Question Paper Code:: (10×2 20 Marks)

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*X86965* Reg. No.

Question Paper Code : X86965

M.E./M.Tech. Degree Examinations, April/May 2021
Second Semester
VLSI Design and Embedded Systems
VL5291 – VLSI Signal Processing
(Common to M.E. Digital Signal Processing/M.E. VLSI Design)
(Regulations 2017)

Time : Three Hours Maximum : 100 Marks

Answer All questions

Part – A (10×2=20 Marks)

1. Distinguish between DFG and DG.

2. Define longest path matrix algorithm.

3. What is usage of retiming in CMOS circuits ?

4. Where we can use rank order filter ?

5. What is the advantage of modified cook Toom algorithm over a cook Toom
algorithm ?

6. Why we need to combine pipelining and parallel processing in IIIR filter

design ?

7. Draw the bit level Dependence Graph (DG) 4×4 bit carry ripple array

8. List any four applications of distributed arithmetic.

9. What is numerical strength reduction ?

10. Define clock skew.

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PART – B (5×13=65 Marks)

11. a) i) Draw the block diagram description of the computation y(n) = ay(n-1) + x(n).
Analyze and represent the same computation in both conventional
and synchronous data flow graph (DFG). (7)
ii) Determine and analyze loop bound and iteration bound shown in Figure. (6)

b) i) Draw and analyze data broadcast structure and fine grain pipeline of the
FIR filter. (7)
ii) Summarize in detail about pipelining and parallel processing for low
applications. (6)

12. a) i) Illustrate with example and explain detail about an algorithm of

unfolding. (8)
ii) List the properties of unfolding. (5)
b) i) Illustrate with example and explain in detail about odd even merge sort
algorithm. (7)
ii) Design an analyze the rank order filter architecture with substructure
sharing when W=5 and L=2. (6)
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13. a) Construct a 2×2 convolution algorithm using cook Toom algorithm with
β=0, β=–1 and β=1. (13)
b) Consider the following first order IIR filter transfer function and derive the
filter structure with 4 level pipelining and 3 level block processing (M=4 and
L=3). H (z ) = . (13)
1 − az −1

14. a) Explain in detail about design Iyon’s bit serial multiplier using horner’s rule
with neat sketches. (13)
b) Obtain the CSD number for the following the 2’s complement number
i) 0.00010110
ii) 1.11111111. (13)

15. a) Explain detail about the subexpression elimination and multiple constant
multiplication with neat sketches. (13)
b) Discuss in detail about wave pipelining and bundled data versus dualrail
protocol. (13)

PART – C (1×15=15 Marks)

16. a) Design and analyze the clock skew in edge triggered single phase and two
phase clocking. (15)
b) Examine and describe in detail about real time applications of different DSP
algorithms. (15)


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