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Cyberpunk 2020 - Datafortress 2020 - Ultimate Rifles

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Written by Deric Bernier ([email protected])
UPDATED: 4-30-13
The complete collection of all the Rifles created for the various articles and sourcebooks by Deric Bernier found
on Datafortress 2020.

This is just one of many articles for the Cyberpunk 2020 Roleplaying Game you can find on Datafortress 2020,
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RIF - +1 - N - E - 2D6+2 (.45 cal cased) - 10 - 1 - VR
A light hunting rifle, common around the world for
BROWNING SURVIVAL RIFLE 100eb hunting small game. Accurate and reliable, tube fed
RIF - 0 - N/L - C - 1D6 (.22cal cased) - 10 - 1 - VR and perfect for a beginner’s first weapon.
This .22 caliber rifle breaks up into it’s component
pieces, which all fit into the weapons stock, including
ammunition. Keep one in the trunk, or in your tackle
box, take it with you camping…


RIF - -1 - N - E - 2D6+2 (.45 cal cased) - 8 - 1 - VR
This is a rifle, that folds up into a working am-fm radio.
REMINGTON BLUE RIDGE 75eb Not much good in modern areas, but enough people in
RIF - +1 - N - C - 1D6 (.22cal cased) - 5 - 1 - ST lower class areas, particularly in the combat zone, still
A small caliber varmint rifle. listen to radio, that this won’t garner a second glance.


WALTHER SPR-96 550eb (From Nomad Market)
RIF - +3 - N - R - 2D6+1 (9mm caseless) - 30 - 1 - RIF - 0 - L - E - 4D6/varies (.44magnum
VR cased/40mm grenade) - 8/1 - 1/1 - ST
Originally designed for decathlon shooters in the Named after its maker, who can be found here in the
Olympics, this sport/target rifle has become world Market, this is a lever action rifle chambered in .44
renowned for its performance and accuracy. The magnum with a single shot under-barrel 40mm grenade
weapon is also popular as a sniper rifle, though the launcher. Ideal for outriders and scouts, or anyone
ammo choice of 9mm is a bit underpowered for some really.


RIF - 0 - N - P - 2d6+1 (9mm caseless) - 30 - 1 -
Like all survival rifles, this weapon breaks down and is LUIGI-FRANCHI DURANGO 675eb
stored in a regular sized briefcase. It was developed RIF - +2 - L - R - 4D6 (.44mag cased) - 8/1 - 1/1 - VR
for pilots as survival/hunting weapon in case they were An extremely well made revolver rifle combination from
downed and on their own. the finest name in firearms.


CCMMC SRI-17 520eb

RIF - +4 - N - P - 4D6 (4.5mm cased) - 10 - 1 - ST
This bullpup sniper weapon from China is one of the
most accurate rifles in the world, and that’s just
straight out of the box. Built in folding bipod, standard
scope, and small but powerful ammunition makes this a
true winner. Many professional snipers purchase this SEBURO LONGSWORD 202 2420eb
weapon and then have it electro-thermally enhanced. RIF - +5 - N - R - 6D6 (4.5mm ETE cased) - 20 – 1 - VR
The Seburo Longsword is an incredibly precise
weapon, smartlinked and equipped to fire Electro-
thermal ammunition as standard options, with laser
rangefinder tied directly into the scope, that allows the
rifle to make the necessary adjustments automatically.

FABRIQUE NATIONALE FN-R99 "Watchmaker" 910eb

RIF - +4 - N - R - 4D6 (4.5mm caseless) - 80 -
1/3/20 - VR
Built from the action of the old and much respected
P90, the R99 is extremely accurate. Some may
consider the ammunition caliber a bit low for sniper
work, but in reality it is ideal, especially when loaded
with hypervelocity rounds or used against unarmored
RIF - +2 - N - R - 4D6 (4.5mm caseless) - 8 - 1 - ST
targets. The smaller bullets make for excellent armor
Tsunami Arms gives us a very straightforward
piercing capabilities, and the large magazine and full
marksman’s weapon with the Quantis.
auto feature means you can be sure what you are
aiming at goes down.


RIF - +3 - N - R - 4D6 (4.5mm caseless) - 20 - 1 - VR
A world class target rifle, the Toshoni also makes an
excellent sniper weapon.


WALTHER WA-2017 1020eb

RIF - +2 - N - R - 5D6 (3.5mm ff) - 30 - 1 - ST
FARBRIQUE NATIONALE "PINPOINT" 480eb Using the same controversial ammunition as Arasakas
RIF - +2 - N - C - 4D6 (4.5mm caseless) - 10 - 1 - WSSA sniper system, (see Blackhands Streetweapons),
ST the Walther WA-2017 was never widely received. There
This is a very accurate sniper rifle from our Dutch are still a few floating around out there, although
friends. Sleek, attractive, and guaranteed to drive finding ammunition for it is almost as difficult as finding
nails. the weapon itself.



RIF - +1 - N - C - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 6 - 1 - VR
A very reliable weapon from Ameritech, the New
Frontier is a revolver rifle chambered in 5.56, and is
ideal for hunters, and outdoorsmen. This rifle is fast
becoming a favorite I the nomad community due to its
simplicity and durability.


RIF - +3 - N - P - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 20 - 1 - VR
ARASAKA CMR-2 1220eb A complete sniper system that fits in a large briefcase,
RIF - +3 - N - P - 5D6 (5.56mm caseless) - 10 - 1 - VR complete with scope, suppressor, bipod, and 2
A very accurate, very quiet weapon, with custom magazines. The case it comes in is the same type of
venting and a redesigned suppressor to minimize noise attache used by diplomats, and as such is lead shielded
without loss of range or accuracy. against x-ray. This weapon is the perfect choice for
covert work


RIF - 0 - N - E - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 20 - 1 - UR RIF - +3 - N - P - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 15 - 1 - VR
Budget Arms tries to break into the precision weapons The archer is a simple, but very accurate, bolt action
game with laughable results. The assault rifle styling rifle ideal for both hunting and sniper work.
and 20 round magazine appeal to Budget Arms
customer base, who don’t care if the gun jams, or even
blows up in their face, as long as it’s cheap and looks


RIF - +2 - N - R - 7D6+3 (5.56mm ETE cased) - 15 -
1 - ST
H&K seems to be fully embracing electrothermal
enhancement, as this sniper rifle can attest.
Regardless this weapon is more than competent.
COLT M-1632 875eb
RIF - +2 - N - C - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 25 - 1 - VR
A sniper rifle built around the AR-15 frame. Comes
standard with scope, bipod, and select fire switch. The
full auto setting has been removed to save wear and
tear on the barrel and action.

MILITECH SS-54 829eb RIF - +2 - N - C - 5D6 (5.56mm caseless) - 4 - 1 - ST
RIF - +2 - N - C - 5D6 (6.5mm caseless) - 20 - 1 - ST The Model-2022 is a popular rifle for hunters,
This Militech sniper weapon is ideal due to the overall marksmen, and outdoorsmen alike. It got a modest
short length of the gun. The suppressor actually aids price and it’s not over done or complicated… just a
in accuracy, and broken down, the whole weapon fits simple and accurate weapon.
inside a large briefcase.


RIF - +3 - N - C - 5D6 (5.56mm caseless) - 5 - 1 -
A very nice sniper rifle from Sternmeyer. Kalishnikov
origins are obvious when looking at this weapon and it
shoots like a dream.
RIF - +3 - N - C - 5D6 (6.5mm caseless) - 20 - 1/3 - VR
The MRS-42 is a very well respected combat sniper
rifle, capable of pinpoint precision even under the most
adverse conditions and circumstances. It is very
popular among Militech marksmen, as well as
professionals around the world.


RIF - +3 - N - C - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 20 - 1 - VR
Tsunami continues to garner attention for their
precision weapons with the ISS-556. This bullpup
chambered in 5.56mm is one of the smoothest firing
weapons in its class, and has a proven track record of
accuracy and reliability.



(From Nomad Market)
RIF - 0 - L - E - 5d6 (5.56mm cased) - 8 - 1 - ST
This sawn off magazine fed, lever action, rifle is almost
short enough to be used as a handgun. AMERITECH SWR-40 750eb
RIF - +3 - N - R - 5D6 (6mm cased) - 20 - 1 - ST
Highly accurate right out the box, and equipped with a
12x lowlight scope, this rifle is ideal for sportsmen and
military/police sharpshooters alike.

NORINCO SW-33 395eb

RIF - +1 - N - C - 5D6 (5.56mm caseless) - 12 - 1 - ST
For a company not exactly known for quality work, the
SW-33 is actually a passable bolt action sniper rifle. It’s
not the best weapon for the job, but if budget is an CAVIL M-386 750eb
issue, you could do worse. RIF - +1 - N - R - 5D6 (6mm cased) - 8 - 1 - VR
Elegant, exquisite, unique…. Words do not do Cavil’s
first long arm justice.



RIF - +5 - N - R - 7D6 (6mm ETE cased) - 10 - 1 - VR KENDACHI "AURORA" 1865eb
The latest Russian sniper weapon, a bullpup configured RIF - +2 - N - R - 5D6 (7mm caseless) - 75 - 1/3/30 -
bolt action rifle with an extended barrel and built in flip VR
down bipod. The weapon also has built in smart link A very odd, but finely tuned instrument from Kendachi.
and comes electrothermally enhanced straight out of At first glance one will notice the odd magazine
the box. This is one of the most accurate rifles in the placement and feed design of the weapon, but don't let
world, it's only real downfall is its rare ammunition. it fool you. Created primarily as a sniper weapon, a job
6mm is hard enough to find, much less ETE, but at least at which it excels at, the weapon is also fully capable of
you don't have to worry about your enemy picking up acting as an assault rifle. The barrel is shrouded and
your spare ammo and using it against you. insulated, and acts as an effective suppressor.


RIF - +3 - N - R - 5D6 (7mm caseless) - 10 - 1 - VR
This sniper rifle utilizes state of the art materials in its
construction and comes smartchipped as standard. A
HECKLER AND KOCH M989 1595eb bit heavy, but very accurate and reliable.
RIF - +3 - N - C - 5D6 (6mm caseless) - 40 - 1/3/10 - VR
A highly accurate sniper rifle utilizing the firing system
of the M986.


RIF - +2 - N - P - 5D6 (7mm caseless) - 25 - 1 - ST
This is a very accurate weapon, with a suppressed
barrel and a second suppressor for extra quiet work.


RIF - +2 - N - P - 5D6 (6mm caseless) - 15 - 1 - VR
Unlike the SSR-32 which was capable of fully automatic
fire, the 34 is a totally dedicated sniper weapon.
Streamlined for comfort


RIF - +3 - N - R - 5D6 (6mm cased) - 30 - 1 - ST
This Russian sniper rifle is the replacement for the
WALTHER WA-2022 935eb
Dragunov in the Russian military. Every bit as
RIF - +4 - N - R - 5D6 (7mm cased) - 5 - 1 - VR
accurate, and manufactured to exacting standards.
One of the most accurate sniper rifles ever built.
Walther's rifle division continues to show us why they
are so highly respected.



RIF -+5 - N - C - 6D6 (30.06 cased) - 10 - 1 - VR
The standard sniper rifle of the Mexican Military and
police, and an extremely well respected weapon for LUIGI-FRANCHI HIGH PLAINS 1350eb
both snipers and hunters all over the world. RIF - +3 - N - P - 6D6 (30.06 cased) - 6 - 1 - VR
The finest quality and style, Luigi-Franchi’s elegant
revolver style hunting rifle chambered in 30-06 will
make you the envy of your lodge.

ARMALITE AF-47 935eb

RIF - +3 - N - P - 6D6 (30.06 cased) - 8 - 1 - VR
A bolt action marksman’s rifle, popular with police and
professionals alike.
Rifle - +2 - N - E - 6D6 (30.06 cased) - 5 - 1 - VR
One of many varieties of different hunting rifles which
are commonly used by rebel forces.


RIF - +1 - N - C - 6D6 (30.06 cased) - 10 - 1 - VR
A simple yet effective weapon, primarily designed for
extended hunting trips. It easily and quickly breaks
down into five separate sections for convenient


RIF - +5 - N - P - 6D6 (30.06 cased) - 1 - 1 - VR RIF - +2 - N - C - 6D6 (30.06 cased) - 10 - 1 - VR
One would think that asking 5 grand for a single shot A wonderfully accurate hunting rifle from Winchester,
rifle would be absurd… and in any other case you would the M-222 makes the perfect addition to any
be correct, but this is the flagship model of Luigi- sportsman’s arsenal. For professionals it also makes
Franchi’s catalogue. Every rifle is hand made by an excellent sniper rifle.
Augustino Fachelli, then engraved to the buyers shims
by Gaspari Petrino. This is, simply put, one of the most
elegant and exquisite firearms ever made, and no two
are identical.



RIF - +3 - N - C - 6D6+2 (7.62mm cased) - 20 - 1 - ST
ARASAKA AXSR-7 1220eb A low maintenance sniper rifle from FN, used by many
RIF - +1 - N - R - 6D6+2 (7.62mm caseless) – 30 - 1 - ST European police sharpshooters.
Now here is an original innovation. Tracer rounds are
expensive, and they are a pain to load. This weapon
solves that problem by coating every fifth shell with a
harmless bio-luminescent, extremely adhesive liquid
derived from Teflon and Cyalume called Teflume. The
Teflume cylinder is good for 200 rounds (needing to be
replaced after firing 1000 rounds through the weapon)
and the injection mechanism can be switched off when FEDERATED ARMS "CRUSERAS" 1000eb
not necessary. The system for injecting Teflume is RIF - +2 - N - R - 6D6+2 (7.62mm cased) - 10 - 1 - ST
relatively simple, though it costs 200eb, and another A rugged sniper rifle for use in the most harsh of
300eb to have a gunsmith install it to any weapon. terrains. Comes standard with a bipod.
Replacement cylinders of Teflume run for 50eb apiece.
This assault rifle was specifically built around the
Teflume injection system to test its capabilities. For
field use, opaque non glowing Teflume cylinders are
available. The green light on the side of the weapon
indicates the system is on.

MILITECH ACS O610 1985eb

RIF - +3 - N - E - 6D6+2 (7.62mm cased) - 25 – 1/3 - VR
Dragunov SVD-2 Sniper Rifle 1150eb The Militech ACS is a hard hitting sniper rifle with a
Rifle - +2 - N - C - 6d6+2 (7.62x54mm cased) - 20 - 1 - VR proven track record and it is sturdy enough to
An updated version of the Soviet Dragunov sniper rifle, withstand the harshest abuse. Capable of 3 round
it can be smartlinked and even equipped to a remote rig burst for long range suppressing fire, as well
to provide a sniper remote operation of his/her weapon. ridiculously precise single shots.
Has an operating range of about 900 meters when

H&K S/SR-53 985eb

RIF - +3 - N - P - 6D6+2 (7.62mm caseless) - 5 - 1 - VR RUGER CSP-76 775eb
Exquisite craftsmanship and fine hand tuning is just one RIF - +2 -N - E - 6D6+2 (7.62mm caseless) - 12 - 1 - ST
of the things that set this weapon above the A confidant and comfortable weapon from Ruger. At
competition. Unlike most sniper rifles this firearm was such an affordable price, you get more than you pay
not developed from a hunting or assault rifle, it was for.
built from scratch for the sole purpose of sniper
warfare. Oddly enough it has been converted into a
hunting rifle.......ironic isn't it!

TOWA MS-70 640eb
RIF - +3 - N - E - 6D6+2 (7.62mm caseless) - 8 - 1 - ST
Towa gives us a respectable marksman’s rifle
chambered in 7.62. A favorite among Asian shooters
that won’t break your bank.

SKODA SR-449 765eb

RIF - +2 - N - P - 6D6+2 (7.62mm caseless) - 10 - 1 - VR
No it's not much to look at, but this eastern European
sniper rifle definitely gets the job done. And it is almost
impossible to hurt it, we dropped one off a 40 cliff onto
rocks and it still fired perfectly. WALTHER WA-256X 1280eb
RIF - +4 - N - P - 6D6+2 (7.62mm cased) - 15 - 1 - VR
While some may claim this weapon is overpriced, it's
accuracy speaks for itself. A bullpup with an extremely
long barrel, this weapon is capable of driving nails from
800 meters.


RIF - +3 - N - P - 6D6+2 (7.62mm caseless) - 20 - 1 - VR
Pinpoint accuracy out to 1000 yards and an ammo
capacity of 20 rounds make this sniper rifle the weapon
of choice among many marksmen.


RIF - +3 - N - C - 6D6+2 (7.62mm cased) - 8 - 1 - VR
A popular weapon among hunters and snipers alike,
accurate and able to withstand rough treatment.
RIF - +1 - N - C - 6D6+2 (7.62mm cased) - 10 - 1/10 - ST
Stermeyer brings us this well designed sniper rifle
chambered in 7.62 ammunition. Its bullpup design and
use of state of the art polymer ceramics makes this a
lethally accurate weapon.


RIF - +1- N - C - 6D6+2 (7.62mm cased) - 10/25 - 1 - ST
A heavier version of the CR-21 chambered in 7.62mm.
They also fixed most of the flaws for this version. A 25
round magazine is available.



RIF - +4 - N - R - 7D6+3 (.300mag cased) - 4 - 1 - VR
This complete and hard hitting sniping system is a
benchmark of weapon technology. Smart linked as
standard, with a long range scope, computerized
rangefinder and windage meter, starlight, and highly
RIF - +4 - N - R - 7D6+3 (.300mag cased) - 6 - 1 - VR
Chambered in the same round that their Rev-6 made so
famous, the S51utilizes a bullpup revolver configuration
for maximum accuracy, and removable cylinders for
faster reloading. The cylinders on this weapon are
longer than those of the Rev-6, allowing for specialized
loads, and because it’s a revolver you can mix and
match rounds for any situation that might arise. Each
re-usable cylinder can be programmed with the precise
type of round loaded, which will display in the scope, or
via smartlink, allowing you to select the round you need


RIF - +2 - N - R - 7D6+3/varies (.300 magnum
cased/40mm micro-missile) - 6-1 - 1-1 - VR DARRA POLYTECHNIC "HORIZON" 1575eb
Built using a reinforced and accurized Morita frame, RIF - +2 - N - R - 7D6+3 (.300mag cased) - 10 - 1 - ST
this sniper version of the popular assault rifle has A very large rifle, with enormous stopping power and
become a favorite of marksmen. The 40mm micro dead on accuracy. Often used against light armor and
missile launcher is a new addition to the Arasaka line of full conversions, this weapon is a favorite among
weapons as well, and options are the same as the snipers.
standard 25mm versions, only with 40mm damage.

MAUSER SEK-41 1970eb

RIF - +2 - N - P - 7D6+3 (.300mag cased) - 5 - 1 - ST
A large caliber sniper/hunting rifle, originally intended
ARASAKA "SPIRIT LR-4" 6980eb to bring down big game, but often used by anti-cyborg
RIF - +5 - N - R - 7D6+3 (.300mag cased) - 5 - 1 - VR police sharpshooters.
The built in computer of this magnificent rifle
automatically measures range, wind speed, and even
factors in target speed and adjusts the scope
accordingly, so all you have to do is put the crosshairs
on the target and you are guaranteed to hit. This is
quite possibly the most advanced sniper rifle in the
world in terms of accuracy.

RIF - +5 - N - R - 7D6+3 (.300mag cased) - 6 - 1 - ST
RIF - +3 - N - R - 7D6+3 (.300mag cased) - 5 - 1 - ST
Tsunami took a look at the Constitutional Arms S52 and
Drop a full conversion without breaking a sweat. With
decided they could do it better. The weapon features
the Haley chambered in .300 magnum you can drop
the same cylinder design though it lacks the onboard
pretty much anything you have too, and with 25 shots
computer to display the ammo information on the
you can keep it up all day long.
scope, but it will still display that information to the
integral smartlink. With the removable barrel extension


RIF - +1 - N - R - 7D6+3 (.300 magnum cased) - 1 -
1 - ST
Single shot bolt action, this compact sniper rifle is ideal
for making the statement "1 shot, 1 kill". A longer
barrel would increase accuracy, but MI-6 was adamant
that it be kept to a minimum for ease of concealment.
TOWA MR-94 1090eb
RIF - +2 - N - R - 7D6+3 (.300mag cased) - 5 - 1 - ST
A four shot bolt action sniper rifle from Towa, often
used by police in Asia against cyborgs and as a light
anti-armor rifle.
SEBURO HSR-1 3210eb
RIF - +3 - N - R - 7D6+3 (.300mag cased) - 4 - 1 - VR
Seburos first sporting rifle, this bolt action weapon was
originally conceived at the request of a prominent
Japanese film icon who was planning a safari to Africa.
The requests from people who had seen it during photo
ops and video journals poured in, and soon Seburo
began to manufacture these weapons, selling them at a
hefty price to anyone who could afford them. The
weapons stock and frame are made from real
hardwood, and the action and accuracy must be
experienced to be believed MILITECH BSW-10 1320eb
RIF - +3 - N - R - 7D6API (18mm gyrojet) - 5 - 1 - ST
A very large, very ugly sniper system from Militech.
Still it's hard to beat the accuracy, and it comes smart
chipped standard. Made to compete with Remington’s


RIF - +1 - N - P - 7D6+3 (.300mag caseless) - 4 - 1 - ST
Sometimes a sniper needs a compact weapon,
something that hits hard, but can move without
restriction. The Quick-Mag fills that roll, fitting
devastating power in a small package.


ARASAKA MAD-8 6,235eb

P - +3 - N - R - 8d6/12d6 (10mm rifle cased/ETE) -
10 - 1 - VR ARASAKA/SEBURO ODA-10 2,450eb
Using the same technology as the Charon, this weapon P - +3 - N - R - 8d6 (10mm rifle cased) - 12 - 1 - VR
too is an electrothermally enhanced weapon that Arasaka and Seburo once again teaming up to bring
disengage to fire normal ammunition at the flip of a you a superb sniper weapon system, accurate and
switch. Highly accurate and built around the Arasaka lethal.
developed 10mm rifle round, this weapon is not
available for sale on any market, and like with the
Charon, Arasaka has announced it has no intentions of
making it available. This weapon will reach x10 price to
collectors and professionals. Issued only to Elite
Arasaka Marksmen,

DRAGUNOV M-855 580eb

RIF - +1 - N - C - 8D6 (10mm caseless) - 50 -
1/3/20 - ST
Rostovics first weapon to use the 10mm rifle round
developed by Arasaka. This weapon is an early attempt
to keep current with the modern military trend started
by the Arasaka Morita and the Militech M-52AR. While
demand was initially high, the weapon was ultimately
rejected by the Neo-Soviet military in favor of the KAAR
system for its greater durability. The weapon also
makes use of the Chinese style drum magazines,
another reason its popularity sank among Russian field
testers, as the spare mags were heavy and
cumbersome. The ICMF however has shown great
interest in the weapon, buying up as many as it can for
its bigger punch equivalent to EDF and US arms.


MILITECH ER-12 2800eb
P - +2 - N - R - 8d6 (10mm rifle cased) - 10 - 1 - ST
RIF - +3 - N - C - 8D6 (10mm caseless) - 7 - 1 - ST
Continuing with their modular weapon systems,
Militech has released a weapon that is almost a carbon
Arasaka has released the MMSR Longstrike. With a
copy of the Arasaka Longstrike. It lacks the modularity,
wide variety of stocks, barrel extensions, and other
but is a more accurate weapon. Arasaka is already
accessories, the Longstrike is the ideal sniper weapon
talking lawsuit over what they are claiming is a stolen
capable of handling any situation. The base component
early prototype design.
of the Longstrike system can be used by itself, as a
ridiculously large and powerful anti-cyborg handgun,
however it is not recommended that anyone without at
least a cyberarm attempt such a thing, as the recoil will
likely break their wrists. (Without both barrel extension
and stock attached, accuracy is reduced to -1)

MILITECH M-55S 2175eb
SMG - +2 - N - E - 8D6 (10mm cased) - 60 - 1 - ST
The sniper rifle variant of the M-52 system. The ammo counter has been replaced with the display for the laser range
finder built into the fore grip of the weapon.



RIF - +3 - N - R - 4D10 (20mm light caseless) - 10 -
1 - VR
Malorian should stick to designing guns for corporate
executives and rich socialites. There I said it. Yes this
is a beautiful gun, yes it fires amazingly well. But damn
it, all that flies out the window when you realize that
every weapon Eran Malour designs is only available AZTECH HSR-50A2 7585eb
with a chrome finish. Especially when for half the price RIF - +3 - N - R - 6d10 (.50cal cased) - 8 - 1 - VR
you can always find a weapon that is almost as reliable The Mexican militaries heavy sniper rifle, easily
and accurate, and doesn't reflect Venus. equivalent to the American Barrett.

CCMMC SPR-23 8800eb

RIF - +5 - N - R - 4d10 (20mm caseless) - 10 - 1 - VR BARRETT P-50 & P-50B 4325eb
China's premiere sniper rifle is a heavily advanced RIF - +2 - N - R - 6D10 (.50 BMG cased)- 5/10 - 1 - VR
precision weapon built on a HAR model rifle. The 10 Want to hit something from a mile away, don't want to
round helical clip sits far to the rear of this bullpup carry a 5 foot long 40lb behemoth. Try Barrett’s P-50.
weapon for greater accuracy. While not as powerful as At 4 feet 25 pounds, this monster feels just right. The P-
its American and European cousins, it is every bit as 50B is the bullpup version, and it is even lighter at just
accurate. under twenty pounds. Both weapons accept the 5 and
10 round magazines. A powerful scope is highly
recommended as this gun has an effective range of 1.5


RIF - 0 - N - P - 4D10 (20mm cased) - 4 - 1 - ST
Reach out and touch someone…
DAI LUNG R-604 2520eb
RIF - 0 - N - C - 6D10 (.50bmg caseless) - 5 - 1 - P
RIF - +4 - N - P - 6D10 (.50 cal cased) - 6 - 1 - ST
What if the Barrett "50" had been designed by a third
A heavy European sniper weapon favored by the ICMF.
world nation firm? Introducing the Dai Lung R-604, the
Malaysian manufactured knock off of the venerable
Barrett. This weapon is made from stamped sheet
metal and recycled steel. And while mishaps are not as
common as you might expect, they are usually final.
What do you expect when a .50 caliber rifle blows up in
your hand. Still these weapons are extremely popular
to third world militaries, terrorists, and street gangs all
over the world. Just the sort of cheap tool to take down
that NCPD "Constable" that is coming your way.

SEBURO MSR-50 9720eb.

RIF - +3 - N - R - 6D10 (.50 BMG cased) - 12 - 1 - VR
Seburo makes its move into the Heavy Sniper Weapon field in a big way with this magnificent weapon. No expense was
spared in creating this weapon and bestowing upon it maximum comfort, reliability, and accuracy. The front grip is set
in an adjustable slide allowing the user to adjust the weapon to his reach. The only downside to this weapon is it's
weight, though thanks to the state of the art poly ceramics used, it is only slightly heavier than the Barrett M-80


RIF - +5 - N - R - 6d10 (.50 cal. cased) - 12 - 1 - vr
The European Heavy sniper rifle, chambered in .50 cal.
this is one of the most accurate weapons in the world. TRUCK STOPPER 200eb
It comes with a 3 foot suppressor for situations when (From Nomad Market)
stealth is important. This weapon outperforms the RIF 0 N P 6D10/4D10 (.50 BMG/20mm Light) 1 1 ST
Barret M-90 in almost every way. One of the few These hand made single shot bolt action sniper rifles
weapons the EDF uses that isn't made for caseless are chambered either in cased .50 BMG or light 20mm,
ammunition, mostly due to the immense surplus and and are used to stop vehicles by putting a round
availability of .50 caliber ammunition. It also comes through their engine block. For being hand made from
standard with a Lockson scope, one of the most scrap metal they are reasonably accurate. They don’t
powerful in the world. In fact, looking at this finely come with a scope, and although one can be mounted it
engineered weapon, one would sooner believe it is is a point of pride among nomads to shoot them using
made for competition shooting, not wading through the nothing but the iron sights.
jungle in a war zone

ROSTOVIC AVR-13 9580eb

RIF - +1 - N - P - 7D10 (15mm cased) - 10 - 1 - ST
The Rostovic AVR-13 is a heavy anti-armor sniper rifle,
HECKLER AND KOCH DRS-4 14,520eb they recently replaced this weapon as the Russian
RIF - +2 - N - VR - 7D10 (15mm BMG caseless) - 10 militaries standard heavy sniper rifle, but surplus has
- 1 - ST seen excellent foreign sales, particularly to Africa and
The impact of the 15mm round is unbelievable, and is South America.
usually enough to destroy whatever it hits. With the
bullpup DRS-4 sniper rifle you have all the cover your
team needs. The only drawback is the weapon could
have bit a bit larger for stability sake, but it is still an
excellent weapon. Of course the ammo is a bit hard to
find, but you are resourceful aren't you?


RIF - +3 - N - R - 7D10 (15mm cased) - 10 - 1 - VR
The simplicity of this weapon is what makes it so
appealing, that and the fact that it fires full sized 15mm
rounds with astonishing accuracy.
RIF - +3 - N - R - 7D10 (15mm cased) - 1 - 1 - ST 20MM
A single shot, bolt action, heavy sniper rifle from
Poland. Made from lightweight materials and breaks
down easily into a package small enough to fit into a
suitcase. You only get one shot, but its accurate
enough that a competent sniper shouldn't need more

COLT HR-444 10,920eb

RIF - +1 - N - C - 8D10 (20mm) - 10 - 1 - ST
A standard 20mm anti-tank rifle, also extensively used
as a borg suppression weapon by the military, C-SWAT,
and corporations.

MILITECH ATR-97 11,590eb

RIF - +2 - N - R - 4D10+3 (15mm caseless) - 8 - 1 -
While not really the anti-tank rifle it claims to be, it is an DUTCH ARMS "VANDALIZER" 16,900eb
excellent choice for putting down the rampaging borg RIF - +1 - N - P - 8D10 AP (20mm AP) - 20 - 1 - VR
or the even the stray light ACPA you might come An effective anti-armor rifle, common to European
across. Police agencies and military forces all over the troops, especially mounted on vehicles.
globe have determined this weapon to be a valuable
deterrent to the war on Cyborg crime.


TOWA ATR-16 12,180eb

RIF - -1 - N - C - 5D10+10 AP (25mm) - 15 - 1 - ST
A very large, and effective anti-tank rifle.

ARASAKA "YARI" 23,775eb
RIF - +2 - N - R - 10D10 (30mm cased) - 5 - 1 - VR
The most powerful sniper rifle available. Use of at least
a bipod is strongly recommended, as is never
attempting to fire the weapon from anything but a prone
position. The immense recoil of this weapon is easily
capable of dislocating a shoulder, or worse. Standard
load for the weapon are teflon coated armor piercing
shells, able to penetrate tank armor. Using this on a
human target is like shooting a bazooka at a spider,
though the weapon is extremely effective against
powered armor and full conversions, even military


SYSTEM 125,525eb
RIF - +3 - N - VR - 20D10API* (30mmETE titanium MILITECH ABR-78 16,000eb
cased *SPECIAL*) - 5 - 1 - VR EXP - +1 - N - P - 9D10 (30mm cased) - 10 - 1 - ST
This weapon is still in the experimental stages, but has Militechs formidable anti-tank rifle, comes standard
been issued to the US Military for testing. The barrel of with a bipod. Non-augmented persons need to brace
the weapon is made from the same material used in this weapon to fire it, either with the bipod, or in some
creating the heat shield tiles for spacecraft re-entry. It other way. (BOD min 14)
electrothermally fires titanium rounds with gold cores
which are superheated to 2500 degrees Fahrenheit by
laser. The superheated bullet will punch or burn
through almost anything. As a result this man portable
rifle is capable of demolishing anything it sets its sights
on. The lasers power supply must be recharged after
every 10 shots, and the titanium 30mm shells are 80eb
apiece. The bullets remain superheated for up to 30
seconds, and will ignite any flammable object the come
across. After 2 minutes they are room temperature
again. STOVOLBOY BRZ-76 26,520eb
RIF - +3 - N - R - 10D10(30mm cased) - 10 - 1 - ST
The premiere Russian anti-armor sniper weapon. The
top mounted helical magazine is a nice touch, and the
Seburo style firing assembly and grip configuration
insure ease and comfort when firing.


DAI LUNG DR-40 280eb

RIF - 0 - N - E - 4D6 (4.5mm cased) - 60 - 1/3/30 -
An inexpensive, but not poorly designed rifle, popular
ARASAKA BAR-54 810eb with many third world militaries, police forces, and
RIF - +2 - N - P - 4D6/varies (4.5mm cased/40mm gl) civilians worldwide.
- 40-4 - 1/3/20-1 - VR
This bullpup assault rifle is a favorite among police and
SDF forces in Japan, and with its built in 40mm grenade
launcher you can go in prepared for anything.


RIF - +1 - N - P - 4D6 (4.5mm caseless) - 50 -
1/3/25 - ST
The BR-412 is a very compact assault rifle, almost
capable of fitting under a long coat. Popular with
vehicle crews and extraction teams due to its compact
nature, which unfortunately also makes it popular with
criminals and terrorists.

ARASAKA "BOX-4" 550eb

RIF - -1 - N/L - P - 4D6 (4.5mm caseless) - 30 -
1/3/20 - ST
These weapons are highly illegal outside of military and
government use almost everywhere in the world due to
their high concealability. Fully loaded the weapon folds
up into an easy to store shape that most people would
never assume to be a weapon.
RIF - +1 - N - R - 4D6-2/special (4.5mm subsonic
glaser cased/motion restraint) - 40-3 - 1/3/15-1 - ST
Last year Crystal Palace put out the call for an assault
rifle to be designed for their security teams. This is the
first choice. The stock is adjustable, the weapon fires
subsonic 4.5mm glaser shells designed to break apart
against any hard surface, and the weapon features a 3
shot Bio Askari motion restraint caster.
RIF - 0 - N - E - 4D6 (4.5mm caseless) - 80 - 1/3/25 - ST
A simple short assault rifle with a staggering ammo
capacity and high rate of fire. A 30 round magazine is
available, allowing the weapon to be concealed under a
long coat.

RIF - +1 - N - C - 4D6 (4.5mm cased) - 45 - 1/3/30 - ST
Specifically designed for European police work, this
latest in the MN line was developed after hearing the
FABRIQUE NATIONALE "STANDARD-13" 180eb wish lists of polled European SWAT officers.
RIF - 0 - N - C - 4D6 (4.5mm caseless) - 25 - 1/3 - ST
FN sells a lot of these weapons around the world, to
hunters, to militias, rebel forces, third world militaries,
to anyone who needs a reasonably reliable, but cheap
and no frills, assault rifle.


(From Nomad Market)
RIF - 0 - N - C - 4D6 (4.5mm cased) - 10/35 - 1/3 - ST
This Nomad made rifle is built for stealth, with an
integral suppressor built into the barrel as standard.
With sub-sonic ammo, it barely makes a sound.
RIF - -2 - N - C - 4D6 (4.5mm caseless) - 100 - 50 - ST
The most compact personal gatling gun firing rifle
ammunition available on the market.

STEYR R-282 340eb

RIF - +1 - N - C - 4D6 (4.5mm cased) - 45 - 1/3/30 - ST
A popular assault rifle, particularly with European
police and military forces.

SEBURO C-30 2360eb

RIF - +3 - N - R - 6D6 / SPECIAL (4.5mm cased ETE/
40mm grenade) - 40 / 1 - 1/3/15 / 1 - VR
Specifically designed to fire electrothermally enhanced
ammunition at full auto rates thanks to radical
construction of the barrel shroud, the Seburo C-30 is TSUNAMI ARMS F2020 and F2020B 520 / 640eb
also more than accurate enough to serve as a sniper RIF - +1 - N - C - 4d6/varies (4.5mm cased/40mm
weapon. The built in grenade launcher only increases grenade) - 25-1 - 1/3/20-1 - ST
its effectiveness as once again Seburo proves they are Trying to stay competitive, Tsunami released this
the innovative weapon designers to be found. weapon, available with or without the single shot under
barrel grenade launcher.


ARASAKA "AW-65" 465eb

RIF - +2/-1 - N - P - 5D6/varies (5,56mm cased/40mm
grenade) - 30/1 - 1/3/20-1 - VR
Short, fat, and menacing is the only way to describe
this rifle. Arasaka developed this weapon with
maximum kill ratio's in mind, and succeeded. Its large
suppresser keeps the noise down while it unleashes its
load of 5.56 ammunition, and for larger obstacles, the
underbarrel grenade launcher is just the trick. Comes
standard with a low light telescopic sight.

ARASAKA AW-374 720eb.

RIF - +1 - N - C - 5D6 (5.56mm caseless) - 200 -
1/3/30 - VR
The AW-374 is a very short weapon with an outrageous
ammo capacity, made possible by the huge double
drum magazine. With this you won't have to worry
about running out of ammo, so can fire away till
whatever it is stops moving. Makes an ideal support
weapon in urban environments.


P/RIF - 0/+1/+2 - J/L - C - 5D6(5.56mm cased) - 50 -
1/3/20 - ST
The Arasaka Hachiman is a revolutionary new weapon,
with virtually nothing like it in its class. The 50 round
“eaten donut” magazine feeds through an innovative
ARASAKA BSW-556 780eb loading mechanism, and when folded up, the weapon is
MG - 0 - N - C - 5D6 (5.56mm caseless) - 100 – 20/40 the size of a large handgun. The weapon is fully
-ST functional when folded up, however if greater control is
Arasaka’s 6 barreled squad support weapon firing 5.56 desired, at the flip of a switch and a jerk of the wrist,
ammunition. The weapon operates on an ACPA battery the stock slides around the circular magazine frame to
cell, and has 2 speed settings for varying rates of fire lock into place, and the fore grip folds down for greater
between 400 and 800 rounds per minute. The weapon stability(+1 accuracy). The weapon comes with a
is normally mounted, but is man portable and squads removable barrel extension, which provides even
with full conversions, or a strong gunner, often with a greater accuracy (additional +1) but makes the weapon
gyro mount and a back mounted ammo hopper have less concealable.
been known to utilize them as well.

CALICO M-3000 335eb
ARMALITE URM-7 500eb RIF - +1/-1 - N/L - C - 5D6 (5.56mm caseless) - 50 -
RIF - +1 - N - C - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 40 - 1/3/10 - 1/3/20 - VR
A 5.56mm firing version of the popular line of weapons,
Designed for urban warfare, this is a competent and comes with a folding stock and telescopic sight. The
reliable weapon. The adjustable stock is a nice touch.
barrel and stock are removable, dropping the weapons
concealability, and accuracy.


RIF - 0 - N - C - 5D6 (6mm caseless) - 30 - 1/3/30 -
The Vortex is a light assault rifle built to take abuse.
Perfect for when you find yourself in a harsh


RIF - 0 - N - C - 5D6 (5.56mm caseless)/ 4d6 (.10 ga) -
60/5 - 20/3/1 1 - VR
This is the standard assault rifle of the Chinese military,
and it has a vast surplus of these weapons which it sells
around the world, making it as common today as AK-47
knock-off's were in the 80's and 90's. It's popularity has
good reason. It is a reasonably accurate and reliable
AZTECH SASG-15 860eb weapon, with a large magazine capacity and an
RIF - 0 - L - R - 5D6 (5.56mm caseless) - 32 - underbarrel pump action shotgun, also capable of
1/3/12 - VR accepting 25mm grenades. Its only drawback is that
Arguably the finest weapon ever made in Mexico, and the bulky helical magazines are somewhat
one of the finest weapons of its kind in the world. It is in cumbersome to carry.
fact this weapon, and its Manuifacturer Aztech, that has
reversed the shoddy stigma that Mexican weapons and
equipment used to leave. One of the most modular
weapon in the world, the basic system is no larger than
a submachine gun without suffering serious loss to
accuracy. However the weapon comes with a host of
accessories which allow complete and total
customization. 2 different length barrel extensions, the
6inch comando extension, and the 12 inch Rifle
extension add accuracy (+1 and +2 respectively), 2
varieties of stock attachements (folding and solid), and
a wide variety of scopes, sights, foregrips, barrel
shrouds, suppressors, and other options make this one CCMMC KS-32 320eb
of the most sought after weapons in the world. Mexican RIF - +1 - N - E - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 30 - 1/3/15
Special Forces use this weapon as their SMG, and it is - ST
available equipped with an integral smartlink for only This is a Chinese heavy assault rifle, used by chinese
and additional 100eb. In addition to the standard troops and their allies worldwide.
magazine, 10 and 20 round magazines are available as

CCMMC MGR-42 975eb
MG - +1 - N - C - 5D6 (5.56mm caseless) - 80/100 -
1/3/25 - VR
A chinese military machinegun, the folding foregrip is a
nice touch. Able to accept an 80 round magazine or
belt fed ammunition.

COLT MG-678 525eb

RIF - +1 - N - C - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 30/100 -
1/3/20 - VR
A very nicely designed, easy to maintain machine gun
from colt, the MG-678 accepts either a 30 round box
magazine, a 100 round drum, or belted ammunition.

CCMMC R57 480eb

RIF - 0 - N - C - 5D6/special (5.56mm
caseless/40mmgren) - 30/1 - 1/3/30-1 - VR
A Chinese assault rifle grenade launcher combo,
serves extensively with the Chinese military and her
allies. COLT SMAR-15 325eb
RIF - -1 - L - C - 5d6 (5.56mm cased) - 30 - 1/3/25 - ST
The newest version of the M-16/AR-15 weapon system
is no larger than a submachine gun, and has the
carrying handle removed. As small and powerful as
the weapon is, acurate one handed firing is still
RIF - +2 - N - C - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 44 - 1 - VR
The extra long barrel of this light assault rifle increases
the accuracy quite a bit. It is common to see this
weapon issued to Eastern European police and military


RIF - -1 - L - C - 5D6 (5.56mm caseless) - 30 -
CESKA ZBROJOVKA “00GR” 365eb 1/3/20 - ST
RIF - -1 - L/N - P - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 30 - 1/3/25 - ST One of the simplest, most straightforward weapon
With the stock folded, this weapon easily fits under a designs we have seen in a long time. No extras, and the
large coat or jacket, originally developed for the slim compact design makes it easy to carry under a
Russian military, it has since become a favorite with long coat. A favorite among undercover police and
criminals all over the world. criminals alike.


RIF - 0 - N - E - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 25 - 1/3/15 -
A standard assault rifle with a nicely adjustable stock.
Strictly no frills, but seen everywhere.

RIF - +1/-1 - N - P - 5D6/varies (5.56mm cased/40mm
gren) - 30/1 - 1/3/30 /1 - ST
A new rifle from FN, comes complete with underbarrel
grenade launcher. A true workhorse for the battlefield.


SMG - +1 - L - P - 5d6 (5.56mm cased) - 30 - 1/3/18
- VR
Compact enough to work as a submachinegun, this
weapon is commonly issued to special forces, guards,
tank crews, and anywhere else where inflicting
maximum damage is as important as space
preservation. FEDERATED ARMS "HOMEBOY" 430eb
RIF - 0 - N - E - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 50 - 1/3/30 -
A commonly seen rifle, especially among street gangs
and nomads. Its popularity is mostly due to its high
ammo capacity and ease to clean and maintain.


RIF - +1 - N - P - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 30 - 1/3/15
A very sleek, highly maneuverable assault rifle with a RIF - +1 - N - C - 5D6/4d6 (6mm caseless/12ga.) -
removable stock for close quarters work. 30/3 - 1/3/20-1 - ST
This light assault rifle fires caseless 6mm rounds and
features a 3+1 round shotgun for entry purposes. The
weapon is commonly seen in use by EDF military police
and the Canadian RMS.


RIF - -1 - N - C - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 25 - 1/3/10 -
The most innovative feature of this weapon is the built
in suppressor, comprised of a heavy baffling drum that
fits over the barrel. FEDERATED ARMS MA-25 520eb
RIF - 0 - N - C - 5D6 (5.56mm caseless) - 25 -
1/3/10 - ST
A cheap fairly reliable assault rifle, popular in 3rd world
militaries, nomads, and urban gangs.

H&K CAWS-62 965eb
RIF - 0/-1 - N - P - 5D6/varies (5.56mm cased/40mm
gren) - 30/3 - 1/3/30 /1 - ST
FEDERATED ARMS SRMG-46 415eb A new model in the aging CAWS line of weapons, this is
RIF - -1 - N - C - 5D6 (5.56mm caseless) - 30 - a 5.56mm assault rifle with underbarrel pump action
1/3/20 - ST grenade launcher.
The size of a submachine gun, yet packing the punch of
a rifle. Federated arms is trying to sell these to swat
teams and militaries, but meeting with limited success
so far.


RIF - +1 - N - P - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 30 - 1/3/15 -
Tight and compact, the G38 is an assault system
geared to fit in your budget without sacrificing quality
or reliability.

H&K AG-62 580eb

RIF - +1 - N - C - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 30 - 1/3/30 -
A submachine gun sized assault rifle featuring a
retracting stock and integral laser sight. Common
among black op and extraction teams.

H&K "GOBLIN" 935eb

RIF - +1 - N - P - 5D6 (5.56mm caseless) - 40 -
3/20 - VR
An odd bullpup design, this is a fairly accurate certainly
cost effective assault rifle. Unfortunately it is a high
maintenance weapon, not recommended for anything
other than urban environments. Because of this the
weapon has yet to make a single contract with any
military or government.

H&K BARR-4 780eb

MG - -2 - N - C - 5D6 (5.56mm caseless) - 75+75 -
40 - ST
This four barreled dual fed machinegun is more overkill
than can be believed. If you don't have the strength to
carry and fire a minigun, but want to put as many holes
into something as possible then this is the weapon for
you. The 4 barrels are on left and right opposite
rotation, this means that the upper right and lower left
barrels fire simultaneously, then the upper left and HECKLER AND KOCH GR-90 815eb
lower right. The weapon was designed this way to HVY - +1 - N - C - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 200 - 1/40
prevent overstressing the barrels while still maintaining - VR
a maximum rate of fire. Part machine gun, part sniper rifle, the H&K GR-90 is
the latest in multi-task weaponry.

H&K MPXS1 560eb
RIF - +2 - N - P - 5d6 (5.56mm cased) - 30 - 1/3/15 - VR
RIF - +3 - N - P - 5d6 (5.56mm cased) - 30 - 1/3/10 - VR
Another fine assault rifle from H&K, sturdy and
Loosely designed around the GS series of weapons, the
dependable, with adequate accuracy and well
MPXS1 from Heckler and Koch is a full sniper/assault
deserved reputation as a professionals weapon.
system. The MPXS1 is capable of scoring dead on at
well over 150 meters, and the bullpup design makes for
a more stable trajectory due to longer barrel
allowance. It is also capable of 3 round burst and full
auto fire for suppression. It comes complete with
scope and barrel shroud is fully insulated to act as a


SMG - 0 - L - R - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 25 - /3/20 - VR
A couple of years back Scott was after a full body
conversion, but when he had finally managed to corner
him a firefight ensued. (This was early on in Scotts
career) Unfortunately Scott had lost his rifle in an
earlier skirmish and was down to one smg and two
pistols. Scott's bullets simply bounced off the borg.
Luckily Scott was able to escape and caught the target
later but he never forgot the harsh lesson of that night.
With the exception of rifles and shotguns Scott prefers
to shoot everything one handed. He also prefers to
carry an smg in a holster on his right hip when
knowingly going into a combat situation. So Scott and H&K "MR-89" 625eb
Tojima sat down and redesigned an HK series rifle. RIF - +2 - N - P - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 30 - 1/3/35 -
They cut the barrel down to nearly the receiver and VR
gave it the retractable stock and barrel shroud of the Another fine weapon form Heckler and Koch,
MP2000. Then they dropped the high ROF from 700 commonly seen in military and corporate use.
rpm to a more controllable 400 rpms to increase
stability and help compensate for the lost accuracy do
the short barrel. Lastly Tojima used every trick in the
book to optimize accuracy, recoil, and quality. So the
finished product is an assault rifle the size of a large
pistol or smg. Exclusively hand made by Autumn Blade,
no more than 10 of these are sold per customer and
there is a six month waiting period.


RIF - 0 - N - P - 5D6/special (5.56mm
caseless/40mmgren) - 30/3 - 1/3/30-1 - ST
A polish assault rifle/grenade launcher combo, what
sets it apart is the 3 round magazine capacity of the
underbarrel gl.

MALORIAN "NORTON" 839eb HVY - -1 - N - E - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 40/100 - 10 - ST
SMG - +1 - L/J - P - 5d6 (5.56mm caseless) - 30 - Feeding from either a 40 round magazine or a 100
1/3/20 - VR round belt, the TSR-44 is a popular light machinegun
More of an smg than an short assault rifle, this weapon from Mexico, a favorite with militaries all over the
packs a powerful punch. This is a small weapon world.
indeed, and the sans stock version can be concealed
under a jacket. Malorian integrated every last piece of
cutting edge technology when they developed this
weapon. It is made mostly from ceramic and polymer
plastics, while the barrel and other metal pieces are
made from titanium. It is somewhat heavy, and
expensive, but well worth the price.


RIF - 0 - N - R - 5D6 / SPECIAL (5.56mm caseless/
40mm grenade) - 40 / 3 - 1/3/10 / 1 - VR
Designed to stand up to any abuse, the harshest
conditions, and the worst climates, the Militech CGW-
06 is a workhorse. The built in grenade launcher and
high capacity double thick magazine keep this weapon
on the forefront of the battleground.


RIF - -1 - N - P - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 120 - 1/3/35
- VR
With its dual drum 120 round magazine, and overall
compactness, this short assault rifle is ideal for special
forces work, although even with the front grip it is still a
bit hard to control on full auto.
SMG - -1 - L - P - 5D6 (5.56mm caseless) - 25 -
1/3/10 - VR
More of a shortened rifle than an smg, the EMR-16 fires
the full sized 5.56mm rifle round and features an
extending stock. A bit hard to control in any setting,
this weapon could truly benefit from a forward grip.

MILITECH AR-900 1235eb

RIF - +2 - N - P - 5D6 (5.56mm caseless) - 35 -
1/3/30 - VR
Recently Militech unveiled its newest assault rifle. And
while the weapon is still generally unavailable, Autumn
Blade has managed to "acquire" a large shipment. MILITECH M-77 775eb
Supplies are going fast so order now. While no major HVY - 0 - N - C - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 100 - 20 - VR
militaries have made any contracts several have A very standard squad support weapon from H&K, belt
expressed interest, including the USAF. fed and very durable.

MILITECH MAR-26 550eb (From Nomad Market)
RIF - +1 - N - C - 5D6 (5.56mm caseless) - 20 - RIF - -2 - L - U - 5d6 (5.56mm caseless) - 35 -
1/3/15 - ST 15/3/1 - UR
Yet another assault rifle from Militech, their R&D boys Technomancers are a gutsy crew, and I pity whoever
must get paid by the hour. had to testfire this weapon till they got it right. This
totally custom gun is an assault rifle the size of
submachinegun. It's inaccurate, it's ugly, I wouldn't
trust it, and it only comes with 2 magazines, any more
would have to be custom built, but you sure can't beat
the price for that kind of firepower.


RIF - +1 - N - C - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 60 - 1/3/25 -
NOMAD MG-31 800eb
HVY - +2/0 - N - C - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 100 -
The M-408 assault rifle is currently undergoing trials
1/20 - ST
and testing for possible standard issue to the U.S.M.C.
There are tons of these floating around the nomad
This weapon is tried, tested and true by many
community, most notably within the Raffen Shiv. This
professionals around the world and military forces are
German made machine gun features a double drum
beginning to take note of it. Its incredibly large
magazine and on single fire it's accuracy raises to +2.
magazine is capable of holding 60 rounds, yet the
It's also very light weight, and easy to maintain.
weapon is still light and durable enough for combat use
in the field.


MILITECH CGW-06 960eb RIF - 0 - N - E - 5D6 (5.56mm caseless) - 30 -
RIF - +1 - N - P - 5D6 / SPECIAL (5.56mm caseless/ 1/3/10 - VR
40mm grenade) - 40 / 3 - 1/3/20 / 1 - VR A simple to use bullpup with minimal maintenance
A smartlinked Militech assault weapon with integral needs. Ideal for security work, or for equipping men
40mm grenade launcher and built in flashlight/laser who haven't had time for extensive training.
sight combo.


(From Nomad Market) NOVA ARMS UCTR-601 475eb
RIF -1 N R 5D6 (5.56mm caseless) 10 1 VR RIF - -1 - N - E - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 30 - 1/3/14 - ST
The buttstock has been sawn off this hand made rifle, The reasonable price and solid sturdy design keep this
reducing it’s accuracy drastically, but this is still a fine a popular weapon with mercenaries and private
weapon. militaries the world over.

RIF - 0 - N - C - 5D6/varies (5.56mm cased/25mm
grenade) - 40 - 1 - 1/3/25-1 - ST
Specifically designed for full Borg commando units, the
KHR-28 is an assult rifle with an astounding 50 round
magazine in a package the size of a submachine gun.
The single shot underbarrel grenade launcher is a nice
NOVA ARMS "VERIA" 275eb touch as well.
RIF - -1 - N - E - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 30 - 1/3/10 -
Simple, affordable, and common. Everything you
would expect from the worlds most generic arms

ROSTOVIC M-802 775eb

RIF - +1 - N - P - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 30 - 1/3/20 - ST
A Russian assault rifle in direct competition to the Arasaka Morita, but with even more versatility. This bullpup is able
to be configured for virtually any role necessary. Optional accessories include a 40mm grenade launcher, a 25mm
grenade launcher/10.ga shotgun, a 25mm micromissile launcher, bayonet, shortened commando barrel, optimized
sniper barrel, etc.

SEBURO MN-24 & MN-24B 845eb
RIF - +2 - N - P - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 30 - 1/3/20
An excellent light assault weapon. While still a new
design, the MS series is quickly gaining a reputation as
one of the finest automatic weapons in the world. The
MN-24 is a bullpup weapon that is just as virtually the
SEBURO ACR-556 1140eb same weapon at home in the jungle as on the streets.
RIF - +2 - N - C - 5D6-varies (5.56mm cased-40mm Popular to militaries and police departments the world
grenade) - 75-1 - 1/3/30-1 - VR over. A fine weapon indeed, the MN-24B is almost
Feeding from a large, top mounted, helical clip, this identical but has a shorter barrel.
bullpup assault rifle is making serious waves in the
police and military communities. While generally too
expensive for mass issue in the military, special forces
and SWAT teams drool over them. Its high ammo
count, relatively compact size, built in grenade
launcher, and Seburo quality and accuracy make it a
highly sought after weapon.

SEBURO Briefcase Gun * 1400EB

RIF * -2 * N * ER * 5D6 (5.56mm) * 50 * 25 * ST SEBURO MNAR-15 710eb
This gun looks like an ordinary briefcase until it is RIF - +1 - N - P - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 30 - 1/3/15 -
needed, then a switch in the handle is activated and the VR
bottom of the case falls out. Seburos compact assault rifle, chambered in the
extremely common 5.56mm round means you never
have to search to find ammunition, and because its
Seburo you never have to worry about quality or
reliability. As always from Seburo, this is an excellent
and effective weapon


RIF - +2 - N - P - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 75 - 1/3/20 VR
Seburo's version of what a calico style rifle should be.
With its ergonomic styling and favorable accuracy, this
gun makes the wish list of professional's all over the

SEBURO MS-25A, B, & C 865eb
RIF - +2 - L - P - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 30 - 1/3/25 -
The compact versions of the MN series of weapons
from Seburo. These weapons are basically exactly the
same as the MN-24 differing only slightly in size and
SEBURO MNAR-16FW 835eb appearance. The version A is the standard, the B was
RIF - +2 - N - P - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 30 - 1/3/15 - designed for tank and air crews, and the C was made
VR specially for the Navy SEAL's. All versions are roughly
A full sized version of the MNAR-15 assault rifle system the size of a large submachine gun and can be
from Seburo. All the quality of its little brother in a concealed under a large overcoat.
more controllable and intimidating package. In
addition the longer barrel provides for more accuracy.


RIF - +1 - N - C - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 30 - 1/3/30 -
Lover your Seburo, but hate making the choice
between which one you want. With the MN-Perfect you
no longer have to choose. With the simple purchase of
one the conversion kits (25eb apiece) you can now
tailor your weapon to exactly fit your needs. From short
rifles for commando purposes, to long versions for
sniper work and hunting. Never waste your money SEBURO RA-60 799eb
again. Also available for the weapons are easy RIF - +1 - N - P - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 30/15 -
chamber conversion kits, which will allow you to 1/3/15 - VR
choose between 4mmcl, 5.56mm or 7.62mm Once again Seburo proves their weapons are the most
ammunition (150eb apiece). versatile in the world. The RA-60 system is
customizable for any duty on the planet. If Seburos
weapons weren't so expensive, then they would be
seeing major military use all over the world. As it is,
they are rated number one by most Special Forces and
police units worldwide. Seburo, becoming synonymous
with "the best".

SEBURO WR-10 445eb
RIF - +2 - N - P - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 35 - 1/3/20
- VR
One of the finest assault weapons on the market today.
You can easily see that the WR-10 had a lot of its
advanced design inspired from the FN90. Thanks to the
bullpup design the weapon is very short yet acurate
and easy to maintain.


RIF - -1 - N - P - 5D6 (5.56mm caseled) - 25/100 -
1/3/15 - ST
This light, compact, assault rifle doubles as a support
weapon with the optional 100 round duel drum
magazine. A very cost effective alternative to a squad
support weapon.


MG - +1 - N - R - 5D6 (5.56mm caseless) - 150 - 50
- VR
A truly innovative weapon, the Ultralite is a 4 barrelled,
helical fed machinegun chambered in 7.62 caseless
ammunition and capable of spitting out 10,000 rounds
of ammunition per minute. Comes standard with smart STERNMEYER G8V 620eb
chipping and is currently gaining interest from many RIF - 0 - N - R - 5D6 / SPECIAL (5.56mm caseless /
military forces, including the EDF and U.S. military. 25mm grenade) - 30 / 1 - 1/3/20 / 1 - ST
A simple but compact bullpup assault rifle from
Sternmeyer with a built in grenade launcher.

STERNMEYER "AR-892 460eb

RIF - +1 - N - C - 5D6 (5.56mm caseless) - 30 -
1/3/10 - ST
MG - +3 - N - C - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 100 - 1/20 - ST
A light bullpup assault rifle, a fine weapon from
A belt fed heavy machine gun, capable of firing rounds
Sternmeyer, more attractive than their usual faire.
at up to 4000rpm. Comes standard with bipod. Use
this weapon to lay down an impressive field of fire, and
keep their heads down as your boys are advancing.

RIF - +1 - N - C - 5D6 (5.56mm caseless) - 30 -
1/3/15 - ST
A short assault rifle primarily designed for guard duties
and patrol units.
RIF - -1 - N - R - 7D6+3 (5.56mm ETE cased) - 30 -
1/3/30 - ST
With a computer controlled liquid nitrogen cooling
system, Stovolboy is attempting what was said to be
impossible, a fully automatic electrothermally
enhanced assault rifle. The liquid nitrogen cylinder is
good for 300 rounds of fully atumoatic fire, and after the
cylinder is depleted the computer shuts down its full
auto and 3 round burst capabilities. The weapon is
smartlinked as standard, and also comes with an
STEYR KR-27 600eb integral laser sight and removable stock (not shown).
RIF - +2 - N - C - 5D6 (5.56mm caseless) - 30 - Liquid nitrogen cylinders are 40eb apiece, and
1/3/15 - VR replacing one in the gun is a ten second action.
The KR-27, another damn fine assault rifle from Steyr,
with elegant style and a rugged expression of
functionality and form.


RIF - 0 - N - R - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 35 - 1/20 -
A nice respectable Chinese made assault rifle.

STEYR ARG-687 650eb

RIF - +1 - N - C - 5D6 (5.56mm caseless) - 30 -
1/3/12 - ST
Steyr, always a first name in bullpup assault weapons,
releases their latest model… a simpler design, which
along with its price makes it ideal for equipping men TSUNAMI ARMS ALB-46P 220eb
without extensive training on the weapon. RIF - 0 - N - E - 5D6 (5.56mm caseless) - 25 - 1 -
A simple assault weapon from Tsunami Arms, not very
accurate, but one of the cheapest around that won't
blow up in your face.


RIF - +1 - N - P - 5D6/varies (5.56mm cased/40mm
gl) - 30-3 - 1/3/10-1 - ST
This Japanese battle rifle features a suppressed barrel
and built in grenade launcher and integral laser sight.
Smartchipping is available.



MG - -2 - N - C - 5D6 (5.56mm caseless) - 250 -
1/30 - ST
A very simple MG, with a huge drum magazine. For less
snag, and ease of carrying the shoulder stock unfolds.


RIF - +1 - N - E - 5D6 (6mm caseless) - 30 - 1/3/10 -
Built like a handgun, this fully automatic weapon also
comes with a removeable stock (not shown). While
most people can't, and wouldn't try to handle the
weapon on full auto without the stock, it is possible.
Making it popular with those with cybernetic arms as a
RIF - +2 - N - P - 5D6 (5.56mm caseless) - 30 -
1/3/15 - ST
A simple and affordable assault rifle.


RIF - +1 - N - C - 5D6/5D6 (6mm cased/12 Gauge) -
40-8 - 1/3/25-1 - ST
This Is a stunning assault rifle with a built in 8 shot 10
gauge shotgun. The shotgun also accepts 25mm
WALTHER BR-3000 580eb grenades.
RIF - +1 - N - C - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 30 - 1/3/30 -
Based off the Walther 3000 sniper rifle, this weapon
lives up to the expectations of its craftsmen. And its
short enough to almost be considered a submachine


RIF - -1 - N - E - 5D6 (6mm caseless) - 25 - 1/3/30 -
The claws is the polymer one shot version of the H&K
WWWA "KEI" 675eb CAWS weapon system. While the original system was
RIF - +3 - N - P - 5D6 (5.56mm caseless) - 30 - designed to accept a variety of different ammunition,
1/3/15 - VR the CLAWS is only chambered for 6mm rounds. The
A bit heavy, but a very comfortable assault rifle. One weapon jams frequently, and has a reputation for
interesting thing to note, is that the barrel shroud explosively misfiring during full auto fire,
actually extends past, and completely conceals the
barrel, so keeping this area of the weapon free from
obstruction is very important. It also comes standard
equipped with a laser sight.

COLT BPSMG-1 765eb
RIF - 0 - N - E - 5D6/varies (6mm caseless/25mm
grenade) - 20/1 - 1/310 / 1 - ST
A compact assault weapon with a built in grenade
launcher as standard. Low cost means you can equip HECKLER AND KOCH M988 495eb
your troops without breaking your bank. RIF - +1 - N - C - 5D6 (6mm caseless) 40 - 1/3/20 -
The compact commando version of the M986, used by
Special Forces and vehicle crews in lieu of an SMG.


RIF - +2 - N - C - 5D6 (6mm caseless) - 30 - 1/3/20 -
H&K is always trying new things, and this new assault
rifle is one of the most accurate fully automatic
weapons we have ever seen.


HECKLER AND KOCH M986 825eb RIF - 0 - N - C - 5D6 (6mm caseless/ 25mm grenade)
RIF - +1 - N - C - 5D6/varies (6mm caseless / 40mm - 30-1 - 1/3/25-1 - ST
grenade) 40 / 1 - 1/3/20 / 1 - VR A compact weapon assigned to Eastern European
A very reliable assault weapon from H&K. Its bullpup commandos, it comes smart chipped as standard.
configuration makes for a more accurate weapon in a
smaller package and its high ammo capacity is an
added bonus to an already fine weapon. The 40mm
built in grenade launcher ensures a trooper carrying
this weapon will be prepared for any contingency. The
only drawback to this weapon is its ammunition. 6mm
is fine for most situations, but it is underpowered in
comparison to EDF and U.S. assault weapons, and has
trouble penetrating armored targets. The newer
M986B version features an 8 shot magazine fed
shotgun/25mm gl and is chambered in more METACORP AUR-333 510eb
conventional 5.56mm. RIF - 0 - N - C - 5D6 (6mm cased) - 30 - 1/3/20 -
Simple, easy to use, highly reliable, and the bullpup
configuration creates a lower profile for the user.

MILITECH AR-68 625eb
RIF - +1 - N - C - 5D6 (6mm cased) - 30 - 1/3/20 -
A workhorse one the field and a trusted friend off. This
weapon is perfect for security and police forces, as
well as a light battle rifle with troops.


RIF - 0 - N - P - 5D6 (6mm cased) - 30 - 1/3/12 - ST
Available with a wide variety of options (including a 5-
shot magazine fed underbarrel grenade launcher (R),
or 5-shot magazine fed underbarrel shotgun(L) as
shown), the new Militech M3A1 is chambered in 6mm,
and is ideal for any situation, from assault to security.


Rif - +1 - N - C - 5D6/Varies (6mm caseless / 40mm
gl) - 45 / 1 - 1/3/20 / 1 - VR
A new weapon undergoing testing by Militech, issued to
their soldiers in the field, particularly in low conflict
areas of South America. It fires 6mm caseless ammo
from a 45 round bullpup configured magazine and
features a removable 40mm grenade launcher.
Unavailable for private sale at the moment, this weapon
will fetch x3 the cost.


RIF - 0 - N - C - 5D6 (6mm caseless) - 30 - 1/3/20 -
And Militech keeps churning them out. You would think
MILITECH M-2CICW & M-12CC 875eb they are trying to beat Arasaka with production
SMG - -1 - N - E - 5D6 (6mm cased) - 60 - 1/3/20 - numbers instead of sales.. The integral laser sight is a
ST nice touch, as is the overall compact size of the
The only real difference between these 2 weapons is weapon, though a trigger guard is always
the M-2CICW features a 5 shot 20 gauge shotgun recommended. The built in Motion Detector is also a
attached to the underbarrel. Otherwise both feature unique addition.
the same 60 round top mounted helical magazine.

RIF - +1 - N - E - 5D6 (6mm caseless) - 30 - 1/3/10 -
A finely crafted German assault rifle with bullpup frame
and easy action. The rate of fire on full auto is kept low
so as not to waste ammunition, and the weapon is
commonly seen serving in many European military and
police forces.


SMG - 0 - N - P - 5D6/varies (6mm caseless/25mm
grenade) - 12-6 - 1/3/20-1 - ST
Another Russian equivalent of the Militech M-52AR and
STERNMEYER HRO-113 715eb the Arasaka Morita. A rather unique innovation is the
RIF - 0 - N - C - 5D6/varies (6mm cased/25mm fact that the assault rifles magazine loads into the rear
grenade) - 40-8 - 1/3/25-1 - ST of the stock. It also features a magazine fed 6 shot
A simple if effective assault rifle, the only thing really 25mm grenade launcher.
worth mentioning is the magazine fed 8 shot 25mm
grenade launcher.


STEYR ST-97 620eb RIF - +1 - N - C - 5D6 (6mm caseless) - 30 - 1/3/15
RIF - +1 - N - P - 5D6 (6mm cased) - 30 - 1/3/15 - - UR
ST The CR-21 is barely a step above being classified as a
Steyr once again moving the next step in radical design polymer one-shot. Tsunami Arms tried to create a rifle
and sleek sensibility with the ST-97. A very pretty, and with no unnecessary snag points, and started with a
very effective, weapon at home in the jungles or on the weapon that was purely designed for smartchipping.
street. This allowed them to do away with iron sights, as well
as a safety and selector switch. A bold move, and the
design probably would have worked, but Tsunami
couldn't get past feed problems. It seems the ammo
will occasionally be off seated in the chamber, leaving
the firing pin striking nothing to strike. Of course fixing
the minor problem usually only requires a sharp slap to
the butt of the weapon, but in combat it can get you
killed. And while there is no record of a CR-21 ever
blowing up due to feed malfunction, the time lost
unjamming the weapon, and the frequency with which
jamming occurs drop the weapons otherwise standard
reliability down to unreliable.


ARASAKA SA-456 865eb

RIF - 0 - N - C - 5D6/varies (7mm caseless/ 40mm
grenade) - 60-1 - 1/3/30-1 - ST
Arasaka's newest assault rifle, with built in 40mm
underbarrel grenade launcher. The 60 round drum
magazine almost makes this a light squad assault
weapon, but the weight, size, and versatility keep in
nicely in the assault rifle realm.


BUDGET ARMS 125eb RIF - 0 - N - C - 5D6/varies (7mm caseless/ 40mm
RIF - -1 - N - E - 5D6 (7mm cased) - 35 - 1/3/25 - ST grenade) - 60-1 - 1/3/30-1 - ST
Unispired and inexpensive, but at least it won't blow up Eastern Europe’s answer to Militechs M-52. The
in your face (we hope). weapon is more compact, but is still a sturdy and
reliable machine.

COCKERIL MGAC-06 4,950eb

HVY - +1 - N - R - 5D6+3 (7mm caseless) - 100 -
3/60 - VR
This European assault cannon is a scaled down version
of the same sort of cannon usually mounted to the nose
of helicopters. Yet it is fully man portable, and fireable.
Acuracy drops by 3 if not using a gyrostabilizer mount
or tripod however.


RIF - -3 - N - E - 5D6 (7mm cased) - 35 - 1/15 - ST
Apparent;y Malorian has been dealing with a fair umber
of Rockstars with security concerns… or maybe he
believes himself to be one… regardless he teamed up
with Stratocaster to create the worlds first fully
automatic electric guitar… It’s a pretty crappy rifle, but
a decent instrument.


ARASAKA SA-460 1025eb

RIF - +1 - N - C - 6D6+2 (7.62mm caseless) - 40 -
1/3/20 - ST
The big brother of the SA-456. Chambered in 7.62mm.
ARASAKA AR-629 520eb A bit more accurate due to the longer barrel.
RIF - +1 - N - C - 6d6+2 (7.62mm cased) - 25 -
1/3/20 - VR
Lightweight, reliable and accurate, a commonly seen
weapon worldwide from Arasaka.


RIF - +1/-1 - P - 6D6+2/5D6 (7.62mm cased/.10
gauge) - 40/8 - 1/3/30 /1 - VR
Similar to the LBR in appearance this weapon features
a butt loading magazine for the 7.62 barrel and regular
clip feed for the shotgun. It is part of Arasaka's new
line of assault weapons and is highly recommended.
Also included is an integral laser sight. Barrel selection
ARASAKA/SEBURO JGG-5 1225eb is a switch at the butt of the weapon on the magazine
RIF - 0 - N - P - 6D6+2/varies (7.62mm cased/40mm shroud.
grenade) - 50-5 - 1/3/25-5 - VR
The Seburo styling and magazine configuration and 5
round 40mm grenade launcher set this assault rifle a
touch above the competition. Hopefully this
cooperation between Japans two best arms
manufacturers is the start of something wonderful to
come, it could just as easily turn sour.


RIF - -2 - N - R - 6d6+2 (7.62mm cased) - 20 -
1/3/15 - ST
Exactly what the hell Armalite was think when they
created this monster is anyone’s guess. It seems
possible this is their way of competing with Colt over
the SMAR-15, and going overboard. Firing 7.62 ammo
MG - +2 - N - R - 9D6+3 (7.62mm cased ETE) -
and weighing in at 29 lbs. loaded, no one but full
30/100 - 1/15 - ST
conversion cyborgs and extremely augmented persons
Now here is a scary concept, a fully automatic machine
can even fire this thing.
gun that comes electrothermally enhanced. Yeah, we
thought it was impossible too, but Arasaka is trying it
out anyway. It seems they have overcome the heat
problem by utilizing a special refrigeration system on
the barrel and action of the weapon. The cooling
system kicks in as soon as the weapon begins firing
and is controlled by an electrical switch in the trigger
mechanism. Thinking ahead the cooling system was BROWNING 435LMG 945eb
designed along with the ETE battery, so both power RIF - +1 - N - C - 6D6+2 (7.62mm cased) - 30 - 15 -
source and freon charge must be recharged after every ST
1000 shots. An assault rifle with worldwide popularity due to its
proven track record.

BROWNING MG142 1150eb
MG - +1 - N - P - 6D6+2 (7.62mm cased) - 50/100 -
MG - +1 - N - C - 6D6+2 (7.62mm cased) - 50/100 -
3/20 - VR
1/3/20 - ST
The MG142 is the latest machinegun from Browning.
This Chinese machine gun is the most prevalent
Chambered in 7.62 ammo this weapon is perfect for any
support weapon found among chinese military units
support or suppresion needs.
and accepts belt fed ammunition or 50 round
magazines. A very sturdy, albeit heavy weapon.


RIF - +1 - N - C - 6D6+2 (7.62mm caseless) - 45 -
1/3/20 - ST
COLT AR-55 695eb Very heavy, very hard hitting, and very durable. The
RIF - +1 - N - E - 6D6+2 (7.62mm caseless) - 30 - Colt Mantora is an excellent example of Colt
1/3/20 - ST craftsmanship and high standards. The weapon comes
A standard assault rifle manufactured by Colt. with a cleaning kit stored in the butt of the rifle.

DAI-LUNG BLT-24 475eb

RIF - -2 - N - C - 6D6+2/varies (7.62mm cased/40mm
grenade) - 40-1 - 1-1 - UR
Someone really needs to perform a less than surgical
strike on Dai-Lung, their weapons are simply to
CCMMC LBMG-84 1450eb dangerous to both user and target to ever be justified.
HVY - +1 - N - P - 6D6+2 (7.62MM caseless) - 100 - 20 - A prime example is this assault rifle. Presumably they
ST neglected to add a stock to make the weapon more
A Chinese light machine gun, serving as standard issue concealable, though with its size that isn't an issue
to the Chinese military. The helical magazine and anyway. The grenade launcher only works about half
adjustable stock are very nice features indeed, and the time, and the weapon jams like crazy. Still among
have served to promote this weapon to a well street gangs, who's philosophy seems to be "the bigger
respected status in it's field. Commonly used as both a a gun the better" this weapon sells like hotcakes.
squad weapon, and mounted on vehicles. The weapon Rumor has it the weapon also has a large distribution to
accepts either the standard 100 round magazine, or rebels in central Africa.
can be belt fed, increasing the weapons capability.

RIF - -2 - L - C - 6D6+2 (7.62mm caseless) - 20 -
1/3/20 - ST
Always trying out new ideas, this extremely short
assault rifle probably won't be received well by any
DAI-LUNG "ORUBES" 345eb military. A 7.62mm rifle with no barrel to speak of is
SMG - 0 - N - E - 6D6+2 (7.62mm caseless) - 30 - simply to inacurate for military application. Terrorist
1/30 - UR groups and criminals however love this weapon due to
It had to happen sooner or later, a cheap knock-off it's concealability.
company trying to cash in on Seburo’s popularity by
poorly copying their design. Since this weapon hit the
market it has been almost impossible to keep in stock.
Street gangs and weekend warriors buy this weapon
like crazy trying to look like professionals. Word has it
Dai-Lung has started receiving death threats and two of
their factories have been destroyed since this weapon
hit the street, rumors all point to Seburo, but no
evidence has been found to support this.


HVY - +2 - N - P - 6D6+2 (7.62MM caseless) - 60/100 - 20
- VR
GE HMG 9000 9,255eb The standard man portable machine gun used by EDF
HVY - +1 - N - R - 6D6+2 (7.62mm caseless) - 100 - forces. Chambered in 7.62 to best utilize the
1/50 - VR abundance of ammunition and featuring a high rate of
Do you really need to lay down a field of fire that will fire this is one of the best squad support weapons
absolutely destroy anything in its path, then you need available anywhere. It features reinforced ceramisteel
the HMG 9000. This electrically fired heavy machine barrels with specially designed insulation which makes
gun is man portable, and with the aid of a gyro sustained fire possible without fear of overheating the
stabilizer you can even fire it on the run. For more barrel. Accepts magazines and belt fed ammo, and has
acurate fire you can mount it on a vehicle or tripod. It the added bonus of being able to switch between left
accepts belt fed ammunition only and for an extra and right hand firing modes (allowing the belted
200eb you can get it smartchipped. (-3 to acuracy if ammunition to be fed from either side of the weapon at
firing the weapon without gyro stabilizer or tripod.) the flick of a switch).


FEDERATED ARMS BR-328 615eb RIF - +2 - N - R - 6D6+2 (7.62mm cased) - 32 -
RIF - -1 - N - P - 6D6+2 (7.62mm caseless) - 30 - 1/3/A5 - ST
1/3/20 - ST An excellent assault weapon from H&K, able to accept
A decent assault rifle from Federated arms, although it a variety of options. Extremely accurate for an assault
falls short in the accuracy department. A retracting rifle right out of the box.
stock is standard.

H&K VGR-13 799eb
RIF - +1 - N - C - 6D6+2/special(7.62mm caseless/25mm
gren) - 30/4 - 1/3/30-1 - VR ROSTOVIC G701 875eb
A superbly designed assault rifle from Heckler and RIF - 0 - N - C - 6D6+2/varies (7.62mm caseless /
Koch, chambered in 7.62 and featuring a built in 25mm 12mm grenade) 30 / 5 - 1/3/20 / 1 - ST
grenade launcher. Truly a premiere weapon able to A reliable and effective weapon, this is the standard
make itself perfectly at home on any battlefield. assault rifle used by Chilean troops


RIF - -1 - N - R - 6d6+2 (7.62mm caseless) - 45 -
1/3/20 - ST
Quite possibly the strangest assault weapon being
issued to any military in this day and age. The
ripperlance is a standard assault rifle, but it features a
built in diamond edged chainsaw (4d6 ap halved,
damage full). Issued almost exclusively to troopers
wearing the Deep-Eyes armor, it is supposed to be for
cutting through barbed wire, fencing, and other
obstacles, of course if a human being happens to get in
the way, well thats dogfood...

KALISHNIKOV AD-10 Assault Rifle 530eb

Rifle - +1 - N - E - 6d6+2 (7.62x54mm cased) - 30 -
2/3/20 - VR
A Neo-Soviet replacement for the old AK variants as it
has a better operating range and better penetration. It
can be equipped with a variety of attachments: the GP-
43 Grenade launcher attachment (which fires standard MALORIAN EAW-09 955eb
40mm grenades), a larger trigger guard can be RIF - +3 - N - R - 6D6+2 (7.62mm cased) - 40 -
equipped for use by full-borgs, ACPA, and troops 1/3/20 - VR
wearing heavy gloves, a folding stock (giving it long The best name in firearms brings us another fine
coat concealment), and a bayonet. A shorter barrel example of their craftsmanship. The EAW-09 assault
model is used for close combat operations. The weapon rifle is constructed from the latest in composite
system has become the weapon of choice for South polymers and ceramics, and is as accurate as a sniper
American revolutionaries rifle while maintaining the durability and rate of fire of a
world class battle rifle. Comes standard smartchipped.


RIF - 0 - N - E - 6D6+2 (7.62mm cased) - 30 - MALORIAN SAR-7 1065eb
1/3/20 - ST RIF - +2 - N - P - 6D6+2 (7.62mm caseless) - 40 -
The last weapon in the Kalashnikov line, upholding 1/3/10 - VR
tradition and reliability on the battlefield. Malorians first assault rifle. Its comfort and reliability
are without par, and its accuracy is fantastic. While the
weapon is a bit long for combat duty, it is a small price
to pay. Ideal as either an assault rifle, or as a sniper

MILITECH HIW-34 1185eb
MG - +2 - N - C - 6D6+2 (7.62mm cased) - 50 -
1/3/15 - ST
MEXICAN METALS ACR-461 730eb Militechs latest heavy machine gun is bullpup in design,
RIF - 0 - N - E - 6D6+2/varies (7.62mm caseless / and accepts a 50 round magazine. For extended
25mm gl) - 35 / 5 - 1/3/30 / 1 - VR engagements, it will also accept belted ammo.
MILITARY. The ACR-461 fires the 7.62mm round in
caseless, and features a pump action underbarrel
25mm grenade launcher/.10 gauge shotgun. A sturdy
and reliable weapon, well respected and capable of
holding its own against all threats. A more compact and
streamlined "B" version is available.

MILITECH M-56AR 1935eb

RIF - +1 - N - P - 6D6+2/varies (7.62mm
caseless/25mm gl) - 30-5 - 1/3/10-1 - ST
This is actually a step down from the M-52AR, whose
ammunition is shorter but more powerful.. Still this
weapon is more accurate, and the 7.62 ammunition is
far more common. It's also a bit cheaper, making this a
far more suited to urban combat. Like the M-52, the
MEXICAN METALS SUMW-76 1050eb pump action 25mm grenade launcher also accepts
HVY - -2 - N - P - 6D6+2 (7.62mm cased) - 50/100 - 10ga. shells.
20 - ST
The standard squad support weapon for the Mexican
military. Fires 7.62 ammunition, and can either be
magazine (50) or belt(100) fed.

MILITECH M-60MAR 5,635eb

RIF - +1 - N - R - 6d6+2/varies (7.62mm caseless) -
MILITECH CR45 625eb 100-1 - 20 - ST
RIF - +2 - N - C - 6D6+2 (7.62mm cased) - 30 - The latest update to the ever faithful M-60 weapon.
1/3/30 - ST
Militech's response to the Arasaka "Morita". It has
become the second most favored in the military trials to
find a new assault weapon. It loads from a left side
mounted magazine, and features a built in arm brace on
the stock for improved control and grasp on the

RIF - +2 - N - C - 6D6+2 (7.62mm cased) - 50 -
1/3/20 - ST
MILITECH MACH-12 680eb A very rugged and reliable weapon, with a high ammo
RIF - -1 - N - E - 6D6+2 (7.62mm caseless) - 30 - capacity and a telescoping stock. This rifle packs more
1/3/35 - ST than enough punch to deal with whatever problem you
A sturdy assault rifle built to withstand the harshest of come across. Popular in military and professional
environments, and the harshest of abuse. You can use circles.
this weapon as a club against your enemy, then turn
around and empty the clip into him. In fact one
memorable story comes out of Australia where a group
of mercenaries had gotten lost in the outback, all but
one survived, and without any other tools he was able
to use his weapon as a shovel to bury his three
companions and still use it to shoot his way to the
nearest town during an aborigine uprising.

NOVA RMG-23 925eb

RIF - +1 - N - C - 6D6+2 (7.62mm caseless) - 40/50 -
1/3/20 - ST
Just shy of being a full fledged support weapon, the
RMG-23 is a rather large rifle built for sustained fire and
supportive use. The weapon is very versatile, and
MILITECH GNG-H01 950eb accepts a 40 round magazine or belt fed ammunition.
RIF - +2 - N - C - 6D6+2/varies (7.62mm cased/40mm
grenade launcher) - 30/50-1 - 1/3/30-1 - ST
An assault rifle for general infantry, sturdy, rugged and
comes with 40mm Grenade launcher and starlight
scope mounting, as well as the option for 30 round
mags or 50 round drums.

ROSTOVIC Auto-Dragunov ADSW-10 Support Weapon

Hvy/Rifle - +3 - N - C - 6d6+2 (7.62x54mm cased) -
100 - 3/20/40 - VR
A machine gun variant of the AD-10 with a heavier
barrel and bipod, it has served successfully in many
countries as a support weapon. It has two levels of
SMG - +2 - N - E - 6D6+2/varies (7.62mm
automatic fire ROF. The highest rate of fire often melts
caseless/40mm grenade) - 60-5 - 1/3/30-1 - ST
the barrel after a minute or more of consecutive fire.
Always trying to stay ahead of the competition, this new
Spare barrels are often carried by machine gun crews
release from Militech is a powerhouse. Chambered in
for this reason.
the common 7.62mm and featuring a 5 shot magazine
fed 40mm grenade launcher. Actually this may be a
case of too much gun, as it is rather an awkward
weapon to hold based on its size.

ROSTOVIC HUR-400 1050eb
RIF - 0 - N - C - 6D6+2/varies (7.62mm cased/ 25mm
grenade) - 120-5 - 1/3/35-1 - ST
ROSTOVIC HUR-101/KAAR-60 965eb Enormous ammo capacity makes this almost more a
RIF - 0 - N - C - 6D6+2/varies (7.62mm cased/ 40mm squad automatic than an assualt rifle. Rostovic has
grenade) - 40-3 - 1/3/30-1 - ST implemented special heat shields to keep the barrel
Rostovic putting a grenade launcher on everything, is from overheating, and the 5 round grenade launcher
getting old. It's makes the weapons to big and unwieldy doubles with the 100 round magazine means any
for most ops. Still this is one of their better designs as soldier carrying this weapon is a one man army.
of late. This is next in line to become the next Neo-
Soviet standard issue rifle. It accepts all the
magazines and accessories of the HUR line of rifles,
most with little more than a screwdriver.


RIF - 0 - N - C - 6D6+2/varies (7.62mm cased/ 40mm RIF - +2 - N - C - 6D6+2/varies (7.62mm cased/
grenade) - 40-1 - 1/3/30-1 - ST 40mm grenade) - 35-3 - 1/3/20-1 - ST
A simple and reliable assault weapon, favored by Neo- A bit heavy for an assault rifle, it is actually accurate
Sov units operating in urban warzones. The hand enough on single fire to double as a sniper rifle. Overall
guard to protect against hot shells is a welcome however, the 3 shot integral grenade launcher is a bit
innovation. too much, and hinders this weapon more than aids it.

(From Nomad Market)
ROYAL ENFIELD BAR-45 1,750eb RIF - -3 - N - C - 6D6+2 (7.62mm cased) - 40 - 10 - UR
HVY - +1 - N - R - 6D6+2 (7.62mm) - 30/100 - 1/20 - These nomad built support weapons are inaccurate,
ST jam frequently, and ugly as sin… but they are cheap as
This bullpup battle rifle pack one hell of a wallop, and in hell, and everywhere.
addition to the 30 round magazines it also accepts belt
fed ammunition for sustained fire.


RIF - -1 - N - E - 6D6+2 (7.62mm caseless) - 30 - 1 -
This compact assault rifle from Sternmeyer is a popular
choice among mercenaries and terrorists, as well as
more legitimate consumers.


RIF - -1 - N - P - 6D6+2 (7.62mm cased) - 25 -
SEBURO MN-29 875eb 1/3/10 - ST
RIF - +2 - N - C - 6D6+2 (7.62mm cased) - 25 - A large caliber, but perhaps too short a weapon, as its
1/3/20 - VR barrel length detracts from its accuracy too heavily.
A larger caliber version of the MN-24, continuing the Comes with a folding stock.
line of Seburo's most powerful line of assault weapons.

SEBURO MN-31 735eb

RIF - +2 - N - P - 6D6+2 (7.62mm cased) - 30 -
1/3/15 - VR
Yet another in the Seburo MN family, this works equally
well as either an assault, or sniper weapon. Although
for sniping purposes, mounting a scope is STONER "SABER" 565eb
recommended. RIF - +1 - N - P - 6D6+2 (7.62mm caseless) - 25 -
1/3/25 - ST
A dual purpose weapon from Stoner. They assure us
that it works equally well as either a sniper rifle, or as
an assault weapon.

TOWA TYPE-121 890eb
STOVOLBOY M-714-38PK 650eb RIF - -1 - N - C - 6D6+2/varies (7.62mm
RIF - 0 - N - C - 6D6+2 (7.62mm caseless) - 30 - caseless/25mm grenade) - 60-5 - 1/3/25-1 - ST
1/3/20 - ST This is basically the Chinese version of the H&K M-52,
A case of too many gadgets, not enough thought. This and other than being chambered in the more common
weapon features a display which acts as a range finder, 7.62mm caseless and a few cosmetic changes, the
ammo count, digital compass, temperature and weapons are virtually identical. The high ammo count,
humidity gauge, and even displays which select fire just as in the M-52, is achieved by triple stacking the
mode the weapon is in. Unfortunately, while kinda neat, ammunition in the magazine.
all that is useless, since lack of a proper stock rule out
its any sniper capabilities the weapon might have, and
the big glowing screen make it poorly suited for any
type of stealth work. Must be why they are selling them
so cheap. It does feature an integral smartlink, which
is nice I suppose.


RIF - 0 - N - E - 6D6+2 (7.62mm cased) - 30 - 1 -
An inexpensive powerful assault rifle. A common sight
among Russian troops.

STOBOLVOY PAC-431 1100eb

HVY - -1 - N - P - 6D6+2 (7.62mm cased) - 50/100 -
20 - ST
The standard squad support weapon for the Neo-Soviet
military. Fires 7.62 ammunition, and can either be
magazine (50) or belt(100) fed.


ARASAKA LBR-84 1259eb

RIF - +1 - N - C - 8d6/varies (10mm caseless/25mm
grenade) - 50 - 1/3/20 - VR
Made for the battlefield this assault rifle / grenade
launcher combo is has become a staple in many
militaries around the world. It features a retracting
stock, pump action grenade launcher, and an integral
laser site.


P/RIF - -2/-1/0 - J/N - P - 8d6 (10mm caseless) -
6/12/25 - 1/3 - ST
Arasaka’s MMR-6 has proven so successful, that the
ARASAKA M-429 2,245eb
company is trying new approaches. The Advenced
HVY - -1 - N - P - 8D6 (10mm cased) - 50/100 - 20 - VR
Recon is Arasaka’s latest response to the problem of
Standard Squad Support Weapon from Arasaka
Cyborg crime, and is every bit as modular as the MMR-6
designed around the Arasaka developed 10mm rifle
but with a much base mechanism. At it’s smallest, the
round. Hard hitting and able to throw up a curtain of
Advanced Recon is an anti-cyborg handgun. But when
lead guaranteed to keep their heads down or make
the retractable shoulder stock is attached, the weapon
them wish they had.
is capable of three round burst fire, turning it from
handgun to assault rifle. A number of barrel extensions
are available as well, and numerous accessories. (The
shoulder stock and barrel extension each add +1 to the
weapons accuracy.)


ARASAKA 10-TS 1550eb
RIF - +1 - N - C - 8d6 (10mm caseless) - 30/40/100 -
RIF - 0 - N - P - 8d6 (10mm caseless/25mm
1/3/20 - VR
grenade) - 35 - 1/3/10 - ST
Arasaka has taken the 10mm Rifle round and run with
The 10-TS is the dedicated assault rifle version of the
it, this latest rifle I garnering attention from several
Advanced Recon. It loses some of the modularity, but
military and police organizations, as well as
retains the short package and is capable of sustained
professionals everywhere.

ARASAKA MMR-6 1275eb
Rif - +1/+2/+3 - N - C - 8D6 (8mm caseless) - 15/30/45 - 1/3/20 - ST
Arasaka's latest weapon, the Multi-Modular Rifle system, is the single most customizable
weapon ever built. Straight out the box it will accept virtually any accessory, from sights and
scopes to grenade launchers, shotguns, and bayonets. But where the weapon really gets
interesting is its dual magazine capability. A revolution in design, the barrel actually consists
of 7 separate but interlocking pieces, 2 large pieces, and 4 small pieces. The small pieces
allow the user, when the weapon is in bullpup mode, to adjust the stock length to fit his or her
needs. One of the larger pieces is simply removable, to allow the user to make use of the
extended barrel shroud, but for weight conservation the barrel can be attached without the
shroud. The final 2 barrel pieces are where the real innovation lies. This allows the weapon to be switched from
standard to bullpup ammo feed with the simple pull of a lever. This allows the soldier to not only have a reserve of
ammo if he needs it, but also to tailor his loads specifically, such as having the bullpup mag loaded with standard
ammunition, while the forward magazine is loaded with armor piercing. Or, again to save on weight, a soldier can
simply chose to load only one magazine, either standard or bullpup, and the magazine wells spring loaded flaps will
prevent dirt from entering and fouling the weapon, the flaps can even be locked in place providing a watertight seal.
(in short standard mode, the weapon gets a +1 to accuracy, in long mode it gets a +2, the bullpup configuration adds
another +1 to either mode) The standard magazine well even accepts belt fed ammunition, allowing it to serve as
squad or vehicle mounted weapon. So in all the weapon can serve as a standard assault rifle, a short commando
operation rifle, a squad automatic, and in bullpup mode with the extra barrel attached it even makes a passable sniper
weapon. A host of accessories specifically for the weapon have already been introduced, including a 3 and 5 shot
pump or semi-auto action 25mm grenade launcher/shotgun (that can attach to the weapon in short or long barrel
configuration), a single shot 40mm grenade launcher, suppressors, folding bipod, and more. Chambered in the
Arasaka developed 10mm rifle round, this weapon is not yet available to the general public, there are rumors it will not
be made available at all, which has driven professionals and collectors to offer as much as 10 times the listed price for
the weapon. 3 magazine sizes available, 15, 30, and 45. The weapon has no trigger guard, instead featuring a grip
safety that simply will not allow the trigger to be pulled unless the grip has appropriate pressure on it; this was to allow
borgs and users wearing winter gloves easier firing abilities. On top of everything else, the weapon is remarkably
simple, in fact Arasaka has begun using the old standard, "Even a child can operate it!" in their advertising. Militaries
and police departments around the world are taking notice.

RIF - +2/-1 - N - C - 8d6/4D6 (10mm caseless/12ga ) - 30/8 - 1/3/25-1 - VR
Arasaka's premiere assault rifle, and favored entry for the next military standard issue battle rifle. There are two
versions, the Morita A, the standard unit, and the Morita B, full assault unit. The only difference is that Morita B is
equipped with an 8 round underbarrel shotgun and is a little longer. This is a beautiful weapon, lightweight, sturdy,
and extremely reliable, and its bullpup construction makes for a more accurate weapon. Firing the caseless 10mm
ammo it packs more than enough punch to do the job.

ARASAKA SWAM-101 2,450eb

HVY - +1 - N - P - 8d6 (10mm caseless) - 50/100 - 15 - ST
Primarily used as in MG mounts on vehicles or with Gryo Stabilization harnesses, the SWAM-101 is formidable
battlefield weapon.


HVY - 0 - N - P - 8D6/varies (10mm caseless/40mm
grenade) - 100/3 - 1/30-1 - VR
FEDERATED AMRS SK19 840eb A bit oversized, but extremely reliable, this heavy
RIF - 0/-1 - N - P - 8D6/varies (10mm cased/40mm assault machinegun was designed specifically for EDF
gren) - 40/1 - 1/3/30 /1 - ST deployment. It also features a 3 shot pump action
A nice design from FA, but too way heavy for extended 40mm grenade launcher. The machinegun loads from
use in the field. either belt or from a 100 round box magazine.

MALORIAN LSR-12 2000eb
HECKLER AND KOCH MR-80 SERIES 3250eb RIF - 0 - N - R - 8D6 (10mm cased) - 30 - 1 - ST
RIF - +1 - N - R - 8d6 (10mm caseless) - 50 - 15 - VR An overpriced (aren't all Malorian weapons
This squad support heavy machine gun comes in a overpriced?) assault weapon designed specifically for
variety of flavors. The standard is MR-81 being the Malorian Security personel. I think Eran is losing it, it's
most common, and featuring a 4 shot pump action not a bad weapon, but the colors make it look like a
grenade launcher, the M-82 is a shortened version used toy. Malorian claims this was to lessen anxiety around
by Full Conversion and ACPA, and the MR-83 is a short the weapon, so visitors wouldn't feel as apprehensive.
barrel version for use by special forces. It is suposedly available in standard grey, but we have
yet to see it

MILITECH M-52AR 1150eb

RIF - +2 - N - P - 8D6/varies (10mm cased/25mm grenade) - 60/120-5 - 1/3/35-1 - VR
An assault weapon built for the urban environment. The grenade launcher is slide cocked and is able to alternate
between grenades and 10 gauge shells with no modification or adjustment. The rifle features digital ammo counter
along with a retractable stock (now available with fixed stock for greater aesthetic and comfort) and the highest ammo
capacity and caliber of an weapon in its class. Also available is a 150 round magazine. A shorter commando version is
available, with a one shot grenade launcher and reduced barrel, and an officers model, with 3 shot grenade launcher.

RIF - -1 - N - C - 8D6 (10mm cased) - 150 - 1/3/30 - ST
A squad support weapon built on the M-52AR system. Militech owes it's subcontractor Matsucorp for this one, as this
innovation came from their tinkering.

MILITECH NCAR-534 1320eb

RIF - 0 - N - R - 8D6/8d10(10mm cased/20mm
cased) - 30-5 - 1/3/20-1 - VR
Militech loves it's assault rifles, and this is no different.
Used exhaustively during the Natural City campaign in
Hawai, it proved its battle effectiveness and durability.
The built in 5-shot 20mm allows infantry to take down SEBURO DRX-23 2950eb
enemies behind cover or even light armor. HVY - +2 - N - P - 8D6 (10mm caseless) - 50/100 –
1/20 - VR
One of the most accurate heavy machineguns ever
created. However, the weapon s very heavy and
somewhat unwieldy for extended field work, and while
it accepts belt fed ammunition, it requires a special
“false magazine” through which the belt is fitted
through, to do. Fitting the belt through the false
ROSTOVIC MR-68 3250eb magazine takes twice as long, though you can always
RIF - +1 - N - P -8d6 (10mm caseless) - 100 - 20 - ST buy extra “false mags” and pre fit them for a very quick
A standard machinegun, able to accept 100 round change out indeed. The weapon features a standard
drums or belted ammo. A high rate of fire and above pinpoint laser sight, but is also features a UV wide
average accuracy makes this one of Rostovic’s top beam light, that putws a thick beam downfield, visible
military products. only with UV, this allows for a much easier to control
target acquisition, as the thick beam doesn’t get lost in
the recoil like the standard laser sight, making it an
excellent choice for a vehicle mounting.


HVY * 0 * N * R * 8D6(10mm) * 300 * 60 * ST * SEBURO RAYVEN COMPACT 1375eb
10mm gatling gun generally used against the more RIF - -1 - N - P - 8D6 (10mm caseless) - 30/50 -
powerful cyborgs. Most opponents give up if it is 1/3/20 - VR
pointed at them. This is the most compact fully automatic weapon
chambered in the 10mm rifle round available. And
excellent weapon for close quarters work against full
conversion targets. The weapons barrel extension is
removable, lowering the weapons accuracy (-1).



RIF - -2 - N - R - 8D6 (10mm cased) - 30 - 1/3 - ST
The magazine shroud on this monster is purposely ARASAKA X-61 (prototype) 144,375eb
overbuilt, to add extra weight to act as a compensator RLG - +4 - N - VR - 4D10 (1.5cm projectile) - 10 - 1
against muzzle climb from recoil in 3 round burst - P
mode. It seems the research teams at Skoda wanted a Arasaka finally did it, they have created a true man-
weapon that even the best armor would have no portable railgun roughly the same size and weight as a
defense against, and it seems the wanted the whole large assault rifle. This weapon is in its very earliest
thing in a small enough package to conceal. Originally stages of testing and uses a 1.5cm nickel cadmium
this was supposed to be a handgun, but since no one projectile. A total of 100 were produced and sent to
could fire the prototype without injury, a stock was Arasaka's testing facility, somewhere along the way 20
added. Even still, this weapon is way too short to be got "lost" and somehow managed to fall into Autumn
firing the rounds it does at 3-round burst. Which would Blades lap. 18 are left so hurry and get yours. A word
explain why production for this weapon was incredibly of warning, Arasaka has installed fail-safe devices to
limited. Only 300 of them are known to exist, Autumn ensure that no one can tamper with the guns. Any
Blade has 20. attempt at disassembling the weapon will result in the
gun exploding (as the loss of two Autumn Blade lab
assistants will testify). The weapon is smartchipped,
.50BMG and contains its own power supply which must be
recharged for 2 hours after every 20 rounds fired.
From confidential sources inside Arasaka we have
learned that the weapon is nowhere near perfected,
and malfunctions are common. This can be very
dangerous, extreme caution is advised when using and
handling this weapon.
RIF - -2 - N - P - 6D10 (.50bmg caseless) - 25 -
1/3/10 - ST
The Assault .50 is the joint venture product of Malorian
and Arasaka. It is basically a less expensive and more
combat engineered version of the Malorian "Aspen".
It uses standard steel and ceramic construction and
does not come smartchipped as standard.



RIF - +1 - N - R - 7D10 (15mm cased) - 25 - 1/3/15 - HVY - 0 - N - R - 6D10 (EAP) - 5 - 1 - ST
VR Now for something scary. In a joint venture funded by
Everyone knows that when you want the best you turn the American Military, Malorian and Militech have taken
to Malorian. Now the premiere arms company in the Railgun conclusion another frightening step forward. 3
world has completely outdone themselves. Introducing large electro-magnets power the weapon, and it is
the Malorian Aspen, a 15mm assault rifle that is easily reloaded using easy to produce slugs made from
guaranteed to get the job done, and with all the style ball bearings. It's pump action, and only slightly larger
expected from a true professional. Available chrome and more cumbersome than a heavy assault rifle,
plated only, the weapon is constructed almost entirely though the recoil is much more severe (BOD minimum
from titanium. Use of a shoulder strap, assisted of 8). So far only 20 have been produced, but we
harness, or some means of support suggested when managed to get our hands on six of them. How they
firing full auto managed to make a man portable railgun this small is
anyone’s guess

Created and written by Deric Bernier, images from Deric Bernier, Appleseed, Cyberpunk 2077, Macross, Masamune Shirow,
Gundam, Dirty Pair, Dark Minds, Men In Black, American Flagg, Aliens: Colonial Marines, Deathwish, Deathstroke the Terminator,
Starman, Kite, Space:Above and Beyond, Star Wars, Ice Pirates, Akira, Backlash, Babylon 5, Burn Up W, Dave Dorman, DS9, Dream
Wave, Neon Cyber, Earth 2, Grendel: Devils Legacy, Hardboiled, Nausicaa, Secret Of Blue Water, Negative One, Punisher: Big
Nothing, Runaway, L-gaim, Layzner, Ghost In The Shell, Catwoman, Titan AE, Wildcats, Stark Future, Total Recall 2070, Windaria,
Rifts, Gurps, Trigun, Alien series, No Escape, Akira, Killzone, Firefly, Doom, Bubblegum Crash, Humanoid, Punishers Armory, Halo,
Alien Legacy, The 5th Element, Time Cop, Shadowrun, Tomb Raider, Equilibrium, Intron Depot, Final Fantasy, Hellsing, Parasite
Dolls, Bubblegum Crisis, Kappowwe Toys, Gungrave, AD Police, Bubbleguim Crisis 2040, Grimjack, Project Snowblind, Bubblegum
Crisis, S.I.N., Dirty Pair, Gundam, Doom, Gasaraki, Blue Gender, Hellboy, Blade series, Escape from New York, Escape from L.A.,
Eatman, G.I.T.S.: Stand Alone Complex, Jon Sable: Freelance, I Robot, Nomad, Mystery Men, D20 Future, D20 Apocalypse,
Deadlands: Hell On Earth, Car Wars, Demolition Man, Fortress, Iria Zieriam, Natural City, Space, Above and Beyond, Stealth,
Unreal Tournament, Moonwalker, Gunm, Southern Cross, Grifter, Battle Lords, Lensman, SeaQuest, Robocop, Aspen, Homeboys,
Judge Dredd, Terminator: Burning Earth, Edison Giacotolli, Vortex, Soldier, Back To The Future II, Echo, Event Horizon, Starship
Troopers, The Saint, Robotech: Sentinels, Deathlock, Hunter, Black Ops, James Bond, Death's Head, X-Men, Firearm, Nick Fury:
Agent Of Shield, Dirty Pair: Flash, Silent Mobius, Mafia Wars, Army Of Two, Capcom, Hitman, Fatal Fury, Street Fighter, Deus Ex,
Quake, Air Gear, Btoom, Tekken, Perfect Dark, Fallout, Bouncer, Frontlines, Crysis, District 9, Zatoichi, Bleach, Blame, The
Rundown, Avengers, Green Arrow, GI-Joe, Call Of Duty, Brink, Doom, Eon Flux, Haze, Poseidon Arms, Nerf, Starhawk, Bayonetta,
Bionic Six, Hudson Hawk, Avatar, Command And Conquer, Wastelands, Borderlands, and other various manga, Anime, Comic book,
video game, film, and RPG sources, Raben-Aas, Sharp-n-pointy, Biometal79, Phatandy, Bordon, Shimmering Sword, Vulnepro, El
Pinoy, Br0uHaHaasdsada , Larkabella, licataknives, meandmunch, Devilita Andree Wallin, Fuchsiart, imDRUNKonTEA,Guilty
Spark, Refrigerador, Italiener, Pascal Eggert, Josh Nizzi, Bokuman, Machine56, Kunkka, Johan Bergstrom, Slipgate Central, Dominic
Marko, Francis001, platypusgreen, jimmypham, Warrenlou, flipation, digimech, molybdenum, Spoonboy, Doll Fac3, Eikochan,
bakanekonei, teh dave, SC4V3NG3R, solkee, molinaro, KaranaK, genekruger, theelphin, garanum, 2ngaw, shed2602, gorrem,
moyachiche, inception08, vietnguyen, rgus, archie, David Nakey, Kuroitora, aerpenium, Dead Robot, teruchan, acidburn08,
Markovah, Mort Janu, MishaMoStyle, Blitz Bot, k hos, James Lemay, Gun0runner, Gneocidal Penguin, Kalor, ionen, djake, jett0,
cyzrauk8, windriderx23, firestoned, anjinanhut, regis, libertyspikesv5, rimancreative, deutscherherbst, hexonal, Ryujin10,
Raverunner, daisukekazama, dannortonart, bringmeasunkist, Merkaba998, tovenius, Message2god, peterku, nervousgryphon,
knightwatch, Brian Rogers, tsukijin, talros, Michael Kingery, ygolochysp, Swatninja, Cyber999, marcwf, WarmGunMod, bcjfla76,
bullseye breon, Carlo Arellano, Special thanks to Matsuo, Darth Brass, darcjedi, Tom_Braider, thedap, wuher_da_brewer,
Capt_MarVel, Glim999, Pulseriflefan, TK513, gunnerk19, Tommin, BritNerfMogul, Tigadee, Johnson Arms, Wolverine_solo, and all
the many fine prop replica builders of Mastucorp, the RPF, Nerfhaven, Nerfhq, and BBC)

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