Paladin of Auril: (The Goddess of Winter, NE)

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When your rage is untethered, it

Paladin of Auril knows no bounds. You are the unstoppable avalanche,
(The Goddess of Winter, NE) the overwhelming blizzard, you cannot be matched,
slowed, or swayed.
Paladins of Auril can be of any alignment, but
Protect the Cycle. Winter is death, it is also the
many typically gravitate towards the alignments preserver and the doorway to spring, the next cycle of
of NG, LN, N, or NE. It is also not uncommon for the natural order.
some type of minor physical transformation to Foster Beauty. Beauty can be found anywhere and
occur upon their dedication to Auril. Hair may within anything, from tangled lightly snow dusted
turn pure white, eyes could turn a pale icy blue, branches, to delicate lacy frost across glass, and
exhaled breaths may condense as if the air were glittering crystals floating through the crisp clear air.
bitterly cold, or their skin may feel chill to the
touch. Appreciation of beauty also tends to lead Oath of Winter Spells
paladins of Auril to prominently display the 3rd Armor of Agathys, Fog Cloud
symbol of their patron in intricate and artistic 5th Misty Step, Spike Growth*
ways. They may have a tattoo of a six-pointed 9th Sleet Storm, Tidal Wave*
snowflake on their forehead, over one eye, or on 13th Ice Storm, Stone Skin*
one hand. They may also work it into an expensive 17th Cone of Cold, Wall of Ice
piece of silver jewelry, or have it embossed on a
* The spell Tidal Wave conjures a wave of snow that
shield, breastplate, or other section of armor.
functions identical to the spell. The spells Spike Growth
Paladins of Auril are typically stern and & Stone Skin visually manifest as ice but otherwise
emotionless, however, their rage when provoked function the same as the spells in the PHB.
is fearsome. This mirrors cold uncaring winters,
which at times can be brutal, and suddenly violent. Channel Divinity
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the
Oath of Winter following two Channel Divinity options.
Fury of the Winter Storm. On your turn, you can
Divine Smite & Improved Divine Smite – extra enter into an unrelenting frenzy as a Bonus action. This
damage done with this ability is COLD damage fury lasts for one minute. It ends early only if you are
instead of radiant. Paladins of this oath have knocked unconscious or if you choose to end it. During
advantage on DEX checks to avoid slipping on icy this time, your melee attacks that hit inflict an
and snowy surfaces. The same type of terrain, additional Cold damage equal to half your level. Any
even deep drifts of snow, do not pose as difficult creature that touches you or attacks you with a melee
attack within 5 feet of you takes cold damage equal to
terrain for them. The Oath of Winter is devotion
half your level. You also have advantage on saves and
to harsh forces of nature, the end of life, and how ability checks to resist any mundane or magical effect
this end is part of an eternal cycle which includes that would result in you being feared, charmed,
renewal and rebirth. It is also devotion to the grappled, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, or
appreciation, protection, and preservation of restrained.
beauty whether it be natural or created. The more Winter’s Grasp. You can use your action to freeze
rare, unique, or difficult to find or obtain, the one humanoid target in place up to 60 feet away. The
more precious. target is paralyzed. Ice binds them, and they cannot
move for up to one minute. The target can make a STR
Tenets of Winter saving throw against your spell save DC in order to
Heart of Winter. Like frozen somber winter nights, resist this, and again at the end of each of their turns.
you are not swayed by sadness, joy, love, fear, anger, You can freeze one additional target at 9th level, a third
jealousy or any other emotion that may crack your at 13th level and a fourth target at 17th level. Additional
stoic frosty visage. targets must be within 30ft of each other when you
target them.

Aura of Rime
Beginning at 7th level, the cold you emanate has
become so persistent that you and friendly creatures
within 10 feet have resistance to fire damage, and are
immune to the negative effects of cold weather. At 18th
level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.

Ice in Your Veins

Starting at 15th level, you have Resistance to Cold
damage. You have advantage on saves versus cold
damage. When a saving throw would allow you to take
half damage from cold, you instead take no damage if
you succeed.

Auril’s Embrace
At 20th level, as an action you can cause your 30-foot
aura to include the characteristics of a punishing
blizzard, blinding snow, freezing rain, and pummeling
hail stones. These effects are centered on you, move
with you, and last for the duration of one minute. All
creatures, excluding yourself, count the area within the
aura as heavily obscured and difficult terrain. All
creatures, excluding yourself, that spend any part of
their movement within the aura must make a DEX
check of DC 10, with failure causing them to fall prone.
All enemy creatures that start or end their turn within
the aura automatically take 1d6 bludgeoning damage
and 1d6 cold damage. Once you summon this aura, you
can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.


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