First Parallel Test in Oral Communication 11: Godwino Integrated School

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Canahay, Surallah, South Cotabato

Mrs. Chariza L. Pacurib - Teacher

NAME: ________________________________________________ DATE: _________________________

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read each item carefully and write the letter of your choice on the space
provided before the number.
_____ 1. It is the source of the information.
A. Speaker C. Message
B. Receiver D. Channel
_____ 2. One of the basic functions of communication is to exercise restraint or direction formally
or informally.
A. Control C. Motivation
B. Social interaction D. Information Dissemination
_____ 3. It refers to the medium used in communication.
A. Speaker C. Message
B. Receiver D. Channel
_____ 4. Communication allows us to act and react to the behavior of people around us.
A. Emotional expression C. motivation
B. Control D. social interaction
_____ 5. Which is NOT an element of the communication process?
A. message B. sender C. technology D. receiver
_____ 6. It refers to the information, ideas, or thoughts conveyed.
A. Speaker B. Message C. Receiver D. Channel
_____ 7. It is a function of communication which refers to the energy that influences a person’s
behavior in different ways to his pursuit of his goal or objective.
A .Social interaction C. Information dissemination
B. Motivation D. Emotional expression
_____ 8. Why is encoding relevant for communication?
A. It is a method by which a message is sent.
B. It is the process of interpreting a message once it is received.
C. It is the process of transforming a thought into a message that can be sent.
D. It is a form of noise that disrupts the receiver from properly understanding the
_____ 9. This function of communication facilitates people’s expression of their feelings and
A. Social interaction C. Information dissemination
B. Motivation D. Emotional expression
_____ 10. It is the one who decodes the message.
A. Speaker B. Message C. Receiver D. Channel
_____ 11. It is the environment where communication takes place.
A. Encoding B. Context C. Decoding D. Feedback
_____ 12. In the communication process, decoding takes place __________.
A. by the sender C. within the message
B. when dealing effectively with the element of noise D. by the receiver
_____ 13. The Principal of a certain school gives a speech on the first recognition program to the
students. Who is the receiver of the message?
A. recognition program
B. Principal
C. the words and movements of the Principal during his speech
D. the students
_____ 14. The researcher reads and discusses classroom policies to her students.
A. Information dissemination C. Social Interaction
B. Motivation D. Emotional Expression
_____ 15. James greets May; then, they start talking about their plans for the holidays.
A. Motivation C. Social Interaction
B. Information dissemination D. Control
______ 16. You deliver a speech about the importance of higher education to a group of high
school students. What is the message?
A. high school students? C. importance of higher education
B. you D. your voice and language
______ 17. Margie names four ingredients for Kyla to buy at the grocery store. Who is the sender
of the message?
A. Kyla C. grocery store
B. Margie D. ingredients
______ 18. Rex shares his insights on how to live peacefully despite a complicated life.
A. Emotional Expression C. Motivation
B. Information dissemination D. Social Interaction
______ 19. A television personality thanks the supportive moviegoers during an interview.
A. Emotional Expression C. Control
B. Information dissemination D. Social Interaction
______ 20. The city mayor presents her strategies to execute the plans in a public forum.
A. Emotional Expression C. Control
B. Information dissemination D. Social Interaction
______ 21. How does understanding occur in communication process?
A. It occurs when each party is able to provide feedback.
B. It occurs when each party gets a chance to be a sender and receiver.
C. It occurs when each party is able to say what they want to without the other
person interrupting.
D. It occurs when each party can agree on what was being communicated without
the need for inferences or assumptions
______ 22. The characteristic of the communication model such as “communication evolves from
the very first day until the existing moment is high:”
A. linear B. transmission C. transactional D. interactive
______ 23. Feedback is seen as an important part of this communication model to ensure that
communication takes place.
A. linear B. transmission C. transactional D. interactive
______ 24. When a communication is affected by the society, culture, situations, psychological or
sociological events or experiences of the sender and receiver this element is known as:
A. Channel C. Feedback
B. Field of experience D. Context
______ 25. This model of communication is also called as “convergence model of communication.”
A. linear B. transmission C. transactional D. interactive
______ 26. He emphasized that communication is a one-way process where the speaker sends
messages to the receiver with or without effect.
A. Frank Dance C. Wilbert Schindler
B. Wilbur Schramm D. Shannon-Weaver
______ 27. These characteristics emphasize the lack of feedback in the Linear Model of
Communication, except:
A. It is a simple communication act
B. has one-way communication
C. It values psychological more than social effects
D. It focuses on persuasion rather than on mutual understanding.
______ 28. This communication model illustrates how the sender and receiver take turns in
conveying and receiving messages and are called as “communicators.”
A. linear B. transmission C. transactional D. interactive
______ 29. Johnny is a Grade 11 student. He is having some difficulties in understanding his
teacher because he did not have enough sleep. Why is this an example of a barrier?
A. He is unable to listen to the message physically.
B. His fatigue is preventing him from decoding the message.
C. He is obviously being disrupted by his fellow classmates.
D. He cannot properly encode the message due to his fatigue.
______ 30. This is one of the most basic functions of communication that provides data and
information for effective completion of tasks, solution of problems, and elimination of
A. Social interaction C. Emotional expression
B. Information dissemination D. Control
______ 31. It is a skill that can be acquired and improved by fully focusing on what is being said
rather than just 'hearing' the message of the speaker.
A. Active Listening C. constructive response
B. Patience towards others D. use common language
______ 32. To resolve communication breakdown, you should avoid using unfamiliar terminology
or jargon when speaking to clients and their families. It means:
A. Active Listening C. constructive response
B. Patience towards others D. use common language
______ 33. Even if people speak in the same language, but in different jargon, still, there is this
barrier called:
A. physical B. emotional C. language D. perceptual
______ 34. To avoid communication breakdown, communicators should allow the points of view
of others. This suggests that communicators should:
A. be genuine rather than control C. focus on the issue , not the speaker
B. be actively listening D. be patient towards others
______ 35. These are considered as disturbances or noise that hinder the smooth flow of
A. Language C. The speaker himself
B. Jargon D. barriers
______ 36. This is one of the 7Cs of Effective Communication which refers to eliminating
irrelevant information within the communication process to achieve smooth flow of
A. Concreteness B. Clearness C. Conciseness D. Courtesy
______ 37. Another consideration that has to be done in effective communication is to respect the
cultures and beliefs of others.
A. Concreteness B. Clearness C. Conciseness D. Courtesy
______ 38. When information sent by the sender to the receiver is supported by facts, figures, or
real-life examples and situations, effective communication takes place.
A. Concreteness B. Clearness C. Conciseness D. Courtesy
______ 39. Of the 7Cs of Effective Communication, this one refers to looking into the needs,
background, status, education, etc. of the receiver
A. Conciseness B. Consideration C. Courtesy D. Correctness
______ 40. This C in the 7Cs of Effective Communication is particularly concerned on the receiver
getting to hear everything so that proper responses, reactions, evaluation or feedback
could be done.
A. Completeness B. Correctness C. Clearness D. Courtesy
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of South Cotabato
Surallah Central District
Brgy. Canahay, Surallah, South Cotabato

1st Quarter Parallel Test in Oral Communication Grade 11 (Week 1-4)


Competencies of of Percentage
Days Items Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creatin
Explains the
nature and
process of 10 20 50 1,2,3,4,6, 5,13,14, 8
7,9,10,11, 15,16,17,
(EN11/12OC- 12 18,19,20
the various
models of
communicati 5 10 25 22,23,24, 21,29 27
Uses various
strategies in
order to avoid
communicati 5 10 25 30,31,35, 33 34 32
on breakdown
Ia-6) 39,40

TOTAL 20 40 100

Prepared by: Chariza L. Pacurib

Teacher I
Noted: James D. Benavidez
Principal I
1. A 21.A
2. A 22.C
3. D 23.C
4. D 24.B
5. C 25.C
6. B 26.D
7. B 27.A
8. C 28.C
9. D 29.B
10.C 30.B
11.B 31.A
12.D 32.D
13.D 33.C
14.A 34.D
15.C 35.D
16.C 36.C
17.B 37.D
18.C 38.A
19.A 39.B
20.B 40.A
_____ 1. It is the source of the information.
A. Speaker C. Message
B. Receiver D. Channel
_____ 2. One of the basic functions of communication is to exercise restraint or direction formally or
C. Control C. Motivation
D. Social interaction D. Information Dissemination
_____ 3. It refers to the medium used in communication.
C. Speaker C. Message
D. Receiver D. Channel
_____ 4. Communication allows us to act and react to the behavior of people around us.
A. Emotional expression C. motivation
B. Control D. social interaction
_____ 5. Which is NOT an element of the communication process?
B. message B. sender C. technology D. receiver
6. It refers to the information, ideas, or thoughts conveyed.
a) Speaker c.) Message
b) Receiver d) Channel

7. It is a function of communication which refers to the energy that influences a person’s behavior in
different ways to his pursuit of his goal or objective.
a) Social interaction c) information dissemination
b) motivation d) emotional expression

8. This is one of the most basic functions of communication that provides data and information for
effective completion of tasks, solution of problems, and elimination of uncertainty.
a) Social interaction c) emotional expression
b) information dissemination d) control

9. This function of communication facilitates people’s expression of their feelings and emotions.
a) Social interaction c) information dissemination
b) motivation d) emotional expression
10. It is the one who decodes the message.
a) Speaker c.) Message
b) Receiver d) Channel

11. It the environment where communication takes place

a) Encoding c) Decoding
b) Context d) Feedback

12. In the communication process, decoding takes place

a) by the sender
b) when dealing effectively with the element of noise
c) within the message
d) by the receiver

13. The Principal of a certain school gives a speech on the first recognition program to the students. Who
is the receiver of the message?
a) recognition program
b) Principal
c) the words and movements of the Principal during his speech
d) the students

14. It is designed to place blame and to control or regulate people. This creates defensiveness on the part
of the receiver and is rarely, if ever, appropriate.
a) Heavy - Control Talk c) Search Talk
b) Light control Talk d) Small Talk

15. The researcher reads and discusses classroom policies to her students.
a) Information dissemination c) Social Interaction
b) Motivation d) Emotional Expression

16. James greets May; then, they start talking about their plans for the holidays.
a) Motivation c) Social Interaction
b) Information dissemination d) Control

17. You deliver a speech about the importance of higher education to a group of high school students.
What is the message?
a) high school students? c) importance of higher education
b) you d) your voice and language

18. Margie names four ingredients for Kyla to buy at the grocery store. Who is the sender of the
a) Kyla c) grocery store
b) Margie d) ingredients
19. It is that type of talk serving as purpose of communication that refers to the tactful use of power to get
results and may be used to motivate people.
a) Straight Talk c) Light control Talk
b) Heavy - Control Talk d) Search Talk

20. This talk is good for problem-solving and conflict resolution and may be used to facilitate emotional
expression for catharsis, which is the act of purging, cleansing, and unloading of ideas and emotions.
a) Small Talk c) Heavy - Control Talk
b) Light control Talk d) Straight Talk
21. It is an example of an audience feedback?
a) laughter c) half-closed eyelids
b) silence d) all of the above
22. It is another nonthreatening approach when you want to gather data or the consensus of other to be
able to provide information.
a) Small Talk c) Light control Talk
b) Search Talk d) Heavy - Control Talk

23. This purpose of talk is a form of nonthreatening communication that may be used to effect social
a) Search Talk c) Small Talk
b) Heavy - Control Talk d) Straight Talk

24. Rex shares his insights on how to live peacefully despite a complicated life.
a) Emotional Expression c) Motivation
b) Information dissemination d) Social Interaction

25. Mona shares her personal frustrations with Chona.

a) Emotional Expression c) Control
b) Information dissemination d) Social Interaction

26. The geometry teacher lectures about mathematical concepts.

a) Social Interaction c) Emotional Expression
b) Motivation d) Information dissemination

27. Josie delivers her farewell speech.

a) Information dissemination c) Social Interaction
b) Emotional Expression d) Motivation

28. The President delivers his State of the Nation Address.

a) Emotional Expression c) Information dissemination
b) Control d) Social Interaction

29. A television personality thanks the supportive moviegoers during an interview.

a) Emotional Expression c) Control
b) Information dissemination d) Social Interaction

30. The city mayor presents her strategies to execute the plans in a public forum.
a) Emotional Expression c) Control
b) Information dissemination d) Social Interaction
1. This communication model illustrates how the sender and receiver take turns in conveying and
receiving messages and are called as “communicators.”
a) Linear b) transmission c) transactional d) interactive

2. Frank Dance introduced the Helical model under this model of communication.
a) Linear b) transmission c) transactional d) interactive

3. The characteristic of the communication model such as “communication evolves from the very first day
until the existing moment is high:”
a) Linear b) transmission c) transactional d) interactive

4. Feedback is seen as an important part of this communication model to ensure that communication
takes place.
a) Linear b) transmission c) transactional d) interactive

5. This Transactional Model that shows the development of communication on how the knowledge-base of
a person deepens and expands throughout life is introduced by:
a) Wilbur Schramm c) Frank Dance
b) Shannon-Weaver d) Wilbert Schindler

6. When a communication is affected by the society, culture, situations, psychological or sociological

events or experiences of the sender and receiver this element is known as:
a) Channel c) feedback
b) Field of experience d) context

7. In this model of communication, the roles of the sender and receiver are reversed each time sending
and receiving occurs at the same time.
a) Linear b) transmission c) transactional d) interactive

8. This model of communication is also called as “convergence model of communication.”

a) Linear b) transmission c) transactional d) interactive

9. He emphasized that communication is a one-way process where the speaker sends messages to the
receiver with or without effect.
a) Frank Dance c) Wilbert Schindler
b) Wilbur Schramm d) Shannon-Weaver

10. These characteristics emphasize the lack of feedback in the Linear Model of Communication, except:
a) It is a simple communication act
b) has one-way communication
c) It values psychological more than social effects
d) It focuses on persuasion rather than on mutual understanding.

1. It is a set of specialized vocabulary used by specific people in a certain field

a) Layman’s Term c) language barrier
b) Jargon d) words
2. It is referring to the simple words or vocabulary used to make the message easy to understand.
a) Words c) layman’s term
b) Language barrier d) Jargon
3. It is a skill that can be acquired and improved by fully focusing on what is being said rather than just
'hearing' the message of the speaker.
a) Active Listening c) constructive response
b) Patience towards others d) use common language
4. To resolve communication breakdown, you should avoid using unfamiliar terminology or jargon when
speaking to clients and their families. It means:
a) Active Listening c) constructive response
b) Patience towards others d) use common language
5. To enhance interpersonal future communications, feedback given by the receiver should ensure
furthering the abilities of the speaker. It encourages the use of:
a) Active Listening c) constructive response
b) Patience towards others d) use common language
6. Even if people speak in the same language, but in different jargon,still, there is this barrier called:
a) Physiological c) linguistic
b) Attitudinal c) physical
7. When two people communicate but can barely hear and understand each other because of their
distance, this barrier is called:
a) Physiological c) linguistic
b) Attitudinal c) physical
8. To avoid communication breakdown, communicators should allow the points of view of others. This
suggests that communicators should:
a) Be genuine rather than control c) be actively listening
b) Focus on the issue , not the speaker d) be patient towards others
9. These are considered as disturbances or noise that hinder the smooth flow of communication.
a) Language c) The speaker himself
b) Jargon d) barriers
10. A disturbance in a communicator wherein attention is distracted due to emotional baggage, worries or
a) Attitudinal c) psychological
b) Physical d) physiological

11. A kind of barrier that refers to the discomfort in the bodily condition of a receiver.
a) Attitudinal c) psychological
b) Physical d) physiological
12. This barrier pertains to a recipient’s reluctance to change.
a) Attitudinal c) psychological
b) Physical d) physiological
13. Low self-esteem can block one’s ability to express his / her needs and opinions. This barrier to
communication is called:
a) Dysfunctional feedback c) using stereotypes
b) Jumping into conclusion d) lack the confidence
14. Another form of generalization which is creating extremes and is a barrier to communication is called:
a) jargon c) polarization
b) Jumping into conclusion d) Dysfunctional feedback
15. Interrupting others while they are talking also creates a poor atmosphere for communication. This is a
considered a barrier to communication known as:
a) Dysfunctional feedback c) using stereotypes
b) Jumping into conclusion d) lack the confidence
16. This is one of the 7Cs of Effective Communication which refers to eliminating irrelevant information
within the communication process to achieve smooth flow of communication.
a) Concreteness c) Clearness
b) Conciseness d) Courtesy
17. Another consideration that has to be done in effective communication is to respect the cultures and
beliefs of others.
a) Concreteness c) Clearness
b) Conciseness d) Courtesy
18. When information sent by the sender to the receiver is supported by facts, figures, or real-life
examples and situations, effective communication takes place.
a) Concreteness c) Clearness
b) Conciseness d) Courtesy
19. Of the 7Cs of Effective Communication, this one refers to looking into the needs, background, status,
education, etc. of the receiver
a) Conciseness c) Consideration
b) Courtesy d) Correctness
20. This C in the 7Cs of Effective Communication is particularly concerned on the receiver getting to hear
everything so that proper responses, reactions, evaluation or feedback could be done.
a) Completeness c) Correctness
b) Clearness d) Courtesy

Directions: Read carefully each statement below. Write T for truthful or right statements and F for false or
wrong statements in your notebook.
1. Speeches, stories, oral poetry and songs are examples of oral activities.
2. Stories are helpful in teaching morals and solving attitude problems especially with younger people who
lack experience.
3. Songs are handy tools for entertainment and other purposes for almost any occasions. They also carry
a great deal of historical to modern day information.
4. Physical appearance and bodily movements do not complement verbal messages.
5. A dynamic speaker asserts his own objectives regardless of feedback.
6. Reading the audience is one aspect of an effective speaker.
7. Presentations and speeches are more formal, therefore less engaging than singing, stories and oral
8. Compared to written text, speech is less formal and less in fluency.
9. Language techniques do not apply to oral communication activities since oral communication is
supposed to be spontaneous.
10. Non-verbal cues should match the spoken words to avoid confusion.

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