipeline A)
We observe that sub-profiles sharing common geomorphic features have similar values
of TIs and RPIs. Sub-profiles with no apparent features (flat seabed) or sharing a
common benign feature are characterised by low values of TIs and RPIs: megaripples,
low relief or sandwaves in Figure 6; gentle iceberg scours and low density, elongated
pockmarks in Figure 7. Profile portions combining hilly features are characterised by
high values of roughness indicators: scarps and ridges in Figure 6; high density, deep,
iceberg scours and pockmarks in Figure 7.
Terrain Indicator [-]
y = 0.1523x - 3.897
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Rough Profile Indicator [-]
High Density Deep Iceberg Scours + Pockmarks
High Density Deep Iceberg Scours
High Density Iceberg Scours + Depressions + Pockmarks
High Density Elongated Pockmarks
High Density Iceberg Scours + Depressions
High Density Pockmarks
Iceberg Scours (steep wall inclinations: 6° to 37.5°)
High Density Iceberg Scours + Pockmarks
Iceberg Scours + Depressions + Pockmarks
Iceberg Scours + High Density Pockmarks
Iceberg Scours + Pockmarks
Elongated Pockmarks
Low Density Elongated Pockmarks
Iceberg Scours (gentle wall inclinations: 1.5° to 4°)
Figure 7: TI vs. RPI for various seabed features (Barents Sea Pipeline A)
Terrain Indicator [-]
y = 0.0755x + 0.1778
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Rough Profile Indicator [-]
Figure 8: TI vs. RPI (North West Shelf Pipeline A)
y = 0.199x - 5.8333
Terrain Indicator [-]
y = 0.1523x - 3.897
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Rough Profile Indicator [-]
Figure 9: TI vs. RPI (Barents Sea Pipeline A)
When detailed profile data from pipelines laid in the same area are available, the
regression of a correlation between the TI and RPI indicators can be used to generate
representative values of complexification indicators for a specific geographical area;
see Section 4.2.
When geomorphic features of the seabed are identified along the potential routes for
a production pipeline, roughness indicators can be determined for the
complexification of coarse bathymetric profiles; see Section 4.3.
Rather than considering random values between 0 and 60, fixed RPI values are assumed
here for illustration purposes. Assuming a RPI of 10 to model a low seabed roughness
outcome and 50 for a high outcome, the TI would be 0.85 and 3.81 according to Eq. 8,
Elevation [m]
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Distance [km]
Figure 10: Dummy pipeline elevation profile
1. Dividing each straight sub-profile into segments of same distance (e.g. 1 km).
2. Adding intermediate segments at a fixed distance step for a uniform
distribution of segment lengths.
3. Complexifying each sub-profile by changing the elevation of the intermediate
segments randomly. The complexification is complete when the Total Climb
(TC) of each complexified sub-profile is close to the value determined from the
TI (see Eq. 8), using Eq. 4.
The results of the complexification process for both RPIs of 10 and 50 are presented in
Table 1. The overall characteristics of the original and complexified profiles are reported
in Table 2. Angle distributions and various profiles are shown in Figure 11.
Terrain Indicator [-] 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85
PI: target value [-] 14.78 9.31 16.80 14.78 10.00 13.55 33.07
PI: final value [-] 13.17 4.97 16.38 12.62 4.58 10.79 43.63
TC: target value [m] 62.50 42.50 70.50 62.50 42.50 57.50 25.50
TC: final value [m] 62.30 42.71 71.20 62.67 42.38 57.02 25.54
RPI [-] 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Terrain Indicator [-] 3.81 3.81 3.81 3.81 3.81 3.81 3.81
PI: target value 54.78 49.31 56.80 54.78 50.00 53.55 73.07
PI: final value [-] 61.48 50.52 62.67 60.76 54.32 60.14 69.34
TC: target value [m] 210.50 190.50 218.50 210.50 190.50 205.50 55.10
TC: final value [m] 212.38 190.48 216.94 210.80 190.28 205.47 55.65
Complexified profile (RPI = 50) Complexified profile (RPI = 10) Original profile
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Distance [km]
Dummy pipeline: Total Climb profile
Complexified profile (RPI = 50)Complexified profile (RPI = 10) Original profile
Total Climb [m]
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Distance [km]
Dummy pipeline: inclination profile
Complexified profile (RPI = 50) Complexified profile (RPI = 10) Original profile
Inclination [deg]
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Distance [km]
20,000 70
15,000 50
5,000 20
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
Total mass flow rate [kg/s] Total mass flow rate [kg/s]
RPI = 10 RPI = 10
Pressure drop [bar]
The methodologies presented in this paper for the discretisation, characterisation, and
complexification of pipeline elevation profiles are relevant at every stage of field
developments. Complexification is recommended in the early stages of engineering
design where the potential routes for production pipelines are commonly assessed from
limited bathymetric data. Discretisation may be required in the last phases of design if
detailed data from geophysical surveys of the seabed are available. Finally, non-
dimensional indicators can be used to: quantify the roughness of the seabed and detailed
pipeline elevation profiles; anticipate the severity of phenomena such as liquid build-up
and slugging; and improve the interpretation of multiphase flow simulations.
(1) Zakarian, E., Holm, H., and Larrey, D. (2009). “Discretization Methods for
Multiphase Flow Simulation of Ultra-Long Gas-Condensate Pipelines”, 14th
International Conference on Multiphase Production Technology, BHR Group,
Cannes, France, 16-19 June, 2009.
(2) Langsholt, M. and Holm, H. (2007). “Liquid accumulation in gas-condensate
pipelines – an experimental study”, 13th International Conference on Multiphase
Production Technology, BHR Group, Edinburgh, UK, 13-15 June, 2007.
(3) Barrau, B. (2000). “Profile indicator helps predict pipeline holdup, slugging”,
Oil & Gas Journal, Vol. 98, Issue 8, p. 58-62, Feb 21, 2000.
(4) Jackson, D. (2008). “Filtering Elevation Profile Data To Improve Performance
of Multiphase Pipeline Simulations”, CIPC/SPE Gas Technology Symposium
2008 Joint Conference, 16-19 June 2008, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.