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CLASS10 ENGLISH Practice Test II 2020 2021

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Practice Test II, 2020-2021

Class X

Time: 3 Hours Full Marks: 80

1. This paper is divided into two parts: A and B. All questions are compulsory.
2. Separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary.
Read these instructions very carefully and follow them.
3. Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the questions.


READING (20marks)

1.Read the passage given below:

It is actors that draw us to the movies. And today’s movies are rich with talented actors, our
initial interest in a film is almost always sparked by the actors featured in it. For this reason,
some observers regard screen actors as mere commodities, cogs in a machine of promotion and
hype designed only to generate revenue.
However, acting is a complex art. It is easy to define narrative, or cinematography because
those formal aspects of filmmaking depend in part on techniques and conventions that are
widely accepted by filmmakers. Acting, by comparison, presents a different challenge because
there is no one way to do it. Every actor is a master of his or her own technique in creating
characters. Screen acting of this kind is an art in which an actor uses imagination, intelligence,
psychology, memory, vocal technique, facial expressions, body language, and an overall
knowledge of the filmmaking process to realize, under the director’s guidance, the character
created by the screenwriter.
Although the theatre and the movies are both collaborative arts, once the curtain goes up, stage
actors need not think much about the backstage crew, for the crew will perform scenery or
lighting changes according to a fixed schedule. Movie actors, however, must play directly to the
camera while dozens of people are standing around just outside the camera’s range. These
people are doing their jobs, but also watching and listening to everything the actors do. Some
people are there because they have to be (e.g., the director, script supervisor, cinematographer,
sound- recordist, makeup artist, hairstylist); others are there waiting to make the necessary
changes in scenery, properties, or lighting required for the next shot.
Writer-director-producer actor Orson Welles firmly believed in the importance of acting: “I
don’t understand how movies exist independently of the actor— yeah …I truly don’t.”
Despite its central importance in movies, acting is the only aspect of film making over which
directors have the least control. Directors may describe literally what they want from their
principal collaborators—for example, screenwriters or costume designers—but they can only
suggest to actors what they want.

However, a question arises whether digital technology will replace actors in future.
James Cameron’s ‘Avtaar’ with its digitally created blue skinned humanoids has been the
highest –grossing movie of all times. At present, the audience states they choose movies that
include their favourite actors.

On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer ANY TEN questions from the
twelve that follow. 1x 10 =10

I. What primarily draws the ordinary audience to films is

a. costume designing
b. cinematography
c. the performance of actors
d. lighting.

II. Choose the option that best captures the central idea of the passage from the given quotes.

“I think … much of what we respond to in fictional movies and drama is
acting. It’s the human material we go to see.”Pauline Kael

2.“If you can think it, you can make the audience know it. . . . On the stage,
it’s mannerisms. On the screen, your range is shown in your eyes.” Frank

Stars are involved in making themselves into commodities. Richard Dyer

“Acting is just a business…” Bette Davis .
a. Optrion1
b. Option 2
c. Option 3.
d. Option 4.

III. Choose the option which lists the characteristics that are revealed about the writer in this

1. enthusiastic
2. analytical
3. well-informed
4. quirky
5. confused
6. obsessed

a. 1 and 6
b. 2 and 3
c. 2 and 4
d. 5 and 6

IV. Choose the most appropriate title for the passage?

a. Films and film critics

b. Movies made simple
c. The Miracle of Films.
d. Acting in Films

V. The phrase “cogs in a machine “in the passage contextually refers to

a. the technicians and sound recordists in movies.
b. an insignificant aspect of film editing.
c. an actor who though functionally necessary is considered merely for generating revenue.
e. all artistes.

VI. Select the option that makes the correct use of ‘overall’as used in the
passage, to fill in the blank space.

a. The old man looked awkward in his new white _____________.

b. This mushroom will poison you ________, but only if you eat it.
c. He was amused ____________ at the silliness of the clown.
d. His mistake did not change my _____________ impression of him.

VII. The author attempts to __________________ the readers about the art of acting through
this write-up.
a. interpret
b. internalize
c. educate
d. admonish

VIII. For success cinematography depends on

a. techniques and convention
b. actor’s decision
c. proper interpretation of characters
d. presence of onlookers

IX. What does the author mean when he says that “……acting is the only aspect of film making
over which directors have the least control”.
a. Directors can merely offer guidance but they have no hold on the performance of the actors
who act according to their potential and interpretation of the character.
b. Directors have control over the tonal variations of the actors but not on their gestures.
c. Directors are able to instill an artistic sense in the actors.
d. Directors are too unsure of their own potential to exercise control over actors.

X. Choose the option that does not correspond to the meaning of ‘sparked’ as used in the

a. Stirred
b. Triggered
c. Ignited
d. Snuffed out

XI. Choose the set which lists the correct options.

At the site of shooting the presence of the bystanders is important as
a. They cheer the actors.
b. They are generally film critics.
c. Most of them constitute the film crew.
d. Some help in shifting properties, making changes in scenery.

i. a and c
ii. b and d
iii. a and b
iv. c and d

XII. A fundamental difference between a screen actor’s role and that of a stage actor lies in the
fact that
a) the stage actor, unlike the film actor, seeks constantly to be guided by the crew on stage.
b) the film actor plays to the camera with the film crew though staying out of camera range
watches and listens to the actors, but the stage actor does not need to be bothered about the
back stage crew who work according to a fixed schedule.
c) the film crew constantly evaluates the actor’s role and provide suggestions to the film
actor, but the stage actor rarely is bothered by the backstage crew.
d) the stage actor, unlike the film actor, is controlled by the narrator of the script.


Social media means different things to different people, so let’s start at the beginning. Social
media, that’s Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat and Twitter? Well yes, but
success in social media is not so much about the different social networks, or tools, but one’s
communications strategy as how to use these tools as part of inbound marketing. To apply them
effectively for communications, we have to recognize that socializing online is all about
participation in discussions and sharing of ideas and content.

In a categorization created by Weinberg there are ten main types of social platforms available to
one. Three are discussed below.
1 Social networks. In most countries, the core social platforms where people
interact through social networks are Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat for
consumer audiences, LinkedIn for business audiences, and Twitter for both.
2 Social publishing and news. Nearly all newspapers and magazines, whether
broad or niche, now have an online presence with the option to participate
through comments on articles,
3.Social knowledge. These are reference social networks like Yahoo!
Answers, Quora and similar, plus Wikipedia. They show how any business
can engage its audience by solving their problems and subtly showing how
products have helped others.

From the above table, it is evident that social media has a huge appeal to marketers because it
can support advocacy amongst consumers such that when they share positive comments about
products or content they create a viral effect known as ‘social media amplification. ‘Weinberg
‘s report further stated that 92% of all marketers have indicated how their businesses flourished
due to social media.
Yet the challenge of social media is that when we socialize, we’re hanging out, spending time
with our friends, family or colleagues so we probably don’t want to be interrupted by
advertisements from brands. However there has been a backlash and social media has also
been considered as infantile and delusional.
Let us look at an example of such criticism. One critic feels that ‘social media is an amazing
tool’ but states that it is ‘mostly a waste of time’ and suggests that marketers’ focus is wrong.
According to him “Marketers are putting too much emphasis on social media due to the hype
in the media, and are forgetting how powerful traditional advertising and marketing can be.”

On the basis of your understanding of the passage attempt ANY TEN questions from the
twelve that follow. 1x 10 = 10

I. In the line ‘…In most countries the core social platforms where people interact’ the word
‘core’ DOES NOT refer to
a. primary
b. central
c key
d. minor

II. As a social networking site, Linked In

a.is used for the consumerist audience.
b. is mostly used for propagating news about current affairs.
c. is focused on professional networking, business and career development.
d. is used to enable users to share images, videos with the audience and maintain social

III. The reference social network platform where any business typically solves the audience’s
questions and problems with useful answers is
a. Quora
b. Instagram
c. Snapchat
d. Twitter

IV. Choose the option that lists the correct answers for the following:

1. Anita Nair, has only a Facebook account. For what purpose does she use this social-
networking site?

2. Rahul Raman, an intern, reads the newspaper online for various articles that interest him.
What benefit as an online reader does he get?

a. (1) Social interaction and (2) being able to engage in online transaction with the client.
b. (1) social interaction and (2) being able to comment on the articles online.
c. (1) send large files and (2) being able to engage in web designing.
d. (1) find friends and (2) being able to publish photos of places he visits.

V.The expression ‘social media amplification’ refers to

1. Increasing the membership of different social media platforms.

2. Expanding the price and scope of advertising through social media

3. The viral effect triggered by increased sharing of content on

social media

4. promotion of a particular brand

VI. One of the strategies and a challenge of the social media regarding marketing is

a. how to reach and engage consumers today through advertisements while they are socializing.
b. how to eliminate unnecessary advertisements.
c. how to restrict viewership.
d. how to eliminate a business competitor from the platform.

VII. Social media has been criticized as being infantile and delusional by some as they feel that
it promotes
a. the childish and the appealing
b. the juvenile and the obsessive
c. the foolish and the mature
d. the inane and the false

VIII. According to Weinberg’s report,

a. all marketers find social media unpropitious for promoting business.
b. more than 92% of marketers are opposed to the idea of using social media as a marketing
c. a significant 92% of marketers consider social media favourable for use as a marketing tool.
d. less than 92% of marketers favour social media for promoting business.

IX. Social media as a marketing tool has been regarded by a particular critic as
a. a hackneyed but useful platform.
b. an astonishing but useless platform.
c. a little known but useful platform
d. a useful but much neglected platform.

X. Choose the options that lists the statement that is NOT TRUE.
a. According to Weinberg’s table, social media has a huge appeal for the marketers.
b. Communication strategies are important while using social media as a marketing tool.
c. None of the newspapers are available online.
d. Despite its popularity social media has its critics too.

XI. According to Weinberg’s table, the number of social platforms available are

XII. Choose the set comprising the correct options.

Some critics who are opposed to digital marketing feel that

a. traditional advertising and marketing are more effective.
b. advertising through the social media platforms is the only effective tool to reach
c. Marketers use online promotion of products due to media hype.
d. people love to be only entertained by the advertisements on social media while

1. a and b
2. a and c
3. b and c
4. b and d


3.Read the extracts given below and attempt ANY ONE by answering the questions that follow
: (1 X 5 )
(A)‘Even when each of his brothers and his little sister … ran to the brink, flapped their
wings, and flew away, he failed to muster up courage to take the plunge …’
i) Where was he?
1. on the slope of a mountain
2. on top of a boulder
3. on a ledge
4. inside a cave by the sea

ii)Why could he not take the plunge?

1. He felt he would not be able to cover the distance
2. He felt his wings would not support him
3. He was not hungry.
4. He was hurt.

iii)Where did he run back to take shelter?

1. into a hole
2. on a flat stone
3. to a shade below a tree
4. a plateau on the opposite cliff

iv)How did his parents react to his failure?

1. They tried to motivate him in every possible way
2. They had given up on him
3. They sympathised with him
4. They ignored him

v)Which word among the following is not a synonym of ‘muster’ as used in the passage?
1. gather
2. summon
3. rouse
4. dissuade

(B)‘Nobody knew exactly why Wanda sat in that seat, unless it was because she came all the
way from Boggins Heights and her feet were usually caked with dried mud. But no one
really thought much about Wanda Petronski once she sat in the corner of the room.’

i)Which ‘seat’is being referred to?

1. a seat in the first row
2. a seat next to the last seat in the last row
3. a seat in a lonely corner of the room
4. a seat especially allotted to her by the teacher

ii)Who usually sat in that corner of the room where Wanda used to sit?
1. the children who were rather rowdy
2. the children who were often bullied
3. the children who had strange names like Wanda
4. the children who seldom attended school.

iii)What kind of person was Wanda?

1. quiet and cheerful
2. loud and boastful
3. quiet and unsmiling
4. warm and friendly

iv)How did the class react to Wanda’s presence in the classroom?

1. They ignored Wanda.
2. They paid a lot of attention to Wanda.
3. They jeered her.
4. They complained against her every day to the teacher.
v)Which word among the following is not a synonym of ‘caked’ as used in the
1. coated
2. encrusted
3. cooped
4. smeared

4. Read the extracts given below and attempt ANY ONE by answering the questions that
follow: (1 X 5 )
(A)“He stalks in his vivid stripes
The few steps of his cage,
On pads of velvet quiet,
In his quiet rage.”

i.The phrase “pads of velvet” refers to

1. the carpet on the floor of the cage

2. the layer of hay in the cage of the tiger
3. the soft paws of the tiger
4. the paws of the tiger which are lined with velvet to protect it from being hurt.

ii.The ‘rage’ is said to be ‘quiet’ to indicate the tiger’s

1. suppressed anger.
2. peaceful temperament.
3. forgotten anger.
4. friendly nature.

iii. The expression “vivid stripes” refers to

1. The bright black stripes on the tiger’s body.

2. The bars of the cell where the tiger is locked.
3. The stripes on the protective covering placed on the tiger.
4. The marks on the walls of the tiger’s cage.

iv.The word ‘stalks’, here, refers to

1. The stealthy movement of the tiger.

2. The proud and angry movement of the tiger.
3. The tiger’s pursuit of a prey.
4. The sudden attack of the tiger.
v.The expression ‘few steps of his cage’ indicates
1. The cage is quite a huge one.
2. The cage has a staircase inside it.
3. The cage is very small.
4. The steps outside the cage are small.

(B) “His ball went. I would not intrude on him;

A dime, another ball, is worthless. Now
He senses first responsibility
In a world of possessions.”
i.The word ‘dime’ stands for
1. A coin worth ten cents.
2. A small ball.
3. A lost coin.
4. A lost ball.

ii.The poet does not want to intrude on him as

1. He wants the boy to realize his responsibility.

2. He wants the boy to find the ball himself.
3. The poet is insensitive and inconsiderate.
4. The poet does not like the boy.

iii. Another ball will be of no use because

1. It will not be the same ball with the same memories associated with it.
2. It will again get lost.
3. The boy will be too sad to play again.
4. The boy will have taken to another sport by the time another ball is procured.

iv.The words ‘first responsibility’ refer to

1. His sense of loss.
2. His realization of the importance of a ball.
3. His realization of the importance of taking care of his belongings.
4. His decision to buy another ball to replace the old one.

v.The ball went…

1. Into the water
2. Into the bush
3. into the gutter
4. into the dustbin

5. Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks to complete the note about the tiger. (1 x3)
The royal grandeur of a tiger ___i_____ about a century ago when he really ruled the
wilderness. He ____ii______ the vast tracts of dense forests and undulating grasslands while
his steely muscles ____iii_____ beneath the tawny striped skin.
i) a) witnessed
b) might be witnessed
c) could be witnessed
d) has been witnessed

ii) a) was roaming

b) had been roaming
c) has been roaming
d) roamed

iii) a) rippled
b) ripple
c) were rippling
d) had been rippling
6. Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks to complete the narration. (1x3=3)
Henry: How long have you lived here in San Francisco?
Alice: I’ve lived here for more than 5 years because after school, I opted to pursue my higher
studies at the University here.
Henry: That is indeed remarkable, Alice.

Henry ______i_________ Alice ______ii________ in San Francisco. Alice replied that she
_____iii__________ because after school she had opted to pursue her studies at the University
there. Henry remarked that it was indeed remarkable.

i) a) asked
b) told
c) said
d) requested

ii) a) how long she had been living there

b) how long she had lived there
c) how long she would live here
d) how long had she lived here

iii) a) had lived there for more than 5 years.

b) had lived here for more than 5 years.
c) would live there for more than 5 years.
d) would have lived there for more than 5 years.

7. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct option from those given below: Answer ANY
FOUR of the six sentences.
( 1x4 )
Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct option from those given below:
1. Given the nature of the land slide, it was a miracle that Ann could escape with
____(a)____ minor injuries.
2. ________(b)_______ species of birds migrate to escape extremely harsh winters.
3. Migration of species such as storks, turtle, doves and swallows ____(c)______ in the
ancient texts that attract the attention of many researchers today.
4. Worry only saps today of ___(d)____ joy.
5. There is ___(e)____ room for us to make changes in the draft.
6. Documentary films showing hundreds of birds settling on the lakes ____(f)_____ appeal
to bird lovers.

a i these ii this iii that iv such

b i any ii more iii many iv much
c. i is recorded ii have been recorded iii recorded iv records
d i their ii his iii them iv its
e. i few ii fewer iii a few iv little
f. i must ii may iii ought iv might

WRITING ( 5 x 2 = 10 MARKS)
8.Attempt ANY ONE of the following in 100 -120 words (5 marks)
(A) You are Anish /Rita. Write a letter to the Editor of an English daily expressing your concern
about the precarious condition of many abandoned houses in the city. Some of these buildings,
in fact, have been witness to the rich cultural heritage of the state. Discuss the dangers they pose
for the pedestrians and suggest how the problem can be resolved.
(B) You are Akhilesh/ Vineeta. You, along with other members of your local club, have decided
to set up a children’s library at the club house to promote reading habit among the neighbourhood
children. Write a letter to the Children’s World Book Store enquiring about the availability of the
books you wish to buy, their prices, possibility of getting a discount and other necessary details.
You must include the list of books, the names of their authors, publishing houses and the quantity.

9. Attempt ANY ONE of the following in 100 -120 words (5 marks)

(A) The following pie chart shows the consumer energy demand by fuel type in New Zealand in
2005. Study the chart and write an analytical paragraph interpreting the given data.

• 51% oil
• 27% electricity
• 9% gas
• 7%other renewables
• 4% coal
• 2% geothermal

(B) Read the following excerpt from an article that appeared in a local daily:

Amusement parks make a dent in one’s pocket and provide entertainment which threatens the
safety of the people. Young people, lured by the promotional endeavours on the part of these
amusement parks, throng these places .
Write a paragraph to analyse the given argument.
You could think about what alternative explanations might weaken the given conclusion and
include rationale / evidence that would strengthen / counter the given argument.


10. Answer ANY TWO questions in 20 -30 words each, from (A) and (B) respectively.
(2 x 4 = 8)

A. (Any Two) (2 x2=4)

i. ‘That night was a sorrowful one’- What generated such a mood of sadness?

ii. State briefly the two theories of destruction of the earth as mentioned in the first stanza of
Frost’s Fire and Ice.

iii. ‘I don’t have a friend’—In what way, according to Anne, can a diary be a substitute?

B. (Any Two) (2 x2=4)

i. Why did Ramlal and his wife decide to send Bholi to school?

ii. What are the qualities that make Ebright a successful scientist?
iii. How did Griffin ward off Mrs Hall’s attempt at friendliness?

11.Answer ANY TWO questions in 40 -50 words each, from (A) and (B) respectively.
(3 x 4 =12)
A. (Any Two) (3 x2=6)
i. Cite instances from the text to show how meticulous Valli was in planning the bus
ii. How does Natalya react when she learns about the real reason behind Lomov’s
iii. Describe very briefly the problems that the Dakota faced while flying to England,
till it came across the mysterious black aeroplane.

B. (Any Two) (3 x 2 =6)

i. What impression of Anil do you form from your reading of The Thief’s story?

ii. How different do you think is Mrs. Pumphrey's treatment of Tricki from that of Dr.
iii. Discuss briefly how Lutkins was able to fool the young lawyer with the finesse of an

12. Answer ANY ONE of the following questions in 100 -120 words.
(5x 1 = 5)

A. A regimented atmosphere at home often stifles one to such an extent that one seeks refuge
and comfort in a world of imagination. Substantiate the statement with reference to
‘Amanda’ and to real life.

B. The mark of a true hero lies in his actions. Substantiate the statement with reference to
‘The Tale of Custard the Dragon’ and cite an instance from real life.

13. Answer ANY ONE of the following questions in 100 -120 words.
(5x 1 = 5)

A.The right opportunity coupled with encouragement can do wonders. Justify with reference to
Bholi . Provide an example of your own from the real world.

C. An error of judgement can often bring in devastating consequences. Justify the statement
with reference to the life of the Loisels in The Necklace. Provide an illustration from the
world around you to substantiate the statement as well.

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