The Geiger-Müller Counter
The Geiger-Müller Counter
The Geiger-Müller Counter
After class:
1. Create a good Table (Excel or .txt) and read it into a Mathematica notebook.
2. Calculate average rates and SD’s.
3. In each case (with and without source) write down the corresponding Poisson
distribution and the Gaussian approximation.
4. For each case plot a histogram together with Poisson/Gauss curve.
5. Label the graphs with your names and “Export” them outside the notebook.
6. Clean-up the notebook and exit Mathematica. Then restart it and evaluate and
print out the notebook.
7. Submit on Monday, March 10 a full report (hard copy only) which includes:
-a description of the experiment with Table and plots incorporated, with Results
and Conclusions
-copies of 2 hand-made histograms
-two separate journal-quality plots labeled with your name
-a short evaluated notebook
The Geiger-Müller Counter
1. Purpose: Some measurements in nuclear decay, notions of statistics
3. Introduction:
A typical Geiger-Müller (GM) Counter consists of a GM tube having a thin, mica end-window, a high
voltage supply for the tube, a scaler to record the number of particles detected by the tube, and a timer
which will stop the action of the scaler at the end of a preset interval.
The sensitivity of the GM tube is such that any particle capable of ionizing a single atom of the
filling gas of the tube will initiate an avalanche of ionization in the tube. The collection of the
ionization thus produced results in the formation of a pulse of voltage at the output of the tube. The
amplitude of this pulse, on the order of a volt or so, is sufficient to operate the scaler circuit with little
further amplification. However, the pulse amplitude is largely independent of the properties of the
particle detected, and, therefore, can give little information as to the nature of the particle. In spite of
this fact, the GM Counter is a versatile device in that it may be used for counting alpha particles, beta
particles, and gamma rays with, however, varying degrees of efficiency.
4. Set-up:
Set up equipment as shown in Fig. 1. Scaler, Timer, and High Voltage Supply may well be contained
in one package.
5. Measurements to be performed:
5.1 Characteristics of the GM counter:
Put a radioactive source below the GM tube. Put the counter in a counting mode and raise the
voltage until counts are observed. Do not exceed 900 volts at this time. What is the minimum voltage
necessary to activate the counter?
Every GM tube has a characteristic response of counting rate versus voltage applied to the tube.
A curve representing the variation of counting rate with voltage is called a plateau curve because of its
appearance. The plateau curve of every tube that is to be used for the first time should be drawn in
order to determine the optimum operating voltage. Find the plateau curve for your tube using the
procedure outlined below.
A. Check to see that the high voltage as indicated by the meter on the instrument is at its
minimum value.
B. Insert a radioactive source into one of the shelves of the counting chamber. Choose shelf
and counting time such that you have at least 1000 counts in the plateau region.
C. Turn on the count switch and slowly increase the high voltage until counts just begin to be
recorded by the scaler. The voltage at which counts just begin is called the "starting voltage" of
the tube.
D. Beginning at the nearest 20 volt mark above the starting voltage, take one-minute
(longer time if counting rate is too low) counts every 40 volts until a voltage is reached where a
rapid increase in counts is observed. Reset scaler to zero before each count. Tabulate counts
versus voltage.
E. Plot the data of (D). A plateau should be observed in the curve.
The optimum operating voltage will be about the middle of the plateau, usually some 150 to
200 volts above the knee of the curve. Set the high voltage to this point and record.
The slope S of the plateau of a GM tube serves as a figure of merit for the tube. The slope is
defined to be the percent change in count rate per 100 volts change in applied voltage in the plateau
region. A slope of greater than 10% indicates that the tube should no longer be used for accurate work.
where V2 is the voltage at the high end of plateau, R2 is the count rate at this voltage, V1 is the voltage
at the low end of the plateau, and R1 the corresponding rate. Do you understand this equation and can
you explain it?
In order to compare, obtain a similar plateau curve for an old tube (if available).
5.2 Resolving time of the GM counter: Violation of Poisson addition Theorem (Optional)
There is an interval of time following the production of a pulse in the GM tube during which no
other pulse can be recorded. This interval is called the resolving time of the system.
If this time is known it can be used to make a correction to the observed count rate to yield the true
count rate. The procedure below can give a good estimate of the resolving time.
A. Obtain a resolving time source (a “split source”) from the instructor.
This source is split into two parts. Remove one half of the source and set it aside.
B. Place the carrier containing one part on the second shelf of the counting chamber and make
a trial count of 1 minute duration. Get the maximum count rate you can. Hopefully this
should be more than 20,000 counts per minute, but if not use what you can get.
C. Make a 3-minute count and record the counts per minute, R1.
D. Put the two parts of the source back together, taking care not to disturb the position of the
first part. Make a 3-minute count of the combined parts and record as Rc.
E. Remove the part initially counted and make a 3 minute count on the second part.
Record as R2 (counts per minute).
F. Calculate the resolving time of the GM system using the relation:
R1 + R2 - Rc
= -------------------- (2)
Convert the time thus found to microseconds/count and record. To understand the origin of the
equation, see refs [1 - 3].
The resolving time may be used to correct an observed count rate using the expression:
R = r/(1-r) (3)
r = Observed count rate
R = True count rate
To see the effect of the resolving time directly, use a very high rate source and view the pulses
on the oscilloscope.
The emission of particles by radioactive nuclei is a completely random process. When, under
identical conditions, a series of N measurements is made of the number of particles detected per unit
time it will be observed that the individual measurements will vary about some average or mean value.
The true mean, m, can be determined only by averaging an infinite number of measurements.
However, for a finite number of observations the best approximation of the true mean is simply the
arithmetic average n
The magnitude of the deviations of individual measurements from the true mean is usually expressed
in terms of a Standard Deviation, . The Standard Deviation is defined to be the square root of the
average value of the squares of the individual deviations (rms = “root-mean-square”). The number of
counts of radioactive decays for a fixed time is a random variable whose probability distribution is a
Poisson distribution; the Standard Deviation for such a distribution is simply the square root of the true
= ±m (5)
The best approximation to the Standard Deviation of a finite series of measurements is given by the
square root of the “sample variance”,
For values of m > 20 the Poisson distribution can be very well approximated by the Gaussian (or
“normal”) distribution for which certain confidence levels have been established in terms of the
standard deviation. These confidence levels are as follows:
About 68% of the number of observations made will fall within the limits of n ± n.
About 95% of the number of observations made will fall within the limits of n ± 2n.
About 99% of the number of observations made will fall within the limits of n ± 3n.
This means that if one additional measurement is made, it should have a 68% chance of falling
within n ± n.
When circumstances permit the making of only a single observation the number of counts obtained, n,
is used as an estimator of and n as an estimator for its uncertainty (standard deviation n).
Rg Rb ½
R = [Rg2 + Rg2 ] ½ = [ + ] (8)
tg tb
R = Net counting rate,
Rg = Gross counting rate of sample, . tg = Period used to determine Rg ,
Rb = Background counting rate, tb = Period used to determine Rb .
To test the statistical nature of nuclear decay the following experiment can be performed:
A. Adjust the height of a source in the counting chamber to produce about 2000
counts per minute.
B. Take a set of 30 counts of 60 seconds duration.
C. Compute the arithmetic mean n .
D. Compute the standard deviation s of the mean (for a Poisson distribution of mean n ).
F. Compute the individual deviations from the mean (ni - n ) and record in a table.
Do they sum very nearly to zero?
G. Square the (ni - n ), sum the square and apply Equation (6) to obtain the
standard deviation n. Compare n with s
H. Count the number of measurements whose values lie within n ± n.
I. Make histogram plots and compare with theory.
Now take a second set of ten measurements and repeat the same analysis. Compare the two mean
values and sigmas. How many measurements of set 2 fall within the one sigma interval of the first
Extraneous radiation called background radiation is always present. Gamma rays emitted by
certain radioisotopes in the ground, the air, and various building materials as well as cosmic radiation
from outer space can all provide counts in a detector in addition to those from a sample being
measured. This background counting rate should always be subtracted from a sample counting rate in
order to obtain the rate from the sample alone. Obtain a background counting rate using a 5-minute
sample time.
A. Remove the source in the counting chamber to produce about 20 counts per minute.
B. Take a set of 30 counts of 60 seconds duration.
C. Compute the arithmetic mean n .
D. Compute the standard deviation s of the mean (for a Poisson distribution of mean n ).
J. Make histogram plots and compare with theory.
A(t) = Activity at the end of an interval t
Ao = Activity at the beginning of the interval t
e = Base of natural logarithm
= Decay constant, characteristic of the radioisotope
The half- life, T½ of a radioisotope is defined to be that interval during which the activity decreases to
one-half its value at the beginning of the internal. In terms of half-life, the time dependence of the
activity is
7. References: