Hornbill Chapter-1 MindMap

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Featured Mind Map Plot: Changing relationship of

grandmother with the author over

time (childhood to adulthood)
Khushwant Singh Characters: Grandmother,
Khushwant Singh (author),
author’s mother, sparrows, etc.

Central Theme: Importance of

Beginning (Close Friendship): Both lived in THE grandmother in author’s life
and phases of their friendship
the village & the grandmother took Phase I PORTRAIT OF
utmost care of the author, dropped him at
school, etc.
A LADY Message Learnt: We usually
recognize the importance
of a person in our lives
Phases II & III
when he/she is not with us

Middle (Their Bond of Friendship Snapped): Both went to the city Ending: The author went abroad for studies. When he returned,
and shared a single room, but she couldn’t help the author in his grandmother celebrated the author’s homecoming by beating a
studies. Slowly the friendship between them weakened. When drum and singing. Thus, she fell sick the next day and accepted her
the author went to the University & had his separate room, coming death by praying till her last breath. After her death,
grandmother accepted her seclusion with resignation. sparrows gathered around her dead body and mourn her death.

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