AE1222-II Formula Sheet Aircraft Design Version 25-3-2021

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Aircraft Design & System Engineering Elements - AE1222-II


All units in SI unless stated otherwise. All angles in degrees, unless stated otherwise.

1. Atmosphere:
 λ h  Rλ
=p p0 1 −  p0 = 101 kPa, T0 = 288 K, R = 287 J/kg/K, g0 = 9.81 m/s2, λ = 0.0065 K/m
 T0 

2. Fuselage design
n ≤ 6 ⇒ single aisle
Number of seats abreast: nSA = 0.45 npax naisles =  SA
6 ≤ nSA ≤ 12 ⇒ twin aisle

npax 1.08 for single aisle

Access doors, emergency exits: lcabin = kcabin kcabin = 
nSA 1.17 for twin aisle

Required cargo vol.: VCC =

Vcargo + (VLuggage − VOS ) Available cargo vol.: VCC = lcabin ⋅ kCC ⋅ ACC

Luggage vol.: VLuggage = mLuggage ρLuggage typical ρLuggage = 170 kg/m3

Cargo vol.: VCargo = mCargo ρCargo typical ρCargo = 160 kg/m3

VOS = (nOS, lat ⋅ AOS, lat + nOS, ce ⋅ AOS, ce )lcabin ⋅ kOS typical: kOS = 0.74 , nOS, lat = 2 ,
0 for single-aisle aircraft
AOS, lat = 0.20 m2 , AOS, ce = 0.24 m2 nOS, ce = 
1 for twin-aisle aircraft

 d f , inner + 0.040 for small commercial airplanes

Fuselage outer diameter: =
d f , outer  d f , inner + 0.050 for fighter and trainers
1.045 × d
 f ,inner + 0.084 for transporttransports
and business airplanes

 p 1 2
Floor position: p =
R − hcabin width − hfloor =
structure , ϕ 2arccos  1 − =, ACC R (ϕ − sinϕ ) , with ϕ in rad
 R 2

3. Propulsion System and Wing design:

3.1. Wing Planform
Span: b = SA root chord: cr = tip chord: ct = λ cr
(1 + λ ) b

Aircraft Design & System Engineering Elements - AE1222-II

1 for Mcruise < 0.7

Sweep: cos Λ c /4 =
 M †
, with M † = 0.935 and =
Mdd Mcruise + 0.03
 0.75 for Mcruise > 0.7
 Mdd

Λc 4 2 for low wing  π 

Dihedral: Γ = 3 − + , taper ratio:
= λ 0.2  2 − Λ c 4 
10 −2 for high wing  180 

 cos Λ ) (M ) 

− Mdd cos Λ c 2 − 0.115CˆL1.5 W
(t c ) = min , 0.18  with CˆL = TO and qˆ = 0.7pMcr2

( cos Λ )  ˆ
 c2 

3.2. Propeller + Engine:

0.18 0.40
 PTO   PTO 
Turboshaft: Dengine = 0.20   lengine = 0.10  
 1000 ⋅ N 
 engine   1000 ⋅ Nengine 

wee = 1.1Dengine hee = 1.5Dengine lee = lengine

0.30 0.10 0.55

 P   P   P 
Opp. Piston: wengine = 0.17  TO  hengine = 0.30  TO  lengine = 0.06  TO 
 1000N   1000N   1000N 

wee = 1.2wengine hee hengine + 0.2wengine

= lee lengine + 0.1wengine

Propeller Design: Dp = 0.55 4

3.3. Turbofan Engine:

TTO 1+λ T 
= ηn =0.97, ηtf =0.75, G ≈  t 4 − 1.25  where 1350K < Tt 4 < 1650K
N ⋅ a0 5ηnG (1 + ηtf λ )  600 

Ds  ρa 3λ 
≈ 0.05 1 + 0.1 0 0 + Category Cl ∆l β
Di  m 1 + λ 
full fan cowling (B) 9.8 0.05 0.35
m partial fan cowling 7.8 0.10 0.12
+ 0.0050 0.21 +
ρ0a0 (C) ϕ − 0.3
Dh ≈ Di =
1 − ( Ds Di )

 m  1 + 0.2λ   1 
ln C l  + ∆l  l f = ϕ ln Dn =
Di + 0.06lf + 0.03 Def Dn  1 − ϕ 2 
 ρ0a0 1 + λ   3 

Aircraft Design & System Engineering Elements - AE1222-II

 m 
 0.089 ρ a λ + 4.5 
g (1 − ϕ ) ln Dg = Def  0 0
 Deg ≈ 0.55Dg
 0.067  λ + 5.8 
 ρ0a0 
 

Integration of Turbofan Engine with Wing:

2-engined aircraft:
= η = 0.35 4-engined aircraft: η = 0.4 and η = 0.7

   xF  xF
0.07 + 0.03cos 15  + 0.03   for − 0.2 < < 0.18
  c  c
vertical positioning: H c = 
 xF
 0.04 for ≥ 0.18

Integration of Turbofan Engine with Fuselage:

Transport aircraft: X h > X apb − 0.5ln X h > X exit + Dh

Business jets: X h > X apb + 0.5Dh X h > XTE ,( y =0) + 0.5Dh

4. Undercarriage and Empennage Design:

4.1. Loading Diagram and Wing Position
 x  MW  x   MW  
XFCG + c   −  1 + 
 c WCG MF  c OEWCG  MF  

with wing group: MW = ∑ M j , and fuselage group: MF = ∑ Mi based on statistics

X CG =
∑M X i i
with Mi for payload, fuel and OEW from Class I weight estimation
∑M i

4.2. Undercarriage Sizing and Disposition:

CS23 Business jets regional regional jets Large transports
Nmw = 2 WTO 40,000 WTO 60,000 WTO 120,000 f ⋅ WTO 210,000
Nnw = 1 2 2 2 2
Description of Surface Max. allowable tire pressure, p [kPa]
Soft, loose desert sand 170-240
Wet, boggy grass 210-310
Hard desert sand 280-410
Hard grass 310-410

Aircraft Design & System Engineering Elements - AE1222-II

Paved surfaces:
= p 430ln (LCN) − 680 [kPa] 10 < LCN < 100

Wheel sizing: Pmw = 0.92WTO Nmw Pnw = 0.08WTO Nnw

Graphs for tire dimensioning in inches (Note: 1 kg ≈ 10 N and 1 kg/cm2 ≈ 100 kPa and
1 in ≈ 0.025 m ):

ln + lm
Lateral tip-over criterion: ψ ≤ 55° , MLG track width: yMLG >
ln2 × tan2 ψ

4.3. Empennage Sizing and Disposition:

Vh =
( Xh − XaftCG ) Sh Vv =
(X v − X aftcg ) Sv
S⋅c S ⋅b

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