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Semester Rules

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i. These rules shall be called the KUST Semester Rules 2019.
ii. These rules shall come into force at once.
iii. These rules shall be applicable to all degree programmes offered by KUST under the semester
system in any of its colleges or campuses.

i. “University” as defined in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Universities ACT 2012 and KUST Statutes

ii. “Vice-Chancellor” as defined in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Universities ACT 2012 and KUST
Statutes 2016.
iii. “Dean” as defined in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Universities ACT 2012 and KUST Statutes
iv. “HoD” as defined in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Universities ACT 2012 and KUST Statutes
v. “Programme Coordinator” means a faculty member whom the HoD has assigned the
responsibility to coordinate academic activities of a degree programme o f f e r e d by the
Department/ Institute/ Center.
vi. “Academic Programme” means a programme of studies that leading to the award of a degree
vii. “Course” means a regular/ full- time course of study leading to the partial/ successful
Completion of the programme, as the case may be.
viii. “GPA” stands for Grade Point Average
ix. “SGPA” stands for Semester Grade Point Average
x. “CGPA” stands for Cumulative Grade Point Average

xi. Central Admission Committee means a c ommitt ee constituted by the Vice-Chancellor of the
University to devise and frame policy and procedures regarding the admissions to various
degree programmes offered by the University

xii. Departmental Admission Committee means a committee constituted by the concerned Dean on
the recommendation of HoD to look after the Admission of students to various degree
programmes offered by the Department/ Institute / Center

xiii. “U nfair Means Committee” means a committee constituted by the concerned Dean on the
recommendation of HoD to decide cases of unfair means reported during examinations
conducted by the Department / Institutes / Center
xiv. KCMS stands for KUST Campus Management System

Table Conte nts

1. Duration of Studies ............................................................................................................................... 6

2. Academic Calendar ............................................................................................................................... 6

3. Academic Year/ Session ........................................................................................................................ 7

4. Summer Semester ................................................................................................................................. 7

5. Duration of Semester ............................................................................................................................ 7

6. Registration ........................................................................................................................................... 7

6.1 Pre-Registration for Semester ....................................................................................................... 7

6.2 Semester Registration ................................................................................................................... 7

6.3 Late Registration ........................................................................................................................... 8

6.4 Failure in Registration in a Semester ............................................................................................ 8

7. Attendance ............................................................................................................................................ 8

8. Interruption of Studies .......................................................................................................................... 9

9. Credit System ...................................................................................................................................... 10

10. Course Codes .................................................................................................................................. 10

11. Degree Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 11

11.1 Undergraduate BS/BBA Degree ................................................................................................. 11

11.1.1 Major courses ...................................................................................................................... 12

11.1.2 Minor Courses ..................................................................................................................... 12

11.1.3 Multi-disciplinary Courses .................................................................................................. 12

11.1.4 Non-Credit and Optional (Pass/Fail) Courses ..................................................................... 12

11.1.5 Internship ............................................................................................................................ 13

11.1.6 Senior Design Project.......................................................................................................... 13

11.2 (MBA) Degree ............................................................................................................................ 15

11.3 Undergraduate (PHARM-D) Degree .......................................................................................... 15

11.4 Undergraduate (MSc/MA/MCS) Degree .................................................................................... 15

11.5 Undergraduate (MEd, MEd Professional) Degree ...................................................................... 15

12. Double Degree ................................................................................................................................ 15


13. Course Load .................................................................................................................................... 16

13.1 Add/Drop of Courses ....................................................................................................................... 16

13.2 Withdrawal from Courses ................................................................................................................ 16

13.3 Auditing Course (s).......................................................................................................................... 17

14. Transfer Courses (Advance Placement or Migration) .................................................................... 17

15. Graduate (MS, MPhil, PhD) Degree ............................................................................................... 18

15.1 MS/MPhil Degree ............................................................................................................................ 18

15.1.1 Course Requirements: .............................................................................................................. 19

15.1.2 Core (Compulsory) Courses: .............................................................................................. 19

15.1.3 Specialization Courses: ............................................................................................................ 19

15.1.4 Elective Courses....................................................................................................................... 19

15.1.5 Semester Course Load ............................................................................................................. 19

15.1.6 Probation .................................................................................................................................. 20

15.1.7 Academic Expulsion ................................................................................................................ 20

15.1.8 Selection of Topic and Supervisor(s) ....................................................................................... 20

15.1.9 Change of Topic and Supervisor .............................................................................................. 20

15.1.10 Synopsis ................................................................................................................................. 20

15.1.11 Presentation ............................................................................................................................ 21

15.1.12 Research Work and Report / Thesis ....................................................................................... 21

15.1.13 Reviewers, Evaluation and Viva & Result of MS/MPhil Thesis: .......................................... 22

15.2 PhD Degree ................................................................................................................................. 24

15.2.1 Probation .................................................................................................................................. 24

15.2.2 Semester Course Load ............................................................................................................. 24

15.2.3 Presentation ......................................................................................................................... 24

15.2.4 Journal Publication................................................................................................................... 25

15.2.5 Selection of Supervisor(s) and Topic ....................................................................................... 25

15.2.6 Change of Topic and Supervisor .............................................................................................. 25

15.2.7 Comprehensive Examination, Proposal and Thesis Defense ................................................... 26


16. Examinations................................................................................................................................... 32

16.1.1 Setting-up Exam Paper................................................................................................................ 34

16.2 Conduct of the Examinations ...................................................................................................... 35

16.3 Permission of Writing For Special Students ............................................................................... 37

16.4 Grading System ........................................................................................................................... 37

16.5 Absolute Grading System ........................................................................................................... 40

16.6 Academic Standing ..................................................................................................................... 40

16.6.1 Excellent ............................................................................................................................. 40

16.6.2 Satisfactory ......................................................................................................................... 41

16.6.3 Cautions .............................................................................................................................. 41

16.6.4 Probation/ Dismissed .......................................................................................................... 41

16.6.5 Academic Distinctions, Gold Medals, and Pass.................................................................. 41

16.6.6 Gold Medals ........................................................................................................................ 42

16.6.7 Passed.................................................................................................................................. 42

16.7 Incomplete (I) Grade ................................................................................................................... 42

16.8 Re-totaling of marks ................................................................................................................... 43

16.9 Re-checking of Paper .................................................................................................................. 43

16.10 Application to Semester Appellate Committee ........................................................................... 44

16.11 Damaged / Lost Answer Script ................................................................................................... 44

16.12 Repeating Course(s) .................................................................................................................... 45

17. Students Code of Honor .............................................................................................................. 46

18 Conduct & Discipline Rules for Students of KUST ................................................................... 46

18.1 Applicability and Commencement.............................................................................................. 46

18.2 Responsibility of the Staff: .............................................................................................................. 46

18.3 Proctorial Board .......................................................................................................................... 47

19. Prohibited Acts................................................................................................................................ 47

20. Act of Indiscipline........................................................................................................................... 48

21. Penalties .......................................................................................................................................... 48


21.1 Officers’ Powers to Impose Penalties ......................................................................................... 48

21.2 Procedure in Case of Breach of Discipline ................................................................................. 50

21.3 Rustication, Expulsion and Cancellation of Admission .............................................................. 50

21.3.1 Rustication .......................................................................................................................... 50

21.3.2 Expulsion ............................................................................................................................ 50

21.3.3 Cancellation of Admission .................................................................................................. 51

21.4 Appeals ................................................................................................................................... 51

21.5 Examination Offences ............................................................................................................. 51

22. The act of Indiscipline in Examination ........................................................................................... 51

23. Library............................................................................................................................................. 53

23.1 Loan Privileges: .................................................................................................................................. 53

23.2 Borrowing of Books:....................................................................................................................... 53

23.3 Loan Period ......................................................................................................................................... 54

23.4 Damage and Loss of Books: ............................................................................................................... 54

23.5 General Rules: ............................................................................................................................. 54

24. Fee Structure ................................................................................................................................... 55

24.1 Rules for the refund of the fee for fresh entry ..................................................................................... 55

24.2 Scholarships (Financial Assistance)................................................................................................ 56

25. Admissions...................................................................................................................................... 57

25.1 Admission Procedure/Rules for Bachelor/BS (4 years), Pharm-D, Master, and B.Ed. Programmes

25.2 Admission Procedure/ Rules for Graduate Programmes ................................................................. 59

25.3 Ineligibility for Admission .......................................................................................................... 60

25.4 Confirmation of Admissions ....................................................................................................... 61

25.5 Cancellation of Admission .......................................................................................................... 61

25.6 Admission Appellate Committee ................................................................................................ 61


This document presents approved academic rules and regulations of the Kohat University of Science and
Technology for the undergraduate and graduate academic programmes offered under semester system.
The University reserves the right to amend or discard these rules and regulations, in whole or in part
thereof, with the approval of the competent authorities.

1. Duration of Studies
Under the semester system, KUST offers several degree programmes with varying minimum credit hours
and requires its students to complete the entire degree programme within the following time limits:

Normal Duration Maximum Duration Minimum Credit

Degree Programme
(calendar year) (calendar year) Hours
BS/BBA/B.Ed 04 06 132
Pharm-D 05 08 188
MSc/MA/BBS/MCS 02 04 60
M.Ed Professional 02 04 60
MBA (3.5) 3.5 06 99
MBA (1.5) 1.5 03 36
MBA (2.5) 2.5 05 78
M.Ed 01 02 30
MS 02 04 30
MPhil 02 04 30
PhD 03 08 24

2. Academic Calendar
The Directorate of Academic of the University, with the approval of Academic Council, routinely
publishes a schedule of complete academic year. These academic activities include:
 Semester Start Date
 Course Registration
 Teaching Weeks
 Add/ Drop Courses
 Course Withdrawal
 Holidays During the Semester
 Mid-semester Break (Sports Gala / Students Week)
 Semester End Date
 Mid Semester/ Final Exam
 Inter Semester Break
 Result Notification Date

3. Academic Year/ Session

An academic year/session under the semester system comprises 02 regular semesters and an optional
summer (shorter duration) semester.

i. Fall Semester normally starts in September and ends in January.

ii. Spring Semester normally starts in February and ends in June.

4. Summer Semester
A summer semester of 0 8 weeks duration may be offered during July and August. During the
Summer Semester, the teaching hours per course per week will be increased to ensure the completion of
total academic hour requirements per credit hour described under these rules.

5. Duration of Semester
The Regular Semester (Fall/Spring) shall consist of 15 weeks of teaching and 02 weeks of Final
Examinations. Teaching in the Summer Semester spans over 08 weeks. The Mid Semester
Examinations, Quizzes, Assignments are part of the teaching during the semester. In case of
untoward circumstances, the duration of the semester may be changed, but the total academic hours
must be completed. There may be a break of one week from teaching around the middle of a regular
semester (Mid Semester Break/Sports Gala). During this period, co-curricular and extracurricular
activities are organized by the University.

6. Registration
In every semester, students at the University / Affiliated Colleges / University Campuses must register
their courses online, using KCMS as per the academic calendar. The office of the respective HoD shall
formally approve the course registration of the students and shall generate student lists for all the courses
offered by the Department/ Institute / Center

6.1 Pre-Registration for Semester

The pre-Registration process will be completed as per the academic calendar before each semester
commences. The first semester students (fresh intake) may not require to go through this process.

6.2 Semester Registration

Following the pre-Registration, students must complete Semester registration before the start of classes.
However, students will be allowed to add and drop courses as per the academic calendar with the
permission of the concerned HoD.

6.3 Late Registration

In case a student could not submit the Course Registration on or before the deadline according to
approved academic calendar due to unavoidable circumstances and acceptable reasons, he must
formally apply to the respective Head of Department to approve the late registration. Late registration
may be granted on the following terms and conditions.

a. The registration shall not be late by more than three weeks, inclusive of holidays, if any.
b. The concerned Head of Department must forward the online Registration Form to the respective
Dean for approval.
c. If granted approval, the student will have to deposit the required late registration fee as per
approved rates per day.
d. Registration of courses later than three weeks may not be approved.

6.4 Failure in Registration in a Semester

Failure in Registration of courses during a semester may lead to cancellation of admission. The
concerned Dean can restore the cancelation of admission in such cases on the recommendation of the
respective HoD following approved procedures.

7. Attendance
a. Every student of the University is required to maintain at least 75% of the attendance in each
course. A student who fails to meet the minimum requirements of attendance in any course shall
not be allowed to take the final examination for that course.
b. In courses with Lab, every student studying such course is required to maintain at least 75% of
the attendance in a lab and 75% in a classroom, separately. A student who fails to meet the
minimum requirements of attendance, either in Lab or in a classroom, shall not be allowed to take
the final examination for that whole course.
c. The 25% margin of absence from the classes is reserved for an illness case or other unavoidable
d. The Instructor will report a student’s absence, and the student may be placed on attendance
probation by his HoD.
e. In case, due to genuine reasons or circumstances beyond his control (verified and approved by the
Department Academic Committee), a student’s attendance in a course or all courses registered in
a semester falls below the mark of 75% but had more than 50% attendance in every course and
was available for the final examination, he/she can sit in the final examination. The course(s) is
considered incomplete, and an "I" grade is awarded. This grade shall temporarily appear in the

transcript until it is replaced by the actual grade and will not receive an F Grade. After receiving
an I grade, the student shall make up the unfinished portion of his subject to the instructor's
satisfaction who awarded this grade. In case a student fails to complete the unfinished portion
within the following semester, his I grade would be converted to an F grade.
f. The concerned HoD will notify a student who remains absent from classes for ten (10)
consecutive working days through the Departmental notice board and a registered letter to his/her
g. In case a student remains absent for twenty (20) consecutive working days from the classes,
he/she will cease to be a student of KUST. The HoD shall notify this with a copy to the parents
and all other concerned offices of the University.
h. A Student Registered in a subject may not be permitted to continue due to the shortage of
attendance (less than 50 % ) or other disciplinary action. Such student shall be awarded a “WF”
(Forced Withdrawal) grade. It shall appear in the transcript as such and shall not be used in the
computation of GPA.
i. A student who ceased on the basis of low attendance may apply to the Departmental Academic
Committee. The Departmental Academic Committee may allow the student to continue as per
• The student has to submit a fine for the missed classes.
• Makeup classes for the students shall be arranged.

8. Interruption of Studies
An undergraduate student may opt to interrupt his studies at any time, while the graduate student can only
interrupt his studies before the synopsis's approval. However, this option can only be exercised subject to
the following conditions:

i. The student has not accumulated consecutive probations or not having a disciplinary case
pending against him or expelled from the university on disciplinary grounds. An MPhil/MS/PhD
students can only interrupt their studies before the approval of his synopsis by the ASRB.
ii. The case is processed through the Departmental Academic Committee and approved by the
concerned Dean on the recommendation of HoD.
iii. If a student freezes a semester, he/she will resume his studies from the same stage where he/she
left (froze).

iv. The interruption period in a degree programme may not be counted towards the maximum
degree duration provided that the interruption of studies is not more than one year, i.e., two
v. Interruption of studies later than the third week of a regular semester or the first week of the
summer semester shall lead to F Grade in the registered courses.
vi. The option of semester freezing will only be exercised after the completion of the first semester.
The students/scholars of all programmes can apply for freezing after completion of the first
vii. A student can interrupt his studies twice only in the entire degree programme. However, the total
duration of interruption shall remain 02 years in all cases.
viii. The unfreezing request shall be submitted at least 02 weeks before starting the semester by the
student in person with all the requirements.
ix. The resumption request shall be submitted to the respective HoD at least 02 weeks before
starting a semester. The HoD shall process the case through DAC and recommend the case to the
concerned Dean for Approval.
x. Failure to resume (unfreeze) studies after the elapse of the maximum duration of 02 years of
interruption shall lead to admission cancellation.

9. Credit System
One credit hour means dir ect teaching a theory course for a mi ni mum of 15 academic hours per
semester. In the case of practical, one credit hour means direct instructions and performance of the
experiments in the laboratory environment for a minimum duration of 45 academic hours. An
academic hour at the University is 60 minutes duration.
a. The credit hours are denoted by three digits m(n+p) where “m” is total credit hours, “n” is the
credit hour of the theory of the course and “p” is the credit hour assigned to the practical part of
the course. For example, 4 (3+1) employs the total credit hours of 4, and the theory and practical
parts are assigned 3 and 1 credit hours, respectively.
b. In the Seminar Course case, attendance and participation in 12 seminars during a semester
constitute one credit hour. If the seminar series is followed by a compiled report duly vetted by
the DAC, it shall make 02 credit hours. Such a course is evaluated on the basis of satisfactory /
un-satisfactory completion.

10. Course Codes

Every course offered at KUST is identified by a three characters long unique alpha-numeric code,

usually three to four letters followed by three digits. The letters represent the major field, and numeric
signifies the level of the subject.
a. The first digit represents the level (Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Graduate, etc.) of the
course taught. Usually, the year in which a course is normally offered in a particular plan of the
degree programme is attributed to the course's level. For example, a course offered at the junior
level of undergraduate (3rd year of regular BS degree programmes will carry the first digit as 3.
The courses are offered in the 1st year of conventional MA/M.Sc shall also carry digit 3. MS/
MPhil courses will start with digit 5 and 6. The PhD level courses shall start 7 and 8 the PhD
thesis normally starts with 9(eg. ZOO999)
b. The second digit represents the broad area of the course. Each department classifies all the
courses offered into broad areas. The digit “0” at this position normally refers to the basic
introductory level general courses of the discipline.
c. The third or the last digit stands for the course's sequence in the same area in the same level
d. The course code for Senior Design Project offered at undergraduate degree programmes should
be 499.

11. Degree Requirements

Every student at KUST is required to follow a plan set out by his department/institute/center to complete
all the requirements (as outlined below) for a degree programme of his choice within the specified
duration. It is the responsibility of the concerned HoD to certify the completion of the degree requirement
of respective students and provide a list of the students who complete degree requirements to the CoE
office and Director Academic. The respective department will also issue a Provisional Certificate to the
student at the completion of the degree programme.

11.1 Undergraduate BS/BBA Degree

To earn a degree, one must successfully complete the minimum Credit Hours requirements, as
described in these regulations, with a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.00 in
case of undergraduate, 2.5 in case of MS/MPhil or Equivalent, and 3.00 in case of PhD.

The course requirements are grouped into and, Non-Credit (pass/fail) and, in most cases, a Final Year
Design Project. The maximum number of CrHr assigned to a programme may vary from discipline to
discipline. However, the minimum required Credit Hours for four years undergraduate degree
programme shall be at least 133.

11.1.1 Major courses

These courses are directly related to the student's degree programme's main theme and usually
carry the code of the student's registered discipline. These courses make the core and elective
courses of the student's degree programme. The Dean of the respective Faculty may approve a
course either from the minor discipline or a subject directly related to the major as a
replacement/an alternative for a major course with the recommendation of the Head of the
Department of the student's major. The minimum requirement of Major courses is not less than
60% of the total CrHs.

11.1.2 Minor Courses

These courses are outside the prescribed major but are offered either by the same faculty or
outside the faculty but relevant to the major theme of the major degree programme. Some of these
minors are defined, while others are left open for the students to choose. Most of these minor
courses are offered during the first 02 years of the BS degree programme and are mostly the basic
courses. Such courses aim to provide breadth in students' studies and widen their awareness in the
allied fields that impinge on their specialization area. The maximum requirement is 22% of the
total CrHr.

11.1.3 Multi-disciplinary Courses

All students are required to successfully complete some courses in English language, Islamic and
Pakistan Studies, information technology, social sciences, and management sciences. The
maximum requirement is 18% of the total CrHr.

11.1.4 Non-Credit and Optional (Pass/Fail) Courses

In some disciplines, it is mandatory for a student to attend a course (in entirety) offered by the
same department or any other university department to be eligible for the degree. The total
number of academic hours per week for such a course varies from 2 to 4. The exact number is
announced by the instructor concerned. In these courses, a grade of S (satisfactory completion) or
U (unsatisfactory completion) is awarded and has no bearings on the GPA. In the case of a “U”
grade in a course, it is not mandatory to repeat the same course. The advisor may suggest a
different course to his advisee in order to complete the degree requirement. In addition, an
undergraduate student may also register for a course as an optional non-credit course (with the
approval of his advisor) that will appear on the transcript but will not have to be credited to that
student's GPA. A total of 02 courses may be allowed in an undergraduate degree programme. In

such cases, “S” or “U” grades are awarded. A grade of “U” in these cases could not be repeated,
and no alternative choice could be offered. These courses can be taken only out of elective
courses. A maximum 09 credit hours can be taken on a pass/fail basis at the undergraduate level.

11.1.5 Internship
For some degree programmes (eg. BBA MBA), the respective Board of Studies has made it
compulsory for the students to complete an 8-12 weeks internship in a relevant academic,
research or business organizations relating to disciplines chosen for specialization and submit a
report about the internship. This report shall include a brief introduction to the firm/organization
and followed by the work undertaken. A satisfactory certificate from the CEO/Regional
Executive/Branch manager of the organization about the work carried out by the student at the
firm/organization is mandatory. The Departmental Academic Committee evaluates the report and
the certificate from the organization and awards Satisfactory Completion or otherwise as deemed

11.1.6 Senior Design Project

The undergraduate students may opt and apply to the respective HoD to do a project in their final
year instead of 02 elective courses of 3 credit hours each. The respective DAC, based on the
student's performance in earlier courses, rejects or accepts an application. A minimum CGPA of
2.50/4.00 is required to apply for a project. In case of some disciplines, the project is considered
compulsory and every student is required to do a project irrespective of their cumulative GPA.
The undergraduate BS students, at the end of their 6th semester of studies at KUST, should
consult their faculty advisors for selection of the project. Students are encouraged to undertake
projects that are of interest to industry or other public/private sector organizations.

The Departmental Academic Committee evaluates the senior design project and gives approval to
the project before the start of project/7th semester. The project is assigned a total of 06 CHr, 03
CHr in one semester and 3CrHr in the next semester. In the first instance an “IP” In Progress
Grade is awarded until the completion of project at the end of the year. The IP grade (In
Progress) is replaced with actual percentage score (Grade) obtained. . The IP Grade appears on
the transcript but the Credit Hours assigned are not used in the computation of GPA.

Both the parts get the same percentage score at the completion.

Every project is evaluated twice in a semester by the respective Departmental Academic

Committee. Three of the members must be active in research, for example, have either offered a
project to the students or have completed an R&D project during the last three years. A
percentage score is awarded by common consensus. A member of the committee, however,
cannot evaluate his/ own project-students and, therefore, must not participate in the evaluation of
his/ own project students.

The committee shall use the following percentage for evaluating a project:

-background studies (20%),

-planning and initiation (20%),
-project work (40%),
-results and presentation (20%).

Evaluation and final grading of an undergraduate project are done by the respective Departmental
Academic Committee and the cumulative result is submitted by the committee through HOD. The
student must complete his/ project and present the report (& submit it in a bounded form to the
Project Supervisor) before the final examination of the final semester of the degree programme.
In case of inability to complete the project by the set deadline (before the start of the final
examination and announced by the respective department/ institute), the respective departmental
academic committee shall submit a report. . This process must be completed before the end of the
final examination and the respective HoD must inform the CoE office accordingly.

In case, a student lags behind his classmates due to poor academic performance, health reasons,
etc, the project may be delayed. In such cases, the result of the rest of the class shall not be
delayed. The student in problem in this case shall be awarded an “IP” grade in both the semesters.

It is the responsibility of the student to get his/ project complete by the renewed deadline. In case
a project meets a dead-end, the project could either be replaced by another project or replaced by
02 courses. In such cases, approval of the concerned Dean would be required.

In case of conventional MA/M.Sc, the project spans over one semester and evaluation is carried
out by the DAC at the end of semester as outlined above for the cases of Bachelor degree
programme. Such projects also don’t warrant approval from the ASRB.

In case of MBA (1.5, 2.5 and 3.5) programmes the project must be completed in one semester and
the synopsis of the project must be approved by the ASRB before initiating the project. The
evaluation is done as per the regulation stated in case of conventional MA/ MSc.

11.2 (MBA) Degree

KUST offers 02 different schemes of studies leading to MBA degrees, a 2.5 years programme and a
3.5 years programme.

11.3 Undergraduate (PHARM-D) Degree

KUST offers a five years programme leading to the degree of Pharm-D. The rules and regulations
governing Pharm-D Programme will be subject to change after adoption by the competent authorities
in the policy of accrediting body (Pakistan Pharmacy Council) from time to time.

11.4 Undergraduate (MSc/MA/MCS) Degree

KUST offers 02-year master degree programmes in several subjects/disciplines for candidates holding
a 2-year conventional bachelor degree leading to MSc/MA/MCS.

11.5 Undergraduate (MEd, MEd Professional) Degree

KUST also offers a 1 Year Master of Education (MEd) and a 2 Year Master of Education (MEd
Professional) programmes administered by the Institute of Education and Research. In both these
degree programmes, there is an emphasis on practical skills along with all the theoretical background
courses and hence project work is mandatory. The first semester of the MEd 1 Year comprises a
minimum of 15 credit hours of coursework and the load in the second semester is minimum of 15
credit hours and research project. The research work is presented in the form of report (thesis). The
minimum requirements for the completion of MEd (Professional) are 60 credit hours that include six
(06) credit hours of practice teaching and six credit hours of Research Work in the final semester. The
project in both cases is evaluated as was done as undergraduate M.Sc/MA degree above.

12. Double Degree

If a student is desirous of obtaining a degree (undergraduate only) in a discipline other than his previously
earned degree from KUST, he shall spend additional minimum 02 semesters in KUST to complete the
courses required for the double degree. A project considered for one degree, however, shall not be
considered for the second degree. The detail of the courses required for the second degree is worked out
by the office of the respective HoD and approved by the concerned Dean. The HoD shall inform all
concerned including office of the CoE and get the record updated on KCMS. On the successful
completion of the deficiencies as well as the Senior Design Project for the second degree the HoD shall

send the double degree completion notification to the office of the CoE for record and further necessary

13. Course Load

An undergraduate (BS, BBA/MSc/MA) student can normally register for 15-19 Credit Hours in a regular
semester whereas the maximum load for a Graduate student (MS, MPhil, PhD) is 12 CrHr. The maximum
credit limit in case of Pharm-D could be more than 18 due to the requirements set by the Pharmacy
Council of Pakistan. The minimum course load to retain the status of a full-time student is 12 CrHr for the
undergraduate and MSc/MA programme and 6 CrHr for the Graduate (MS, MPhil, PhD) programme. A
Graduate student can retain the status of full-time student by registering only for the research work during
a semester. No exception to this upper limit (19 CrHr for undergraduate, except Pharm-D and 12 CrHr for
graduate) is allowed to the first semester students. However, in later semesters, this limit may be relaxed
with the approval of the HoD. A student, other than the first semester, can request his HoD to allow him
for registering up to a maximum load (21 CrHr for undergraduate and 15 CrHr for graduate) in a semester
if his cumulative GPA is 3.5/4.00 or better. The HoD may also allow a student (irrespective of probation)
to register for up to 02 extra courses (maximum 8CH) if the student is planning to complete his degree
programme in that very year. In case of probation, the HoD shall advise the student to register for 10- 13
CrHr (undergraduate) or 6-9 CrHr (Graduate). However, a student on probation may be allowed to
register normal course load if the HoD is convinced about the capability of the student.

13.1 Add/Drop of Courses

If a student wishes to add or drop a course (s) before the end of the first 02 weeks of the semester, he/
must apply for course add-and-drop through KCMS. For adding a course, the course shall be already
offered and reflected in the notified time table for that semester. . This procedure does not affect the
final transcript.

Course(s) can be dropped during the first three weeks of the semester with the approval of HoD In
case a student wants to drop a course(s) during this period, he/ shall do so online using KCMS. This
procedure does not affect the final transcript.

13.2 Withdrawal from Courses

A student can withdraw from a course(s) during the period starting from the fourth week of the
semester till the end of the sixth week, inclusive of holidays if any. In such a case, he/ shall have to
do so through KCMS. A “W” grade, however, shall appear on the transcript in this case. A course
withdrawal/drop after the sixth week will entail an “F” grade in the course.

13.3 Auditing Course (s)

A student can audit a course(s) subject to the following terms and conditions.
 The course is not a degree requirement of the student.
 The audit status of a course cannot be changed to credit.
 A course once audited cannot be repeated/ registered as accredit-course again.

If a student wants to audit a course, he/she must submit a Course Audit Form to KCMS in the
third week of the semester through the respective HoD. An audited course shall not appear on the

14. Transfer Courses (Advance Placement or Migration)

Any student who has earned credits from a degree awarding institution recognized by the Higher
Education Commission of Pakistan can apply for transfer of courses (standing admission) before the start
of semester. These applications shall be evaluated by the DAC for relevancy i.e. course contents and
suitability of grade (minimum 62% or “C” for undergraduate and 74% or “B” for Graduate). The input
shall be forwarded to the Credit Transfer Committee comprise of the following for making
recommendations to the competent authority for approval:
i. Concerned Dean-Convener
ii. All Deans- Member
iii. Concerned HoD-Member
iv. Director Academics / his nominee- Member/Secretary
The DAC may co-opt members from other disciplines for courses other than the major subjects.
The credit transfer (standing admission) shall be subject to the following conditions:
i. The student shall have successfully completed transferable courses (as per regulations described
here) worth of a normal semester load of that programme.
ii. The maximum transferable courses shall not be more than 50% of the courses (credit hours)
required for the completion of the degree programme at KUST.
iii. The courses shall be transferred on course to course basis.
iv. The student must be fulfilling the admission criteria of that programme
v. There must be a vacant seat available in that programme.
vi. The parent Institution has issued NOC.
vii. The student shall not have been expelled from the parent Institution on disciplinary grounds

viii. The total courses transferred shall be reflected on the transcript issued by KUST with the
reference to the parent institutions. The transfer credit hours shall not be counted towards the

15. Graduate (MS, MPhil, PhD) Degree

A student pursuing MS/MPhil or Equivalent Degree at the University shall successfully earn a minimum
of 30 credit hours to be considered eligible for MS/MPhil degree. While for PhD this limit is 24 credit
hours. A PhD student is also required to successfully complete 06 credit hours of non credit courses.

Except some fields of humanities and social sciences where a student has the option to choose between
research and course work, all students of MS/MPhil must undertake research work of 6 credit hours as
part of the 30 credit hours requirements under the regulations. However, KUST doesn’t offer admission
into its PhD without thesis at MS/MPhil level. Therefore, these MS/MPhil graduates who have not done
thesis at the MS/MPhil level will not be allowed to enter into PhD studies at the University.

The research work is graded pass/fail and the 06 credit hours assigned to research are not counted in the
calculations of grade point average. The 06 credit hours of non credit hours for PhD students are only
satisfactory / non satisfactory completion and or not counted towards the GPA calculation.

The option of allowing 06 credit of course work in place of research work is decided by the respective
Departmental Graduate Committee (DGC) comprise of the following:

i. HoD - Convener
ii. All Professors and Associate Professors - Member
iii. 02 Assistant Professors to be nominated by the concerned Dean- Member
iv. One Assistant Professor to be nominated by HoD- Secretary
The minimum number of members shall be 05. in case where the total number as per above less than 05,
then on the recommendations of HoD, the Vice Chancellor or concerned Dean if so empowered by the
Vice Chancellor shall appoint the deficient No. of member(s) from outside the University.

The DGC shall be the main recommending body in matters pertaining to graduate studies such as offering
courses, facilitating graduate research work, etc. The tenure for the members other than ex-officio shall be
03 years.

15.1 MS/MPhil Degree


15.1.1 Course Requirements:

An MS/MPhil student shall successfully earn a minimum of 24 credit hours of course work with
minimum CGPA 2.5/4.00 to be allowed to embark on MS/MPhil research. The Minimum grade
to earn credit for graduate compulsory course is “C”. These courses are classified as core
(compulsory), Specialization, and electives courses

15.1.2 Core (Compulsory) Courses:

The minimum of core (Compulsory) course requirement varies from discipline to discipline as set
from time to time by HEC, but in no case less than 06 credit hours. The minimum pass grade in
these courses is “C”. The core nature of these courses is approved by Academic Council on the
recommendations of Board of Studies through respective Board of Faculty.

15.1.3 Specialization Courses:

An MS/ MPhil student is required to develop deeper understanding of a specialized field
compared to other fields in his subject. The HoD approves the specialization nature of these
courses for a student on the recommendations of the Departmental Graduate Committee.

The MS/MPhil students shall earn a minimum of 09 credit hours of specialize course work with a
minimum of B- Grade in every course.

For those cases where an MPhil/MS student is allowed to opt for course work in place of the
research work, an additional 06 credit hours of specialization courses shall be successfully
completed with a minimum of B Grade in every course to compensate for the 06 credit of
research work,

15.1.4 Elective Courses

In consultation with supervisor(s), an MPhil/MS student shall successfully earn a minimum 09
credit hours courses related to his main subject but not necessarily to the sub field of
specialization. The passing grade in these courses shall be “C”. Out of these 09 credit hours the
student can take 06 credit hours from 400 level courses provided deemed fit by the HoD.

15.1.5 Semester Course Load

The normal course load during a regular semester for MS/MPhil student is 12 credit hours. An
MPhil/MS student shall not be allowed to register more than 01 graduate course during the
summer semester.

15.1.6 Probation
An MS/ MPhil student who secures less than SGPA 2.5 /4.00 provided that CGPA is less than 2.5
is placed on probation for the next semester. To clear the probation the student must secure a
minimum of CGPA of 2.5/4.00 at the end of probation semester. Only one probation is allowed in
the entire MS/MPhil studies.

15.1.7 Academic Expulsion

An MS/MPhil student who fails to secure a minimum CGPA 2.5/4.00 at the end of probation
semester shall be academically ceased and expelled from the graduate programme of the subject.

15.1.8 Selection of Topic and Supervisor(s)

At the successful completion of course work with a minimum GPA of 2.5/4.00 an MS/MPhil
student (except the case where the option of 06 credit hours of course work can be exercised)
shall come up with a proposal for undertaking research work on a topic of choice.

The student shall discuss the proposal with faculty members in his department/institute/ center,
keeping in view their research interest, for guidance and supervision. The student and the faculty
member must also keep in view the limit of number of scholars a researcher can supervise as per
the directives of the HEC.

After discussion with faculty the student shall formally request the HoD for undertaking the
particular project along with the willingness of the supervisors. The University prefers to have a
minimum of 02 supervisors for a graduate project. The HoD takes the case to the DGC. The DGC
shall evaluate the project and shall justify the number of supervisors to be involved in a particular
graduate project.

15.1.9 Change of Topic and Supervisor

In unavoidable circumstances, the student, Department or university may change the topic of the
approved synopsis and/or Supervisors subject to approval from ASRB on the recommendations of
the DGC. The recommendations of the DGC shall be forwarded to ASRB with the approval of
the Dean Concerned. ASRB shall review and analyze each such on case to case basis. The
decision of the ASRB shall be final and binding on all concerned.

15.1.10 Synopsis
An MS/MPhil student who successfully completes his course work with minimum CGPA of 2.5
shall submit his research proposal to the office of the HoD through proposed supervisor(s). The

proposed supervisor shall also submit similarity index report generated through Tunintin using his
own account.

The research proposal shall be submitted in form of synopsis employing the approved format,
though the supervisors to the office of the HoD for the consideration of the DGC. The HoD shall
forward the synopsis on the recommendations of DGC to the office of the Director Academics
through the concerned Dean for the approval of the ASRB.

The ASRB may approve or suggest amendments or reject the synopsis. The Office of the Director
Academics, after approval of the minutes of the meeting of ASRB by the competent authority
shall forward comments of the ASRB to the respective HOD for compliance.

The research work on the project can only be allowed to start when approved by the ASRB in
order to be considered for the graduate degree.

15.1.11 Presentation
An MS/ MPhil student shall make a presentation about his research work to his department before
the submission of his thesis to the University.

The student must also participate and present his research work in a
regional/national/international conference/workshop/school/congress. Instead of this presentation,
the student may opt to contribute to a paper published in a journal recognized for the subject by

Participation of scholar in these activities or authorship as the case may be shall be certified by
the HoD and a record of all these activities shall be kept by the office of HoD with copies to be
submitted to office of the Director Academics and COE. The office of HoD has to ensure that the
work presented (oral or poster or paper) is related to the research work undertaken and not before
the approval of the synopsis. In case of journal article acceptance letter from the Editorial Board
shall suffice.

15.1.12 Research Work and Report / Thesis

The following procedure will be used to complete this task:

a. The student shall report his research work in formally complied form, employing the
approved format to the University authorities.
b. The compiled report shall be submitted to the office of the HoD through his supervisor.

c. The report/thesis shall include a single page certificate from the supervisor duly counter
signed by HoD confirming the originality of the research work reported.
d. The HoD shall send the report to the DGC for checking the relevance to the approved
synopsis and review its quality. The DGC may recommend additional research work and
changes in the report to improve its quality.
e. If the DGC finds the work relevant and worth of the degree, the HoD shall forward the report
in hard and soft to QEC of the University for ascertaining the similarity index using the tools
available. In case of any issue with the similarity index as per the HEC guidelines, the report
will be referred back and repeat the above steps until the issue is resolved.
f. Student should submit 04 ring bound/Spiral bound copies as well as a soft copy to the HoD.
The HoD within a week will send the report along with possible reviewers from the approved
list to submission to CoE through office of the concerned Dean.

15.1.13 Reviewers, Evaluation and Viva & Result of MS/MPhil Thesis:

The following procedure will be used to complete this task.
A. Reviewers & Examiners:
The HoD will send a list of possible reviewers & examiners to the CoE through the Dean, the
following steps will be mandatory before sending the list of reviewers & examiners.

i. The HoD shall forward a list of 05 possible reviewers including examiners to the office of the
Dean at the time of forwarding the thesis in sealed envelope to review thesis report and
conduct viva voce from the students as per prescribed regulations.
ii. All reviewers & examiners shall be active researchers working in a subject related to the
field. The activeness and relevance shall be ascertained from the list of publications of the
reviewers during the last five years.
iii. The Vice Chancellor or the Dean (as the case may be) appoints 02 reviewers (01 external &
01 internal). The approved list of reviewers and examiners are forwarded to the COE along
with the copies of the Thesis (both in hard and soft).
iv. The CoE shall first approach the reviewers for consent. In case of dissent or delay in response
for more than 15 days, the CoE shall approach the Dean office for appointing other reviewers
& examiners. Once the consent is received the CoE office shall send the copies of thesis (both
in soft and hard) to them with a request to furnish a formal signed report within a period of
one month.
B. Evaluation of the thesis

i. On receiving the comments of the reviewers, the COE office shall forward the reports to the
office of the Dean for further action.
ii. With both reports positive and no additional work/drastic amendments suggested by the
reviewers, the Dean office shall communicate to the Office of CoE to contact viva voce
examination, provided other formalities are completed.
iii. In case of 02 negative reports from reviewers, the office of the HoD shall be informed that
research work was found not worthy of the degree and hence the student shall be informed
iv. In case of one negative report or additional work/drastic amendments suggested by the
reviewers, the case is referred back to HoD for doing the needful and repeat the whole
C. Viva and final result of the thesis:
i. The thesis shall also be evaluated for the purpose of the final defense by examiners. The
already appointed reviewers/ examiners will conduct defense of the Scholar.
ii. The reviewer who had reviewed thesis will act as examiner also.

iii. The CoE office first approaches the examiners for possible date of the oral examination.
iv. The University prefers to exam be conducted on campus but in extreme cases with the
approval of the Vice Chancellor, the viva examination can be conducted outside campus as
well as through video conferencing.
v. After receiving the consent, the CoE office shall send the copies of thesis to the examiners
with a request to communicate a feasible date, time and venue for examination.
vi. The oral examination can be conducted through Video conferencing with prior approval of
the concerned Dean.
vii. The HoD shall submit the results of the examination, duly signed by the both the examiners
and counter signed by HoD, to the office of CoE through the concerned Dean.
D. Notification and Finalization of the Thesis:

i. After the successful completion of the above process and other all other requirements the
scholar must submit 03 copies of the revised/corrected version of the Thesis/ Report in hard
bound as per the approved design of the University to the office of the HoD for onward
submission to the COE, Central Library of University and the Departmental Library.
ii. A softcopy should also be submitted to be placed on the KUST Research Database (KRD).

15.2 PhD Degree

In order to qualify for a PhD degree, a student must complete 18 credit hours of course work with
a minimum CGPA of 3.0. These 18 credit hour course work shall include 09 credit hours of
courses relevant to the specialization field to be recommended by the DGC and approved by the
HoD for the PhD student. The minimum passing grade for these specialized courses is “B” and
for the rest of the courses is “C”. In addition the student must also satisfactorily complete 06
credit hours of non credit courses (Satisfactory/Non-Satisfactory).

15.2.1 Probation
A PhD student who fails to secure minimum SGPA of 3.00 provided that CGPA is less than 3.00
at end of a semester is placed on probation for the next semester. In order to clear the probation,
the student must secure a minimum CGPA 3.00 at the end of the semester. Failing this the student
shall be academically expelled from the University and shall not be allowed to readmit in the
same subject in the University.

15.2.2 Semester Course Load

The normal course load during a regular semester for PhD student is 09 credit hours. A PhD
student shall not be allowed to register more than 01 graduate course during the summer

15.2.3 Presentation
A PhD Scholar shall make a presentation about his research work while submitting his synopsis
to the GDC of his department.

After approval from the GDC, the student shall present his proposed research to the ASRB while
considering his synopsis.

During the course of the research work it is mandatory for the scholar to present his PhD research
at least once to the department.

The student must also present his research work in a regional/national/international


Participation of scholar in these activates or authorship as the case may be shall be certified by
the HoD and a record of all these activities shall be kept by the office of HoD with copies to be
submitted to office of the Director Academics and COE. The office of HoD has to ensure that the

work presented (oral or poster or paper) is related to the research work undertaken and not before
the approval of the synopsis. In case of journal article acceptance letter from the Editorial Board
shall suffice.

15.2.4 Journal Publication

Before the submission of PhD thesis, a scholar must have contributed as a sole author or as a co-
author to at least one article, related to his research work presented in the dissertation, published
or accepted for publication (with acceptance letter from the Editor / Sub-editor of the journal) in
international ISI indexed journal and or acceptable to the HEC.

15.2.5 Selection of Supervisor(s) and Topic

At the time of admission every candidate submits a sketch of proposed PhD research for a
discussion with the available faculty in the university. At the successful admission interview, the
candidate is offered a position of PhD studentship under the supervision of a faculty member.
In consultation with the supervisor the DGC may recommend to HoD involvement of additional
supervisor(s) for the smooth conduct of the PhD research. A consent letter(s) from the additional
supervisor(s) shall be obtained in due course of time.

After securing admission the student is assigned to the supervisor who plans the course
requirements and guide the student in going through relevant literature of the field that would
help the student in deciding the final topic of research. The synopsis for the research shall be as
per regulations described in this document.

15.2.6 Change of Topic and Supervisor

In unavoidable circumstances, the student, Department or university may change the topic of the
approved synopsis and/or Supervisors subject to approval from ASRB on the recommendations of
the DGC. The recommendations of the DGC shall be forwarded to ASRB with the approval of
the Dean Concerned. ASRB shall review and analyze each such on case to case basis. The
decision of the ASRB shall be final and binding on all concerned.

15.2.7 Comprehensive Examination, Proposal and Thesis Defense

In order to maintain a high quality of Ph.D. programme, the University has designed three
levels of examinations which are compulsory for the scholars to qualify for Ph.D. Degree. Level-I: Comprehensive Examination

The procedure of the Comprehensive Examination is as follows:

a. At the completion of his coursework of 18 credit hours, a PhD student at the University is
expected to have a grasp over the broader subject of his degree as well as an in-depth
knowledge about his field of specialization. A PhD student at KUST is, therefore, required
to pass (minimum 60%) a graduate level Comprehensive Examination set by the
Comprehensive Examination Committee comprising of the following for this purpose as a
part of the requirements set for the PhD degree:

i. Head of the Department- Convener

ii. Supervisors- Member
iii. Three faculty (Experienced faculty members related to the subject, other than
supervisors, to be appointed by the Dean)-Members
Note: In case of Chairperson is supervisor of the student; the committee shall be headed by
the Dean or next senior most faculty member in the committee. The Convener of the
committee will be responsible to conduct examination and keep all records. The quorum of
the committee shall be 3 of the composition of the committee.
b. The scholar will apply for the Comprehensive Examination on the prescribed form. The
Head of teaching Department will arrange comprehensive examination within three weeks
after receipt of application with the consultation of Dean.

c. The HoD shall be responsible to keep all records pertaining to the comprehensive
examination. The complete results (Pass / Fail) shall be sent to the office of the concerned
Dean for approval and onward submission to the office of the COE and KCMS for keeping
record and updating the scholar statutes. The office of the COE shall notify the results of
comprehensive Examinations with a copy to all concerned including the student and his

d. If a student is not satisfied from his/ her evaluation of Comprehensive Examination

Committee, he/she will have the right to appeal to the Department Committee

recommended by the Head of Department and approved by the concerned Dean for re-
totaling/rechecking or appeal against the decision of the committee. In case the student is
still not satisfied with the decision of Department Committee then he/she can apply to the
University Appellate Committee (Semester System)

e. A student can avail maximum three attempts to pass the comprehensive examination. If
fails to qualify the comprehensive Examination in three attempts, the student will be
academically ceased from the PhD program. When passed, the status of the student is
changed to a PhD scholar and he/she is formally allowed to embark upon PhD research on
the topic of his synopsis.

f. Without having passed the Comprehensive Examination, the Institute/Department/Centre

shall not process his PhD synopsis. To facilitate the PhD students, the Comprehensive
Exam may be held once a semester for the particular scholar.

g. Format and Composition of the Comprehensive Examination Paper: PhD

comprehensive examination shall be subjective in nature (short and long questions) and the
duration for the exam shall be 3 to 4 hours. The paper of comprehensive examination shall
consist of the following two parts

i. Field of Specialization 60%

ii. General Subject of the Degree Program 40%

Note: Supervisor will only be allowed to set 30% of the specialization part of the
comprehensive examination paper. The rest of the paper(s) will be set by committee
members Level – II: Research Synopsis:

a. A PhD student who has successfully completed his course work with minimum CGPA of
3.0 and has passed his comprehensive examination as described in these regulations shall
submit his research proposal to the office of the HoD through his supervisor(s) along with
similarity index report issued by the Directorate of QEC of the University. A scholar will
be considered admitted to candidacy once he/she has passed the PhD comprehensive
examination, and defended his synopsis. The following procedure will be adopted for the
synopsis defense:

b. The research proposal shall be submitted in form of synopsis employing the approved
format, though the supervisors to the office of the HoD for the consideration of the DGC.
The HoD shall forward the synopsis on the recommendations of DGC to the office of the
Director Academics through the concerned Dean for the approval of the ASRB.
c. The ASRB may approve or suggest amendments or reject the synopsis. The Office of the
Director Academics, after approval of the minutes of the meeting of ASRB by the
competent authority shall forward comments of the ASRB to the respective HOD for
d. In case the candidate successfully defends his Synopsis an approval from the ASRB will be
issued to him/her.
e. In case the candidate is unable to defend his Synopsis in front of the ASRB, he/she will be
asked to revise the Synopsis according to the directions of ASRB.
f. The research work on the project can only be allowed to start when approved by the ASRB
in order to be considered for the PhD degree. Level-III PhD Thesis Evaluation and Examination

The research work shall be undertaken with full honesty/integrity and with optimal utilization of
available resources under the guidance of the supervisor(s). The authenticity and uniqueness of
the reported research shall be the joint responsibility of the scholar and the supervisors.

A PhD Student shall report his research work in formally complied form as per the university
approved format. This report shall be submitted to the office of the HoD through his supervisor.
The PhD duration will be counted to the date the scholar submitted the thesis to the HoD for
checking its relevance to the approved synopsis by the DGC. The DGC may recommend the
Thesis as it is or may suggest further lab work/ practical work to complete the objectives of
approved synopsis.

The thesis shall include a single page certificate from the supervisor duly counter signed by HoD
confirming the originality of the research work reported.

The HoD forwards the thesis to the DGC for consideration. If the DGC finds the work relevant
and worth of the degree, the HoD shall forward the report in hard and soft to QEC of the
University for ascertaining the similarity index using the tools available. The QEC after

calculating the similarity shall forward a formal report to the office of HoD for further processing.
If the QEC reports similarity index is more than the standard set by HEC, the HoD shall refer
back the case to supervisor for amendments and lowering the similarity index to the acceptable
level. With a similarity index in acceptable range, the scholar shall be asked to make the QEC
report part of the Thesis and submit 05 ring bound/ Spiral bound copies as well as a soft copy to
the HoD for onward submission to COE through office of the concerned Dean. The HoD shall
include a list of possible reviewers and examiners and forward the case to the concerned Dean. A
summary of the PhD thesis along with publications may be placed before the Advanced
Studies and Research Board (ASRB) by the Dean for formal approval. After the approval
of thesis the following procedure will be followed to complete the level III examination of the
PhD degree.

A. PhD Thesis/ Report Evaluation and Examination:

The thesis is evaluated by reviewers and examiners using the following parameters that shall be
communicated by the CoE at the time of sending thesis to the reviewers and examiners:

i. Relevance to the Field

ii. Originality of the Work

iii. Timeliness of the Work/ Topic

iv. Importance of the Work to the Field

v. Scope of the Work for a PhD Degree

Along with details comments, the reviewers and examiners shall also be requested to make a clear
statement with regard to the overall suitability of the thesis for the award of PhD degree or

B. Review of the Thesis by Reviewers

A PhD thesis shall be reviewed by a minimum of three reviewers holding an earned PhD (or
Equivalent) degree and are active researchers in a field related to the title of the thesis. The
activeness of the reviewers may be ascertained from the list of publication of the reviewers to be
furnished by the HoD while recommending the reviewers to the office of the Dean. Amongst the
three reviewers, two (02) of the reviewers must be from academically/technologically advanced
countries as per the HEC approved list for the subject and the third reviewer may be from within

Pakistan but shall not be affiliated with University or its constituent/ affiliated college/
The HoD shall furnish a list of five (05) experts from outside Pakistan and three (03) experts
within Pakistan who are not affiliated with the University. The HoD shall also furnish a list of
their publications during the last five years. These reviewers are appointed by the Vice
Chancellor (or Dean with formally notified delegated authority by the Vice Chancellor) on the
recommendations of the concerned Dean from a list of reviewers furnished by the respective

The Dean shall forward the approved list of reviewers to the HoD for seeking consent and
submission of review reports within a period of one month of the receipt of thesis. In case of
dissent or delay in response for more than 30 days, the HoD office shall approach the Dean office
for appointing other reviewers by providing a list of reviewers afresh. Once the consent is
received, the HoD office through the office of the concerned Dean shall forward the case along
with the copies of thesis (both in soft and hard) to be sent to the CoE. The CoE office shall
communicate with the reviewers regarding the evaluation of the thesis and submission of formal
review report (remarks/comments) duly signed by the reviewers in a printable form acceptable to
HEC within a month time. On receiving the comments of the reviewers, the COE office shall
forward the reports to the office of the Dean for further action.

The possible outcome and appropriate actions after the completion of the review process would
 With both reports positive and no additional work/drastic amendments suggested by the
reviewers, the Dean office shall communicate to the Office of COE to contact the
examiners for consent to evaluate and examine the scholar provided other formalities are
 In case of one negative report or additional work/drastic amendments suggested by the
reviewers, the case is referred back to HoD for doing the needful. After amendments by
the scholar, the HoD shall forward fresh copies (soft and hard) of the thesis submitted by
the student to the office of Dean for onward submission of COE. The Dean office shall
forward the Thesis to COE office for onward submission to the examiners.

 In case of both reports are negative from reviewers, the office of the HoD shall be
informed that research work was found not worthy of the degree and hence the student
shall be informed accordingly.

C. Public Defense of the Thesis by the Board

In addition to the review of the thesis by reviewers, the Thesis shall also be evaluated for the
purpose of final defense by the board of examiners mentioned below. All three examiners shall be
active researchers working in a subject related to the field. Two of the examiners (External) shall
be affiliated to an institution other than the University/Affiliated institutions/constituent
institutions. The Third Examiner (Internal) may be affiliated to the University. The COE will
communicate with examiners for possible evaluation and oral examination. After receiving the
consent, the COE office shall send the copies of thesis to the examiners with a request to
communicate a feasible date, time and venue for examination. In case of dissent or delay in
response for more than 30 days, the COE shall approach the Dean office for appointing other

The University prefers the exam to be conducted on campus but in extreme cases with the
approval of the Vice Chancellor, the viva examination can be conducted outside campus as well
as through video conferencing.

The following board of examiners under the supervision of the Dean will conduct the public
defense where the committee consists three examiners as mentioned above.

i. Dean concerned (Convener)

ii. 02 Experts in the field from outside KUST (External Examiners)
iii. An Expert in the Field from within KUST or its constituent / affiliated institutions
(Internal Examiner)

The Dean will supervise the whole activity and process of the defense. Final verdict regarding the
thesis will be made after the mutual consent of three examiners. The HoD shall notify the venue
and date and time of the Public Defense by widely circulating both in and outside (constituent/
affiliated colleges/ institutions) the University. The final verdict of the Board of Examiners shall
be made public at the conclusion of the PhD Defense.

D. Internal and External Examiners/ Experts


The Internal and External examiners are appointed by the Vice Chancellor on the
recommendations of the Dean from a list of experts in the field furnished by the HoD. The
experts shall have an earned PhD or equivalent Degree in the subject and must be active in
research in a field related to the thesis. The activeness of the researchers in the field may be
ascertained from the list of publications of the expert during the last five years. The Vice
Chancellor may delegate his powers to the concerned Dean for appointing the examiners. In
many cases the national reviewer is appointed as the external examiner. The appointment of
reviewers and examiners for PhD Thesis/Report/ Viva Voce shall be for a period of 02 months,
extendable to further such period by the competent authority if needed. Notification and Finalization:

After the successful completion of above requirements the scholar must submit 03 copies of the
revised/corrected version of the Thesis/ Report in hard bound as per the approved design of the
University to the office of the HoD for onward submission to the COE, Central Library of
University and the Departmental Library. The office of COE shall forward hard bound copy
along with pdf file and duly filled prescribed form to HEC for country directory. A softcopy
should also be submitted to be placed on the KUST Research Database (KRD).

16. Examinations
Alongside mid-semester tests and final (end of semester examinations), academic performance of
students at KUST is regularly evaluated through some of the following components:
 Regular quizzes (usually un-announced, short written class test of duration not more than 30
 Assignments (homework)
 Class participation
 Case studies
 Field trips
 Report (lab, internship)
 Presentation
 Thesis
 Oral Test/viva voce

The Major Examinations (Mid & Final) of the undergraduate Courses shall not be fully MCQs
based; the MCQs in the Mid and Final Examination shall not be more than 20% of the total
allocated weightage to the Examination.

The mid-semester test of at least one-hour duration usually covers the course taught up-to-the
mid-semester while the end of semester Final examination at least one and half hour duration and
shall cover the entire course. The respective course Instructor shall notify the assessment method
to the students before the start of the course. The percent weightage allocated to the constituent
components depend upon the discretion of the instructor of the course. Each instructor announces
his evaluation policy during the first lecture of the course. Normally the Final- examination
carries 50% (in case, of course, having no lab work) and 40% (in case, of course, having a lab
work) weight of a course. The following example is a guideline for one such distribution at the
undergraduate level:

Quizzes: 10%
Homework: 10%
Class Participation: 5%
Mid Semester: 25%
Final Exam: 50%

In 04 credit hours 4(3+1) courses students’ performance shall be evaluated by giving 25%
weightage to their performance in Lab and 75 % weightage to their performance in theory. A
minimum of 13-15 experiments should be conducted during the semesters where each experiment
should be marked out of 10 using the above parameters. This weightage of 25% in Lab shall be
determined on the basis of following guidelines:

Quizzes/Presentations/Assignments/Practical/ 15%
Lab attendance/ lab report/conduction of experiment during lab
Final Examinations/Viva voce 10%

Whereas, the weightage of 75%, in theory, may be determined on the basis of following
Quizzes: 5%
Assignment/Presentation: 5%
Class Participation: 5%

Mid-Semester Examination: 20%

Semester Final Examination: 40%

Missing the final examination shall not automatically leads to an “F” grade in the course. In case
of some courses (laboratory courses or project works, for example), however, it may be
considered compulsory for the students to appear in the final oral examination, failing which an
“F” grade shall be awarded to the student.

There shall be no supplementary / special examination to compensate for the poor performance of
a student(s) in the Final/end of semester examination.

A course with F grade shall be repeated in entirety in order to earn credit for it.
An incomplete “I” grade may be awarded by the instructor only in exceptional cases beyond the
control of a student such as serious accidents, family tragedy, serious health ailments etc.

16.1.1 Setting-up Exam Paper

The following guidelines are stated specifically for the instructors (or Course-Coordinators in
case of more than one instructor teaching a course, either because of multi-groups of students or
sharing course contents):
i. The question paper shall bear the name, slogan and monogram of KUST at the top of the front
page of the question paper. For the name and slogan boldface, Aerial font shall be used, followed
by the name of the department/institute in the second line.
ii. Course number, the title of the course, semester and the date of the examination shall be printed
at the top of the front page below the Department/Institute's name.
iii. In case of more than one page, the paper shall be paginated. The format for pagination shall be
like 1/2, 2/2 or 1/3, 2/3 and 3/3. The bottom center of the page shall be used for printing the page
number on it.
iv. The student shall be asked to answer all the questions given in the paper. Students shall not be
given a choice to select from a list of questions.
v. Separate percentage weight may be assigned to each question and subparts (if any).
vi. Time limit for the final paper (undergraduate) is normally three hours. This may be clearly
mentioned at the top left corner of the paper. The instructor shall ensure that an average student
can solve the paper in the permitted duration. For the Graduate exam, the time duration may vary.

vii. Students shall be asked to write down all the answers on the standard answer booklet. In some
cases, additional graph papers, signed by the instructor, may be used.
viii. The instructor (or Course Coordinator as the case may be) shall prepare the paper by himself
only. Every possible effort shall be made to avoid asking ambiguous questions. Students may be
judged in what they should know not in what they don't know.
ix. In the absence of the instructor (for reasons of leaves etc.), however, the Chairman concerned of
the respective Department/Institute may appoint another faculty member on the recommendation
of the concerned DAC to prepare the paper according to the course outline by consulting the
course file.
x. 20% of the questions shall be such that everybody registered for the course could answer and
20% may be such that only the top 20% student can solve. An average student registered for the
course shall be able to solve 60% of the paper.
xi. The instructor may give values of constants on the front page of the question paper. It is the
responsibility of the instructor to avoid any kind of misprint. Formulae table may be provided if
needed, however, students shall not be allowed to bring their own formulae sheet into the
examination hall.
xii. Numerical values in a question may be such that an average student does not need any calculator
to work it out.
xiii. The instructor shall ensure that the paper is self-explanatory and is clearly worded. Every
question shall be clearly described. English mistakes shall be avoided.
xiv. It is the responsibility of the instructor to ensure the secrecy and safe custody of the paper. Copies
of the paper shall be made in the presence of the instructor. Course instructors shall collect the
answer booklets for the final examination from the office of the respective HoD. Unused answer
booklets shall be returned to the office of the HoD. An account of used and unused answer
booklets will be maintained by the HoD. The students may be shown the final examination
marked scripts before submission of Comprehensive Award List to the Controller of
Examinations if they so desire.

16.2 Conduct of the Examinations

i. The time, date and venue for the mid-semester test(s), conducted around the middle of the
semester, shall be announced on the first day of the course by the respective Instructor/course-
ii. The date sheet for the final examinations of all the courses offered for the semester students at
KUST shall be announced as per published Academic Calendar, at least one week in advance, by

the concerned Departments/Institutes. This will ensure that students registered in a course from
different disciplines do not get 02 papers at one time.
iii. The instructor shall be present on the date of the examination of his course. In case of his
absence, HoD shall be informed well in advance who shall make necessary arrangements.
iv. It is the responsibility of the HoD to arrange for the invigilation staff to assist the
instructor/course-coordinator in the smooth conduct of the exam. Seating plan shall be posted on
the main notice boards and on the front door of each examination room at least fifteen minutes
before the start of the paper. The instructor/course-coordinator along with the invigilation staff
shall be present at the examination center at least ten minutes before the starting time of the
paper. The instructor/course-coordinator shall make sure that all the students are seated according
to the seating plan.
v. The answer booklets shall be signed by the course instructor and shall be distributed at least five
minutes before the start of the paper. Before the starting time of the paper, question paper shall
not be distributed among the students. During these five minutes students shall be asked to write
down their registration numbers on the answer booklets. The course instructor shall sign every
extra sheet before giving it to the students.
vi. The time of a paper shall start from the time all the students get the question paper. The
Instructor/course-coordinator may explain any ambiguity in the question paper, if needed, only in
the first thirty minutes of the paper. Thereafter, no question about the paper during the
examination hours shall be asked or answered.
vii. Latecomers may be allowed to write their exam provided it is not more than thirty minutes.
However, no extra time may be given to the latecomers.
viii. Every effort shall be made to ensure the smooth conduct of the examinations. Students shall not
be provided with an opportunity to violate the sanctity of examination. In case of any violation,
the matter must be reported immediately to the HoD who shall forward the case without any
delay to the Departmental Discipline Committee so that prompt action may be taken to minimize
such incidents in future. The recommendations of DDC shall be forwarded to the Controller of
Examinations through the office of the concerned Dean. S the recommendations of DDC,
depending on the severity of the case, may include fine, an F grade in the paper, cancellation of
the full exam, expulsion from the University for one semester, one whole academic year, or from
the degree programme and barring from future admission into any programme offered at KUST.
ix. Students shall not be allowed to go out of the examination hall under normal circumstances
during the examination hours. Arrangements for drinking water may be made at the examination

x. The use of unfair-means (cheating, copying, plagiarism, etc) at all level of assessment
(homework, quizzes, case-studies, lab-reports, project reports, field work, presentations, mid-
semester, final exams, etc) shall lead to strict disciplinary action including expulsion from the
University. All such cases shall be referred immediately to the Un-Fair Means (UFM) Committee
through the HoD and CoE. The Committee in such cases shall submit its recommendations to the
Competent Authority well before the declaration of the final result.

16.3 Permission of Writing For Special Students

i. A visually impaired student may be allowed to attempt examination on Braille/computer / any
other means.
ii. In case a student is physically handicapped / visually impaired. He shall apply to the HoD with an
authentic medical certificate of her/his disability) for permission to engage a writer in
tests/examinations of the university 02 weeks before the start of tests/examination. /he will be
allowed 30% extra time to help write the answers.
iii. The qualification of the person who acts as writer of handicapped student must be at least one
step lower than that of the student

16.4 Grading System

KUST has adopted the policy of Absolute Grading System as per following details:
%age Score Grade Points Letter Grades
Below 50 0.00 F
50-53 1.00 – 1.25 D
54-57 1.33 – 1.58 D+
58-61 1.67 – 1.92 C-
62-65 2.00 – 2.25 C
66-69 2.33 – 2.58 C+
70-73 2.67 – 2.92 B-
74-77 3.00 – 3.25 B
78-81 3.33 – 3.58 B+
82-85 3.67 – 3.92 A-
86-100 4.00 A

%age Score Grade Points per CHr. Letter Grade

Below 50 0.00 F
50 1.00 D
51 1.08 D
52 1.17 D
53 1.25 D

54 1.33 D+
55 1.42 D+
56 1.50 D+
57 1.58 D+
58 1.67 C-
59 1.75 C-
60 1.83 C-
61 1.92 C-
62 2.00 C
63 2.08 C
64 2.17 C
65 2.25 C
66 2.33 C+
67 2.42 C+
68 2.50 C+
69 2.58 C+
70 2.67 B-
71 2.75 B-
72 2.83 B-
73 2.92 B-
74 3.00 B
75 3.08 B
76 3.17 B
77 3.25 B
78 3.33 B+
79 3.42 B+
80 3.50 B+
81 3.58 B+
82 3.67 A-
83 3.75 A-
84 3.83 A-
85 3.92 A-
86-100 4.00 A

The grades indicate the following level of performance.

A: Excellent
B: Good
C: Adequate for undergraduate and minimum acceptable for graduate
D: Minimum acceptable for undergraduate and failure for graduate
F: Failure, implying that the student must repeat the entire course to receive any credit
P: Pass, this is used in case of research thesis/dissertation, credit hours counted
S: Satisfactory completion
U: Unsatisfactory completion
W: Withdrawal from the course
E: Exempted from the course
WF: Force Withdrawal from the course due to the shortage of attendance or disciplinary action
IP: In Progress, if Thesis, Project, Studio work spread over more than one semester than one
I: Incomplete, the student has to complete the requirement within the specified time.

Each grade is assigned Grade Points per Credit Hour (GPCH) according to the following table
Grade GPCH
A 4.00 (Can Not be repeated)
A- 3.67 (Can Not be repeated)
B+ 3.33(Can Not be repeated)
B 3.00(Can Not be repeated)
B- 2.67 (can be repeated of Graduate courses only)
C+ 2.33(can be repeated in case of Graduate courses only)
C 2.00(can be repeated in case of Graduate courses only)
C- 1.67 (can be repeated and must be repeated if related to the specialization of the
graduate student)
D+ 1.33 (can be repeated and must be repeated if related to the specialization of the
graduate student)
D 1.00 (can be repeated and must be repeated if related to the specialization of the
graduate student)
F 0.00 (must be repeated if the course is a degree requirement)
W Nil Credit, not counted in the calculation of GPA
I Nil Credit, not counted in the calculation of Credit Hours or GPA

S Not counted in the calculation of Credit Hours or GPA

P Not counted in the calculation of GPA
U Not counted in the calculation of GPA
E Nil Credit, not counted in the calculation of GPA & the student is not required to
complete the course part of the graduation requirement
IP In Progress. Thesis, Projects, Studio work etc spread over more than one semester
than one semester may be graded as IP until completion of the thesis, projects etc.
WF Forced Withdrawal, if a student registered in a subject may not be permitted to
continue due to a shortage of attendance or other disciplinary action then WF be
awarded. Must be repeated if the course is degree requirement.

At the time of submission of results by the concerned teacher, all relevant record of the students
must be handed over to the HoD.

16.5 Absolute Grading System

The academic standing of a student is referred to in terms of a Grade Point Average (GPA). To
calculate the GPA, the total number of grade points earned is divided by the total number of credit
hours registered. The maximum possible GPA is 4.00. For calculating semester GPA (SGPA), the
total number of grade points earned in a semester is divided by the total number of credit hours
registered in the semester. For working out the cumulative GPA (CGPA), the total number of grade
points earned in all the semesters (counting the better grade in case of a repeat course) is divided by
the total number of credit hours registered in all the semester (excluding the earlier credit hours for a
repeat course). The credits transferred shall be counted towards the degree requirement and GPA of
the transferred credits shall not be counted towards the calculation of CGPA, the CGPA will be
calculated on the basis of courses studied at KUST.

16.6 Academic Standing

At the end of each semester, based on the academic performance, students are awarded different
academic standings. Following is the list of the “standings” awarded to students

16.6.1 Excellent
The academic standing of a student is considered excellent if he/ achieves a Semester-GPA
>=3.67 and CGPA >=3.33 Good
The academic performance of a student in a semester is considered good if his/ Semester
GPA<3.67 & >=3.00A is less than

16.6.2 Satisfactory
The academic performance of an undergraduate student is considered satisfactory if his/
Semester-GPA is >=2.00 and <3.00 and Cumulative-GPA >= 2.00. The minimum GPA
requirement for the satisfactory performance of an MS/MPhil and PhD student is 2.50 and 3.00

16.6.3 Cautions
A cautionary letter is issued to an undergraduate student whose Semester-GPA is 2.00 (2.50 and
3.00 for MS/MPhil and PhD student) or more but Cumulative-GPA drops below this set points.
The student may be advised to improve his/ CGPA instead of registering new courses/research.

16.6.4 Probation/ Dismissed

A student placed on academic probation in any semester if his/her Semester GPA is less than 2.00
for undergraduate, 2.5 for MPhil/MS and 3.00 for PhD provided that CGPA is less than 2.00 for
undergraduate, 2.5 for MPhi/MS and 3.00 for PhD, failing which, he may be expelled from the
University on the basis of poor academic performance. The HoD shall forward the cases of
students on consecutive probations to the Department Academic Committee within 05 working
days of the declaration of official results. The DAC shall make recommendations regarding the
academic expulsion or otherwise of the student. The HoD shall seek the approval of the
concerned Dean and shall forward the approved recommendations to the office of the CoE and
KCMS for updating record.

If a student is not satisfied with the decision of DAC, then he/ she may submit an appeal to the
Appellate Committee through the concerned Dean within 07 days of the notification of the
decision of the DAC and the decision of the Appellate Committee (Semester System) shall be
final and binding on the student.

16.6.5 Academic Distinctions, Gold Medals, and Pass

i. Academic distinctions and gold medals shall not be awarded to a graduate who has
accumulated an “F” grade in any course(s) registered at any level during the programme or
has completed some of the degree requirements (courses) from an institution other than the
University or its constituent college . .
ii. A graduate is awarded distinctions and medals on the basis of on his academic performance
provided he has never been placed on probation and never had registered less than the
normal course load in any semester during the entire degree programme.

iii. Medals are only meant for the undergraduate programme

iv. No medal shall be awarded in cases of improving CGPA.
v. Highest Distinction: the Highest distinction is granted to a student whose CGPA is >= 3.90
vi. High Distinction: High distinction is granted to a student whose CGPA is >=3.75 and <
vii. Distinction: Distinction is granted to a student whose CGPA is >= 3.50 and <3.75.

16.6.6 Gold Medals

i. In every session, in every degree programme, a gold medal is awarded to the student who
has achieved the maximum Cumulative GPA amongst all the graduates registered for the
degree programme offered at KUST
ii. Medals are only meant for the undergraduate programme
iii. No medal shall be awarded in cases of improving CGPA or having CGPA less than 3.00
iv. No medal shall be awarded in case a graduate was punished/fine by the central discipline
v. In case 02 or more students are acquiring the same CGPA then the position will be decided
on the basis of percentage among those students.
vi. The minimum number of students in the degree programme must not be less than 5 in a
session in order to be eligible for a gold medal.
vii. The Gold Medal to an On-campus/ Sub-campus/ Affiliated Colleges Student(s) may be
awarded separately.

16.6.7 Passed
A student shall be declared passed if he successfully completes all the requirements set for a
degree from KUST (certified by the HoD in every case) and attains a Cumulative GPA >=2.00
for undergraduate, Cumulative GPA >= 2.50 for MS/MPhil and Cumulative GPA >= than 3.00
for PhD. The concerned department shall issue degree /provisional certificate.

16.7 Incomplete (I) Grade

An “I” grade may be awarded in a course(s) under the following:
a) A student could not complete all the requirements of a course within the semester (minor
component is outstanding), provided the Instructor(s) concerned is satisfied that it was because
of circumstances beyond the student's control. In this case, the Instructor concerned

communicates an I grade in the award list submitted to the KCMS and Controller of
b)A student has been advised bed rest by a certified medical doctor (countersigned by the KUST
authorized Medical Officer) on the day of the exam, the HoD of the respective Department shall
either be approached directly by the student or through the Director (Academics). The HoD shall
forward the case to the respective Dean for approval along with the medical certificate duly
attested by the KUST Medical Officer (Advisor Studies if the Medical Officer is away for a
period longer than a weak). After approval from the Dean, the case will be sent to the Course
Instructor through the respective HoD. An “I” grade will be awarded accordingly and
communicated to the Controller of Examinations and KCMS record shall be updated. In case the
student's result was already submitted to the CoE office without counting the Medical Certificate
(or for that matter any other reason accepted and approved genuine by the Competent
Authority), the Instructor shall initiate the case for change of Grade ( from the earlier awarded to
“I” grade).
c) In all cases of an “I” grade, the outstanding requirements are to be met by the end of the second
week of the next semester. It is the responsibility of the concerned department (course offered
by) to make arrangements for the completion of the deficiencies during the specified period and
inform the student accordingly. Failing this an “I” grade shall be automatically converted to an
“F” grade after the second week of the semester.

16.8 Re-totaling of marks

In case a student is not satisfied with his grade in a course and wants that his marks in the final
examination and the semester performance be re-totaled, he may register a case for retotaling of
marks through KCMS. The student shall deposit the notified fee within 02 weeks of the formal
declaration of the result by the Controller of Examination.

The HoD shall approach the Instructor concerned or, in case of unavailability of the instructor, any
faculty member from the relevant discipline for checking the calculation of the total marks brought
forward from the individual parts of the paper. The changes or otherwise in the marks awarded shall
be communicated to the student and the KCMS record shall be updated accordingly by the HoD
with the approval of the concerned Dean.

16.9 Re-checking of Paper

If a student is not satisfied with his grade(s) in a course(s), he can apply for rechecking of the final
paper(s). In such a case, the student may request for rechecking of the final examination of the

course through KCMS. The student shall deposit the notified fee within three weeks of the formal
declaration of the result by the Controller of Examination. The HoD Shall request the concerned
Dean for approval of the rechecking committee of the course and it shall not include the instructor.

In all such cases, 02 papers of the students with the higher score and 02 papers of the students with
lower scores shall also be rechecked by the committee for the purpose of uniformity. With the
approval of concerned Dean, the HoD shall update the KCMS record accordingly.

If there is an improvement in the grade, the new grade shall be communicated and the amount paid
shall be refunded to the student. If there is no improvement in the grade, the decision shall be
communicated to the student and no refund shall be made.

16.10 Application to Semester Appellate Committee

i. In case a student is not satisfied with the decision of the rechecking committee, he may apply to
the Semester Appellate Committee through KCMS within one week of the decision. The
semester Appellate Committee shall consist of the following:
a. Senior Dean-Convener
b. All Deans -Members
c. 02 Professors ( other than the Deans to be nominated by the Academic Council)- Member
d. Director Academics-Member/ Secretary
ii. The quorum of the committee shall be five members and tenure of the members other than the
ex-officio shall be three years.
The Directorate of Academics shall be responsible to arrange such a meeting in view of the
request made of KCMS by the end of fourth week and must ensure the availability of the record
(answers booklets / question papers etc) for the consumption of the Appellate Committee.
iii. The committee may co-opt experts in the relevant subject with the approval of the Vice
Chancellor on the recommendations of the concerned Dean.
iv. The Committee may hear both sides i.e. student and instructor /committee.
v. The recommendations of the Appellate Committee with the approval of the Vice Chancellor
shall be considered final and binding on all parties.

16.11 Damaged / Lost Answer Script

It is the responsibility of the HoD to ensure that scripts/answer booklets are kept securely for a
period of five years. In case an answer booklet(s) of a final examination is damaged / lost before the
submission of the scripts along with the results to the office of HoD, it shall be the responsibility of

the instructor concerned to report the matter to the HoD. In all such cases the HoD shall make
recommendations to the concerned Dean for the declaration of the damage/ lost booklet(s) and shall
announce re-examination of the final paper under the supervision of a committee duly approved by
the Dean.

16.12 Repeating Course(s)

Improvement of grade, a student who secures a grade of C-minus or less (in case of an
undergraduate student) or a grade of B-minus or less (in case of a graduate student) may register for
repeating the course or courses (in entirety) during any semester before the completion of the
requirement set for the degree programme. Once the degree requirements are completed, the
undergraduate/graduate students may be allowed to register for any four courses (repeatable grades)
in the succeeding 02 regular semesters. If a student is found to have registered for repeating a
course that is not allowed, his registration will be canceled and/ or the latest grade earned in the
course will be canceled. Such a student will also be liable for disciplinary action. In such cases both
repeated courses and new grade obtained will be recorded on the transcript, However, only the
better grade shall be calculated in CGPA Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA), in case of
CGPA improvement, it will be recorded with (Imp) on the transcript.

The students who are desirous to repeat a course (s) for improvement over and above his normal
workload in a semester then he/she will pay following additional fee:

a) For one course irrespective of credit hours Rs. 2,000/-

b) For 02 courses irrespective of credit hours Rs. 4,000/-
c) For three or more courses irrespective of credit hours Rs. 6,000/-

The ceased students, if allowed for the repeating of course(s) offered by the
department/institute/center will pay fee of a normal semester. After completion of degree
requirements, if a student is desirous to repeat course(s) for improvement will pay tuition fee for
one course irrespective of credit hours Rs. 2000/- as tuition fee along with rest of charges of a
semester and for 02 or more courses fee of normal semester will be paid.

Students Code of Honor and Discipline Rules

17. Students Code of Honor

Every student shall observe the following code of honor;
a) Respect for convictions of others in matters of religious conscience and customs.
b) Refraining from indulgence in any activity that lowers the honor and prestige of Pakistan in any
c) Truthfulness & honesty in dealing with other people.
d) Respect for the elders and politeness to all especially to women, children, old people, weak and
the helpless.
e) Respect for his teachers and other authorities of the University.
f) Cleanliness of body, mind speech and habits.
g) Helpfulness to fellow beings.
h) Devotion to studies and sports.
i) Protection & care of public property.

18 Conduct & Discipline Rules for Students of KUST

These rules shall be called “KUST student conduct and discipline rules and shall come into force at once.

18.1 Applicability and Commencement

These shall apply to all students on the rolls of the University.

18.2 Responsibility of the Staff:

Every Officer (Faculty Member / Administrative Officer) shall have the power to check any
disorderly or improper conduct or any breach of the disciplinary rules by the students in any part of
the University Campus or constituent College may summarily impose a fine not exceeding Rs.1,000/-
. In case the officer feels the gravity of the offense to be more than the authority vested in him
through these regulations, he shall report the matter immediately to the concerned HoD for initiating
disciplinary procedures. The Departmental Discipline Committee may make recommendation to the
HoD who has the authority to impose fine up to Rs. 5,000/- and other punishment described in these
regulations. In case the departmental discipline committee could not resolve the issue and find
involvement of the university discipline committee essential the HoD shall forward the case

18.3 Proctorial Board

There shall be Proctorial board comprised of the staff and student proctors and headed by the Chief
Proctor appointed by the Vice Chancellor for period of 02 years.

The Proctorial board shall take care of the overall discipline of the students in their conduct on the
campus as well as during the official study tours, internship, field trips etc as may be introduced
/allowed by the University from time to time. In the event of any misconduct the proctorial board
shall report the case to the office of the chief proctor for necessary action.

Action against Misconducts

19. Prohibited Acts

The following acts are prohibited for students and involvement of any student in any of these acts shall
make them liable to penalties as described in these regulations:
a) Violation of any law of the country
b) Assault on the faculty staff or fellow student of the university
c) Possession or consumption of any alcoholic drinks, prohibited drugs/intoxicants on the campus
d) Possession of arms of any kind
e) Smoking in public places
f) Organizing any function/activity on the campus without the approval of the competent authority.
g) Participation in any function organized on campus without the approval of the competent
h) Collecting money or receiving funds or pecuniary assistance for or on behalf of the University
Organization except with the written permission of the Vice-Chancellor.
i) Practices like, staging, inciting or participating in protests, or abetting any walkout, strike, or
other form of agitation, against the University or its teachers or officers, inciting any one to
violence, disruption of the peaceful atmosphere of the University in any way, making
inflammatory speeches or gestures which may cause resentment issuing of pamphlets or cartoons
casting aspersion on the teachers or staff of the University or the University bodies or doing
anything in anyway likely to promote rift and hatred among the various groups or classes of
students community, issuing statements in the press making false accusations or lowering the
prestige of the University.

20. Act of Indiscipline

A student shall be held responsible for any of the following acts of indiscipline and shall be punished
a) Commits any criminal or dishonorable act (whether committed within the University Campus or
outsides) or any act which is prejudicial to the interest of the University; shall be guilty of an act
of indiscipline and shall be liable for each such act to one or more of the penalties mentioned in
these regulations / rules
b) Posting any messaging, picture, video on social media about any fellow student and staff.
c) Posting any political slogan on social media using university name or logo
d) Posting any material on social media against any person, political parties, ethnic group, religion,
any other organizations using university platform
e) Commits a breach of rules of conduct as notified by the University time to time
f) Disobeys the lawful order (verbal/written) of a teacher/officer/authority of the University
g) Deliberately damages property of the University/staff/student of the University
h) Does not pay the fees, fines or, other dues payable under the university regulations and rules
i) Does not comply with the rules relating to residence in hostels
j) Using indecent language, wears immodest dress, makes indecent remarks gestures or behaves in
a disorderly manner
k) Commits any offensive/ sexual behavior as defined under the HEC Policy Guidelines against
Sexual Harassment and adopted by the University

21. Penalties
The penalties which may be imposed and the authorities competent to impose each kind of
penalty are specified below;

21.1 Officers’ Powers to Impose Penalties

A. Vice Chancellor
The Vice-Chancellor shall have the powers to impose any of the penalties listed in these
regulations/rules without referral to the any disciplinary committee of the University or refer the case
to relevant body for making recommendations.
B. Other officers / authorities
S. Authority competent to
Penalty Responsible for
No. impose
a. Cancellation of Admission Vice Chancellor HoD

b. Expulsion from the University Vice Chancellor Registrar

c. Removal from the classroom, Concerned Instructor HoD
laboratory, workshop or field work
for the periods concerned or for not
more than four such consecutive
d. Withdrawal from games for not In charge of the game Director Sports
more than one week
e. Withdrawal from educational or Chairman or Chairperson / HoD
sports tour or survey camp Director/Principal/In-charge
of the tour/camp
f. Removal from the Department/ Chairman or Chairperson/ HoD
Institute/ College for a period not Director/ Principal
exceeding 02 weeks
g. Removal from all classes or any Chairman or Chairperson/ HoD
class in any Department or Institute Director/Principal
or college for a period not
exceeding 02 weeks
h. Withdrawal from Library for not Head of Section/Officer Librarian or Head
more than 02 weeks concerned of Section
i. Removal from the hostel for a Warden. Warden
period not exceeding 02 Weeks
j. Removal from the hostel for a Provost. Provost
period not exceeding One Semester
k. Fine not exceeding Rs.1000/- Teacher, resident warden Concerned HoD
hostel superintendent, staff
advisor, research supervisor
Deputy Provost, Assistant
Provost (Women), Senior
Warden, Director/Deputy
Director Sports Committee or
l. Fine not exceeding Rs. 5000/- Chairman/Director / Principal Concerned HoD
m. Fine not exceeding Rs. 10,000/- Dean Concerned HoD
n. Fine up to Rs. 100,000/- Vice Chancellor Concerned HoD
o. Cancellation of remission of fees or Vice Chancellor Concerned HoD
University scholarships.
p. Removal from a position of Provost, Chief Proctor, HoD, Concerned HoD
authority in University. Head of Section
q. Expulsion/rustication from a Principal, Chairman, Director Concerned HoD
College / University teaching or Discipline committee with
Department / Institutes the approval of the Vice-

21.2 Procedure in Case of Breach of Discipline

Teachers/officers of the University in whose presence or in relation to whom an act of indiscipline
has been committed or who obtains knowledge of such act or report or otherwise, may deal with the
case himself/herself or if in his view;
a. The case is one which can be more appropriately dealt with by another authority; or
b. A penalty is severer than that he is competent to impose is called for in the case; he/she shall
follow the procedure outlined below:
i. If he is not among the HoDs. He shall refer the case to the HoD concerned. Who may
deal with it himself /herself or refer it to the appropriate authority?
ii. If he/she is him/herself is HoD, he/she will deal with it himself/herself or refer it to the
Vice-Chancellor table to be copied

21.3 Rustication, Expulsion and Cancellation of Admission

21.3.1 Rustication
On account of misconduct/breach of discipline, a student may be rusticated from a course or a
degree programme with the approval of the competent authority. In case of rustication from a
course / subject the concerned HoD shall be the approving authority while rustication from the
degree programme shall require approval of the Vice Chancellor. In all such cases, the
concerned Head of Teaching Department shall have the authority to notify the students
rusticated from a course or study programme for a period not exceeding one semester. In case of
rustication for a semester, the student may resume his studies in the start of next regular semester

Tuition fees shall not be reimbursed for the period of rustication.

21.3.2 Expulsion
a. If a student committed such an offence which in the opinion of the HoD demands
expulsion from the College/Department/Institute, the case shall be reported to Central Discipline
Committee of the University. The Vice-Chancellor shall have powers to sanction expulsion for a
period as deemed fit.
b. The Vice-Chancellor may expel a student for a misconduct or gross breach of discipline
either himself or on the report and recommendations of the Discipline Committee.
c. The period of expulsion will be counted from the date of issue of such notice by the
concerned HoD.

d. Name of the expelled student(s) shall be immediately removed from the roll of University
and no fee shall be charged from him for the subsequent semester(s) during the period of
e. At the end of period of expulsion, the student may resume his studies. However, the
resumption could only be made in the start of a regular semester.
In all such cases, the concerned Head of Teaching Department shall have the authority to notify
the students expelled from the University with copies to all concerned offices/authorities.

21.3.3 Cancellation of Admission

In case of gross misconduct, the Vice chancellor may grant approval to the cancellation of
admission either on the recommendations of the University Discipline Committee or without any

21.4 Appeals
An appeal against any punishment shall be made to the Vice Chancellor within 15 working days
of the notification of the decision. The Vice Chancellor shall have the authority to extend the
period of appeal on case to case basis.
The decision of the Vice Chancellor against the appeal shall be notified by concerned HoD with
copies to all concerned.

21.5 Examination Offences

Cases of indiscipline inside / in the premises of the examination hall(s) or use of unfair means
shall be dealt with by the Examination Discipline Committee. Such cases shall be initially
reported to Departmental Discipline Committee constituted by the HoD under the KUST

22. The act of Indiscipline in Examination

Any candidate found guilty of following matters, his case will be submitted to Unfair Means Cases
Committee (Semester system) constituted by relevant Dean. The committee will be constituted of 02
senior faculty members, Director Academic, Controller of Examinations headed by the senior Professor
of the university.

(a) Imposition of Fine to maximum of Rs. 20,000/-

i. Submits forged or fake documents in connection with an examination


ii. Does anything that is immoral or illegal in connection with examination and which may be
helpful to him/her in the examination
iii. Misbehaves or creates any kind of disturbance in or around premises of the examination
iv. Uses abusive or obscene language in the answer script
v. Possesses any kind of weapon in or around premises of the examination center
vi. Possesses any kind of electronic device which may be helpful in the examination
(b) Cancellation of paper

i. Willfully Damages (removes a Leaf from his answer book or mutilates) the answer book
once during an examination,
ii. Cheating/copying from paper, book or notes
(c) Cancellation of Examination

i. Repeating b(i)
ii. Repeating b(ii)
(d) Expulsion for one semester

i. Smoking in Public places

ii. Possession and Consumption of intoxicants without prescription of authorized medical


(e) Expulsion for 02 semesters

i. Possession of Alcoholic Drinks / prohibited drugs

ii. Possession of fire Arms

iii. Consumption of Alcoholic drinks / prohibited drugs

(f) Cancellation of the Admission

i. Commits impersonation in the examination.

ii. Assault on the faculty, staff and students of the university

If a student is not satisfied with the decision of the Unfair Means Cases Committee, he may submit
an appeal to Appellate Committee through the office of the HoD within a week after the notification
of decision.

23. Library

23.1 Loan Privileges:

The following categories of members will be allowed to use the library.
 The teaching faculty of the university (including visiting faculty only up to the finishing of the
 All regular and contract staff of the university
 All students of the university
 All syndicate members only to the end of their membership period
 All persons permitted by the competent authority and librarian of the university.

23.2 Borrowing of Books:

1. A card will be issued to each member for the borrowing of books. This card will be provided to
the user in a week after submission of the library registration form, will not be transferable, and
should be surrendered at the time of taking clearance certificate for exam as well as the for final
2. Library card (borrower card) will be valid up to the last semester exam clearance date.
3. A member who loses his card shall inform the librarian in written form so that a duplicate card is
issued to the member against a fine of Rs 50.
4. A duplicate card shall be issued 2 times only, thereafter, the library membership of the loser will
be cancelled.
5. Overdue of books shall be punishable with a fine of Rs. 10 per day.
6. No students shall be allowed to appear in the examination held by the university unless he or she
obtains a clearance slip from the library to the effect that he or she has no books outstanding
against them.
7. In case a book is urgently required, the librarian may recall it at a short notice any time and such
a book shall be returned immediately by the borrowers.
8. In case of the donated material, thesis, reports etc, the librarian will assess the cost/value of the

23.3 Loan Period

The following categories of members shall observe the loan schedule mentioned against each
1. Teaching faculty 06 books for the period of 1 month
2. Students 04 books for 14 days
3. Officers 02 books for 14 days
4. Reading material of the following nature shall not be issued. It can be consulted in the library
only (except in special cases).
a. Reference material (dictionaries, encyclopedias, atlases and the other material marked
b. Thesis, Research Reports, Pamphlets, Syllabi, Acts, Newspapers, Journals, etc.
c. Microfilms, Slides, Cassettes, Tape Recorders, and other allied materials
d. All unprocessed materials
e. Current periodicals
f. Other materials assigned by the librarian.

23.4 Damage and Loss of Books:

1. In case a member loses or damages a book, he/she shall stand liable to any of the 02 conditions;
either he has to buy the book and hand it over to the library along with 25 percent of its price as
fine or he has to pay a three times multiplied (current ) price of the book . The price of a rare
book shall be decided by the librarian.
2. If a member leaves the organization without returning books borrowed from the library, the
price of the book will be adjusted against his dues with the organization. If there is no
outstanding balance to his name, his guarantor will pay the dues.

23.5 General Rules:

1. A member shall not mutilate, or damage by writing or marking on pages. Violation of this rule
shall require replacement of the damaged volume or payment of its price.
2. If one volume of a set series is damaged and it is not available separately, the whole set shall
have to be replaced.
3. Members are advised to inspect books or other material at the time of issuance
4. During stocktaking, all the library users should return their issued materials for checking
5. The librarian is authorized to withdraw library facilities from any member who is found
misusing the library material or facilities.
6. Members of the library shall deposit their belongings at the counter near the entrance.

7. In case any personal reading material has to be taken inside the library, permission must be
sought from the librarian.
8. All reading materials issued to the user shall be shown to the attendant at the exit before leaving.
9. Eating, smoking, sleeping, mobile use, chatting, making noise is strictly prohibited in the library
10. Theft of books and tearing of pages is a crime.
11. Complete silence shall be observed.
12. Only digital library should be used through the computers.
13. No one is allowed to open or close the input and output devices of the computers
14. The USB permission must be taken from the desk in charge.
15. The internet will be used by a user only for an hour and will be vacated for other users after a
use of one hour.
16. Books will not be issued unless the clearance of borrowed material of the previous semester.

24. Fee Structure

24.1 Rules for the refund of the fee for fresh entry
i. In case of students already registered with KUST, registration fee and other fees will be
charged as prescribed. However, the earlier deposited registration fee, if any, will be
refunded/ adjusted. The original registration number will remain intact.
ii. If a student wants to cancel his / her admission, then the refund of fee shall be made on the
submission of written application on a judicial paper worth Rs. 50/-, duly attested by oath
commissioner as per following details.

%age of Fee Timeline for Semester Timeline for Annual System

Full 100% Fee Refund Up to 7th day of Up to 15th day of
commencement of classes commencement of classes
Half 50% Fee Refund From 8th -15th day of From 16th -30th day of
commencement of classes commencement of classes
No Fee 0% Refund From 16th day of From 31st day of
Commencement of Classes commencement of classes

Provided that any student who has got readmission within seven days of the 1 st admission to
another discipline/programme/department shall transfer the deposit fee to such new

24.2 Scholarships (Financial Assistance)

Administration of the Kohat University of Science & Technology, Kohat has been making every
possible effort to help solve the monetary problems of its students by tapping the potential
resources and providing various scholarships and concessions to the deserving students both on
merit as well as poverty basis.
1. Prime Minister Fee Reimbursement Scheme
2. Prime Minister Laptop Scheme
3. Poverty cum merit scholarship (once a year)
4. MORA Scholarship for poor students
5. Merit Scholarship for distinguish lot (every semester)
6. Frontier Education Foundation Scholarship
7. FATA Scholarship
8. Brother/ Sister Concession (every Semester)
9. Syeda Mubarak Begum (Baber Ali Foundation Scholarship)
10.Japanese need-based Scholarship (up to 101,500/- per Student)
11.FEF (FATA Education Foundation Scholarship)
12.HEC Award of Scholarship under the project Titles “Provision of Higher Education
opportunities for students of Baluchistan and FATA”
13.HEC-FDP (LD) Scholarship Programme FATA Normally 20% of the whole strength of our
students, if not more, receives one or the other scholarship. Frontier Education Foundation
award scholarship to, at least, 8 students of KUST pursuing 4-year degree programme/ courses.
The amount of the award is 48,000/- per annum for each student. HEC under the programme of
Japanese Needs Based Merit Scholarship pays almost one hundred thousand rupees each per
annum to eight students of basic sciences pursuing their MS programme at KUST

25. Admissions
The university shall admit students to the programmes offered by the University through regulations laid
out in this document. At the time of admission, every student shall submit a character certificate issued by
the institutions earlier attended, failing this the admission may not be considered confirmed.

25.1 Admission Procedure/Rules for Bachelor/BS (4 years), Pharm-D, Master, and B.Ed.

(a) The admissions into BS or equivalent programmes/ Pharm-D / MA/M.Sc shall be widely
advertised (both in local and national print media as well as social media) by the office of
(b) The admission shall be open to all as per Khyber Pakhtunkhwa University Act including for
those as per quota approved by the competent authorities from time to time, provided the
approved eligibility criteria for the programmes are met.
(c) Applications shall be received and processed online as per procedure advertised at the time of
(d) The admission shall be based on merit established through the performance of the candidates in
SSC or equivalent, the first year of HSSC or equivalent or BA/B.Sc (as the case may be) and the
percentage marks in the entrance exam (NAT/ETEA/ETC/ other approved modes of entrance
test). The acceptable percentage marks in entrance test shall be as approved from time to time by
the competent authority.
(e) Candidates without valid results of the entrance test shall be allowed to register for admission.
However, their cases shall be considered for admission only after fulfilling the eligibility
requirements duly supported documentary evidences.
(f) The Admission offered shall be initially considered provisional and shall be confirmed through a
notification by the HoD after due verification of the supporting documents. Any mistake in the
documentary evidence or false statement on part of the candidate may lead to the cancellation of
(g) In cases of equivalency, only a certificate issued by the IBCC shall be considered acceptable for
the purpose of admission.
(h) A candidate may apply for admission to more than one degree programme with the condition to
clearly state priorities. In case a student fails to accept an offer made in a programme of his first
choice during the due period, he may be considered for admission into any other programme
depending of the availability of seats as per his eligibility and merit.

(i) A Candidate can apply on general merit as well as on reserved quota at the same time. In case of
unavailability of eligible candidates for a particular programme under reserved quota or open
merit may be considered interconvertible with the approval of the Vice Chancellor.
(j) For merit determination :
A. A 10% weight allocated to the percent marks in SSC/Equivalent
B. B 40% weight allocated to the percent marks in the 1st year of HSSC/Equivalent
C. 50% weight allocated to the percent marks in NAT/Entrance Test (ETEA)/ETC
(HEC)/ other Provinces Testing Agencies with valid passing marks.
D. Merit = A + B + C
A. 10% weight allocated to the percent marks in SSC/Equivalent
B. 20% weight allocated to the percent marks in HSSC/Equivalent
C. 20% weight allocated to the percent marks in 3rd year of BA/BSc/Equivalent
D. 50% weight allocated to the percent marks in Entrance Test NAT/ ETC (HEC)/
other Provinces Testing Agencies with valid passing marks.
E. Merit = A + B + C + D
(k) A general merit list shall be displayed online as well as Departmental Notice Boards opened for
(l) Queries regarding merit list shall be entertained within the notified time period both online as
well as through mode of communication by the office of the respective HoD.
(m) After entertaining all sorts of queries etc, the HoD shall notify offer of admission through a list
displayed online as well as on the departmental notice boards.
(n) In case of availability of seats admission could be extended through the notification of second,
third, etc merit lists.
(o) The provisionally admitted students shall submit their supporting documents in original in the
office of the respective HoD for verification. Any evidence found contradictory to the already
submitted copies of the documents at the time of online admission may lead to the cancellation
of admission.
(p) There shall be no requirement of provision of NOC/ study leave for admission in any degree
programme at KUST.
(q) If a student is expelled or ceased from the degree programme based on poor academic
performance, he/she may not be allowed to admission in the same degree programme again.

25.2 Admission Procedure/ Rules for Graduate Programmes

(a) The university shall widely advertise MPhil/MS and PhD Programmes.

(b) The admission shall be open to all without any reserve quota provided the eligibility criteria are
(c) Applications shall be received and processed online as per procedure advertised at the time of
(d) The admissions into MS/MPhil / Equivalent shall be based on merit established through the
performance of the candidates in SSC or equivalent, the HSSC or equivalent or BA/B.Sc (as the
case may be), BS (04 years) or equivalent , MA/M.Sc or equivalent and the percentage marks in
the entrance exam (GAT General/ GRE General or equivalent). The merit for admission to an
MPhil/MS degree programme offered by the university shall be established as per following
i. 40% weightage shall be given to academic as described below
ii. 50% weight allocated to the percentage in the required entrance test
iii. 10% weight allocated to the percentage achieved in the interview before the
Departmental Graduate Committee.
The distribution of the 40% weight allocated to the academic shall be as per following criteria:
a. Marks %age in BA/B.Sc/equivalent x 0.16
b. Marks %age in MA/M.Sc/equivalent x 0. 24
Aggregate = A+B
In case of BS/Pharm-D or equivalent the distribution shall be worked out as following:
Cumulative percentage score in the entire degree programme x 0.40
(e) The admission into PhD Programme shall be based on the availability of resources (facilities,
supervision, etc). The eligibility of candidate shall be ascertained by the Departmental Graduate
Committee from the academic testimonials submitted by applicants.
(f) The Admission offered shall be initially considered provisional and shall be confirmed through a
notification by the HoD after due verification of the supporting documents. Any mistake in the
documentary evidence or false statement on part of the candidate may lead to the cancellation of
(g) In cases of equivalency, only a certificate issued by the IBCC/HEC shall be considered
acceptable for the purpose of admission.

Eligibility Criteria for MS/MPhil or Equivalent:


(h) Relevant BS or Master degree or equivalent with minimum 60% marks or minimum CGPA of
2.50 on the scale of 4.00 (semester system) from HEC recognized university/ degree awarding
institution, with not less than 45% marks in any examination throughout the academic career. In
case of admission to MPhil in English Language and Literature, however, minimum of 50%
marks will be compulsory for those candidates who have passed MA/equivalent degree in
English Language and Literature under Annual/ Term System of examination instead of 1st
division in MA/equivalent degree.
(i) The minimum acceptable percentage marks in GAT General/equivalent shall be 50% while in
case of GRE General only 60 Percentile shall be considered acceptable.

(j) Eligibility Criteria and Merit for PhD Programme

Admission to a PhD programme in any discipline shall be based solely on the availability of
resources and willingness / commitment of a supervisor for the entire duration of the PhD studies
of the candidate subject to the following eligibility criteria:
i. Relevant MS/MPhil or equivalent with minimum 70% marks or minimum CGPA of 3.00 on
the scale of 4.00 (semester system) from HEC recognized university/ degree awarding
institution, with not less than 45% marks in any examination throughout the academic career.
Additionally, the MS/MPhil degree in the relevant subject must be having a 06 credit hours of
research component.

ii. GAT subject or equivalent with 60 % score or GRE Subject Test with 60 percentile score.

iii. Merit

A. 25% to the Academic (only MS/MPhil or equivalent)

B. 25% to the GAT test

C. 50% to the Interview conducted by the ASRB or a committee constituted by the ASRB
for this purpose.


25.3 Ineligibility for Admission: Persons convicted for moral turpitude by a court of law shall not be
eligible for admission to any programme in the University. A candidate who has been rusticated/
expelled or whose entry in any College/University of the country has been banned for any reason

whatsoever at any time during his academic career shall not be admitted to any programme without
permission of the Syndicate.

25.4 Confirmation of Admissions

All the admissions will be provisional till the approval of the competent authority. No candidate will
be entitled to deposit any dues if admission is not offered or claim any right till the confirmation of the

25.5 Cancellation of Admission

(a) The Head of respective teaching department reserves the right to refuse/ cancel the
admission of candidates at any stage or revoke the degree who obtained his/ her admission
by making any misstatement or concealing a material fact particularly regarding his/ her
age, domicile, marks obtained, degree, or due to any other valid reason. Appeal against any
such decision can be made to the University Admission Appellate Committee. Such
cancellation shall be notified on the notice board and shall be immediately communicated
to the candidate concerned through registered post on the address as mentioned in the
admission form. The Admission Appellate Committee will be constituted of 5 members,
headed by Dean or Senior Faculty member, three faculty members, and Director
Academics as Secretary/members duly approved by the Vice Chancellor.
(b) The condition of receipt/issuance of migration certificate has been relaxed for those
candidates/students who are registered for 02 degree programmes simultaneously as per the
HEC policy.

25.6 Admission Appellate Committee

When a candidate has been refused admission or his admission has been canceled, he/she will be
entitled to prefer an appeal before the Appellate Committee within three (03) days of the notification
displayed on the notice board of the department concerned. All such appeals must be presented in
person or through a duly constituted agent to the Director Academics who shall cause these appeals to
be received and shall inform there and then the candidates about the date when these appeals will be
heard. The candidates shall be entitled to be present at the time of hearing if him/ her so desire. The
decision of the Committee shall be final and shall be communicated to the candidate. After
finalization/ closure of admissions, no appeal shall lie and thus the time-barred appeals received after
the prescribed period of three (03) days and appeals received in a manner other than prescribed above
shall not be entertained.

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