Request Letter To Penro Fingerlings

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Republic of the Philippines

National Police Commission

Philippine National Police
Police Regional Office 11
Davao De Oro Police Provincial Office
Revitalized Pulis Sa Barangay Monkayo Cluster
Monkayo, Davao De Oro

July 9, 2021


Province of Davao de Oro

Thru: Minda R. Agarano, Ph.D.

Provincial Agriculturist
Provincial Agriculture Office

Dear Ma’am:

Peace be with you.

In line with Executive Order No. 70, s.2018 “Institutionalizing the Whole-Of-Nation Approach in
attaining inclusive and sustainable peace, creating a national task force to end local communist
armed conflict, and directing the adoption of national peace framework” which aims to address
root causes of insurgency to end local armed conflict in the country and achieve genuine peace,
wherein the Philippine National Police (PNP) is part of the NTF-ELCAC formed by President
Rodrigos Duterte.

In this regard, PRO 11’s “Revitalized Pulis sa Barangay (R-PSB) is being realized under the
leadership of PBGEN FILMORE B ESCOBAL in support to the National Task Force to end
Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC). Its mandate is to provide strong momentum to
the community policing system of the Philippine National Police (PNP) and its commitment to
pursue an effective police-community partnership in support of a sustained barangay-based
anti-crime strategy. Herewith, different activities were conducted especially to those
communities with marginalized population, physically and socio-economically separated from
the mainstream society and to those barangays classified as Geographically Isolated and
Disadvantages Areas (GIDA’s).

The undersigned with his team is one of the R-PSB teams that were deployed here at the
Province of Davao de Oro. Currently, the said team was assigned at the Municipality of
Monkayo covering the following barangays, namely: Brgy. Salvacion, Brgy. Rizal and Brgy.
Mount Diwata (Diwalwal). During the conduct of Need Assessment Survey (NAS), the team
discovered that the people who reside to the abovementioned barangays are mostly dependent
on agriculture for their livelihood. However, the presence of COVID-19 Pandemic indeed
affected the lives especially the source of income and livelihood of the residents despite of their
efforts and hard-work. One of the goals of the R-PSB team is to help them to develop for them
to be more productive and have a cosy living. With that, the team helped and assisted the
abovementioned barangays to create and organized a People’s Organization to open more
opportunities and increase employment in agricultural sector, thus enhancing the livelihood of
the members of such association. Through the cooperation and effort of the residents of Brgy.
Salvacion and the team, Paypayanon Falls IP Land Users and Farmers Association was
registered at DOLE last ______ with registration number: _____________________.
In view of this, in support of the members of People’s Organization- Paypayanon Falls IP Land
Users and Farmers Association, the undersigned with his team humbly request available Tilapia
and African Hito fingerlings from your good office. This action aims to deliver basic services to
the GIDAS area of the said Barangay and bring them closer to the government. For any
inquiries and clarifications, you may reach the undersigned through this contact number- 0920
560 1335.

We are hoping for your incessant support and utmost understanding on the said request and
looking forward to a fruitful and lasting partnership with your good office.

Very truly yours,

Police Lieutenant
Team Leader, RPSB Monkayo-Cluster 19

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