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1. afer eats afraea EE) afrnrte afer (A) 9 (B) ACRE [2] Seicaa corcenfoe aa 2. Porter Facer array G) ger aenfer Ee) wreafers weaifar E) wifirers wafen BB) Sera carcenfz a 3. 1 OSs ame SRS faces oe tea ASTAAT FEU Fea WHF ACT G) Ferra Serr EE] weatecaa Serer E] armor osha B) Sercaa coreentbe aH Aarne fetid ogi Beran sc GE] wg, f&. corer El fe. ae. fear fem Poraicer DB) dicma cree ar 6. fast fasnfas aE cre Bea () syrcbet ©) ateoie Ee) Precene BD) dowa #82 aR 7. PSC ACH YOST NIH Pat AICS om, TTC (a) Saws effet etcetera LE) serene opera ] Perwiasrafetra fesie orata DB] Seca corcnfe aa 8. Precra sear Prominent arate are teret Free ICI G4] wer © efecattrenere wearers Ee) arafeaca sere DB] Bercaa corcenfee aH 9. aft eee Freres wierd Baers SreTteTT Fea, MS aN ae Bare Sea, Wes WI BA/IAIEAA Bee FCAT CHIN MACHA SATET ITA OAR? (] atte eifeetiror ©) Saaerercata Gl atten Be) Bacar corenfe aa 10. afar fa-Bomm wy Bera SeaCRA El recent B) oni Perna PDF WorldB) sora cree ar 11. FA SAGA, VOSA SOT SNA TAT AR ‘afeaer oIpateht TS AAS Sowa are EF] gore ce () afecattonere afitetes area LE) Sercaa corcenS aa 12. ref serra Wey BAS TGA Ter TA VT A oe E) sfeergr (2) cere Be] Secaa corcnfoe aH 13.8. 8, OA. sat eT @ sas ware aferat E) wore aa afeeat © aq stata afer Ee] Secaa carcenfeS aa 14. 488 altace over fracea Efile Rom Sis O) aver setoifae cera aT Be) are afsorercera 3CET LE SENT TT [2] Serra corcenfoS aa 15, TAS afeshrors PTE ATS AACR (Fl afta are HOTTA FIC (2) afea ace [2] Sercaa corcenfoe aa 16. Precra Berge Hear SA FA ICS Tea, Sell Ge] ait afters BE) Seca carafe a 17, FOACATSEM A I AAA aftr fextexeter EB] ferret [A] 438 [B] yee Be) Brice corcenfS aa 18. Reba cant eAterers AH ASS? A aremfse thar ©) sefireronrata & ceo) oor CG] compat hes, (2) Coca carreentb2 aH 19, faeeretayeres 21fra af face BSA BI GB faears cars orate (e) ara core FE (2) aretaet cece facet DB) Baca corfoe aa 20. Reoa comnts arnfertieacts ereire Beira ? & afrata Ee) atetafos wrefr () aemfe Le] Beicaa corcenfoe an 21, omer Prece ora Fra afe Cerne FAM GAT ER PRCA HATA Ee) Pretice ora Precra ice GAT eat E) Petre agente a1 [e] Prefire Ska were Fat [e] Beicaa coreatfoe aH 22. sae oe ane aferat Peer eR SiS 2 face fret EE] aretad Fret Banal[A] 4 [B] 751% EB) Soraa carcanfee ara 28. GA oer Ye eg erat afb rey eet G) Brevis oremPfor arr eae 23, ate Famers CAST [e] fracas fecat ares LG) rest secre Frrace ert ca at © wa waters aferrne thera Fra fice E rea Preece oa ne crag Pree GTR BP) Borsa corent2 aa cree TR TE RS STATA SOTA [2] Fret Precen Boifyfece onete ort AI ae 29, are Baw Balance Frere Fata TS wre at af OE aa Ba/alaice afrahSe saw aA 1B Boraa corn aa A afafefece weet aa ©) syr site free 24, HRCA G HRSA Gal FCM TA | [] tage Bale ant sca @ Giaera eee as tea Be) Baca carcnfoe aa BE) Gtacra cierm 4B tes [] Gtacra een bia aaa 30. cat caters frre Crear BB) Borcaa carcentbS aa B] aden Freidia sreratce eis ea 51 E) gee Reads ocpat seat areresice aor 25. arecs Frere wea ACS TC B) Ghacra sbatecera cy ATS Rot ios EE] Stace er caren HecAI aT Blow AA aaalarea view afte Ogs Rem Ciow, Ee] aver Frataia srerecta ofan ofa ror face aire DB] Beraa cHente aa [2] Seicaa corcenfoz aH 26. Pica corr afb fara Fare (IQ) ATA Fat ITS oa? 1B 2A 3A 4c S.A 6.0 TET 5 Of 7A B.C 9B 10.C 11A 12.C = 13.C | 14.4 15.C 16.C 17B 18.C ee x Soo 19.C | 20.4 21B 22.C 23.D 24.4 EES 25.A | 26.B 27A 28.A 29.0 30.B LB] Sera carnfoe aH 27 Fares arate Faercata Gr Preraret @ frecea rere FFT Read the passage given &) sores below and answer the questions EE] sores aa (Q. Nos. 31 to 35) that follow by selecting EE] waa the correct option. B) Seca coientbe aH SAGThe most important day I remember in all my life is the one on which my teacher, Anne Mansfield Sullivan, came to me. 1am filled with wonder when I consider the immeasurable contrasts between the two lives which it connects. It was the third of March, 1887, three months before I was seven years old. On the afternoon of that eventful day, | stood on the porch, dumb, expectant. I guessed vaguely from my mother’s signs and from the hurrying to and fro in the house that something unusual was about to happen. So I went to the door and waited on the steps. I did not know what the future held of marvel or surprise for me. Anger and bitterness had preyed upon me continually for weeks and a deep languor had succeeded this passionate struggle. Have you ever been at sea in a dense fog, when it seemed as if a tangible white darkness shut you in? The great ship, tense and anxious, would grope her way toward the shore with plumeand sounding-line. And you woitld wait with beating heart for something to happen. | was like that ship beforemy education began, only | was'without compass or sounding-line; and had no way of knowing how near the harbour was. “Light! Give me light!” was the wordless cry of my soul, and the light of love shone on me in that very hour. I felt approaching footsteps, | stretched out my hand as I supposed to my mother. Someone took it, and I was caught up and held close in the arms of her who had come to reveal all things to me, and, more than all things else, to love me. 31. On March 3, 1887, the speaker @ heard that somebody would visit her home that day [] guessed that some unusual thing would happen that day was told that her teacher would come to meet her ©] could speak for the first time in her life 32. She was groping in darkness because she was & uncertain E) ignorant veryanxious ©) blina 33. The speaker compares herself fl toalight LB) toa compass [] toaship [2] None of the above 34. The passage is a part of |] an adventure story ©) anovel afiction [] an autobiography 35. ‘Tangible’ means @ wonderful thing [] clear things [2] weakness of spirit BJ clear and definite Directions : (Q. Nos. 36 to 40) Fill in the blanks taking the appropriate alternatives from the given options in each of the following36. Take this medicine and you will get rid_ the bad cold. © from E] of over B) at 37. Exercise is beneficial __ health. @ for E) in [2] towards 38. The fear that AIDS has broken ___in India is, not unfounded, off EJ up about B] out 39. The synonym of ‘exorbitant’ is @ ridiculous E] odd strange [2] excessive 40. The antonym of ‘magnanimous’ is El selfish E] naive generous ©) insignificant Read the poem given below and answer the questions(Q. Nos. 41 to 45) that follow by selecting the correct option. Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky, The flying cloud, the frosty light: The year is dying in the night; Ring out, wild bells, and let him die. Ring out the old, ring in the new, Ring, happy bells, across the snow : ‘The year is going, let him go; Ring out the false, ring in the true. Ring out the grief that saps the mind, For those that here we see no more; Ring out the feud of rich and poor, Ring in redress to all mankind. 41. The poet is | optimistic E) pessimistic [e] ironical in his attitude EJ None of the above 42. “Lethim die"—here ‘him’ refers to © man EJ the cloud El the sky Le) the year 43. The poet wants to___ the conflict between the rich and the poor. @ increase [2] decrease continue B] None of the above 44, The poet wishes the bell to ring © loudly E] after repeated intervals softly EP) noiselessly 45. ‘Redress’ means sadden E] increase [2] succeed [] to correct something that is unfair or wrong(Q. Nos. 46 to 50) Fill in the blanks taking the appropriate alternatives from the given options in each of the following : 51. The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 stipulates that learning should be__. 46. The effects of cigarette smoking___ been Gl restricted to co-scholastic subjects proven to be extremely harmful. E] carefully monitored by frequent testing is through activities in a childfriendly manner EF are [] supported by extra coaching EB have 52. Group project helps in developing__. &] competition 47. Sourav, along with twenty friends, [5] good memory planning a party. [) ahigh level of ambition to achieve @ are ©] collaboration, critical thinking and problem [] have solving is B has 53. The best way to sensitize young learners to rhythm and intonation is__. 48. Sourav sent a letter to his university after he __his scholarship. receives E] was received had received [2] were received 49. A poem can be best taughtby =. E] making the students recite it E] oral language drill [2] recitation and then explanation El group discussion 50. At the initial stage, FCA focuses on__. ©) listening E] speaking writing E] listening and speaking (Q. Nos. 51 to 54) Fill in the blanks taking the appropriate alternatives from the given options in each of the following : [4] by reading out poems in different meters and explaining them [©] by making the learners listen to nursery rhymes and recite them effectively by making the learners copy out simple poems in neat handwriting [] by explaining the rules of phonetics in simple words 54. ‘Phonetics’ is basically associated with [] sounds 2) grammar rhythm ] vocabulary Finds Errors 35. Girls usually / are taking / more time / for ings. girls usually ) are taking [J more time [>] for dressings56.1 / am going / to theatre / now. i E) am going 47. Would you___my dog for me this weekend? look ©) look after look up ©] Look upon (Q. Nos. 58 and 59) Complete the following sentences by adding a tag question with the correct form of verb and the subject pronoun 58. You and I talked with the professor yesterday, Fl did we? E] aren’t we? didn't we? [2] haven't we? 59. She's been studying English for two years, is she? © has she? hasn't she? E) haven'tshe? 60. The meeting ended in fiasco. Here ‘in fiasco’ means in successful way E] in confusion in complete failure [2] in acrimonious debate 31LC | 32.D 33.C 34.D 35.D 36.B 37.0 [38D [39D |40A 4A 42D 43.B | 44.4 45.D 46.D 47.0 48.C 49.C |50.D SLC 52.D 53.B 54.4 55B [56c |57B |58C |59C | 60C Prafeitrs omrieleg SIC Fea 1 61 AR CF 66 AR SCAT BEA FAVS BA PAPA SUlSe er RATT few; Gia aa, Sifts Beat, DHA AB Slee, RTA CT ITB LorATIEN G7; BETTE COI TST OAT HI; er aA ah 61, 08 es aahw “aba af Fac FACT waite Bats ea a +e BP] af + a 62.8 Bel Figte’ “iba Farttts ae ea G] cures ©] erates Fea B) ffoe ae 63.08 wel ‘RRR oT eT EY fetes a7 &] aaa am feat om f NGIB) facetaet 17 64, oR Bet TAGE’ a wT G] =e er Sarat BE] wean oars Great wg aT Garza 2) stern sarc Sater 65. 08 weet “fare” miG eT © fererera Barat Ee) facetae oiera SaTeaet (e) ware orera Sareat B) faery sora Sater 66. ece Beer free mI cre =A CTA STE? @ were &) aioe (e) sacterae E] waar sae Ib aS ertelra aise Seals frog aca 67 AR CATH 90 AR Aiea Ged FACS AAI 67. RATA STB HES A B) sow fone E] x90 Rroicn abe frie BE] svaa Roem 68. Sarma Frees fear & fe fem Ee] ef ear afe faetslene baraeT 2) = onfewnrr 69. eigmtt onda sem Soaps ArT ST 70. wea ot mits aaeriba ATT RT @) fear E] ‘ore [e] “rarer @] scerr 71. el @ got sraatytba APPT VAT @ star (2) facorsaeret =H, Cl gymaert ater BB) ashacre abt 72. Faceraana aioe srayaele eT “tern BE) Scag “aor Pe] we 73. Taw AST Sal HATS Ek) aeretcarcaratre rey ©) oraftreari 9 Cra apfeprstaere are ] afewgurs sey 2) Sear-ooras ay 74, TAQTAY Sreaiba ORE VA GB) eamag afar &) yeaa a el ager oF 2) siferr ara 75, POPTCAA THM FARO BE AZ, wi or ef ctor at IR FO” i Banalade afta after eer @ acer we BE) weracare abt (2) set ara [2] serra SAT 76. RCA TTA AAAS ATT SOTA SARA moma Taal Fe Oh & ‘craatmaa ary-4 BE) empast aibce (¢) Sarr orca B) serrate 77. Hecay eaysaba awh AAA Ee] acereare we B) sft ara (2) sites are ) athe ore 78. APA AGIA ASG Set G) ea ar (2) fae’ ‘af ater” B] ‘ate eerie’ 79. aoharr sibatba aoe ee B fecorzenet ar © wae diga 2) acer aaa re 2) waateate oe 80. FETA SITET CAC afow TATA Bornrit et 83. “fargo eg Tam BB fox sens, onde wr SraeR ATA Ode ra a1” ae nite apfirer ere saree 31g (2) rear Drea [e] qare ware ©) edgar 3 84, “SOS AGT AY AES IBS CHA BYTA ? Hae A AR CHIBCHA WAT BIT ABTA?” age af sare of Gare wh rtaa (ammo E] ‘comrr after (el sare diay efor BD) carey after 85, ‘aribeat Fes errataet’ aicge ah ReT RTT B athena dea GB) saatere sa (o] aga are Be) afganst rat 86. aPPifatefon er Ta TAR apr Srterera Banal[E) ‘aaa Serer 2] erat Serer B)
I [e] 2002 cr ©) 2006 acer 119. Prats comnts areecaa sit Cee S- ‘abratrs bar a 2 GB] aizcarcer oe B] aaa oe [e] arerera bar (2) rrarT oer SAG120. sreeg free cerniba Waiy re ? © stereniPenta B) fica ems STGP 2) aronferata =» 91D 1920 193C |94A |95A | 96D 97.C |98C [99A [100A |101.C | 102.D 103.8 [104.C (105. [106A |107.A | 108.B 109A [110.C [1118 [112C [113 [1148 15D [116B [1178 [118A | 119°" | 120. 121. eR ae 7 wT STE sae fires 500 fF Tae CofA Faw Aire UT FEA ereTR 6 BT Sta 7 fara re ea aca wea fo wwelA AaTet CofA Saw MACTA? @ sot E) 750 [=] 900 Be] 450 fF 122, 136 @ 187 CHa PG 17, AOA APTS FS? &) 1496 fe) 2111 811 BE] 1096 123, 1.50 BIT @ 3.50 BIR AYA FS? B73 BE) 1:3 3:7 E] 4:7 124, aS 8% VA OH 1,200 Brel 3 ea 6 TCT are? SAAT ACT ODI UR Ey & 411 bret E] 363 brat 350 Bret B] 336 bret 125. a? — 4ab + 4b? — 4-c8 Afb ais evra feat Oren Sarr aA AB eee — (a-2ab+2) (a-2b-2) © (a-b) (a+b) (a-2b) (2b-a) DB) (a-2b) (b-2a") 126. aR 5% Ba AAT ALM 15, 000514 3 Tea WA Fs? GB 2,000 bre, E] 2,311 Bt [2] 2,250 bret (5), 1,190 Bret 127.221 ¢ 340 acma AAS 4420, ACA Ae FE? i G18 22 Bl ai 128. aes 5% Bet ACH 2,000 Bisis 2 Aeraa FR FS 2 1) 150 bret E] 200 brat [2] 400 brat EB] 600 brat 129, for 4a X, YG Z AMET 15,000 Brat, 10,000 ‘Brat ¢ 25,000 brat sees fea até TAT SHST TACAA CCR At 40,000 BST SATA BI Y we Bret few Ba? &) 8,000 bret E] 9,000 bret Mat7,000 Bret E] 4,000 Bret 130, asf “eas TAM TAA 2,50,000, at SHIRT eS FEA 12% Rea ACY Wes 2A MAC THAT FS AA? ©) 3,13,600 w= E] 2,12,400 oy [2] 3,43,600 er PB) 3,23,122 aa 131. PS FVCA 10% Va ACH CFIC APTA S SIF CATH AS ALAS SAS 10:3 Bea? Bawa 3a sae ©) 2haea 132, ae Farsrercara 40 GR RICE FLT 16 BA CRT MME! TFA POS Ble Mt SAE? Bl 60% E] 50% 65% Be] 49% 133. tH GH ATA BAT tx + 2y=5 @ (te1)x + Sy=2 ANeeae Biba CHCA ARIAT ABTS ATCA A? 3 Be] v2 f] -1 a! 134. Altos Carafe Hf aR? Bet 2 BI 163-5 25%= > 11 B) 12555 135. A,B, C Gaib 60,000 Brat fre afb aperrt e=e ‘PAT OF TS AA A 500 BIA, B 1,000 Brat 6 C 1,500 Braet arose C7 Ba TA ww fe? El 28,000 brat E] 18,000 Bret 20,000 Bret ©] 19,000 Bret 136. Gab SSIS CHEE MafiTss 1 wrfraS te BACs TS 4.5% AeeS CHER TST a @ 45% ag El4s% at Cl 0% ect EB) 6% ae 137.4% SUS TREA UPTS FAM @ HS OCA TOT URS FAT AIPA @ CRT ES? & 108, 1067 G] 118, 1888 120, 1211 [] 108, 1867 138, AOR FAS 12 faTA 6 fT GT ra FATS mre | Fete 36 freer ae fae eR Dra SACS AACA? @ 19 fear E) 17 fear 18 feat BP) 21 feat 139, TES 5% Bia AEH 5,000 Brera 3 Tara AHS ‘aii 4% Ba Aer 10,000 Bieta 2 seca 3H At wale ee? 1,550 Bret ©] 1,900 Bret Mat1,695 Bret E) 1,370 Bret 140, 85H 60 Fecenfaiora cacet sife*tet 100 fatora aE eat Ga wa sect fears Ae FE CTTE om Ba &3 ls Ble 141. ca atiera orcad aftr 48 Fibis © wis at ares orcas “ftir 20 Fo PoE aT afars cara CHEERT 68 sem IE CRT CRT URC FT ROT ST afer ew AGIA? 72 El 38 56 Bl 52 142.48 fata 1,250 Brat @ B 10 fares 1,400 Bre OR Seas | WIA TN LATS FO? @ 11:19 E] 111:91 125: 112 B) 3:11 143.9 Ga TAS ae BIS 10 frre BAS Ate 30 GA aire srl Sw fir saw “ACA? @ 3 faa Ee) 4 fara [2] 6 fara BE) 2 faa 144.716 ata ogee 5:7 afm aah 40 faces wea Gea a ee? El 63 feat [2] 56 fen Saas (2) 91 fear B) 42 fear 145. Gera aifecat wR 25 fection ce GA 600 Fecenfibra Bae FATw FS AA CHCA? E) 22 wr ) 21 8 [e] 28 wt BP) 24-861 146, “fines opts SI @ aes EF) aerate (] efter PB] gotta cotentes aa 147. Fea I Eh owas Pratt sania afer EF) crea fre-erioon aft 7 frais sane 3 ereriecrs afoar BD) aetra cornea aH 148, soba corm Fra gas Brea afte Precis orca ates Bren? ©) afetiéa mene areas EE] avfotrea were Seat Ee] YfP-nfe Fea Hens Bisat DB] adacuey FaTe Borsa 149. fof caPicra meIeT Tas BaEtatar Ices HAT IAS ACA HAT BUSS lA Alcoa orate fbe ATIC re FCA? (aioe fof EE] factrarer feet Gl erie Sra B) afeeraaere Freer SAG150. ae “fete Frees Aeoa ce Sate eT eal Blow acer STAT HEA SCA? eter faiireavts E] Ferrer ya tat waRiatora Nees here cary Bats SAT B) fren aeeaiors creer Google =» inoraapoA 121.B 122.A | 123.C 124.D | 125.A | 126.C “coogi often 127.A 128.B | 129A | 130A | 131.B | 132A até (Gem Tama TSaee TYRE] UGS Gace] ONty Sry OA CAT 133.D 134.B | 135.C 136.B 137.A | 138.C aq PDF 139.A | 140.D [141d |142C [143A | 144B 145.D [146A [147C |i4ac |149.C | 150D “DHS dH, fete Acad aera, SITS OCPAM ABs ase visas ifort afeiis farcen cts OTC STATHNAD Foleo eq www.swap n
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Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (235)
The Woman in Cabin 10
From Everand
The Woman in Cabin 10
Ruth Ware
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (2587)
A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
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A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
Dave Eggers
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (232)
Fear: Trump in the White House
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Fear: Trump in the White House
Bob Woodward
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (805)
Wolf Hall: A Novel
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Wolf Hall: A Novel
Hilary Mantel
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (4042)
On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
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On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
Naomi Klein
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (75)
Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
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Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
Jay Sekulow
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (139)
John Adams
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John Adams
David McCullough
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (2410)
Manhattan Beach: A Novel
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Manhattan Beach: A Novel
Jennifer Egan
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (883)
The Constant Gardener: A Novel
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The Constant Gardener: A Novel
John le Carré
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (108)
The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
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The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
George Packer
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (45)
The Light Between Oceans: A Novel
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The Light Between Oceans: A Novel
M.L. Stedman
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (789)
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SA II Class VI English
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SA II Class VI English
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Subject Verb Agreement
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Public Service Commission, West Bengal: Advertisement No. 22 / 2018
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Public Service Commission, West Bengal: Advertisement No. 22 / 2018
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Documents Required For Counselling
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Documents Required For Counselling
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Phase-II Venue: District Institute of Education and Training (DIET Jhargram) (Raj Colony Road, PO+PS-Jhargram, PIN-721507)
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Phase-II Venue: District Institute of Education and Training (DIET Jhargram) (Raj Colony Road, PO+PS-Jhargram, PIN-721507)
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Venue: District Institute of Education and Training (DIET Purba Medinipur) Main Campus
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Venue: District Institute of Education and Training (DIET Purba Medinipur) Main Campus
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Seat Matrix JENPAS (UG) - 2020
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Western Philosophy MCQS
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Little Women
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Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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