Growth of The Face and Dental Arches: January 2016
Growth of The Face and Dental Arches: January 2016
Growth of The Face and Dental Arches: January 2016
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1 author:
Donald J Ferguson
European University College, Dubai, UAE
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THE NATURE OF GROWTH Facial Growth Emulates General Similar Stage Sequencing
Basic Concepts of Human Growth Somatic Growth Ideal Dental Arch Pattern
Craniofacial Growth Principles GROWTH AND PATTERN Tooth Size/Arch Size Ratio as Pattern
Basic Concepts of Craniofacial OF OCCLUSION Determinant
Growth Consistency in Pattern Develop- Computation of Tooth Size/Arch
Ideal Paradigms for Dentofacial Primary Dentition Terminus Compensations in Dental Arch
Pattern Opposing First Molars at Initial Development
GROWTH AND FACIAL PATTERN Contact Maintenance of Overall Pattern
Consistency in Pattern Maturation Ideal Static Occlusion Pattern Effect of Environmental Factors on
Ideal Frontal Facial Pattern Maintenance of Overall Pattern Dental Arch Pattern
Maintenance of Overall Pattern PATTERN
istorically, patient care in medicine and den- moderate detail at the cellular level but is only beginning
tistry has been oriented toward the elimination to be described at the level of protein and peptide produc-
of disease and the resolution of debilitating tion.2 For this reason, this chapter discusses dentofacial
conditions. Competent care in dentistry today growth and development at a macroscopic level, from the
includes issues related not only to disease and functional perspective of the practicing clinician.
disability but also to the patient’s well-being. The appear-
ance of the face and dentition is recognized with increas-
ing frequency as a major factor in human psychosocial
health.1 Growth refers to an increase in anatomic size. Three pa-
This chapter is about dental and facial malocclusion— rameters commonly used in growth literature to assess
the recognition and anticipation of malocclusion during craniofacial size increase are magnitude, velocity, and
the growing years. The dentofacial pattern can be easily direction. Magnitude refers to the linear dimension overall
and accurately assessed at chairside. In clinical terms, or the dimension of a part. Direction means the vector of
pertinent growth issues are discussed in relation to how size increase as might be described on a three-dimensional
growth changes the pattern of the face, occlusion, and coordinate system. Velocity is defined as the amount of
dental arches. Knowledge of pattern appraisal and growth change per unit of time.
can be integrated into efficacious clinical decisions about Size increase is typically illustrated in one of two
a young patient. This chapter enhances the reader’s diag- ways. When growth is measured periodically and mea-
nostic and treatment planning skills with reference to surements are plotted as percentages of total growth, the
malocclusion in the pediatric patient. result is a cumulative or distance curve (Fig. 25-1). A hu-
The clinician treating malocclusion is primarily inter- man postnatal cumulative curve is characterized by
ested in the growth and development of craniofacial tis- two plateaus and one period of accelerated growth. A
sues as they result in facial and dentoalveolar pattern. Our second method of graphically demonstrating growth
understanding of how genes express their influence on change is by use of an incremental or velocity growth
dentofacial pattern and how environment influences gene curve (Fig. 25-2). A velocity curve plots growth incre-
expression has advanced at a remarkable pace. How mo- ments (e.g., centimeters per year) as a function of time.
lecular mechanisms are implicated at a clinically relevant Characteristic of an incremental human growth curve is
level, however, has yet to be elucidated. Mao pointed out rapid accelerating prenatal growth, rapid decelerating
that what we understand about induced treatment effects postnatal growth for the first 2 or 3 years, and a period
at the macroscopic phenotype level has been described in of relatively slow incremental growth during childhood
Chapter 25 ■
Growth of the Face and Dental Arches 511
Increments per year
-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Age (years)
Childhood–Female Adolescence-Female
Childhood–Male Adolescence-Male
and space is required for the brain and central and pe-
ripheral nervous system expansion. Respiration and de-
glutition are also essential to life and require develop-
Percent growth completion
development of functioning spaces and the effects of in- calvaria and forehead compared with the adult be-
terstitial cartilage expansion on surrounding tissues. cause growth of the neural tissue takes place earlier in
4. Growth of the head and face tends to demonstrate life than facial growth.
relative equivalency. Humans tend to grow with rela- Size increase of the face and calvaria in the three spa-
tive consistency. A percentile growth chart is a valu- tial planes is a differential growth process. Scott,19 Mere-
able instrument for assessing growth consistency over dith,20 and Ranly21 have contributed to an understanding
a time period (Fig. 25-6). Percentile charts are custom- of this process. By birth, the cranial height dimension has
arily divided into the following seven percentile levels: attained about 70% of its adult status; cranial width,
97th, 90th, 75th, 50th, 25th, 10th, and 3rd. Healthy 65%; and cranial length or depth, 60% (Fig. 25-7). In
children tend to maintain a similar percentile level contrast, only 40% of facial height and 45% of facial
through successive stages of development. Deviations length (depth) has been achieved by birth. Face width
during growth of more than two percentile levels may (i.e., bizygomatic and bigonial), on the other hand, has
indicate developmental problems, such as illness or attained about 60% of adult stature. Growth in face width
disease. actually falls between the classic neural and general
Attributes (craniofacial parts) that are structurally re- somatic growth curves.
lated also maintain a consistent relationship throughout After birth, a pattern in facial growth timing emerges.
successive stages of growth after infancy. Enlow and Hans16 The anterior cranial base completes most of its growth
identify the dental arches of the maxilla and mandible during infancy and early childhood, but frontal and nasal
as an example of a structural part-counterpart relation- bones continue outward expansion through appositional-
ship. An Angle class II skeletal pattern at 3 years of age is resorptive bone growth.22 Growth magnitude and dura-
maintained into adulthood without corrective therapy. tion are greater for the anterior maxilla than for the
Both dental arches in healthy individuals tend to increase forehead but less than for the anterior mandible. The
in size at about the same rate. Hence, balanced or equiva- posterior face demonstrates the greatest incremental
lent growth tends to maintain architecturally related growth during late puberty.
structures of any craniofacial pattern that is present after 2. Differences in growth size, direction, velocity, and tim-
2 years of age. ing are observed among individuals. Bergersen has
also noted large variations in growth patterns among
BASIC CONCEPTS OF CRANIOFACIAL individuals and has shown that any measured attri-
GROWTH bute will demonstrate a range of expression about a
1. Different parts of the craniofacial complex grow at dif- central tendency.23 Incremental growth curves for
ferent times. The head takes on appearance character- healthy males and females will demonstrate the same
istics unique to each particular growth stage. Different general disposition but may show marked differences
parts of the face experience differences in growth tim- in maturation timing (Fig. 25-8). Generally, females
ing as well. The infant has a disproportionately large mature 2 years earlier than males, but Valadian and
135 97th
75th 90
Percent growth completion
125 50th
25th 80
115 3rd
75 30
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Age (years) Age (years)
Figure 25-6 Cumulative growth chart for male face height Figure 25-7 Cumulative growth curve for calvaria and
(hard tissue nasion to menton), illustrating seven percentile face in width, height, and depth. (From Scott JH. The
levels. • Relatively normal growth; ■ deviation of several growth of the human face, Proc R Soc Med 47:5, 1954;
percentile levels during growth, suggestive of abnormalcy. Meredith HV. Changes in form of the head and face dur-
(From Broadbent BH, et al. Bolton standards of dentofacial ing childhood, Growth 24:215-264, 1960; Ranly DM. A
developmental growth. St Louis, 1975, Mosby.) synopsis of craniofacial growth. New York, 1980,
Appleton & Lange.)
Chapter 25 ■
Growth of the Face and Dental Arches 515
Figure 25-11 Ideal frontal facial pattern for a 7-year-old child. Figure 25-12 Ideal profile facial pattern for a 7-year-old child.
to the pattern presented by the individual will give an Correction of facial imbalance in the child is achieved
estimate of how facial patterns will look at a later age. through clinical manipulation of the means by which
This growth scheme is known as a mean-change-expansion adaptive, compensatory facial growth occurs. Some su-
scheme.32 Balbach demonstrated it to be the most useful tures of the upper face remain patent into adolescence.
to predict the effects of growth on facial pattern.39 The Application of forces through orthopedic headgear, con-
mean-change-expansion scheme is useful for evaluation trolled in direction and amount, can result in an altera-
of almost all patients routinely seen in the dental office. tion of maxillary growth direction and ultimately of
Balanced or average growth affecting all aspects of the maxillary position. Also maxillary transverse size can be
head and face relatively equally, however, cannot be as- increased by judicious expansion of the palatal suture.
sumed for all patients. The heads and faces of individuals The secondary cartilage of the mandibular condyle re-
who have some craniofacial congenital anomalies, hypo- mains responsive to mechanical stimulation throughout
plastic defects, or acquired deformities that alter primary life, but appositional response of this fibrocartilage de-
or compensatory craniofacial growth mechanisms do not creases with age, as shown by McNamara and Carlson.40
grow in a typical manner. Facial bones respond to changes in microenvironmental
Because growth change in healthy children affects the stress and strain by changing form. Patterns of osseous
face in a relatively consistent and predictable way, deposition and resorption can be altered by using appli-
the key to facial diagnosis and treatment planning is the ances that carefully load bone with physiologically com-
clinician’s ability to identify and diagnostically describe patible biomechanical forces.
facial pattern. Identification of balanced, proportional Successful treatment of a child with facial imbalance
facial pattern, as well as recognition of facial imbalance, secondary to mandibular retrognathia, for example, in-
should be routine during patient assessment. The use of volves manipulation of several growth mechanisms.
criteria related to ideal facial pattern can be helpful. Mandibular anterior repositioning with a functional
The goal in treating facial imbalance in children is to appliance probably affects many sites. Graber and Swain41
establish architectural balance in the facial pattern. If cor- believe that modification of the dentofacial complex
rective measures include compensation for the effects occurs by the following means:
from treatment rebound or relapse, the facial pattern 1. Condylar growth (secondary cartilage growth)
established by therapy will be maintained. As the face 2. Glenoid fossa adaptation (apposition-resorption bone
continues to grow and increase in size, all structurally growth)
related parts of the treated face will undergo relative 3. Elimination of functional retrusion
growth equality. 4. More favorable mandibular growth direction
518 Chapter 25 ■
Growth of the Face and Dental Arches
5. Withholding of downward and forward maxillary arch 5 mm relative to the lower anterior gum pad.42 The upper
movement (apposition-resorption bone growth) anterior gum pad usually overlaps (overbite) the lower
6. Differential upward and forward eruption of lower anterior pad by about 0.5 mm. In the first 6 months of
buccal segment (apposition-resorption bone growth) postnatal life, there is marked palatal width increase, and
7. Orthopedic movement of maxilla and upper dentition the overjet decreases rapidly.
(maxillary suture system growth)
FACIAL GROWTH EMULATES GENERAL By 3 years of age, the occlusion of 20 primary teeth is
SOMATIC GROWTH usually established. The relationship of the distal termi-
The degree to which the facial pattern can be altered nal planes of opposing second primary molar teeth can
through biomechanical therapy depends on the amount be classified into one of three categories (Fig. 25-14).
of growth potential remaining. In general, the magni- A flush terminal plane (flush terminus) means that the
tude of facial pattern alteration possible is inversely anterior-posterior positions of the distal surfaces of
proportional to age; the older the individual, the less opposing primary second molars are in the same vertical
the facial pattern can be therapeutically modified. The plane. A mesial-step terminus is defined as a lower second
opportunity to alter compensatory, adaptive growth primary molar terminal plane that is mesial to the maxil-
mechanisms is also greater in a rapidly growing indi- lary primary terminus. Distal-step terminal plane is de-
vidual. The adolescent growth spurt is characterized by scriptive of the situation in which the mandibular second
increased growth velocity at about 10 to 12 years of age primary molar terminus is distal to the upper second pri-
for girls and 12 to 14 years of age for boys. The maxi- mary molar terminus.
mum velocity or peak height velocity of growth is at- Statistical studies of primary terminal plane status re-
tained approximately 2 years after pubertal onset. Cu- port that 49% of the time, the terminal plane of the lower
mulative facial growth closely parallels general somatic
growth (Fig. 25-13). Analysis of skeletal hand develop-
ment can be helpful in estimating general skeletal DISTAL- INITIAL FINAL
maturation and, hence, facial skeletal maturation. It is STEP CONTACT OCCLUSION
relevant to evaluate a child’s maturity in direct relation
to the child’s own pubertal growth spurt to assess
whether maximum pubertal growth is imminent, has always always
been reached, or has been passed.
Percent growth completion
Figure 25-14 Graphic illustration of permanent first molar
occlusion development. Outlined crown images represent
three terminal plane relationships of primary second molars
50 Facial at about 5 years of age. Darkened images represent various
Somatic permanent first molar relationships at initial occluding con-
40 tact (about 61⁄2 years of age) and at full occlusion contact
(about 12 years of age). (From Arya BS, et al. Prediction of
30 first molar occlusion, Am J Orthod 63:610-621, 1973;
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 Carlsen DB, Meredith HV. Biologic variation in selected
Age (years) relationships of opposing posterior teeth, Angle Orthod
Figure 25-13 Cumulative growth curves for neural, facial, 30:162-173, 1960; Moyers RA. Handbook of orthodontics,
and general somatic tissues. 3rd ed. Chicago, 1973, Mosby.)
Chapter 25 ■
Growth of the Face and Dental Arches 519
primary second molar is mesial to the upper terminus The major difference between ideal adult and child
(mesial step); the lower terminus is flush with the upper occlusions is the teeth present. By 7 years of age, the pri-
terminus 37% of the time; and the distal-step primary mary central and lateral incisors have been or are in the
terminus is seen in approximately 14% of cases. These process of being replaced by their permanent successors,
data are derived from studies reported by Arya and associ- and the permanent first molars have already erupted. The
ates43 and by Carlsen and Meredith.44 primary dentition remaining usually includes the canine
and first and second molars of both arches. Criteria for
OPPOSING FIRST MOLARS AT INITIAL ideal dental occlusion for a 7-year-old child might in-
CONTACT clude the following:
The permanent first molars are clinically visible at about 1. Class I molar and canine interdigitation
6 years of age and are the first permanent teeth to emerge. 2. 2-mm anterior and posterior overjet
The relationship of permanent first molars when initial 3. 2-mm anterior overbite
occluding contact occurs during eruption may be repre- 4. Coincident dental midlines
sented by one of four categories (see Fig. 25-14). A class I
relationship means that the mesial-buccal (m-b) cusp of
the upper permanent molar contacts at or very near the Gum pad relationships at birth cannot be used as reliable
buccal groove of the lower permanent first molar. This diagnostic criteria for predicting subsequent arch rela-
occurs approximately 55% of the time. An end-on rela- tionship. The primacy of life-supporting functions (i.e.,
tionship means that m-b cusps of both molars oppose respiration and swallowing) is so great at birth that major
one another. The incidence of this situation is about 25%. unpredictable adjustments in maxillary and mandibular
A class II relationship, occurring 19% of the time, is one positions take place in the first few years of life. By 3 years
in which an upper m-b cusp is anterior to the lower of age, however, the relationship of maxilla to mandible
m-b cusp. Class III represents the situation in which an is well established, and overall maxillomandibular pat-
upper m-b cusp is distal to the lower buccal groove. This tern does not change significantly thereafter.
occurs in only 1% of the population.44 Table 25-1 shows One key diagnostic feature regarding future occlu-
the incidence of medial-step, flush, and distal-step pri- sion status is the relationships of the primary terminal
mary terminus and end-on, class I, class II, and class III planes. The likelihood of developing a class I relation-
permanent first molar occlusions during three stages of ship in the permanent dentition is greatest when a mild
occlusion development.43-45 mesial-step terminus exists during the primary denti-
tion stage (see Fig. 25-14). If an exaggerated mesial step
IDEAL STATIC OCCLUSION PATTERN exists, a class III permanent molar relationship will de-
The concept of ideal occlusion development has been velop. The possibility that a class I relationship will
described by Friel46 and by Lewis and Lehman.47 Sanin develop from a distal-step primary terminus is virtually
and Savara have also shown that, to a considerable ex- nonexistent. Hence, the presence of a distal step is
tent, ideal occlusion at a young age predisposes to an highly predictive of a developing class II permanent
ideal adult occlusion.48 The most desirable occlusion in molar relationship.
the permanent dentition is a class I interdigitation, and Another important diagnostic feature that is predictive
certain features in the primary and mixed dentitions, if of later occlusion status is the relationships of the first
observed accurately, can provide clinical clues as to permanent molars during initial occluding contact. The
whether a class I relationship of the dentition will even- first permanent molars erupt between 5 and 7 years of age.
tually develop. The chance that a class I interdigitation of the dentition
Table 25-1
Incidence of Terminal Molar Relationships at Three Stages of Occlusion Development
will evolve is best when a class I relationship is repre- show evidence of calcification, which takes place during
sented at initial permanent first molar occluding contact. the second postnatal month. The third molar is the last
A class II first permanent molar occlusion at initial occlud- to begin calcification, which occurs at about 9 years.
ing contact will predictably remain a class II occlusion The typical eruption sequence for the mandibular arch
into the complete adult dentition. Also indicative of a is as follows: first molar (in Palmer notation, designated
developing malocclusion are some initially occluding by the number 6), central incisor (1), lateral incisor (2),
end-to-end relationships. Three quarters of initial contact- canine (3), first premolar (4), second premolar (5), and
ing end-on first molar occlusions will shift toward a class second molar (7), followed by the third molar (8). For the
I during the transition dentition phase. However, 25% of maxillary arch, the usual sequence of eruption for the
these end-on relationships will shift into a class II rela- permanent teeth is as follows: 6-1-2-4-5-3-7-8. Eruption
tionship. A class III occlusion at initial contact will pre- timing in girls generally precedes that in boys by an aver-
dictably lead to a future class III molar relationship. This age of 5 months.
discussion regarding diagnostic and predictive informa- Eruption times for permanent teeth can vary consider-
tion is based on the work of Arya and associates,43 Carlsen ably depending on the specific tooth. According to Garn,
and Meredith,44 and Moyers.49 eruption time for the lower incisor varies the least; 90%
The development of the transitional phase occlusion of lower permanent incisors erupt within a span of
and malocclusion is graphically illustrated in Fig. 25-14. 3 years. In contrast, eruption time varies the most for the
Note that distal-step terminus always leads to class II ini- lower second permanent premolar, which shows a 61⁄2-
tial contact and final permanent first molar occlusions. year span.4
The probability that a class III final first permanent molar Dimensional changes for dental arch length, circum-
relationship will develop from a class III initial contact ference, and intermolar and intercanine widths during
occlusion is also very high. Development of the occlusion childhood and adolescence have been compiled by Moor-
from flush terminus, end-on, and class I initial contact rees.53,54 Average dimensional dental arch changes from
molar relationships is highly variable. age 6 to 18 years for maxillary and mandibular arches are
The occlusion relationship of upper to lower denti- as follows:
tion remains nearly the same throughout the growing Lower Arch
period.50 Exceptions are cases in which environmental Arch width: Bicanine: 3-mm increase
factors, such as premature loss of primary teeth, are Bimolar: 2-mm increase
superimposed on the developing occlusion, as shown Arch length: 1-mm decrease because of
by Northway and associates.51 Carlsen and Meredith up-righting of incisors
demonstrated that, 70% of the time, the lower perma- Arch circumference: Decrease of 4 mm
nent first molars move mesially relative to the upper Upper Arch
permanent first molar during the transition occlusion Arch width: Bicanine: 5-mm increase
phase.44 The magnitude of this shift, however, typically Bimolar: 4-mm increase
does not compensate for a permanent first molar mal- Arch length: Slight decrease because of
occlusion. Overall occlusion pattern is maintained dur- up-righting of incisors
ing growth. Arch circumference: Increase of 1 mm
GROWTH AND DENTAL ARCH PATTERN Development of dental arch malocclusion is predictable.
Development of a clinically acceptable dental arch like-
SIMILAR STAGE SEQUENCING wise can be predicted. The status of the dental arch at
The stage sequence of dental arch development is the mid-adolescence is contingent on clinical features that
same for everyone. According to Nery and Oka, the can be easily recognized during the transition phase den-
crowns of primary teeth begin calcification between 3 tition. The simplest method of evaluating the dental arch
and 4 months prenatally.52 The calcification of mandibu- for factors predisposing to malocclusion is to compare
lar teeth usually precedes that of the maxillary dentition; the patient’s mixed dentition dental arch with an ideal
the central incisors typically show first evidence of calci- dental arch pattern.
fication and the second molars last. Boys typically begin For the dental arch, the ideal pattern for a 7-year-old
calcification before girls. child might meet the following criteria:
The first primary tooth to erupt is the central incisor at 1. Tight proximal contacts
about 71⁄2 months, and the last to erupt is the second 2. No rotations
primary molar at about 21⁄2 years. Closure of root apex 3. Specific buccal-lingual axial inclinations
occurs at 3 years for the second primary molar. The usual 4. Specific mesial-distal axial inclinations
sequence of primary dentition eruption is the central in- 5. Even marginal ridges vertically
cisor (in Palmer notation designated by the letter A), the 6. Flat occlusal plane
lateral incisor (B), the first primary molar (C), and the 7. Excess (positive) leeway space
canine (D), followed by the second primary molar (E). Ethnic background can make a difference in the denti-
Hence, the typical eruption sequence is A-B-D-C-E. tion and occlusal development. An interesting study by
Calcification of the permanent teeth does not begin Anderson55 showed that the primary dental arch dimen-
until after birth.52 The first permanent molar is the first to sions of African-American children were significantly
Chapter 25 ■
Growth of the Face and Dental Arches 521
larger than those of European-American children in arch their permanent successors. Correlation coefficients of
width, length, perimeter and interdental space. r ⫽ 0.8 or higher are required to make predictions for
the individual patient at chairside.32 The combined me-
TOOTH SIZE/ARCH SIZE RATIO AS PATTERN sial-distal sizes of all primary teeth and the combined
DETERMINANT sizes for the permanent teeth show a correlation of
Tooth size and alveolar size are the primary factors that r ⫽ 0.5. Hence, Moorrees concluded that the size of the
determine the status of the permanent dental arch. If primary teeth is of little predictive value in estimating
tooth size and arch size are not balanced, the effect on the size of their permanent successors.53
the permanent dental arch is crowding or spacing. Crowd- The strength of the size relationships among the perma-
ing is the most common feature of dental arch malocclu- nent teeth, however, is clinically important for some com-
sion. Only when the combined size of the permanent parisons. Potter and Nance demonstrated that the size of
teeth is balanced with the size of the alveolar apical area an individual tooth is highly correlated with the size of the
is an ideal dental arch possible. contralateral tooth in the same arch, as reflected in an r
Van der Linden referred to the alveolar bone surround- value of around 0.9.59 The combined mesial-distal dimen-
ing the dental apex regions as the apical area.56 Ten Cate sions of contralateral quadrants of teeth show a slightly
reported evidence that the alveolus probably forms as a higher correlation of r ⫽ 0.95. Intra-arch comparisons of
result of inductive action from cells of the dental tooth groupings, such as mesial-distal size of the lower
follicle.57 The size of alveolar bone is influenced by the incisors versus mesial-distal sizes of the lower canine
many environmental factors that affect intra membra- and premolars combined, show only moderate correlation
nous bone growth. It is possible to clinically increase or (r ⫽ 0.6) and therefore are not useful clinically.60
decrease the size of the alveolar apical area during growth.
Fränkel has demonstrated that alveolar arch size can be
increased dramatically during childhood and that the
increases are stable into adulthood.58 The primary reason for dental arch malocclusion is im-
Tooth size, for the purpose of discussing dental arch balance between tooth size and alveolar apical size. In the
development, refers to the mesial-distal dimensions transition (mixed) dentition, it is possible to accurately
of each tooth. According to Garn4 and Potter and determine if combined mesial-distal tooth size will be
colleagues,5 mesial-distal tooth size is determined primar- balanced with alveolar arch size in later life. This process
ily by genetic factors. Four chromosomal gene loci appear of determination is called mixed dentition space analysis.
responsible for mesial-distal maxillary tooth size, and the Many methods of mixed dentition space analysis are
mandibular dentition seems to be under the genetic con- available.61,62 Common to all of these methods is the at-
trol of six loci. Tooth size is polygenically determined and tempt to determine the combined mesial-distal size of the
continuously variable (i.e., a wide range of individuality unerupted permanent canine and first and second pre-
exists in terms of the width of any single tooth). Dental molars. According to Horowitz and Hixon, the lower
size is expressed through X-linked inheritance, and racial dental arch is the focus for space analysis and the basis of
differences are known. The upper lateral incisor shows orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning.32 The
the most variability in tooth size. mandibular alveolar base can be modified less therapeuti-
Tooth size and alveolar apical area size are the most cally than can the upper alveolus and therefore restricts
pertinent factors in the determination of the intra-arch treatment possibilities. The mandibular arch also under-
component of malocclusion. Therefore, it is relevant to goes less growth change than does the upper arch.
consider these factors at length. The alveolar apical area Efficacy studies by Gardner,63 Kaplan and colleagues,64
will respond to biomechanical stimulation from orth- and Staley and colleagues65-67 revealed one method to be
odontic appliances, because intramembranous bone is the most accurate in predicting the combined size of the
adaptive and compensatory in nature. Crown size, on the unerupted canine and premolars during the mixed denti-
other hand, cannot be predictably influenced during tion. This method, originally devised by Hixon and Old-
growth by clinical therapy. father,60 has been refined by Bishara and Staley.68 In
The clinical crowns of all permanent teeth, except for summary, the analysis involves the following steps:
the third molar, are completely formed by middle child- 1. Measure the combined width of the lower lateral and
hood. Mesial-distal crown widths will not change after central incisors on one side.
crown formation unless affected by factors such as caries. 2. Measure directly from the radiograph the crown sizes
Hence, mesial-distal crown dimension is a stable factor in of the unerupted 4-5 on the same side.
the tooth size/arch size ratio. In an attempt to exploit the 3. Add together the incisor and the premolar sizes.
clinical usefulness of crown dimension stability, tooth 4. Refer to the prediction chart to determine the sizes of
size relationships are examined. the unerupted 3-4-5.
Comparison of primary to permanent mesial-distal Techniques of mixed dentition space analysis allow
tooth sizes is one such consideration. Studies by estimation of the sizes of the unerupted canine and pre-
Moorrees revealed that there is little about primary den- molars on the lower arch. This size estimate must then be
tition size that predicts permanent dentition size.53 compared with a measurement of the arch space available
Correlation coefficient (r) values ranging from r ⫽ 0.2 to between the mesial aspect of the lower molar and the
r ⫽ 0.6 are indicative of the poor predictive relationship distal aspect of the lateral incisor in the same quadrant.
between primary mesial-distal tooth size and the size of The difference between the combined width of the three
522 Chapter 25 ■
Growth of the Face and Dental Arches
unerupted permanent teeth and this arch space has been Overall space appraisal is typically expressed as milli-
called leeway space. meters of arch length space excess or deficiency. Dental
The most favorable dental arch pattern is one in which arch space excess (1 to 2 mm) is a relatively ideal situa-
leeway space is excessive (i.e., combined size of unerupted tion. Clinically, little intervention is usually required be-
canine and premolars is smaller than arch space available). cause mesial drifting of the permanent teeth often results
If leeway space is deficient, dental arch crowding predict- in little or no crowding or residual spacing. Space excess
ably results. Average growth changes in the dental arch are exceeding 3 to 4 mm, however, can lead to dental arch
not great enough to compensate for leeway deficiencies. problems. For example, congenital absence of one or
more teeth can leave so much arch space that mesial
COMPENSATIONS IN DENTAL ARCH drifting cannot compensate. Decisions favoring retention
DEVELOPMENT of primary teeth as long as possible, extraction of primary
Tooth size/arch size imbalances result in dental arch con- teeth and retention of space for later restorative prosthe-
ditions that are less than ideal. When combined mesial- sis, or extraction followed by space closure must be made
distal tooth size exceeds alveolar arch size, compensatory as long-term planning decisions.
adjustments occur, which results in dental arch crowd- Space deficiencies less than ⫺2 mm can usually be man-
ing, excessive curve of Spee, or deviant axial tooth incli- aged with a lower lingual holding arch. Arch space deficien-
nations. Dental spacing results when alveolar arch size cies of ⫺3 to ⫺6 mm should be scrutinized carefully. Typi-
exceeds the combined mesial-distal size of the teeth. cally, a space-regaining lower lingual arch or arch length
Competent treatment planning during the mixed den- expansion treatment measure is indicated. Arches with de-
tition must account not only for differences between the ficiencies in excess of ⫺6 mm are candidates for aggressive
size of unerupted canine and premolars and the space space-regaining techniques, dental arch expansion treat-
available for them, but also for compensating dental fac- ment, or one of a number of serial extraction sequences.
tors. Ideal dental arch status provides a model for such Clinical approach to various conditions of space excess and
planning. Each compensating factor (i.e., crowding, spac- deficiency is based on overall space appraisal (space analy-
ing, excess occlusal curve, or deviant axial tooth position) sis plus compensating factors) as shown in Table 25-2.
can be appraised relative to an ideal dental arch. Altera-
tion of a crowded arch to an ideally aligned arch is not
possible without creating extra space to resolve the
crowding. Consequently, a competent dental arch treat- The primary determinant of dental arch malocclusion is
ment plan must specify the manner in which space will mesial-distal tooth size/arch size imbalance. Nevertheless,
be clinically created. Several means are available for creat- secondary factors can dramatically influence the disposi-
ing dental arch space. They include the following: tion of the dental arch during childhood. Dental arch
1. Move molars distally. status is subject to the ravaging effects of environmental
2. Decrease the mesial-distal dimension of the teeth pres- factors that include early loss of primary teeth, inter-
ent in the arch. proximal caries, pathology, ankylosis of primary teeth,
3. Increase the buccal-lingual axial inclination of the oral habits, trauma, and early eruption of permanent
incisors. second molars.
4. Reduce the number of teeth in the arch by extraction. The environmental factors most commonly affecting
Resolution of excessive occlusal curve also requires dental arch status are probably caries and premature loss
more space. Merrifield indicated that generally, for each of primary teeth. Early primary tooth loss and caries can
millimeter of excessive occlusal curve, 1 mm of arch have a profound effect on dental arch status. Caries and
length space is required.69 To upright labially inclined early loss of the primary first molars (D), second molars
incisors, arch length space is also required. In contrast, (E), or both (D ⫹ E) result in a decrease in dental arch
more arch length is created when retroclined incisors are length. A study by Northway and colleagues51 showed the
proclined through therapy; the length of the arch is in- following specific details:
creased by repositioning the incisal edges from a lingual 1. E loss had the most deleterious effect on dental arch
to a more labial position. length.
2. Early posterior primary loss resulted in 2- to 4-mm
MAINTENANCE OF OVERALL PATTERN space closure per quadrant in both arches.
Space analysis combined with evaluation of the impact of 3. Space loss was age related in the upper but not in the
compensating factors on dental arch status is the means lower arch.
by which overall space requirements for the lower arch 4. Upper D loss typically resulted in blocked-out canines;
can be determined during the mixed dentition phase. upper E loss usually led to an impacted second perma-
Overall space appraisal during the mixed dentition is nent premolar.
highly indicative of future arch status. The condition 5. The greatest space loss was caused by mesial molar
presented during the mixed dentition will, to a high de- movement.
gree, be maintained in the permanent dental arch. For 6. More space was lost in the first year after premature
this reason, a nonideal adult arch status can be antici- tooth loss than in successive years.
pated early, and many undesirable conditions can be re- 7. No recovery of space was demonstrated during
solved during the transition from the primary to the growth in the upper arch, and little was found in the
permanent dental arch. lower arch.
Chapter 25 ■
Growth of the Face and Dental Arches 523
Table 25-2
Clinical Disposition Guidelines for Various Dental Arch Space Conditions Resulting from
Overall Mixed Dentition Space Appraisal
Overall Appraisal mm Clinical Disposition
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