Materials Science and Engineering A
Materials Science and Engineering A
Materials Science and Engineering A
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Isothermal crystallization behavior and mechanical properties of ionomer-treated sisal fibres reinforced
Received 3 January 2008 high-density polyethylene (HDPE) composites have been investigated. Avrami analysis of the crystalliza-
Received in revised form 18 February 2008 tion kinetics showed high crystallization rate (Kn ) and short crystallization half time (t0.5 ) for composites
Accepted 7 March 2008
compared to neat HDPE, indicating strong nucleating ability of sisal fibres. The crystallization activation
energy (Ea ) of the composites decreased with increasing fibre content. The polarizing optical microscopy
showed the occurrence of transcrystallization at the fibre–matrix interface. The HDPE/sisal composites
Natural fibre–HDPE composites
displayed superior tensile and flexural properties compared to neat HDPE. For these composites, predic-
Isothermal crystallization
Surface morphology
tions of Young’s modulus using the Modified Rule of Mixtures and Cox model correlated well with the
Mechanical properties experimental data.
Analytical modelling © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction compatible with both the matrix and fibre, and thus could act as
coupling agents [17,18].
In recent years, natural fibres have found use as potential For composites based on semicrystalline polymers, the mor-
resources for making high-performance composite material. The phological features like degree of crystallinity, spherulite size,
attention in natural fibre reinforced polymer composites is growing lamella thickness and crystallite orientation play an important
rapidly due to their high mechanical performance, wide ver- role in influencing the ultimate properties of the polymer matrix,
satility, good processing advantages, low cost, and low density and thus the composite. It was found that both morphology and
[1,2]. Lignocellulosic fibres such as jute, sisal, hemp, coir, and crystallinity of thermoplastic polymer matrices deeply affected by
banana have been successfully used as reinforcing materials in fibre reinforcement [19–21]. In the case of thermoplastic com-
many polymeric resin matrices [3–6]. Among these fibres, sisal posites, the growth of highly oriented transcrystalline layers at
(Agave sisalana) is of particular interest in that its composites fibre–matrix interphase is thought to have a critical influence
have high impact strength besides having moderate tensile and on improvement of the mechanical properties, due to better
flexural properties compared to other lignocellulosic fibres [7]. fibre–matrix adhesion [22]. The occurrence of transcrystallization
However, some studies have been reported in the literature on the depends on the type of fibre used and the crystallization tem-
use of sisal fibre as a reinforcing agent in thermoplastic matrices perature [23,24]. A transcrystalline layer can be formed at the
[8–13]. The major drawback of these natural fibre/thermoplastic fibre–matrix interface regions if the fibres with high nucleating
composites is the inherent incompatibility of the hydrophilic lig- ability were employed. However, there were not many studies
nocellulosic fibres with the hydrophobic thermoplastic matrices, devoted to investigate the crystallization behavior and microstruc-
which calls for improving the fibre–matrix interfacial adhesion ture of the natural fibre reinforced thermoplastic composites
by using suitable compatibilisers and coupling agents [14–16]. [23–28].
Among many coupling agents currently used for improvement The mechanical properties of fibre-reinforced composites
of the fibre–matrix interfacial bond strength, ionomers based on strongly depend on several factors such as fibre size, fibre load-
copolymers of acids and olefin monomer units are worthy of explo- ing, fibre dispersion, fibre orientation and fibre–matrix interfacial
ration. The amphiphilic nature may allow these ionomers to be bond strength [29,30]. In many occasions, the effects of fibre rein-
forcement on the mechanical properties have been explained by
comparing the experimental results with existing micromechan-
ical models such as Parallel and Series, Hiesch, Cox, Halpin–Tasi,
∗ Tel.: +91 9430 732461; fax: +91 651 2276184. Modified Halpin–Tasi, Bowyer–Bader models, etc. [31–35]. It was
E-mail address: [email protected].
0921-5093/$ – see front matter © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Choudhury / Materials Science and Engineering A 491 (2008) 492–500 493
Table 1 Table 2
Physical, chemical and mechanical properties of sisal fibres Formulation of the different HDPE/sisal composites
2. Experimental
2.5. Thermal analysis
2.1. Materials
The thermal behavior of the neat HDPE and formulated
HDPE/sisal composites was measured with a differential scanning
The pure high-density polyethylene (M6805U: melt flow
calorimetric (DSC) analyzer (DSC-10Q, TA Instruments, New Cas-
index = 0.5 g/10 min at 190 ◦ C and density = 0.968 g/cm3 at 23 ◦ C)
tle, DE, USA) under nitrogen atmosphere. The samples were heated
was obtained from Haldia Petrochemical Ltd. India. The coupling
to 170 ◦ C with a heating rate of 10 ◦ C/min and kept at this temper-
agent used in this investigation was Surlyn® 1650 (den-
ature for 10 min to eliminate previous thermal history and then
sity = 0.94 g/cm3 ; melt flow index = 1.5 g/10 min at 190 ◦ C; melting
rapidly cooled (at 100 ◦ C/min) to crystallization temperature (Tc ),
temperature = 97 ◦ C with a heating rate of 10 ◦ C/min; methacrylic
and maintained at Tc till the time necessary for complete crys-
acid co-monomer content = 3.7–4.0 mol% and 57 mol% acid was
tallization of the polymer matrix. The heat evolved during the
neutralized by sodium salt), procured from Du Pont USA. Sisal fibres
isothermal crystallization (Hc ) was recorded as a function of time
(A. sisalana) were collected form local sources. Table 1 presents the
(t), at different crystallization temperatures. After crystallization,
physical, chemical and mechanical properties of sisal fibres. Sodium
the samples were heated to melting point at a rate of 10 ◦ C/min. The
hydroxide (NaOH) and acetic acid used for chemical treatment of
crystalline melting temperatures (Tm ) and degree of crystallinity
the fibres were obtained from E. Merck, India.
(Xcr ) of the samples were determined from the endotherm. The
enthalpy of crystallization of 100% crystalline polyethylene was
2.2. Washing and alkali treatment taken as 290 J/g [36].
The short sisal fibres (length ∼4.0 mm) were thoroughly washed 2.6. Mechanical properties
by aqueous detergent solution to remove dirt followed by cleaning
with distilled water and dried in vacuum oven at 70 ◦ C for 1 day. Rectangular bar specimens for tensile and flexural tests were
The washed fibres were immersed in 5% aqueous NaOH solution prepared according to ASTM D638 and ASTM D790, respectively.
for a period of 1 h at 40 ◦ C, and this was followed by washing with The measurements of the samples were conducted with an Instron
0.1N acetic acid and distilled water. The alkali-treated fibres were 3366 tensile test machine (Grove City, PA, USA) at a crosshead speed
than dried in vacuum oven at 70 ◦ C for 2 days to obtain mercerized of 2 mm/min. The Izod impact strength of notched samples (2 mm
fibres. depth) was measured with a Davenport Izod impact tester as per
ASTM D256 method.
The mercerized sisal fibres were immersed in hot 5% Surlyn The surface morphology of the composites was analyzed
ionomer solution (in toluene) at 70 ◦ C for 30 min to obtain ionomer- using a polarized optical microscopy (Leika Metalographic Aris-
treated fibres. tomet model), which attached with automatic hot-stage thermal
494 A. Choudhury / Materials Science and Engineering A 491 (2008) 492–500
Table 3
Melting and crystallization kinetic parameters of neat HDPE and HDPE/sisal composites obtained from DSC measurements
unit (Mettler FP-90). The composite samples were sandwiched 3. Results and discussion
between microscope glass slides and inserted into the hot stage
unit. The samples were heated to 170 ◦ C at 10 ◦ C/min, held 3.1. Melting and crystallization behavior of HDPE/sisal composites
at this temperature for 10 min, then rapidly cooled to 116 ◦ C
at 100 ◦ C/min and allowed to crystallize isothermally. Images The quantitative results of melting and crystallization behavior
were obtained using a Nikon digital camera connected to the as determined from DSC measurements are summarized in Table 3.
microscopy. The crystalline melting temperature of HDPE matrix in the compos-
ites was recorded lower compared to neat HDPE. The Tm values in
the composites decreased with increasing fibre content (Table 3).
2.8. Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy The occurrence of lower melting peak in the composites could
be attributed to the fact that strong nucleation on fibre surfaces
Infrared spectroscopic analysis of the ionomer-treated and shortened the time required for HDPE crystallization, therefore,
untreated sisal fibres was carried out using an FT-IR Thermo Nicolet limiting the isothermal thickening of HDPE crystals and decreasing
(NEXUS 870) spectrophotometer at 25 ◦ C. their melting temperature. For all examined samples, an increase
Fig. 1. Heat flow curves of (a) neat HDPE and (b) 80:20 HDPE/sisal composite during isothermal crystallization.
A. Choudhury / Materials Science and Engineering A 491 (2008) 492–500 495
Fig. 2. Plots of relative crystallinity (Xt ) versus time (t) at various Tc obtained for (a) neat HDPE, (b) 90:10 HDPE/sisal composites and (c) 80:20 HDPE/sisal composites.
of the melting temperature (Tm ) with increasing Tc was observed. nucleating effects of sisal fibres in the composites. Fig. 3 illustrates
The overall crystallization rate (1/t0.5 ) at higher Tc was found to the dependence of overall crystallization rate (Rc ), expressed as the
slow (Table 3), which might be caused the formation of thick reciprocal of crystallization half time (1/t0.5 ), on the crystallization
HDPE crystals having higher melting temperature. The percent temperature for all examined samples. The crystallization rate (Rc )
crystallinity of HDPE (%Xcr ) was significantly increased by fibre of composites was recorded higher compared to neat polymer at
reinforcement, indicating strong heterogeneous nucleating ability the same Tc , and it can be observed to increase with increasing fibre
of the sisal fibres. In addition, the nucleating effects of the fibre content (Fig. 3). One possible reason was that strong nucleation on
surfaces promoted the growth and formation of interfacial tran-
scrystalline layer when the composite sample was cooled from the
melt, as observed in the optical microscopy images [37,38].
The effect of sisal fibre reinforcement on the crystallization
behavior and thermodynamics of HDPE matrix was evaluated by
analyzing the isothermal crystallization kinetics of neat HDPE and
its composites in the temperature range of 116–124 ◦ C. Fig. 1 shows
the heat flow curves of 100% HDPE and 20% fibre filled HDPE/sisal
composite during isothermal crystallization at various Tc . It was
seen from Fig. 1 that at any crystallization temperature, the pri-
mary crystallization of HDPE matrix in the composites was almost
completed before the crystallization of neat HDPE had reached to
50–70% conversion. The fast crystallization conversion in the com-
posites could be attributed to the transcrystallization as a result of
nucleating effects of fibre surfaces. The short induction time and
high crystallization rate are supporting this hypothesis. The plots
of relative crystallinity (Xt ) as function of time t at various crystal-
lization temperatures (Tc = 116, 119, 121 and 124 ◦ C) are shown in
Fig. 2. From the comparison among the crystallization isotherms
at the same crystallization temperature it can be clearly pointed
out that the crystallization rate of HDPE matrix in the compos-
Fig. 3. Reciprocal of crystallization half time (t0.5 ) versus Tc for neat HDPE and
ites was faster than that of neat HDPE, indicating the occurrence of different HDPE/sisal composites.
496 A. Choudhury / Materials Science and Engineering A 491 (2008) 492–500
Fig. 4. Avrami plots of the (a) neat HDPE, (b) 90:10 HDPE/sisal composites and (c) 80:20 HDPE/sisal composites at various Tc .
fibre surfaces shortened the time required for HDPE crystallization. Avrami exponent in the composites was varied around 3.0 imply-
For all examined samples, the crystallization process was hindered ing a heterogeneous nucleation with three-dimensional growth of
with increasing Tc , as anticipated on the basis of the nucleation HDPE crystals. In contrast, the value of n was varied about 2.0 for the
theory [39]. neat HDPE indicating two-dimensional diffusion controlled crystal
growth. At any crystallization temperature, the crystallization rate
3.2. Isothermal crystallization kinetics constant of HDPE exhibited a significant increment as the fibre con-
tent increase (Table 3). The higher crystallization rate constant of
The crystallization kinetics of the neat polymer and its sisal fibre the composites could be ascribed to the nucleating effect of the
composites are analyzed by using the Avrami model [40]: fibres.
The crystallization rate constant Kn can be presented by Arrhe-
Xt = 1 − exp(−Kn t n ) (1) nius equation:
The linearisation of Eq. (1) leads to Eq. (2): 1/n
Kn = K0 exp (3)
ln[− ln(1 − Xt )] = n ln t + ln Kn (2)
where K0 , R and E are the pre-exponential factor, universal gas
where Kn and n are the crystallization rate constant and Avrami constant and activation energy, respectively. The value of activa-
exponent, respectively. The Avrami approach is the most applied tion energy for the crystallization process was calculated from the
tool to describe the phenomenology of the crystal growth. The slopes of the linear plots of (1/n) ln Kn versus 1/Tc . The values
Avrami exponent depends on growth geometry and nucleation of E of neat HDPE and composites are summarized in Table 3.
type of the crystals. According to Eq. (2), the values of Kn and n The activation energy of HDPE crystallization was found to be sig-
were obtained from the intercept and slope of the linear plots of nificantly enhanced by the addition of short sisal fibre to HDPE
ln[−ln(1 − Xt )] versus ln(t). Fig. 4 demonstrates the Avrami plots matrix. The crystallization activation energy is the sum of the
of the neat HDPE, (90:10) HDPE/sisal and (80:20) HDPE/sisal com- transport activation energy and the nucleation activation energy.
posites at various crystallization temperatures. For all examined As mentioned above, the nucleation effect of sisal fibres leads to
samples, the values of Avrami parameters (n and Kn ) in the tem- enhance the crystallization of HDPE in the composites. Hence, the
perature range 116–124 ◦ C are complied in Table 3. As observed in higher crystallization activation energy of the composite might be
Table 3 that n increased with increasing Tc , and it recorded slightly originated from their greater transport activation energy because
higher for the HDPE/sisal composites compared to neat HDPE. The the mobility of HDPE chain segments was strongly restricted
A. Choudhury / Materials Science and Engineering A 491 (2008) 492–500 497
Fig. 5. Polarized optical micrographs of the isothermally crystallized 80:20 HDPE/sisal composites (Tc = 116 ◦ C).
Table 4
Mechanical properties of HDPE/sisal composites at different fibre content
Tensile strength (MPa) Tensile modulus (MPa) Flexural strength (MPa) Flexural modulus (MPa) Impact strength (J/m)
Pure HDPE 26.0 ± 0.5 860 ± 0.3 37.0 ± 0.8 928 ± 0.3 37.0 ± 0.16
(95:5) HDPE/fibre 28.5 ± 1.9 952 ± 2.3 40.7 ± 1.5 1131 ± 2.7 20.3 ± 0.19
(90:10) HDPE/fibre 30.7 ± 1.8 1086 ± 3.7 43.2 ± 1.2 1194 ± 3.7 17.7 ± 0.24
(85:15) HDPE/fibre 32.0 ± 2.3 1107 ± 3.3 45.0 ± 1.9 1354 ± 2.9 15.2 ± 0.22
(80:20) HDPE/fibre 32.8 ± 2.8 1219 ± 3.4 46.7 ± 1.9 1468 ± 3.5 14.3 ± 0.26
by the fibres and consequently hindered the crystallization pro- culty in proper dispersion of short sisal fibres and random fibre
cess. alignment in the matrix. However, all the composites exhibited
improved mechanical properties compared to neat HDPE. When
3.3. Optical microscopy study the fibre content raised up to 20%, the tensile strength, tensile
modulus, flexural strength and flexural modulus of the HDPE/sisal
As observed in the polarized optical microscopic analysis, the composite increased about 27, 41, 26, and 58%, respectively. The
growth and morphology of the HDPE crystals were significantly strong interfacial adhesion between HDPE and ionomer-treated
influenced by the addition of sisal fibres. Fig. 5 shows the opti- fibres lead to improve the stress transfer from the matrix to the
cal photomicrographs of the isothermally crystallized (80:20) fibres, which caused better mechanical performance. At lower fibre
HDPE/sisal composites (Tc = 116 ◦ C). As shown in the photomi- content (<10%) the dispersion of fibres was very poor that resulted
crographs, the nucleation of HDPE spherulites as well as regular poor stress transfer, whereas a strong tendency of the fibre–fibre
transcrystalline growth occurred along the fibre–matrix interfaces. interaction at higher fibre content (>15%) significantly enhanced
However, the formation and growth of transcrystallinity in a com- the stress transfer. A hypothetical model of the interface between
posite depend upon the performances of fibre–matrix interfaces ionomer-treated sisal fibre and HDPE is shown in Scheme 1. The PE
[41]. As seen in Fig. 5, the crystalline morphology at the fibre–matrix chain of ionomer diffuses into the HDPE matrix through interchain
interface does not look like the morphology of the crystals in the entanglements. On the other hand, the acrylic groups of ionomer
bulk of the matrix. In this situation, the transcrystalline layer was molecules form ester bonds with the hydroxyl groups of the fibres.
grown isothermally at the fibre–matrix interface while the bulk FT-IR spectra of ionomer-treated and untreated sisal fibres are
of the matrix still remained in the molten form, thus the growth reported in Fig. 6. The spectra of ionomer-treated sisal fibres show
transcrystallinity was practically undisturbed. The thickness of the a significant absorption peak in the carbonyl region (1715 cm−1 ),
transcrystalline layer was roughly constant of about 30 m. The which is associated with the stretching vibration of methacrylic
fibre–matrix interface region was made of needle-like compact ester bond.
crystals propagated vertically on the surface of fibre. In earlier
investigations, the needle-like crystals have also been identified on
polyethylene with a certain molecular weight range under isother- 3.5. Modelling of mechanical property
mal conditions [42,43].
The elastic properties of the HDPE/sisal composites can be
3.4. Mechanical properties theoretically determined or derived by using a variety of microme-
chanical composite models. These models are derived based on
The properties of matrix and fibre are very important aspects the properties of the individual components of the composite and
in achieving good mechanical properties of the composites. The their arrangement [45]. Thus, a micromechanical model might
melt strength and processability are the most sensitive parame- be used to find the best combination of constituent materials to
ters to matrix polymer, whereas the modulus is dependent on fibre satisfy material design considerations. In this study, four differ-
properties [44]. The mechanical properties (tensile strength, tensile ent micromechanical composite models have been compared with
modulus, flexural strength, flexural modulus, and impact strength) experimental results in order to assess the influences of fibre dis-
of neat HDPE and its formulated sisal fibre composites are sum- persion on the Young’s modulus of HDPE/sisal composites. The
marized in Table 4. The composites have shown scattered response micromechanical models of the Young’s modulus for randomly dis-
to mechanical properties, as presented in Table 4, because of diffi- tributed short fibre-based polymer composites are as follows.
498 A. Choudhury / Materials Science and Engineering A 491 (2008) 492–500
Scheme 1. Hypothetical model of fibre modification with Surlyn ionomer and reaction with HDPE matrix.
3 5
εf εm
ulus of the composites:
εVR = [V ε + (1 − Vf )εm ] + (4) 3 1 + 2(l /d ) (1 − V )
8 f f 8 εf (1 − Vf ) + εm Vf 5 1 + 2T Vf
f f L f
εHT = + εm (6)
where εf and εm are the Young’s moduli of fibre and matrix, respec- 8 1 − L Vf 8 1 − T Vf
tively. Vf is the volume fraction of fibre in the composites, calculated
where lf and df are the average length and diameter of the fibres. In
using the following equation:
Eq. (6) the parameters L and T are given as:
Wf m
Vf = (5)
Wf f + (1 − Wf )f (εf /εm ) − 1
L = (7)
(εf /εm ) + 2(lf /df )
where Wf , f and m denote the weight fraction of fibres in the
composite, the density of fibre and the density of matrix, respec- (εf /εm ) − 1
tively. T = (8)
(εf /εm ) + 2
εMRM = V ε + (1 − Vf )εm (9)
5 f f
εCox = L εf Vf + (1 − Vf )εm (10)
Fig. 6. FT-IR spectra of ionomer-treated and untreated sisal fibres. 5
A. Choudhury / Materials Science and Engineering A 491 (2008) 492–500 499
Table 5
Experimental and predicted Young’s modulus for neat HDPE, sisal fibre and HDPE/sisal composites
Experimental Voigt–Reuss model Halpin–Tsai model Modified mixture law Cox model
4. Conclusions
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