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Brochure 2D

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2D Height Gauges

What is a 2D Height Gauge?

A height gauge is a dimensional measuring instrument with a single vertical axis used on a granite table. It is used universally
for the measurement of mechanical parts. Its preferred location is the workshop, close to the machining center, or the mea-
suring room. It provides accurate, fast and easy measurement of parts in production, directly by the operator.

The measurement of distances, diameters and center distances are the basic functions of a height gauge. The most sophis-
ticated models (2D) offer advanced functionalities such as 2-dimensional measurement, statistics or programming, but also
measurement of perpendicularity, angle, flatness and temperature compensation.

The height gauge is positioned between the hand tools and the 3D measuring machines (CMMs). It offers the following
advantages :

l Measuring accuracy similar to the best CMMs

l Universal measuring instrument, substitutes for most hand tools
l Extremely fast and simple measurement
l Autonomous operation on rechargeable batteries

l Use close to the machining center, no bottlenecks in metrology

l Time savings compared to a CMM for equivalent measurements

l Allows measurements that were previously only possible on CMMs, e.g. 2D

l Allows you to reserve CMM time for the most complex tasks

l Considering the above points, the return on investment is very fast.

Complements all hand tools Eliminates your metrology bottlenecks

What is the Purpose of a 2D Height Gauge?

Height measurements Diameter measurements

The basic functions of height gauges Diameters have never been easier to
include measuring heights, thic- measure.
knesses and chain dimensions. V7 In manual mode, simply engage the
and V9 offer unique measuring ergo- measuring force and move the part
nomics and readability. The absolute sideways to pass the reversal point.
dimension (=from zero) and the distance from the last probe No need to hold the crank handle during this operation. In
are displayed at the same time for each measurement. This motorized mode, diameter measurement is performed auto-
allows a very efficient measurement of chain dimensions. All matically in a single operation. The reversal points is clearly
results are displayed in the buffer as a list. The toleranced indicated by audible and visual signals. The user is thus guided
dimensions are displayed in colour according to the result. precisely during diameter measurement, which results in a
significant increase in speed and reliability of the result.

Measurement in 2 coordinates (2D) Measurement of series of workpieces

The display of V7 and V9 offers possibilities of graphic visua- Programming is very useful for repetitive series of parts. Sim-
lization never before achieved on a height gauge. The large ply measure the part normally to make a program. User com-
screen size makes it possible to display the part in 2D in a ments can be added for greater clarity of the tasks to be
very comfortable way. Simply measure the part as normal, performed. In motorized mode the user only has to follow
rotate it and measure it again in the 2nd axis. The results the program steps and move the part to be measured. The
appear immediately on the screen in 2 dimensions. It is then instrument manages the rest automatically.
very easy and intuitive to measure distances, angles, regres- The statistical analysis of the results is carried out directly by
sion circles etc. by clicking directly on the various bores dis- the SPC software integrated in the display.


In order to ensure the highest

precision and reliability we use
only the best measuring systems Tablet-type display consisting
on the market. of a touch screen that has
proven itself in many industrial
applications. Its size (8 ‘‘) offers
exceptional reading comfort.
The uncompromising ergono-
mics of the interface have been
designed to ensure ease of use
in workshop conditions.
Only the functions useful for
the measurement in progress are
displayed, which reduces
2nd probe holder for measuring the number of buttons and
range extension. simplifies use.
The display can be rotated
in any direction
Interchangeable insert and insert
Inserts up to 400 mm in length
are available as standard (V7)
with breathtaking repeatability.
The very robust mechanics of
the V7 allows the use of probes
up to 400 g.

Cast iron base with hard nickel Handwheel for moving

plating providing excellent cor- the measuring carriage:
rosion and wear resistance. The motorised mode
can be switched on at any time
by pulling the crank handle outwards.
In manual mode, it is not necessary
Horizontal movement handle with to hold it in position during
air cushion engagement button and measurement.
2 programmable function buttons This ensures a constant measuring
for the most frequently used functions. force and makes diameter
measurements much easier.

Trimos 2D Instruments

V7 : Accessible to everyone in the workshop

The V7 are available with measuring ranges from 400 to 1800 mm. They have been designed for use in the workshop.
Their special feature is an extremely robust mechanics allowing the use of probes of various lengths and masses.

V9 : Focus on precision

The V9 are available in 3 different sizes: 400, 700 and 1100 mm. Their mechanical design has made no compromise
on precision. This is what allows them to be positioned as the most accurate height gauge on the market.


Clear interface
The graphical interface is organised according to a very
strict logic. Ergonomics, button positions, colours and menu
sequences are based on the experience of 7 generations of
height gauges and proven ergonomic principles. The result
speaks for itself :

l Very sober display

l No «pollution» of the screen with unnecessary

information and small print

l Maximum contrast for easy reading even in

difficult lighting conditions

l The size of the screen (8 ‘‘) allows the display of

very large characters with very wide viewing
angles in all directions (IPS panel).

l The flexibility offered by the touch screen allows

only the necessary functions to be displayed.

l Intuitive and easy operation

l Quick and direct access to all important


l Integrated graphical help

Perpendicularity Angles
The perpendicularity mea- The angle and cone mea-
surements made with the surements are interactively
electronic probe are dis- carried out with the help of
played graphically together graphical support. At each
with all relevant parameters. step, the user is guided on
The curve is drawn in real the action to be carried
time during the measure- out. There is therefore no
ment and clearly indicates risk of error.
the workpiece defect.

Tolerances Data backup

The dimensions can be All measurement results
toleranced when measu- can be saved on a USB
ring series of parts. For stick or in the display itself.
each measurement, the They can be recalled from
value is displayed in colour the display at any time
depending on whether or or exported to a PC for
not the specified tolerance analysis.
is met.

Data Management

Embedded intelligence

The V7 and V9 are well equipped to meet the challenges of Industry 4.0.
Thanks to their communication interfaces, these instruments can be integrated
into any industrial environment.

3 Interfaces

The display has 5 USB ports. These RS232 interfaces are still widely used Trimos offers a reliable and simple so-
allow individual or group measure- in workshops. This means that an lution for wireless data transmission
ments to be sent to a PC, connected existing height gauge can be replaced (available as an accessory). Connec-
to a USB printer or saved on a USB as is without changing its connection tion to a PC is possible via the free
stick. The connection is made with a parameters. TrimosDataTransfer software. The
standard USB A-B cable. solution is also compatible with the
Sylvac Sylcom and Vmux software.

Numerous possibilities to exploit the data

Communication software
Sending data to a PC:
Sending data to a PC via USB, RS232 or wire-
less is child’s play. The free TrimosDataTransfer
software allows you to send data to any ap-

Sending to a USB printer:

The majority of USB printers on the market can be
connected to the instrument. Customised reports Professionnal measurement reports:
can be configured directly on the display. This
makes it possible to publish results professional-
ly, quickly, easily and without the need for a PC.

Backup to USB key:

All the data produced by the instrument (measu-
rements, programmes, statistics, perpendicula-
rity, 2D etc.) can be saved on a USB key. This is
also the case for measurement reports which are
saved in PDF format. The saved files can easily be
used with standard PC programs.

Printing on a thermal printer:

A thermal printer is part of the standard accesso-
ries. It is mounted directly on the back of the dis-
play as an integral part of the instrument. It allows
you to export each measured value one by one.

Key Points

Long probes
The highly robust construction of the Trimos V7 height gauges allows the use of
a wide variety of probes up to 400 mm in length with breathtaking repeatability.
Adjustment of the balance to compensate for the weight of the probe is carried out
simply by means of a thumbwheel and requires no tools.

The V9 have been developed for the most demanding users. Laboratories and
workshops for which measurement reliability is crucial will fully appreciate their excep-
tional level of accuracy.

SmartReverse technology makes diameter measurement very efficient by clearly
indicating the passage of reversal points with audible and visual signals. This provides
the user with precise guidance when measuring diameters, resulting in a significant
increase in measurement speed and reliability.

Manual and motorised movement
The V7 and V9 are equipped with a revolutionary handwheel that allows the user to
move the measuring carriage either manually or motorised. Each of these modes is
uncompromising, meaning that the user who prefers a manual instrument will not
notice any difference compared to a conventional manual instrument, and the same
goes for a motorised movement. This innovation avoids making a difficult choice
when acquiring an instrument and makes it possible to satisfy multiple potential
users of the same instrument.

Electronically adjustable measuring force

The measuring force can become an important criterion depending on the material
being measured and in particular its modulus of elasticity. If the material deforms
during probing, the measurement result will be affected. For this reason, the measu-
ring force of V7 and V9 can be adjusted with a simple click.

Hand tools (calipers or micrometers of all kinds) are designed to be operated with
the right hand while holding the piece in the left hand. This natural configuration
is found on the Trimos height gauge. The crank handle on the right side of the ins-
trument allows the user to maintain control of the measurement at all times with a
comfortable position of the hand on the crank handle. The left hand is dedicated
to the movement of the workpiece to be measured. The orientation of the screen
ensures perfect readability in all configurations.

Adjusting the display position

The display can be rotated in all directions. It has been designed for optimum legi-
bility in all lighting conditions. Clear graphics and information displayed in white
on a black background ensure maximum reading comfort. The font size has been
chosen for simple, safe and efficient reading of the measurement results.

Air cushion
The air cushion under the base allows the instrument to be moved effortlessly. It is
electronically adjustable to suit all types and qualities of measuring tables.

The range of accessories available covers almost all applications. The unique probe
weight compensation system also allows the use of specific probes up to 400 g.

Remote control
All functions and movements of the instrument can be controlled remotely (wired
or wireless). This allows the automation of measuring procedures in the context of
high quality requirements.

Technical Data

V7 400 700 1100 1800

Measuring range mm (in) 407 (16) 711 (28) 1110 (44) 1810 (71)
Application range mm (in) 719 (28) 1023 (40) 1422 (56) 2122 (83)
Max. permissible errors, BMPE µm 2 + L(mm)/400 2.5 + L(mm)/300
Repeatability, RMPE (2s) µm 1 (Ø: 2)
Perpendicularity deviation (frontal), S MPE µm 5 8 11 25
Max. resolution mm (in) 0.0001 (.00001)
Measuring force N 0.75 ÷ 1.5
Autonomy h 12
Data output USB / RS232 / wireless (option)
Air cushion Yes
Weight kg 22 25 34 41
The above values have been determined according to ISO 13225 with the standard insert (TA-MI-101).

V9 400 700 1100

Measuring range mm (in) 406 (16) 710 (28) 1109 (43)
Application range mm (in) 724 (28) 1028 (40) 1427 (56)
Max. permissible errors, BMPE µm 1.2 + L(mm)/1000
Repeatability, RMPE (2s) µm 0.4 (Ø: 1)
Perpendicularity deviation (frontal), SMPE µm 5 8 11
Max. resolution mm (in) 0.0001 (0.00001)
Measuring force N 0.75 ÷ 1.5
Autonomy h 12
Data output USB / RS232 / wireless (option)
Air cushion Yes
Weight kg 21 24 33

The above values have been determined according to ISO 13225 with the standard insert (TA-MI-119).

l Heights, thicknesses l Angles and cones
l Chain dimensions l Tolerances
l Diameters l Inversion of measuring direction

l Centre distances l Measurements in 2 coordinates (2D)

l Minimum, maximum l Measurement sequences

l Flatness l Statistical analysis

l Perpendicularity l USB, RS232 & wireless data transfer

l Zero, Preset l Backup to USB key

l 9 references l Screenshots

l mm/in l Remote control

l Calculation between values l Adjustable measuring force

Quality and Tradition

Almost 50 years ago, Trimos was the first manufacturer to offer height gauges. Today we are proud to still be leaders in
the field with innovative solutions at the cutting edge of technology.


V7 and V9 are part of the 8th generation of height gauges developed by Trimos. By acquiring one of our products, you benefit
from all this experience.

Trimos height gauges are designed for the most extreme workshop conditions. They are developed and manufactured in
Switzerland in our own workshops on state-of-the-art machining centres. Trimos instruments are built to last for many years.
This is why we can offer an unconditional 3-year guarantee.

Our philosophy is to offer products and solutions that help our customers improve their productivity. We achieve this goal by
adhering to 3 fundamental principles: ease of use through simple interfaces, reliability through the use of proven compo-
nents and precision by integrating the best measuring systems.

Thanks to our network of exclusive agents, we are able to offer the following services worldwide:
l Technical support close to you and in your own language
l Training by highly qualified personnel
l Maintenance and repair service far beyond the legal requirements
l Calibration service

Resolutely forward-looking, the latest generation of Trimos height gauge

is ready to meet the challenges of the next industrial revolution.

www. height-gauge.com





Av.de Longemalle 5
CH-1020 Renens
T. +41 21 633 01 01
[email protected]
www.trimos.com 750 02 0081 03 – Version 1.0/2020-11 – Changes without prior notice

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