Learning Activity Sheets in English - 9 - : (See Transcription of The Video Clip at ANNEX Page.)
Learning Activity Sheets in English - 9 - : (See Transcription of The Video Clip at ANNEX Page.)
Learning Activity Sheets in English - 9 - : (See Transcription of The Video Clip at ANNEX Page.)
MELC: Determine the relevance and truthfulness of the ideas
presented in the material viewed.
a. Decode the underlying message of the material viewed.
b. Analyze the ideas presented in a video clip.
c. Determine the relevance and truthfulness of the information in the presented
video clip.
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B. Practice Task II: FACT CHECK.
The spread of fake news, specifically in the Philippines, has
been really alarming. Many fall for this misinformation and even
spread, share, or send this wrong information to more people. But
how do we spot fake news? Watch the video clip through the link
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkwWcHekMdo to know how
you can do so. (See transcription of the video clip at ANNEX page.)
After watching, please answer the following questions.
1. List down the strategies to avoid fake news as discussed in the video.
2. What is the importance of knowing how to spot fake news or information?
3. Have you forwarded or received fake news / information? What can you do to
correct or put an end to its spread?
C. Practice Task III: FIGHT THE FAKE.
3. According to the clip, who benefits from the fake news related to this pandemic?
4. Have you heard of any conspiracy theory about Corona Virus? What was your
reaction to this?
5. What can you do to stop the spread of fake news especially in times of pandemic?
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Watch the clip, “State of PH education amid Covid-19
pandemic” through the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vS2-
iR32goY. (See transcription of the video clip at ANNEX page.)
Be able to answer the questions based on the material
Prepared by:
EPS I – English
Division of Camarines Norte
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Reviewed and edited by: Quality Assured by:
Fake news is nothing ne. But bogus stories can reach in some cases the authors are not even real. One story was credited
more people more quickly via social media that what good old to a doctor who won 14 Peabody Awards and a handful appealed
fashioned viral emails could accomplish in years past. A lot of these surprises which would be very impressive if it wasn't also totally
viral claims aren't news at all but fiction satire and efforts to fool made-up.
readers into thinking they're for real. Here are some strategies to Many times these bogus stories will cite official or official
shield yourself from fake news. sounding sources but once you look into it this source doesn't back
Are you familiar with the source? Is it legitimate? Has it up the claim some false stories aren't completely faked but rather
been reliable in the past? If not you may not want to trust it. If a distortions of real events. These mendacious claims can take a
provocative headline drew your attention read a little further before legitimate news story and twist what it says or even claim that
you decide to pass along the shocking information. something that happened long ago is related to current events. One
Even in legitimate news stories the headline doesn't deceptive website took a story that was over a year old from CNN
always tell the whole story. But fake news particularly efforts to be and slapped on a new misleading headline and publication date. So
satirical can include several revealing signs in the text. on top of the deception there was copyright infringement.
One fake story even attributed a quote to a dolphin. If Remember there is such a thing as satire. Normally it's
that had been real you could argue they buried the lede. Another clearly labeled as such and sometimes it's even funny, but it isn't the
telltale sign of a fake story is often the byline-if there even is one and news. And then there's the more debatable forms of satire designed
to pull one over on the reader. These posts are also doesn't. But the next time you're automatically appalled at some
designed to encourage clicks and generate money for the creator social media posts concerning say a politician you oppose, take a
through ad revenue but they arent news. We know this is difficult. moment to check it out try this simple test. What other stories have
Confirmation bias leads people to put more stock in been posted to the news websitethat is the source of the story that
information that confirms their beliefs and discount information that just popped up in your social media feed?
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You may be predisposed to believe a story about a factcheck.org snopes.com. The Washington Post fact checker and
politician you don't like. But if the alleged news site also features a politifact.com it's likely at least one has already fact checked the
story about guardians from Antarctica retaliating against America by latest viral claim to pop up in your social media newsfeed. And
hitting New Zealand with an earthquake, maybe you should think remember newsreaders themselves remain the first line of defense
twice before sharing. And yes that earthquake story is a real against fake news.
example of a fake story that popped up. To see more go to fact-check org.
We know you're busy and some of this debunking takes
time but fact checkers get paid to do this kind of work between
3. Transcript - “The spread of coronavirus fake news: What you shouldn’t fall for | Covid-19 Special”
Order silk really silver is the weapon against coronavirus on other strains of the coronavirus and has been able to eliminate it within 12 hours
Jimbacca this televangelist has now been sued for selling these fake coronavirus cures. Fraudsters are wasting no time to make money
from your fear. The hoax likely originated from a white strip spread belief in Silver's antibacterial properties. Some toothbrush brands have hyped
the metal to in order to boost sales but scientists agree silver has no effect against the corona virus. In fact exposure to collodial silver can be toxic.
Times of crisis are always great times for fake news and propaganda. And the more ridiculous that claims it seems the more traction
they gain on social media. Be it tips like drinking alcohol to kill the virus and fight the disease. As tempting as it may sound for some it isn't all
religious claims that Corona was a punishment dished out by God or mother nature.
Our team from DW science has put together a selection of some of the most outrageous fake news about covid19. Whatever you do,
don't try this at home.
This clip widely shared on whatsapp is just one example of the many coronavirus related stories circulating online. The problem as the
disease continues to spread fake news is going viral too in India. A picture purporting to show an Italian boy taking his life after all his family members
died from coronavirus went viral but a fact check revealed that the footage actually shows the suicide of a woman before the outbreak and this photo
doesn't show dead bodies on the streets of Italy it's actually an art installation in Germany.
Also doing the rounds conspiracy theories among them but a South Korean series forecast the corona virus outbreak back in 2018. Just
one of many false stories describing the pandemic as a premeditated event. Platforms like Facebook are rife breeding grounds for the spread of
fake news. The social networking giant is among several companies pledging to take stronger action to prevent the spread of Misinformation. Others
too are doing their bit to make sure people are getting the right information about Corona.
A service called Africa check recently had to rebuff a South African mayor's claim that a vaccine against
corona virus had been developed now while much of Asia seems just over the hill and most of Europe is in mid-battle against Covid19. Africa is
bracing for impact and fake news is not helping society is there to
prepare for the onslaught.
M: Do people across Africa generally trust their dissatisfaction with the measures that are being taken. So for
governments to take the right measures of a false that example in Kenya we know that for example the number of tests
misinformation are on fertile ground? have been rising but there's a concern that they are not enough and
also the fact that a lot ofpeople live in an informal economy in Kenya
V: People are more or less trustful of their governments and so they have to go out everyday and money and it's very difficult to
the reason they are is because they know that government really tell people like that to stay at home and self isolate unless you're
can do the most to protect them what we have seen is a bit of providing them with money so that they can stay inside.
M: Who benefits from these fake news? V: A lot of people benefit there are people who want to grow
their influence online and they'll spread anything that is fake whether
it's about coronavirus or politics it doesn't matter. Then there are
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people who want to actually make a business selling fake cures so a super bug because the models would have said they don't really
that you can actually spend your money to to buy a fake cure or to work. So no, the corona virus was not designed by humans.
do things that are not true, for example orange peel water, and then Can supplements like fish oil, zinc, or vitamins help?
finally you've got people who want to drive a political agendas so
they're going to capitalize on people's fears to spread these stories D: Supplements are an area nutrition where there's very
and that way spread the agenda that's probably the system is wrong little consensus in the scientific community
and therefore you should follow me because I have the solution. So under ordinary circumstances much less in the midst of a pandemic
there are people doing it digitally online we have technological the idea that. You can somehow boost your immune system. I mean
reasons others have commercial reasons. what does that mean anyway. The answer to this question is a
resounding no the only thing that we currently think will prevent you
M: Vincent Ng’ete the deputy Kenya editor Africa Tech from catching the virus is if you've had it already and developed
thank you very much for joining us from antibodies that will prevent you from getting it again.
Nairobi. Targeting today our science correspondent Derek Williams
we'll deal with some of the most violent fate and false claims about I'm not saying you should stop taking your fish oil or your
the corona virus. Was this virus genetically modified to be used as vitamins just don't expect them to keep you from
a biological weapon? catching Covid 19.
D: This was one of those conspiracy theories that was There is a rumor that loss of smell is a sign of a severe
bound to pop up in the midst of a global pandemic. Right I mean case of Covid 19. Can we hear more about that?
there have been too many books and movies with that as a plot line.
But a team of researchers that studied the genetic makeup of the D: A recent large-scale study in Britain that collected data from
virus recently published some compelling arguments for why it hundreds of thousands of people self-reporting on an app showed
wasn't engineered. but must have naturally evolved. First they said that from those who eventually tested positive for the disease around
SARS COV 2 most closely resembles corona viruses found in bats 60% had that symptom to a greater or lesser extent that certainly
that don't cause disease in humans and of course any evil scientist sounds pretty convincing. The only problem is that losing the sense
trying to build a super bug would have started with one that's already of smell or taste is also closely associated with other respiratory
been proven to infections. It's a lot more common than you might think that's why as
make us sick. of this morning at least the WHO was still reviewing the issue and
Second in our computer models the changes to the hadn't yet decided to add the loss of smell or taste to the official list
SARSCOV to genetic sequence that allowed it to start infecting us of symptoms of corona virus infection but that could very well
just don't look like they should work very well they aren't mutations happen in the coming days if there is enough evidence to support it.
that any bioengineer would have chosen if they were trying to build
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