Key Concepts in Patient Safety: Purpose
Key Concepts in Patient Safety: Purpose
Key Concepts in Patient Safety: Purpose
Key Concepts
in Patient Safety
Kimberly A. Galt, Karen A. Paschal, and John M. Gleason
The purpose of this chapter is to provide all health professionals with the core
theory and knowledge they need to understand and practice patient care using
patient safety principles. This core knowledge underpins and supports the re-
maining chapters and case studies. Every chapter that follows incorporates
these safety principles.
After completing this chapter, you will be able to:
● Define the scope of the problem of unsafe healthcare practices in
in health care
I watched my father in the hospital bed. He was trying to rise, but his muscles
were so weak that he could not sit up on his own. Although the staff had taught
him to roll over on his side and push up, he could no longer lift his upper body
with his arms. What happened to him? I was only 13 years old at the time. My
dad had been in the hospital for over 2 years but still kept losing weight. The doc-
tors could not find the correct diagnosis. When entering the hospital, he was a tall
man of 6'4" who weighed 195 pounds, but he weighed only 125 pounds at dis-
charge. He was tested for all kinds of cancer and was referred for extensive psy-
chological testing. He was accused of starving himself. He had supervised feedings
and extensive counseling. Self-insured as a small business owner, my father’s re-
sources were drained, and there was no way to continue to pay for services. On
the day that he was discharged, a medical bill for $350,000 was handed to my
mom. Dad’s hair was sparse and his eye color faded. He was starving to death. He
went home expecting to die. My mom started reading on her own. She learned
about a problem with gluten absorption. Later we made a diagnosis of celiac dis-
ease. She took action and obtained help.
Five years later, I learned about parenteral nutrition in pharmacy school. Why
was Dad’s nutrition not maintained by this means? Missed diagnoses—they must
be common. How could 2 years of testing overlook what my mom could find? My
father was now a man with permanent neurologic disabilities secondary to severe
malnutrition, and my family was financially insolvent. After money was no longer
available, Dad was abandoned. For what were all of those resources used? The im-
pact of unsafe health care caused by a medical error is very real to my family.
H I G H - Q U A L I T Y H E A LT H C A R E
The safety of a patient depends on each health professional’s ability to “do the
right thing.” As a health professional continuously works at improving quality, in-
dividual performance shifts to “doing the right thing well.”1 Assuring the safety
of the patient to whom services are provided is an essential dimension of profes-
sional performance. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) published a report in 2000
entitled To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System.2 This report describes
the risks of medical care in the United States and the documented harm that has
occurred because of unsafe practices in the healthcare systems.i What is a safe pa-
tient practice? A patient safety practice is a type of process or structure whose ap-
plication reduces the probability of adverse events resulting from exposure to the
healthcare system across a range of diseases and procedures.1 The care we deliver
and the way we deliver it should have the least potential to cause patient harm and
the greatest potential to result in an optimal outcome for the patient. Patients as-
sume that this is what we do when we take care of them.
i More recent reports have been published that inform us further about additional and
emerging problems in safety and our progress in addressing these causes. For example, a 2006
report entitled Medication Errors by the Committee on Identifying and Preventing Medication
Errors Board on Health Care Services was released. It focuses more deeply on problems with
medications. These reports can be accessed through the Institute of Medicine website
( A lifelong practice of staying informed as these sentinel reports are
published is vital to maintaining professional knowledge and evolving science and evidence
in patient safety and professional practice.
Who Is to Blame?
This common question always arises after an error occurs. It strikes fear, guilt,
anger, and the desire for restitution or even revenge from some. These feelings
emerge in both patients and family members, as well as in the professionals in-
volved. It is too easy to blame an individual, such as a healthcare provider or health
system employee, making the one person wholly responsible for the complex and
often inadequate health system in which most of us work. The lack of integration
of clinical decision support systems, the paucity of training in patient safety for
professionals, and the lack of organizational leadership to achieve safer systems all
contribute to each of the errors that get reported.
Further compounding this challenge is the cultural and social context. After
harm occurs, the individuals directly involved become isolated. Because the unsafe
event usually happens to one person, one episode at a time, a critical mass of per-
sons who are simultaneously having the experience does not exist. Socially, this
means that individuals who are harmed have difficulty with advocacy because there
is generally a lack of understanding at the local level among those they interact with
about the nature and prevalence of this problem. Healthcare professionals need to
know much more about how patients, consumers of health care, react and cope to
achieve a resolution.
that delayed arrivals and departures. The safety/accident risks of tracking and con-
trolling planes stacked in various layers over an airport are evident. This danger no
longer exists. Now, when weather events warrant, departures are delayed at the
origin airport. Airspace density at the destination airport affected by the weather
is reduced. Planes are no longer stacked at the destination, and passengers fume in
airport lounges rather than in the air. Most observers would agree that the air
traffic control system has been improved as a result of efforts to reduce interactive
complexity and tight coupling.
Regardless of efforts to reduce normal accidents in many engineering envi-
ronments, they continue to occur, and the blame for such accidents continues to
be diffused. For example, the President’s Commission to Investigate the Accident
at Three Mile Island distributed blame rather diffusely but placed primary blame
on the operators. Metropolitan Edison, on the other hand, blamed the equip-
ment. A study conducted for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission blamed
systems design.4
In all cases, however, healthcare professionals prefer to avoid the necessity of
placing blame. Instead, we would rather an incident not occur at all. This is the
focus of this book. How can the healthcare system improve in order to avoid
errors, mistakes, and accidents and better ensure patient safety? How do health-
care professionals continuously assure this? Healthcare delivery systems are com-
plex and dynamic. New technologies, care approaches, and evidence are
constantly emerging. Thus, we must learn how the science of safety should be ap-
plied regularly and continuously in our practices. Given the experience that the
engineering disciplines have gained in industries such as aviation and nuclear en-
ergy, we should evidently focus on system issues such as interactive complexity
and tight coupling in health care.
For example, if the interactive complexity of a system results in an error in pre-
scribing or dispensing a routine medication to a patient hospitalized for elective
surgery, the loose coupling of the system may ensure that the patient suffers no
severe consequences. In this instance, system redundancies have time to become
active. The error may be caught by a nurse reviewing the patient’s records before
administering the medication to the patient, or the patient may notice that the
color/shape of the medication is inconsistent with that which is routinely taken.
On the other hand, if interactive complexities lead to an error in a trauma center,
a place of care delivery where many rapid and near instantaneous care decisions
are made, there may be neither the time nor the means to recover from the error
appropriately, and the patient may suffer irreparable harm. Thus, the risks in the
latter case are more significant than in the former.
R I S K A N A L Y S I S , P U B L I C P O L I C Y, AND R E G U L AT I O N 7
R I S K A N A LY S I S , P U B L I C P O L I C Y,
As healthcare professionals strive to improve patient safety, issues such as risk analy-
sis, public policy, and regulation must be considered. Implications of these topics
for a variety of disciplines, including health and safety, can be found in journals such
as Risk Analysis and RISK: Health, Safety & Environment, the journals of the Society
for Risk Analysis and the Risk Assessment and Policy Association, respectively. For
example, risk analysts have questioned the efficacy of public policy and regulation,
which require huge expenditures for a small reduction in one type of risk, when sim-
ilar expenditures could yield significant reductions in other types of risks. With re-
spect to patient safety, the identification of potential risks and the costs of mitigating
those risks need to be considered in order to prioritize patient safety efforts.
Emerging evidence and practical applications in health care have recently be-
come available in application-oriented publications, web-based resources, and other
media resources. Two recently emerging journals that focus on safety in health care
are the Journal of Quality and Patient Safety, published by the Joint Commission on
Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, and the Journal of Patient Safety.
We also need to recognize that risk perceptions of the lay public are relevant to ef-
forts to improve patient safety. Evidence suggests that the public uses error rates to
judge the quality of health care and that information gained from the Internet may
complicate public perceptions.5,6 The federal government is increasing attention on
the potential for centralized reporting of unsafe events. A system for this, similar to
the system that exists for aviation reporting, will likely emerge in the next few years.
Considerable research has been devoted to measuring public perceptions of an
assortment of health, safety, and environmental risks. Various risk paradigms have
emerged from both quantitative and qualitative research, including engineering, psy-
chological, and cultural paradigms. Evidence shows that psychometric models (based
on statistical techniques such as factor analysis and principal components analysis)
may be more useful than cultural models in explaining variances in risk perception.
Moreover, considerable differences exist between the level of risks that experts per-
ceive and those the lay public perceives, and the latter group tends to use a variety of
(perhaps unreliable) heuristic processes in estimating risk. If there is truth to the adage
that “perception is reality,” then those who are attempting to reduce risks to patient
safety and health must have an appropriate understanding of relevant risks as well as
an understanding of the heuristic processes that the public uses in risk estimation.
Moreover, because risk mitigation is costly, the value of a clear understanding of sta-
tistical methods and statistical decision analysis in scientific risk analysis is evident.
Although healthcare professionals may not individually be a master of the use of these
tools, we all have a responsibility to understand and use the best practices and
approaches that emerge from these scientific analyses as they are revealed.
Different groups have formed in the government, private healthcare sector, pro-
fessions, and consumers to advance the causes, concerns, and solutions to the
problems of patient safety. These groups have emerged from a true social need to
improve the situation. Some of these organizations are oriented toward providing
access to the newest information that may be useful in advancing safety. Others
provide resources and funding to study difficult or newly emerging problems in
safety. Political activism for regulatory, legislative, and policy change is central to
some. The Appendix at the end of this chapter provides a comprehensive listing
of groups whose missions and purposes are associated with the area of patient
safety. You are encouraged to go to the Websites identified for these organizations
to gain an appreciation and understanding of the mission and purpose of each.
The Principles and Tenets of Patient Safety
As stated in the IOM report: “Whether a person is sick or just trying to stay
healthy, they should not have to worry about being harmed by the health system
itself.”2 There are some key principles and tenets that serve to motivate healthcare
providers to continuously improve efforts in patient safety:
● Healthcare professionals are intrinsically motivated to improve patient
safety because of the ethical foundation, professional norms, and expecta-
tions of our respective disciplines.
● Organizational leaders are responsible for setting the standards for achieving
safety at the highest level and will do so in response to societal expectations.
● Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the healthcare safety prob-
lem and are not accepting of it.7
● There is substantial room for improvement of healthcare systems and prac-
tices that will result in a reduction in both error potential and harm.
incidents within the local organization in order to identify opportunities for im-
provements and to be able to track progress. Second, we must develop an organi-
zational culture that is founded on the concept of safety. Third, complex processes
must be analyzed using appropriate tools. Finally, as much standardization as is
possible should be accomplished while still allowing individuals the independent
authority to solve encountered problems in a creative way.
TA X O N O M Y, D E F I N I T I O N S , A N D T E R M S
What Is a Taxonomy?
Taxonomies are the systematic arrangement of entities in any field into categories
or classes based on common characteristics such as properties, morphology, and
subject matter. In other words, a taxonomy organizes our ideas into relationships
that have meaning. Taxonomies are global, professional, and sometimes practice-
setting specific.
Accident—an event that involves damage to a defined system that disrupts the
ongoing or future output of the system.2 Accident is another word for the
event itself and not the causes that supersede it.
Adverse event—an injury resulting from a medical intervention.2 Adverse
events may occur because of error or because of an intrinsic negative reac-
tion not related to error. Adverse events may come about because of both
error and nonerror causes. For example, a patient may have an adverse drug
event. This may occur because the patient could not tolerate the particular
chemical structure of the drug and as a result experienced a harmful effect.
The scope of the problem of unsafe healthcare practices in the United States is
large. The dynamic nature of health care further complicates the problem of safety.
As new technologies and approaches to care are incorporated into the daily prac-
tice of health professionals, new opportunities for unsafe practices are created. By
understanding the historical development of the theories and practices of safety
in industries other than health care, we are better positioned in health care to in-
corporate improvements from these lessons learned. Thus, it is important for pro-
fessionals to integrate basic concepts of patient safety into health care. We must
know the basic terminology and vocabulary of patient safety in health care as a
common language between us in our disciplines in order to incorporate patient
safety practices that are understood and supported by all of us. The harm, fear,
isolation, and eventual poor health outcome for patients as a result of unsafe
practices are avoidable for most patients. If we incorporate the science of safety
into our ongoing daily practices, we are sure to reduce the magnitude and extent
of harm and injury that results for all of us.
Read the following case, and use the questions that follow to apply what you have
learned in this chapter:
A.L. was in a rollover motor vehicle accident while traveling 3 hours from her
home early one weekend morning. She was removed from the vehicle by para-
medics and transported by ambulance to the nearest regional hospital. In the
emergency room, she was examined, received staples to close a head wound, and
had radiographs taken. Although she was sore all over, her main complaint was
pain and numbness in the middle of her shoulder that continued down her arm
into her fingers. The radiographs were negative, and the patient was discharged
from the hospital after 2 days of observation. She was to see her family physician
to get the staples removed.
The patient’s symptoms did not improve, and when she saw her family
physician, she requested a referral to physical therapy. When her symptoms did
not improve with physical therapy, the physical therapist discussed additional
imaging studies with the patient’s physician. Magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) revealed three fractures and a subluxation of the C6-C7 vertebrae,
which would be consistent with the patient’s symptoms. (The original plain
films were blurry in this area.) Subsequently, A.L. underwent a cervical fusion.
Although improvement was noted, she now has some restriction in her neck
• Agency for Health care Research and Quality. Web M&M: Morbidity and
Mortality Rounds on the Web. Available at:
Accessed September 8, 2008.
• Making Health Care Safer: A Critical Analysis of Patient Safety Practices. Evi-
dence Report/Technology Assessment: Number 43. Rockville, MD: Agency
for Healthcare Research and Quality, U.S. Department of Health and
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7. Kaiser Family Foundation. National Survey on Consumers’ Experiences with Patient
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8. Kuyper A. Patient counseling detects prescription errors. Hosp Pharm 1993;12:1180–1181,
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Adapted from Doing What Counts for Patient Safety: Federal Actions to Reduce Medical Errors and Their Impact.
Report of the Quality Interagency Coordination Task Force (QuIC) to the President, February 2000.
Quality Interagency Coordination Task Force. Washington, DC. Available from: