Logic (Chapter 1 and 2 All Exercises)

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Chapter 1 – The study of Logic

Exercise 1:

1. I am a human being.
 It is a common sense statement because it is a valid judgment and it states facts. It has
theory that has been scientifically studied.

2. My brother is an engineer.
 It is not a common sense because it is only a judgment which requires supporting details and
have some probabilities to prove.

3. Nigeria is a beautiful country.

 It is not a common sense because it can be a judgment of an individual that generally
describing the country of Nigeria which can be an argument to other`s judgment. The statement
has no specific grounds.

4. The sky is bright.

 It is not a common sense because if we are talking about the sky based on our knowledge,
the sky is bright at day and the sky is dark during night. Logically, it has natural existence by
science that requires critical thinking for irrational reasoning.

5. Manila is 7,000 miles away from stockholm.

 It is not a common sense because it is based upon research resulting to a method or device
needed to measure the in-between distance. Generally, it cannot be judge by perceived

Chapter 2 – Terms and Meanings

Exercise 2.1

1. White and blue stripes – Abstractive & intuitive.

2. A huge pillar – Abstractive & intuitive.
3. Happy and sad – Contrary & contradictory.
4. The Rio Grande – Abstractive & intuitive.
5. My beautiful life – Abstractive & intuitive.
6. A lost symbol – Abstractive & intuitive.
7. Three idiots – Abstractive & intuitive.
8. The longest day – Abstractive & intuitive.
9. Truth and lies – Contrary & contradictory.
10. Totalitarianism & democracy – Contrary & contradictory.
Exercise 2.2

1. Democracy is “Government if the people by the people, for the people”.

 Informal definition.
2. Referendum is the submission of a law to a direct vote of the people.
 Formal definition.
3. A cock-and-bull story is an improbable one, especially one, given as an excuse.
 Formal definition.
4. Magic is the pretended art of producing effects by charms and spells.
 Formal definition.
5. Divorce is about putting as under what God has put together.
 Informal Definition.
6. People are called deviants when they behave in ways not considered socially and politically
 Extended definition.
7. M = H/2c (T-Tc).
 Informal Definition.
8. An EP is a record w/ four tracks.
 Formal definition.
9. Imperialism is a system in which a rich and powerful country control other countries.
 Formal definition.
10. Love is “not always rainbows and butterflies, but compromise”.
 Universal definition.

Exercise 2.3

1. St. Peter`s “Square”.

2. A “perfect” life.
3. Life is a “Long and winding road”.
4. “Black” as the pit from pole to pole.
5. A tree whose “hungry mounth” is pressed.
6. “Whole” quantum numbers.
7. “Five hundred days of summer”.
 Univocal
8. We are not the “great” battlefield of that war.
 Univocal
9. Be not like dumb, driven “cattle”.
 Univocal
10. The “blue” Mediterranean, where he lay.
 Equivocal
Exercise 2.4
1. The boy`s name was Santiago.  Singular
2. The jacket had a purpose, so did the boy.  Singular
3. An old man sat down at his side and tried to strike up a conversation.  Singular
4. Every search begins with beginner`s back.  Universal
5. A current of love rushed from his heart.  Universal
6. The great question certainly was—what? Singular
7. The caterpillar and Alice looked at each other for some time in silence.  Singular
8. They walked together through the narrow streets of Tangier. Singular
9. Mecca is a lot farther away than the pyramids.  Singular
10. Not everyone can see his dreams come true in the same way.  Particular

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