An Introduction On Several Biometric Modalities: Yuning Xu

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An introduction on several biometric

Yuning Xu
` The way human beings use to recognize each
other: equip machines with that capability
` Passwords can be forgotten, tokens can be
` Post-9/11 era: thirst for ever-increasing
security control
` …
Modality Example Invasiveness Accuracy
Fingerprint Moderate zzz enforcement,
financial, POS

Palmprint Moderate zzz Access control

Moderate/ ATMs, access

Iris zzz
high control
Hand Access control,
Moderate z
Geometry border control
Face Low zz
Low/Moderat Access control,
Voice z
e logon
Signature Moderate zz
` The earliest, most widely studied, most
acceptable, most widely deployed …
` Best commercial system: capable of
identifying more than 98% of matches, with a
false accept rate of 0.01% (NEC)
◦ As published by The Fingerprint Vendor Technology
Evaluation (FpVTE) 2003 conducted by the National
Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST)
Ridge ending

Singular points


And there’s more:
Ridge count
Orientation field
Ridge frequency

` If higher resolution scanner is used, i.e.
≥ 1000 pixels per inch (ppi). (current AFIS system
500 ppi.
Minutiae is the most used technique
Minutia features

Extraction of minutiae

Image skeleton

Gray-scale image
High contrast Typical dry print Faint print

Low contrast Typical wet print Creases / scars

` Traditional image processing
methods (Gaussian, low pass etc.)
cannot work
` Fingerprint: oriented texture
` Ridges only need enhancing in a
direction parallel to their orientation,
and at a specific frequency

We need location specific filtering

` A sinusoidal plane of particular
frequency and orientation,
modulated by a Gaussian
envelope: ,




Fourier spectrum
Divide into cells, Apply gabor filter
each has an corresponding to a
orientation angle specific orientation
and a frequency and frequency, to
each cell
Each minutiae point has:
• (x, y) location
• Θ direction
• pixels of the ridge
associated with
particular minutia


Ridge • Compare all
possible pairs of
minutiae from the
template and input
Minutia di images, using the
point ridges associated with
• Compute a
correlation between
Input Ridge two planar curves:

∑d D i i
Minutia Di
point ∑d ∑Di
For those pairs that
pass the similarity
threshold, estimate
rotation and
translation parameters
using the two ridges
associated, and align
the two point sets
• Turn each (x, y, Θ) into polar coordinates (r, e, Θ)
• Find similarity using string matching algorithm
` Completely different
` Texture-based, rather
than minutiae-based
` Experimental result has
comparable level of
accuracy as that of
fingerprint or iris
Copped Region Of Real parts of the
Original palmprint image Interest results after filtering
with the 4 Gabor

Gabor filter revisited: The filters

• a Gabor filter bank consists of 4
complex gabor filter that differ
only in its orientation, i.e. of
orientation 0°, 45°, 90°, 135°
• each filter is applied to the ROI,
strengthening texture at a
specific orientation, at the same
time attenuating noise
` Let Mj be the magnitude of the image filtered with the jth
filter, and Pj the phase, then PalmCode is generated
according the following way: ( hr is the real part of the code,
while hi is the imaginary part)
Imaginary part of PalmCode

Real part of PalmCode

` Hamming distance between two PalmCode is used

as the similarity score
Original image of an eye
“Unrolled” iris

Real Part of Iris Code

• Any given iris has a unique

texture that is generated
through a random process
before birth Imaginary Part of Iris Code
• Gabor filters turn out, again, to
be very good at detecting
patterns in this unique texture
• Matching is done again in
hamming distance comparison
• Uses texture information (lost in
optical and minutiae based
• Performs well with poor quality
• Features are statistically
independent from minutiae and
can be combined with minutiae
matchers for higher accuracy
• Requires accurate alignment of
the two prints (unreliable in poor
• Not invariant to translation,
orientation and non-linear
• Less Accurate than minutiae
based matchers
` In theory, two codes independently
generated from same person would
be exactly the same
` In reality, not true, due to imperfect
cameras, lighting or small rotational
` If the distance between them is
below a certain threshold: match!
` Assumption: statistical
independence, only the same
person can fail test
` Iris has more randomness than the United Arab Emirates’
other two modalities, as inferred by border control since
the high accuracy of the technology 2001: 7 trillion
comparions, 73,180 mis-
At Disney World,
fingerprints of guests
are used to make sure
the ticket is used by
the same person from
day to day
Fingerprint minutiae data is
US-VISIT, requires encrypted in this Biometric
travelers to provide card for federal workers,
fingerprint for mandated by DHS
verifying identity
IrisCode matching using Dr.
Daugman’s algorithm helps
confirms the woman found 18
years later is indeed the famous
Afghan girl

1984 2002

Image courtesy of National Geographics

` Stores image of facial recognition,
fingerprint recognition, or iris
scans (usually in JPEG format) in a
Symbol for biometric
passports, usually
` US-version to appear mid-2007 printed on the cover
of the passports
` Even though recognition rates are increasing
and many modalities are in the very high 90%,
real-life applications do worse than this
` Failure to enroll is the biggest issue
◦ some people's fingerprints / palmprints are of poor
quality (scars, calluses etc)
◦ Some people’s iris is mostly hidden under eyelid,
some people are not comfortable with their iris
being scanned
` The most practical way to overcome this is to
use more than one modality
` Fingerprint with palmprint, with iris, with
face, or even with voice, you name it
` The simpleminded approach is to combine
the final match "scores"
◦ but this can be proven to be suboptimal
` More intelligent methods of fusion are being
earnestly sought
` Focus of immediate research
` A. Jain and L. Hong, On-line Fingerprint
Verification,Proc. 13th ICPR, Vienna, pp. 596-
600, 1996.
` Kong, A., Zhang, D., and Kamel, M, Palmprint
identification using featurelevel fusion, Pattern
Recogn. 39, 3, Mar. 2006
` J Daugman, How Iris Recognition Works, IEEE
Conf. on ICIP, 2002.
` Anil K. Jain, Sharath Pankanti, Salil Prabhakar, Lin
Hong, Arun Ross, "Biometrics: A Grand
Challenge," icpr, pp. 935-942, 17th
International Conference on Pattern Recognition
(ICPR'04) - Volume 2, 2004.

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