Pray Out Loud: Andrew Wommack Ministries

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We all have a spirit, soul, and body,33 and if we will Pray Out Loud

change our thinking so that we believe what God says in

His Word about who we are and what we have, then we “Jesus, I confess that You are my Lord and Savior.
will experience the life of God that has been placed in I believe in my heart that God raised You from the
our spirits. If we fail to renew our minds, we can live dead. By faith in Your Word, I receive salvation
our entire time on this earth without experiencing the now. Thank You for saving me!”
abundant life that Jesus provided for us.34
The very moment you commit your life to Jesus
Ultimately, when we go to be with the Lord, our Christ, the truth of His Word instantly comes to
souls will be completely renewed, and we will pass in your spirit. You are saved (born again) and
be given new spiritual bodies.35 The process of completely new in your spirit.38 This is the start of
salvation will then be complete. your new life!

How Do We Receive Salvation? What’s Next?

Choosing to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Andrew has written a book, called The New
Savior is the most important decision you’ll ever You & The Holy Spirit, specifically for new
make! God’s Word promises, “If thou shalt confess Christians. This helps you to understand the
with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in choice you’ve made and discover what’s next!
thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, He has also prepared two messages, called “What
thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth Is a Christian” and “What’s Next?,” that give the
unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession same teachings on audio CD. You may order them
is made unto salvation36...For whosoever shall call by calling the Helpline, by email, or by writing to
upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”37 Andrew Wommack Ministries.

By His grace, God has already done everything to

provide salvation. Your part is simply to believe
and receive.

33. 1 Thessalonians 5:23 36. Romans 10:9-10

34. John 10:10 37. Romans 10:13
35. Philippians 3:21 and 38. 2 Corinthians 5:17
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1 Corinthians 15:44 Andrew Wommack Ministries

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Copyright © 2011 Andrew Wommack Ministries, Inc.

and its licensors. All rights reserved.
Salvation Adam’s “dead” human spirit still functioned, but it So, God sent His Son, Jesus, who was both God19 and
began to function independently of God and became man,20 to die for us on a cross. There—just as by
united to Satan. Adam and Eve didn’t die physically Adam’s disobedience, sin had entered the world, and
Ask most Christians what happened when they
that day, but their spiritual death resulted in all men had become sinners—by Jesus’ obedience,
were saved, and they will probably tell you their
emotional misery all their days and, eventually, all sin was dealt with,21 and many would become
sins were forgiven and that they will go to heaven
physical death.6 Their disobedience had far-reaching righteous.22 This, however, is not an automatic
when they die. Well, they’re right—and if that was
consequences. When they had children, those process. God offers salvation to everyone23 as a free
all there was to it, it would be wonderful. But Jesus
children were born with dead spirits,7 enslaved to gift,24 but He will not force it on anyone who does
died to give us much, much more, and we are really
sin. Death, sin, and separation from God passed not want it.
missing out if we only receive what is, in effect, a
down through the generations to every man and
small part of the total package. In this tract, we are
woman.8 Through Adam’s one act of disobedience, The Benefits of Salvation
going to look at salvation—why we need it, how
all had become sinners,9 slaves to sin,10 under the
God provided it, what is included, and how we can
wrath of God,11 and in need of a Savior. For those of us who decide to accept God’s offer,
receive it.
there are incredible benefits. When we are saved,
How Did God Deal with the Problem of Sin? we are spiritually reborn,25 we have passed from
Why Do We Need Salvation?
death to life,26 and our newborn spirits are eternally
After Adam, every man and woman born inherited sealed so they can never again be contaminated
Originally, when God made man, He made him in
his sin nature, and it caused them to sin.12 Man could by sin.27 We receive eternal life28—an intimate,
His own image.1 God is a Spirit,2 so He made man
no more stop sinning than a leopard could change loving relationship with God Himself, which is
a spirit being with a soul and a body. Our spirits
its spots.13 He was powerless to save himself. the primary objective of salvation.
are the real life-giving part of us,3 and through our
However great his efforts, he could not remove his
spirits, we can commune with God.4
own sinfulness and pay the penalty for the sins But there are other benefits that come with salvation
he’d committed, and it seemed that the problem too. Jesus bore our sickness and disease on the
God placed the first man, Adam, in a garden
was incapable of solution. A man had introduced cross.29 He died so we could prosper,30 be delivered,
where He could enjoy fellowship with him and
sin into the world, and only a man could remove have right standing with God, and have forgiveness.
gave him a wife, Eve, and various instructions.5
it. However, God had known beforehand what
He told Adam that he could eat fruit from any of
Adam would do and had made provision for the Although being saved is often assumed to be
the trees in the garden other than the Tree of the
problem of sin to be overcome. Thus, all could be a one-time experience, it is in fact a process.
Knowledge of Good and Evil. If he ate that fruit,
saved.14 God Himself would become a man15 and, When someone gets saved, they immediately
he would die. The time eventually came when
as a man, take away the sin of the world.16 He would become a totally new creation in their spirit,
Adam disobeyed God, ate from the tree, and the
take the punishment for every sin that man had ever their spiritual salvation is complete, and they
results were catastrophic—Adam’s spirit died.
committed, and ever would commit,17 and make don’t need any more faith, joy, or power. It
When someone dies, they lose communication with a way for him to have eternal life and a spirit-to- is already present in their spirit, and they
those who are alive, and there is a separation. So, spirit relationship with God.18 are complete in Him.31 However, it isn’t God’s will
in spiritual death, a separation occurred between
that they just be changed on the inside; He wants
God and man, and man’s spirit was no longer able
them to manifest this salvation in their physical life.
to have fellowship and communion with God.
That takes place by them renewing their mind.32

1. Genesis 1:27 4. John 4:24 6. Genesis 5:5 13. Jeremiah 13:23 19. Hebrews 1:8 26. John 5:24
2. John 4:24 5. Genesis 1:28 and 2:15-19 7. Psalm 51:5 and 14. 1 Peter 1:18-21 and 20. Philippians 2:7 27. Ephesians 1:13 and 1 John 3:9
3. James 2:26 Romans 5:12 Revelation 13:8 21. 1 John 2:2 28. John 3:16 and 17:3
8. Romans 5:12,17, and 19 15. John 1:14 22. Romans 5:19 29. Luke 4:18 and 1 Peter 2:24
9. Romans 3:23 16. John 1:29 23. Titus 2:11 30. 2 Corinthians 8:9 and 3 John 2
10. Romans 6:17 17. 1 John 2:2 24. Ephesians 2:7-8 31. Colossians 2:9-10
11. Ephesians 2:3 18. John 3:16, 17:3; and 25. John 3:3-6 and 32. Romans 12:1-2
12. Romans 3:23 1 Corinthians 6:17 2 Corinthians 5:17

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