Initial Descent: Line Up Check Before Landing
Initial Descent: Line Up Check Before Landing
Initial Descent: Line Up Check Before Landing
Forced Landing (Engine Out) Engine Fire In Flight Emergency Descent Fuel 154.9
Best Glide – 88 KIAS (87 KIAS 2900lbs) Mixture CUTOFF Flaps UP 6lbs/gal
Squawk 7700 Power Lever IDLE Power Lever IDLE
Declare Emergency (Guard 121.5) Fuel Selector OFF Mixture FULL RICH
Seatbelts Secured Ignition OFF Airspeed Vne (201 KIAS)
ELT ON Perform Forced Landing Checklist Forward Slip (if necessary)
Disclaimer: This checklist template is for my
Power Lever IDLE own personal training use. It has not been
Mixture CUTOFF X-Ponder Squawk Codes approved by Cirrus or the FAA. Author does
Fuel Selector OFF not imply accuracy and assumes no respon-
Ignition OFF sibility for inaccuracy or omission. Please
EMERGENCY 7700 refer to the POH. Distribute and modify
Boost Pump OFF LOST COMMO 7600 freely. Adapted from a checklist produced by
Flaps – as needed HIJACK 7500 Stephen Shirley. Be careful out there.
Master OFF VFR 1200