Prom 158
Prom 158
Prom 158
All secured or unsecured Educations Loans above Rs.7.50 lakhs duly complying the respective scheme
guidelines are to be handled by RAHs for their mapped Branches. All branches attached to RAHs have
NO powers for sanctioning Education Loan above Rs.7.50 lakhs.
Processing/Sanctioning of Education Loan irrespective of loan amount for Branches not attached to
RAHs prevailing guidelines will continue.
745/20 30.09.20 : Revision of Interest Rates on Small Savings Schemes w.e.f. 01.10.20 to 31.12.20
(1) Senior Citizen Savings Scheme (SCSS) – 7.4 % - QUARTERLY AND PAID
(2) Public Provident Fund Scheme (PPF) – 7.1 % ANNUALLY
(3) Kisan Vikas Patra (KVP) – 6.9% WILL MATURE IN 124 MONTHS (ANNUALLY)
(4) Sukanya Samriddhi Account Scheme – 7.6 %- ANNUALLY
Any accumulation of furniture maintenance expenses shall be effective from 01.10.2020 only. In case of
availment of the accumulated amount, the same shall be availed at a time either yearwise or 2
accumulated years and cannot be availed in parts.
743/20 30.09.20 : Opening of Current Accounts by Banks – Need for discipline – Additional guidelines
In case where bank’s credit exposure is less than 10% of the total credit exposure from the banking
system, credits in such Current Accounts are freely permitted but debits shall be to the bank where
credit exposure is more than 10%.
Funds in current accounts in banks with total credit exposure less than 10% shall not be used for
providing margin for availing NFB facilities.
Banks with less than 10% of total credit exposure are free to provide WCDL / WCTL to their current
account holders
The Countries have been classified by ECGC into three categories as given below:
1. Open Cover
2. Restricted Cover-Group I: For which Revolving limits are to be approved by ECGC, normally for one
3. Restricted Cover –Group II: For which specific approval has to be obtained from ECGC on a case to
case basis, on merits.
Those branches /offices which have taken exposure on those countries in Restricted cover Group on or
after the said date have to obtain permission from ECGC as these countries are now moved from Open
Cover to Restricted cover Groups.
The above 3 categories of countries will be applicable for the limited purpose of covering the Packing
credit advance under ECIB (WT-PC) and also for obtaining ECIB(WT-PS) cover for Post shipment advance
The Country Risk Classification list w.e.f.01st October 2020 is given in circular as per Export Credit
Guarantee Corporation of India limited.
741/20 30.09.20 : Unification of payment of prompt repayment incentive in KCC loan accounts
through CBS for e-Syndicate Branches
The CBS fast path option 1690 shall be used for KCC loan account closure and 26100 shall be used for
accepting KCC renewal payment without accounting prompt repayment incentive. For accounts where
renewal/prompt payment happened, system will compute & passes the incentive (3%) during half year
end (September & March) and not on the same day of renewal
740/20 30.09.20: Standard Operating Procedure for opening of Current Accounts through Centralized
Processing Centre
The Current Account opening is delinked for Unit-II branches, w.e.f. 01.10.2020.
The Current Account opening will be delinked for Unit-I branches, w.e.f 15.10.2020 in a phased manner
Branches to forward duly certified documents along with application form to respective CPC in scanned
format only.
The CPC shall open the current account duly complying with RBI guidelines for the mapped branch.
In order to comply with RBI regulations, ensuring uniformity in opening of accounts and reduction in
workload at branches, it is decided to centralize the opening of Current Accounts at CPC. Accordingly,
Current Account opening shall be blocked at branches and can be undertaken through CPCs only
The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan was started with a vision to mainstream Swachhata Activities across the
Country and first launched on 2 nd Oct 2014 to achieve Clean India Goal.
Accordingly, we have been observing Swachhata Pakhwada from 1st September to 15th September
every year and conducting various activities as suggested.
All our Branches / Offices / Units to take steps to observe the Swachhata activities, in true spirit, on
2nd of October (In commemoration to the Birthday of Rashtrapita Mahatma Gandhi ji) and report
Introduction of STR-18 Online Reporting Package in place of manual submission of the said return – STR
18 part I and Part II from 01.10.2020.
STR 18 Part – I is to be submitted every quarter as per time schedule.
STR 18 Part – II is to be submitted only in the March quarter along with the STR 18 part-I.
Online STR-18 report is made available under MIS/ Reports tab in SAS package.
Existing Reporting structure will remain the same.
The package will be working on Maker–Checker concept.
Time schedule for submission of STR-18 : Sections of Regional Offices Branches under Regional Offices
Retail Asset Hubs(RAHs) SME Sulabhs, Accounts Sections, Currency Chests, Foreign Departments etc.
Sections of Apex Center of Excellence(ACE) Center of Excellences(CoE) and Learning and Development
Centers(L&D) : Within 5th of Succeeding Month
737/2020 30.09.20 : Revision in interest rate of Nitya Nidhi Deposit (NND) Scheme w.e.f. 01.10.2020
736/2020 30.09.20 : Introduction of Straight Through Processing (STP) for Settlement of Provident
Fund and Gratuity benefits on retirement / exit from services of the Bank.
Straight Through Processing (STP) for settlement of PF and Gratuity amount to the salary drawing
account of retired employees through HRMS package w.e.f. 01.10.2020 replacing the existing system of
issuance of Cheques in order to facilitate speedy settlement of PF and Gratuity amount to the retired
employees on the next working day of their exit from the services of the Bank.
PF and Gratuity settlement amount will be directly credited to the Salary Drawing Account (CASA) of the
retired employees through HRMS on the next working day of their exit from the services of the Bank
“Hold Funds” will be marked in CBS to the account of retiree to the tune of PF and Gratuity amount
settled, for enabling branches for recovery of liabilities, if any. The concerned branch in charge will
remove the “Hold Funds” so created in CBS, recover the liabilities of the concerned retired employee, if
any, in consultation with respective HRM Section CO and then release the amount to the retired
735/2020 29.09.20 : Resolution Framework for Exposure Other than Personal Loans under stress
due to COVID-19 - Detailed Guidelines
Exposures other than Personal Loans are eligible for Resolution under the Framework, other than
specific regulator defined exceptions.
Borrowers having stress on account of Covid-19 and classified as standard, but not in default for more
than 30 days with the Bank as on March 1, 2020 are eligible under the framework.
The reference date for the outstanding amount of debt that may be considered for resolution shall be
March 1, 2020.
Resolution under this framework shall be invoked not later than 31.12.2020 & must be implemented
within 180 days from invocation date
Branches to identify and assist minimum 100 new SC/ST beneficiaries during the campaign month
To identify and assist at least 100 SC/ST beneficiaries, during the month with a special focus on KCC to
PM KISAN Beneficiaries & Dairy Farmers, Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan Schemes – PM-FME (HO Cir.
608/2020), AHIDF (HO Cir. 609/2020), AIF (HO Cir. 610/2020), PM-MSY (HO Cir. 631/2020), STAND-UP
INDIA scheme and MUDRA scheme
733/2020 29.09.20 : Revision in Interest Rate on Canra Tax Saver Dept Scheme wef.
732/2020 29.09.20 : Revision in Interest Rates on NRE Term Deposits w.e.f. 01.10.2020- 1 yr-5.3
731/2020 29.09.20 : Revision in Interest Rates on Domes & NRO Term Deposits wef. 01.10.20. 1 yr-5.3
But once the customer aggregate limit cross Rs.25000/-, then the processing charges @ Rs.450/- to be
collected even though the limit proposed to be sanctioned is within Rs.25000/-.
While doing fund transfer from NRO Account for an amount exceeding the threshold limit of RS.1000/-
through the options 1008,1006 and GLM01 branch has to mandatorily enter value for the new field
‘Reason for fund transfer’.
Below mentioned values will be available in the drop down field Reason for Fund transfer. Branches
have to select appropriate reason out of the eight mentioned below while effecting the fund transfer.
1. Commercial transaction
2. Home Maintenance
3. Donation
4. Fund transfer within same customer id
5. Fund transfer Group Companies
6. Repayments
7. Outward Remittances
8. Other Debit transactions
What is QCC : QCC stands for Quarterly Compliance Certificate. QCC is a mechanism
for monitoring and submission of various compliance certificates and collection of compliance
status to various guidelines/circulars issued by various regulators along with internal
guidelines of the bank.
Snapshot: It is part of QCC certificate treated as Annexure to QCC. Here reporting entities have
to report only non-compliances against the certification of QCC
Online reporting and Monitoring Mechanism (Quarterly Compliance Certificate (QCC) application) on
various compliance reporting requirements of the bank.
Branch has to submit QCC before 4th working day from the quarter end
RO has to submit QCC before 9thworking day from the quarter end
CO has to submit QCC latest by 15t h working day from the quarter end
Wing has to submit QCC before 9th working day from the quarter end.
Subsidiaries & Sponsored Entities, Regional Rural Banks (RRB) and all Overseas
Branches are to submit QCC before 7th working day from the quarter end.
Under the Scheme, entire interest accrued during the Moratorium period (ie. Course Period plus one
year) is subsidized for the eligible Education Loan Accounts under the Model Education Loan Scheme of
Students availing Education Loans for pursuing professional / technical courses only from National
Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) accredited Institutions or professional / technical
programmes accredited by National Board of Technical Institutions (NBA), Institutions of National
Importance, Central Funded Technical Institutions (CFTIs) and Professional Institutions / programmes
approved by respective regulatory body are eligible, subject to Income Criteria.
Interest Subsidy is eligible for the Education Loans provided without any Collateral Security or Third
Party Guarantee for the maximum loan limit of Rs.7.50 lakhs.
Additional field to update MOBILE NUMBER of the Student Beneficiaries from FY 2019-20 onwards is
Now, Branch In charges are empowered for permitting waiver of obtaining undertaking letter from the
employer not to shift salary account on selective basis wherever salary accounts are maintained for
Special Package under Canara Budget Loan wherever NPA is upto 2% under the scheme.
Wherever NPA is above 2% under the scheme, the same has to be dealt with at HO (CGM/GM-HO-CAC).
After amalgamation, Wing has been permitted to have 213 Retail Assets Hubs (RAHs) covering 7470
Now RAHs and above authorities are delegated upto their respective delegated powers for handling
Education Loan above Rs.7.50 lakhs backed with tangible collateral OR Mortgage Based security for their
mapped Branches
All branches attached to RAHs have NO powers for sanctioning Education Loan backed with tangible
collateral OR mortgage based security. Processing/Sanctioning of Education Loan irrespective of
loan amount for Branches not attached to RAHs prevailing guidelines will continue.
All 3 Swarna Loan schemes (Swarna Loan, Swarna Overdraft and Swarna Express)- RLLR+0.75 % (RLLR
@ 6.90%+0.75% i.e. 7.65% p.a.)
721/2020 25.09.20 : Revision in Rate of Interest and additional slabs for Savings Bank Deposits
(Domestic / NRO / NRE) w.e.f. 28.09.2020
Bank has revised the existing slabs under SB deposits from the existing two to five with higher rate of
interest in the new buckets
1. Branches/Offices shall scrupulously adhere to the time norms for disposal of loan applications
under PMEGP and adopt suitable strategies to bring down the Turn Around Time (TAT) within 30
days for loan quantum above Rs. 5 lakhs and within 15 days for loan quantum upto Rs. 5 lakhs,
in respect of PMEGP loan applications.
2. Exemption of EDP training for claiming margin money under PMEGP till 30.09.2020. This exemption
will facilitate the financing Bank to disburse the first instalment of loan and claim/upload Margin Money
subsidy on the PMEGP online portal without waiting for completion of EDP training, thereby expediting
the process of availing the loan quantum by the beneficiaries under the scheme. Branches/Offices are
directed to make all efforts to complete all pending EDP trainings pertaining to cases sanctioned up to
30.09.2020, before closure of the next quarter i.e. 31.12.2020.
3. No collateral/ third party guarantees to be stipulated for projects involving loans upto Rs. 10 lakhs to
MSMEs under the scheme. Branches/Offices shall not obtain collateral/ third party guarantees, for loans
upto Rs. 10 lakhs sanctioned under the scheme. Moreover, the PMEGP beneficiaries can also avail loans
upto Rs. 25 lakhs without furnishing collateral securities. However, such loans shall be invariably
covered under the credit guarantee scheme of CGTMSE
Among other eligibility criteria, the existing borrowal accounts should be less than or equal to 60 days
past due as on 29.02.2020, in order to be eligible under the scheme. However, exception has been
allowed for overdues of the borrower in respect of their credit card/ savings account/ current account,
a) the said overdues did not exceed 1% of the loan amount (i.e. GECL amount) extended under ECLGS
b). the overdue amount was regularized prior to extension of assistance under ELCGS, and
c). the overdues were covered by the materiality concept being followed by the MLIs
Stipulation of second charge has been waived in respect of all loans upto Rs. 25 lakh (outstanding as on
February 29, 2020 plus loan sanctioned under GECL). In this regard, branches shall obtain an
undertaking (as per the format enclosed as Annexure – III to this Circular) from the borrower.
it is noticed that Branches are crediting INR cheques to NRE accounts without checking sources of funds
leading to Regulatory breaches.
In respect of transfer from other NRE/FCNR accounts of the same/ other persons, while accepting such
credits, branches should obtain letter from the remitting branch/bank to the effect that the funds
remitted are from NRE account of the same account holder/another person.
Maturity proceeds of NRE/FCNR (B) deposit account holder with same branch/ Bank or with other
branch/Bank, a confirmatory letter on the status of funds transferred to be obtained from the remitting
branch/bank and preserved with credit slip
Interest on Government dated securities (Other than bearer securities),dividend on units of UTI,
Treasury Bills or Units of Domestic Mutual funds, Maturity proceeds of such investments provided the
securities/Units were originally purchased by debit to the account-holder’s NRE account or FCNR
(B) account or out of remittances received from outside India in free foreign exchange and form A4 is to
be completed.
Now, to validate such transactions, our TO Wing has enabled drop down facility in CBS Options
1408,1006 and GLM01 for branches to mandatorily confirm whether above detailed confirmations/A4
is obtained/prepared by the branches.
Education loan to the wards of employees,wherever employee is joint borrower & education loan is
availed during employee’s active service in our bank:
The above Concessional ROI granted on education loan to the ward of employees shall be continued
after superannuation of employees/Voluntary retirement
If EL availed after superannuation, Applicable ROI has to be charged as per scheme guidelines
716/2020 23.09.20 : Dr. Ambedkar Central Sector Scheme of Interest Subsidy on Educational Loans for
Overseas Studies for Other Backward Classes (OBCs) & Economically Backward
Classes(EBCs) –
Opening of SAS package to upload the subsidy claim for June & September 2020
quarters from 05.10.2020 to 14.10.20
The following changes in parental annual income from all sources of the employed candidate or
his/her parents/guardians in case of unemployed candidate are as under:
714/2020 23.09.20 : Interest Subvention for all eligible Agriculture accounts – Marking Interest
Subvention flag (Attributes) & updating Crop cultivation amount (Crop attributes)
in ALM35 screen and seeding AADHAR number to KCC accounts for crediting
interest Subvention
In order to credit the eligible Interest Subvention to KCCs accounts Aadhar seeding is mandatory.
In addition to Aadhar seeding, Crop attributes details have to be captured in CBS option ALM 35 for
crediting Interest subvention to Short term crop loan accounts (KCC). Branches have to invariably tick
the Interest Subvention flag (Attributes) and update the Crop cultivation amount (Crop attributes) in
respect of KCC accounts eligible for interest subvention
Branches are advised to ensure that updation of Aadhar number and Crop attributes fields on a day to
day basis for all eligible accounts. BO report 280093 is available to generate the list of accounts where
Interest Subvention flag is not marked in ALM 35.
Branches/offices to note that for those accounts where AADHAR NUMBER not seeded, interest
subvention flag is not ticked and Crop cultivation amount is not updated in ALM 35, Interest
subvention/Incentive will not be credited. In case of any complaints arising on account of non-crediting
of Interest Subvention/incentive owing to failure to mark the interest subvention flag and update the
Crop cultivation amount in ALM35 or non- noting of Aadhar number despite submission by borrower,
the concerned Branch/official will be held responsible /accountable.
Now in tune with the communication No. 3/4/2017- Welfare dated 18.09.2020, issued by the
Department of Financial Services, Ministry of Finance, the Competent Authority has permitted for
exemption of Employees with Disabilities from roster duty during prevailing COVID-19 pandemic till
712/2020 22.09.20 : Procedure for preferring Insurance Claim for Personal Accident Death claims,
Baggage claim and Purchase Protection under CANCARE Policy
Cancare Policy comprises of (1) Insurance cover for Death due to accident (2) Baggage Insurance
cover and (3) Purchase Protection cover. Cancare Policy is renewed with M/s Oriental Insurance
Company Ltd.
The claim under this policy will be settled by the Insurance Company only if the time
norms stipulated are adhered:
Within 60 days from the date of Death-intimation of claim by Legal Heirs/Nominee to Branch
Branch to intimate the claim immediately to NFS & RuPay Reconciliation Section, (Reconciliation Wing:
HO), atleast within 5 days from the date of intimation of claim by the Legal Heir/ Nominee to
the branch.
Maximum Time lines permitted to the Bank for intimation of claim to the Insurer - Within 15 days from
the date of intimation of claim by Legal Heir / Nominee to the Bank.
Timelines to be adhered for submission of claim Documents: Personal Accident Cover
Time lines for submission of claim along with required documents by Branch to ‘NFS & RuPay
Reconciliation Section, Reconciliation Wing, HO- Within 30 days from the date of intimation of claim by
the Legal Heir/ Nominee to the Branch
Maximum Time line for submission of Claim Documents by Bank to Insurer : Within 45 days from the
date of intimation of claim by the Legal Heir/ Nominee to the Bank
Timelines to be adhered for Claim intimation: Baggage Insurance Cover:
Time lines for intimation of claim by customer to Branch : Within 15 days from the date
of loss. In case the customer is abroad, he/she may intimate the loss within 7 working days post
reaching the country (satisfactory proof to this effect is to be obtained)
Time lines for intimation of claim by Branch to ‘NFS & RuPay Reconciliation Section,
Reconciliation Wing, HO : Within 5 days from the date of intimation of claim by customer to
the Branch
Maximum Time lines permitted to the Bank for intimation of claim to the Insurer as per the
Policy terms : Within 15 days from the date of intimation of claim by customer to the Bank
Time lines for submission of claim along with required documents by Branch to ‘NFS & RuPay
Reconciliation Section, Reconciliation Wing, HO’* : Within 7 days from intimation of
claim by customer to the Branch
Maximum Time line for submission of Claim Documents by Bank to Insurer (As per Policy Terms) :
Within 15 days from intimation of claim by customer to the Bank.
711/2020 22.09.20 : Procedure for preferring Insurance Claim as a Risk Mitigation measure for
unauthorized Card related transactions for Loss on Card.
Renewal of Insurance Policy with M/s ORIENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY LTD w.e.f 08.08.2020.
Strict adherence to time norms in reporting / intimation and submission of Insurance claim forms
This policy covers frauds committed by fraudsters causing loss to Debit/ Credit/Prepaid Card Holders/
The maximum amount of loss covered per card is as below
The Cardholder should report the incident to Bank within 15 days from the knowledge of first incident.
Branch should ensure that the Card is hotlisted immediately, positively within a maximum period of 2
working days from the date of reporting by the customer i.e., within 17 days from the knowledge of first
In case if the customer is abroad, he may intimate the loss within 7 working days post reaching the
country. In respect of NRI customers, the Police Complaint/Intimation/ FIR lodge by any branch/ office
of Canara Bank to be treated as valid.
Card holder should also lodge police complaint within a maximum period of 2 working days of
knowledge of the incident i.e within 17 days from the knowledge of incident and submit a copy of the
complaint to the Branch immediately.
Frauds committed due to negligence of customer and Card lost in transit (delivery from issuer to end
user) are not covered.
Branches should hotlist the card immediately on receipt of the complaint and advise the customer to
lodge police complaint within 2 working days if not already done and submit to the Branch
710/2020 22.09.20 : Convergence of the schemes of National Horticulture Board (NHB) with Central
Sector Scheme on Agriculture Infrastructure Fund (AIF)
NHB has informed that they are providing back-ended capital investment subsidy for setting up
infrastructure, including the components defined under the AIF Scheme such as pack houses, ripening
chambers, pre-cooling units, primary processing units, cold storages, controlled atmosphere storages
etc. The benefit of the schemes of AIF is available over and above the subsidy being offered under the
scheme of NHB.
709/2020 21.09.20 : Obtention of Life certificates from pensioners – Online (Jeevan Pramaan) and
offline (Physical appearance) submission.
Senior Pensioners who are aged 80 years & above can submit Life certificates from 1st October 2020
instead of 1 st November which would be valid till 30th November of the subsequent year
Pensioners who are below 80 years of age can submit Life Certificates from 1st November 2020
Due to the ongoing Covid-19 Pandemic and keeping in view the vulnerability of elderly population to
Corona Virus, Government of India has now decided to extend the existing time line for submission of
Life Certificate. Accordingly all Central Government pensioners may submit Life Certificate as per the
following time schedule.
Hence under Point No. 1 of Chapter 29 (Delegation of Powers at HO & RO/CO) to be read as:-
“Permission for filing of suit in Civil Court/ DRT based on contractual liability”
The Group Personal Accident Insurance Policy for employees under Staff Welfare Measures
Scheme has been renewed for a further period from 01.09.2020 to 31.12.2020 with M/s. Bajaj
Allianz General Insurance Company Limited.
Death – Nominee will be paid 100% of sum assured shown under the Schedule Headings basic, wider
and comprehensive if any employee met with accidental bodily injury during the policy period that
causes death within 12 months.
Permanent Total Disability – 125% of sum assured shown under the Schedule Headings wider and
comprehensive if an employee met with accidental bodily injury during the policy period that causes
permanent total disability within 12 months.
• Bank has entered into MoU with NSKFDC for implementation of NSKFDC Schemes through Bank
as Channelising Agency (CA).
• Loans for the target group of NSKFDC will come under Weaker Section category of Priority
• Schemes with project cost up to Rs.50.00 lac for self-employment venture on concessional rates
of interest ranging between 4% to 6% from the beneficiaries (only for refinance availed cases).
• Loans at lower rates to beneficiaries (compared to card rates) there by promising better
recovery and less chances of NPA.
• Capital subsidy for beneficiaries from Manual Scavengers category.
• Reimbursement up to Rs.30,000/- per Awareness Camp to CAs for motivating the target group
to avail finance under NSKFDC Schemes.
• Identification of beneficiaries is based on occupation without any income criteria and not on
• Concessional loans of up to Rs.50.00 lacs for procurement of sanitation related equipments
/vehicles under Swachhta Udyami Yojana (SUY) of NSKFDC.
705/2020 19.09.20 : Introduction of “Simplified Common Appraisal Memorandum for MSMEs” for
Loans above Rs. 5 Crore to Rs. 25 Crore – NF 1023
Introduction of “Simplified Common Appraisal Memorandum for MSMEs” for Loans above Rs. 5 Crore
to Rs. 25 Crore, in line with the format devised for the purpose and communicated by IBA
704/2020 19.09.20 : Issuance of Class 2 Digital Certificates to e-Syndicate Bank employees by existing RA
Offices at Circles
On account of amalgamation of e-Syndicate Bank with Canara Bank, now the existing Registration
Authority (RA) Offices functioning under TM Section of Circles shall issue e-token and digital certificates
to e-Syndicate Bank employees too.
e-Syndicate Bank employees have to ensure that they possess personal email id under canara
bank domain ( before applying for e-token and digital
certificate to RA Offices.
On account of Covid-19, face to face verification exemption letter (format provided by IDRBT
is annexed) shall be submitted alongwith the application as per HO Cir.429/2018 for
processing the applications.
For Hi-tech AF branches, the minimum disbursement target under Mega Agriculture
Disbursement Campaign –September 2020 is given
National Payment Corporation of India (NPCI) has raised serious concern for return of
high percentage of ECS debit mandate for our Bank while authorization.
On account of failure of mandate registration, NPCI is imposing penal charges @ Rs 25/- per mandate
701/2020 18.09.20 : PSB Alliance – Doorstep Banking Services at selected 100 Centres
As part of banking reforms under EASE – Banking for Customer Convenience, all the 12 Public Sector
Banks under single umbrella-PSB Alliance have joined together to provide financial as well as
nonfinancial services through service providers 1) M/s Atyati Technologies Pvt. Ltd. & 2) M/s Integra
Microsystem Pvt ltd. in a safe & secured environment at the doorstep of the customers.
To begin within the Phase 1, customers are being offered non-financial transactions such as
In Phase 2, customers will be offered with financial transaction services i.e. cash withdrawal and cash
deposit. The services will be roll out in PAN India basis in the phased manner
Customers can avail Doorstep Banking Services through a Common Web Portal or Call Centre or Mobile
App and can also track their service request/ grievances through these channels. Services are offered to
all the strata of customers including Senior Citizens and Divyang persons to experience uniform services
at uniform charges. The TAT of the services is less and without hindrance due to involvement of service
Last date for submission of option is extended upto 24.09.2020, due to the prevailing pandemic
situation, for the benefit of all the eligible retired / spouses of the deceased employee
Documents required for FASTag issuance like RC Copy of the vehicle & copy of TAX PAN (mandatory) and
copy of Aadhar card (optional) shall be verified with the Original & certify as such on the photo copy by
the Branch official.
Branch should ensure accuracy in Tag issuance and also that the Canara FASTag is pasted on the vehicle
for which the Tag is purchased.
Branch should also ensure that only one NETC tag is affixed on the vehicle at any point of time.
30.09.2020 AND BALANCE SHEET AS AT 30.09.2020.
Insurance Coverage for Fixed Assets of E-Syndicate Bank under Standard Fire & Special Perils Policy and
Burglary Policy with effect from 01.09.2020 onwards from M/s Oriental Insurance Company.
Modification / Addition in Contact details of Insurance Claim Processing Office, Insurance Brokers and
Overseeing Offices
692/2020 15.09.20 : Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Projects Management Policy
Cannet- > Policies > Other Policies
Cannet- > Policies > Other Policies
690/2020 15.09.20 : Resolution Framework for Exposure Other than Personal Loans under stress
due to COVID-19- Major Highlights.
Exposures other than Personal Loans are eligible for Resolution under the Framework, other than
specific regulator defined exceptions.
Borrowers having stress on account of Covid-19 and classified as standard, but not in default for more
than 30 days with the Bank as on March 1, 2020 are eligible under the framework.
The reference date for the outstanding amount of debt that may be considered for resolution shall be
March 1, 2020.
Resolution under this framework shall be invoked not later than 31.12.2020 & must be implemented
within 180 days from invocation date
In case of any emergent situation requiring granting any credit facilities beyond the delegated powers,
branches are advised to seek instructions/ permission from the concerned delegated authority and
obtain confirmation in writing.
In very exceptional cases when such authorities cannot be reached, the branches shall invariably
consult the Head of the concerned SME Sulabh (SME Sulabh power accounts) / RO (RO power
accounts) / Circle (Circle & HO power accounts) and proceed as per their directions. SME Sulabhs /
ROs/ Circles are required to respond to such requests of the branches with expediency. In such cases,
branch shall seek ratification from the appropriate authority.
Branch To submit the ratification note to the authorities within 2 days of permitting the facility
SME Sulabh/ RO has to convey orders of the competent authority within 7 days from the date of
receipt of Ratification note.
In respect of CO power accounts (including accounts of LCBs falling under CO power), the CO has to
convey orders of the competent authority within 7 days from the date of receipt of Ratification note
In respect of HO power accounts, the Circle Office shall record their views/recommendations and
forward the same to HO within 2 days of receipt of Ratification Note from the branch.
Sympathetically consider the cases of visually impaired employees and take pro-active measures to
post/place them at convenient branches/ offices near the place of residence during Covid-19 infection
threat subject to administrative constraints.
Continue to extend Work From Home facility to the pregnant women employees. The Branch/ Section
Heads may decide the nature of work to be entrusted to such exempted category employees under their
control who are permitted to Work From Home.
AGRICULTURE : 18 percent of ANBC or CEOBE, whichever is higher; out of which, a target of 10 percent
is prescribed for Small and Marginal farmers.
To be achieved in a phased manner
WEAKER SECTION : 12 % ANBC or CEOBE Exposure, whichever is higher, to achieved in phased manner
EDUCATION : Loans to individuals for educational purposes, including vocational courses, not
exceeding Rs. 20 lakh will be considered as eligible for Priority Sector classification. Loans currently
classified as priority sector will continue till maturity.
Housing Loan : Loans up to Rs. 10 lakh in metropolitan centres and up to Rs. 6 lakh in other centres for
repairs to damaged dwelling units conforming to the overall cost of the dwelling unit.
Renewable Energy : Bank loans up to a limit of Rs 30 Crore to borrowers for purposes like solar based
power generators, biomass-based power generators, wind mills, micro-hydel plants and for
nonconventional energy based public utilities, viz., street lighting systems and remote village
electrification etc., are eligible for Priority Sector Classification. For individual households, the
loan limit is Rs. 10 Lakh per borrower
OTHER : Loans not exceeding Rs. 1.00 lakh per borrower provided directly by banks to individuals and
individual members of SHG/JLG, provided the individual borrower’s household annual income in rural
areas does not exceed Rs. 1.00 lakh and for non-rural areas it does not exceed Rs 1.60 lakh.
Loans not exceeding Rs. 2.00 lakh provided directly by banks to SHG/JLG for activities other than
agriculture or MSME, viz., loans for meeting social needs, construction or repair of house, construction
of toilets or any viable common activity started by the SHGs
2) Loans to individual farmers (including groups of Individual Farmers i.e. SHGs and JLGs) for the
following activity are eligible to be classified under Farm Credit.
Loans to farmers for installation of solar power plants on barren/fallow land or in stilt fashion on
agriculture land owned by farmer.
Loans to farmers for installation of stand-alone Solar Agriculture Pumps and for solarisation of grid
connected Agriculture Pumps
3) Loans up to Rs. 5 Crore per borrowing entity to FPOs/FPCs undertaking farming with assured
marketing of their produce at a pre-determined price.
Ancillary Activities :
Loans up to Rs. 50 Crore to Start-ups, as per definition of Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt. of
India that are engaged in agriculture and allied services, are eligible to be classified under Priority sector
MSME Sector
Other finance to MSME
Loans up to Rs. 50 Crore to Start-ups, as per definition of Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt. of
India, that confirm to the definition of MSME, are eligible to be classified under Priority Sector
Social Infrastructure
Loans up to a limit of Rs. 10 Crore per borrower for building health care facilities including under
‘Ayushman Bharat’ in Tier II to Tier VI centres.
Loans up to Rs. 50 Crore to Start-ups, as per definition of Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt. of
India, that are engaged in activities other than Agriculture or MSME
683/2020 10.09.20 : Policy guidelines on KYC/AML/CFT (domestic branches) and Deposits for Financial
Year 2020-21
The Campaign will cover all the AEO branches, Rural, Semi-urban, Urban and Metropolitan branches
of the bank.
Focus on agriculture loan disbursement especially short term, term loan and SHG loans
Each AEO branch has to disburse Rs.100 Lakhs during the Campaign period.
Each Non-AEO/Metropolitan, Urban, Semi-urban and Rural branches to disburse Rs.40.00 lakhs
during the Campaign period.
The Mega Disbursement dates in September 2020 are the 11th, 19th, 25th and 30th September 2020.
The Awardee can purchase any gift article of his choice and shall claim the eligible
amount by submitting the bills to Branch
IBA Medical Insurance Policy issued by M/s. United India Insurance Co. Ltd., for serving employees for a
period of one year w.e.f. 01.10.2019 to 30.09.2020 and the renewal is fast approaching. As such all the
employees are advised to submit their claims as and when the claim arises in any case within the policy
Claim intimation is compulsory in respect of all the claims to the Third Party Administrator within 24
The claim documents are to be submitted within 15 days from the date of discharge.
The short fall in document shall be submitted immediately without any delay as the claim will get
closed after 21 days of first intimation.
➢ SMS alerts are triggered to the customers for the following activities.
Successful Mobile Banking registration
Adding of new beneficiary
Fund transfer
➢ The overall transaction limit per day is reduced by 50% of the existing limit, during
odd hours (i.e 9.00 PM-6.00 AM).
In cases of procedure under SARFAESI Act, especially going for taking peaceful possession of movable /
immovable properties under Sec.13 (4) of the SARFAESI Act, 2002, Authorised Officers and officials
assisting the Authorised Officers should take all precautions in advance. If any untoward incidents are
apprehended, take assistance of local police as directed by the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate / District
Magistrate as well as assistance of Security Guards, if required, in order to avoid customers /
borrowers in obstructing the officials from performing their duties. Branches / Offices are to be guided
by HO Circular 262/2020 regarding the procedures under SARFAESI Act.
678/2020 09.09.20 : Pre Release Audit, Stock & Book Debt inspection, submission of Stock
Statement/other monitoring data – Discontinuation of temporary relaxations.
In respect of LWCA and CCS loans, relaxation of 30 days from the date of disbursement was permitted
for conducting pre release audit. The validity of these schemes was extended upto 31.08.2020.
Branches/ Offices to ensure that an audit on the similar lines as Pre Release Audit is to be conducted
within the stipulated period.
Further, the relaxations in respect of conducting stock & book debt inspection and Submission of stock
statement/other monitoring data by authorised/registered email to Bank’s official e-mail were
permitted till 31.08.2020. From 01.09.2020 onwards, the prevailing/ sanctioned guidelines for
conducting Inspection of Stocks stands restored and submission of stock statement (including stock
statement for the month of August, 2020) /QOS/HOS/other required Data will be in physical form only
Period of preservation prescribed for various documents/ records are in tune with the statutory /
regulatory guidelines.
The documents / records if any, for which no specific retention period is prescribed, have to be
preserved taking into account the risk factors attached to each item or the probability of requirement
of such documents/ records at a future date
To be maintained permanently
Branch Licence / Branch shifting, Policy Matters, Records relating to owned premises, Inventory
Register, Investigation Reports, Files relating to Staff lapses where disciplinary action is recommended
and Register of Mortgages & Charges and Claim applications on account of deceased account holders
Records set out under Prevention of Money Records should be maintained for at least 5
Laundering (Maintenance of Records) Rules, 2005 years from the date of cessation of transactions
between the bank and the client.
Unclaimed deposit To be maintained till the claim is lodged and 20
years after it is settled
Specified records and registers where 10 years from the date of transaction between
customers/third parties‟ transactions are the bank and the client
Specified records and registers where the 5 years immediately preceding the current
transactions are internal in nature calendar year
Records and registers for which preservation A period ranging upto 5/3/2/1 years
period is not prescribed by statute and the immediately preceding the current calendar
transactions can be tracked with the help of year
details available in other records having longer
period of preservation
In respect of Written off loan Preserved for a period of 10 years from the date
accounts, preservation of the of closure of loan a/c or settlement of DICGC/
loan papers, files, registers etc other claim, if any, whichever is later.
Preservation of physical The presenting branches should preserve the
cheques as required under CTS physical cheques in their custody securely for a
period of 10 years. The images of all the
government cheques paid should be preserved
by the drawee banks likewise for a period of 10
Preservation of physical cheques/images of 10 years
Government Cheques paid by drawee branches
Records of Transactions pertaining to Money 5 years
Changing Activities
676/2020 09.09.20 : Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act 2010 (FCRA) - Receipt of foreign
contribution by Individuals/NGOs/Voluntary organizations/associations from foreign donor
Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), Govt. of India, has requested RBI under section 46 of the Foreign
Contributions (Regulation) Act 2010 to direct all Banks to ensure that any fund flow from the following
foreign donor to any person(s)/NGO/Voluntary organizations/associations in India should be brought to
the notice of MHA.
Rs.20 lakhs as compensation to the legal heirs in case of unfortunate death of any permanent
employee till 30th September, 2020 while in service due to the affect of COVID-19. Now extended till
674/2020 07.09.20 : “Guaranteed Emergency Credit Line (GECL)- FAQs updated as on 01.09.2020
PMJDY accounts are to be issued with RuPay PMJDY Debit cards (BIN: 607392) for getting
insurance benefits extended by NPCI.
Personalized RuPay PMJDY Debit cards are not linked to CBS account centrally due to security issues.
Branches shall link the personalized RuPay PMJDY cards to the respective CBS account following the
procedure of linking non-personalized Debit Cards
For e-Syndicate Branches, existing procedure of linking RuPay PMJDY Debit cards (BIN:608031) through
DCMS (STARCardman) will continue till CBS migration
671/2020 07.09.20 : Canara Bank Proposal Rating (CBPR) – Revision in parameters and weightages
Desktop Management System, is used for the centralized management of all the
computers in our Bank.
All staff in Scale-I and above are entitled to have demi-official IDs (
If email id is not used (No of E-Mails sent – 0, No of E-Mails read - 0) for more than 90 days, the Email ID
will be deleted permanently from the server without notice to the end user.
Unused E-mail IDs for more than 30 days will be advised to TM Section, CO for guiding the
users/bringing to the notice of overseeing Executive. Unused E-mail IDs for more than 60 days will be
reported to HR Wing/HR Section for suitably advising the staff.
E-Mail IDs which were not used for more than 90 days will be monitored & deleted periodically. E-Mail
IDs of Ex- Employees will also be deleted. If deletion of E-Mail ID is required for other reasons, format as
in Annexure-I needs to be submitted
All E-Mails be retained for 8 years & can be recovered for compliance & audit requirements. E-Mails
which were deleted by the users from their Mail box & E-Mails from deleted Mail boxes can also be
recovered for 8 years. E-Mails will restored only for compliance requirements & request should be
forwarded in format as in Annexure-v.
All E-mail older than 6 months will be archived to separate folder which can be accessed by the users.
Application Whitelisting has now become one of the major requirements towards achieving high level of
security pertaining to endpoints. Bank’s intention is to educate the staff regarding effective & safe usage
of Applications by allowing only approved applications to execute in our Network.
668/2020 07.09.20 : Personalized Debit cards - discrepancies while linking to CBS A/C centrally
Joint account with operation condition severally(JOF/JOO) only are eligible for Debit Card issuance
For Accounts in the name of minor, ID of minor shall be selected for Debit card issuance to Minor.
Dormancy/Memos present in the accounts shall be removed as per procedure while indenting
personalized Debit cards
Presently, the cash in BNA is being reconciled by the respective CANARA -I Branches with CBS BNA GL
and the exceptions are posted by the CANARA -I branches manually (for failed deposit /exception
In case of any difference, the CANARA -I Branches have to manually reconcile the transactions and settle
the Disputes/exceptions by comparing the entries with EJ, switch, CBS reports etc.
Since the process involved is manual and based on the difference observed at the time of loading may
lead to wrong reconciliation especially for compensating transactions.
In order to have a scientific process of recon, it has been decided to automate the reconciliation process
and centralize the same at Reconciliation Wing. The handling of the failed transactions & exceptions/
disputes will also be carried out centrally at Reconciliation Wing.
RATE (RLLR) w.e.f. 07.09.2020 – 6.90 % (NO CHANGE)
External benchmark linked lending rates for the existing loan accounts of the erstwhile
Syndicate Bank shall be as under :
(HL – 6.7 %,) OTHER RETAIL LOAN (6.9%), (MSE 7.10%) (RLLR LINKED LOAN PRIOR TO 1.10.19-6.75 %
665/2020 05.09.20 : RATES OF INTEREST ON RUPEE LOANS AND ADVANCES Marginal Cost of Funds
Based Lending Rates (MCLR) w.e.f. 07.09.2020- ONE YEAR MCLR IS 7.40 %
664/2020 04.09.20 : Schedule to the Canara Bank (Employees’) Pension Regulations, 1995 –Competent
Acceptance of Workmen Employees – Deputy General Manager at Circle Office/
Voluntary Assistant General Manager heading Circle office.
Retirement Assistant General Manager, Human Resources Wing for Workmen
Employees at Head Office.
Officers in Scale, I II & III & Executives in Scale IV,V –General Manager/
Chief General Manager, Human Resources Wing.
Pensioner guilty of grave Executives in Scale IV & V – General Manager/ Chief General
misconduct Manager, Human Resources Wing
Now-a-days, many of our offices/service units are working on public holidays including Sunday or 2nd or
4th Saturday viz., departments handling CTS/ ECS/ RTGS/ NEFT/ SWIFT and many Data Centers have to
work 24 x 7 to cater to the need of the organization viz., Data Centre at DIT Wing/DBS Wing/Integrated
Treasury Wing etc. Bank may also give a call to employees to work on Holidays for specific purpose like
holding Can Adalat, or due to any government directive to keep branches open for tax collection
purpose, holding recovery/marketing camp, to compile data for lodging claim for debt relief announced
by State Governments or any other such exigency.
Competent Authority has permitted Compensatory Off to the Officer Employees who work on Public
Holidays including Sunday or 2nd / 4th Saturday on the call from the Bank. This will not only motivate
the Officers but also enable them to take care of their personal family commitments.
A window will shortly be opened in HRMS package with a work flow of Leave Sanctioning Authority
to have a control on the Compensatory Off availed by an Officer Employee in terms of guidelines.
Till such time proper records shall be maintained manually in a Register by the concerned HRM
Compensatory off shall be availed within 30 days from the day of working on 2nd Saturday/4th Saturday/
Sunday/ Public Holiday. After completion of 30 days, the compensatory off will lapse automatically.
The Compensatory off shall not be combined with any kind of leave.
Two or more Compensatory off shall not be allowed to be taken on consecutive days i.e., Compensatory
Off will not be allowed in combination with any other type of leave including another compensatory Off
662/2020 04.09.20 : Opening of online Insta-Demat, Trading and E- Insurance accounts through our
wholly owned subsidiary Canara Bank Securities Limited.
Opening of online Demat and E-insurance accounts for the Customers of Canara Bank through our
wholly owned subsidiary Canara Bank Securities Limited is enabled in SAS/ Net Banking/ Mobile
Opening of Trading account is enabled through SAS. Shortly it will be made available in Net Banking &
Mobile Banking.
The facility of providing E-insurance is first of its kind in the Banking Industry
661/2020 03.09.20 : Resolution Framework for Personal Loans due to COVID-19-related Stress.
660/2020 02.09.20 : Availability of new stationery items in the Printing & Stationery Inventory
Management System (PSIMS) package for supply to the Branches/Offices.
Gold Loan Bags- Medium and Big size, slip bundle / cash paid cheques wrappers and SB
pass books for e-Syndicate Branches ( till CBS integration ) are now made available for
supply to the branches against indents in the PSIMS package
Indents shall be need based and strictly based on past consumption/ anticipated requirements.
Package is enabled for placing indents by all branches
Cash handling operations in the chests should be captured in CCTV Camera and preserve for Minimum
90 days
Currency chest branches may levy service charges @ Rs 5 per packet for the cash received from non
chest branches of other banks
658/2020 01.09.20 : All India Intra Bank Hindi Essay Writing Competition Year 2020 - 21 for Canara
Bank employees
Essay Topic:"Role of Digital Banking in Dealing with the Challenges arise out of Covid- 19 pandemic"
Prize Money : Four awards each group - First – Rs. 5000/- , Rs. 3000/-, Third – Rs. 2000/- ,
Encouragement – Rs. 1000/-
Word Limit for Essay : 2000 – 2500 words - typed in Unicode in Hindi
The cover page should contain only the details of the participant i.e. name, employee number,
designation, mother tongue, office / branch name, address, telephone number etc. The bank can publish
award-winning articles in its magazine.
Prompt Coverage of Eligible Credit Facilities sanctioned under CGTMSE
CGTMSE guarantee cover for the eligible credit facility is obtained within 15 days from the date of
sanction. Further, for the accounts pending for coverage Branches/Offices to ensure that there is no
overdue in the accounts as on the material date i.e., date of coverage with CGTMSE.
The current IBA Group Health Insurance Policy for serving employees is expiring on 30.09.2020 and the
employees retired / retiring / spouses of employees who died during the policy period of 1.10.2019 to
30.09.2020 are continued to be covered as active employees till the expiry of the policy and they are
required to become members of the Retirees’ Policy by submitting application
655/2020 31.8.20 : Revision in Interest Rates on NRE Term Deposits w.e.f. 01.09.2020
654/2020 31.8.20 : Revision in Interest Rates on Domestic & NRO TDs w.e.f. 01.09.2020 (1 YR- 5.40%)
Term Loans (TLs) in which borrower has availed the moratorium period of six months as
per extant guidelines, the repayment schedule for such loans as also the residual tenor,
will be shifted across the board by six months after the moratorium period
In respect of Non-EMI term loans, interest (accrued interest during moratorium period)
will be added to Principal and revised repayment schedule be drawn keeping the
instalment constant duly shifting the tenor across the board to the extent of moratorium
period. In other words, the instalment and interest fallen due during the moratorium
period are shifted to the end of the extended tenor
Branches to keep borrowers informed/ notified the revised schedules. Since moratorium
ends on 31.08.2020, branches to undertake the above rescheduling as per guidelines,
immediately on 01.09.2020 itself
Web Based Package for online submission of Jewel Appraiser details enabled for e-Syndicate
Branches/Regional Offices.
Verification of the correctness of data already entered in the Web Based Package.
Submission of Quarterly confirmation of the correctness of data fed in the Web Based Package
e-Syndicate Branches/ROs have to feed the details of Jewel Appraiser who have executed revised
agreement after amalgamation on or before 30.09.2020, as a onetime measure
Creating awareness among employees of the Bank regarding Information Security and its importance.
Having a robust and fool proof infrastructure with well sophisticated security devices alone will not
serve the purpose of securing the IT infrastructure. Imbibing and practicing basic information security
best practices by the workforce is as important as technology deployed. Imparting the right knowledge
about information security to each employee can help strengthen the organisation
Organizing information security awareness month is one such attempt focused towards spreading
security awareness both for employees and customers through banners, advisories, bulletins, screen
savers, posters, SMSes, circulars, Quiz programs, Cyber pledge, Workshops, awareness sessions, etc.
New package/utility for death claim settlement process for compliance of EASE 2.0 PSB reforms
To track the status of applications and to adhere to the regulatory prescribed timelines
The internal portal for bank branches is incorporated in the existing SAS package. The public portal is
having a user interface, which is SMS based, with a provision to track the status of death claim
The package for death claim settlements is having one internal portal under SAS package and a public
portal in the existing external CPGRS portal for tracking of claims by customers
Death Claim has been categorized into three parts in the portal:
For Simple and Nomination Claims, Branch-in-Charge has full powers to settle the claims while in Normal
Claim, the settlement is done as per the delegation of the powers as per HO Cir 537/2020 dated
While arriving the amount for Delegation of Powers, the appraised value of Gold ornaments pledged for
Gold Loans if any, also need to be taken into account for arriving the total amount
Branches shall ensure that all the death claims applications received from the claimant be necessarily
punched in the Death Claim Portal with immediate effect to track the statistics.
649/2020 29.8.20 : Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme 2020-21 Series VI – Issue Price 31.8 to 4.9.20 Rs 5117
648/2020 29.8.20 : Discontinuation of Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme (DEDS) for the FY
647/2020 28.8.20 : Annual Review of Term Loan- Modification in Credit Review and Monitoring Policy
of the Bank for FY 2020-21 with regard to Annual Review of Term Loans
Annual review of the Term Loan shall be carried out and placed to the Sanctioning Authority by the
respective Credit Wing/Credit Department on completion of one year from the date of
disbursement/previous annual review. However, one time review by CAM Wing will be done
After 6 months from the date of first disbursement.
This annual review of term loans shall be applicable to all Standalone Term Loans (without any FB/NFB
WC Limits) sanctioned by Circle Head CAC and above authorities. In case of borrowers enjoying both WC
& TLs, review of TLs shall be done at the time of renewal/review of WC limits.
In respect of Standalone Term Loans sanctioned below Circle Head CAC, existing CMF/CMF-cum-MTR
will continue to be applicable.
Wherever annual review of Term Loan is undertaken, Quarterly CMF shall not be applicable during
that particular quarter
In case party is having more than one term loan (Standalone), all term loans can be reviewed together
CAC of the Board is delegated with powers to permit reduction upto Respective MCLR for all High Risk
borrowal accounts falling up to its delegated powers.
645/2020 28.8.20 : Security measures in Branches - Ensuring physical security during holidays .
A Board approved Policy is in vogue to provide a safe and secured environment for functioning of
Staff members must be security conscious and all security arrangements should be implemented in
letter and spirit.
Miscreants target on Bank holidays for robbery/ theft and Branches should have alerts for such
Branch/RO officials to make pro active visits to the branch locations during holidays to ensure no
apparent security breach has happened and the same has to be recorded/documented
E-Stamping is the process of payment of Non Judicial stamp duty to the State Governments by
embossing the value of the stamps and is a very good source of earning Non-Interest Income to the
Bank by way of commission on sale/stamping.
States/UTs where facility is presently available: 1)Andaman & Nicobar Islands ,2. Chandigarh 3. Gujarat
4. Himachal Pradesh 5. Jharkhand 6. Jammu & Kashmir 7. Karnataka 8. Odisha 9. Puducherry
10. Punjab 11. Rajasthan 12. Tamil Nadu 13. Uttar Pradesh
States/UTs where facility is newly introduced: 1) Andhra Pradesh 2. Assam 3. Bihar 4. Chattisgarh. 5.
Dadra & Nagar Haveli 6. Daman & Diu 7. National Capital Territory of Delhi 8. Tripura 9. UT of Ladakh 10.
Banks are entitled to receive commission at the rate of 0.12 to 0.15 percent on the Turn Over
Collected for e-Stamping on a monthly basis, based on the rates fixed by the respective State
Apart from the commission, Branches are eligible to collect Service Charges at applicable rates which
may vary from State to State for providing the services of e-Stamping facility which should be credited
to Commission-Service charges.
Some of the societies are not agreeing to enter into TIEUP in respect of WC loans sanctioned to their
members. As per extant agriculture policy, obtention of collateral security is waived up to Rs. 2.00 lacs.
In view of the above, we clarify as under :
642/2020 27.8.20 : PMFBY/RWBCIS Schemes – Payment of Service Charges for online transmission of
Farmers’ Premium to Insurance Companies, through e Payment Gateway.
Service Charge of Rs. 5/- plus applicable GST @18% i.e. Rs. 5.90 is to be debited from the Branch
Expenditure Head.
Unregistered vendor details to be created with the name ‘PMFBY e-Payment Gateway Service
Charges’, using GST 05 Option in CBS
Branches are advised to debit the following GL Heads for payment of the above said service charge of
Rs. 5/- plus GST @18% (i.e. presently Rs. 5.90).
1. Canara Bank Branches to use GST 06 option for debiting the amount from the GL Head ‘420083090 –
GC-MIS-OTH FURNISH DET IN ANX’ (HSN Code: 997159). Branches to create an unregistered vendor with
the name ‘PMFBY e-Payment Gateway Service Charges’ for the same, using GST 05 Option in CBS.
2. e-Syndicate Branches to debit GL Head ‘339011300 – Branch/Office Maintenance Expense’ using Soft
GST Package
RuPay Insurance Program extended for the FY 2020-21 for RuPay Non-Premium Cards (PMJDY Debit
Cards). 31.3.21 (The New India Assurance Company Ltd)
RuPay Insurance Program extended for the FY 2020-21-RuPay Premium Cards (Platinum/ Select)-Both
Debit and Credit cards. 31.3.21 (TATA AIG)
640/2020 : Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act 2010 (FCRA) - Receipt of foreign contribution by
Individuals/NGOs/Voluntary organizations/associations from foreign donor.
639/2020 : Settlement of Death Claim & Nomination – Modifications of Guidelines related to “Probate
of Will”
Vide HO Cir 52/2020 dated 28.01.2020, operation guidelines for settlement of claims of Deceased
Depositors & Return of Articles in Safe Deposit Lockers/ Safe Custody were revised as per EASE
(Enhanced Access and Service Excellence) 2.0 reforms agenda. As per the revised guidelines it was
conveyed to the branches/offices that “Probate of Will” is mandatory in all cases irrespective of area.
Based on the representations received from various Circles in getting the mandatory requirement of
Probating of Wills, we have revised the said guidelines in tune with the provisions of the Indian
Succession Act, 1925 as follows:
Probating of the Will should be insisted upon only in the case of Will made by any Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh
or Jain where the Will is made in the Presidency towns i.e., Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai and in such other
places notified by respective State Governments. The Will executed outside these areas governing the
properties situated outside the said areas is not required to be probated mandatorily.
638/2020 : Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act 2010 (FCRA) - Receipt of foreign contribution by
Individuals/NGOs/Voluntary organizations/associations from foreign donor
➢ The fixed amount of Rs.750/- shall be paid to all active NND Agents who have not achieved the
minimum stipulated business for fall back wages, in the months of April and May 2020.
➢ Q1 and Q2 business shall not be reckoned for termination of active NND Agents, as one time
relief measure.
➢ Partial withdrawal from the security deposit to the extent of Rs.16000/- to the NND Agents
(worked out @ Rs.8000/- per month for April and May 2020), who have not achieved the
minimum stipulated business for fall back wages in the months of April and May 2020.
➢ All other terms & conditions detailed in HO Circular 218/2020 dated 31.03.2020 shall continue.
Consequent to amalgamation of e-Syndicate Bank with Canara Bank w.e.f 01.04.2020, our Bank has
been assigned with:
Lead Bank Scheme is administered by the Reserve Bank of India since 1969. In order to enable the public
sector banks to discharge their social responsibilities, each bank is required to concentrate in certain
districts where it should act as a Lead Bank. As on June 30, 2020, twelve public sector banks and one
private sector bank have been assigned with the lead bank responsibility in 726 districts in the country.
Our Bank has been assigned with Lead Bank responsibility in 60 districts spread over nine states and one
union territory.
The scheme aims at coordinating the activities of banks and other developmental agencies through
various fora in order to achieve the objective of enhancing the flow of bank finance to priority sector
and other sectors and to promote banks' role in overall development of the rural sector. The lead bank
is expected to assume leadership role for coordinating the efforts of the credit institutions and
All MSME enterprises are required to register online and obtain ‘Udyam Registration Certificate’ well
before March 31,2021.
Branches/Offices, therefore, to obtain ‘Udyam Registration Certificate’ from the entrepreneurs.
a) The existing Entrepreneurs Memorandum (EM) Part II and Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum (UAMs) of
the MSMEs obtained till June 30, 2020 shall remain valid till March 31, 2021. Further, all enterprises
registered till June 30, 2020, shall file new registration in the Udyam Registration Portal well before
March 31, 2021.
The online form for Udyam Registration captures depreciated cost as on 31st March each year of the
relevant previous year. Therefore, the value of Plant and Machinery or Equipment for all purposes of the
Gazatte Notification No. S.O. 2119(E) dated June 26, 2020 and for all the enterprises shall mean the
Written Down Value (WDV) as at the end of the Financial Year as defined in the Income Tax Act and not
cost of acquisition or original price, which was applicable in the context of the earlier
classification criteria.
634/2020 : COVID-19 – Regulatory Package – Working Capital facilities – COVID Funded Interest Term
Loan (CFITL) - Standard Operating Procedure & other guidelines.
The moratorium / deferment period on servicing interest and payment of installments ends on
31.08.2020 and the accrued interest shall fall due on 01.09.2020. In order to ease the burden of
repayment of interest in respect of borrowers enjoying CC/OD facilities, the accumulated interest
shall be converted into CFITL
No separate application / process / appraisal note is required and CFITL facility shall be made available
to all the CC/OD borrowers who have availed the deferment of interest. However, CFITL sanction letter
as per Annexure III of this Circular is to be signed by the branch – in – charge, sent to the Borrower and a
copy to be kept with the loan papers. Notice to the Borrowers as per Annexure IV of this Circular shall be
displayed on the notice board of the branch
During the surprise reappraisal, panel appraisers should also verify the following along with
purity and weight of gold ornaments.
To verify the availability of Gold Loan Account Pass Card inside the Gold Loan Cover.
To cross verify the number, type of gold Jewels, Net Weight & Gross weight in Gold loan
application, Gold Loan Account Pass Card with original ornaments in the cover.
➢ Gold jewels accepted as security for gold loan to be handed over to appraiser by the borrower in
the presence of Manager/Officer. The appraisal should be done in the presence of the borrower
and officer of the Bank.
➢ In no case, Gold Jewels should be taken to Appraisers residence/business place. Appraiser has to
come to the Branch and Appraisal of jewellery should be done in the presence of borrower and
➢ The appraiser shall be seated in such a way that the appraisal work is monitored /captured
under the surveillance of CCTV camera. CCTV recording should be available in a DVR for real
time viewing for 90 days in Managers cabin. Branch head is expected to verify periodically that
the CCTV recording is happening by checking the previous days recording.
➢ Loan account Pass Card is to be prepared in duplicate, verified and signed by the borrower,
jewel appraiser and Manager/Officer. One copy is to be handed over to the borrower with
his/her acknowledgement and one should be kept inside the gold loan packet. It is a good
practice to mention number of jewels and weight of jewels in words and figures in loan account
pass card.
➢ Officer/Manager should verify the particulars such as gross weight, net weight and other details
of jewellery pledged with what is entered in gold loan application under appraiser’s signature (in
the presence of borrower, appraiser). Branches to ensure that details of jewel contained in Loan
account pass card and Gold loan application are one and the same.
➢ Appraiser shall not be used for any other work other than for appraisal of gold jewellery and
shall not be engaged in any other activities such as NNND agents, BC agent, Business facilitator
etc. which will be hampering the regular appraisal work in the branches. However, it is observed
that jewel appraisers who would have been appraisers to the branch since long and because of
their long standing relationship, they not only interfere in day-to-day matters pertaining to the
branch but also dominating the proceedings of the Branch. This is not a healthy practice and is
against the prevailing guidelines of the Bank. Branches should altogether put a stop to such
➢ Appraiser shall leave the Branch premises once jewellery appraisal is completed and jewels are
handed over to the branch officials.
➢ In any circumstances jewel appraiser shall not be retained beyond the business hours. No
assistant shall be permitted to be engaged by the Jewel appraiser for discharging /assisting
him/her in his/her duties.
➢ Exercise full control over the process of appraisal of jewellery as well as on the conduct of jewel
appraiser, and no leeway is given to the appraiser to indulge in malpractices.
➢ Keep a discreet watch on the activities of jewel appraiser.
➢ Branch should not grant gold loans to relatives of the appraiser.
➢ A Board in local language regarding roles and responsibilities of Jewel Appraiser be displayed
in the Branch for the benefit of public as per format furnished in Annexure I (632/20)
➢ Ensure working of Fire, Burglar Alarm & Fire Extinguishers in the branches.
GOI is providing financial support viz. capital subsidy for the loans sanctioned under viable
fisheries/aquaculture projects. In case of beneficiary orientated i.e. individual/group activities, the
Government financial assistance of both Centre and State/UTs governments together will be limited
to 40% of the project/unit cost for General category and 60% of the project/unit cost for
SC/ST/Women. The remaining 60% of the project cost/unit cost for general category and 40% for
SC/ST/Women can be financed by the bank
630/2020 : Introduction of new product code – 230 for Kisan Credit Card Scheme Working capital for
Animal Husbandry and Fisheries- for Canara Bank Branches
Coverage of Eligible Credit Facilities sanctioned under CGTMSE.
Coverage of eligible Credit Facilities – Guarantee cover to be obtained from CGTMSE for all eligible
credit facilities within 15 days from the sanction date
Branches shall ensure that the data for coverage is immediately entered into SAS package (for branches
under CBS-I) and in-house portal for CGTMSE (for branches under CBS-II) to enable respective circles to
cover the eligible accounts in CGTMSE Mumbai portal promptly and in no case later than 15 days from
the date of sanction to avoid such rejections. The said guideline shall scrupulously be followed by the
branches and Circles.
Further, Branches must ensure correct flagging of all eligible accounts as 100000105-CGTMSE under
guarantee cover column in BAM 83 (for CBS-I) and flagging of CGTMSE in LAPS along with BAX78 (for
Tax PAN & Mobile number are mandatory for Credit Cards
Obtain E mail ID for all Credit Cards – This facilitates sending monthly e- Card statement to the
registered Email ID and save considerable cost to the Bank
Minimum usage per annum (one year period from date of card issuance/card issuance anniversary
date) required for avoiding levy of inactivity fee)
Avail revolving Credit facility where only 5% of the Billed amount will be payable every month. Carried
over amount attracts service charges @ 2.5% per month
Cash withdrawal from ATM can be made in case of need up to 50% of Card Limit with a maximum of Rs
50,000/- . Use ‘Credit option’ in ATM for cash withdrawal using Credit Card. Cash withdrawal attracts
service charges @ Rs 30/ per thousand or part thereof.
Kindly use the Credit Card for all your payment requirements and avoid paying inactivity fee by reaching
at least the minimum card usage limit as per below table:
Card variant (Printed on the Minimum Card usage per Applicable Inactivity fee per
card annum annum (excluding GST
* for saving inactivity fee
Classic/Standard Rs 12,000 Rs 100/-
Gold Rs 25,000 Rs 150/-
Platinum Rs 50,000 Rs 200/-
Select / World Rs 1,00,000 Rs 300/
Change in the monetary limits and delegation for examining the staff accountability in credit matters.
Limits upto Rs.10 Lakhs at RO.
Limits above Rs.10 Lakhs upto Rs.5 Crores at CO
Limits above Rs.5 Crores upto Rs.30 Crores at HO
Limits above Rs.30 Crores – Scrutiny by CVO.
Change in the monetary limits and delegation for examining the Staff Accountability in Non Credit
Amount involved upto Rs.5 Crores at CO.
Amount involved above Rs.5 Crores at HO.
It shall be noted that the Work From Home (WFH) arrangement is not a right but a Business Continuity
Plan of the Bank. The policy envisages only such employees can be permitted with WFH facility whose
work can be monitored and measured remotely both quantity and quality wise. The identification of
department wherein this policy can be implemented has been vested with Wing/Circle Head to ensure
that such decisions are taken with all seriousness duly weighing the administrative requirements.
Work From Home (WFH) facilitates home-based work which helps employees' to maintain healthy work
life balance and freedom to schedule the work. This policy provides a framework for implementation of
work from home, broad guidelines to Approvers and employees, expectation and responsibilities from
the employees. Bank’s endeavor is to derive best in the employees for the organizational benefit and to
create a win win situation for the stakeholders.
624/2020 : Repo linked lending rate (RLLR) for loans and advances under MSME & Retail Sectors –
Modifications in guidelines.
As per extant guidelines, borrowers who switchover from RLLR to MCLR are liable to pay administrative
/ legal charges @ 0.50% of the liability with a minimum of Rs. 500/- & a maximum of Rs. 50000/-.
Now, the above stipulated administrative/legal charges have been withdrawn prospectively with
effect from 24.08.2020 and borrowers are allowed to shift from MCLR regime to RLLR regime without
any switchover charges.
Government of India has approved continuation of the Centrally Sponsored Scheme - National Livestock
Mission – EDEG Component During FY 2020-21.
Entrepreneurship Development & Employment Generation (EDEG) component of National Livestock
Mission will include Poultry Venture Capital Fund (PVCF), Integrated Development of Small Ruminants
and Rabbit (IDSRR), Pig Development (PD), Salvaging of Male Buffalo Calves (SMBC), Effective Animal
Waste Management and Construction of Storage Facility for Feed and Fodder.
NABARD is the subsidy channelizing agency under EDEG component of National Livestock Mission.
Need to furnish Aadhar Card details in the template of NLM Portal for all the beneficiaries.
There is a budget provision of Rs. 50.00 Crores during the year 2020-21 .
622/2020 : Tie-Up arrangements with Fin-Tech Companies for financing Micro and Small Enterprises
(MSEs)-Implementation at Select Circles.
1. Tie Up arrangements with Fin-Tech Companies (M/s. Basix Sub-K iTransactions Ltd. And M/s
Atyati Technologies Pvt Ltd.) for Origination of Loans under MSE up to and inclusive of Rs.10
2. Extending new and exclusive MSME Product “MSME SUGAM” through Origination Tie-Ups
in addition to the existing Working Capital and Term Loan Products.
Existing Product Codes for Working Capital Term Loan (WCTL) “753”-Canara Branches and “945”- e-
Syndicate Branches with specific Scheme code Label for each Fin-Tech to be used for opening Loan
accounts sourced under the Tie-Up arrangement.
Branches/Offices to note that “MSME SUGAM” is to be strictly extended only through Origination
Tie-Ups and not otherwise.
3. “MSME SUGAM” to be extended only through origination Tie-Ups. The Scheme guidelines are
furnished as Annexure-1 to this Note.
4. Implementation at 11 Select Circles across 9 States through 207 identified SME Specialized
Branches/Other designated branches coming under such Circles. The Circle wise list of identified
Branches along with the area representative/s (Single Point of Contact) of the Fin-Techs are furnished as
Annexure 4 to this Circular.
5. The arrangement includes using the services of the Fin-Techs for identifying uncovered/under covered
MSE beneficiaries; sourcing of proposals, post disbursement monitoring, follow up for recovery and end
to end solution on commission basis.
6. Under the arrangement, the Fin Tech companies will, Source eligible MSE proposals up to
Rs.10,00,000/-(Rupees Ten lakhs only), in the service areas of the designated Bank Branches.
Obtain application and other required documents.
Conduct KYC & Due Diligence and credit verification check.
7. Standard Operating Procedures detailing the Roles/functions of COs/ROs/Branches and the Fin Tech
Companies are furnished in Annexure 2 (Atyati Technologies Private Limited) and Annexure 3 (M/s. Basix
Sub-K iTransactions Ltd.).
8. Branches shall not make any service charges payments to the Fin-Techs as the same will be taken care
centrally at MSME Wing, HO, Bengaluru
“No Officer employee shall bring or attempt to bring any political or other outside influence
to bear upon any superior authority to further his interests in respect of matters pertaining
to his service under the Bank”
As per the existing procedure, Branches/ Offices are entrusting the forensic audit assignments to the
Auditors who are in IBA Panel. However, in terms of H O Circular 370/2020 dated 19.05.2020, our Wing
is vested with the role for empanelling the Forensic Auditors from out of IBA list of Forensic Auditors.
Accordingly we had called for the recommendations from Circle Offices. Based on such
recommendations, the Forensic Auditors’ Empanelment Committee has permitted to empanel the
Chartered Accountants/Auditor Firms as Forensic Auditors which is enclosed as Annexure-1 to this
Circular. Branches/ Offices to obtain Affidavit at the time of entrusting the work as per the format in
Annexure-2 to this Circular from the empanelled Chartered Accountants/Auditor Firms as Forensic
Auditors in our Banks’ panel
In addition to the conditions mentioned in the said H O Circular, Branches/Offices are advised
to strictly adhere to the following:
1. Verify the IBA website and ensure that the Audit Firm which is finalized for entrustment of Forensic
Audit work is not in Debarred list.
2. The tenure of Forensic Auditor shall be for a period of 2 years and the same shall end in terms of IBA
empanelment. However, the same can be reviewed for extension subject to satisfactory performance.
3. Audit Firm/their associates/their partners and their close relatives who have handled audit work of
any borrower entity including stock audit entrusted by our Bank during the last five years shall not be
given the assignment of forensic audit in respect of the said borrower
4. The Audit firm/their associates/their partners and their close relatives who has handled either
concurrent/statutory audit of the branch, forensic audit in respect of any account of the branch shall not
be entrusted to the Audit firm/their associates/their partners and their close relatives.
5. Forensic Auditors who were associated with any NPA account as Auditor/Concurrent Auditor in the
past will not be allocated Forensic Audit in that NPA account.
6. Ensure that all terms and conditions laid down in HO Cir.370/2020 (Part-C, Chapter X, XI and XII) are
complied with
Constitution of Committees at H.O and Non-Centralised C.O for confirming the rating of proposals
under CBPR (GO/NO GO) :
Exclusion of loan proposals from the scope of CBPR (GO/NO-GO) under
(a) Canara Credit Support to Covid 19 affected Customers
(b) Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme (ECLGS
For operational convenience and fair distribution of accounts, the following committees have been
formed for confirming CBPR (GO/NO-GO).
Notice as attached in the Circular (618/20) had to be sent to the customers who had opted for
moratorium duly informing them about the deferment of instalment / interest. It was further
stipulated that a copy of such notice shall be kept with the loan papers.
617/2020 : “PM Street Vendor’s AtmaNirbhar Nidhi (PM SVANidhi)” scheme for Street vendors-
Additional guidelines
The ceiling of loan amount in the subsequent cycle (i.e ₹ 20,000/-) stands withdrawn.
Revised Loan Application Form (LAF) from MoHUA as per Annexure – I.
For all the applications sourced outside the PM SVANidhi Portal/ Mobile App, the beneficiary de-
duplication would take place once the sanctions are reported by the Branches/Offices to the PM
SVANidhi Portal. Branches to disburse such loans only for the cases that have passed the de-duplication
The Credit Guarantee and Interest Subsidy shall be available only for the first reported sanction against
each Aadhaar Number, on the PM SVANidhi Portal.
UPI ID/ Virtual Payment Address (VPA) details of the Street Vendor is mandatory for all sanctions
reported w.e.f August 21, 2020.
Branches to complete/update the Completed Application Information Section (CAIS)/Disbursement
section under PM SVANidhi portal latest by August 28, 2020 for the loans sanctioned and disbursed upto
August 20,2020.
Branches to complete/update the CAIS/Disbursement section under PM SVANidhi portal on an ongoing
basis for the loans sanctioned w.e.f August 21,2020.
Bulk data upload facility is available in PMS Portal and the procedural aspects and related formats are
On 14 September 1949, the Constituent Assembly adopted the Hindi language written in Devanagari
script as the official language of the Union. In commemoration of this day, 14 September is
celebrated every year by the Government of India as Hindi Divas
According to Rule 12 of the Official Language Rules 1976, it is the responsibility of the Heads of all the
Offices of the Central Government to ensure compliance with the Official Language Act 1963, the
Official Language Rules 1976 and the guidelines issued by the Department of Official Language from
time to time
Physical Security and Fire Safety guidelines. In view of increase in TBRD and Fire incidents in our
Installations of mandatory Security and Fire Safety Devices are to be ensured and kept functional in all
In the recent past months, there has been an increase in the THEFT/BURGLARY/ROBBERY /DACOITY /
Fire incidents across the country. These incidents (TBRD and Fire Safety) which occurred in our Circles,
the following lapses were noticed
HANDLING OF KEYS : It has been observed that Branch Keys are not being handled as per the
instructions given in the Chapter 2 of Manual of Instructions on Cash. This has led down to an avoidable
Burglary incident causing financial loss to the Bank. As a disciplinary action, both In-charge and the
second line of the Branch have been suspended for dereliction of duties. Under no circumstances
double lock keys be left in the Branch and should be available with key holder during and after office
CCTV FUNCTIONING : It has been observed that in many Branches the CCTV is either not functional or
only cameras are working but the footage is not being recorded. CCTV of the Branch is an important
deterrent tool to thwart the incidents by discouraging the miscreants. Branch has to ensure that same is
functional at all times and the picture/ recording quality of the footage is pristine. Branch In-charge has
to check the CCTV footage on daily basis to ascertain its proper functioning and to check if any
suspicious activity has occurred in his absence
SECURITY ALARMS FUNCTIONING : It has been observed that the Branches have not been paying due
diligence to the security Alarm systems. The Alarms are either not functional or are not used as per the
procedure (changing of Day / Night mode) All Branches must have functional Burglary and Fire alarm
systems installed. Branches are to ensure that both the alarm systems are functional at any given point
of time. Both the Alarms must be connected to functional Auto-dialler’s to enable the system to send
immediate message to the registered persons
PLACING OF DVRS IN SECURE LOCATION : DVR is the nerve centre of the entire CCTV system. It is the
equipment where all the CCTV footage is stored and recorded. It has to be placed in a cabinet with lock
and key at a safe location under the custody of Branch Head, and preferably should not be visible to any
person who is not a staff of the branch.
CONTINUOUS UNINTERRUPTED POWER SUPPLY : In many places, it has been observed that the power
supply to the Security equipment / UPS is switched off when the branch is closed for the day. This
renders all the security equipment installed in the branch non-functional,thereby compromising the
Branch Security. Branch Head is to ensure that the Power supply to the UPS/ Security equipment is
available at all time
Circle Offices/Regional Offices/Branches are advised to scrupulously follow the laid down guidelines and
procedures for strict compliance.
Revision of Form NF-678 Handing over & Taking over charge of branch.
Instructions for Handing over & Taking over charge of branch in case of regular transfer,
deputation/training period of absence up to one month, deputation for more than one month & Scale
IV and above officers taking charge of the branch.
Introduction of separate data format covering Key Business parameters which are culled out from
Branch Dash Board as annexure to NF 678.
Implementation of the process of Handing over & Taking over charge of branch online in SAS package
The Incoming Manager or the officer-in-charge of the branch in the absence of Branch Manager has to
check the items as per checklist furnished in Annexure-I.
Annexure I to NF 678 -Checklist containing list of items to be verified by the Incoming Manager / key
holder along with certificate
Till implementing in SAS, Branches are advised to submit the same manually
Branches shall convey modification in sanction terms as per the format (Annexure I), to the
borrowers of GECL accounts wherever any personal/corporate/other guarantee obtained, for
cancelling the same
In view of the above, concerned branches, irrespective of sanctioning authority of GECL loans wherever
any personal/corporate/other guarantee has been obtained for GECL loans shall necessarily convey
modification in sanction terms as to the cancellation of such guarantee obtained for GECL loans as per
Annexure I, so as to ensure continuity of ECLGS guarantee cover
Loan to value (LTV) ratio should not exceed 85% i.e., loan shall be maximum of 85% of the appraised
value. In case of Crop Loan Purpose, Scale of Finance or 85% of the appraised gold value, whichever is
less to be taken as loan quantum. The need for such quantum of finance for agricultural and allied
activities is also to be ensured
The revised rate of advance is valid upto 31.03.2021. All other guidelines remain unchanged. Fresh
loans sanctioned after April 1, 2021 the existing rate of advance will apply
SWARNA EXPRESS & SWARNA OVERDRAFT : 85% of the appraised value (To maintain LTV ratio of 90%
during the entire loan period). If LTV ratio goes beyond 90% and required margin is not maintained at
any time during the currency of the loan, Branches have to recover the excess loan amount or to
classify the loan as NPA as per prudential norms
SWARNA LOAN : 80% of the appraised value (To maintain LTV ratio of 90% during the entire loan
period). If LTV ratio goes beyond 90% and required margin is not maintained at any time during the
currency of the loan, Branches have to recover the excess loan amount or to classify the loan as NPA
as per prudential norms
The revised rate of advance is valid upto 31.03.2021. All other guidelines remain unchanged.
Fresh gold loans sanctioned on and after April 1, 2021 shall attract LTV ratio of 75 per
cent and rate of advance will be as below
SWARNA EXPRESS & SWARNA OVERDRAFT : 70% of the appraised value (To maintain
LTV ratio of 75% during the entire loan period). If LTV ratio goes beyond 75% and
required margin is not maintained at any time during the currency of the loan,
Branches have to recover the excess loan amount or to classify the
loan as NPA as per prudential norms.
SWARNA LOAN : 65% of the appraised value (To maintain LTV ratio of 75% during the
entire loan period). If LTV ratio goes beyond 75% and required margin is not
maintained at any time during the currency of the loan, Branches have to recover the
excess loan amount or to classify the loan as NPA as per prudential norms
610/2020 : Launching of Central Sector Interest Subvention Scheme for financing under Agriculture
Infrastructure Fund, of Ministry of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmer’s Welfare, GOI.
The role of infrastructure is crucial for the development of agriculture, and for taking the production
dynamics to the next level. It is only through the development of infrastructure especially at the post-
harvest stage that the produce can be optimally utilized with the opportunity for value addition and
fair deal for the farmer.
To ensure the above, GOI has announced Rs. 1.00 Lakh Crore Agri Infrastructure Fund for farm-gate
Infrastructure for farmers
Interest subvention for infrastructure projects under Agriculture @ 3% for loans up to Rs. 2.00 Cr, for a
period of 7 Years.
CGTMSE Coverage for eligible loans under the scheme for loans up to Rs. 2.00 Cr.
609/2020 : Launching of new Central Sector Interest Subvention scheme for Term loans-Animal
Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund (AHIDF)” by Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and
Dairying, GoI.
The recently announced Prime Minister’s Atma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan package mentioned about
setting up of Rs.15,000/- Crore Animal Infrastructure Development Fund (AHIDF)
Eligible Entities (EE) for Support under AHIDF: Farmers Producer Organization (FPO), Private
Companies, Individual entrepreneurs, Section 8 companies & Micro Small and Medium Enterprises.
Availability of 3% Interest subvention for loans sanctioned under AHIDF Scheme.
The Eligible Entities will not be able to get the interest subvention if the EE is defaulter of re-payment of
loan amount in any given year.
Credit Guarantee will be provided only for those projects which are viable and are covered under MSME
defined ceilings and the guarantee coverage would be up to 25% of the credit facility available to the EE.
The EE will submit the proposal with complete DPR through “Udyami Mitra” Portal developed by Small
Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI).
608/2020 : Launching of PM Micro Food Processing Enterprises Scheme (PM FME) for Food Processing
PM FME facilitates the up-gradation of existing food processing activities and Support for common
The intending beneficiaries of the scheme are existing individual micro food processing enterprises &
Group enterprises such as SHGs/ FPOs/ Cooperatives.
individual enterprises engaged in processing of One District One Product (ODOP).
FPOs/Producer Cooperatives engaged in processing of ODOP produce with minimum turnover of Rs.1
Crore are eligible under PM FME scheme.
SHGs having 3 years experience in ODOP processing with sufficient own funds to meet 10% of the
project cost and 20% margin money for working capital are eligible under PM FME scheme.
Back end subsidy of 35% of project cost with maximum amount of Rs. 10 Lakhs
607/2020 : “Credit Guarantee Scheme for Subordinate Debt (CGSSD)” scheme-Additional guidelines.
606/2020 : Revision in Interest rate on Savings Bank Deposits (Domestic/NRO/NRE) w.e.f. 17.08.2020
The existing system of calculation of interest on daily product basis and crediting to
the SB accounts on 1st February, 1st May, 1st August and 1st November every year shall
605/2020 : PSB Reforms Agenda - Enhanced Access & Service Excellence (EASE) 3.0 – Smart, Tech-
Enabled Banking for Aspiring India
Govt of India has mandated that all PSBs shall implement Reforms Agenda “Enhanced Access &
Service Excellence (EASE)”
Branches/Regions/Circles are directed to implement the action points suggested herein for ensuring
better outcome.
Performance the Bank under EASE is proposed to be linked with APAR of two levels below the Whole
Time Directors (WTDs)
Continuation of Concessional RoI for High Value Agriculture loans granted under specific identified
schemes in potential areas for a further period of one year till 31.07.2021.
All Food & Agro Processing industries classified under Agriculture – Ancillary up to 100 Cr should be
linked to RLLR instead of MCLR.
Discontinuation of Concessional RoI for Produce Loan Scheme & Scheme of financing Directly to Custom
Service Units for Harvesting & Transport of Sugarcane.
Sanctions made by e-Syndicate branches up to 31.07.2020 will be continued with existing concessional
RoI permitted at e-Syndicate Bank up to the validity of the Sanction of concessional RoI.
From 01.08.2020, e-Syndicate branches will follow the concessional RoI of Amalgamated Bank for
sanctioning of fresh/renewal of loans as per the current note.
Branches/CO’s/RO’s are advised to take note of the following points which contributes towards
optimization of capital of the Banks & in turns improve capital adequacy ratio (CRAR)
1) An effort to be made to reduce externally unrated Portfolio as it attracts 100% Risk weights. All
eligible unrated borrowers shall be advised to get externally rated.
2) Circle’s/RO’s/Branches shall endeavor to take fresh exposure in better risk rated accounts.
3) Concessions should be given very selectively specially to the accounts falling in Non Investment grade.
4) Bank Guarantees in which claim period is expired but not closed in CBS,attracts capital charge and
hence capital cost. Circle shall sensitize the branches/RO’s to close the Bank Guarantees in CBS, for
which claim period is expired.
5) The security shall be properly linked while opening LC’s in the system. Circle/RO shall monitor
periodically, the LC’s wherever the security linked is not as per the sanction terms & condition.
6) The Guarantees issued by Central/State Government, CGTMSE, CGFMU, etc. have to be properly fed
in CBS which are considered as credit risk mitigant.
7) Limits to be captured in the system should be as per the Sanction terms and conditions. The
branches/offices shall take extra care especially in the case of Interchangeability and Apportioned limits.
8) All working capital limit (OD/OCC/PC/Bills) accounts have to be UCC (unconditionally cancellable
clause) enabled. Both the sanction memorandum and documentation should contain the clause as per
LDGM 14/2015. The Risk Weight for the unavailed portion of the UCC enabled accounts is ZERO (Not
applicable for borrowers enjoying Rs.150 cr and above from the banking system).
9) As the unavailed limits also attract the capital charge, hence sanctioning authority shall review the
utilization periodically and take decision to cancel the limits wherever utilization is very low.
10) Circles/RO’s/Branches are advised to control the non discretionary operational expenses, as cost
reduction on regular basis is an imperative corporate strategy and will improve profitability.
11) Circles/RO’s/Branches are advised to control income leakage by timely recovery of commission &
charges, like inspection charges, folio charges, cash handling charges, processing charges as per the
policies & procedures. This will contributes to better the profitability of the bank and will shore up the
12) Circles/RO’s/Branches are advised to focus on canvassing letting out the vacant lockers and recover
locker rent arrears.
13) Circles/RO’s/Branches are advised to improve non priority sector jewel loans under product code
608, 235, 952 for Canara Bank 951, 133 and 953 for e syndicate to improve profitability and also for
conserving capital.
14) Circles/RO’s/Branches are advised reduce the general charges / revenue expenditure (avoidable) by
8 to 12 %, like electricity, consumables, xerox, and TE/HE etc.
602/2020 : Floating Rate Savings Bonds 2020 (Taxable)-RBI Bonds-Technical Guidelines to be followed
by all the designated branches/offices
Interest rate of the subject scheme is very attractive and we are also earning Non-Interest Income as per
the following table
601/2020 : Canara Vidyajyothi Scheme- A Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Initiatives – Extension of
Scheme for the year 2020-21
Canara Vidyajyothi Scheme, to provide scholarship to meritorious SC/ST girl students has been
extended for Academic year 2020-21.
The Scheme shall be implemented by Rural, Semi Urban & Urban branches.
Each branch to extend scholarship to six Girl students of Government/Govt. aided schools in their
command area.
One Girl Student from each of the classes from 5th Standard to 10 th Standard.
Should be the highest scorer in the immediate preceding class Annual examination, among SC/ST girl
students in the class
Scholarship to be disbursed before 31.03.2021.
Amount of scholarship is Rs. 2500/- per student for students of Class 5th to 7th
and Rs. 5000/- per student per year for students of Class 8th to 10th
The Scheme provides an opportunity for branches to establish liaison with the parents and the schools.
The branches to scout for bringing the schools supported to our fold and encourage students & parents
for opening accounts
“Interim finance" means any financial debt raised by the resolution professional during the insolvency
resolution process period, debt raised from Special Window for Affordable Housing & Middle Income
Housing Investment Fund I and such other debt as may be notified”
“Under SICA, the benefit of rehabilitation process can be taken by sick industries only. whereas, under
the IBC 2016, all Corporate Debtors defaulting in repayment of Rs 1 Crore and above can be potential
candidates for invocation of provisions of Code.
“The CIR process under the IBC 2016 can be triggered in the event a Corporate Person commits a default
of Rs. 1,00,00,000.00 (Rupees One Crore) or more in respect of a debt”
599/2020 : Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP)- Need for adherence
to time norms for disposal of loan applications.
Branches/Offices shall adopt suitable strategies to bring down the Turn Around Time (TAT)
within 30 days for loan quantum above Rs.5 lakhs and
within 15 days for loan quantum upto Rs.5 lakhs, in respect of PMEGP Loan applications
In respect of Branches mapped to RAHs for sanctioning Mortgage Based Retail Loans
Branches mapped to RAHs having NPA levels of more than 5% under any Mortgage based loans have NO
powers to sanction the loans under these schemes.
Circle Heads are authorized to permit RAHs to sanction Retail Mortgage based Loans and have to review
all mapped Branches to RAHs on quarterly basis duly analyzing thedelinquency/ NPA levels before
permitting such RAH
In respect of Branches mapped to RAHs for sanctioning other than Mortgage based Retail Loans
In respect of branches not mapped to RAHs for sanctioning of all Retail Loans
Branches having NPA levels of more than 5% under any Retail Lending Schemes have NO powers to
sanction the loans under these schemes. The above proposals have to be sanctioned by RO HEAD CAC
and above Authorities up to their respective Delegated Powers
However, Circle Heads are authorized to permit select Branches/RAHs to sanction Retail Loans despite
their NPA under Retail Loans being more than 5% by analyzing details of Overdues/NPAs, steps initiated
in reduction of overdues/NPAs and justification for the same.
NOW ONWARDS NO sanctioning powers to Manager/ Senior Mangers of RAHs. Credit sanctioning
powers of RAHs are vested with RAH-in-Charge only.
No Canara Mortgage Loan should be permitted against the property which is already mortgaged for
any other Credit facility (i.e., Canara Mortgage Loan is only against the property which is not
encumbered to any other loans so far). However, Canara Mortgage Loan can be permitted against the
property which is already mortgaged for Housing Loan availed with us, subject to compliance of all
other guidelines as applicable to respective Schemes
Branches to ensure verification of the data available in Central Repository of Information on Large
Credits (CRILC) before opening a current account, to ensure that the customer is not enjoying credit
facilities from other banks, by contacting their respective Regional Office/Circle Office.
No branch shall open current account for customers who have availed credit facilities in the form of
Cash Credit (CC) / Overdraft (OD) from any banking system and all transactions shall be routed
through the CC/ OD account.
CASE 1 : If aggregate amount of credit facilities availed by borrower is Less than Rs.5 Crore (except
CC/OD limit) in banking system :
Branch can open a current account, subject to undertaking from the borrower
CASE 2 : If aggregate amount of credit facilities availed by borrower is Less than Rs.5 TO Rs 50 crore
(except CC/OD limit) in banking system :
Any lender bank can open a current account but Non-lender bank can open only collection accounts.
CASE 3 : If aggregate amount of credit facilities availed by borrower is Rs.50 Crore and above (except
CC/OD limit) in banking system
A mandatory escrow mechanism will be required. Only the escrow managing bank will open the current
account. Other lender bank can open collection accounts. Non-lending bank shall not open any current
TOEs are requested to ensure that the details of isolated branches are placed before the circle head
before 10.30AM.
RO wise solation reports are also to be sent to RO Heads for further follow up by GA Section
All Business Enterprises/ MSME Institutional Borrowers/Loans provided to individuals for business
purposes are eligible, subject to fulfil the other eligibility criteria prescribed under the scheme
Loan outstanding ceiling as at 29.02.2020 across all MLIs for being eligible under the scheme is Rs.50
Annual Turnover ceiling in FY 2019-20 for being eligible under the scheme is Rs.250Crores
Maximum Loan quantum of GECL funding under the scheme is Rs.10 Crores (i.e.20% of Rs.50 Crores)
594/2020 : Credit Guarantee Scheme (CGS) of Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and
Small Enterprises(CGTMSE)- Additional Guidelines
Introduction of New Recovery Module by CGTMSE to update recovery details and to make
payment of recoveries to CGTMSE
In the Recovery Module, MLIs can allocate the CGPANs to generate RP (Receipts and
Payments) Number and initiate payment by generating Virtual Account Number (VAN) for
remitting recovery related payment to CGTMSE
1.Online Recovery module shall be used only for those units where 1st installment claim has
been settled by CGTMSE.
2. By using their existing user ID and password, MLI will login into the CGTMSE portal.
The Central Government has extended the period for which small account shall remain
operational till 30th September, 2020.
This relaxation in small account is applicable for Product code 127 (Canara Small Saving Bank Deposit
Account) in s-Canara and parallel product code 232 (Basic Saving Bank Deposit – Small Account) in e-
591/2020 : Revision in Interest Rates on Domestic & NRO Term Deposits w.e.f. 10.08.2020.
Maximum ROI : For 1 year – 5.40 % (sr citizen 5.9 %)
In terms of the above RBI Circular 6.8.20 , a one-time restructuring of existing loans to MSMEs
classified as 'standard' without a downgrade in the asset classification is permitted, subject
to the following conditions:
1. The aggregate exposure, including non-fund based facilities, of banks and NBFCs to the borrower does
not exceed Rs.25 Crore as on March 1, 2020.
2. The borrower’s account was a ‘standard asset’ as on March 1, 2020.
3. The restructuring of the borrower account is implemented by March 31, 2021.
4. The borrowing entity is GST-registered on the date of implementation of the restructuring. However,
this condition will not apply to MSMEs that are exempt from GST-registration. This shall be determined
on the basis of exemption limit obtained as on March 1, 2020
5. Asset classification of borrowers classified as standard may be retained as such, whereas the accounts
which may have slipped in to NPA category between March 2, 2020 and date of implementation may be
upgraded as ‘standard asset’, as on the date of implementation of the restructuring plan. The asset
classification benefit will be available only if the restructuring is done as per provisions of this circular.
589/2020 : “PM Street Vendor’s AtmaNirbhar Nidhi (PM SVANidhi)” scheme for Street vendors-
Reiteration of Guidelines.
Daily basis login to PMSVANIDHI / STANDUP MITRA / UDYAMI MITRA Portal and pick up the application
for sanction of loan. In case of non-viable applications, mark the application as “Not Interested” as per
the extant guidelines
.Branches to disburse the loan, only after the applications appear in “Completed Application Information
Section (CAIS)” in Udyami Mitra Portal (UMP) for “A” & “B” category of Street vendors.
.In case of “C” & “D” category Street Vendors (SV), disbursement shall be made only after online
verification/confirmation from ULB under CAIS stage
588/2020 : Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act 2010 (FCRA) - Receipt of foreign contribution by
Individuals/NGOs/Voluntary organizations/associations from Chinese entities.
Banks to ensure that any fund flow from the following five(05) Chinese entities to any person(s)/ NGO
/ Voluntary organizations/associations in India should be brought to the notice of MHA.
The following are the major reasons for increase in the number of complaints and issue of
Advisories/Awards against the Bank
In order to mitigate some of the above issues, staff at Branches/ROs and COs should keep themselves
informed of certain important customer centric issues
Details of the Banking Ombudsman Scheme and subsequent amendments which have been
Policies on Customer Service such as Customer Rights (245/2020 dtd 01.04.2020), Customer Liability
Policy (Cir No 247/2020 dtd 01.04.2020), Complaints and Grievance Redressal( Cir No 246/2020 dtd
01.04.2020) and Compensation Policy (243/2020 dtd 01.04.2020)
All other policies like Cheque collection Policy, Codes of BCSBI,Codes of Fair Lending Practices
If the complaint is technology related viz. ATM/POS/MAB transactions, detailed guidelines to deal
with such cases through various circulars issued from time to time
Few salient provisions of BO Scheme relating to grounds of complaint, procedure for filing the
complaint etc. have been furnished in Annexure I (587/20)
584/2020 : “Guaranteed Emergency Credit Line (GECL)” – Need for adherence to procedural guidelines
Eligibility parameters for GECL loans are well defined and clearly spelt out in the guidelines issued by
Bank which inter-alia includes the following:
Borrower accounts should be less than or equal to 60 days past due as on 29th February, i.e. All eligible
borrowers who have not been classified as SMA 2 or NPA by any of the MLIs as on 29th February, 2020
will be eligible.
Business Enterprises / MSME borrower accounts/PMMY borrowers’ accounts which had NPA or SMA-2
status as on 29.2.2020 shall not be eligible.
The GECL facility shall be sanctioned to all Business Enterprises / MSME institutional borrowers’
accounts with combined outstanding loans across all MLIs up to Rs. 25 crores as on 29.2.2020, and
annual turnover of up to Rs. 100 crore in FY 2019-20.
RENAMING : The Consumer Forums has been renamed as Consumer Disputes Redressal Commissions
District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission,
State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission and
NationaL Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission.
Place of Filing of Complaint: In the 1986 Act the Complaint had to be filed either at the
place where the cause of action arises or where any of the opposite party resides or carries on
business or has a branch or office. Under the 2019 Act a complaint can also be filed at the place where
the Complainant resides or works for gain
Pecuniary Jurisdiction: The pecuniary jurisdiction has been modified in the following manner
Ex Parte Orders: The powers of the Consumer forums to pass ex parte orders have been carried forward
in the new Act also. Based on the evidence furnished by the Complainant the Consumer forums can pass
ex parte orders if the respondent omits or fails to take any action to represent its case within the time
given to it. In the case of an ex parte Order passed by the District or State Commissions the sole remedy
available to the respondent is to prefer an Appeal, as there is no provision under the Act for filing an
application to set aside its own exparte Orders. However the National Commission have been vested
with the power to set aside its own ex parte orders.
4. Refund of fees: Where the parties reach a settlement through mediation, the application fee
paid will be refunded in full to the Complainant.
Power Of Review:
All the three Commissions are now conferred with the power to review their orders either on
their own motion or on an application made by any of the parties if there is an error in such
order which is apparent on the face of the record.
An application may be filed for Review of an Order within 30 days of such order.
The appeals against order of the Commissions can be filed in the following manner:
Original Forum Appellate
The roles and responsibilities of Hindi officers / OL Officers posted at COs and ROs are
Hindi Teaching
Conducting Hindi Workshops Desk Trainings
Branch Visits regarding OL Implementation
Conducting Official Language Representative Meetings
Submission of Quarterly Progressive Report on Hindi – STR 18
Constitution of Official Language Implementation Committee and conducting quarterly Meetings
Online Reporting to Regional Implementation Office(RIO)
Organizing Image Building Activities
Town Official Language Implementation Committee(TOLIC)
Other important activities
The period of realisation and repatriation to India of the amount representing the full export value of
goods or software or services exported restored to 9 months from the date of export, in respect of
exports made from August 01,2020 onwards
Maximum permissible period of pre-shipment export credit is restored to one year and maximum
permissible period of post-shipment export credit restored to 9 months, for disbursements from
August 01, 2020 onwards in both cases.
The time period for completion of remittances against normal imports (i.e. excluding import
of gold/diamonds and precious stones/jewellery) is restored to six months from the date of
shipment for such imports made w.e.f. August 01, 2020 onwards (except in cases where
amounts are withheld towards guarantee of performance etc)
580/2020 : Marks applicable for e-learning for the financial year 2020-21
579/2020 ; Submission of Online claims under New AMI Sub- Scheme of ISAM- One Time relaxation
upto 30.09.2020.
New Agricultural Marketing Infrastructure (AMI), Sub Scheme of Integrated Scheme for Agricultural
Marketing (ISAM) and guidelines to be followed for submission of applications through NABARD
online portal were communicated
During the prevalent COVID -19 situation, DAC & FW, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare,
Government of India has granted one time relaxation up to 30.09.2020 for submission of online
advances subsidy claims under New AMI sub scheme of ISAM. The relaxation is extended to only those
loans where the first installment has been disbursed before 31.03.2020
All eligible loans are covered under Guarantee Scheme on quarterly basis from Head Office and
Guarantee premium is absorbed by the bank. Hence, Branches are advised to generate the list of
accounts from SAS-CGFSEL package and maintain a separate file of Guarantee covered accounts and the
same shall be verified by Inspecting officials during RBIA.
Branches/Offices shall download the account wise guarantee covered Education Loan accounts in SAS-
CGFSEL package under Report option for both New & Renewal cases.
PC wing, HO will consolidate the eligible claims satisfying the CGFSEL/CGFSSD guidelines of M/S NCGTC,
GoI & upload in M/S NCGTC portal for invocation of guarantee claim. (Note: Ineligible claims and claims
submitted with incomplete information will be rejected.
Upon receipt of Claim settlement, the amount will be remitted to respective Circle office
(R&L section) by way of IBA for onward remittance to concerned branches.
577/2020 : Dr. Ambedkar Central Sector Scheme of Interest Subsidy on Educational Loans for
Overseas Studies for Other Backward Classes (OBCs) & Economically Backward
Classes(EBCs) – Opening of SAS package for updation of course completion date & other
details of student beneficiaries
Government of India (GoI) has advised us to submit the FOLLOWING details for the education loan
accounts which received interest subsidy under Dr. Ambedkar Central Sector Scheme of Interest Subsidy
on Educational Loans for Overseas Studies for Other Backward Classes (OBCs) & Economically
Backward Classes (EBCs), since inception i.e FY 2014-15.
Accordingly, the Single Authentication Service (SAS)-ACSISOBCEBC package is now enabled for
Branches/Offices of Canara bank branches to submit the following information,
The Sovereign Gold Bond 2020-21 Series V – Open for Subscription from 03/08/2020 to 07/08/2020;
All the Branches are authorised to open Sovereign Gold Bond;
RBI has fixed the Issue Price at Rs 5,334/- per gram of Sovereign Gold Bond;
The Issue Price of the Gold Bond will be Rs 50/- per gram less than the nominal value to those
Investors applying Online and the payment against the application is made through Digital Mod
The name of the guarantee scheme is “Credit Guarantee Scheme for Subordinate Debt (CGSSD)”
The loans eligible for coverage under CGSSD is named as DAF-SDSM (“Distressed Asset Fund –
Subordinated Debt for Stressed MSMEs”)
The Scheme is applicable for those MSMEs whose accounts have been standard as on 31.03.2018 and
have been in regular operations.
The Scheme is valid for MSME units which are stressed, viz. SMA-2 and NPA accounts as on 30.04.2020
who are eligible for restructuring as per RBI guidelines.
Under DAF-SDSM, personal loans to the promoter(s) of stressed MSMEs shall be extended for infusion
as equity / quasi equity in the business eligible for restructuring as per RBI guidelines for restructuring of
stressed MSME advances.
Promoter(s) of the stressed MSME unit will be given credit equal to 15 % of his/her stake (equity plus
debt) or Rs 75 lakh whichever is lower. This personal loan shall not exceed the original debt of the
The tenor of sub-debt facility provided under CGSSD shall be as per the repayment schedule defined by
the Bank, subject to a maximum tenor of 10 years from the guarantee availment date or March 31, 2021
whichever is earlier.
The maximum tenor for repayment will be 10 years. There will be a moratorium of 7 years (maximum)
on the payment of principal. Till the 7th year, only interest will be paid.
Guarantee fee of 1.50% per annum on the guaranteed amount on outstanding basis, shall be borne by
the borrowers
The scheme is managed by M/S SIDBI through CGTMSE
The scheme is applicable to all loans sanctioned under DAF-SDSM for a maximum period of 10 years
from the guarantee availment date or 31.03.2021 whichever is earlier, or till an amount of Rs 20,000
Crore of guarantee amount is approved.
To digitise the process of reporting and seeking approval for payment of regulatory penalties, a new
package called “Regulatory Penalty Compliance Portal” under Compliance tab in SAS package has been
The letters containing other types of charges such as advocate charges, cash shortage charges, penal
interest etc., shall not be treated as penalty.
All penalty entree’s shall be eliminated within 90 days of payment of the penalty.
As per the directions of top management, every year one month in each quarter (May, August,
November & February) is being observed as “SHG Credit linkage month” by identifying and financing
targeted number of SHGs.
In case entry age of the Borrower/s is less than 70 years at the time of availing the loan and
repayment goes beyond 70 years, in exceptional cases, the loan may be permitted by RO Head
CAC & above authorities upto their delegated powers with minimum NTH of 40% or Rs.10000/-
p.m whichever is higher.
However, the same may be further permitted upto 25% with a minimum of Rs.10000/-p.m. by RO Head
CAC and above authorities upto their delegated powers selectively on case to case basis.
In case entry age of the Borrower/s OR Co-borrower/s is beyond 70 years at the time of availing the
loan, in exceptional cases, the loan may be permitted by Circle Head CAC & above authorities upto their
delegated powers with minimum NTH of 40% or Rs. 20000/- p.m whichever is higher.
However, the same may be further permitted upto 25% with a minimum of Rs. 20,000/- p.m.
by Circle Head CAC and above authorities upto their delegated powers selectively on case to
case basis
FOR FY 2019-20
Correction Return for Missing GST Tax credit for FY 2019-20
Last date for receipt of correction data from Branches /Offices in prescribed format - 31.08.2020
Branches/Offices to take note that guidelines mentioned hereunder are applicable to
Branches / Offices of Canara Bank I only
Filing of Correction Return for Branches/Offices of e-Syndicate Bank is since completed in June 2020
GST Return by way of special drive, in view of discontinuation of e-Syndicate Bank GSTINs on merger
of Banks on 01.04.2020
Correction Return for transactions done during FY 2019-20 can be filed now. Updation of Customer
GSTIN in Customer Accounts in CBS is a prerequisite for filing Correction Return. Before submitting
request for Correction Return, Branches / Offices should strictly ensure that correct GSTIN of the
customer is updated in all eligible Accounts of the Customer, for whose transactions Correction Return
is sought
Non submission of clear CCTV Footage is leading to decisions against the Bank in the cases of disputes
regarding failed ATM transactions.
CCTV Footages to be preserved as per guidelines without fail.
Clear Footages to be made available to Banking Ombudsmen/Investigative agencies promptly to avoid
In the absence of clear CCTV footages depicting successful dispensation of cash from ATM, the
Banking Ombudsmen are deciding customer complaints against the Bank making the bank liable
for disputed transaction amounts with penalties
Branches and Nodal/ATM Cells should take steps to retrieve and preserve the footages at the initial
stages of the dispute itself since footages would be available for 90 days only
In all the Banking Ombudsman cases, production of clear and sharp CCTV footages depicting successful
dispensation of cash from ATM machine is mandatory. Hence, for all unsuccessful transactions in EJ/JPT
for which there is no excess cash, CCTV footages are to be retrieved and preserved without fail.
Copy the images/data on to a removable media/USB hard disk, once in a month (on the 20th of every
month) for any verification on settling of disputes, providing proof of use of ATM etc. to appropriate
authorities. Branch has to view image copied in the USB hard disk to ensure that images are copied
Such removable media/USB hard disk should be preserved in FBR safe for a minimum of 90 days and it
can be recycled subsequently. The USB hard disks should be used exclusively for storing the VSS & CCTV
images only. The images of the disputed transactions are to be preserved till the final settlement or 90
days whichever is later.
Ooutlines the actions narrated in the above guidelines in the form of Standard Operating Procedure to
be followed during this unprecedented pandemic situation are informed.
Branches/Admin Units/Service Units to maintain the contact details of all employees / their family
members handy.
Branches/Admin Units/Service Units to maintain list of labs / hospitals in their jurisdiction which are
authorized to conduct tests / provide beds for the covid positive patients.
Branches/Admin Units/Service Units to maintain a list of Doctors in the area who can provide the
necessary medical support to our employees / family members.
In case of an employee / family member testing Covid positive, apart from other support, necessary
counseling to be provided to the patient as well as to the family members.. Avoid handshakes. Do not
touch mouth, nose and eyes without washing hands.
Digital transactions to be encouraged and customers to be driven to alternate delivery channels to avail
the services.
Enabling Work from Home (WFH) to the eligible employees as per Government /Bank guidelines, if
any and ensure definite work allocation and monitoring. ETC.,
All Education Loans sanctioned up to a limit of Rs. 7.50 lakhs without any collateral security/third
party guarantee are eligible for coverage under Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme for Education Loan
Skill Loans sanctioned up to a limit of Rs. 1.50 lakhs without any collateral security/third party
guarantee are eligible for coverage under Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme for Skill Development
Loan (CGFSSD).
Timeline for submitting the details for JUNE 2020 quarter is BRANCH 28.8.2O (RO 29.8) (CO 31.8)
(Canara Bank and e-Syndicate Bank).
All employees can log-in to our HRMS package and download the same from Self Service Portal. For e-
Syndicate Bank employees including ex employees, the same is made available in the HRMS Package
of e-Syndicate Bank also (procedure as per annexure).
For Ex-Staff / Pensioners, Form 16 (Part A and B) is also made available on our Website
1. The Branch Manager concerned shall take up the matter with the Local administration and police
authorities immediately.
2. Branch shall immediately report the same to respective Regional Office and Circle Office by fastest
mode of communication
3. Branch shall take all necessary steps to safe guard the interest of the staff members as
well as customers.
1. Once the report is received at Regional Office, considering the seriousness of the incident,
the Senior Officials from Regional Office shall visit the Branch concerned and provide all
necessary support to the Branch as well as the employees in taking up the matter with the
Local administration and police authorities immediately etc., (ref cir for other points)
1. On receipt of information from RO/Branch, Circle shall take stock of the situation and take remedial
measures by taking up with District/state administration and steps to be taken which shall act as
deterrent to avoid recurrence of such unruly behavior/threat to the staff members etc., ref cir for other
564/2020 : Seeding of Aadhaar Number is mandatory for PMAY (URBAN) – CLSS Housing Loan
customers - Reiteration of guidelines
Mandatory Aadhaar seeding of PMAY (URBAN) - CLSS Housing Loan beneficiaries in CLSS Awas Portal.
Branches/RAHs should update the latest Aadhaar details of Borrowers & Co-Borrowers in CBS for all
PMAY (URBAN) – CLSS Housing Loan Accounts already opened/to be opened under this scheme.
All Circles & Regional Offices are advised to follow up with their respective Branches/RAHs and ensure
that all the PMAY (URBAN) – CLSS Housing Loan Accounts opened are seeded with Aadhaar Number on
or before 31.07.2020.
563/2020 : Guidelines on capital charge & provisioning for individual Housing Loan
exposures/CRE/CRE-RH Corrigendum to HO Circular 330/2020 dated 02.05.2020
Corrigendum to HO Circular 330/2020 based on revised RBI guidelines on LTV, Risk Weight &
Provisioning in respect of individual Housing Loan exposures/CRE/CRE-RH
Loan to Value (LTV) ratios, risk weights and provisioning for individual housing loans sanctioned on
or after 07.06.2017 shall be as under:
The Loan to Value (LTV) ratios and risk weights for individual housing loans sanctioned up to
06.06.2017 are given in circular.
562/2020 : Temporary relaxation in guidelines on stock & book debt inspection and submission of
stock statement/ other monitoring data (COVID-19 relief measures)
Permitted that if the stock & book debt inspection of the borrower units is due, but inspection is not
possible due to units/Branches located in the COVID affected areas, the same can be done after
In respect of consortium accounts where we are member Bank, we may fall in line with lead Bank
decision. With effect from 01.09.2020 onwards, the prevailing/sanctioned guidelines for conducting
Inspection of Stocks will stand restored.
Borrowers are permitted to submit scanned copies of Stock and MSOD/QOS/HOS statements and
other required data/ information duly signed by authorized signatory/ies through their
authorised/registered e-mail id.
99.65% of the total frauds by amount are pertaining to the area of ‘Loans and Advances’.
there are serious shortcomings in exercising due diligence in Credit origination, Appraisal, Delivery
and monitoring, leading to diversion of funds by the borrowers. Lack of oversight and inherent
weaknesses at the stages of appraisal, sanction, review / renewal, post disbursement monitoring
(including documentation), transaction monitoring, analysis of stock statements, Non-monitoring of
Early Warning Signals (EWS), inordinate delay in detection of frauds, Delay in filing complaints to Law
enforcement agencies etc also have resulted in perpetration of fraud incidences, which needs
corrective action.
It has come to notice, instances such as non-obtention of legal search report, instances of
fake title deeds, already sold properties and un-demarcated land pledged as securities,
erosion in value of securities / collaterals, DDs issued over a period of time by debiting
parking GLs, etc
560/2020 : “PM Street Vendor’s AtmaNirbhar Nidhi (PM SVANidhi)” scheme for Street vendors-
Additional Guidelines
Step by Step Process flow for sanction of PM SVANidhi is provided as Annexure-I in chronological
order and Branches/Offices shall adhere to the same.
Following are the street vending activities to be selected in Loan Application Format(LAF):
Fast food and food items
Fruits and Vegetables
Home Décor & Handicrafts
Kitchen items
Electrical and Electronic goods
Cloth and Handloom items
Flower and Pooja items
Plastic items
Footwear and Leather products
Beauty and fashion accessories
Services etc.
Other ( Please specify)
Category A: In case Street Vendor possesses a CoV/ID card, Banks will check his name in survey list on
Portal or in Mobile App and obtain his Survey Reference Number (SRN). Street Vendor has to submit
copy of CoV along with application information on portal.
Category B: In case Street Vendor says he was surveyed but he was not issued a CoV/ ID card, lender to
obtain his SRN and after they submit application information on CAIS, a provisional CoV (only for the
scheme) shall be generated automatically.
Category C1 /D1: Street Vendor not covered in survey but is in possession of LoR issued by ULB/TVC.
Lender to upload copy of LoR while submitting application information.
Category C2/D2: Street vendors are not covered in survey and LoR is also not issued to them. After
completing their diligence/sanction and submission of application information on CAIS, a system
generated online request for issue of LoR will be transmitted to the concerned ULB. As per the scheme
ULBs will be expected to issue the LoR within a time period of 15 days.
RBI has advised banks not to accept PDC/EMI cheques wherein ECS (Debit) facility is available and
convert those PDCs into ECS (Debit) mandates.
Branches/Offices are advised to not to accept PDC or Security PDCs from customers. All existing
PDCs/Security PDCs may be converted into NACH (Debit) mandates.
The existing physical mandate format has been reviewed by the NPCI and it has been decided to revise
the format in order to provide additional space for the users to affix their signature. The revised format
is approved by the NACH steering committee. The current format continues to be valid .
The said exemption will facilitate the financing Bank to disburse the first instalment of loan and
claim/upload Margin Money subsidy on the PMEGP online portal without waiting for completion of EDP
training and to achieve target for the year 2020-21.
All the pending EDP trainings pertaining to cases sanctioned up to 30.09.2020 shall be completed during
next quarter i.e 31.12.2020.
Introduction of NF 1026 - Common Application cum Appraisal Form for KCC-Crop loans with Gold as
Collateral Security.
In order to reduce the turnaround time, we have simplified the application cum appraisal
form NF 986 by introduction of NF 1026 - Common Application cum Appraisal Form for
KCC-Crop loans with Gold as Collateral Security. (product code 840, 895 for canara) (806-synd)
554/2020 : Padho Pardesh Scheme of Interest Subsidy on Education Loans for Overseas Studies for
the students belonging to the Minority Communities – Opening of SAS package/Inhouse
portal for submitting claims for June 2020 quarter (FY 2020-21)- SAS OPEN FROM 20.07.2020
TO 18.8.20
Timeline for submission of claims : BR (14.8.20) – RO (17.8.20) CO-(18.8.20)
Bank has outsourced the activities of Printing and supply of stationery items to M/S Seshaasai Business
Forms (P) Ltd
Enabling of SAS-PSIMS (Printing and Stationery Inventory Management System - NEW) portal to all e-
Syndicate (now Canara Bank) branches/offices.
All CASA accounts opened shall be mandatorily issued with Debit Card
reason for non-issuance of Debit Card shall be noted specifically in the Account opening form
Daily report on CASA opened Vs Debit cards issued to be submitted by Branches to the overseeing
Regional Office
In the case of accounts opened through BC channel, the base branch shall ensure that
Debit cards are issued in all these accounts after completing Customer due diligence
(CDD) within a maximum of 2 days from the date of opening the account at BC
Similarly, wherever personalized Debit cards indented by branches through SAS package are returned to
the branches (undelivered at customer address), immediate steps should be initiated for delivery of
cards to the respective customers within a maximum of 5 working days, duly intimating & contacting the
Presently out of the total gold loan outstanding, 98% is under agriculture which is mainly from Rural &
Semi Urban centers.
Sympathetically consider the cases of visually impaired employees and take pro-active
measures to post/place them at convenient branches/ offices near the place of residence
during Covid-19 infection threat subject to administrative constraints
Continue to extend Work From Home facility to the pregnant women employees
Customer Due Diligence (CDD) of the office bearers shall suffice while opening the savings bank account
of the SHG. No separate CDD of the members or office bearers shall be necessary at the
time of credit linking of SHGs.
No loan related and ad hoc service charges/inspection charges should be levied on loans to SHGs
Defaults by a few members of SHGs and/or their family members to the financing bank should not
ordinarily come in the way of financing SHGs per se by banks, provided the SHG is not in default
SHG : Nearly 100 per cent recovery performance and linkage project is that about 85 per
cent of the groups linked with banks were formed exclusively by women
meet the entire credit requirements of SHG members, namely, (a) income generation activities, (b)
social needs like housing, education, marriage, etc. And (c) debt swapping".
As per operational guidelines issued by NABARD, SHGs may be sanctioned savings linked
loans by banks (varying from a saving to loan ratio of 1:1 to 1:4). However, in case of
matured SHGs, loans may be given beyond the limit of four times the savings provided
SHGs have submitted micro credit plan
No loan related and ad hoc service charges/inspection charges should be levied on loans
to SHGs. However, out of pocket expenses like Credit Information Report (CIR) charges
shall be collected from respective SHGs
Priority Sector loans to SHGs are considered under “Weaker Sections” category
In order to bring uniformity while requesting for disbursement of loans by our borrowers, a new Form –
“NF 1024 – Disbursement request format for loans” is introduced for use of our Branches for all types of
All new Debit & Credit cards (fresh & renewal) will be enabled for Domestic usage at ATMs & POS only,
by default. International/online (e-commerce) usage & contactless usage functionality (in contactless
cards) will be disabled at the time of card issuance
For existing Debit & Credit cards, International usage/online usage/contactless functionality are disabled
where the cards have not been successfully used at least once for the respective functionality in the past
3 Months
The functionality is implemented for debit card on 24X7 basis through multiple channels - Internet
Banking/ Mobile Banking/ATMs and also through Branch channel
The functionality is implemented for credit card on 24X7 basis through multiple channels - Internet
Banking/ Mobile Banking/ ATMs.
Scheme for Interest Subvention of 2% on prompt repayment of SHISHU Loans under PMMY
for a period of 12 months to eligible borrowers.
2% interest subvention will be payable to all outstanding Shishu loan accounts under PMMY
that are not in NPA category as per RBI guidelines as on 31.03.2020
The interest subvention would be payable for the months in which the accounts are not in
NPA category including for the months that the accounts becomes a performing asset again,
after turning NPA.
For borrowers who have been allowed a moratorium as permitted by RBI under the “COVID-
19 Regulatory Package”, the scheme would commence post completion of the moratorium
period till a period of 12 months i.e. from September 01, 2020 till August 31, 2021. For other
borrowers, the scheme would commence w.e.f. June 01, 2020 till May 31, 2021
For NRIs (Inland Studies): Loans can be considered if student is an Indian passport
holder and they meet other eligibility requirements for pursuing Education in India
only and not abroad.
The existing system of submission of CMF cum MTR to respective reviewing authorities will continue as
per Review & Monitoring policy (HO Circular 139/2020).
Parameters benchmarked to ASC code are now benchmarked to Internal Risk Rating
In terms of the RBI Guidelines, deferment of payment of term loan installments / Interest / EMI
falling due between 01.03.2020 and 31.08.2020 is allowed. However, recovery is permitted in
case the borrower is willing to pay their installments / Interest / EMI. In such cases, Branches
have to accept such repayments
Branches/ROs/COs are advised to educate the customers regarding the impact on interest /
additional EMI payable on account of deferment of installments/EMI/Interest. Borrowers shall
be informed that it is only a deferment of the installment(s) and not waiver. Interest will
continue to accrue on the outstanding portion of the loan during the moratorium period at the
applicable rate of interest which may lead to be an additional burden on them. The repayment
amount (EMI) will increase on account of additional interest burden.
542/2020 : Revision in Interest Rate on Canara Tax Saver Deposit w.e.f. 13.07.20-5 YEARS-5.30%
Senior Citizens are eligible for 0.50% and Employees/Ex-employees/Ex-employees Senior Citizens are
eligible for 1% additional rate of interest above the applicable interest rate under Canara Tax Saver
Deposit Scheme.
Vide HO Circular No. 465/2014 dated 25.08.2014, the ceiling amount of investment under Sec. 80C has
been raised from Rs.1,00,000/- to Rs.1,50,000/-, which is applicable for deposits made under Canara
Tax Saver Scheme
The maximum period for accepting NRE term deposits is 10 years and the minimum period for
accepting NRE term deposits is one year
Employees/Ex-employees/Ex-employee Senior citizens are not eligible for preferential interest rate for
NRE term deposits.
Penalty of 1.00% shall be levied for premature closure/premature extension of NRE term
deposit of less than Rs.2 Crore that are accepted /renewed on or after 12.03.2019.
The penalty of 1.00% is waived in case of premature closure/premature extension of
NRE callable term deposit of Rs. 2 Crore & above that are accepted/renewed on or
after 12.03.2019.
Auto renewal of NRE term deposits has been enabled in CBS with effect from 25.02.2014.
The NRE term deposit is auto renewed only once, as the Non-resident status is to be
confirmed periodically
Overdue NRE deposits (i.e. matured deposits) will be paid interest at Savings Bank
rate from the date of maturity till the date of payment/ re-investment
540/2020 ; Revision in Interest Rates on Domestic & NRO Term Deposits w.e.f. 13.07.2020
Interest rate for bulk deposits of Rs. 10 Crore & above is to be obtained from Integrated Treasury Wing,
Additional interest of 0.50% for Senior Citizens is to be made available for Deposits less than Rs. 2 Cr
and with tenor of 180 Days and above. The competent authority i.e. General Manager, SP&D Wing may
selectively permit flexibility in tenure (lower than 180 Days) and amount (2 Crore and above), keeping in
view of business relation with the customer
Rates are applicable only for single deposit of Rs.5 Lakh & above. Minimum period for renewal of
domestic/NRO term deposits is 7 days irrespective of the size of deposit. Below Rs.5 Lakh, Minimum
tenor of deposit is 15 Days
Non-callable term deposits are Bulk deposits where PREMATURE WITHDRAWAL IS NOT PERMITTED
For domestic term deposits of Senior Citizens (including RD), Bank is offering additional ROI of 0.50% for
Deposits less than Rs. 2 Cr and with tenor of 180 days and above, though Senior Citizens are not eligible
for additional interest rate on NRO term deposits and Deposits accepted under Capital Gains Accounts
Scheme, 1988.
The prevailing guidelines for accepting single domestic term deposit of Rs. 2 Crore and above to
less than Rs.10 Crore with the permission of Business Planning Section, SP&D Wing, HO through
MIPD & PP Section of respective Circle Office has been dispensed with.
539/2020 : Revision in Interest rate on Savings Bank Deposits (Domestic/NRO/NRE) w.e.f. 13.07.2020
538/2020 ; PM Street Vendor’s AtmaNirbhar Nidhi (PM SVANidhi)” scheme for Street vendors-
Operational guidelines
Existing user login ID and Password of Udyamimitra Portal (UMP) shall be used for sourcing and picking
up of proposals for processing
Loan application details of all Street Vendors sanctioned under the scheme sourced through PM
SVANidhi portal shall be submitted on the UMP in the Completed Application information section
For applications sourced through other than PM SVANidhi portal, LAF & CAIS information to be updated
in Udyamimitra Portal (UMP)
An integrated IT portal is developed by Ministry for implementing the scheme and the portal is
integrated with Udyamimitra Portal (UMP) of SIDBI, PAiSA Portal of MoHUA, NPCI and UIDAI.
Various stakeholders for the program viz. Street Vendor loan applicants, Lending institutions, Urban
Local Bodies and other stakeholders are connected to the platform for different roles.
Branches/Offices to ensure Nil pendency in the portal on day to day basis by using their existing Login ID
and Password of Udyamimitra Portal
The following powers are delegated for settlement of death claims (without nomination):
Delegation of powers for extending pre shipment export and post shipment export credit modified.
FDB/FBE/BRD extension, beyond sanctioned period and/or 15 months, max. 6 months at a time
For disbursements made upto & on 31.07.2020. With effect from 01.08.2020, the period shall stand
reduced to 270 days
Modifications in Rate of Interest charged on Pre Shipment Export Credit in Indian Rupees
Reiteration of Rate of Interest in respect of all categories of Pre & Post Shipment Export Credit
Credit sanctioning powers in respect of NFB limits falling under the powers of
534/2020 : Release of CALENDAR OF BALANCINGS & RETURNS for the Financial Year 2020-21
for the Amalgamated Entity
Balancings & Returns (Due dates of Balancing of Accounts & Returns, Statements and Reports) for the
financial year 2020-21 has been uploaded in Cannet under the following link.
Cannet> Communications > Calendar of Balancings & Returns (FY 2020 – 2021)
in recent times there were some reports in Print and Social media highlighting instances of anti
social elements behaving in unruly and threatening manner with the bankers within the Bank premises.
Department of Financial Services, Ministry of Finance, Government of India have taken serious note of
such incidences. To avoid such incidences and to deal the same with firm hand and to initiate stern
action against such elements, it has been instructed to take up with the District Magistrate and State
police to take all necessary measures and deterrent action against the miscreants.
Instant Saving Account Opening for Prospective Individual Customers through Tablet without visiting the
eKYC based account opening using Aadhar authentication
Instant activation of Internet, Mobile Banking and Debit Cards
Welcome Kit will be delivered to customer’s mail id after opening of account through TAB. Debit Card
will be made operational immediately
Personalized cheque book will be indented automatically
in our Bank 97 % of the total outstanding under Gold loan is from Southern circles. Hence in order to tap
the market potential in other than southern circles and to motivate the branches in these circles the
modifications have been made in the campaign
Top 25 Branches, Top 2 circles and top 10 ROs under the above category will be rewarded.
showing maximum growth in outstanding, under Gold Loan portfolio during the campaign period
will be suitably rewarded.
A differently abled (Divyangjan) Officer employee will be eligible for car loan for purchase of
special motor car for physicially handicapped persons provided the Officer is confirmed in the
services of the Bank
The net take home salary after providing for statutory deductions, deductions towards loans including
proposed vehicle loan all other deductions on the basis of his mandate/s lodged with the Bank should
not be less than 30% of his/her gross salary
DUAL – For purchase of durable utility consumer goods (Product Code 692 & 693)
Loans for purchase of books under Canara Budget Scheme
Gold Loans to meet escalations in the cost of constructions of House while availing EHL (Product 691)
Discount of local self cheques to Inspecting Officers / employees undergoing Training at the same place
Supplemental Housing Loan (Product Code 668 & 669)
529/2020 ; Adherence to the Regulatory/Internal Guidelines- while dealing with MSME borrowers
The complainants inter alia have complained regarding irregularities in loan sanctioning process, non-
adherence to KYC/ALM norms, non-cooperation/harassment from the bank officials.
528/2020 : Regulation 20(2) of Canara Bank Officer Employees’ (Conduct) Regulations,
1976 – Return of movable/ immovable and valuable property as at 31st
March 2020- LAST DATE 30.6.20
All branches to Mandatorily provide customer services to the members of public so that there is no need
for the customers to approach the RBI Regional Offices for the purpose of exchange of notes and coins
526/2020 : Scheme of Penalties for branches based on performance in rendering customer service to
the members of public- Reiteration of Existing Guidelines
525/2020 : Detection and Impounding of Fake Indian Currency Notes( FICN)- Reiteration of Guidelines
Branches, Currency Chests and Offices should ensure 100% detection, impounding and reporting of FICN
at our counters/ currency chests as per the extant RBI guidelines.
detection of Counterfeit Notes up to 4 pieces, in a single transaction - Nodal Bank Officer to the police
authorities or the Nodal Police Station, along with the suspect Counterfeit Notes, at the end of the
For cases of detection of Counterfeit Notes of 5 or more pieces, in a single transaction, the Counterfeit
Notes should be forwarded immediately by the Nodal Bank Officer to the local police authorities or the
Nodal Police Station for investigation by filing FIR in the prescribed format
A copy of the monthly consolidated report / FIR shall be sent to the Forged Note Vigilance Cell
constituted at the Head Office of the bank (only in the case of banks), and in the case of the treasury, it
should be sent to the Issue Office of the Reserve Bank concerned
Addition of 10000 value to the BIC of erstwhile Syndicate Bank’s branches & offices
Allotment of new four digit DP code for some ROs/Cos/banking outlets/other Offices to avoid
overlapping in CBS.
Security for GECL: Charge on assets financed and second charge on the security available is
to be created.
CGM/GM-HO-CAC can permit waiver of undertaking letter from the employer not to shift salary account
on selective basis wherever Salary Accounts are maintained as against existing guidelines by Circle-
Branches having NPA levels of more than 5% under any Retail Lending Schemes, have NO powers to
sanction the loans under these schemes as against the existing guidelines of 2% under Canara Budget
and 3% under all other Retail Lending Schemes
521/2020 : Decentralization of Procurement & Supply of Thermal RPT Rolls – for ATM Machines
TM Section of the Circle is empowered to procure and supply ATM RPT rolls to their branches.
520/2020 : Revision in interest rate of Nitya Nidhi Deposit (NND) Scheme w.e.f. 07.07.2020
519/2020 : REPO RATE 7.7.20-(HL – 6.7 %,), OTHER RETAIL LOAN (6.9%), (MSE 7.10%)
Progress report shall be obtained as per prescribed format for all Performance / Advance payment
Guarantees of Rs.5 lakh and above where guarantee period is more than 6 months
Bank Guarantee Progress report shall be monitored at quarterly intervals after completion of 6 months
from the date of issuance of guarantee
BG progress report shall be obtained and reviewed till receipt of original BG and reversal of BG liability
514/2020 : Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act 2010 (FCRA) - Receipt of foreign contribution by
Individuals/NGOs/Voluntary organizations/associations from foreign donor
The funds received from these NGOs/foreign donor will be allowed to be credited to the accounts of
recipients ONLY after clearance/prior permission from the MHA. Further, Government organizations can
avail the foreign funding only with clearance from Department of Economic Affairs and any funds, which
government organization(s) are receiving directly from the above mentioned ten(10) NGOs/foreign
donors, may be put on hold and first brought to the notice of MHA for consideration and examination
513/2020 : Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act 2010 (FCRA) - Receipt of foreign contribution by
Individuals/NGOs/Voluntary organizations/associations from foreign donor
Introduction of standard procedure to be followed in the Software Development Life Cycle of the
projects as per the new re-organisation of the Technology Wings viz., Department of Information
Technology Wing and Technology Operations Wing.
Accordingly, the process of placing the indent for new software is revised and the revised user request
form has been introduced
Branches/offices to place their request by taking up through the concerned Circle/Business wings
511/2020 : Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme 2020-21 Series IV – Issue Price- Rs 4852/-
510/2020 : Assignment of Risk Weights on Credit Facilities (Guaranteed Emergency Credit Line) under
the Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme-0 % risk weight
509/2020 : Introduction of Unified OTM Alerts- OTM REPORTS 28 -FUNCTIONS, ROLES &
508/2020 : Standard Operating procedure (SOP) for Opening of Govt./PSUs/Large Corporate
Accounts/handling of Bulk Deposits and Loan/Overdraft against Bulk Term Deposit
Precautions and utmost care to be exercised before allowing operations in Bulk Deposits
All other terms and conditions detailed in HO Circular 420/2015 dated 26.08.2015 shall continue
507/2020 : Relaxation Guidelines for Public Provident Fund, Sukanya Samriddhi Account and Senior
Citizens’ Savings Scheme in view of the ongoing pandemic situation
Public Provident Fund and Sukanya Samriddhi Account transactions pertaining to FY 2019-20 can be
deposited till 31/07/2020, subject to the condition of maximum deposit ceiling
No default fee for FY 2019-20 will be charged for such accounts, if deposited by 31/07/2020;
Sukanya Samriddhi Account may be opened in the name of girl child on or before 31/07/2020 who have
attained the age of 10 years during lockdown;
The PPF and SCSS accounts which were matured on 31/03/2020 (including the period of one year of
extension) and could not be extended due to lockdown despite willingness may now extend their
account by submitting the prescribed form to the branch through registered e-mail Id by 31/07/2020
and original copy once the lockdown is completely lifted
As soon as the excess/wrong payment made to a pensioner comes to the notice of the paying branch,
the branch should adjust the same against the amount standing to the credit to the pensioner’s account
to the extent possible including lumpsum arrears payment.
If the entire amount of overpayment cannot be adjusted from the account, the pensioner may be asked
to pay forthwith the balance amount of overpayment
In case the pensioner expresses his inability to pay the amount, the same may be adjusted from the
future pension payments to be made to the pensioners. For recovering the overpayment made to
pensioner from his future pension payment in instalments 1/3rd of net (pension + relief) payable each
month may be recovered unless the pensioner concerned gives consent in writing to pay a higher
instalment amount.
If the overpayment cannot be recovered from the pensioner due to his death or discontinuance of
pension, then action has to be taken as per the letter of undertaking given by the pensioner under the
The pensioner may also be advised about the details of over payment/wrong payment and mode of
its recovery
505/2020 : Master Circular on Conduct of Government Business by Agency Banks- Payment of Agency
Revised and Updated Master Circular on Conduct of Government Business by Agency Banks-Payment of
Agency Commission, which consolidates the important instructions issued by Reserve Bank of India till
June 30, 2020
As per the agreement that agency banks have with RBI, violation or non-compliance of instructions
issued by Government or Reserve Bank shall attract imposition of penalty. Agency banks will be liable to
pay penal interest at Bank Rate as notified by Reserve Bank of India plus 2% for any wrong claims of
agency commission settled
Procedural Guidelines for servicing Floating Rate Savings Bonds 2020 (Taxable)-FRSB 2020 (T)
In case of Furniture & Fixtures – Within 60 days from the Date of Purchase / Date of Invoice in case of
Wooden or Electrical items and Date of Installation in case of IT related assets.
In case of Owned / Long Leased Properties - Within 30 days from the Date of Registration in case of
New Properties and 30 days from the Date of Final payment in case of Repairs / Renovations
Complete all Capital Purchases and related payments before February in every Financial Year
Amount outstanding under SA will attract 100% Risk Weight for Capital Adequacy Ratio and amount
outstanding under SA-Furniture & Fixtures (GL-122422160) for more than 6 months will attract 100%
provision in the Balance Sheet
502/2020 : Introduction of “PM Street Vendor’s AtmaNirbhar Nidhi (PM SVANidhi)” scheme for Street
The scheme is available to all street vendors engaged in vending in urban areas as on or before
24.03.2020 as per identification criteria stipulated in scheme guidelines of MoHUA. Small Industries
Development Bank of India (SIDBI) will be implementation partner of the MoHUA
Urban Street Vendors will be eligible to avail a Working Capital Demand Loan (WCDL) loan of upto
Rs.10,000/- with tenure of 1 year and repaid in monthly instalments.
The scheme has a provision of Graded Guarantee Cover for the loans sanctioned, to be administered by
Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGTMSE), which will be operated on
portfolio basis
On timely or early repayment, the vendors will be eligible for the next cycle of working capital loan with
an enhanced limit of a maximum of 200% of the earlier loan, subject to a ceiling of ₹20000/-.
The vendors, availing loan under the scheme, are eligible to get an interest subsidy @ 7%. The interest
subsidy is available up to March 31, 2022
Branches/Offices to ensure that Street Vendor (SV) has one active/preferred UPI ID before disbursal of
the loan amount
No collateral will be taken and the Scheme shall be implemented up to March, 2022.
The scheme will incentivize digital transaction by vendors through cash back facility based on criteria
stipulated by MoHUA
Due date for filing ITR for FY 2019-20 is extended till 30.11.2020. As such, from 01.12.2020, ITR for FY
2016-17 will not be considered for getting benefit for TDS at lower rate, for Cash withdrawal in FY 2020-
As per IRAC norms, any delay in review of limits by sanctioning authority beyond 180 days of expiry date
will result in an account automatically slipping to NPA
Branches shall generate Report No 280024 (List of limits expired) through Business Objects at
the beginning of each month for limits expiring in the next 2 months and review all credit
limits falling due for renewal in the next two months and take steps for renewal of the limits
before due date.
if the branches submit the full renewal credit report before the original expiry / extended
expiry, recommending renewal based on merits thereof, they shall be in order in extending
the tenability of limits in CBS & continuing to make available the existing credit facility
including Adhoc facility until its due date, till such time a decision thereon is received from
the sanctioning authority. Also, if the sanctioning authority permits renewal thereof
(including with enhancement, if any), the action of the branch concerned in making available
the expired limits shall be deemed to have been approved.
499/2020 ; Revision of Interest Rates on Small Savings Schemes w.e.f. 01.07.2020 to 30.09.2020
(1) Senior Citizen Savings Scheme (SCSS) – 7.4 % - QUARTERLY AND PAID
(2) Public Provident Fund Scheme (PPF) – 7.1 % ANNUALLY
(3) Kisan Vikas Patra (KVP) – 6.9% WILL MATURE IN 124 MONTHS (ANNUALLY)
(4) Sukanya Samriddhi Account Scheme – 7.6 %- ANNUALLY
498/2020 : Agriculture Gold Loans account opening through LAPS module in eSyndicate Branches
Functionality for opening Agri. Gold loan accounts in LAPS module is made live for eSyndicate Branches
As such, it is reiterated that all the staff members/Branches/Offices have to take up all the
matters/grievances with respective section of Circle Office only, through proper channel and not directly
to Head Office or through external authorities. However, if the employee is aggrieved with the decision
of the Circle authorities, the matter can be represented to Head Office, through respective Section of
Circle Offices
496/2020 ; New Agricultural Marketing Infrastructure (AMI) - Sub- Scheme of Integrated Scheme for
Agricultural Marketing (ISAM) – Continuation of Scheme during FY 2020-21
“New AMI Sub-Scheme of ISAM is extended up to 31st March 2021 or till the date the recommendations
of 15th Finance Commission come into effect, whichever is earlier”.
Sector definition
a MICRO Investment in Plant & Machinery or Equipment does not
exceed one crore rupees and turnover does not exceed
five crores rupees
b SMALL Investment in Plant and Machinery or Equipment does
not exceed ten crore rupees and turnover does not
exceed fifty crore rupees
c MEDIUM Investment in Plant and Machinery or Equipment does
not exceed fifty crore rupees and turnover does not
exceed two hundred and fifty crore rupees
Any person who intends to establish a micro, small or medium enterprise may file Udyam Registration
online in the Udyam Registration portal, based on self-declaration with no requirement to upload
documents, papers, certificates or proof
On registration, an enterprise (referred to as “Udyam” in the Udyam Registration portal) will be assigned
a permanent identity number to be known as “Udyam Registration Number
There will be no fee for filing Udyam Registration Aadhaar number shall be required for Udyam
Registration. The Aadhaar number shall be of the proprietor in the case of a proprietorship firm, of the
managing partner in the case of a partnership firm and of a karta in the case of a Hindu Undivided
Family (HUF).
All existing enterprises registered under EM-Part-II or UAM shall register again on the Udyam
Registration portal on or after the 1st day of July, 2020
Branches & Offices to note that the Statutory Return-Part-I(STR Part-I) is to be submitted every
quarter and the Statutory Return Part-II(STR Part-II) is to be submitted only in the March
quarter along with the Statutory Return-18 Part-I to their respective controlling Offices.
Sections of Regional Offices , Branches under Regional Offices , Retail Asset Hubs(RAHs) , SME
Sulabhs, Accounts Sections, Currency Chests, Foreign Departments , Sections of Circle Offices
Branches Directly reporting to Circle Offices . Sections of HO Wings , Sections of Apex Center of
Excellence(ACE) Center of Excellences(CoE) and Learning and Development Centers(L&D) - Within
5th of Succeeding Month
Regional Offices , Secretariats of Wings at HO Wings STR-18 - Within 15th of Succeeding Month
Branches & Offices to note that the Statutory Return-Part-I(STR Part-I) is to be submitted every
quarter and the Statutory Return Part-II(STR Part-II) is to be submitted only in the March quarter
along with the Statutory Return-18 Part-I to their respective controlling offices
Online reporting and Monitoring Mechanism (Quarterly Compliance Certificate (QCC) & Snapshot
application) on various compliance reporting requirements of the bank
Branch has to submit QCC & Snapshot before 4th from the quarter end
RO has to submit QCC & Snapshot before 9thfrom the quarter end
CO has to submit QCC & Snapshot latest by 15thfrom the quarter end
Wing has to submit QCC & Snapshot before 9th from the quarter end
Subsidiaries & Sponsored Entities, Exchange Houses abroad, Regional Rural Banks (RRB) and all Foreign
Branches are to submit QCC &Snapshot before 7th from the quarter end
Manual submission of Compliance Certificate stands dispensed for Branches/ROs/COs/Wings from June-
2020 onwards
Issuance of Floating Rate Savings Bonds 2020 (Taxable) with effect from July 01, 2020;
Interest on the Bonds will be payable at Half-Yearly intervals on Jan 01st and July 01st every year; No
option to pay interest on cumulative basis;
The coupon / interest of the Bonds would be reset Half-Yearly starting with Jan 01st, 2021 and
thereafter every July 01st and Jan 01st, and will be linked/pegged with prevailing National Saving
Certificate (NSC) rate with a spread of (+) 35 bps over the respective NSC rate
The coupon rate for first coupon period, payable on January 01, 2021 is fixed at 7.15 %;
Premature redemption not allowed except for specified categories of Senior Citizens.
Our Bank is getting Brokerage at the rate of 0.50 % of the mobilized amount, all the
Branches/offices are advised to make note of the above and mobilize maximum applications for
opening the accounts in SAS package by the authorized branches. Branches / Offices to note that
our Bank has not engaged the services of Brokers.
487/2020 : “CANARA CREDIT SUPPORT to COVID- 19 affected Customers (CCS)” Extension of scheme
Validity – Scheme validity extended upto 31.08.2020 (disbursements permitted till 30.9.20 -
either in single tranche or maximum of three tranches.)
486/2020 ; SUB:“Guaranteed Emergency Credit Line (GECL)” Modification in ROI for Non-MSME GECL
Accounts- Uniform ROI for MSME and other than MSME - RLLR +0.60% p.a.
485/2020 : KYC Non Compliant Accounts – Restrictive instructions for immediate compliance –
To activate a KYC non-compliant account, approval from the Regional Head is required
To activate a KYC compliant dormant account, approval from the Regional Head is not required
484/2020 : Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Gold loans through Gold Purity Testing Machines
two vendors are identified for supply of the same. M/s. Fischer Measurement Technologies-pune and
M/s. Ashlyn Chemmunnoor Instruments Pvt. Ltd-Thrissur-kerala
vendors shall be providing training to the branch staff at the time of installation of the machines. RO/CO
to ensure that the staffs are trained before commencement of operations of GPTM.
483/2020 : GOODS AND SERVICES TAX [GST]–Accounting procedure for payment to Third Party Service
Providers [TPSPs] and recovery of income from the customers, for the services availed Jewel Loan
Appraisers [for Jewel Loans to Customers]. These guidelines are applicable only for e – Syndicate
Branches till integration of CBS.
482/2020 : Enterprise Fraud Risk Management (EFRM) rules for safeguarding Internet Banking
Fund transfer facility to newly added beneficiary in Internet banking will be enabled in a phased manner
during the first 24 hours of adding a new beneficiary
481/2020 : Prompt Collection of Service charges for Credit, Non credit and Card related transactions
Government is insisting the employees to provide the details of joint account with spouse three months
prior to the retirement for the purpose of pension.
Town Official Language Implementation Committees are to be constituted in all the towns of the
country where 10 or more Central Government Offices are functioning- Half Yearly meeting
The main objective of the constituting of these committees is to review the implementation of the
Official Language Policy in Central Government Offices , Undertakings, Banks etc., to promote it and
resolve the issues if any.
477/2020 : Empanelment of Panel of Agriculture Consultants (PACs) for sourcing Agriculture & Allied
activities proposals – Additional Guidelines
Empanelled Agriculture Consultants will be paid service fee/ commission of 0.10% of loan amount
sanctioned for maximum of Rs 50000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousands only), inclusive of applicable taxes such
as GST, Income tax, TDS and others if any, as per local laws and the amount payable shall be net of the
same, by way of online credit/ NEFT/ RTGS/ A/C payee Cheque or DD.
476/2020 : Goods and Services Tax (GST) Compliance as on 31st March 2020 – Important
matters to be ensured by Branches/Offices and submission of Compliance
Confirmation by Branches/CO/HO Wings
474/2020 : Personal Accident Insurance scheme (PAIS) for KCC card holders of e-Syndicate Branches
revised guidelines w.e.f 01.07.2020
Coverage of Personal Accident Insurance scheme for KCC card holders by M/s. Bajaj Allianz General
Insurance company Limited on Pan India basis for e-Syndicate Branches w.e.f. 01.07.2020
This policy will cover the KCC card holders up to the age of 70 years
Manual submission of Compliance Certificate stands dispensed for Branches/ROs/COs/Wings from June-
2020 onwards
Now Online reporting and Monitoring Mechanism (Quarterly Compliance Certificate (QCC) & Snapshot
application) on various compliance reporting requirements of the bank
Branch has to submit QCC & Snapshot before 4th from the quarter end-RO BY 9TH-CO BY 15TH
QCC stands for Quarterly Compliance Certificate. QCC is a mechanism for monitoring and submission of
various compliance certificates and collection of compliance status to various guidelines/circulars issued
by various regulators along with internal guidelines of the bank.
Snapshot: It is part of QCC certificate treated as Annexure to QCC. Here reporting entities has to report
only non-compliances against the certificate of QCC
472/2020 : Canara Bank Rajbhasha Akshay Yojana (formulated in 1987) and Canara Bank Rajbhasha
Puraskar Yojana – Revised Guidelines-
Circle Offices, Regional Offices, Apex Center of Excellence, Center of Excellence and Learning &
Development Centers, Branches, Wings at HO, Sections at Circles, Section at Regional Offices and
Section at Apex Center of Excellence will be awarded with Shield for best Implementation of Official
Language - Prizes for all these Branches/offices
471/2020 : Renewal of overdue term deposits from the date of maturity and Value dating of term
Value dating of term deposits without adhering to the guidelines is not acceptable
“Overdue term deposits will be paid interest at prevailing Savings Bank rate for the overdue period.
Renewal of overdue term deposits from the date of maturity is prohibited.
e-Syndicate Bank branches have to furnish the aforesaid GL code only, as the transient account numbers
in PMEGP online portal ( for receiving the PMEGP margin money subsidy
of all PMEGP beneficiaries.
469/2020 : New Product Code for GL OD - Crop Cultivation: OD Facility to Agriculturists for crop
cultivation activities.
Loan amount shall not exceed 90% of appraised value of Gold or Scale of Finance (Crop Cultivation
Purpose)/ Assessed working capital for allied activities, whichever is less
467/2020 : Guaranteed Emergency Credit Line (GECL)”- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) of M/s
466/2020 : (GECL) – Variation in CBS against scheme guidelines for GECL accounts -Reiteration of
wherever our Bank is the Lead Bank of the Consortium, minutes of consortium meetings
should be circulated to all member banks within 3 working days from the meeting date.
Guidelines on periodicity & participation in the meeting are given in this circular referred from manual
Meetings are to be attended by an official not less than the rank of Divisional Manager
at Circle and BM/II line to attend. ( after taking briefing from DGM/AGM of circle)
branch/Circle Office as advised by Deputy General Manager of the Circle in case our bank
is a member
DGM of the Circle where our bank is leader. If, for any reason DGM is not available, AGM
of the Circle to attend the meeting
Government Business Transactions are a good source for increasing Non-Interest Income
Apart from the above mentioned commission rates for the Government Business transactions, our Bank
is earning :
Rs 100/- for each Atal Pension Yojana (APY) account opened by the branch,
Rs 200/- for each National Pension System (NPS) account opened through SAS package / our
Corporate website and
Rs 125/- for each e-NPS account opened through NSDL Site.
463/2020 : Guidelines for Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) contribution through our
Bank’s Internet Banking
Developed a package integrating Net Banking Payment System of our Bank with ESIC software for
facilitating our Retail and Corporate customers to make e-payments of ESIC contributions through Net
Government Business Branch, Delhi (DP 3525) is the Focal Point Branch
ESIC Admin’ module under Government Business Head in SAS Package is enabled for Focal Point Branch
for facilitating remittance of funds to ESIC and for sending MIS reports as required by ESIC.
12 interoperable services were introduced to the customers of all branches of amalgamated bank. And
out of 12 services, 6 services were enabled in regular FCR login :
Balance Inquiry, Cash Deposit, Cash Withdrawal, Fund Transfer, Account Statement & General Loan
Repayment By Cash.
Now bank added three (3) additional services are enabled in CBS:
Last date for payment of GST in respect of Bills/Invoices raised by Vendors during FY 2019-20 is 30th
September 2020. Branches/Offices are advised not to keep any GST Invoice raised by Vendor during FY
2019-20, pending for payment after 30th September 2020. Any GST paid to Vendor for Bills raised
during FY2019-20, after 30th September 2020, is leakage of income to the Bank, as Input Tax Credit
cannot be availed on such GST paid
460/2020 : Agricultural Extension Officers (AEOs) – Roles and Responsibilities – reiteration of guidelines
The roles and responsibilities of AEOs/AMRDs (KRA) are furnished in the Circular.
Risk categorization of customers (deposit accounts) as on 15.05.2020 has been updated in CBS centrally
(the process completed on 24.05.2020)
Branches are required to review the risk categorization of existing accounts and update the risk category
Branches have to generate report on risk categorization using option No. 170070A in Business Objects
and review the Risk Category and Threshold limit in the case of existing accounts and modify the same,
wherever required
The Risk Category and Threshold Limit can be modified using option CIM 50 and CH021 respectively
Branches shall confirm completion of the above review/updation process to their respective Regional
Office (RO) by 25.06.2020 for onward confirmation to MIPD&PP Section Circle Office by 29.06.2020.
Circle Offices shall submit consolidate report to KYC Cell, RBS & MIS Wing, H.O. by 30.06.2020
In e-Syndicate, the risk categorization is running on daily basis with periodicity of six months. In respect
of e-Syndicate branches, they are required to submit confirmation for having checked the risk
categorization of the account within 15 days of providing the functionality by DIT Wing, HO.
458/2020 : Creation of New GL codes for accounting of Penalties by e-syndicate bank branches/offices –
Reporting of Compliance Breaches, Failures and Penalties – Need for strict adherence to guidelines for
ensuring zero penalties
Only dedicated GL, SA-Regulatory Penalty (281610401) head to be debited by e-Syndicate Bank
branches for accounting the penalty entries
ELIGIBILITY : Only MSME accounts in default which are Standard Assets as at 01.01.2020 and continue
to be classified as a “Standard Asset” till the date of implementation of the restructuring
are eligible for restructuring under the Scheme
Exposure : The aggregate exposure, including Non-fund based facilities of Banks and
NBFCs to the borrower does not exceed Rs.25 Cr as on January1st of 2020.
GST REGISTRATION : The borrowing entity should be GST registered entity as on the
date of implementation. However this condition will not apply to MSMEs that are
exempted from GST registration. This shall be determined on the basis of exemption limit
as on January 1st 2020
IRAC Norms : Subsequent to restructuring, extant guidelines on IRAC norms are applicable to One
Time Restructured MSME loans
The accounts which have already been restructured in terms of HO Circular 17/2019 dated
09-01-2019, SHALL NOT BE ELIGIBLE for restructuring under this guidelines
Accounts with limit of above Rs.10 Lakhs, restructuring proposals have to be referred to respective
“Committees for stressed MSME Enterprises” at ROs/COs
Branches/Offices to ensure that only genuine accounts requiring restructuring are to be identified
based on the dynamics of business, viability of the unit and ability to repay the restructured debt. It is
to be ensured that proper application, process note, sanction memorandum and documentation are
available in respect of all restructured accounts as per extant guidelines on OTR
SWARNA LOAN 0.50% of the Loan amount (Minimum of Rs.500/- and Maximum
of Rs.5,000/-)
>1 TO 2 LACS RS 600
>2 TO 5 LACS Rs 900
>5 TO 10 LACS Rs 1200
>10 TO 20 LACS Rs 2500
455/2020 : Launch of GECL portal under SAS Package to cover GECL loans under ECLGS scheme
Bank’s extant guidelines, a Specialist Officer recruited in any specialized field shall continue in that field
till their promotion as SMG Scale-IV. Thereafter only they can move to generalist cadre
Bank will take a call on conversion of Specialist Officers to Generalist Officers at appropriate time based
on the administrative requirements.
453/2020 : Canara Bank Officer Employees’ (Acceptance of Jobs in Private Sector Concerns
after Retirement) Regulations, 2001 – Re-designation of Competent Authority-WEF 31.3.20
Considering the genuine difficulties faced by the customers amid the outbreak of COVID 19,
it has been decided by the Competent Authority to grant the following relaxations:
PMJDY, BSBDA and Small Account holders can self withdraw the cash up to Rs.5000/- from all
branches. The withdrawal can be permitted though Withdrawal form/loose leaf Passbook need not be
insisted upon for the subject withdrawal
In terms of the RBI Guidelines, deferment of payment of term loan instalments / Interest /
EMI falling due between 01.03.2020 and 31.08.2020 is allowed. Similarly in respect of
working capital facilities sanctioned in the form of cash credit/overdraft (“CC/OD”), the
Regulatory Package permitted the recovery of interest applied during the period from
March 1, 2020 upto Aug 31, 2020 to be deferred (‘deferment period’). It is also permitted, to
convert the accumulated interest (for the deferment period up to August 31, 2020) into a
funded interest term loan (FITL) which shall be repayable not later than March 31, 2021 at the
discretion of the concerned Sanctioning Authority
For customers who have been categorised as low risk the review periodicity is ten years, for Medium risk
eight years and high risk once in two years.
facilitate the branches in communicating with the customers who are due for Re-KYC, a portal has been
developed for eSyndicate branches
446/2020 : Guaranteed Emergency Credit Line (GECL)” - FAQs ( Frequently Asked Questions)
445/2020 : Issue of Kisan Credit Card loan to Farmers for Agriculture and Allied activities
Hon’ble Finance Minister has announced to cover 2.5 Crore farmers under the KCC scheme in a
mission mode to facilitate credit to the farm sector
444/2020 : Interest Subvention and Prompt Repayment Incentive for Non KCCS Short Term Crop Loans
including Agriculture Gold Loans – Clarification
With regard to all Non KCC Crop Loans including Agriculture Gold Loans- In case of loans opened before
01.10.2019 and falling due within the period from 01.03.2020 up to 31.08.2020 including on account of
moratorium extended for six months, eligible IS and PRI benefits will be credited for the extended
period of repayment, only if the accounts are closed on or before 31.08.2020.
Our bank presently has 155 Currency chests where our Banks own Security Guards exists in 107 CCs and
in balance 48 CCs (E-Syndicate Bank) Private Guards are available for frisking duty.
Decided that frisking tasks in CC will be entrusted to two of the bank’s own guards
Swarna Loans – Product Code – 608 - (Canara ) & 951 (e-Syndicate) = RLLR+0.75% = 7.65% p.a
Rate of Interest for Agriculture Gold Loans - Yr MCLR i.e. 7.65% p.a.
440/2020 : Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme 2020-21 – Authorizing all our branches as
Designated Branches
The process flow and Technical/ Operational guidelines for handling the Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme
software module (both On-Line and Off-Line) by the users at the Branches are furnished in Annexure to
this Circular
Kharif Campaign will cover for the period from June to September
All AEO branches have to sanction minimum 300 loans each during this campaign period.
All Rural/Semi Urban branches have to sanction minimum 200 loans each during this campaign
438/2020 : Interest Subvention and Prompt Repayment Incentive for Short Term Crop Loans: Extended
period of repayment upto 31.08.2020 on account of COVID-19
All short term crop loans which are falling due between 01st March 2020 and 31st Aug 2020 will be
eligible for IS and PRI benefits up to their extended period of repayment upto 31.08.2020 or date of
actual repayment, whichever is earlier
435/2020 : Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme 2020-21 Series III – Issue Price Rs 4677 -8/6/20 to 12/06/20
New product code for KCC against Gold Jewellery (e-Syndicate Bank)
Product Code 806 – KCC with Gold Jewellery as Collateral Security
The powers for full write off without OTS is vested with HO authorities only, as mentioned below
based on write off / waiver of unapplied interest (put together) subject to the following conditions :
“Accounts recommended for writing off should have completed 5 years or more from the date of
advance and continuing as NPA for a minimum period of 3 years and classified as Loss assets on 31st
March preceding year, only after exhausting all means for recovery
432/2020 : Guidelines for immediate action to be taken on occurrence of THEFT, BURGLARY, ROBBERY
AND DACOITY (TBRD) / FIRE / ACCIDENTAL FIRING are uploaded for ready reference,
guidance and implementation by respective appointments
1) Informed to Security Cell immediately through the fastest means of communication under
information to apex functional Wing
2) Incidents of Theft, Burglary, Robbery and Dacoity shall be reported to the
appropriate authority in SAS package in terms guidelines issued by bank as per
circular No.102/2009 dated 23.03.2009 and 305/2010 dated 27.08.2010
3) In addition to the above Branches/Offices have to report the above mentioned
incidents to the following authorities "IMMEDIATELY ON THE OCCURRENCE.(within
24 hours) as per the manual of Security and Fire safety 2020
The action, roles and responsibilities regarding reporting of TBRD / Fire incidents, by the Branch
manager and Security Officer are enumerated in cirucular.
430/2020 : PPF Accounts on behalf of HUF opened prior to May 13, 2005
All PPF accounts opened on behalf of HUFs prior to May 13, 2005 shall be closed after expiry of 15 years
from the end of the year in which initial subscription was made and no further extension to be made
Further extension of such PPF accounts cannot be made.
In this regard, for e-Syndicate branches a new product code 806 –Kisan Credit Card with Gold Jewellery
as collateral security has been created for opening the KCC loans with Gold jewellery as collateral
Applicable for KCC/ Crop Loans limit up to Rs. 3.00 Lakhs granted to SF & MF.
Canara Bank Product Codes - 274, 840, 847, 895, & 899
E- Syndicate Bank Product Codes - 801, 805, 806, 833, & 899
427/2020 : “Guaranteed Emergency Credit Line (GECL)” FAQs ( Frequently Asked Questions)
Lending rates for Agriculture Gold Loans, GL OD and Swarna Loans have been fixed separately and made
available in the following link;
Branches/Offices to note that the lending rate fixed for each schemes is as per the guidelines stipulated
for the respective schemes by factoring the stipulated margin. Hence, the loan amount can be fixed by
the branches as per the rate communicated by our wing from time to time, without insisting for
further margin.
New security code has been created for GL OD Product Code 269 (Canara Bank Branches).
Branches to select the new security code 713 GOLD JEWELLERY FOR GL OD 269 PRODUCT, while
opening the loans under product code 269.
422/2020 : Senior Citizens’ Savings Scheme 2019, Public Provident Fund Scheme 2019 and Sukanya
Samridhi Account Scheme 2019
421/2020 : Revision in Interest Rate on Canara Tax Saver Deposit Scheme w.e.f. 03.06.2020- 5 yrs-5.45%
420/2020 : Revision in Interest Rates on NRE Term Deposits w.e.f. 03.06.2020- max 5.5 % 1 year
419/2020 : Revision in Interest Rates on Domestic & NRO Term Deposits w.e.f. 03.06.2020
The scheme has been made voluntary for all farmers including the loanee farmers. atleast 7 days before
Declaration OF “Opting In” and “Opting Out” - same branch where r KCC Account. (“Opting out” and
“Opting In” formats are attached)
Unless the farmer submits a signed application for opting out, the branch has to enroll
the farmer compulsorily .
417/2020 : Dr. Ambedkar Central Sector Scheme of Interest Subsidy on Educational Loans for Overseas
Studies for Other Backward Classes and Economically Backward Classes (ACSISOBCEBC)- Extension of
last date for submission of eligible interest subsidy claims in the SAS-ACSISOBCEBC package for the
Quarters viz., December 2019 and March 2020 pertaining to the 2019-20- SAS-BRANCH-10.6.20
ROI for GECL loans (Other than MSME) and eligible to be linked to MCLR – One Year MCLR.
The CGFSEL/CGFSSD-SAS package was enabled from 13.04.2020 onwards for data
uploading/submission process by the Branches/Offices. NOW LAST DATE FOR BR IS 12.6.20
All eligible Education/Skill loans sanctioned prior to and up to 31.03.2020, but first disbursement
made during the period 01.01.2020 to 31.03.2020 are mandatorily covered
Prime responsibility of branches to ensure that all the eligible accounts are included for coverage
In case any accounts are omitted out because of data capturing/MIS issues, the concerned will be
held accountable. Hence, Branches/Offices are advised to thoroughly check and ensure that all eligible
accounts are covered without fail.
Nowt GOVT extend the timeline for verification and submission of Regular and Additional claims in
DAY-NLRM web portal for Interest Subvention of rural Women SHGs for all 4 quarters of FY 2019-20 .
pertaining to FY 2019-20 from 30.05.2020 to 12.06.2020
e-Syndicate Bank Branches/Offices may refer the HO Cir. 295/2020 dated 18/04/2020 for
procedures to be followed while verification and submission of NRLM claims pertaining to FY
2019-20 within the above revised time line
412/2020 : Pre shipment and Post Shipment Export Credit –Extension of Period of Advance
Import of goods and services – Extension of time limits for Settlement of import payment
Increase in the period of realisation and repatriation of the export proceeds to India from 9 months
to 15 months from the date of export in respect of export made upto July 31, 2020.
Increase in maximum permissible period of pre-shipment and postshipment export credit sanctioned
by banks from one year to 15 months, for disbursements made upto July 31, 2020.
Extension of the time period for completion of remittances against such normal imports (except in cases
where amounts are with held towards guarantee of performance etc.) from six months to twelve
months from the date of shipment for such imports made on or before July 31, 2020.
AF-668 of e-Syndicate Bank is a common agreement for all agri related loans
whereas NF – 909 prevailing in standalone Canara Bank is exclusively for Kisan Credit card Loan.
Various terms incorporated in NF-909 are not covered under AF-668. Therefore, if only renewal form is
obtained the Bank may not be able to enforce such terms.
In light of the above “e-Syndicate Bank branches may be advised to execute fresh documents as per
the format prevailing in Amalgamated Bank for KCC advances along with the link letter in the format
given in Annexure V of “Guideline to Syndicate Bank branches on Legal Matters” available at
Amalgamation under CANNET. For subsequent renewals the e-Syndicate Bank branches may obtain
NF 493 & NF 975”.
As soon as an employee is relieved to join another branch on transfer, his overdraft account / s against
approved securities and other loan account except housing loan and gold loan should also be
transferred to the transferee branch
Loans/overdrafts against term deposits of the bank need not be transferred unless otherwise
specified by the employee.
In the case of employees transferred to administrative units / other offices, the accounts as above are
to be transferred to the branch as per the employee’s choice at the transferee place
Canara Bank employees are transferred to e-Syndicate Bank branches, the accounts are to
be transferred to nearest Canara Bank branch. (VICE VERSA FOR E SYNDICATE) due to CBS
All staff members who are not covered ABOVE are required to be compulsorily on leave for
continuous period of 5 days in a single spell in each calendar year
No cases for refund of TDS shall be entertained once the TDS deducted is remitted
to the Income Tax Department and taken up with us beyond the above mentioned
Loans provided in individual capacity are not covered under the Scheme
Borrower accounts should be less than or equal to 60 days past due as on 29th
February, 2020 across all MLIs.
The amount of GECL in the form of additional Working Capital Term Loan (WCTL)
facility would be maximum up to 20% of their total outstanding loans as on
29thFebruary, 2020
Eligible borrowers having combined outstanding loans across all MLIs up to Rs. 25
Crores as on 29.2.2020 and annual turnover of up to Rs. 100 Crores in FY 2019-20 will
be considered under this scheme.
In case any request is received from Buyer’s Bank through SFMS requesting for our
agreement to extension of due date of payment due to COVID 19 crisis, if the Seller
(our customer who is Beneficiary)/agrees for such extension in writing, Branches may
allow extension of due date of receipt of payment accordingly for a period not
exceeding 90 days from the original due date and the same is to be informed to
Buyer’s Bank through SFMS.
The applicable charges/interest collection has to be ensured accordingly.
All other sanction terms are to be complied with and the reviewing authority shall
also be informed about the extended due date.
BG (Trade Credit)-
If Buyers’ Credit availed from our Bank. 0.50% per annum, for the period of the BG.’
If Buyers’ Credit availed from other Bank- 1 % per annum for the period of the BG
Trade credit can be raised in any freely convertible foreign currency (FCY
denominated TC) or Indian Rupee (INR denominated TC) Up to USD 150 million or
equivalent per import transaction for oil/gas refining & marketing, airline and
shipping companies. For others, up to USD 50 million or equivalent per import
395/2020 : Release of Best Practice Code - Desk Cards for Amalgamated Entity.( Mitra
Committee recommendations) – LINKS PROVIDED
In case the cost of the mobile phones purchased are higher than the limit
fixed, maximum ceiling applicable to the respective Scale will be
Cadre Eligibility
Confirmed Officers in JMG Scale I Rs. 200/- per month
Confirmed Non-subordinate cadre employees Rs.100/- per month.
Confirmed sub-ordinate staff Rs. 75/- per month.
Bank Drivers Rs.200/- per month
The modalities
Guaranteed Emergency Credit Line (GECL). GECL is covered under the guarantee
scheme named as Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme (ECLGS)-M/S NCGTC-
Applicable all loans sanctioned under GECL till 31.10.2020, or till an amount of
Rs 3,00,000 crore is sanctioned under the GECL by all MLIs, whichever is earlier
Borrower accounts should be less than or equal to 60 days past due as on 29th
February, 2020 across all MLIs (405/20)
The amount of GECL in the form of additional Working Capital Term Loan (WCTL)
facility would be maximum up to 20% of their total outstanding loans as on
29thFebruary, 2020 (405/20)
Eligible borrowers having combined outstanding loans across all MLIs up to Rs. 25
Crores as on 29.2.2020 and annual turnover of up to Rs. 100 Crores in FY 2019-20 will
be considered under this scheme. (405/20)- MAX 5 CR
Loans provided in individual capacity are not covered under the Scheme (405/20)
Effective TILL 31.10.2020 for the loans sanctioned & disbursed to our existing Business
Enterprises / MSMEs.
PUPOSE : To build up current assets and to meet operational liabilities and restart the
Moratorium period on Term Loans extended by another 3 months till 31st August 2020.
Deferment on Interest applied in case of Working Capital limit (CC/OD) are allowed
for another 3 months till 31st August 2020
Branches / Offices also are permitted, at their discretion, to convert the accumulated
interest for the deferment period up to August 31, 2020, into a funded interest term loan
(FITL) which shall be repayable not later than March 31, 2021. It shall be termed as CFITL
(COVID FITL) for better control and MIS purpose.
In view of the expected impact in the risk ratings the borrowers, the competent authority
permitted enhanced delegation of powers for the Moderate Risk accounts to various
authorities at branches/offices as detailed below
Non fund based credit facilities provided to a person resident outside India i.e., the
exposure can be reckoned on the person resident outside India instead of treating it
as an exposure on Head office/other overseas branch, provided the transaction is
otherwise compliant with FEMA 8.
Minimum risk weight of 150% and non centrally cleared derivatives exposures will be
outside the purview of exposure limits till April 01, 2021
Exposures under the TLTRO and TLTRO 2.0 will not be reckoned under Large Exposure
Framework (LEF )
Clean NFB : NO inventory based NFB facilities which are not secured
100 % by collateral/or 100 % cash margin
378/2020 : Reduction in ROI on EHL (Employees’ Housing Loan) & HL (Housing Loan to
retired employees) – EHL- ROI-6% who availed loan and continues loan
after retirement also.
(But Employees retired on superannuation and who have not availed EHL
from our Bank or Housing Loan from any other Bank during their active
service and do not own a house but intere is 7.5 %)
In respect of BG/SBLC/Trade Credit – BG/ FLC/ILC falling due during the period from
01.03.2020 to 31.05.2020,
Branches can indent for Non personalized Debit cards, Non Personalised
Credit cards, Prepaid cards, Gift cards and Pre printed internet banking user
credentials in Integrated Card Indent Package.
Branches to peruse the CIR and reckon the credit facilities standing in the name of
the applicant at e-Syndicate bank or Canara for the purpose of delegation, pricing,
aggregation of facilities, etc.
Vide Finance Act 2020, CBDT has inserted two new clauses in section 206C of Income
Tax Act, 1961 i.e Tax Collection at Source (TCS). TCS provision has been widened to
incorporate the following 3 additional categories i.e.
1. Foreign remittance through Liberalized Remittance Scheme (LRS) of RBI
2. Sale of Overseas Tour Package - Sec206C(1G)(b)
3. Sale of goods of any nature- Sec206C(1H)
358/2020 ; Reduction in Rate of Interest on Employees’ Housing Loan & Housing Loan
to retired employees. EMPLOYEES 6 % AND EX EMPLOYEES 7.5 %
Reduced from 40% to 35% and relaxation from 30% to 25% (After meeting proposed EMI)
Margin :
Rate of Interest:
Reduced by 1.00% for Low Risk Grade (CS:1) & Normal Risk Grade (CS:2) Customers.
Respective Sanctioning Authority may permit this loan without referring to embargo on NPA Levels.
Sanctioning Authority may permit transfer of loan proceeds by way of DD/RTGS/NEFT under Canara
Vehicle-TWO WHEELER for Salaried Individuals
355/2020 : Padho Pardesh Scheme of Interest Subsidy on Education Loans for Overseas Studies for the
students belonging to the Minority Communities – Opening of SAS package/In-house portal for
submitting claims for March 2020 quarter. (OPEN TILL 12.6.200
354/2020 : Dr. Ambedkar Central Sector Scheme of Interest Subsidy on Educational Loans for
Overseas Studies for Other Backward Classes (OBCs) & Economically Backward Classes (EBCs)
(ACSISOBCEBC) -Opening of SAS Package for submitting claims for December 2019 and March
2020 quarters (PAKCAGE OPEN ED TILL 29.5.20)
353/2020 : Revised Rate of Tax Deduction at Source (TDS)/Tax Collection at Source (TCS)
Rate(s) for the Period 14-05-2020 to 31-03-2021
352/2020 : Interest Equalisation scheme on Pre and Post Shipment Rupee Export
Credit-Extension TILL 31.3.2021
351/2020 : Withdrawal of Group Assurance Health Plan by HDFC ERGO Health Insurance Co Ltd
The policy is not available for fresh sale to our account holders anymore. HEHI had agreed for renewal
till 15th May 2020 only. After that date, the policy will be available for both fresh, Renewal & Portability
(For HEHI Renewals) with:
Both the above products have similar features and premiums as compared to GAHP. The customer is
free to choose the partner with whom the renewal is desired.
Coverage : All the Rural, Semi Urban, Urban and Metro Branches
Target of Rs. 1,00,000 Crores outstanding under Gold Loans by March 2021.
GROWTH OUTSTANDING minimum 25 % 20%
Minimum quantum increase 15 crores 5 crores
Special l features : Concessional ROI @7.85 % for all gold loans including SWARNA loan up to 30.6.20
Enhanced Gold loans : Rs 20 lacs per borrower for Agriculture and NON agriculture
TOP 25 branches under Focused branches and top 25 other branches , Top 2 Circles and Top 10 ROs
showing maximum growth in outstanding, under Gold Loan portfolio during the campaign period
will be suitably rewarded
347/2020 : Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme 2020-21 Series II – Issue Price Rs 4590/-
342/2020 : Branches are required to collect full details of remitter, including complete
address, mobile and/or telephone number, etc. of walk-in customers. In order
to ensure the correctness and genuineness of the details furnished by the walk-
in customers, a copy of any one of the Officially Valid Documents (OVDs) are to
be obtained and kept with the application for NEFT (NF 959)
336/2020 : Revision in Interest Rates on Domestic & NRO Term Deposits w.e.f. 07.05.2020
completed 20 years of service or attained the age of 50 years as on the date of serving the
All the branch-heads, unit-heads, Section-in-charges are designated as Central Assistant Public
Information Officers (CAPIOs) to receive RTI applications. On receipt of applications, CAPIOs should
forward the application to the concerned Central Public Information Officer along with the information
sought (if available with the branch)/comments/views on the same within 5 days.
One Executive in Scale IV or V in Head Office as well as in each Circle Office & Regional Office has
been nominated as Central Public Information Officers to receive applications and to discharge duties
of CPIO under the Act [Sec. 5(1)].
One Executive with at least one scale above the rank of CPIO in Head Office as well as in each Circle
Office & Regional Office has been nominated as First Appellate Authorities
In case the RO is headed by an Executive in Scale IV, Public Information Officer (PIO) will be the said
Scale – IV Executive and in such cases First Appellate Authority (FAA) will be the Scale –VI Executive,
who is available at jurisdictional Circle Office
All the concerned officials are hereby advised to make use of e-mails for seeking / providing
information. Hence, no application should be pending for more than 25 days under normal conditions.
An appeal shall be disposed of within thirty days of the receipt of the appeal or within such extended
period not exceeding a total of forty-five days from the date of filing thereof, as the case may be, for
reasons to be recorded in writing
Penalty of Rs 250/- each day till application is received or information is furnished, however, the
total amount of such penalty shall not exceed Rs 25000
All short term loans which are due for payment during the period from 01.03.2020 up to
31.05.2020 and are closed on or before 30.05.2020 will be eligible for the benefits of
Interest Subvention and Prompt Repayment Incentive
For all the accounts which are already closed/renewed during this period, eligible IS and
PRI amount will be credited to the operative Loan Account/SB account of the borrower, by
Scale-IV and above are considered as part of the Top Management of the Bank. It is
also informed that they are not expected to be members of the associations of
which Scale-I to III are also members.
315/2020 Service Charges for Food & Agro Processing Industries defined
Enclosure IV (A) of HO Cir. 109/2020 dt. 02.04.2020 shall be applicable for all loans /
advances permitted to units / industries under the Food & Agro Processing segment
FROM 1.5.20 -
Scale Limit
It is hereby clarified that the above option is available for all Executives in Scale
V & VI, other than heading Circle / Regional Offices.
309/2020 Annual programme for transacting the official work of the union in HINDI/OL POLICY
306/2020 : Prompt Issuance of Rupay PMJDY Debit cards for Accounts opened
under PMJDY Scheme
305/2020 Interest Subvention and Prompt Repayment Incentive for Short Term
Crop Loans: Extended period on account of COVID-19.
All short term loans which are due for payment during the period from 01.03.2020 up to
31.05.2020 and are closed on or before 31.05.2020 will be eligible for the benefits of
Interest Subvention and Prompt Repayment Incentive
Term loans : Asset classification of such accounts as at 29.02.2020 shall be retained till the
moratorium period i.e. 31.05.2020.
Working capital : OD/OCC accounts, classified as standard, including SMA, as on 29.02.20 shall
continue to have the same asset classification status as at 29.02.2020 till 31.05.2020.
wherever, moratorium period for instalment/interest is permitted / being permitted, suitable
notice to customers duly informing deferment of instalment / interest shall be sent and copy of the
same shall be kept along with loan papers. The format of such notice is provided as an Enclosure to
this Circular.
301/2020 : Policy on “Use of Social Media/Electronic Media/Internet Blogs etc., by the employees –
Do’s and Don’ts”
Undertake appraisal of high value Agricultural projects for clients seeking financial assistance from our
bank and project appraisal for outside clients
Viability study/Restructuring package for sick units shall be conducted by AIC in respect
of Agriculture accounts with outstanding of Rs 100 lakhs and above.
299/2020 : TA/HA and Special Leave for an Officer Employee acting as Defence Representative in a
departmental enquiry.
Defence Representative if he travels beyond the State where he is working/ posted, for the purpose of
defending another officer employee, he will not be entitled to TA/HA and Special Leave.
298/2020 : Timely credit to businesses in the context of the COVID -19 pandemic.
E-mail IDs will be deleted if it remains un-used for more than 90 days. RECREATION PROCEDURE
292/2020 The Sovereign Gold Bond 2020-21 Series I – Open for Subscription from 20/04/2020
to 24/04/2020 - Issue Price at Rs 4,639/- per gram
To be issued as per the Calendar of Issuance from 20/04/20 to 04/09/20 (MON-to Friday)
Minimum investment 1 gm—max 4 kg for individuals for FY
4 Kg for Hindu Undivided Family (HUF)
20 Kg for Trusts
Discount Rs 50 per Gram if applied online and payment against the application is
made through Digital Mode;
ROI 2.50 percent (fixed rate) per annum payable semi-annually on the nominal value
The Capital Gains Tax arising on redemption of SGB to an individual has been
exempted. The indexation benefits will be provided to long term capital gains arising
to any person on transfer of bond.
HO Cir 280/2013 dated 17.06.2013 : reduction in rate of interest, commission and service
charges was advised.
Payment of one day’s salary (Basic qualifying for PF + DA) for every
6 working days on which an employee has put active duty in the branch/ office from 23.03.2020
till the period of lockdown is withdrawn by the Government of India.
286/2020 – FAQs on Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and Common Reporting
Standard (CRS
India has signed the Inter-Governmental Agreement (IGA) with the USA and Multilateral Competent
Authority Agreement (MCAA), for exchanging information with respective tax authorities of various
The Indian tax authority i.e. Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT), vide notification dated August 7,
2015 notified the amendments to Income Tax Rules (Rules) and have added Rule 114F (definitions),
114G (Information to be maintained and reported) and 114H (due diligence requirement) and
notified all Banks in India has to comply with FATCA/ CRS Regulation.
Accordingly, Bank has to collect the Self Declaration Form from the customer and furnish necessary
information regarding reportable persons in form 61B to CBDT
Certain details to be captured in CBS like Date of Birth, Father’s Name, Tax Identification Number
(TIN) of customers in CIM60 mandatory and necessarily have to be furnished in the Annual
SAN is a part of the MICR band printed between the 9 digit MICR code & the transaction code.
SAN is applicable to both personalized and non-personalized cheque books.SAN (Short Account
Number) was implemented to address the above issues. SAN is a 6 digit unique number
allotted at the time of requesting for issue of cheque book. The account number is
correctly fetched by CBS with the combination of SAN & Cheque number thereby eliminating
the chances of debit to incorrect/wrong Account.
Agriculture Gold loans/ Non KCC crop loans sanctioned on or after 01.04.2020 are not
eligible for interest subvention and prompt repayment incentive
The Kisan Credit Card (KCC) scheme was introduced in 1998 for issue of Kisan Credit
Cards to farmers
The KCC scheme consists of Working Capital and Term loan components.
The term loan is for investments to be made towards land development, minor
irrigation, purchase of farm equipment and allied agricultural activities.
This sub-limit is to meet the present and anticipated investment / development credit
requirements of the farmer and shall be limited to 3 times the annual net income of the
farmer/a maximum of Rs. 5 lakhs.
Branches to assess the requirement of Term loan component also at the time of
assessing the working capital limit
Loans for investment credit are an important component of agriculture dispensation and it
contributes to capital formation. Further, at least 40% loan disbursement should be for
investment credit, whereas performance of our bank is much below the requirement.
Further, KCC facility is also extended to farmers undertaking Animal Husbandry and Fisheries
for their Working Capital requirements
A to E will be covered for KCC (sub limit 1) and F for long term credit
(sub limt 2)
Fixation of credit limit/Loan amount: The credit limit under the Kisan Credit
Card shall be fixed as under: (All farmers other than marginal
farmers )
The Short term operative limit for the first year (For cultivating single
crop in a year sub limit 1)
First year limit for crop cultivation purpose arrived at as above plus 10% of the
limit towards cost escalation / increase in scale of finance for every successive
year (2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th year) and estimated term loan component for the
tenure of Kisan Credit Card, i.e., Five Years.
The limit is to be fixed as above depending upon the crops cultivated as per
proposed cropping pattern for the first year plus an additional 10% of the limit
towards cost escalation / increase in scale of finance for every successive year
(2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th year). It is assumed that the farmer adopts the same
cropping pattern for the succeeding four years. In case the cropping pattern
adopted by the farmer is changed in the subsequent year, the limit may be
The term loan for investment is to be made towards land development, minor
irrigation, purchase of farm equipment and allied agricultural activities. This
sub-limit is to meet the present and anticipated investment / development
credit requirements of the farmer. Sub limit – II shall be limited to 3 times
the annual net income of the farmer/a maximum of Rs. 5.00 lakhs.
In case the farmer is an existing borrower and has term loans, then the sub-
limit is to be arrived after deducting existing liability under term loan inclusive
of undisbursed portion of the limit, if any.
The short term loan limit arrived for the 5 th year plus the estimated long
term loan requirement will be the Maximum Permissible Limit (MPL) and is
to be treated as the Kisan Credit Card limit.
Fixation of Sub-limits
Drawing limit for short term cash credit should be fixed based on the cropping
pattern. The amount(s) for crop production, repair and maintenance of farm
assets and consumption may be allowed to be drawn as per the convenience of
the farmer.
In case the revision of scale of finance for any year by the district level
technical committee exceeds the notional hike of 10% contemplated while
fixing the five year limit, a revised drawable limit may be fixed in
consultation with the farmer. In case such revisions require the card limit
itself to be enhanced (4th or 5th year), the same may be done and the farmer
be so advised
A flexible limit of Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 50,000 may be provided (as Flexi KCC)
based on the land holding and crops grown including post-harvest warehouse
storage related credit needs and other farm expenses, consumption needs,
etc., plus small term loan investment(s) like purchase of farm equipment(s),
establishing mini dairy/backyard poultry as per assessment of the Branch
Manager, without relating it to the value of land.
The composite KCC limit is to be fixed for a period of five years on this basis.
Wherever higher limit is required due to change in cropping pattern and /
or scale of finance, the limit may be arrived at as per the estimation.
The short term component of the KCC limit is in the nature of revolving cash
credit facility.
The drawing limit for the current season/year be allowed to be drawn using
any of the following delivery channels without any restriction in number of
debits and credits.
For each term loan under the sub limit, a separate loan account is to be
opened. However, part disbursement can be made for each of the investment/
development loans. All the loan accounts are to be linked to the Kisan Credit
Card Scheme Account.
Remit directly to the dealer / supplier / vendor along with the margin money
collected from the borrower. In case it is not possible to make payment direct
to vendor/supplier for any valid reasons, the loan amount may be disbursed to
the borrower. Later the assets should be inspected without fail. Branches
should obtain necessary bills / vouchers / stamped receipt for the amount
disbursed including margin amount. However, obtention of bills, vouchers,
receipts, etc. can be waived for loans up to Rs. 50,000/- subject to obtention
of declaration from the borrowers for having purchased the asset/incurred the
i) The operative short term limit will be valid for 5 years subject to annual
ii) The review process may result in continuation of the facility (at the
earlier projected level with 10% annual increase) or any modified limit (due
to change in crop pattern/revised Scale of Finance/change in extent of
holdings etc.) or cancellation of the limit / withdrawal of the facility
depending upon the performance of the borrower.
Mortgage may be waived for aggregate exposure up to Rs. 3.00 lakhs in case
of tie up arrangements (like in case of Sugar factory, Tobacco board etc)
available for recovery.
The security norms shall be applied taking in to account the projected credit
assessment/sanction (based on 5th year projected short term requirement)
and term loan component proposed.
The first year limit under KCCS can be extended till the 5th year without any
yearly enhancement subject to the borrower giving a declaration that any
cost escalation during the subsequent years shall be borne by the borrower.
However, it shall be ensured that the crops cultivated in the subsequent years
are eligible for the limit as per its scale of finance.
For any genuine reason, if the borrowers cannot mortgage the entire land on
which they are going to raise the crops, loans against the security of part of
the land valued twice the loan amount may be permitted subject to ensuring
the following:
In States where the facility of on-line creation of charge on the land records,
the same shall be ensured. However, Branches need not create charge
online on land records for loans extended to Crop/KCC loans up to Rs. 2.00
For short term operative limit of KCCS for loans above Rs. 2.00 Lakhs,
collateral security of Gold Jewellery with security value of 100% of loan
amount can be taken as security. Following are the points to be taken into
account while granting KCCS loan accepting Gold Jewellery as collateral
Crop Insurance :
Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY)
ii) Restructed Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme (RWBCIS)
Branches have to compulsorily cover all crop loans which are in the
notified areas and granted for notified crops, unless the farmer gives the
request to exclude him from covering under the scheme.
All Education Loans Rs. 7.50 lakhs without any collateral security/third party guarantee are
eligible for coverage under Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme for Education Loan (CGFSEL).
kill Loans Rs. 1.50 lakhs without any collateral security/third party guarantee are eligible for
coverage under Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme for Skill Development Loan (CGFSSD).
The PPF accounts which were matured on 31/03/2020 (including the period
of one year for extension) and could not be extended due to lockdown
despite willingness, may now extend their PPF account by submitting the
prescribed form to the branch before 30/06/2020
Digital KYC” means the capturing live photo of the customer and Officially Valid
Document or the proof of possession of Aadhaar, where offline verification
cannot be carried out, along with the latitude and longitude of the location
where such live photo is being taken by an authorized officer of the bank
In case, Officially Valid Documents (OVDs) furnished by the customer does not
contain updated address, the following documents or the equivalent e-documents
there of shall be deemed to the OVDs for the limited purpose of proof of address:-
(i) Utility bill which is not more than two months old of any service provider
(electricity, telephone, post-paid mobile phone, piped gas, water bill);
(ii) Property or Municipal tax receipt;
(iii) Pension or family pension payment orders (PPOs) issued to retired employees by
Government Department or Public Sector Undertakings, if they contain the address;
(iv) Letter of allotment of accommodation from employer issued by State Government
Central Government Departments, statutory or regulatory bodies, public sector
undertakings, scheduled commercial banks, financial institutions and listed
companies and leave and license agreements with such employers allotting official
(The Customer shall submit updated Officially Valid Document with current address
within a period of three months of submitting the above document).
Though the default rule is that any two documents mentioned above should be
provided as activity proof by a Proprietary concern, satisfy themselves that the
business activity has been verified from the address of the proprietary concern.
Accounts of Companies:
Where the client is a company, certified copies of following documents or the
equivalent e-documents are to be submitted:
(i) Certificate of incorporation
(ii) Memorandum and Articles of Association
(iii) Permanent Account Number of the company
(iv) A resolution from the Board of Directors and Power of Attorney granted to its
managers, officers or employees to transact on its behalf.
(v) Corporate Identification Number (CIN)
(vi) One copy of an Officially Valid Document containing details of identity and
address, one recent photograph and Permanent Account Numbers or Form No.60
of related beneficial owner, the managers, officers or employees, as the case
may be, holding an attorney to transact on the company’s behalf.
Accounts of Trusts:
Where the client is a Trust, certified copies of following documents or the equivalent
e-documents are to be submitted:
SECTOR WEF 7.4.20 : 7.3 %
263/20 – COVOD SAFETY MEASURES - employees may be permitted to report to the nearest
Maturity slabs of Deposit have been reduced to five from earlier six maturity slabs .
Branch, to accept NRE term deposit at card rate, without referring to SP & D wing,
HO has been enhanced to less than Rs.10 Cr
Interest rate for bulk deposits of Rs. 10 Crore & above is to be obtained from
Integrated Treasury Wing, Mumbai
SENIOR CITIZENS also not elegible for preferential ROI on NRE deposis
259/2020; Revision of ROI on Domestic & NRO Deposits.7.4.20- Max 5.85 % (1 to 2yr)
The maturity slabs of Deposit have been reduced to Nine from earlier Fifteen maturity slabs
Canara Khazana Deposits (111, 222 & 333 days) and Canara Shikhar deposits (444 & 555 days)
have been discontinued w.e.f. 26.03.2020.
The rationalized upper limit for a branch, to accept term deposit at card rate, without referring
to SP & D wing, HO has been enhanced to less than Rs.10 Cr
Interest rate for bulk deposits of Rs. 10 Crore & above is to be obtained from Integrated
Treasury Wing, Mumbai
Additional interest of 0.50% for Senior Citizens is to be made available for Deposits less than Rs. 2
Cr and with tenor of 180 Days and above. The competent authority i.e. General Manager, SP&D
Wing may selectively permit flexibility in tenure (lower than 180 Days) and amount (2 Crore and
above), keeping in view of business relation with the customer.
Rates are applicable only for single deposit of Rs.5 Lakh & above. Minimum period for renewal of
domestic/NRO term deposits is 7 days irrespective of the size of deposit. Below Rs.5 Lakh, Minimum
tenor of deposit is 15 Days
Bank is not accepting Bulk term deposits under Non-callable segment for maturities of below 46
Days and 5 years and above
A Canara Small Savings Bank Deposit Account shall remain operational initially for a
period of twelve months, and thereafter for a further period of twelve months if the
holder of such an account provides evidence before the Bank of having applied for any
of the Officially Valid Documents within twelve months of the opening of the said
• The entire relaxation provisions to be reviewed in respect of the said account
after twenty four months.
Now RBI permitted the small account shall remain operational between April 1
2020 and June 30, 2020 and such other periods as may be notified by the Central
All the Branches are requested to use the said formats along with other applicable
documents forming part of Manual of Instruction on Documentation and other relevant
Manuals of Instruction for completing the documentation. It may be ensured that these
Documents/Agreements are printed on good quality papers and that the said printed
documents are duly legible
Those Branches of erstwhile Syndicate Bank who are not able to access the formats from
the Cannet and have not received the printed forms of Canara Bank may use the relevant
Formats issued by erstwhile Syndicate Bank, along with Annexure-I to this Circular.
Branches shall identify 1 new SC/ST beneficiary per day during the campaign months.
The borrowers shall belong to SC/ST community and preferably those who are receiving any type
benefit through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT).
Under the Circular 169/2020 the Branches have been advised to obtain documentation as per
the extant Scheme guidelines. It has been brought to our notice that in light of the lockdown
imposed in the background of the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Branches are
facing difficulties to ensure the execution of loan documents owing to the non availability of
stamp papers.
In this regard the Branches are requested to comply with the following:
1. The applicable documentation as per the extant scheme guidelines with the requisite stamp
duty shall be obtained by the Branches wherever possible.
2. In circumstances where any Branch is facing difficulty in payment of stamp duty, the
appropriate Letters of Undertaking under Annexure I / Annexure II may be obtained by the
Branches along with NF 481 – Take Delivery Letter to DPN for the loan amount.
3. Since this Letter of Undertaking is not sufficient to create any charge in favour of the Bank it
should be ensured that the regular documentation as per the extant scheme guidelines is
obtained with applicable stamp duty within 60 days from the date of sanction, which may
be further extended to a maximum of another 30 days by the respective Reporting
Applicable for MSME enterprises applying FIRST TIME for an aggregate loan amount of
Rs.2 crores
Maximum marks of 100, 30 marks for behavioral parameters, 25 marks each for
management and business parameters and 20 marks for financial parameters
Any person/unit scoring 60% of the marks under the applicable parameters shall
become eligible for finance
As per the extant guidelines, rejection of loan applications from micro and small
entrepreneurs shall be with the prior concurrence from the next higher authority.
Accordingly, branches shall submit the credit scoring sheet along with the
recommendation for rejection of the proposal.
Following eleven (11) interoperable services to the customers of the amalgamated bank
in CBS with effect from 1st April 2020.
Cut-off date for conversion of existing Short Term Crop Loans including Agriculture Gold Loans
into KCC loans has been further extended till 30th June 2020 with commensurate extension of
interest subvention and prompt repayment incentive benefits against such accounts till 30.6.20
Customers/clients who are registered with GST and have filed ITRs
3/4/4S/5/6 are eligible to apply through this digital platform.
MSME loans upto to Rs. 5.00 Crores
External Due Diligence has to be conducted through Credit Rating Agencies, for
MSME Units who approach our Bank for the first time seeking credit facility
requirement of above Rs.10 lakhs which are eligible to be covered under
List of Credit Rating Agencies having MoU with Bank Due Diligence Services
With effect from 01.04.2020, Pigmy Deposit Scheme of erstwhile Syndicate Bank and
New Nitya Nidhi Deposit (NNND) Scheme of Canara Bank are merged and renamed as
NND scheme is intended to mop up the small savings and is specially designed for
daily savers of small means and based on daily door collection.
The existing NNND scheme in standalone Canara bank, with tenor of 12 months, and
39 months stands discontinue. The accounts under the NND scheme now introduced
will be opened with tenor of 63 months only, in the amalgamated entity.
All existing accounts under the NNND scheme and Pigmy deposits will continue to run
as per existing terms and conditions till maturity.
PMAY Subsidy Claim formats for EWS/LIG, MIG category are modified.
NHB added 2296 Statutory Towns to their list and updated (i.e., 17777+2296=20073)
211/2020 Launch of “Group Mediclaim for Canara Bank (Syndicate Bank)” a health
Insurance Product By M/s Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Co Ltd (BAGIC
208/2020 Standard Merchant Discount Rate (MDR) and Standard Rent for MEs
(POSEDC / BHARAT QR) with effect from 01.04.2020.
MDR for RUPAY Debit cards is waived irrespective of merchant category and transaction value.
With effect from 01.04.2020, the standard MDR fixed for Merchant Establishments (MEs)
(POSEDC / BHARAT QR) are as follows
: Debit Cards (Physical PoS) * Transaction MDR
Sl value
1 Rupay debit cards irrespective of merchant category. Any Value NIL
i)For Small Merchants (Turnover upto Rs.20 Lakhs during Any Value 0.40% + GST
the previous financial year) . (MDR cap of
Rs.200/- per
ii) For Other Merchants (Turnover above Rs.20 Lakhs Transaction 0.40% + GST
during the previous financial year) value up to (MDR cap of
Rs.2000/- Rs.200/- per
Transaction value above Rs.2000/- 0.90% + GST
(MDR cap of Rs.1000/- per
i)For Small Merchants (Turnover upto Rs.20 Lakhs Any Value 0.30% + GST
during the previous financial year) . (MDR cap of Rs.200/-
per transaction).
ii) For Other Merchants (Turnover above Rs.20 Transaction 0.30% + GST
Lakhs during the previous financial year) value up to (MDR cap of Rs.200/-
Rs.2000/- per transaction)
Transaction value above Rs.2000/- 0.80% + GST
(MDR cap of Rs.1000/- per transaction
MDR for debit cards shall be as advised by RBI/MOF from time to time
With effect from 01.04.2020, the standard rent fixed for MEs (POSEDC / BHARAT QR) are as follows:
Withdrawal of Cash
Payment of cash up to Rs.50,000/- per occasion in Savings Bank and Current Account is to be extended
drawer against self cheques, at all host branches.
Payment of cash up to Rs.50,000/- per occasion is to be extended to OD accounts of Staff for the draw
self-cheques, at all host branches.
Cash payment to third parties is to be permitted at base branch only.
Banks credit to registered NBFCs (other than MFIs) and HFCs for on-lending will be
allowed upto a level, which is within the overall limit of 5 % of individual Bank’s total
priority sector lending
203/2020 - MISSING
202/2020- missing
201/2020 - MISSING
Auto renewal facility for existing matured term deposits for discontinued products
will not be available from 01.04.2020. For such existing deposits, the Branches are
advised to inform and educate the customers for renewal of their term deposit on
maturity date under new product code.
Sweep in / Sweep out facilities to be extended / provided to the Savings Bank Deposit
and Current account holders w.e.f 01.04.2020 for a period of minimum 15 days to a
maximum of 181 days on request of the customers with his choice for the tenor in the
given range
194/2020 Incentive Scheme for Capacity Building for Officers and Clerical Employees
Group-II of the scheme, the employee shall be eligible for both reimbursement of fee and
release of incentive only upon scoring 60% or more marks.
In case of courses covered under Group-III, the employee shall avail appropriate leave duly
obtaining prior sanction. The period of such classroom learning/training shall be treated as
one ON-DUTY subject to successful completion of the course. Employees shall be eligible for
reimbursement of TA/HA etc., for attending the same as per prevalent guidelines
Introduction of new risk category under Small Value Model i.e. Demographic Risk
TOL to TNW shall be Restricted to a maximum of 4:1 in case of Fund based Working Capital
However, relaxation may be considered in TOL to TNW up to 6:1 for manufacturing units and
9:1 for trade/service units, in case of Working Capital Funding covering LCs, BGs, PBGs and
Buyer‟s credit including sub limit for fund based limits on case to case basis.
Such relaxation may be considered with due justifications only by next higher
authorities for accounts falling up to the delegated powers of DGM-CO-CAC.
GM-CO-CAC and above authorities can permit such relaxation for accounts falling up to
their delegated powers.
In respect of renewal of existing limits on existing terms and conditions respective sanctioning
authority may permit such relaxations, with due justifications. However, the endeavour
should be to improve the TOL:TNW to acceptable level i.e. at least 4:1 by impressing upon
the borrower to improve the Capitl/TNW of the firm/Company
0.25% additional commission is stipulated in respect of cases where minimum margin of 15% is not
maintained. Waiver of the additional commission can be permitted by CGM/ GM-HO– CAC and above
authorities for accounts up to its delegated powers.