Pathophysiology, Clinical Manifestations, Physical Signs and Diagnostic Features of Breast Diseases
Pathophysiology, Clinical Manifestations, Physical Signs and Diagnostic Features of Breast Diseases
Pathophysiology, Clinical Manifestations, Physical Signs and Diagnostic Features of Breast Diseases
¾ The age of menarche, menstruel irregularities
and the age at menapouse should be sought.
¾ In younger women the history of pregnancy and
location should be recorded. A drug history
should pay particular attention to HRT or the use
of hormones for contraception. The family
history should be directed to cancer of the breast
in primary relatives (mother,sisters,and
Risk Factors for Breast Cancer
¾ Gender is an important risk factor. Males at risk
for breast cancer although the incidence in
males is less than %1 of the incidence in the
¾ A history of mammary cancer in one breast
increases the likelihood of a second primary
cancer in the contralateral breast. In the relative
risk (ratio of observed cases over expected
cases) ranges between three and four. The
magnitude of relative risk depends on age at
diagnosis of the first primary cancer
¾ The relationship of family history and the risk of
breast cancer. 1)there is a twofold to threefold
excess risk of the disease in first degree
relatives (mothers, sisters, and daughters) of
patients with breast cancer. 2) risk decreases
quickly in women with distant relatives who are
affected with breast cancer (cousines, aunts,
grandmothers) and 3) the risk is much higher if
affected first degree relatives had
premenopausal onset or bilateral breast cancer.
¾ The relative risk of cancer in women with
atypical hyperplasia was 4.4 times the risk
of development of breast cancer in control
population of women. The coexistence of
a positive family history with atypia on
biopsy increased the risk to nearly nine
times the general population. The average
risk ratio for 5 years of HRT is 1.35 and
risk increases by about %2 to %3 with
each year of use.
Physical Examination
¾ Edema of the skin, frequently
accompanied by erythema, produces a
clinical sign known as peau d’aronge
¾ The second clinical feature of carcinoma
that directly involves the nipple was
described by Sir James Paget in 1874 and
named Paget’s disease.
Fine-Needle Aspiration
¾ Its main utility is the differentiation of solid
from cystic masses.
¾ Carcinoma will not be missed if surgical
biopsy is done when 1)needle aspiration
produces no cyst fluid and a solid mass is
diagnosed 2)the cyst fluid produced is
thick and blood tinged. 3)fluid is produced
but the mass fails to resolve completely.
¾ The goal of radiographic imaging is to detect
small abnormalities in the breast which are not
palpable by physical examination .
Diagnostic Mammography
¾ The mammographic features of malignancy can
be broadly divided into density abnormalities
(including masses, asymmetries and
architectural distortions) and microcalcifications.
Nonpalpable Mammographic Abnormalities
¾ Mammographic abnormalities that cannot be
detected by physical examination are classified
in the broad categories. 1)lesions consisting of
microcalcifications only 2)density lesions
(masses, architectural distortions, and
asymmetries) and 3)those with both
calcifications and density abnormalities.
Screening Mammography
¾ At present screening mammography should be
offered to women older than 50 years and be
done either annually or at least biannually. For
women in their 40s recommendations for
standard practice are harder to make. Younger
women with a significant family history,
histologic risk factors or a history of prior breast
cancer should be offered routine screening.
¾ References
z Iglehart JD, Kaelin CM Disease of the Breast.
Sabiston Textbook of Surgery Ed. Townsend CM WB
Saunders Company Pennsylvania 2001, 555-601.
z Bland KI, Copeland EM Breast. Principles of Surgery
Ed. Schwartz JI McGraw Hill 1994, 531-593.
z Onat D Meme anatomisi ve fizyolojisi. Temel Cerrahi
Ed. Sayek İ Güneş Kitabevi Ankara 1991, 493-530.