English II MCQs

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 Communication is a ______________
A. one way process.
B. two-way process.
C. three-way process.s
D. four-way process.
Correct answer: (B)
2. Communication saves time in
A. internal communication.
B. interview.
C. oral communication.
D. schedule.
Correct answer: (C)
3. Realizing the potential of the self is part of the
A. communication development.
B. language development.
C. skill development.
D. personality development.
Correct answer: (D)
4. The term communis derived from ______________ word.
A. Greek.
B. Latin.
C. Chinese.
D. English.
Correct answer: (B)
5. Posters fall under ______________ communication.
A. oral.
B. visual.
C. written.
D. spoken.
Correct answer: (B)
6. On the ______________ it is possible to get immediate feedback
A. letter.
B. telephone.
C. e-mail.
D. fax.
Correct answer: (B)
7. A group discussion of a real-life situation with in a training environment is ______________
A. discussion.
B. listening.
C. case study method.
D. all of the above.
Correct answer: (A)
8. The information the receiver gets is called ______________
A. message.
B. output.
C. input.
D. source.
Correct answer: (A)
9. Communication is the ______________ of business.
A. Backbone.
B. life blood.
C. nervous system.
D. both (1) & (2).
Correct answer: (A)
10. ______________ are welcome, for it is not obligatory to accept them.
A. suggestion.
B. order.
C. courtesy.
D. complaint.
Correct answer: (A)
11. ______________ refers to the special language of a trade.
A. jargon
B. expression.
C. colloquialism.
D. suggestion.
Correct answer: (A)
12. Audio-Visual communication is most suitable for mass ______________ and mass ______________
A. publicity & education.
B. policies & political.
C. save & store.
D. Education & political.
Correct answer: (A)
13. Interpretation of data is followed by ______________
A. recommendation.
B. suggestion.
C. conclusions.
D. complaint.
Correct answer: (B)
14. Gray colour refers ______________
A. confidence & wisdom.
B. cheerfulness & vigour.
C. life & coolness.
D. danger.
Correct answer: (A)
15. Communication in an organization should ideally flow ______________
A. from top to bottom.
B. from bottom to top.
C. both ways.
D. horizontally.
Correct answer: (A)
16. Press reports refers to ______________
A. reports in newspapers.
B. reports through letters.
C. oral communication.
D. written communication.
Correct answer: (B)
17. A collection letter is associate with ______________
A. debtors.
B. creditors.
C. company.
D. customers.
Correct answer: (A)
18. Statutory Report is ______________
A. an informal report.
B. not having legal sanction.
C. always a statistical report.
D. Formal report.
Correct answer: (A)
19. Motivation can be achieved through ______________ incentives.
A. Monetary.
B. social.
C. non-monetary.
D. legal.
Correct answer: (A)
20. The exit communication takes place when an employee ______________the organization.
A. enter into.
B. learning from.
C. both. (1 & 2 ).
D. leaves.
Correct answer: (A)
21. ______________ is a very conscious process of communication
A. warning.
B. order.
C. action.
D. education.
Correct answer: (D)
22. ______________ means the right use of putting in points or stops in writing.
A. exclamation.
B. semi colon.
C. comma.
D. full stop.
Correct answer: (D)
23. ______________ is the main part of the report.
A. conclusion.
B. recommendations.
C. description.
D. references.
Correct answer: (C)
24. The most important part of the letter is
A. the heading.
B. date.
C. body of the letter.
D. post script.
Correct answer: (C)
25. ______________ system provides expert advice for operational chores.
A. business.
B. operation support.
C. end user systems.
D. expert systems.
Correct answer: (D)
26. ______________ computers operate by measuring.
A. analog.
B. digital.
C. hybrid.
D. main frame.
Correct answer: (A)
27. An ______________ report can be denied at any time
A. oral.
B. written.
C. special.
D. informal.
Correct answer: (A)
28. The American style of writing the date in business letter starts with ______________
A. day.
B. month.
C. year.
D. time.
Correct answer: (B)
29. An effort to influence the attitude and feeling of others is ______________
A. persuasion.
B. suggestion.
C. advice.
D. appreciation.
Correct answer: (A)
30. The main objective of communication is
A. information and persuasion.
B. skill and personality development.
C. control and management.
D. need.
Correct answer: (A)
31. The communication cycle, the process of re translation of signals into ideas is called
A. encoding.
B. decoding.
C. response.
D. feedback.
Correct answer: (B)
32. A memo is an example for
A. internal communication.
B. external communication.
C. lateral communication.
D. Written communication.
Correct answer: (A)
33. Informal communication is otherwise known as ______________ communication.
A. grapevine.
B. lateral.
C. visual.
D. horizontal.
Correct answer: (A)
34. The inside address is typed ______________
A. right hand side.
B. left hand side.
C. right hand bottom.
D. last.
Correct answer: (A)
35. Good punctuation will not involve ______________
A. rereading.
B. ambiguity.
C. both.
D. misunderstanding.
Correct answer: (C)
36. Information about its products is ______________ information.
A. external.
B. internal.
C. planning.
D. deciding.
Correct answer: (B)
37. Warning can be ______________
A. general or specific
B. specific.
C. particular.
D. Completely general.
Correct answer: (A)
38. ______________ may be less important for small business
A. letter-writing.
B. telephone.
C. e-mail.
D. fax.
Correct answer: (A)
39. ______________ is the process of arriving at agreement through consultation
A. consensus.
B. horizontal.
C. vertical.
D. upward.
Correct answer: (A)
40. The letter of acknowledgement ______________
A. provides a record.
B. shows courtesy.
C. avoids misunderstanding.
D. serves all the above purposes.
Correct answer: (D)
41. Communication network in any organization is ______________
A. internal & external.
B. verbal & written.
C. oral & non-verbal.
D. feedback.
Correct answer: (A)
42. Informal communication is otherwise known as ______________
A. person to person communication.
B. internal communication.
C. external communication.
D. Authoritative communication.
Correct answer: (B)
43. Minutes of resolutions is only resolutions ______________
A. recorded.
B. development.
C. decision-making.
D. authenticated.
Correct answer: (A)
44. Minutes of a meeting are usually prepared by ______________
A. secretary.
B. chairman.
C. shareholder.
D. laymen.
Correct answer: (D)
45. The value mail e-mail, video conferencing etc some of the ______________ based media of
A. computer.
B. traditional.
C. science.
D. rules.
Correct answer: (C)
46. A circular is a form of ______________
A. oral communication.
B. face-to-face communication.
C. group communication.
D. visual communication.
Correct answer: (A)
47. ______________ means giving a particular bias to the reality
A. abstracting.
B. slanting.
C. inferring.
D. information.
Correct answer: (B)
48. Business letter must possess the quality of ______________
A. coherence.
B. incompleteness.
C. faultiness.
D. jargons.
Correct answer: (A)
49. ______________ report can be denied at any time.
A. oral report.
B. written report.
C. business report.
D. formal report.
Correct answer: (A)
50. ______________ reports are related to a single occasion or situation.
A. non-recurrent reports.
B. investigative reports.
C. special reports.
D. formal reports.
Correct answer: (C)

Three step writing process will help you to create message more effective in ---------------
(a) More time (b) Exact time (c) Less time (d) None
During writing process allot your half time to planning one quarter to writing and --------------- to
complete your message
(a) One third (b) Half (c) One quarter (d) None
All business messages have general purpose to inform, to persuade, to collaborate or to ---------
(a) Accomplish (b) Initiate (c) Respond (d) None
You have responsibility to make sure the information you provide is accurate, ethical and -------
(a) Important (b) Pertinent (c) Effective (d) None
written media increase your control, help you reach dispersed audience and minimize
(a) Accuracy (b) Demerits (c) Distortion (d) None
In some situation a message that s predominantly ------------ with text used to support the illustration
can be more effective.
(a) Visual (b) Oral (c) Written (d) All
------- are brief documents braditionally used for , day-to-day exchange of information within an
(a) Letters (b) Memos Podcosts (d) None
Within --------------- approach you open with your main idea of your message and support it with
reasoning, evidence and experience.
(a) Indirect (b) Direct (c) Both a and b (d) None
Good communicator make effort to use biased free language, biased take variety of forms such
gender, race, age, and
(a) Ethic bias (b) Disability (c) Retarded (d) None
These are main two vital steps in buiding and fostering positive business relationship firstey
credibility and -----------
(a) Style and tone (b) Emphasize positive (c) Projecting your main idea (d)
Use ------- sentence to soften bad views news, to put yourself in the back-ground, or to create an
impersonal tone when needed
(a) Active (b) Passive (c) Both a and b (d) None
------------- is the first consideration while choosing strong words.
(a) Correctness (b) Effectiveness (c) Credibility (d) None
An -------- words express a concept, idea or
(a) Concrote (b) Abstract (c) Both a and b (d) None
When you compose your business message try to use -------- words.
(a) Cliches (b) Buzz words (c) Familiar (d) None
A --------- sentence has one main clause and one subordinate clause
(a) Simple sentence (b) Compound sentence (c) Complex sentence (d)
------------- connect ideas by showing how one thought is redated to one another.
(a) Conjuction (b) Transition (c) Preposition (d) None
The best placement of the dependent clause depend on the ---------- between the idea in the sentence
(a) Intensity (b) Relationship (c) Effectiveness (d) None
There are --------------- technique to improve the readability of your message.
(a) Three (b) Four (c) Five (d) One
A --------- is a brief title that grab the readers attention and organize material into short section
(a) Heading (b) Subheading (c) Main heading (d) Main idea
-------------- is essential to getting your message across accurately and efficiently in editig your
business message
(a) Correctness (b) Clarity (c) Conciseness (d) None
Subject and predicate should be placed as close together as possible.
(a) Transition (b) Modifiers (c) Both a and b (d) None
These are -------- software tools that can help you revise messages and explain the risk of using them.
(a) Two (b) Four (c) Five (d) One
For effective design, pay attention to
(a) Consistency (b) Balance (c) Detail (d) None
We can consider cost, convenience, time security and --------- when choosing a distribution method.
(a) Publicity (b) Privacy (c) Advertisement (d) None
------------- refers to the physical design of letters, numbers and other text character.
(a) Type face (b) Type stye (c) Both a and b (d) None
Changing verbs and nouns into objectives is called
(a) Camouflaged verb (b) Auxiliary verb (c) Both a and b (d) None
Multimedia documents can be powerful communication vehicles but they require more time, tools
and ------------ to
(a) Skill (b) Proficiency (c) Ability (d) None
communicating successfully with electronic media requires a wide range of -------- approach
(a) Writing (b) Oral (c) Reading (d) None
With twitter and other super-short messaging system, the ability to write a compelling
------------------- is an important skill.
(a) Blog (b) Stadus (c) Teaser (d) None
Writing for -------------------- media reviews a different approach than writing for traditional media.
(a) Social (b) Print (c) Electronic (d) None
Social network can be categorized into -------------- groups.
(a) Two (b) Three (c) Four (d) Five
Socializing a brand is becoming an increasingly important element of ------------ and public velation
(a) Advertisement (b) Marketing (c) Business (d) None
Youtube is ---------- content sites are now very important business communication
(a) User-generated (b) Media curation (c) Both a and b (d) None
Community o and A sites offer great opportunities for building your ---------- bread.
(a) Company (b) Society (c) Personal (d) None
Content of email
(a) Introduction, body, conclusion (b) Introduction, body, cohesion (c)
Introduction, body, concern (d) None
Purpose of writing is expressed in by which type of question
(a) Who (b) Why (c) Whom (d) How
What to consider while creating help document for newly introduced search engine in ABC site.
(a) Technical knowledge (b) Gender (c) Interest (d) Experience
Mark the correct ones which can written in project status report.
(a) Current status (b) Plans for next phase (c) Areas of concern (d) Suggestion
Support sentence are all more specific than the ---------------
(a) Topic sentence (b) Main idea (c) Headings (d) None
What is upward flow
(a) Junior to senior (b) Senior to junior (c) Both a and b (d) none

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