Cyberpunk 2020 - Datafortress 2020 - Ultimate Rifles
Cyberpunk 2020 - Datafortress 2020 - Ultimate Rifles
Cyberpunk 2020 - Datafortress 2020 - Ultimate Rifles
Written by Deric Bernier ([email protected])
UPDATED: 4-30-13
The complete collection of all the Rifles created for the various articles and sourcebooks by Deric Bernier found
on Datafortress 2020.
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WALTHER SPR-96 550eb (From Nomad Market)
RIF - +3 - N - R - 2D6+1 (9mm caseless) - 30 - 1 - RIF - 0 - L - E - 4D6/varies (.44magnum
VR cased/40mm grenade) - 8/1 - 1/1 - ST
Originally designed for decathlon shooters in the Named after its maker, who can be found here in the
Olympics, this sport/target rifle has become world Market, this is a lever action rifle chambered in .44
renowned for its performance and accuracy. The magnum with a single shot under-barrel 40mm grenade
weapon is also popular as a sniper rifle, though the launcher. Ideal for outriders and scouts, or anyone
ammo choice of 9mm is a bit underpowered for some really.
MILITECH SS-54 829eb RIF - +2 - N - C - 5D6 (5.56mm caseless) - 4 - 1 - ST
RIF - +2 - N - C - 5D6 (6.5mm caseless) - 20 - 1 - ST The Model-2022 is a popular rifle for hunters,
This Militech sniper weapon is ideal due to the overall marksmen, and outdoorsmen alike. It got a modest
short length of the gun. The suppressor actually aids price and it’s not over done or complicated… just a
in accuracy, and broken down, the whole weapon fits simple and accurate weapon.
inside a large briefcase.
TOWA MS-70 640eb
RIF - +3 - N - E - 6D6+2 (7.62mm caseless) - 8 - 1 - ST
Towa gives us a respectable marksman’s rifle
chambered in 7.62. A favorite among Asian shooters
that won’t break your bank.
RIF - +5 - N - R - 7D6+3 (.300mag cased) - 6 - 1 - ST
RIF - +3 - N - R - 7D6+3 (.300mag cased) - 5 - 1 - ST
Tsunami took a look at the Constitutional Arms S52 and
Drop a full conversion without breaking a sweat. With
decided they could do it better. The weapon features
the Haley chambered in .300 magnum you can drop
the same cylinder design though it lacks the onboard
pretty much anything you have too, and with 25 shots
computer to display the ammo information on the
you can keep it up all day long.
scope, but it will still display that information to the
integral smartlink. With the removable barrel extension
MILITECH M-55S 2175eb
SMG - +2 - N - E - 8D6 (10mm cased) - 60 - 1 - ST
The sniper rifle variant of the M-52 system. The ammo counter has been replaced with the display for the laser range
finder built into the fore grip of the weapon.
ARASAKA "YARI" 23,775eb
RIF - +2 - N - R - 10D10 (30mm cased) - 5 - 1 - VR
The most powerful sniper rifle available. Use of at least
a bipod is strongly recommended, as is never
attempting to fire the weapon from anything but a prone
position. The immense recoil of this weapon is easily
capable of dislocating a shoulder, or worse. Standard
load for the weapon are teflon coated armor piercing
shells, able to penetrate tank armor. Using this on a
human target is like shooting a bazooka at a spider,
though the weapon is extremely effective against
powered armor and full conversions, even military
RIF - +1 - N - C - 4D6 (4.5mm cased) - 45 - 1/3/30 - ST
Specifically designed for European police work, this
latest in the MN line was developed after hearing the
FABRIQUE NATIONALE "STANDARD-13" 180eb wish lists of polled European SWAT officers.
RIF - 0 - N - C - 4D6 (4.5mm caseless) - 25 - 1/3 - ST
FN sells a lot of these weapons around the world, to
hunters, to militias, rebel forces, third world militaries,
to anyone who needs a reasonably reliable, but cheap
and no frills, assault rifle.
CALICO M-3000 335eb
ARMALITE URM-7 500eb RIF - +1/-1 - N/L - C - 5D6 (5.56mm caseless) - 50 -
RIF - +1 - N - C - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 40 - 1/3/10 - 1/3/20 - VR
A 5.56mm firing version of the popular line of weapons,
Designed for urban warfare, this is a competent and comes with a folding stock and telescopic sight. The
reliable weapon. The adjustable stock is a nice touch.
barrel and stock are removable, dropping the weapons
concealability, and accuracy.
CCMMC MGR-42 975eb
MG - +1 - N - C - 5D6 (5.56mm caseless) - 80/100 -
1/3/25 - VR
A chinese military machinegun, the folding foregrip is a
nice touch. Able to accept an 80 round magazine or
belt fed ammunition.
RIF - +1/-1 - N - P - 5D6/varies (5.56mm cased/40mm
gren) - 30/1 - 1/3/30 /1 - ST
A new rifle from FN, comes complete with underbarrel
grenade launcher. A true workhorse for the battlefield.
H&K CAWS-62 965eb
RIF - 0/-1 - N - P - 5D6/varies (5.56mm cased/40mm
gren) - 30/3 - 1/3/30 /1 - ST
FEDERATED ARMS SRMG-46 415eb A new model in the aging CAWS line of weapons, this is
RIF - -1 - N - C - 5D6 (5.56mm caseless) - 30 - a 5.56mm assault rifle with underbarrel pump action
1/3/20 - ST grenade launcher.
The size of a submachine gun, yet packing the punch of
a rifle. Federated arms is trying to sell these to swat
teams and militaries, but meeting with limited success
so far.
H&K MPXS1 560eb
RIF - +2 - N - P - 5d6 (5.56mm cased) - 30 - 1/3/15 - VR
RIF - +3 - N - P - 5d6 (5.56mm cased) - 30 - 1/3/10 - VR
Another fine assault rifle from H&K, sturdy and
Loosely designed around the GS series of weapons, the
dependable, with adequate accuracy and well
MPXS1 from Heckler and Koch is a full sniper/assault
deserved reputation as a professionals weapon.
system. The MPXS1 is capable of scoring dead on at
well over 150 meters, and the bullpup design makes for
a more stable trajectory due to longer barrel
allowance. It is also capable of 3 round burst and full
auto fire for suppression. It comes complete with
scope and barrel shroud is fully insulated to act as a
MALORIAN "NORTON" 839eb HVY - -1 - N - E - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 40/100 - 10 - ST
SMG - +1 - L/J - P - 5d6 (5.56mm caseless) - 30 - Feeding from either a 40 round magazine or a 100
1/3/20 - VR round belt, the TSR-44 is a popular light machinegun
More of an smg than an short assault rifle, this weapon from Mexico, a favorite with militaries all over the
packs a powerful punch. This is a small weapon world.
indeed, and the sans stock version can be concealed
under a jacket. Malorian integrated every last piece of
cutting edge technology when they developed this
weapon. It is made mostly from ceramic and polymer
plastics, while the barrel and other metal pieces are
made from titanium. It is somewhat heavy, and
expensive, but well worth the price.
MILITECH MAR-26 550eb (From Nomad Market)
RIF - +1 - N - C - 5D6 (5.56mm caseless) - 20 - RIF - -2 - L - U - 5d6 (5.56mm caseless) - 35 -
1/3/15 - ST 15/3/1 - UR
Yet another assault rifle from Militech, their R&D boys Technomancers are a gutsy crew, and I pity whoever
must get paid by the hour. had to testfire this weapon till they got it right. This
totally custom gun is an assault rifle the size of
submachinegun. It's inaccurate, it's ugly, I wouldn't
trust it, and it only comes with 2 magazines, any more
would have to be custom built, but you sure can't beat
the price for that kind of firepower.
RIF - 0 - N - C - 5D6/varies (5.56mm cased/25mm
grenade) - 40 - 1 - 1/3/25-1 - ST
Specifically designed for full Borg commando units, the
KHR-28 is an assult rifle with an astounding 50 round
magazine in a package the size of a submachine gun.
The single shot underbarrel grenade launcher is a nice
NOVA ARMS "VERIA" 275eb touch as well.
RIF - -1 - N - E - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 30 - 1/3/10 -
Simple, affordable, and common. Everything you
would expect from the worlds most generic arms
SEBURO MN-24 & MN-24B 845eb
RIF - +2 - N - P - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 30 - 1/3/20
An excellent light assault weapon. While still a new
design, the MS series is quickly gaining a reputation as
one of the finest automatic weapons in the world. The
MN-24 is a bullpup weapon that is just as virtually the
SEBURO ACR-556 1140eb same weapon at home in the jungle as on the streets.
RIF - +2 - N - C - 5D6-varies (5.56mm cased-40mm Popular to militaries and police departments the world
grenade) - 75-1 - 1/3/30-1 - VR over. A fine weapon indeed, the MN-24B is almost
Feeding from a large, top mounted, helical clip, this identical but has a shorter barrel.
bullpup assault rifle is making serious waves in the
police and military communities. While generally too
expensive for mass issue in the military, special forces
and SWAT teams drool over them. Its high ammo
count, relatively compact size, built in grenade
launcher, and Seburo quality and accuracy make it a
highly sought after weapon.
SEBURO MS-25A, B, & C 865eb
RIF - +2 - L - P - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 30 - 1/3/25 -
The compact versions of the MN series of weapons
from Seburo. These weapons are basically exactly the
same as the MN-24 differing only slightly in size and
SEBURO MNAR-16FW 835eb appearance. The version A is the standard, the B was
RIF - +2 - N - P - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 30 - 1/3/15 - designed for tank and air crews, and the C was made
VR specially for the Navy SEAL's. All versions are roughly
A full sized version of the MNAR-15 assault rifle system the size of a large submachine gun and can be
from Seburo. All the quality of its little brother in a concealed under a large overcoat.
more controllable and intimidating package. In
addition the longer barrel provides for more accuracy.
SEBURO WR-10 445eb
RIF - +2 - N - P - 5D6 (5.56mm cased) - 35 - 1/3/20
- VR
One of the finest assault weapons on the market today.
You can easily see that the WR-10 had a lot of its
advanced design inspired from the FN90. Thanks to the
bullpup design the weapon is very short yet acurate
and easy to maintain.
RIF - +1 - N - C - 5D6 (5.56mm caseless) - 30 -
1/3/15 - ST
A short assault rifle primarily designed for guard duties
and patrol units.
RIF - -1 - N - R - 7D6+3 (5.56mm ETE cased) - 30 -
1/3/30 - ST
With a computer controlled liquid nitrogen cooling
system, Stovolboy is attempting what was said to be
impossible, a fully automatic electrothermally
enhanced assault rifle. The liquid nitrogen cylinder is
good for 300 rounds of fully atumoatic fire, and after the
cylinder is depleted the computer shuts down its full
auto and 3 round burst capabilities. The weapon is
smartlinked as standard, and also comes with an
STEYR KR-27 600eb integral laser sight and removable stock (not shown).
RIF - +2 - N - C - 5D6 (5.56mm caseless) - 30 - Liquid nitrogen cylinders are 40eb apiece, and
1/3/15 - VR replacing one in the gun is a ten second action.
The KR-27, another damn fine assault rifle from Steyr,
with elegant style and a rugged expression of
functionality and form.
COLT BPSMG-1 765eb
RIF - 0 - N - E - 5D6/varies (6mm caseless/25mm
grenade) - 20/1 - 1/310 / 1 - ST
A compact assault weapon with a built in grenade
launcher as standard. Low cost means you can equip HECKLER AND KOCH M988 495eb
your troops without breaking your bank. RIF - +1 - N - C - 5D6 (6mm caseless) 40 - 1/3/20 -
The compact commando version of the M986, used by
Special Forces and vehicle crews in lieu of an SMG.
MILITECH AR-68 625eb
RIF - +1 - N - C - 5D6 (6mm cased) - 30 - 1/3/20 -
A workhorse one the field and a trusted friend off. This
weapon is perfect for security and police forces, as
well as a light battle rifle with troops.
RIF - +1 - N - E - 5D6 (6mm caseless) - 30 - 1/3/10 -
A finely crafted German assault rifle with bullpup frame
and easy action. The rate of fire on full auto is kept low
so as not to waste ammunition, and the weapon is
commonly seen serving in many European military and
police forces.
BROWNING MG142 1150eb
MG - +1 - N - P - 6D6+2 (7.62mm cased) - 50/100 -
MG - +1 - N - C - 6D6+2 (7.62mm cased) - 50/100 -
3/20 - VR
1/3/20 - ST
The MG142 is the latest machinegun from Browning.
This Chinese machine gun is the most prevalent
Chambered in 7.62 ammo this weapon is perfect for any
support weapon found among chinese military units
support or suppresion needs.
and accepts belt fed ammunition or 50 round
magazines. A very sturdy, albeit heavy weapon.
RIF - -2 - L - C - 6D6+2 (7.62mm caseless) - 20 -
1/3/20 - ST
Always trying out new ideas, this extremely short
assault rifle probably won't be received well by any
DAI-LUNG "ORUBES" 345eb military. A 7.62mm rifle with no barrel to speak of is
SMG - 0 - N - E - 6D6+2 (7.62mm caseless) - 30 - simply to inacurate for military application. Terrorist
1/30 - UR groups and criminals however love this weapon due to
It had to happen sooner or later, a cheap knock-off it's concealability.
company trying to cash in on Seburo’s popularity by
poorly copying their design. Since this weapon hit the
market it has been almost impossible to keep in stock.
Street gangs and weekend warriors buy this weapon
like crazy trying to look like professionals. Word has it
Dai-Lung has started receiving death threats and two of
their factories have been destroyed since this weapon
hit the street, rumors all point to Seburo, but no
evidence has been found to support this.
H&K VGR-13 799eb
RIF - +1 - N - C - 6D6+2/special(7.62mm caseless/25mm
gren) - 30/4 - 1/3/30-1 - VR ROSTOVIC G701 875eb
A superbly designed assault rifle from Heckler and RIF - 0 - N - C - 6D6+2/varies (7.62mm caseless /
Koch, chambered in 7.62 and featuring a built in 25mm 12mm grenade) 30 / 5 - 1/3/20 / 1 - ST
grenade launcher. Truly a premiere weapon able to A reliable and effective weapon, this is the standard
make itself perfectly at home on any battlefield. assault rifle used by Chilean troops
MILITECH HIW-34 1185eb
MG - +2 - N - C - 6D6+2 (7.62mm cased) - 50 -
1/3/15 - ST
MEXICAN METALS ACR-461 730eb Militechs latest heavy machine gun is bullpup in design,
RIF - 0 - N - E - 6D6+2/varies (7.62mm caseless / and accepts a 50 round magazine. For extended
25mm gl) - 35 / 5 - 1/3/30 / 1 - VR engagements, it will also accept belted ammo.
MILITARY. The ACR-461 fires the 7.62mm round in
caseless, and features a pump action underbarrel
25mm grenade launcher/.10 gauge shotgun. A sturdy
and reliable weapon, well respected and capable of
holding its own against all threats. A more compact and
streamlined "B" version is available.
RIF - +2 - N - C - 6D6+2 (7.62mm cased) - 50 -
1/3/20 - ST
MILITECH MACH-12 680eb A very rugged and reliable weapon, with a high ammo
RIF - -1 - N - E - 6D6+2 (7.62mm caseless) - 30 - capacity and a telescoping stock. This rifle packs more
1/3/35 - ST than enough punch to deal with whatever problem you
A sturdy assault rifle built to withstand the harshest of come across. Popular in military and professional
environments, and the harshest of abuse. You can use circles.
this weapon as a club against your enemy, then turn
around and empty the clip into him. In fact one
memorable story comes out of Australia where a group
of mercenaries had gotten lost in the outback, all but
one survived, and without any other tools he was able
to use his weapon as a shovel to bury his three
companions and still use it to shoot his way to the
nearest town during an aborigine uprising.
ROSTOVIC HUR-400 1050eb
RIF - 0 - N - C - 6D6+2/varies (7.62mm cased/ 25mm
grenade) - 120-5 - 1/3/35-1 - ST
ROSTOVIC HUR-101/KAAR-60 965eb Enormous ammo capacity makes this almost more a
RIF - 0 - N - C - 6D6+2/varies (7.62mm cased/ 40mm squad automatic than an assualt rifle. Rostovic has
grenade) - 40-3 - 1/3/30-1 - ST implemented special heat shields to keep the barrel
Rostovic putting a grenade launcher on everything, is from overheating, and the 5 round grenade launcher
getting old. It's makes the weapons to big and unwieldy doubles with the 100 round magazine means any
for most ops. Still this is one of their better designs as soldier carrying this weapon is a one man army.
of late. This is next in line to become the next Neo-
Soviet standard issue rifle. It accepts all the
magazines and accessories of the HUR line of rifles,
most with little more than a screwdriver.
(From Nomad Market)
ROYAL ENFIELD BAR-45 1,750eb RIF - -3 - N - C - 6D6+2 (7.62mm cased) - 40 - 10 - UR
HVY - +1 - N - R - 6D6+2 (7.62mm) - 30/100 - 1/20 - These nomad built support weapons are inaccurate,
ST jam frequently, and ugly as sin… but they are cheap as
This bullpup battle rifle pack one hell of a wallop, and in hell, and everywhere.
addition to the 30 round magazines it also accepts belt
fed ammunition for sustained fire.
TOWA TYPE-121 890eb
STOVOLBOY M-714-38PK 650eb RIF - -1 - N - C - 6D6+2/varies (7.62mm
RIF - 0 - N - C - 6D6+2 (7.62mm caseless) - 30 - caseless/25mm grenade) - 60-5 - 1/3/25-1 - ST
1/3/20 - ST This is basically the Chinese version of the H&K M-52,
A case of too many gadgets, not enough thought. This and other than being chambered in the more common
weapon features a display which acts as a range finder, 7.62mm caseless and a few cosmetic changes, the
ammo count, digital compass, temperature and weapons are virtually identical. The high ammo count,
humidity gauge, and even displays which select fire just as in the M-52, is achieved by triple stacking the
mode the weapon is in. Unfortunately, while kinda neat, ammunition in the magazine.
all that is useless, since lack of a proper stock rule out
its any sniper capabilities the weapon might have, and
the big glowing screen make it poorly suited for any
type of stealth work. Must be why they are selling them
so cheap. It does feature an integral smartlink, which
is nice I suppose.
ARASAKA MMR-6 1275eb
Rif - +1/+2/+3 - N - C - 8D6 (8mm caseless) - 15/30/45 - 1/3/20 - ST
Arasaka's latest weapon, the Multi-Modular Rifle system, is the single most customizable
weapon ever built. Straight out the box it will accept virtually any accessory, from sights and
scopes to grenade launchers, shotguns, and bayonets. But where the weapon really gets
interesting is its dual magazine capability. A revolution in design, the barrel actually consists
of 7 separate but interlocking pieces, 2 large pieces, and 4 small pieces. The small pieces
allow the user, when the weapon is in bullpup mode, to adjust the stock length to fit his or her
needs. One of the larger pieces is simply removable, to allow the user to make use of the
extended barrel shroud, but for weight conservation the barrel can be attached without the
shroud. The final 2 barrel pieces are where the real innovation lies. This allows the weapon to be switched from
standard to bullpup ammo feed with the simple pull of a lever. This allows the soldier to not only have a reserve of
ammo if he needs it, but also to tailor his loads specifically, such as having the bullpup mag loaded with standard
ammunition, while the forward magazine is loaded with armor piercing. Or, again to save on weight, a soldier can
simply chose to load only one magazine, either standard or bullpup, and the magazine wells spring loaded flaps will
prevent dirt from entering and fouling the weapon, the flaps can even be locked in place providing a watertight seal.
(in short standard mode, the weapon gets a +1 to accuracy, in long mode it gets a +2, the bullpup configuration adds
another +1 to either mode) The standard magazine well even accepts belt fed ammunition, allowing it to serve as
squad or vehicle mounted weapon. So in all the weapon can serve as a standard assault rifle, a short commando
operation rifle, a squad automatic, and in bullpup mode with the extra barrel attached it even makes a passable sniper
weapon. A host of accessories specifically for the weapon have already been introduced, including a 3 and 5 shot
pump or semi-auto action 25mm grenade launcher/shotgun (that can attach to the weapon in short or long barrel
configuration), a single shot 40mm grenade launcher, suppressors, folding bipod, and more. Chambered in the
Arasaka developed 10mm rifle round, this weapon is not yet available to the general public, there are rumors it will not
be made available at all, which has driven professionals and collectors to offer as much as 10 times the listed price for
the weapon. 3 magazine sizes available, 15, 30, and 45. The weapon has no trigger guard, instead featuring a grip
safety that simply will not allow the trigger to be pulled unless the grip has appropriate pressure on it; this was to allow
borgs and users wearing winter gloves easier firing abilities. On top of everything else, the weapon is remarkably
simple, in fact Arasaka has begun using the old standard, "Even a child can operate it!" in their advertising. Militaries
and police departments around the world are taking notice.
RIF - +2/-1 - N - C - 8d6/4D6 (10mm caseless/12ga ) - 30/8 - 1/3/25-1 - VR
Arasaka's premiere assault rifle, and favored entry for the next military standard issue battle rifle. There are two
versions, the Morita A, the standard unit, and the Morita B, full assault unit. The only difference is that Morita B is
equipped with an 8 round underbarrel shotgun and is a little longer. This is a beautiful weapon, lightweight, sturdy,
and extremely reliable, and its bullpup construction makes for a more accurate weapon. Firing the caseless 10mm
ammo it packs more than enough punch to do the job.
MALORIAN LSR-12 2000eb
HECKLER AND KOCH MR-80 SERIES 3250eb RIF - 0 - N - R - 8D6 (10mm cased) - 30 - 1 - ST
RIF - +1 - N - R - 8d6 (10mm caseless) - 50 - 15 - VR An overpriced (aren't all Malorian weapons
This squad support heavy machine gun comes in a overpriced?) assault weapon designed specifically for
variety of flavors. The standard is MR-81 being the Malorian Security personel. I think Eran is losing it, it's
most common, and featuring a 4 shot pump action not a bad weapon, but the colors make it look like a
grenade launcher, the M-82 is a shortened version used toy. Malorian claims this was to lessen anxiety around
by Full Conversion and ACPA, and the MR-83 is a short the weapon, so visitors wouldn't feel as apprehensive.
barrel version for use by special forces. It is suposedly available in standard grey, but we have
yet to see it
RIF - -1 - N - C - 8D6 (10mm cased) - 150 - 1/3/30 - ST
A squad support weapon built on the M-52AR system. Militech owes it's subcontractor Matsucorp for this one, as this
innovation came from their tinkering.
Created and written by Deric Bernier, images from Deric Bernier, Appleseed, Cyberpunk 2077, Macross, Masamune Shirow,
Gundam, Dirty Pair, Dark Minds, Men In Black, American Flagg, Aliens: Colonial Marines, Deathwish, Deathstroke the Terminator,
Starman, Kite, Space:Above and Beyond, Star Wars, Ice Pirates, Akira, Backlash, Babylon 5, Burn Up W, Dave Dorman, DS9, Dream
Wave, Neon Cyber, Earth 2, Grendel: Devils Legacy, Hardboiled, Nausicaa, Secret Of Blue Water, Negative One, Punisher: Big
Nothing, Runaway, L-gaim, Layzner, Ghost In The Shell, Catwoman, Titan AE, Wildcats, Stark Future, Total Recall 2070, Windaria,
Rifts, Gurps, Trigun, Alien series, No Escape, Akira, Killzone, Firefly, Doom, Bubblegum Crash, Humanoid, Punishers Armory, Halo,
Alien Legacy, The 5th Element, Time Cop, Shadowrun, Tomb Raider, Equilibrium, Intron Depot, Final Fantasy, Hellsing, Parasite
Dolls, Bubblegum Crisis, Kappowwe Toys, Gungrave, AD Police, Bubbleguim Crisis 2040, Grimjack, Project Snowblind, Bubblegum
Crisis, S.I.N., Dirty Pair, Gundam, Doom, Gasaraki, Blue Gender, Hellboy, Blade series, Escape from New York, Escape from L.A.,
Eatman, G.I.T.S.: Stand Alone Complex, Jon Sable: Freelance, I Robot, Nomad, Mystery Men, D20 Future, D20 Apocalypse,
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Troopers, The Saint, Robotech: Sentinels, Deathlock, Hunter, Black Ops, James Bond, Death's Head, X-Men, Firearm, Nick Fury:
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Markovah, Mort Janu, MishaMoStyle, Blitz Bot, k hos, James Lemay, Gun0runner, Gneocidal Penguin, Kalor, ionen, djake, jett0,
cyzrauk8, windriderx23, firestoned, anjinanhut, regis, libertyspikesv5, rimancreative, deutscherherbst, hexonal, Ryujin10,
Raverunner, daisukekazama, dannortonart, bringmeasunkist, Merkaba998, tovenius, Message2god, peterku, nervousgryphon,
knightwatch, Brian Rogers, tsukijin, talros, Michael Kingery, ygolochysp, Swatninja, Cyber999, marcwf, WarmGunMod, bcjfla76,
bullseye breon, Carlo Arellano, Special thanks to Matsuo, Darth Brass, darcjedi, Tom_Braider, thedap, wuher_da_brewer,
Capt_MarVel, Glim999, Pulseriflefan, TK513, gunnerk19, Tommin, BritNerfMogul, Tigadee, Johnson Arms, Wolverine_solo, and all
the many fine prop replica builders of Mastucorp, the RPF, Nerfhaven, Nerfhq, and BBC)
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