Gate Driver Circuit For Three Phase Inverter

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Gate Driver Circuit for Three Phase Inverter

by tahirulhaq

This project is basically a Driver Circuit For an extract energy from Uninterruptable Power Series
Equipment called SemiTeach which we recently (UPS). Inverters need a Gate Driver Circuit to drive
bought for our department. The image of the device is the Power Electronics switches used in the circuit for
shown. the conversion. There are many types of Gate
Signals that can be imple mented. The following
Connecting this driver circuit to 6 mosfets generates report discusses the design and implementation of a
three 120 degree shifted Ac voltages. Range is 600 V Gate Driver Circuit for a Three Phase Inverter using
for the SemiTeach device. Device also has in built 180 degree Conduction. This report focuses on the
error output terminals that give low state when design of the Gate Driver Circuit in which the
detected error on any of the three phases complete design details are written. Furthermore, this
project also encapsulates the protection of the
Inverters are commonly used in the Power Industry to microcontroller and the circuit during the error
convert the DC Voltage of many generation Sources conditions. The output of the circuit is 6 PWMs for 3
into AC Voltages for e cient transmission and legs of the Three Phase Inverter.
distribution. Fur thermore, they are also used to

Gate Driver Circuit for Three Phase Inverter: Page 1

Gate Driver Circuit for Three Phase Inverter: Page 2
Step 1: Literature Review

Many applications in the Power Industry require the switched on, one transistor in each branch. In one
conversion of DC Voltage to AC voltage such as the cycle, there are six modes of operation and each
connection of Solar Panels to the National Grid or to mode operates for 60 degrees of the cycle. The
power AC devices. This conversion of DC to AC is gating signals are shifted from each other by a phase
achieved using Inverters. Based on the type of di erence of 60 degrees to obtain threephase
supply, there are two types of inverters: Single Phase balanced supply.
Inverter and Three Phase Inverter. A Single Phase
Inverter takes the DC voltage as input and converts it Figure 1.2: 180 degree conductio
to Single Phase AC Voltage while a three Phase
Inverter converter converts the DC Voltage into Three 120 degree Conduction Mode
Phase AC Voltage.
In this mode, each transistor is switched on for 120
Figure 1.1: Three Phase Inverter degrees. And at any time, only two transistors
conduct. It should be noted that at any time, in each
A three phase inverter employs 6 transistor switches branch, only one transistor should be on. There
as shown above which are driven by PWM Signals should be a phase di erence of 60 degrees between
using Gate Driver Circuits. the PWM Signals to get balanced three phase AC
The Gating Signals of the inverter should have a
phase di erence of 120 degrees with respect to each Figure 1.3: 120 degree conduction
other to acquire a three-phase balanced output. Two
types of Control Signals can be applied to run this Dead Time Control
One very important precaution to be taken is that in
• 180 degree conduction one leg, both the transistors should not be on at the
same time otherwise the DC Source will short circuit
• 120 degree conduction and the circuit is damaged. Therefore, it is very
essential to add a very short time interval between
180 degree Conduction Mode the turning o of one transistor and the turning on of
the other transistor.
In this mode, each transistor is switched on for 180
degrees. And at any time, three transistors remain

Gate Driver Circuit for Three Phase Inverter: Page 3

Step 2: Block Diagram

Gate Driver Circuit for Three Phase Inverter: Page 4

Step 3: Components

In this section details about design will be presented stop functioning. Therefore the charge in the Cbs
and will be analyzed. capacitor must be a minimum of twice the above
value. The minimum capacitor value can be
Component List calculated from the equation below.

• Optocoupler 4n35 C = 2[(2Qg + Iqbs/f + Qls + Icbs(leak)/f) / (Vcc−Vf

• IR2110 driver IC
Where as
• Transistor 2N3904
Vf= Forward voltage drop across the bootstrap diode
• Diode (UF4007)
VLS= Voltage drop across the low side FET (or load
• Zener Diodes for a high side driver)

• Relay 5V VMin= Minimum voltage between VB and VS

•AND Gate 7408 Qg= Gate charge of high side FET

• ATiny85 F= Frequency of operation

> Optocoupler Icbs(leak) = Bootstrap capacitor leakage current

4n35 optocoupler has been used for optical isolation Qls = level shift charge required per cycle
of the microcontroller from the rest of the circuit. The
resistance selected is based on the formula: We have selected a value of 47uF.

Resistance = LedVoltage/CurrentRating > Transistor 2N3904

Resistance = 1.35V/13.5mA The 2N3904 is a common NPN bipolar junction

transistor used for general-purpose low-power
Resistance = 100ohms amplifying or switching applications. It can handle
200 mA current(absolute maximum) and frequencies
Output resistance acting as pull down resistance is as high as 100 MHz when used as an amplifier.
10k ohm for proper voltage development across it.
> Diode (UF4007)
> IR 2110
A high resistivity I-type semiconductor is utilized to
It is a gate driving IC typically used for driving the provide significantly lower diode capacitance (Ct). As
MOSFETs. It is a 500 V High and Low Side Driver IC a result, PIN diodes act as a variable resistor with
with typical 2.5 A source and 2.5 A sink currents in 14 forward bias, and behave as a capacitor with reverse
Lead Packaging IC. bias. High frequency characteristics (low capacitance
ensures minimal e ect of signal lines) make them
> Bootstrap Capacitor suitable for use as variable resistor elements in a
wide variety of applications, including attenuators,
The most important component of driver IC is the high-frequency signal switching (i.e. mobile phones
bootstrap capacitor. The bootstrap capacitor must be requiring an antenna), and AGC circuits.

Gate Driver Circuit for Three Phase Inverter: Page 5

able to supply this charge, and retain its full voltage, > Zener Diode
otherwise there will be a significant amount of ripple
on the Vbs voltage, which could fall below the Vbsuv A Zener diode is a particular type of diode that, unlike
undervoltage lockout, and cause the HO output to

a normal one, allows current to flow not only from its

anode to its cathode, but also in the reverse direction,
when the Zener voltage is reached. It is used as a
voltage regulator. Zener diodes have a highly doped
p-n junction. Normal diodes will also break down with
a reverse voltage but the voltage and sharpness of
the knee are not as well defined as for a Zener diode.
Also normal diodes are not designed to operate in the
breakdown region, but Zener diodes can reliably
operate in this region.

> Relay

Relays are switches that open and close circuits

electromechanically or electronically. Relays control
one electrical circuit by opening and closing contacts
in another circuit. When a relay contact is normally
open (NO), there is an open contact when the relay is
not energized. When a relay contact is Normally
Closed (NC), there is a closed contact when the relay
is not energized. In either case, applying electrical
current to the contacts will change their state

> AND GATE 7408

A Logic AND Gate is a type of digital logic gate

whose output goes HIGH to a logic level 1 when all of
its inputs are HIGH

> ATiny85

It is a low-power Microchip 8-bit AVR RISC-based

microcontroller combining 8KB ISP flash memory,
512B EEPROM, 512-Byte SRAM, 6 general purpose
I/O lines, 32 general purpose working registers, one
8-bit timer/counter with compare modes, one 8-bit
high speed timer/counter, USI, internal and external
Interrupts, 4-channel 10-bit A/D converter.

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Step 4: Working and Circuit Explained

In this section the working of the circuit will be IC. As IR2110 don’t have the built in NOT Gate
explained in detail. therefore BJT is used as an inverter to the pin Lin. It
then gives the complementary PWMs to the
PWM generation MOSFETs which are to be driven

PWM has been generated from STM microcontroller. Error Detection

TIM3, TIM4 and TIM5 has been used to generate
three PWMs of 50 percent duty cycle. The phase shift The SemiTeach module has 3 error pins which are
of 60 degrees was incorporated between three PWMs normally HIGH at 15 V. Whenever there is any error
using time delay. For 50 Hz PWM signal, following in the circuit, one of the pins go to level LOW. For the
method was used to calculate the delay protection of the components of the circuit, the circuit
must be cut o during error conditions. This was
delay = TimePeriod*60/360 accomplished using AND Gate, ATiny85
Microcontroller and a 5 V Relay. Use of AND Gate
delay = 20ms*60/360
The input to the AND Gate are 3 error pins which are
delay = 3.3ms at HIGH state in normal condition so the output of
AND Gate is HIGH in normal conditions. As soon as
Microcontroller Isolation using Optocoupler there is an error, one the pins go to 0 V and hence
the output of the AND Gate goes LOW. This can be
Isolation between microcontroller and the rest of the used to check whether there is an error or not in the
circuit has been done using optocoupler 4n35. The circuit. The Vcc to the AND Gate is provided through
isolation voltage of 4n35 is about 5000 V. It is used a Zener Diode.
for the protection of the microcontroller from the
reverse currents. As a microcontroller can’t bear Cutting the Vcc through ATiny85
negative voltage,hence, for the protection of the
microcontroller, optocoupler is used. The output of the AND Gate is fed to the ATiny85
Microcontroller which generates an interrupt as soon
Gate Driving Circuit as there is any error. This further drives the Relay
IR2110 driver IC has been used to provide switching which cuts o the Vcc of all the components except
PWMs to the MOSFETs. PWMs from the ATiny85.
microcontroller have been provided at the input of the

Gate Driver Circuit for Three Phase Inverter: Page 9

Step 5: Simulation

For the simulation, we have used the PWMs from the High Side Output
function generator in the Proteus rather than This output is between HO and Vs. Following figure
STMf401 model as it is not available on Proteus. We shows the output of the three high side PWMs.
have used Opto-Coupler 4n35 for the isolation
between micro-controller and the rest of the circuit. Low Side Output
IR2103 is used in the simulations as a current This output is between LO and COM. Following figure
amplifier which gives us complementary PWMs. shows the output of the three high side PWMs.

Schematic Diagram
The schematic diagram is given as follow:

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Step 6: Schematic and PCB Layout

The schematic and PCB layout created on Proteus has been shown

Gate Driver Circuit for Three Phase Inverter: Page 11

Step 7: Hardware Results

Complementary PWMs

The following figure shows the output of one of the IR2110 which is complementary

PWM of Phase A and B

The phase A and B of are 60 degrees phase shifted. It is shown in the figure

PWM of Phase A and C

The phase A and C of are -60 degrees phase shifted. It is shown in the figure

Gate Driver Circuit for Three Phase Inverter: Page 12

Step 8: Coding

Code was developed in Atollic TrueStudio. To install Atollic you can view my previous tutorials or download online.

The complete project has been added.



Step 9: Thanks

Following my tradition I would like to thank my group members who helped me in completing this awesome

Hope this instructable helps you.

This is me signing off :)

Best Regards

Tahir Ul Haq

EE,UET LHR Pakistan

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