Instrukciya F5-A E H Ver.4.4 (En)

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Mat.No. Rev.
00F5AEA-K440 1A
Table of contents

Page 1.1 - 2 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H © KEB, 2008-02

Table of contents

1. Introduction Table of contents 1

2. Summary Features, operating conditions and intended use of the KEB COMBIVERT.

3. Hardware Description of the control

The basic operation of the KEB COMBIVERT like password input, para-
4. Operation meter and set selection.

Selection of Operating
5. Operating modes of the KEB COMBIVERT

Gives support with regard to the initial start-up and shows possibilities
6. Initial Start-up and techniques for the optimization of the drive.

To make the programming easier all inverter functions and the parame-
7. Functions ters belonging to it are comprised in this chapter.

Avoidance of errors, evaluation of error messages and elimination of the

8. Error Assistance causes.

9. Project Design Serves as support for the drive design

10. Networks Integration of KEB COMBIVERT in existing networks

A list of all parameters classified according to parameter groups. The pa-

11. Parameter Overview rameter description includes addresses, value ranges and
​​ reference to the

12. Annex Index

© KEB, 2008-02 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 1.1 - 3

Table of contents

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Table of contents

1. Table of Contents................................................................................... 1.1- 5

2. Summary.................................................................................................2.1 - 3 1
2.1 Product description....................................................................................... 2.1 - 3
2.1.1 Features of KEB COMBIVERT........................................................................ 2.1 - 3
2.1.2 Function principle............................................................................................. 2.1 - 3
2.1.3 Application as directed..................................................................................... 2.1 - 4
2.1.4 Type code........................................................................................................ 2.1 - 5
3. Hardware..................................................................................................3.1-3
3.1 Control circuit F5-A, -E, -H.............................................................................3.1-3
3.1.1 Terminal strip X2A.............................................................................................3.1-3
3.1.2 Connection of the control..................................................................................3.1-4
3.1.3 Digital inputs.....................................................................................................3.1-4
3.1.4 Analog inputs....................................................................................................3.1-5
3.1.5 Aux-function (An.30).........................................................................................3.1-6
3.1.6 Voltage input / external power supply...............................................................3.1-6
3.2 Control circuit A-servo...................................................................................3.1-6
3.2.1 Terminal strip X2A.............................................................................................3.1-6
3.2.2 Connection of the control terminal block...........................................................3.1-7
4. Operation.................................................................................................4.1 - 3
4.1 Fundamentals................................................................................................. 4.1 - 3
4.1.1 Parameters, parameter groups, parameter sets.............................................. 4.1 - 3
4.1.2 Selection of a parameter.................................................................................. 4.1 - 4
4.1.3 Adjustment of parameter value........................................................................ 4.1 - 4
4.1.4 ENTER-Parameter........................................................................................... 4.1 - 5
4.1.5 Non-programmable parameters....................................................................... 4.1 - 5
4.1.6 Resetting of error messages............................................................................ 4.1 - 5
4.1.7 Resetting of peak values.................................................................................. 4.1 - 5
4.1.8 Acknowledgement of status signals................................................................. 4.1 - 5
4.2 Password structure....................................................................................... 4.2 - 3
4.2.1 Password levels............................................................................................... 4.2 - 3
4.2.2 Passwords....................................................................................................... 4.2 - 4
4.2.3 Changing of password level............................................................................. 4.2 - 5
5. Selection of Operating Mode.................................................................5.1 - 3
6. Start-up....................................................................................................6.1 - 3
6.1 Preparatory measures................................................................................... 6.1 - 3
6.1.1 After unpacking the goods............................................................................... 6.1 - 3
6.1.2 Installation and connection.............................................................................. 6.1 - 3
6.1.3 Checklist prior to start-up................................................................................. 6.1 - 4
6.2 Initial start-up................................................................................................. 6.2 - 3
6.2.1 Start-up of an asynchronous motor.................................................................. 6.2 - 3 - v/f characteristic operation.................................................................................. 6.2 - 4

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Table of contents Vector controlled operation with encoder feedback without motor model............. 6.2 - 6 Vector controlled operation with encoder feedback with motor model.................. 6.2 - 8 Start-up F5H-M (ASCL/ vector-controlled without encoder feedback with motor
model)................................................................................................................. 6.2 - 11
6.2.2 Start-up of a synchronous motor.................................................................... 6.2 - 15 Start-up F5A-S.................................................................................................... 6.2 - 16 Start-up F5E-S (SCL).......................................................................................... 6.2 - 18

7. Functions................................................................................................7.1 - 3
7.1 Operating and appliance data....................................................................... 7.1 - 3
7.1.1 Overview of the ru-Parameters........................................................................ 7.1 - 3
7.1.2 Overview of the In-Parameters........................................................................ 7.1 - 4
7.1.3 Overview of the Sy-Parameters....................................................................... 7.1 - 4
7.1.4 Explanation to parameter description.............................................................. 7.1 - 5
7.1.5 Description of the ru-Parameters..................................................................... 7.1 - 5
7.1.6 Description of the In-Parameters................................................................... 7.1 - 16
7.1.7 Description of the SY (System) - Parameters................................................ 7.1 - 20
7.2 Analog in- and outputs.................................................................................. 7.2 - 3
7.2.1 Brief description analog inputs......................................................................... 7.2 - 3
7.2.2 Interface selection ........................................................................................... 7.2 - 4 AN1 / AN2 (An.00, An.10)...................................................................................... 7.2 - 4 AN3 (An.20)........................................................................................................... 7.2 - 5
7.2.3 Noise filter (An.01, An.11, An.21)..................................................................... 7.2 - 5
7.2.4 Save mode (An.02, An.12, An.22).................................................................... 7.2 - 5 Input selection (An.03, An.13, An.23).................................................................... 7.2 - 6
7.2.5 Zero clamp (An.04, An.14, An.24).................................................................... 7.2 - 7
7.2.6 Amplifier of the input characteristic (An.05...07, An.15...17, An.25...27).......... 7.2 - 8
7.2.7 Lower- and upper limit (An.08, An.09, An.18, An.19, An.28, An.29)............... 7.2 - 10
7.2.8 Selection REFinput / AUX function (An.30).................................................... 7.2 - 10
7.2.9 Brief description analog outputs..................................................................... 7.2 - 11
7.2.10 Output signals ............................................................................................... 7.2 - 12
7.2.11 Analog Output / Display (ru.33...34 / ru.35...36)............................................ 7.2 - 13
7.2.12 ANOUT 1 / -2 / -3 / -4 / function (An.31 / An.36 / An.41, An.47)..................... 7.2 - 14
7.2.13 Amplifier of the output characteristic (An.33...35  / An.38...40 / An.43...45 /
An.49...51)..................................................................................................... 7.2 - 15
7.2.14 ANOUT 1...4 Digital setting (An.32 / 37 / 42 / 48).......................................... 7.2 - 16
7.3 Digital in- and outputs................................................................................. 7.3 - 19
7.3.1 Summary description digital inputs................................................................ 7.3 - 19
7.3.2 Input signals PNP / NPN selection (di.00)..................................................... 7.3 - 20
7.3.3 Setting of digital inputs by software (di.01, di.02).......................................... 7.3 - 20
7.3.4 Input terminal state (ru.21), internal input state (ru.22).................................. 7.3 - 21
7.3.5 Digital noise filter (di.03), fast digital noise filter (di.23).................................. 7.3 - 22
7.3.6 Inversion of Inputs (di.04).............................................................................. 7.3 - 22
7.3.7 Delay activation / deactivation digital inputs.................................................. 7.3 - 22
7.3.8 Input trigger (di.05)......................................................................................... 7.3 - 23
7.3.9 Strobe-dependent Inputs (di.06, di.07, di.08)................................................. 7.3 - 24
7.3.10 Reset / input selection (di.09) and reset / input slope selction (di.10)............ 7.3 - 25

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Table of contents

7.3.11 Assignment of the inputs................................................................................ 7.3 - 26

7.3.12 Software-ST and locking of the control release............................................. 7.3 - 29
7.3.13 Deactivation of the digital control release...................................................... 7.3 - 30 1
7.3.14 Short description - digital outputs .................................................................. 7.3 - 31
7.3.15 Output signals / hardware.............................................................................. 7.3 - 32
7.3.16 Output filter (do.43, do.44)............................................................................. 7.3 - 32
7.3.17 Switching Conditions ( 7.3 - 33
7.3.18 Inverting of switching conditions for flags 0...7 ( 7.3 - 38
7.3.19 Selection of switching conditions for flags 0...7 ( 7.3 - 39
7.3.20 AND/OR connections of the switching conditions (do.24) ............................ 7.3 - 39
7.3.21 Inverting of flags ( 7.3 - 40
7.3.22 Selection of flags ( 7.3 - 40
7.3.23 AND connection for outputs (do.41)............................................................... 7.3 - 40
7.3.24 Output terminal state (ru.25) and digital output state (ru.80)......................... 7.3 - 41
7.3.25 Hardware output allocation (do.51)................................................................ 7.3 - 42
7.3.26 Programming example................................................................................... 7.3 - 42
7.4 Setpoint-, rotation- and ramp setting........................................................... 7.4 - 3
7.4.1 Summary description....................................................................................... 7.4 - 3
7.4.2 Reference source oP.00................................................................................... 7.4 - 4
7.4.3 Rotation source oP.01...................................................................................... 7.4 - 7
7.4.4 Acceleration of speed reversal....................................................................... 7.4 - 10
7.4.5 Step values (oP.18...23)................................................................................. 7.4 - 11
7.4.6 Setpoint limits................................................................................................. 7.4 - 13
7.4.7 Setpoint calculation........................................................................................ 7.4 - 15
7.4.8 Ramp generator............................................................................................. 7.4 - 16 Acc dec mode...................................................................................................... 7.4 - 16 Ramp with constant ascent................................................................................ 7.4 - 17 Ramp with constant time..................................................................................... 7.4 - 20 Ogive run............................................................................................................. 7.4 - 21 Time factor acceleration/deceleration (oP.62)..................................................... 7.4 - 22

7.5 Motor data and controller adjustment of the asynchronous motor.......... 7.5 - 3
7.5.1 Open loop operation (V/f characteristic).......................................................... 7.5 - 4 Rated frequency (uF.00), boost (uF.01) and delta boost (uF.04 / uF.05)............... 7.5 - 4 Maximal voltage mode (uF.10).............................................................................. 7.5 - 4 Additional rated point (uF.02 / uF.03)..................................................................... 7.5 - 5 Voltage stabilisation (uF.09).................................................................................. 7.5 - 5 Switching frequency (uF.11).................................................................................. 7.5 - 7 Energy saving function (uF.06...08)....................................................................... 7.5 - 7 SMM (sensorless motor management)................................................................. 7.5 - 7
7.5.2 Speed-controlled operation............................................................................ 7.5 - 11 Initial settings....................................................................................................... 7.5 - 11 Vector controlled operation without motor model................................................ 7.5 - 14 Vector controlled operation with motor model (with encoder feedback).............. 7.5 - 15 Vector control without speed feedback (ASCL)................................................... 7.5 - 27 Special function: Rotor adaption......................................................................... 7.5 - 32
7.5.3 Block diagram................................................................................................ 7.5 - 34
7.6 Adjustments of the synchronous motor...................................................... 7.6 - 3
7.6.1 Initial settings................................................................................................... 7.6 - 3

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Table of contents Motor name plate.................................................................................................. 7.6 - 3 Controller configuration......................................................................................... 7.6 - 4 Actual value source............................................................................................... 7.6 - 4 Motor adaption...................................................................................................... 7.6 - 5 IPM motors (reluctance torque)............................................................................. 7.6 - 6 Controller structure................................................................................................ 7.6 - 8 Absolute position (encoder 1)................................................................................ 7.6 - 8 Speed measurement............................................................................................. 7.6 - 9
7.6.3 Speed-controlled operation without encoder feedback (SCL)......................... 7.6 - 9 General.................................................................................................................. 7.6 - 9 Initial settings for sensorless operation................................................................. 7.6 - 9 Identification of the motor data............................................................................ 7.6 - 10 Standstill and starting phase............................................................................... 7.6 - 15 Low speed........................................................................................................... 7.6 - 16 Motor model........................................................................................................ 7.6 - 17 Operation with sine-wave filter............................................................................ 7.6 - 19 Functions in the SCL software ........................................................................... 7.6 - 20
7.6.4 Block diagram................................................................................................ 7.6 - 23
7.7 Speed control................................................................................................. 7.7 - 3
7.7.1. Speed controller parameters............................................................................ 7.7 - 3 Initial setting.......................................................................................................... 7.7 - 3 Automatic adjustment of the speed controller (only at operating with motor
model) .................................................................................................................. 7.7 - 3 Square influence of the controller parameters...................................................... 7.7 - 4 Operating state-dependent control parameters..................................................... 7.7 - 7
7.7.2 Determination of the mass moment of inertia.................................................. 7.7 - 8
7.7.3 PT1 output filter................................................................................................ 7.7 - 9
7.7.4 Acceleration dependent pre-control................................................................. 7.7 - 9 Precontrol reciprocal of amplification / filtering.................................................... 7.7 - 10 Setpoint smoothening.......................................................................................... 7.7 - 11

7.8 Torque display and -limiting......................................................................... 7.8 - 3

7.8.1 Maximum voltage controller, voltage limit........................................................ 7.8 - 3
7.8.2 Physical torque limits ASM............................................................................... 7.8 - 4 Torque limits in base speed range......................................................................... 7.8 - 4 Torque limits in base speed range......................................................................... 7.8 - 4
7.8.3 Physical torque limits DSM.............................................................................. 7.8 - 6 Torque limits in base speed range (dr.27, dr.15)................................................... 7.8 - 6 Torque limits in base speed range......................................................................... 7.8 - 6 Additionally torque limiting in the field weakening range..................................... 7.8 - 11
7.8.4 Adjustmentof application-dependent torque limits......................................... 7.8 - 12
7.8.5 Display of actual torque values and limits...................................................... 7.8 - 13
7.8.6 Display of the torque-related motor load (ru.90)............................................ 7.8 - 14 Mode 1: „Torque reference level“ Le 27 = 0....................................................... 7.8 - 14 Mode 2: „Torque reference level“ Le 27 unequal 0............................................ 7.8 - 14

7.9 Torque control................................................................................................ 7.9 - 3

7.9.1. Torque reference source.................................................................................. 7.9 - 3
7.9.2. Rate of change torque reference..................................................................... 7.9 - 3
7.9.3. Speed limiting.................................................................................................. 7.9 - 4
7.9.4. Control mode................................................................................................... 7.9 - 4

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Table of contents Mode 1: Torque-controlled operation with emergency changeover to speed

control.................................................................................................................... 7.9 - 4 Mode 2: Torque-controlled mode with superimposed speed control..................... 7.9 - 5 1
7.10 Current control, -limiting and switching frequencies............................... 7.10 - 3
7.10.1 Current control............................................................................................... 7.10 - 3
7.10.2. Current limit.................................................................................................... 7.10 - 4
7.10.3 Switching frequencies and derating............................................................... 7.10 - 5 Switching frequency (uF.11, In.03, In.04, ru.45).................................................. 7.10 - 5
7.10.4 Voltage reserve for the non-prioritized current controller............................... 7.10 - 6
7.11 Speed measurement.................................................................................... 7.11 - 3
7.11.1 Designs......................................................................................................... 7.11 - 3
7.11.2 Encoder interface channel 1 (X3A)................................................................ 7.11 - 4 TTL incremental encoder input (standard at F5-M)............................................. 7.11 - 4 Resolver evaluation (standard at F5-S)............................................................... 7.11 - 5
7.11.3 Encoder interface channel 2 (X3B)................................................................ 7.11 - 6 Incremental encoder input................................................................................... 7.11 - 6 Incremental encoder output................................................................................. 7.11 - 7
7.11.4 Voltage supply of the encoder........................................................................ 7.11 - 8
7.11.5 Selection of encoder...................................................................................... 7.11 - 9
7.11.6 Encoder identifier......................................................................................... 7.11 - 10
7.11.7 Initial setting..................................................................................................7.11 - 11
7.11.8 Gear factor................................................................................................... 7.11 - 14 Definition........................................................................................................... 7.11 - 14 Gear factor / analog setting............................................................................... 7.11 - 16 Gear factor / set-programming.......................................................................... 7.11 - 16
7.11.9 Emulation mode........................................................................................... 7.11 - 17
7.11.10 Absolute position (encoder 1)............................................................................ 7.11 - 18 Position values.................................................................................................. 7.11 - 18 System offset..................................................................................................... 7.11 - 18 Absolute position (encoder 1)............................................................................ 7.11 - 19
7.11.11 Further parameters / encoder...................................................................... 7.11 - 19 SSI encoder at channel 1.................................................................................. 7.11 - 19 SSI encoder at channel 2.................................................................................. 7.11 - 19 SSI position standardization channel 1 and 2 (Ec.41)....................................... 7.11 - 20 Tachometer at channel 2................................................................................... 7.11 - 21 Evaluation intelligent interface........................................................................... 7.11 - 21 Encoder over gear (ec.39)................................................................................. 7.11 - 25 Consider deceleration times of the position sensing......................................... 7.11 - 25

7.12 Posi- and synchronous operation.............................................................. 7.12 - 4

7.12.1 Limit switch.................................................................................................... 7.12 - 4 Hardware limit switch.......................................................................................... 7.12 - 4 Software limit switch............................................................................................ 7.12 - 4
7.12.2 Approach to reference point........................................................................... 7.12 - 5 Approach to reference point / modes.................................................................. 7.12 - 6 Approach to reference point / stopping point....................................................... 7.12 - 8 Approach to reference point / stop at zero signal................................................ 7.12 - 8 Approach to reference point / no driving free...................................................... 7.12 - 9 Approach to reference point / limit switch............................................................ 7.12 - 9 Reference point / manual setting....................................................................... 7.12 - 10 Reference point / valid position......................................................................... 7.12 - 11 Approach to reference point / stop at index 0.................................................... 7.12 - 12

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Table of contents Approach to reference point with subsequent drive to zero signal.................... 7.12 - 13 Approach to reference point with overdriving of the reference limit switch....... 7.12 - 13 Position reset in the encoder............................................................................. 7.12 - 14
7.12.3 Synchronous mode...................................................................................... 7.12 - 14 Synchronous mode / principle........................................................................... 7.12 - 14 Synchronous mode / premise............................................................................ 7.12 - 15 Synchronous mode / position normalisation...................................................... 7.12 - 17 Synchronous mode / selection of operating mode............................................ 7.12 - 18 Synchronous mode / activation and synchronization........................................ 7.12 - 19 Gear factor........................................................................................................ 7.12 - 24 Angular correction............................................................................................. 7.12 - 25 Angular reset..................................................................................................... 7.12 - 26
7.12.4 Posi mode.................................................................................................... 7.12 - 27 Selection of operating mode.............................................................................. 7.12 - 27 Posi mode / principle......................................................................................... 7.12 - 27 Posi mode / premise.......................................................................................... 7.12 - 29 Position normalisation....................................................................................... 7.12 - 30 Posi mode / actual position............................................................................... 7.12 - 34 Posi mode / set and target position................................................................... 7.12 - 35 Posi mode / single positioning........................................................................... 7.12 - 35 Posi mode / sequential positioning.................................................................... 7.12 - 38 Posi mode / Positioning with set changeover.................................................... 7.12 - 52 Posi mode / rotary table.................................................................................... 7.12 - 52 Posi mode / defined stop................................................................................... 7.12 - 57 Posi mode / remaining distance positioning...................................................... 7.12 - 58 Posi mode / flying referencing with correction................................................... 7.12 - 59 Posi mode / start positioning............................................................................. 7.12 - 64 Posi mode / inaccessible positions.................................................................... 7.12 - 68 Posi mode / stop positioning............................................................................. 7.12 - 70 Analog position setting...................................................................................... 7.12 - 70 Analog position output....................................................................................... 7.12 - 71 Target window................................................................................................... 7.12 - 71 Backlash............................................................................................................ 7.12 - 72 Position scan..................................................................................................... 7.12 - 72 Teach function................................................................................................... 7.12 - 72 Functions and displays for the positioning mode.............................................. 7.12 - 74
7.12.5 Contouring control mode.............................................................................. 7.12 - 77 Contouring control mode / premises................................................................. 7.12 - 77 Contouring control mode / settings.................................................................... 7.12 - 78 Contouring control mode / write / read data...................................................... 7.12 - 78 Contouring control mode / speed precontrol..................................................... 7.12 - 79 Contouring control mode / watchdog................................................................. 7.12 - 79 Contouring control mode / example.................................................................. 7.12 - 80
7.12.6 Position controller........................................................................................ 7.12 - 82
7.13 Protective functions.................................................................................... 7.13 - 4
7.13.1 Error and warning messages......................................................................... 7.13 - 4 underpotential...................................................................................................... 7.13 - 5 Overvoltage ........................................................................................................ 7.13 - 6 overcurrent.......................................................................................................... 7.13 - 6 overload............................................................................................................... 7.13 - 6 Inverter over temperature.................................................................................... 7.13 - 7 External fault....................................................................................................... 7.13 - 7 Bus error.............................................................................................................. 7.13 - 7 Limit switch error................................................................................................. 7.13 - 8

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Table of contents Motor protection with temperature sensor........................................................... 7.13 - 8 Software motor protection................................................................................... 7.13 - 9 Set selection error............................................................................................. 7.13 - 10 1 Encoder interface / encoder error...................................................................... 7.13 - 10 Speed limit exceeded........................................................................................ 7.13 - 11 Speed controller limit reached........................................................................... 7.13 - 11 Maximum acceleration exceeded...................................................................... 7.13 - 11 General power circuit error................................................................................ 7.13 - 11 Phase loss......................................................................................................... 7.13 - 11
7.13.2 Response to malfunction messages............................................................ 7.13 - 12 Selection of the response.................................................................................. 7.13 - 12 Parametrisation of the abnormal stopping......................................................... 7.13 - 14
7.13.3 Automatic restart.......................................................................................... 7.13 - 17 Undervoltage error (E.UP)................................................................................. 7.13 - 17 Overvoltage error (E.OP).................................................................................. 7.13 - 18 Overcurrent error (E.OC)................................................................................... 7.13 - 18 Malfunction messages and pre-warnings.......................................................... 7.13 - 18
7.13.4 Base block................................................................................................... 7.13 - 18
7.13.5 Fast stop...................................................................................................... 7.13 - 18 Quick stop in the V/F characteristic operation................................................... 7.13 - 19 Quick stop at closed-loop systems.................................................................... 7.13 - 20 Time monitoring abnormal stopping.................................................................. 7.13 - 21 S-curve for quick stop ramp.............................................................................. 7.13 - 21 Abnormal stopping via control word.................................................................. 7.13 - 21
7.13.6 Speed search............................................................................................... 7.13 - 21 Speed search in open-loop operation............................................................... 7.13 - 22 Speed search in closed-loop operation with encoder........................................ 7.13 - 22 Speed search at asynchronous motors in closed-loop operation without enco-
der..................................................................................................................... 7.13 - 22
7.13.7 Ramp stop.................................................................................................... 7.13 - 22 Current-dependent ramp stop........................................................................... 7.13 - 23 DC link voltage-dependent ramp stop............................................................... 7.13 - 23 Ramp stop dependent on a digital input............................................................ 7.13 - 24
7.13.8 Current limit constant run (stall function)..................................................... 7.13 - 24 Function of thecurrent limit................................................................................ 7.13 - 26
7.13.9 Electronic motor protection.......................................................................... 7.13 - 27
7.13.10 Power-off function........................................................................................ 7.13 - 31
7.13.11 GTR7-control............................................................................................... 7.13 - 38 Activation via digital input.................................................................................. 7.13 - 38 Adjustment of the activation threshold.............................................................. 7.13 - 39 Activation conditions.......................................................................................... 7.13 - 39 Electrical work via GTR7................................................................................... 7.13 - 39
7.13.12 Special functions.......................................................................................... 7.13 - 40
7.14 Parameter sets............................................................................................. 7.14 - 3
7.14.1 Non-programmable parameters..................................................................... 7.14 - 3
7.14.2 Security parameters....................................................................................... 7.14 - 3
7.14.3 System parameters........................................................................................ 7.14 - 3
7.14.4 Indirect and direct set-addressing.................................................................. 7.14 - 4
7.14.5 Copying of parameter sets via keyboard (Fr.01)............................................ 7.14 - 4
7.14.6 Copying of parameter sets via bus (Fr.01, Fr.09)........................................... 7.14 - 5
7.14.7 Select parameter sets.................................................................................... 7.14 - 8

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Table of contents

7.14.8 Locking of parameter sets............................................................................ 7.14 - 12

7.14.9 Set activation/deactivation delay (Fr.05, Fr.06)............................................ 7.14 - 12
7.15 Special functions......................................................................................... 7.15 - 3
7.15.1 DC-braking..................................................................................................... 7.15 - 3 V/F characteristic control..................................................................................... 7.15 - 5 Speed-controlled operation without feedback (ASCL)........................................ 7.15 - 5
7.15.2 Energy saving function................................................................................... 7.15 - 6
7.15.3 Motorpoti function.......................................................................................... 7.15 - 7
7.15.4 Timer / counter programming......................................................................... 7.15 - 9
7.15.5 Brake control................................................................................................ 7.15 - 13 Mode brake control............................................................................................ 7.15 - 13 Monitoring of the brake control.......................................................................... 7.15 - 14 Sequence of the brake control.......................................................................... 7.15 - 14 Brake control / vector controlled........................................................................ 7.15 - 16 V/F characteristic controlled operation.............................................................. 7.15 - 17
7.15.6 Sweep generator.......................................................................................... 7.15 - 18
7.15.7 Diameter correction ..................................................................................... 7.15 - 20
7.15.8 Analog setting of parameter values............................................................. 7.15 - 22
7.15.9 Register function.......................................................................................... 7.15 - 23
7.15.10 Technology control....................................................................................... 7.15 - 26 The PID controller............................................................................................. 7.15 - 26 PID setpoint....................................................................................................... 7.15 - 28 PIDactual value................................................................................................. 7.15 - 30 Application examples........................................................................................ 7.15 - 31

7.16 CP-Parameter definition.............................................................................. 7.16 - 3

7.16.1 Overview........................................................................................................ 7.16 - 3
7.16.2 Assignment of CP-Parameters...................................................................... 7.16 - 4
7.16.3 Example......................................................................................................... 7.16 - 5
7.16.4 Display norm.................................................................................................. 7.16 - 6
7.16.5 Variable norm................................................................................................. 7.16 - 9
8. Error Assistance.....................................................................................8.1 - 3
8.1 Troubleshooting............................................................................................. 8.1 - 3
8.1.1 General............................................................................................................ 8.1 - 3
8.1.2 Error Messages and their Cause..................................................................... 8.1 - 3
9. Project Design........................................................................................9.1 - 3
9.1 General designs............................................................................................. 9.1 - 3
9.1.1 Control cabinet design calculation................................................................... 9.1 - 3
9.1.2 Design of braking resistors.............................................................................. 9.1 - 4
9.1.3 Cables and fuses............................................................................................. 9.1 - 7
10. Networks...............................................................................................10.1 - 3
10.1 Network components.................................................................................. 10.1 - 3
10.1.1 Available hardware........................................................................................ 10.1 - 3
10.1.2 RS232 cable PC / operator 00.58.025‑001D................................................. 10.1 - 3
10.1.3 HSP5 cable / control board 00.F5.0C0‑0010................................................. 10.1 - 4

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Table of contents

10.1.4 Interface operator F5 00.F5.060‑2000.......................................................... 10.1 - 4

10.1.5 Profibus-DP operator F5 00.F5.060-3000...................................................... 10.1 - 5
10.1.6 InterBus operator F5 00.F5.060‑4000 / 4001................................................. 10.1 - 6 1
10.1.7 CanOpen operator F5 00.F5.060‑5010 / 5011............................................... 10.1 - 7
10.1.8 Sercos operator 00.F5.060-6000................................................................... 10.1 - 8
10.1.9 Bus parameter............................................................................................... 10.1 - 9 Inverter address (SY.06)...................................................................................... 10.1 - 9 Baud rate ext. bus (SY.07)................................................................................... 10.1 - 9 Baud rate int. bus (SY.11).................................................................................... 10.1 - 9 Watchdog time (Pn.06)........................................................................................ 10.1 - 9 Response to E.bus (Pn.05)................................................................................. 10.1 - 9 HSP5 Watchdog time (SY.09)........................................................................... 10.1 - 10 Auto store (ud.05), auto store state (ud.04); .................................................... 10.1 - 10 Status and control word..................................................................................... 10.1 - 11 Speed setting via bus........................................................................................ 10.1 - 14

11. Parameter Overview............................................................................. 11.1 - 3

11.1 Parameter..................................................................................................... 11.1 - 3
11.1.1 Parameter Groups......................................................................................... 11.1 - 3
11.1.2 Characteristics of the F5-S in A housing........................................................ 11.1 - 4 The following parameters are not available at A-Servo:............................................. 11.1 - 4 The following parameters are available at A-Servo:................................................... 11.1 - 4
11.1.3 Parameter list F5-A, -E and ‑H....................................................................... 11.1 - 5
12. Annex.....................................................................................................12.1 - 3
12.1 Search and Find........................................................................................... 12.1 - 3
12.1.1 Index.............................................................................................................. 12.1 - 3

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Table of contents

Page 1.1 - 14 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H © KEB, 2008-02

Product Overview

1. Introduction

2. Summary 2

3. Hardware

4. Operation

Selection of Operating

6. Initial Start-up 2.1 Product overview

7. Functions

8. Error Assistance

9. Project Design

10. Networks

11. Parameter Overview

12. Annex

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 2.1 - 1

Product Overview

2.1.1 Features of KEB COMBIVERT................................................................................................. 2.1 - 3

2.1.2 Function principle..................................................................................................................... 2.1 - 3
2.1.3 Application as directed............................................................................................................ 2.1 - 4
2.1.4 Type code................................................................................................................................... 2.1 - 5

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Product Overview

2. Summary
Prog. Operator menu
2.1 Product description PID controller
2.1.1 Features of KEB COM- Encoder interface 14 Parameter groups
BIVERT DC braking
Software in-/outputs
Speed search
Jogging function (prog.) KEB 2 prog. relay outputs
electr. motor protection COMBIVERT 8 prog. digital inputs
Slip compensation 2 prog. digital inputs
HSP5 interface 2 prog. digital outputs
Energy saving function
Power-off function 2 prog. analog outputs
Protective equipment Hardware current limit
Prog. Prog. filter for analog and digital inputs
Adjustable balancing of the ramps
Hour meter

2.1.2 Function principle The power circuit of a frequency inverter consists basically of a mains rectifier, the
DC-link and an inverter at the output. The mains rectifier consists of an uncontrolled
single or three-phase bridge connection, the single-phase design is restricted to small
powers. It converts the AC-voltage of the mains into a DC-voltage, which is smoothed
by the DC-link capacitor, thus in the ideal case (inverter unloaded) the DC-link is
charged with a voltage of UZK = √2 . UN.
Since during the charging of the DC-link capacitor very high currents flow for a short
time which would lead to the tripping of the input fuses or even to the destruction of
the mains rectifier, the charging current must be limited to a permissible level. This is
achieved by using an inrush current limiting resistor in series to the capacitor. After
the charging of the capacitor is completed the limiting resistor is bridged, for example,
by a relay and is therefore only active at the switch-on of the inverter.
As the smoothing of the DC-link voltage requires a large capacity, the capacitor still
has a high voltage for some time after the disconnection of the inverter from the mains.
The actual task of the frequency inverter, to produce an output voltage variable in
frequency and amplitude for the control of the three-phase AC motor, is taken over
by the converter at the output. It makes available a 3-phase output voltage according
to the principle of the pulse-width modulation, which generates a sinusoidal current
at the three-phase asynchronous motor.

Fig. 2.1.2 Block diagram of an inverter power circuit


L2 C
(L3)   W 3~

Mains rectifier DC link Converter Motor

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 2.1 - 3

Product Overview

2.1.3 Application as directed

The KEB COMBIVERT is a frequency inverter with DC link.

It works according to the principle of the pulse-width modula-
tion and serves exclusively for the stepless speed control of
three-phase AC motors.
The unit has been developed subject to the relevant safety
standards and is manufactured with the highest demands
on quality. Condition for an unobjectionable operation is the
function-conform configuring of the drive and correct transport
and storage as well as careful installation and connection.

The operation of other electric consumers is prohibited and can

lead to the destruction of the units as well as consequential
damages as a result from it.

Page 2.1 - 4 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H © KEB, 2012-10

Product Overview

2.1.4 Type code

at FI: Cooling A-Z: as digits, varnished at Servos: motor cooling
0: Standard A: 0 varnished (standard) 0: Self-cooling
1: Flat rear B: 1 varnished (Flat Rear) 1: Separate cooling 2
2: Water-cooled C: 2 varnished (water cooling)
3: Convection D: 3 varnished (convection)
4: Special fan E: 4 varnished (special fan)

Encoder interface type see control part

0: no interface 5: Resolver a. SSI A: Inc.-Input a. Initiator F: Hiperface a. IG-Outp.
1: Inc. input a. inc.-I/O 6: Hiperface a. SSI B: Resolver a. Initiator G: Inc.-Input a. Inc.-Inp.
2: Resolver a. Inc.-I/O 7: Inc.-Input a. Tacho C: Hiperface a. Initiator H: Resolver a. Inc.-Inp.
3: Hiperface a. Inc.-I/O 8: Resolver a. Tacho D: Inc.-Input a. Inc.-Outp. I: Hiperface a. Inc.-Inp.
4: Inc.-Input a. SSI 9: Hiperface a. Tacho E: Resolver a. Inc.-Outp.

at FI: Switching frequency / max. short time current / OC-tripping current

0: 2 kHz/125%/150% 5: 4 kHz/150%/180% A: 8 kHz/180%/216% F: 16 kHz/200%/240%
1: 4 kHz/125%/150% 6: 8 kHz/150%/180% B: 16 kHz/180%/216% G: 2 kHz/400%/480%
2: 8 kHz/125%/150% 7: 16 kHz/150%/180% C: 2 kHz/200%/240% H: 4 kHz/400%/480%
3: 16 kHz/125%/150% 8: 2 kHz/180%/216% D: 4 kHz/200%/240% I: 8 kHz/400%/480%
4: 2 kHz/150%/180% 9: 4 kHz/180%/216% E: 8 kHz/200%/240% K: 16 kHz/400%/480%

at servos: Motor speed
1: 1500 rpm 2: 2000 rpm 3: 3000 rpm 4: 4000 rpm 6: rpm

Input identification
0: 1ph 230V AC/DC 5: 400V DC A: 6ph 400V AC
1: 3ph 230V AC/DC 6: 1ph 230V AC z: 230V AC or AC/DC
2: 1/3ph 230V AC/DC 7: 3ph 230V AC Y: 400V AC or AC/DC
3: 3ph 400V AC/DC 8: 1/3ph 230V AC W: 230V DC
4: 230V DC 9: 3ph 400V AC V: 400V DC

Housing type A, B, D, E, G, H, P, R, U, W

0: without 4: PFC 2) integrated
1: GTR 7 1) 5: GTR 7 1), PFC 2) integrated
2: integrated filter 6: integrated filter , integrated PFC 2)
3: GTR 7 1), integrated filter 7: GTR 7 1), integrated filter, integrated PFC 2)

Control type
A: Standard software for operation of asynchronous motors with vector control and V/f characteristic
control, synchronous motors with vector control
E: Software for the speed-controlled operation of synchronous motors without speed feedback
H: Software for the speed-controlled operation of asynchronous motors without speed feedback

Series F5

at FI in the 1. and 2. place digit: Inverter size

at servos: motor identification / motor dimension wide

1) GTR 7: braking transistor

2) PFC: Power Factor Control

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 2.1 - 5

Product Overview

Page 2.1 - 6 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H © KEB, 2012-10

Control Units

1. Introduction

2. Summary

3. Hardware 3

4. Operation

Selection of Operating

3.1 Control circuit F5-A, -E, -H

6. Initial Start-up
3.2 Control circuit A-servo

7. Functions

8. Error Assistance

9. Project Design

10. Networks

11. Parameter Overview

12. Annex

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 3.1 - 1

Control Units

3.1.1 Terminal strip X2A......................................................................................................................3.1-3

3.1.2 Connection of the control.........................................................................................................3.1-4
3.1.3 Digital inputs..............................................................................................................................3.1-4
3.1.4 Analog inputs.............................................................................................................................3.1-5
3.1.5 Aux-function (An.30)..................................................................................................................3.1-6
3.1.6 Voltage input / external power supply......................................................................................3.1-6
3.2.1 Terminal strip X2A......................................................................................................................3.1-6
3.2.2 Connection of the control terminal block................................................................................3.1-7

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Control Units

3. Hardware
3.1 Control circuit F5-A, -E, -H
3.1.1 Terminal strip X2A
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

PIN Function Name Explanation

1 + Set Value input 1 AN1+ The input signal 0...±10 V; 0...±20 mA and 4...20 mA is determined with
2 - Set Value input 1 AN1- An.00/
3 + Set Value input 2 AN2+ An.10 defined. Specification and control see chap. 7.2.2. 3
Resolution: 12 Bit (11 Bit at F5 servo in the A-housing, Ri = 30 kΩ, scan
4 - Set Value input 2 AN2- time: 1 ms / at fast setpoint setting: 250 µs
(see chapter 7.4.2)
5 Analog Output 1 ANOUT1 The variable for outputting at analog output is determined with An.31/
36. Specification and control see chap. 7.2.11.
6 Analog Output 2 ANOUT2 Voltage range: 0...±10V, Ri = 100 Ω, Resolution: 10 Bit,
PWM-Frequency: 3.4 kHz, filter response 1. order: 178 Hz
7 +10 V output CRF Reference voltage output +10 VDC +5% / max. 4 mA for set value poten-
8 Analog Mass COM Mass for analog in- and outputs
9 Analog Mass COM Mass for analog in- and outputs
10 Progr. input 1 I1 Specifications, control and programming of the digital inputs see chapter
11 Progr. input 2 I2 7.3
12 Progr. input 3 I3 All digital inputs are free programmable. The control release
13 Progr. input 4 I4 is firmly linked with the input ST, but can be occupied with additional
14 Progr. input forward F other functions.
15 Progr. input reverse R Ri = 2.1 kΩ
Progr. input control re- Scan time: 1 ms
16 lease ST
Progr. input reset
17 RST
18 Transistor Output 1 O1 Specifications, control and programming
19 Transistor Output 2 O2 see chapter 7.3.12...7.3.22,
a total of max. 50 mADC for both outputs
20 +24 Voutput Uout approx. 24V DC output (max.100 mA)
21 20...30 V-Input Uin Voltage input for ext. supply, potential 0 V X2A.22/23
22 Digital Mass 0V Potential for digital in-/outputs
23 Digital Mass 0V Potential for digital in-/outputs

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 3.1-3

Control Units

24 Relay 1 / NO contact RLA Programmable relay output 1 (Terminal X2A.24...26);

25 Relay 1 / NC contact RLB Programmable relay output 2 (Terminal X2A.27...29)
26 Relay 1 / switching RLC Specifications, control and programming of the relay outputs
27 contact FLA see chapter 7.3.12...7.3.22
28 Relay 2 / NO contact FLB max. 30 V DC, 0,01...1 A
29 Relay 2 / NC contact FLC
Relay 2 / switching

3.1.2 Connection of the control

In order to prevent a malfunction caused by interference voltage supply on the control inputs, the following
directions should be observed:

Use shielded/drilled cables,

lay shield on one side of the inverter onto earth potential,
lay control and power cable separately (about 10...20 cm apart);
lay crossings in a right angle

3.1.3 Digital inputs

Picture 3.1.3.a Digital inputs with PNP control (di.00 = 0)

24V 24V
I1 I2 I3 I4 F R ST RST out in GND
Internal supply
X2A 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 PE

Ri (digital inputs)= 2.1

kΩ I1 I2 I3 I4 F R ST RST 24V 24V GND
out in
X2A 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 PE
External supply

Control voltage for digital inputs = 13...30V DC ±0% smoothed

Page 3.1-4 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H © KEB, 2012-10

Control Units

Picture 3.1.3.b Digital inputs in NPN control (di.00 = 1)

Internal supply I1 I2 I3 I4 F R ST RST 24V 24V GND
out in
X2A 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 PE

Ri (digital inputs)= 2.1kΩ


External supply

3.1.4 Analog inputs

Connect unused analog inputs to common, to prevent set value fluctuation!

External analog setpoint setting Internal analog setpoint setting

Ri = 55 k X2A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PE
X2A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PE

0...±10 VDC R = 3...10 k

Inputs X2A.3 and X2A.4 can be programmed and assigned as setpoint input (see chapter 7.2).

*) Connect potential equalizing line only if a potential difference

of > 30 V exists between the controls. The internal resistance
is reduced to 30 KΩ.

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 3.1-5

Control Units

3.1.5 Aux-function (An.30)

The A-servo has only one analog input, the Aux-function can be used also with other input values ​​(e.g. PI con-
troller output, motorpoti).

3.1.6 Voltage input / external power supply

The supply of the control circuit through an external voltage source keeps the control in operational condition
even if the power stage is switched off. To prevent undefined conditions at external power supply the basic
procedure is to first switch on the power supply and after that the inverter.
3.2 Control circuit A-servo
3.2.1 Terminal strip X2A

Tightening torque 0.22…0.25 Nm (2 lb inches).

Use shielded/drilled cables
Lay shield on one side of the inverter onto earth
potential 1 2 5 7 8 10 11 12 13 16 18 19 21 22 24 25 26

No NPN control is possible at A-servo!

PIN Function Name Description

1 + Set Value input 1 AN1+ Difference voltage input
2 - Set Value input 1 AN1- 0…±10 V DC ^ 0…±maximum speed, Ri = 55 kΩ
an Programmable analog output 0…±10 V DC/ 5 mA. Function is de-
5 Analog output
OUT1 fined by the machine builder
Reference voltage output for set value potentiometer (+10 V DC /
7 +10V output CRF
max. 4 mA)
8 Analog Mass COM Mass for analog in- and outputs
10 Progr. input 1 I1
The function of the programmable inputs is defined by the machine
11 Progr. input 2 I2 builder.
12 Progr. input 3 I3 Switching voltage 13…30 V DC ±0 % smoothed
Ri=2.1 kΩ
13 Progr. input 4 I4
Supply of the driver circuit
Supply voltage This input must be supplied with an external voltage of 20…30 V DC
16 ST
Driver circuit ±0 % / 0.2 A (UBR max. 3.6 Vss). An error reset is executed when
switching off this voltage
18 Transistor Output 1 O1 Programmable digital outputs
Load capacity for both outputs maximum 50 mA.
19 Transistor Output 2 O2 Function is defined by the machine builder
Voltage supply of the control board
This input must be supplied with an external voltage of 20…30 V DC
Supply voltage
21 Uin ±0 % / 0.8 A (UBR max. 3.6 Vss). Due to the separate supply the
Control board
control can be further operated also when the driver / power unit is
switched off.
22 Digital Mass 0V Potential for digital in-/outputs
Relay 1
24 No contact RLA Programmable relay output (CP.33)
25 (NC contact) RLB Load capacity max. 30 V DC / 0.01…1 A
Function is defined by the machine builder
26 Switching contact RLC

Page 3.1-6 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H © KEB, 2012-10

Control Units

3.2.2 Connection of the control terminal block

Setpoint signal
0…±10 V DC
Setpoint potentiometer
3…10 kΩ 
Analog output  3
 ±10 V DC   
max. 5 mA

external voltage supply
20…30 V DC ±0 %

1 A

max. 30 V DC
0.01…1 A

1) Connect potential equalizing line only if a potential difference of > 30 V exists between the
controls. The internal resistance is reduced to 30 kΩ.

In case of inductive load on the relay outputs a protective wiring must be provided (e.g. free-wheeling diode) !
The control card must always be supplied with an external power source. Thus the control remains
in operation even when the power unit is switched off. To prevent undefined conditions at external power
supply the basic procedure is to first switch on the power supply and after that the inverter.
The connections of the control terminal blocks and encoder inputs have safe isolation according to EN 50178.

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 3.1-7

Control Units

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1. Introduction

2. Summary

3. Hardware

4. Operation 4.1 Fundamentals 4

Selection of Operating
5. 4.2 Password input

6. Initial Start-up

7. Functions

8. Error Assistance

9. Project Design

10. Networks

11. Parameter Overview

12. Annex

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 4.1 - 1


4.1.1 Parameters, parameter groups, parameter sets.................................................................... 4.1 - 3

4.1.2 Selection of a parameter.......................................................................................................... 4.1 - 4
4.1.3 Adjustment of parameter value............................................................................................... 4.1 - 4
4.1.4 ENTER-Parameter..................................................................................................................... 4.1 - 5
4.1.5 Non-programmable parameters.............................................................................................. 4.1 - 5
4.1.6 Resetting of error messages................................................................................................... 4.1 - 5
4.1.7 Resetting of peak values.......................................................................................................... 4.1 - 5
4.1.8 Acknowledgement of status signals....................................................................................... 4.1 - 5

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4. Operation
The following chapter describes the fundamentals of the software structure as well as the operating of the unit.

4.1 Fundamentals

The control boards F5 include the following operating modes:

Operating modes of the control board

Customer mode Application mode Drive mode

- is a list of parameters (CP para- - all parameters, parameter - with this special mode, the
meters), freely definable, which groups (exception: CP-pa- unit can be put into opera-
are necessary or important for rameter) and parameter sets tion via operator 4
the user can be selected and, if neces- - with the exception of the
- supplied with a parameter list sary, changed control release no terminal
defined by KEB - usually it is activated only for wiring is needed
the adaption to the applica-

4.1.1 Parameters, parameter groups, parameter sets

What are parameter, parameter groups und parameter sets?

Parameters are values changeable by the operator in a program, which have an influence on the program flow.
A parameter consists of:

Parameter designation and Parameter value

The parameter value displays the current settings.

´The parameter number specifies the parameter within
a group.
To maintain a cleary-to-survey operation inspite of the
great number of parameters, we have combined function-
related parameters into parameter groups (e.g. all motor-
eter related parameters are combined in the drive(dr)-group).
m d
r a
h pa
Eac rly spe
8 parameter sets (0...7) exists to adjust several values for
clea one parameter. If the active values shall be displayed for
a running unit the digit is set to „A“. There is no digit for
non-programmable parameters.

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 4.1 - 3



A conveyor belt shall be used with 3 different speeds. A parameter set is programmed for each "speed" ...acceleration,
deceleration etc. can be adjusted individually.

4.1.2 Selection of a parameter

The blinking point indicates the changeable area. By pressing the ENTER-key the blinking point is shifted.




Parameter number Parameter number Parameter number

select select select

for non-programmable parameters (see 4.1.5)

a parameter set number is not displayed

Changes between parameter value SPEED
and parameter designation.

4.1.3 Adjustment of parameter value

Changing of
Standard-Parameters ENTER-Parameters

- v a l u e s a r e - during changing a point is

immediately indicates behind the last
START ▼ accepted and START ▼ digit
stored non- - The value is accepted
volatile and stored non-volatile by
pressing ENTER

Parameter values can be changed only, when the parameter set is not adjusted to "Active parameter
set" (A)! (see 4.1.6)

Page 4.1 - 4 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H © KEB, 2012-10


4.1.4 ENTER-Parameter

For some parameters it is not sensible that the selected values become active immediately. For that reason
they are called ENTER-Parameters, they do not become active until the ENTER key is pressed.
Example: At digital setting of rotation direction the rotation reverse (r) shall be selected from standstill (LS).
As seen above it must be switched at this in forward direction of rotation (F). The drive shall start only if the
direction of rotation reverse is selected and confirmed with ENTER.

4.1.5 Non-programmable parameters

Certain parameters are not programmable, as their value must be the same in all sets (e.g. bus address or
baud rate). For an easy identification of these parameters the parameter set number is missing in the para-
meter identification. For all non-programmable parameters the same value is valid independent of the
selected parameter set!
4.1.6 Resetting of error messages

If a malfunction occurs during operation, the actual display is overwritten by a by a blinking error message. The
error message can be deleted by pressing the ENTER key, so the initial value is displayed again.
ATTENTION! The resetting of the error message with ENTER is no error reset, i.e. the error status in the in-
verter is not reset. Thus is possible to correct adjustments before the error reset. An error reset is only possible
by the reset terminal or control release.

4.1.7 Resetting of peak values

To permit conclusions on the operational performance of the drive, parameters are provided that indicate the
peak values. Peak value means that the highest measured value is stored for the ON-time of the inverter
(slave pointer principle). The peak value is cancelled by ▲ or ▼ and the actual measured value is displayed .

4.1.8 Acknowledgement of status signals

To monitor the correct execution of an action some parameters send a status signal. For example, "PASS"
is displayed after copying a set to indicate that the function was completed error-free. These status signals
must be acknowledged with ENTER.

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 4.1 - 5


Page 4.1 - 6 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H © KEB, 2012-10

Password input

1. Introduction

2. Summary

3. Hardware

4. Operation 4.1 Fundamentals 4

Selection of Operating
5. 4.2 Password structure

6. Initial Start-up

7. Functions

8. Error Assistance

9. Project Design

10. Networks

11. Parameter Overview

12. Annex

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 4.2 - 1

Password input

4.2.1 Password levels........................................................................................................................ 4.2 - 3

4.2.2 Passwords................................................................................................................................. 4.2 - 4
4.2.3 Changing of password level.................................................................................................... 4.2 - 5

Page 4.2 - 2 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H © KEB, 2012-10

Password input

4.2 Password structure

The KEB COMBIVERT is provided with extensive password protection. The different passwords are used to

- change the operating mode
- set a write protection
- activate the service mode
- switch to the drive-mode

Depending on the actual operating mode the password can be entered in the following parameters:

when the CP-mode is active

when the application mode is active


4.2.1 Password levels

The parameter value of the above parameters shows the actual password level. Following indications are
CP - read only Only the customer parameter group is visible, ex-
cept for CP. 0 all parameters are in the read-only
status (see chapter 4.3).
CP - on Only the customer parameter group is visible. All
parameters can be changed.

CP - Service Like CP-on, but the parameter identification is

indicated according to the original parameter (see
chapter 4.3)
Application All application parameters are visible and can be
changed. The CP-parameters are not visible.

Drive mode The Drive-Mode is a special operating mode, here

the unit can be put into operation via the operator
(see chapter 4.4).

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 4.2 - 3

Password input

4.2.2 Passwords

By selecting one of the following passwords you can switch to the respective password level:

Passwords Password level


To finish the drive mode press ENTER + FUNCT key for approx. 3 sec.

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Password input

4.2.3 Changing of password level

Example 1:
Switching from CP mode
to the application mode

With the exception of
the service password all
entered password levels
are generally stored non-

Example 1:
Switching from applica-
tion mode to the CP-
read-only mode

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 4.2 - 5

Password input

Page 4.2 - 6 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H © KEB, 2012-10

Selection of Operating Mode

1. Introduction

2. Summary

3. Hardware

4. Operation

Selection of Operating
5. 5.1 Selection of Operating Mode 5

6. Initial Start-up

7. Functions

8. Error Assistance

9. Project Design

10. Networks

11. Parameter Overview

12. Annex

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 5.1 - 1

Selection of Operating Mode

Page 5.1 - 2 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H © KEB, 2012-10

Selection of Operating Mode

5. Selection of Operating Mode

This instruction manual is valid for the following software conditions:
Software Control type
type (Adjustment ud.02)
4: F5-M / 4000rpm
5: F5-M / 8000rpm
6: F5-M / 16000rpm Standard software for the operation:
7: F5-M / 500rpm
F5A V4.30 - of asynchronous motors with vector control
8: F5-S / 4000rpm - of asynchronous motors with V/f characteristic control
9: F5-S / 8000rpm - of synchronous motors with vector control
10: F5-S / 16000rpm
11: F5-S / 500rpm
4: F5-M / 4000rpm
5: F5-M / 8000rpm
Software for motors with maximum speed upto 128000 rpm (high frequency ap-
6: F5-M / 16000rpm
7: F5-M / 32000rpm
12: F5-M / 64000rpm corresponds to standard software F5A-M V4.30, except for: 5
• control type 7 or 11 is for a maximum speed of 32000 rpm instead of 500 rpm
13: F5-M / 128000rpm
F5A V4.31 • additional control types 12 / 13 or 14 / 15 for motors with a maximum speed of
8: F5-S / 4000rpm 64000 rpm or 128000 rpm
9: F5-S / 8000rpm
10: F5-S / 16000rpm (Attention: With output frequencies > 800Hz or if the ratio output frequency to rated
clock frequency is less than 1:10, contact KEB for application design).
11: F5-S / 32000rpm
14: F5-S / 64000rpm
15: F5-S / 128000rpm
4: F5-M / 4000rpm Software for the speed-controlled operation of asynchronous motors without
5: F5-M / 8000rpm speed feedback
F5H V2.30 - The measured speed is replaced by an estimated speed actual value, which is formed
6: F5-M / 16000rpm by means of a mathematical model of the asynchronous motor.
7: F5-M / 500rpm - Operation with speed feedback also possible.

4: F5-M / 4000rpm
Software for the speed-controlled operation of asynchronous motors without
5: F5-M / 8000rpm speed feedback with a maximum speed upto 128000rpm
6: F5-M / 16000rpm - control type 7 or is for a maximum speed of 32000rpm instead of 500rpm
F5H V2.31
7: F5-M / 32000rpm - additional control types 12 and 13
12: F5-M / 64000rpm
(Attention: limitations see high frequency software F5A V4.31)
13: F5-M / 128000rpm
8: F5-S / 4000rpm Software for the speed-controlled operation of synchronous motors without
9: F5-S / 8000rpm speed feedback
F5E V2.30 - The measured speed is replaced by an estimated speed actual value, which is formed
10: F5-S / 16000rpm by means of a mathematical model of the synchronous motor
11: F5-S / 500rpm - Operation with speed feedback also possible

8: F5-S / 4000rpm
Software for the speed-controlled operation of synchronous motors without
9: F5-S / 8000rpm speed feedback with a maximum speed upto 128000rpm
10: F5-S / 16000rpm - control type 11 or is for a maximum speed of 32000rpm instead of 500rpm
F5E V2.31
11: F5-S / 32000rpm - additional control types 14 and 15
14: F5-S / 64000rpm
(Attention: limitations see high frequency software F5A V4.31)
15: F5-S / 128000rpm

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 5.1 - 3

Selection of Operating Mode

This operating instruction is not valid for the G mode (V/f - characteristic open-loop mode, because the dis-
play is scaled in Hz, not in rpm). I.e. this instruction is not valid for controller types, which selects the G-mode
(F5-G / xxxHz).

If a download list is downloaded to an inverter with another controller type, or if the COMBIVIS Config-File is
used for another controller type some parameters (e.g. set speed, speed limits, etc..) are not correctly displa-
COMBIVIS recognizes the use of inappropriate lists and select the correct config file automatically. Unintended
settings and wrong displays can occur if the warning messages are ignored.

The standardisation of some parameters is depending on the speed range of the control type.

Stan- Speed range Resolution Parameter

500...32000 1 rpm
1 64000 2 rpm SY.52, SY.53, SY.54
128000 4 rpm
500 1Nm
2 dr.27, dr.33, dr.40, dr.42, dr.44, dr.46
4000...128000 0.1 Nm
dr.01, dr.17, dr.18, dr.24, dr.39, dr.41, dr.43, dr.45, dr.47
500 0.125 rpm cS.11, cS.12
3 4000...64000 1 rpm Ec.25
128000 2 rpm nn.02, nn.03
ru.01, ru.02, ru.06, ru.07, ru.09, ru.10, ru.63, ru.79, ru.85,
500 0.015625 rpm ru.86, ru.89
4000 0.125 rpm op.03, op.06, op.07, op.10, op.11, op.14, op.15, op.21, op.22,
8000 0.25 rpm op.23, op.40, op.41, op.64, op.65, op.66, op.67, op.68
4 16000 0.5 rpm Pn.32, Pn.37, Pn.41, Pn.48
32000 1 rpm dS.21
64000 2 rpm Le.16
128000 4 rpm cS.04
PS.08, PS.09, PS.21, PS.22, PS.25
500 0.0015625 Hz
4000 0.0125 Hz
8000 0.025 Hz
5 16000 0.05 Hz
uF.00, uF.02
32000 0.1 Hz
64000 0.2 Hz
128000 0.4 Hz

Some parameters (ramp adjustments) have reference values, which are depending on the selected speed
range (500, 4000, 8000, 16000, 32000, 64000, 128000 rpm.

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Selection of Operating Mode

Speed range Reference Parameter

500 125 rpm
4000 1000 rpm
8000 2000 rpm Pn.21, Pn.60
oP.28 .. 31, oP.46 – 48
16000 4000 rpm
32000 8000 rpm dS.22
64000 16000 rpm
128000 32000 rpm

The description of single parameter adjustments provides (unless otherwise mentioned)
a speed range of 4000 rpm (ud.02 = 4 or 8).

Chapters 7.5 to 7.10 are not valid for all operating modes. 5
Which chapters are valid is depending on the software type, control type and the selection in cS.00 ad cS.01.

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 5.1 - 5

Selection of Operating Mode

Page 5.1 - 6 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H © KEB, 2012-10

Preparatory Measures

1. Introduction

2. Summary

3. Hardware 6.1 Preparatory measures

4. Operation

Selection of Operating

6. Initial Start-up 6

7. Functions

8. Error Assistance

9. Project Design

6.2 Start-up

10. Networks

11. Parameter Overview

12. Annex

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 6.1 - 1

Preparatory Measures

6.1.1 After unpacking the goods....................................................................................................... 6.1 - 3

6.1.2 Installation and connection...................................................................................................... 6.1 - 3
6.1.3 Checklist prior to start-up........................................................................................................ 6.1 - 4

Page 6.1 - 2 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H © KEB, 2012-10

Preparatory Measures

6. Start-up
But because of the complex application possibilities we must restrict ourselves to explaining the start-up of
standard applications.

6.1 Preparatory measures

6.1.1 After unpacking the goods

After unpacking the goods and checking them for complete delivery following measures are to be carried out:

 Visual control for transport damage

Should any external damages to the KEB COMBIVERT be visible get in tough with your forwarding agent
and return the unit with a corresponding report to KEB.

 Check the voltage class:
Absolute check before assembly whether the supply voltage of the KEB COMBIVERT matches the applica-

6.1.2 Installation and connection

The EMC-conform installation of the inverter is described in the Instruction Manual Part 1. Installation and con-
nection instructions are found in the instruction manual part 2. 6
 The mounting surface of the inverter must be bright.
 If necessary, use contact lacquer as protection against corrosion.
 Connect the earthing strip to central point in the control cabinet

Picture 6.1.3 Installation and connection




9508 C-1220

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 6.1 - 3

Preparatory Measures

6.1.3 Checklist prior to start-up

Before switching on the inverter go through the following checklist.

 Is the inverter firmly bolted in the control cabinet?

 Is there enough space to ensure sufficient air circulation?
 Are mains and motor cables as well as the control cables installed separately from each other?
 Are the inverters connected to the correct supply voltage?
 Are all mass and earthing cables attached and well contacted?
 Ensure that mains and motor cables are not interchanged as that will lead to the destruction of
the inverter!
 Is the motor connected in phase?
 Check tacho, initiator and encoder for firm attachment and correct connection!
 Check, whether all power and control cables are firmly in place!
 Remove any tools from the control cabinet!
 Attach all covers and protective caps to ensure that all live parts are secured against direct contact.
 When using measuring instruments or computers an isolating transformer should be used, if not,
make sure that the equipotential bonding between the supply lines is guaranteed!
 Open the control release of the inverter to avoid the unintended starting of the machine.

Page 6.1 - 4 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H © KEB, 2012-10


1. Introduction

2. Summary

3. Hardware

6.1 Preparatory measures

4. Operation

Selection of Operating

6. Initial start-up 6

7. Functions

8. Error Assistance

9. Project Design 6.2 Start-up

10. Networks

11. Parameter Overview

12. Annex

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 6.2 - 1


6.2.1 Start-up of an asynchronous motor........................................................................................ 6.2 - 3 - v/f characteristic operation................................................................................... 6.2 - 4 Vector controlled operation with encoder feedback without motor model.............. 6.2 - 6 Vector controlled operation with encoder feedback with motor model................... 6.2 - 8 Start-up F5H-M (ASCL/ vector-controlled without encoder feedback with motor model).
6.2 - 11
6.2.2 Start-up of a synchronous motor.......................................................................................... 6.2 - 15 Start-up F5A-S...................................................................................................... 6.2 - 16 Start-up F5E-S (SCL)........................................................................................... 6.2 - 18

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6.2 Initial start-up

After all preparatory measures have been carried out and checked the KEB COMBIVERT F5
KEB COMBIVERT F5 can be switched on.
The control release ST (X2A.16) must be deactivated when switching on the first time, since the frequency
inverter is not custom-specific parameterized.

The following descriptions suppose that the frequency inverter is on the password level "application mode"
(ud.01 = application mode). The selection of the password level is described in the manual chapter 4. The start-
up should be executed with COMBIVIS in order to have a short start-up time.
Operating lists are available on the KEB homepage ( This lists contain the necessary parameters
for start-up.

Attention: The start-up instruction manual can only give a short overview of the parameter adjustments which
are mandatory necessary to start-up the motor.
Thus it represents a check list and not a complete parameter description.
The appropriate chapters of the application manual must be read carefully for exact information about the pa-
rameters, additionally points to consider and application-specific adjustments!

The wiring of the motor must be checked before start-up:

- in-phase connection (inverter terminals U, V, W must be connected at the motor terminal board with the
appropriate contacts)
If the wiring is correct the following direction of rotation occurs at setting "clockwise rotation":

- large surface of shield connection, well grounding (see „EMC conform wiring“ in the manual „...before

6.2.1 Start-up of an asynchronous motor

The following chapters describe the start-up of an asynchronous motor in the 4 available modes:

⇒ v/f characteristic open-loop operation (F5A-M)

⇒ speed-controlled operation with encoder feedback without motor model (F5A-M)
⇒ speed-controlled operation with encoder feedback with motor model (F5A-M) recommended operating
mode when using a speed feedback)
⇒ speed-controlled operation without encoder feedback (ASCL / F5H-M)

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 6.2 - 3

Start-up - v/f characteristic operation

1. Open control release

deactivate terminal X2A.16
⇒  Inverter state ru.00 = „noP“/„0: no control release“

2. Selection of the speed range

The required speed range (e.g.: 0..+/- 4000 rpm) is selected in Attention: Changing the control type
control type Ud.02. releases loading of the default para-
⇒  Ud.02 control type = 4…7 The speed range should be selected
at least 10% higher than the highest
All data for the adjustment of the controller type (e.g. resolution setpoint speed in the application.
of the speed, etc.) see chapter 5.1

3. Loading the default parameters

Loading the default parameters (KEB factory setting) by Attention: Pre-adjustments (e.g. func-
tion of the digital inputs) disappear
⇒  Fr.01 copy parameter set = - 4

4. Selection of the controller configuration

adjust V/f characteristic operation

⇒  cS.00 speed control config. = 0: off

(default v/f – characteristic operation)

Motor data are not necessary for standard v/f - characteristic

The following parameters must be examined if SMM (sensor-
less motor management for speed stabilization during load)
should not be used:
Frequency when the highest voltage is output:

uF.00 rated frequency

Voltage in [%], which is output at 0Hz:

⇒  uF.01 Boost

If these adjustments for the motor are made correctly continue

to proceed at point 9.

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5. Input of the motor data

Values dr.00 to dr.05 must be taken from the motor name plate.
The value for dr.06 can be identified automatically (see point

⇒  dr.00 DASM rated current

⇒  dr.01 DASM rated speed
⇒  dr.02 DASM rated voltage
⇒  dr.04 DASM cos phi
⇒  dr.05 DASM rated frequency
⇒  dr.06 DASM stator resistance

6. Measurement of the stator resistance

The stator resistance dr.06 can be determined automatically
Inverter must be in status „70: standstill (modulation off)“. Start
measurement with the input of
⇒  dr.06 = 250000: on
Open control release (X2A.16) after measurement

7. Calculation of motor-dependent data

Activation of SMM, as well as the adaption of the v/f characte- 6
ristic is made by the input of:

⇒  Fr.10 load motor-dep. parameter = 3

8. Adjust speed controller

The speed controller must be adapted to the application via
cS.06 and cS.09.

9. Enter application specific data

e.g. limit values (speed limits, torque limits etc.), Proper data for the adaption of the in-
acceleration- / deceleration ramps, verter to the respective application can
function of the digital in- / outputs, be find in the corresponding chapters.
Type of speed setpoint setting etc.

10. Test run

Test run, in order to check whether the drive runs stable in all
speed ranges and under all load conditions and if a sufficient
safety distance to the current- and load limits is available etc.

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 6.2 - 5

Start-up Vector controlled operation with encoder feedback without motor model

With this start-up description it is provided that an incremental encoder to encoder interface 1 (15pole Sub D
socket X3A) is used for speed feedback.
Read chapter 7.11 "Speed measurement" for necessary adjustments of your speed encoder when using ano-
ther encoder type.

Also it must be secured that the motor phases and the incremental encoder are correct wired (in phase, large
surface of shield connection, well earth connection). The motor temperature sensor must be connected.
A controlled start-up (U/f - characteristic) of the drive can be executed for examination in case of insecurity
about the phase allocation (motor and incremental encoder).

1. Open control release

deactivate terminal X2A.16

⇒  inverter state ru.00 = „noP“/„0: no control release“

2. Selection of the speed range

The required speed range (e.g.: 0..+/- 4000 rpm) is selected Attention: Changing the control type
in control type Ud.02. releases loading of the default parame-
⇒  Ud.02 control type = 4…7 All data for the adjustment of the control
type (e.g. resolution of the speed, etc.)
The speed range should be selected at least 10% higher than see chapter 5.1.
the highest setpoint speed in the application.

3. Loading the default parameters

Loading the default parameters (KEB factory setting) by Attention: Pre-adjustments (e.g. func-
tion of the digital inputs) disappear
⇒  Fr.01 copy parameter set = - 4

4. Selection of the controller configuration

adjust speed-controlled operation

⇒  cS.00 speed control config. = 4

(control mode = speed control)

5. Select source of the speed feedback

The motor speed feedback must be connected to Sub-D so-
cket X3A.

⇒  cS.01 actual source = 0:channel 1

6. Enter increments per revolution of the speed feedback

Enter the number of increments per revolution according to Note: Further adjustments are neces-
the name plate of the encoder sary when using another encoder type.
Read chapter 7.11 „Speed measure-
Ec.01 encoder (inc/r) 1 ment“

7. Input of the motor data

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Values dr.00 to dr.05 must be taken from the motor name Note:
plate. The equivalent circuit data dr.06...dr.10
are without meaning.
⇒  dr.00
⇒  dr.01
⇒  dr.02
⇒  dr.03
⇒  dr.04
⇒  dr.05

8. Activate maximum voltage controller

The maximum voltage controller must be activated for the Attention: Further adjustments must be
field-weakening range if the motor reaches the voltage limita- done in connection with the maximum
tion (modulation factor ru.42 = 100%). voltage controller:

⇒  dS.04 = 24

Parameterization of the controller,

Activation of the active current limitation in the field-weake-
ning range

9. Calculation of motor-dependent data

Adaption of the adjustments to the motor Note:
Since the equivalent circuit data are
⇒  Fr.10 load motor-dep. parameter = 2: actual DC link vol- unknown at this control type, the cur-
tage rent controllers cannot be optimally ad-
apted to the motor, as per control with
motor model.

10. Enter application specific data

Application specifc data are e.g. Proper data for the adaption of the in-
verter to the respective application can
•limit values (speed limits, etc.) be find in the corresponding chapters.
  ⇒  oP Parameter (chapter 7.4.5 setpoint limits)

•acceleration- / deceleration ramps

  ⇒  oP Parameter (chapter 7.4.7 ramp generator)

•Function of the digital in- / outputs

  ⇒  di Parameter (chapter 7.3 digital in- and outputs)

•Type of speed setpoint setting

  ⇒  oP Parameter (chapter 7.4.2, 7.4.3, 7.4.6)

11. Adjust speed controller

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 6.2 - 7


The speed controller parameters must be adapted to the ap-

The maximum voltage controller must be parameterized if the
field weakening range is used.

12. Test run

Activate control release (terminal X2A.16) and make a test
run, whether the drive runs stable in all speed ranges and
under all load conditions

If error messages occur during the start-up phase, read chapter 8.1 „Error causes and displays“. Vector controlled operation with encoder feedback with motor model

Attention: With this start-up description it is provided that an incremental encoder to encoder interface 1 (15pole
Sub D socket X3A) is used for speed feedback.
Also it must be secured that the motor phases and the incremental encoder are correct wired (in phase, large
surface of shield connection, well grounding).
The motor temperature sensor must be connected.
A controlled start-up (U/f - characteristic) of the drive can be executed for examination in case of insecurity
about the phase allocation (motor and incremental encoder).

1. Open control release

deactivate terminal X2A.16
⇒  inverter state ru.00 = „noP“/„0: no control release“

2. Selection of the speed range

The required speed range (e.g.: 0..+/- 4000 rpm) is selected Attention: Changing the control type re-
in control type ud.02. leases loading of the default parameters!
All data for the adjustment of the control
⇒  ud.02 control type = 4…7 type (e.g. resolution of the speed, etc.)
see chapter 5.1.
The speed range should be selected at least 10% higher
than the highest setpoint speed in the application.

3. Loading the default parameters

Loading the default parameters (KEB factory setting) by Attention: Pre-adjustments (e.g. function
of the digital inputs) disappear
⇒  Fr.01 copy parameter set = - 4

4. Selection of the controller configuration

Page 6.2 - 8 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H © KEB, 2012-10


adjust speed-controlled operation

⇒  cS.00 speed control config. = 4

(control mode = speed control)

5. Select source of the speed feedback

The motor speed feedback must be connected to Sub-D so-
cket X3A.

⇒  cS.01 actual value source = 0: Channel 1

6. Enter increments per revolution of the speed feedback

Enter the number of increments per revolution according to Note: Further adjustments are necessary
the name plate of the encoder when using another encoder type. Read
chapter 7.11 „Speed measurement“
Ec.01 encoder (inc/r) 1

7. Input of the motor data

Values dr.00 to dr.05 must be taken from the motor name Attention: The interconnection of the mo-
plate. tor must be considered at acceptance of
The values for dr.06 to dr.08 can be taken from the motor the values of the motor data sheet. The
data sheet (if available) or they can be identified automati- data sheet contains mostly phase va-
cally (see point 10). lues. The phase-phase values must be 6
The DASM head-inductance (dr.10) should always be iden- entered in parameters dr.06...dr.10.
tified, because it is dependent on the selected magnetizing
current. The default values can remain in dr.06 to
dr.10 up to the identification if no equiva-
⇒  dr.00  DASM rated current lent circuit data are known.
⇒  dr.01  DASM rated speed
⇒  dr.02  DASM rated voltage
⇒  dr.03  DASM rated power
⇒  dr.04  DASM cos phi
⇒  dr.05  DASM rated frequency
⇒  dr.06  DASM stator resistance
⇒  dr.07  DASM sigma-inductance
⇒  dr.08  DASM rotor resistance
⇒  dr.10  DASM head-inductance

8. Parameterize flux-/rotor adaptation mode

The operation with motor model is activated in parameter Attention: Further adjustments must be
ds.04 flux/rotor adaptation mode. done in connection with the maximum
voltage controller:
⇒  dS.04 = 249 Parameterization of the controller 7.9,
Activation of the active current limitation
Further necessary adjustments for the operation with motor in the field-weakening range 7.9.
model are additionally made by this parameter:
Further information about the flux con-
•  Maximum voltage controller, maximum voltage 100% troller and flux build-up see chapter 7.6
(without overmodulation) Adjustments of the synchronous motor
•  Flux controller and magnetization build-up active before

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 6.2 - 9


9. Calculation of motor-dependent data

Even if the motor data dr.06 to dr.10 are unknown, the motor-
dependent data (e.g. dr.18 field weak. speed) must be cal-
culated here.

⇒  Fr.10 load motor-dep. parameter = 2: act. DC link voltage

10. Identification of the equivalent circuit data

The equivalent circuit data dr.06...dr.10 can be automatically Attention:
determined by the KEB COMBIVERT. Depending on the used motor the iden-
The following must be considered: tification takes some minutes. Noises
•  The motor must be in no-load operation for identification in the motor can occur caused by high
of the main inductance. As standard the motor rotates with frequency test signals. The sequence of
dr.17: „speed for max torque“. The speed limits (oP-Parame- the identification can be tracked in para-
ter/chapter 7.4.5) must be programmed accordingly if this is meter dr.62 „state motor ident.“.
not permissible. Since the drive is not optimally parame-
•  The direction of rotation is clockwise, the acceleration time terized, a flat acceleration ramp (dr.49)
is preset by dr.49: „Lh.ident. acc/dec time“ should be selected for the identification
•  The speeed controller must be parameterized for acce- to avoid overload of the motor
leration (dynamics not necessary => select small value for Note:
cS.09: KI speed) If the measurement is interrupted with
•  The brake control mode must be activated an error, ru.00 = 60 (error! drive data /
(corresponding to KEB factory setting) E.Cdd) is displayed.
•  After successful measurement ru.00 = 127 (drive data cal- Read chapter 7.6 for further data of the
culated/Cddr) is displayed. identification.
The identification is started with:

⇒  dr.48 = 8: complete AutoIdentification !with rotation!

Close control release (X2A.16) for starting the identification
and open it after the measurement.

11. Adjustment of specific data

⇒  dS.02 current decoupling = 1: on
⇒  uF.15 hardw. curr. lim. mode = 0: off
⇒  uF.18 deadtime comp. mode = 3: automatically

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12. Enter application specific data

Application specifc data are e.g. Proper data for the adaption of the inver-
•  limit values (speec limits, torque limits etc.) ter to the respective application can be
find in the corresponding chapters.
⇒  oP Parameter (chapter 7.4 Setpoint limits)
⇒  cS Parameter (chapter 7.8 torque display and limitation)

•  acceleration / deceleration ramps

  ⇒  oP Parameter (chapter 7.4 Ramp generator)

•  Function of the digital in- / outputs

  ⇒  di Parameter (chapter 7.3 Digital in- and outputs)

•  type of speed setpoint setting

  ⇒  oP Parameter (chapter 7.4) etc.

13. Adjust speed controller

The speed controller parameters can be calculated by the
inverter for applications with constant inertia and rigidly cou-
pled load (see chapter 7.7)
The speed controller must be manually adapted if this ad- 6
justment is not workable for the application or if the result is
The maximum voltage controller must be parameterized if
the field weakening range is used.
Current and flux controller are automatically adjusted during

14. Test run

Check whether the drive operates stable in all speed ranges
and under load conditions.

If error messages occur during the start-up phase, read chapter 8 „Fault diagnosis“. Start-up F5H-M (ASCL/ vector-controlled without encoder feedback with motor model)

Attention: The motor temperature sensor must be connected.

1. Open control release

deactivate terminal X2A.16

⇒  inverter state ru.00 = „noP“/„0: no control release“

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2. Selection of the speed range

The required speed range (e.g.: 0..+/- 4000 rpm) is selected Attention: Changing the control type
in control type Ud.02. releases loading of the default para-
⇒  Ud.02 control type = 4…7 All data for the adjustment of the con-
trol type (e.g. resolution of the speed,
The speed range should be selected at least 10% higher etc.) see chapter 5.1.
than the highest setpoint speed in the application.

3. Loading the default parameters

If the control type Ud.02 was not changed, loading of the Attention: Pre-adjustments (e.g. func-
default parameters (KEB factory setting) can be released by tion of the digital inputs) disappear

⇒  Fr.01 copy parameter set = - 4

can be triggered

4. Selection of the controller configuration

adjust speed-controlled operation

⇒  cS.00 speed control config. = 4

(control mode = speed control)

5. Select source of the speed feedback

Motor speed feedback not available.

⇒  cS.01 actual source = 2: calculated actual value

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6. Input of the motor data

The values dr.00 to dr.05 must be taken from the motor Attention: The interconnection of
name plate. the motor must be considered at ac-
The values for dr.06 to dr.08 can be taken from the motor ceptance of the values of the motor
data sheet (if available) or they can be identified automati- data sheet. The data sheet contains
cally (see point 10). mostly phase values. The phase-pha-
The DASM head-inductance (dr.10) should always be iden- se values must be entered in parame-
tified, because it is dependent on the selected magnetizing ters dr.06...dr.10.
The default values can remain in dr.06
⇒  dr.00  DASM rated current to dr.10 up to the identification if no
⇒  dr.01  DASM rated speed equivalent circuit data are known
⇒  dr.02  DASM rated voltage
⇒  dr.03  DASM rated power
⇒  dr.04  DASM cos phi
⇒  dr.05  DASM rated frequency
⇒  dr.06  DASM stator resistance
⇒  dr.07  DASM sigma-inductance
⇒  dr.08  DASM rotor resistance
⇒  dr.10  DASM head-inductance

7. Parameterize flux-/rotor adaptation mode

The operation with motor model is activated in parameter Attention: Further adjustments must be
ds.04 flux/rotor adaptation mode. done in connection with the maximum 6
voltage controller: Parameterization of
⇒  dS.04 = 249 the controller,
Activation of the active current limita-
Further necessary adjustments for the operation with motor tion in the field-weakening range 7.9.
model are additionally made by this parameter:
•  Maximum voltage controller, maximum voltage 100% Further information about the flux con-
(without overmodulation) troller and flux build-up see chapter 7.6
•  Flux controller and magnetization build-up active before Adjustments of the synchronous motor

8. Calculation of motor-dependent data

Even if the motor data dr.06...10 are unknown, the motor-
dependent data (e.g. dr.18 field weak. speed) must be cal-
culated once at this point.

⇒  Fr.10 load motor-dep. parameter = 2: act. DC link vol-


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9. Identification of the equivalent circuit data

The equivalent circuit data dr.06...dr.10 can be automatically Attention:
determined by the KEB COMBIVERT. Depending on the used motor the iden-
The following must be considered: tification takes some minutes. Noises
•  The motor must be in no-load operation for identification in the motor can occur caused by high
of the main inductance. As standard the motor rotates with frequency test signals. The sequence
dr.17: „speed for max torque“. The speed limits (oP-Parame- of the identification can be tracked in
ter/chapter 7.4.5) must be programmed accordingly if this is parameter dr.62 „state motor ident.".
not permissible. Since the drive is not optimally para-
meterized, a flat acceleration ramp
•  The direction of rotation is clockwise, the acceleration time (dr.49) should be selected for the iden-
is preset by dr.49: „Lh.ident. acc/dec time“ tification to avoid overload of the motor
•  The speeed controller must be parameterized for acce- If the measurement is interrupted with
leration (dynamics not necessary => select small value for an error, ru.00 = 60 (error! drive data /
cS.09: KI speed) E.Cdd) is displayed.
Read chapter 7.6 for further data of the
•  The brake control mode must be activated identification.
(corresponding to KEB factory setting)

•  After successful measurement ru.00 = 127 (drive data cal-

culated/Cddr) is displayed.
The identification is started with

  ⇒  dr.48 = 8: complete auto identification! with rotation!

Close control release (X2A.16) for starting the identification

and open it after the measurement.

10. Adjustment of specific data

⇒  dS.02 current decoupling = 1: on
⇒  uF.15 hardw. curr. lim. mode = 0: off
⇒  uF.18 deadtime comp. mode = 3: automatically

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11. Enter application specific data

Application specifc data are e.g. Proper data for the adaption of the in-
•  limit values (speec limits, torque limits etc.) verter to the respective application can
be find in the corresponding chapters
  ⇒  oP Parameter (chapter 7.4 Setpoint limits)
  ⇒  cS Parameter (chapter 7.8 Torque display and limita-

•acceleration- / deceleration ramps

  ⇒  oP Parameter (chapter 7.4 Ramp generator)

•  function of the digital in- / outputs

  ⇒  di Parameter (chapter 7.3 Digital in- and outputs)

•  type of speed setpoint setting

  ⇒  oP Parameter (chapter 7.4) etc.

12. Adjust speed controller

The speed controller parameters can be calculated by the Note:
inverter for applications with constant inertia and rigidly cou- Current and flux controller are automa-
pled load (see chapter 7.11) tically adjusted during identification. 6
The speed controller must be manually adapted if this ad-
justment is not workable for the application or if the result is
The maximum voltage controller must be parameterized if
the field weakening range is used.

13. Test run

Check whether the drive operates stable in all speed ranges
and under all load conditions.
In some cases operation with ASCL at low speed is critical. If
the behaviour of the drive (e.g. when reversing or stopping)
is not optimal, additional measures must be executed (de-
scribed in chapter 7.6 "operation at low speed").

If error messages occur during the start-up phase, read chapter 8 „Fault diagnosis“.

6.2.2 Start-up of a synchronous motor

The following chapter describes the initial start-up of a synchronous motor splitted in speed controlled systems
with encoder feedback (F5A-S) and speed controlled systems without encoder feedback (F5E-S).

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Start-up Start-up F5A-S

Steps 1 to 10 can be skiped when using a system consisting of KEB COMBIVERT F5 and KEB servo motor.

The unit is already preset by a specific motor download.

The following steps describe a standard start-up when using a "customer-specific motor“. Enocer interface 1 is
used as encoder feedback.

1. Open control release

deactivate terminal X2A.16
⇒ ru.00 inverter state = nop/ „no control release“

2. Selection of the speed range

The usable speed range is adjusted with Ud.02: All data for the adjustment of the controller
type (e.g. resolution of the speed, etc.) see
⇒  Ud.02 control type = 8…11 chapter 5.1

3. Loading the default parameters

Loading the default parameters (KEB factory setting) by Attention:
Pre-adjustments (e.g. function of the digital
⇒  Fr.01 copy parameter set = - 4 inputs) disappear

4. Select source of the speed feedback

⇒  cS.01 actual source = 0: Channel 1

5. Enter increments per revolution of the speed feedback

Ec.01 encoder 1 (inc/r) Note:
Not valid for resolver

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6. Input of the motor rating plate data

⇒  dr.23 DSM rated current Note: If dr.28 is not indicated, the appro-
⇒  dr.24 DSM rated speed ximation value of dr.23 (rated current) can
⇒  dr.25 DSM rated frequency be used.
⇒  dr.27 DSM rated torque Stator resistance and inductance must be
⇒  dr.28 DSM curr. f. zero speed preset as phase-phase values (RUV. LUV)
and the EMC must be preset as peak value
of the phase-phase voltage (√2 x UUV).
7. Input of equivalent circuit data
The values can be taken from a data sheet
- dr.30 DSM winding resistance OR they can be automatically identified.
- dr.31 DSM winding inductanc Identification: see step 10.
- dr.26 DSM EMC [Vpk*1000RPM]

8. Calculation of motor-dependent data

⇒  Fr.10 load motor-dep. parameter = 2: act. DC link

9. Adjust system position

-Checking the direction of rotation. ru.09 must display a See chapter 7.6. for all data of the system
positive speed at manual forward direction of rotation. position trimming.
-Motor shaft must be mandatory free-wheeling (no-load
operation). 6
⇒  Ec.02 system position 1 = 2206
-close control release (X2A.16)
⇒  After successful measurement ru00 = 127 : cddr/ „drive
data calculated“ is displayed.
-open control release again (X2A.16)

10. if necessary identification of the equivalent circuit data

⇒  dr.48 motor identification = 7: Auto identification wit- Note:
hout EMC The EMC is not measured by identification,
-close control release (X2A.16) but it is calculated from the rated data.
⇒  After successful identification ru00 = 127 : cddr/ „drive Read chapter 7.6 for further data of the
data calculated“ is displayed. identification
-open control release again (X2A.16)

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11. Adjustment of specific data

⇒  dS.02 current decoupling = 1 : on
⇒  uF.15 hardw. curr. lim. mode = 0: off
Overload characteristic of the motor:
⇒  dr.33 DSM max. torque (otherwise 5* dr27 rated tor-

12. Optimize speed controller

See chapter 7.11 for all data of the adjustment

The start-up is successful completed if no error messages have arisen.

A detailed parameter description and their effects are described in chapter 7.6. Start-up F5E-S (SCL)

The following steps describe a standard start-up when using a KEB motor or "customer-specific motor“. An
encoder feedback is not used.

1. Open control release

deactivate terminal X2A.16
⇒ ru.00 inverter state = nop/ „no control release“

2. Selection of the speed range

The usable speed range is adjusted with Ud.02: See chapter 5.1 for all data of the adjustment
⇒  Ud.02 control type = 8…11

3. Loading the default parameters

⇒  Fr.01 copy parameter set = - 4

4. Select source of the speed feedback

⇒  cS.01 actual source = 2 : calculated actual value

5. Input of the motor rating plate data

⇒  dr.23 DSM rated current * Note:
⇒  dr.24 DSM rated speed dr.30 and dr.31 must be entered as phase-
⇒  dr.25 DSM rated frequency phase value (RUV, LUV).
⇒  dr.26 dr.26 DSM EMC [Vpk*1000RPM] Equivalent circuit data must be entered
   [Vpk x 1000rpm] * according to the data sheet OR the data
⇒  dr.27 DSM rated torque must be identified automatically like step 7.
⇒  dr.28 DSM curr. f. zero speed dr.26 must be programmed as peak value of
⇒  dr.30 DSM winding resistance * the phase-phase voltage UUV.
⇒  dr.31 DSM winding inductance *

6. Calculation of motor-dependent data

⇒  Fr.10 load motor-dep. parameter = 2: act. DC link

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7. Identification of the equivalent circuit data

ATTENTION: Requires motor revolution in no-load ope- Depending on the used motor the identifica-
ration tion takes some minutes. Noises in the mo-
⇒  dr.48 motor identification = 8: complete auto iden- tor can occur caused by high frequency test
tification signals.
Close control release (X2A.16)
⇒  After successful identification ru.00 = 127 : cddr/
„drive data calculated)“ is displayed.
Open control release again (X2A.16)
Further data see chapter 7.6.

8. Adjustment of specific data

⇒  dS.02 current decoupling = 1: on
⇒  uF.15 hardw. curr. lim. mode = 0: off
⇒  uF.18 deadtime comp. mode = 3: automatically
Overload characteristic of the motor:
⇒  dr.33 DSM max. torque (otherwise 5 x dr.27 rated

9. Optimize speed controller

See chapter 7.11 for all data of the adjustment
The start-up is successful completed if no error messages have arisen.
A detailed parameter description and their effects are described in chapter 7.6.

Special adjustments must be done for the operation of special or high-frequency motors.
Please contact KEB for this case.

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Operating and appliance data

7.1 Operating and appliance data

1. Introduction

7.2 Analog in- and outputs

2. Summary
7.3 Digital in- and outputs

3. Hardware
7.4 Setpoint-, rotation- and ramp setting

Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous

4. Operation motor

Motor data and controller adjustments of the synchronous

Selection of Operating motor
7.7 Speed control

6. Initial Start-up
7.8 Torque display and -limiting

7.9 Torque control

7. Functions 7

7.10 Current control, -limiting and switching frequencies

8. Error Assistance
7.11 Speed measurement

9. Project Design
7.12 Posi- and synchronous operation

7.13 Protective functions

10. Networks

7.14 Parameter sets

11. Parameter Overview

7.15 Special functions

12. Annex
7.16 CP-Parameter definition

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 7.1 - 1

Operating and appliance data

7.1.1 Overview of the ru-Parameters................................................................................................ 7.1 - 3

7.1.2 Overview of the In-Parameters................................................................................................ 7.1 - 4
7.1.3 Overview of the Sy-Parameters............................................................................................... 7.1 - 4
7.1.4 Explanation to parameter description.................................................................................... 7.1 - 5
7.1.5 Description of the ru-Parameters............................................................................................ 7.1 - 5
7.1.6 Description of the In-Parameters.......................................................................................... 7.1 - 16
7.1.7 Description of the SY (System) - Parameters....................................................................... 7.1 - 20

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Operating and appliance data

7. Functions
7.1 Operating and appliance data
The parameter groups „ru“, „In“ and „SY“ are described in this chapter. They serve for the operational monito-
ring, error analysis and evaluation as well as for the unit identification.

7.1.1 Overview of the ru-Parameters

The ru- (run) parameter group represents the multimeter of the inverter. Here speeds, currents, voltages etc.
are displayed, with those a statement about the operating condition of the inverter can be made. Especially du-
ring start-up or trouble shooting on a unit, this can turn out to be a great aid. Following parameters are available:

ru.00 inverter state ru.41 modulation on counter

ru.01 set value display ru.42 modulation grade
ru.02 ramp output display ru.43 timer 1 display
ru.03 actual frequency display ru.44 timer 2 display
ru.07 Actual value display ru.45 act. switching frequency
ru.09 encoder 1 speed ru.46 motor temperature
ru.10 encoder 2 speed ru.47 act. torque limit mot.
ru.11 set torque display ru.48 act. torque limit gen.
ru.12 actual torque display ru.49 actual ref. torque
ru.13 actual utilization ru.51 heat sink temperaure
ru.14 peak utilization ru.52 ext. PID out display
ru.15 apparent current ru.53 AUX display
ru.16 peak apparent current ru.54 actual position
ru.17 active current ru.56 set position
ru.18 actual DC voltage ru.58 angle difference
ru.19 peak DC voltage ru.59 rotor adaption factor 7
ru.20 output voltage ru.60 Act. position index
ru.21 Terminal Status ru.61 target position
ru.22 internal input state ru.63 profile speed
ru.23 output condition state ru.68 rated DC voltage
ru.24 State of output flags ru.69 Distance reference point to zero signal
ru.25 output terminal state ru.71 Teach position
ru.26 Active parameter set ru.73 set torque in percent
ru.27 AN1 pre amplifier display ru.74 Act. torque in percent
ru.28 AN1 post amplifier display ru.78 act. val. display in percent
ru.29 AN2 pre amplifier display ru.79 Abs. speed value (EMK)
ru.30 AN2 post amplifier display ru.80 digital output state
ru.31 AN3 pre amplifier display ru.81 active power
ru.32 AN3 post amplifier display ru.82 Ramp val. display high-resolution
ru.33 ANOUT1 pre ampl. display ru.83 Actual val. display high-resolution
ru.34 ANOUT1 post ampl.display ru.84 accessible rel. position
ru.35 ANOUT2 pre ampl. display ru.85 Peak encoder 1 speed
ru.36 ANOUT2 post ampl. display ru.86 Peak encoder 2 speed
ru.37 motorpoti actual value ru.87 Magnetizing current
ru.38 power module temperature ru.89 actual source speed
ru.39 Overload integrator (E.OL) ru.90 Max. torque in percent
ru.40 power on counter

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Operating and appliance data

7.1.2 Overview of the In-Parameters

The In- (Information) parameter group contains data and information on the identification of the hardware and
software as well as on the type and number of the errors that occurred. Following parameters are available:
In.00 inverter type
In.01 rated Inverter current
In.03 max. carrier frequency
In.04 rated carrier frequency
In.06 Software version
In.07 Software date
In.10 serial no. (date)
In. 11 serial no. (count)
In.12 serial no. (AB-no. high)
In.13 serial no. (AB-no. low)
In.14 customer no. (high)
In.15 customer no. (low)
In.16 QS no.
In. 17 Temperature mode
In.22 user parameter 1
In.23 user parameter 2
In. 24 Last error
In. 25 Error Assistance
In.26 E.OC error counter
In.27 E.OL error counter
In.28 E.OP error counter
In.29 E.OH error counter
In.30 E.OHI error counter
In.31 KEB Hiperface
In.32 Interface software date

7.1.3 Overview of the Sy-Parameters

The Sy- (system) parameter group contains system specific parameters. Following parameters are available:
SY.01 Watchdog cycle SY.44 Status word long
Sy.02 inverter identifier SY.50 Control word low
Sy.03 Power unit code Sy. 51 Status word low
Sy.06 inverter address SY.52 Set speed value
Sy.07 baud rate ext. bus SY.53 actual speed display
SY.08 bus synchron time Sy.56 Start display address
Sy.09 HSP5 watchdog time
Sy.11 baud rate int. bus
SY.32 Scope timer
SY.41 Control word high
SY.42 Status word high
SY.43 Control word long

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Operating and appliance data

7.1.4 Explanation to parameter description

Addr. = Address
PG = programmable → + = programmable
- = not programmable
E = ENTER → + = yes
- = no
R = Right → RO = Read only
RW = Read and write
KB = Keyboard
= Resolution and value range depending on ud.02
Min. = Minimum value
Max. = Maximum value
Res. = Resolution
Default = Default value
[?] = Unit

7.1.5 Description of the ru-Parameters

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.00 inverter state 0200h RO - - 0 255 1 - 0
The inverter status shows the current operating condition of the regenerative unit. In the case of an error
the current error message is displayed, even if the display has already been reset with ENTER (error-LED
on the operator is still blinking). For more information about status messages as well as its cause and re-
moval refer to Chapter 8 „Error Diagnosis“.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.01 set value display 1) 0201h RO - - -4000 4000 0.125 rpm -
Display of the actual set speed. For control reasons the set speed is displayed even if control release or
direction of rotation are not switched. If no direction of rotation is set, the set speed for clockwise rotation
(forward) is displayed.

A counter-clockwise rotating field (reverse) is represented by a negative sign. Precondition is the phase-correct
connection of the motor.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.02 ramp output display 0202h RO - - -4000 4000 0.125 rpm -
The displayed speed corresponds to the synchronous speed output at the ramp output. The output is displa-
yed like ru.01.

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Operating and appliance data

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.03 actual frequency dis- 0203h RO - - -400 400 0.125 Hz -
play 1)
The displayed actual frequency corresponds to the rotary field frequency output at the inverter output. The
output is displayed like ru.01.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.07 actual value display 0207h RO - - -4000 4000 0.125 rpm -
Depending on the adjusted actual source (cS.01) the actual speed of encoder input 1 and/or 2 is displayed.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.09 Encoder 1 speed 0209h RO - - -4000 4000 0.125 rpm -
ru.10 Encoder 2 speed 0210h RO - - -4000 4000 0.125 rpm -
The displayed speed corresponds to the actual speed measured at the encoder input 1 or 2.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.11 set torque display 020Bh RO - - -10000 10000 0.01 Nm -
The indicated value corresponds to the current set torque.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.12 actual torque display 020Ch RO - - -10000 10000 0.01 Nm -
The indicated value corresponds to the actual torque.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.13 actual utilization 020Dh RO - - 0 65535 1 % -
Display of the current utilization referred to the rated current of the inverter. Only positive values are indicated,
thus it is not possible to differentiate between a motoric or generatoric operation.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.14 peak utilization 020Eh RO - - 0 65535 1 % -
ru.14 permits the detection of short-time peak loads within an operating cycle. The highest value of ru.13 is
stored in ru.14. The peak value memory can be cleared by pressing the keys UP, DOWN or ENTER and by bus
through writing any chosen value to the address of ru.14. The switch off of the inverter also clears the memory.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.15 apparent current 020Fh RO - - 0 6553.5 0.1 A -
Display of the actual apparent current.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.16 apparent current 0210h RO - - 0 6553.5 0.1 A -
ru.16 permits the detection of short-time peak currents within an operating cycle. The highest value of ru.15 is
stored in ru.16. The peak value memory can be cleared by pressing the keys UP, DOWN or ENTER and by bus
through writing any chosen value to the address of ru.16. The switch off of the inverter also clears the memory.

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Operating and appliance data

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.17 active current 0211h RO - - -3276.7 3276.7 0.1 A -
Display of the torque-forming active current. Negative current corresponds to generatoric operation, positive
current corresponds to motoric operation. The more precise the motor data are entered, the more precise is
the indication of the active current. The maximum values depend on the size of the inverter.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.18 actual DC voltage 0212h RO - - 0 1000 1 V -
Display of current DC-link voltage. Typical values:
Normal opera- 230V-class approx. 300- Overvoltage approx. Undervoltage approx.
tion: 330V (E.OP): 400 V (E.UP): 216 V
400V-class approx. 530- approx. approx.
620V 800 V 240 V

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.19 peak DC voltage 0213h RO - - 0 1000 1 V -
ru.19 permits the detection of short-time voltage rises within an operating cycle. The highest value of ru.18 is
stored in ru.19. The peak value memory can be deleted by pressing the keys UP, DOWN or ENTER and by bus
through writing any chosen value to the address of ru.19. The switch off of the inverter also clears the memory.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.20 output voltage 0214h RO - - 0 1000 1 V -
Display of the current output voltage.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default 7

ru.21 Terminal Status 0215h RO - - 0 4095 1 - -
Display of the digital inputs controlled currently. The logic levels are indicated at the input terminals or at the
internal inputs regardless of the following logic operations (also see chapt. 7.3 „Digital inputs“). According to
following table a specific decimal value is given out for each digital input. If several inputs are controlled, the
sum of the decimal values is indicated.
Bit -No. Dec. Input Terminal
0 1 ST (prog. input „control release/reset“) X2A.16
1 2 RST (prog. input „reset“) X2A.17
2 4 F (prog. input „forward“) X2A.14
3 8 R (prog. input „reverse“) X2A.15
4 16 I1 (prog. input 1) X2A.10
5 32 I2 (prog. input 2) X2A.11
6 64 I3 (prog. input 3) X2A.12
7 128 I4 (prog. input 4) X2A.13
8 256 IA (internal input A) no
9 512 IB (internal input B) no
10 1024 IC (internal input C) no
11 2048 ID (internal input D) no

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Operating and appliance data

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.22 internal input state 0216h RO - - 0 4095 1 - -
Display of the digital external and internal inputs set currently. The input is only regarded as set if it is available
as effective signal to the further processing (i.e. accepted through strobe, edge-triggering or logic operation).
According to table like ru.21 a specific decimal value is given out for each digital input. If several inputs are
controlled, the sum of the decimal values (see ru.21) is indicated (also see Chapt. 7.3 „Digital inputs“).
Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default
ru.23 output condition state 0217h RO - - 0 255 1 - -
With parameters switching conditions can be selected, that serve as a base for setting the outputs.
This parameter indicates which of the selected switching conditions are met before they are linked or inverted
by programmable logic (also see Chapt. 7.3. „Digital outputs“). According to following table a specific decimal
value is given out for the switching conditions. If several of the selected switching conditions are met, the sum
of the decimal values is indicated.

Bit Decimal Output

-No. value
0 1 Switching condition 0 (do.0)
1 2 Switching condition 1 (do.1)
2 4 Switching condition 2 (do.2)
3 8 Switching condition 3 (do.3)
4 16 Switching condition 4 (do.4)
5 32 Switching condition 5 (do.5)
6 64 Switching condition 6 (do.6)
7 128 Switching condition 7 (do.7)

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.24 State of output flags 0218h RO - - 0 255 1 - -
Display of the output flags after logic step 1. The selected switching conditions are linked in logic step 1
(do.08...24) and indicated here (see chapt. 7.3 „Digital outputs“). According to following table a specific decimal
value is given out for any output flags. If several output flags are set, the sum of the decimal values is indicated.

Bit Decimal Output

-No. value
0 1 Flag 0
1 2 Flag 1
2 4 Flag 2
3 8 Flag 3
4 16 Flag 4
5 32 Flag 5
6 64 Flag 6
7 128 Flag 7

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Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.25 output terminal state 0219h RO - - 0 255 1 - -
Display of the external and internal digital outputs set currently. According to following table a specific decimal
value is given out for each digital output. If several outputs are set, the sum of the decimal values is indicated.

Bit Decimal Output Terminal

-No. value
0 1 O1 (transistor output 1) X2A.18
1 2 O2 (transistor output 2) X2A.19
2 4 R1 (relay RLA,RLB,RLC) X2A.24...26
3 8 R2 (relay FLA,FLB,FLC) X2A.27...29
4 16 OA (internal output A) no
5 32 OB (internal output B) no
6 64 OC (internal output C) no
7 128 OD (internal output D) no

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.26 active parameter set 021Ah RO - - 0 7 1 - -
The KEB COMBIVERT can have access to 8 parameter sets (0-7). Through programming the inverter can
change parameter sets autonomously and can thus start different modes of operation. This parameter shows
the parameter set, with which the inverter is operating currently. Independent of it another parameter set can
be edited by bus (also see chapter 7.16).

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.27 AN 1 / pre amplifier 021Bh RO - - -100 100 0.1 % - 7
This parameter indicates the value in percent of the analog signal AN1 on the differential voltage input (ter-
minal X2A.1 / X2A.2) before signal amplification. In dependence on An.10 the indicated value of 0...±100 %
corresponds to An.00: 0...±10 V; 0...±20 mA or 4...20 mA (also see chapt. 7.2 „Analog inputs“).

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.28 AN 1 / post amplifier 021Ch RO - - -400 400 0.1 % -
This parameter shows the value of the analog signal AN1 in percent after passing the characteristic amplifier.
The range of indication is limited to ±400 % (also see chapt. 7.2 „Analog inputs“).

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.29 AN 2 / pre amplifier 021Dh RO - - -100 100 0.1 % -
This parameter shows the value in percent of the analog signal AN2 on the differential voltage input (terminal
X2A.3 / X2A.4) before the signal amplification. The indicated value of 0...±100 % corresponds depending on
An.10: 0...±10 V; 0...±20 mA or 4...20 mA (also see chapt. 7.2 „Analog inputs“).

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Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.30 AN 1 / post amplifier 021Eh RO - - -400 400 0.1 % -
This parameter shows the value of the analog signal AN2 in percent after passing the characteristic amplifier.
The range of indication is limited to ±400 % (also see chapt. 7.2 „Analog inputs“).

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.31 AN 3 / pre amplifier 021Eh RO - - -100 100 0.1 % -
This parameter shows the value of the analog signal on the optionally analog input AN3 before signal ampli-
fication in percent. The indicated value of 0...±100 % corresponds depending on An.10: 0...±10 V (see also
chapt. 7.2 „Analog inputs“).

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.32 AN 3 / post amplifier 021Fh RO - - -400 400 0.1 % -
This parameter shows the value of the analog signal on the optionally analog input AN3 after signal amplifi-
cation in percent. The range of indication is limited to ±400 % (also see chapt. 7.2 „Analog inputs“).

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.33 ANOUT 1 / pre amplifier 0221h RO - - -400 400 0.1 % -
This parameter shows the value of the analog signal ANOUT1 in percent before passing the characteristic
amplifier (also see 7.2 „Analog outputs“).

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.34 ANOUT 1 / post ampli- 0222h RO - - -115 115 0.1 % -
fier display
This parameter shows the value of the signal given out on analog output ANOUT1 (terminal X2A.5) in percent.
A value of 0...±100 % correponds to an output signal of 0...±11,5 V (also see chapt. 7.2 „Analog outputs“).

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.35 ANOUT 1 / pre amplifier 0223h RO - - -400 400 0.1 % -
This parameter shows the value of the analog signal ANOUT1 in percent before passing the characteristic
amplifier (also see 7.2 „Analog outputs“).

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.36 ANOUT 1 / post ampli- 0224h RO - - -115 115 0.1 % -
fier display
This parameter shows the value of the signal given out on analog output ANOUT2 (terminal X2A.6) in percent.
A value of 0...±100 % correponds to an output signal of 0...±11,5 V (also see chapt. 7.2 „Analog outputs“).

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Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.37 motorpoti actual value 0225h RO - - -100 100 0.01 % -
The motorpoti-function in the KEB COMBIVERT imitates a mechanical, motor operated potentiometer. The
control occurs via 2 programmable inputs („poti up“ and „poti down“). The display is limited by oP.53/ 54. The
adjustment of the motorpoti is done with the parameters oP.50...oP.59 (also see chapt. 7.15.3 „Motorpoti“). By
way of the bus the motorpoti can be set to any chosen value between -100...100%. In addition to the inputs
the motorpoti can be operated with the keys „UP“ and „DOWN“. Then the rate of change is not constant.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.38 power module tempe- 0226h RO - - 0 150 1 °C -
ru.38 shows the current power stage temperature of the inverter.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.39 Overload integrator 0227h RO - - 0 100 1 % -
In order to preclude „E.OL“ - errors by too high load (load reduction in due time), the internal count of the OL-
counter can be made visible with this display. At 100 % the inverter switches off with error „E.OL“. The error
can be reset only after a cooling time (blinking display „E.nOL“).

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.40 power on counter 0228h RO - - 0 65535 1 h -
The operating hours meter shows the time the inverter was switched on. The indicated value comprises all
operating phases. On reaching the maximum value (approx. 7.5 years) the display remains on the maximum
Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default
ru.41 modulation on counter 0229h RO - - 0 65535 1 h -
The modulation hours meter shows the time the inverter was active (power modules controlled). On reaching
the maximum value (approx. 7.5 years) the display remains on the maximum value.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.42 modulation grade 022Ah RO - - 0 110 1 % -
The modulation factor shows the output voltage in percent. 100 % correspond to the input voltage (no-load).
At a value of > 100 % the inverter works with overmodulation.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.43 timer 1 display 022Bh RO - - 0 655,35 0.01 - -
The count of the free-programmable timer 1 is indicated. The display is done either in seconds, in hours or in
slopes/100 (see LE.21). The counter can be adjusted to any chosen value by keyboard or bus. The program-
ming of the counter is done with the parameters LE.17...LE.21 (see also chapter 7.15 „Timer“).

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.44 timer 2 display 022Ch RO - - 0 655,35 0.01 - -
The count of the free-programmable timer 2 is indicated. The display is done either in seconds, in hours or in
slopes/100 (see LE.26). The counter can be adjusted to any chosen value by keyboard or bus. The program-
ming of the counter is done with the parameters LE.22...LE.26 (see also chapter 7.15 „Timer“).

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Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.45 act. switching frequency 022Dh RO - - 0 4 1 - -
Indicates the actual switching frequency of the inverter. The displayed values correspond to the following
switching frequencies:
0 = 2 kHz 1 = 4 kHz 2 = 8 kHz 3 = 12 kHz 4 = 16 kHz

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.46 Motor temperature (opt.) 022Eh RO - - 0 255: off 1 °C -
Indicates the current motor temperature. Precondition for this function is aspecial power circuit. The tempe-
rature detection is connected to the terminals T1/T2.
0: T1/T2 closed
253, 254: broken cable; short circuit; detection error
255: T1/T2 open

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.47 Actual torque limit motor 022Fh RO - - -10000 10000 0.01 Nm -
This parameter indicates the actual adjusted set torque limit for motor operation.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.48 Actual torque limit gene- 0230h RO - - -10000 10000 0.01 Nm -
This parameter displays the currently adjusted set torque limit for generatoric operation.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.49 actual ref. torque 0231h RO - - -10000 10000 0.01 Nm -
This parameter displays the preadjusted setpoint torque at the input of the torque controller.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.50 actual ref. torque 0232h RO - - -10000 10000 0.01 Nm -
This parameter displays the preadjusted setpoint torque at the input of the torque controller.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.51 Power module tempe- 0233h RO - - -40 120 1 °C -
This parameter displays the actual heat sink temperature.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.52 Ext. PID out display 0234h RO - - -100.0 100.0 0.1 % -
A universal PI-controller is integrated into the inverter. It can be used externally as well as internally. So that
the controller is as independent as possible, the displayed manipulated variable, referring to a +/- signal, is
output in percent.

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Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.53 AUX display 0235h RO - - -400.0 400.0 0.1 % -
The AUX input is adjusted with An.30. This parameter shows the value of the analog signal AUX in percent.
The display range is limited to ±400 % (also see chapt. 6.2 „Analog inputs“).

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.54 actual position 0236h RO - - -2147483647 2147483647 1 Inc -
ru.54 displays the absolute actual position in increments.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.55 set position 0237h RO - - -2147483647 2147483647 1 Inc -
ru.55 displays the absolute set position in increments.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.58 angle difference 023Ah RO - - -2147483647 2147483647 1 Inc -
This parameter displays the actual angular difference between set and actual position.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.59 rotor adaption factor 023Bh RO - - 0 100 1 % -
This parameter displays the actual factor of the rotor adaption.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.60 act. position index 023Ch RO - - 0 255 1 - -
This parameter displays the actual position index of the position profile.
Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default
ru.61 target position 023Dh RO - - -2147483647 2147483647 1 Inc -
This parameter displays the target position of the actual position index.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.63 profile speed 023Fh RO - - -4000 4000 0.125 rpm -
This parameter displays the speed of the actual position index.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.68 Rated DC voltage 0244h RO - - 0 1000 1 V -
This parameter displays the rated DC link voltage automatically determined by the inverter. The value is
measured at switch-on.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.69 Distance ref.- zeropoint 0245h RO - - -2147483647 2147483647 1 Inc -
This parameter displays the distance to the zeropoint after relieve the reference switch.

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Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.71 Teach position 0247h RO - - -2147483647 2147483647 1 Inc -
This parameter displays the current teach position. This position remains until a new position is teached.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.73 Set torque in percent 0249h RO - - -400.0 400.0 0.1 % -
This parameter displays the adjusted set torque (ru.11) in percent at the input referring to the absolute tor-
que reference (cS.19).

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.74 act. torque in percent 024Ah RO - - -400.0 400.0 0.1 % -
This parameter displays the actual torque display (ru.12) at the input referring to the absolute torque refe-
rence in percent (cS.19).

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.78 Act. value display in 024Eh RO - - -400.0 400.0 0.1 % -
This parameter displays the actual value (ru.07) in percent referring to the max. reference forward (oP.10).

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.79 Absolute speed value 024Fh RO - - -4000,000 4000,000 0.125 rpm -
In order to protect the inverter against overvoltage in the field weakening range, an EMC dependent speed
should not be exceeded. This calculated value has priority to all other limits and it is displayed in ru.79.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.80 digital output state 0250h RO - - 0 255 1 - -
With do.51 digital output signals can be assigned to the hardware outputs (see chapter 7.3.). This parameter
displays the state of the output signals before the assignment in accordance with the following table. If seve-
ral outputs are set, the sum of the decimal values is indicated.

Bit Dec. Output Terminal

-No. value
0 1 O1 (transistor output 1) X2A.18
1 2 O2 (transistor output 2) X2A.19
2 4 R1 (relay RLA,RLB,RLC) X2A.24...26
3 8 R2 (relay FLA,FLB,FLC) X2A.27...29
4 16 OA (internal output A) no
5 32 OB (internal output B) no
6 64 OC (internal output C) no
7 128 OD (internal output D) no

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.81 active power 0251h RO - - -400.00 400.00 0.01 kW -
The active power of the inverter is displayed with parameter ru.81. Negative values are displayed during
generatoric operation.

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Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.82 Ramp val. display high- 0252h RO - - -2147483647 2147483647 1 - 0
The ramp value display high-res is displayed in ru.82.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.83 Act. val. display high- 0253h RO - - -2147483647 2147483647 1 - 0
The actual value is displayed in high-resolution with ru.83.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.84 accessible rel. position 0254h RO - - -2147483647 2147483647 1 Inc 0
The accessible relative position is displayed with ru.84.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.85 Peak encoder 1 speed 0255h RO - - 0 4095.875 0.125 rpm 0
The actual speed of encoder 1 is displayed with ru.85

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.86 Peak encoder 2 speed 0256h RO - - 0 4095.875 0.125 rpm 0
The peak value of encoder 2 is displayed in ru.86

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.87 Magnetizing current 0257h RO - - -3276.7 3276.7 0.1 A 0 7
The magnetizing current is displayed in ru.87.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.89 actual source speed 0259h RO - - -4000 4000 0.125 rpm 0
The frequency of the actual value source is displayed in ru.89.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.90 Max. torque in percent 025Ah RO - - 0.00 400.00 0.01 % 0
The maximum torque in percent is displayed in ru.90.

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Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.91 Energy over gtr 7 025Bh appl np - 0 99999 1 kW 0
The energy which is converted via the GTR7 resistor is displayed in parameter ru.91.On reaching the maxi-
mum value of 99999 kWh the counter is limited to this value. The limitation is given by the operator display
(5 digits). Parameter ru. 91 is writable. It is set to its default value by new-initialization and writing on power
on counter (ru.40).

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.92 Input power 025Ch RO - - -10000.00 10000.00 0.01 kW 0
The input power is displayed in ru.92.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

ru.93 Power loss 025Dh RO - - -10000.00 10000.00 0.01 kW 0
The power loss is displayed in ru.93.

7.1.6 Description of the In-Parameters

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

In.00 Inverter type 0E00h
Bit Description Meaning
0 0
2 Unit size
binary coded, e.g. 00101 for size 05
5 Voltage class 0 230 V 1 400 V
6 Power phases 0 single phase 1 3-phase
7 free 0
8 0 A housing 6 G housing 20 U housing
9 1 B-housing 7 H housing 22 W housing
10 Housing size 2 C housing 10 K housing
11 3 D housing 15 P housing
12 4 E housing 17 R housing
13 0 G control 3 S control 6 R control
14 Control type 1 M control 4 A control
15 2 B control 5 C control

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

In.01 Inverter rated current 0E01h RO - - LTK 710 0.1 A -
Display of the inverter rated current in A. The value is determined from the power circuit identification (P-ID)
and cannot be changed.

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Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

In.03 Max. switching fre- 0E03h RO - - 0 4 1 - -
Display of the maximum possible switching frequency in kHz for this inverter. The displayed values correspond
to the following switching frequencies:
0 = 2 kHz 1 = 4 kHz 2 = 8 kHz 3 = 12 kHz 4 = 16 kHz

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

In.04 Rated switching fre- 0E04h RO - - 0 LTK 1 - LTK
Display of the rated switching frequency in kHz. The displayed values correspond to the following switching
0 = 2 kHz 1 = 4 kHz 2 = 8 kHz 3 = 12 kHz 4 = 16 kHz

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

In.06 Software version 0E06h RO - - 0.00 9.99 1 - -
Display of the software version number.
1. and 2. digit: Software version (e.g. 2.1)
3. digit: Special version (0 = standard)

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

In.07 Software date 0E07h RO - - - - 0.1 - -
Display of the software date. The value contains day, month and year, from the year only the last digit is indicated.
Example: Display = 2102.0
Date = 21.02.2000
Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default
In.10 0E0Ah RO - - 0 65535 1 - 0
In. 0E0Bh RO - - 0 65535 1 - 0
Serial number
In.12 0E0Ch RO - - 0 65535 1 - 0
In.14 Customer number / high 0E0Eh RO - - 0 65535 1 - 0
In.15 Customer number / low 0E0Fh RO - - 0 65535 1 - 0
In.16 QS number/ date 0E10h RO - - 0 65535 1 - 0
The serial number and the customer number identify the inverter. The QS-number contains production internal

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Operating and appliance data

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

In. Temperature mode 0E11h RO - - 0 LTK 1 - LTK
Parameter In.17 displays in high byte the temperature mode of the inverter. The desired function is adjusted
with Pn.72 and operates in accordance with the following table:
In. Function of T1, T2 Pn.72 Resistance Display ru.46 Error/ warning 1)
< 750 Ω T1-T2 closed -
0.75…1.65 kΩ
PTC not defined -
(reset resistance)
0xh (in accordance with DIN -
1.65…4 kΩ
EN 60947-8) not defined x
(tripping resistance)
> 4 kΩ T1-T2 open x
< 215 Ω Detection error x
498 Ω 1°C - 2)
KTY84 (standard) 0 1 kΩ 100°C x 2)
1,722 kΩ 200°C x 2)
> 1811 Ω Detection error 254 x
5xh < 750 Ω T1-T2 closed -
0.75…1.65 kΩ
PTC T1-T2 closed -
(reset resistance)
(in accordance with DIN 1
1.65…4 kΩ
EN 60947-8) T1-T2 open x
(tripping resistance)
> 4 kΩ T1-T2 open x
6xh PT100 - on inquiry
1) The column is valid at factory setting and Ud.02 ≥ 4 (F5-Multi, Servo). At Ud.02 < 4 (F5-General) the
function must be programmed accordingly with parameters Pn.12, Pn.13, Pn.62 and Pn.72.
2) The disconnection is depending on the adjusted temperature in Pn.62.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

In.22 User parameter 1 0E16h RW - - 0 65535 1 - 0
In.23 User parameter 1 0E17h RW - - 0 65535 1 - 0
This parameters are not assigned to any function and are available to the user for input.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

In. Last error 0E18h R - - 0 255 1 - -
In.24 stores the 8 errors that occurred last. The display is set-programmable. E. UP is not stored. The error
messages are described in chapter 8. If the value 0 is written, (only possible with supervisor password), all
error messages in all sets are deleted.

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Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

In. Error Assistance 0E19h RW - - 0 65535 1 - 0
Shows the last 8 errors that occurred (in the sets 0...7). The oldest error is in set 7. Between errors of the same
type a difference time is determined and stored too.

Bit 0...11 Value Description

0...4094 Difference time in minutes
4095 Difference time > 4094 minutes

Bit 12...15 Value Error Value Error Value Error

0 no error 3 E.OP 6...15 free
1 E.OC 4 E.OH
2 E.OL 5 E.OHI

Bit 16 Value Description

1 No decimal display at plaintext

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

In.26 E.OC error counter 0E1Ah RO - - 0 65535 1 - 0
In.27 E.OL error counter 0E1Bh RO - - 0 65535 1 - 0
In.28 E.OP error counter 0E1Ch RO - - 0 65535 1 - 0
In.29 E.OH error counter 0E1Dh RO - - 0 65535 1 - 0
In.30 E.OHI error counter 0E1Eh RO - - 0 65535 1 - 0 7
The error counters (for E.OC, E.OL, E.OP, E.OH, E.OHI) specify the total number of errors of each error type.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

In.31 KEB-Hiperface 0E1Fh RO - - 0 65535 1 - -
In.31 shows the version of the KEB - Hiperface.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

In.32 Interface software date 0E20h RO - - 0 6553.5 0.1 - -
In.32 shows the date of the interface software.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

In.33 Interface software ver- 0E21h RO - - 0 6553.5 1 - -
In.33 shows the version of the interface software.

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Operating and appliance data

7.1.7 Description of the SY (System) - Parameters

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

SY.01 Watchdog cycle 0001h RO - - 0000 255 1 hex -
The monitoring of communication in the synchronous bus operation occurs with parameter SY.01, which is
evaluated in a field bus operator (e.g. DIASBus). Triggering of the malfunction occurs via Pn.05, Pn.06, SY.57,
like monitoring of the external interface at standard operators. The function is switched off at a power on reset
(SY.01 = 0). A value > 0 switches on the monitoring. The number of cycles is adjusted that shall occure until
a malfunction is triggered.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

Sy.02 Inverter identifier 0002h RO - - 0000 9999 1 hex -
An unique number is assigned to each type of frequency inverter which identifies the inverter. This value is
used for example by COMBIVIS to load the correct configuration files.Sy.02 can be written with the indicated
value (e.g. for identification of download lists).

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

Sy.03 Power unit code 0003h RO - - -255 255 1 - -
On the basis of the power circuit identification the control recognizes the used power circuit respectively a
change of the power circuit and adjusts certain parameters accordingly. To accept a new P-Id enter positive
values (see chap. 8 „E.Puch“).

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

Sy.04 Configuration data se- 0004h RO - - 0 24 1 - -
SY.05 Configuration data 0005h RO - - -32727 32767 1 - -
This parameters give information about the appropriate config-data of the inverter.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

Sy.06 Power unit code 0006h RW - + 0 239 1 - 1
The address if the inverter shall be responded via "COMBIVIS" or another control can be adjusted in SY.06.
Values between 0 and 239 are possible, the default value is 1. If several inverters are operated on the bus
simultaneously, it is absolutely necessary to assign different addresses to them, since otherwise it leads to
communication failures because several inverters may answer at the same time. The description of the DIN
66019II protocol (C0.F5.01I-K001) contains further information to this.

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Operating and appliance data

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

Sy.07 Power unit code 0007h RW - + 0 6 1 - 5
Following values for the baud rate of the serial interface are possible:
Parameter value Baud rate
0 1200 Baud
1 2400 Baud
2 4800 Baud
3 9600 Baud
4 19200 Baud
5 (default) 38400 Baud
6 55500 Baud
If the value for the baud rate is changed via the serial interface, it can be changed again only by the keyboard
or after adapting the baud rate of the master, as no communication is possible with different baud rates of
master and slave.
Should problems occur at the data transmission choose a transfer rate of maximal 38400 baud.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

SY.08 Bus synchron time 0008h RW - + 0: off 65000 1 µs 0
The time, within which the control synchronized onto an external clock pulse (sercos), is entered in this para-
meter. If no sychnronization takes place, an error or status message (E.SbuS or A.SbuS) , depending on the
adjusted behaviour, is output. The value „off“ deactivates the function.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

Sy.09 HSP5 watchdog time 0009h RW - + 0: off 10.00 0.01 s 0
The HSP5 watchdog function monitors the communication of the HSP5 interface (control card - operator; or 7
control card - PC). After expiration of an adjustable time (0,01...10 s) without incoming telegrams, the response
adjusted in Pn.5 is triggered. The value „off“ deactivates the function.

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Operating and appliance data

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

Sy.11 Baudrate int. Bus 000Bh RW - + 3 11 1 - 11
The transmission rate between operator/inverter or PC/inverter is determined with the internal baudrate.
Following values are possible:
Value Baud rate Value Baud rate Value Baud rate
3 9.6 kBaud 6 55.5 kBaud 9 115.2 kBaud
4 19.2 kBaud 7 57.6 kBaud 10 125 kBaud
5 38.4 kBaud 8 100 kBaud 11 250 kBaud
After Power-On it is always started with 38.4 kBaud and dependent on the operator higher set.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. Res. [?] Default

Sy.17 Proc. read data 1 set 0011h * - + 1 128 1 hex 1
SY.19 Proc. read data 2 set 0013h * - + 1 128 1 hex 1
SY.21 Proc. read data 3 set 0015h * - + 1 128 1 hex 1
Sy.17 Proc. read data 4 set 0016h * - + 1 128 1 hex 1
* rw via bus; r via keyboard

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. Res. [?] Default

SY.16 Proc. read data 1 defi- 0010h * - + -1 7FFFh 1 hex -1
SY.18 Proc. read data 2 defi- 0012h * - + -1 7FFFh 1 hex -1
SY.20 Proc. read data 3 defi- 0014h * - + -1 7FFFh 1 hex -1
SY.22 Proc. read data 4 defi- 0016h * - + -1 7FFFh 1 hex -1
* rw via bus; r via keyboard

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

SY.32 Scope timer 0020h RO - - 0 65535 1 - 0
The scope timer generates a time period of 1 ms. This can be used by external programs, e.g. scope, to re-
present time patterns. The timer counts from 0...65535 and starts again with 0 after an overflow.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

SY.41 Control word high 0029h RW - + 0 65535 1 - 0
The control word is used for state control of the inverter via bus. The control word long (Sy.43) consists of the
two 16 bit parameters control word high (Sy.41) and control word low (Sy.50). The status word is bit-coded.
The description of the individual bits is found in chapter 10.1.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

SY.42 Status word high 002Ah RO - - 0 65535 1 - 0
With the status word the current condition of the inverter can be readout via bus. The status word long (Sy.44)
consists of the two 16 bit parameters status word high (Sy.42) and status word low (Sy.51). The status word
is bit-coded. The description of the individual bits is found in chapter 10.1.

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Operating and appliance data

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

SY.43 Control word long 002Bh RW - + -2147483648 2147483647 1 - 0
The control word is used for state control of the inverter via bus. The control word long (Sy.43) consists of the
two 16 bit parameters control word high (Sy.41) and control word low (Sy.50). The status word is bit-coded.
The description of the individual bits is found in chapter 10.1.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

SY.44 Status word long 002Ch RO - - -2147483648 2147483647 1 - 0
With the status word the current condition of the inverter can be readout via bus. The status word long (Sy.44)
consists of the two 16 bit parameters status word high (Sy.42) and status word low (Sy.51). The status word
is bit-coded. The description of the individual bits is found in chapter 10.1.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

SY.50 Control word low 0032h RW - + 0 65535 1 - 0
The control word is used for state control of the inverter via bus. The control word long (Sy.43) consists of the
two 16 bit parameters control word high (Sy.41) and Control word low (Sy.50). The status word is bit-coded.
The description of the individual bits is found in chapter 10.1.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

Sy. 51 Control word low 0033h RO - - 0 65535 1 - 0
With the status word the current condition of the inverter can be readout via bus. The status word long (Sy.44)
consists of the two 16 bit parameters status word high (Sy.42) and status word low (Sy.51). The status word
is bit-coded. The description of the individual bits is found in chapter 10.1.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

SY.52 Set speed value 0034h RW - - -32000 32000 1 rpm 0 7
Setting of the set speed value in the range of ±16000 rpm. The rotation source is determined like the other
absolute reference sources via oP.01. The reference source oP.00 must be adjusted for setpoint setting via
SY.52 to „5“.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

SY.53 Actual speed value 0035h RO - - -32000 32000 1 rpm 0
The actual speed can be read out in rpm with this parameter. The direction of rotation is signalled by the sign.

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

Sy.56 Start display address 0035h RO - + 0 7FFFFh 1 hex 0203
Sy.56 adjusts the parameter address which shall be represented on switching on the operator. Operator pa-
rameters can also be adjusted as starting display. Only valid addresses are accepted. If there is adjusted an
invalid address (neither in the inverter nor assigned in the operator) the operator searches for the next existing
address of the parameter group.
If this parameters is available in the CP-Mode, the setting becomes effective there. Otherwise CP.00 is indi-
cated as start parameter.

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Operating and appliance data

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

SY.57 Watchdog time address 0039h cp- np – -2 -1 1 hex -2

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. Res. [?] Default

SY.58 Proc. read data 5 defi- 003Ah * - + -1 7FFFh 1 hex -1
SY.60 Proc. read data 6 defi- 003Ch * - + -1 7FFFh 1 hex -1
SY.62 Proc. read data 7 defi- 003Eh * - + -1 7FFFh 1 hex -1
SY.64 Proc. read data 8 defi- 0040h * - + -1 7FFFh 1 hex -1
* rw via bus; r via keyboard

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. Res. [?] Default

SY.59 Proc. read data 5 set 003Bh * - + 1 128 1 hex 1
SY.61 Proc. read data 6 set 003Dh * - + 1 128 1 hex 1
SY.63 Proc. read data 7 set 003Fh * - + 1 128 1 hex 1
SY.65 Proc. read data 8 set 0041h * - + 1 128 1 hex 1
* rw via bus; r via keyboard

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Def-

SY.77 Control word S4 004Dh RW - + 0 7FFFFh 1 hex 0
A compatible control or status word has been introduced in order to permit an easier replace of old S4 appli-
cations with F5.
Mapping of the control word of the S4 30F software
Bit -No. Function
0 Input I4, manual drive to higher values
1 Input I2, manual drive to smaller values
2 Start positioning
3 Input IA
4 Modulation release AND operation with ST
5 Input IB
6 Input IC
7 Input ID
8 Abort posi
9 Start approach to reference point
10 Output OUT3
11 free
12 0 = servo axis, 1 = traction axis
13…15 free

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Operating and appliance data

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

SY.78 Status word S4 004Eh RO - + 0 7FFFFh 1 hex 0
A compatible control or status word has been introduced in order to permit an easier replace of old S4 appli-
cations with F5.
Mapping of the control word of the S4 30F software
Bit Function
4-7 free
8 ST
10 F
11 R
12 I1
13 I2
14 I3
15 free

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

SY.79 Status word 1 PROFI- 004F RO - - 0 7FFFFh 1 hex 0
drive 7
Status word 1: All unlisted bits are set to 0:
Bit -No. Description
3 Malfunction
8 No set-actual deviation
11 Malfunction undervoltage

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Operating and appliance data

Parameter Addr. R PG E Min. value Max. value Res. [?] Default

SY.80 Status word 2 PROFI- 0050h RO - - 0 7FFFFh 1 hex 0
Status word 2: All unlisted bits are set to 0:
Bit -No. Description
3 Malfunction external 1
6 Warning i2t inverter
7 Malfunction overtemperature inverter
8 Warning overtemperature inverter
9 Warning overtemperature motor
10 Malfunction overtemperature motor
12 Malfunction breakdown torque / blockade motor

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Analog in- and outputs

7.1 Operating and appliance data

1. Introduction

7.2 Analog in- and outputs

2. Summary
7.3 Digital in- and outputs

3. Hardware
7.4 Setpoint-, rotation- and ramp setting

Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous

4. Operation motor

Motor data and controller adjustments of the synchronous

Selection of Operating motor
7.7 Speed control

6. Initial Start-up
7.8 Torque display and -limiting

7.9 Torque control

7. Functions 7

7.10 Current control, -limiting and switching frequencies

8. Error Assistance
7.11 Speed measurement

9. Project Design
7.12 Posi- and synchronous operation

7.13 Protective functions

10. Networks

7.14 Parameter sets

11. Parameter Overview

7.15 Special functions

12. Annex
7.16 CP-Parameter definition

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Analog in- and outputs

7.2.1 Brief description analog inputs............................................................................................... 7.2 - 3

7.2.2 Interface selection ................................................................................................................... 7.2 - 3 AN1 / AN2 (An.00, An.10)....................................................................................... 7.2 - 4 AN3 (An.20)............................................................................................................ 7.2 - 5
7.2.3 Noise filter (An.01, An.11, An.21)............................................................................................. 7.2 - 5
7.2.4 Save mode (An.02, An.12, An.22)............................................................................................. 7.2 - 5 Input selection (An.03, An.13, An.23)..................................................................... 7.2 - 6
7.2.5 Zero clamp (An.04, An.14, An.24)............................................................................................ 7.2 - 7
7.2.6 Amplifier of the input characteristic (An.05...07, An.15...17, An.25...27).............................. 7.2 - 8
7.2.7 Lower- and upper limit (An.08, An.09, An.18, An.19, An.28, An.29)...................................... 7.2 - 9
7.2.8 Selection REFinput / AUX function (An.30).......................................................................... 7.2 - 10
7.2.9 Brief description analog outputs........................................................................................... 7.2 - 12
7.2.10 Output signals ........................................................................................................................ 7.2 - 13
7.2.11 Analog Output / Display (ru.33...34 / ru.35...36).................................................................... 7.2 - 14
7.2.12 ANOUT 1 / -2 / -3 / -4 / function (An.31 / An.36 / An.41, An.47)............................................ 7.2 - 15
7.2.13 Amplifier of the output characteristic (An.33...35  / An.38...40 / An.43...45 / An.49...51)... 7.2 - 16
7.2.14 ANOUT 1...4 Digital setting (An.32 / 37 / 42 / 48).............................................................................

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Analog in- and outputs

7.2 Analog in- and outputs

7.2.1 Brief description analog inputs

By selecting an input interface (An.00/ 10) input AN1 or AN2 can be adjusted to the applied input signal. By
An.20 the third analog input can be switched additionally to AN1. Subsequently the analog inputs are smoothed
in an electronic filter (An.01/ 11/ 21) by averaging. A save mode can be adjusted with An.02/12/22 and activated
with a programmable input (An.03/13/23). To avoid voltage fluctuations and ripple voltages around the zero
point the analog signal can be faded out around the zero point up to ±10 % (An.04/14/24). In the characteristic
amplifier the input signals can be influenced in X and Y direction as well as in the rise (An.05...07/ 15...17/
25...27). At the output of the characteristic amplifier the signal can be limited to minimum and maximum value
(An.08, 09/18, 19/28, 29). At the output of the block it can be defined with An.30 which analog signal serves
as reference value and which one serves as auxiliary value. The ru-Parameters are used for the display of the
analog signal pre and post amplifier. The internal values are limited to ±400%.

Picture 7.2.1 Principle of the analog inputs

Analog inputs
An.0 An.6 An.8
0...±100% ru.27 An.4 An.7 An.9 ru.28 An.30
+AN1 (X2A.1) ±10V An.1 An.2 400%
0...±20mA An.3 -400% REF
-AN1 (X2A.2) 4...20mA
An.10 An.16 An.18
0...±100% ru.29 An.14 An.17 An.19 ru.30
+AN2 (X2A.3) ±10V An.12 400%
An.11 An.13
-AN2 (X2A.4) 0...±20mA -400%
An.26 An.28
ru.31 An.24 An.27 An.29 ru.32 7
An.21 An.22
+AN3 (opt.) An.23
-AN3 (opt.) An.20

An.00 AN1 interface selection An.19 AN2 upper limit

An.01 AN1 interference suppression filter An.20 AN3 interface selection
An.02 AN1 save mode An.21 AN3 interference suppression filter
An.03 AN1 save mode input selection An.22 AN3 save mode
An.04 AN1 Nullzero point hysteresis An.23 AN3 input selection
An.05 AN1 amplification An.24 AN3 zero point hysteresis
An.06 AN1 offset X An.25 AN3 amplification
An.07 AN1 offset Y An.26 AN3 offset X
An.08 AN1 lower limit An.27 AN3 offset Y
An.09 AN1 upper limit An.28 AN3 lower limit
An.10 AN2 interface selection An.29 AN3 upper limit
An.11 AN2 interference suppression filter An.30 Selection Set Point-/Auxiliary Input AUX-
An.12 AN2 save mode ru.27 Function
An.13 AN2 input selection ru.28 AN1 pre amplifier display
An.14 AN2 zero point hysteresis ru.29 AN1 post amplifier display
An.15 AN2 amplification ru.30 AN2 pre amplifier display
An.16 AN2 offset X ru.31 AN2 post amplifier display
An.17 AN2 offset Y ru.32 AN3 pre amplifier display
An.18 AN2 lower limit AN3 post amplifier display

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Analog in- and outputs

7.2.2 Interface selection AN1 / AN2 (An.00, An.10)

Depending on the adjusted interface (An.00 / An.10) the analog inputs AN1 and AN2 can process following
input signals:

An.00 / An.10 = 0 0...±10 V (default)

= 1 0...±20 mA
= 2 4...20 

Picture 7.2.2.a Connection as differential voltage inputs 0...±10V DC

Ri = 55 kOhm

X2A. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PE

+ - + -
0...±10 VDC
1) Connect equipotential bonding conductor only, if a potential difference of > 30 V exists between the con-
trols. > 30 V besteht. The internal resistance is reduced to 30 kOhm.

Picture 7.2.2.b Control with potentiometer and internal reference


X2A. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PE

R = 3...10 k

0...10V DC Ri=30kΩ (An.00 / An.10  = 0) The output CRF Terminal X2A.7 may be loaded with max. 6mA!

Picture 7.2.2.c Control with current signal (An.00 / An.10 = 1 or 2)

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Analog in- and outputs

X2A. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PE

+ +
0...±20 mADC
4...20 mADC
Ri = 250 Ω AN3 (An.20)

With An.20 it is determined from where the 3. analog input value is received. Following values can be defined:

An.20: AN3
Va- Function
0 Analog option (AN3)
1 Analog input 1 (AN1)

7.2.3 Noise filter (An.01, An.11, An.21)

The noise filters shall suppress disturbances and ripples of the input signals. If the noise filter is switched off the
analog inputs are queried every 1 ms and the recorded value is transferred then. The noise filter adjustments
preset the number of sampled values ​​for the averaging.

An.01/ 11/ 21: Noise filter

Value Function
0 off (no averaging)
1 double
2 4-fold
3 8-fold
4 16-fold
5 32-fold
6 64-fold

7.2.4 Save mode (An.02, An.12, An.22)

Coming from the input filter the save mode can be switched on with An.02 / An.12 / An.22 . If now the pro-
grammable digital input (value 1) is set the analog signal is processed directly and written parallel into the non-
volatile memory. As soon as the digital input is disconnected (value 0), the inverter continuos to run with value
stored in the memory. Moreover, with An.02/ An.12/ An.22 it can be determined whether the memory contents
are saved or deleted upon switch off.

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Analog in- and outputs

An.02/ 12/ 22: Save mode

Bit Value Meaning
0 Direct mode (default)
1 Save mode
0 Do not delete memory contents at switch off (default)
2 Delete memory contents at switch off

Picture 7.2.4 Save mode

An.02/12/22 Bit 0
0: Direktmode
1: Speichermode

vom zum
Eingangsfilter Kennlinien-
nichtflüchtiger verstärker

Eingangswahl An.03/ 13/ 23 An.2/ 12/ 22 Bit 1

Eingang inaktiv: Wert wird nicht 1: löschen (beim ausschalten)
gespeichert 0: nicht löschen (beim ausschalten)
Eingang aktiv: Wert wird gespeichert Input selection (An.03, An.13, An.23)

The digital inputs for storing are selected with An.03 / An.13 / An.23 in accordance with the table „Input selec-
tion“ (see also chapter 7.3.11 „Assignment of the inputs“). In order to store an analog value, the save mode
must be switchted on (An.02/12/22 = 1) and the selected input must be activated.

An.03, An.13, An.23: Input selection

Bit Decimal Input terminal
0 1 ST (prog. input „control release/reset“) X2A.16
1 2 RST (prog. input „reset“) X2A.17
2 4 F (prog. input „forward“) X2A.14
3 8 R (prog. input „reverse“) X2A.15

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Analog in- and outputs

4 16 I1 (prog. input 1) X2A.10

5 32 I2 (prog. input 2) X2A.11
6 64 I3 (prog. input 3) X2A.12
7 128 I4 (prog. input 4) X2A.13
8 256 IA (internal input A) no
9 512 IB (internal input B) no
10 1024 IC (internal input C) no
11 2048 ID (internal input D) no

7.2.5 Zero clamp (An.04, An.14, An.24)

Through capacitive as well as inductive coupling on the input lines or voltage fluctuations of the signal source,
the motor connected to the inverter can still drift (tremble) during standstill in spite of the analog input filter. It is
the task of the zero point hysteresis to suppress this.
With the parameters An.04 / An.14 / An.24 the respective analog signals can be faded out within a range of
0...±10%. The adjusted value is valid for positive and negative input signals.
If a negative percent value is adjusted the hysteresis acts in addition to the zero point around the current set-
point. Setpoint changes are accepted only if they are larger than the adjusted hysteresis.

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Analog in- and outputs

Fig. 7.2.5 Zero point hysteresis

Output signal (for further signal processing)


Input signal co-

-10% ming from the
noise filter

-10% fade-out range

Value range

Input Parameter Value range Resoluti- Default

on value
AN1 An.04
AN2 An.14 0...±10% 0,1% 0,2%
AN3 An.24

7.2.6 Amplifier of the input characteristic (An.05...07, An.15...17, An.25...27)

With these parameters the input signals can be adapted in X and Y direction as well as in the rise to the
requirements. In the case of factory setting no zero point offset is adjusted, the rise (gain) is 1, i.e. the input
value corresponds to the output value of this step (see Fig. 7.2.6.a). The output value is calculated according
to following formula:

Out = Amplification • ( In - Offset X) + Offset Y

Fig. 7.2.6.a Factory setting: no Offset, Gain 1

Output value (Out)


Input value (In)

-100% 100%


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Analog in- and outputs

Input AN1 AN2 AN3 Value range Resoluti- Default

on value
A m p l i f i c a - An.05 An.15 An.25 -20,00...20,00 0,01 1,00
Offset X An.06 An.16 An.26 -100,0%...100,0% 0,1% 0,0%
Offset Y An.07 An.17 An.27 -100,0%...100,0% 0,1% 0,0%

By means of some examples, we want to show the possibilities of the function. According to Fig. 7.2.6.b

1. adjustment of the X-Offset for input AN1 to 50 (%)
2. adjustment of the amplification to 2

Fig. 7.2.6.b X-Offset (An.06) =50%; amplification (An.5)=2.00

1. 100% 2. 100%

-100% 50% 100% -100% 100%

-100% -100%

With these settings the entire speed range can be driven with 0...10 V via input AN1. (rotation direction = ±ana-
0% In corresponds to -100% Out
50% In corresponds to 0% Out
100% In corresponds to 100% Out
According to Fig. 7.2.6.c

1. adjustment of the X-Offset for the input AN1 to 75 (%)

2. adjustment of the Y-Offset for the input AN1 to 100 (%)
3. adjustment of the amplification to -1

Fig. 7.2.6.c X-Offset (An.06) =75%; Y-Offset (An.07) = 100%; Ampl. (An.5) = -1.00

An.7=100% An.7=100% 100%


-100% 100% -100% 100% -100% 100%

-100% -100% -100%

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Analog in- and outputs

7.2.7 Lower- and upper limit (An.08, An.09, An.18, An.19, An.28, An.29)

These parameters serve for limiting of the analog signals after the amplifier stage. All parameters are adju-
stable in the range of -400...400 %. Since no mutual locking exists, it is to be ensured, that the lower limit is
adjusted smaller than the upper limit.

An.08 AN1 lower limit

An.09 AN1 upper limit
An.18 AN2 lower limit
An.19 AN2 upper limit
An.28   AN3   lower limit
An.29 AN3 upper limit

Fig. 7.2.7 Limiting of the analog signal

An.9 / An.19 / An.29


An.8 / An.18 / An.28


7.2.8 Selection REFinput / AUX function (An.30)

Assignment of the analog inputs:

An.30: Sel. REF input/ AUX function

Bit Function Value Description Explanation
selection 0 AN1 input (ru.28)
Selection of the analog channel, which serves
0...2 REF 1 AN2 input (ru.30)
as REF input
Input 2 AN3 input (ru.32)
0 Aux = source 1
8 Aux = source 1 + source 2
Selection of the calculation of the AUX input
AUX Aux = source 1 x (100% + sour-
3...5 16 value (addition, multiplication or absolute-va-
mode ce 2)
lue generation)
24 Aux = source 1 x source 2
32 Aux = source 1 absolute

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Analog in- and outputs

0 AN1 input (ru.28) Source 1 = AN1 post amplifier

64 AN2 input (ru.30) Source 1 = AN2 post amplifier
128 digital % (op.05) Source 1 = value of oP.05
192 Motorpoti (ru.37) Source 1 = motorpoti value
256 ext. PID output (ru.52) Source 1 = PID controller output value
320 AN3 input (ru.32) Source 1 = AN 3 post amplifier
Aux 1
6...10 Encoder value channel 1 (ru.04
Source 384 Source 1 = ru.09 / reference value x 100%
/ 09)
Encoder value channel 2 (ru.05
448 Source 1 = ru.10 / reference value x 100%
/ 10)
512 Actual value (ru.07) Frequency-/ speed range value > 100%
576 ANOUT 1 (ru.34) 100% > 100%
640 ANOUT 2 (ru.36) 100% > 100%
0 AN1 input (ru.28) Source 2 = AN1 post amplifier
2048 AN2 input (ru30) Source 2 = AN2 post amplifier
4096 digital % (op.05) Source 2 = value of oP.05
6144 Motorpoti (ru.37) Source 2 = motorpoti value
8192 ext. PID output (ru.52) Source 2 = PID controller output value
10240 AN3 (ru.32) Source 2 = AN 3 post amplifier
Aux 2
11...15 Encoder value channel 1 (ru.04
Source 12288 Source 2 = ru.09 / reference value x 100%
/ 09)
Encoder value channel 2 (ru.05
14336 Source 2 = ru.10 / reference value x 100%
/ 10)
16384 Actual value (ru.07) Frequency-/ speed range value > 100%
18432 ANOUT 1 (ru.34) 100% > 100%
20480 ANOUT 2 (ru.36) 100% > 100%

The reference value for the calculation of the AUX signal from the encoder values ​​of channel 1 or 2 is depen-
ding on ud.02:

- Reference value = 1000 rpm in 4000 mode (ud.02 = 4 or 10)

- Reference value = 2000 rpm in 8000 mode (ud.02 = 5 or 11)
- etc. (see chapter 5.1, reference values depending on the speed range)

7.2.9 Brief description analog outputs

The KEB COMBIVERT has four programmable analog outputs (ANOUT1, 2 and ANOUT3, 4). Parameters
An.31/ 36 allow the selection of one size which is given out at the outputs X2A.5/ 6 . ANOUT 3 and ANOUT 4
(An.41 / 47) can be output as switching condition 42 or 43 with the digital outputs as PWMsignal. The analog
signal can be adapted to the requirements with the characteristic amplifier (An.33...35 / An.38...40 / 43...45/
49...51). The ru-parameters show the current size before and after the amplification. The period time for the
PWM-signal can be adjusted with An.46/52.

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 7.2 - 11

Analog in- and outputs

Picture 7.2.9 Principle of the analog outputs

An.31/36/41/47 An.33
Absolute actual value 0 ru.07
An.31 An.35
Absolute set value 1 ru.01
Actual value 2 ± ru.07
Set value 3 ± ru.01 ANOUT1
Output voltage 4 ru.20
actual DC voltage 5 ru.18
apparent current 6 ru.15 ru.33 ru.34 X2A.8
active current 7 ru.17 AGND
digital setting by An.32/37/42/48 8 An.xx
External PID output 9 ± ru.52 An.39
absolute ext. PIDoutput 10 ru.52 An.36 An.40
Absolute active current 11 ru.17 0...±10V
Power module temperature 12 ru.38 X2A.6
Motor temperature 13 ru.46
Actual torque 14 ± ru.12 0...±100%
Absolute actual torque 15 ru.12
ru.35 ru.36 X2A.9
Set torque 16 ± ru.11 AGND
Absolute set torque 17 ru.11
System deviation/speed controller 18 -
speed reference variable 19 ± ru.02 An.41 An.45 An.46
Abs. speed reference variable 20 ru.02 100%
Angle difference 21 ru.58
AN1 pre amplifier 22 ru.27 Wert “42”
AN1 post amplifier 23 ru.28 PWM
AN2 pre amplifier 24 ru.29
AN2 post amplifier 25 ru.30 An.49
Active power 26 ru.81 An.51
An.47 An.52
Actual position 27 ru.54
Set position 28 ru.56
Max. torque in % 29 ru.90 Wert “43”

The reference values for mode 0-3 and 18-20 changes depending on ud.02.

7.2.10 Output signals

ANOUT 1 / 2, bipolar

A voltage of 0...±11.5 VDC represents the selected size in the range of 0...±115 % with a resolution of 10 bit
at the output. In order to be able to balance load-dependent voltage drops, the limitation at the output of the
characteristic amplifiers is ±115 %.

Page 7.2 - 12 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H © KEB, 2012-10

Analog in- and outputs

Fig. 7.2.10 Analog output

Uout = 0...±11,5 V
+ -
Imax = 5mA
Ri < 100Ω
ANOUT2 (X2A.6) (X2A.8 / X2A.9)


ANOUT 3 / 4, PWM outputs

Process variables, that change only slowly, as for example the power module temperature, can be output over
two virtual analog outputs (ANOUT3 and 4). This is realised through generation of a PWM-signal (pulse-width-
modulation) on a digital output. The period T can be adjusted with parameter An.46 or An.52 „ANOUT period“
of 1...240 s.

Fig. 7.2.10.a PWM - output signal


Input value 50 %

Input value 25 % t

T= An.46/52

7.2.11 Analog Output / Display (ru.33...34 / ru.35...36)

Following parameters are used for the display of the analog outputs, before and after the characteristic ampli-

ru.33 ANOUT1 / pre ampl. display 0...±400 %

ru.34 ANOUT1 / post ampl. display 0...±115 %

ru.35 ANOUT2 / pre ampl. display 0...±400 %

ru.36 ANOUT2 / post ampl. display 0...±115 %

At the outputs ANOUT3 and 4 there is no display provided.

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Analog in- and outputs

7.2.12 ANOUT 1 / -2 / -3 / -4 / function (An.31 / An.36 / An.41, An.47)

These parameters define the function which controls the respective output . Following adjustments are possi-
An.31/ An.36/ An.41/ An.47
Va- Function Output of 100 % corresponds to
0 Absolute actual value ru.07 Amount of the speed actual value
Amount of speed set value before ramp
1 Absolute set value ru.01
generator 3000 rpm 2)
2 Actual value ru.07 Speed actual value
3 Set value ru.01 Speed set value
4 Output voltage ru.20 Output voltage 0...500 V
5 DC voltage ru.18 actual DC voltage 0...1000 V
6 Apparent current ru.15 apparent current
0...2 x inverter current (In.01)
7 Active current ru.17 active current
8 Digital setting with An.32/ 37/ 42/ 48 with An.32/ 37/ 42/ 48 preset value
9 External PID output ru.52 Output value of the PID controller
0...100 %
Amount of the PID controller output va-
10 Absolute ext. PIDoutput ru.52
11 Absolute active current ru.17 Amount of the active current 0...2 x inverter current (In.01)
12 Heat sink temperature ru.38 Power module temperature
0...100 °C
13 Motor temperature ru.46 Motor temperature
14 Actual torque (F5-M/S) Actual torque
0...3 x rated torque
15 Absolute actual torque (F5-M/S) Amount actual torque
only in closed- DASM: dr.14
16 Set torque (F5-M/S) Set torque
loop operation DSM: dr.27
17 Absolute set torque (F5-M/S) Amount set torque
18 system deviation of the speed controller system deviation of the speed controller
19 Speed reference variable ru.02 Speed set value after ramp generator
0...3000 rpm
Absolute speed reference variable
20 Angle difference
0... number of increments for
21 Angle difference (ru.58) Angle difference
a revolution
Analog input 1 pre amplifier display
22 Value of AN.01 at terminal
Analog input 1 post amplifier display Value of AN.01 after analog value pro-
(ru.28) cessing
0...100 %
Analog input 2 pre amplifier display
24 Value of AN.02 at terminal
Analog input 2 post amplifier display Value of AN.02 after analog value pro-
(ru.30) cessing
0...2 x rated motor power
26 Active power (ru.81) Active power DASM: dr.03
DSM: dr.32
27 Actual position (ru.54) Actual position Ref-position 0 % (PS.41)
28 Set position (ru.56) Set position Ref-position 100 % (PS.42)
act. torque, referring to the max. permis-
29 Max. torque in % (ru.90) 0...100 %
sible torque of the drive chain
1) 2) 3)
dependent on the inverter rated current (In.1), dependent on ud.2, dependent on the motor

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Analog in- and outputs

7.2.13 Amplifier of the output characteristic (An.33...35  / An.38...40 / An.43...45 / An.49...51)

The characteristic amplifier are following after selecting the signal to be given out (see Fig. 7.2.9). With these
parameters the input signals can be adapted in X and Y direction as well as in the rise to the requirements. No
zero offset is adjusted at factory setting, the gain is 1, i.e. 100% of the output variable correspond to 10V at the
analog output (see fig. 7.2.14.a).
Function ANOUT1 -2 -3 -4 Value range Resolution Default
A m p l i f i c a - An.33 An.38 An.43 An.49 ±20,00 0,01 1,00
X-Offset An.34 An.39 An.44 An.50 ±100,0% 0,1% 0,0%
Y-Offset An.35 An.40 An.45 An.51 ±100,0% 0,1% 0,0%

Fig. 7.2.13.a Factory setting: no Offset, Gain 1

Output voltage
100% 10V displayable
variable to be indica-
An.34 ted


Inverting the analog output

An example for using the characteristic amplifier is shown in Fig. 7.2.14.b:

1. adjustment of the X-Offset (An.34) to 100 (%)

2. adjustment of the amplification (An.33) to -1.00

Picture 7.2.13.b Inverting the analog output

100% 10V

-100% 100%


These settings result in an inverting of the analog signal.

0% corresponds to 10V at the output

100% corresponds to 0 V at the output

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Analog in- and outputs

Analog output as switch

An example for using the analog output as 0/10V switch is shown in picture 7.2.13.c

1. adjustment of the gain (An.33) to 20.00
2. adjustment of the X-Offset (An.34) to the desired switching level

Picture 7.2.13.c Analog output as switch

100% 10V

An.34 An.33

-100% 100%


Because of the high amplification the analog output switches in a relative small switching window.

Computation of the amplification

Since the analog output always works firmly onto the values defined in 7.2.12, one can adjust the characteristic
with the aid of the amplification that the complete range 0...±10V is used.

defined value
––––––––––––––– = Amplification (An.33/ 38/ 43/ 49)
desired value

Example output frequency (not valid for F5-M):

––––– = 1,47

7.2.14 ANOUT 1...4 Digital setting (An.32 / 37 / 42 / 48)

Analog values can be preset in percent for the respective input with parameters An.32/ An.37/ An.42/ An.48.
For that purpose value 8: „digital setting“ must be adjusted as process variable. The setting is done within the
range ±100 %.

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Digital in- and outputs

7.1 Operating and appliance data

1. Introduction

7.2 Analog in- and outputs

2. Summary
7.3 Digital in- and outputs

3. Hardware
7.4 Setpoint-, rotation- and ramp setting

Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous

4. Operation motor

Motor data and controller adjustments of the synchronous

Selection of Operating motor
7.7 Speed control

6. Initial Start-up
7.8 Torque display and -limiting

7.9 Torque control

7. Functions 7

7.10 Current control, -limiting and switching frequencies

8. Error Assistance
7.11 Speed measurement

9. Project Design
7.12 Posi- and synchronous operation

7.13 Protective functions

10. Networks

7.14 Parameter sets

11. Parameter Overview

7.15 Special functions

12. Annex
7.16 CP-Parameter definition

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Digital in- and outputs

7.3.1 Summary description digital inputs...................................................................................... 7.3 - 19

7.3.2 Input signals PNP / NPN selection (di.00)............................................................................. 7.3 - 20
7.3.3 Setting of digital inputs by software (di.01, di.02)............................................................... 7.3 - 20
7.3.4 Input terminal state (ru.21), internal input state (ru.22)....................................................... 7.3 - 21
7.3.5 Digital noise filter (di.03), fast digital noise filter (di.23)..................................................... 7.3 - 22
7.3.6 Inversion of Inputs (di.04)...................................................................................................... 7.3 - 22
7.3.7 Delay activation / deactivation digital inputs....................................................................... 7.3 - 22
7.3.8 Input trigger (di.05)................................................................................................................. 7.3 - 23
7.3.9 Strobe-dependent Inputs (di.06, di.07, di.08)........................................................................ 7.3 - 24
7.3.10 Reset / input selection (di.09) and reset / input slope selction (di.10)............................... 7.3 - 25
7.3.11 Assignment of the inputs....................................................................................................... 7.3 - 25
7.3.12 Software-ST and locking of the control release................................................................... 7.3 - 29
7.3.13 Deactivation of the digital control release............................................................................ 7.3 - 30
7.3.14 Short description - digital outputs ....................................................................................... 7.3 - 31
7.3.15 Output signals / hardware...................................................................................................... 7.3 - 32
7.3.16 Output filter (do.43, do.44)..................................................................................................... 7.3 - 32
7.3.17 Switching Conditions ( 7.3 - 32
7.3.18 Inverting of switching conditions for flags 0...7 ( 7.3 - 38
7.3.19 Selection of switching conditions for flags 0...7 ( 7.3 - 39
7.3.20 AND/OR connections of the switching conditions (do.24) ................................................ 7.3 - 39
7.3.21 Inverting of flags ( 7.3 - 39
7.3.22 Selection of flags ( 7.3 - 40
7.3.23 AND connection for outputs (do.41)..................................................................................... 7.3 - 40
7.3.24 Output terminal state (ru.25) and digital output state (ru.80)............................................. 7.3 - 41
7.3.25 Hardware output allocation (do.51)....................................................................................... 7.3 - 42
7.3.26 Programming example........................................................................................................... 7.3 - 42

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Digital in- and outputs

7.3 Digital in- and outputs

7.3.1 Summary description digital inputs

The KEB COMBIVERT has 8 external digital inputs and 4 internal inputs (IA...ID). All inputs can be assigned
to one or several functions.
Coming from the terminal strip it can be defined with parameter di.00 whether external inputs shall be con-
trolled in PNP or NPN wiring (not at safety relais). Parameter ru.21 shows the currently controlled input. Each
input can optionally (di.01) be set via terminal strip or by means of software with di.02. A digital filter (di.03,
di.23) reduces the noise sensitivity of the inputs. The inputs can be inverted with di.04 and with di.05 one
can switch to edge-triggering. A strobe-mode can be activated with parameters di.06...di.08. The input status
(ru.22) shows the inputs that are actually set for processing. The function(s) carried out by a programmed input
is defined by means of the input selection of the corresponding function or di.11...22.

For safety reasons the control release (ST) must generally be switched by means of hardware. Edge-trigge-
ring, inversion and strobe signal can be adjusted but have no influence.

Fig. 7.3.1 Principle of the digital inputs

ru.21 di.04 di.03 di.01 di.40 - di.05 di.06 di.08 ru.22

Bit X Bit X di.23 Bit X di.47 Bit X Bit X Bit X Bit X
Bit Y

D Q 7
b) Clk /Q D Q
Latch /Q
Bit X

. D Q
sy.41 .
Bit Y .
Clk /Q

a) Filter digital inputs (only hardware inputs)

b) ON/OFF delay

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Digital in- and outputs

7.3.2 Input signals PNP / NPN selection (di.00)

Fig. 7.3.2.a Digital inputs with PNP control (di.00 = 0)

24V 24V
I1 I2 I3 I4 F R ST RST out in GND
Internal supply
X2A 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 PE

Ri (digital inputs)= 2.1

kΩ I1 I2 I3 I4 F R ST RST 24V 24V GND
out in
X2A 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 PE
External supply

Control voltage for digital inputs = 13...30V DC ±0% smoothed

Fig. 7.3.2.b Digital inputs in NPN control (di.00 = 1)

I1 I2 I3 I4 F R ST RST 24V 24V GND
out in
Internal supply X2A 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 PE

Ri (digital inputs)= 2.1kΩ


External supply 

7.3.3 Setting of digital inputs by software (di.01, di.02)

Digital inputs without external wiring can be set with parameters di.01 „select signal source“ and di.02 „digital
input setting“.

The control release must generally be switched by means of hardware even if one switches by software (see
Fig. 7.3.3 AND-operation wtih di.02 and sy.50)!

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Digital in- and outputs

Fig. 7.3.3 Digital inputs controlled by software (di.01/di.02)

Sy.50 Bit0 = 1 di.1

Terminal strip & &

I4 128 I4
IA 256 IA
Înternal inputs
IB 512 IB
IC 1024 IC
ID 2048 ID

1 128 256 512 1024 2048


As shown in Fig. 7.3.3, it can be selected with di.01 , whether the inputs shall be switched from the terminal
strip (default) or by way of parameter di.02 . Both parameters are bit-coded, i.e. according to following table, the
appropriate value for the input is to be entered. In the case of several inputs the sum is to be formed.
(Exception: Control release must always be bridged at the terminal strip).

Table terminal state

B i t Decimal va- Input Terminal
-No. lue
0 1 ST (prog. input „control release/reset“) X2A.16
1 2 RST (prog. input „reset“) X2A.17
2 4 F (prog. input „forward“) X2A.14
3 8 R (prog. input „reverse“) X2A.15
4 16 I1 (prog. input 1) X2A.10
5 32 I2 (prog. input 2) X2A.11
6 64 I3 (prog. input 3) X2A.12
7 128 I4 (prog. input 4) X2A.13
8 256 IA (internal input A) no
9 512 IB (internal input B) no
10 1024 IC (internal input C) no
11 2048 ID (internal input D) no

Example: ST, F and IB are controlled, indicated value = 1+4+512 = 517

7.3.4 Input terminal state (ru.21), internal input state (ru.22)

The terminal state (ru.21) displays the logical level at the input terminals. It is unimportant, whether the inputs
are internally active or not. If a terminal is controlled, the appropriate decimal value according to table "terminal
state" is output. If several terminals are active, then the sum of the decimal values is output.
The internal input state (ru.22) displays the logical state of the digital inputs internally set for further processing.
If an input is set, the appropriate decimal value according to table 7.3.1 is output. If several inputs are set, then
the sum of the decimal values is output.

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Digital in- and outputs

7.3.5 Digital noise filter (di.03), fast digital noise filter (di.23)

The digital noise filter reduces the susceptibility to interferences on the digital inputs. Only hardware inputs can
be filtered. Each input has a separate filter counter that counts up at active input and down at inactive input.
The output of the filter is set on reaching the filter time and reset when zero is reached.

Parameter Setting range Resolution

di.03 0...127 ms 1 ms
di.23 0...31.75 ms 0.25 ms

Priority of the filter times: The larger of the two times is used.

7.3.6 Inversion of Inputs (di.04)

With parameter di.04 it can be adjusted whether a signal is 1- or 0-active (inverted). The parameter is bit-coded,
i.e. the value corresponding to the input mut be entered. If several inputs shall be inverted, then the sum is to
be formed. (Exception: An inversion of the control release remains without function).

7.3.7 Delay activation / deactivation digital inputs

40 I1 ON delay di.41 I1 OFF delay

di.42 I2 ON delay di.43 I2 OFF delay
di.44 I3 ON delay di.45 I3 OFF delay
di.46 I4 ON delay di.47 I4 OFF delay
di.48 IA ON delay di.49 IA OFF delay
di.50 IB ON delay di.51 IB OFF delay
di.52 IC ON delay di.53 IC OFF delay
di.54 ID ON delay di.55 ID OFF delay

Value range: 0 (off) ... 32.00 s; Resolution 0.01s; Default value : 0 (off), not set-programmable

The function can be switched off with the value di.40 – 55 = 0.
The ON delay starts with the positive edge of the input, the OFF delay with the negative edge.

In the following example I1 and I2 are first switched individually and then simultaneously.
The four required times are different adjusted.

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Digital in- and outputs

COMBIVIS 5 Scope - Knoten 0

COMBIVIS 5 Version 5.6 Registriert für: Karl E. Brinkmann GmbH D-32683 Barntrup
Druckdatum: 29.07.2009 10:26:22

640: F5A-G/V4.30 400Hz

X (ms/Teilung): 2000
CH Parameter Satz Y-Faktor (n/Teilung) Y-Null bei
A ru21 input terminal state 0 16: I1 0: no input
B ru22 internal input state 0 16: I1 16: I1
C Aus
D Aus

7.3.8 Input trigger (di.05)

As a standard the inverter is controlled with static signals, i.e. an input is set for as long as a signal is applied.
However, practice has shown that a signal may be available for a limited time only, but the input shall still
remain set. In that case the input or several inputs can be adjusted to edge-triggered flip-flop. Then a rising
edge with a pulse duration that is longer than the response time of the digital filter is sufficient for switch-on.
Switch-off is effected with the next rising edge.

Control release (ST) can be set to edge-triggered flip-flop, but this remains without affect on the function, since
it is a pure static signal.

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Digital in- and outputs

Fig. 7.3.7 Example of a signal flow diagram for input I1 (di.05=16)

Input signal after


Input trigger

7.3.9 Strobe-dependent Inputs (di.06, di.07, di.08)

A strobe signal is used mainly for triggering the input signals. For example, two inputs shall be used for the
parameter set selection. But the signals for the control do not arrive exactly even, so for a short time it would
be switched into an unintended set. With active strobe (scanning signal) the current input signals of the strobe-
dependent inputs are accepted and kept until the next scanning.
Which inputs are switched by strobe?

With di.08 any input can be selected as strobe-dependent input. With the control release di.08 has no function
since this is a static input.

From where comes the strobe signal?

The strobe input is adjusted with parameter di.06. If several inputs are adjusted as strobe they are linked in

Edge-active or static strobe?

As a standard the strobe is edge-active, i.e. the input conditions on the strobe input are accepted with rising
edge and maintained until the next rising edge. For some applications it is sensible to use the strobe in a man-
ner of a gate function. In that case the strobe signal is static, i.e. the input signals are accepted for as long as
the strobe signal is set (or for as long as the gate is open).

di.07 Strobe-mode

di.07: strobe mode

Value Function Description
Input states are transferred with the rising edge at the strobe input
0 edge-active strobe (default)
and held until the next rising edge.
static strobe - frooze if stro- Input states are updated as long as the strobe signal is set. If the
be is not active signal becomes inactive, the state is held.
static strobe - only active at Input states are updated as long as the strobe signal is set. If the
active strobe signal becomes inactive, the state is reset.

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Digital in- and outputs

Fig. 7.3.8.a Edge active strobe (di.07 = 0)

Scanning grid (ac- 1ms
ceptance upon rising
edge) t

Strobe input

Strobe signal t
Signal at
terminals t

Input status t

Fig. 7.3.8.b Static strobe mode 1 (di.07 = 1)

input signal
Strobe signal
Input status

Fig. 6.3.8.c Static strobe mode 2 (di.07 = 2)

input signal
Strobe signal
Input status

7.3.10 Reset / input selection (di.09) and reset / input slope selction (di.10)

The reset input is defined with di.09 according table 7.3.1 . If the reset input shall react to a negative edge, one
or several of the reset inputs defined with di.09 can be switched to negative edge evaluation with di.1.

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Digital in- and outputs

7.3.11 Assignment of the inputs

There are two different procedures for the assignment of inputs.

a.) One or several inputs can be assigned to each function. This means an input can be selected at the
single functions (positioning, fixed value selection, etc.) which activates this function.
b.) One or several functions can be assigned to each digital input. This means, in parameters di.11...di.22
„Function“ and parameters di.24...di.35 „+ Function“ one or several functions can be assigned to each
single digital input. In parameters di.11...di.22 several functions can be assigned to the respective in-
puts, only one can be selected in parameters di.24...di.35.

Both variants are locked against each other; if an input is assigned to a function, also parameters di.11...di.22
and di.24...di.35 are accordingly adjusted.

Due to the two variants the operation combines two advantages:

- with the functional programming of the inputs, the function's parametrization also permits selecting
which inputs will activate the function,
- the input-related display gives an overview of the complete function of an input and finally it can be
checked if there are undesired function overlappings.

The following table shows a list of the parameters with which the various functions can be assigned digital

An. 03 AN1 save trigger / input selection oP.20 Fixed value / input selection 2
An.13 AN2 save trigger / input selection oP.56 Motorpoti increase / input selection
An.23 AN3 save trigger / input selection oP.57 Motorpoti decrease / input selection
cn.11 PID reset / input selection oP.58 Motorpoti Reset / input selection
cn.12 I reset / input selection oP.60 Input selection /clockwise rotation
cn.13 Fade in reset / input selection oP.61 input selection / direction reverse
di.09 Reset / input selection Pn.04 Input selection external error
di.36 Software ST input selection Pn.23 LAD stop / input selection
di.37 Locking ST input selection Pn.29 DC brake / input selection
di.39 disable ST input selection Pn.64 GTR7 / input selection
dr.61 Rs correction auto temp input selection PS.02 Pos/syn / input selection
Ec.48 scan channel 2 input selection PS.03 Shift. slave / input selection
Ec.49 scan channel 1+2 input selection PS.10 Shift. slave inv. / input selection
Ec.50 scan position Ec.60 PS.18 Reference switch / input selection
Ec.51 scan position Ec.61 PS.19 Start reference / input selection
Fr.07 Parameter set / input selection PS.29 Start posi / input selection
Fr.11 Reset set / input selection PS.36 Teach index input selection
LE.17 Timer 1 Start / input selection PS.37 Position scan input selection
LE.19 Timer 1 Reset / input selection PS.38 relative positioning f/r input selection
LE.22 Timer 2 Start / input selection PS.43 Correction reference point
LE.24 Timer 2 Reset / input selection uF.08 Energy saving function / input selection
oP.19 Fixed value / input selection 1 uF.21 Dead time compensation off input selec-

The following table gives an overview of all functions which can be assigned to a digital input with parameters

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Digital in- and outputs

di.11...di.22 (several functions are possible).

di.11...di.22: Input function

Bit Value Explanation Fct. Para 1)
0 1: Fixed value 1 oP.19
Select fixed values
1 2: Fixed value 2 oP.20
2 4: increase motorpotentiometer oP.56
3 8: decrease motorpotentiometer Motor potentiometer oP.57
4 16: Reset motorpotentiometer oP.58
5 32: forward oP.60
Rotation setting
6 64: reverse oP.61
7 128: reset error release reset di.09
8 256: Ramp stop stop ramp Pn.23
9 512: DC braking activate DC braking Pn.29
10 1024: Energy saving function Flux reduction uF.08
11 2048: set Fr.07
Parameter Set Selection
12 4096: Reset to set 0 Fr.11
13 8192: external error Release error state in the inverter Pn.04
14 16384: store AN1 An.03
activate save mode for the analog in-
15 32768: store AN2 An.13
16 65536: store AN3 An.23
17 131072: Start timer 1 LE.17
18 262144: Reset timer 1 LE.19
Start / stop timer
19 524288: Start timer 2 LE.22 7
20 1048576: Reset timer 2 LE.24
21 2097152: Reset PID controller cn.11
22 4194304: Reset PID (I part) PID controller cn.12
23 8388608: Reset PID fade in cn.13
16777216: Activation positioning/syn- Activae positioning / synchronous mo-
24 PS.02 *
chronous dule
Correction of the master position
25 33554432: Slave correction PS.03
(correction value is added)
26 67108864: Reference switch Connection of a reference point switch PS.18
134217728: Approach the reference
27 Start approach to reference point PS.19
28 268435456: control GTR7 GTR7 permanent on Pn.64
29 536870912: Start positioning Start positioning PS.29 *
1073741824: Slave correction inver- Correction of the master position
30 PS.10
ted (correction value is subtracted)
an additional function ("+" function) is
31 2147483648: I+ function ---

the column „Fct. Para“ indicates the function-related parameter, corresponding to the value in di.11...di.22.
* is scanned with 250µs

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Digital in- and outputs

The next table indicates an overview of the functions, which can be assigned additionally to a digital input with
parameters di.24.. di.35 (only one auxilliary function is possible per input / bit 31 „I+ function“ must be activated
for the appropriate input):

di.24...di.35: Input- „+“ function

Value Explanation Fct. Para1)
Master position (ru.56) is overwritten with the slave po-
0: Reset master slave difference PS.11
sition (ru.54)
Actual position (ru.54) is overwritten with the reference
1: Set reference point PS.13 *
position (PS.17)
actual position (ru.54) is transferred as target position
2: Store position (teach) PS.36 *
in PS.24
during state "active positioning" the actual position is
3: Scan position stored with positive edge at the input in ru.71 „Teach/ PS.37 *
scan position display“.
Rotation setting for relative positioning (only if in PS.27
4: Relative position F/R for position setting the mode „relative to PS.38“ is se- PS.38
any digital input gets the function "control release" (soft-
5: Software ST (not at di.35) di.36
ware emulation / function can not be set to input ST)
Setting the input effects a locking of the software con-
6: ST locking (not at di.35) di.37
trol release
Connection of the switches for flying referencing at slip-
7: Reference point correction PS.43
afflicted systems
Between the end of the brake closing period (Pn.40)
and the beginning of the break opening period (Pn.36)
8: Brake monitoring Pn.42
the brake must always be closed. If the input becomes
(or is) active during this phase, is triggered.
As long as the input is active, the dead time compensa-
9: Dead time compensation off uF.21
tion is switched off
Activation of the input causes reduction of the level for
10: USV operation 400V class Pn.78
triggering and resetting of the undervoltage error
Control release only preset via terminal block (di.01 /
11: no digital ST (di.35 no function) di.39
di.02 and control word SY.43 / SY.50 without function)
Start of the temperature-dependent stator resistance
12: Start autom. Rs temperature
adaptation (only at V/f characteristic open-loop opera- dr.61
tion and SMM)
13: Encoder channel 2 / transfer
The value of Ec.61 - Ec.32 before (at 14: and Ec.60 EC.48
- Ec.31 before) is scanned with the positive edge and
14: Encoder channel 1 + 2 / trans- stored in Ec.50 / Ec.51
fer value
15: reserved
16: Register fct. Master input
17: Register fct. Slave input
Determines the input for selection of positions. Evalua-
18: Target position PS.57
tion depending on PS.56.

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Digital in- and outputs

19: Power-off start

A digital input which can release fast storage of all para-
meters in the EEPROM is selected with this parameter.
20: Safe memory See page „ Automatisches Speichern
(ud.05), Status Datenspeicherung (ud.04);“ auf Seite
21: Flow monitor

the column „Fct. Para“ indicates the function-related parameter, corresponding to the value in di.11...di.22
* is scanned with 250µs

7.3.12 Software-ST and locking of the control release

di.36 software ST, di.37 locking ST, di.38 turn off ST delay time

The function is switched off, if no input is selected in di.36. ST can not be selected as software ST or input for
With the locking function the control release can be controlled in case of voltage failure (even if the controlled
PLC is failure) as long as e.g. Power off needs for stopping the drive.
Condition: terminal ST must be bridged !
Switching off an input (selection in di.36) is decelerated for the time adjusted in di.38. Within this time the lo-
cking input (selection in di.37) must be active in order to secure the function.
A software input e.g. (IA-ID) can be assigned with the function Power Off ( = 17, switching condi-
tion for OA-OD) as locking input.

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Digital in- and outputs

Fig. 7.3.11c Software-ST, locking of the control release






7.3.13 Deactivation of the digital control release

With the digital input selection (di.01 / di.02) or the control word (SY.43/ SY.50) the control release can be set
digital (e.g. via bus system). Additionally terminal ST must always be activated.
In parameter di.39, "turn off ST input selection", an input can be selected for deactivating the digital setting of
the control release . Thus only terminal ST is effective.

Thus it is possible to

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Digital in- and outputs

7.3.14 Short description - digital outputs

Fig. 7.3.12 Principle of the digital outputs

Switching conditions SB0...SB7 Flag 0...7 Outputs O1...OD

do.24 do.41 do.42 do.51

do.8 do.25 Transistor

do.16 do.33 Bit 0-1
20=1 20=1 output
1 1 8 1 1 8 0 O1=O1
1 & 1 & 1 O1=O2 (O1)
8 2 8 2 1
... 8 >1 ... 8 >1 2 O1=R1 X2A.18
1 128 1 128 3 O1=R2
0 4 Transistor
do.9 do.17 do.26do.34 Bit 2-3
31 do.43 do.0 1 21=2 output
1 1 2 =2 1
1 1 8 0 O2=O1
z-1 1 of 31 8
& &
2 (O2)
2 8 1 2 8 1 2 1 4 O2=O2
... 8 ... 8 >1 8 O2=R1 X2A.19
1 128 1 128 12 O2=R2
31 do.44 do.1
4 Relay
z-1 1 of 31 do.10 do.27 Bit 4-5
do.18 do.35 22=4 output
5 1 22=4 1
1 8 1 8 0 R1=O1 (R1)
& 4
8 1 2 & 8 1 2 16 R1=O2
1 X2A.24...26
6 8 32 R1=R1
31 do.2 ... 8 >1 ... >1
7 1 128 1 128 48 R1=R2
1 of 31

8 do.11 do.28 4
do.19 do.36 23=8
Bit 6-7 Relay
1 23=8 1
9 1 8 1 8 8
0 R2=O1
31 do.3 8 1 2 & 8 1 2 & 64 R2=O2 output
10 1
1 of 31 ... 8 ... 8 >1 128 R2=R1 (R2)
11 1 128 1 128 192 R2=R2 X2A.27...29
8 7
do.12 do.29
31 do.4 do.20 do.37 24=16
13 1 24=16 1
1 of 31 1 8 1 8 16
1 & 1 & Internal
14 8 2 8 2 1
... 8 ... 8 >1
output OA
15 1 128 1 128
16 31 do.5 Internal
1 of 31 do.13 do.30
do.21 5
2 =32
do.38 25=32 output OB
1 1 8 1 1 8 32
8 1 2 & 8 1 2 &
18 1
31 do.6 ... 8 >1 ... 8 >1
19 1
1 128 128 Internal
1 of 31
20 output OC
do.14 do.31
21 do.22 do.39 26=64
1 26=64 1
1 8 1 8 64
31 do.7 & &
22 8 1 2 8 1 2 1
1 of 31
... 8 ... 8 Internal
23 >1 >1
1 128 1 128 output OD

91 do.15 do.32
do.23 27=128
do.40 27=128
1 1 8 1 1 8 128
1 2 & 1 2 &
8 8 1
... 8 >1 ... 8 >1
1 128 1 128

8 8

ru.23 Output conditi- ru.24 Status ru.80 digital ru.25 Output

on state of output flags output state terminal status

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Digital in- and outputs


For the switching of the digital outputs one can choose up to 8 conditions from the 91 different conditions.
These are entered in Switching condition 0 and 1 can be filtered by do.43 and do.44. Parameter
ru.23 displays, if one or several of these conditions are met . For each flag it can now be selected which of the 8
conditions shall apply to it ( Each condition can still be inverted before selection (
As a standard all conditions (if several are selected) are OR operated. With do.24 this can be changed to AND-
operation . i.e. all conditions selected for this flag must be fulfilled before it is set. Parameter ru.24 displays the
flags which are set in this stage. do.33...40 form a second logic step where a selection of the flags from logic
step 1 can be made. Each individual flag can be inverted with do.25...32. do.41 adjusts the type of the linkage
(AND/OR). Parameter do.42 is used for inverting one or several outputs. With do.51 the output signals are
assigned to the terminals. ru.80 serves for the display of the digital output state, thereafter ru.25. The internal
outputs OA...OD are directly connected with the internal inputs IA...ID.

7.3.15 Output signals / hardware

Fig. 7.3.13a Transistor outputs Fig. 7.3.13b Relay outputs



The total current of X2A.18,19 is limited to 50mA. In case of inductive load at the relay outputs or at the transi-
stor output a protective wiring is to be provided (free-wheeling diode)!

7.3.16 Output filter (do.43, do.44)

A filter can be set for switching condition 0 with do.43. For switching condition 1 with do.44. The change of a
switching condition must be applied for the filter time, then it becomes active at the output of the filter. If the
change of a switching condition is cancelled during the filter time, the filter time is reset and restarted with the
next change. The filter time can be adjusted in a range of 0 (off)...1000 ms.

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Digital in- and outputs

7.3.17 Switching Conditions (

From the following switching conditions one can select up to 8 for further processing. The values are then
entered in the parameters Switching conditions

V a - Function Description
0 always switched-off Switching condition never fulfilled
1 Always active Switching condition always fulfilled
Drive is running and there is no malfunction (also set if modulation generally
2 Run signal
released, but temporary blocked by for example "motor de-excitation").
3 Ready for operation Drive is ready for operation (inverter state unequal to error).
4 Error There is an error message (inverter state equal to error).
5 Error without auto reset Is not set for errors for which an automatic restart is programmed.
ru.39 is an overload counter, counting in steps of 1%. On reaching 100 % the
inverter switches off. Upon exceeding of level Pn.09 (default 80 %) the over-
7 Alert signal overload
load warning is given. The performance in case of a warning can be adjusted
with Pn.08 (response to OL-warning).
Overheating-prewarning (OH)! Depending on the power circuit the inverter
switches off between 60...95°C heat sink temperature. The prewarning is
Pre-warning power modules
8 output, when the level OH-warning (Pn.11) is reached (default 70 °C). The
behaviour in case of an warning can be adjusted with Pn.10 (response to
PTC-prewarning (dOH), on tripping of the motor-PTC connected to the termi-
nals T1/T2. After expiration of an adjustable switch-off time Pn.13 (0...120s)
9 Pre-warning motor overheating
the inverter switches off with E.dOH. The behaviour in case of a warning can 7
be adjusted with Pn.12 (response to dOH-warning).
F5-M and F5-H (asynchronous motors):
The defined motor protection release time according VDE is up. The beha-
viour on the release of the electronic motor protection relay can be adjusted
with Pn.14 (warning OH2 stop. mode).
10 Motor protection relay function F5-S and F5-E (synchronous motors):
The overload counter of the motor protection function for servo motors has
exceeded the value of Pn.15 „OH2 warning level“. If the counter reaches
100%, the error is released. The response to this pre-warning can be adju-
sted with Pn.14 (warning OH2 stop. mode).
Interior temperature-prewarning (OHI) is output if the interior temperature of
the inverter exceeds the level OHI-warning. The behaviour can be adjusted
11 Warning internal overheating
with Pn.16 Pn.16 (response to OHI-warning). An error is generally released
after expiration of the OHI-delay time (Pn.17). Not at Pn.16 = „7“
12 Cable breakage 4...20mA AN1 Cable breakage at 4...20mA setpoint setting at An.01 or An.02. Trips, if the
13 Cable breakage 4...20mA AN2 setpoint current drops below 2mA.
Pn.20 „current limit level“ exceeded (only for v/f characteristic open-loop
14 Current limit ( I > Pn.20 )
Ramp is stopped (LA-/LD-Stop active). Pn.24 „LAD load level“ or Pn.25 „LD
15 Ramp stop active
voltage“ exceeded at acceleration/deceleration.
16 DC-braking active DC braking active
17 Power off function active The state of the inverter is „Power off function active“.
further on next side

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Digital in- and outputs Switching conditions

V a - Function Description
The output is used for brake control. The output becomes active if the brake
18 Brake control
is to be ventilated.
19 System deviation > level ru.02 „ramp output display“ – ru.07 „actual value display“ > switching level
Is set, if parameter ru.07 „actual value display“ is in a window of +/- LE.16
„hysteresis“ around ru.01 „set value display“. Not set in state "no control
20 Constant run release" or "standstill". The state of the condition is undefined if the ramp
generator is deactivated by another function (e.g. positioning, speed search,
DC braking, etc.).
Ramp generator is in phase forward acceleration, reverse acceleration or
21 Acceleration
acceleration stop.
Ramp generator is in phase forward deceleration, reverse deceleration or
22 Deceleration
deceleration stop.
The directions at the input and at the output of the ramp generator are the
Real direction of rotation = set
23 same (the sign of ru.02 „ramp output display“ is identical with the sign of
direction of rotation
ru.01 „set value display“).
24 Utilization > level Utilization (ru.13) > level
25 Amount active current > level Amount active current (ru.17) > switching level
26 DC link voltage > level Actual DC voltage ru.18 > switching level
27 Actual value > level actual value display (ru.07) > switching level
Amount set value (ru.01) > switching level (only valid if the ramp generator
28 Set value > level
is active)
Approach to reference point fi- Approach to reference point executed and completed (position valid/ soft-
nished ware limit switch useable)
30 actual torque > level actual torque > switching level (not in v/f characteristic open-loop operation)
31 Absolut value AN1 > level
Amount AN1 / AN2 / AN3 at theoutput of the characteristic amplifier > swit-
32 Absolut value AN2 > level
ching level
33 Absolut value AN3 > level
34 AN1 > level
AN1 / AN2 / AN3 at the output of the characteristic amplifier > switching level
35 AN2 > level
(with sign evaluation)
36 AN3 > level
37 Timer 1 > level
ru.43 „timer 1 display“ or ru.44 „timer 2 display“ > switching level
38 Timer 2 > level
Amount ru.58 „angle difference“ > switching level (observe only in posi- or
39 Angle difference > level
synchronous mode / scaling factor of the LE-Parameters for increments)
40 Hardware current limit active Protective function „hardware current limit“ is active
41 Modulation on is set, if the modulation is active
42 ANOUT3 PWM Output of the analog signal ANOUT 3 or ANOUT 4 as PWM signal. The peri-
43 ANOUT4 PWM od can be adjusted with An.46 or An.52.
44 Inverter state (ru.0) = level Number of the inverter state (e.g. 18 at error! Watchdog) = switching level
Power module temperature
45 Power module temperature (ru.38) > switching level
(ru.38) > level
Motor temperature (ru.46) > le-
46 Motor temperature (ru.46) > switching level
further on next side

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Digital in- and outputs Switching conditions

V a - Function Description
Ramp output display (ru.2) >
47 Amount ramp output display (ru.02) > switching level
48 Apparent current (ru.15) > level Apparent current (ru.15) > switching level
49 Clockwise rotation current rotation direction clockwise rotation and counter clockwise rotation,
50 Counter clockwise rotation respectively (only set if ramp generator is active.
Upon exceeding of level Pn.09 (default 80 %) the overload warning OL2 is
51 OL2 warning output. The performance in case of a warning can be adjusted with Pn.8
(response to OL-warning).
52 Current regulator limit reached Current and speed controller in limit (not in v/f characteristic controlled ope-
53 Speed control at the limit ration).
The position profile is completed (ru.56 = ru.61) and the drive is in the range
54 Target window reached
of +/- PS.30 / 2 (target window) around the target position ru.61.
ru.54 „actual position“ > switching level (observe scaling factor of the levels:
55 Current position > level
1.00 = 100 increments).
Positioning is active, but the set position ru.56 has not yet reached the target
position ru.61. The output is deactivated, as soon as the calculated position
56 positioning active
profile has reached the target position (ru.56 „set position“ = ru.61 „target
position“), even if the drive has not reached the target window.
The position is inaccessible from the current speed under the restrictions
57 position not reachable of the adjusted deceleration and S-curve times or a new "start positioning"
command was sent during the deceleration ramp.
This output switching condition is needed for the follow-up positioning.
The output is set if the result of all selected inputs is 1. The internal state 7
of the inputs (displayed in ru.22 „internal input state“) is significant for the
58 Profile processing active
The output is set with „start positioning“ and only deactivated if
ru.56 „set position“ has reached the last block of the target position.
. (In parameter PS.26 „index/ next“ of the last block value „ -1: PS.28“ must
be entered).
further on next side

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Digital in- and outputs Switching conditions

V a - Function Description
59 Inputs AND linked (ru.22) Function Switching condition met if:
60 Inputs OR linked (ru.22) AND all selected inputs are active
61 Inputs NAND linked (ru.22) or at least one of selected inputs is active
NAND at least one of selected inputs is not active
NOR all selected inputs are not active

The selection of inputs to be linked occurs via the comparison level parame-
ters LE.00...LE.07.
62 Inputs NOR linked (ru.22)
Input ST RST F R I1 I2 I3 I4 IA IB IC ID
Value 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048

The sum of the inputs to be queried is entered in the switching levels.

Example: If R and I1 shall be linked for condition 0 F, value 4 + 8 + 16 = 28.00
must be entered in LE.00.
Absolut value ANOUT1 > swit-
63 Amount of ANOUT1 (amount of ru.34 „ANOUT1 post ampl. display) or AN-
ching level
OUT 2 (amount of ru.36 „ANOUT2 post ampl. display) higher than the swit-
Absolut value ANOUT2 > swit- ching level
ching level
65 ANOUT1 > Level ANOUT1 (ru.34 „ANOUT1 post ampl. display) or ANOUT 2 (ru.36 „ANOUT2
66 ANOUT2 > Level post ampl. display) higher than the switching level
Distance since the last "start positioning" command is longer than the adju-
67 Distance > level (Posi)
sted level. If the positioning is completed, the output is reset.
Position to the target window > The output is set, if the distance to be covered to the target is larger than the
level (Posi) adjusted level.
ext. PID system deviation > le- Amount of the system deviation of the external PID controller> switching
vel level
For inverters with safety relay: The driver voltage for control of the power
70 Driver voltage active
module is active.
Synchronization phase after activation of synchronous running completed
71 Drive runs synchronously
(nodisplay that there is angle-synchronization between slave and master)
ru. 60 „actual position index“ is equal to the switching level (scaling factor:
72 Actual position index = level
values of 0.51...1.5 count as index 1 etc.)
73 Amount active power > level Amount ru.81 „active power“ > switching level
74 Active power > level ru.81 „active power“ > switching level
Amount act. position – scan po-
75 ru.54 „actual position“ – ru.71 „teach/scan position display“ > switching level
sition > level
76 reserved
act. position = position index ru.60 „actual position index“ = PS.28 „start index new profile“ and target win-
PS.28 dow of this positioning reached
At flying referencing in a rotary table application a reference signal is reco-
78 Rotary table reference invalid
gnized outside the position window of +/- PS.40 „refpoint window“.
further on next side

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Digital in- and outputs Switching conditions

V a - Function Description
The output is set, if a "start positioning" command is ignored because the
79 Ignore position not reachable new target position is "not reachable". The output is reset by a new „start
positioning“ command or by deactivation of the positioning mode.
ru.17 „active current“ higher than the switching level (sign of ru.17 is consi-
80 Active current > level
81 Actual value channel 1 > level Amount ru.09 „encoder 1 speed“ or ru.10 „encoder 2 speed“ > switching
82 Actual value channel 2 > level level.
83 HSP5 bus synchronizes HSP5 bus synchronizes; corresponds status word bit 9 (SY.51)
act. value < min. set value oP.06 Amount ru.07 „actual value display“ is smaller than oP.06 „min.reference for-
/ 07 ward“ at forward or oP.07 „min.reference reverse“ at reverse.
The input that releases „Warning! external input“ or „Error! external input“ is
85 Warning! Ext. error
active (state of the drive has no effect).
The watchdog (HSP5 watchdog SY.09 or operator watchdog Pn.06) has trig-
86 Warning! Watchdog
gered (status of the drive has no effect).
The acceleration has the value of parameter Pn.79 „acceleration limit 1/s^2“
is exceeded.
Parameter Pn.80 „acceleration scan time“ determines the time period used
87 Warning! Acceleration
for acceleration averaging.
The speed difference must be converted from 1/min to 1/s for the calculation
of the acceleration. *
Prewarning level for an overload protection function which monitors the mo-
tor or the inverter is exceeded. Warnings 7(OL), 8(OH), 9(dOH), 11(OHI),
10(OH2), 51(OL2) are integrated in this switching condition (OR operation).
88 Warning! Power unit and motor Additionally this switching condition has the following function: If „auto retry 7
UP“ is activated in Pn.00 and if a limit for the retry function is adjusted in
Pn.76 „max. E.UP warning time“, the switching condition is active during the
warning time (that means the time when an auto retry is executed).
ru.07 „actual value display“ is smaller than switching level / 100 x ru.02 „ramp
89 Actual value < level x set value output display“. This switching condition is not active when the modulation is
switched off and special functions e.g. speed ​​search.
Motortemp for Rs corr (dr.51) > The switching condition is met when the motor temperature for Rs correction
level (dr.51) is higher than the switching level.
If the setting „warning“ is programmed in EC.42 „encoder alarm mode“ „error!
91 Warning! Encoder encoder“ is not triggered. Instead a warning signal can be generated via this
switching condition.
92 Quick stop Switching condition is set at active quick stop function.
The actual position of channel 1 is saved by setting an input. The switching
93 Amount Ec.60 - Ec.50 > level condition is set, if the drive has moved more than the adjusted level from this
The actual position of channel 2 is saved by setting an input. The switching
94 Amount Ec.61 - Ec.51 > level condition is set, if the drive has moved more than the adjusted level from this
further on next side

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Digital in- and outputs Switching conditions

V a - Function Description
At active contouring drive generally the target position ru.61 is adjusted. The
switching condition is generally not fulfilled as long as the approach to refe-
95 Drive in target window rence point is not completed. It is fulfilled, if the contouring drive is active.
Otherwise, the actual position is always compared with the target position.
The condition is fulfilled, if the drive is in the target window PS.30.
The setpoint must be above the level (Pn.86). If the actual value is below the
96 Blockade active
level, a counter counts up until the time is up (Pn.87).
The switching condition is the splitting of switching condition 91: Warning
97 Warning encoder 1
The switching condition is the splitting of switching condition 91: Warning
98 Warning encoder 2
The switching condition is set if there is an error in the flow control or if there
99 Warning flow control
is no flow or constant flow for the adjusted deceleration time (Pn.94).
Combination of different condi- Combination condition; Error or OL-pre-warning or OH-pre-warning or (Sta-
tions tus POFF or PLS) and Fout=0Hz)

Speed change during scan time

* acceleration = ————————————————————
60 x scan time (in seconds)

Comparison level 0...7, LE.00...LE.07

These parameters define the levels of the switching conditions.

Level 0 (LE.0) applies for switching condition 0; LE.1 for switching condition 1 ... and so forth.

Hysteresis 0...7, LE. 08...LE.15

The hysteresis in reference to the adjusted values, define parameters LE. 08...LE.15.

Hysteresis 0 (LE.08) applies for comparison level 0; LE.09 for comparison level 1 ... and so forth.

Frequency hysteresis LE.16

LE.16 defines the hysteresis for the status constant-run.

7.3.18 Inverting of switching conditions for flags 0...7 (

Picture 7.3.15 Inverting and selecting the switching conditions
1 1 1
do.1 1 2 2
do.2 1 4 4
do.3 1 8 8 8
do.4 1 16 16 do.24
do.5 1 32 32
do.6 1 64 64
do.7 1 128 128

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Digital in- and outputs

With parameters each of the 8 switching conditions ( can be inverted separately
for each flag. With this function it is possible to set any chosen switching condition as non-condition. The pa-
rameter is bit-coded. According to Fig. 7.3.15 theweighting for the switching conditions to be inverted must be
entered in If several conditions shall be inverted, the sum is to be formed.

Output X2A.19 shall be set when the inverter is not accelerating! In this case we assign the switching condition
21 (inverter accelerates) for example to do.01 (enter value 21). We invert the switching condition (do.01) with
do.09, so enter value „2“.

7.3.19 Selection of switching conditions for flags 0...7 (

Parameters serve for the selection of the 8 preassigned switching conditions. The selection is
done foreach flag separately, where one can choose between no one and up to all 8 switching conditions. The
value of the selected switching condition must be entered in in accordance with fig. 7.3.15 . If
several conditions shall be inverted, the sum is to be formed.

7.3.20 AND/OR connections of the switching conditions (do.24)

After the switching conditons are selected for each output, it can now be determined, how these are connected.
As a default all conditions are OR connected, i.e. the flag is set if one of the selected conditions is fulfilled.
Another possibility is the AND connection which can be adjusted with do.24. AND connection means that all
selected conditions must be fulfilled before the flag is set.
Parameter do.24 is bit-coded. The table under 7.3.17 shows the assignment.

Fig. 7.3.20 Linking the switching conditions in logic step 1

do.16 & 1 Bit 0 Flag 0
>1 0
do.17 & 1 Bit 1
Flag 1
>1 0

do.23 & 1 Bit 7
Flag 7
>1 0

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Digital in- and outputs

7.3.21 Inverting of flags (

Fig. 7.3.21 Inverting and selection of flags do.41
1 1 1
Bit 0 & 1 Bit 0
Bit 1 1 2 2 O1
>1 0
Bit 2 1 4 4
Bit 3 1 8 8 & 1 Bit 1
8 O2
Bit 4 1 16 16 >1 0
Bit 5 1 32 32
Bit 6 1 64 64
Bit 7 1 128 128 & 1 Bit 7
>1 0

With parameters each of the 8 flags (bit 0...7) from logic step 1 can be inverted separately.
With this function it is possible to set any chosen flag as non-flag. The parameter is bit-coded. According to
Fig. 7.3.18 the weighting of the flag to be inverted must be entered in If several flags shall be
inverted, the sum is to be formed.

7.3.22 Selection of flags (

In the second logic step a selection of the flags of the first logic step can be made. The selection is done for
each output separately, where one can choose between none and up to all 8 flags.The value of the selected
switching conditions must be entered in in accordance with fig. 7.3.18. The sum is to be formed
if several flags shall be selected.

7.3.23 AND connection for outputs (do.41)

After the flags are selected for each output, now it can be determined how these are linked. As a default all
flags are OR operated, i.e. if one of the selected flags is set, the output switches.Another possibility is the AND
operation which can be adjusted with do.41. AND operation means, all selected flags must be set before the
output switches.

Fig. 7.3.23a. Linking the outputs

do.33 & 1 Bit 0
>1 0
do.34 & 1 Bit 1
>1 0

do.40 & 1 Bit 7
>1 0

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Digital in- and outputs

As shown in Fig. 7.3.23b, the outputs can be inverted again after linking with parameter do.42. The parameter is
bit-coded, i.e. according to following table the value belonging to this output must be entered. If several outputs
shall be inverted, the sum is to be formed.

Fig. 7.3.23b. Inversion of Outputs

1 1
Bit 0
Bit 1 1 2
Bit 2 1 4
Bit 3 1 8
do.41 16
Bit 4 1
Bit 5 1 32
Bit 6 1 64
Bit 7 1 128

7.3.24 Output terminal state (ru.25) and digital output state (ru.80)

Parameter ru.25 displays the logic condition of the digital outputs after the allocation by do.51. Parameter ru.80
displays the logic condition before the allocation. If an output is setthe appropriate decimal value according to
the table below, is output. If several outputs are set, then the sum of the decimal values is output.

Name Function Decimal va-

– no output 0
O1 Transistor output 1
O2 Transistor output 2 7
R1 Relay output 4
R2 Relay output 8
OA Internal output 16
OB Internal output 32
OC Internal output 64
OD Internal output 128

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Digital in- and outputs

7.3.25 Hardware output allocation (do.51)

The output signals are allocated to output terminals O1, O2, R1 and R2 with do.51. The assignment is done
according to following table:

do.51:Hardware output allocation

Bit V a - Signal output Default
0 O1 x
1 O2
0+1 O1 (terminal X2A.18)
2 R1
3 R2
0 O1
4 O2 x
2+3 O2 (terminal X2A.19)
8 R1
12 R2
0 O1
16 O2
4+5 R1 (terminal X2A.24...26)
32 R1 x
48 R2
0 O1
64 O2
6+7 R2 (terminal X2A.27...29)
128 R1
192 R2 x

7.3.26 Programming example

For a better understanding, the correlations are explained on the basis of a more complex example. Following
conditions are required:

• Condition 1: Output X2A.19 switches, if the inverter accelerates

• Condition 2: Relais X2A.24...26 switches, if the inverter load is > 100 %
• Condition 3: Relay X2A.27...29
• Output X2A.18 switches, if the conditions 2 and 3 are realized, but the inverter does not accelerate.

Solution proposal:

Adjust switching conditions, levels and hysteresis

First adjust the switching conditions and levels.

do.00 to „21“ (inverter accelerates),
do.01 to „24“ (inverter utilization > level); LE.01 to „100“ (load level for do.01 100 %); LE.09 to „5“ (5 % hystere-
sis for comparison level 1; not required but reasonable for optimal switching performance),
do.02 to „27“ (actual value > level); LE.02 to „4“ (frequency level for do.02); LE.10 to „0.5“ (0.5 Hz hysteresis for
comparison level 2; not required but reasonable for optimal switching performance).

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Digital in- and outputs

Select switching conditions

Adjust do.16 to „1“ (evaluate switching condition of do.0 ),

Adjust do.17 to „2“ (evaluate switching condition of do.1),
Adjust do.18 to „4“ (evaluate switching condition of do.2),
Adjust do.8, do.9 and do.10 to „0“ (no inversion).

The adjustment of do.24 is independent for this example, as only one condition each is adjusted at do.16...18.

Adjust flags

Output O1 (terminal X2A.18)

Set do.33 to „7“(evaluate flags 1...3)
Adjust do.25 to „1“(flag 1 is inverted, it means that the condition is fulfilled if the inverter does not accelerate).
Adjust do.41 to „1“ (the flags selected with do.33 are AND connected)

Output O2 (terminal X2A.19)

Adjust do.34 to „1“ (flag 1 is evaluated).
Adjust do.26 to „0“ (no inversion)
The adjustment of do.41 is independent for this example, since only one flag is adjusted in do.34.

Relay output R1 (terminal X2A.24...26)

Adjust do.35 to „2“(flag 2 is evaluated).
do.27 to „0“ (no inversion)
The adjustment of do.41 is independent for this example, since only one flag is adjusted in do.35.

Relay output R2 (terminal X2A.27...29)

Adjust do.36 to „4"(flag 3 is evaluated).
do.28 to „0“ (no inversion) 7
The adjustment of do.41 is independent for this example, since only one flag is adjusted in do.36.

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Digital in- and outputs

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Setpoint, rotation- and ramp setting

7.1 Operating and appliance data

1. Introduction

7.2 Analog in- and outputs

2. Summary
7.3 Digital in- and outputs

3. Hardware
7.4 Setpoint-, rotation- and ramp setting

Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous

4. Operation motor

Motor data and controller adjustments of the synchronous

Selection of Operating motor
7.7 Speed control

6. Initial Start-up
7.8 Torque display and -limiting

7.9 Torque control

7. Functions 7

7.10 Current control, -limiting and switching frequencies

8. Error Assistance
7.11 Speed measurement

9. Project Design
7.12 Posi- and synchronous operation

7.13 Protective functions

10. Networks

7.14 Parameter sets

11. Parameter Overview

7.15 Special functions

12. Annex
7.16 CP-Parameter definition

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Setpoint, rotation- and ramp setting

7.4.1 Summary description............................................................................................................... 7.4 - 3

7.4.2 Reference source oP.00............................................................................................................ 7.4 - 4
7.4.3 Rotation source oP.01............................................................................................................... 7.4 - 7
7.4.4 Acceleration of speed reversal.............................................................................................. 7.4 - 10
7.4.5 Step values (oP.18...23)........................................................................................................... 7.4 - 11
7.4.6 Setpoint limits......................................................................................................................... 7.4 - 13
7.4.7 Setpoint calculation................................................................................................................ 7.4 - 15
7.4.8 Ramp generator...................................................................................................................... 7.4 - 16 Ramp mode.................................................................................................................. 7.4 - 16 Ramp with constant ascent................................................................................. 7.4 - 17 Linear ramps.................................................................................... 7.4 - 18 S-curve times................................................................................... 7.4 - 19 Ramp with constant time...................................................................................... 7.4 - 20 Ogive run.............................................................................................................. 7.4 - 21 Time factor acceleration/deceleration (oP.62).................................................. 7.4 - 22
7.4.9 Ramp mode............................................................................................................................. 7.4 - 22 Ramp with constant ascent.................................................................................. 7.4 - 22 Ramp with constant time...................................................................................... 7.4 - 23

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Setpoint, rotation- and ramp setting

7.4 Setpoint-, rotation- and ramp setting

7.4.1 Summary description

The setpoints of the KEB COMBIVERT F5 can be preadjusted analog as well as digital. The AUX-function adds
or multiplies an analog setpoint to/with other setpoint settings.
The setpoint and rotation selection links the different setpoint sources with the possible sources of rotation
direction. The signal thus obtained is used for further setpoint calculation.
Only after interrogation of the absolute setpoint limits, all the data that is required for the ramp calculation is

Fig. 7.4.1 Principle of setpoint and ramp adjustment

Rotation Fixed frequen-

Setpoint selection
selection cies

Setpoint limits

Setpoint calculation
ru.01: Set value display
Set value display
before ramp
Ramp generator 7
ru.02:ramp output display
Set value display
after ramp

ru.03: Actual frequency


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Setpoint, rotation- and ramp setting

7.4.2 Reference source oP.00

oP.00: Reference source

Value Function Notice
Setting of the speed setpoint via REF
or AUX input
0% corresponds to the „min. refe- The selection of a hardware analog
0: Analog input REF rence“ (oP.06 at forward rotation / input as REF is done via parameter
oP.07 at reverse rotation) An.30 „Selection REF inp./ AUX func-
+100% corresponds to the "max. re- tion“ factory setting: AN1 is the REF
ference" (oP.10 at forward rotation / input.
oP.11 at reverse rotation) The selection of how the AUX input
If the rotation direction is determined value is calculated is also done via
1: Analog input AUX by the sign of the setpoint, then posi- An.30.
tive values and 0 represent clockwise Default: AN2 is the AUX input.
rotation, negative values represent
counter clockwise rotation.
The value range and the resolution
The value of oP.03 „reference setting" depend on the setting of the speed
2: Digital absolute (op.03)
is used as speed setpoint. mode in parameter ud.02 "control
The percentage value in oP.05 "refe-
3: Digital in % (op.05) rence setting" is used for the speed
setpoint. Calculation of the speed setpoints
from the percentage value is done the
The percentage value oP.52 "motor- same way as for the REF and AUX
poti value" is used as speed setpoint inputs.
4: Motorpoti (ru.37)
(for more on motorpoti function see
chapter 7.15).
Value range: +/- 32000 rpm
Resolution: 1 rpm
The value of SY.52 "set speed value" Exception: In the high frequency
5: Set speed value (sy.52)
is used as speed setpoint. modes up to 64000 or 128000 rpm
are other values valid (see chapter
The percentage output value of the Calculation of the speed setpoints
PID-controller (ru.52 "ext. PID output from the percentage value is done the
6: ext. PID output (ru.52)
display ") is used as the speed set- same way as for the REF and AUX
point. inputs.
7: Speed Measurement 1 The speed measured by encoder
8: Speed Measurement channels 1 and 2, respectively, is
2 used as the speed setpoint.
Setting of the speed setpoints via
AN1. Setting of the setpoint of the
Modified calculation of the setpoint
speed controller from the analog va-
9: AN 1 direct (+/- 10V) and limitations in the settings options,
lue is done with a fast scanning grid,
see instructions.
therefore, some limitations in the set-
tings options have to be accepted.

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Setpoint, rotation- and ramp setting

Setting of the speed setpoint value

Configuration of the high resolution
via oP.63 "reference value high-reso-
10: High resolution in % and calculation of the speed setpoint
lution". This mode must be used if the
(ru.63) from parameters oP.63 / oP.64 see in-
standard speed resolution is insuffici-
Other functions like quick stop, fixed frequency, or positioning have priority over "standard operation" and can
therefore lead to different speed setpoints than selected in oP.00 .
The following speed setpoint limiting blocks can change the setpoint.

Direct analog setpoint setting (AN1 direct)

The cycle time of the software is 1 ms. During this time the analog input/output status is updated once. Addi-
tionally the inverter requires a processing time of 1... 3 ms before the new setpoint value is calculated. If the
inverter is used as secondary final control element of a superior control, this time can impair the dynamics of
the entire closed-loop control system.
In such cases the analog setpoint value can be processed directly to the control processor (direct setpoint
adjustment). Thus a scan time of 250 µs is possible. To enable this fast response to an analog setpoint value,
some restrictions must be accepted:

• The calculation formula of the analog setpoint value changes. Parameters oP.06 / oP.07 are without influence
on the setpoint calculation.

percentage analog value = (analog value/10V x 100% - An.06) x An.05

This value is limited to+/- 100%.

nset = limited analog value in percent x oP.10

This value is limited with oP.14 for for both directions of rotation.
• The reference limitations oP.06 / oP.07 / oP.11 do not have any function; the absolute max. reference is only
limited by oP.14 (for both directions).
• The acceleration / deceleration and S-curve time have no effect; it is operated internally without ramps.
• The parameters An.01...04 and An.07...09 are without any function
• The stop position controller cannot be activated.

High resolution reference setting

The setpoint setting with the settings oP.00 = 0...9 is 16 Bit wide. This results in a maximum resolution of 0.125
rpm in 4000-rpm mode (ud.02 = 4 and 8).

For applications needing a higher resolution, the high resolution setpoint setting was introduced. Here, the
setpoint is set as a 32-Bit-value.
Since only a 16-Bit-value can be output, the low-order 16 bits of the ramp output value are upsampled. On
overrun, the base value is increased for one cycle (1 ms) (by 0.125 rpm in 4000-rpm mode). These setpoint
fluctuations are smoothed mechanically, leading to the higher average resolution.

To achieve the highest possible resolution for the application, two parameters can be used:

oP.64 Ref. value high-resolution

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Setpoint, rotation- and ramp setting

Parameter oP.64 adjusts the reference value of the calculation and is dependent on ud.02.

oP.63 Ref. value high-resolution

The factor for the setpoint calculation is adjusted here:

oP.63 x oP.64
Setpoint = ———————

That means: If value 230 is preset for oP.63, the setpoint is equal to oP.64 "ref. value high-resolution"

The maximum for the setpoint is twice the reference value.

The achievable high resolution is calculated as follows:

High resolution = ——————

If oP.64 is set to 2000rpm, i.e., the half maximum value (4000 rpm mode), the high resolution is:

2000 rpm
High resolution = —————— = 1,86 x 10-6 rpm

This should suffice for all applications.

The adjustment value for oP.63 is calculated as follows:

desired setpoint
oP.63 = ——————————— x 230

Example 1

Reference value (oP.64): 2000 rpm

requested setpoint: 0.140624 rpm

0.140624 rpm
oP.63 = —————— x 230 = 75497
2000 rpm

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Setpoint, rotation- and ramp setting

Example 2
Reference value (oP.64): 2000 rpm
requested setpoint: 32.37843 rpm

32.37843 rpm
oP.63 = ——————— x 230 = 17383037
2000 rpm

Resolution and scaling factor are the same as for oP.63. Due to internal rounding, the value of ru.82 may be 1
less than the set value oP.63.

7.4.3 Rotation source oP.01

The selection of rotation direction determines the manner in which the rotation direction is adjusted. The fol-
lowing possibilities are available:

oP.01: rotation source

Value Function
0 Digital (op02), 0-limited
1 Digital (op02), absolute
2 Terminal F / R 0 limited
3 Terminal F / R -absolute
4 Terminal start / stop 0 limited 7
5 Terminal start / stop absolute
6 Setpoint sign + rotation direction release
7 only setpoint sign
8 Control word (Sy.50) 0-limited
9 Control word (Sy.50) absolute
10 Setpoint + control word (Sy.50) run / stop with deceleration ramp
11 Setpoint + control word (Sy.50) run / stop without deceleration ramp

0-limited or absolute

Concerning the adjustment of direction of rotation it is differentiated between two evaluations:

0 limited:
negative setpoints are set to zero, i.e. only positive setpoints are driven in accordance with the selected rotation

no sign of the set value is evaluated and it is always driven with the amount in accordance with the selected
rotation direction.

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Setpoint, rotation- and ramp setting

Figure 7.4.3.a Absolute and 0 limited set value setting

0-limited absolute
Setpoint Setpoint

Setpoint Setpoint
adjust- adjust-
ment ment

Rotation setting oP.02 ; (oP.01 = 0 or 1)

oP.02: Rotation setting

Bit Display Setpoint rotation
0 LS Standstill (Low Speed)
1 F forward (clockwise rotation)
2 R reverse (counter-clockwise rotati-

Rotation adjustment via terminal strip

The rotation selection via terminal strip allows the adjustment of the direction of rotation via switch or from a
primary control.

Direction forward input selection (Run / Stop) oP.60, direction reverse (forward / reverse) oP.61

With parameter oP.60 one input is determined for rotation direction forward (or run/stop) and with oP.61 one
input for rotation direction reverse (or forward/reverse). (see chapter 7.3)

oP.01 = „2“ or „3“

In forward/reverse rotation setting (oP.01= "2" or "3") the inputs determined with oP.60 and oP.61 work as fol-

forward reverse Input X2A.14 X2A.15

F R Function
0 0 LS
0 1 reverse  
1 0 forward
1 1 forward

oP.1 = „4“ or „5“

Page 7.4 - 8 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H © KEB, 2012-10

Setpoint, rotation- and ramp setting

In run/stop and forward/reverse rotation setting (oP.01= "4" or "5") the inputs determined with oP.60 and oP.61
work as follows:

forward reverse Input     X2A.14 X2A.15

F R Function
0 0 LS
0 1 LS  
1 0 forward
1 1 reverse

Rotation direction is dependent on the sign of the set value

The direction of rotation can be defined with the preadjusted set value signal. In the case of analog signals
through adjustment of positive or negative voltages. In the case of digital signals through adjustment of positive
values (without sign) or negative values (negative sign in the display).

Following adjustments are possible:

Evaluation with LS (Switch off the modulation) (oP.01 = 6, 10 or 11)

In this case „F“ or „R“ must be set via a digital input, digital via oP.02 or "start" via control word SY.50 in order for
the inverter to modulate. It is unimportant which rotation setting is used, as the direction of rotation is dependent
on the setpoint.

oP.01 = 10: The rotation direction release is done exclusively via the control word Run/Stop.
oP01 = 11: Function is like at value 10 only without deceleration ramps. The modulation of the frequen- 7
cy inverter is disabled and the motor will coast down if the direction of rotation is disabled.

No direction of rotation is set -> LS (Modulation disabled)

-> forward direction with positive setpoint
A direction of rotation is set and oP.01 = 6, 10 or 11
-> reverse direction with negative setpoint

Evaluation without LS (oP.01 = 7)

In this case the inverter modulates always. No direction of rotation needs to be adjusted.

positive setpoints (also 0) -> forward direction of rotation

oP.01 = 7:
negative setpoints -> reverse direction of rotation

Direction of rotation depending on the inverter control word Sy.50 (oP.01 = 8 or 9)

The control word is used for the state control of the inverter via bus. In order for the inverter to react to the con-
trol word, the respective control process must be enabled (oP.01=8 or 9). When setting the direction of rotation
via the control word, the setpoint can be evaluated 0-limited (oP.01 = 8) or absolute (oP.01 = 9).

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Setpoint, rotation- and ramp setting

Control word Sy.50

Bit Function Description
0 = setpoint rotation stop; 1 = Rotation direction Run
2 Run / Stop
(source of set value direction op.1 = 6, 8, 9 or 10)
0 = Setpoint rotation forward; 1 = Rotation direction counter-clockwise
3 For / Rev
(source of set value direction op.1 = 6, 8, 9 or 10)

If run/stop is to be adjusted via the control word, oP.02 must be set to "0". The terminals F/R may
not be wired (OR-connection of terminal, oP.02 and SY.50).

7.4.4 Acceleration of speed reversal

oP.16 Acceleration direction of rotation

Value range: 0 (off) ... 10.00s; Resolution 0.01s; Default value : 0(off), not set-programmable

The function can be switched off with the value op.16 = 0.

If the function is switched on the new direction of rotation is blocked for the adjusted time at rotation change,
the inverter accelerates and changes if necessary to LS.
The the same direction of rotation is switched off and on, the time is not running.

op.16 is set to 2.00 s in the following example:

COMBIVIS 5 Scope - Knoten 0

COMBIVIS 5 Version 5.6 Registriert für: Karl E. Brinkmann GmbH D-32683 Barntrup
Druckdatum: 29.07.2009 10:13:02

640: F5A-G/V4.30 400Hz

X (ms/Teilung): 1000
CH Parameter Satz Y-Faktor (n/Teilung) Y-Null bei
A ru07 actual value display 0 2,0000 Hz 0,0000 Hz
B ru22 internal input state 0 4: F 8: R
C ru00 inverter state 0 2: ERROR underpotential 64: forw ard acceleration
D Aus

Cursor I:12022ms (29.07.2009 10:07:41)Cursor II:14029ms (29.07.2009 10:07:43)Differenz:2007ms

ru07 actual value
4,0375 Hz [-9] -0,1125 Hz [-332] -4,1500 Hz
ru22 internal input
[5] ST+F
state [9] ST+R [4] F
ru00 inverter [66]
stateforw ard constant [67] reverse acceleration [1] ERROR overpotential

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Setpoint, rotation- and ramp setting

7.4.5 Step values (oP.18...23)

The KEB COMBIVERT supports up to 3 fixed frequencies for each parameter set, which can be selected via
two digital inputs. The required inputs for the selection are defined with oP.19 and oP.20 (also see "Digital in-
puts" chapt. 7.3.11). The rotation direction source for fixed value mode is defined with oP.18. The adjustment
is independent of oP.01 and is valid exclusively for the fixed frequencies. The adjustment of a fixed frequency
has priority over the "normal" setpoint adjustment.

Figure 7.4.4 Fixed values

Digital Terminal block Terminal block Setpoint DRIVECOM
oP.2 For / Rev Run / Stop dependent SY.50
Input Input 0-lim. abs. 0-lim. abs. 0-lim. abs. LS no LS 0-lim. abs.
step value 1 step value 2

4 5
3 6
oP.19 Input selection oP.20 Input selection 2 7
Fixed value 1 Fixed value 2
1 8
0...4095 0...4095
(according to table) (according to table) 0 9
oP. 18

Step value
rotation source
Fixed frequency 1 Step value 2
oP.21: oP.22:
-4000...4000 rpm -4000...4000 rpm
Step value 3 7
oP.23: -4000...4000 rpm

Setpoint limits

Selection of fixed values

Figure 7.4.4.a Selection of fixed values

Input fixed value 1

Input fixed value 2


Fixed value f1...f3 f2

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Setpoint, rotation- and ramp setting

Step value rotation source (oP.18)

The rotation source is determined with oP.18 atactive fixed value . The function and the value range correspond
to oP.1.

oP.18: Step value rotation source

Value Function
0 digital via oP.2; setpoint 0-limited
1 digital via oP.2; setpoint absolute
2 Terminal block F/R; setpoint 0-limited
3 Terminal block F/R; setpoint absolute
4 Terminal block Run/Stop; setpoint 0-limited
5 Terminal block Run/Stop; setpoint absolute
6 setpoint-dependent with LS-recognition
7 setpoint-dependent without LS-recognition
8 Control word SY.50; 0-limited
9 Control word SY.50; 0-absolute
10 Setpoint + control word (SY.50) R/S
11 Setpoint + control word (Sy.50) run / stop without deceleration ramp

Step value input selection 1 and 2 (oP.19; oP.20)

See chapter 7.3.1 "digital inputs".

Step value 1...3 (oP.21, oP.22, oP.23)

The three step values oP.21...23 are set-programmable and can be adjusted in the range of -4000...4000 rpm.

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Setpoint, rotation- and ramp setting

7.4.6 Setpoint limits

Following limit values can be preadjusted:

Figure 7.4.5 Setpoint limits

+n [rpm]

4000 absolute max.setpoint

oP.14 forward
oP.10 max. setpoint forward

-100 oP.6
min. setpoint forward
Setpoint [%] oP.7*1 (oP.6) +100 Setpoint [%]
min. setpoint reverse

max. setpoint reverse oP.11*1 (oP.10)

oP.15*1 (oP.14)
absolute max. setpoint reverse

-n [rpm]

If the value "=For" is adjusted in these parameters (limit values rotation direction reverse), then the adjusted 7
values for rotation direction forward (oP.06, oP.10 and oP.14) are valid.

Min./ max. reference values (oP.06, oP.07, oP.10, oP.11)

In case of analog and percentaged setpoint adjustment in percent the minimal and maximal frequencies form
the characteristic for the frequency calculation (0% = min. reference; 100% = max. reference). In case of digi-
tal setpoint adjustment or fixed value the minimal and maximal frequencies limit the setpoint. Separate limits
can be adjusted for both rotation directions. If the value "For" is adjusted for rotation direction "Reverse", then
the values for "Forward" are valid.

Setting range: oP.06: 0...4000 rpm Default: 0 rpm

oP.10: 0...4000 rpm Default: 2100 rpm
oP.07: =For, 0...4000 rpm Default: =For
oP.11: =For, 0...4000 rpm Default: = or

Absolute maximum references (oP.14, oP.15)

After the min./max. references the setpoint is limited by the absolute max. references and then output to the
ramp generator. Since the analog setpoint is always calculated in relation to the max. reference (oP.10, oP.11)
it is possible (despite different absolute max. references) to adjust the characteristic of the analog setpoint with
the same ascent for both rotation directions (see Fig.7.4.5.a). If in oP.15 value "=For" is adjusted, the absolute
maximal speed of oP.14 is valid for both directions of rotation.

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Setpoint, rotation- and ramp setting

Max. output val. forward (oP.40) / max. output val. reverse (oP.41)

All other limitations (oP.10 / oP.11 "max. reference" and oP.14 / oP.15 "abs. max. reference") limit exclusively
the speed setpoint .

This function is only active if in parameter Ec.42 "encoder alarm mode" the alarm for the used
encoder channel is activated (alarm = on). In vector-controlled operation without speed feedback,
speed limiting is always active.

The state „58: ERROR! Overspeed“ (E.OS) is triggered, if ru.07 "actual value display" exceeds either the value
of oP.40 / oP.41 "max. output val." or the value of ru.79 „abs. speed EMC“ (only for synchronous motors).
The user defines limits with oP.40/oP.41 that may not be exceeded by the application under any circumstances.
ru.79 shows the maximum speed for a synchronous motor which, if exceeded, leads to an EMC of the motor
high enough to damage the DC-intermediate circuit of the inverter.
Reason for the occurence of excessive speed can be too small a distance between the maximum setpoint and
the speed limit, so that overshoots can trigger the error. Other causes can be (e.g., caused by EMC) malfunc-
tions in the speed measurement or a noisy, insufficiently smoothed speed estimate in the encoderless control
(SCL or ASCL).

Fig. 7.4.5.a Setpoint limits

+n [rpm]

(oP. 10) max. setpoint forward

absolute max. set-

(oP.14) point forward

Setpoint [%] Setpoint [%]

-100% +100%

max. setpoint re-


-n [rpm]

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Setpoint, rotation- and ramp setting

7.4.7 Setpoint calculation

The unit differentiates between two setpoint adjustments:

- the percentage setpoint adjustment

With the adjusted setpoint limits the speed range 0%...100% is defined. In this case the adjustment of 0%
corresponds to the minimal speed and 100% to the maximal speed.

The speed after the setpoint limiting is calculated according to following formula:

positive setpoint = oP.06 + (setpoint setting [%] x −− )

negative setpoint = oP.07 + (setpoint setting [%] x −− )

The absolute setpoint adjustment, i.e. the setpoint is directly adjusted as speed and limited through the
corresponding minimal and maximal values as well as through the absolute maximal values.

The setpoint sources are assigned as follows:

Setpoint adjustment in percent Absolute setpoint adjust-

Terminal strip (analog setpoint) Keyboard/Bus absolute
Keyboard/bus in % Set speed value Sy.52 7
Motorpoti Speed measurement
Technology control High resolution

Fade out target for setpoint

Setting ranges are faded out with this function, in order to avoid resonances. The target is pass through with
the ramp. The setpoint value is always adjusted to the upper or lower limit of the target.


oP.65 min. proh. reference 1

oP.66 max. proh. reference 1
oP.67 min proh. reference 2
oP.68 max. proh. reference 2

The parameters are not programmable.

The adjusted values are accepted still as setpoint value, thus the function is not active in case that lower and
upper limit have the same value. If a higher value is selected for the lower limit than for the upper limit, the
function is also not active.

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Setpoint, rotation- and ramp setting

7.4.8 Ramp generator

The ramp generator assigns an adjustable time to a speed change, during this time the change stall take
lace. The acceleration time (for pos. speed changes) and deceleration time (for neg. speed changes) can be
preset separately for each direction of rotation. Acc dec mode

The different ramp functions can be adjusted separately for every frequency change (acceleration forward,
deceleration forward,...etc.). The selection is made with oP.27 and is adjustable separately in each set.
Mode „constant ascent “ concerns to the standard ramp generator with defined acceleration, deceleration and
jerk values (see chapter

Mode „constant time “is needed only in exceptional cases, if acceleration / deceleration shall be executed al-
ways indepent of the setpoint in the same time (see chapter

Mode „ogive run “is a special form of the mode „constant ascent “, which is particulary suitable for lift and tra-
versing drives (see chapter

The more exact explanation of each operation mode is done in the respective sub-chapters.

oP.27: Acc dec mode

Bit Ramp Value Explanation
0: BR constant ramp Standard operation mode
forward accele- 1: BR constant time / actual setpoint Constant time
0, 1
ration 2: BR constant time / last setpoint Do not adjust!
3: BR ogive run Ogive run
0: VR constant ramp Standard operation mode
forward decele- 4: VR constant time / actual setpoint Do not adjust!
2, 3
ration 8: VR constant time / last setpoint Constant time
12: VR ogive run Ogive run
0: BL constant ramp Standard operation mode
reverse accele- 16: BL constant time / actual setpoint Constant time
4, 5
ration 32: BL constant time / last setpoint Do not adjust!
48: BL ogive run Ogive run
0: VL constant ramp Standard operation mode
reverse decele- 64: VL constant time / actual setpoint Do not adjust!
6, 7
ration 128: VL constant time / last setpoint Constant time
192: VL ogive run Ogive run
0: Reference value constant as indicated in Bit 0…7
8 all only constant ascent
256: reference value variable
ogive run: variable
(FOR: oP.10, REV: oP.11)
(oP.10 or oP.11)

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Setpoint, rotation- and ramp setting

oP.27, Bit 8
If the function is activated, oP.10 is considered as reference value for the modes "constant ascent" and "ogive
run" for forward direction and oP.11 for reverse direction. The specified reference value applies furthermore in
the mode for constant time.

The scaling factor of the ramp time is very comprehensive. Therefore all involved parameters are accepted
neither for analog setting nor as process data.
Since this is not valid for oP.10 and oP.11, there are the following restrictions for compatibility reasons:

- Analog setting of oP.10

- oP.10 or oP.11 as process write date
The calculation of the ramp times is not executed with these settings, even if it is adjusted in oP.27. The pre-
vious adjustment remains. The calculation is executed only after power on, at set copying and direct writing of
the parameters.

- POSI function with Pn.63

The variable reference value must be deactivated for a correct calculation of the constant run time! Ramp with constant ascent

This mode is the KEB factory setting. The acceleration / deceleration values are defined with parameters oP.28
to oP.31.
The jerk (i.e. the permissible acceleration / deceleration change) is defined with parameters oP.32...oP.35 and
oP.70... oP.73.

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 7.4 - 17

Setpoint, rotation- and ramp setting Linear ramps

The linear ramps are parameterized with parameters oP.28 „acc.time for.“, oP.29 „acc. time rev.“, oP.30 „dec.
time for.“and oP.31 „dec. time rev.“.

Fig. Acceleration and deceleration times

+n [rpm]

Rotation direction Rotation direction


∆n ∆n oP.29 *1 oP.31 *1

∆t ∆t ∆t ∆t
oP.28 oP.30

∆n ∆n



-n [rpm]

oP.28 Acceleration time forward *1 If the value "=For" is adjusted in these parameters (accelerati-
oP.29 *1
Acceleration time reverse on and deceleration times for rotation direction reverse), then
the values of rotation direction forward (oP.28 and oP.30) are
oP.30 *2 Deceleration time forward valid.
oP.31 * Deceleration time reverse
∆n Speed change *2 If the value "=Acc" is adjusted, then the value of acceleration
∆ t Acceleration time for ∆n forward (oP.28) is valid.

ramp time to be adjusted (oP.28...oP.31) required ramp time (∆t)

––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– = ––––––––––––––––——––––
reference speed (dependent on ud.02) speed change (∆n)

Reference speed = 1000 rpm in 4000 rpm mode

2000 rpm in 8000 rpm mode (see chapter 5)

Example: A drive shall accelerate from 100 rpm to 1000 rpm in 5s

desired ramp time Δt=5s
speed change Δ n = 900 rpm
4000 rpm mode reference speed = 1000 rpm
ramp time to be adjusted

5 s * 1000 rpm
oP.28 =  = 5,56 s
900 rpm

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Setpoint, rotation- and ramp setting S-curve times

For some applications it is of advantage when the drive starts and stops jerk-free. This function
is achieved through a straightening of the acceleration and deceleration ramps.

Parameters oP.32 „s-curve time acc. for.“ to oP.35 „s-curve time dec. rev.“, and oP.70 „s-curve up time acc.for.“
to oP.73 „s-curve up time dec. rev.“ define the time for acceleration from 0 to the maximum value and decele-
ration from the maximum value to 0.

The maximum value for acceleration / deceleration is defined by the linear ramp times oP.28... oP.31.

Figure 7.4.7.a S-curve time

+n [rpm]

Rotation direction Rotation direction

oP.29 oP.31

oP.33 oP.71 oP.73 oP.35

t [s]
oP.32 oP.70 oP.72 oP.34

oP.28 oP.30

-n [rpm]

Definition of the s-curves (straightening time):

Parameter Value range Factory setting Notice

oP.32: S-curve time accele- 0: off X
ration forward 0.01 s...5 s
-1: see forward X = oP.32
oP.33: S-curve time accele-
0: off
ration reverse
0.01 s...5 s
-1: see acceleration X = oP.32
oP.34: S-curve time decele-
0: off
ration forward
0.01 s...5 s
-1: see forward X = oP.34
oP.35: S-curve time decele-
0: off
ration reverse
0.01 s...5 s
-1: lower s-curve X = oP.32
oP.70: s-curve up time acc.
0: off
0.01 s...5 s
further on next side

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Setpoint, rotation- and ramp setting

Parameter Value range Factory setting Notice

-2: forward parameter = oP.70
oP.71: s-curve up time acc. -1: lower s-curve X = oP.33
rev. 0: off
0.01 s...5 s
-2: acceleration parameter = oP.70
oP.72: s-curve up time dec. -1: lower s-curve X = oP.34
for. 0: off
0.01 s...5 s
-2: acceleration parameter = oP.71
oP.73: s-curve up time dec. -1: lower s-curve X = oP.35
rev. 0: off
0.01 s...5 s Ramp with constant time

At the ramp with constant time oP.28… oP31 adjusts the time the inverter accelerates from speed 0 to the ac-
tual setpoint (ramp mode = 1) and/or decelerates from the last setpoint to speed 0 (ramp mode = 2). Then the
acceleration / deceleration time at start/stop operation is independent from the setpoint. In this operating mode
s-curves are not possible.

Example for the use of ramps with constant time:

Two conveyor belts run with different speeds. Both of them receive the stop-command at the same time. The
belts reduce the speed in proportion to the adjusted time and come to a standstill simultaneously.

Acceleration Deceleration
oP.27 acceleration deceleration mode oP.27 acceleration deceleration mode
= 1, 4, 16, 64: const. time / actual setpoint = 2, 8, 332, 128: const. time / last setpoint

oP.28 oP.30

time time

Setpoint 1 Display ramp Setpoint 2 Display ramp Setpoint 3 Display ramp

output 1 output 2 output 3

Acceleration at ramp mode = Deceleration at ramp mode =

constant time / actual setpoint constant time / last setpoint
(value 1, 4, 16, 64) is: (value 2, 8, 32, 128) is:

Δn actual set value Δn last setpoint

 =   = 
Δt acceleration time (oP.30/oP.31) Δt deceleration time (oP.30/oP.31)

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Setpoint, rotation- and ramp setting

Attention Ramp mode „constant time / actual setpoint“ should always be selected for acceleration and "con-
stant time / last setpoint" for deceleration.

The other adjustments are programmable and can be used if it shall be operated between diffe-
rent setpoint speeds (except 0).
When starting from 0 and/or deceleration to 0, they have the following effects:

If the mode „constant time / actual setpoint“ is selected for deceleration, deceleration is calculated

Δn actual set value 0 rpm

 =  =  = 0
Δt acceleration time (oP.30/oP.31) deceleration time

That means: the drive don´t decelerate, it keeps running with the last setpoint before stop com-
Minimum acceleration / deceleration is limited programatically to:

Δn / Δt = reference speed / 4800 s (reference speed dep. on ud.02 / see chapter 5)

That means: the drive would not continue to run constantly, but it decelerates very slowly. Ogive run

In the mode "constant ascent", a change in setpoint while the inverter is still in the acceleration / deceleration
phase will lead to the fastest possible response.
If the new setpoint requires e.g., a change from acceleration to deceleration, the acceleration ramp is inter-
rupted and the deceleration ramp is started immediately.
This can lead to an undefined jerk. 7
If ogive run is selected, the programmed s-curve times are always used, the acceleration / deceleration change
continuously and no undefined jerk occurs.

Figure Ogive run

ru.01: Set value


ru.02:Display ramp output

with ogive run

ru.02:Display ramp output

without ogive run

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Setpoint, rotation- and ramp setting Time factor acceleration/deceleration (oP.62)

The time factor extends the standard ramp time (oP.28...31) by the adjusted value.
The s-curve times do not change.

oP.62: Time factor acceleration/deceleration

Value Description
0: off
1: double
2: 4-fold
The linear ramp times are extended by the adjusted factor.
3: 8-fold
4: 16-fold
5: 0,1-fold

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Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous motor

7.1 Operating and appliance data

1. Introduction

7.2 Analog in- and outputs

2. Summary
7.3 Digital in- and outputs

3. Hardware
7.4 Setpoint-, rotation- and ramp setting

Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous

4. Operation motor

Motor data and controller adjustments of the synchronous

Selection of Operating motor
7.7 Speed control

6. Initial Start-up
7.8 Torque display and -limiting

7.9 Torque control

7. Functions 7

7.10 Current control, -limiting and switching frequencies

8. Error Assistance
7.11 Speed measurement

9. Project Design
7.12 Posi- and synchronous operation

7.13 Protective functions

10. Networks

7.14 Parameter sets

11. Parameter Overview

7.15 Special functions

12. Annex
7.16 CP-Parameter definition

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Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous motor

7.5.1 Open loop operation (V/f characteristic)................................................................................ 7.5 - 4 Rated frequency (uF.00), boost (uF.01) and delta boost (uF.04 / uF.05)................ 7.5 - 4 Maximal voltage mode (uF.10)............................................................................... 7.5 - 4 Additional rated point (uF.02 / uF.03)...................................................................... 7.5 - 5 Voltage stabilisation (uF.09).................................................................................... 7.5 - 5 Switching frequency (uF.11).................................................................................... 7.5 - 7 Energy saving function (uF.06...08)........................................................................ 7.5 - 7 SMM (sensorless motor management).................................................................. 7.5 - 7 Motor name plate............................................................................... 7.5 - 8 Determination of the stator resistance (dr.06).................................... 7.5 - 8 Load motor dependent para. (Fr.10), controller activation................. 7.5 - 9 Adjustment of the slip compensation (cS.00, cS.01, cS.04, cS.06,
cS.09)............................................................................................... 7.5 - 10 Improved slip compensation (cS.00 Bit 6 = 64, cS.03).................... 7.5 - 10 Adjustment of the torque compensation (uF.16, uF.17).................... 7.5 - 11
7.5.2 Speed-controlled operation................................................................................................... 7.5 - 11 Initial settings........................................................................................................ 7.5 - 11 Motor rating plate data..................................................................... 7.5 - 12 Motor adaption................................................................................. 7.5 - 12 Speed feedback and selection of the speed direction...................... 7.5 - 13 Vector controlled operation without motor model................................................. 7.5 - 14 DASM rated speed........................................................................... 7.5 - 14 Flux reduction in the field weakening range..................................... 7.5 - 14 Magnetisation current adaption........................................................ 7.5 - 15 Vector controlled operation with motor model (with encoder feedback)............... 7.5 - 15 Electrical parameters (equivalent circuit data) of the motor............. 7.5 - 15 Motor identification error state dr.66................................................. 7.5 - 20 Additional trimming........................................................................... 7.5 - 21 Generally adjustments for operation with motor model.................... 7.5 - 22 Magnetisation current adaption / with motor model......................... 7.5 - 23 Special functions.............................................................................. 7.5 - 23 Vector control without speed feedback (ASCL).................................................... 7.5 - 27 ASCL / low speed operation............................................................. 7.5 - 27 Switch to consecutive motor............................................................ 7.5 - 30 Model adaption................................................................................. 7.5 - 31 KP/KI Speed calc. ASCL (dS.14, 15) and speed PT1-time ASCL
(dS.17)............................................................................................. 7.5 - 32 Special function: Rotor adaption........................................................................... 7.5 - 32
7.5.3 Block diagram......................................................................................................................... 7.5 - 34

Page 7.5 - 2 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H © KEB, 2012-10

Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous motor

7.5 Motor data and controller adjustment of the asynchronous motor

The asynchronous motor has two principally different modes of operation:

- V/F characteristic operation

V/f characteristic operation, with SMM (Sensorless Motor Management) for speed stabilisation and miscella-
neous current limiting protective functions

- Vector controlled operation

During vector controlled operation, current and speed are checked by PI controllers.

The controlled operation can be carried out with or without motor model:

- Vector controlled operation without motor model

This mode of operation must be used if the electrical parameters (e.g., inductance) of a motor cannot be
determined by automatic identification.
This operating mode always needs encoder feedback.

- Vector controlled operation with motor model

This operating mode can be used if the electrical parameters of the motor can be determined ("identified")
The advantage of this operating mode is a higher torque accuracy compared to the operation without motor
Particularly important for the motor model is the main inductance. This must be calibrated by a ramp-up of the
motor without load torque. For the other data (stator resistance, rotor resistance, leakage inductance), values
from a motor data sheet can be used alternatively.

- Vector controlled operation with motor model without encoder feedback (ASCL)
During vector controlled operation of an asynchronous motor without encoder feedback (Asynchronous Sen-
sorless Closed Loop => ASCL), the speed is estimated with a mathematical model of the asynchronous
Standard version F5A does not contain operating mode ASCL. It needs the special software F5H.

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 7.5 - 3

Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous motor

7.5.1 Open loop operation (V/f characteristic) Rated frequency (uF.00), boost (uF.01) and delta boost (uF.04 / uF.05)

The voltage/frequency characteristic (U/f) is adjusted with the rated frequency (uF.00) and the boost (uF.01).
The rated frequency adjusts the frequency at which 100 % modulation depth (~input voltage) are achieved. The
boost adjusts the output voltage to 0 Hz. Depending on uF.10 the modulation limit can be further increased in
this stage up to 200 % (see Fig.

ru.42: modulation grade

Figure Rated frequency and
boost 200%
uF.10=2 / 3
110% uF.10=1

uF.00 = 0,00...400 Hz; Default = 50 Hz uF.10=0

uF.01 = 0,0...25,5 %; Default = LTK*
ru.03: Ac-
uF.00 tual fre-
*  LTK = power circuit-dependent

The delta-boost is a time-limited boost used to overcome large breakaway torques. The delta-boost acts adding
to the boost; but the sum is limited to 25.5 %.

Figure Delta boost ru.42: modulation grade


uF.04 = 0,0...25,5 %; Default = 0 %

uF.05 = 0,00...10,00 s; Default = 0 s


uF.05 Maximal voltage mode (uF.10)

By changing the maximal voltage mode more torque can be released free above the rated frequency through
overmodulation (110% voltage). Raising the v/f-characteristic has an influence at activated energy saving func-
tion or at voltage stabilisation.

Page 7.5 - 4 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H © KEB, 2012-10

Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous motor

uF.10: max. voltage mode

Va- Modulation Description
100 % v/f / 100% vol- without overmodulation; all limitations 100% of modulation factor
110 % v/f / 110% vol- with overmodulation; all limitations 110% of modulation factor
200 % V/f / 100% vol- limitation of the voltage generating functions 200 %; limitation before modu-
tage lator 100% of modulation factor
200 % V/f / 110% vol- limitation of the voltage generating functions 200 %; 110 % output voltage
tage Additional rated point (uF.02 / uF.03)

To adapt the V/f-characteristic to special conditions an additional rated point can be specified with uF.02 and
uF.03. uF.02 defines the frequency and uF.03 the voltage. At uF.02 = 0 Hz the adjustment is ignored. The
parabolic characteristic is activated with uF.02 = „-1: parabolic characteristic". Then parameter uF.03 has no

Figure Additional point of sup- ru.42: modulation grade



uF.03 7
uF.02 = -1: Parabolic characteristic
0,0...400 Hz; Default = 0,0 Hz

uF.03 = 0,0...100,0 %; Default = 0,0 %
uF.02 uF.00 Voltage stabilisation (uF.09)

The DC link voltage and thereby the directly dependent output voltage can be changed by fluctuations of the
mains voltage or the load. In the case of enabled voltage stabilization the fluctuations of the output voltage are
compensated. I.e., 100% output voltage correspond to the value set in uF.09 , but maximally 110% · (UZK / √
2), depending on the setting of uf.10. This function further allows operation of motors with a low nominal voltage
at the inverter.

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Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous motor

Figure Voltage stabilisation

UA at UN = 250V unstabilized
250 V
UA at UN = 250V stabilized
Example: uF.09 = 230V CP.17=230 V
uF.09 = 230V

Value range uF.09: 1..1119 V UA at UN = 190V stabilized

190 V
Deactivation of the function by: UA at UN = 190V unstabilisized
650: off OR 1120: off
UN = Mains voltage

UA = Output voltage

CP.16=50 Hz
uF.00 = 50 Hz

Figure Example: Acceleration with load

with voltage stabilisation without voltage stabilisation

Motor voltage
Motor speed

Motor voltage


Motor speed

Figure Example: Deceleration of a high-inertia drive from 80Hz

mit Stabilisierung ohne Stabilisierung
Istfrequenz Istfrequenz

Zwischenkreisspannung Zwischenkreisspannung

Motorspannung Motorspannung

Auslastung Auslastung

Page 7.5 - 6 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H © KEB, 2012-10

Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous motor Switching frequency (uF.11)

Information on the carrier frequencies can be found in chapter 7.10.3 "Carrier frequencies and Derating". Energy saving function (uF.06...08)

The energy saving function allows the lowering or raising of the current output voltage. Corresponding to the
activation conditions defined in uF.06, the voltage corresponding to the V/f characteristic is scaled by the energy
saving factor (uF.07).
If torque compensation is active (s. chapter, the energy saving function is used for control optimization.
The V/f characteristic will then not be affected.
The maximum output voltage cannot be higher than the input voltage, even for a factor > 100 %.
The function is used for example in cyclic executed load/no-load applications. During the no-load phase the
speed is maintained, but energy is saved as a result of the voltage reduction.

uF.07 Energy saving factor

0.0…130.0 % (default 70 %)

uF.08 Energy saving input selection

0...4095 (Default 0)
For the assignment of the inputs to the parameter values, refer to chapter 7.3.1 "digital inputs".

uF.06 Energy saving mode

Bit Description Value Function
0 generally off
1 generally active
2 at actual value = setpoint
3 via digital input 7
0...3 Activation 4 at clockwise rotation
5 at counter clockwise rotation
6 at constant run clockwise
7 at constant run counter-clockwise
8...15 generally off
0 Standard time *
16 time / 2
4...7 Voltage ramp 32 time / 4
48 time / 8
64 time / 16

*  default setting 1.6s SMM (sensorless motor management)

The SMM-function (sensorless motor management) includes the torque and slip compensation. These two
functions can be activated separately. For an optimal control characteristic, the combination of both functions
is required.
Setting the correct motor data is required, since they are used in calculations needed by the inverter to achieve
the best possible results in the control of boost and slip.

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 7.5 - 7

Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous motor

Torque compensation

Torque compensation adapts the voltage at variable load torques in such a way that the magnetizing current is
kept constant. With it a higher maximum torque is achieved at small output frequencies compared to uncom-
pensated operation (block diagram see chapter 7.5.3.). Motor name plate

Following parameters can be taken directly from the name plate and entered:

- dr.00 DASM rated current

- dr.01 DASM rated speed
- dr.02 DASM rated voltage
- dr.03 DASM rated power
- dr.04 TPIM cos (phi)
- dr.05 DASM rated frequency

!! Parameter dr.00 and dr.02 must be adjusted according to the used connection (star/delta).
The following parameters can be taken from the corresponding data sheet or can be determined from measure-

- dr.06 DASM stator resistance

- dr.09 breakdown factor Determination of the stator resistance (dr.06)

The stator resistance can either be measured with an ohmmeter or determined automatically.
In this way the ohmic line resistance is registered simultaneously (important in the case of long incoming lines).
For the measurement with an ohmmeter, the connection between motor and inverter has to be broken. The
measurement is carried out on a warm motor, between 2 phases of the motor feed cable, independent of the
motor wiring (Δ / Y). For a more accurate result, all 3 values (U/V, U/W and V/W) should be measured and the
values then be averaged.
The automatic determination can be carried out for each parameter set separately. Thus a parameter set can
be programmed for example as "Warm-up set" for particularly critical applications.

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Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous motor

Adhere to the following procedure:

- Enter motor data of the type plate into the parameter set which is to program
- possibly call and activate parameter set
- Execute the measurement dependent on the operational case in cold status respectively let the motor
warm up to operating temperature.
- Preset no direction of rotation (inverter must be in status "LS")
- Activate control release
- maximum value "250000" of parameter dr.06 starts the resistance measurement

During the determination the status display (ru.00) indicates "Cdd". Upon successful determination the motor
stator resistance is entered in dr.06. If an error occurs during determination then error signal "E.Cdd" is output. Load motor dependent para. (Fr.10), controller activation

After input of the rating plate data of a new motor or after automatic measurement of the stator resistance, an
automatic optimisation of the torque and slip compensation can be carried out with Fr.10 (see chapter
The optimisation is started by writing value "3" on Fr.10. Thereby the inverter must be in status „noP“ (no control
release). Provided that only one motor is used, the measurement can occur with direct set programming for all
parameters at once.

Fr.10: Load motor dependent parameter

Value Function Description
0 finished loading completed
1 uF.09 only for closed loop operation
2 act. DC link voltage only for closed loop operation
3 SMM Adjustment for torque and slip compensation 7

Following parameters are changed by the activation of Fr.10:

- uF.00 rated frequency = Motor rated frequency (dr.05)

- uF.01 boost = calculated value
- uF.02 additional point of support (frequency) = -0,0125 Hz (parabolic characteristic)
- uF.02 additional point of support (voltages) = 0,0%
- uF.09 voltage stabilisation = rated motor voltage (dr.02)
- uF.16 torque compensation / configuration = 1 (sign-sensitive)
- uF.17 torque compensation / amplification = 1,2 (Default value)
- cS.00 controller configuration = 34 (speed control SMM + breakdown slip limit (dr.09))
- cS.01 actual source = 2 (calculated)
- cS.04 speed control limit = 4 • nominal slip of the motor
- cS.06 KP speed controller = 50
- cS.09 KI speed controller = 500

The adaption covers approx. 90 % of the applications. For an application-specific adjustment a manual fine
adjustment can now still be carried out for an individual case.

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 7.5 - 9

Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous motor Adjustment of the slip compensation (cS.00, cS.01, cS.04, cS.06, cS.09)

The integrated speed controller is used at cS.00 = 2 for slip compensation. The rotor speed calculated from the
motor model is selected as the actual controller value by cS.01 = 2.
The slip compensation can be configured with bits 3-6 in cS.00.

cS.00: Controller configuration

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
Change of direction of rotation via the controller not
Change of direction of rotation via the controller pos-
0 no controller intervention for controller setpoint = 0 min-1
4 Control mode controller intervention even for controller setpoint = 0
0 no breakdown slip limit
32 breakdown slip limit (rated slip x dr.09)
0 default slip compensation
64 improved slip compensation (cS.03)

cS.01: Actual source

Value Explanation
0 Encoder interface channel 1, only reasonable for closed-loop
1 Encoder interface channel 2, only reasonable for closed-loop
2 calculated rotor speed

cS.04 Settings Limit

0…4000 rpm x resolution factor (dependent on ud.02)

Default: 750 rpm x resolution factor
The speed limit determines the maximum controller intervention.

cS.06 KP speed, cs.09 KI speed

0…32767, default 300(KP), 100(KI)

Proportional and/or integral factor of the speed controller.
ATTENTION! These parameters must be adjusted before activation of the slip compensation. The default va-
lues are optimised for closed-loop operation.
This adaption is carried out with the motor adaption (see chapter, and only a fine adjustment is ne-
cessary. Improved slip compensation (cS.00 Bit 6 = 64, cS.03)

During the standard slip compensation, the slip is proportional calculated from the effective current. This calcu-
lation becomes imprecise above the nominal setpoint and in generatoric operation.
For the improved slip compensation, the slip calculation during motor operation above the nominal setpoint is
approximated to the real M/n-characteristic with a parabolic function. Greater inaccuracies will then occur only
above twice the rated torque.

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Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous motor

During generatoric operation, the linear dependency is preserved. The steepness of the characteristic can be
adjusted with cS.03. Adjustment of the torque compensation (uF.16, uF.17)

With uF.16 and uF.17 the torque compensation is activated and configured.
Magnetising current setpoint and actual value are calculated in the motor model.
ATTENTION! Through overcompensation increased motor currents can occur particularly with small frequen-

uF.16: Torque compensation/ configuration

Value Meaning
0 Torque compensation off
1 Torque compensation acts motoric and generatoric
Torque compensation works only in the motoric operation; resulting in a smoother run in the gene-
ratoric operation.
Torque compensation in motoric operation; overcompensation in the generatoric operation; resulting
in a higher maximum torque and increased current in the generatoric operation compared to 1 and
2; because of the higher motor-own losses a braking resistor is only necessary at higher energy
recovery compared to 0, 1 and 2.

uF.17 Torque compensation/ amplification

0.00…2,50 (default 1.20)

With the energy saving function (uF.06...uF.08, s. chapter, the magnetizing current setpoint can be
adjusted to the application. If a drive operates in the partial load range for a long period, decreasing the energy
saving factor can reduce motor warming and energy consumption. 7

7.5.2 Speed-controlled operation Initial settings

Vector controlled operation is activated by inputting the values 4, 5 or 6 into the category "control mode" of the
parameter "controller configuration" (cS.00).

cS.00: Controller configuration

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
0: off
1...3 reserved for V/f-open loop operation
speed- and current-controlled operation with or
4: Speed control
0...2 Control mode without speed feedback
5: Torque control torque-controlled operation / see chapter 7.9
6: Torque value (F5-M/S)
7: off

Torque-controlled operation (cS.00 = 5 or 6) is a special form described in chapter 7.9.

The following adjustments are required in speed-controlled operation for all modes (with / without encoder re-
spectively with / without motor model):

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 7.5 - 11

Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous motor Motor rating plate data

Input of the motor rating plate data is at the beginning of each start-up:

- dr.00 TPIM rated current

- dr.01 TPIM rated speed
- dr.02 TPIM rated voltage
- dr.03 TPIM rated power
- dr.04 TPIM cos(phi)
dr.05 TPIM rated frequency Motor adaption

After input of this data, the operator must switch to closed-loop operation (cS.00 = 4) and enter Fr.10 = 1 or 2
(explanation see below) once.

Fr.10 Reset field-oriented control parameter

Value Function
1: uF.09 (F5-M/ S) Precharging dependent on the voltage class of the inverter and/or the
value of uF.09
2: act. DC link voltage (F5-M/ S) precharging dependent on the current DC link voltage of the inverter
3: Start motor adaption (F5-G) only for open loop V/f-characteristic operation

The inverter must be in status "noP", i.e., the input "control release" (ST) may not be set. Thus the following
parameter are pre-charged dependent on the motor and inverter data:

Definition of the limiting characteristic:

- dr.16 TPIM Mmax at dr.18
- dr.17 TPIM speed for Mmax
- dr.18 TPIM Field weakening speed

Definition of magnetisation:
- dr.19 Flux adaption factor
- dr.20 Field weakening curve

Current controller
- dS.00 KP current
- dS.01 KI current

Torque limits:
- cS.19 abs. torque ref
- cS.20...cS.23 torque limit (clockwise rotation motor operation, counter clockwise rotation motor operati-
on, clockwise rotation generator operation, counter clockwise rotation generator operation)
- Pn.61 quick stop torque limit

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Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous motor

Flux controller:
- dS.11 KP flux
- dS.12 KI flux
- dS.13 magnetising current limit

- cS.25 inertia (kg x cm2)

Speed controller (preloaded only if automatic speed controller setting is activated by cS.26 ≠ 0):
- cS.06 KP speed
- cS.09 KI speed

only for ASCL (F5-H):

- dS.14 KP speed calculation ASCL
- dS.15 KI speed calculation ASCL
- dS.19 Limit uf-control dec ASCL

Some of these parameters (e.g., the limiting characteristic) depend upon the available voltage.
During vector controlled operation, the voltage stabilization generally should be "off". The software-integrated
current controllers control the voltages and a simultaneous intervention of the voltage stabilization increases
the system´s vibrational tendencies.

uF.09 Voltage stabilization

Value Function
1120 off 7

With Fr.10 = 1, precharging occurs dependent on the voltage class of the inverter (400V or 230V)
The actual DC link voltage of the frequency inverter, which is proportional to the supply input voltage is consi-
dered for the calculations at Fr.10 = 2.
If the parameter „voltage stabilisation“ (uF.09) is not set to the default value „1120: off“, then the value in uF.09
is taken as reference voltage for the calculations for settings Fr.10 = 1 or 2.
If the drive is to be operated at a different voltage then during initial start-up, proceed as follows:

In parameter uF.09, enter the nominal voltage to be used later, activate Fr.10 = 1 and reset parameter uF.09 to

After completion of a possible "fine tuning", i.e., the manual adjustment of controller parameters, torque limits,
etc., parameter Fr.10 may not be activated anymore. Otherwise, the manually adjusted parameters will be
overwritten by the calculated values! Speed feedback and selection of the speed direction

The actual value source for the speed must be selected in parameter cS.01.
Possible values ​​for drives with speed encoder are 0 (speed measurement via encoder interface channel 1) or
1 (speed measurement via encoder interface channel 2).
Description of the correct parameter setting of the encoder interfaces is made in chapter 7.11 "Speed measure-
If operation without tachometer generator is desired, cS.01 = 2 (calculated actual value) must be selected.

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Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous motor

This setting is only possible for open-loop V/f-characteristic operation (for software type F5-A) or for control via
motor model (for software type F5-H and F5-E, respectively).

cS.01 actual source

Bit Description Value Function
0: Channel 1 Control to measured speed (via encoder interface 1)
1: Channel 2 Control to measured speed (via encoder interface 2)
0...1 Actual source
2: Calculated actual va- Control to calculated speed (from motor model)
0: off
2 System inversion Activates the system inversion
4: An

With activation of the system inversion it is reached that the motor with selected rotation direction "forward"
(e.g. by setpoint- or rotation setting) has the physically direction "reverse" respectively at setting "reverse" the
physical rotation "forward". Precondition is a correct wiring of motor and speed feedback (if available).
One possible application of this function is, e.g., the deployment of 2 drive units, where facing motors drive the
same shaft. If system inversion is activated for a drive, the same setpoint can be set for both via a control, even
if one motor rotates clockwise and the other counter clockwise.
For applications with encoder feedback, the same function can be activated by switching on system inversion
in parameter Ec.06 (see chapter 7.11). Vector controlled operation without motor model

For motors that don´t allow identification of the motor data (e.g. no-load operation of the motor not realisable),
vector controlled operation without motor model must be selected.
Parameters dr.06...dr.10 have no function in speed-controlled operation without motor model. If the drive shall
be operated with motor model, chapter can be skipped. DASM rated speed

The slip is affected significantly by the rated speed in speed-controlled operation without motor model. If the
drive requires too much current for a certain load, or if is can be seen that the output voltage at high load gets
too small, an incorrect (too low) rated speed may be the cause.
In this case, the rated speed must be adjusted in small increments until the optimum is found. Flux reduction in the field weakening range

Since the motor voltage is proportional to frequency * flux, the flux must be lowered according to a 1/x function
above the rated point (maximum voltages reached) to keep the voltage constant.
In the base speed range of the motor, the maximum torque is limited by the current the inverter is able to supply.
In the field weakening range, the achievable torque is additionally limited by the voltage.
Since the motor parameters, like main inductance, change in the field weakening range, the flux does not follow
the desired 1/x-characteristic during control without motor model in the field weakening range.
This change in the main inductance can partially be compensated for with the default setting of the amplification
factor field weakening (dr.20) of 1.2 instead of 1.

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Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous motor


Faktor Feldschwächung (dr.20) = 1
=> 1 / x Flussabsenkung

Faktor Feldschwächung = 1,2

dr.18 2 * dr.18

Istfrequenz [U/min]

For an optimum motor adaption, this factor may have to be modified .

The flux reduction is well parametrised, if for every operating point a voltage reserve of approx. 3...10% is
available. I.e., the modulation factor (ru.42) should be (dr.18) ca. 90...97% under nominal load at the field wea-
kening speed. Magnetisation current adaption

For large motors, the automatic calculation of the magnetising current occasionally returns values that are too 7
large. This value can be reduced by adjusting the parameter "factor flux adaption" (dr.19).
Whether the automatically calculated magnetising current is too large, can be tested by accelerating the drive
to the field weakening speed (dr.18) in speed-controlled operation with no load. At this speed, the average va-
lue of the modulation factor should not exceed 90%. If this value is exceeded, the factor "factor flux adaption"
(dr.19) should be reduced. Vector controlled operation with motor model (with encoder feedback)

The vector controlled operation with motor model is possible only if the electrical characteristic data of a motor
are known. For this operating mode, the motor model calculation must be activated in parameter dS.04.

dS.04 Flux/rotor adaption mode

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
0: off
0 Motor model (ASM) Activation of the motor model calculation
1: on Electrical parameters (equivalent circuit data) of the motor

The electrical characteristic data of the motor must be known for vector controlled operation with motor model.
The parameters DASM stator resistance (dr.06), DASM leakage inductance (dr.07) and DASM rotor resistance
(dr.08) can be taken from a motor data sheet or they can be automatically determined by the KEB COMBIVERT
using the motor identification. For motors with high power, the resistances are very small (a few mΩ). This can
lead to error in the automatically identification. For these motor, it may be sensible to use the value from the

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Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous motor

motor data sheet for dr.08.

Due to saturation, parameter dr.10 "TPIM main inductivity" depends on the chosen magnetising current. This
is defined by the rated motor current (dr.00), cos(phi) (dr.04) and factor flux adaption (dr.19). Since the value of
the main inductance given in the motor data sheet possibly applies for a different current, this parameter (dr.10)
must always be identified, to ascertain the correct value of the current magnetising current. Identification / general

The required equivalent circuit data for the motor model can be determined by the KEB COMBIVERT itself.
First the motor data must be entered and the motor adaption must be executed according to chapters 7.6.1.

There are two possibilities to start the identification:

- Writing of parameter dr.48 in inverter state "stop (mod. off)", measurement is starting auto-
- Writing of parameter dr.48 in inverter state "nop" with subsequent control release.

Parameter dr.48 cannot be written in other operating conditions.

The measured values can be invalid in case of strong overdimensioning of the inverter. The rated current of the
motor should be at least 1/3 of the maximum short time current limit. The short time current limit is determined
by the overload characteristics and can be taken from the power circuit manual or parameter In.18 (hardware

The direction of rotation during identification of the main inductance is always "clockwise rotation"!

Value „82: calculate drive data / Cdd“ is output in inverter state ru.00 during the measurement. After success-
ful measurement the display is ru.00 = „127: drive data calculated / Cddr“.
If the measurement is interrupted with an error, ru.00 = 60 ERROR! drive data/ E.Cdd" is displayed.

No correct operation can be ensured in case of interruption.

The actual state of the identification is displayed in parameter dr.62 "state motor ident." The control release
must be switched off in order to leave the identification mode.
Parameter dr.48 must be written again in order to start a new measurement.

If the internal brake handling is used in the application, then it must be deactivated for the identification. For
safety reasons the output signal "brake release" is not set during measurement, since the motor cannot gene-
rate a defined torque in this time. Stator resistance, rotor resistance and leakage inductance can be measured
also at engaged brake.
For the identification of the main inductance, the drive must be decoupled from the load and the output swit-
ching condition which is assigned to the break control must be set to value "1" (= always active), setting the
brake permanently open.

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Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous motor Automatic mode

Use generally the automatic mode for the identification of the parameters.
Automatic mode is the most simple method of parameter identification.
Measurement of the dead time compensation characteristics, as well as the stator- and rotor resistance and
the leakage inductance is done in standstill. A small rotation of the motor caused by the test signals is possi-

dr.48 motor identification

Bit Description Value Function
0: off
7: Auto ident. without automatic measurement of the dead time characteristic
main inductance (ASM) and of all equivalent circuit data - with the exception of
/ EMC (SM) !without the main inductance. This measurement is carried out
rotation! with the motor stopped, but a rotation of the motor due to
the test signals is possible.
0...4 Measurement
!Attention: Requires motor revolution in no-load ope-
8: complete AutoIdenti- automatic measurement of the dead time characteri-
fication !with rotation! stic and of all equivalent circuit data - including main in-
The motor accelerates to "speed for Mmax" (dr.17)

It is necessary for the identification of the main inductance, that the motor accelerates to the speed for maxi-
mum torque (dr.17) and then it operates in no-load operation.

There is a special ramp "motor identification ramp time" (dr.49) for identification.
This ramp applies during calibration of the main inductance for the acceleration to dr.17 and the deceleration
at the end of the identification.
The speed controller must be parameterised reasonable (select small Ki), the drive may not vibrate during
the identification.

The following chapter, "single identification", contains more detailed information with respect to the separate
steps of the identification and can be skipped if automatic mode is chosen. In the chapter after the next, "ad-
ditional trimmings", two further identifications are described which are not part of the automatic mode and that
are unnecessary in many cases.

The explanations of the parameters required to be set continues in chapter "generally required set-
tings for operation with motor model".

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 7.5 - 17

Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous motor Single identification

Single identifications should not be used for the first measurement of the motor parameters, since invalid
measuring results can occur in case of a wrong identification sequence or omitting of individual points.
Single identification can always be used if a complete automatic measurement was executed and only indivi-
dual parameters shall be identified. For example this can be a resistance measurement in warm condition or a
new measurement of main inductance after changing parameter dr.19 "factor flux adaption".

dr.48 motor identification

Bit Description Value Function
0: off
1: Calculation of the
Precharging of the current controller parameters and main
main inductance
inductance from rating plate data
(ASM)/ EMC (SM)*
2: Leakage (ASM)/ win-
Measurement of the leakage inductance
ding inductance (SM)*
3: Stator resistance Rs* Measurement of the stator resistance
4: Rotor resistance Rr * Measurement of the rotor resistance
Based on the equivalent circuit data, the model parame-
5: Model-/controller ters and the setting of the controller are determined in the
parameterisation * dS-parameters (current-, flux-, and speed calculation con-
6: Main inductance !Attention: Requires motor revolution in no-load ope-
(ASM)/ EMC (SM) !with ration!
rotation! * Measurement of the main inductance at "speed for Mmax"
7: Auto ident. without automatic measurement of the dead time characteristic
0...4 Measurement main inductance (ASM) and of all equivalent circuit data - with the exception of the
/ EMC (SM) !without main inductance. This measurement is carried out with the
rotation! motor stopped, but a rotation of the motor due to the test
signals is possible.
!Attention: Requires motor revolution in no-load ope-
8: complete AutoIdenti- ration!
fication !with rotation! automatic measurement of the dead time characteristic and
of all equivalent circuit data - including main inductance.
The motor accelerates to "speed for Mmax" (dr.17)
9: Dead time detection
2 kHz *
10: Dead time detec-
tion 4kHz *
Measurement of dead time compensation characteristics
11: Dead time detection
for different switching frequencies
8kHz *
12: reserved
13: Dead time detection
16 kHz *
further on next side

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Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous motor

dr.48 motor identification

Bit Description Value Function
0: 1000Hz
32: 500Hz
64: 250Hz The measuring frequency is changed independently duri-
96: 125Hz ng measurement.
5...7 Frequency
128: 62,5Hz Therefore, leave the value at 0: 1000Hz !
160: 32,25Hz Only changeable for test and diagnostics purposes.

192: 15,625Hz
224: 7,8125Hz

* at dr.48 = 8 auto-identification

Pre-adjustment of the main inductance (dr.48 = 1)

With dr.48 = 1 (calculation of the main inductance (ASM) / EMC(SM)), a starting value for the main inductance
is calculated from the rating plate data.

Leakage inductance measurement (dr.48 = 2)

Measurement of the leakage inductance (dr.07) occurs at standstill with a test signal. The frequency of the
measuring signal is adjustable via bit 5...7 in parameter dr.48.
Since the inverter determines automatically the ideal measuring frequency, value 0 should be always selected
for bits 5... 7.

Stator resistance measurement (dr.48 = 3)

Measurement of the stator resistance is done with DC current.

Rotor resistance measurement (dr.48 = 4)

Measurement of the rotor resistance (dr.08) occurs at standstill with a test signal. The frequency of the measu-
ring signal is adjustable via bit 5...7 in parameter dr.48.
Since the inverter determines automatically the ideal measuring frequency, value 0 should be always selected
for bits 5... 7.
Since the measurement frequency occasionally has to be reduced to 7.8125 Hz for better measurement accu-
racy, the motor may rotate.

Model / controller parameterization (dr.48 = 5)

With dr.48 = 5, the internal model parameters as well as current-, flux- and speed calculation controller parame-
ters are calculated from the equivalent circuit data. If a mode other than automatic is used for the identification,
this action should be executed after the measurement of the leakage inductance, rotor and stator resistance,
but before the identification of the main inductance, in order that the controllers are correctly parametrised for
the speed ramp-up.

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Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous motor

Main inductance (ASM) / EMC (SM) with rotation (dr.48 = 6)

It is necessary for the identification of the main inductance that the motor accelerates to the speed for maximum
torque (dr.17). The speed controller must be parameterised reasonable (select small Ki), the drive may not
vibrate during the identification.
The motor must be able to rotate in no-load operation. After the main inductance has been identified, the drive
stops automatically.
There is a special ramp "motor identification ramp time" (dr.49) for identification. This ramp applies for accele-
ration at the beginning and deceleration at the end of the identification.

Dead time detection (dr.48 = 9...13)

The dead time detection only works as single identification if the stator resistance is correct preset.
The measured dead time-values can be read out via In.39 and In.40.
The calibrated dead time compensation characteristics are in force if uF.18 = 3 is set. Motor identification error state dr.66

In error case parameter "motor identification error code" (dr.66) displays the reason for this error:

dr.66 Motor identification error state

Value Description Notice
0 no error
1 Stator resistance Rs not within permissible range 0.001…250 Ohm
2 Rotor resistance Rr not within permissible range 0.001…250 Ohm
3 Leakage-/ winding inductance within permissible range 0.01…655.35 mH
4 Main inductance not within permissible range 0.1…3276.7 mH
5 DASM mag. current (dr.13) not within permissible range 0.25…0.75 rated motor current
Switching frequency changeover Occurs if the inverter exceeds the ra-
ting limit during the motor identification.
Rotor resistance measurement phase shifting not within The phase angle between current and
7 permissible range voltage is > 65 ° at smallest measuring
frequency and < 10 °at the largest.
Stator resistance measuring or dead time has reached The modulation factor has reached
100% modulation 100%.
Frequency at Ls/L measurement not within permissible

Page 7.5 - 20 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H © KEB, 2012-10

Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous motor Additional trimming

dr.48 motor identification

Bit Description Value Function
0: off
14: Torque detection 2
15: Torque detection 4
kHz Detection of the no-load torque at different switching fre-
quencies. During operation this torque is subtracted from
16: Torque detection 8 torque display ru.12.
0...4 Measurement kHz
17: reserved
18: Torque detection
16 kHz
19: Current offset de-
Detection of the current offset in phase U and V
20: Voltage pulse Only for synchronous motor Torque detection (dr.48 = 14...18) / only for F5H-M

For applications with particularly high demands on the accuracy of the torque display, this can be calibrated.
As a standard, the torque display does not display a value of 0 in encoderless operation during no-load opera-
tion. The reason for this is switching frequency-dependent losses in the inverter and friction losses due to the
If the torque display has to be corrected for this offset, the torque offset of the whole drive can be calibrated with
dr.48 = 14...18 for the various switching frequencies. 7
Thereby the drive accelerates in stepwise with the adjusted ramp in dr.49 to maximum 1,3-fold synchronous
speed. The speed limits set in the oP-parameters remain operative during this phase.
The calibrated no-load torque is stored as correction characteristic. During operation, the display of the actual
torque in ru.12 is corrected using this characteristic.
The torque offset-characteristic can be read with parameter dr.58/ dr.59.
The characteristic is not part of the data backup created by read out of a complete list.
This should be executed only if the application really requires increased torque accuracy. Since the trimming
values are not contained in the complete list, porting the data to a different inverter is labour-intensive. Current offset detection (dr.48 = 19)

As a standard, the current offset from the inverter is permanently ascertained and balanced, as long as the
modulation is switched off. Therefore, the current offset-detection via dr.48 is usually not required.
In some cases, one achieves more accurate current offset values if one carries out the trimming with current
in the motor.
If dr.48 = 19 is selected, the inverter provides a test signal to the motor and so carries out the trimming once.
A disadvantage of this current offset detection is that it is carried out only once and therefore temperature and
ageing effects are not taken into account.
To preserve the identified offset, automatic measurement is deactivated with dr.48 = 19.
ATTENTION! Since the automatic measurement can only be reactivated by the KEB service personnel, the
current offset detection should preferably be carried out only in consultation with KEB.

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 7.5 - 21

Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous motor Generally adjustments for operation with motor model

The drive is only ready for operation after switching the modulation if the flux is build up. If one starts earlier,
the drive can display undefined behaviours (erroneous torque display, too high currents, poorer controller be-

dS.04 : Flux / rotor adaption mode

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
Wait for magnetisati- 0: off The speed setpoint (ru.01) is applied only after the flux build-up, i.e.,
on (ASM) 128: on only then ramps and speed controller become active

Bit 7 in dS.04 ("Wait for magnetisation (ASM)") must therefore always be set (value 128). Thus the setpoint
setting is only released if the flux is build up to 95%.


Fluss / Nennfluss
Sollwertanzeige (ru.01)


Anzeige Rampenausgang (ru.02)


Reglerfreigabe (ST)

0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1
Zeit [s]

The flux controller must be activated for the operation with motor model.
The parametrisation of the controller (KP flux / dS.11, KI flux / dS.12, limit magnetising current / dS.13) is carried
out automatically by Fr.10 and after the motor identification (dr.48).

dS.04 Flux/rotor adaption mode

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
Flux controller always off (these adjustment is not allowed for the ope-
0: off
ration with motor model)
flux controller always on (must be used for control with motor model
32: on
and encoder feedback)
Flux control
5, 6
(ASM) 64: on, flux controller active, speed-dependent limit of the controller (at speed
n^3/dr.17^3 0 = 0 / at speeddr.17 = dS.13)
96: on, as value 64, exception: start of the drive:
start and here, (despite speed 0) for magnetisation the limit of the flux controller
n^3/dr.17^3 is set to the value dS.13.

During operation with speed feedback, the flux controller must be activated over the whole speed range, i.e.,
the value 32 must be chosen in dS.04 in the item "flux control".
Value 64 or 96 should be selected during operation without speed feedback.
With Fr.10, the parameter dS.13 "Limit magnetising current" is set to half the rated motor current. If the flux
build-up time is to be shortened or if particularly high demands are made on the dynamics in the field weakening
range, this value can be changed to the rated motor current (dr.00).
The inverter can only provide the standstill current at speed 0. Error OL2 is released shortly if the current is

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Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous motor

higher. Thereby this can lead to problems during magnetizing at some motor/inverter combinations. In these
cases, the setting dS.04 Bit 5, 6 = 64 "flux controller not active during boot" must be chosen. Dead time compensation

The drive has also measured the dead time compensation characteristic during automatic identification. The
calibrated characteristic must be activated for the control with motor model by the setting "dead time compen-
sation mode" (uF.18) = 3: „automatic“. „automatisch“ aktiviert werden.

uF.18 Dead time compensation mode

Value Explanation
0: off Deactivates the dead time compensation
1: linear Default setting for u/F characteristics open loop operation
2: e function Only required for special applications
3: automatical- Activation of the identified characteristic. Shall always be used at control of asynchronous
ly motors with motor model

Further available kinds of the dead time compensation are only required for special applications (applications
with high frequencies, some special motors) or in other operating modes (e.g. V/f characteristics controlled).
The dead time compensation can be switched off via a digital input. The digital input is selected with parameter
uF.21. This disconnection is only required for special applications with high frequency. Magnetisation current adaption / with motor model

For large motors, the automatic calculation of the magnetising current occasionally returns values that are too
large. This way, the dynamic operation in the field weakening range may worsen.
Whether the automatically calculated magnetising current is too large, can be tested by accelerating the drive to
the field weakening speed (dr.18) with no load. At this speed, the voltage limit (modulation factor 100%) should 7
not be reached yet. Othwise the „factor flux adaption“ (dr.19) should be reduced until the modulation factor is
approx. 90 - 95%.
Subsequently, a new identification of the main inductance must be carried out (dr.48 = 6) and the controller
must be adapted to the new main inductance.with dr.48 = 5.
The new "factor flux adaption" must then be checked with a new ramp-up.
Attention: If the factor is reduced too much, the available voltage will not be fully exploited anymore (modulation
factor ru.42 even for high speed and a load always smaller than 95%), and the motor current increases! Special functions High frequency spindle

A special start-up must be executed for motors with output frequencies > 200 Hz.

Rating plate data „rated speed“

The rated speed is not be indicated on the type plate of the spindles. When driving with motor model this rated
speed ist only important for calculation of the pole-pair number and the model tripping level in parameter ds.19
(default value, 2*slip speed).

If no value is indicated here, then 98.5% of the synchronous speed can be accepted.

nn = fn * 60 * 0,985 / ppn

ppn = pole-pair number

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Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous motor

fn = rated frequency
nn = rated speed

Selection of the rated switching frequency of the inverter:

The output frequency should not exceed 1/10 of the switching frequency.
Thus the following applies:

switching fre- max. output frequency output speed (for pole-pair number = 2)
2 kHz 200Hz 6000 rpm
4 kHz 400Hz 12000 rpm
8 kHz 800Hz 24000 rpm
12 kHz ---- ---
16 kHz 1600Hz 48000 rpm

Note: That a spindle e.g. with leakage inductance dr.07 = 1.4 mH and output frequency of 800 Hz (24000 rpm)
can be driven in practice also with 4kHz should not be considered for the dimensioning of the inverter.

Double modulation output:

An additional voltage vector can be output for 8 and16 kHz. The current controller is calculated only all 12 µs,
but the transformation angle is changed by 62.5 µs
(dS.18 bit 6 = on ).

Switching off the hardware current limit (HCL):

If the motor model is activated, HCL generally should be deactivated via uf.15 = 0 =off.

Identification of the equivalent circuit data:

• Main inductance:

There can be problems at measurement of the main inductance in lower speed range and when reaching
the target speed.

Lower speed range:

Measurement of the main inductance is started with a value for the inductance which is calculated from
the motor data. The lower speed range must be passed through speedy because the mode of calculation
can only be estimated and additionally the motor data of the manufacturers are problematically . For this
the additional ramp in dS.21 and dS.22 make sense.

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Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous motor

Resolution mode dS.21 max. dS.22

4000 rpm 1/12 rated speed 1s
8000 rpm 1/12 rated speed 2s
16000 rpm 1/12 rated speed 4s
32000 rpm 1/12 rated speed 8s
64000 rpm 1/12 rated speed 16 s
128000 rpm 1/12 rated speed 32 s

• Leakage inductance:
Measurement of the leakage inductance can lead to wrong values, if the inductance of the motor has a
pronounced current dependence. The current has a „bell-shaped“ curve at setting of sine-wave voltage.
This can often be observed at spindle motors. The magnetising current can be watched via Combivis in
ru.87 during the rotor resistance measurement, to find out whether the motor to be start up is concerned.
Depending on the deviation of the current from the sine form the inductance is reduced to 85..70% of the
identified value.

• Check current controller adjustments

A correction of the current controller adjustment is eventually necessary if the identified leakage in-
ductance (ds.07) is < 1,4mH:

ds.00 = ds.00_def * 1,0…1,5

ds.01 = ds.01_def * 1,5…2

Control to model currents:

The motor model (dS.04 bit 0) must be active for this. Control to the model current (dS.18 bit 3) has the advan-
tage that disturbances of the measured currents enter filtered to the motor model and thus the calculated model
current and the current control are smoother. The disadvantage is in the danger that the drive could change
to OC when there is a difference between measured and calculated current. Thus pay special attention to the
identification of the equivalent circuit data.


The observer (dS.18 bit5) adjusts the model currents dependent on the measured currents by the adjusted
factor in parameter dS.23 „observer factor".

Square-law load torque characteristic:

If the drive shall be accelerated at torque limit, it is mandatory necessary that the max. breakdown torque is not
exceeded. For this parameter (dS.03 bit 1) must be activated and the breakdown torque must be entered at
corner speed (dr.18) in parameter dr.16.
The corner speed (dr.18) should be set to rated speed (dr.01). If the breakdown torque should not be arise from
the data sheet, the breakdown torque must be calculated from the equivalent circuit data.

Rough formula : Mk = 2.0 * Mn

Mk = breakdown torque (dr.16)

Mn = rated torque (dr.14)

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Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous motor

Switching off the dead time compensation at high output frequencies:

The dead time compensation is mandatory required up to 200 Hz, above 200 Hz it should be switched off. For
this a digital software output e.g. (do.04 = „27: actual speed > level“) level (LE.04 = 12000 rpm (ppz=1) with
hysterese LE.12 = 500 rpm and the input function uf.21 „dead time compensation off“ = 256 must be assigned
to the corresponding software input. With uf.25 in version 4.1 or 2.1 you can define a time where the dead
time is soft switched off.

Load rejection of the current controller at dynamic procedure:

In order to unload the current controller at high output frequencies there are two possibilities:

a) Activate Pt1 element after speed controller

After the PI speed controller, a PT1 element can be activated via parameter cS.29.
A PT1 time of 2...8ms is recommended. Starting from version 4.1/2.1 parameter cS.29 is considered by the
mass-moment of inertia in the calculation for the controller parameter of the speed controller.

b) Ramp time and s-curve at deceleration:

Resolution mode Min. OP.30..31

Min. OP.34..35
4000 rpm 0.05 s
8000 rpm 0.1 s
16000 rpm 0.15 s
32000 rpm 0.25 s
64000 rpm 0.5 s
128000 rpm 1s

Maximum current limiting and design of the inverter:

A maximum current can be preset in dr. 37 in order to protect the inverter against overcurrent error. dS.3 bit0
must be set additionally.

The distance to OC level is depending on:

• Current ripple dependent on the switching frequency (ft) and leakage inductance (Ls). A calculation of this
part is possible, but very extensive.
Rough formula : I Ripple = 46,4 / ft / Ls * kHz * mH *A (Ls in mH / ft in kHz)
• overshoot of the current controller, approx. 10% of the selected maximum current.
• the „300Hz“ reload voltage ripple (at 50Hz mains frequency) in the DC link. Serves for a superimposed
current oscillation in the output frequency (=output freq. - 300Hz). This part is depending on many factors
(size of DC capacitors (C), line supply impedance, leakage inductance of the motor (LS), active power (Pw).
Rough formula : IRipple_dc = Pw2 / C / Ls * 105 * µF * mH / kW2 (Pw in kW / Ls in mH / C in µF

This part can be reduced by an input choke: 15% reserve to the OC level.

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Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous motor

Calculation of the OC level of the inverter and maximum current (dr.37) if the motor shall be accelerated with
preset torque.

Settings: rated motor current = 30 A

Mmax / Mn = 1.65
Ls (dr.07) = 1.4 mH
Pn = 14.5 kW  P = Pn • 1.65
Inverter with a DC link capacity C = 1780 µF

Parameterizing of the maximum current: Imax (dr.37) = Mmax/Mn • In_mot = 1.65 • 30 A = 49.5 A

required OC level of the inverter

IRippel = 46.4 / 8 kHz / 1.4 mH • kHz • mH • A = 4.14 A

IRippel_dc = (14.5 kW • 1.65)2 / 1780 µF / 1.4 • 105 • µF • mH / kW2 = 24.1A

OC_Level = (49.5 A +( 25 A + 4.14 A) / √2) • 1.15

OC_Level = 83 A

A 18.F5.H with 8 kHz rated frequency and 90 A OC levels must be selected for this spindle with 30 A rated cur-
rent and 14.5 kW rated power.

Reaching the maximum torque in field weakening operation

The modulation factor must be increased in order to reach this.
The setpoint for the maximum voltage controller is default ds.10 = 97% and can be increased to 100%. 110%
must be adjusted additionally in ds.04 flux/rotor adaption mode = on. This is possible from version V.2.1 ASCL,
because the max. modulation factor is always limited to the setpoint in ds.10 + 2% , here 102%. 7 Vector control without speed feedback (ASCL)

This chapter must be read only if an asynchronous motor without speed feedback is to be operated. Since the
speed can be calculated only with the aid of a mathematical model, this operating mode may only be used with
the following limitations:

- Vector control around frequency = 0 is not possible.

- During operation in the low speed range, the motor model may become unstable. Therefore this range
must be left always quickly.
- No safety functions may be derived from the calculated speed

This operating mode is only available through auxilliary software F5H-M.

For the motor model, there are some additional parameter for adapting the encoderless vector control to the
Operation without speed feedback is activated by cS.01 = 2 "calculated actual value".
In parameter cS.00 "controller configuration", the value 4 "speed control" or 5 and 6, "torque control", respec-
tively, must be set.

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Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous motor ASCL / low speed operation

The operation at small speed is a critical range which should be passed very quickly.
The size of this range cannot be indicated universally valid. It is strongly dependent on the used motors.
The usable speed range for standard-asynchronous motors is approx.:

Power mot. opera- gen. opera-

tion tion
2.2 kW 1 : 50 1 : 20
85 kW 1 : 100 1 : 50

Start-/ stop ramp for low speed (dS.21 / dS.22)

In order to leave the critical range of small speed at starting and stopping there is an additional ramp for this
The ramps is defined by parameter dS.21 "auxilliary ramp/ speed limit" and dS.22 "auxilliary ramp/time".

Parameter dS.21 indicates the speed range for which the start ramp applies. dS.22 indicates the acceleration-/
deceleration time.

Anzeige Rampenausgang
( ru.02 )

ud.02 = 4 (4000 rpm mode)

dS.21 = 200 rpm
dS.22 = 1s
200 min -1

0,2 s Zeit

ASCL model shutoff during deceleration (dS.19, dS.20)

If the drive is to be stopped, the critical range of low frequencies must be passed again.
The additional problem of the drive not stopping completely, but instead running permanently at a low frequency
with a very high current occurs here, leading to a miscalculation of the speed.

Under the following conditions, therefore, the mode is switched from vector controlled to current regulated,
frequency controlled operation:
- Drive decelerates
- the estimated output frequency is smaller than dS.19 ("speed limit model switch-off DEC")

The drive then shows the following behaviour:

- the output frequency is ramped down according to the adjusted deceleration ramp
- the current is kept constant starting from the switching time

The parameter dS.19 is loaded with a default value by the identification or by Fr.10 "reset field-oriented control-
ler parameters". Should problems still occur during deceleration, the value for dS.19 can be increased.

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Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous motor

If the drive is stopped by switching off the rotation direction release, the modulation is switched off after rea-
ching of output frequency 0.

If the drive is stopped by setting the setpoint to 0, the current is reduced to the magnetising current after rea-
ching the output frequency = 0.
At this point, the real speed of the motor is not yet 0 in some cases.
Therefore, the time for which the higher constant current is set can be increased with parameter dS.20 "ASCL
model switch-off current follow-up time".
dS.19: Limit uf-control decele-
=> Switching to the frequency
controlled range
dS.20: ASCL
Model switch-off
Current follow-up time
Apparent current (ru.15)
Delay current

Speed (ru.07)

Magnetising current
Frequency (ru.03)


Actual torque display


Attention: The torque display (ru.12) is invalid after change-over to frequency controlled operation!

ASCL / reversing

If one wants to run the drive through zero speed without stopping to change (reverse) the direction of rotation,
switching to the frequency controlled mode can be disruptive.
Therefore, this switching can be deactivated by setting bit 2 in parameter "model adjustment" (dS.18).

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Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous motor

dS.18: Model adaption

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
Model switch- 0: activated Deactivate switching to the frequency driven, current-controlled
off 4: deactivated operation

To utilise the open-loop mode for stopping, but, on the other hand, avoid negative effects during reversal, the
inverter must be programmed by way that stopping of the motor always follows in the same set.
Then, one can let the switch to the open-loop mode be activated for this set (the stop-set) (dS.18 = 0), and avoid
interfering effects during reversal for other sets with dS.18 = 4.
The, it is only necessary to ascertain that the range of low frequencies is traversed quickly.
This can be achieved by suitably setting parameter "ASCL start ramp time" (dS.22) and parameter "ASCL start
ramp speed" (dS.21), which apply to acceleration as well as deceleration.

ASCL / constant run with low speeds

Speed setpoints lying within the critical range must be avoided.

To avoid continuous operation in low frequency range, the minimum setpoint (oP.06 / oP.07) should be set to
speeds outside the critical range.
Alternatively, too-small setpoints may also be masked by parameter oP.65...oP.68 (blocked setpoints). Switch to consecutive motor

If the motor still rotates when switching the modulation (e.g. "coast down" after malfunction) the calculation of
the actual speed can become unstable due to the motor model.
Therefore, if there is a risk that the motor has not reached speed 0 for the start, there are two alternative starting
speed search (Pn.26) or DC braking (Pn.28 / Pn.33)

During speed search, the drive attempts to determine the current speed via its mathematical model. The ope-
ration corresponding to the setpoint settings is re-established starting at this speed. For many standard motors,
this type of addition can be used.
For some motors or applications, e.g., for spindles, application of the speed search will be unsuccessful. In
these cases, speed is calculated incorrectly, the drive can vibrate, or the inverter can malfunction.
In these cases, the motor must be stopped by DC braking before the drive can be restarted. During DC braking,
a DC voltage is connected to the motor´s clamps. The small braking torque while the motor is still running at
high speed is a disadvantage.

For more (appropriate parameters, settings, etc.) see in 7.13.4 speed search and 7.15.1 DC braking, respec-

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Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous motor Model adaption

Some auxilliary functions can be activated via the parameter dS.18.

Adjustment of this parameter is not necessary and should only be carried out by authorised KEB service per-
Value 4 is an exception: Model deactivation (see "ASCL model deactivation during deceleration" / subsection
"reversal"). This chapter can therefore be skipped and reading continued in "parametrisation of the
speed estimation control".
dS.18 Function mode
Bit Meaning Value Explanation
Current offset/ 0: off
0 activates a permanent current offset adjustment
Adaption 1: on
Stator resistance/ 0: off activates setpoint tracing of the stator resistance, which may
adaption 2: on change during operation due to temperature effects
0: activated Switching in the frequency controlled, current regulated operati-
2 Model switch-off 4: deactiva- on during stopping
0: measured Selection of the actual value source of the current controller: 0:
3 Current control
8: calculated measured current 8: current calculated from the model
Observer / 0: off
4 Activation of an observer for high frequency applications
Motor model 6: on
5 reserved
Voltage output for HF 0: off Activation of a faster voltage output. Only important for high
applications 64: on frequency applications
7 reserved
8 reserved
0: off Estimation limit off 7
9 512: Estimation limit depending on the speed setpoint
Estimation limit
10 1024: Estimation limit via oP.14/oP.15 to zero
1536: reserved
0: off
11 isdq mean value filter
2048: on

Current offset / adaption

In some cases, the one-time current offset measurement (either with modulation switched off or via test signals
during motor identification) is insufficient since operation-dependent effects (like temperature) are not consi-
dered. With this "residual offset", a vibration is created with a frequency equal to the output frequency. The
current offset adaption can reduce this effect.
Attention: Is the simple vibration not caused by the current offset, the adaption is behaving incorrectly. There-
fore, this function must be activated with caution, or only to prove a current offset existence and to utilise its

Stator resistance/ adaption

The stator resistance can stabilise the model at low output frequencies, particularly in generatoric operation.
At low motor rating, the effect of the stator resistance in this range is quite large. Due to the motor warming,
changes of up to 40% compared to the resistance calibrated in the cold state are possible. The stator resistance
adaption can compensate for this change.
Under certain operating conditions, (e.g., high dynamic) the adaption diminishes the operational performance
of the drive. Therefore, this function should only be activated when problems with breaking and stopping may
occur for motors with small power (< 5 kW).

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Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous motor

Current control by measured / calculated currents

For the current control, either the measured currents or those calculated from the model can be used as actual
values. As a standard, the measured currents are used for control since only this assures direct control over
the real currents.
Using the calculated currents is advantageous only in high frequency applications: The delay (detection of the
actual current until the output of the voltages as response to the current measurement) is noticeable in these
applications. For control based on calculated current, this time is minimised.

Observer / motor model, observer effect / motor model

The observer causes an equalisation between the measured currents and the currents calculated from the
motor model. This is useful for some high frequency applications.
The reciprocal of amplification of the observer is set with the parameter "observer effect / motor model" (ds.23).

Voltage output for HF applications

At high output frequencies, the voltage vector must be calculated and output in a shorter time pattern. This is
possible only at 8 and 16 kHz. Important for high frequency applications KP/KI Speed calc. ASCL (dS.14, 15) and speed PT1-time ASCL (dS.17)

The KP (dS.14) and the KI (dS.15) of the speed calculation controller are calculated automatically during the
identification of the motor parameters and may not be changed.
Only the parameter dS.17 "ASCL speed PT1 time" can be adapted to a specific application. In non-dynamic
applications, a higher PT1 time (up to 32ms for large motors) leads to a steadier calculated speed, without
degradation of the control characteristics of the drive.
In contrast, a lower speed frequently permits a more dynamic setting of the speed control parameters.
If parameter dS.17 "ASCL speed PT1 time" is changed, a previously conducted adaption of the speed controller
must be checked.
If the automatic calculation of the speed control parameters is used, it must be reactivated. Special function: Rotor adaption

In speed control with speed feedback, the motor model can be used to adapt the rotor time constant. The rotor
time constant is dependent on the rotor resistance, among others. Due to the temperature change of the motor
rotor, the rotor resistance can change significantly compared to the identified value. This also changes the rotor
time constant. This change leads to a less accurate torque display and an inferior performance of the drive.
The rotor adaption compensates for the temperature deviations of the resistance. It is activated by bit 1 in pa-
rameters dS.04 "Flux-/Rotor adaption mode".

ds.04: Flux / rotor adaption mode

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
0: off
1 Rotor adaption (ASM) Activation of the rotor adaption
2: on
Rotor adaption/ 0: no Storage of the last rotor adaption value obtained during ope-
store (ASM) 4: yes ration
further on next side

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Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous motor

ds.04: Flux / rotor adaption mode

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
see chapter: Torque display and limiting, section: maximum
3 Maximum voltage controller
voltage controller, voltage limit
see chapter: Torque display and limiting, section: maximum
4 Maximum voltage controller
voltage controller, voltage limit
see section: Generally adjustments for operation with motor
5 Flux / rotor adaption mode
see section: Generally adjustments for operation with motor
6 Flux / rotor adaption mode
see section: Generally adjustments for operation with motor
7 Wait for magnetisation
0: off
8 Energy saving function (ASM) –
256: on
0: off
9 Mode always active (ASM) –
512: on

Bit 2 determines whether the drive stores the rotor adaption value on modulation switch-off. If memory ist ac-
tivated (memory: yes), the inverter starts with the last value obtained during operation after reactivation of the
modulation. If memory ist deactivated (memory: no), the inverter starts with the value 100%. After"net on",the
inverter always starts with the value 100%.

In parameter ru.59 "factor rotor adaption", the status of the rotor adaption can be read: 100% means that the
drive is working with the identified values. Values unequal 100% mean that the actual rotor resistance is = ru.59
* dr.08 (DASM rotor resistance).

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isq controller
ru02 Speed controller
isq ref
and torque limiting
Usq Volt U

Page 7.5 - 34
ru07 iu
Precontrol and and dead time Volt V Power unit iv
decoupling ASM
Flux controller isd controller 3ph
7.5.3 Block diagram

isd_ref Usd Volt W


Maximum voltage
Imr set
controller and field
isq reg

isd reg ru.03

Figure 7.5.3.a Block diagram ASCL

Selection of the
current feedback Transformation


isd model Motor model,
Tr-adaption and slip Legend block diagram
isq model ru.02 Ramp output display (speed setpoint)
Ec.40 ru.03 actual frequency display
ru.07 Actual value display (actual speed off motor model)
ru.17 Active current (isq)
ru.18 actual DC voltage
ru.87 Magnetisation current (isd)
Ec.40 Actual absolute electrical position
Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous motor

© KEB, 2012-10
isq controller
ru02 Speed controller isq ref
and torque
limiting Usq Volt U
- ru.18
ru07 - iu

Precontrol Transformation Volt V iv

© KEB, 2012-10
and decou- and dead time Power unit
Flux isd controller
controller pling compensation iw

isd_ref Usd Volt W


- IG

Imr set Selection of the

current feedback
Figure 7.5.3.b Block diagram M



Motor model and


isq model Tr-adaption

Encoder eva-

Legend block diagram

ru.02 Ramp output display (speed setpoint)

ru.03 actual frequency display
ru.07 Actual value display (actual speed off motor model)
ru.17 Active current (isq)
ru.18 actual DC voltage
ru.87 Magnetisation current (isd)
Ec.40 Actual absolute electrical position
Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous motor

Page 7.5 - 35
Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous motor

Figure 7.5.3.c SMM

ramp output output output
value frequency voltage

ru.02 ru.03 ru.20

n F out trans-
f F out formation
V out
F ramp SMM V mag
slip compensation
F calc act autoboost
F slip I mag angle
F V/f +
V/f characteristic
uf.00 - uf.03
F out
(last cycle)
SMM V out (last cycle)
I app ^2 trans- Iv
motor model

I act

ru.06 ru.17 ru.87

calculated active magnetising 3ph
actual value current current

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Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous motor

Figure 7.5.3.d Field weakening

dS.08 KP maximum voltage
dS.04 KP maximum voltage
dS.09 Ki maximum voltage

dS.10 maximum voltage (max. -2% of imr_ref

max. output voltage - +
= SQR (Usd2 +
Usq Usq2) -0.75


dr.18, dr.20, Imrrated

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 7.5 - 37

Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous motor

Page 7.5 - 38 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H © KEB, 2012-10

Motor data and controller adjustments of the synchronous motor

7.1 Operating and appliance data

1. Introduction

7.2 Analog in- and outputs

2. Summary
7.3 Digital in- and outputs

3. Hardware
7.4 Setpoint-, rotation- and ramp presetting

Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous

4. Operation motor

Motor data and controller adjustments of the synchronous

Selection of Operating motor
7.7 Speed control

6. Initial Start-up
7.8 Torque display and -limiting

7.9 Torque control

7. Functions 7

7.10 Current control, -limiting and switching frequencies

8. Error Assistance
7.11 Speed measurement

9. Project Design
7.12 Posi- and synchronous operation

7.13 Protective functions

10. Networks

7.14 Parameter sets

11. Parameter Overview

7.15 Special functions

12. Annex
7.16 CP-Parameter definition

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 7.6 - 1

Motor data and controller adjustments of the synchronous motor

7.6.1 Initial settings............................................................................................................................ 7.6 - 3 Motor name plate.................................................................................................... 7.6 - 3 Controller configuration.......................................................................................... 7.6 - 4 Actual value source................................................................................................ 7.6 - 4 Motor adaption........................................................................................................ 7.6 - 5 IPM motors (reluctance torque).............................................................................. 7.6 - 6 Controller structure................................................................................................. 7.6 - 8 Absolute position (encoder 1)................................................................................. 7.6 - 8 Speed measurement.............................................................................................. 7.6 - 9
7.6.3 Speed-controlled operation without encoder feedback (SCL)............................................. 7.6 - 9 General................................................................................................................... 7.6 - 9 Initial settings for sensorless operation.................................................................. 7.6 - 9 Identification of the motor data............................................................................. 7.6 - 10 Auto-identification............................................................................. 7.6 - 11 Single identification.......................................................................... 7.6 - 12 Dead time compensation (uf.18)...................................................... 7.6 - 14 motor identification error state dr.66................................................. 7.6 - 14 Standstill and starting phase................................................................................ 7.6 - 15 Low speed............................................................................................................ 7.6 - 16 Motor model.......................................................................................................... 7.6 - 17 Operation with sine-wave filter............................................................................. 7.6 - 19 Functions in the SCL software ............................................................................ 7.6 - 19
7.6.4 Block diagram......................................................................................................................... 7.6 - 23

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Motor data and controller adjustments of the synchronous motor

7.6 Adjustments of the synchronous motor

There are two different operating modes for the synchronous motor:

-  Speed-controlled operation with encoder feedback

Default speed-controlled operation with encoder feedback, standard version F5A–S

-  Speed-controlled operation without encoder feedback

Speed-controlled operation of synchronous motors without encoder feedback SCL (sensorless closed loop)
is only possible if the electrical characteristic data of the motor are known. The rotor position is emulated by
means of a mathematical model of the synchronous motor. Speed control is based on a speed calculated from
the rotor position rather than on the encoder feedback.
Standard version F5A-S does not contain operating mode SCL. It needs the special software F5E–S.

7.6.1 Initial settings

The following adjustments are always necessary in speed-controlled operation, independently with or without
encoders: Motor name plate

Input of the motor rating plate data is at the beginning of each start-up:

-  dr.23 DSM rated current

-  dr.24 DSM rated speed
-  dr.25 DSM rated frequency
-  dr.27 DSM rated torque
-  dr.28 DSM rated motor current 7
The following equivalent circuit data can be taken from the data sheet.
Identification of the data offers a high accuracy and acquires the additional line resistance. The identification
can be executed as described in chapter (SCL).

-  dr.26 DSM EMC voltage constant

-  dr.30 DSM stator resistance
-  dr.31 DSM Inductance
-  dr.64 DSM winding inductance Luv maximum value

For SCL, also F5S eventually. Apart from the minimum value in dr.31 also the maximum value can be preset
from version 4.2. This parameter is also preset by the identification of the winding inductance.
First, it is only required for the calculation of the controller for the RF injection. (Normally the higher value of
inductance should be set in the q-component in dr.31. Motor model and current controller are however better
preset with the lower value. Servo motor manufacturer, as Wittur also indicate the lower value of inductance
as luv).

DSM EMC voltage constant (dr.26, dr.63)

EMC is the induced voltage in no-load operation and must be entered as peak value (phase-phase) correspon-
ding to 1000 rpm.

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 7.6 - 3

Motor data and controller adjustments of the synchronous motor

dr.26 = EMKeff x √ 2

No decimal places can be entered in parameter dr.26 for the EMC. The voltage per 1000 rpm at high-frequency
motors is partly very low, that an integer setting falsifies the EMC value. Parameter dr.63 (DSM EMC HR) can
be used for higher accuracy.
In order that there is a downward compatibility to older parameter lists, the parameter can be deactivated with
value "0: off".

The maximum permissible speed which is displayed in ru.79 (abs. speed [EMC]) is also calculated from the
EMC. The maximum DC link voltage, UZKmax, can be found in the power circuit manual.

Max. UDClink x 1000 rpm

ru.79 = —————————

DSM stand still current (dr.28)

The standstill continuous current affects the electronic motor protection function (see chapter 7.13.). Controller configuration

Parameter cS.00 must set to value 4: "speed control" for closed-loop operation.

cS.00 Controller configuration

Bit Description Value Function
4: Speed control
0...3 Control mode 5: Torque control
(description see chapter 7.7)
6: Torque/ speed Actual value source

The actual value source for speed control must be selected in parameter cS.01 .
Possible values for
​​ drives with speed encoder are 0 (speed measurement via encoder interface channel 1) or
1 (speed measurement via encoder interface channel 2).
Description of the correct parameter setting of the encoder interfaces is made in chapter 7.11 "Speed measure-
ment". cS.01 = 2 (calculated actual value) must be selected at operation without speed encoder (only SCL).

cS.01 Actual value source

Bit Description Value Function
0: Channel 1 Control to encoder interface 1
0...1 Actual value source 1: Channel 2 Control to encoder interface 2
2: calculated actual value Control to estimated speed
0: off
2 System inversion
4: An

With activation of the system inversion it is reached that the motor with selected rotation direction "forward"
(e.g. by setpoint- or rotation setting) has the physically direction "reverse" respectively at setting "reverse" the
physical rotation "forward". Precondition is a correct wiring of motor and speed feedback (if available).

Page 7.6 - 4 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H © KEB, 2012-10

Motor data and controller adjustments of the synchronous motor Motor adaption

Fr.10 = 2 (for some applications Fr.10 = 1 /explanation see below) must be entered once after input of the motor
The parameter can only be written in „nop“ status !

Fr.10 load motor dependent parameter

Value Function
0: finished
1: uF.09 Calculation depending on uF.09 respectively voltage class
2: actual DC link
Calculation depending on act. DC link voltage

The calculation at Fr.10 = 1 is depending on the voltage entered in parameter uF.09 "Voltage stabilisation". If
this parameter displays "off" (standard adjustment), then the voltage class of the frequency inverter (400V or
230V) is used.
The current DC link voltage of the frequency inverter, which is proportional to the supply input voltage, is con-
sidered for the calculations at Fr.10 = 2.
However this only applies uF.09 is on "off".

Thus the following parameter are pre-charged dependent on the motor and inverter data:

Current controller
-  dS.00 Kp current
-  dS.01 Ki current

Torque limits:
-  cS.19 Absolute torque reference
-  cS.20...23 Torque limits clockwise- counter clockwise rotation/ motoring- generating
-  Pn.61 Abnormal stopping torque limit
-  dr.33 DSM max. torque

Motor type (only at SCL):

-  nn.01 Stabilisation current
-  nn.02 lower speed limit / stabilisation
-  nn.03 upper speed limit / stabilisation
-  nn.10 Standstill current
-  nn.11 Type stabilization time constant

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 7.6 - 5

Motor data and controller adjustments of the synchronous motor IPM motors (reluctance torque)

Addr. Parameter Name Value Function

Torque mode 0: Off No support of the reluctance torque
1: on Calculation of the reluctance torque for the
operation without encoder "SCL“
1128h dS.40
2: On +Isd Tab (cS.35) Calculation of the reluctance torque with set-
ting of IdRef from the table in cS.35.
→ Only for operation with encoder feedback!
Set torque isq 0...127 Index
0F22h cS.34
Set torque isd + / 32000 Internal ADC -current resolution norm. Index
0F23h cS.35
table 127 corresponds to the max. torque in dr.33

A reluctance torque can only be generated if there are differences in the inductance of the d/q axis. The in-
ductance (dr. 64) is indicated as Lsq and the inductance (dr. 31) as Lsd. This is particularly pronounced for IPM
motors (LSQ> Lsd). A current in the D-axis must be provided depending on the set torque in order to use the re-
luctance torque. The function IdRef = f (MRef) is too complex to be calculated in the inverter. It is calculated with
a KEB excel tool and stored as download in table cS.35. Please contact KEB to obtain the tool. If it is operated
in SCL mode (operation without encoder feedback) the presetting may not be activated. Here the magnetizing
current is automatically adjusted optimal by an angle deviation error in the estimation.

Torque equation of the PMSM :

→ M = 3 * zp [ isd * isq * (Lsd - Lsq) + Ψp * Isq ]

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Motor data and controller adjustments of the synchronous motor



© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 7.6 - 7

Motor data and controller adjustments of the synchronous motor

7.6.2 Speed-controlled operation with encoder feedback Controller structure

Diagram of the controller structure for operation with encoder feedback, see chapter 7.6.4. Absolute position (encoder 1)

The system position acquires the mechanical misalignment between rotor and zero position of the mounted
encoder system. This system position is preset at standard KEB motors in factory setting.
In order to operate a customer motor with encoder system it is necessary to make the automatically calibration
to detect the system position.
The following steps must be done:

- open control release ST (terminal X2A.16)

- Initial settings described in chapter 7.6.1 must be done.
- Enter increments per revolution in Ec.01/ Ec.11
- Check dircetion of rotation. The speed display ru.09/ ru.10 must be positive in case of manual forward
rotation. Otherwise the direction of rotation can to be changed as defined in chapter 7.11.7.
- Attention has to be paid to in-phase connection (connect inverter terminals U, V, W on the motor terminal
board with the appropriate contacts). If the cabling is correct, the setting "clockwise rotation" will lead to
the following sense of rotation:

- Motor must mandatory run with no load.

- Enter „2206“ in Ec.02/ Ec.12 and confirm message (depending on encoder interface).
- Close control release
- The motor is excited with motor current dr.23. Subsequently a forward-/reverse running identification is
executed. On successful conclusion the inverter state displays ru.00 = 127 (drive data calculated).
- the Error E.ENC1 respectivelyor E.EnC2 is triggered if the motor cannot rotate free or if the direction of
rotation is not confirm with the phase position.
- Open control release after successful trimming (ru.00 = 127 drive data calculated).

The current system position is written into the respective parameter (Ec.02/ Ec.12).

Compatibility with S4-systems

If a S4 system shall be replaced by a F5-S, the system position for the F5 inverter can be calculated from the
data of S4:

Ec.02 or Ec.12 = system position F5-S

Ec.07 = system position S4
Pole-pair number = rated frequency * 60 / rated speed

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Motor data and controller adjustments of the synchronous motor

1. Calculate: Ec.07 * pole-pair number / 65536

2. Take the decimal places of this result

3. Ec.02 or Ec.12 = decimal places * 65536

Example.: Ec.07 = 49000

ppz = 3

49000 x 3
Intermediate value = ————— = 2.24304

Use only decimal places:

Ec.02 = 0.24304 x 65536 = 15928

Additionally, one has to be aware that the resolver cables for the S4-systems are incompatible with the corre-
sponding F5-cables. Speed measurement

Adjustments shall be made in the Ec parameters in order to operate the servo system (depending on the used
encoder system).
See chapter 7.11 „speed measurement“.

7.6.3 Speed-controlled operation without encoder feedback (SCL)

7 General

With this software the speed of the motor can be calculated by the measured currents and the motor data (by
means of a model). This calculated speed can be used as feedback for the speed controller. The necessary
motor data for the model can be identified by the KEB COMBIVERT itselfs. Static operation with small frequen-
cies must be avoided, because the model can become unstable. The usable frequency range is approx. 1:100.
At setpoint speed 0, the speed control is deactivated and the motor is aligned using a predefined DC current.

The software version 2.x is only ready to run on the new control hardware xA.F5.230-0018 or -0019.

No compatibility exists between the previous versions 1.x and the versions 2.x; Parameter
lists of the old versions must be adjusted accordingly! Initial settings for sensorless operation

The following adjustments are default values and must not be adjusted:

- The controller configuration cS.00 must set to value „4: speed control“.
- The actual source cS.01 must set to value „2: calculated actual value“.
- The break handling Pn.34 must be activated (default value = 2: without display)
- The motor model nn.00 must be set to value "191".

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 7.6 - 9

Motor data and controller adjustments of the synchronous motor Identification of the motor data

The required equivalent circuit data for the motor model can be determined by the KEB COMBIVERT itselfs.
First, the motor data must be entered according to chapter 7.6.1, and the motor adaption must be executed.

There are two possibilities to start the identification:

- Writing of parameter dr.48 in inverter state "stop (LS)", measurement is starting automati-
- Writing of parameter dr.48 in inverter state „no control release (noP)“ with subsequent con-
trol release.

Parameter dr.48 cannot be written in other operating conditions.

The measured values can be invalid in case of strong overdimensioning of the inverter. The rated current of the
motor should be at least 1/3 of the maximum short time current limit. The short time current limit is determined
by the overload characteristics and can be taken from the power circuit manual or parameter In.18 (hardware

The direction of rotation during identification of the EMC is always "clockwise rotation"!

Value 82 "calculate drive data / Cdd" is output during measurement in inverter state ru.00. After successful
measurement ru.00 = 127 "drive data calculated/Cddr" is displayed.
If the measurement is interrupted with an error, in ru.00 = 60 "error! drive data / E.Cdd) is displayed.No correct
operation can be ensured in case of an abort.
The actual state of the identification is displayed in parameter dr.62 "state motor ident." The control release
must be switched off in order to leave the identification mode.
Parameter dr.48 must be written again in order to start a new measurement.

For safety reasons the output signal "brake release" is not set during measurement, since the motor cannot
generate a defined torque in this time.

Since the identification in the automatic mode is very reliable and for the user the most pleasant method it is
recommended to use generally this method according to chapter

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Motor data and controller adjustments of the synchronous motor

dr.48 Motor identification

Bit Description Value Function
0: off
1: Calculation EMC * Calculation of the EMC from motor data
2: Inductance * Measurement of the winding inductance respec-
3: Resistance * Winding resistance
5: Model-/controller parameterisa- Calculation of the current controller from equiva-
tion * lent circuit data
Attention: requires motor rotation!
6: EMC with rotation *
EMC measurement
7: Automatically sequence without
Start of the automatic measurement without EMC
8: Automatically sequence with
Start of the automatic measurement with EMC
0...4 Measurement
9: Dead time detection 2 kHz *
10: Dead time detection 4 kHz *
Measurement of dead time compensation cha-
11: Dead time detection 8 kHz *
racteristics for different switching frequencies
12: reserved
13: Dead time detection 16 kHz *
14: Torque detection 2 kHz
15: Torque detection 4 kHz Detection of the no-load torque at different swit-
16: Torque detection 8 kHz ching frequencies. During operation this torque is
17: reserved subtracted from torque display ru.12.
18: Torque detection 16 kHz
19: Current offset detection Detection of the current offset in phase U and V
20: reserved
0: 1000Hz
32: 500Hz
64: 250Hz The measuring frequency is changed indepen-
96: 125Hz dently during measurement.
5...7 Frequency
128: 62.5Hz
160: 32.25Hz Therefore, leave the value at 0: keep 1000Hz!

192: 15.625Hz
224: 7.8125Hz
* at dr.48 = 8 auto-identification Auto-identification

The automatic identification can be carried out with rotation (dr.48=8) or without rotation (dr.48 = 7) (see table
dr.48). The measurement of the dead time compensation characteristics as well as stator resistance and lea-
kage inductance occurs during standstill.
For EMC identification it is necessary to accelerate the motor onto 60% of its rated speed. For this case an
additional ramp of dr.49 "Lh ident. acc/dec time" is effective". Calculation of the ramp can be taken from chapter

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 7.6 - 11

Motor data and controller adjustments of the synchronous motor

For large synchronous motors, it leads to significant mechanical vibration and thus to noise development during
measurement of the leakage inductance with motor rated current. Here it is reasonable to reduce the measu-
ring current to 10..30% of the rated current.
The measured inductance is depending on the current level (saturation effects)!

The same function as for inductance is used for the current offset detection. Thus the parameter also has in-
fluence here on the current level.

Parameter Name Value range

Dr.67 Current for Ls/loff identification (default value = 100% of the rated motor 0…250%

A reduction is not necessary for the asynchronous machine. No flux is build-up, thus there is also no movement.

The speed controller should be parameterized with small Kp-, Ki values before the motor can be accelerated.
The speed controller can be preset optimally if the motor mass-moment of inertia is known (see chapter

Depending on the used motor the identification takes some minutes!

Automatic identification cannot be executed if a sine-wave filter is connected!

Identification at encoder operation can only be done with value 7: „automatic operation without rotation" or as
single identification as described in the following, because the motor model is not active. Single identification

As far as possible single identifications should not be used for the first measurement of the motor adaption,
since invalid test reading can occur at false sequence of the identifications.
Single identification can always be used if a complete automatic measurement was executed and only indivi-
dual parameters shall be identified. For example this can be a resistance measurement at rated-load operating

Inductance (dr.48 = 2)

Measurement of dr.31"winding inductance" occurs with high-frequency AC current in standstill. The measure-
ment is started with dr.48 = 2. Measurement current is DSM rated current dr.23.
The frequency of the measurement signal is adjustable via bits 5... 7 in parameter dr.48.If the measurement
current cannot be reached with 1kHz, then the identification reduces the measuring frequency automatically.
Therefore the frequency value should not be changed.
The inductance value is automatically written in dr.31 after identification.

Default setting of the current controller parameters and EMC (dr.48 = 1)

The EMC can be roughly calculated from the entered motor data like rated current and rated torque. dr.48 = 1
„calculation of the EMC“ must be written for this.

Mn x 90
EMC = ————

The current controller values are also roughly preset.

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Motor data and controller adjustments of the synchronous motor

Resistance (dr.48 = 3)

Measurement of the the resistance occurs with DC current in phase U to V.

The measurement is started with dr.48 = 3. The resistance value is entered in dr.30 in case of successful iden-

Calculation of the current controller from equivalent circuit data (dr.48 = 5)

The current controller parameters are calculated from the pre-identified equivalent circuit data with the adjust-
ment of dr.48 = 5. Is not identifed in the automatic mode if this calculation should occur before the identification
of the EMC.

EMC with motion (dr.48 = 6)

The drive accelerates to a rated speed of 60% for the identification of the EMC. The ramp of dr.49 (Lh.ident.
acc/dec time) is used for the acceleration. The general speed limits of the oP parameters are valid! (see chapter
7.4 setpoint setting)
This measurement is only possible if the EMC adaptation of nn.00 (motor model adjustment) is activated (de-
fault setting!).

The value is written in dr.26 (DSM EMC peak value) and additionally in dr.63 (DSM EMC HR) if the identification
is successful executed.
Parameter dr.63 has a higher resolution and is suitable for applications with high frequencies.

Deadtime detection (dr.48 = 9…13)

The deadtime detection works only as single identification if the stator resistance is correct entered/identified.
The measured values can be read out via In.39 "deadtime selector" and In.40 "deadtime".
The measured deadtime compensation characteristics are effective during operation, if uF.18 "deadtime comp.
mode" is adjusted to value 3: "automatically" The characteristics are not cleared by Fr.01 "load default set" . 7
Torque detection (dr.48 = 14…18)

This should be executed only if the application really requires increased torque accuracy. The displayed idling
torque in ru.12 (actual torque) is subtracted during operation, so that the real shaft torque is displayed.
This residual torque is partly caused by switching frequency-dependent losses in the inverter and also by me-
ans of friction losses.
The torque offset of the complete drive for the different switching frequencies is measured with dr.48 = 14...18.
Thereby the drive accelerates in 16 steps with the adjusted ramp in dr.49 to maximum 1,3-fold synchronous
speed. The general speed limits of the op parameters are effective.
The measured residual torque is stored and interpolated as correction characteristic.
The torque offset characteristic can be read out with parameters dr.58 "torque offset selectort" and dr.59 "torque
The characteristics are deleted by Fr.01 -4 "copy parameter set" and also by Fr.10 "load motor dependent

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 7.6 - 13

Motor data and controller adjustments of the synchronous motor

Current offset detection (dr.48 = 19)

The current offset is caused by tolerances of the components in the test circuit and as standard automatically
synchronized in non-energized state (inverter state "nop"). It is necessary in some cases to execute the ad-
justment in power on status by means of current-dependent tolerances in the current detection. For this adjust
parameter dr.48 = 19 and a high frequency AC current is output by the inverter. The rated current of the motor
is injected with a starting frequency of 1kHz. The frequency is automatically reduced if this is not possible.
Furthermore the automatic measurement is deactivated when the modulation is switched off, so the identified
offset remains permanently.

It is recommended to change current offset values only in compliance with KEB. Dead time compensation (uf.18)

The drive has also measured the dead time compensation characteristic during automatic identification. The
calibrated characteristic must be activated for the control with motor model by the setting "dead time compen-
sation mode" (uF.18) = 3: „automatic“.

uF.18: dead time compensation mode

Value Explanation
0: off Deactivates the dead time compensation
1: linear Default setting for u/F characteristics open loop operation
2: e function Only required for special applications
3: automatical- Activation of the identified characteristic. Shall always be used at control of synchronous
ly motors with motor model

Further available kinds of the dead time compensation are only required for special applications (applications
with high frequencies, some special motors) or in other operating modes (e.g. V/f characteristics controlled).
The dead time compensation can be switched off via a digital input. The digital input is selected with parameter
uF.21. This disconnection is only required for special applications with high frequency. motor identification error state dr.66

see chapter motor identification error state dr.66

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Motor data and controller adjustments of the synchronous motor Standstill and starting phase

It must be secured that the rotor is in a defined position after switching on of the control release ST. Therefore
a DC current is injected at standstill. Then the rotor rotates into its origin position.
The standstill current is ½ of the rated current and can be adapted in parameter nn.10 in default setting after
operation of Fr.10.
The times (Pn.35 and Pn.36) of the brake handling are active for standstill operation. In order that the rotor does
not vibrate after setting the control release, the current reaches the setpoint value in a half of the time adjusted
in Pn.35 "premagenetising time". (see picture
The half current-dependent load torque is acceptable as mechanical load (e.g. ¼ of the rated torque at ½ of
rated current at standstill).

Current (A) Speed (rpm)
Current [A] Speed [rpm]
12 200

Standstill current 160
8 Stabilisation
current Ramp output
nn.01 ru.02 1240

6 100

60 7


0 0
½Pn.35 ½Pn.35 Pn.36 nn.02 nn.03


Speed search

The rotor rotates at some applications when the modulation is switched on. The current speed can be deter-
mined with Pn.26 "speed search condition". (For further information seechapter 7.13.4 SSF)

Additional start ramp

In order to leave the critical range of small speed at starting and stopping there is an additional ramp for this

The ramp is defined by parameter nn.08 nn.08 "startup speed" which indicates the speed range and parameter
nn.09 „startup time" which indicates the appropriate acceleration-/ deceleration time.

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Motor data and controller adjustments of the synchronous motor


Drehzahl / min-1



100 Rampenausgang
nn.08 80




0 0,25 0,5 0,75 1 1,25 1,5

nn.09 Zeit / s


Ud.02 = 8: F5S / 4000 rpm

nn.08 = 80 rpm
nn.09 = 6.25 s

Open loop operation/ start ramp

The open loop operation is activated with bit 9 of nn.00 "motor model select" and is only active during
Start ramp active. Condition:start ramp is parameterized.
The current of nn.01 "stabilisation current" must be regarded as maximum active current. The current ramp of
nn.02and nn.03 must be parametrized by such way (see also chapter "Low speed") that the lowering of
current (nn.03) is upside the deactivation of the open-loop operation (nn.03 > nn.08). Low speed

The critical speed range (typically below 1% of the rated speed) is stabilized by reactive current. This current
adjustable in nn.01 "stabilisation current" is linear reduced depending on the actual speed in ru.07 from speed
nn.02 "min speed for current" to nn.03 "max. speed for current".

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Motor data and controller adjustments of the synchronous motor


Strom / A Drehzahl / min-1

12 200

10 Ausrichtstrom 160
6 100


0 0
nn.02 nn.03

It is necessary to adapt the current or the ramp if there are vibrations during steady state. Motor model 7

The motor model calculates an estimated speed from the motor data and the actual values of voltage and cur-
rent. Then this speed is admitted to the speed controller. The calculated model currents can be used also for
current control.

nn.00 Motor model select

Bit Description Value Function
Standstill current and 0: off
0 Activation of nn.01 and nn.10
stabilisation current 1: On *
0: off
1 Model stabilisation Stabilizes the motor model
2: On *
Stator resistance/ 0: off
2 Adapts the stator resistance at low speed
adaption 4: On *
0: Encoder inter- Speed control with model to encoder 1
3 Speed source face 1
8: Model * Speed control with spreed estimation
0: off
4 High-speed model Activates the high-speed model for upper speed
16: On *
Observer/ motor 0: off
5 Stabilizes the high-speed model
model 32: On *

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Motor data and controller adjustments of the synchronous motor

0: measured cur-
rent *
6 Current control with Current control to model currents
64: estimated
0: off
7 EMC adaption Adapts the EMC at upper speed
128: On *
Current offset adap- 0: Off *
8 Adapts the current offset during operation
tion 256: An
0: Off *
9 Controlled operation Switching off the model during start ramp
512: An
0: Off * Activates the harmonic absorber for operation with sine-
10 Band-stop filter
1024: An wave filter
0: Off *
11 Deviation controller Deviation of model currents to measured currents
2048: An
Voltage output for HF 0: Off *
12 Activates double voltage output
applications 4096: An
0: Off *
13 HF detection Determines rotor and system position when switching on.
8192: An
0: Off *
14 HF injection Determines the rotor position continuously at low speed.
16348: An

* Default values

Standstill current and stabilisation current (nn.01, nn.10)

The currents nn.01 "stabilisation current" and nn.10 "standstill current" can be switched off with bit 0 of nn.00.
The starting phase with activated currents runs more steady. In such a way this adjustment should not be
The values are limited to ½ of the HSR current In.18 if the rated motor current is higher than the inverter rated

Stator resistance adaption

The stator resistance changing by temperature influences can affect the behavior at low speed as well as the
start. The RS adaptation adjusts the stator resistance and stabilizes the motor model therefore.
The I-part of the adaptation can be adjusted with nn.06 "rs adaption factor". The rs adaptation becomes active
with ru.17 "active current" > nn.01.

EMC adaption

The EMC changing by load and temperature influences is adjusted at upper speed.
The adaption becomes active at actual speed ru.07 > ¼ of the rated speed dr.24 and improves the accuracy
of the actual torque display ru.12.


The observer amplifies the influence of the measured currents in the model. The most effects become notice-
able in the upper speed range.
The value must be increased if current oscillations occur at e.g. applications with high frequency.
The observer factor can be adjusted with nn.07 "observer factor".

Page 7.6 - 18 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H © KEB, 2012-10

Motor data and controller adjustments of the synchronous motor

Voltage output for HF applications

It is necessary for applications with high frequency to activate the double voltage output with bit 12 of nn.00.

Speed estimation

The speed estimate controller is calculated by writing on Fr.10 and cannot be changed. The speed estimate
controller estimates a speed from the currents of the motor model. Parameter nn.04 "time speed calculation"
determines the scan time of the speed estimate controller. This time should not be changed.

Parameter nn.05 "filter speed calculation " determines the smoothing time at the output of the controller. Oscil-
lations are reduced when the value is increased, but the drive becomes more non-dynamic.
At special applications the drive has to rotate only into oneway direction. The respective direction of rotation can
be locked with oP.40/ oP.41 "max. output val. for/rev" by writing the parameter value to "0" and thus the speed
estimation is limited. To limit the speed estimate controller see also chapter

The general speed control settings can be adjusted according to chapter 7.7.1 "speed control".

Diagram of the controller structure for operation without encoder feedback, see chapter 7.6.4. Operation with sine-wave filter

For the operation with sine-wave filter it is necessary to filter the resonance frequency with a band-stop filter. The
resonance frequency of the sine-wave filter and the corresponding filter parameters can be determined with the tool
sine-wave filter exe ( The equivalent circuit data of the motor and sine-wave filter must be entered
in order to generate a parameter list. Then this parameter list must be loaded to the frequency inverter. The filter
parameters are stored in the fh parameter group.
The resonance frequency is filtered of the estimated currents with software filter, in order that there is no reaction.
The band-stop filter must be activated in nn.00 "motor model select" bit 10 (band-stop filter). Also it must be con- 7
trolled to the estimated currents nn.00 bit 6 (current control). The deviation controller should be switched on with
bit 11 of nn.00 in order to avoid possible effects on wrong estimation. The deviation controller adjusts the estimated
currents to the measured currents with the scan time of nn.12 "deviation control time". This time can be increased
in case of current oscillations.
The inverter current is mostly higher than the motor current because there is a current through the capacitor of
the sine-wave filter. The single-phase capacitor value must be entered in nn.13 "C-filter [UF]" in order to clear
this error.

The EMC adaptation must be deactivated with bit 7 of nn.00.

The increased current ripple and the capacitor current must be considered at the dimensioning of the inver-
The minimum inverter switching frequency must be greater or equal than the minimum switching frequency
of the sine-wave filter.

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 7.6 - 19

Motor data and controller adjustments of the synchronous motor Functions in the SCL software

nn.00: Motor model select

Bit Meaning
14 HF injektion

In order that these functions can be used, the following special requirements apply to the synchronous motor:

- The difference between Ld and Lq (minimum and maximum value​​) should be greater than 30%.
- The curve of inductance with a circulation of rho should be sinusoidal.

These criteria can be checked during the identification (dr.48 = 2) by recording dr.31 and EC.40.

dS.30 rotor position detection

0 = off

dS.31 rotor position mode

0 : Ld different Lq
1 : Ld = Lq
The more favorable operating mode is preset by the motor identification and Fr10.

dS.32 KI HF detection
Illustration of nn.16 in dS parameters
This parameter is used to optimize the first operating mode dS.31 = 0

dS.33 current limit for HF supply

This parameter is preset by Fr10 after a motor identification.
The voltage jump is adjusted by way that the preset current is approximately reached.
This parameter must be increased if the rotor position at dS.31 = 1 is suboptimal.

The current is internally limited to maximum In.01 rated inverter current. For this the inductance in dr.31 must
be correctly measured or adjusted.

COMBIVIS 5 Scope - H:\CvKebData\F5\SCL\Identifikation\Luv\Luv_Messung_24SM000340F.sc5 - Node 1 COMBIVIS 5 Scope - H:\CvKebData\F5\SCL\Identifikation\Luv\BMP_Luv_1000Hz.sc5 - Node 1
COMBIVIS 5 Version 5.6 Registered to: :Horn COMBIVIS 5 Version 5.6 Registered to: :Horn
Printdate: 19.12.2007 14:59:48 Filedate: 22.12.2004 11:38:30 Printdate: 19.12.2007 14:51:41 Filedate: 19.12.2007 11:52:00
1017: F5E-S/V2.20 8000rpm 1017: F5E-S/V2.20 8000rpm
X (us/Division): 80000 X (us/Division): 512000
CH Parameter Set Y-Scaler (n/Division) Y-Zero at CH Parameter Set Y-Scaler (n/Division) Y-Zero at
A Ec40 act.absolute pos. el. 0 7282 32768 A dr31 DSM inductance 0 0,25 mH 14,82 mH
B dr31 DSM inductance 0 1,00 mH 5,66 mH B AA52 int. data 2 0 7235 170
C Off C Off
D Off D Off

Cursor I Cursor II Difference:
Ec40 act.absolute
el. [26824] 26824 [-11591] -11591 Cursor I Cursor II Difference:
dr31 DSM inductance
[644] 6,44 mH [484] 4,84 mH [-160] -1,60 mH dr31 DSM inductance
[1537] 15,37 mH [1425] 14,25 mH [-112] -1,12 mH
AA52 int. data[15969]
2 15969 [-16219] -16219 [-32188] -32188

Ldmax = 6.4 mH Ldmax = 15.3 mH

Ldmin = 4.8 mH Ldmin = 14.3 mH
The difference in the inductance is 33%. The difference in the inductance is 7%.

Page 7.6 - 20 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H © KEB, 2012-10

Motor data and controller adjustments of the synchronous motor

The curve of rho is sinusoidal. The curve of rho is not sinusoidal and has constant
The HF signals can be used optimally with this motor. The HF signals cannot be used with this motor.

HF detection

With this function the rotor position is determined first with each switching on of the modulation. The amplitude
of the test signal is determined by the winding inductance dr.31.

COMBIVIS 5 Scope - H:\CvKebData\F5\SCL\HF Rotorlageidentifikation\1Kpltest.sc5 - Knoten 1

COMBIVIS 5 Version 5.6 Registriert für: :Horn
Druckdatum: 12.12.2006 07:46:05 Dateidatum: 28.11.2006 14:04:32

745: F5E-S/V2.21 8000rpm

X (us/Teilung): 5568
CH Parameter Satz Y-Faktor (n/Teilung) Y-Null bei
A AA51 int. data 1 0 441 0
B AA52 int. data 2 0 2 0
C AA53 int. data 3 0 5000 0
D AA54 int. data 4 0 1820 0


D Cursor I:16822us Cursor II:946us Differenz:-15876us
AA51 int. data[-466]
1 -466 [14] 14 [480] 480
AA52 int. data[1]2 1 [1] 1 [0] 0
AA53 int. data[5088]
3 5088 [11512] 11512 [6424] 6424
AA54 int. data[631]
4 631 [7199] 7199 [6568] 6568
If this function is activated, one can deactivate the general start with alignment current and brake handling.

The system position is also determined with this function. The determined position is stored in Ec.02 or Ec.12
depending on cS.01. Thus the system position of a motor at standstill can be determined. The operation of a
synchronous motor is still possible only with incremental encoder.

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 7.6 - 21

Motor data and controller adjustments of the synchronous motor

HF supply

The rotor position can be determined continuously with a test signal for operation at standstill and low speed.

HF supply is only possible with a switching frequency of 8 or 16 kHz. The power unit must supply the required
current also at 0 Hz and 8 or 16 kHz.

The internal FoH filter is used for HF supply. The default values ​​of parameters fh.01... fh.09 are preset to 1 kHz
with quality factor 5. If the HF injection is used the speed controller must be adjusted a little softer.

Since the HF supply has only advantages in the lower speed range, it is switched off above nn.03. When falling
below nn.02 the HF supply is switched on again. The HF supply is advantageous only in lower speed range if
there are problems with the motor model.

nn.14 HF supply amplitude

The signal amplitude of the HF supply can be modified here. A higher value means more information, but also
higher losses and a higher noise level.
The default value is selected by way that 1/8 of the rated motor current is used. But maximally 25% of the ma-
ximum output voltage.

nn.15 HF supply optimization

The Pi-controller for speed determination at HF injection ​​can be modified here. This Pi-controller is paramete-
rized by dr.31, dr.64, nn.14 and nn.15.

nn.17 speed limit open-loop operation

The speed limit for the speed limit open-loop operation is now separately adjustable from the additional ramp via nn.17. In
order that all remains downward compatible, nn.08 is still active for the speed limit open-loop operation, if nn.17 is set to 0.

Page 7.6 - 22 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H © KEB, 2012-10

isq controller
Speed controller and isq ref
torque limitation
Usq Volt U
- -

Precontrol and Transformation

© KEB, 2012-10
decoupling and dead time Power unit
Volt V iv SM
isd controller 3ph
1/ru.18 iw

Volt W

isq reg
Block diagram

isd reg
Figure 7.6.4.a Block diagram SCL

Maximum voltage control-

ler and field weakening

Selection of the ru.17

current feedback Transformation

isq model


isd modell SCL motor model

ru.07 EC.40

Legend block diagram

ru.02 Ramp output display (speed setpoint)

ru.07 Actual value display (actual speed from motor model)
ru.17 Active current (isq)
ru.18 DC link voltage
ru.87 Magnetisation current (isd)
EC.40 Actual absolute electrical position
Motor data and controller adjustments of the synchronous motor

Page 7.6 - 23
Page 7.6 - 24
nn.00 current control
isq reg
nn.00 harmonic absorber
Current controller adaption
isq model
Figure 7.6.4.b SCL Current feedback

nn.12 Pt1 deviation

control time.

isq model Band-stop

fh.01 ... fh.09


nn.00 current control
isd reg
nn.00 harmonic absorber
Current control-
ler adaption
isd modell
nn.12 Pt1 deviation
control time.

isd modell
fh.01 ... fh.09
Motor data and controller adjustments of the synchronous motor

© KEB, 2012-10
© KEB, 2012-10
cS.06...cS.12 speed controller parameters

KP factor KI factor

cS.8 cS.9+cS.10
ru.07 cS.7

cS.6 cs.9

xd nact.
Xd(n) act. speed
cS.11 cS.12


Figure 7.6.4.c Speed controller and torque limitation

Torque limitation Pt 1 Torque reference

Speed controller cS.15, cS.19...cS.23 cS.29
Torque limita-
isq_ref_int_b isq_ref_int_c isq_ref
tion for field

cS.27 pretorq. speed PT1- time

ru.02 Time slot


Mass moment of inertia * factor / 100 %

cS.25 * cS.28 / 100 %

Motor data and controller adjustments of the synchronous motor

Page 7.6 - 25
Motor data and controller adjustments of the synchronous motor

Figure 7.6.4.d Torque limitation field weakening

ds.03. Torque mode
isq_ref_int_c off

Torque characteristic for field weakening

(only further lowering of the limits)

ds.03.current/torque mode (Uzk-depending shifting)

nact. dr.40
DC-link voltage

dr.39 dr.41 dr.43 dr.45 dr.46

Page 7.6 - 26 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H © KEB, 2012-10

Speed control

7.1 Operating and appliance data

1. Introduction

7.2 Analog in- and outputs

2. Summary
7.3 Digital in- and outputs

3. Hardware
7.4 Setpoint-, rotation- and ramp presetting

Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous

4. Operation motor

Motor data and controller adjustments of the synchronous

Selection of Operating motor
7.7 Speed control

6. Initial Start-up
7.8 Torque display and -limiting

7.9 Torque control

7. Functions 7

7.10 Current control, -limiting and switching frequencies

8. Error Assistance
7.11 Speed measurement

9. Project Design
7.12 Posi- and synchronous operation

7.13 Protective functions

10. Networks

7.14 Parameter sets

11. Parameter Overview

7.15 Special functions

12. Annex
7.16 CP-Parameter definition

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 7.7 - 1

Speed control

7.7.1. Speed controller parameters................................................................................................... 7.7 - 3 Initial setting............................................................................................................ 7.7 - 3 Automatic adjustment of the speed controller (only at operating with motor model) ......
7.7 - 3 Square influence of the controller parameters........................................................ 7.7 - 3 Operating state-dependent control parameters.......................................... 7.7 - 7
7.7.2. Determination of the mass moment of inertia........................................................................ 7.7 - 8
7.7.3. PT1 output filter......................................................................................................................... 7.7 - 9
7.7.4. Acceleration dependent pre-control....................................................................................... 7.7 - 9 Precontrol reciprocal of amplification / filtering..................................................... 7.7 - 10 Setpoint smoothening........................................................................................... 7.7 - 11

Page 7.7 - 2 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H © KEB, 2012-10

Speed control

7.7 Speed control

The speed controller is a PI controller.
A PT1 low pass filter is series-connected.
The integral factor Ki can be changed speed-dependent. The proportional factor Kp can be increased propor-
tionally to the control deviation.
In order to improve the control performance of the drive (low overshoot, higher dynamics), the speed controller
can be pre-controlled with known mass-moment of inertia.

7.7.1. Speed controller parameters Initial setting

The speed controller is a PI controller.

The proportional factor "Kp speed" is adjusted in cS.06 and the integral factor "KI speed" in cS.09 Automatic adjustment of the speed controller (only at operating with motor model)

Kp (cS.06) and Ki (cS.09) of the speed controller can be preset by the inverter. For this the mass-moment of
inertia of the complete system (motor + rigidly coupled load) must be entered in cS.25 „inertia“.

After the input of the motor data once parameter Fr.10 "Reset field-oriented control parameter" = 1 or 2 must
be written. Thus dependent on the adjusted rated power (dr.03) the mass-moment of inertia was pre-charged
for a standard asynchronous motor in cS.25. The value of cS.25 has the right dimension for 50Hz standard
motors, because at some applications the ratio of the load inertia is in a range of 0.5...2 x motor inertia.

Better results can be realized if the total moment of inertia is exactly preset. If the value is unknown it can be described in chapter 7.7.2. 7
Parameter cS.26 „optimisation" determines the control characteristic which should be achieved by the calcu-
lated parameters.
Parameters for a dynamic, hard speed controller adjustment are calculated with cS.26 = 2. Interference fac-
tors, such as torsion or tolerance of the load coupling can intensify vibrations, so that a higher value must be
entered in cS.26.
Parameters for a very soft and slow speed controller adjustment are calculated with cS.26 = 15. Which value
between 2 and 15 is most suitable for the application is depending on the oscillation-grade of the total system.

An oscillation of the estimated speed is a possible disturbance at encoderless operation of asynchronous mo-
tors (ASCL). Extension of parameter "ASCL speed PT1 time" (ds.17) often enables a dynamic speed controller
adjustment, i.e. a smaller value for cS.26.

The precharging of the speed controller parameters can be deactivated with the adjustment of value "19 = off"
in cS.26.
The speed controller parameters are overwritten when the value for cS.26 is changed.

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 7.7 - 3

Speed control Square influence of the controller parameters

The speed controller parameters (KP, KI) can be influenced depending on the actual speed with this function.

LowGain = 100%
KP speed gain / peak % = cS.07
KP speed limit / gain % = cS.08
Speed for square function = cS.14
Max. speed for square function = cS.13
K1 = -(LowGain – PKGain) / Speed^2
K2 = -(HiGain – PKGain) / (Speed^2 – 2*Speed*MaxSpeed+MaxSpeed^2)
n = 0…MaxSpeed
Gain(n) = if [n<Speed, LowGain + K1*n^2;hiGain + K2 * (n – MaxSpeed)^2]
Gain is internally limited to 0…800%
KP = cS.06 * Gain / 100%
Ki = cS.09 * Gain / 100%

Parameter Name Mode

cS. 05 Speed KPKi Mode (default value 0) 0 = variable KP/Ki
1 = square KP
2 = square Ki
3 = square KP + Ki

If the square mode is adjusted, the variable KI and KP have no function. The mode cS.11=-1 = brake release
is possible.

Possible curves (Gain):


Verstärkung [%]





0 500 1000 1500 2000
n [U/min]

Picture 1:cS.07=30; cS.08=100; cS.12=500; cS.13=1000, „resonance point“

Page 7.7 - 4 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H © KEB, 2012-10

Speed control


Verstärkung [%]




0 500 1000 1500 2000
n [U/min]

Picture.2: cS.07=200; cS.08=100; cS.12=500; cS.13=1000


Verstärkung [%]





0 500 1000 1500 2000
n [U/min]

Picture.3: cS.07=100; cS.08=30; cS.12=500; cS.13=1000

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 7.7 - 5

Speed control


Verstärkung [%]





0 500 1000 1500 2000
n [U/min]

Picture.4: cS.07=30; cS.08=30; cS.12=1300; cS.13=1800


Inv. Imr
gain [%]

0 500 1000 1500 2000
n [rpm]
Picture.5: cS.07=100; cS.08=200; cS.12=1300; cS.13=3700, „field weakening“ (linear field weakening)

Page 7.7 - 6 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H © KEB, 2012-10

Speed control Operating state-dependent control parameters

The following parameters serve for the "fine tuning" of the speed controller and may not be changed in many

variable proportional factor KP KP factor

The proportional factor "KP speed" is adjusted
in (cS.06).
In addition to the standard KP-value a system- cS. 08
deviation-dependent proportional gain can
be adjusted with cS.07 and cS.08. With it the cS.07
dynamic performance can be improved and
overshootings can be dampened. cS.06

variable integral factor KI KI factor
Parameters cS.09...cS.12 determine the inte-
gral factor of the speed controller.
The KI-factor can be varied speed-dependent in cS.09+
order to reach a better speed rigidity at small cS. 10
speeds and in standstill.
- cS.09 forms the base value.
- the maximum value for the integral factor
is cS.09 + cS.10. cS.09 7
- the two corner speeds cS.11 and
cS.12 determine the speed range in which the
KI value is changed.

cS.11 cS.12 act. speed

A special function can be activated in parameter max. speed for max. KI (CS.11) by setting -1: brake release
which works only in connection with the brake control.
An enormous speed rigidity is required for load transfer with hoist drives or lifts,
in order that the brake release and the load transfer are not significant by the inverter.
This controller adjustment is not to be used for normal operation, since the speed controller oscillates too much
at this adjustment.
The solution is to enter a high value in parameter "KI offset“ (cS.10) in order make the controller rigidy. If cS.11
indicates the value "- 1: brake release", this "KI offset" is set immediately to 0 at the end of the brake release
time, not reduced during operating in a speed range.

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 7.7 - 7

Speed control

7.7.2 Determination of the mass moment of inertia

Process to determination of the mass moment of inertia

Delta n = 402 rpm


Set speed
calculated actual speed

Delta t = 0.26s

acceleration torque

Delta M = 662 Nm


The knowledge of the mass moment of inertia of the system (= motor + rigidly coupled load) is required for
the automatic calculation of the speed controller parameters as well as for the pre-control of the acceleration
If this mass moment of inertia is unknown, it can be determined by an acceleration test.
For this the system must be accelerated with defined, constant torque. It must be guaranteed that no significant
and acceleration-independent load torque occurs by the application.

The following formula is valid:

J = 95493 x ∆M x ———

Example: Ramp-up was recorded with COMBIVIS:

0.26 s
J = 95493 x 662 Nm —————— = 40886 kgcm2
402 rpm

In order to eliminate the effect of friction from the calculation, you can determine the mass moment of inertia a
second time in similar manner, however by deceleration test. The average value of both inertia, which is deter-
mined at ramp-up or deceleration must be entered in parameter cS.25 „inertia (kg cm^2)“.

Page 7.7 - 8 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H © KEB, 2012-10

Speed control

7.7.3 PT1 output filter

A PT1 low pass filter is series-connected to the speed controller.

Picture 7.7.3 PT1 output filter

Speed controller Low pass filter

active current

cS.06...cS.12 cS. 29

High frequency oscillations (caused by spring elements in the mechanics of the drive train) can be filtered by
this way from the active current setpoint signal.
The filter time must be adjusted in parameter cS.29 „act. curr. ref. PT1-time“ (cS.29). A longer filter time causes
a stronger smoothing of the active current signal, but also less dynamic control characteristic and increased
oscillation inclination.
An adaptation of the speed controller is required on changing the Pt1-time. This filter is used e.g. for spindles
in order to avoid jumps in the current setpoint at fast load changes.

7.7.4 Acceleration dependent pre-control

If the mass moment of inertia of a drive is known it can be calculated which torque is required to accelerate the
drive. This function is activated, if a value unequal 0 is entered in parameter cS.28 „pretorq. speed fact.%/". This
parameter must be set to 100% for a complete pre-control.
Picture 7.7.4 Acceleration dependent pre-control
pretorque speed
Inertia cS.25 fact. % cS.28

Low pass filter

actual speed set- precontrol
point value + delta n_set acceleration torque

pretorq. speed PT1-

Speed setpoint time cS.27
value before 1 ms +

Speed controller

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 7.7 - 9

Speed control Precontrol reciprocal of amplification / filtering

For some applications it is not necessary to pre-control the complete acceleration torque (cS.28 = 100%) see
the following reasons:

- a different torque is required with the same acceleration at motoring or generating (e.g. due to friction)
- the speed setpoint setting (e.g. by external control) is made in steps, so torque jumps can occur
- the (analog) speed setpoint setting is superimposed by a noise, which must be damped for the pre-

The influence of the pre-control can be damped with parameter cS.28 „pretorq. speed fact. %" for these appli-
Torque peaks, which are caused by a speed setpoint setting in steps, can be reduced by means of a low
pass filter. Here also valid: the higher the time in parameter cS.27 „pretorq. speed PT1 time“ the better the
smoothing, the undynamic but also the precontrol.

Page 7.7 - 10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H © KEB, 2012-10

Speed control Setpoint smoothening

For applications, when new setpoints are preset by an external control within fixed time base there is one
additional function for the acceleration torque pre-control: the setpoint smoothening.

without setpoint smoothening with optimal setpoint smoothening

(Parameter oP.74 „setpoint smoothening“ = 0: off) (Parameter oP.74 „reference splitting“ = cycle time of
A high precontrol value is calculated at every new the external setpoint setting in ms)
setpoint step without setpoint smoothening. The The speed setpoint is smoothed, the precontrol va-
precontrol function cannot be used. lue remains constant.

Sollwertvorgabe von
externer Steuerung = Sollwertvorgabe von
Drehzahlsollwert vor Rampe externer Steuerung

vor Rampe (ru.01)

Vorsteuerwert für das

Beschleunigungsmoment Vorsteuerwert für das

Zeit [ms] Zeit [ms]

with reference splitting and variable clock time of the external control
The longest clock time (in ms) must be entered in parameter oP.74 "reference splitting" for optimal precon-
trol at non-constant cycle time of the external control.
This causes a short delay of the reference value, but also a smoother precontrol value.
op.74 = Zeit für kürzesten op.74 = Zeit für längsten 7
Sollwertvorgabe-Zyklus Sollwertvorgabe-Zyklus

Sollwertvorgabe von Sollwertvorgabe von

externer Steuerung externer Steuerung

Drehzahlsollwert Drehzahlsollwert
vor Rampe (ru.01) vor Rampe (ru.01)

Vorsteuerwert für das Vorsteuerwert für das

Beschleunigungsmoment Beschleunigungsmoment

Zeit [ms] Zeit [ms]

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 7.7 - 11

Speed control

Page 7.7 - 12 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H © KEB, 2012-10

Torque display and -limiting

7.1 Operating and appliance data

1. Introduction

7.2 Analog in- and outputs

2. Summary
7.3 Digital in- and outputs

3. Hardware
7.4 Setpoint-, rotation- and ramp presetting

Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous

4. Operation motor

Motor data and controller adjustments of the synchronous

Selection of Operating motor
7.7 Speed control

6. Initial Start-up
7.8 Torque display and -limiting

7.9 Torque control

7. Functions 7

7.10 Current control, -limiting and switching frequencies

8. Error Assistance
7.11 Speed measurement

9. Project Design
7.12 Posi- and synchronous operation

7.13 Protective functions

10. Networks

7.14 Parameter sets

11. Parameter Overview

7.15 Special functions

12. Annex
7.16 CP-Parameter definition

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 7.8 - 1

Torque display and -limiting

7.8.1 Maximum voltage controller, voltage limit............................................................................. 7.8 - 3

7.8.2 Physical torque limits ASM...................................................................................................... 7.8 - 4 Torque limits in base speed range.......................................................................... 7.8 - 4 Torque limits in base speed range.......................................................................... 7.8 - 4
7.8.3 Physical torque limits DSM...................................................................................................... 7.8 - 6 Torque limits in base speed range (dr.27, dr.15).................................................... 7.8 - 6 Torque limits in base speed range.......................................................................... 7.8 - 6 Determination of the magnetizing current limit (dS.13)...................... 7.8 - 7 Definition of the limiting characteristic................................................ 7.8 - 8 Shifting of the limiting characteristic................................................. 7.8 - 10 Influence of the current limit............................................................. 7.8 - 11 Additionally torque limiting in the field weakening range...................................... 7.8 - 11
7.8.4 Adjustmentof application-dependent torque limits............................................................. 7.8 - 12
7.8.5 Display of actual torque values and limits........................................................................... 7.8 - 13
7.8.6 Display of the torque-related motor load (ru.90).................................................................. 7.8 - 14 Mode 1: „Torque reference level“ Le 27 = 0......................................................... 7.8 - 14 Mode 2: „Torque reference level“ Le 27 unequal 0............................................. 7.8 - 14

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Torque display and -limiting

7.8 Torque display and -limiting

Several factors limit the maximally available torque of a drive: in the base speed range, the current available
from the inverter, and in the field weakening range, additionally, the voltage that limits the breakdown torque of
the motor. Torque limit e.g. to protect the mechanics is also required for some applications.

7.8.1 Maximum voltage controller, voltage limit

The inverter always requires a voltage control reserve to adjust the current. The maximum voltage controller
limits the output voltage if the output voltage is too high (higher dS.10 "Umax modulation limit"). The maximum
voltage controller is activated by the input of values 8 or 24 under point „maximum voltage controller“ of para-
meter dS.04 "flux/rotor adaption mode".
The controller is switched off at value 0 or 16.

dS.04:Flux / rotor adaption mode

Bit Meaning Value Explanation

0: off, max. 110% controller off, max. modulation factor=110%

controller on,
16: off, max. 100%
Maximum voltage control- max. modulation factor = ds.10 + 2%
3, 4
16: off, max. 100% controller off, max. modulation factor=100%

24: on, max. 100% controller on, max. modulation factor=100%

The negative difference of the maximum vol-

tage controller is limited to max. positive. Thus
0: off the control characteristic is calm down.
10 Umax pos. difference limit Example:
maximum modulation factor = 100%
1024: on ref. modulation factor = 97%

limit = 100% – 97% = +/-3%

If the current controller (isd) is in voltage limita-

0: off
tion, only positive differences are accepted in
Umax Stopp udCtrl in limi-
11 the maximum voltage controller. The maximum
voltage controller can not integrate itself to ne-
2048: on
gative and increase the current setpoint.

The voltage range for which a modulation factor > 100% is needed is designated as overmodulation range.
The voltages in this area are no longer sinusoidal, which causes distortions in the phase currents, turbulent
speed estimation in encoderless operation and a worse torque accuracy.
A better output voltage is contrary to these disadvantages.
Overmodulation is not allowed with selection "max. 100%" (value 16 and 24). This adjustment should be se-
lected if the drive shall be operated in a mode with motor model (with or without speed feedback).
For the selection "max. 110%" (value 0 or 8), the available voltage increases due to exploitation of the non-
sinusoidal overmodulation range.
Value 0 should not be used because there are important negative effects.
The negative effects are minimized at value 8 by limiting the overmodulation range to „Umax modulation
limit“dS.10 + 2%. i.e. the maximum modulation factor is 105%, if dS.10 = 103% is selected. This limitation is
only valid for the overmodulation range.
The values 0 and 8 should only be used after careful testing.

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Torque display and -limiting

The controller is adapted by parameters dS.08 „KP Umax“, dS.09 „KI Umax“, dS.10 „Umax modulation limit“.
dS.08 has only a minor effect and can remain on value 0.
dS.09 determines the dynamics of the controller. If this parameter is adjusted too small, the drive can arrive vol-
tage limitation. If the parameter is adjusted too high, the drive starts to vibrate. If the modulation factor becomes
much noisier due to an increase of dS.09, it indicates that the controller setting is too high.
A temporary reaching of the voltage limitation is normally not a problem.
The modulation factor to be controlled is determined with parameter dS.10 . The closer this is to 100%, the
better the inverter voltage is utilised, but also the lower are the control reserves useable for the dynamic.
The default value of 97% is usually a good agreement.
For the asynchronous machine, the voltage limitation occurs by flux reduction.
The motor flow can be reduced by the controller to ¼ of the value which is required according to the magneti-
sation characteristic.
For the synchronous machine, the voltage limitation is done by setting a negative magnetising current. The
maximum value of this current is determined with parameter dS.13 „magn. current limit“. (see chapter 7.8.3
physical torque limits of the synchronous motor about the influence and adjustment of dS.13).

7.8.2 Physical torque limits ASM Torque limits in base speed range

The rated torque (calculated from rated power and rated speed) of the motor is displayed in parameter dr.14.
The maximum torque (limited by the maximum current of the inverter) is displayed in dr.15.
At activated hardware current limit (uF.15 = 1 or 2) the maximum current is equal to the hardware current level
(In.18) less safety reserve of 5% of the inverter rated current.
At deactivated hardware current lim. (uF.15 = 0) the maximum current is equal to the overcurrent error limit less
safety reserve of 10%.

Additionally the motor current can be limited by software with parameter dr.37 „max. current“ (see chapter
7.10.2). This limitation also affects the maximum torque but is not displayed in dr.15.
Also the active current is limited by torque limitation in the base speed range. But nevertheless the current limit
of the inverter can be exceeded by the additional magnetizing current. Therefore, also the software current limit
should be activated. Torque limits in base speed range

When the motor overloads, i.e., when a torque upwards of its torque limit is demanded from it, the maximum
voltage controller reduces the flux too much and thereby also reduces the maximum achievable torque.
Therefore the maximum permissible torque must be reduced in the field weakening range.
The torque limiting characteristic is defined with parameters dr.15...dr.18.

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Torque display and -limiting

Picture Field weakening range 1/x reduction

Moment [Nm]


1 / x Absenkung
ds.03 "Feldschwächkennlinie" = 0: aus

0,5 * dr.16

dr.17 dr.18 2 * dr.18

Istfrequenz [U/min]

The "max. torque FI" (dr.15) is depending on the maximum inverter current and can not be changed.
At default setting the maximum torque in the field weakening is reduced to a 1/x function - because of flux
The physical breakdown torque characteristic of the motor is a quare characteristic, i.e. also the maximum
active power in the field weakening range must become smaller.
The square limiting characteristic must be activated if the motor shall be driven to its limits. This is done with 7
value 2 in point "field weakening characteristic" of parameter dS.03 „current/torque mode“.

dS.03: Current-/torque mode

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
Field weakening characte- 0: off Activation of the active current limitation in the
ristic 2: on field-weakening range

The limiting characteristic is adapted to the motor with parameter dr.16 „DASM max torque corn. sp“ .
dr.16 = breakdown torque of the motor (at speed dr.18) - safety reserve

a motor shall have the following rated data:
rated speed: 1470 rpm rated frequency = 50Hz
rated torque 36Nm Mrated / Mbreakdown = 2.5

selected value for DASM field weakening speed (dr.18): 1500 rpm
Data sheet value for breakdown torque of the motor at rated 2.5 * 36Nm = 90Nm
Safety reserve 25% = 22.5 Nm

dr.16 „DASM max torque corn. sp“ = 90Nm – 22.5Nm = 67.5Nm

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Torque display and -limiting

The value for dr.16 can be higher than the value in dr.15, since the breakdown torque of the motor can be higher
than the maximum torque of the inverter.
The safety reserve is necessary because the limiting characteristic must be sufficiently far from the physical
breakdown torque of the motor.

Picture b Field weakening range square reduction

Moment [Nm]

quadratische Kippmomentkennlinie
des Motors


quadratische Absenkung
ds.03 "Felschwächkennlinie" = 1: ein

0,25 * dr.16

dr.17 dr.18 2 * dr.18

Istfrequenz [U/min]

7.8.3 Physical torque limits DSM Torque limits in base speed range (dr.27, dr.15)

The rated torque of the synchronous motor must be entered according to the name plate in parameter dr.27.

The maximum torque (limited by the maximum current of the inverter) is displayed in dr.15.

At activated hardware current limit (uF.15 = 1 or 2) the maximum current is equal to the hardware current level
(In.18) less safety reserve of 5% of the inverter rated current.
At deactivated hardware current limit (uF.15 = 0) the maximum current is equal to the overcurrent error limit less
safety reserve of 10%. Torque limits in base speed range

Normally a synchronous motor is operated with a magnetization current of 0.

If the usable speed range shall be increased, drive into the "field weakening range". In this range, the maxi-
mum voltage controller provides a magnetising current that counteracts the pulse wheel voltage. If the inverter
changes to error, the magnetizing current is = 0. Then the motor refeeds the pulse wheel voltage into the in-
verter. This voltage may maximally reach the overvoltage threshold, because otherwise the inverter is dama-
ged. Therefore the permissible speed is limited. If the drive exceeds the value of parameter ru.79 "abs. speed​​
(EMC)" the inverter changes into "Error! overspeed“.

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Torque display and -limiting

EMC voltage constant (dr.26) x actual speed

pulse wheel voltage = ——————————————————————
1000 rpm

There are several disadvantages contrary to the advantage of higher maximum speed:
- the drive is more prone to vibrations in the base speed range
- not all motors are suitable for field weakening operation
- a higher current is required for the same torque due to the magnetizing current demand
- the rotor position information must be very exactly. A system position error (e.g. in case of inaccurate
encoder mounting) can make the drive uncontrollable. Determination of the magnetizing current limit (dS.13)

There is a specific 'ideal' magnetization current limit for each motor. The available field-weakening range is very
small if the limit is too small.
The following picture shows the connexion between the maximum reachable torque and the magnetizing cur-
rent limit dS.13.

Picture Magnetizing current limit

Moment (dS.13 = 0)

Moment (dS.13 = 0,5 * In)

Moment (dS.13 = In)

Motormoment [Nm]



Drehzahl [U/min]

If the magnetizing current limit is selected too high, the available torque becomes smaller again. In addition,
too high value for dS.13 can cause the maximum voltage controller to "hang". That means: for setting the ma-
gnetising current, more voltage is used than is gained from the field weakening. The voltage remains too high.

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Torque display and -limiting

A typical value for dS.13 is the motor rated current. In the field weakening range, the current needed to set a
defined torque increases.

Picture Limit current in the field weakening range

Beginn des

Motorstrom [A]


Drehzahl [U/m

To assure that the speed controller can control the drive, an active current must always be available that should
not fall below 0.5 x dS.13.
Pay attention to appropriate adjustment of the torque limit and the maximum current! Definition of the limiting characteristic

Starting at a certain speed, the drive cannot provide the same torque in field weakening operation that it provi-
des in the base speed range.

If the drive is to accelerate at a constant torque limit (e.g., double the rated torque), the motor is (despite field
weakening) physically unable to provide this torque.

The set torque can not be adjusted anymore and the drive ´hangs´ in the voltage limit (modulation factor ru.42
= 100%).Therefore, a limiting characteristic that mirrors the physical limits of the drive must be given. This limit
is depending on dS.13 „magnetization current limit“.

If no limiting characteristic is given, the user must insure that the motor is not asked to deliver an inadmissibly
high torque by choosing suitable acceleration /deceleration ramps and by appropriate selection of the load.
Parameters dr.33 and dr.39...47 serve for setting the limiting charcteristic.

Value 0 should not be used for the torque values ​​of the limiting characteristic. Also, the torque at the highest
speed (i.e., the last point on the characteristic) should minimally be set to the following value:

Magnetizing current limit (dS.13)

Mmin = 0.37 x ————————————————— x DSM rated torque (dr.27)
DSM rated current (dr.32)

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Torque display and -limiting

This value may not be fallen below for the following reason:
A potential error in the position sensing leads to the magnetising current creating a torque in the field weake-
ning range. An error of 20° electrical causes an unwanted torque from the magnetising current of maximally:

Magnetizing current limit (dS.13)

M dS.13 = sin(20°) x ————————————————— x DSM rated torque (dr.27)
DSM rated current (dr.32)

If this torque error cannot be compensated for due to the limiting characteristic, the drive becomes uncontrolla-
All other torque values ​​must be selected higher accordingly.
Parameters dr.33, 40, 42, 44, 46 contain the maximum torque for the speeds in dr.39, 41, 43, 45, 47. Linear
interpolation between these points.

Fig. Limiting characteristic


measured limiting


dr.44 programmed limiting

characteristic in the
inverter 7
dr.46 (with safety distance)

usable range of the


dr.39 dr.41 dr.43 dr.45 dr.47

The limiting characteristic is activated via dS.03 bit 1.

dS.03: Current-/torque mode

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
Field weakening characte- 0: off Activation of the limiting characteristic
ristic 2: on (defined by dr.33, dr.40...47)

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Torque display and -limiting Shifting of the limiting characteristic

The physical torque limiting characteristic of the motor is depending on the maximum output voltage of the
inverter. This is determined by the DC link voltage, which is depending on the mains input voltage and the
inverter load.
Therefore different modes can be selected in dS.03 for the programmed limiting characteristic.

dS.03: Current-/torque mode

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
0: off Shifting generally not active
4: on Shifting generally active
DC link depending shif- 8: >Un(FI) = off, ab- Shifting not active if DC link voltage higher than ra-
2, 3 ting of the characteristic normal stopping = ted voltage (also at emergency stop)
(SM) off
12: >Un(FI) = off, Shifting at abnormal stopping generally active,
abnormal stopping otherwise inactive if DC link voltage higher than ra-
= on ted voltage

The value 0 ("off") can be used if the limiting characteristic for the mains input voltage is programmed, the ma-
chine is operated with it, and this voltage is relatively constant.
The advantage (e.g., during ramp-up at the torque limit) is that the continuous, load-dependent fluctuations of
the intermediate circuit cannot cause any torque fluctuations.

If, however, the mains input voltage is variable (e.g., affected by other users) or if the mains voltage at the lo-
cation of the machine is unknown, dS.03 equal 4, 8 or 12 must be selected.
Then the programmed limiting characteristic is always valid for the inverter rated voltage (400V or 230V) and is
proportional adjusted to the voltage.

Fig. Shifting limiting characteristic

Maximales Drehmoment [Nm]

maximal erreichbares Moment

bei 400V Netzeingangsspannung

maximal erreichbares Moment

bei 360V Netzeingangsspannung

Drehzahl [U/min]

The limiting characteristic must always be programmed higher than the speed range where the motor shall be
operated. Otherwise, the drive operates in an undefined range at lower DC link voltage values due to the shift

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Torque display and -limiting

of the characteristic to lower speeds.

For value 4 ("on" ), the limiting characteristic is shifted in both directions, to lower speeds at lower voltage, and
to higher speeds at higher voltages.
At this value, the motor achieves maximum torque. It is unfavorable especially at regenerative operation that
the DC link voltage can increase very quickly and in a wide range. These dynamic changes can cause high
disturbance in the field weakening range.

Therefore preferable setting is 8 („>Un(FI) = off, abnormal stopping = off“). Only the necessary physical shifting
of the characteristic due to low DC link voltage is executed here.
That means the characteristic is only shifted if the DC link voltage is lower than the rated DC link voltage (= √
2 * inverter rated voltage).
There is no shifting if the DC link voltage is higher than the rated voltage.

Value 12 („>Un(FI)= off, abnormal stopping= on“) can be selected if the maximum achievable torque shall
be available for emergency stop. In this mode the characteristic at higher DC link voltage is shifted to higher
speeds only during emergency stop operation. Generally value "8" should be used if possible. Influence of the current limit

The total power of the motor in the field weakening range consists of active current and magnetizing current.
The maximum torque limits only the active current.

For some motors there is a maximum current specified in the data sheet. This is valid for both components
together. Therefore the total motor current can be limited by this parameter.

The magnetization current has priority if both components together exceed the current limit.

To ensure that the speed controller can control the drive, active current flow must always be able. Therefore the 7
magnetizing current limit (dS.13) must be significant lower than the maximum current (dr.37). Maximum dS.13
should be 0.75 x dr.37.

The max. current limit dr.37 is activated via bit 0 of parameter dS.03.

dS.03: Current-/torque mode

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
max. current-/ torque 0: off software-based current limit off
mode 1: on software-based current limit on Additionally torque limiting in the field weakening range

Addr. Parameter Name Default value Value

0 = off
1103h dS.03 Isq limit, Ds.37 off
128 = on
0 ... 100 %
1125h dS.37 usd max modulation ref. 95%

A possibility to limit the maximum torque in the field weakening is via the characteristic dr.39 .. dr47 and the ad-
justments in ds.03 bit1..3. This has the disadvantage that the characteristic must be determined, either abstract
calculated with the "known motor data" or measured at the test stand. Also the consideration of the DC link

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Torque display and -limiting

voltage by parallel shifting of the corner can not optimally reflect the reality.

A further possibility of limitation can occur by the evaluation of voltage equation. The equation is converted to
isq and the max. permissible voltage is preset for the voltage component usd.

Lsq = Inductance in the Q-axis (dr.64)

Rs = stator resistance (dr.30)
f = output frequency (ru.03)
UicRef = Reference for the maximum voltage controller (dS.10)
UdRef = Factor voltage component Usd (dS.37)

UicRef UdRef Uic

usdRef = * *
100% 100% √6

Rs * isd - usdmax
isqmax =
2 * π * f * Lsq

Since it is calculated with equivalent circuit diagrams in the formula, deviations can occur in
case of different temperatures or as a function of the saturation (Lsq) of the inductance.

7.8.4 Adjustmentof application-dependent torque limits

For some applications it is not required to provide the maximum possible torque, but the application requires
other process-related limitations (e.g. to protect mechanical components).
These can be adjusted via parameters cS.19...cS.23. The torque limiting characteristic which is defined by
maximum current and available voltage remains always active as superior limit.

If only one limit is required for all operating ranges (forward, reverse, motorized and regenerative), parameter
"absolute torque setpoint" (cS.19) can be used therefore. All other limits (cS.20...cS.23) must be set to value
If different torque limits are required, these must be entered in parameters cS.20...cS.23 (= torque limit for the
different operating ranges).
The torque limits can be adjusted during operation for special applications by multiplying with a factor of
Parameter " torque reference source" (cS.15) determines how this factor is built for the adjusted torque limits

cS.15: Torque reference source

Value Explanation
0: analog REF Parameter „Selection REF-input / AUX function“ (An.30) defines, how the Ref- or Aux-value
is calculated (see chapter 7.2). As standard AN1 is the Ref-value and AN2 the Aux-value.
1: analog Aux They are limited to 100% as multiplier for the torque limit (s).
2: digital absolute
the torque limits (cS.19...cS.23) are not reduced with a factor
cS.18 (percentage torque reference) is the factor for the torque limits
3: digital % (cS.18)
4: Motorpoti the output value of the motorpoti function (see section 7.15) is the factor for the torque
(ru.37) limits (cS.19...cS.23)

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Torque display and -limiting

the output value of the PID controller (see section 7.15) is the factor for the torque limits
5: external PID
output (ru.57)
The output value can be read out in ru.57
Analog input value AN2 is the factor for the torque limits (cS.19...cS.23). The analog input
is scannned and processed in faster steps with this adjustment. To realize this faster pro-
6: AN2 direct
cessing, the following parameters do not have any function: „AN2 noise filter“ (An.11), „AN2
(+/- 10V)
offset Y“ (An.17), „AN2 zero clamp“ (An.14), „AN2 save mode“ (An.12). The value of AN2 is
limited as multiplier to 100%.

Example: cS.20 torque limit forward motor = 20Nm

cS.21 torque limit reverse motor = 20Nm
cS.22 torque limit forward regen. = 15Nm
cS.22 torque limit reverse regen. = 10Nm
cS.15 torque reference source = 3: digital % (cS.18)
cS.18 torque reference setting = 50%

resulting torque limits

forward rotation: motorized = 10Nm / regenerative = 7.5Nm
Counter clock- motorized = 10Nm / regenerative = 5Nm
wise rotation:

This limits can be lowered by the limiting characteristic.
Different setting of the motor and regenerative torque limit via An.54

The parameter value of cS.19…cS.23 can be changed in 1 ms step with An.54 and e.g. an analog input. This
provides the possibility e.g. to change the motor limit analog and to keep the regenerative limit constant. 7
cS.19 is the reference torque if the actual torque is output via an analog output. Here it makes sense to keep
cS.19 constant and to change cS.20…cS.23.

Since the selection in standstill if regenerative or motorized operating mode is depending on the actual speed,
different setting can cause torque jumps when the torque limit is reached.

7.8.5 Display of actual torque values and limits

Parameter ru.11 and ru.12 display the actual set torque or actual torque of the drive.

The torque in [%] referring to parameter "absolute torque reference" (cS.19) is displayed in ru.73 and ru.74.

The effective limits for the actual direction of rotation can be read in parameters ru.47 "act. torque limit mot."
and ru.48 "act. torque limit regen.". Parameters ru.47 and ru.48 are depending on the programmed torque li-
mits, the limiting characteristic and current limits (e.g. hardware current limit or dr.37 "max. current).

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Torque display and -limiting

7.8.6 Display of the torque-related motor load (ru.90)

The load of the total drive can be displayed with ru.90.

The calculation of ru.90 depends on the mode. Mode 1: „Torque reference level“ Le 27 = 0

The calculation of ru.90 depends on the formula:

Actual torque display (ru.12)

ru.90 = ———————————————————————
Actual torque limit (ru.47mot. respectively ru.48gen.)

Figure LE.27 = 0


Sollmomentgrenze motorisch (ru.47)

100 max.Drehmoment in % (ru.90)

Istmoment (ru.12) 80
Moment [Nm]

max. Drehmoment in % (ru.90)



Feldschw.- 20

Drehzahl [U/min] Mode 2: „Torque reference level“ Le 27 unequal 0

The maximum thermally permissible torque - i.e., in the base speed range, the rated torque, and the range
higher than the rated speed, the rated torque attenuated following a 1/x-function - is taken as 100% utilization
of the motor.
The programmed speed-torque characteristic is accepted as 100% utilization of the inverter. This characteristic
consists of the torque limits in the cS-Parameters (e.g. cS.19) and the limiting characteristic in the dr-Parame-
ters (e.g. dr.15...dr.18).

The adjusted value in parameter "torque reference level“ (LE.27) corresponds to 100% utilization in the applica-
tion. This could be e.g. the torque which is permanent permissible for the mounted worm gears or the mounted
gear box.
The smallest of the 3 values indicates the torque with which the whole drive can be loaded permanently at
the corresponding speed. This torque is the reference torque for the calculation of parameter "max torque in
percent" (ru.90).

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Torque display and -limiting

Figure LE.27 ≠ 0 reference torque

Sollmomentgrenze motorisch (ru.47)

Dauermoment (S1 Betrieb)

Moment [Nm]

Drehmoment Referenzpegel (le.27)

Bezugsmoment für max.Drehmoment % (ru.90)

Istmoment (ru.12)

Feldschw.- Nenn-
drehzahl drehzahl
(dr.18) (dr.01)

then ru.90 is calculated as follows:

Figure display ru.90 7


max. Drehmoment [%] (ru.90)

max. Drehmoment in % (ru.90)

Moment [Nm]

Bezugsmoment für max. Drehmoment in % (ru.90)


Actual torque display

40 ru.90 = (ru.12)
Istmoment (ru.12) ———————————
reference torque for ru.90

Drehzahl [U/min]

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Torque display and -limiting

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Torque control

7.1 Operating and appliance data

1. Introduction

7.2 Analog in- and outputs

2. Summary
7.3 Digital in- and outputs

3. Hardware
7.4 Setpoint-, rotation- and ramp presetting

Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous

4. Operation motor

Motor data and controller adjustments of the synchronous

Selection of Operating motor
7.7 Speed control

6. Initial Start-up
7.8 Torque display and -limiting

7.9 Torque control

7. Functions 7

7.10 Current control, -limiting and switching frequencies

8. Error Assistance
7.11 Speed measurement

9. Project Design
7.12 Posi- and synchronous operation

7.13 Protective functions

10. Networks

7.14 Parameter sets

11. Parameter Overview

7.15 Special functions

12. Annex
7.16 CP-Parameter definition

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Torque control

7.9.1. Torque reference source.......................................................................................................... 7.9 - 3

7.9.2. Rate of change torque reference............................................................................................. 7.9 - 3
7.9.3. Speed limiting........................................................................................................................... 7.9 - 4
7.9.4. Control mode............................................................................................................................. 7.9 - 4 Mode 1: Torque-controlled operation with emergency changeover to speed control......
7.9 - 4 Mode 2: Torque-controlled mode with superimposed speed control...................... 7.9 - 5

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Torque control

7.9 Torque control

In torque-controlled operation, the user directly specifies the torque the motor is to deliver, until the speed target
value is reached.

7.9.1. Torque reference source

The set torque is calculated from the value in parameter cS.19 multiplied with a factor (0 .. 100%) which can
be preset by different sources (analog inputs, motorpoti, etc.). The selection of the torque reference source is
made by parameter cS.15.

cS.15: Torque reference source

Value Explanation
0: analog REF Parameter „Selection REF-input / AUX function“ (An.30) defines, how the Ref- or Aux-
value is calculated (see chapter 7.2). As standard AN1 is the Ref-value and AN2 the
1: analog Aux Aux-value. They are limited to 100% as a multiplier for cS.19.
2: digital absolute
the value in cS.19 forms directly the torque reference
3: digital % (cS.18) cS.18 is factor for cS.19
4: Motorpoti the output value of the motorpoti function (see chapter xx) is the factor for the torque
(ru.37) limits (cS.19...cS.23)
5: external PID the output value of the PID-controller (see chapter xx) is the factor for cS.19
output (ru.57) The output value can be read out in ru.57
Analog input value AN2 is the factor for cS.19.
The analog input is scannned and processed in faster steps with this adjustment. To
6: AN2 direct realize this faster processing, the following parameters do not have any function: „AN2 7
(+/- 10V) noise filter“ (An.11), „AN2 offset Y“ (An.17), „AN2 zero clamp“ (An..14), „AN2 save
mode“ (An.12).
The value of AN2 is limited as multiplier to 100%.

The superior torque limitations, such as "max. torque FI "(dr.15) still remain effective.

7.9.2. Rate of change torque reference

The rate of change of the torque reference can be limited with cS.16 .

cS.16: Ramp time torque reference

Value Explanation
0: off Torque reference is transferred directly without ramp
The maximum rate of change for the torque reference is rated motor torque per adju-
1...60000 ms
sted ramp time (CS.16).

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Torque control

7.9.3. Speed limiting

The setpoint speed after the ramp generator (ru.02) serves for speed limiting.
The setpoint speed is formed (with exception of the rotation direction) in the same manner as in speed-con-
trolled operation or open-loop operation. The direction of rotation results from the sign of the torque reference.
Without limiting the speed, the drive would accelerate to indefinitely high speeds if the counter torque disap-

Since the limiting is based on the speed at the ramp generator output, the acceleration/ deceleration ramps
should be set to 0 s for this operating mode.

7.9.4. Control mode

There are 2 different modes for torque-controlled operation. They can be selected by cS.00 = 5 or cS.00 = 6 . Mode 1: Torque-controlled operation with emergency changeover to speed control

This mode is activated with cS.00 = 5.

The speed controller is not active until the drive does not exceed the maximum speed for torque-controlled
operation (= set speed ru.02) .
This has the advantage that the parameterization of the speed controller has no influence to the set torque.
The change to speed-controlled operation occurs only when the speed limit is reached. Caused by the change-
over the control characteristic is not optimal here. Overshoots can occur.

Figure Mode 1

"Istwert Anzeige"
Soll- moment
drehzahl -
Betrag von Parameter ru.02
"Anzeige Rampenausgang"
CS.15 größer
Quelle Solldrehzahl Momenten-
Momenten- sollwert
Analog Ref 0 Drehzahl-
Analog Aux regler in der
+100% Begrenzung
digital absolut (CS.19) 2
digital % (CS.18) 3 -100% Momentensollwert
Motorpoti (ru.37) 4 ru.49
externer PID Ausgang (ru.57) 5
AN2 direkt (schnelle Abtastung) 6

"absoluter Momentensollwert"

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Torque control Mode 2: Torque-controlled mode with superimposed speed control

This mode is activated with cS.00 = 6.

The speed controller is permanent active, but the limitation of the controller is always set equal to the torque
As long as the drive does not exceed the maximum speed for torque-controlled operation (setpoint speed = ru.
2), the speed controller is in limitation, i.e. its output signal is equal to the torque reference.
This mode has the advantage that the speed controller is always activated and therefore the behavior on rea-
ching the maximum speed is much better.
The disadvantage is that with an unfavorable parametrisation of the speed controller (e.g., very small ampli-
fication chosen), the torque reference can be further delayed by the controller. I.e., even if the ramp time is
cS.16 = 0:off, the speed controller must first run to the new limit value after an increase of the torque reference.

Figure Mode 2

"Istwert Anzeige"
Soll- moment Momenten-
drehzahl - sollwert
Betrag von Parameter ru.02
"Anzeige Rampenausgang"

Analog Ref 0
Analog Aux 1
+100% 7
digital absolut (CS.19) 2
digital % (CS.18) 3 -100% Momentensollwert
Motorpoti (ru.37) 4 ru.49
externer PID Ausgang (ru.57) 5
AN2 direkt (schnelle Abtastung) 6

"absoluter Momentensollwert"

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Torque control

Page 7.9 - 6 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H © KEB, 2012-10

Current control, -limiting and switching frequencies

7.1 Operating and appliance data

1. Introduction

7.2 Analog in- and outputs

2. Summary
7.3 Digital in- and outputs

3. Hardware
7.4 Setpoint-, rotation- and ramp presetting

Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous

4. Operation motor

Motor data and controller adjustments of the synchronous

Selection of Operating motor
7.7 Speed control

6. Initial Start-up
7.8 Torque display and -limiting

7.9 Torque control

7. Functions 7

7.10 Current control, -limiting and switching frequencies

8. Error Assistance
7.11 Speed measurement

9. Project Design
7.12 Posi- and synchronous operation

7.13 Protective functions

10. Networks

7.14 Parameter sets

11. Parameter Overview

7.15 Special functions

12. Annex
7.16 CP-Parameter definition

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Current control, -limiting and switching frequencies

7.10.1 Current control........................................................................................................................ 7.10 - 3

7.10.2. Current limiting....................................................................................................................... 7.10 - 4
7.10.3 Switching frequencies and derating..................................................................................... 7.10 - 5 Switching frequencies (uF.11, In.03, In.04, ru.45)................................................. 7.10 - 5
7.10.4 Voltage reserve for the non-prioritized current controller.................................................. 7.10 - 6

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Current control, -limiting and switching frequencies

7.10 Current control, -limiting and switching frequencies

7.10.1 Current control

The current controller (dS.00 „KP current“, dS.01 „KI current“) are automatically precharged by actuation of
Fr.10 by means of the equivalent circuit data.
The controller parameters are calculated from the equivalent circuit data.
The current decoupling must be activated in dS.02 for an optimal control characteristic. For the asynchronous
machine it is differentiated between "1: on" and "2: on, without main inductance“.
Mode 2 (without main inductance) must be used, if there are high DC link voltage fluctuations (e.g. at low mains
or spindle motors). The complete decoupling can lead to boosted current oscillation.
Otherwise mode „1: on“ for synchronous and asynchronous motor must be selected.

dS.02: current decoupling

Value Explanation
0: off Current decoupling off
1: on Current decoupling on
2: on, without main partial current decoupling (mode only for asynchronous motors with unsmooth
inductance (ASM) DC link voltage)
3: only Usq (SM)
The decoupling of the S-mode can be activated separately.
4: only Usd (SM)

Exception: The controller parameters are only calculated according to the rating plate data at speed-controlled
operation of an asynchronous motor without motor model. These adjustments are default values ​​for standard
motors and they are not suitable for special motors (e.g. high-and medium-frequency motors). A manual adap-
tion must be made here.

A current decoupling is also not possible in cases where the equivalent circuit data are unknown. Parameter 7
ds.02 must set to value 0.

dS.03: current/torque mode

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
0: off
Current controller/ priority
4 Activation of the active current controller-priori-
assignment (ASM) 16: on
ty in the regenerative range

A change of bit 4 in parameter dS.03 is normally not necessary and should be done
only by authorized KEB service personnel.

The priority of the active current controller can be assigned in regenerative operation with bit 4 of parameter
dS.03 . In special applications this is advantageous for the quality of the current control

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Current control, -limiting and switching frequencies

7.10.2. Current limit

The hardware current limit becomes active if the phase current exceeds the value of In.18 „hardware current“.
Through short-time power shutdown the current limit can eliminate short current peaks at low speeds, e.g.
when starting the motor.
However if the current level is exceeded at high speed under load, disconnection of the voltage leads to a red-
uction of the breakdown torque of the motor and thus to a "fall back" of the motor. Additionally the motor model
is falsified. Therefore this function should be switched off for controlled drives.

Attention: The hardware current limitation limits the current at the maximum and triggers no error. This can lead
to torque sags at the motor shaft. This function is very critical especially during operation "lifting and lowering".
The drive may sag due to missing torque without brake engage.

The only exception: in speed-controlled operation with encoder feedback without motor model, current
overshoots can occur during the start if the current controller are not optimally adjusted. They can be compen-
sated by uF.15 = 1: „single-phase mode“. The hardware current limiting makes sense also at controlled drives.

uF.15: Hardware current limit

Value Explanation
0 Off: recommended adjustment for closed-loop operation
1 Single-phase mode: Limits the current reliable, but deep sag in the current
2 Zero vector mode: Lower current sag, but overcurrent errors can occur in rare cases.

The software current limiting should be used instead of the hardware protective function. The maximum permis-
sible current must be entered in parameter dr.37.
It is reasonable to enter the hardware current level (In.18) here if the application does not require another value.
The function is activated by setting "current/torque mode = 1:on" in parameter (ds.03) "current/torque mode.

dS.03: current/torque mode

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
0: off
0 Maximum current mode
1: on Activation of the software current limiting

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Current control, -limiting and switching frequencies

7.10.3 Switching frequencies and derating Switching frequency (uF.11, In.03, In.04, ru.45)

The desired switching frequency can be selected in parameter uF.11. The higher the switching frequency the
smaller the noise level and the smaller the current ripple and the losses in the motor involved. Simultaneously
the losses in the inverter and also the isolation straining of the motor increase caused by switching edges.

uF.11: Switching frequency

Value Switching frequency
0 2 kHz
1 4 kHz
2 8 kHz
3 12 kHz
4 16 kHz

The current ripple is a harmonic current which superimposes the sine-wave output current.
It is generated by the clocked output voltage of the frequency inverter. This ripple increases the maximum value
of the current and thus may lead to triggering of the overcurrent error or the hardware current limit, although the
displayed apparent current (ru.15) or utilization value (ru.13) is significant below this limit.

Picture Carrier frequencies




Base frequency of the phase

current 5


actual current = base frequency

with superimposed ripple -10


0.0955 0.096 0.0965 0.097 0.0975 0.098 0.0985 0.099 0.0995

The size of the current ripple is depending on the switching frequency and the motor inductance. The current
ripple is usually insignificant for standard motors with a power < 50kW and a rated switching frequency of the
unit of min. 4 kHz.
The smaller the leakage inductance (ASM) and/or the winding inductance (SM) the higher the ripple. This is
particularly the case for motors with high power or spindle motors. Therefore the carrier frequency must be
selected as high as possible for these motors.

Attention: Generally the switching frequency should be at least 10 times higher than the maximum occurring
output frequency of the inverter.

The maximum switching frequency can be read in parameter In.03. The frequency inverter can be operated
permanently only with its rated carrier frequency (In.04) (independent on temperature and utilization).

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Current control, -limiting and switching frequencies

If a carrier frequency is selected in parameter uF.11 that is higher than the rated value, an automatic "derating",
i.e. reduction of the switching frequency is carried out depending on the temperature, output frequency and
utilization of the motor. This carrier frequency change-over is generally not good for the control characteristic
of the drive. Therefore the carrier frequency uF.11 should be preferably equal to the rated switching frequency.
However the effects of the deratings can be neglected in many applications.

7.10.4 Voltage reserve for the non-prioritized current controller

Addr. Parameter Name Default value Wet

1127h dS.39 reserved modulation factor 0% 0...50%

Introduction of a minimum voltage reserve (dS.39, default 0%) for the non-prioritized current controller. Since
the current controller in the D-axis has priority by default, a reserve is assigned to the current controller in the
Q-axis. This ensures that the drive remains controllable in the field weakening if the max. permissible Id current
(dS.13) is selected too high.

UmaxGrad maximum modulation factor (dS.04, 100% or 110%)

UmaxPriorGrad maximum modulation factor of prioritized voltage components
UmaxNotPriorGrad modulation factor of non-prioritized voltage components

UmaxPriorGrad = UmaxGrad - dS.39

UmaxNotPrior = √ (U²maxGrad - U²maxPriorGrad)

Page 7.10 - 6 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H © KEB, 2012-10

Speed measurement

7.1 Operating and appliance data

1. Introduction

7.2 Analog in- and outputs

2. Summary
7.3 Digital in- and outputs

3. Hardware
7.4 Setpoint-, rotation- and ramp setting

Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous

4. Operation motor

Motor data and controller adjustments of the synchronous

Selection of Operating motor
7.7 Speed control

6. Initial Start-up
7.8 Torque display and -limiting

7.9 Torque control

7. Functions 7

7.10 Current control, -limiting and switching frequencies

8. Error Assistance
7.11 Speed measurement

9. Project Design
7.12 Posi- and synchronous operation

7.13 Protective functions

10. Networks

7.14 Parameter sets

11. Parameter Overview

7.15 Special functions

12. Annex
7.16 CP-Parameter definition

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Speed measurement

7.11.2 Encoder interface channel 1 (X3A)........................................................................................ 7.11 - 4 TTL incremental encoder input (standard at F5-M).............................................. 7.11 - 4 Resolver evaluation (standard at F5-S)................................................................ 7.11 - 5
7.11.3 Encoder interface channel 2 (X3B)........................................................................................ 7.11 - 6 Incremental encoder input.................................................................................... 7.11 - 6 Incremental encoder output.................................................................................. 7.11 - 7
7.11.4 Voltage supply of the encoder............................................................................................... 7.11 - 8
7.11.5 Selection of encoder............................................................................................................... 7.11 - 9
7.11.6 Encoder identifier................................................................................................................. 7.11 - 10
7.11.7 Initial setting.......................................................................................................................... 7.11 - 11
7.11.8 Gear factor............................................................................................................................. 7.11 - 14 Definition............................................................................................................. 7.11 - 14 Gear factor / analog setting................................................................................ 7.11 - 16 Gear factor / set-programming........................................................................... 7.11 - 16
7.11.9 Emulation mode.................................................................................................................... 7.11 - 17
7.11.10 Absolute position (encoder 1)............................................................................. 7.11 - 18 Position values................................................................................................... 7.11 - 18 System offset...................................................................................................... 7.11 - 18 Absolute position (encoder 1)............................................................................. 7.11 - 19
7.11.11 Further parameters / encoder.............................................................................................. 7.11 - 19 SSI encoder at channel 1................................................................................... 7.11 - 19 SSI encoder at channel 2................................................................................... 7.11 - 19 SSI position standardization channel 1 and 2 (Ec.41)........................................ 7.11 - 20 Tachometer at channel 2.................................................................................... 7.11 - 21 Evaluation intelligent interface............................................................................ 7.11 - 21 Encoder over gear (ec.39).................................................................................. 7.11 - 25 Consider deceleration times of the position sensing.......................................... 7.11 - 25

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Speed measurement

7.11 Speed measurement

7.11.1 Designs
The KEB COMBIVERT F5 supports two from each other separated encoder channels. Each encoder channel
can support following interface dependent on the available hardware:

Encoder channel 1 (X3A)

• is a 15pole incremental encoder input for rectangular signals

Encoder channel 2 (X3B) can support following interfaces

• 9pole incremental encoder input for rectangular signals
•  Incremental encoder output
•  Incremental encoder in-/output

Further Interfaces (describes in separate manuals)

• Synchronous serial interface (SSI)
•  Tachometer input
•  Initiator input
•  Hiperface
• Endat
• SinCos

7.11.1 Encoder interfaces


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© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 7.11 - 3

Speed measurement

7.11.2 Encoder interface channel 1 (X3A) TTL incremental encoder input (standard at F5-M)

Fig. 7.11.2 Encoder interface channel 1 (X3A)

Only when the inverter is switched off and the
5 4 3 2 1
voltage supply is disconnected may the plug
10 9 8 7 6
be pulled out or plugged in !
15 14 13 12 11

Signal X3A Description
Uvar 11 Supply voltage for encoder
+5 V 12 Supply voltage for encoder
0 V 13 Reference potential
A 8 Signal input A
A 3 Signal input A inverted
B 9 Signal input B
4 Signal input B inverted
n 15 Reference marking input N
14 Reference marking input N inverted
Shield housing shielding

Following specifications apply to the encoder interface 1 (X3A):

- Limiting frequency of input fG = 300 kHz

- internal terminating resistor Rt = 150 ohm
- 2…5 V High level at rectangular signals


The signal and reference marking inputs can be triggered with rectangular pulses. The signal inputs must ge-
nerally be connected. The reference marking signals are only needed for the reference point approach in the
positioning operation (F5M/S).

For encoder inputs with HTL level please contact KEB!

Page 7.11 - 4 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H © KEB, 2012-10

Speed measurement Resolver evaluation (standard at F5-S)

Fig.7.11.2.a Resolver interface channel  1 (X3A)

Only when the inverter is switched off and the vol-
5 4 3 2 1
tage supply is disconnected the plugs may be pulled
10 9 8 7 6
out or plugged in !
15 14 13 12 11

Signal X3A KEB servo motor Description
SIN - 3 1 Sinus signal cable inverted
SIN+ 8 10 Sinus signal cable
REF- 5 5 Reference signal inverted
REF+ 10 7 Reference signal
COS- 4 2 Cosinus signal cable inverted
COS+ 9 11 Cosinus signal cable
GND 14 - Shielding of the signal cables
Shield housing housing shielding of the hole cable

Fig. 7.11.2.b Resolver connector at the KEB servo motor

7 6
8 12
9 11

1 10 4 7
2 3
Fig. 7.11.2.c Resolver cable
housing housing Core color
14 GND
SIN-  1 3 SIN - red
SIN+ 10 8 SIN+ blue
REF- 5 5 REF- yellow
REF+ 7 10 REF+ green
COS- 2 4 COS- pink
COS+ 11 9 COS+ gray

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Speed measurement

7.11.3 Encoder interface channel 2 (X3B)

Fig. 7.11.3 Encoder interface channel 2 (X3B)

Only when the inverter is switched off and the
5 4 3 2 1 voltage supply is disconnected may the plug be
pulled out or plugged in !
9 8 7 6

Channel  2 can be equipped with different interfaces. To avoid the connection of a wrong encoder, the installed
interface is indicated in ec.10.

Definition of the interface (Ec.10)

Channel  2 can be equipped with different interfaces. To avoid the connection of a wrong encoder, the installed
interface is indicated in ec.10. Incremental encoder input

In synchronous operation the second incremental encoder serves as input of the master drive. A second posi-
tion encoder can be connected for positioning operation.

Signal X3B Description

Uvar 5 Supply voltage for encoder (see 7.11.2)
+5,2V 4 Supply voltage for encoder (see 7.11.2)
0V 9 Reference potential
A 1 Signal input A
A 6 Signal input A inverted
B 2 Signal input B
B 7 Signal input B inverted
n 3 Reference marking input N
N 8 Reference marking input N inverted
Shield housing shielding

The signal inputs of the second encoder interface support only rectangular signals.

Following specifications apply to the encoder interface 2 (X3B):

- Limiting frequency of input fG = 300 kHz
-  internal terminating resistor Rt = 150 Ω
- 2…5 V High level at rectangular signals

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Speed measurement Incremental encoder output

The incremental encoder output gives out the signals recorded at the encoder interface 1:1 in RS422-specifi-
cation over the second channel (e.g. master drive in synchronous operation).

Signal X4A Description

Uvar 5 Supply voltage for encoder (see 7.11.2)
+5,2V 4 Supply voltage for encoder (see 7.11.2)
0V 9 Reference potential
A 1 Signal input A
A 6 Signal input A inverted
B 2 Signal input B
B 7 Signal input B inverted
n 3 Reference marking input N
N 8 Reference marking input N inverted
Shield housing shielding

Encoder operating mode (Ec.20)

The function of the encoder interfaces is defined with parameter Ec.20.

Ec.20: Encoder operating mode

Bit Description Value Function

1 Channel 2 Function
0 Incremental encoder input 7
1 Incremental encoder output
0 Input with terminating resistor
2 Terminating resistor at channel 2
2 Input without terminating resistor

Encoder alarm mode (Ec.42)

Parameter Ec.42 defines the alarm function for both encoder.

Ec.42: Encoder alarm mode

Bit Description Value Function
0 off
1 on
0…1 Alarm channel 1
2 on (open-loop)
3 Warning
0 off
4 on
2…3 Alarm channel 2
8 on (open-loop)
12 Warning

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Speed measurement

7.11.4 Voltage supply of the encoder

Fig. 7.11.4 Voltage supply

X2A 5,2V +5,2V

0V 22
+20...30VDC 21 Uvar

+24VDC 0V

Uvar , +5 V

Uvar is a non-stabilized voltage, which is made available from the power circuit of the KEB COMBIVERT. De-
pending on the unit size and the load it can be 15...30 V DC. Uvar can be loaded at X3A and X3B altogether with
max.170 mA. If higher currents are required for the supply of the incremental encoder, the FI must be supplied
with an external voltage.

The +5,2 V voltage is a stabilised voltage, which at X3A and X3B is loadable with altogether 500 mA. Since the
+5,2 V are generated from Uvar, the current from Uvar decreases in accordance with following formula:

5,2 V x I+5V
Ivar = 170 mA - –————

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Speed measurement

7.11.5 Selection of encoder

A condition for good control characteristics of a drive is depending on the selection and correct connection of
the encoder (see following table):

„Abs. value
„Motor data
and rotor Number
„Speed Multi- storable in „Max. line
Encoder Resolution position of con-
feedback“ Turn the enco- length“
encoder for ductors
„Incremental TTL
with 10 - 30V high yes no no no 8 high
„Incremental TTL
high yes no no no 8 Standard
with 5V supply“
Incremental HTL high yes no no no 8 very high
„Incremental HTL
without invers Standard yes no no no 5 Standard
Resolver Standard yes yes no no 6 high
ENDAT very high yes yes no yes 10 high
EnDat Low cost high yes yes no yes 10 high
Endat Multiturn very high yes yes yes yes 10 Standard
EnDat 2.2 / BISS very high yes yes no yes 6 Standard
Hiperface very high yes yes no yes 6 high
Hiperface multiturn very high yes yes yes yes 6 Standard 7
Sin/Cos very high yes no no no 8 Standard
SIN/COS with
very high yes yes no no 12 Standard
absolute track
SIN/COS with SSI very high yes yes no no 10 Standard
only abso-
SSI Standard limited1 no no 6 Standard
only abso-
SSI multiturn Standard limited1 yes no 6 Standard

SSI encoder often have a high time constant for the internal position detection.
Thus they are not suitable for speed measurement of dynamic systems.

Detailed data can be taken from the instruction manual of the respective encoder interface and from the data
sheet of the encoder.

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Speed measurement

7.11.6 Encoder identifier

Before start-up the inverter must be adjusted to the used encoder.

Encoder interface 1 / 2 (Ec.00, Ec.10)
Ec.00 displays the installed encoder interface 1; Ec.10 displays theencoder interface 2. The values correspond
to following interfaces:
Ec.00, Ec.10: Encoder interface 1/ 2
Value Description
0 no
1 TTL-Incremental encoder input
2 Incremental encoder output 5 V TTL
3 Incremental encoder input and output direct
(non-divisible with Ec.27; switchable in- output with Ec.20)
4 Incremental encoder input and output TTL (switchable with Ec.20)
5 Initiator
6 Synchronous serial interface (SSI)
7 Resolver
8 Tacho
9 Incremental encoder output TTL (from resolver over channel 2)
10 Incremental encoder output TTL
11 Hiperface
12 Incremental encoder input 24 V HTL
13 Incremental encoder input TTL with error detection
14 SinCos encoder input
15 Incremental encoder input 24 V HTL with error detection (push-pull)
17 Incremental encoder input 24 V HTL with error detection
18 Analog option ±10 V
19 Reslover
20 SSI sincos
21 Overspeed limiter
22 UVW-Interface
23 Inc. emulation 10-30V
24 Inc. emulation 10-30V
25 Overspeed limiter HTL
26 Incremental encoder input TTL with error detection 5V supply terminal
27 Incremental encoder input HTL-push-pull terminal block with error detection
28 Endat/BiSS (switchable with Ec.62)
29 Incremental encoder output TTL variable
30 Position via Ec.28

In case of an invalid encoder identification, error „E.Hyb“ is indicated and the measured value is displayed
inverted in Ec.00/Ec.10.
On changing the encoder interface the error „E.HybC“ is indicated. The change is confirmed by writing on pa-
rameter Ec.00 or Ec.10 and the default values for the new interface are loaded. From version 4.2 the message
is acknowledged with error reset (terminal ST or RST).

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Speed measurement

7.11.7 Initial setting

Adjust increments per revolution (Ec.01, Ec.11)

With this parameter the encoder line number is adjusted to the connected encoder within a range of 1…16383.

- Ec.01 for encoder interface  1
- Ec.11 for encoder interface  2

Incremental pulses are generated by the evaluation block for resolver which does not supply incremental
pulses. The number of the generated pulses is displyed in Ec.01 in this case.

The resolution of the resolver interface is adjusted via this parameter. A change is only possible when the mo-
dulation is switched off. Simultaneously with the resolution also the increments per revolution for emulation on
channel 2 changes.

Due to the high resolution the maximum speed is limited at channel 1. The following limit values are valid:

Resolution / bit Maximum speed / rpm
10 150000
12 60000
14 30000
16 7500

EC08 enc 1 excitation

The excitation frequency of the resolver can be adjusted in the range of 1.7 kHz to 19.5 kHz.
Default 10kHz.

Typically the rated frequency of the used resolver is adjusted here, usually 4, 5, or 10 kHz.

EC09 enc 1 signal level

The value for the encoder breakage recognition of the resolver to encoder channel 1 can be adjusted with this
parameter. E.EnC11 is triggered if the signal level of SIN or COS exceed with its maximum values​​this limit.

EC09 is normalized in Vpp of the signals.

The encoder signals are measured with value 0: auto and the threshold is set to the half measured value.

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Speed measurement

Time for speed calc. (Ec.03, Ec.13)

This parameter defines the time over which the speed average value is determined. Thereby the resolution of
the speed measurement is defined simultaneously:

Ec.03, Ec.13: Speed sampling time

Value Scan time Speed resolution when using an incremental encoder with 2500 pulses
0 0,5 ms 12 rpm
1 1 ms 6 rpm
2 2 ms 3 rpm
3 4 ms 1,5 rpm (factory setting)
4 8 ms 0,75 rpm
5 16 ms 0,375 rpm
6 32 ms 0,1875 rpm
7 64 ms 0,09375 rpm
8 128 ms 0,046875 rpm
9 256 ms 0,0234375 rpm

When using other line numbers:

Specified speed resolution x 2500

Speed resolution  = –——————–——————–——————
Line number

Rotation change (Ec.06, Ec.16)

A rotation change for encoder input 1 can be executed with Ec.06 bit 0...1 and for encoder input 2 with Ec.16.
A system inversion can be activated with bit 4 (value 16). With the system inversion it is possible to run the
motor in reverse direction with positive setting at the shaft, without changing the hardware.

The following adjustments are possible:

Ec.06, Ec.16: Encoder track change

Value Function
Direction of rotation
0 no change
1 Inverted
2 depends on the sign of the actual frequency (initiator)
3 depends on track B (initiator terminal 4)
4-15 reserved
Encoder system
0 no
16 Inverted

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Encoder trigger (Ec.07, Ec.17)

Value Evaluation of the encoder signals

0 1-fold (for initiator: evaluation of positive edges only) (20)
1 2-fold (for initiator: evaluation of positive and negative edge)(21)
2 4-fold (for incremental encoder) (22) default
3 8-fold (23)
4 16-fold (24)
5 32-fold (25)
6 64-fold (26)
... ...
13 8192-fold (213)

Position value for channel 2 via parameter (Ec.28)

An encoder is connected to the master control. The position value is written to parameter Ec.28 via bus.

Rotary encoder: The control detects the whole revolutions and outputs a continuous position value to
Linear encoder: The controller detects the position value and outputs it toEc.28

Ec.10 = 30 = „Position via Ec.28“. Independent of connection to channel 2.
Increments per revolution Ec.11 (128….16384, default 1024 inc)
Multiturn resolution Ec.21 ( 32….32, default 32 )
Resolution Ec.17 ( 2….9, default 9) 7
Position format:
The position value in a range of -2^31….2^31.1 is described in Ec.28.
The display standardization can not be changed with Ec.41. The overflow detection after power-on is not

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Speed measurement

7.11.8 Gear factor Definition

The gear factor (ratio drive speed tooutput speed) is defined by two parameters: gear factor numerator and
gear factor denominator

Gear factor = ––––––––

For every encoder channel, a gear factor can be given. Ec.04 / 05 or Ec.56 / 57 defines the gear factor for
channel 1. Ec.14 / 15 or Ec.58 / 59 defines the gear factor for channel 2.
The gear factor can be preset with a higher resolution and a higher value range in the second parameter pair
(Ec.56 / 57 or Ec.58 / 59).
Parameter "gear factor counter long" (Ec.56 for channel 1 or Ec.58 for channel 2) determines the parameter
pair that defines the gear factor.
If this parameter contains a value not equal to "0:off" for the respective channel, the "long" gear factors apply.
Overview of the parameters for gear factor setting:

Parameter Description Default

Value range
Ec.04 gear 1 numerator -30000…30000 1000
Ec.05 gear 1 determinator 0...30000 1000
Ec.56 Gear 1 numerator long off
Ec.57 Gear 1 denominator long 0…10741823 1000

Gear factor channel 2

Ec.14 -30000…30000 1000
Ec.15 gear 2 determinator 0...30000 1000
Ec.58 Gear 2 numerator long Off
Ec.59 Gear 2 denominator long 0…1073741823 1000

Setting a gear factor is necessary in the following applications:

• Motor encoder connection via a gear

If the speed sensor for the motor speed cannot be connected directly to the motor shaft, the gear ratio
between motor and speed sensor must be set.
• Use of a resolver with a pole-pair number greater than 1
By default, the use of resolvers with pole-pair number 1 is assumed. If other types are to be used, the
different pole-pair number is treated like a gear factor. The ratio of gear factor denominator to gear factor
numerator must be set equal to the pole-pair number. If different synchronous motor are to be used in this
set-up, it must be ascertained that the value pole-pair number x gear factor is integer (see example 1).
• Synchronous running
For synchronous control, the gear ratio between master and slave drive must be known to the inverter
(see chapter synchronous mode / position normalisation)
• positioning
The gear factor is needed if control is not directly by motor position, but the position encoder is connected
with a gear (see chapter position normalisation).

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• Adaption of special encoder

The maximum value for the number of increments per revolution of an encoder that can be entered in
Ec.01 or Ec.11 is 65535. The permissible maximum number of increments per revolution may be smaller
(for Sin/Cos encoders, e.g., 2048), depending on the interface type. By using the gear factor, encoders
with more increments per revolution can be used (see below: example 2). This adaption is not always
feasible and introduces limitations (e.g., no approach to reference point in response to the encoder-zero
impulse possible).

The main uses of the gear factor occur in the operating modes positioning and synchronous running. The effect
of the gear factor and the correct settings for the various mechanical set-ups are described in more detail in
chapters and .

Examples for the special case of encoder adaption via the gear factor are listed below:

Example 1: 3, pole-pair resolver on channel 1

Pole-pair number of the resolver = 3, pole-pair number of the synchronous motor = 3

ratio gear factor denominator to gear factor numerator must be equal to the pole-pair number

Ec.05 Gear 1 denominator = 3000

Ec.04 Gear 1 numerator = 1000
Ec.39 Encoder 1 over transmission = 1

Parameter Ec.39 must be set to: „1: motor encoder" for the operation of encoders that are not directly attached
at the motor or for the operation of resolvers with a pole-pair number > 1.

The gear factor is 1/3, the pole-pair number of the motor = 3

Gear factor x pole-pair number of the motor = 1
=> Synchronous motor can be operated in this set-up.

Example 2: Use of an encoder with too many increments per revolution


Encoder channel 1 is connected to a Sin/Cos encoder with 45000 increments.

The maximum value for Ec.01 for this interface type is 2048.
The increments per revolution are therefore split into 45000 = 1800 x 25.
The value 1800 is set as increments per revolution, the value 25 is set as gear factor.

Ec.01 Encoder (inc/r) 1 = 1800

Ec.04 Gear 1 numerator = 1 (must contain value 1)
Ec.05 Gear 1 denominator = 25
Ec.39 Encoder 1 over transmission = „2: Ec.1 x E. 5 (1 zero impulse per revolution)"

Ec.39 must be set to 2 for this special operation (splitting the real increments per revolution into gear factor
denominator and increments per revolution).
This special operation is only available for channel 1.

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Speed measurement Gear factor / analog setting

The gear factor numerator (Ec.04 and Ec.14, respectively) can be changed via the analog parameter setting
(see chapter 7.15.9).

The target is to be able to adjust the gear factor for encoder channel 2 between 0.9 and 1.1.
Gear factor denominator is chosen as 1000.
The gear factor numerator must also be settable to between 900 and 1100.

The analog setting shall be done through the Aux-input

=> An.53 Analog parameter setting source = 0: Aux input (ru.53)

The target of the setting is Ec.14 gear factor channel 2 numerator (bus address 100Eh)
=> An.54 Analog parameter setting destination = 100Eh

For an analog value of 0%, one should have gear factor numerator = 1000
=> An.55 Analog parameter setting offset = 1000

For an analog value of 100%, the gear factor numerator should be 1100
=> An.56 Analog parameter setting max. value = 1100

With this setting, a gear factor of 0.9 to 1.1 can be set with an Aux value of -100%...100%. Gear factor / set-programming

The gear factor is generally not set-programmable.

There is a workaround in case the application needs a set-dependent gear factor.
One uses the option of analogously setting the gear factor for this purpose. As the source for the analog para-
meter setting, not an analog input but the motor potentiometer value is selected, which can be specified set-


In set 0, the gear factor should have the value 0.5, in set 1, the value 1, and in set 2, the value 1.5. Gear factor
denominator is chosen as 1000. The gear factor numerator must therefore be: in set 0 = 500, in set 1 = 1000,
and in set 2 = 1500.

The analog setting should be done by motor potentiometer

=> An.53 Analog parameter setting source = 1: Motor potentiometer (ru.37)

The target of the setting is Ec.14 gear factor channel 2 numerator (bus address 100E hex)
=> An.54 Analog parameter setting destination = 100Eh

The value range is symmetrical around 1000 (+/- 500)

=> An.55 Analog parameter setting offset = 1000

The maximum value for the gear factor numerator should be 1500
=> An.56 Analog parameter setting max. value = 1500

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Speed measurement

The set-dependent gear factors are now realised through the different values for oP.52 "motor potentiometer
value". For that purpose, the following setting have to be made :

Set 0...2: oP.53 Motor potentiometer min. -100%

value =
Set 0...2: oP.54 Motor potentiometer 100%
max. value =
Set 0: oP.52 Motor potentiometer va- -100%
lue =
Set 1: oP.52 Motor potentiometer va- 0
lue =
Set 2: oP.52 Motor potentiometer va- 100%
lue =

7.11.9 Emulation mode

The encoder emulation is parameterized with parameter Ec.27.

Condition: The inverter contains an encoder interface; one channel is an encoder emulation or one channel can
be changed over to encoder emulation.
The encoder interfaces of the respective inverter can be read out in parameter Ec.00 „encoder 1 interface“ or
Ec.10 „encoder 2 interface".

Ec.27: Emulation mode

Bit Function Value Description
The increments of the encoder at channel 1 (programmable and rea-
0: Channel 1
dable via Ec.01) are output via encoder emulation at channel 2.
This value is without function, because there is no encoder interface 7
1: Channel 2
with encoder emulation available via channel 1
The displayed speed in ru.07 „actual value“ is output via the emula-
tion. It does not matter, whether this speed is a measured or calcu-
2: Actual va-
lated value. The increments per revolution of the emulation must be
lue (ru.07)
selected with bit 2, 3 „actual value“.
Attention: No zero signal is output!
The position difference detected by the encoder interface in channel 1
is output every 125µs without error to the encoder emulation. There is
a delay of 500 µs. The zero pulse emulation is active for the adjusted
0, 1 Source increments per revolution. The zero pulse is not synchronous with that
of the encoder. It will come after power off/on at another place, but it
make sence to correct error increments at the evaluation of pulses in
the slave, e.g. by malfunctions. Thus "synchronous running" is guaran-
teed for days / weeks.
3: Actual va-
lue (Ec.29)

→ To use the function of the zero pulse emulation, only the following
increments per revolution can be adjusted: 256/512/1024/2048 inc.
→ The increments per revolution of encoder source channel 1 must be
a multiple of two in order to use the zero pulse emulation.
→ If the output switching frequency is switched to 12kHz and back,
error increments are theoretically possible.

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Speed measurement

0: 256 inc
4: 512 inc Number of increments per revolution which are output over the enco-
2, 3 Actual value
8: 1024 inc der emulation channel with the adjustment „source = 2: actual value“.
12: 2048 inc
The increments of encoder channel 1 are directly output via the en-
coder emulation.
0: direct
Use this adjustment always if „source = 2: actual value“ is parame-
16: 2
The increments of encoder channel 1 are divided by the selected
4...7 Division 32: 4
factor (2, 4, 8,…).
48: 8
64: 16 Attention: The zero signal is not divided.
80: 32 It is output once per revolution. Also the pulse duration of the zero
signal is not changed compared to the direct output. Thus it is shorter
96: 64
than the divided trace A and B signals.
112: 128

7.11.10 Absolute position (encoder 1) Position values

The position values of encoder 1 and 2 are determined as follows.

see chapter
Encoder gear factor
ch 1

ec.4/ec.5 or ec.56/57
ec.29 ec.60 see chapter
Posi / Syn

see chapter
Encoder gear factor
ch 2

ec.14/ec.15 or ec.58/59
ec.30 ec.61
ec.34 System offset

The system offset is used to:
• set the actual position to the reference point
• Compensate overflows at multiturn encoders after power-on

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Speed measurement Absolute position (encoder 1)

The system position results from the position value - system offset
(Ec.60 = Ec.31 - Ec.33; Ec.61 = Ec.32 - Ec.34)

7.11.11 Further parameters / encoder

The following parameters are required only for specific encoder interfaces and are explained more closely in
the appropriate documentation. SSI encoder at channel 1

Ec.53: Encoder 1 SSI multiturn res.

Default value 0
Value range 0…13
Number of bits for all revolutions

Ec.43: SSI data code channel 1

Default value 0
Value range 0…1
0 binary
used data format of the encoder
1 Gray

Ec.54: Encoder 1 SSI mode

Default value 0 7
Value range 0…3
0 Standard
SSI singleturn encoder which shall be read out with
1 Singleturn 25 bit
2 Linear (SIKO AE 111) Especially for SIKO encoders at linear motors
Value 3 allows to adjust a SinCos SSI encoder interface
by way that only the SSI signals are evaluated. This
Only as SSI (chan-
3 function is supported upto encoder interface software
nel 1)
date 19.04.2012. The encoder interface software date
can be seen in parameter In.32. SSI encoder at channel 2

Ec.21: SSI multiturn res.

Default value 12
Value range 0…13 Number of bits for all revolutions

Parameter Ec.24 must be set to 0 in order to use 13 bits in parameter Ec.21.

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Speed measurement

Ec.22: SSI Clock frequency

Default value 0
Value range 0...1
0 156 kHz should not be changed by the default value
1 312 kHz 156khz

Ec.23: SSI data code

Default value 1
Value range 0…1
0 binary
1 Gray Valid for binary and gray

Ec.24: SSI power failure bit

Default value 0
Value range 0…1
0 off
1 an Bit 25 is queried in SSI protocol 0: ok; 1: Error

Ec.55: Encoder 2 SSI mode

Default value 0
Value range 0…2
0 Standard
SSI singleturn encoder which shall be read
1 Singleturn 25 bit
out with 25bit
Linear (SIKO AE Especially for SIKO encoders at linear mo-
111) tors SSI position standardization channel 1 and 2 (Ec.41)

Ec.41: Mode display multiturn

Default value 0
Value range 0…15
bit 0: mode channel 1
0 full 32 bit range Value range of the positioning: 231-1... 231-1
1 only multiturn range Value range of 0…2ec.52
bit 1: mode channel 2
0 full 32 bit range Value range of the positioning: 231-1... 231-1
2 only multiturn range Value range of 0…2ec.52
bit 2: Overflow detection channel 1
0 on After power-on the last position value is compared with the actual value
and possibly overflows in parameter ec.33 are considered. The prerequi-
site is that the position has not changed by half the value range at power-
off. Problems with encoders whose initialisation takes longer than for the
inverter. The function must be activated here.
4 Off Overflow detection not active e.g. linear - axes

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bit 3: Overflow detection channel 2

0 on s.h. bit2 overflow in ec.34
8 Off Overflow detection not active e.g. linear - axes Tachometer at channel 2

Ec.25: Nominal tacho speed

Default value 1500 rpm
Value range 0…16000 rpm
Nominal speed of tacho voltage Evaluation intelligent interface

„Intelligent interface“ is a general term for all encoder interface types which contain their own micro-controller
for the encoder evaluation.
Parameters Ec.36...Ec.38 are only supported with these interface types.

Some encoder contain a so-called „electronic type plate“ if an intelligent interface is necessary for evaluation.
That means: the most important motor and encoder data can be stored in the encoder. Then this data can be
read out and accepted by the inverter at the start-up (for more details see "Ec.38 encoder 1r/w)

Ec.36 Encoder 1 r/w

The encoder is specified in this parameter:

Ec.36: encoder 1 type

No. Encoder type

electr. type plate
Ec.00 encoder in- 7
Hiperface ENDAT SSI terface 1
2 SCS 60/70 X yes 11: Hiperface
7 SCM 60/70 X yes 11: Hiperface
16 SinCos not absolute no 14: Sin Cos
17 SinCos absolute no 14: Sin Cos
18 SSI absolute X no 20: SSI – Sin Cos
19 UVW without zero track no 22: UVW
20 UVW with zero track no 22: UVW
34 SRS 50/60 X yes 11: Hiperface
39 SRM 50/60 X yes 11: Hiperface
49 Endat Singleturn X yes 16: ENDAT
50 Endat Multiturn X yes 16: ENDAT
50 SKS 36 X yes 11: Hiperface
51 Endat linear X yes 16: ENDAT
55 SKM 36 X yes 11: Hiperface

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Speed measurement

Ec.37 enc. 1 encoder status

Parameter Ec.37 "encoder 1 status" indicates the actual status of the encoder and encoder interface 1.
The encoder error is only displayed in the inverter status ru.00, if the control release is set.
The encoder status is always displayed in Ec.37.
If the error message: „35: ERROR! Encoder change“ (E.EncC) the exact error message can be read in Ec.37
in inverter state ru.00.

Ec.37: Encoder 1status
Value Explanation Error
0: no communication to the no communication between interface and control board E.Hyb
16: transmit position Position values are transmitted, encoder and interface are correct no
64: encoder not defined Encoder is unknown and is not supported E.EncC
68: no communication to The signals of the absolute track are incorrect. The absolute track E.EncC
the encoder at Endat, Hiperface and SSI-SinCos is digital, at SinCos it is analog.
69: increase error counter Position deviation too large. The position, determined from the in- E.EncC
cremental signals and the absolute position (absolute track, zero
signal or serial read out) do not agree or they cannot be corrected.
70: Ec.01 unequal to the en- Adjusted increments per revolution of the inverter does not agree E.EncC
coder type with the encoder increments per revolution.
71: interface identification Interface type is unknown: Interface was not identified. E.EncC
Ec.37 enc. 1 encoder status
Value Explanation Error
75: encoder temperature Encoder temperature too high (message from encoder) E.EncC
76: speed too high Speed is too high (message from encoder) E.EncC
7: int. encoder signals too low Encoder signals are out of the specification (message from encoder) E.EncC
78: int. encoder defect Encoder has an internal error (message from encoder) E.EncC
92: format encoder Encoder is formatted. When writing on an encoder, whose storage E.EncC
structure does not correspond to the KEB definition, the storage
areas are reorganised, so they can be written on. This procedure
can take several seconds, depending on the available memory
96: new encoder identifier New value recognized, because another encoder was connected E.EncC
98: damaged interface Interface is busy E.EncC
97: invalid data KEB-identification is undefined. Memory structure in the encoder E.Enc1
is not corresponding to the KEB definition and consequently the
data can not be read.
255: no communication to no communication between interface and control board E.Hyb
the interface

• Error encoder change

If the correct evaluation of the position is not given, then error "35: Error! Encoder change "(E. ENCC) is trig-
The error can be reset via parameter Ec.00 and from version 4.2 also via hardware or bus-reset.

An error due to wrong encoder increments per revolution (value 70) is immediately reset, if the correct number
of increments per revolution is adjusted.

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Attention: if the control release is still set, the drive starts to run automatically.

• Error encoder 1
If no data can be read out from the encoder (value 97), „32: ERROR! encoder 1“ (E.Enc1) is released. At F5-S
the error can be reset either by writing of a system position in Ec.02 or by system position trimming.

• Error enocder interface

Error „52: ERROR! encoder interface“ (E.HYb) only occurs, if either the control board or the encoder interface is
defective, or the voltage supply for the encoder interface is short-circuited by a defective encoder cable (e.g.).

Ec.38 encoder 1 r/w (electronic motor name plate)

Data can be stored and read out in some absolute encoders (e.g. Endat, Hiperface). Thus an „electronic name
plate“ can be stored for the motor/encoder system.
If an inverter is connected the first time with an encoder which contains an electronic name plate, this is auto-
matically read out, if „data load when switching on = 4: automatic “ is adjusted in Ec.38 (factory setting at F5-S).

KEB servo motors with electronic name plates already contain the complete motor data.

Ec.38: Encoder 1 r/w

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
0: reading not active Activates the reading, value is set to 0
0 read data
1: reading activated afterwards.
0: storing not active Activates the storing, value is set to 0
1 store data afterwards (Supervisor-password pro-
2: storing activated tected)
0: not automatically
load data during switching Activates the automatic data load of the
on 4: automatically inverter at the first start-up

0: system and application Motor data, Ec.01, Ec.02, cS.19 and

(all) Ec.03
3, 4 data group/ selection
8: System only motor data, Ec.01 and Ec.02
16: only Ec.02 only Ec.02

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Speed measurement

The stored parameters in the encoder are divided in two groups: system and application parameter.
The data are different for synchronous motors (F5-S) and asynchronous motors (F5-M).
The following table gives an overview of the data:

F5-S F5-M
dr.23 DSM rated current dr.00 DASM rated current
dr.24 DSM rated speed dr.01 DASM rated speed
dr.25 DSM rated frequency dr.02 DASM rated voltage
dr.26 DSM EMK [Vpk*1000RPM] dr.03 DASM rated power
dr.27 DSM rated torque dr.04 DASM rated cos(phi)
dr.28 DSM curr. f. zero speed dr.05 DASM rated frequency
dr.30 DSM winding resistance dr.06 DASM stator resistance
dr.31 DSM winding inductance dr.07 DASM sigma-inductance
dr.32 DSM rated power ---
dr.33 DSM max. torque ---
Ec.01 encoder (inc/r) 1 Ec.01 encoder (inc/r) 1
Ec.02 absolute pos. enc.1 ---
cS.19 abs. torque ref
Ec.03 time 1 for speed calc.

Read data:

Each encoder is clearly identified by an internal serial number.

If an inverter is connected the first time with an encoder which contains an electronic name plate, this is auto-
matically read out, if „data load when switching on = 4: automatic “ is adjusted in Ec.38 (factory setting at F5-S).
No error is released if the reading is successful.
The data are not read out again as long as the encoder serial number does not change.

If another encoder (other serial number) is connected to the same inverter, error message „35: ERROR! enco-
der change“ (E.EncC) is released first. Ec.37 „encoder 1 status“ displays the value „96: new encoder identifier“.
If this error is reset, the inverter reads automatically the data of the new encoder (according to parameterizing)
and stores them.

If the encoder does not contain electronic rating plate data, „32: ERROR! encoder 1“ (E.Enc1) is released.

If the data shall be read later again from the encoder, this must be triggered manually by setting of bit 0 „reading
activated “in Ec.38.
Which data of the encoder shall be read can be selected with bit 3 and 4 „data group/ selection“.

In case of successful reading, bit „reading activated“ is automatically reset.

If the stored data cannot be read or loaded into the inverter, error message „32: ERROR! encoder 1“ (E.Enc1)
is released and parameter Ec.37 displays value 97: "invalid data".

Attention: The controller adaption is automatically triggered after read out of the data (corresponds to the set-
ting of Fr.10 = 2) and Pn.61 „absolute torque limit“ = cS.19 „absolute torque reference“ is set.

Data storage:

The data must be entered to the inverter if an encoder does not contain an electronic type plate. Next the data
can be stored in the encoder.

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Speed measurement

For this the supervisor password must be entered and Ec.38 = „2: memory activated“ must be written.
If an error occurs during storage, Ec.37 displays the status „68: no communication to the encoder“. In case of
successful storage, bit „storage activated“ is automatically reset.
The system and application data are always stored! Encoder over gear (ec.39)

This parameter allows the operation of encoders that either are not mounted directly to the motor (output, belt),
whose detection have a superior position evaluation (e.g., pole-pair resolver) or whose increments per revolu-
tion cannot be set in ec.01.

Ec.39: encoder over transmission

Value Function Description
0 off No function
Speed ratio in the encoder detection. Position values are evaluated
1 Motor – Encoder
1:1, gear factor ec.04/05 enters the speed measurement.
Ec.01 x Ec.05 (1 zero The increments per revolution of the encoder is greater than the para-
pulse /revolution) meter in ec.01 allows. The zero signal is once per revolution
Ec.01 x Ec.05 (spacer- like 2, but the zero signal is spacer-coded (500inc / 500 inc = zero
coded) position)
Special software (like 2, but the zero signal is validated via an external
4 reserved
reference switch).
For channel 1 as 1. The motor is operated under control of an encoder
Motor – Encoder + syn- coupled to the output. Via channel 2, control occurs position-synchro-
chronous channel 2 nous. The gear factor in channel 1 is cosidered in the speed detection
of channel 2.
7 Consider deceleration times of the position sensing

Addr. Parameter Name Default value Value

1126h dS.38 encoder delay 0: Off 0 = off
1 = on

As standard the delay time for resolver and incremental encoder detection is set to "0 off" in order not to affect
existing applications. Parameter dS.38 must be set to "1 on" to activate the encoder delay.

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Posi- and synchronous operating

7.1 Operating and appliance data

1. Introduction

7.2 Analog in- and outputs

2. Summary
7.3 Digital in- and outputs

3. Hardware
7.4 Setpoint-, rotation- and ramp presetting

Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous

4. Operation motor

Motor data and controller adjustments of the synchronous

Selection of Operating motor
7.7 Speed control

6. Initial Start-up
7.8 Torque display and -limiting

7.9 Torque control

7. Functions 7

7.10 Current control, -limiting and switching frequencies

8. Error Assistance
7.11 Speed measurement

9. Project Design
7.12 Posi- and synchronous operation

7.13 Protective functions

10. Networks

7.14 Parameter sets

11. Parameter Overview

7.15 Special functions

12. Annex
7.16 CP-Parameter definition

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Posi- and synchronous operating

7.12.1 Limit switch............................................................................................................................. 7.12 - 4 Hardware limit switch............................................................................................ 7.12 - 4 Software limit switch............................................................................................. 7.12 - 4
7.12.2 Approach to reference point.................................................................................................. 7.12 - 5 Approach to reference point / modes................................................................... 7.12 - 6 Approach to reference point / stopping point........................................................ 7.12 - 8 Approach to reference point / stop at zero signal................................................. 7.12 - 8 Approach to reference point / no driving free....................................................... 7.12 - 9 Approach to reference point / limit switch............................................................. 7.12 - 9 Reference point / manual setting........................................................................ 7.12 - 10 Over PS.14..................................................................................... 7.12 - 10 With input function "set reference point"........................................ 7.12 - 11 Reference point / valid position.......................................................................... 7.12 - 11 Approach to reference point / stop at index 0..................................................... 7.12 - 12 Approach to reference point with subsequent drive to zero signal..................... 7.12 - 13 Approach to reference point with overdriving of the reference limit switch......... 7.12 - 13 Position reset in the encoder.............................................................................. 7.12 - 14
7.12.3 Synchronous mode.............................................................................................................. 7.12 - 14 Synchronous mode / principle............................................................................ 7.12 - 14 Synchronous mode / premise............................................................................. 7.12 - 15 Synchronous mode / position normalisation....................................................... 7.12 - 17 Synchronous mode / selection of operating mode............................................. 7.12 - 18 Synchronous mode / activation and synchronization......................................... 7.12 - 19 Principle......................................................................................... 7.12 - 19 Synchronization at limit.................................................................. 7.12 - 19 Synchronization with constant path................................................ 7.12 - 20 Synchronization with ramp............................................................. 7.12 - 22 Gear factor.......................................................................................................... 7.12 - 24 Angular correction.............................................................................................. 7.12 - 25 Angular reset...................................................................................................... 7.12 - 26
7.12.4 Posi mode.............................................................................................................................. 7.12 - 27 Selection of operating mode............................................................................... 7.12 - 27 Posi mode / principle.......................................................................................... 7.12 - 27 Posi mode / premise........................................................................................... 7.12 - 29 Position normalisation........................................................................................ 7.12 - 30 Position control by the motor encoder............................................ 7.12 - 30 Positioning by the output................................................................ 7.12 - 31 Speed and position control by motor encoder/ encoder mounting after
gear................................................................................................ 7.12 - 32 Posi mode / actual position................................................................................. 7.12 - 34 Posi mode / set and target position.................................................................... 7.12 - 35 Posi mode / single positioning............................................................................ 7.12 - 35 Posi mode / sequential positioning..................................................................... 7.12 - 38 Posi mode / Positioning with set changeover..................................................... 7.12 - 52 Posi mode / rotary table...................................................................................... 7.12 - 52 Rotary table with path optimization................................................ 7.12 - 53 Rotary table without path optimization........................................... 7.12 - 54 Posi mode / defined stop.................................................................................... 7.12 - 57 Posi mode / remaining distance positioning....................................................... 7.12 - 58 Posi mode / flying referencing with correction.................................................... 7.12 - 59 Posi mode / start positioning.............................................................................. 7.12 - 64 Posi mode / inaccessible positions..................................................................... 7.12 - 68

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Posi- and synchronous operating Posi mode / stop positioning............................................................................... 7.12 - 70 Analog position setting....................................................................................... 7.12 - 70 Analog position output........................................................................................ 7.12 - 71 Target window..................................................................................................... 7.12 - 71 Backlash............................................................................................................. 7.12 - 72 Position scan...................................................................................................... 7.12 - 72 Teach function.................................................................................................... 7.12 - 72 Functions and displays for the positioning mode................................................ 7.12 - 74
7.12.5 Contouring control mode..................................................................................................... 7.12 - 77 Contouring control mode / premises................................................................... 7.12 - 77 Contouring control mode / settings..................................................................... 7.12 - 78 Contouring control mode / write / read data....................................................... 7.12 - 78 Contouring control mode / speed precontrol...................................................... 7.12 - 79 Contouring control mode / watchdog.................................................................. 7.12 - 79 Contouring control mode / example.................................................................... 7.12 - 80
7.12.6 Position controller................................................................................................................ 7.12 - 82

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Posi- and synchronous operating

7.12 Posi- and synchronous operation

7.12.1 Limit switch Hardware limit switch

The inputs which are assigned in di.11... 22 with the functions "32: forward" (limit swich right) and "64: reverse
(limit switch left) serve as hardware limit switch. Therefore, the rotation setting via terminals (oP.01 "source
of rotation direction" = 2...6) may not be used if the limit switch function is to be used. To protect against cable
breakage, an unconnected input means that the drive has run onto the limit switch.

Attention: Only the limit switch for the current direction of rotation is ever evaluated, i.e., for clockwise
rotation, only the right limit switch is considered and the left limit switch is ignored. This applies
accordingly to counter clockwise rotation. Therefore, the limit switch can act only if the drive
runs in the correct sense of rotation and the connections of the limit switches are not interchan-
ged. Furthermore, one must ensure that the drive stops at the limit switch. If the limit switch is
overrun, a new positioning in the disabled direction can be carried out.
The response to the error (the run-on to the limit switch) is set in parameter Pn.07 "proh. rot. stopping
mode". Possible responses are, e.g., triggering of an error or emergency stop (see chapter 7.15 "Protection
Note: If a function with "AutoRestart" (automatic restart) is selected as response, status "ABN.STOP
prot.rot.“ is displayed only during deceleration (display in ru.00 "inverter state" or by digital
output). Afterwards, the status changes to "ready for positioning" again.
If a function without AutoRestart is chosen, the error-/ warning- message remains displayed un-
til reset. Afterwards the status changes to "ready for positioning" again, even if the drive is still
in the direction of the limit switch. The error-/ warning- message is set again only at the next
"start positioning" command. Software limit switch

The software limit switches complement the function of the hardware limit switch.
They are active only after an approach to reference point or the setting of reference points, respectively (see
chapter 7.12.2 approach to reference point). In contrast to hardware limit switches, the software limit switches
can lose their protective function by, e.g., a faulty approach to reference point or a faulty position correction.
Their advantage is that they cannot be overrun.
For a positioning whose target lies outside of the permissible range, the "start positioning"-commands are
ignored. The permissible range lies between PS.15 "software limit switch left" and PS.16 "software limit switch
right". The software limit switches are active in the vector controlled operation, the synchronous mode, the po-
sitioning mode, and the contouring mode.
The response to the error (running onto the limit switch) is specified in Pn.66 "response software limit switch".
Possible responses are, e.g., triggering of an error or emergency stop (see chapter 7.13 "protection functions").
Note: If a function with "AutoRestart" (automatic restart) is selected as response, neither "disabled direction of
rotation" is displayed in status "warning! nor switching condition "quick stop/ error" is set. Cause: As soon as
the setpoint speed is equal to zero, the drive does not run in a disabled direction of rotation anymore, and the
malfunction is reset automatically. The drive also displays "ready for positioning", but does not react to "start
positioning" commands anymore as long as the target position lies outside the permissible range.
If a function without AutoRestart is chosen, the error-/ warning- message remains displayed until reset. After-
wards, the status changes to "ready for positioning" again.

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Posi- and synchronous operating

7.12.2 Approach to reference point

For an approach to reference point, the following conditions must be met:

● program and connect an input as reference point switch(PS.18). The same input can also be used
as a limit switch. Since the limit switches are "zero active" for protection against cable breakage, the
reference switch, in this case, is also "zero active". If the reference switch is connected to its own
input, it is "one active".
● Define an input for the start of the approach to reference point (with PS.19/ only necessary in mode 1
approach to reference point).
● connect the limit switches (forward = right limit switch / reverse = left limit switch) to the inputs which
are programmed in di.11...12 with the function "32: forward" and "64: reverse". If the limit switches
shall be omitted (e.g. at rotary table applications), no input may be assigned with the function "for-
ward" or "backward".
● The approach to reference point must be activated in "approach to reference point mode" of parame-
ter PS.14.

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Posi- and synchronous operating Approach to reference point / modes

There are 3 different Modes of position reference:

PS.14: Mode of position reference

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
0: off No approach to reference point
1: no auto- Approach to reference point is started via digital input. The input is
start defined with PS.19.
The approach to reference point is carried out automatically during
the first "start positioning” command after "power on", even if the po-
sitioning mode has not been activated yet (input with function "Posi-
tioning /synchronous activation" not set). If the approach to reference
point is interrupted (e.g., by switching off the control release), all
2: autostart
other "start positioning" commands also start an approach to refe-
rence point. Has the reference point search been completed once,
no approach to reference point can be initiated with "start positioning"
anymore. If, additionally, an input is occupied with the function "ap-
proach to reference point", this input is also active.
Mode of positi- The software limit switches are immediately active (if programmed in
on reference Pn.66). The switching condition „approach to reference point com-
pleted“ is met. The value for the actual position (ru.54) is generated
as follows:
● Encoder without absolute position information (e.g., incremen-
tal encoder): After "power on" the actual position is = the last ac-
3: last positi- quired actual position before "power off". To ensure that the position
on (at power- is correct, the encoder may not turn anymore after power off.
on-reset) ● Encoder with single-turn absolute position information (e.g.,
resolver): After "power on", the position is read out by the encoder
within one revolution, the count of whole revolutions is taken from the
last actual position before "power off". To ensure that the position is
correct, the encoder may turn maximally ½ revolution after power off.
● Encoder With multi turn absolute position information:
The current actual position is read from the encoder after "power on".

In mode 1 and 2, the approach to reference point is started on the rising edge of input "start approach to refe-
rence point" (mode 1) and "start positioning" (mode 2), respectively.

The approach to reference point starts with the speed adjusted in PS.21 "reference speed". The direction of
rotation which is used first for the reference point search (the preferred direction f rotation) is set by the sign
of PS.21 . A positive sign means the drive first looks for the reference point switch in the clockwise direction of
The acceleration / deceleration ramps during the approach to reference point are not defined via the OP para-
meters but via PS.20 "reference acc./dec. time".

Attention: the ramp time and the approach to reference point speed must be chosen so that the drive can stop
and reverse as long as the reference point switch is active. Otherwise, faulty referencing can occur (e.g., stop
on the wrong side of the reference point).
To achieve the most precise referencing, an "approach to reference point free drive-speed" can be programmed
in PS.22. for free driving of the reference switch. If this parameter is set to "0:off", the free drive-speed is taken
as ¼ of the approach to reference point speed (PS.21) .
The actual position is overwritten with the value of PS.17 "reference point" at the reference point.

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Posi- and synchronous operating

The following two pictures show an exemplary approach to reference point process. The further possibililties
programmable in PS.14 are shown later in this chapter.

point search
Start completed
PS.21: Approach to
reference point Speed = 5/6 2/3
positive 1

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000

Limit switch left Reference Limit switch
point switch right

1 2 3 4 5 6

ru.02: Set

ru.54: actual

Approach to
reference point
Target window
Reference point
Start approach
to reference

1. PS.21 = positive, i.e., the drive accelerates with the ramp from PS.20 and seeks in forward direction for
the reference switch
2. Stopping at the reference switch
3. Free driving of the reference switch with free drive-speed (PS.21 / PS.22)
4. Stopping of the drive with ramp from PS.20
Setting of the signal "target window reached"
5. Wait for the damping period of 100ms
6. Overwriting the current actual position (ru.54) with the reference point position (PS.17)
Resetting of the signal "target window reached"
Setting of the signal "approach to reference point completed"
Stopping of the drive left to the reference point (programmable via PS.14)

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Posi- and synchronous operating Approach to reference point / stopping point

PS.14 determines on which side of the reference point switch the drive is positioned after the approach to re-
ference point. Even if, after the free driving of the reference switch, positioning is to occur based on the zero
signal, "stopping point " determines if the first null signal is to be driven on at the right or left of the reference
The adjustment is only considered if the reference point switch serves not simultaneously as limit switch.

PS.14: Mode of position reference

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
Stopping 0: right Stop on the right side of the reference point switch
point 8: left Stop on the left side of the reference point switch Approach to reference point / stop at zero signal

An approach to reference point that depends only on the initiator signal of the reference point switch is insuf-
ficiently precise for many applications. Therefore, the possibility exists to couple the reference point with the
marker pulse of the encoder.
To that end, positioning after the free driving of the reference switch is done on the marker pulse of the encoder
and the current actual position=marker pulse is then overwritten with the reference point value.
With "stop at null signal= 4: yes" this function is activated.
Additionally, two monitoring functions can be switched in with bit 4 "error if no zero signal" and bit 8 "Verify zero
signal". These are only active if "stop at null signal= yes" is programmed.

PS.14: Mode of position reference

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
0: no The drive stops directly after free driving of the reference point switch.
Stop at zero The drive positions on the null signal of the encoder after free driving of
2 the reference point switch at the free drive-speed. If during the drive to the
signal 4: yes
reference switch no null signal was received, the behaviour of the drive is
determined by bit 4 "error if no zero signal".
If, during the reference point search, no null signal is recognised, the drive
rotates maximally another two revolutions at the free drive-speed to locate
the null signal. If the null signal is found, the drive reverses and drives
back to the reference point switch. Positioning on the null signal is execut-
0: off
ed after that.
Error, if no zero If no null signal is recognised during the null signal search, the inverter
4 reports "error! encoder 1" or "Error! Encoder 2" (E.EnC1 respectively
If no zero signal is recognized during searching for the reference point
switch (i.e. if the reference switch is reached before the encoder sends
16: on
the first marker pulse), the inverter immediately indicates „Error! encoder
1" or "Error! encoder 2“ (E.EnC1 or E.EnC2).
0: off no examination of the position of the null signal
Examine the The distance from switch to null signal is examined after driving free of
8 the reference point switch. If the zero signal does not lie within a range
zero signal 256: on
of ¼ to ¾ revolution, „Error! encoder 1" or "Error! encoder 2“ (E.EnC) is

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Posi- and synchronous operating Approach to reference point / no driving free

Apart from the two modes "stop at null signal" or "stop after driving free" of the reference switch, there is a
third reference point drive mode:

PS.14: Mode of position reference

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
The reference point switch is driven free during the approach to refe-
0: off
rence point
9 No driving free As soon as the reference point switch has been hit, the drive stops on
the switch. It does not matter whether the switch has been hit going in
512: on
the preferred direction. This setting may not be combined with "stop at
null signal". Approach to reference point / limit switch

When the drive reaches the hardware limit switch for the direction of rotation, it automatically reverses and
begins searching
the reference point in the other direction of rotation.
If no reference point switch is found, the drive continuously shuttles between the two hardware limit switches.

Note: During the approach to reference point, the limit switch function works differently than in usual operation.
If in Pn.07 "proh. rot. stopping mode" value: "6: function switched off" is programmed, the drive reverses with
the defined acceleration and deceleration times of parameter PS.20 "reference acc/dec. time".
For all other value of Pn.07, the setpoint speed without ramp is set to zero. The drive stops and then accele-
rates in the other direction of rotation with the ramp from PS.20. No normal quick stop is executed, the quick
stop parameters (Pn.60 / Pn.61 / Pn.67) have no function.
point search
completed Start

PS.21: Approach to reference

3/4 6/7 5 2
point Speed = positive

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000

Limit switch left Reference point 2 Limit switch
switch right
Reverse after reaching the
right limit switch

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Posi- and synchronous operating

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

ru.02: Set

ru.54: actual

Limit switch

Approach to
reference point
Target window
point switch
Start approach
to reference

1. PS.21 positive
Drive accelerates with ramp from PS.20 and seeks in forward direction for the reference switch
2. Run-on to the limit switch
Reverse and seek in the other direction of rotation
3. Overdriving of the reference switch
(because stopping the drive left to the reference switch is selected in PS.14, the switch must be ap-
proached from the right)
4. Reversing and running onto the reference switch in direction of rotation clockwise
5. Reversing on the reference switch and driving free with drive free speed (PS.21/ PS.22)
6. Stopping of the drive with the ramp from PS.20
Setting of the signal "target window reached"
Wait for the damping period of 100ms
7. Overwriting the current actual position (ru.54) with the reference point position(PS.17)
Resetting of the signal "target window reached"
Setting of the signal "approach to reference point completed"
Stopping of the drive left of the reference point (programmable via PS.14) Reference point / manual setting Over PS.14

If no reference point switch is provided in the application, the drive can also be manually referenced:
PS.14: Mode of position reference
Bit Meaning Value Explanation
0: off No manual setting
The drive is approached in inching mode to reference point and then
6 Manual setting "manual setting = on" (bit 6) is set. The reference point position (PS.17)
64: on is taken as actual position (ru.54). The switching condition "approach to
reference point completed” (do.00...07, value 29) is set, the software limit
switch function can be used.

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Posi- and synchronous operating With input function "set reference point"

Independent of PS.14 "mode of position reference" or PS.00 "pos/syn mode", the actual position ru.54 can be
overwritten with the value of PS.17 "reference point" by setting a digital input.

TO that end, an input must be selected in PS.13 "set reference point input selection".
(assignment of a digital input see chapter 7.3)

If this input set during an active positioning:

- the inverter remembers the remaining path
- if the actual position ru.54 is set to the reference point position PS.17
- the inverter continues the interrupted positioning Reference point / valid position

In order for the software limit switch function to be useable, an approach to reference point must be executed
prior to the positioning. In some cases (e.g., when using an absolute encoder), an approach to reference point
is, however, not required. By activation of bit 7 "the captured position is valid = yes", the drive is informed that
no approach to reference point is necessary.

PS.14: Mode of position reference

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
0: no Approach to reference point must be executed.
The captured
7 position is The actual position (ru.54) is declared as "always valid". The switching con-
dition "approach to reference point completed” (do.00...07, value 29) is met,
valid yes
the software limit switch function can be used.

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Posi- and synchronous operating Approach to reference point / stop at index 0

By setting bit 5 (stop at index 0 = 32: on), it can be programmed that the drive after completion approach to
reference point moves automatically (i.e. without „start positioning“ signal) to the position of index 0.
PS.20 "approach to reference point ramp time" specifies the acceleration / deceleration values for the posi-
tioning to index 0. The maximum profile speed for positioning is determined for Index 0 by the value of PS.25
"index speed".
The drive remains at that Position. The setting "continue profile = yes” from index 0 is ignored.

PS.14 Mode of position reference

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
0: off After approach to reference point the drive stops at the reference point.
5 Stop at index 0
32: on after approach to reference point, the position from Index 0 is driven to.

The following figure shows an approach to reference point with stop at the null signal left of the reference point
switch and automatic positioning to index 0:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

ru.54: actual po-

ru.02 setpoint

Target window not


search for ref. active

Reference switch signal

Start approach to refe-

rence point

1: Start of approach to reference point

2.: Run-on at the reference point switch
2 - 3: Reversing and free driving of the reference switch
3 - 4: Stop left of the reference switch
4: Start of the positioning to the null signal of the encoder
5 - 6: Waiting out the damping period after reaching the null signal
6: Referencing of the actual position:ru.54 is overwritten with the value of PS.17 "reference point"
6 - 7: Positioning to the target position of index 0 with the ramp time from parameter PS.20
7: Reaching of the target position
8: Approach to reference point finished

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Posi- and synchronous operating Approach to reference point with subsequent drive to zero signal

In order that approach to reference point is more precise, positioning to the zero position of the encoder can be
done after driving free of the reference switch. That this always happens to the same position, it is necessary
to adjust the zero position of the encoder (zero signal) mechanically in such a way that it occurs a half motor
revolution after reference switch. The distance from reference switch to zero position is displayed in ru.69.

Adjustment by software is significant more comfortable compared to the mechanical adjustment and is done via
parameter PS.60. Parameter PS.60 „zero puls offset“ specifies the position offset of the zero signal:

new zero signal position = zero signal position of encoder + PS.60

reasonable value range of PS.60 : - increments per revolution / 2……. + increments per revolution /2

PS.14; calculate Offset PS.60

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
0: off At the approach to reference point the offset in PS.60 is calculated
12 Calculate Offset by way that the drive rotates half turn to the new zero signal positi-
4096: on on.

PS.60 = +/- encoder increments per revolution/2 + position value – zero signal position of the encoder

+: drive in positive direction to the zero signal

- : drive in negative direction to the zero signal

PS.14 bit12 must be deactivated after the calculation. The position of the reference switch to the zero signal
can be monitored with parameter PS.14 Bit8 in a range 1/4… 2/3 revolution (ru.59).
7 Approach to reference point with overdriving of the reference limit switch

The reference limit switch is overdriven at first with setting PS.14 = Bit13. Driving free occurs when the refe-
rence limit switch with constant direction of rotation is no longer active.

If the reference limit switch is already active at the start of the approach to reference point, it is driven free at
first against to the preferred direction. Subsequently the drive reverses and drives to the reference limit switch

PS.14: Mode of position reference

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
The reference switch is overdriven when the function is switched
on. Driving free occurs when the reference limit switch with constant
0: off
direction of rotation is no longer active.
Delete when Simultaneously a special application was given. If the reference
overdriving switch is already active at the start of the approach to reference
point, it is driven free at first against to the preferred direction. Sub-
8192: on
sequently the drive reverses and drives to the reference limit switch
again. Thereby a gearless is compensated.

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Posi- and synchronous operating Position reset in the encoder

Reading and the position can be reset to "0" via parameter Ec.38. Value 33 must be entered in parameter Ec.38
to execute the reset. If the reset is successfully completed, parameter Ec.38 is set to 0.

The reset can only be carried out if the encoder / encoder interface supports this function.
This function is supported upto encoder interface software date 11.05.2011.
Only Hiperface encoder are supported.

7.12.3 Synchronous mode Synchronous mode / principle

The synchronous module realises an angle / speed synchronous control of a master drive (control drive) to one
or more slave drives. The control drive must not be closed-loop.
The master position is passed on to the slave. The master must therefore be equipped with an encoder inter-
face with incremental encoder output, and every slave with a second incremental encoder input.
Alternatively, the master can also be operated uncontrolled and the encoder signals of the master drive can be
connected directly to the slave.
The speed ratios are adjustable individually. The gear ratio is adjusted via the numerator / denominator ratio. If the direc-
tions of rotation have to be different, a negative gear ratio has to be set.
For activated position controller, the slave is driven angular-synchronous, for deactivated position controller
(PS.06 = 0), speed-synchronous to the master drive.
The synchronous module contains other variants for synchronisation (constant acceleration ramp or constant
synchronisation path) and a programmable angle adjustment.

The following mapping shows the general behaviour of synchronous control (without synchronisation phases):

ru.10 absolute
Actual speed maximum
Ec.11 calculation
encoder 2 setpoint
encoder ru.02
2 (inc/r) + display
output display
(setpoint speed for
Ec.01 + speed controller)
encoder 1

Increments pos
of encoder Posi/synchronous
Set position
channel 2

Gear 2 nume- + PS.06 to
Ec.15 - controller
Gear factor
2 denominator

Increments ru.54
of encoder actual
channel 1 position

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Posi- and synchronous operating Synchronous mode / premise

For the synchronous module, the incremental signals from the encoder of the master drive must be passed on
to the slave.

speed speed open-loop speed

closed-loop closed-loop master drive closed-loop
master drive slave drive slave drive




3 3 3 3
~ ~ ~ ~

If more than one slave is connected, there are two different variations for assembling the master-slave-chain:
direct transfer of the signals from the output of the master encoder interface to all slaves.

speed speed speed speed

closed-loop closed-loop closed-loop closed-loop
master drive slave drive1 slave drive 2 slave drive X




3 3 3 3
~ ~ ~ ~
Ec.20 encoder operating mode = 1 Ec.20 encoder operating mode = 0
(input + without terminating resistor) (input + with terminating resistor)

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Posi- and synchronous operating


- Limitation of the number (max. 10, after RS.422 specification)

- No guarantee of an EMC conform installation (adapter required for distribution) therefore, the second
variant is preferable:

Therefore the second variant is preferable:

- one MS-Repeater before each slave drive

speed speed speed speed

closed-loop closed-loop closed-loop closed-loop
master drive slave drive1 slave drive 2 slave drive X




3 3 3 3
~ ~ ~ ~

MS-Repeater MS-Repeater MS-Repeater

Ec.20 encoder operating mode = 0 (input + terminating resistor)

at all slave drives


- The incremental signals are processed. Thus, no limitation of the number of the connected slaves
- off-the-shelf cables available that guarantee EMC compliant assembly. Further information on availa-
ble components can be found at => Service & Downloads
- Error control for processed master signal integrated in repeater

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Posi- and synchronous operating Synchronous mode / position normalisation

The channel where the slave receives the master position is selected via parameter PS.01 actual position sour-
ce. This must be encoder channel 2 for most applications. (Off-the-shelf cables and a terminating resistor that
can be switched off exist only for channel 2 ).

Figure Position normalisation

speed speed
The adjoining figure shows a typical
closed-loop closed-loop synchronous application.
master drive slave drive If the load of the master drive
has travelled one revolution, the load of
the slave should also have travelled one
revolution (in the opposite direction).
This is the case for e.g. printing ma-

chines or

rolling machines.



3 3
~ ~
i= 5,25 i= 15

Load Load

forward direc- reverse direc-

tion of rotation tion of rotation

The slave position (i.e. the number of increments of the slave motor) is displayed in parameter ru.54 "actual
position". In ru.54, one revolution of the slave load corresponds to:

ec.01 "encoder 1 (inc/r)" x gear factor slave

The master position is displayed in parameter ru.56 "set position". The display occurs in increments and is con-
verted to the slave position. The conversion considers the ratio of the increments per revolution of the encoder
and the ratio of the two gear factors. If the master is connected to encoder channel 2, the gear factor of the
slave must be entered in parameter Ec.14 "gear factor 2 numerator" and the gear factor of the master must be
entered in parameter Ec.15 "gear factor 2 denominator" for conversion of the gear ratios.

Since only integer values can be preset, the gear factors must be extended correspondingly
(15 : 5.25 becomes 1500 : 525). Display in ru.56 (master position converted to slave units):

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Posi- and synchronous operating

Ec.01 EC.14 (gear factor slave)

number increments master x ——— x ———————————————
Ec.11 EC.15 (gear factor master)

The inverse direction of rotation of the slave to the master drive is reached by a negative value for

Example (adjustments for figure position normalization):

"Normal" speed-controlled operation is programmed in the master, the synchronous module is not activated.
For the slave, encoder channel 1 serves as speed feedback and encoder channel 2 as master position infor-
mation. Both loads shall be moved angular-synchronous, but in opposite direction of rotation.

Adjustment in the slave:

- PS.00 "Posi / synchronous mode" = synchronous mode

- CS.01 "Actual source" = channel 1
- PS.01 „Actual position source“ = channel 2
- PS.06 "KP for positioning / synchronous" ≠ 0
- EC.14 "Gear 2 numerator" = -1500
- EC.15 "Gear 2 denominator" = 525

Typically, an approach to reference point is executed for the slave drive before starting synchronous running,
in order to get the reference between position display of the slave drive and the mechanics of the application.
The reference between master and slave position is done only with activation of the synchronous module.
During activation the master position (= ru.56 "set position") is set equal to the slave position (= ru.54 "actual
position"). Synchronous mode / selection of operating mode

The operating mode synchronous mode is selected via parameters PS.00 bit 0...3 or via the control word (Sy.43
or Sy.50)

PS.00: Posi / synchronous mode

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
0: off no special operation selected
1: Synchronous
Selection of operating mode "synchronous mode"
0..3 2...6 Without function for synchronous mode
nous mode
The operating modes (synchronous running, positioning mode
7: via control word or contouring control) are selected via the control word (Sy.43
or Sy.50).

If PS.00 bit 0...3 contains the value 7:

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Posi- and synchronous operating

SY.50: control word (low) / SY.43: control word (long)

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
0: off
4096: synchro-
Selection of operating mode synchronous running
Operating nous running
mode 8192: positioning Selection of operating mode positioning
12288: Contou-
Selection of operating mode contouring control
ring control

PS.00 can only be written if the modulation is switched off, Sy.50 can always be written. The synchronous mo-
dule must be activated by an input. Which input is to be used is determined via parameter PS.02 "posi / sync
input selection". Synchronous mode / activation and synchronization Principle

With the activation of the synchronous module, the relation between master position and slave position is es-

Activation means: - the synchronous mode is selected in parameter PS.00,

- modulation is enabled,
- the digital input for activation of the synchronous operation is set.

The starting synchronisation begins at the time of activation.

Attenti- Gear factor changes, angle correction or similar may not be exe-
on: cuted during the synchronisation.

The synchronous module is not deactivated by switching of the modulation. The angle difference is continuous-
ly calculated, and, after again switching on the modulation, a synchronisation with ramps is always carried out
(independent of the type of initial synchronisation).
The synchronisation type at activation of the synchronous running is determined by the adjustment of "syn-
chronous running / starting ramp (oP.28)" in parameter PS.00 "pos/syn mode" and by parameter PS.05 "start
offset" . Synchronization at limit

The starting ramp must be deactivated for the synchronization at torque limit.

PS.00: Posi / synchronous mode

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
Synchronous running / No starting ramp for synchronisation at the start of the synchro-
10 0: off
starting ramp (oP.28) nous running.

Furthermore value 0 must be entered in parameter PS.05 "start offset".

This parameterization is only reasonable if master and slave rotate with the same speed at the start of the
synchronous operation, thus a synchronisation is unnecessary. If the speeds are different, the synchronisation
occurs in the following manner:

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Posi- and synchronous operating

At activation of the synchronous

ru.56: Set position module,
(master position) the set position is set to the actual

ru.54: actual position The setpoint speed of the slave is set

(slave position)
to the actual speed of the master.
Start- The difference to the master position
offset is corrected by the position controller.
Maximum speed of the slave:
Actual speed master
(converted with the
gear ratio) Master speed + PS.09

The switching condition "drive running

Actual speed slave synchronously" is met with activation
Angle difference >
of the synchronous mode.
To recognize the instant at which both
Drive runs synchro-
drives are actually running synchro-
nously, the switching condition "angle
activate posi/ syn-
difference < level" must be linked with
chronous running time the signal "drive running synchro-
nously". Synchronization with constant path

For the synchronisation within a constant path, the starting ramp must be deactivated.

PS.00: Posi / synchronous mode

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
Synchronous running / No starting ramp for synchronisation at the start of the synchro-
10 0: off
starting ramp (oP.28) nous running.

The distance the master is made during synchronisation is entered in parameter PS.05 "start offset". The slave
drive calculates internally the acceleration / deceleration times on which it reaches the master speed within the
adjusted distance. , The master position is set to the slave position if the master has travelled the programmed


The master speed is 1500 rpm. The encoder type is an incremental encoder with 2500 pulses. Value "2: 4-fold"
is adjusted for "multiple evaluation".

This results in 10000 increments / revolution * 1500 U / 60s = 250000 increments/ s

If the value 250000 increments is adjusted in PS.05, the slave must accelerate to the master speed in 1s.
The disadvantages of this method of start-synchronization are described as follows:

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Posi- and synchronous operating

- The synchronisation path is set via parameter PS.05 "start offset", making it difficult to realise an offset
between master and slave at the start.
- Checking whether the synchronisation was successful is not possible. If the slave drive cannot follow the
calculated ramp (e.g., due to reaching the torque limit), the master position is still set to the slave position.
The angle synchronicity is lost thereby (for the example above, the connection to the position of the switch
"activate synchronous running" would be lost). The switching condition "drive running synchronously" is
also still set in spite of the angle error.
- Even if the slave drive can generally follow, system deviations can distort the accuracy of the angle-
synchronous running.

The master position (set position) is set to 0 at the activation

of the synchronous module.
1 3000
When the master has completed the path programmed in
2 PS.05, the master position is set to the slave position.
1000 The slave drive calculates the acceleration / deceleration
PS.05: ramps it needs to reach the master in this time.
0 The ramp time also depends on the master speed and the
value in PS.05.
After the master has completed the path programmed in
3 PS.05, the master position (set position) is overwritten with
the slave position (actual position).

7 7

1. ru.56: Set position (master position)

2. ru.54: Actual position (slave position)
3. Actual speed master (converted with the gear ratio)
4. Actual speed slave
5. Angle difference > level
6. Drive runs synchronously
7. Activate posi / synrchronous running

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Posi- and synchronous operating Synchronization with ramp

Synchronization with ramp is the most comfortable method for the initial synchronization. It is always used for
synchronization after interruption of the synchronous running due to switching off the modulation.

PS.00: Posi / synchronous mode

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
Synchronization at the start of the synchronous running with
Synchronous running /
10 1024: off the ramp times for acceleration / deceleration, clockwise
starting ramp (oP.28)

With activation of the synchronous module, the master position (set point position ru.56) is set to the slave
position (current position ru.54).

The slave accelerates with the predefined ramps, to follow the master.

Because of the different speeds of master and slave, an angle difference occurs. This missing distance to reach
the master position is made up for by increasing the slave speed beyond the master speed. The slave calcu-
lates a setpoint speed profile, which allows it to make up for the angle difference.
Maximum speed for this setpoint profile is the maximum setpoint oP.10 / oP.11. If the drive cannot follow the
setpoint speed profile, the remaining angle difference is eliminated by the position controller. Therefore, the
maximum speed during the synchronisation phase is oP.10 / oP.11 + position controller limit PS.09. This value
is still limited by the absolute maximum setpoints (oP.14 / oP.15).

At the start of the synchronous running, the ma-

ster position (set position ru.56) is set to the sla-
ru.54: actual position ve position (actual position ru.54).
(slave position) The slave accelerates and compensates the lost
The ramps must be adjusted by such way that
ru.56: Set position the slave drive can follow without reaching the
(master position)
torque limits.
Actual speed The switching condition "drive running synchro-
master nously" is set if the calculated setpoint speed
(converted with the profile for reaching the master position is com-
gear ratio)
Actual speed slave If, e.g., the torque limit is reached, angle syn-
chronicity is not given at that time.
Angle difference >
level If achievement of a specific angle accuracy has
to be checked, the switching condition "drive run-
Drive runs synchro-
ning synchronously" must be linked with the swit-
ching condition "angle difference < level".
activate posi/ syn-
chronous running

As soon as the slave reaches the last phase of the synchronization(that means: the last deceleration or acceleration
to the master speed), the ramp can deviate from the programmed values. This is the case if the master speed is not
constant, i.e., if adjustments still have to be made during the running-in. Adjustments of the values for acceleration or
deceleration are not accepted anymore during this phase.
Additionally, an offset can be entered in parameter PS.05 "start offset" to run the master offset to the slave . The
master position is set to the value slave position – PS.05 upon activation of the synchronous running.
That means: ru.56 = ru.54 – PS.05 (at the time of activation)

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Posi- and synchronous operating

1 = material carrier (master) 2 = tool carrier (slave)

Incremental encoder Incremental encoder
1024 increments per revolution 2500 increments per revolution

10 cm correspond to one motor revolution 10 cm correspond to one motor revolution

activate deactivate
synchronous synchronous
running switch running switch
Activation of the
synchronous 1 cm
0 10 202 30 40 50 60 70 80

Action start
(drilling) 1 cm
0 10 20 30 40 2
50 60 70 80

Action end
1 cm
0 10 20 30 40 50 602 70 80

The master drive is a material carrier (e.g. a conveyor belt) which is used to transport material (e.g. boards)
with variable speed.
The leading edge of the material crosses an indicator and thereby activates the synchronous running of the
slave drive. 7
The slave is a tool carrier (transporting, e.g., a drill drive). As long as there is no board, it remains at a defined
resting position (20 cm).
The hole should be drilled 5cm from the front edge while the conveyor is running.
The slave must run absolutely angular-synchronously to the master during the drilling.
If the board has reached the second switch, the drilling process must be completed safely. The synchronous
running is deactivated and now the slave can (e.g., in positioning operation) run back to the starting position.
From the activation of the synchronous running to the start of the drilling, the master must travel 50cm and the
slave 30cm.
In parameter PS.05 "start offset", therefore, an offset of 20cm, converted to increments, must be entered.

For the example - 10cm = 3 motor rotations => 20cm = 6 motor rotations
- 2500 encoder / 4-fold evaluation => 10000 increments per revolution
- PS.05 = 6 * 10000 = 60000 increments

During the acceleration phase to the master speed, the slave runs with average speed:

initial speed, slave + (master speed – initial speed, slave)


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Posi- and synchronous operating

In our example:

the real master speed is 500 rpm

the master needs 1 motor revolution for 10cm, the slave 3 motor revolutions
=> EC.14 = 3000 / EC.15 = 1000

The master speed converted to the slave standardisation therefore is 1500 rpm.
The slave speed at the start is zero. Let the acceleration time be 0,2s (per 1000 rpm).

For the acceleration from 0 to 1500 rpm the slave therefore needs 0,3s. The mean speed in the acceleration
phase is 750 rpm = 12.5 U/s. Each revolution corresponds to 10,000 increments.

This results in an acceleration path of:

12,5 U/s x 10000 increments / U x 0,3s = 37500 increments

The master (converted to slave standardisation) constantly runs with 1500 rpm = 75000 increments in 0,3s. The
difference between master and slave is 37500 increments. PS.05 is 60000 increments.

The slave has to wait until the master has still travelled 22500 increments and then synchronises itself without
overshooting according to the adjusted ramp.

Master and slave are running at the correct offset angle after 37500 increments = 3.75 revolution = 12.5 cm of
the slave. They are synchronous starting at the drill head position 32.5cm. Gear factor

The gear factor between master and slave is entered in the parameters for the encoder channel connected to
the master position. Normally, this is encoder channel 2. Therefore, the gear factor must be entered in Ec.14 (or
Ec.58) "gear factor 2 numerator" (= gear factor of the slave) and Ec.15 (or Ec.59) "gear factor 2 denominator"
(= gear factor of the master).
The gear factor is not set-programmable. If it is to be adjusted set-dependently, this can be implemented by ap-
propriately setting the analog parameters (see chapter 7.15.9). Value „1: motorpoti" must be selected in An.53
as source. The motorpoti value (OP.52) is set-programmable.
Control by means of an analog channel is also possible via the analog parameter setting.

The new gear factor during the active synchronous operation changes (at equal actual speed of the master
drive) the master speed expressed in the scale of the slave. Caused by the different
speed of master and slave now there is an angle difference and the slave must be synchronized again.

PS.00: Posi / synchronous mode

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
The slave carries out the new synchronisation using the acceleration /de-
celeration times for clockwise rotation. The sequence corresponds to the
initial synchronisation with ramps (see instructions in item,
0: on
Synchronous only that the parameter PS.05 "starting offset" has no effect. The treat-
running / gear ment of the switching condition "drive running synchronously" corre-
11 sponds to the behaviour during initial synchronisation with ramps.
factor ramp
(oP.28) The slave carries out the synchronisation without ramps at the speed /
torque limit. This setting can be useful if the gear factor is changed con-
2048: off
tinuously via the analog channel. The switching condition "drive running
synchronously" remains set.

If the gear factor change is smaller than 0.5%, the change is applied without ramp.

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Posi- and synchronous operating Angular correction

An angle deviation between master and slave can be generated or eliminated in synchronous operation with
parameter PS.04.
With the positive edge of the input selected in parameter PS.03 "shift. slave input selection", a positive adjust-
ment is triggered.

The value of PS.04 is added to the master position, i.e.,:

ru.56 "set position" (corrected) = ru56 "set position" + PS.04

A negative adjustment is triggered with the positive edge of the input selected in parameter PS.10 "shift slave
inv. input selection".

The value of PS.04 is subtracted from the master position, i.e.,:

ru.56 "set position" (corrected) = ru.56 set position – PS.04
The value of PS.04 can be positive or negative.

The adjustment is always made with the synchronisation via ramps (see item to avoid torque sur-
ges in the drive. The treatment of the switching condition "drive running synchronously" corresponds to the
behaviour during initial synchronisation with ramps.

The angle adjustment can, e.g., be used to align master and slave after the approach to reference point in the
inching mode.

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Posi- and synchronous operating Angular reset

An input can be defined via the parameter "reset master/slave difference input selection" (ps.11) that sets the
current angle difference between master and slave to zero.

At the rising edge of the input, the master position (= ru.56 "set point position") is set equal to the slave position
(= ru.54 "actual position"). Resetting the angle adjustment is done without ramps. Switching condition "drive
running synchronously" remains set.

speed speed Example of a printing press:

closed-loop closed-loop
master drive slave drive An F5-S serves as master shaft.
X3B of the master is incremental encoder output.
The incremental encoder analogue provides 2048
increments per revolution.
The master transmission has a gear ratio of 15 to 1.

An F5-S serves as slave.

X3B of the slave is incremental encoder input.
The slave transmission has a gear ratio of 5 to 1.


3 3
~ ~
i= 5,25 i= 15

Load Load

forward direc- reverse direc-

tion of rotation tion of rotation

Parameter list for the slave shaft:

Parameter Value Notice

cS.00 Controller configuration 4: vector controlled
cS.01 actual source 0: Channel 1 Speed feedback is channel 1
1: Synchronous
PS.00 Posi-/synchronous mode
PS.01 Actual position source 1: Channel 2 Master position via channel 2
Synchronous running active, as soon as
PS.02 Posi / synch input selection 1: ST (X2A.16)
control release is given
PS.06 KP pos/syn 100 Kp unequal 0 => angular-synchronous

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Posi- and synchronous operating

Gear factor channel 2 nume-

Ec.14 5
rator Slave / master gear
Ec.15 Gear 2 nominator 15

7.12.4 Posi mode Selection of operating mode

The positioning module contain two operating modes:

- "positioning mode" (chapter 7.12.4) with its sub-functions

- Single positioning
- Sequential positioning (sequence control system)
- Rotary table positioning
- defined stop
- Remaining distance positioning
- Flying Referencing
- "Contouring control" (chapter 7.12.5)

The operating mode is selected via parameter PS.00 bit 0...2.

PS.00: Posi / synchronous mode

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
0...4 Without function for positioning
5: Posi mode Selection of operating mode "positioning mode"
6: Contouring con-
0...2 Posi / synchronous mode Selection of operating mode "contouring control"
The operating modes (synchronous running, posi
7: via control word mode or contouring control) are selected via the
control word (SY.43 oder SY.50).

The positioning module must be activated by an input. The input is selected in parameter PS.02 "Posi/Sync.
input selection". Posi mode / principle

In the posi mode, the drive can approach a single position or sequences of positions can be programmed that
are reached consecutively or passed through with a defined speed.
Up to 32 positions can be stored in the inverter. For every position, a maximum profile speed can be program-
To be able to report various operating condition (e.g., positioning active, target reached) to an overriding con-
trol, specific progress messages and switching conditions exist for the digital outputs.
The drive can be adapted very flexible to the application, since different reactions are programmable, e.g. at a
new target setting during running positioning it can be selected between:

● do not allow generally

● allow only in certain actual position range
● allow only if the new target can be reached with the adjusted ramps
● allow even if the drive first overshoots the new target, reverses, and then reaches the target

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Posi- and synchronous operating

The response to errors can be similarly flexible.

At each positioning, the inverter calculates in 1ms-cycle a speed and position that the drive
should have at that time, to reach the target in compliance with all settings. This is the so-called speed / position

Maximum acceleration /
defined by acceleration / deceleration time (oP.28...oP.31)
Maximum jerk defined by S-curve times (oP.32...oP.35 and oP.70...oP.73)
= ru.63 "profile speed" + PS.09 "pos/syn position limit.
The profile speed is either PS.25 "index / speed" or PS.31 "max. speed %" *
Maximum speed during oP.10 "max. reference forward" (dependent on PS.00/ bit 4). The speed limits
positioning oP.10 / oP.11 "max. reference" do not act as setpoint limits anymore. oP.14 /
oP.15 "abs. max. reference" remains operative. The error "speed limit exceeded"
is triggered when exceeding the trigger level oP.40 / oP41.

That results in the following example behaviour of position, speed, acceleration, and jolt:

ru.61 target

ru.56 Set position

Profile speed




If the drive cannot follow the position profile (e.g., due to reaching the torque limits), the position controller
intervenes and changes the setpoint speed with respect to the profile speed. Thereby it is possible that the
programmed values for maximum acceleration / deceleration and maximum jolt are exceeded.

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Posi- and synchronous operating

PS.24 Profile calculation

index / position
(=ru.61) target position ru.61: target position [Inc] display
Profile output display
ru.56: set position [Inc]
profile speed [rpm] + +
(setpoint speed for
speed controller)
abs. max. reference
Index / speed
in % of oP.10

Acceleration /
deceleration time
ru.56 PS.06..PS.08
Set position + Position
oP.32..35 and oP.70..73
- controller
S-curve times
(jerk limitation)

actual position Posi mode / premise

To activate the positioning module, the following conditions must be met:

- Start-up in the vector controlled operation must be completed successfully. 7

- The position feedback must be defined (in PS.01 "master source", select the appropriate encoder
interface and make the adjustments required for the encoder type in the Ec-parameters).
- An input for the activation of the positioning module must be defined (PS.02 "pos/syn input select").
- If hardware limit switches are to be used, two inputs must be programmed with the functions „32:
forward“ and „64: backward“ and wired with the hardware limit switches. Additionally, the protec-
tion function in Pn.07 "proh. rot. stopping mode" must be activated.
- If an absolute position reference is required, a reference point switch must be wired and an ap-
proach to reference point must be executed or an absolute encoder for the position feedback must
be used.
- It must be defined how the positioning is to be started (e.g., digital input, selectable via PS.29:
"start positioning input selection" or control word).
- The value for the position controller (PS.06 "KP pos/syn") must be set to a small value for the start-
up to avoid vibrations. If the basic start-up has completed successfully, the position controller must
be adjusted application-specific.

Note: after activation of the positioning module, the drive remains in vector controlled operation until the first
"start positioning" command has been executed. The behavior during this phase is determined with PS.00 bit

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Posi- and synchronous operating

PS.00: Posi / synchronous mode

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
0: PS.00 The set speed is determined via the Op-Parameters after activation of
/ off the posi module upto the first edge startposi.
13 Start with speed The initial setpoint speed is started after activation of the posi module
8192: upto the first edge startposi.
PS.00 / on

Parameter ru.00 shows, with the progress message "121: ready for positioning", that the positioning mode has
been activated. But the drive is in position controlled operation only after the first "start positioning". The positi-
on controlled operation is ended as soon as the positioning module is deactivated. Position normalisation

The resolution of the position display/ setting is done in increments and depends on the used encoder system.

The following cases must be differentiated: Position control by the motor encoder

Position control is based on the motor position encoder. I.e., the position values refer to the motor position.
The number of increments per motor revolution amounts to "encoder increments per revolution" x 2 "multiple
If encoder interface 1 (X3A) is used, Ec.01 "encoder 1 (inc/r)" and Ec.07 "enc.1 trigger" must be used for the
If encoder interface 2 (X3B) is used, the number of increments per motor revolution must be calculated corre-
sponding of Ec.11 "encoder 2 (inc/r)" and Ec.17 "enc.2 trigger".
If the position control is done directly on the motor encoder, the same encoder channel must be selected in
PS.01 "master source" and cS.01 "act. source".
Value 1 (i.e. gear factor numerator = gear factor denominator) must be selected for the gear factors .


Let an incremental encoder with 2500 increments be
M connected to encoder channel 1.
F5A-S 3~ The motor shall travel 5.5 revolutions

Revolution in increments:
cS.01 = PS.01 = 0: Channel 1
X3B X3A Ec.04 = EC.05 = 1000 default value
Encoder Encoder Ec.01 = 2500 increments per revolution
channel 2 channel 1
Ec.07 = 2: 4-fold evaluation
→ 2500 x 22 x 5.5 = 55000 increments

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Posi- and synchronous operating Positioning by the output

The position control is done directly on the value of the output encoder. I.e., the position values refer to
the position of the load.
Number of increments per load revolution = "encoder increments per revolution" (output encoder) x 2 "multiple
evaluation". Typically, the encoder interface 1 (X3A) is used for the motor position encoder and the encoder
interface 2 (X3B) for the output encoder.


or 1 Last
Encoder Encoder Motor
channel 2 channel 1 encoder

To allow calculation of the speed precontrol profile for the speed control, the gear factor
between motor and load must be known, to convert the precontrol profile to the motor speed.
The speed limits and the values for maximum profile speed (PS.25) and maximum position control effect
(PS.09) refer to the motor speed.

Example: 7
Encoder channel 1: Incremental encoder with 2500 increments per revolution
Encoder channel 2: SSI encoder multiturn with 12bit resolution per revolution and 12bit multiturn
Gear ratio: 3 motor revolutions cause 1 load revolution

cS.01: actual source =0 Channel 1

Ec.01: encoder 1 (inc/r) = 2500 Line number
Ec.07: Enc. 1 trigger =2 4-fold evaluation
PS.01: Actual position source =1 Channel 2
Ec.11: Encoder 2 (inc/r) = 1024 12 bit resolution per revolution
Ec.17: Enc. 2 trigger =2
Ec.21: SSI Multiturn-resolution = 12 12 bit Multiturn-resolution
Ec.14: Gear 2 numerator = 3000 Gear factor =3
Ec.15: Gear 2 denominator = 1000

The load shall travel 5.5 revolutions: 1024 x 22 x 5.5 = 22,528 increments

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Posi- and synchronous operating Speed and position control by motor encoder/ encoder mounting after gear

Mounting of the encoder for the speed control via a gear box is not ideal, since the tolerance of the gearbox and
the ratio of gear 1 affect the control quality and dynamics of the speed controller
(and thus also the superimposed position control).
Two reasons can make this set-up necessary:

Application 1:
Directly mounting the encoder
F5A-S to the motor is not possible for
or M mechanical reasons.
Referencing the load position is
Last not possible.
X3B X3A 1
Encoder Encoder
channel 2 channel 1

Application 2:
One wants to run with only one
F5A-S encoder which must be installed
or Last
F5A-S behind the gear for reasons of
M positioning accuracy.

Encoder Encoder
channel 2 channel 1

If synchronous motors are to be operated in this set-up, it must be ensured that the gear ratio is < 1 and the
value of pole-pair number x gear factor is integer.

3 encoder revolutions correspond to one motor revolution

Pole-pair number = 15

→ Gear factor = 1/3 = 0.333

→ pole-pair number x gear factor 15 = 5 = whole- → Synchronous motor operated

3 numbered

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Posi- and synchronous operating

The number the increments per motor revolution is calculated as:

"encoder increments per revolution" * 2 "multiple evaluation" x "gear factor denominator" / "gear factor nume-

The number of increments per load revolution for application 2 is equal to:

"encoder increments per revolution" * 2 "multiple evaluation".

The encoder should always be connected to channel 1, since the software for this channel optimally supports
the motor encoder connection via gear. Parameter Ec.39 „enc. 1 over transmission“ must be set to value „1:
motor encoder“. (For further functions and settings of Ec.39 see chapter 7.11)

Example (application 1):

Encoder channel 1: Encoder with 32 SIN / COS signals per revolution

Gear ratio: Motor to encoder = 3 encoder revolutions correspond to motor revolution = 1 to 3

cS.01: Actual source (= PS.01) =0 Channel 1

Ec.01: encoder 1 (inc/r) = 32 number SIN / COS signals
Ec.07: Enc. 1 trigger =9 512-fold evaluation of the analog tracks

Ec.04: Gear 1 numerator = 1000

Gear factor 0.333
Ec.05: Gear 1 denominator = 3000
Ec.39: Encoder 1 over gear =1 Encoder mounting via gear
The motor shall travel 5.5 revolutions: → 32 x 2 x 3000 / 1000 x 5.5 = 270336 increments

Example (application 2):

Encoder channel 1: SSI encoder multiturn with 12bit resolution per revolution and 12bit multiturn
Gear ratio: Motor to encoder = 5 motor revolutions correspond to motor revolution = 5 to 1

cS.01: Actual source (= PS.01) =0 Channel 1

Ec.01: encoder 1 (inc/r) = 1024 12-bit resolution per revolution
Ec.07: Enc. 1 trigger =2 Multiple evaluation with SSI encoder always = 2
Ec.53 Encoder 1 SSI multiturn. = 12 12 bit Multiturn-resolution

Ec.04: Gear 1 numerator = 1000 Gear factor 0.333

Ec.05: Gear 1 denominator = 3000
Ec.39: Encoder 1 over gear =1 Encoder mounting via gear

The load shall travel 5.5 revolutions: → 1024 x 22 x 5.5 = 22628 increments

The operation of synchronous motors is not supported and the position normalisation is as follows:
The number of increments per motor revolution is calculated as:

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"encoder increments per revolution" x 2 "multiple evaluation"

The number of increments per load revolution for application 2 is equal to:

"encoder increments per revolution" x 2 "multiple evaluation" x "gear factor numerator" / "gear factor denomi-

With Ec.39 = 0 (=off), therefore, the meaning of the position display and setting (the position normalisation) is
changed. Posi mode / actual position

The encoder interface for the feedback of the position control is adjusted via PS.01.

PS.01 Actual position source

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
Channel 1 0 Selection of encoder channel 1
0 ... 3 Channel 2 1 Selection of encoder channel 2
calculated 2 Encoder channel is calculated
The position value channel is determined at PS.00 in mode „posi“ via
0: no cS.01 *), **), ***)
4 Fixed
The position value channel is defined independent of PS.00 PS01via
8: yes PS.bit0...3 *), **), ***)

*) Exception: If PS.00 is selected in "synchronous" mode, cS.01 determines the source for the position value
channel. The source for the master position is defined in PS.01 bit 1...3.

**) Positioning is not possible in torque operation, actual position source remains active.

***) If cs.01 <> ps01 (in „posi“ mode), the gear ratio is bridged for the position evaluation in the selected channel
of ps.01 bit0..3.
This factor is considered in the calculation of the speed profile at positioning.

If the positioning mode is selected in parameter PS.00 „pos/syn mode", the actual position (ru.54) is taken from
the encoder channel adjusted in „act. master source“ PS.01. This also applies if the positioning module is not
activated (i.e., the selected input in PS.02 is not set).

If the positioning mode is deactivated in PS.00 , the actual position of the encoder channel set in "actual value
source" cS.01 is evaluated.

Approach to reference point must be executed (see chapter 7.12.2) to obtain a reference point for the actual
position at speed encoders without absolute position information (e.g. incremental encoder).
This determines to which mechanical position value 0 (e.g.) shall be assigned in parameter ru.54 "actual posi-

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Posi- and synchronous operating Posi mode / set and target position

In posi mode there are two parameters that provide information about the set position:

Parameter ru.61 "target position" shows the target position for the running positioning, i.e., the position the drive
should have reached at the end of the positioning.
Parameter ru.56 "set position" displays the position the drive should have reached currently.
This position is the setpoint for the position controller. It is calculated by the inverter in 1ms cycles, dependent
on the adjusted ramp times and the permitted positioning speed.

Special function for position detection systems with high deceleration (e.g., some opto-electronic distance
measurement systems):

In parameter Ec.46 "PT1-time channel 1", or Ec.47 "PT1-time channel 2", one can enter the time by which the
position information from the measurement system is delayed.
If a PT1-time is defined for the encoder channel entered in PS.01 as feedback for the position control, the set
position ru.56 is also delayed by that time. Thereby, the position controller does not respond to the position
difference caused by the time delay of the measurement system.Since these position differences do not really
exist, their masking improves the control characteristic of the position controller.
The difference between the set point position ru.56 and the actual position ru.54 is displayed in parameter ru.58
"angle difference". Posi mode / single positioning

To carry out a single positioning, the following initial settings must be met:

● Operating mode "Posi mode" must be selected (see chapter 7.12.4)

● PS.23: Index / selection = 0
● PS.26: Index / next = "-1: PS.28“ 7
● PS.28: Start index new profile = 0
● PS.27: Index / mode → „Continue the profile processing“ = „no“
The target position is set in parameter PS.24 "Index / position" in increments (scaling factor of the position
In parameter PS.27 "Index / mode", the traversal manner (relative or absolute) is set.

PS.27: Index mode

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
Continue of the
0 0: no must be always be set to "0: no" at single positioning
profile processing
0: absolute The position is given as an absolute value.
The new position is set relative to the previous set point position.
2: relative The direction (right or left of the old set position) is determined by
the sign of the new position setpoint PS.24.
The new position is set relative to the previous target position. The
6: relative direction (right or left of the old target position) is determined via
1...3 Position setting to PS.38 a digital input (selectable via PS.38 and via the Input function "re-
(FR) lative position F / R" in the parameters di.24...di.35, respectively).
The sign of the position setpoint is disregarded.
4 For special functions "defined stop" (see chapter
8, 10, 12 For special functions "rotary table" (see chapter
14 reserved

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Posi- and synchronous operating

In parameter PS.00 is defined how the maximum profile speed is to be set:

PS.00: Posi / synchronous mode

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
The maximum profile speed is set via PS.25 "Index / speed". It is
0: PS.25 / acquired at the time of the "start positioning" command and can not be
PS.25 changed thereafter for the positioning in progress. The drive stops at
Positioning / the target position.
target speed The maximum profile speed is calculated from:
16: PS.31 / PS.31: "max. speed %" x oP.10: "max.reference forward"
PS.25 A change of the maximum profile speed during the current positioning
is possible.

Instructions for value 16:

If, during the current positioning, the value of PS.31 or oP.10 changes, the new profile speed is always acquired.
The drive runs (in compliance with the acceleration-, deceleration- and jolt-setpoints) to the new target speed.
The maximum profile speed can be changed by way during running positioning by writing onto PS.31 via the
communication interface.

Alternatively, a change via an analog input is also possible:

For that purpose, enter in parameter An.53 "analog parameter default / source", e.g., the AUX-channel (value =
0), and program the bus address from parameter PS.31 (value = 131Fh) in parameter An.54 "analog parameter
default / target".

Now one can adjust the maximum profile speed via the AUX-input (see also chapter 7.15.9). The parameter
PS.25 must be set to the value "0" , so that the drive stops at the target. If PS.25 contains a value unequal to 0,
the drive reaches this speed at the target position and continues running constantly at that speed.

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Posi- and synchronous operating

Example for a single positioning:

The position setpoint is specified in PS.24.
The positioning mode is "absolute".
With the signal "start positioning" (function
and definition, see chapter, the po-
sition setpoint is assumed as the new target
PS.24: index / position

Corresponding to the predefined profile, the

ru.61: target position
ru.56: Set position

set point position runs to the target position.

During (Status ru.00 = 122: „positioning ac-
tive“) or after positioning (status ru.00 = 121:
ready for positioning), a new position setpoint
can be defined which then becomes the new
target position with the next „start positioning“
Start positioning


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Example for a single positioning with variable maximum profile speed:

PS.00 bit 4 = 16
For an application, the drive shall always run with a lower profile speed between 2 positions
(e.g., joint in traversing rail). By switching the set, parameter oP.10 is decreased in this range.
After reaching this range, the drive decelerates according to the adjusted deceleration and jolt values to the
new maximum profile speed. This insures that during every positioning to an arbitrary position, the maximum
speed for this range is observed without the need for intervention by a superior control.




time Posi mode / sequential positioning

With the sequential- or index-positioning, it is possible to run to several positions consecutively and, respec-
tively, traverse these with a defined speed.
Sequential positioning is meant, if several target positions are defined in the inverter
which are to be processed in a fixed sequence.

A possible example for a sequential positioning would be a drive that lowers a drill head. The drilling process
shall consist of 5 positioning steps:

● fast lowering of the drill with speed A from the starting position "0" up to position "1" ("1" = position
just before the material surface)
● slow penetration into the material (position "1" to "2") at speed B
● somewhat faster lowering (at speed C) during drilling of the material up to position "3"
● withdrawal of drill from the material at speed D, back to position "1"
● return to starting position "0" at speed A and stop there

This whole process can be realised using the sequential positioning.

To that end, so-called "blocks" are defined for every positioning step. Each block is marked by an index (i.e.,

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Each block contains the following information:

● PS.23: Index / selection → number (index) of the block

● PS.24: Index / position → target position for these block
● PS.25: Index / speed → maximum profile speed and target speed (the exact function depends on
the programming of PS.00 bit 4 and is explained later)
● PS.26: Index / next → contains the number of the block to be completed next
● PS.27: Index / mode → defines the traversal manner (relative or absolute) and determines whether
the next positioning step (the next index) is started automatically
● PS.46: rel.correction switch forward / PS.47: rel.correction switch reverse → are only needed for
special applications. The default setting is 0: off. Description of the function in chapter
"flying referencing with correction")

Maximally 32 blocks can be programmed. There are two possibililties to define the maximum profile speed:

PS.00: Posi / synchronous mode

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
Each block has its own maximum profile speed. The maximum profile
speed is set via PS.25 "index speed". It is acquired at the time of the
"start positioning" command and can not be changed thereafter for the
positioning in progress. The speed at which to pass through the target
is determined by the PS.25 of the following block.
Positioning / The maximum profile speed is preset via PS.31 for all blocks. A change
target speed of the maximum profile speed during the current positioning is possible.
The maximum profile speed is calculated from:PS.31: "max. speed %" 7
x oP.10: "max. reference forward".
The speed to pass the target is determined by PS.25 of the actual
positioning step. If the drive shall stop at the target, the target speed
must be PS.25 = 0.

There are 2 possibililties for the positioning process that are distinguished by PS.27 bit 0:

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PS.27: Index mode

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
Approach a position and wait for a new "start positioning" command.
Only after this occurs will the following block be completed (approach
the next position). This is necessary if the drive has to come to a
standstill at a position to, e.g., allow processing of a workpiece. The
0: no signal "target window reached" is set. The signal to continue can come
from an external control that supervises the processing. It can also be
generated automatically by a "timer" integrated into the inverter soft-
ware. (Descriptions of the timers in the context of the "start positioning"
Continue of the generation see example 4 in this chapter).
profile processing
Automatic start of the next positioning step (defined in PS.26) without a
new "start positioning" command being necessary (as in the drill head
example). The drive does not stop at the target, but drives across it with
the speed chosen as positioning speed in the following block (PS.25
1: yes
of the following block). (Exception: if in PS.00 the setting of the profile
speed by PS.31 is selected, then the target is crossed with the speed
set in the current block in PS.25). The switching condition "target win-
dow reached" is not set since this is only an "intermediate target".
0: ab-
The position is given as an absolute value.
The new position is set relative to the previous target position. The
2: rela-
direction (right or left of the old target position) is determined by the sign
of the new position setpoint PS.24.
The new position is set relative to the previous target position. The di-
6: rela-
rection (right or left of the old target position) is determined via a digital
tive to
input (selectable via PS.38 or via input function "relative position F / R"
1...3 Position setting PS.38
in parameters di.24...di.35). The sign of the position setpoint is disregar-
4 For special functions "defined stop" (see chapter
8, 10,
For special functions "rotary table" (see chapter
reser- Do not adjust!
Start the profile 0 auto
calculation 16 from current situation

In parameter PS.28 "starting index new profile", the block with which the sequence begins is defined.

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Posi- and synchronous operating

PS.28: Start index new profile

Value Function
Number of the block with which the positioning sequence starts after the first "start positioning" com-

Start means the first positioning after:

● Activation of the posi mode (e.g., by "power on" / setting of the input for activation of the posi mode /
activation of the posi mode via PS.00 or the control word).
● Discontinuation of a running positioning (e.g., error message of the inverter / switching off of the control
release or new "start positioning command" during a running positioning).

The position selection via terminal strip can only be selected indirectly via parameter sets 0 ... 7 with PS.58.
With PS.56 and 57 it is possible to reach all 32 posi indices via the terminal (or IA, IB, IC, ID). Settings > 31 are
limited to 31 without error.

PS.56: Position target source

Value Meaning Explanation
0 PS.28 Target position selection occurs via set 0 ... 7 with PS.28.
1 reserved –
2 Terminal binary-coded Selected terminals are binary-coded (ST>RST>F>…ID)
3 Terminal input-coded ST-I1-ID Selected terminals are input-coded (ST>RST>…ID)
4 Terminal input-coded ID-I1-ST Selected terminals are input-coded (ID>IC>…ST)
5 reserved –

PS.57: Positon target input selection 7

Bit -No. Decimal value Input
– 0 no input
0 1 ST
1 2 RST
2 4 F
3 8 R
4 16 I1
5 32 I2
6 64 I3
7 128 I4
8 256 IA
9 512 IB
10 1024 IC
11 2048 ID

To clearly explain the sequential positioning, four examples are listed in the following:

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Posi- and synchronous operating

● Sequential positioning with automatic continuation and definition of the profile speed by PS.25 (drill
head positioning).
● Sequential positioning with stop between the separate positioning steps. New start pulse by external
control required for each step. Definition of the profile speed by PS.25 (positioning of a workpiece for
various processing steps).
● Example 3 is a variation of example 2. The profile speed is defined by PS.31 instead of PS.25 . PS.31
is defined via an analog input.
● Sequential positioning with stop between the positioning steps. The length of pause is adjustable.
The new start pulse is generated automatically. Definition of the profile speed by PS.25. Utilisation of
the timer functionality and of the input / output handling of the inverter for generation of an automatic
sequence control (positioning of a workpiece for various processing steps)

If these detailed examples are not required, continue reading in chapter positioning mode/ round

Example 1: Realisation of the boring head positioning

Sequential positioning with automatically continuation and definition of the profile speed by PS.25.


● Let the position at which the positioning process starts have the value 0.
● Driving to this position (whether after "power on“, after error or as part of the positioning process) can
always occur at maximum speed = 1500 rpm.
● Let the position just before the material surface have the value 95,000. The speed at that point is to be
250 rpm.
● The penetration is completed at position 100,000. Here, the drive may again have accelerated to 500
rpm. At that speed, drilling is continued up to position 150,000.
● The withdrawal from the material back to position 95,000 shall occur at 700 rpm.
● Thereafter, the drill head returns to the starting position at 1500 rpm.
● The drilling process is followed automatically.

To solve this problem, several approaches are possible. An exact description of the available parameters and
alternative settings follows later in this chapter.


PS.00: Posi / synchronous mode

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
Posi / synchro-
0..2 5: Posi mode Activation of the positioning mode
nous mode
The maximum profile speed is set via PS.25 "Index / speed".
Positioning / 0: PS.25 /
4 The speed to pass the target is determined by PS.25 of the
target speed PS.25
following block.

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All other bits can remain at the factory settings for this example and are explained in the following chapters.

● Block 0 defines the start position → PS.28 = 0

● block 0 → PS.23: Index / selection = 0

Position = 0 → PS.24: Index / position = 0
Permitted max. speed = 1500 rpm → PS.25 = 1500 rpm
next positioning step defined in block 1 → PS.26 = 1
no automatic starting of the drilling process, but waiting for "start position" command, i.e. "continuati-
on of the profile processing“ = 0: no and „position setting“ = 0: absolute
→ PS.27 = 0: no + absolute

● block 1 → PS.23: Index / selection = 1

Position = material surface → PS.24: Index / position = 95000
Advance to material surface → PS.25 = 1500 rpm
next positioning step defined in block 2 → PS.26 = 2
automatic continuation of the drilling process, i.e., "continuation of the profile processing" = 1:yes and
"Position setting" = 0:absolute → PS.27 = 1: yes + absolute

● block 2 → PS.23: Index / selection = 2

Position = end of penetration → PS.24: Index / position = 100.000
max. speed penetration → PS.25 = 250 rpm
next positioning step defined in block 3 → PS.26 = 3
automatic continuation of the drilling process → PS.27 = 1: yes + absolute 7
● block 3 → PS.23: Index / selection = 3
Position = end of drilling → PS.24: Index / position = 150.000
max. speed drilling → PS.25 = 500 rpm
next positioning step defined in block 4 → PS.26 = 4
automatic continuation of the drilling process → PS.27 = 1: yes + absolute

● block 4 → PS.23: Index / selection = 4

Position = material surface → PS.24: Index / position = 95.000
max. speed retraction → PS.25 = 700 rpm
Retraction to starting position defined in block 0 → PS.26 = 0
automatic retraction to starting position → PS.27 = 1: yes + absolute

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Posi- and synchronous operating

ru.61: tar-
get position
automatic operation of the drilling profile
ru.56: Set

Retrac- waits for penetra-

tion to tion driving free Retraction
start positio-
starting ning from the to starting
position material position
ru.02: ramp output
(= setpoint speed
Advance to

act. positi-
on index

Start posi-

In the example above, the drive did not stop after each step in the drilling process, instead, the target position
of the individual steps was crossed already at the speed set for the next drilling step. I.e., the parameter PS.25
"index/ speed" defines the positioning speed for a block, while the value of PS.25 of the following block deter-
mined the speed at which the target position is crossed.
For example: the "penetration block" is block 2. The speedduring penetration (positioning speed) is the value
of PS.25 in block 2 = 250 rpm.
The drilling is to continue with 500 rpm, so the drive already accelerates at the end of the penetration to the
drilling speed of 500 rpm, i.e., the value of PS.25 in block 3. The speed at which the target of block 2 is passed
(= the target speed) is also determined by block 3 (the following block).
If the drive has to reverse to reach the next target (change the direction of rotation) or if the next target shall
not be driven to automatically (PS.27: "continuation of the profile processing" = no), the target speed of a block
automatically becomes 0 (standstill at target).

Example 2: Positioning of a workpiece for various processing steps / sequence control by external

Sequential positioning with stop between the positioning steps and definition of the profile speed by PS.25.

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● The drive shall stop at each position to allow processing of the workpiece, until the external control
gives the signal to continue, i.e., "start positioning". The external signal occurs via input I3. The drive
shall signal the control through an output that it has reached target with an accuracy of 10 increments,
so that the processing can begin.
● Let the position at which the workpiece starts have the value 0.
● Driving to this position (whether after "power on“, after error or as part of the positioning process) can
always occur at maximum speed = 1500 rpm.
● The first stop shall be at position 100,000. The profile speed up to that point shall be 1000 rpm.
● The second stop shall be at position 200,000. The profile speed up to that position shall again be 1000
● After that, the drive shall return to its starting position with maximally 1500 rpm.


● PS.00:

PS.00: Posi / synchronous mode

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
Posi / synchro-
0...2 5: Posi mode Activation of the positioning mode
nous mode
Positioning / 0: PS.25 /
4 The maximum profile speed is set via PS.25 "Index / speed".
target speed PS.25

All other bits can remain at the factory settings for this example and are explained in the following chapters. 7
● Block 0 defines the start position → PS.28 = 0

● Input I3 serves as "start positioning" → PS.29 = 64: I3 (X2A.12)

● block 0 → PS.23: Index / selection = 0

Position = 0 → PS.24: Index / position = 0
Permitted max. speed = 1500 rpm → PS.25 = 1500 rpm
next positioning step defined in block 1 → PS.26 = 1
no automatic starting of the drilling process, but waiting for "start position" command, i.e. "continuati-
on of the profile processing“ = 0: no and „position setting“ = 0: absolute
→ PS.27 = 0: no + absolute

● block 1 → PS.23: Index / selection = 1

Position = first stopping point → PS.24: Index / position = 100.000
speed up to the first stopping point → PS.25 = 1000 rpm
next positioning step defined in block 2 → PS.26 = 2
Stop at the position, i.e., "continuation of the profile proces- → PS.27 = 0: no + absolute
sing" = 0:no / "position setpoint" = 0:absolute

● block 2 → PS.23: Index / selection = 2

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Posi- and synchronous operating

Position = second stopping point → PS.24: Index / position = 200000

speed up to the second stopping point → PS.25 = 1000 rpm

next positioning step back to start → PS.26 = 0
stop at the position → PS.27 = 0: no + absolute

ru.61: target position

ru.54: actual position

I3 (X2.A12): Start positio-


O1 (X2A.18): target reached

ru.60: act. position index

Example 3: Positioning of a workpiece for various processing steps / sequence control by external
control / analog setting of the maximum profile speed

Sequential positioning with stop between the positioning steps and definition of the profile speed by PS.31 /

● The drive shall stop at each position to allow processing of the workpiece, until the external control
gives the signal to continue, i.e., "start positioning". The external signal occurs via input I3. The drive
shall signal the control through an output that it has reached target with an accuracy of 10 increments,
so that the processing can begin.

The maximum profile speed shall be set via the analog input AN2 (X2A.3 / X2A.4):

● Let the position at which the workpiece starts have the value 0.
● The first stop shall be at position 100,000.
● The second stop shall be at position 200,000.
● After that, the drive shall return to its starting position

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● PS.00:

PS.00: Posi / synchronous mode

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
Posi / synchro-
0...2 5: Posi mode Activation of the positioning mode
nous mode
The maximum profile speed is preset via PS.31 "index / speed".
Positioning / 16: PS.31 /
4 The drive shall stop at the target, so the target speed must be
target speed PS.25
PS.25 = 0 for all blocks.

All other bits can remain at the factory settings for this example and are explained in the following chapters.

● Block 0 defines the start position → PS.28 = 0

● Input I3 serves as "start positioning" → PS.29 = 64: I3 (X2A.12)
● The maximum profile speed is calculated from:
PS.31 (max. speed setting %) x oP.10 (max. reference forward)
To change this analog via AN2, the following adjustments must be made:
(also see chapter 7.15.8: analog parameter setting)

An.30: Sel. REF input./AUX function = 2112 (factory setting)

An.53: Analog para. setting source = 0:AUX input (ru.53) (factory setting)
An.54: Analog para. setting destina- = 131Fh (bus address PS.31)
An.55: Analog para. setting. / offset =0 (factory setting) 7
An.56: Analog para. setting max. = 1000 = 100%
oP.10: max. setpoint forward = 1500 rpm (max.possible profile speed)
An.30 defines that AN2 serves as AUX input.
An.53 defines that the parameter value is preset via the AUX input.
An.54 defines the bus address of the parameter to be set by analog input (here, PS.31)
(the bus address of a parameter can be read in Combivis in, e.g., the work list).

An.56 defines the maximum value (unnormalised) for parameter PS.31. Then the normalised value for
PS.31 is calculated as follows:

100% AUX value = maximum value (An.56) x resolution of the parameter PS.31 (0.1%) =
1000 x 0.1% = 100%

The value for PS.31 corresponds to the AUX value.

Then the maximum profile speed is calculated as follows:

ru.63: Profile speed = PS.31 x oP.10 = AUX x oP.10

● block 0 → PS.23: Index / selection = 0

Position = 0 → PS.24: Index / position = 0

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Posi- and synchronous operating

Drive stops at target → PS.25 = 0 rpm

next positioning step defined in block 1 → PS.26 = 1

no automatic start, i.e., "continuation of the profile processing" = 0: no and "position setting"
= 0: absolute → PS.27 = 0: no + absolute

● block 1 → PS.23: Index / selection = 1

Position = first stopping point → PS.24: Index / position = 100000
Drive stops at target → PS.25 = 0 rpm
next positioning step defined in block 2 → PS.26 = 2
Wait for "start positioning" → PS.27 = 0: no + absolute

● block 2 → PS.23: Index / selection = 2

Position = second stopping point → PS.24: Index / position = 200000

Drive stops at the target → PS.25 = 0 rpm

next positioning step back to start → PS.26 = 0
Wait for "start positioning" → PS.27 = 0: no + absolute

ru.61: target

ru.54: actual

ru.02: ramp output


ru.63/ -ru.63
profile speed

I3 (X2A.12) start

ru.60: act.
position index


Change of the maximum profile speed is possible at any time. The speed / position profile for each positioning
step is adjusted permanently, thus the drive (in compliance with the acceleration and jerk settings) is positioned
with the maximum permitted speed.

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Posi- and synchronous operating

Example 4: Positioning of a workpiece for various processing steps / sequence control by timer-func-
tionality and the input / output handling of the inverter

Sequential positioning with stop between the positioning steps and definition of the profile speed by PS.25.

Note: this example requires detailed knowledge of the timer functionality and of the input / output handling.
These chapters must therefore be read prior to programming an internal sequence control system. If no internal
control is to be implemented, this example can be skipped.


● The position at which the workpiece starts has the value 0.

● Driving to this position (whether after "power on“, after error or as part of the positioning process) can
always occur at maximum speed = 1500 rpm.
● The first stop shall be at position 100,000. The profile speed up to that point shall be 1000 rpm. The
stop shall last 500 ms, and the drive shall continue automatically after that time. The drive shall signal
the control through an output that it has reached the target with an accuracy of 10 increments, so that
the processing can begin.
● The second stop shall be at position 200,000. The profile speed up to that position shall again be 1000
rpm. The stop shall last 1200 ms and the drive shall return to the starting position automatically after
that time. The drive shall signal the control through an output that it has reached target 2 with an accu-
racy of 10 increments, so that the processing can begin.


● PS.00:
PS.00: Posi / synchronous mode
Bit Meaning Value Explanation
Posi / synchro-
0...2 5: Posi mode Activation of the positioning mode
nous mode
Positioning / 0: PS.25 /
4 The maximum profile speed is set via PS.25 "Index / speed".
target speed PS.25

All other bits can remain at the factory settings for this example and are explained in the following chapters.

● Block 0 defines the start position → PS.28 = 0

● Input I3 serves as "start positioning" → PS.29 = 64: I3 (X2A.12)
● Target window size shall be 20 increments (= 2 x accuracy) → PS.30 = 20
Reaching of the target window shall be indicated by output O1:
→ do.00: Condition 0 = 54: target window reached (positioning)
→ do.16: Condition selection for flag 0 = 1: SB0
→ do.33: Flag selection O1 = 1: M0

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Posi- and synchronous operating

● Implementation of the stops:

If the drive has reached position 1 (PS.24 of block 1) or position 2 (PS.24 of block 2), it shall remain
there 500ms or 1200ms and then automatically carry out the next positioning step. To implement this
sequence, the timer functionality must be utilised. With reaching of the target of Index 0 or Index 1,
Timer 1 must be started. The drive then remains at the target position until the timer has exceeded the
time level of 500ms and 1200ms, respectively. Exceeding the time level triggers a "start positioning".
With the start of the next positioning, the timer must be stopped and reset.

The start of the timer must be triggered by a software input. Input IA was chosen here.

→ LE17: timer 1 start inp. sel. = 256: IA

IA is always then set if software output OA is set.

On reaching of the target of Index 1 or Index 2, Timer 1 must be started (i.e., the software output OA must be

Output OA must also be set if the switching condition act.. index = 1 or act.. index = 2 and, simultaneously, the
condition "target reached" are met

→ do.00: Condition 0 = 54: target window reached (positioning) M0 = SB0 = target reached
→ do.16: Condition selection for flag 0 = 1: SB0
→ do.01: Condition 1 = 72: act. position index = level SB1: Index = 1
→ LE.01: Comparison level 1 = 1,00
→ do.02: Condition 2 = 72: act. position index = level SB2: Index = 2
→ LE.02: Comparison level 2 = 2,00
→ do.19: Condition selection for flag 3 = 6: SB1+SB2 M3 = SB1 or SB2
→ do.37: Flag selection for OA = 9: M0+M3 OA = M0 and M3
→ do.41: AND conn. for outputs = 16: OA

When the timer has counted 1500ms (for index 1) or 1200ms (for index 2), a "start positioning" signal shall
be generated.
As input for the "start positioning" signal, software input IB is used.
→ PS.29 = 576: I3 (X2A.12) + IB

Output OB must therefore be set, when the switching conditions index = 1 (SB1) and timer 1 > 500ms, or
index = 2 (SB2) and timer 1 > 1200ms, are met.
→ do.03: Condition 3 = 37: Timer 1 > level SB3: Timer > 500 ms
→ LE.03: Comparison level 1 = 0,50
→ do.04: Condition 4 = 37: Timer 1 > level SB4: Timer > 1200 ms
→ LE.02: Comparison level 2 = 1,20
→ do.17: Condition selection for flag 1 = 10: SB1+ SB3 M1 = SB1 and SB3
→ do.18: Condition selection for flag 2 = 20: SB2+ SB4 M2 = SB2 and SB4
→ do.24: SB AND/OR conjunction = 6: M1+M2
→ do38: Flag selection for OB = 6: M1+M2 OB = M1 or M2

The resetting of the timer must be triggered by a software input. Input IC was chosen here.
→ LE.19: timer 1 start inp. sel. = 1024: IC

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Posi- and synchronous operating

Output OC must therefore be set when the condition "target window reached" is not set.

→ do.31: Inv. flags for OC = 1: M0 OC = NOT M0

→ do.39: Flag selection for OC = 1: M0
● block 0 → PS.23: Index / selection = 0
Position = 0 → PS.24: Index / position = 0
Permitted max. speed = 1500 rpm → PS.25 = 1500 rpm
next positioning step defined in block 1 → PS.26 = 1
Wait for "start positioning" command → PS.27 = 0: no + absolute

● block 1 → PS.23: Index / selection = 1

Position = first stopping point → PS.24: Index / position = 100.000
speed up to the first stopping point → PS.25 = 1000 rpm
next positioning step defined in block 2 → PS.26 = 2
Wait for "start positioning" command → PS.27 = 0: no + absolute

● block 2 → PS.23: Index / selection = 2

Position = second stopping point → PS.24: Index / position = 200.000
speed up to the second stopping point → PS.25 = 1000 rpm
Back to start → PS.26 = 0
Wait for "start positioning" command → PS.27 = 0: no + absolute

ru.61: target position


ru.56: Set position

„Start positioning“
of ext. control (I3)

automatic generated
positioning“ signal (IB)

ru.43: timer 1 display

„target reached“ signal

ru.60: act. position


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Posi- and synchronous operating Posi mode / Positioning with set changeover

In the positioning blocks, only target position, profile speed, traversal manner, and sequence of the positionings
are stored. To reach the acceleration /, deceleration time and the S-curves, one must use various sets.
Before the start of a positioning, that set must be activated which contains the desired acceleration and jolt
If positions are to be connected directly with certain profiles, the set-programmability of the parameter PS.28
can be utilised.

set-programmable parameters not set-programmable parameters

set PS.28 OP parameter PS.23 PS.24 PS.25 PS.26 PS.27
0 0 Ramps and S-curve times (A) 0 Position (A) Profile speed (A) -1 no
1 1 Ramps and S-curve times (B) 1 Position (B) Profile speed (B) -1 no
2 2 Ramps and S-curve times (C) 2 Position (C) Profile speed (C) -1 no
3 3 Ramps and S-curve times (D) 3 Position (D) Profile speed (D) -1 no

I.e., in the 4 sets used, the required acceleration and S-curve times are programmed. In each set, a different
index is parametrised as the starting index. Posi mode / rotary table

The round table positioning allows positioning within 360°.

Parameter PS.39 "position range" defines the number of increments per one revolution of the rotary table. If
the position feedback is not connected to the round table but to the motor, the gear must also be considered.


The motor must execute 21 revolutions for the round table to complete one full revolution. Let the increments
per revolution of the incremental encoder on the motor be 2500 increments (parameter Ec.01) and in parameter
Ec.07 "multiple evaluation 1", the value 2 is: 4-fold programmed.
This results in:

PS.39 = 21 x 2500 x 22 = 210000

The actual position and the set point position vary only in a range of 0 to (PS.39 - 1).

Attention: Only positions from 0 to (PS.39 - 1) may be set as target position (PS.24).
Attention: The difference between set position and actual position may never be greater than PS.39/2, i.e., the
drive may not be blocked!

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Posi- and synchronous operating

The general rotary table mode is selected with PS.27:

PS.27: Index mode

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
The position on the round table is always approached on the
8: Rotary table with
shortest path , i.e., the drive approaches the position from the
path optimization
right or the left.
10: Rotary table The position on the round table is always approached from one
Position without path optimi- direction. The sign of the position setpoint determines the direc-
setting zation tion of the positioning
12: Round table re- The new target position is set relative to the current target
lative (round axis) position.
0, 2, 4, 6, 14 Not for rotary table

The different round table modes were created for different applications. Rotary table with path optimization

inverter Gear

control terminal block X2A

Rotary table
position 7
Motor position

Rotary table

Encoder Encoder
channel channel 1

This mode is particularly suitable for rotary table applications where a second encoder is used for the rotary
table position. Here, the gear backlash cannot cause a position error and the target position can be approached
precisely from both directions of rotation.

Here, the mode 8 "round table with path optimisation" is optimal since the shortest positioning times can be
achieved in this mode.

It is a prerequisite that the round table permits rotations in both directions.

The target position may lie only in the range of 0 to PS.39 - 1.

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Posi- and synchronous operating

ru.61: target position

ru.56: Set position
Rotary table
ru.02: ramp output display (set-
point speed controller) Rotary table without path optimization

inverter Gear

control terminal block X2A



X3B X3A table

Encoder Encoder
channel 2 channel1

This mode is particularly suitable for round table applications where only one encoder is used for the motor po-
sition. The gear between the motor and the round table can cause the position of the round table to be different
for identical motor positions, depending on the direction of rotation from which the position was approached.
To avoid these problem for applications where the gear backlash cannot be ignored, the target must always
be approached from the same direction of rotation. The direction from which a position is approached is deter-
mined by the sign of PS.24 "index / position": Positive values mean the position is approached from the right,
negative values lead to an approach from the left.

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Posi- and synchronous operating

Rotary table range

ru.61: Target position ru.56: Set position

ru.02: ramp output display (setpoint speed controller)

In this example, all position setpoint in PS.24 are positive. The position values 0 and PS.39 are identical, there-
fore, the value 0 as well as the value PS.39 can be displayed during traversal of the round table range.
Thereby, apparent jumps can occur in the position values if the display changes between the value 0 and

Rotary table / flying referencing

If only one encoder is used, the gear can cause a further problem:
If the gear factor x increments per revolution does not result in an integer value, the value for PS.39 cannot be
set exactly.

The gear ratio between motor and rotary table is 50 : 3
encoder increments per revolution = 2500 and multiple evaluation = 2: 4-fold

PS.39 = 50 x encoder increments per revolution 50 x 10.000 = 16.666,6666

—— ——
3 x 2multiple evaluation = 3

In PS.39, however, only integer values can be entered. Thereby, one obtains (for predominant motion in one
direction of rotation) an error that increases with each round table revolution.
To correct this error, there is the possibility of flying referencing for round table applications.

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Posi- and synchronous operating

For that purpose, an initiator is connected to a digital input which generates a pulse at a fixed round table posi-
tion. Whenever this pulse is recognised, the actual position must be equal to the position of the initiator. If this
is not the case, the actual position is set to the initiator position. The setpoint- and target position are corrected
by the same value as the actual position.

The drive rotates clockwise.
The initiator provides a signal at position 1000.
The drive starts at position 0.
The actual position (ru.54) at the time the edge of the initiator is 999.
The set point position (ru.56) is 1002, the target position is 5000 increments.
The value range round table (PS.39) is 10,000 increments.
The actual position is set to 1000, i.e., corrected by +1.
The set point position is set accordingly to 1003 and the target position to 5001.

act. and set position =

ru.54: actual position
ru.61: target position

ref.-point (PS.17)
ru.65: Set position

target position adjusted

clockwise rotation → positive

Set reference point

Start positioning

For the positioning for which corrections are made, the value of PS.24 "index/ position", therefore, does not
match ru.61 "target position" anymore, instead of the value 5000, positioning is done to 5001.
The next position is again approached corresponding to PS.24, i.e., the value of target position (ru.61) and
index / position (PS.24) match. Thereby, the error caused by the noninteger gear ratio is compensated.
Since the initiator signal is longer than one increment, the same point of the initiator must always be used for
the adjustment. Therefore, adjustments for clockwise direction of rotation is made as soon as the initiator is
reached (positive edge). For counter clockwise direction of rotation, adjustments are made when the initiator is
left (negative edge).

Example: The initiator signal is active from Position 5000 to 5500

To have the adjustment executed always at position 5000, adjustments must be executed at the positive edge
for clockwise rotation and at the negative edge for counter clockwise rotation.

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Posi- and synchronous operating

Rotary table forward correction

Initiatior signal
3000 signal 7000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000

4000 6000 correction

Initiatior signal

Correction point 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000

An important point for flying referencing is the suppression of interference pulses that can trigger a referencing
at the wrong position.

Basic requirement is the EMC conform installation. The programming of a digital filter in the di-parameters is
unsuitable for the flying referencing since the time delay caused by the filter distorts the referencing.
Therefore, there is the parameter PS.40 "reference point window". Only an initiator pulse within the position
window of +/- PS.40 around the reference point PS.17 triggers an adjustment.


PS.17 = 5000 increments / PS.40 = 500

Then, referencing signals are accepted only if the actual position ru.54 is in the range of 4500 to 5500.
The default value for PS.40 is 0, i.e., the interference suppression is switched off.
To receive a warning that interference pulses have occurred, a digital output can be set if a referencing signal
occurs outside of the permitted window.
For this, value78 „totary table reference invalid“ must be selected as switching condition in the do-parameters.The
switching condition is reset with the next "start position" command and after overdriving the reference switch.
7 Posi mode / defined stop

In some applications, a drive shall stop within one revolution at a defined position during vector controlled ope-
ration. For such applications, the mode "position specification relative to the null signal" was created.

PS.27: Index mode

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
1...3 Position setting 4 Relative to zero signal

In this application, the functions "position / synchronous activation" and "start positioning" are connected to the
same input. If the signal at this input is not active, the drive runs vector controlled.
If the input is activated, the drive correspondingly delays the defined acceleration-, deceleration- and S-curve-
times. Thereby, it positions to the distance to the marker pulse defined in PS.24. How many revolutions it still
travels during the delay dependent on the speed and the adjusted ramps. Only the position within one revolu-
tion of the position encoder at which the drive stops is defined.
Only values from 0 to encoder (inc/r) * 2 enc. trigger may be preset in this mode in PS.24 „index/ position“.
The direction of rotation from which the position is approached is always the direction of rotation of the drive
before activation of the positioning.

Attention: If the modulation is switched off (switch-off the control release, error) while the drive rests at the stop-
ping position, the drive will be in speed-controlled operation again after switching on the modulation.

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Posi- and synchronous operating

Example: Incremental encoder / 2500 increments/ 4-fold evaluation

One application would be, e.g., a drill for which the chuck key must always have a defined position during
standstill. Posi mode / remaining distance positioning

The remaining distance positioning is similar to the mode defined stop. Only that here, positioning is done to a
set distance from a marker, rather than to a defined position within one revolution.
The drive leaves the speed-controlled operation and runs, starting at a marker, the adjusted residual distance.
To that end, the value 2: relative must be set in PS.27.

PS.27: Index mode

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
The value of PS.24 index / position defines the path that still has to
1..3 Position setting 2: relative
be travelled starting at the positive edge of the marker.

After activation of the positioning mode by a digital input, the drive remains in vector controlled operation,
until the marker triggers a "start positioning" command. The target position for the positioning is the actual po-
sition ru.54 at the time of the positive edge + PS.24 "index/position".



ru.61: target position

ru.54: actual position

Position-con- Speed-controlled Position-controlled

trolled opera- operation operation

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Posi- and synchronous operating

Start positioning

Activation positioning/ synchro-

nous Posi mode / flying referencing with correction

During the round table positioning with only one encoder for motor and round table position, a flying referencing
for correcting a gear factor error exists. For other applications using only one encoder, one needs compensati-
on for slip (undercarriages) or cable stretch (hoists).

An undercarriage shall, e.g., be moved 1m, corresponding to 10,000 increments. During starting, the powered
wheels slip on the steel rail, however, so that after 10,000 increments of encoder revolution, the undercarriage
has only travelled 0.95m.
To compensate for this error, the slip-afflicted system can be resynchronised via reference markers. There re-
ference markers indicate the real position of the drive. An adjustment value is calculated from this information.
The adjustment is still carried out within one active positioning, to reach the target at the predefined position.
To be able to approach the target from both directions, two reference markers that can be located at different
positions must be supported.
Dependent on the direction of rotation, the positive edge of the reference marker is expected at a distance
to target of PS.46 "relative adjustment switch clockwise rotation" (direction of rotation clockwise) and PS.47
"relative adjustment switch counter clockwise rotation" (direction of rotation counter clockwise), respectively.
In parameter ru.69 "distance ref.-zero point", the adjustment value is displayed. It is calculated as:

Clockwise rotation: ru.69 = PS.46 - (ru.61: target position - ru.56: set position)

Counter clockwise rotation: ru.69 = (ru.61: target position – ru.56: set position) - PS.47

Un undercarriageshall drive to the position 5m (= 5,000 increments).
The undercarriage loses 02m (= 200 increments) during acceleration due to slip.
The right reference marker is situated at position 4...4.3m => PS.46 = 1m = 1,000.
The left reference marker is situated at position 5.2...5.5m => PS.47 = 0.5m = 500.

Clockwise rotation: Counter clockwise rotation:

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Posi- and synchronous operating

ru.61: target po-


ru.56 Set position


Start positioning

No reference point setting of the actual position takes place. This has the following con-
sequence: If the position controller is not active (PS.06 = 0), or if the drive cannot follow
the position setpoint due to torque limits or controller settings, errors in the actual
position can add up.

If the referencing marker is recognized only during the deceleration ramp when reaching the target, the target
position cannot be reached with the adjusted ramps anymore.
During the constant running phase, too, the adjustment of the position via the reference markers can lead to
the target position not being reachable anymore. This is possible every time the reference marker shows that
the drive is already nearer the target than expected.
To be able to directly drive to the target in these cases as well, the ramp times must be changed.
In parameter PS.44 "adjustment ramp limit %", a factor between 25 and 100% can be set. 25% means that the
deceleration times may be reduced to maximally 25% and increased by up to a factor of 4. The value 33% in
PS.44 would correspondingly allow a change in the deceleration times of between 33% and a factor of 3 of the
values set in the oP-parameters.
If the adjustment pulse is received when the drive is already in the deceleration phase, adjustment occurs only
during the last S-curve before reaching the target.

If the change of the ramp times by the adjusted correction factor PS.44 is insufficient, the drive enters the status
"position inaccessible".

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Posi- and synchronous operating

The blue curve shows a positioning where the refe-

- without correction

rence marker does not trigger an adjustment.

ru.56: Set position

- with correction

For the red curve, it is determined at the reference

that the drive is closer to the target than expected.
If breaking would occur with the adjusted decelerati-
on times, the target would be overshot.

By PS.44 = 25% the drive is permitted to decelerate

Speed (without correction)

more sharply.
Speed (with correction /

The comparison of the red and the blue speed curve

show that the drive accelerates equally in both cases,
but decelerates more sharply after the adjustment.
short ramp)

Thereby, the adjustment can be still be carried out

during the running positioning and the target position
can still be reached.
- without correction
Start positioning

- with correction

If no successful adjustment can be executed during the running positioning, there are two different response
options which can be selected via PS.00:

PS.00: Posi / synchronous mode 7

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
If the target position is inaccessible due to the adjustment, even
with the adjusted ramp times, the drive stops and posts the sta-
0: Stop
tus message "123: position inaccessible". This status can be re-
set only by deactivation of the positioning module.
If the target position is inaccessible due to the adjustment with
If position not 64: Stop + new the precept ramps, the drive completes the original positioning
reachable attempt profile and then automatically starts a new positioning to reach
the target position.
128: new at-
tempt Do not use
192: reserved

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Posi- and synchronous operating

PS.00 / bit 6...7 = 0: Stop

ru.02: Display output display

Reference marker recognised during the decele-

ration phase of the target approach.
ru.61: target position
ru.56: Set position

Adjustment of the position is executed, but po-

sitioning to the target position is not possible
(S-curve time too small or adjustment factor for
ramps in PS.44 set too small).
With the beginning of the lower S-curve, the
Posi / Sync drive signals "position inaccessible"via a digital
Target not Only with deactivation of the positioning module,
reachable the output "target inaccessible" is reset.

PS.00 / bit 6...7 = 64: Stop + new attempt

ru.02: Display output display

Reference marker recognised during the decele-

ru.61: target position

ration phase of the target approach.

ru.56: Set position

Adjustment of the position is executed, but po-

sitioning to the target position is not possible
With the beginning of the lower S-curve, the
drive signals "position inaccessible"via a digital
Target output
window After reaching standstill, the drive automatically
reached starts a new positioning to the target position.
Target not
reachable The output "target inaccessible" is reset automa-
Profile tically
processing The two reference markers belong to the block
(index) that defines a positioning step.

The two reference markers belong to the block (index) that defines a positioning step. (For the description of
the positioning indexes see chapter "Sequential positioning"). In connection with the reference marker,
it is useful to define index blocks even for single positionings.


Start Target 1 Target 2 Target 3 Target 4

PS.46 = 3500
PS.47 = 1000 PS.46 = 2500
PS.46 = 1750
PS.46 = 1000

1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000

Reference marker 1 Reference marker 2

From a starting position, an undercarriage shall drive to 4 different positions . The positions of target 1...4 are
always approached from the left, the start always from the right. For the targets, therefore, reference markers

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Posi- and synchronous operating

are always defined for clockwise rotation, and for the start only a reference marker for counter clockwise rota-
tion. The values for the other reference markers are set to zero (= deactivated)
The profile speed definition is given via parameter PS.31 "max. speed %". That means value „16: PS.31 /
PS.25“ must be entered in PS.00 / bit 5 "positioning / target speed".
The drive shall stop at the target, value 0 must be entered for all blocks in parameter PS.25 "index / speed".

This is a single positioning, PS.26 „index/ next“ must always be set to „-1: PS.28“, since there is no next po-
sition. The positions are preset as absolute values and "continuation of the profile processing" is deactivated.
Therefore parameter PS.27 must be set to value 0.

This results in the following positioning blocks:

PS.23 PS.24 PS.25 PS.26 PS.27 PS.46 PS.47

Start 0 0 0 -1: PS.28 0 0: off 1000
Tar- 1 5500 0 -1: PS.28 0 1000 0: off
get 1
Tar- 2 6250 0 -1: PS.28 0 1750 0: off
get 2
Tar- 3 7000 0 -1: PS.28 0 2500 0: off
get 3
Tar- 4 8000 0 -1: PS.28 0 3500 0: off
get 4

If the drive shall now travel from the start to target 2, value 2 must be entered in parameter PS.28 "start index
new profil", and the "start positioning" command must be given then.

In the process, the undercarriage also crosses reference marker 1, which can trigger an adjustment only during
the positioning to the starting point. For the drive to target 2, marker 1 must be ignored. For that purpose, the 7
parameter PS.40 "reference point window" is used. Only an initiator pulse within the position window of +/-
PS.40 around the programmed value for the reference marker triggers an adjustment.

Example target 2:
PS.46 = 1750 increments / PS.24 = 6250 → the reference marker is expected at 6250 – 1750 = 4500.
If the reference point window is set to, e.g., 300 increments, the initiator signal is accepted only if the drive
rotates in clockwise direction of rotation and as long as the actual position ru.54 is in the range of 4200 to 4800

The size of the reference point window depends on the maximum expected slip. If one assumes, that maximally
150 increments „are lost“ due to the slipping of the wheels (i.e. are not converted to propulsion), a value > 150
increments must be adjusted in PS.40.

If the drive is approaching target 2 from the left, reference marker 1 generates a positive edge at an actual po-
sition of 700...850 (depending on the level of slippage) and therefore outside of the permitted window.

This marker is therefore ignored. Reference marker 2 generates its pulse within the reference window and is
evaluated for the adjustment.

Example start position:

To drive back to the starting position, value 0 must be entered in parameter PS.28 "start index new profil" and
the "start positioning" command must be given then. The drive then travels back to the start with direction of
rotation counter clockwise.

PS.47 = 1000 increments / PS.24 = 0 → the reference marker is expected at 0 + 1000 = 1000,

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Posi- and synchronous operating

PS.40 "reference point window" = 300 increments

The initiator signal is evaluated only if the direction of rotation is counter clockwise and the actual position lies
within a range of700...1300 increments. With this, the reference marker 2 is masked for the return path.
The following figure illustrates the connection between direction of rotation, target, the values of PS.46 / 47 and
the reference point window PS.40.

Reference marker
(300 increments)

Validity range for the

forward reverse respective target at
clockwise rotation

Target A Target B Validity range for the

respective target at
counter clockwise

4000 5000 GB 6000 7000

Index A: Index B:
PS.24 = 4000 PS.24 = 6000
PS.46 = 500 PS.46 = 650
PS.47 = 500 PS.47 = 800

The parameter PS.45 "adjustment index selection" is identical to parameter PS.23 "index/selection". It has
been inserted here a second time only to simplify the operation. Posi mode / start positioning

A "start positioning" command can be generated by various means:

● via digital input

The digital input is selected via parameter PS.29 "start positioning input selection". Alternatively, the
function "start positioning" can be associated with an input in the parameters di.11...di.22 (see chapter
7.3 Digital inputs)

● by means of the control word SY.50 or SY.43

To start the positioning by means of the control word Sy.43 ("control word long") and Sy.50 ("control
word low"), respectively, bit 10 "start positioning" must be switched from 0 to 1.

Sy.43: Control word long

Sy.50: Control word low
Bit Meaning Value Explanation
Start positio- 0 Without function for positioning
ning 1024 Switch from not activated to activated starts positioning

Starting a new positioning is only possible if bit 10 has temporarily been set to 0.

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Posi- and synchronous operating

● by writing a new target position to parameter PS.24 or by set changeover

To start a positioning by writing a new target position or by set changeover, the following adjustments
must be made in PS.00:

PS.00: Posi / synchronous mode

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
Start posi by set 0: off For "start posi by set change = on", every set change automatically
change 512: on generates a "start positioning" command.
0: off For "start posi PS.24 = on", a "start positioning" command is generated
12 Start posi PS.24
4096: on each time by writing on parameter PS.24 (independent of the index).

To perform a positioning, the inputs wired as limit switches (inputs with functions "forward" and "reverse") must
be active. If the hardware limit switches are not to be used, the protection functions in Pn.07 "limit switch error
response" must be deactivated (value 6: function switched off).

If the target position can still be changed during a running positioning is determined by PS.00 bit 3.

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Posi- and synchronous operating

PS.00: Posi / synchronous mode

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
After starting a positioning, the target position that was valid at the time
0: off
of the "start posi" command is approached.
For a new „start posi“ command during the acceleration or constant run-
Termination due ning phase of a running positioning (status „122: positioning active“) the
3 to new start new target is adopted and approached if it is reachable with the preset
positioning acceleration / deceleration / jerk times. (For the processing of inacces-
8: on
sible positions, see chapter For a sequential positioning, the
running positioning sequence is aborted. A new positioning sequence is
started with the new "start positioning" command, with the index pro-
grammed in PS.28 "start index new profile".

If the drive leaves the speed-controlled operation (first "start positioning" after activation of the posi mode), or if
during an active positioning a new "start positioning" command is given, the new target is possibly inaccessible
with the adjusted ramp and jerk times.
Parameter ru.84 "accessible rel. posi." displays the distance that the target must have to the actual position
ru.54 at the time of the "start positioning" pulse to be accessible with the programmed ramp and S-curve times.

Start Starting of the decelerati-
on of the target appoach At the "start positioning command", ru.84
indicates that the target must be at least
ru.84 200000 increments away from the current
ru.84: accessible rel. position

actual position to be accessible with the

ru.02: ramp output display

programmed ramps.
ru.54: actual position

The target is further away and the drive

positions to the target.
The deceleration phase starts, if the
amount of ru.84 ahead of the target is
ru.84 reached.

If the target is inaccessible with the ramps from the oP-parameters, the ramp times can be changes online in
the event of a new "start positioning" pulse. For that purpose, there is the parameter PS.32 "limit acc/dec red-
ucing %".

Note: For the case of a start from the vector controlled operation, the online adaption is not active. A factor bet-
ween 25 and 100% can be adjusted in parameter PS.32. 25% means that the ramp and S-curve times may be
reduced to maximally 25% and increased by up to a factor of 4. The value 33% in PS.32 would correspondingly
allow a change of between 33% upto factor 3 of the values adjusted in the OP-parameters.

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Posi- and synchronous operating

ru.54 "actual position" + ru.84

New „start positioning“ "accessible rel. position" is greater
than the target.
I.e., the target would be inaccessi-
ru.84: accessible rel. position

ble without ramp decrease.

ru.02: ramp output display

In this example
the same values are set for the
ru.54: actual position

deceleration ramps as for the acce-

leration ramp.
The ramp times are reduced by
PS.32, thus the target is reached in
ru.84 a shorter distance than ru.84.

The new "start positioning" command must be made within the positioning, in the acceleration or constant run-
ning phase. In the deceleration phase to the final target approach, the new starting pulse leads to the status
"position inaccessible".
If the new starting pulse is received in the correct phase, but the target is inaccessible despite ramp adjustment
, the drive goes into the state "position inaccessible" with the default ramp/jerk times.
The parameter PS.32 is similar to the parameter PS.44 "limit adjustment ramp %" in its mode of action. PS.44,
however, works only for ramp changes necessitated by flying referencing with adjustment. PS.32, on the other
hand, is responsible for adjustments based on new target settings.
Furthermore, the ramp can also be changed during the acceleration phase by PS.32 if the new target setting
makes it necessary.
With the parameter PS.53 "distance for no abort", unwanted "start positioning" commands can be masked.
Since the last "start positioning" command, the drive must have travelled a greater distance than PS.53 in order
that a new starting command is accepted during a running positioning.

At the "start positioning command", ru.84
indicates that the target must be at least
actual position

200000 increments away from the current

actual position to be accessible with the pro-
grammed ramps.

PS.53: max. termi- The target is far away and the drive
nation distance positions to the target.
The deceleration phase starts, if the amount
of ru.84 ahead of the target is reached.

Range where new „start

positioning“ commands are
not accepted

first „start posi“ target reached

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Posi- and synchronous operating Posi mode / inaccessible positions

An "inaccessible position" is a target position that cannot be reached with the programmed acceleration / de-
celeration and jerk times.

This can occur in the following circumstances:

● Transition from vector controlled to position controlled operation due to the first "start positioning" after
activation of the positioning mode
● Change of the target position during a running positioning by a new "start positioning" signal
● during sequential positioning, when no stop is scheduled at the target
● due to a change in the actual and set point positions by flying referencing with adjustment
● if the drive is running at the time of the "start positioning" command and a rotation change is required for
the positioning

I.e., every time the drive is running at the time of the "start positioning" command, inaccessible positions can
Also, if a new "start positioning" pulse is given during the deceleration phase to the original target, and the S-
curves are switched off, the message "inaccessible position" is generated because an adjustment during the
final approach to target is only executed during the lower S-curve.

Position not reachable, because new start Position not reachable, because new target is too close
positioning during deceleration ramp
ru.61: target position
ru.56: Set position
ru.61: target position
ru.56: Set position
ru.02: ramp output display

ru.02:ramp output display

Target not reachable

Target not reachable

Start positioning

Start positioning

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Posi- and synchronous operating

The response to this status is selectable via PS.00:

PS.00: Posi / synchronous mode

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
The drive stops with the adjusted ramps. Status ru.00 displays „123:
position not reachable“. This status is reset only by deactivation of
0: Stop
the positioning module. While this status is active, no new "start posi-
tioning" commands are accepted.
The drive stops with the adjusted ramps. Status ru.00 displays „123:
64: Stop
position not reachable“ during the deceleration ramp. After reaching
+ new
standstill, a new positioning to the target position starts automatically
If position not (status changes to "122: positioning active").
reachable This function is required only for sequential positioning: The target
positions of the individual positioning steps are traversed, even if the
128: new target speed preset in PS.25 cannot be reached. This permits che-
attempt cking where the positioning sequence has to be changed or adjusted
so that target position and target speed can be reached. This should
facilitate the parametrisation of the index speeds / positions.
192: reser-
The behaviour of the drive is determined by PS.00 bit 6 / 7 (explana-
0: off
tion see above)
Ignore position, If the new target is inaccessible, the "start positioning" command
8 is ignored. With a digital output, the ignoring of the position can be
if not reachable
256: on displayed. The positioning module remains active, new "start positio-
ning" commands are executed. The digital output can be reset only by
deactivation of the positioning module.
Stop Stop + new attempt Ignore not reachable target
PS.24: index / position
ru.61: target position
output display
ru.02: ramp

Ignore new
Target not
Start posi-

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Posi- and synchronous operating Posi mode / stop positioning

A deactivation of the input occupied with the function "positioning /synchronous activation" concludes the po-
sitioning mode. A running positioning that was aborted by the deactivation cannot be resumed after switching
the input back on.
If the input remains activated, an active positioning can be interrupted by quick stopping, deactivation of the
control release, triggering of the „power off“ function or occurence of an error (e.g.: E.OC, E.OP, etc.).
After the drive is "ready for positioning" again, an interrupted positioning must be restarted with a "start posi-
tioning" command.

With parameter PS.00, one can select how the drive should behave after an error occurs (i.e., after interruption
of an active positioning):

PS.00: Posi / synchronous mode

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
0: Start index The target position (PS.24) from the start index block is approa-
Behaviour after from PS.28 ched with the first "start positioning" after the interruption.
error 32: last tar- The target position that was positioned to when the interruption
get position occurred will be approached with the first "start positioning".

Note: a sequential positioning is aborted only if the error (the interruption) occurred during an active positioning.
If the drive is stopped on target (even if it is only an intermediate target of the sequential positioning) e.g. swit-
ching off the control release does not lead to an interruption of the sequential positioning.
An active positioning can also be interrupted by setting bit 11 in control word Sy.43 or Sy.50
(field 2048: „activate interruption“).
In contrast to a termination due to abnormal stopping, the ramps from the OP-parameters are used and started
S-curves are not interrupted in a termination initiated by the control word. The modulation remains on.

If bit 11 "termination" has again been deactivated in the control word, there are two possibililties for the drive
to continue:

PS.52: Automatically execution positioning after STOP

Value Explanation
The drive waits for a new "start positioning" command. The current position setpoint PS.24 is
0: off
inherited for the new positioning.
The drive automatically starts a new positioning on the target that was approached at the time
1: on of the termination by the control word. A change of the position setpoint PS.24 is ignored during
the "abort" bit is set. Analog position setting

By means of the analog parameter setting, the parameter PS.24 "index / position" can also be adjusted. (For
more detailed information on the analog parameter setting, see chapter 7.15.9 and for the adaption of the ana-
log channels, see chapter 7.15).
To set a position setpoint in PS.24 "index / position" by analog input, the following adjustments have to be made:

● Select the index in PS.23, where the set position should be written
● Select PS.24 as the target for the analog parameter setting An.54: Analog para. setting / target =
1318h (bus address PS.24)
● Select in An.53 which analog channel shall preset the set position

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Posi- and synchronous operating

● Parametrise the analog channel (filter, amplification, offset, etc.)

● Configure the conversion of the analog value in the parameter value for PS.24:
An.55: Analog parameter setting offset defines the parameter value at analog setting 0%
An.56: Analog parameter setting max. value defines the parameter value at analog setting 100%

Parameter value PS.24 = An.55 + (An.56 – An.55) x analog value

Example: an analog value of -100%..+100% shall permit setting position values of 100000 to 300000
increments. Then An.55 and An.56 must be parametrised as follows: An.55 = 200000 An.56 =
300000 Analog position output

Via the analog outputs ANOUT, position values can also be issued. (For further information on adaption of the
analog outputs, see chapter 7.15).

For the analog setting of actual position (ru.54) or set point position (ru.56), the following adjustments must be

● for an analog output (ANOUT1 or 2), choose actual position (An.31 / An.36 = 27) or setpoint position
(An.31/ An.36 = 28) as the output value
● configure the conversion of the position value to an analog value:
Position while 0% analog value is issued: PS.41 "reference position 0%"
Position while 100% analog value is issued: PS.42 "Reference position 100%"
Example: for position values in the range of 100.000 to 300.000 increments, an analog value of 7
-100% to 100% is to be issued. Then PS.41 and PS.42 must be parametrised as follows: PS.41 =
200.000, PS.42 = 300.000
● Parametrise analog output (amplification, offset) Target window

The target window range is specified in parameter PS.30 "target window“. The target window has been reached
if the actual position is in the range of +/- PS.30 / 2 around the target position.

PS.30 target window = 1000

4000 5000 6000

ru.61 target position = 5000

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Posi- and synchronous operating Backlash

This parameter is used to compensate a possibly available backlash. Each positioning is approached with the
gearless adjusted preferred direction. If the positioning is started against this preferred direction, the target po-
sition is initially overdriven by the gearless. After this the positioning occurs in the target position with preferred

PS.55 Backlash
Default value 0: off
Upper limit 1073741824 inc.
Lower limit -1073741824 inc. Position scan

With parameter PS.37 "pos. scan index inp. sel." or via the digital input function (di.24...di.35) "scan position",
an input can be defined for scanning the actual position (ru.54) with its positive edge.

The position scan occurs only in status "positioning active". The scanned actual position value (ru.54) is displa-
yed in parameter ru.71 "teach/ scan position display". Each additional edge overwrites the old scan position.

A digital output can be set dependent on the scanned position. Switching condition „75: amount actual position-
scan position > level“ must be selected for this.

The output function "switching condition 0" is reset

ru.54: actual position
ru.71: teach / scan

● Setting of a new target position

position display

Switching level 0 ● Reaching of the target position

● The target position is not reachable
● Leaving the posi mode

Switching condition As long as the switching condition remains set, the
teach-function (see chapter cannot be
Scan position used.
positioning active

Start positioning Teach function

With parameter PS.36 "teach index input selection", or via the digital input function (di.24...di.35) "store position
(teach)", an input can be defined for scanning the actual position (ru.54) with the positive edge.
The scanned value is displayed in parameter ru.71 "teach / scan position display" and stored in PS.24 as the
target position. Parameter PS.35 "teaching mode" determines which positioning block (which index) the target
position is stored in.

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Posi- and synchronous operating

PS.35: Teach mode

Value Explanation
The actual position is written in the positioning block selected by para-
0: Write index PS.23
meter PS.23 „index/selection“.
The current position is written in the positioning block selected by para-
1: Write index PS.23 incr.+1 meter PS.23 "index/selection" and then PS.23 is increased by 1 (limited
to maximum index 31).
The current position is written in the positioning block selected by para-
2: Write index PS.28 meter PS.28 "start index new profil". Since PS.28 is set-programmable,
positions can be linked with sets this way.
3: Write index PS.58 The current position of PS.59 is written in the index of PS.58.
The current position of PS.59 is written into the index of PS.58. Then the
4: Write index PS.58 incr.+1
position index is increased by 1.
5: Write index PS.56 The selection of the index is determined by the source of PS.56.

Example: Teaching of target position

An undercarriage shall "learn" the position values belonging to a storage location (the position values shall
be teached). In inching mode, the drive is brought to the position that is to be used later as the target of the
positioning (i.e., the storage location in a shelf). The drive is in speed-controlled mode, i.e., the input activating
the posi mode is not set.
Since several storage locations are to be taught consecutively, the setting is PS.35 "teaching mode" = 1. If the
correct position is reached, it is registered as the target position by the teach-pulse. After that, the next storage
location is approached.

The following figure illustrates the example:

With the digital inputs, 3 constants are selected:
PS.24 Index 2 7
PS.24: index / position

ru.54: actual position

higher speed for coarse target approach constant

PS.24 Index 1
1 = 300 U/min
● inching mode for exact target approach
PS.24 Index 0 Fixed value 2 = 50 rpm
Fixed value 3 = -50 rpm

The desired position is approached in vector controlled

output display

With a teach-pulse (positive edge of the chosen digital

ru.02: ramp

input), the current actual position is registered as the

target position of a positioning block.

The process starts with the index currently selected in

PS.23: index /

PS.23. Thereafter, the index is increased after every

Teach pulse

target position acquisition.


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Posi- and synchronous operating Functions and displays for the positioning mode

This chapter provides a compressed summary of the possibililties for control and visualisation of the positioning
mode. Some of the parameters and functions are described in more detail in the corresponding chapters.

Input functions (di.11...di.22)

No. Name Function
24 Activation positioning/ Activation of the positioning mode
29 Start positioning Start of the positioning
Input "+" functions (di.24...di.35)
2 Store position (teach) Positive edge stores an actual position as target position in PS.24
Positive edge stores the actual position in parameter ru.71. Can be used
3 Scan position
for visualisation and generation of digital output signals.
4 Relative position F/R Rotation setting for relative positioning (if selected in PS.27)
For connecting an adjustment sensor for flying referencing with adjust-
7 Reference point correction

Display parameters
Parameter Function
Display of the actual position (calculated from the position informa-
ru.54 actual position
tion of the encoder interface, selected in PS.01).
The position that the drive is supposed to have reached currently,
ru.56 Set position according to the calculated profile (in contrast to ru.61 "target posi-
tion", to be reached at the end of the positioning).
ru.58 Angle difference Difference between set and actual position.
ru.60 Act. position index Number of the positioning block currently being processed.
The target which the drive should reach at the end of the positio-
ru.61 target position
Maximum value of the speed profile the inverter calculates for opti-
ru.63 profile speed
mal target approach.
The value by which the actual position is adjusted during the "flying
ru.69 Distance ref.-zeropoint
referencing with adjustment".
Position value scanned by a digital input (used for digital output and
ru.71 Teach / scan position
If the drive rotates at the time of the "start positioning" command
(vector controlled operation or new pulse during a running positio-
ning), this parameter shows what distance to the actual position
ru.84 accessible rel. position
the target must be to be reachable with the programmed ramp and
S-curve times. The ramp adjustment (PS.32) is not considered (see
chapter "Start positioning").

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Posi- and synchronous operating

Output switching conditions (

39 Angle difference > level Angle difference ru.58 > comparison level (LE.00...LE.07)
The position profile is completed (ru.56 = ru.61) and the drive is in the
range of +/- PS.30 / 2 (target window) around the target position ru.61.
54 Target window reached
Is also set if the drive is stopped at an intermediate target during the se-
quential (index) positioning.
55 Current position > level Actual position ru.54 > comparison level (LE.00...LE.07)
Positioning is active, but the set position ru.56 has not yet reached the
target position ru.61. The output is deactivated as soon as the calculated
56 positioning active position profile reaches the target position, even if the drive has not stop-
ped in the target window yet. For the sequential positioning, the output is
deactivated if the drive has stopped at the target of a positioning block.
The position is inaccessible from the current speed in compliance with
the adjusted deceleration and S-curve times, or a new "start positioning"
57 position not reachable
command was given during the deceleration ramp (see chapter
"Inaccessible positions"). PS.00 determines the behaviour of the drive.
This output switching condition is needed for the follow-up positioning.
The output is set with "start positioning". If the drive has reached the
target position of a positioning step, the output remains set (in contrast to
58 Profile processing active
Nr. 56). The output is deactivated again only when the set position (ru.56)
reaches the position of the last block (PS.24). Value „ -1: PS.28“ must be
entered in the last block in parameter PS.26 „index / next“.
Distance since the last "start positioning" command is longer than the
67 Distance > level
switching level.
Position to the target Distance still to be travelled until reaching the target window is longer
window > level than the switching level.

Actual position index = For sequential positioning: the actual position index is equal to the swit- 7
level ching level (scaling factor: values of 0.51...1.5 count as index 1 etc.).
Amount act. position – Actual position (ru.54) - teach/scan position (ru.71) > comparison level
scan position > level (LE.00...LE.07)
The output is set if the switching condition "target window reached" is
Actual Position = position
77 met (see No. 54) and the "actual position index" (ru.60) is equal to the
index PS.28
"start index new profile" (PS.28).
Only an initiator pulse within the position window of +/- PS.40 around the
reference point PS.17 may trigger an adjustment. If a pulse is received
Rotary table reference
78 outside of this window, it is interpreted as an interference pulse and is
ignored. With this output switching condition, the user can recognize the
presence of invalid pulses.
The output is set if a "start positioning" command is ignored because the
Ignore position not reach- new target position is "inaccessible" (see chapter "inaccessible
able positions"). The output is reset by a new "start positioning" command or
by deactivation of the positioning mode.
The switching level for the switching conditions are set in LE.00...LE.07. Since the switching level can be used
for very different quantities (current, voltage, speed, position, etc.), they have the following scaling factors for
comparisons with position values:
LE.00...LE.07 = 1,00 ⇒ comparison level is 100 increments

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Posi- and synchronous operating

Inverter state (ru.00)

No Name Function
Display that the posi mode is activated (input "posi/sync activation" ac-
tive and posi mode selected in PS.00). Whether the position controller
is already active (i.e., whether the first "start positioning" command has
121 Ready for positioning
been given), or whether the drive is still in vector controlled operation, is
not indicated by this display. Missing limit switch signals also do not affect
the status display.
Positioning profile (position / speed profile) is being calculated. The set
122 positioning active
position ru.56 has not yet reached the target position ru.61.
The position is inaccessible from the current speed under the restrictions
123 position not reachable of the adjusted deceleration and S-curve times or a new "start positio-
ning" command was sent during the deceleration ramp.

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Posi- and synchronous operating

7.12.5 Contouring control mode Contouring control mode / premises

For the contouring control mode, the bus-synchronous operation must be activated. Bus-synchronous operati-
on means that a control sends telegrams in a constant time pattern and that all connected inverters synchronise
to this pattern. This allows angular-synchronous and multi-axis operation, respectively.
To implement the bus-synchronous operation, one requires either a fast fieldbus system with the associated
KEB-operator or a fast control supporting the HSP5-protocol (e.g., a drive control COMBICONTROL C5).
The following bus systems are supported: CAN, SERCOS, EtherCAT, Powerlink, HSP5.

KEB inver-
(e.g. CAN, SERCOS,
EtherCat, Powerlink) COMBICONTROL ter
KEB inverter F5A-S
C5 or
fieldbus Drive F5A-M
interface interface
or RS232
F5A-M digital
HSP5 I/O Ethernet
Bus Parametrisation
Encoder Encoder
KEB channel 2 channel 1

Customer Encoder Encoder
control channel 2 channel 1

How the bus-synchronous operation is realised and initialised depends on the fieldbus system used and must
be looked up in the instructions for the corresponding operator (CAN-operator, SERCOS operator, etc.).
The inverter enters the mode "bus-synchronous operation" if a value unequal to zero is set in parameter Sy.08
"bus synchronisation time" .

Note: As soon as the control sends cyclic telegrams in the pattern set in Sy.08, the bit 9 "HSP5 bus synchro-
nous" is set in the status word (Sy.51). The synchronous communication can be monitored with this bit. The
control release may only be given if the assembly of the bus-synchronous operation is completed.

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Posi- and synchronous operating Contouring control mode / settings

All parameters can be specified in bus-synchronous operation. Typically, this operating mode is used for the
contouring control mode. The activation of this mode is done in parameter PS.00 or via the control word.

PS.00: Posi / synchronous mode

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
0...5 Without function for contouring control
6: Contouring
Posi / synchro- Selection of operating mode contouring control
0...2 control
nous mode
The operating modes are selected via the control word
7: via control word
(Sy.43 or Sy.50).

Sy.50: control word (low) /

Sy.43: control word (long)
Bit Meaning Value Explanation
0: off
4096: synchronous
Selection of operating mode synchronous running
Operating running
12 / 13
mode 8192: positioning Selection of operating mode positioning
12288: Contouring
Selection of operating mode contouring control

To activate the contouring control mode, the digital input assigned with the function "posi / synchronous" must
be set.

In contouring control mode, the drive is positioned via the setting of a position setpoint value in the bus-syn-
chronous grid. The control, therefore, does not give the final target position but the set point position for each
individual cycle.
The inverter calculates the speed required to reach the position setpoint in one bus cycle. The setting of the
position setpoint can be done via PS.24 "index position" or via PS.34 "ctm position".
PS.33 "contouring mode setpoint source" determines which parameter provides the setpoint position.

PS.33: Source contouring mode position

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
Source posi- 0: PS.34 The position is stored as set position by writing on PS.34. The value is
tion setting 1: PS.34, 24 stored as set position by writing on PS.24.
0: calculated Parameter „set speed value“ (SY.52) has 1 rpm in all resolution
1, 2 2: SY.52 modes. Parameter „reference setting“oP.03 is used in order to select a
speed setting
4: oP.03 high resolution. Contouring control mode / write / read data

For the bus-synchronous operation, the read and write data that are to be transmitted with each bus cycle must
be defined. In the parameters Sy.24, Sy.26 and Sy.28, the bus addresses of the parameters that are to be pro-
vided bus-synchronously by the customer control must be set.Only 3 parameters can be selected (one 32 bit
parameter and two 16 bit parameters).
The set position (32 bit parameter) must always be preset bus-synchronously for the contouring control mode.

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Posi- and synchronous operating

To that end, the bus address of PS.34 (=1322h or 4898) or of PS.24 (= 1318h or 4888) must be entered in Sy.24
"write data 1 definition" (dependent on setting of PS.33).
The second parameter is typically occupied with the control word Sy.50 to allow driving the inverter as com-
pletely as possible via the bus.
Parameter Sy.43 "control word (long)" cannot be utilised because only a 16 bit parameter may be used. Para-
meter oP.03 "reference setting" can be used as third parameter if change-over from contouring control mode to
speed-controlled operation shall be possible.

Sy.24 proc. write data 1 defin. = 1318h or = 1322h

Sy.26 proc. write data 2 defin. = 32h
Sy.28 write data 3 definition = 303h
In the parameters Sy.16, Sy.18 and Sy.20, the bus addresses of the parameters that are to be read bus-syn-
chronously from the customer control must be set.
Again, 3 parameters (one 32 bit parameter and two 16 bit parameters) can be selected.Which parameters are
to be read depends on the application. Typically, however, ru.54 "actual position" (32 bit parameter) and Sy.51
"status word (low)" (16 bit parameter) are always read.
Sy.16 read data 1 definition = 236h
Sy.18 read data 2 definition = 33h Contouring control mode / speed precontrol

With activation of the countouring module, the current position value (ru.54) must be read once and then be
transmitted three times as the setpoint. This is necessary to initialise the drive-internal speed pilot control.
In the same manner the same setpoint must also be transmitted three times to stop the drive, e.g., before en-
ding the bus-synchronous operation. This sets the speed pilot control to zero.

When setting the position setpoints, one must ensure that the drive will be able to follow them with the maxi-
mum permissible speed. Only oP.14 "absolute maximum reference for" and oP.15 "absolute maximum refe-
rence rev" function as speed limits. 7 Contouring control mode / watchdog

A breakdown of the bus system is particularly critical during bus-synchronous operation. Therefore, bus moni-
toring should always be activated. To that end, a value unequal to 6 must be programmed in parameter Pn.05
"watchdog response" .
In Sy.09 "HSP5 watchdog time", the monitoring time for the HSP5 connection between inverter and operator
can be adjusted. Value "0:off" means that the watchdog is not active. The monitoring time of the fieldbus con-
nection is parametrized in Pn.06 "watchdog time". The actual monitoring of the fieldbus is carried out by the
operator. With the parameter Pn.05 "watchdog response", one selects how the drive responds (e.g., immediate
error message or quick stop) to the occurence of a bus breakdown (HSP5 or fieldbus).
From software 4.3 the contouring control was reveised as follows with PS.61 and Sy.76:
The interpolated pre-profile is temporal optimal calculated to the adjustment of the cycle time and the smoothing
time of the speed measurement.
For this PS.61 must be activated. The half value of Ec.03 should be adjusted in cS.30.

Synchronization to the time pattern of the master of the contouring control is internally done no longer hard by
compensation of the error up to the next ms interrupt, but via adjustable low pass filter with Sy.76.

The initialization is improved. The contouring mode can be activated at any time. Not several cycles must be
await before release.

If PS.61 is set to 1: on, the precontrol profile in the contouring mode is corrected with a PT1 element. This func-
tion is only active in the contouring mode. The adjustment occurs automatically by the value written in Sy.08.

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Posi- and synchronous operating

Parameters Ec.46 and Ec.47 are also considered.

This setting adjusts the speed precontrol especially for larger cycle times (>2 ms).

A new Pt1 element is introduced with Sy.76 whereby the internal time pattern is synchronized to the external
cycle time. Advantageous is this if the superior control can not keep the cycle. The PT1 element is only active
if the synchronous operation is achieved. Contouring control mode / example

The drive shall meet the following requirements:

- Position specification via PS.34
- Speed setting via oP.03, if "0: off" is entered in "operating mode" (bit 12/ 13) of Sy.50 "control word
- Activation of the contouring mode via control word
- bus synchronisation time 1000 µs

Parameter list:

Para. Name Value Notice

General setting
Controller confi- 4: Speed
cS.00 Speed-controlled operation
guration control
cS.01 actual source 0: Channel 1 Speed feedback channel 1
2: digital abso-
oP.00 reference source speed setpoint setting via oP.03
lute (op.3)
7: only setpoint Direction of rotation from the setpoint sign, if the contouring
oP.01 rotation source
sign control mode is not activated
Settings for the position control in contouring control mode
Activation of the contouring mode via the control word
(SY.50) Attention: If the contouring mode is not activated in
Posi / synchro- 7: via control
PS.00 the control word, the position value of encoder channel 1 is
nous mode word
displayed in ru.54 "actual position". Thereby, the software
limit switch function, e.g., is not useable
Actual position
PS.01 1: Channel 2 Position feedback channel 2
Posi/synch input If the contouring mode is selected in the control word, it is
PS.02 1:ST
selection also immediately active
PS.06 KP pos/syn 100 Kp value for the position controller
Mode of position The acquired position is valid (absolute encoder/ no ap-
PS.14 128
reference proach to reference point necessary)
Source con-
Position setpoint in the contouring control mode is preset via
PS.33 touring mode 0: PS.34
Bus monitoring
HSP5 watchdog
Sy.09 0.01 (10ms) smallest adjustable monitoring time
Pn.06 Watchdog time 0.01 (10ms) smallest adjustable time for field bus monitoring
Watchdog re-
Pn.05 1 Quick stop/ modulation off/ no auto restart

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Posi- and synchronous operating

Para. Name Value Notice

Parametrisation of the bus-synchronous operation
Proc. read data 1
SY.16 0236h read ru.54 "Actual position"
Proc. read data
Sy.17 1 Value immaterial since parameter is not set-programmable
1 set
Proc. read data 2
SY.18 0033h read SY.51 "status word (low)"
Proc. read data
SY.19 1 Value immaterial since parameter is not set-programmable
2 set
Proc. read data 3
SY.20 -1: off
Proc. read data
SY.21 1 No third read parameter defined
3 set
Proc. write data 1
SY.24 1322h write PS.34 "Contouring mode position"
Proc. write data
Sy.25 255 Value immaterial since parameter is not set-programmable
1 set
Proc. write data 2
SY.26 0303h write oP.03 "reference setting"
Proc. write data
SY.27 255 The value of oP.03 is stored in all sets
2 set
Proc. write data 3
SY.28 0032h write SY.50 "control word (low)"
Proc. write data
Sy.29 255 Value immaterial since parameter is not set-programmable
3 set 7
Bus synchronisa- Is written via the customer control or the COMBICONTROL
SY.08 1000 us
tion time C5

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Posi- and synchronous operating

7.12.6 Position controller

The position controller is constructed as P controller. The increments per revolution of the encoder and the
resolution of the speed is considered in the controller. The speed controller setting can be assumed when ex-
changing the encoder (e.g., from 1024 => 2500 increments) or changing the speed range (e.g., from the 4000
to the 8000 speed mode by changing the parameter ud.02 "control type").

The Kp of the position controller can be changed speed-dependently. Thereby, one can, e.g., choose a
very hard setting for the load transfer and the approach to the final position. For the remaining positioning,
the Kp is lowered then to achieve a smooth running of the drive and to dampen the effects of mechanical distur-
bances (e.g. welds in the linear rails or similar).

The base value of the controller is set in PS.06 "KP for positioning / synchronous". Parameter PS.08 "limit
speed for PS.07" determines the limit for speed reduction and parameter PS.07 "KP speed limit reduction"
determines the percentage value the Kp shall still have in relation to its base value at the speed PS.08.

The following figure illustrates this structure:

positioning module:
ru.63 Profile speed

Synchronous module:
ru.10 Encoder 2 speed

PS.06 oP.14 / oP.15

Kp pos/syn Kp position controller absolute max.
setpoint ru.02
PS.07 + output display
Kp lowering at PS.06
(setpoint speed for
Speed limit + speed controller)
PS.08 * PS.06
100 %
Speed limit
for PS.07 Speed

ru.56 KP
Set position +
Angle difference
ru.54 -
actual position
pos/syn-position limit

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Protective functions

7.1 Operating and appliance data

1. Introduction

7.2 Analog in- and outputs

2. Summary
7.3 Digital in- and outputs

3. Hardware
7.4 Setpoint-, rotation- and ramp setting

Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous

4. Operation motor

Motor data and controller adjustments of the synchronous

Selection of Operating motor
7.7 Speed control

6. Initial Start-up
7.8 Torque display and -limiting

7.9 Torque control

7. Functions 7

7.10 Current control, -limiting and switching frequencies

8. Error Assistance
7.11 Speed measurement

9. Project Design
7.12 Posi- and synchronous operation

7.13 Protective functions

10. Networks

7.14 Parameter sets

11. Parameter Overview

7.15 Special functions

12. Annex
7.16 CP-Parameter definition

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Protective functions

7.13.1 Error and warning messages................................................................................................. 7.13 - 4 underpotential....................................................................................................... 7.13 - 5 Overvoltage ......................................................................................................... 7.13 - 6 overcurrent........................................................................................................... 7.13 - 6 overload................................................................................................................ 7.13 - 6 Inverter over temperature..................................................................................... 7.13 - 7 External fault......................................................................................................... 7.13 - 7 Bus error............................................................................................................... 7.13 - 7 Limit switch error.................................................................................................. 7.13 - 8 Motor protection with temperature sensor............................................................ 7.13 - 8 Software motor protection.................................................................................... 7.13 - 9 Set selection error.............................................................................................. 7.13 - 10 Encoder interface / encoder error....................................................................... 7.13 - 10 Speed limit exceeded......................................................................................... 7.13 - 11 Speed controller limit reached............................................................................ 7.13 - 11 Maximum acceleration exceeded....................................................................... 7.13 - 11 General power circuit error................................................................................. 7.13 - 11 Phase loss.......................................................................................................... 7.13 - 11
7.13.2 Response to malfunction messages................................................................................... 7.13 - 12 Selection of the response................................................................................... 7.13 - 12 Parametrisation of the abnormal stopping.......................................................... 7.13 - 14
7.13.3 Automatic restart.................................................................................................................. 7.13 - 17 Undervoltage error (E.UP).................................................................................. 7.13 - 17 Overvoltage error (E.OP).................................................................................... 7.13 - 18 Overcurrent error (E.OC).................................................................................... 7.13 - 18 Malfunction messages and pre-warnings........................................................... 7.13 - 18
7.13.4 Base block............................................................................................................................. 7.13 - 18
7.13.5 Fast stop................................................................................................................................ 7.13 - 18 Quick stop in the V/F characteristic operation.................................................... 7.13 - 19 Quick stop at closed-loop systems..................................................................... 7.13 - 20 Time monitoring abnormal stopping................................................................... 7.13 - 21 S-curve for quick stop ramp................................................................................ 7.13 - 21 Abnormal stopping via control word................................................................... 7.13 - 21
7.13.6 Speed search......................................................................................................................... 7.13 - 21 Speed search in open-loop operation................................................................. 7.13 - 22 Speed search in closed-loop operation with encoder......................................... 7.13 - 22 Speed search at asynchronous motors in closed-loop operation without encoder.........
7.13 - 22
7.13.7 Ramp stop............................................................................................................................. 7.13 - 22 Current-dependent ramp stop............................................................................ 7.13 - 23 DC link voltage-dependent ramp stop................................................................ 7.13 - 23 Ramp stop dependent on a digital input............................................................. 7.13 - 24
7.13.8 Current limit constant run (stall function).......................................................................... 7.13 - 24 Function of thecurrent limit................................................................................. 7.13 - 26
7.13.9 Electronic motor protection................................................................................................. 7.13 - 27

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Protective functions

7.13.10 Power-off function................................................................................................................ 7.13 - 31

7.13.11 GTR7-control......................................................................................................................... 7.13 - 38 Activation via digital input................................................................................... 7.13 - 38 Adjustment of the activation threshold................................................................ 7.13 - 38 Activation conditions........................................................................................... 7.13 - 39 Electrical work via GTR7.................................................................................... 7.13 - 39
7.13.12 Special functions.................................................................................................................. 7.13 - 40

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Protective functions

7.13 Protective functions

The protective functions protect the inverter against switch off caused by overcurrent, overvoltage as well as
thermal overheating. Furthermore, you can restart the drive after an error automatically (Keep-On-Running).

7.13.1 Error and warning messages

For diagnostic purposes, the inverter displays various malfunction- and error messages. Errors are all those
events that trigger an immediate switch-off of the modulation, malfunctions allow a defined response (shutdown
of the drive by abnormal stopping).
For some events (ext. error, bus monitor response, the drive hitting a limit switch, etc.), one can decide in the
programming whether this is an error or a malfunction.
For some errors, e.g., the overload error, a pre-warning can be generated. This pre-warning is treated like a
malfunction, i.e., the appropriate response to the pre-warning is programmable.

Example 1 (error):

The inverter detects overcurrent and raises the error.Display in parameter ru.00: "Error! Overcurrent" (E. OC).
Since this error cannot be predicted, there is no possibililty of a pre-warning. The modulation is switched off
immediately and the drive spins down.

Example 2 (operating condition programmed as error):

The reaction of the bus monitor ("watchdog") shall trigger an error. Programming Pn.05: "Watchdog response"
= 0 (error / no auto restart).Display in parameter ru.00: "Error! Watchdog" (E. buS). If a digital output is program-
med on a fault signalling relay, the relay switches.

Example 3 (operating condition programmed as malfunction):

Hitting a hardware limit switch shall be treated as a malfunction. Desired response: Abnormal stopping, modu-
lation switch-off after reaching standstill, no automatic restart.
Programming Pn.07: "Limit switch error response" = 1 (Stop / modulation off / no auto restart)
Display in parameter ru.00: "Warning! disabled direction of rotation clockwise" (A.PrF) or: "Warning! disabled
direction of rotation counter clockwise" (A.Prr)
If a digital output is programmed on a fault signalling relay, the relay does not switch by default.
(If the digital output shall also respond to malfunctions, switching condition 6 "abnormal stopping / error" must
be used. Alternatively, Pn.65 can be adjusted by way that a malfunction in relation to the status displays and
digital outputs is treated as error. See chapter 7.13.12)

Example 4 (pre-warning):

When the heat sink temperature exceeds a limit (dependent on the inverter type), the modulation is switched
off, the inverter raises an error. With Pn.11 "heat sink overtemperature warning level" a temperature can be set
at which a pre-warning is generated.
Desired response: when exceeding the temperature of Pn.11, the inverter executes an abnormal stop and
switches off the modulation. When the heat sink temperature decreases again, an automatic restart shall occur.
Programming Pn.10 "heat sink overtemperature response" = 4 (stop/modulation off/ auto restart).
Display in parameter ru.00: "Warning! Heat sink temperature" (A. OH)
If the temperature decreases due to the abnormal stopping, the inverter executes an automatic restart. If,
however, the heat sink temperature continues to rise and exceeds the error limit, the inverter raises an "Error!
Heat sink temperature" (E. OH).

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Protective functions underpotential

"Error! Undervoltage" (E.UP) is triggered if the DC link voltage drops due to brownouts or a generally too weak
power grid. For this error, the automatic restart can be activated.

Suppression of E.UP and no PU at inactive control release

Pn.84 no PU / E.UP deceleration time
Value range: 0 (off) ... 32.00 s; Resolution: 0.01 s; Default value : 0(off)

The following function is activated with this parameter (value <> 0):
With inactive control release E.UP is no ERROR (status word), ru.00 displays nevertheless E.UP
With inactive control release no PU is no ERROR (status word), ru.00 displays nevertheless NO_PU
Other malfunctions (e.g. E.EF, E.dOH) are triggered furthermore

If the control release is activated, E.UP or no PU is triggered after the adjusted time is up, if the condition is still
met (DC link too low or LT_OK signal not active).

If no E.UP or no PU is once activated as ERROR, the status remains until reset.

Reset is only possible at activated control release if the DC link is high enough and/or the signal LT_OK is
If the control release is deactivated, status ERROR is deactivated with a reset.

DC link level to activate the load-shunt

Pn.77 Load-shunt activation voltage

Value range: 0 (off)-1500 V, default value: 0 (off)
Internal lower limit: E.UP-Level (dependent on power unit)
Internal upper limit: E.UP-Reset level - hysteresis (dependent on power unit)
The function is deactivated with active modulation.
The load-shunt is activated if the modulation is already deactivated (e.g. nop) and the DC link voltage falls
below Pn.77. The status is E.LSF.
E. UP is triggered if the voltage drops below the E.UP level or after 10 s in E.LSF status, if the voltage does
not rise again.
The charging relay time for deactivation of the load-shunt starts as before, if DC bus voltage rises again above
the E.UP reset level.

To ensure a safe operation Pn.77 should be adjusted smaller max. by the hysteresis than the internal upper
limit .

Overview voltage level

Voltage class E.UP-Level standard E.UP-Reset level Hysteresis
230 V 216 V 230 V 5 V
400 V 240 V 300 V 10 V
690 V 360  450 V 15 V

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Protective functions Overvoltage

"Error! Overvoltage" is triggered if the DC link voltage increases beyond the overvoltage level due to energy
recovery in regenerative operation. overcurrent

The "Error! Overcurrent" (E.OC) is trigger when the "OC-tripping current" (see technical data in the instruction
manual power circuit F5) is exceeded.
If this error occurs permanently, either the connected motor (short circuit or ground fault) or the inverter itself
is defective.
The "maximum short time current limit" is below the overcurrent limit. If it is exceeded, the hardware current
limit can be triggered with uF.15. The response of this function is not considered an error or malfunction, and
the corresponding switching conditions are not set. If the function is active, the status "80:hardware current
limitation active" (HCL) is displayed.
For current regulated drives, this function should be deactivated since it may have negative effects for the motor
model calculation and the behaviour of the drive. overload

The inverter-overload protection is a function that triggers an error for which, however, a pre-warning can be
There are two overload protection functions: one for the range of standstill and low frequencies (overload at
standstill/ OL2) and one for the remaining frequency range (overload/ OL).
With Pn.09 "Overload warning level" a value between 0...100 % can be adjusted, when the "Warning! Overload"
or the "Warning! Overload during standstill", is set. The response to the overload warning is set with Pn.08
"warning OL stop. mode".

Overload in the standstill (OL2)

The implementation of the function "19: Overload during standstill" is described in chapter 2.1.9 "Overload
protection in the lower speed range". The motor current is guided via a PT1 link with a time constant of 280 ms.
If this delayed current exceeds the OL2 limit, "Error! Overload during standstill" (E.OL2) is triggered. If the dela-
yed current decreases to 0 again, the inverter enters the status "20: Overload during standstill fixed" (E.nOL2).
The error can now be reset.

Overload (OL)

The implementation of the general overload protection is described in chapter 2.1.8 "Overload characteristics".
If the 100% load factor of the inverter is exceeded by 5 %, the internal overload counter starts to count forward.
If the load factor falls below 100 %, the counter counts backward. The current counter content can be read in
parameter ru.39. Upon reaching 100 % the inverter switches off with error message "E.OL" and the counter
counts backward. If it reaches 0 %, the status changes to E.nOL and the error can be reset.

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Protective functions Inverter over temperature

Heat sink overtemperature

The heat sink temperature acquisition protects the power module from thermal overload. The temperature at
which the inverter switches off with error message "8: ERROR! Overtemperature" (E.OH) depends on the po-
wer circuit (generally 90°C).
After cooling period the status changes from "Error! Overtemperature" to "36: Heat sink temperature normal
again" (E.nOH) and is therefore resettable.
A level between 0° C and 90 °C, when the pre-warning is triggered can be adjusted with Pn.11 "OH warning
level". The response to the warning message is set with Pn.10 "warning OH stop. mode".

Internal overtemperature

The interior temperature monitoring protects the inverter against malfunctions caused by too high temperature
in the interior of the inverter. Upon exceeding a unit-specific temperature the interior fan is activated. If the tem-
perature is still too high after about 10 min., the disconnecting time set with Pn.17 "internal overtemperature
disconnecting time" (0...120s) starts.
With the start of the disconnecting time, switching condition "11: Warning internal overheating" is met and the
response to the warning message set in Pn.16 "warning OHI stop. mode" is executed.
After expiration of the disconnecting time, "6: ERROR! Overtemperature interior" (E.OHI) is triggered.
When the interior temperature has dropped again, the inverter state changes again to "7: interior temperature
back to normal" (E.nOHI). The error can now be reset. External fault

With Pn.04 "Input selection external error", one or more digital inputs can be programmed which can trigger the
error "31: ERROR! External input" (E.EF).
With Pn.03 "Response to external error" , the response of the inverter to the digital input is defined. With Pn.65/ 7
bit 1 "2:Pn.04 = E.UP", the function of Pn.04 can be changed and the triggering of an error via a digital input
can be deactivated. Bus error

The inverter contains two watchdogs that monitor the communication between an external bus, operator, and
inverter control.
With parameter Pn.05 "Response to E.bus", the response to a watchdog error is defined. Dependent on the
chosen adjustment, either "Error! Watchdog" (E.buS) or "Warning! Watchdog error" (A.buS), is issued or a war-
ning message via a digital output is generated.

Watchdog time (Pn.06)

This watchdog monitors the communication at the operator interface. With activated watchdog, the response
set in Pn.05 is triggered after expiration of an adjustable time (0.01...40 s) without incoming telegrams.
The function is deactivated by setting the value "0: off".

HSP5 Watchdog time (SY.09)

The HSP5 watchdog function monitors the communication of the HSP5 interface (control card - operator; or
control card - PC). After expiration of an adjustable time (0.01...10 s) without incoming telegrams, the response
adjusted in Pn.05 is triggered. Value „0: off“ deactivates the function.

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Protective functions Limit switch error

Hardware limit switch

The inputs assigned with the functions „32: forward“ (limit switch right) and „64: reverse“ (limit switch left) serve
as hardware limit switches. Therefore, the rotation setting via terminals (oP.01 "source of rotation direction" =
2...6) may not be used if the limit switch function is to be used.
To protect against cable breakage, an unconnected input means that the drive has run onto the limit switch.
Depending on the setting of parameter Pn.07 "Limit switch error
response", the response to the hardware limit switches can be a malfunction.
Hitting a limit switch with clockwise direction of rotation is indicated by status "46: ERROR! disabled direction of
rotation clockwise" (A.PrF) and:94 ABN. disabled direction of rotation clockwise" (A.PrF), respectively. The cor-
responding messages for counter clockwise direction of rotation are "47: ERROR! disabled direction of rotation
counter clockwise" (A.PrF) and:95 ABN. disabled direction of rotation counter clockwise" (A.Prr), respectively.
Attention: Only the limit switch for the current direction of rotation is ever evaluated, i.e., for clockwise rotation,
only the right limit switch is considered and the left limit switch is ignored. The analog applies to counter clock-
wise rotation.
Furthermore, one must ensure that the drive stops at the limit switch. If the limit switch is overrun, the drive can
subsequently continue to run in the disabled direction.

Software limit switch

The software limit switches complement the function of the hardware limit switch.
They are active only after an approach to reference point or the setting of reference points, respectively (see
chapter 7.12.2 approach to reference point).
In contrast to hardware limit switches, the software limit switches can lose their protective function by, e.g., a
faulty approach to reference point. Their advantage is that they cannot be overrun.
The permissible range of the actual position ru.54 is between PS.15 "limit switch left" and PS.16 "limit switch
The software limit switches are active in the vector controlled operation, in synchronous mode, in positioning
mode, or in contouring mode.
The response to the software limit switch is set in parameter Pn.66 "soft. limit stopping mode". In the factory
setting, the software limit switches are deactivated.
Reaching the limit switch with clockwise direction of rotation is indicated by status "44: ERROR! Software limit
switch clockwise rotation" (E.SLF) and "104: ABN. Software limit switch clockwise rotation" (A.SLF), respec-
tively. The corresponding messages for counter clockwise direction of rotation are "45: ERROR! Software limit
switch clockwise rotation" (E.SLF) and "105: Software limit switch counter clockwise rotation" (A.SLr), respec-
tively. Motor protection with temperature sensor

Parameter In.17 displays the temperature evaluation installed in the inverter. A reversible KTY / PTC detection
is installed if in In.17 = 5x hex is displayed. This can be adjusted with Pn.72 to the corresponding sensor (0 =
KTY; 1 = PTC). If no reversible detection is installed, Pn.72 has no function.

If PTC or KTY message an overtemperature, the adjusted delay time in Pn.13 "E.dOH delay time" starts. The
switching condition "9: Pre-warning motor overheating is set and the adjusted response to the pre-warning in
Pn.12 "warning dOH stop. mode" is executed. If a value of 1...5 is selected in Pn.12, the inverter displays the
malfunction „Warning! A.dOH
After expiration of the disconnecting time Pn.13, the error "Error! Motor overheating" (E.dOH) is triggered.

If the overtemperature condition is past, the message "All clear! Motor overheating" (A.ndOH) or "Motor tem-
perature back to normal" (E.ndOH) is issued. Only then the error can be reset or the automatic restart can be
carried out.

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Protective functions

A temperature sensor integrated into the motor winding is connected to the terminals T1/T2 of the inverter. If a
resistance of 1650...4000 Ohm is exceeded, motor overtemperature is detected. If the resistance drops below
750...1650 Ohm, the state motor overtemperature is reset.

Thermal contact (NC contact)

A thermal contact integrated into the motor winding is connected to the terminals T1/T2 of the inverter. The
opened state is recognised as motor overtemperature.

In Pn.62 "dOH warning level", a temperature in the range of 0...200 °C is defined which, when exceeded,
causes a motor overtemperature message.
The current temperature is displayed in ru.46 "motor temperature". With a standard power circuit Pn.62 has no
function. In the motor temperature display ru.46 only T1-T2 closed or T1-T2 open is displayed. Software motor protection

Additionally to the monitoring of the motor with a temperature sensor, a motor protection can be realised also
by monitoring the motor current.
The monitoring function is implemented differently for asynchronous and synchronous motors.

Emulation of an electronic motor protection relay

The functional description (times, current level, etc.) are found in chapter 7.13.9 "electronic motor protection".
The response to the triggering of the electronic motor protection relay can be defined with Pn.14 "warning
OH2 stop. mode". Dependent on the programming, the inverter raises "30: ERROR! Motor protection function"
(E.dOH2) or "97: ABN. Motor protection function" (A.OH2). 7
After the cooling period, the error or the malfunction, respectively, can be reset.

Motor current monitoring for servo drives

The functional description (times, current level, etc.) are found in chapter 7.13.9 "electronic motor protection".
When the protection function triggers, the error "30: ERROR! Motor protection function" (E.dOH) is triggered.
The error is resettable after approximately 100 ms.
A level of 0...100 % (100% = triggering time of the error) can be adjusted with Pn.15 "OH2 warning level" which
generates a pre-warning.
The response to the pre-warning is set with Pn.14 "Motor protection function response". With this, an abnormal
stopping can be executed before the drive raises an error. During the abnormal stopping, the inverter has status
"97: ABN. Motor protection function" (A.OH2). The switching condition "10: Motor protection relay function" is

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Protective functions Set selection error

Sets can be locked with Fr.03 "parameter set lock". If a disabled set is selected, the inverter remains in the old
set, i.e., no set change occurs.
The response to the selection of a disabled set is set via Pn.18 "Set selection error response". In the factory
setting, the error "39: ERROR! Parameter set selection" (E.Set) is triggered. For Pn.18 = 1...5 a malfunction
"102: ABN. Set selection error" (A.Set) is generated. For Pn.18 = „6: Function disabled", the drive continues
running in the old set without message. Encoder interface / encoder error

Encoder interface error

On switch on, the control checks if an encoder interface is present, and if so, which one. If an invalid encoder
identifier is read (e.g., due to EMC-malfunctions), or if the data exchange with the interface card cannot be
established, the drive reports "52: ERROR! Encoder interface" (E.Hyb).
The inverter state "59: ERROR! Interface change" (E.HybC) is displayed when the encoder interface card is
removed and replaced by a different type of interface prior to the switch on.

Encoder error
The progress message "32: ERROR! encoder 1 (E.EnC1)“ or „34: ERROR! Encoder 2 (E.EnC2)" is trigger if:

• a defective track is identified for an incremental encoder interface with monitoring of the incremental
• for resolver interfaces, signals outside of the specifications are identified
• for encoder types that permit the storage of data (e.g., motor data, system position, etc.) in the encoder,
an invalid identifier is read, and therefore the stored data cannot be interpreted.

For "intelligent" encoder interfaces (e.g., absolute encoder, Sin-/Cos encoder), "35: ERROR! Encoder change"
(E.EnCC) is trigger if:

• the encoder type or the interface type of the current software of the control board are not supported
• the signals of the absolute track or the signals of the incremental track are defective
• the identified position deviation between incremental position and absolute position is too large
• the encoder transmits an error message
• the encoder (for encoder types with data storage in the encoder) was swapped
• Adjusted increments per revolution of the inverter does not agree with the encoder increments per

The error E.EncC can be reset via parameter Ec.00 and from version 4.2 also via hardware or bus reset.

Exception! An error due to incorrect encoder increments per revolution is immediately (without reset!) reset if
the correct encoder increments per revolution is set.

Not all monitoring functions are available for all interface types. A more detailed description of the encoder error
can be found in chapter 7.11 "Speed measurement".

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Protective functions Speed limit exceeded

The status "58: ERROR! Overspeed“ (E.OS) is triggered, if ru.07 "actual value display" exceeds either the va-
lue of oP.40 / oP.41 "max. output val." or the value of ru.79 „abs. speed EMC“ (only for synchronous motors).
With oP.40 / oP.41, the user defines limits that may not be exceeded by the application under any circum-
ru.79 shows the maximum speed for a synchronous motor which, if exceeded, leads to an EMC of the motor
high enough to damage the DC-intermediate circuit of the inverter.
Reason for the occurence of excessive speed can be too small a distance between the maximum setpoint and
the speed limit, so that overshoots can trigger the error. Other causes can be (e.g., caused by EMC) malfunc-
tions in the speed measurement or a noisy, insufficiently smoothed speed estimate in the encoderless control
(SCL or ASCL). Speed controller limit reached

Pn.75 "response to error E.SCL" determines how the output should respond if the speed controller reaches the
limit, i.e., if the set torque reaches the maximum possible value. In the factory setting, this operating condition
can be applied to a digital output (switching condition "53: Speed control at the limit"). With Pn.75, however, it is
also possible to execute an abnormal stopping on reaching the torque limit (Status "107: ABN. Speed controller
limit"/ A.SCL) or to trigger an error (Status "25: ERROR! speed controller limit“ / E.SCL) Maximum acceleration exceeded

The maximum permissible acceleration is defined with Pn.79 "Acceleration limit 1/s^2".
Pn.80 "Acceleration scan time" determines the time period used for acceleration averaging.
The change of the actual speed (ru.07) in this time period, divided by the scan time (Pn.80) is the actual acce-
leration. The speed difference must be converted from 1/min to 1/s for the calculation of the acceleration.
Speed change during scan time
Acceleration = —————————————————————
60 x acceleration scan time (in seconds)

If the acceleration exceeds the limit (Pn.79), the response defined by Pn.81 "warning acc. stop mode" is trig-
The drive, dependent on the programming, enters the status "24: ERROR! Maximum acceleration" (E.Acc) or
"106: ABN. Maximum acceleration" (A.Acc) General power circuit error

Monitors for the internal hardware (e.g. fans) are integrated on some inverter types. If one of these monitoring
circuits reports an error, "12: general power circuit error" (E. PU) is triggered. Phase loss

"Error! Phase loss" (E. UPh) is identified indirectly via the ripples in the DC link voltage.
If one power phase is missing, the waviness in the DC link is considerably increased under load. In no-load
operation or at small load, the error of the power phase is, however, not recognised. For this error, an automatic
restart cannot be programmed.

Phase loss detection at the output

If one of the output phases is interrupted during operation, this should be detected by the inverter.

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Protective functions

Error message: "Error! Output phase“ (E.iPH)

Pn.74 Out phase check mode

Value range: 0 (off) .. 1 (on), default value: 0 (off), not set-programmable

The function is active if all following conditions are met:
Pn.74 = 1 (on)
F5-G or F5-M vvc (cs.00 Bit 0-2 = 0..2)
Output frequency ru.03 > 4 Hz
Utilization ru.13 > Utilization lower limit

Since checking of the phase currents is done with a constant ADC level, the result of the utilization lower limit
is dependent on the value of the overload characteristic:

HRS / OC Utilization lower limit

125 / 150 % 4.8 %
150 / 180 % 5.7 %
180 / 216 % 6.9 %
200 / 240 % 7.6 %

The release time sets itself load and frequency-dependent between 250 and approx. 400 ms. The cause there-
fore is the strong fluctuating load after disconnecting a phase. The load can fall temporary below the utilization
lower limit, whereby the release time is extended.

7.13.2 Response to malfunction messages Selection of the response

Abnormal stopping (i.e., automatic shutdown of the drive) is possible for all errors that do not enforce immediate
shutdown of the modulation or for which pre-warnings can be generated.
If abnormal stopping is not sensible in the application, the possibility to set a digital output is available for many

The response is programmable for the following malfunctions:

- Ext. error Pn.03 Reaction to external fault

- Watchdog Pn.05 Watchdog response
- Hardware limit switch Pn.07 proh. rot. stopping mode
- Set selection error Pn.18 E.Set stopping mode
- Software limit switch Pn.66 Response software limit switch
- Speed controller limit Pn.75 Response to error E.SCL
- Acceleration monitoring Pn.81 Acceleration error response

Other errors switch off the modulation, but a pre-warnings can be generated prior to their triggering. In the time
between the pre-warning signal and the triggering of the error, the drive can be hut down via abnormal stopping.
The response is programmable:

- overload Pn.08 warning OL stop. mode
- Heat sink overtemperature Pn.10 Heat sink overtemperature response
- internal overtemperature Pn.16 Internal overtemperature response

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Protective functions

The motor protection functions can be deactivated. If they are to be used, a pre-warning can be generated here
as well prior to the triggering of an error, providing time to shut down the drive.

- motor protection Pn.14 Motor protect. function response
- Motor overtemperature Pn.12 Motor overtemperature response

The descriptions of the errors and the corresponding pre-warning signals are contained in chapter 8.1 "Error

The following responses can be used for all malfunctions and errors, respectively:

Pn.03, Pn.05, Pn.07, Pn.08, Pn.10, Pn.12, Pn.14, Pn.16, Pn.18, Pn.66, Pn.75, Pn.81: Response
Value Explanation
the malfunction turns into the error (Status: E.xx), immediate shutdown of the
0: error / no auto restart
modulation, restart only after RESET
Deceleration at the abnormal stopping-ramp or the torque- and current limit,
1: Stop / modulation off/
respectively, shutdown of the modulation after reaching speed 0, restart only
no auto restart
after RESET
2: Stop / modulation on / Deceleration at the abnormal stopping-ramp or the torque- and current limit,
no auto restart respectively, holding torque after reaching speed 0, restart only after RESET
3: Modulation off / auto Immediate shutdown of the modulation, automatic restart as soon as the mal-
restart function is resolved
Deceleration at the abnormal stopping-ramp or the torque- and current limit,
4: Stop / modulation off/
respectively, shutdown of the modulation after reaching speed 0, automatic
auto restart
restart, as soon as the malfunction has been resolved

5: Stop / modulation on /
Deceleration at the abnormal stopping-ramp or the torque- and current limit, 7
respectively, holding torque after reaching speed 0, automatic restart, as soon
auto restart
as the malfunction has been resolved

Pn.03, Pn.05, Pn.08, Pn.10, Pn.14, Pn.75, Pn.81: Response

Value Explanation
6: Warning via No response of the drive, the malfunction (or pre-warning) can be output via digital
digital output output

The response to the malfunction message limit switch error (hardware or software) and set selection error
can be switched off completely.

Pn.07, Pn.18, Pn.66: Response

Value Explanation
6: Function swit- the malfunction is ignored, no response of the drive, no message via digital output
ched off possible

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Protective functions

For the malfunction "motor overtemperature", several additional choices exist:

Pn.12: Motor overtemperature response

Value Explanation
the motor temperature is monitored, but the drive performs no automatic quick stop
6: Warning via
during the pre-warning time, the pre-warning message can only be issued via digital
digital output
output. After expiration of the pre-warning period, the inverter goes to error E.doH
Motor temperature is not monitored, the error motor overtemperature is never trigge-
7: no error
red. No message via digital output possible
The motor temperature is not monitored while the modulation is switched off. If the
8: no error if modu-
modulation is switched on, monitoring occurs, too. The pre-warning signal, and – after
lation is off
expiration of the pre-warning period - the error motor overtemperature is generated.
Warning via dig. output, as soon as the dOH signal is released (= value 6)
Error is triggered after expiration of the pre-warning period or as soon as the modulati-
9: dOH-response
on is switched off.

For the malfunction "internal overtemperature", there are 2 response options as well:

Pn.16: Internal overtemperature

Value Explanation
6: Warning via The monitoring of the internal temperature is active, but the drive does not execute an
digital output automatic abnormal stop. A pre-warning signal can be issued via a digital output.
7: Error deactiva- Monitoring of the internal temperature never triggers an error. A pre-warning signal
ted does not exist. Parametrisation of the abnormal stopping

The abnormal stopping function is different for speed-controlled systems (CS.00 = 4, 5, 6) and for systems with
v/f-characteristic control.

Quick stop at closed-loop systems

For abnormal stopping with closed-loop systems, the drive is decelerated with the adjusted ramp time, and at
the torque limit, respectively.

Pn.60: Quick stop time

Value Explanation
0...300 s Deceleration ramp for abnormal stopping-function

For the abnormal stopping, the "normal" torque limitations of the application often do not apply since the auto-
matic shutdown is always a malfunction response. To permit a quicker deceleration with a greater torque here,
there is a unique torque limit for abnormal stopping.

Pn.61: Quick stop torque limit

Value Explanation
0...32000.00Nm Quick stop torque limit

The torque limitation superimposed by the limiting characteristic and the available current remain in effect.

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Protective functions

For asynchronous motors, the maximum cutoff torque for abnormal stopping can also be increased to make
more torque available for braking, even in the field weakening range.

Pn.67: Quick stop maximum torque corner speed

Value Explanation
0...32000.00Nm the limiting characteristic for abnormal stopping is defined by Pn.67 instead of dr.16.

Quick stop at open loop systems

For abnormal stopping with v/f-characteristic control, the drive is decelerated with the adjusted ramp time, and
at the torque limit, respectively. Whether braking occurs at the ramp or at the current limit is defined in para-
meter Pn.58.

If no abnormal stopping shall be executed, there are different possibililties for the response, depending on the
type of malfunction.

Additionally, for most malfunctions, issuing the value 6 = warning via a digital output is possible.
Thereby, the inverter does not automatically execute an abnormal stopping. With the warning via a digital out-
put, however, an external control is given the opportunity to respond to the malfunction as is appropriate for
the application. To issue the warning message, a digital output must be programmed with the corresponding
switching condition (see chapter 7.3 Programming of the digital outputs).

Pn.58: Quick stop mode

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
Abnormal stopping at the abnormal stopping
0: Ramp generator
0 Quick stop mode (F5-G)
1: Differential con- Deceleration time for abnormal stopping is deter- 7
troller mined by means of a controller
Current limit for deceleration refers to the appa-
0: Apparent current
rent current
1 Quick stop act. value (F5-G)
Current limit for deceleration refers to the active
2: Active current
0: Sy.50 modulation Shutoff of the modulation after reaching of speed
Abnormal stopping via con- off 0 due to abnormal stopping
trol word (SY.50) 4: Sy.50 modulation Fast stop with holding torque on reaching speed
on 0
The status bit "abnormal stopping" remains
0: Status bit on
active until leaving the function
3 Status bit at standstill
The status bit "abnormal stopping" is reset when
8: Status bit off
the drive has reached standstill

For abnormal stopping at the ramp generator, parameter Pn.60 is the ramp time for the deceleration ramp.

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Protective functions

Pn.60: Quick stop time

Value Explanation
0...300 s Deceleration ramp for abnormal stopping-function

At abnormal stopping with differential controller, this ramp is modified that the drive decelerates preferably at a
current limit.
This current limit is set in Pn.59 "abnormal stopping level".

Pn.59: Quick stop level

Value Explanation
0...200% Current limit for deceleration = 0..200% rated inverter current (In.01)

With Pn.58 bit 1 can be selected if the inverter shall decelerate at the active current limit or at the apparent
current limit.

Schnellhalt Rampenzeit (Pn.60)

Schnellhalt Pegel (Pn.59)

Schnellhalt Modus (Pn.58)

Scheinstrom (ru.15) Bit 0
Umrichternennstrom (In.01) 0
+ aktuelle Rampenzeit

Wirkstrom (ru.17) 1 +
Umrichternennstrom (In.01)

Time monitoring abnormal stopping

For safety, a maximum time for the abnormal stopping-function can be programmed.

Pn.68: Max. abn. stopping time

Value Explanation
time after which the inverter switches from malfunction- ("abnormal stop" A.XX) to the error
0,01...100,00 s
state (E.XX)

If the inverter is still in the malfunction state (A.XX) after this time (no RESET or automatic restart was exe-
cuted), the inverter switches off the modulation and changes to the corresponding error state (A.XX => E.XX).

Abnormal stopping via control word

Abnormal stopping can also be triggered via the control word (SY.43 and SY.50, respectively ). The parameter
Pn.58 abnormal stopping mode determines the behaviour of the abnormal stopping via control word.

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Protective functions

Pn.58: Quick stop mode

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
Abnormal stop- Shutoff of the modulation after reaching of speed 0 due
0:Sy.50 modulation off
2 ping via control to abnormal stopping
word (Sy.50) 4: Sy.50 modulation on Fast stop with holding torque on reaching speed 0
The status bit "abnormal stopping" remains active until
0: Status bit on
Status bit at leaving the function
standstill The status bit "abnormal stopping" is reset when the
8: Status bit off
drive has reached standstill

7.13.3 Automatic restart

With the automatic restart, the inverter error automatically resets or automatically terminates the abnormal
stopping caused by a malfunction or pre-warning.
The function can be activated separately for the various errors and malfunctions with the Pn-parameters.

The automatic restart only makes sense if the error can be expected based on the application. Normally, the
cause of the error must first be investigated and eliminated before the drive can be put back in operation by
executing the reset.
Therefore, it must be selected after which errors an automatic restart should be executed

Because of the independent starting of the machine safety measures must

be provided for operating personnel and machine!

7 Undervoltage error (E.UP)

In Pn.00 "automatic restart E.UP", the automatic restart for the undervoltage error is activated in the factory

A typical application for the automatic restart E.UP (Pn.00) is operation on a bad power grid where sporadic
brownouts are to be expected. With this function, the application continues running as soon as the mains vol-
tage is sufficiently high again.

For the undervoltage error, a time can be defined within which the automatic restart is permissible.

Pn.76: Max. E.UP warning time

Value Explanation
If the function automatic restart is activated, it is always executed after the undervoltage
0: off error (independent of the length of time the error was present). The error bit in status word
SY.44 or SY.51 is set as long as the inverter is in state E.UP.
After expiration of this time, no automatic restart is executed anymore. During this time,
0.01...32.00 s the error bit in status word SY.44 or SY.51 is not set. The status message in ru.00 and the
switching condition "4: error", however, display the undervoltage error.

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Protective functions Overvoltage error (E.OP)

The error overvoltage occurs mostly at high speed. By activation of Pn.01 "automatic restart E.OP", it can be
avoided that the drive "spins down" for a long time after this error. This function makes sense only in combina-
tion with the speed search (see chapter 7.15).
The base-block time (bbL) is at least 1 second, even if the value in uF.12"base-block time" is smaller. Further-
more, the base-block time before the restart is always observed, even if uF.13 "motor de-excitation lower limit"
is undershot. Overcurrent error (E.OC)

The automatic restart after occurence of an overcurrent error is activated with Pn.02 "automatic restart E.OC". It
can be used if impact overloads of the FI, e.g. due to blocking of the motor, can be expected in v/f-characteristic
The base-block time is treated as in overvoltage errors.
After 10 restart attempts, the inverter state must be unequal to the base-block time or the overcurrent error for
at least one second, otherwise the restart is aborted. Malfunction messages and pre-warnings

A malfunction response with automatic restart is selected in parameters Pn.03, Pn.05, Pn.07, Pn.08, Pn.10,
Pn.12, Pn.14, Pn.16, Pn.18, Pn.66, Pn.75 and Pn.81 with the values3...5.
The base-block time is observed only if the drive is above uF.13 "motor de-excitation lower limit".

7.13.4 Base block

After shutdown of the modulation (e.g., when opening the control release or if an error occurs), one must wait
for the time shown in uF.12 "base-block time" before the modulation can be switched on again. During this pha-
se, ru.00 displays the status "motor de-excitation" and the display shows "bbL", respectively.
If ru.42 "modulation grade" is below uF.13 "base block voltage level" when switching off the modulation, there
is no base-block time. Even at low frequencies, the base-block time is not observed.
Exception: After overvoltage- or overcurrent-error, a minimum base-block time of 1s is inserted.
The parameters uF.12 and uF.13 are dependent on the power circuit and serve only as information for the user
on which minimum switch-off times to expect in the application.
In parameter Pn.65 / bit 8 "256: bbL is not displayed", the status message "motor de-excitation" can be sup-
pressed so that the event caused by the modulation switch-off becomes visible immediately.

7.13.5 Fast stop

The abnormal stopping-function serves to shut down the drive (mostly in case of a malfunction) as quickly as
possible. Therefore, there is a separate ramp time (Pn.60: "Quick stop deceleration time") and, in closed-loop
operation separate torque limits (Pn.61: "Quick stop torque limit", Pn.67: „Quick stop maximum torque corner
speed“), which can be adjusted highter than the torque limits for normal operation, to provide the required fast

In v/f-characteristic operation, one can choose in Pn.58 "quick stop mode" between ramp generator and diffe-
rential controller. For the differential controller, the time constant is set in Pn.60. The setpoint of the differential
controller is preset in Pn.59: "quick stop level", Pn.58 selects the actual value from either apparent current or
active current.

The abnormal stopping can be activated by malfunction as well as via the control word (Sy.50 Bit 8). The func-
tionality is the same in both cases, but for state "79: abnormal stopping" (StOP) is always displayed.

For all modes, one can choose whether the abnormal stopping-bit is reset in the status word (Sy.51 or Sy.44 Bit

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Protective functions

8) on reaching standstill, or whether it remains active until leaving the function.

Pn.58: Quick stop mode

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
The status bit "abnormal stopping" remains active until
0: Status bit on
leaving the function
3 Status bit at standstill
The status bit "abnormal stopping" is reset when the drive
8: Status bit off
has reached standstill Quick stop in the V/F characteristic operation

For abnormal stopping with v/f-characteristic control, the drive is decelerated with the adjusted ramp time, and
with the differential controller, respectively.

Pn.58: Quick stop mode

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
0: Ramp generator The deceleration time is Pn.60
Quick stop mode The deceleration time is dependent on the difference
0 (V/F-characteristic 1: Differential con- current limit (Pn.59) - actual current. The time constant
operation) troller of the controller is adjusted by Pn.60, the setpoint is
adjusted by Pn.59.
Current limit for deceleration refers to the apparent
Quick stop act. value 0: Apparent current
1 (V/F-characteristic
operation) Current limit for deceleration refers to the active cur-
2: Active current
The ramp time of the abnormal stopping function or the time constant of the controller are set in Pn.60 depen-
ding on the adjustment of Pn.58.

Pn.60: Quick stop deceleration time

Value Explanation
0..300 s Ramp time and time constant of the controller, respectively

The current limit for the differential control is set in Pn.59 "abnormal stopping level".
Pn.59: Quick stop level
Value Explanation
0...200 % Current limit for difference control = 0...200% rated inverter current (In.01)

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Protective functions

Block diagram of the differential control:

Quick stop dec time (Pn.60)

Quick stop level (Pn.59)

Quick stop mode (Pn.58)

Apparent current (ru.15) Bit 0
Rated inverter current (In.01) 0
+ Actual ramp time

Active current (ru.17) 1
Rated inverter current (In.01) Quick stop at closed-loop systems

For abnormal stopping with closed-loop systems, the drive is decelerated with the adjusted ramp time, and at
the torque limit, respectively.

Pn.60: Quick stop deceleration time

Value Explanation
0...300 s Deceleration ramp for abnormal stopping-function

For the abnormal stopping, the "normal" torque limitations of the application often do not apply since the auto-
matic shutdown is always a malfunction response. To permit a quicker deceleration with a greater torque here,
there is a unique torque limit for abnormal stopping.

Pn.61: Quick stop torque limit

Value Explanation
0...32000.00Nm Quick stop torque limit

The torque limitation superimposed by the limiting characteristic and the available current remain in effect.
For asynchronous motors, the maximum cutoff torque for abnormal stopping can also be increased to make
more torque available for braking, even in the field weakening range.

Pn.67: Quick stop maximum torque corner speed

Value Explanation
0...32000.00Nm the limiting characteristic for abnormal stopping is defined by dr.16 instead of Pn.67

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Protective functions Time monitoring abnormal stopping

For safety, a maximum time for the abnormal stopping-function can be programmed.

Pn.68: Max. abn. stopping time

Value Explanation
time after which the inverter switches from malfunction- ("abnormal stop" A.XX) to the
0,01...100,00 s
error state (E.XX)

If the inverter is still in the malfunction state (A.XX) after this time (no RESET or automatic restart was exe-
cuted), the inverter switches off the modulation and changes to the corresponding error state (A.XX => E.XX). S-curve for quick stop ramp

Pn.83: Quick stop ramp for s-curve

Value Explanation
0...5.00 s Quick stop s-curve time is valid for the quick stop ramp (Pn.60), set-programmable Abnormal stopping via control word

Abnormal stopping can also be triggered via the control word (SY.43 and SY.50, respectively ). Then, the status
displays "79: abnormal stopping" (StOP). The behaviour for abnormal stopping via control word can be defined
in parameter Pn.58 „quick stop mode“.

Abnormal stopping mode determines the behaviour for abnormal stopping via control word.

Pn.58: Quick stop mode

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
Quick stop via con- 0: Sy.50 modulation off disabling of modulation after reaching speed 0
trol word (SY.50) 4: Sy.50 modulation on Fast stop with holding torque on reaching speed 0

7.13.6 Speed search

The speed search permits a relatively smooth engagement of the frequency inverter onto a running motor.
Without activation of the speed search, the motor is always slowed down first. In closed-loop operation with
encoder, this occurs at the torque limit, in closed-loop operation without encoder, the motor must be stopped
with DC-current braking.
On activation of the speed search, however, the current speed is determined and the drive is accelerated or
decelerated from this starting point to the setpoint speed, according to the adjusted ramps.
Parameter Pn.26 "Speed search starting condition" determines after which events the speed search is to be

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Protective functions

Pn.26: Speed search condition

Bit Meaning Explanation
0 1: Speed search after noP Speed search after the status "no control release"
1 2: Speed search after power-on- Speed search after power on
2 4: Speed search after reset Speed search after execution of a reset
3 8: Speed search after auto reset Speed search after automatic restart
4 16: Speed search after LS Speed search after the status "standstill (modulation off)" Speed search in open-loop operation

The speed search mode determines the frequency and voltage jumps as well as the maximum load factor with
which the function works. Higher values let the function work faster, lower values make the function "softer". Speed search in closed-loop operation with encoder

In closed-loop operation with activated speed search, the ramp output value is set to the current actual speed.
After the motor flux has been built up, the drive runs up to the setpoint speed. Speed search at asynchronous motors in closed-loop operation without encoder

In closed-loop operation without encoder, the current actual speed must be estimated from the motor model.
For special motors (e.g., high frequency spindles) or applications (e.g., operation in very high field weakening
range), this estimate for the engagement onto a running motor may not work. The speed is then calculated
incorrectly and the drive vibrates or the inverter raises a malfunction.
In these cases, the motor must be stopped by DC braking (see chapter 7.15.) before the drive can be restarted.
Generally, however, the speed search is the most jerk-free and quickest path to switch to a running motor.

Pn.90: Speed search lower limit (ASCL)

Value range: 0.0 - 20.0 % Default value : 2.0 %*
not set-programmable
* referring to the rated speed of the motor

If the determined speed after speed search is below the limit in pn.90, speed = 0 rpm is preset.
Advantage: The drive is not in "delay" state, thus the motor model remains always active from the start.

7.13.7 Ramp stop

The ramp stop function essentially fulfils two tasks. It reduces the risk of:
- Overcurrent errors (E.OC) during the acceleration or deceleration phase (only for v/f-characteristic
- Overvoltage error (E.OP) during the deceleration phase (in all operating modes)

By stopping the ramp if Pn.24 "ramp stop current level" or Pn.25 ramp stop DC-link voltage level" is exceeded.
Moreover, the ramp stop function can be activated by a digital input.

Pn.22 selects which of the ramps (acceleration, deceleration or both ramps) can be stopped.

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Protective functions

Pn.22: Ramp stop activation

Bit Meaning Explanation
The acceleration ramp is stopped if Pn.24 "LAD load level" is exceeded or if the
0 1: LA stop
input programmed in Pn.23 "LAD stop input selection" is set
2: Deceleration The acceleration ramp is stopped if Pn.25 "LD voltage" is exceeded or if the input
stop U-abh. programmed in Pn.23 "LAD stop input selection" is set
4: deceleration The deceleration ramp is stopped if Pn.24 "LAD load level" is exceeded or if the
stop I-dep. input programmed in Pn.23 "LAD stop input selection" is set

In the operating modes positioning or synchronous running, this function is not active. If a ramp time is entered
in Pn.60 for abnormal stopping, the deceleration stop is active. Current-dependent ramp stop

In v/f-characteristic operation, overcurrent errors can occur due to short ramps.

Therefore, a current limit can be programmed with Pn.24 "ramp stop current level" that is frozen on exceeding
the ramp generator output value(ru.02).
In closed-loop operation the current is limited in software via the control-internal current and torque limits.
Therefore the functions acceleration stop (LA-Stop) and current-dependent deceleration stop (LD-Stop (I)) are

Pn.25: LAD load level

Value Explanation
0 .. 200% Current level at which the ramp is stopped

If the acceleration stop in speed-controlled operation is active in order to use the interruption of the ramp via
digital input, the current level in Pn.25 must be set to 200% to avoid negative effects.
7 DC link voltage-dependent ramp stop

The LD-Stop (U) function can be used to prevent overvoltage errors during deceleration.
During deceleration energy is refeed into the frequency inverter, which causes a rise of the DC-link voltage.
If too much energy is recovered, the inverter can switch to overvoltage (OP) error.
If the LD-Stop (U) function is activated with Pn.22, the DEC-ramp is stopped when the current DC link voltage
(ru.18) exceeds the adjusted LD voltage (Pn.25).

Pn.25: LD voltage
Value Explanation
200V...1200V DC-link voltage level at which the ramp is stopped

Overvoltage errors cannot always be securely prevented with this protection function, because after setting
the ramps and the speed controller, further deceleration can occur despite stopping the ramp. If the drive
decelerates, e.g., at the torque limit, and can therefore not follow the ramp, it does not help to stop this ramp.
An undershoot of the speed controller due to a sudden termination of the ramp can also lead to further energy
recovery in the DC link.
Generally, the deceleration process is slowed down by this protection function. The use of a braking resistor is
necessary for a dynamic deceleration.

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Protective functions Ramp stop dependent on a digital input

With Pn.23 "ramp stop input selection", a digital input can be selected for triggering the ramp stop.This input is
only active if the stop is permitted in Pn.22 for the corresponding ramp.

7.13.8 Current limit constant run (stall function)

The Stall-function protects the frequency inverter against overload.

If the current (depending on the setting of the active or the apparent current in Pn.19) reaches the current limit
an attempt is made to lower the load by increasing / decreasing the output frequency.

Whether the output frequency must be increased or decreased depends on the torque characteristic of the
application. For a fan, e.g., the load factor increases with the speed, and the output frequency must be reduced
during overload. For a drilling machine, the load factor decreases with the speed, and the drive must therefore
be accelerated during overload.

When falling below the maximal constant current the inverter accelerates / decelerates again with the normal
ramp times.
The stall function is active until the original setpoint speed is reached.

This protection function is active only for F5A-M in open loop operation (cS.00 = off).

The basic mode of operation is determined with Pn.19:

Pn.19: Stall mode

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
0: oP.06, 07 or oP.10, 11
1: 0 rpm respectively
oP.10, 11
Frequency Final value to which it is possible to decelerate/accele-
0, 1 2: oP.06, 07 respectively
limiting rate.
oP.40, 41
3: 0 rpm respectively
oP.40, 41
0: no change With this bit, it is set whether the control direction (fre-
2 quency increase and decrease, respectively.) inverts in
in generator
4: Inversion generator operation.

The frequency is increased/decreased by way of the

0: Ramp generator
ramp generator. The ramp time is preset by Pn.21.

3 Ramp control The increase / decrease of the frequency is done by

a controller. The rate of change is dependent on the
8: Differential controller difference current limit (Pn.20) - actual current. The time
constant of the controller is adjusted by Pn.21, the set-
point is adjusted by Pn.20.
further on next side

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Protective functions

Pn.19: Stall mode

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
Stall function only active at constant run (see inverter
0: only at constant run
Release of state)
the function 16: always (also during the
Stall function always active
The stall function intervenes if the apparent current
0: Apparent current
(ru.15) exceeds the stall level Pn.20.
5 Variable
The stall function intervenes if the amount of the active
32: Active current
current (ru.17) exceeds the stall level Pn.20.
Fits the function to the torque / speed characteristic of
0: Deceleration the application.
Control direc-
6 Examples: For a fan, one must decelerate if the current
64: Acceleration level is exceeded. For drilling machines, one must acce-
Determines whether the current limit that activates the
stall function should be decreased above the rated point.
0: no
Level decre- The decrease is then done according to the following
ase above formula:
rated frequen- 2
Rated point (uf.00)
cy −−−−−−−‒−−−−−−−−
128: yes Current limit = Pn.20
( Actual frequency
8 current limit 256 Constant current limit always released

Stall level (Pn.20)

The stall level is adjusted in parameter Pn.20. When exceeding this limit, the inverter increases or decreases
automatically the output frequency (depending on the adjustment in Pn.19) in order to reduce the load.

Pn.20: Stall level

Value Explanation
0...199 % Current limit in % (reference value: 100% = rated current of the FI (In.01))
200: off Stall function deactivated

Stall acc/dec time (Pn.21)

The rate of change of the output frequency is dependent on Pn.21. Depending on the setting of Pn.19, the ramp
time of the stall function or the time constant of the controller is adjusted here.

Pn.21: Stall acceleration/deceleration time

Value Explanation
0...300s Ramp time and time constant of the controller, respectively

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Protective functions Function of thecurrent limit

Picture Function of the current limit at constant run (default setting)

constant current limit
Actual frequency ru.03

Inverter state ru.00

act. utilization ru.13

In the operating modes positioning or synchronous running, this function is not active. If a quick stop ramp time
is entered in Pn.60 for abnormal stopping, the deceleration stop is active.

Current-dependent ramp stop

In v/f-characteristic operation, overcurrent errors can occur due to short ramps.

Therefore, a current limit can be programmed with Pn.24 "LAD load level" that is hold on exceeding the ramp
generator output value (ru.02).
In closed-loop operation the current is limited in software by the control-internal current and torque limits.
Therefore the functions acceleration stop (LA-Stop) and current-dependent deceleration stop (LD-Stop (I)) are

Pn.25: LAD load level

Value Explanation
0 .. 200% Current level at which the ramp is stopped

If the acceleration stop in speed-controlled operation is active in order to use the interruption of the ramp via
digital input, the current level in Pn.25 must be set to 200% to avoid negative effects.

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Protective functions

DC link voltage-dependent ramp stop

The LD-Stop (U) function can be used to prevent overvoltage errors during deceleration.
During deceleration energy is refeed into the frequency inverter, which causes a rise of the DC-link voltage.
If too much energy is recovered, the inverter can switch to overvoltage (OP) error.
If the LD-Stop (U) function is activated with Pn.22, the DEC ramp is stopped if the actual DC link voltage (ru.18)
exceeds the adjusted LD voltage (Pn.25).

Pn.25: LD voltage
Value Explanation
200V...1200V DC-link voltage level at which the ramp is stopped

Overvoltage errors cannot always be securely prevented with this protection function, because after setting
the ramps and the speed controller, further deceleration can occur despite stopping the ramp. If the drive
decelerates, e.g., at the torque limit, and can therefore not follow the ramp, it does not help to stop this ramp.
An undershoot of the speed controller due to a sudden termination of the ramp can also lead to further energy
recovery in the DC link.

Generally, the deceleration process is slowed down by this protection function. The use of a braking resistor is
necessary for a dynamic deceleration.

Ramp stop dependent on a digital input

With Pn.23 "ramp stop input selection", a digital input can be selected for triggering the ramp stop.
This input is only active if the stop for the corresponding ramp is permitted in Pn.22.

7.13.9 Electronic motor protection 7

Functional description for F5A-M and F5H-M

The motor protection function protects the connected motor against thermal destruction caused by high cur-
rents. The function corresponds largely to mechanical motor protection components, additionally the influence
of the motor speed on the cooling of the motor is taken into consideration. The load of the motor is calculated
from the measured apparent current (ru.15) and the adjusted rated motor current (dr.12).
The following tripping times (VDE 0660, Part 104) apply for motors with separately driven fan or at rated fre-
quency of a self-ventilated motor:

1,2 • In ⇒ 2 hours
1,5 • In ⇒ 2 minutes
2 • In ⇒ 1 minute
8 • In ⇒ 5 seconds

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Protective functions

Fig. 7.13.8.a Motor protection mode

Fr.8 Motor set

Parameter set selection assignment dr.11 Electronic motor protection
ru.15 Apparent current
see chapter 6.8 0 Counter 0 0 Separate cooling
1 Counter 1 1 Self-cooling
dr.12 Motor protect. rated current 2 Counter 2
0.1…460.0 A 3 Counter 3
Pn.14 Motor protect. function response
4 Counter 4
0...6 (see Chapt. 6.7.6)
5 Counter 5
6 Counter 6
7 Counter 7

Motor protection mode (dr.11)

With this parameter, the cooling mode of the motor is set.

dr.11: Motor protection mode
Value Function
0 Separate cooling (default)
1 Self-cooling

Motor protection rated current (dr.12)

This parameter specifies for each set the rated current (= 100% utilisation) for the motor protective function.
The motor protection-load is calculated as follows:

inverter apparent current (ru.15)

Motor protection-load = ——————————————
motorprot. rated current (dr.12)

Warning OH2 stop. mode (Pn.14)

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Protective functions

Pn.14 specifies the performance of the drive on activation of the motor protective function.

Fig. 7.13.8.b tripping times

Tripping f ≥ Rated motor frequency or
time forced-ventilated motor

120 min f = 0 Hz

60 min

30 min

Motor current
2 min

1 min

30 sec 120
5 sec
50 100 150 200 400 600 800

For self-ventilated motors the tripping times decrease with the frequency of the motor (see picture). The motor
protection function acts integrating, i.e. times with overload on the motor are added, times with underload are
subtracted. After triggering the motor protection function, the new tripping time is reduced to 1/4 of the specified
value, if the motor has not been operated for an appropriate time with underload.

Motor protection function for F5-M

In some applications, several motors are operated alternatively at one inverter. The change-over between the
motors is done synchronously with the set changeover.
The motor protection function must then be able to distinguish which of the motors is currently being supplied.

For that purpose there is the parameter Fr.08 "motor set classification". Each motor is assigned a number from
0 to maximally 7 and this value is entered in parameter Fr.08 in all sets where the respective motor is supplied.

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Protective functions


3 motors are operated alternately on the inverter.

assigned number engaged if the active set (ru.26) is equal to:

Motor 1 0 0, 1, 2, 3
Motor 2 1 4, 5
Motor 3 2 6, 7

Then the following programming must be done:

Set 0 Fr.08 = 0 Set 4 Fr.08 = 1 Set 6 Fr.08 = 2

Set 1 Fr.08 = 0 Set 5 Fr.08 = 1 Set 7 Fr.08 = 2
Set 2 Fr.08 = 0
Set 3 Fr.08 = 0

The motor protection function is calculated separately for all motors, i.e., for each individual motor, a separate
overload counter is running.
If one of the counters reaches the limit of 100%, the behaviour programmed in Pn.14 "motor protection function
response" is triggered.

Motor protection function for F5-S

The motor protection function is activated if the ratio of apparent current (ru.15) to continuous current (Is/Id)
exceeds the value of dr.50 "motor protection min Is/Id". The release time for this point is set in dr.34 "motor
protection time min Is/Id". The release time for maximum current is set in dr.35 "motor protection time Imax". If
a higher value is programmed in dr.35 than in dr.34, the time dr.34 is valid in the whole range.

The maximum current is defined by dr.33 "DSM max. torque" or dr.15 "max. torque FU". The smaller of the two
values determines the maximum current.

The continuous current is speed-dependent. At speed 0, it is equal to dr.28 "DSM stand still current" and at
dr.24 "DSM rated speed" it reaches the value dr.23 "DSM rated current".

DSM Stillstandsdauerstrom
Dauerstrom (Id)

dr. 23
DSM Nennstrom

DSM Nenndrehzahl


The tripping time is the time required by the internal counter to count from 0 to 100%. On reaching 100%, error
"30: ERROR! Motor protection function" (E.dOH) is triggered.

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Protective functions


min Is/Id

Motorschutzzeit Motorstrom / Dauerstrom
bei Imax ( Is / Id )
dr.50 dr.33
Motorschutz Dauerstrom
min Is/Id

A warning level can be adjusted in Pn.15 "OH2 warning level". If the counter reaches this level, the adjusted
response in Pn.14 "Waning OH2 stop. mode" is carried out.

The counter is reduced if the ratio apparent current to continuous current is lower than dr.50. The recovery time
dr.36 "mot.prot. recovery time" is the time the counter requires to count from 100% to 0% (after triggering of
the error, i.e., without current flow). The error triggered by the motor protection function can already be reset
before the recovery time expires.

7.13.10 Power-off function

The Power-Off function has to provide a controlled deceleration of the drive until standstill in case of undervol-
tage (e.g. due to power failure). The kinetic energy of the rotating drive is used to support the inverter DC-link
voltage. As a result the inverter remains in operation and can decelerate the drive in a controlled manner.
Especially in the case of parallel running drives (e.g.textile machines) the uncontrolled running down of the
motors and the consequences resulting from it (thread breakage) can be avoided.

For the various operating modes, the amount of available functions differs.
For the vector controlled modes, some parameters have no function or are even hidden.

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Protective functions

Here is an overview:

Parameter V/F- vector controlled vector control-

characte- DASM led DSM
Pn.44 Power off mode yes yes yes
Bit 0, 1, 3, 4, 5 yes yes yes
Bit 2, 8 yes No function No function
Bit 6, 7, 9 yes only values 0 and No function
Pn.45 Power off start voltage yes yes yes
Pn.46 Power off auto st. level yes yes yes
Pn.47 Power off brake torque yes No function yes
Pn.48 Power off restart level yes yes yes
Pn.49 Power off start inp. sel.
Pn.50 Power off ref. DC voltage yes No function hidden
Pn.51 Power off KP DC voltage yes yes yes
Pn.52 Power off restart delay yes yes yes
Pn.53 Power off KP yes No function hidden
Pn.54 Power off KI yes No function hidden
Pn.55 Power off KD yes No function hidden
Pn.56 Power off jump factor yes No function hidden
Pn.57 Power off KI DC voltage yes yes yes

Power-Off Mode (Pn.44)

The parameter Power-Off-Mode (Pn.44) switches on the function and determines the basic behaviour:

Pn.44: Power off mode

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
0: off Power-off function deactivated
0 Power off / activation
1: on Power-off function activated
0: automatically Auto determination of the start voltage
1 Start voltage
2: fixed level (Pn.45) Preset of start voltage with Pn.45
Determination of the initial jump from
0: from the slip
Initial jump (only v/f -cha- the calculated slip
racteristic) Determination of the initial jump from
4: from the load
the load factor

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Protective functions

Status "78: power-off function active"

0: Mod. on, no restart
(POFF), modulation on, reset required
Status "78: Power-off function active"
(POFF), modulation on, restart on
8: Mod. on, restart
Behaviour on reaching power recovery after Pn.52 "power off
3, 4 restart delay"
Status "84: no direction of rotation after
16: PLS, no restart power off" (PLS), modulation off, reset
24: reserved reserved
0: act. start voltage Start according to the setting of bit 1
5 Power off mode
32: dig. input of Pn.49 Start via digital input
Bridging of mains gaps.
Restart on power recovery, as long as
0: Starting voltage
the initial speed is not lower than Pn.48
"power off restart level".
Emergency stop without braking mo-
64: Voltage setpoint Pn.50 dule
(only v/f-characteristic) Restart possible only on reaching
Voltage setpoint selection standstill.
6, 7 (not for vector controlled
DSM) Bridging of mains gaps.
128: Voltage setpoint Pn.50, Restart on power recovery above
if output speed < Pn.48 Pn.48 "power off restart level".
(only v/f-characteristic) Setpoint increase from initial voltage to
voltage setpoint below Pn.48.
Emergency stop with braking module
192: Brake torque (Pn.47) Restart possible only on reaching 7
Voltage stabilization during power off =
0: on
Voltage stabilization at po- uF.09
wer off (only v/f-char.) Voltage stabilization during power off
256: off
The status changes to error as soon
as the restart value (Pn.48) is decrea-
0: no error sed at active power off function or the
maximum time for restart (Pn.96) is
Power Off: Status = error,
9 if no restart after system
This applies to SY. 51 bit 1, SY. 44 bit
1, SY. 79 bit 3 and switching conditions
512: Error, if no restart do.00-07 = 3-5.
The inverter status (ru.00) does not
change, but the error LED flashes.

Tripping of power off

The power-off function starts when the DC-link voltage drops below a certain value (start voltage). The start
voltage can be set automatically or manually depending on Pn.44 Bit 1.

Starting voltage (Pn.45)

The starting voltage can be preset with Pn.45 in the range of 200...1200 volt at manual setting. The adjusted
starting voltage must be at least 50V over the UP-threshold for safe operation (UP: 200V class = 216V DC;

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Protective functions

400V class = 240V DC; 600V class = 360V DC)

Auto starting voltage (Pn.46)

The auto starting voltage is adjusted with Pn.46 in a range of 50...90% (Default: 80 %) of the rated DC link
voltage (ru.68).
The rated DC link voltage is measured at „Power on“ and displayed in ru.68.

Picture 7.13.10.a Starting the Power-Off function

ru.68  rated DC voltage
DC-link voltage real value

Auto-DC-link voltage Pn.46 Auto starting Pn.44 Bit 1 starting voltage

set value measured at voltage 0:  auto determination of the start
Power-On 50...90% (80%) voltage - Start of power off if UZK-
Pn.45 starting voltage + actual value < start. volt.
2:  preset the start voltage with
200...1200 V

Initial jump for generator operation (only v/f-characteristic operation)

After triggering power off first of all the drive must be brought into regenerative operation that energy can be
regenerated into the DC link. This is achieved by making a frequency jump, so that the speed of the drive is
larger than the output rotating field speed of the inverter.

Figure 7.13.10.b Initial jump for generator operation in 1. cycle

cS.01 actual source Pn.56 jump factor

0...800 %

Channel 1 0:  Encoder channel 1

Channel 2 Frequency jump

1:  Encoder channel 2

Pn.44 bit 2
Starting jump 2: calculated actual
Slip calculation by the active value
current 0:  Active current IW

Motor data
Slip calculation 4:  Utilisation IS

Initial jump calculation (Pn.44 Bit 2)

The parameter Pn.44 bit 2 determines, whether the starting jump is calculated from the active current or from
the utilisation. This setting has no effect on slip regulation. Default value is the calculation of the active current
and it may come to wrong values at high harmonic content of the output current. The initial jump must be deter-
mined from the load in this case. To get proper values enter motor data into dr-parameters first.

Jump factor (Pn.56)

By means of the jump factor the automatically determined starting jump can be adapted to the respective ap-
In case the jump factor is too small, the inverter trips to "2 Error! Undervoltage" (E.UP)!
For too great a jump factor, the inverter runs into the hardware current limitation (status value 80 "HCL"). The
control cannot work correctly, thus causing a wrong calculation of the active current!

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Protective functions

Power off controller (not for vector controlled operation with DSM)

There are two controllers: the DC-link voltage controller and the active current controller.
In v/f-characteristic operation the active current controller is subsequently connected to the DC link voltage
In vector controlled operation, the output of the DC link voltage controller is used as the torque limit.
If the braking torque is selected as the setpoint (Pn.44 bit 6...7 = 3), the DC link voltage controller is deactivated.

Setpoint = start voltage (Pn.44 Bit 6...7 = 0)

The initial voltage value selected with Pn.44 bit 1 is the setpoint of the DC link voltage controller (see also:
tripping of Power-Off
This setting is used to bridge voltage drops. At power recovery, the drive restarts if the output speed is not yet
fallen below the "power off restart level" (Pn.48).

Setpoint = braking torque (Pn.47; Pn.44 Bit 6...7 = 3) (only v/f characteristic operation)

The braking torque can be preset within the range of 0.0...100.0 %.

The braking torque is used as setpoint source, if the drive must be stopped as fast as possible in case of po-
wer failure. The DC link voltage controller is switched off in this case. Since the DC link voltage increases very
strongly in this mode, a braking module is required.
Since the hardware current limit should not be reached with active current control, the setpoint value is limited
internally which can lead to oscillations. In that case the setpoint value can be reduced, which leads to prolon-
gation of the delay. If the voltage stabilization is switched on (Pn.44 bit 8 = "1") and uF.09 = rated voltage is
adjusted, the voltage is not very high and the deceleration is more evenly.

Setpoint = voltage setpoint (Pn.50; Pn.44 Bit 6...7 = 1 or 2) (only v/f characteristic operation)
The setpoint DC-link voltage can be preset in the range of 200...1200 V. The internal value is limited down in
order to ensure a safe operation. The value of the DC-link voltage in normal operation plus approx. 50V adjusts
itself as minimum value. If a braking resistor is connected, the adjusted value may not lie above the threshold
of the braking resistor, else the controller cannot work (threshold 200V-class: 380V; 400V-class: 740V; 600V-
class: 1140V).

If Pn.44 Bit 6...7 = 1, the voltage setpoint is used as setpoint immediately after the triggering of power off. A
restart is only possible in this mode after reaching the standstill.

In mode Pn.44 Bit 6...7 = 2, initial voltage is adjusted to first after triggering. On undershooting the restart value
(Pn.48), the setpoint is increased to the voltage setpoint (Pn.50) with a ramp. This ensures that the drive upon
reaching the standstill in critical applications has enough energy for braking.

KP DC link voltage controller (Pn.51), KI DC link voltage controller (Pn.57),

To be able to adapt the drive individually to the application, the proportional factor of the DC link voltage con-
troller can be adjusted with Pn.51 and the integral factor with Pn.57, in the range of 0...32767. In most cases
the default setting will achieve sufficient results. If, however, overshoots or fall backs of the motor occur, the
values must be lowered.

KP (Pn.53), KI (Pn.54), KD (Pn.55) (only V/F characteristic operation)

Pn.53, Pn.54 and Pn.55 are the controller parameters of the active current controller
A D-part usually has a positive effect in the control. Pn.55 should have about 10-times the value of Pn.53.

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Protective functions

Behaviour at power recovery and below the restart value (Pn.48)

The following parameters effect the behaviour of the inverter if the mains voltage returns during the power-off

Restart value (Pn.48)

Depending on the application, it can be reasonable to execute the restart on power recovery only above a de-
fined output value. This restart value is adjusted in Pn.48.
Dependent on the setpoint value source (Pn.44 bit 6 ..7) following conditions occur:

1. Control to the starting voltage (Pn.44 Bit 6...7 = 0):

A restart is carried out at power recover if the output value is higher than the restart value. The output value is
kept constant during the restart delay (Pn.52). Afterwards it is accelerated to the current setpoint value. Below
the restart value it is delayed at power recovery with the fast-stop function (DEC ramp at F5-B/C). If the power
does not recover, the controller parameters of the active current controller are decreased linearly with the base
value in v/f-characteristic operation.

2. Control to voltage setpoint Pn.50 for a base value smaller than the restart value (Pn.44 bit 6...7 = 2):
As long as the base value is greater than the restart value, the inverter behaves as in item 1.Below the restart
value the voltage setpoint value of Pn.50 is increased and with active current control (without speed detection)
the control parameters of the active current control are reduced linearly with the output value. At power recove-
ry a restart is only possible after reaching the standstill.

3. Control to voltage setpoint Pn.50 or braking torque Pn.47 (Pn.44 bit 6.,.7 = 1 or 3):
The controller parameters of the active current controller (without speed detection) are reduced below the re-
start value linearly with the output value.
At power recovery a restart is only possible after reaching the standstill.

Power Off: max. time for restart at power recovery (Pn.96)

Value range: 0 (off – 100.00 s

Default value : 0(off)
not set-programmable

This parameter has principally the same function as Pn.48 (power off restart threshold).
The drive does not restart at system recovery if the adjusted time is up but it is decelerated with quick stop to
If both parameters are adjusted (Pn.48 and Pn.96) the condition that is reached earlier is valid.
Example: Pn.48 = 25 Hz; Pn.96 = 10 s.
a) 25 Hz fall below after 8 s - no restart after 8 s
a) 25 Hz fall below after 12 s - no restart after 10 s

Pay attention:
The maximum time contains Pn.52 (restart delay).
Example: Pn.52 = 1 s; Pn.96 = 10 s.
a)System recovery after 8.5 s - restart after 9.5 s
b) System recovery after 9.5 s - no restart because Pn.96 is exceeded.

Behaviour on reaching standstill (Pn.44 Bit 3.,.4)

Pn.44 bit 3..4 determines how the drive behaves on reaching standstill.

Pn.44 bit 3...4 = 0:

The inverter modulates independent of a rotation setting with the adjusted boost and is in status "78: power off

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Protective functions

function active" (POFF). Attention:Motor warming! A reset is necessary for the restart.
Pn.44 bit 3...4 = 1:
The inverter modulates independent of a set direction or rotation with the adjusted boost and is in status "78:
power off function active" (POFF). After expiration of the restart delay Pn.52 (if adjusted) the inverter restarts
automatically when the mains voltage is returned.
Pn.44 bit 3...4 = 2:
The inverter switches off the modulation and is in status "84: no direction of rotation after power off" (PLS). A
reset is necessary for the restart.

Restart delay (Pn.52)

If a restart is allowed the restart delay time is kept constant after power recovery of the output value. It is ad-
justable within the range of 0...100 s (Default 0 s). After expiration of this time it is accelerated again onto the
current setpoint.

Power off start inp.sel. (Pn.49)

Only hardware inputs can be adjusted with this parameter, since these inputs are scanned in the same cycle
where the power off control is active. A setting via the control word or di.01/02 is not possible.

Examples of the power off-operating modes

To better illustrate the context, the operating modes are explained in more detail in the following section.

Bridging of mains gaps (not for vector controlled operation with DSM)
Setpoint source: Starting voltage (Pn.44 bit 6..7 = 0)
Voltage setpoint Pn.50, if base value < Pn.48 (Pn.44 bit 6..7 = 2)

In this mode the motor shall be operated almost in no-load operation and only the energy, the inverter requires
for operation should be regenerated. The starting voltage is simultaneously the setpoint of the DC-link voltage 7
controller. In v/f-characteristic operation, the set value is the setpoint of the active current controller, and in
vector controlled operation, the torque limit of the speed controller.
In case of weak supply systems it is recommended to choose the automatic starting voltage, as in this case the
starting voltage value is adapted to slow voltage fluctuations.
In the first cycle, a speed jump is issued in v/f-characteristic operation, and in vector controlled operation, the
limit of the speed controller is set to the measured slip so that the drive is put in no-load operation.
To safely decelerate the drive in v/f-characteristic operation, the controller parameters of the active current
controller are lowered to below of the restart value, linearly with the base value.

Restart at power recovery

Only in this mode the system recovery can be constantly detected. An immediate restart upon power recovery
is possible.
After detecting the power recovery the restart delay (Pn.52) runs down and the drive accelerates to the current
setpoint value.

An immediate restart is not executed below the restart value (Pn.48). The drive decelerates with the quick stop
function (Pn.60..61) and behaves according to the adjustment in Pn.44 bit 3...4 or after expiration of Pn.96.

To have more energy available for braking the inertia mass on reaching standstill in v/f-characteristic operation,
the voltage setpoint can be increased to the voltage setpoint (Pn.50) (Pn.44 Bit 6...7 = 2) (if below the restart
level (Pn.48)).
In this case the control remains active with the increased setpoint value. A restart is possible then only after
reaching the standstill.Then the behaviour of Pn.44 Bit 3...4 is defined.
In this mode, too, the lowering of the controller parameter is executed.

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Protective functions

Emergency stop with braking module (not for vector controlled with DSM)
Setpoint source: Brake torque (Pn.44 bit 6...7 = 3)

In this mode the drive is to be stopped as fast as possible. Since the recovered energy can be very high, a
braking resistor is necessary.
The DC-link voltage controller is not active. In v/f-characteristic operation, the setpoint of the active current
controller is the braking torque (Pn.47). In vector controlled operation, the drive decelerates with the abnormal
stopping-function (Pn.60, 61, 67; see chapter 7.13.5) and behaves dependent on the setting in Pn.44 Bit 3...4.
The drive supplies no energy anymore at low speed in v/f-characteristic operation. In this case, the control must
be very soft, to prevent fall back.
It is possible to adjust the restart (Pn.48). The controller parameters of the active current controller are lowered
to below this value, linearly with the base value.
Emergency stop without braking module (only V/f characteristic operation)
Setpoint source: voltage setpoint Pn.50 (Pn.44 Bit 6...7 = 1)

In some cases one can do without a braking module with the Emergency-stop function, if the losses in the motor
are very high at high DC-link voltage.
The voltage stabilization should be switched off in this case. This can be done with Pn.44 Bit 8 = 1 during
The DC-link voltage control is active. Deceleration is always to standstill. Then the behaviour results from the
setting of Pn.44 bit 3...4.
At small speeds the drive supplies no more energy. In this case, the control must be very soft, to prevent fall
It is possible to adjust the restart value (Pn.48). The controller parameters of the active current controller are
lowered to below this value, linearly with the base value.

Power off in vector controlled operation with DSM

Only the emergency-stop function with braking module can be activated in this operating mode. After triggering
of power off, the drive decelerates with the abnormal stopping-function (Pn.60, 61; see chapter 7.13.5) and
behaves dependent on the setting in Pn.44 Bit 3...4.

7.13.11 GTR7-control

The braking transistor (GTR7) serves to control a braking resistor.

In the factory setting, the GTR7 is operated dependent on the DC link voltage to discharge recovered energy.
Here, the GTR7 is active only if the converter (the modulation), too, is enabled.
With the parameters Pn.64 "GTR7 input selection", Pn.65 "special functions" and Pn.69 "GTR7 DC link voltage
level", the switching performance of the GTR7 can be modified. Activation via digital input

An input for activation of the GTR7 can be defined with Pn.64. Thereby, the activation of the braking transistors
of all inverters in a DC interconnection of several drives can be synchronised and the occuring braking energy
is distributed to all inverters.
The GTR7 controls the braking resistor, in this case, independent of the inverter state and the DC link voltage,
as soon as the input is active.
Exception: On opening the control release (noP), the GTR7 is always switched off for safety reasons.
I.e., as soon as a digital input is selected for activation of the braking transistor, the adjustments in Pn.65 con-
cerning the GTR7 and the parameter Pn.69 are without function.

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Protective functions Adjustment of the activation threshold

The DC link voltage threshold where the braking transistor becomes active can be adjusted with Pn.69 "GTR7
The settings range is 300..1500V. This value is internally limited down in the inverter: the braking transistor
becomes active no earlier than ru.68 "DC link voltage rated value" * 1.0625.
The DC link voltage rated value is the DC link voltage measured at "Power on". Activation conditions

In the factory settings, the braking transistor is only active if the modulation is also enabled.
The reason for it is that for "standard" asynchronous motors, the recovery of energy into the inverter also ends
with shutdown of the modulation.
When using synchronous machines in the field weakening range, or using sine filters at the inverter output,
recovery may continue despite the modulation being switched off.
In that case, Pn.65 should be changed.

Pn.65: Special functions

Bit Meaning Explanation
1: GTR7 function
0 GTR7 function also available in status "70: standstill (Modulation off)" (LS)
for LS
GTR7 function also available if the inverter is in an error state.
8: GTR7 release on Exception: On opening of the hardware control release (terminal X2A.16) and
error for an unpowered power circuit (status 13: power circuit not ready), the GTR7
is always switched off.
The terminal ST causes an immediate hardware switch-off of the braking tran-
sistor. If the GTR7 function shall be available in status „0: no control release“
32: GTR7 function (nop) software-control release must be used (can be activated via di.36). The
for SW nop GTR7 can then be activated for the status "no control release" with bit 5.
Exception: On opening the hardware control release (terminal X2A.16), the
GTR7 is always switched off.

In which cases the braking transistor remains active even if modulation is switched off depends of the specific
application. Electrical work via GTR7

The electrical work that is converted via the GTR7 resistance is displayed with parameter ru.91. The correct
input of the resistance in Pn.82 is required therefor. On reaching the maximum value of 99999 kWh the counter
is limited to this value. The limitation is given by the operator display (5 digits).

Parameter ru. 91 is writable. It is set to its default value by new-initialization and writing on power on counter

Pn.82 GTR7 resistance

range 0.000… 5000.000 Ohm (Default 0.000 Ohm)

ru.91 Energy over gtr 7

range 0… 99999 kWh (Default 0 kWh)

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Protective functions

7.13.12 Special functions

In these parameters, many different functions for adapting the inverter behaviour to special applications are

Pn.65: Special functions

Bit Meaning Explanation
1: GTR7 function
0 GTR7 function also available in status "70: standstill (Modulation off)" (LS) *1
for LS
With the selected input in Pn.04 „ext. fault input select“, „Error! Undervoltage" is
triggered (not „Error! external input“). This can achieve that, for coupled drives, all
inverters simultaneously go to undervoltage as soon as there is a voltage dip on
1 2: Pn.04 = E.UP
one of the inverters, and all inverters also execute an automatic restart simulta-
neously when the mains voltage returns to the valid range on all inverters. The
undervoltage error from the DC link voltage measurement remains active.
The status "13: Power circuit not ready" (nO_PU), which the inverter enters for
4: Behaviour if LT
2 an unpowered power circuit, is not treated as an error. That means, the switching
not ready
conditions 4..6 are not met and the bit 1 in status word "Error" is not set.
GTR7 function also available if the inverter is in an error state. Exception: On
8: GTR7 release on opening of the hardware control release (terminal X2A.16) and for an unpowered
error power circuit (status 13: power circuit not ready), the GTR7 is always switched
off. *1
16: OL2 tempera- On activation of this bit, the current limit for the overload protection in the lower
ture-dependent speed range (OL2-function) is dependent on the heat sink temperature
The terminal ST causes an immediate hardware switch-off of the GTR7. If the
GTR7 function shall be available in status „0: no control release“ (nop) the
32: GTR7 function software control release must be used (can be activated via di.36). The GTR7
for SW nop can then be activated for the status "no control release" with bit 5. Exception:
On opening the hardware control release (terminal X2A.16), the GTR7 is always
switched off. *1
For switching frequencies above the rated switching frequency, the current limit
64: OL2 Derating for the overload protection in the lower speed range is reduced. On activation
limiting of this bit, the inverter reduces the switching frequency to the rated switching
frequency to prevent the error "Overload in standstill" (E.OL2).
The status "2: ERROR! undervoltage" (E.UP) is not treated as an error if the rota-
128: E.UP = no
7 tion setting or the control release is missing. That means, the switching conditions
error on nop+LS
4..6 are not met and the bit 1 in status word "Error" is not set.
The status "76: motor de-excitation" (bbL) is not displayed anymore. Advantage:
the cause of the deactivation of the modulation (e.g. error) is immediately visible
256: BBL is not
8 in ru.00 and can be evaluated by an external control. Disadvantage: Since a reset
of an error is only possible after expiration of the base-block time, it is not appa-
rent without display when a reset can be executed.
Bit 2 in SY.51 "status word (low) normally displays "Start" if the modulation is swit-
ched on. Exception: If a positioning is aborted via the bit 11 "Termination" in the
512: Status termi-
9 control word, then the status word displays "Stop" as soon as the drive reaches
nation = RUN
speed 0 (even if modulation is still active). This exception can be revoked by
activation of bit 9.
If this bit is active, the ERROR-bit in status word SY.51 and the switching condi-
10 1024: A.XX = error tion that responds to an error are set in case of a malfunction (Status warning /
further on next side

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Protective functions

Pn.65 Special functions

Bit Meaning Explanation
2048: no dig. ST = the two watchdog (for operator interface and HSP5) are deactivated by the input
no E.Bus programmed in di.39 "Shutdown ST input selection". *2
A malfunction or error reset is only permitted if the amount of the actual value
4096: Error reset
12 (ru.07) is lower than the operating hysteresis(LE.16). This applies also to the
at 0
automatic restart.
The comparison ru.07 "actual value display" = ru.01 "set value display“ (for status
8192: Actual value word and condition "constant run“) is permanently progressed, also at deactiva-
13 = setpoint at mod. ted modulation and during "speed search“.
off This affects the status word, the timer start and reset conditions, and the swit-
ching condition 20.
0 = on (Default) Correction of the current and torque accuracy. Default setting should not be chan-
16384 = off ged. No function at A-Servo.
A set change is possible during approach to reference point or system position
measurement by setting bit 15. Changing the position source or gear changes
15 32768: Set change
are assume directly. This can lead to maloperation. The responsibility to prevent
maloperation is by the user.

*1 to bit 0, 3, 5: With the GTR7 (braking transistor), a braking resistor can be connected to the DC link
that absorbs recovered energy when the motor is working as a generator.
By default, the GTR7 is off when the modulation is switched off.
For some applications (e.g., synchronous motor operated in the field weakening range)
it is sensible to leave the GTR7 active for switched off modulation, so that the braking
resistor can be added when the DC link voltage exceeds the value of Pn.69 "GTR7 DC
link voltage level".
By setting this bit, the GTR7 function is available for the respective inverter state. 7
*2 to bit 11: If a drive is controlled via a bus system, and the control release is furthermore switched
via the control word, the two watchdogs (Operator watchdog and HSP5 watchdog)
should be activated so that the drive is stopped on failure of the bus system. However,
the drive can then not be repositioned by hand anymore, since – as long as the bus is
down - the malfunction- or error message of the watchdog remains in force.
With parameter di.39 "Shutdown ST input selection", an input can already be selected
with which the digital setting of the control release (i.e., setting via di - parameter or the
control word) can be deactivated. Only terminal ST (X2A.16) is effective and the control
of the control release can be done via the digital input.
If this bit is set, the two watchdogs are also deactivated with the selected (in di.39) input.
If a response with automatic restart is now selected for the watchdog error, the malfunc-
tion automatically resets and the drive can be used in manual operation.

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Protective functions

The flow control with valve control and flow monitor is adjusted with this function.
Pn.91: Flow control mode
Bit Meaning Explanation
0: off (default)
0 Flow control mode
1: on
Flow control mode off/on
0: Operation (Default)
1 Mode drive active
2: bereits + ST
The function is active and the mode for the status "drive active" is selected. If the function is not active
(Pn.91 bit 0 = 0) no error and warning is triggered.
There are two adjustments for the status „drive active“:
operation The drive is active if the modulation is released.
ready + ST The drive is active, if all following conditions are met:
- the power unit is supplied (no NO_PU)
- there is no malfunction
- the control release is active (no NOP)

Pn.92: Valve control output selection
Name Function Decimal values
no no 0 (default)
O1 Transistor output 1
O2 Transistor output 2
R1 Relay output 4
R2 Relay output 8
OA Internal output 16
OB Internal output 32
OC Internal output 64
OD Internal output 128

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Protective functions

Pn.93: Flow monitor input selection

Bit Decimal value Input Terminal
0 1 (default) ST (prog. input „control release/reset“) X2A.16
1 2 RST (prog. input „reset“) X2A.17
2 4 F (prog. input „forward“) X2A.14
3 8 R (prog. input „reverse“) X2A.15
4 16 I1 (prog. input 1) X2A.10
5 32 I2 (prog. input 2) X2A.11
6 64 I3 (prog. input 3) X2A.12
7 128 I4 (prog. input 4) X2A.13
8 256 IA (internal input A) no
9 512 IB (internal input B) no
10 1024 IC (internal input C) no
11 2048 ID (internal input D) no

Pn.94: Flow monitoring warning delay time

Bit Meaning
The reaction time of 0 (off)... 60.00 s of valve / flow monitor is adju-
0 0: off (default)
sted here. (default value: 0 (off).

Pn.95: Flow monitoring minimum temperature

Defines the temperature limit in the range of 0...90 ° C, condensation risk.
All parameters are not set-programmable.

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Protective functions

ready + ST always flow

Drive not active
0 Drive state Pn.92 or
0: not active Pn.93 = 0
operation &
1: active >= 1 E.FLC
Bit 1 Pn.94

no flow
ru.25 Drive active

& & Warning

Pn.92 >= 1 Flow control
Valve state
E.FLC, if
always flow
Pn.92 or 0: closed
Pn.93 = 0 Drive active
1: open

& &

Flow state Pn.94
0: no flow Pn.91
1: Flow

Temperature state
0: OK
1: Condensation risk

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Parameter sets

7.1 Operating and appliance data

1. Introduction

7.2 Analog in- and outputs

2. Summary
7.3 Digital in- and outputs

3. Hardware
7.4 Setpoint-, rotation- and ramp presetting

Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous

4. Operation motor

Motor data and controller adjustments of the synchronous

Selection of Operating motor
7.7 Speed control

6. Initial Start-up
7.8 Torque display and -limiting

7.9 Torque control

7. Functions 7

7.10 Current control, -limiting and switching frequencies

8. Error Assistance
7.11 Speed measurement

9. Project Design
7.12 Posi- and synchronous operation

7.13 Protective functions

10. Networks

7.14 Parameter sets

11. Parameter Overview

7.15 Special functions

12. Annex
7.16 CP-Parameter definition

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Parameter sets

7.14.1 Non-programmable parameters............................................................................................ 7.14 - 3

7.14.2 Security parameters............................................................................................................... 7.14 - 3
7.14.3 System parameters................................................................................................................. 7.14 - 3
7.14.4 Indirect and direct set-addressing........................................................................................ 7.14 - 4
7.14.5 Copying of parameter sets via keyboard (Fr.01).................................................................. 7.14 - 4
7.14.6 Copying of parameter sets via bus (Fr.01, Fr.09)................................................................. 7.14 - 5
7.14.7 Parameter set selection.......................................................................................................... 7.14 - 8
7.14.8 Locking of parameter sets................................................................................................... 7.14 - 12
7.14.9 Parameter set ON/OFF delay (Fr.05, Fr.06)......................................................................... 7.14 - 12

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Parameter sets

7.14 Parameter sets

The KEB COMBIVERT contains 8 parameter sets (0...7), i.e. all programmable parameters are available 8
times in the inverter and independent of each other they can be assigned with different values. As a lot of
parameters in the parameter sets contain the same value, it would be relatively complicated to change every
parameter in each set individually. In this section it is described, how one copies whole parameter sets, locks
them, selects them and reinitializes the inverter.

7.14.1 Non-programmable parameters

Certain parameters are not set-programmable, since its value must be equal in all sets (e.g. bus address or
baud rate). For an easy identification of these parameters the parameter set number is missing in the parameter

For all non-programmable parameters the same value is valid independent of the selected parameter

Following parameters are non-programmable:

Sy-Parameter Pn.00...18/ 23/ 27/ 29/ 42/ 44...60/ 62...66/ 68/ 69/ 74…81
ru-Parameter uF.08/ 12...15/ 18 (uF.09 at F5-S) / 18…23
Ec parameters ud.01...17/ ud.22…31 (all at F5-S)
AA-Parameter Fr.02...04/ 07/ 09/ 11 (Fr.10 at F5-S)
di-Parameter An.00...04/ 10...14/ 20...24/ 41...56
In-Parameter (exception: In.25) LE.16-27
dr-Parameter (not at F5-S) cn.03/ 11...13
oP.19/ 20/ 50/ 53...58/ 60…63/ 65…68/ 74 dS.00...01 (only F5-S) 7
PS.02...04/ 10...27/ 29...31

7.14.2 Security parameters

The security parameters contain the Baud rate, inverter address, hours/meter, control type, serial-/customer
number, trimming values and error diagnosis. They are not overwritten while copying parameter sets from the
default set.

Sy.02/ 03/ 06/ 07/ 11

ru.40/ 41
ud.01/ 02
In.10...16/ 24...31

7.14.3 System parameters

The system parameters contain the motor and encoder data.

dr-Parameter Pn.61/ 67
cS.00...19...22 dS.00...01/ 13
Ec.01...07/ 11-27/ 36...38 Fr.10

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Parameter sets

7.14.4 Indirect and direct set-addressing

At indirect set-addressing the parameter values are displayed and edited based on the set indicator (Fr.09).
The direct set-addressing enables the display or writing of a parameter value independent of the set indicator
directly into one or several parameter sets. The direct set programming is only possible with bus operation.

7.14.5 Copying of parameter sets via keyboard (Fr.01)

Adjust target set Adjust source set

A✳ Fr· 1 ini_A
0. Fr.1 ini_S
▲ 1. Fr.1 dEF_A ▲
2. Fr.1 dEF_S
with Func. to the source
3. Fr.1
〉 with Funct. 〉 0
4. Fr.1 1
▼ 5. Fr.1 2 ▼
6. Fr.1 3
7. Fr.1 4

With the keys UP/Down and at flashing The source set is adjusted with the
point the target set 0...7 is adjusted in keys UP/Down. The copying process
addition to the parameter set number. is started with „Enter“. Copying is only
The active (A) parameter set must not possible with opened control release or
be adjusted as target set while copying. error, otherwise „I_oPE“ appears in the
If the target set is > 0, only the program- display (invalid operation).
mable parameters are overwritten! After copying „PASS“ appears in the dis-
play and could be erase by „ENTER“.

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Parameter sets

7.14.6 Copying of parameter sets via bus (Fr.01, Fr.09)

Two parameters are responsible at indirect set-addressing for copying of parameter sets via bus. Fr.09 defines
the target set. Fr.01 defines the source parameter set and starts the copying process. The source set (Fr. 01)
is copied in the selected parameter sets at direct set-programming. The following copying actions can be prac-

Target Source set Action

set Fr.01
0...7 0...7 All programmable parameters (System parameters too) of the source set
are copied into the target set.
0 -1: dEF_S Default values are copied into all parameters of set 0 (with exception of
System and Security parameters).
1...7 -1: dEF_S Default values are copied into all programmable parameters of the target
set (with the exception of System and Security parameters).
All -2: dEF_A Default values are copied into all parameters of all sets (with the exception
of System and Security parameters).
0 -3: ini_S Default values are copied into all parameters of set 0 (with the exception of
Security parameters).
1...7 -3: ini_S Default values are copied into all programmable parameters of the target
set (with the exception of Security parameters).
All -4: ini_A Default values are copied into all parameters of all sets (with the exception
of Security parameters).

By loading the factory setting all definitions defined by the mechanical engineer are reset! This can comprise
the terminal assignment, set changeover or operating states. Before loading the default set it is to be ensured
that no unintended operating states occur.

Custom-specific default values

Value Source Default values copied parameters Target sets

-1 KEB Customer parameters selected
-2 KEB Customer parameters all
-3 KEB Customer and system parameters selected
-4 KEB Customer and system parameters all
-5 custom-specific Customer parameters selected
-6 custom-specific Customer parameters all
-7 custom-specific Customer and system parameters selected
-8 custom-specific Customer and system parameters all
-9 Storing of the current parame- Customer and system parameters all
ter setting as custom-specific
default values.

The values -5 to -8 are corresponding to the previous values -1 to -4 referring to the copied parameters and
target sets. They differ only in the default value source.
Value -9 enables storing of the current parameter setting as custom-specific default values. The values of all
customer and system parameters are stored in all sets thereby.

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Parameter sets

Parameters only with KEB-Default value

Bit 27 is set in characteristics 2 for parameters, which contains only the KEB default value. These are among
others all security parameters and all write protected parameters.
During loading the specific default values (fr.01 = -5..-8) these parameters are loaded with KEB default values
if necessary.

Indirect addressed Parameters

The indicator parameter (first parameter of an indirect addressed group) has not a customer default value, be-
cause the parameter was set to 0 with Power-On-Reset. The parameters belonging to the group have a default
value for each value of the indicator.

Storing the custom-specific default values

A source table is generated. For this one byte is reserved for each parameter in the sequence of the bus
addresses. This byte contains the information for each set, whether the default value is determined from the
parameter definition (= 0, KEB default value) or if the value is stored in the custom-specific storage area (= 1).
This information is determined by comparison to the KEB default value.
For indirect addressed parameters the number of reserved bytes for each group member is equal to the number
of valid values of the indicator. 36 byte are reserved for ud.16 and ud.17, ud.15 = 1...36. 16 byte are reserved
for ps.24...27, ps.23 = 0...15. The custom-specific default values are stored in the sequence of the bus addres-
ses (ascending) set depending (set 7..0).
The custom-specific default values for indirect addressed parameters are stored first to bus address (ascen-
ding), then to indicator value (max. ... min.), then set-dependent (set 7..0).

Example: Default value ud.09, default values ud.16 for ud.15 = 36..1, default values ud.17 for ud.15 = 36..1,
default values ud.18 for set 7..0, etc.

Copy custom-specific default values in the sets

With the bits in the source table the default value for each set is determined either from the parameter definition
for each parameter in the sequence of the bus address or read-out from the custom-specific memory area and
written into the parameter.
Parameters only with KEB default value are loaded with the KEB default value in this case.

Reset of the custom-specific default values

The default values are reset for all parameters to KEB default values in the following cases:

- All parameters are set to default values (initial loading)

- The version identification of the software changes (new version, or new date code)
- The control type is changed (ud.02 bit 2+3)

The custom-specific default values can be reset manually as follows:

- Loading KEB default values in all sets (fr.01 = -4)

- Storing defaul values (fr.01 = -9)

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Parameter sets

Changed power unit or encoder identifier, changeover standard/US setting

The power unit identification was changed:

- The power unit identifiction dependent KEB default values are adapted.
- If necessary uf.11 is limited in all sets to the maximal switching frequency (in.03).
- If a custom-specific default value of uf.11 is not within the value range ( is loaded during
default value loading in the corresponding set with the KEB default value.
- If the write value of sy.03 is unequal to the reading power unit identification, all customer and system
parameters are loaded with KEB default values (corresponding Fr.01 = -4).

The encoder identifier was changed:

- The encoder identifier dependent KEB default values are adapted.

- EC-Parameters are loaded with KEB default values.
- Changeover standard/US setting (change in.21 bit 0 at in.20 = 32):
- The KEB default values depending on this setting are adapted.
- Customer and system parameters are loaded with KEB default values (corresponding toFr.01 = -4).

Memory management

The length of the source table (in byte) and the length of the memory area of the customer default values (in
byte) are stored in one word at the end of the external RAM.
The source table for the custom-specific default value range is in front of these two cells. The length is de-
pendent on the number of permitted parameters of the adjusted control type (ud.02 bit 2+3)
The memory area for the custom-specific default values begins next to the source table. The length depends
on the number of values stored here. Only the values which are different to the KEB default values are sto-
red. The default values are stored in descending order of memory addresses.
The off-line memory includes the period between the temporary variables and the memory area for the cu-
stom-specific default values. The size of the off-line memory is depending on the number of custom-specific
default values.

Complete use of the available memory

Fr.01 = -10 (customer default memory is full) is set if the memory area is completely filled with custom-
specific default values, all values could not be stored.
That means only one part of the parameter setting (with low bus addresses) contain custom-specific default
values, further settings only contain KEB default values.
This restriction should not occur since enough memory is available.

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Parameter sets

7.14.7 Select parameter sets

Figure 7.14.7 Principle of the parameter set selection

22 21 20 765 4 3 2 1 765 4 3 2 1
set selection deacti- Fr.4 via terminal strip terminal strip SY.50 with
vated keyboard/bus terminal strip binary coded binary coded control word
set 0 always active binary coded ST>RST>...>ID ID>IC>...>ST (only bus)

2 3
1 4
0 5 ATTENTION! The valency at Fr.2
Fr.2 = 2...4 is generally ID > IC > ...>ST.
The sequence above refers to the
Parameter set 0...7 priority.

Fr.3 Parameter set lock selected set yes Error message
Set 0...7 (Value 0...255) locked ? E.SEt


Actual Parameter set

Fr.02 Source parameter set

As shown in Fig. 7.14.7 it is defined with Fr.02 whether the parameter set selection is enabled or disabled via
keyboard/bus (Fr.04), terminal strip or via control word (SY.50). The selection is activated with „Enter".

Fr.02: Parameter set source

Value Function
0 Set selection deactivated; set 0 always active
1 Set selection via keyboard/bus with Fr.4
2 Set selection binary-coded via terminal strip
3 Set selection input-coded via terminal strip
Priority: ST>RST>R>F>I1>I2>I3>I4>IA>IB>IC>ID
4 Set selection input-coded via terminal strip
Priority: ID>IC>IB>IA>I4>I3>I2>I1>R>F>RST>ST
5 Set selection via control word SY.50

Fr.04 Adjustment parameter set

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Parameter sets

This parameter can be written by bus as well as by keyboard. The desired parameter set (0...7) is preadjusted
directly as value and activated with „Enter“.

Fr.07 Parameter set Input selection

The setting via terminal strip can be made binary-coded or input-coded. The inputs are defined with parameter
Fr.07. With binary-coded set selection maximally 3 inputs should be programmed to set selection to avoid set
selection errors.

Fr.10: Parameter set input selection

Bit Value Input Terminal
0 1 ST (prog. input „control release/reset“) X2A.16
1 2 RST (prog. input „reset“) X2A.17
2 4 F (prog. input „forward“) X2A.14
3 8 R (prog. input „reverse“) X2A.15
4 16 I1 (prog. input 1) X2A.10
5 32 I2 (prog. input 2) X2A.11
6 64 I3 (prog. input 3) X2A.12
7 128 I4 (prog. input 4) X2A.13
8 256 IA (internal input A) no
9 512 IB (internal input B) no
10 1024 IC (internal input C) no
11 2048 ID (internal input D) no
The input ST is occupied by hardware means with the function „Control release“. Further functions can be
adjusted only „additionally“.


I1, I2 and F are defined for set selection at input-coded set selection (Fr.02=3).In this case F = set 1; I1 2 =
and I2 3 = would be acticated as the valence is (I2>I1>F). If I1 and I2 are triggered simulateously the inverter
switches into set2 since the priority is F>I1>I2 at Fr.02=3.

Binary-coded set selection

With binary-coded set selection:

- maximally three of the internal or external inputs may be programmed to set selection (23=8 sets) to
avoid set selection errors.
- the valence of the inputs programmed for set selection rises

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 7.14 - 9

Parameter sets

Example 1: With 3 inputs (F, I1 and I4) set 0...7 shall be selected

1.) Adjust parameter Fr. 07 to value „148“
2.) Adjust Fr.02 to value „2“ (set selection binary-coded via terminal strip)

I4 I1 F Input
2² 21 20 set
0 0 0 0 I1

0 0 1 1 F
0 2 0 2
0 2 1 3 Set 7
Set 6
4 0 0 4 Set 5
4 0 1 5 Set 4
Set 3
4 2 0 6 Set 2
4 2 1 7 Set 1
Set 0 t

Input-coded set selection

With input-coded set selection

- maximally 7 of the internal or external inputs may be programmed to set selection (0...7 sets) to avoid set
selection errors.
- the lowest of the selected inputs has priority at Fr.02 = „3“
- the highest of the selected inputs has priority at Fr.02 = „4“

Example 1: With 5 inputs (I1, I2, I4, IB and ID) set 0...5 shall be selected.

1.) Adjust parameter Fr. 07 to value „2736“

2.) Adjust Fr.02 to value „3“ (set selection input-coded via terminal strip)

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Parameter sets

Id IB I4 I2 I1 set set
Fr.02 = 3 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ID
0 0 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 0 2 0 2 2 IB
0 0 3 0 0 3 3
0 4 0 0 0 4 4 I4
5 0 0 0 0 5 5
5 0 3 0 0 3 5
5 0 3 0 1 1 5

set 5
set 4
set 3
set 2
set 1
set 0

Reset set input selection (fr.11)

The parameter Fr.11 defines an input, with which one can switch independently of the current parameter set in
to parameter set 0. This function is only active at Fr.02 = 0...4.

- with static input assignment the inverter remains in set 0 as long as the input is set. 7
- with edge-triggered inputs set 0 is always activated with the 1st edge. With the 2 nd edge the set activa-
ted by the other inputs is selected again.

Set change mode modulation on (Fr.12)

Parameter Fr.12 adjusts the behavior at set change. A motor set change without parameter set changes is only
possible when the modulation is switched off.
If the set change is disabled and the modulation is switched on, then a planned set change releases the errror
‘set selection error‘ (E.SET, A.SET). The set change is done, as soon as the modulation is switched off.

Fr.12: Set change mode mod. on

Bit Meaning Value
0 Set change mode 0: enable / 1: inhibited
1 Mode motor set change 0: enable / 1: inhibited

Bit 1 has no function at F5-S, since only one motor set is available here.

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Parameter sets

7.14.8 Locking of parameter sets

Fr.03 Parameter set lock

Parameter sets, that shall not and must not be selected, can be locked with Fr.03. If one of the locked sets is
selected, the adjusted response in Pn.18 is executed (default: set selection error (E.SEt).

Value Locked set Example (set 2 and 5 inhibited)

1 0 -
2 1 -
4 2 4
8 3 -
16 4 -
32 5 32
64 6 -
128 7 -
Sum 36

7.14.9 Set activation/deactivation delay (Fr.05, Fr.06)

With these parameters the time is adjusted,

- which delays the activation of a new set (Fr.05)

- which delays the deactivation of the old set (Fr.06)

The OFF time of the old set and ON time of the new set are added at set changeover.

Picture 7.14.9 On and off delay

Set 3
Set 2

Current set Set 1

Set 0
1 5 6
Set 3 2

Set 2 3
Adjusted set
Set 1
Set 0

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Parameter sets

Example 1: ON delay for set 3 of 2s

on off 2: OFF delay for set 3 of 2s
set Fr.5 Fr.6 3: OFF delay for set 2 of 1s +
0 0s 0s ON delay for set 1 of 2 s
1 2s 0s 4: immediate changeover as no delay is adjusted
2 0s 1 s 5: OFF delay for set 2 of 1s +
3 2s 2s ON delay for set 3 of 2s
6: OFF delay for set 3 of 2s

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Parameter sets

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Special functions

7.1 Operating and appliance data

1. Introduction

7.2 Analog in- and outputs

2. Summary
7.3 Digital in- and outputs

3. Hardware
7.4 Setpoint-, rotation- and ramp presetting

Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous

4. Operation motor

Motor data and controller adjustments of the synchronous

Selection of Operating motor
7.7 Speed control

6. Initial Start-up
7.8 Torque display and -limiting

7.9 Torque control

7. Functions 7

7.10 Current control, -limiting and switching frequencies

8. Error Assistance
7.11 Speed measurement

9. Project Design
7.12 Posi- and synchronous operation

7.13 Protective functions

10. Networks

7.14 Parameter sets

11. Parameter Overview

7.15 Special functions

12. Annex
7.16 CP-Parameter definition

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Special functions

7.15.1 DC-braking............................................................................................................................... 7.15 - 3 V/F characteristic control...................................................................................... 7.15 - 5 Speed-controlled operation without feedback (ASCL).......................................... 7.15 - 5
7.15.2 Energy saving function.......................................................................................................... 7.15 - 6
7.15.3 Motorpoti function.................................................................................................................. 7.15 - 7
7.15.4 Timer / counter programming................................................................................................ 7.15 - 9
7.15.5 Brake control......................................................................................................................... 7.15 - 13 Mode brake control............................................................................................. 7.15 - 13 Monitoring of the brake control........................................................................... 7.15 - 14 Sequence of the brake control............................................................................ 7.15 - 14 Brake control / vector controlled......................................................................... 7.15 - 16 V/F characteristic controlled operation............................................................... 7.15 - 17
7.15.6 Sweep generator................................................................................................................... 7.15 - 18
7.15.7 Diameter correction ............................................................................................................. 7.15 - 20
7.15.8 Analog setting of parameter values.................................................................................... 7.15 - 22
7.15.9 Register function.................................................................................................................. 7.15 - 23
7.15.10 Technology control............................................................................................................... 7.15 - 26 The PID controller............................................................................................... 7.15 - 26 PID setpoint........................................................................................................ 7.15 - 28 PIDactual value.................................................................................................. 7.15 - 30 Application examples.......................................................................................... 7.15 - 31

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Special functions

7.15 Special functions

The following section should facilitate the adjustment and programming of special functions.

7.15.1 DC-braking

The DC braking is available:

- in software type F5-A (standard software), for v/f characteristic control of asynchronous motors (control
type F5-M and cS.00/ control mode < 4)
- in software type F5-H in speed-controlled operation of asynchronous motors without encoder feedback
(cS.01/ actual value source = "2: calculated actual value") and
- at v/f characteristic control (cS.00/ control mode < 4)

During the DC-braking the motor is not decelerated over the ramp. The braking is done with a DC voltage and
a DC current, respectively, that is applied to the motor winding.
After activation of the DC braking, the modulation is switched off and the base-block time (base-block time,
duration dependent on the power circuit) waited for until the DC value is applied to the motor.
With Pn.28 it is adjusted whereby the DC brake is triggered. According to the adjusted mode, the speed when
the DC brake triggers can be preset with Pn.32.
Pn.30 „DC braking time“ determines the braking time (0..100,00 s).
Pn.29 is bit-coded and defines the inputs which trigger DC braking.

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Special functions

Pn.28: DC braking mode

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
0: no DC braking DC braking is never triggered
DC braking, if the setpoint reaches 0 rpm after the ramp generator
1: no direction of ro- (ru.02 "display ramp output") and the rotation setting is missing.
tation and actual va- The braking time is determined by Pn.30 (independent of the ac-
lue = 0 tual speed). If the rotation setting is applied again, the DC braking
is aborted.
DC braking after removal of the rotation setting. The braking time
2: disabling the di- is dependent on Pn.30 and the actual frequency. 1, 2
rection of rotation Re-application of the rotation setting does not abort the DC bra-
DC braking as soon as the rotation setting changes (different di-
rection of rotation or no setting). The braking time is dependent on
3: Change of direc-
Pn.30 and the actual frequency (ru.03). 1, 2
tion of rotation
Re-application of the rotation setting does not abort the DC bra-
DC braking if the actual frequency ru.03 2 is lower than Pn.32 "DC
4: no direction of ro- braking start level" and the rotation setting is missing. The braking
tation and actual va- time is dependent on Pn.30 and Pn.32 3
lue < Pn.32 Re-application of the rotation setting does not abort the DC bra-
0...3 DC braking if the actual frequency ru.03 1 is lower than Pn.32 "DC
braking start level" and the rotation setting is missing. The braking
5: Deceleration and
time is dependent on Pn.30 and Pn.32 3
DC Braking actual value < Pn.32
Re-application of the rotation setting does not abort the DC bra-
The set value before the ramp generator (ru.01 "set value display)
is smaller than Pn.32 "DC braking start level". The braking time is
dependent on Pn.30 and the actual frequency (ru.03). 1, 2
6: Setpoint < Pn.32
To leave the status „22: standstill after DC braking“, ru.01 must be
higher than Pn.32 + LE.16 „operating hysteresis“. An increase of
the setpoint does not abort the DC braking.
DC braking, as soon as an input programmed to DC brake (Pn.29)
7: Digital input time- is active. The braking time is dependent on Pn.30 and the actual
limited frequency (ru.03). 1, 2
restart only after the input is deactivated.
8: as long as the di- DC-braking as long as an input programmed to DC-braking is ac-
gital input is set tive.
9: at start of the mo- DC braking after modulation release (direction of rotation + con-
dulation trol release) for the time Pn.30.
DC braking according to the conditions programmed in bit 4..7.
10: Conditions
The braking time is equal to Pn.30 "DC-brake time"
4 16: DCB after nop DC braking after status "0: no control release" 4
5 32: DCB at switch on DC braking after power-on-reset (power on) 4
64: DCB for auto-
6 DC braking after automatic restart 4
7 128: DCB after LS DC braking after status "70: standstill" 4

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Special functions

The braking time is dependent on the actual frequency (ru.03), not from the actual speed (ru.07). The
reference value for the calculation of the braking time, however, is a speed (dependent on ud.02 "control
type", for "4: F5-M / 4000rpm“ is the reference value 1000 rpm). To calculate the braking time, the actual
frequency (ru.03) must be converted to a speed according to the following formula:
ru.03 * 60
pole-pair number of the
Actual braking time = Pn.30 * ru.03 * 60 / pole-pair number of the motor / reference value (The reference
value is dependent on ud.02 "control type". The reverence value in 4000 rpm mode is 1000 rpm and 2000
rpm in 8000 rpm mode etc.)
Actual braking time = Pn.30 * Pn.32 / reference value (The reference value is dependent on ud.02 "con-
trol type". The reverence value in 4000 rpm mode is 1000 rpm and 2000 rpm in 8000 rpm mode etc.)
These adjustment are operative only if in Bit 0...3 "DC-brake mode" the value "10: conditions" is chosen.
If the same condition is also set for speed search, DC-brake has priority. V/F characteristic control

In v/f-characteristic control, a DC voltage is applied to the motor. The max. braking voltage is set with Pn.31
"DC braking max voltage".
The current is limited only by the inverter. If the inverter is oversized compared to the motor, the maximum bra-
king voltage (Pn.31) must be decreased to avoid overheating of the motor.
At large ratings the maximum braking voltage can lead to overcurrent errors (E.OC). In that case reduce it with
Pn31. Speed-controlled operation without feedback (ASCL)

In ASCL-mode, a DC current is impressed on the motor.
The braking current is set with Pn.33 "DC-brake max. current ASCL". The current can be preset in a range of
0...400.0% with respect to the rated motor current (dr.00).
The current is limited above by the permissible standstill current (see technical data of the corresponding inver-
ter) or by dr.37 "maximum current", if in dS.03 the maximum current mode is activated. The lower limit is given
by the magnetising current.

After completion of the DC braking function, the rated flux of the machine must flow before the motor is started.
To that end, "Wait for magnetisation = 128: on" (Bit 7 = 1) must be programmed in parameter dS.04. The tor-
que display is not valid in the DC braking (display always = 0 Nm).

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Special functions

7.15.2 Energy saving function

The energy saving function allows the lowering or raising of the current output voltage. In accordance with the
activation conditions defined in uF.6, the voltage valid according to the V/Hz-characteristic is changed in per-
cent onto the energy saving level (uF.07).
However, the maximal output voltage cannot be higher than the input voltage even if the value is > 100 %. The
function is used for example in cyclic executed load/no-load applications. During the no-load phase the speed
is maintained, but energy is saved as a result of the voltage reduction.

uf.07 Energy saving factor

0,0…130,0 % (default 70 %)

uf.06 Energy saving mode

Bit 0...3 Energy saving function / activation
0 generally off
1 generally active
2 at actual value = setpoint
uF.08 Energy saving function 3 by digital input
input selection 4 at clockwise rotation
0...4095 (Default 0) 5 at counter clockwise rotation
also see 7.3 6 by constant run clockwise rotation
„Digital inputs“ 7 by constant run counter clockwise rotation
8...15 reserved
Bit 4...6 Energy saving function / ramp time
Default time ca. 1,6 s

0 Default time
16 Default time / 2
32 Default time / 4
48 Default time / 8
64 Default time / 16

factual ; nactual; UA
fset ; nset


Example: uF.6 = 2, uF.7 = 50 %

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Special functions

7.15.3 Motorpoti function

This function simulates a mechanic motor potentiometer. Over two inputs the motor potentiometer value can
be increased or decreased.

Fig. 7.15.3 Motorpoti function

oP.50: Motorpoti function
Bit Value Meaning
0 Value is changed in the current set
1 Value is changed only in set 0
0 no motorpoti reset after power on
1 Reset to oP.55 after power on

If the motorpoti function
is used for setpoint set- oP.55
ting, 100% correspond to
the maximum setpoint. oP.59 oP.59
0% t
The target parameter de- oP.59 oP.59
termines the 100% value
at analog setting of the
parameter values. oP.53
oP.56 Increase motor poti va-
lue input selection

oP.57 Decrease motor poti va-

lue input selection

oP.58 Reset on oP.55

input selection

oP.52 Motor poti / Value

input selection
Setting via parameter ru.37 Motor poti act. value Analog setting of the parameter value
± 100% -100...0...100% chapter 7.15.8
( oP.59 is ignored)

Define inputs (oP.56...oP.58)

First two inputs must be defined which increases or decreases the motorpoti value. To that end, one input is as-
signed to parameters oP.56 and oP.57 according to the input table. If both inputs are triggered simultaneously,
the potentiometer value is decreased.

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 7.15 - 7

Special functions

Increase motorpoti Decrease motorpoti

value value
⇓ ⇓
oP.56 oP.57
Another input (oP.58) can be used to reset the motorpoti to the adjusted reset value oP.55.

Input table

Bit -No. Decimal Input Terminal

0 1 ST (prog. input „control release/reset“) X2A.16
1 2 RST (prog. input „reset“) X2A.17
2 4 F (prog. input „forward“) X2A.14
3 8 R (prog. input „reverse“) X2A.15
4 16 I1 (prog. input 1) X2A.10
5 32 I2 (prog. input 2) X2A.11
6 64 I3 (prog. input 3) X2A.12
7 128 I4 (prog. input 4) X2A.13
8 256 IA (internal input A) no
9 512 IB (internal input B) no
10 1024 IC (internal input C) no
11 2048 ID (internal input D) no

Motorpoti function (oP.50)

The fundamental function of the motorpoti is defined with oP.50. The parameter is bit-coded.

oP.50: Motorpoti function

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
Motorpoti value is changed in the active parameter set
0: act. set (ru.26) (display in ru.26). Functions using the motorpoti value
Target set of the work with the value of the current set.
motorpoti value
Motorpoti value is changed in set 0 Functions using the
1: Set 0
motorpoti value work with the value of set 0.
0: no reset Motorpoti value remains stored on power off
Reset at switch
1 Motorpoti value is written in all sets at power on to the
on 2: Reset to oP.55
value of oP.55 "motorpoti reset value"
The adjustment of the motorpoti value occurs with the va-
0: Set 0
Source of the lue of oP.59 "motorpoti inc/dec time" from set 0.
ramp time The adjustment of the motorpoti value occurs with the va-
4: Act. set (ru.26)
lue of oP.59 "motorpoti inc/dec time" from the active set

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Special functions

Motorpoti inc / dec time (oP.59)

This parameter defines the time for the motorpoti in order to run from 0...100%. The time is adjustable between
0...50000 s.

Control range (oP.53, oP.54)

The control range is limited by parameters oP.53 "motorpoti min. value" and oP.54 "motorpoti max. value" (see
picture 7.15.3).

Display of motor potentiometer value (ru.37)

This parameter shows the current value of the motor potentiometer in percent.

Motor potentiometer value (oP.52)

A percentage value can be adjusted directly by operator or bus via this parameter. The ramp time remains
unconsidered at this setting.
The parameter value is limited by oP.53 / oP.54. If a digital input is set for increasing or decreasing the motorpoti
value, the value of oP.52 changes.

7.15.4 Timer / counter programming

Two timers are incorporated in the COMBIVERT. As long as one of the adjustable starting conditions (LE.18/23)
or a programmable input (LE.17/22) is set, the timer counts until reaching the final value range. If one of the re-
set conditions (LE.20/25) is fulfilled or one programmable input (LE.19/24) is set, the timer jumps back to zero.
The clock source and the counting direction is adjusted with LE.21/26. It can be counted in seconds, hours or 7
by a special programmed input for that. The current timer content is displayed in ru.43/44. Switching condition
37/38 is set with reaching an adjustable switching level (LE.00...07). It can be used to set an output.

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Special functions

Fig. 7.15.4 Timer programming

continues to count

Is a
Timer counts up to maximum
reset condition no yes Switching condition
LE.21 Timer 1 / value; down to 0, if a condition
I3 of LE.20 or LE.19 Timer value > Level 37 „Timer 1 > Level A“
Mode of LE.18 is fulfilled or an input
fulfilled ? LE.0...LE.7 ? is being set!
of LE.17 is set
ru.43 timer 1 display

Resetting to zero

continues to count

Is a
Timer counts up to maximum
Is a reset condition no yes Switching condition
LE.26 Timer 2 / value; down to 0, if a condition Timer value > Level
I4 of LE.25 or LE.24 38 „Timer 2 > Level A“
Mode of LE.23 is fulfilled or an input
fulfilled ? LE.0...LE.7 ? is being set!
of LE.22 is set
ru.44 timer 2 display

Resetting to zero

Timer mode (LE.21 / LE.26)

LE.21 and LE.26 determine the clock source and the counting direction of timer 1 and 2. Clock pulse source can
be the time counter in 0.01s or 0.01h grid, pulses from a digital input, or revolutions of the encoder on encoder
channel 1. The timer runs generally as long as a starting condition is active. After a reset the timer starts again
at zero. Following clock sources can be selected:

LE.21 / LE.26: Timer 1 / 2 mode

Bit Meaning Value Explanation
0: 0,01s (internally
The timer value increases / decreases every 10 ms by 0.01
1: 0,01h (internally
The timer value increases / decreases every 36s by 0.01
2: every edge T1-I3 / Each edge on I3 (for timer 1) or I4 (for timer 2) increases /
Selection clock T2-I4 decreases the timer value by 0.01
pulse source 3: positive edge T1-I3 / A rising edge on I3 (for timer 1) or I4 (for timer 2) increases
T2-I4 / decreases the timer value by 0.01
Each revolution (clockwise rotation and counter clockwise
4: Rotation encoder 1 rotation) of the encoder on channel 1 increases / decreases
the timer value by 0.01
5... 7: reserved

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Special functions

0: upward The counting direction of the timer is always upwards

8: Dependent on the
actual speed FOR =
Counting di- REV=downward The counting direction of the timer is dependent on the cur-
3, 4
rection 16: Dependent on the rent direction of rotation
actual speed FOR =
REV = upward
24: reserved
The timer stops on reaching the maximum value of 655.35
0: Stop at limit
or the minimum value of 0
Overflow be- The timer always runs through. After reaching of the ma-
haviour ximum value (655.35) the timer starts again at 0. After re-
1: Reset and further
aching of the minimum value (0) the timer starts again at

Timer  start condition (LE.18 / LE.23)

The timer start conditions can be selected from the following table. The individual conditions are OR-operated
with the timer start input selection (LE.17/LE.22).

LE.18 / LE.23: Timer / Starting condition

Bit Va- Timer / Starting condition
0 1 Modulation on
1 2 Modulation off
2 4 Actual freq. =setpoint freq.
3 8 Modulation off and no power on

The values must be added in case of several starting conditions.

Timer start input selection (LE.17 / LE.22)

Additionally the timer can be activated by one or several inputs. The sum of the valences is to be entered, if
the timer shall be started by different inputs The individual inputs are OR-operated. The start input selection is
OR-operated with the timer / starting condition (LE.18/LE.22).

LE.17 / LE.22: Timer start input selection

Bit Value Input Terminal
0 1 ST (prog. input „control release/reset“) X2A.16
1 2 RST (prog. input „reset“) X2A.17
2 4 F (prog. input „forward“) X2A.14
3 8 R (prog. input „reverse“) X2A.15
4 16 I1 (prog. input 1) X2A.10
5 32 I2 (prog. input 2) X2A.11
6 64 I3 (prog. input 3) X2A.12
7 128 I4 (prog. input 4) X2A.13

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Special functions

8 256 IA (internal input A) no

9 512 IB (internal input B) no
10 1024 IC (internal input C) no
11 2048 ID (internal input D) no

Timer display (ru.43 / ru.44)

ru.43 / ru.44 displays the actual counter reading dependent on the adjusted clock source (LE.21 / 26). The
counter can be set to a value by writing on ru.43 / 44. If the clock source is changed during the running time,
the counter content is maintained but is interpreted according to the new clock source.

Timer reset input selection (LE.19 / LE.24)

The inputs which reset the timer can be specified according to the following table. The individual inputs are
OR-operated, i.e. if one of the specified inputs is triggered, the timer jumps back to zero. If a starting and reset
condition are active simultaneously, reset has priority.
(see table "Timer start input selection (LE.17 / LE.22)")

Timer reset condition (LE.20 / LE.25)

According to the following table one can define the conditions to reset the timer additionally to the inputs. The
individual conditions are OR-operated.

LE.20 / LE.25: Timer reset condition

Bit Decimal value Condition
0 1 Modulation on
1 2 Modulation off
2 4 Actual value = Setpoint value
3 8 Change of parameter set
4 16 Power-On-Reset

Timer display (ru.43 / ru.44)

ru.43 / ru.44 display the actual counter reading depending on the selected clock source (LE.21 / 26). The coun-
ter can be set to a value by writing on ru.43 / 44. If the clock source is changed at run time, the counter reading
remains but is interpreted according to the new clock source.

Comparison level 0...7 (LE.00...LE.07)

LE.00...LE.07 define the level for the switching conditions 37 / 38 ("Timer > Level").The switching condition is
set if the timer exceeds the adjusted value. A level in the range of -10.737.418,24 to 10.737.418,23 can be
adjusted.But only values of 0...655,35 are sensible for the counter.

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Special functions

7.15.5 Brake control

For applications in the areas lifting and lowering, or other applications requiring the use of a brake, the control
of the brake can be taken over by the KEB frequency inverter.
For this the brake control must be activated in parameter Pn.34 "brake control mode" and a transistor or relay
output must be assigned with the function "18: brake control". The output becomes active if the brake shall
be released. Mode brake control

The status display during brake handling can also be defined with Pn.34 and a monitoring function can be
The brake control is set-programmable.

Pn.34: Mode brake control

Value Explanation
0: off Brake control deactivated.
Brake control activated. Progress message "85: Close brake" (bon) or "86: Open bra-
1: with display
ke" (boFF).
2: withoutdisplay Brake control activated. No brake-specific status messages.
Brake control activated. Progress message "85: Close brake" (bon) or "86: Open bra-
3: with phase check
ke" (boFF). Check whether all 3 inverter output phases can be powered. If one phase
/ with display
is missing, "56: ERROR! Brake control" ( is triggered.
Brake control activated. No brake-specific status messages. Check whether all 3 in-
4: with phase check
verter output phases can be powered. If one phase is missing, "56: ERROR! Brake
/ without display
control" ( is triggered.
5: quick stop / with Brake control activated. The brake release time immediately starts (Pn.36) if the drive 7
display restarts during brake closing time (Pn.40).
6: quick stop / wit- Brake control activated. The brake release time immediately starts (Pn.36) if the drive
hout display restarts during brake closing time (Pn.40). No brake-specific status messages.
Brake control activated. The brake release time immediately starts (Pn.36) if the drive
7: phase check /
restarts during brake closing time (Pn.40). Check whether all 3 inverter output phases
quick stop / with
can be powered. If one phase is missing, "56: ERROR! Brake control" ( is trig-
Brake control activated. The brake release time immediately starts (Pn.36) if the drive
8: phase check /
restarts during brake closing time (Pn.40). No brake-specific status messages. Check
quick stop / without
whether all 3 inverter output phases can be powered. If one phase is missing, "56:
ERROR! Brake control" ( is triggered.

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Special functions Monitoring of the brake control

Pn.43 "min. load brake control"

Further brake control can be activated with Pn.43 "min. load brake control".
For the monitoring of the utilization acceptance through the inverter a minimal utilization level can be adjusted
in this parameter.
If the brake is to be opened on start at the end of the pre-magnetising time (Pn.35), the load factor may not be
smaller than the adjusted level. Otherwise error E. br is triggered. Reaching the hardware current limit during
this phase also triggers error The current is monitored only at this time (directly before the opening of the
The monitoring is deactivated when Pn.43 is set to 0.

Pn.42 "brake check input selection"

The brake must always be closed between the end of the brake closing time (Pn.40) and the beginning of the
break release time (Pn.36). is triggered if the input becomes (or is) active during this phase.
Similarly, from the end of the brake opening period (Pn.36) to the end of the brake delay time (Pn.39), the brake
must always remain ventilated. If the input becomes (or is) inactive in this phase, is also triggered.
With this input, e.g., a protection monitoring could be executed. Sequence of the brake control

The sequence of the brake control is defined by five times, two for the opening and three for the closing of the

open brake

The opening of the brake is started when the control release is closed and the command to start the drive is
In vector controlled operation, this is the activation of the direction of rotation, the setpoint speed has no effect.
That means: the brake is opened as well on setting the speed setpoint value = 0.
During positioning, the opening of the brake is triggered, e.g., by a "Start positioning" or a "Start approach to
reference point" command

• Pn.35: premagnetising time

The pre-magnetisation time serves to build up a holding torque to minimise the "stall out" of the drive
during ventilation of the brake.
The adjustment of this time and the brake control start ref. (Pn.37) is depending on the mode
(v/f-characteristic controlled, vector controlled, etc.) and is described in the items and
• Pn.36: Brake release time
With begin of the brake release time, the signal to open the brake is issued.
During brake release time when the brake is mechanically released, the speed set value (ru.01) is not yet
stored, but the brake control starting value (Pn.37) is still maintained. For vector controlled systems, Pn.37
must contain the value 0 rpm for synchronous as well as for asynchronous motors.

close brake

The closing of the brake is triggered by disabling the direction of rotation (speed control), reaching of the target
position (positioning), or switching off the modulation (opening of the control release or error).

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Special functions

If the modulation is switched off, the break control output is immediately deactivated so that the brake closes.
In all other cases, the sequence is as follows:

• Pn.39: Brake delay time

After switching off the rotation setting, the drive runs to the stop speed Pn.41 (this parameter must contain
value 0 rpm for vector controlled drives) and waits there for the duration of the brake delay time.
• Pn.40: Brake closing time
Afterwards, the brake control output is deactivated and the brake takes over the load during the brake
closing time. The inverter remains during this time on stop speed Pn.41.
• Pn.38: Brake fadeout time
After expiration of the brake closing time (Pn.40), the fadeout time expires. During this time, the current is
lowered to 0. After expiration of the fadeout time, the modulation remains switched on for another 100 ms.
Thereby, the noise that can occur in the motor during a jolt-like shutdown of the current can be prevented.
After the current has been drained, the inverter changes into the status "70: standstill (Modulation off)"

The following figure shows the sequence of the brake control without fadeout time. In vector controlled system,
the start- and the stop-value (Pn.37 / Pn.41) must be set to 0 rpm.

Figure Brake control

Actual speed

Stop value
Start value

Set direction
of rotation for

Inverter boff boff boff bon bon

LS facc facc fdec LS
state facc fcon fcon fcon fcon


premagneti- Brake re- Brake delay Brake clo-

sing time lease time time sing time
Pn.35 Pn.36 Pn.40 Pn.40

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Special functions Brake control / vector controlled

Premagnetisation and delay time

In vector controlled operation, the drive also builds up torque at setpoint speed 0. Therefore, no start or stop
speed is required (Pn.37 = Pn.41 = 0 rpm).
Thus also the premagnetizing time Pn.35 can be set to zero. The time the drive requires for flux build-up is
always await, until the output for brake release is set.
If the bit 7 "wait for magnetisation" in dS.04 "Flux- / rotor adaptions mode" is set to "0: off", a pre-magnetisation
time must be parametrised for flux build-up. This setting is permissible only for operation without motor model.

Since, independent of the selected deceleration ramp, the brake closing time only starts when the actual speed
reaches the value of the stop speed (= 0 rpm), no brake delay time has to be awaited.
In some applications, however, the brake delay time is used to save time.
If the output for brake control has been deactivated once, the complete brake handling (brake closing time +
fadeout time + brake opening time) must be executed for a new start of the drive.
By setting a brake delay time, the collapse of the brake can be suppressed for a quick succession of starts (e.g.,
for positioning). Only when the drive remains stationary for a longer period, the brake is closed.

Optimization of the load transfer

In vector controlled operation, there are another two special functions that optimise the load transfer to the
• speed-dependent Ki for the speed controller
For the load transfer, an enormous speed rigidity is often required for hoists or lifts so that the opening
of the brake and the transfer of the load by the inverter is not felt. This rigidity can be achieved by a very
large "K-increase" (cS.10) for the speed controller.
This increase is normally reversed again over an adjustable speed range. For extremely large KI-incre-
ases, this slow reversal cannot be used since the speed controller is then too vibration-prone.
By input of the value "-1: Brake release" in parameter corner speed for max. KI (cS.11), one can achieve
that the "KI-increase" is immediately set to 0 at the end of the brake opening time.
• Brake precontrol
Without precontrol, the drive must first move, i.e., a system deviation must be built up so that the control-
ler provides a counter torque.
With the precontrol, the speed controller is preloaded with a torque at the beginning of the brake opening
time. To avoid "stall out", this torque is, in the ideal case, equal to the load to be taken over by the brake.
The precontrol value is set with a ramp within 1/5 of the brake ventilation time.
The function is activated by selecting in Pn.70 "brake pretorque source" how the precontrol value is to
be defined.

Pn.70: Brake pretorque source

Value Function
0: off Precontrol function off
1: analog REF Setting of the precontrol torque in % of the rated torque via the analog channel REF or
2: analog Aux AUX. The analog signal can come from, e.g., a load weighing setup in a lift cabin.
Setting of the precontrol torque in % of the rated torque via parameter Pn.71 "Brake
3: digital % (Pn.71)
precontrol setpoint in %"

Example: Let a lift be equipped with a counterweight so that for a half-loaded cabin, no holding torque
must be expended.
For an empty cabin, the load weighing setup provides a signal of 0%.

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Special functions

To hold the cabin, the motor requires + rated torque .

For a fully loaded cabin, the load weighing setup provides a signal of 100%.
To hold the cabin, the motor requires + rated torque .
Let the signal from the load weighing setup be connected to AN2, which serves as the AUX-

I.e.: a signal of 0% on AN2 shall produce a precontrol value of 100%

a signal of +100% on AN2 shall produce a precontrol value of -100%.
"AN2 offset X" (An.16) be equal to 0%, "AN2 lower limit" (An.18) = -100%, and "AN2 upper limit"
(An.19) = 100%
The formula for amplification and offset setting is then for AN2:
Output signal = "AN2 amplification" (An.15) * input signal + "AN2 offset Y" (An.17)
This gives, for "AN2 offset Y" = 100% and for "AN2 amplification" = -2

Operation without encoder

Since the settings range of the drive is limited during operation without encoder, no brake handling should be
used for SCL as well as for ASCL.

For SCL, parameters "premagnetizing time" (Pn.35) and "brake release time" (Pn.36) are used for the align-
ment of the motor with DC current (see chapter SCL / standstill and starting phase) V/F characteristic controlled operation

Start reference (Pn.37), stop reference (Pn.41)

In v/f-characteristic controlled operation, start and stop values must be set to hold the load in standstill respec-
tively, reach standstill after deceleration, in order that the brake can engage again.
The adjustable start/stop value stands in direct connection with the necessary holding torque. A preset value
can be obtained according to the following formula:

Start- and, respectively, (synchronous speed– rated speed) x required holding torque
stop value = Rated torque

Based on these value, an adaption to the particular application must be made since other values, e.g., the
boost, also have an effect on the behaviour during load transfer.

Example: a 4-pole motor has a rated frequency of 50 Hz and a rated speed of 1460 rpm.
The synchronous speed of the motor thereby is = 1500 rpm and the slip speed is 1500 – 1460 = 60 rpm at rated
torque and nominal voltage.
The drive should be able to provide rated torque at brake release if a start value (Pn.37) of 60 rpm is preset.

Premagnetizing time (Pn.35)

So that a torque can be built up, the flux in the motor must have been built up. The motor is energized with
starting the premagnetizing time. This time must be long enough for the motor to build up its flux.
Depending on the motor, this time can be between approximately 100 ms (small power) and fractions of a se-
cond (motors with large power).

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Special functions

Brake delay time (Pn.39)

In v/f-characteristic controlled operation, the speed follows the predefined deceleration ramp not quite exactly.
After completion of the deceleration ramp a delay time must be await to mask dynamic effects.

7.15.6 Sweep generator

The sweep generator enables in period and amplitude changeable sawtooth process of the setpoint. It is acti-
vated with the parameter oP.44 Bit 0...3 = „1“.

7.15.6.a Additional funktion: Sweep generator

Ramp output value

Sweep generator oP.44

oP.47, 48 Bit 0...3

oP.44 Reference
Bit 4...7 2
AN1 (ru.28) 0 oP.46
1 Amplitude
AN2 (ru.30)
AN3 (ru.32) 2 Diameter signal
digital (oP.45) 3

Diameter correction

Activation of the sweep generator

The sweep-gen. must be activated in parameter oP.44.

oP.44: Ext. function mode /source

Bit Meaning Value
0: off
Select 1: Sweep-gen. function
function 2: Diameter correction
3...15: off

Determination of the sweep amplitude height

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Special functions

Parameter oP.44 determines which source presets the amplitude height of the sweep function.

oP.44: Ext. function mode /source

Bit Meaning Value
0: AN 1 input (ru.28)
16: AN 2 input (ru.30)
Adjust input
4...7 32: AN 3 input (ru.32)
48:digital source (oP.45)
64: AUX input (ru.53)

The sweep amplitude can be preset also via oP.45 „ext. function digital source“ in the range of 0… 100%, be-
side to the analog setting via AN 1, AN 2, AN 3 or AUX.

Change of the sweep amplitude

The maximum rate of change of the sweep amplitude is limited with parameter oP.46 „ext. function acc/dec.
Parameter oP.46 defines a time between 0.00...20.00 s, inside the sweep amplitude can increase or decrease.
The specified value refers to a sweep amplitude change of 100 %.

Period of the sweep period

The acceleration time is parameterized with oP.47 „sweep-gen. acceleration time“, the deceleration time of the
sweep signal with oP.48 „sweep-gen. deceleration time“.
Both times are adjustable within the range of 0… 20.00 s.
Together the two parameters result in the period duration of the wobbel period.
Operating principle of the wobble function

The following picture shows the setpoint process, which is generated by the wobble function:

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Special functions

7.15.6.b Operating principle of the wobble function


nset +----------


nset -----------
oP.47 oP.48

7.15.7 Diameter correction

Through the use of the diameter correction the tool path feedrate of a winding product can be kept constant at
changing diameter of the reel bale.

7.15.7 Additional function: Diameter correction

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Special functions

Ramp output value

Sweep generator oP.44

oP.47, 48 Bit 0...3

oP.44 Reference
Bit 4...7 2
AN1 (ru.28) 0 oP.46
1 Amplitude
AN2 (ru.30)
AN3 (ru.32) 2 Diameter signal
digital (oP.45) 3

Diameter correction

Activation of the diameter correction

The diameter correction must be activated in parameter oP.44.

oP.44: Ext. function mode /source

Bit Meaning Value
0: off
Select 1: Sweep-gen. function
function 2: Diameter correction
3...15: off

Determination of the diameter signal

oP.44 determines the source where the diameter correction is output.

oP.44: Ext. function mode /source
Bit Meaning Value
0: AN 1 input (ru.28)
16: AN 2 input (ru.30)
Adjust input
4...7 32: AN 3 input (ru.32)
48:digital source (oP.45)
64: AUX input (ru.53)
The diameter signal can be preset also via oP.45 „ext. function digital source “in the range of 0… 100% beside
to the analog setting via AN 1, AN 2, AN 3 or AUX.

Specification of the diameter correction

The diameter signal is evaluated within the range of 0 % to 100%. Values < 0% are set to 0%, values > 100%
are limited to 100%.

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Special functions

The diameter signal of 0% corresponds to the minimum diameter of the reel bale (dmin).
The output speed of the ramp generator (ru.02) is not changed in this case.
A diameter signal of 100% corresponds to the maximum diameter of the reel bale (dmax).

The ratio of minimum to maximum diameter (dmin/dmax) must be known in order to be able to calculate the
required speed change.
The ratio of minimum to maximum diameter (dmin/dmax) is preset by way of oP.49 and can be adjusted within
the range of 0,010...0,990 with a resolution of 0,001.

The corrected output speed of the ramp generator is determined as follows:

fn_Setting: = –––––––––––––––
1+DS • (1/oP.49-1)

fn_Ramp: Output frequency/speed of ramp generator

fn_presetting: Corrected output frequency/speed
DS: Diameter signal 0…100 % (0…1)
oP.49: (dmin/dmax)

Rate of change of the diameter signal

The rate of change of the diameter signal can be limited by a ramp generator.
Parameter oP.46 „ext. funct. acc/dec time“ defines a time within the range of 0.00...20.00 s, which is required
for a change of the diameter signal of 0...100%.

7.15.8 Analog setting of parameter values

With this function it is possible to preset parameter values analog. The AUX-function or the motor-poti function
can be adjusted as source.

Analog parameter setting source (An.53)

This parameter determines whether the analog parameter setting occurs via the motor-poti or the aux-function.
An.53: Analog parameter setting source
Value Function
1 Motorpoti function

The bus address of the parameter, that is to be adjusted in analog mode, is adjusted here (see chapter 11.1).
Following parameters can be adjusted.

Analog parameter setting destination (An.54)

uF.01 / 07
cn. 04 / 05 / 06
An.32 / 37 / 42 / 48
LE.00 / 01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05 / 06 / 07
cS.06 / 09 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23
Ec.04 / 14
PS.31 / 33

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Special functions

In case an invalid parameter address is selected, message "IdAtA" (or "data invalid" via COMBIVIS) is output
and the setting is ignored.

Analog parameter setting offset (An.55)

Defines the parameter value, that adjusts itself at 0 % analog parameter setting. The parameter value must be
entered with the internal standardization of the target parameter.

Desired value of target parameter

Value to be adjusted = 
Resolution of target parameter

Analog parameter setting max. value (An.56)

Defines the parameter value, that adjusts itself at 100 % analog parameter setting. The parameter value must
be entered with the internal standardization of the target parameter.

Analog parameter setting set pointer (An.57)

An.57 determines the parameter set which edited the selected parameter. If a programmable parameter is ad-
justed as target parameter, the adjusted set in An.57 is edited.

An.57: Analog parameter setting set pointer

Value Function
-1 active set is edited
0...7 adjusted set is edited
If a non-programmable parameter is adjusted as target parameter, it is always edited in set 0 independent on

7.15.9 Register function

It is possible in synchronous operation that master and slave are additionally synchronized to two reference
signals. This reference signals are e.g. in form of approximation initiators at the master and slave axis. The gear
factor is adapted by the register function in order to adjust the time per cycle. Dependent on parameter „pos/syn
mode “ps.00 bit11 it can be adjusted if the gear change is executed in consideration of the ramp times (op.28…
33). An adjustable angle deviation can be used to synchronize the two reference signals.

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Special functions

Rotation direction

Initiator Initiator

I2 Angle deviation > 0
F5 Encoder emulation F5

Master Slave

i = 9,8 M M i = 23
Encoder Encoder
2500 Inc/ rev. 2500 Inc/ rev.

The register function is activated by parameter „register mode“ (rG.00).

rG.00: Register mode

Bit Meaning Value Function
0 off
1 on
0 Register mode
2 on, teach angle deviation
3 reserved
Compensate angle 0 off
deviation 4 on

Both initiator signals must release two times after activation of the register function before the register function
triggers an activity.

The gear factor is calculated from:

register distance master (rG.14), number of increments from main pulse to main pulse
register distance slave (rG.15), number of increments from main pulse to main pulse
numerator, gear factor (channel1(ec.56) or channel2 (ec.58))
denominator, gear factor (channel1(ec.57) or channel2 (ec.59))

i = slave difference / master difference

numerator = i * denominator

If it is switched in a parameter set with rG.00 = Bit 0....1=2, the first calculated angle deviation between master
and slave is stored in parameter „register angle level 1“ (ps.64) (teachen). The max. angle correction per pe-
riod (rG.02) must be adjusted in order to activate the angle deviation.
The direction of the angle deviation can be adjusted via rG.00 bit 2… 3.

Two interpolation points where the angle deviation via interpolation can be preset dependent on the master
speed can be defined via parameters rG.08, rG.09 and rG.10, rG.11.The angle deviation is constantly defined
via rG.08 with rG.10 = 0 = off. The function of the angle setting is not active at speed left to rG.09 and right to

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Special functions

Angle deviation standardization:

0° / 360° / -360° The angle deviation can be preset optionally via rG.08…
0 / rG.15 / -rG.15 rG.11, but it is internal limited to +-slave difference (rG.15).
Additionally a renormalization takes place, thus the an-
gle deviation setpoint ranges between –rG.15/2
-90° 90°
-rG.15/ 4 rG.15/ 4

+ / 180°
+ / -rG.15/ 2

Reg. master / slave diffe- -2^31…2^31-1 Difference between the main pulses of master
rence inc. and slave
0…100.000 ms
rG.17 Reg. Register time master
(0.125 res.)
0…100.000 ms
rG.18 Reg. Register time slave
(0.125 res.)
Reg. master / slave 0…100.000 ms Time difference between the period of master
Period difference (0.125 res.) and slave
Angle deviation setpoint [inc] Angle deviation setpoint [inc]


Reference 7
rG.15/ 2 rG.15/ 2

rG.08 n_master
rG.09 rG.11 rG.09 rG.11 rG.10 [rpm]

-rG.15/ 2

off off off off

A possible parameter list for picture 2:

Addr. Value Notice

PS.0 1025 Synchron mode + synchronisation at the start via op.28
rG.00 5 Register function activated + angle adjustment on
further on next side

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Special functions

Addr. Value Notice

Gear factor is known ( i_slave/i_master => ec.58 =230, ec.59=98 ) and adjustable
rG.01 0.5%
without error
One period is e.g. 230000 inc at the slave and a deviation per revolution can only be
rG.02 4600 Inc
a few increments. Thus 2° per period is compensated
rG.03 1 ms If the gear factor is compensated the deviation amounts approx. 0.5 ms
rG.04 16 Input I1 slave
rG.05 32 Input I2 master
rG.06 1 Only one pulse per revolution of the master
rG.07 1 Only one pulse per revolution of the slave
Angle deviation from the master to the slave drive, compensate only upto 50 rpm
rG.08 30000 inc
(positive direction of rotation)
rG.09 50 rpm
rG.10 0 inc No second interpolation point, constant rG.08
rG.11 4000 rpm No angle deviation > rG.11

7.15.10 Technology control

The KEB COMBIVERT is equipped with an universal programmable technology controller, which is able to
create pressure control, temperature or dancer position control. The PID controller

The technology controller consists of a setpoint/actual value comparator, which transmits the system deviation
to the PID controller. The P- I- and D-component is adjusted with cn.04, 05 and 06. Parameters cn.07 and cn.08
limit the max. manipulated variable of the controller.
The controller ratio is defined from 0… 100% with the PID fading time (cn.09). Parameter cn.14 adjusts the fre-
quency ratio in Hz/% (only F5-G/B). The PID controller, the I-component separately and/or the controller fading
can be reset with parameters cn.11, 12 and 13. A PID reset condition can be adjusted with cn.10.

PID controller

cn.04 PID kp ru.52

Setpoint calculation cn.05 PID ki cn.09 PID see
cn.06 PID kd Fading time oP.00
+ cn. 07 % see
- cn. 08 Hz cs.00

cn.10 PID reset

Actual value Condition

cn.11 PID reset cn.12 I reset cn.13 reset

input selection input selection Fading /
input selection

Digital inputs

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Special functions

PID controller KP (cn.04)

Determines the proportional gain factor in the range of 0,00...250,00.

PID controller KI (cn.05)

Determines the integral gain factor in the range of 0.000...30.000.

PID controller KD (cn.06)

Determines the differential gain factor in the range of 0.000...250.00.

PID positive limit (cn.07), PID negative limit (cn.08)

The maximum positive manipulated variable in the range of -400.0...400.0 % is specified with cn.07, the maxi-
mum negative manipulated variable in the range of -400.0...400.0 % with cn.08.

PID fading time (cn.09)

Thereby the controller intervention can be linerarly increased at the start or linearly decreased at the reset of
fading. The time refers to 100% controller output value. If an input is programmed to „fade in reset (cn.13)“, the
fade in is counted down when the input is active and counted up when the input is inactive.

If „- 0.01“ is adjusted fade in is calculated in accordance with the following formula:

Fade in factor = fsetting (ru.02) / max. setpoint (oP.10/11)

The function is only active if the technology controller is used as process controller (cS.00 Bit 0...2 = 1). The
fading time is 0 if it is used as setpoint controller. 7
PID reset condition (cn.10)

The reset condition of the PID controller can be preset via cn.10. Simple speed controls for both directions of
rotation can be realized thereby.

cn.10: PID reset condition

Value Explanation
0 PID controller is not reset
1 PID controller = 0 (constantly reset)
2 PID controller is reset if the modulation is off

Value „2“ must be adjusted for speed control in order that the I-component of the controller is reset at LS or nOP.
Value „1“serves primary for the start-up, in order to reset the controller manually.

Reset of the controller via digital inputs (cn.11...13)

The total controller, the I-component, as well as the controller fading can be reset via the digital inputs. The
fade-in time is valid at reset of fading. For that the decimal value of the corresponding inputs must be entered

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Special functions

in the following parameters (see table below):

cn.11 reset PID / input selection
cn.12 reset I / input selection
cn.13 fade in reset / input selection

B i t Decimal va- Input Terminal

-No. lue
0 1 ST (prog. input „control release/reset“) X2A.16
1 2 RST (prog. input „reset“) X2A.17
2 4 F (prog. input „forward“) X2A.14
3 8 R (prog. input „reverse“) X2A.15
4 16 I1 (prog. input 1) X2A.10
5 32 I2 (prog. input 2) X2A.11
6 64 I3 (prog. input 3) X2A.12
7 128 I4 (prog. input 4) X2A.13
8 256 IA (internal input A) no
9 512 IB (internal input B) no
10 1024 IC (internal input C) no
11 2048 ID (internal input D) no

PID output frequency at 100% (cn.14)

This block converts the proportional controller output value to frequency. The adjustment of cn.14 determines,
which frequency is output at 100% controller output value. A frequency of -400.0...400.0 Hz can be adjusted
(dependent on ud.02). The output value forms the output frequency (ru.03) at cS.00 Bit 0… 1 = 1 added with
the ramp output frequency (ru.02). PID setpoint

This block describes the PID controller setpoint. The PID setpoint consists of the absolute reference (cn.01)
and an additional reference source adjustable with cn.00. The two values are added and form the PID controller

Page 7.15 - 28 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H © KEB, 2012-10

Special functions

cn.00 PID reference source

cn.01 PID absolute reference
-400,0...400,0 %

off 0

Analog input AN1 (ru.28) 1

Analog input AN2 (ru.30) 2 PID controller
Analog input AN3 (ru.32) 3

Aux input (ru.53) 4

PID controller absolute reference (cn.01)

The setpoint of the PID controller is preset in percentage with cn.01 within the range of -400.0…400.0%. The
parameter is set-programmable.

PID reference source (cn.00)

Parameter cn.00 determines which input supplies the additional setpoint. The following options are available:

cn.00 PID reference source

V a - Explanation
0 off (default)
1 Analog input AN1 (ru.28) 7
2 Analog input AN2 (ru.30)
3 Analog input AN3 (ru.32)
4 Aux input (ru.53)

If one of the analog channels is adjusted, the signals can be adapted with the analog amplifiers individually to
the requirements (see chapter 6.2).

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Special functions PIDactual value

This block describes the PID controller actual value. The actual value is selected with the PID actual value
source (cn.02).

cn.02 PID actual value source

off 0

Analog input AN1 (ru.28) 1

Analog input AN2 (ru.30) 2

Analog input AN3 (ru.32) 3 PID controller

Aux input (ru.53) 4

PID absolute actual value (cn.03) 5

Active current (ru.17) 6

actual DC voltage (ru.18) 7

PID actual value source(cn.02)

The PID actual value source (cn.02) defines wherefrom the PID controller receives the actual value signal.
Following signals are available:

cn.02: PID actual value source
Va- Signal Explanation
0 AN1 Signal of the analog input 1 (see chapter 7.2)
1 AN2 Signal of the analog input 2 (see chapter 7.2)
2 AN3 Signal of the analog input 3 (see chapter 7.2)
3 AUX Signal of the Aux input (see chapter 7.2 )
PID absolute actual value is preset with cn.03 within the range of
4 cn. 03
-400.0...400.0 %
The displayed active current -200...200 % in parameter ru.17 is used as actual
5 Active current
value signal (100 % = Irated)
The displayed utilization 0...255 % in parameter ru.13 is used as actual value
6 Utilization
signal (100 % = 100 %)
DC link vol- The displayed DC link voltage 0...1000 V (1000 V = 100 %) in parameter ru.18 is
tage used as actual value signal.
active power
8 Reference value: 2 * Default dr.03  100%

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Special functions Application examples

Some application examples of the PID controller are given in the following part.

PID controller without precontrol (e.g. for pressure-, temperature-, liquid level closed-loop control)
Digital reference

cn. 01

Ramp generator
Characteristic amplifier PID controller oP-Parameter
Analog reference
ru.27 ru.28 cn. 07 ru.01
AN1 ru.02
cn. 08 ru.52
cn.00 = 1 Ramp output
cn.04...06 oP.00 = 6

Actual value
ru.29 ru.30
cn.00 = 2

Characteristic amplifier

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Special functions

PID controller with precontrol (variant 1)

Characteristic amplifier
Analog precon-
ru.27 ru.28
cn.00 = 1
PID controller
Digital reference
cn. 07 +
+ ru.52
cn. 01 An.30 = 8200
- cn. 08 +
ru.01 ru.53
cn.10 Ramp generator
oP.00 = 1
Characteristic amplifier
Actual value
ru.29 ru.30
cn.02 = 1

Ramp output

PID controller to the analog output

Digital reference
Characteristic amplifier
cn. 01
ru.27 ru.28
An.31 = 9/10
Characteristic amplifier ANOUT 1
PID controller
Analog reference
+ cn. 07
ru.27 ru.28
AN1 ru.52
- cn. 08
cn.00 = 1

An-Parameter cn.10 An.31 = 9/10 ru.29 ru.30


Actual value
Characteristic amplifier
ru.29 ru.30
cn.02 = 1
Characteristic amplifier

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Special functions

PID controller as active current- (torque-) control without precontrol

Digital reference

cn. 01

Characteristic amplifier PID controller Ramp generator

Analog reference
+ cn. 07 ru.02
ru.27 ru.28 ru.01
- cn. 08 ru.52
cn.00 = 1
cn.04...06 oP.00 = 6
An-Parameter cn.10
Active current-
actual value

cn.02 = 5

PID controller as active current- (torque-) control with precontrol

Characteristic amplifier Ramp generator
Analog current
ru.27 ru.28 ru.02 cS.00 = 1
cn.00 = 0


Digital current

cn. 01 7
PID controller
Analog current cn.14
reference +
ru.29 ru.30 + cn. 07 ru.52 %
AN1 +
- cn. 08 Hz cs.04
cn.00 = 2
Active current- cn.04...06
actual value cn.10
ru.17 Ramp output
cn.02 = 5 value

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Special functions

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CP-Parameter definition

7.1 Operating and appliance data

1. Introduction

7.2 Analog in- and outputs

2. Summary
7.3 Digital in- and outputs

3. Hardware
7.4 Setpoint-, rotation- and ramp presetting

Motor data and controller adjustments of the asynchronous

4. Operation motor

Motor data and controller adjustments of the synchronous

Selection of Operating motor
7.7 Speed control

6. Initial Start-up
7.8 Torque display and -limiting

7.9 Torque control

7. Functions 7

7.10 Current control, -limiting and switching frequencies

8. Error Assistance
7.11 Speed measurement

9. Project Design
7.12 Posi- and synchronous operation

7.13 Protective functions

10. Networks

7.14 Parameter sets

11. Parameter Overview

7.15 Special functions

12. Annex
7.16 CP-Parameter definition

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CP-Parameter definition

7.16.1 Overview.................................................................................................................................. 7.16 - 3

7.16.2 Assignment of CP-Parameters.............................................................................................. 7.16 - 4
7.16.3 Example................................................................................................................................... 7.16 - 5
7.16.4 Display norm........................................................................................................................... 7.16 - 6
7.16.5 Variable norm.......................................................................................................................... 7.16 - 9

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CP-Parameter definition

7.16 CP-Parameter definition

Once the development stage of a machine is completed, usually only a few parameters are required for the
adjustment or the control of the inverter. To make the handling easier and the user documentation more under-
standable as well as to increase the safety of operation against unauthorized access, there is the possibility
to create an own user surface and the CP-Parameters. For that purpose 37 parameters (CP.00...CP.36) are
available, 36 of them (CP.01...CP.36) are free for assignment.

7.16.1 Overview

Fig. 7.16.1 Definition structure

CP.0 / ud.1

440 330 200 100 500

Read / Read
Application Mode Service Mode Write only
Drive Mode
ud.15 CP-Mode
1 Set / Norm ru.3 CP.1

Set / Norm
ru. 1 CP.2
ud.17 7

Set / Norm
An.4 CP.36

With ud.15 the CP-Parameter that is to be edited is determined. With ud.16 and ud.17 the CP-parameter is
defined through its address and the respective set. Depending on the adjusted password (CP.0 or ud.1)

- the adjusted parameter is directly displayed in the service mode

- the adjusted parameter is displayed as CP-Parameter in the CP mode

Parameter CP.0 is not programmable, it always contains the password input. If the inverter is in the Application
Mode or Service Mode ud.1 is used for the password input.
Parameters which are not permitted as CP-Parameter (ud.15...17 and Fr.1) are acknowledged with „data in-
valid". When entering an invalid parameter address the parameter is set to „oFF“ (-1). The appropriate CP-
parameter is not displayed at this setting.

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CP-Parameter definition

7.16.2 Assignment of CP-Parameters

CP selector (ud.15)

The CP-Parameter to be programmed is set in the range of 1...36 with ud.15. CP.0 is not adjustable.

CP address (ud.16)

ud.16 determines the parameter address (see chapter 11) of the parameter to be displayed:

ud.16 CPaddress Not available or allowed para-

-1: Parameter not used meter addresses are rejected
with „data invalid“.
0...32767: Parameter address

CP set norm (ud.17)

ud.17 determines the set, the addressing and the standardization of the parameter to be displayed. The para-
meter is bit-coded. The individual bits are decoded as follows:

Determination for direct set addressing

Bit 0...7 determines the set selection for direct set programming, i.e. all selected sets contain the same value,
which is defined by the CP-parameter. If direct set programming (Bit 8, 9) is selected at least one set must be
selected as otherwise an error message is triggered in the cp mode.

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Value Set
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 no -> Data invalid, if Bit 8 and 9 = 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 1
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 0+1
... ... ...
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 255 All

Determination of set addressing mode

Bit 8 and 9 determine the set addressing:

8 9 Value Function
0 0 0 direct set-addressing; the sets determined by Bit 0...7 are valid
0 1 256 current set; the current set is displayed / edited
512 indirect set addressing, the parameter set determined with the set pointer Fr.9
1 0
is displayed / edited
1 1 768 reserved

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CP-Parameter definition

Display norm

Bit 10...12 determine how the defined parameter value is displayed. Up to seven different user norms (see
below in this chapter) can be determined with parameters ud.18...21.
12 11 10 Value Function
0 0 0 0 Use standard standardization of the parameter
0 0 1 1024 Display norm of parameters ud.18...21 from set 1
0 1 0 2048 Display norm of parameters ud.18...21 from set 2
... ...
1 1 1 7168 Display norm of parameters ud.18...21 from set 7

7.16.3 Example

As an example a user menu with the following features shall be programmed:

1. Display of the actual frequency (ru.3) in the respective set

2. Adjustment of a fixed frequency / fixed value (oP.21) in set 2
3. Adjustment of a fixed frequency / fixed value (oP.21) in set 3
4. Acceleration and deceleration time (oP.28/oP.30) for set 2 and 3
5. Energy saving factor (uF.7) shall be displayed in set 0 with display standardization 4

1.) ud.15 = 1 ; CP.1

ud.16 = 0203h ; Parameter address for ru.3
ud.17 = 256 ; Display in the active set
2.) ud.15 = 2 ; CP.2
ud.16 = 0315h ; Parameter address for oP.21
ud.17 = 4 ; Setting in set 2

3.) ud.15 = 3 ; CP.3

ud.16 = 0315h ; Parameter address for oP.21
ud.17 = 8 ; Setting in set 3

4.) ud.15 = 4 ; CP.4

ud.16 = 031Ch ; Parameter address for oP.28
ud.17 = 12 ; Setting in set 2 and 3

ud.15 = 5 ; CP.5
ud.16 = 031Eh ; Parameter address for oP.30
ud.17 = 12 ; Setting in set 2 and 3

5.) ud.15 = 6 ; CP.6

ud.16 = 0507h ; Parameter address for uF.7
ud.17 = 4097 ; Setting in set 0 and display norm from set 4

6.) ud.15 = 7 ; CP.7

ud.16 = -1: off ; CP.7 not displayed
ud.17 = xxx ; ud.17 without function

Adjust all other parameter sets to „off“, so that no indication occurs.

The acceptance of the values occurs only after power-on reset of the operator.

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CP-Parameter definition

7.16.4 Display norm

The KEB COMBIVERT gives the user the possibility to define his own norms (e.g. km/h or bottles/min) in the
CP mode. Parameters ud.18...20 are used for conversion, ud.21 for specifying the calculation method, decimal
places as well as the units indicated in KEB COMBIVIS.

7.16.4 Definition of own standardization

   ud.19 numerator
    ± 32767

CP.xx = (selected parameter + ud.20) x ud.19 x unit

Standard                 ud.18

   ud.20 offset    ud.18 denominator

    ± 32767     ± 32767

  ud.21 display flags


   ud.19 numerator
    ± 32767

Inverted CP.xx = ud.19 x unit

(selected parameter + ud.20) x ud.18

   ud.20 offset    ud.18 denominator

    ± 32767     ± 32767

The unstandardized value or the standardized value/resolution is always used for the „selected parameter“ !

ud.18 divisor display norm

Adjusts the divisor in the range of ±32767 (default 1). The parameter is set-programmable.

ud.19 multiplier display norm

Adjusts the multiplier in the range of ±32767 (default 1). The parameter is set-programmable.

ud.20 offset display norm

Adjusts the offset in the range of ±32767 (default 0). The parameter is set-programmable.

ud.21 control display norm

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CP-Parameter definition

The calculation mode, the decimal places as well as the units indicated in KEB COMBIVIS are set with ud.21.
The parameter is bit-coded and set-programmable. It is adjustable in the range of 0...1791.

Bit 12...15 Bit 11...8 Bit 7...6 Bit 5...0 ud.21

- - - see table 1 unit
- - see table 2 - Calculation mode
- see table 3 - - Representation
free - - - -

Table 1 Unit (Bit 0...5)

Value unit Value unit Value unit Value unit

0 no 16 km/h 32 K 48 lbin
1 mm 17 rpm 33 mW 49 in/s
2 cm 18 Hz 34 W 50 ft/s
3 M 19 kHz 35 kW 51 ft/min
4 km 20 mV 36 inc 52 ft/s²
5 g 21 V 37 % 53 ft/s³
6 kg 22 kV 38 KWh 54 MPH
7 us 23 mW 39 mH 55 KP
8 ms 24 W 40 - 56 psi
9 s 25 kW 41 - 57 °F
10 h 26 VA 42 In 58 - 7
11 Nm 27 kVA 43 ft 59 -
12 kNm 28 mA 44 yd 60 -
13 m/s 29 A 45 oz 61 -
14 m/s2 30 kA 46 lb 62 -
15 m/s3 31 °C 47 lbft 63 -

Table 2 Calculation mode (Bit 6...7)

Value Function
0 ud.19
= CP.xx
(selected parameter + ud.20) x ———
64     ud.19
——————————————————— = CP.xx
(selected parameter + ud.20) x ud.18
- free

The unstandardized value is always used for the „selected parameter“!

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CP-Parameter definition

unstandardized value = standardized value / resolution

Table 3 Representation (Bit 8...11)

Value Representation
0 0 decimal places
256 1 decimal place
512 2 decimal places
768 3 decimal places
1024 4 decimal places
1280 variable decimal places
1536 Hexadecimal
- free


The actual frequency shall be displayed in CP.1 in rpm. Display standardization from set 4.

ud.15 = 1 ; CP.1
ud.16 = 0203h ; Actual frequency ru.3
ud.17 = 4352 ; Display in the actual set, display norm from set 4

Set 4 ud.18 = 80 ; Conversion from 1/80 Hz into rpm without pole-pair number
Set 4 ud.19 = 60
Set 4 ud.20 = 0 ; ; no Offset
Set 4 ud.21 = 17 ; Unit rpm; direct calculation mode;no decimal place

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CP-Parameter definition

7.16.5 Variable norm

Target of these parameters is to allocate a set of parameter addresses to the control. By this way arbitrary in-
verter parameters with self-specified standardizations are addressed.

Required parameters

The following configuration parameters must be available for one programmable parameter.

· Target address
· Characteristics

The following settings can be made in the characteristics:

bit 0-7: Target/source set with direct addressing

bit 8-11: Mode of set-addressing:
0: Target/source set of bit 0-7
1: Target/source set = current set
2: Target/source set = fr.9
3: Accept target/source setting from PP-Para telegram
4...15: free
Bit 12-13 Conversion mode
0: Standard
1: Invers
2: free 7
3: free
Bit 14 Multiplier / write variable
0: no
1: yes
Bit 15 Shifter / write variable
0: no
1: yes
Bit 16 Multiplier / reading variable
0: no
1: yes
Bit 17 Shifter / reading variable
0: no
1: yes
Bit 18 Offset variable
0: no
1: yes
Bit 19-20 Read/Write rights
0: Read/ Write
1: Read-Only

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CP-Parameter definition

The configuration parameters are inserted in the and indirect addressed like the configuration para-
meters of the CP parameters over a selector.

The following parameters result from it:

Ud.22: PP parameter selection Value range: 0...47

Value range: -1(off)..7FFFH, only available and permitted
Ud.23: PP address
addresses are acepted
Ud.24: PP feature Value range: 1...1023
Ud.25: PP multiplier/ write Value range: +/- 32767
Ud.26: PP shifter/ write Value range: 0..48
Ud.27: PP multiplier/ reading Value range: +/- 32767
Ud.28: PP shifter/ reading Value range: 0..48
Ud.29: PP offset Value range: +/- 2^31 -1
Ud.30: PP upper limit Value range: +/- 2^31 -1
Ud.31: PP lower limit Value range: +/- 2^31 -1

Reading of the prog. parameters

The values of the source parameter in the selected sets are compared. If all values are equal then this value
is displayed, otherwise „data invalid“ is displayed. If no source parameter is defined, „data invalid“ is displayed.

Writing of the prog. parameters

The write value is written into all selected sets of the target parameter.
The following characteristics of the target parameter are checked:
Exceeding the limits: „invalid data“
Generally write protection: „write protected parameters“
Wwrite protection at switch on modulation: „operation not possible“
Write protection in the active set: „invalid set“
Password: ‘Password invalid‘ is only displayed at parameters with supervisor-password
„Data invalid“ is always displayed if no source parameter is defined.

Invalid target/source parameters

Some parameters cannot be adjusted as target/source parameter in ud.23. This means all parameters, which
are not permissible as CP-Parameters (characteristics 2 bits 15 = 1) or process date (characteristics 1 bit 28 =
1), as well as the prog. parameters. Explanation:

- all sy parameters exception sy.02, 06, 07, 32, 41-44, 50-53

- uf.12-14
- all ud parameters exception ud.01, 09
- fr.01
- In.20,21,31-33
- Ec.00,10,36-38
- AA.00-13, 26-29, 34-41
- PP.00-47

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CP-Parameter definition

Prog. parameter as process data

The prog. parameters can be used as process data. Restrictions occur only if a prog. parameter is assigned
with a process date invalid parameter. In this case the process date is switched off and the adjusted address
in the corresponding sy parameter is negated, in order to mark this process date as switched off. This applies
also if the prog. parameter is switched off (ud.23 = -1).
A prog. parameter is additionally inadmissible as process writing date when the target parameter is read-only
(generally at activated modulation in active set).
The set definition of the process date is always valid as set source for process data (e.g. sy.17 for process read
date 1). The adjustment in ud.24 is without meaning.

Prog. Parameter as scope data

The prog. parameters can be used as scope data. If the selected prog. parameter is switched off (ud.23 = -1)
the scope date is switched off and the adjusted address in the appropriate SY-parameter is negated in order to
mark this scope date switched off.
Since the prog.parameters have the type LONG they

• cannot be assigned on scope channel 3 and 4 at COMBIVIS 5,

• on scope channel 1 to 4 at COMBIVIS 6

without COMBIVIS leaves the fast scope mode.

The set definition of the scope data is always valid as set source for scope data (e.g. SY.34 for scope data 1).
The adjustment in ud.24 is without meaning.

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CP-Parameter definition

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1. Introduction

2. Summary

3. Hardware

4. Operation

Selection of Operating

6. Initial Start-up

7. Functions

8. Error Assistance 8.1 Troubleshooting 8

9. Project Design

10. Networks

11. Parameter Overview

12. Annex

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 8.1 - 1


8.1.1 General....................................................................................................................................... 8.1 - 3

8.1.2 Error Messages and their Cause............................................................................................. 8.1 - 3

Page 8.1 - 2 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H © KEB, 2012-10


8. Error Assistance
The following chapter shall help you to avoid errors as well as help you to determine and remove the cause
of errors on your own. The error messages of all KEB COMBIVERT F5 are represented, although depending
upon device and design some are missing.

8.1 Troubleshooting

8.1.1 General

If error messages or malfunctions occur repeatedly during operation, the first thing to do is to pinpoint the exact
error. To do that go through the following checklist:

- Is the error reproducable?

For that reset the error and try to repeat it under the same conditions. If the error can be reproduced, the next
step is to find out during which operating phase the error occurs.

- Does the error occur during a certain operating phase (e.g. always during acceleration)?
If so, consult the error messages and remove the causes listed there.

- Does the error occur or disappear after a certain time?

That may be an indication for thermal causes. Check, whether the inverter is used in accordance to the ambient
conditions and that no moisture condensation takes place.

8.1.2 Error Messages and their Cause

At KEB COMBIVERT error messages are always represented with an "E." and the appropriate error in the
display.Error messages cause the immediate deactivation of the modulation. Restart possible only after reset.
Malfunction are represented with an " A." and the appropriate message. Reactions to malfunctions can vary.
Status messages have no addition. The status message shows the current operating status of the inverter (e.g.
forward constant run, standstill etc.).
The display and their cause are described in the following: 8

Display COMBIVIS Value Meaning

Status messages
Warning! maximum
A.Acc 106 Maximum acceleration exceeded
Warning! speed controller
A.SCL 107 Speed controller limit reached
The setpoint must be above level Pn.86.
If the actual value is below the level, the counter starts. If the counter
bAC blockade recognized 129 reaches the adjusted time in Pn.86, a blockade is recognized. The
output function do.00...07 = 96 (blockade active) is set. On exceeding
the limit the value of the counter decreases.
bbL base block 76 Power modules for motor de-excitation locked
bon close brake 85 Brake control, brake engaged (see chapter 7.15.5)
boFF open brake 86 Brake control, brake engaged (see chapter 7.15.5)
further on next side

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Display COMBIVIS Value Meaning

The warning message blockade is no longer available. The message
brA Blockade resettable 130 can be reset. The output function do.00…07 = 97 "blockade resettable"
is set.
Cdd calculate drive 82 Measurement of the motor stator resistance
dcb DC brake 75 Motor is decelerated by DC voltage at the output.
dLS low speed / DC brake 77 Modulation is switched off after DC braking (see chapter 7.15.5).
FAcc forward acceleration 64 Acceleration with the adjusted ramps in clockwise direction of rotation.
Acceleration / deceleration phase is completed and it is driven with
Fcon forward constant 66
constant speed / frequency in clockwise direction of rotation.
It is stopped with the adjusted ramp times in clockwise direction of
FdEc forward deceleration 65
The message is output if the output current reaches the hardware
HCL hardware current limit 80
current limit.
This message is displayed if during acceleration the load is limited to
LAS LA stop 72
the adjusted load level.
This message is displayed if during deceleration the load is limited to
LdS Ld stop 73 the adjusted load level or the DC-link current to the adjusted voltage
LS low speed (mod. off) 70 No direction of rotation pre-set, modulation is off.
nO_PU power unit not ready 13 Power circuit not ready or not identified by the control.
noP no operation 0 Control release (terminal ST) is not switched.
PA positioning active 122 This message is displayed during a positioning process.
PLS low speed / power off 84 No modulation after Power-Off.
The specified position cannot be reached within the pre-set ramps.
PnA position not reachable 123
The abort of the positioning can be programmed.
Depending on the programming of the function (see chapter 7.13.10
POFF power off function 78 „Power-off Function“) the inverter restarts automatically upon system
recovery or after a reset.
POSI positioning 83 Positioning function active (F5-G).
Acceleration with the adjusted ramp times in anti-clockwise direction
rAcc reverse acceleration 67
of rotation.
Acceleration / deceleration phase is completed and it is driven with
rcon reverse constant 69
constant speed / frequency in clockwise direction of rotation.
It is stopped with the adjusted ramp times in anti-clockwise direction
rdEc reverse deceleration 68
of rotation.
rFP ready for positioning 121 The drive signals that it is ready to start the positioning process.
This message is displayed if during constant operation the load is
SLL stall 71
limited to the adjusted current limit.
SrA search for ref. active 81 Search for reference point approach active.
Speed search function active, that means that the inverter attempts to
SSF Speed search 74
synchronize onto a running down motor.
The message is output if as response to a warning signal the quick-
Stop quick stop 79
stop function becomes active.
PrF prot. rot. for. 124 protected direction of rotation forward
Prr prot. rot. rev. 125 protected direction of rotation reverse
IPnA pos.not accessib.ignored 126 Position not accessible ignored
Cddr calc. drive data ready 127 Calculation drive data ready
further on next side

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Display COMBIVIS Value Meaning

SrF reference found 128 Reference point found (only special version)
Error messages
ERROR! maximum
E.Acc 24 Maximum acceleration exceeded
E.blc ERROR! Blockade 26 A blockade was recognized. Pn.85 Bit 4 is at error, no auto-reset.
Error: can occur at activated brake control (see chapter 6.9.5) if:
the load during the start is below the minimum load level (Pn.43) or
E. br Error ! Brake control 56
the missing of a motor phase was recognized.
the load is too high and the hardware current limit is reached.
Error: Adjusted monitoring time (Watchdog) of thecommunication
E.buS Error ! Watchdog 18
between operator and PC / operator and inverter has been exceeded.
E.Cdd Error ! calc. drive data 60 Error: During the automatic motor stator resistance measurement.
E.co1 Error ! counter overrun 1 54 Counter overflow encoder channel 1
E.co2 Error ! counter overrun 2 55 Counter overflow encoder channel 2
Error: Overtemperature of motor PTC. Error can only be reset at
E.ndOH, if PTC is again low-resistance. Causes:
E.dOH Error ! drive overheat 9 Resistance at terminals T1/T2 >1650 Ohm
Motor overloaded
Line breakage to the temperature sensor
Error: Driver relay. Relay for driver voltage on power circuit has not
E.dri Error ! driver relay 51
picked up even though control release was given.
After reset the operation is again possible (without storage in the
E.EEP Error ! EEPROM defective 21
Is triggered, if a digital input is being programmed as external error
E. EF Error ! ERROR external fault 31
input and trips.
The flow control is activated in Pn.91. No input and output for the
E.Flc ERROR! Flow control 27
valve control is selected in Pn.92 and 93.
E.Enc1 Error ! Encoder 1 32 Cable breakage at the encoder. Encoder temperature is too high.
Speed is too high. Encoder signals are outside the specification.
E.EnC2 ERROR! encoder 2 34
Internal defect.
Operation of a synchronous motor with intelligent interface: 8
• Encoder not connected at power-on
E.EncC Error ! Encoder change 35 • Encoder was changed
This error can be reset by writing on Ec.00 and from version 4.2 via
hardware or bus-reset. The fault localization is described in Ec.37.
E.Hyb Error ! Encoder interface 52 Invalid encoder interface identifier.
The encoder interface identifier has changed and must be confirmed
E.HybC Error ! hybrid changed 59
via Ec.00 or Ec.10.
Hardware error at NPN-/PNP change-over or at start/stop
E.iEd Error ! input error detect 53
E.iPH ERROR! Output phase 5 Phase loss detection at the output
E.InI Error ! MFC not booted 57 MFC not booted
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Display COMBIVIS Value Meaning

Error: Load-shunt relay has not picked up, occurs for a short
time during the switch-on phase, but must automatically be reset
immediately. If the error message remains the following causes may
be applicable:
E.LSF Error ! load shunt fault 15 load-shunt defective
input voltage wrong or too low
high losses in the supply cable
braking resistor wrongly connected or damaged
braking module defective
Motor temperature switch or PTC at the terminals T1/T2 is again in
E.ndOH no ERROR drive overheat 11
the normal operating range. The error can be reset now.
Temperature of the heat sink is again in the permissible operating
E.nOH no E. over heat pow.mod. 36
range. The error can be reset now.
No longer overheating in the interior E.OHI, interior temperature has
E.nOHI no ERROR overheat int. 7
fallen by at least 3°C
No more overload, OL-counter has reached 0%; after the error E.OL a
cooling phase must elapse. This message appears upon completion
E.nOL no ERROR overload 17
of the cooling phase. The error can be reset now. The inverter must
remain switched on during the cooling phase.
E.nOL2 no ERROR overload 2 20 The cooling time has elapsed. The error can be reset.
Occurs, if the specified peak current is exceeded. Causes:
acceleration ramps too short
the load is too big at switched off acceleration stop and switched off
constant current limit
short-circuit at the output
E.OC Error ! overcurrent 4
ground fault
deceleration ramp too short
motor cable too long
DC brake at high ratings active (see 7.15.5)
E.OF ERROR! overfrequency 61 Current frequency is above the permissible range.
Overtemperature of power module. Error can only be reset at E.nOH.
E.OH Error ! overheat pow.mod. 8 insufficient air flow at the heat sink (soiled)
ambient temperature too high
ventilator clogged
E.OH2 Error ! motor protection 30 Electronic motor protective relay has tripped.
Overheating in the interior: error can only be reset at E.nOHI, if the
E.OHI Error ! overheat internal 6
interior temperature has dropped by at least 3 °C.
Overload error can only be reset at E.nOL, if OL-counter reaches 0%
again. Occurs, if the overload is longer than the permissible time (see
technical data). Causes:
poor controller adjustment
E.OL Error ! overload (Ixt) 16
mechanical fault or overload in the application
inverter not correctly dimensioned
motor wrongly wired
encoder defective
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Display COMBIVIS Value Meaning

Occurs if the standstill constant current is exceeded (see technical
E.OL2 Error ! overload 2 19 data and overload characteristics). The error can only be reset if the
cooling time has elapsed and E.nOL2 is displayed.
Voltage in the DC-link circuit too high. Occurs if the DC-link voltage
exceeds the permissible value. Causes:
poor controller adjustment (overshooting)
E.OP Error ! overvoltage 1 input voltage too high
interference voltages at the input
deceleration ramp too short
braking resistor defective or too small
The speed is outside the defined limits. (can also occur on exceeding
E.OS Error ! over speed 58
of the absolute speed referring to EMF = EMF wrong (servo drives).
E.PFC Error ! PFC 33 Error in the power factor control.
The drive has driven onto the right limit switch. Programmed response
E.PrF Error ! prot. rot. for. 46 “Error, restart after reset” (see chapter 6.7 “Response to errors or
warning messages”).
The drive has driven onto the left limit switch. Programmed response
E.Prr Error ! prot. rot. rev. 47 “Error, restart after reset” (see chapter 6.7 “Response to errors or
warning messages”).
E. Pu Error ! power unit 12 Error: General power circuit fault
Error: During the initialization the power circuit could not be recognized
E.Puci Error ! power circuit unknown 49
or was identified as invalid.
Error: Power circuit identification was changed; the error can be
reset by writing on SY.03 at valid power circuit. If the value displayed
in SY.03 is written, only the power-circuit dependent parameters
E.Puch Error ! power unit changed 50
are reinitialized. If any other value is written, then the default set is
loaded. A power-on-reset is necessary on some systems after writing
of SY.03.
Error ! power unit Error: Parameter value could not be written to the power circuit.
communication Acknowledgement from LT <> OK
Error: Software version for power circuit and control card are different.
E.PUIN Error ! power circuit coding 14
Error cannot be reset (only at F5-G B-housing) 8
Sychronization over sercos-bus not possible. Programmed response
E.SbuS Error ! bus synchron 23
“Error, restart after reset”.
ERROR! speed controller
E.SCL 25 Speed controller limit reached
It has been attempted to select a locked parameter set. Programmed
E.SEt Error ! set 39
response “Error, restart after reset”.
The target position lies outside of the limit defined with the right
Error ! Software limit switch
E.SLF 44 software limit switch. Programmed response “Error, restart after
Error ! software limit switch The target position lies outside of the limit defined with the left software
E.SLr 45
reverse limit switch. Programmed response “Error, restart after reset”.
further on next side

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Display COMBIVIS Value Meaning

Error: Undervoltage (DC-link circuit). Occurs, if DC-link voltage falls
below the permissible value. Causes:
input voltage too low or unstable
inverter rating too small
voltage losses through wrong cabling
the supply voltage through generator / transformer breaks down at
E. UP Error ! underpotential 2
very short ramps
at F5-G B housing E.UP is also displayed if no communication takes
place between power circuit and control card.
jump factor (Pn.56) too small
if a digital input was programmed as external error input with error
message E.UP (Pn.65).
E.UPh Error ! Phase failure 3 One phase of the input voltage is missing (ripple-detection)
Warning Messages
Watchdog for communication between operator - PC or operator
A.buS Warning ! Watchdog 93 - inverter has responded. The response to this warning can be
The motor temperature has exceeded an adjustable warning level.
The switch off time is started. The response to this warning can be
A.dOH Warning ! drive overheat 96
programmed. This warning can be generated only with a special
power circuit.
Warning ! ERROR external This warning is triggered via an external input. The response to this
A. EF 90
fault warning can be programmed.
The motor temperature is again below the adjusted warning level.
A.ndOH no ABN.STOP drive overheat 91
The switch off time is stopped.
no ABN.STOP overheat pow.
A.nOH 88 The heat sink temperature is again below the adjusted warning level.
no ABN.STOP overheat The temperature in the interior of the inverter is again below the
A.nOHI 92
internal warning threshold.
Warning: no more overload, OL counter has reached 0 %, warning
A.nOL no ABN.STOP overload 98
„overload" can be reset.
The cooling time after “Warning! Overload during standstill" has
A.nOL2 no ABN.STOP overload 2 101
elapsed. The warning message can be reset.
This warning is output when the defined level is exceeded. Furthermore
A. OH Warning ! overheat pow.mod. 89
the response to this warning can be programmed.
Warning: electronic motor protective relay has tripped. The response
A.OH2 Warning ! motor protection 97
to this warning can be programmed.
The temperature in the interior of the inverter is above the permissible
A.OHI Warning ! overheat internal 87 level. The switch off time was started. The programmed response to
this warning message is executed.
A level between 0 and 100 % of the load counter can be adjusted.
A. OL Warning ! overload 99 The warning is output on exceeding this level. The response to this
warning can be programmed.
The warning is output when the standstill continuous current is
exceeded (see technical data and overload characteristics). The
A.OL2 Warning ! overload 2 100 response to this warning can be programmed. The warning message
can only be reset after the cooling time has elapsed and A.nOL2 is
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Display COMBIVIS Value Meaning

The drive has driven onto the right limit switch. The response to this
A.PrF Warning ! prot. rot. for. 94
warning can be programmed.
The drive has driven onto the left limit switch. The response to this
A.Prr Warning ! prot. rot. rev. 95
warning can be programmed.
Sychronization over sercos-bus not possible. The response to this
A.SbuS Warning ! Bus synchron 103
warning can be programmed.
It has been attempted to select a locked parameter set. The response
A.SEt Warning ! set 102
to this warning can be programmed.
Warning ! Software limit The target position lies outside of the limit defined with the right software
A.SLF 104
switch forward limit switch. The response to this warning can be programmed.
Warning ! software limit The target position lies outside of the limit defined with the left software
A.SLr 105
switch reverse limit switch. The response to this warning can be programmed.

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Page 8.1 - 10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H © KEB, 2012-10

General design

1. Introduction

2. Summary

3. Hardware

4. Operation

Selection of Operating

6. Initial Start-up

7. Functions 9.1 General designs

8. Error Assistance

9. Project Design 9

10. Networks

11. Parameter Overview

12. Annex

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 9.1 - 1

General design

9.1.1 Control cabinet design calculation......................................................................................... 9.1 - 3

9.1.2 Design of braking resistors..................................................................................................... 9.1 - 4
9.1.3 Cables and fuses...................................................................................................................... 9.1 - 7

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General design

9. Project Design
The following chapter shall assist you in the planning stage of applications.

9.1 General designs

9.1.1 Control cabinet design calculation

Direction of Minimum distances
cooling fins 150

F4 F4 30
F5 F5


Warm air


Cool air inlet

Control cabinet surface
Calculation of control cabinet surface: Air flow rate with fan cooling:

PV 3.1 • PV
A= ———— [m2] V= ———— [m3/h]
∆T • K ∆T

A = Control cabinet surface [m2]

∆T = temperature differential [K]
(standard value = 20K)
K = coefficient of heat transmission
(default value = 5)
PV power loss (see technical data)
V = air flow rate of fan
For more details please refer to the catalogs of the control cabinet manufacturers.

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General design

9.1.2 Design of braking resistors

The KEB COMBIVERT fitted with an external braking resistor or an external braking option is suitable for a
limited 4-quadrant operation. The braking energy, refeed into the DC-bus at generatoric operation, is dissipated
over the braking transistor to the braking resistor.
The braking resistor heats up during the braking process. If it is installed in a control cabinet sufficient cooling
of the control cabinet interior and sufficient distance to the KEB COMBIVERT must be observed.

Different braking resistors are available for the KEB COMBIVERT. Please refer to the next page for the corre-
sponding formula and restrictions (valid range).

1. Preset desired braking time.

2. Calculate braking time without braking resistor (tBmin).

3. If the desired braking time shall be smaller than the calculated time, it is necessary to use a braking resistor.
(tB < tBmin)

4. Calculate braking torque (MB). Take the load torque into account at the calculation.

5. Calculate peak braking power (PB). The peak braking power must always be calculated for the worst case
(nmax to standstill).

6. Selection of braking resistor:

a) PR > PB
b) PN is to be selected according to the cycle time(ED).

The braking resistors may be used only for the listed unit sizes. The maximum cyclic duration of a braking re-
sistor shall not be exceeded.

6 % ED = maximum braking time 8 s

25 % ED = maximum braking time 30 s
40 % ED = maximum braking time 48 s

For a longer cyclic duration time special designed braking resistors are necessary. The continuous output of the
braking transistor must be taken into consideration.

7. Check, whether the desired braking time is attained with the braking resistor (tBmin).

Under consideration of the rating of the braking resistor and the brake power of the motor, the braking torque
may not exceed 1.5times of the rating torque of the motor (see formula).
When utilizing the maximum possible braking torque the frequency inverter must be dimensioned for the higher

Braking time DEC

The braking time DEC is adjusted at the frequency inverter. If it is chosen too small the KEB COMBIVERT
switches off automatically and the error message OP or OC appears. The approximate braking time can be
determined according to following formula.

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General design


1. Braking time without braking resistor 2. Braking torque (necessary)

(JM + JL) • (n1 - n2) (JM + JL) • (n1 - n2)

tBmin = —————————— MB = ———————— - ML
9.55 • (K • MN + ML) 9.55 • tB

Valid range: n1 > nN Condition: MB < 1.5 • MN

(Field weakening range) f < 70 Hz

3. Peak braking power 4. Braking time with braking resistor

(JM + JL) • (n1 - n2)
MB • n1
PB = ————— tBmin * ————————————————
PR • 9.55
9.55 • K• MN+ ML+ —————
(n1 - n2)

Condition: PB < PR Valid range: n1 > nN

PR • 9.55
Condition: —————— < MN • (1.5 -K)
(n1 - n2)

f < 70 Hz

K= 0.25 for motors upto 1.5 kW JM = mass moment of inertia motor [kgm2]
0,20 for motors 2.2 4 kW JL = mass moment of inertia load [kgm2]
0.15 for motors 5.5 11 kW n1 = motor speed prior to deceleration [rpm]
0.08 for motors 15 45 kW n2 = motor speed after deceleration [rpm]
upto (standstill = 0 rpm)
0.05 for motors > 45 kW nN = rated motor speed [rpm]
MN = rated motor torque [Nm]
MB = Braking torque (necessary) [Nm]
ML = load torque [Nm]
tB = braking torque (necessary) [s]
tmin = minimum braking time [s]
tZ = cycle time [s]
PB = peak braking power [W]
PR = peak power of braking resistor [W]

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General design

Cyclic duration factor (cdf)

Cyclic duration factor for cycle time tZ < 120 s Cyclic duration factor for cycle time tZ > 120 s

tB tB
ED = ——— • 100 % ED = ——— • 100 %
tZ 120 s


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General design

9.1.3 Cables and fuses

By means of this section you can check whether you can still optimize your machine with regard to the material
usage. The specifications are derived for the DIN VDE 0298 Part 4. The values apply approximately and only
for the intended operation. In marginal cases it must be always proceed according to the standard described
The following table shows the current capability of 3 and/or 5 core PVC cables (i.e. 2 and/or 3 loaded cores)
in dependence with the ambient temperature. The current is to be laid out to the input current of the frequency

Cross section of the allocation Current in A at

standard alternative 30°C 40°C 45°C 50°C
0.5 mm – 7 6 6 5
0.75 mm2 – 12 10 10 9
1 mm – 15 13 13 11
1.5 mm – 18 16 15 13
2.5 mm – 26 23 22 18
2 2
4 mm 2 x 1.5 mm 34 30 29 24
2 2
6 mm 2 x 2.5 mm 44 38 37 31
10 mm2 2 x 4 mm2 61 53 51 43
2 2
16 mm 2 x 6 mm 82 71 69 58
2 2
25 mm 2 x 10 mm 108 94 91 77
2 2
35 mm 2 x 16 mm 135 117 113 96
2 2
50 mm 2 x 16 mm 168 146 141 119
70 mm2 2 x 25 mm2 207 180 174 147
95 mm2 2 x 35 mm2 250 218 210 178
2 2
120 mm 2 x 50 mm 292 254 245 207
2 2
150 mm 2 x 50 mm 330 287 277 234
2 2
185 mm 2 x 70 mm 394 343 331 280
2 2
240 mm 2 x 95 mm 450 392 378 320
300 mm2 2 x 95 mm2 507 441 426 360
400 mm 2
2 x 150 mm 2
661 575 555 469 9
2 2
500 mm 2 x 185 mm 774 673 650 550

The use of special cables or the way of laying the cables allows even higher currents (see DIN VDE 0298 Part
4). The motor cable must correspond to the cross-section of the mains cable.
If in case of long lines (>30m) still maximum torque is required at the motor shaft, the cable should be dimensi-
oned for the next larger cross-section in order to reduce line resistances.

Mains fuses are to be designed for the rated input current of the inverter. The current/time-characteristic of the
fuse must be slow-acting in order to avoid premature tripping when the power reserves of the inverter are used.

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General design

Page 9.1 - 8 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H © KEB, 2012-10

Network components

1. Introduction

2. Summary

3. Hardware

4. Operation

Selection of Operating

6. Initial Start-up 10.1 Network components

7. Functions

8. Error Assistance

9. Project Design

10. Networks 10

11. Parameter Overview

12. Annex

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 10.1 - 1

Network components

10.1.1 Available hardware................................................................................................................. 10.1 - 3

10.1.2 RS232 cable PC / operator 00.58.025‑001D.......................................................................... 10.1 - 3
10.1.3 HSP5 cable / control board 00.F5.0C0‑0010......................................................................... 10.1 - 4
10.1.4 Interface operator F5 00.F5.060‑2000................................................................................... 10.1 - 4
10.1.5 Profibus-DP operator F5 00.F5.060-3000.............................................................................. 10.1 - 5
10.1.6 InterBus operator F5 00.F5.060‑4000 / 4001......................................................................... 10.1 - 6
10.1.7 CanOpen operator F5 00.F5.060‑5010 / 5011........................................................................ 10.1 - 7
10.1.8 Sercos operator 00.F5.060-6000............................................................................................ 10.1 - 8
10.1.9 Bus parameter......................................................................................................................... 10.1 - 9 Inverter address (SY.06)....................................................................................... 10.1 - 9 Baud rate ext. bus (SY.07).................................................................................... 10.1 - 9 Baud rate int. bus (SY.11)..................................................................................... 10.1 - 9 Watchdog time (Pn.06)......................................................................................... 10.1 - 9 Response to E.bus (Pn.05).................................................................................. 10.1 - 9 HSP5 Watchdog time (SY.09)............................................................................. 10.1 - 10 Auto store (ud.05), auto store state (ud.04); ...................................................... 10.1 - 10 Status and control word...................................................................................... 10.1 - 11 Speed setting via bus......................................................................................... 10.1 - 14

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Network components

10. Networks

10.1 Network components

10.1.1 Available hardware

The KEB COMBIVERT F5 can be easily integrated into different networks. For that purpose the inverter is
fitted with an operator that is appropriate for the respective bus system. Following hardware components are

– RS232-Cable PC/operator Part No.: 00.58.025-001D

for operation with interface operator

– HSP5-Adaptor PC/control board Part No.: 00.F5.0C0-0001

for operation without operator; RS232 => TTL

– F5 Interface operator Part No.: 00.F5.060-2000

serial networks in RS232 or RS485 standard

– F5 Profibus-DP operator Part No.: 00.F5.060-3000

– F5 InterBus operator Part No.: 00.F5.060-4000

– InterBus-Remote bus interface connection Part No.: 00.B0.0BK-K001

(in connection with interface operator)

– F5 CanOpen operator Part No.: 00.F5.060-5000

- F5 Sercos operator Part No.: 00.F5.060-6000

10.1.2 RS232 cable PC / operator 00.58.025‑001D

The cable of 3m length is used for the direct RS232 connection between PC (9-pole SUB-D connector) and

9-pole SUB-D coupling 9-pole SUB-D connector

2 2 10
3 3
5 7
Housing (PE)

PC F5-Operator

The RS232 cable is suitable exclusively for the communication between PC and operator. If the cable is
plugged in directly onto the control board, it can lead to the desctruction of the interface of the PC.

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Network components

10.1.3 HSP5 cable / control board 00.F5.0C0‑0010

The HSP5-cable is used for the direct connection between PC and control board. The necessary conversion to
TTL-level occurs in the cable.

9-pole SUB-D coupling 9-pole SUB-D connector


PC F5-Control board

10.1.4 Interface operator F5 00.F5.060‑2000

A potential-separated RS232/RS484 interface is integrated in the interface operator (00.F5.060-2000). The
telegram structure is compatible to protocol DIN 66019 and ANSI X3.28 as well as to protocol expansion DIN
66019 II.

5 4 3 2 1
9 8 7 6

PIN Signal Meaning

1 – reserved
2 TxD Transmission signal/RS232
3 RxD Receive signal/RS232
4 RxD-A (+) Receive signal A/RS485
5 RxD-B (-) Receive signal B/RS485
6 VP Supply voltage -Plus +5V (Imax=10mA)
7 GND Data reference potential; earth for VP
8 TxD-A (+) Transmission signal A/RS485
9 TxD-B (-) Transmission signal B/RS485

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Network components

10.1.5 Profibus-DP operator F5 00.F5.060-3000

The PROFIBUS-DP interface module realizes a passive user (Slave). This means that the PROFIBUS-DP
interface module only transmits, if it receives an enquiry for that from the master.

The PROFIBUS-DP protocol defines different operating conditions, that must be executed first, before the ac-
tual user data can be exchanged. The responsible DP master must first parameterize and then configure his
slaves. If these two functions are successfully completed, the cyclic exchange of user data begins.

Fig. 11.1.5 Profibus-DP operator

PAR (green): Parameterizing channel

PDOUT (green): PDOUT data are written to
the FI control
PDIN (green): PDIN data are read by the
FI control.
E (red):    On ==> Inverter ready for operation
    Blinking ==> Inverter failure
START E     off ==> No supply voltage

SPEED Diag: Diagnostic interface to the
PBS1: PROFIBUS-DP interface
(socket connector)
Diag PBS2: PROFIBUS-DP interface




© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 10.1 - 5

Network components

10.1.6 InterBus operator F5 00.F5.060‑4000 / 4001

The InterBus operator F5 is a slip-on operator with interbus 2-wire remote bus connection for KEB COM-
BIVERT F5. The voltage supply occurs via the inverter, for an independent supply it can also be fed in externally
over the control terminal strip of the inverter. Over the PCP channel 0, 1, 2 or 3 interbus register words can
be configured for the process data channel. Parallel to the field bus operation the operation via the integrated
display/keyboard as well as a further serial interface for diagnosis/parameterization (COMBIVIS) is possible.

Fig. 11.1.6 InterBus operator

BA (green)
On: Interbus runs
Blinking: Interbus was stopped by
the host
Off: Remote bus cable not available
or defective/host not in operation or
COM (green) defective
Lights when communication via Inter-
Bus PCP or diagnostic interface E (red)
On: Ready for operation
ENTER FUNC. Blinking: Inverter failure
RD (red)
F/R SPEED Off: No supply voltage
On: the remote bus interface (IB_out) STOP
was turned off by the host
RC (green)
On: Remote bus ready for operation
Off: Remote bus cable not available
Diagnostic interface to the PC
or defective/host not in operation or
The diagnostic interface is connected
to the PC via an adaptor and a HS5P
cable. By way of the PC software COM-
BIVIS one has now normal access to all
inverter parameters. The internal ope-
rator parameters like interbus process
data length and occupation can be read
and adjusted or parameterized through
download. Alternatively a monitoring of
the InterBus PCP as well as the process
data channels can be carried out with
the PC-software HSP5-monitor.

Separately available accessory:

HSP5 cable between PC and adapter
(Part No: 00.F5.0C0-0010)
Adaptor D-Sub9/western
(Part No: 00.F5.0C0-0020) ANTRIEBSTECHNIK

IB_in IB_out

1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1

6 7 8 9 9 8 7 6

IB_in IB_out
Remote bus input Remote bus output
(D-Sub 9 connector) (D-Sub 9 socket)

Page 10.1 - 6 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H © KEB, 2012-10

Network components

10.1.7 CanOpen operator F5 00.F5.060‑5010 / 5011

CAN is a Multi-Master-System. This means every node has access to the BUS and can send telegrams. In
order to prevent problems when two nodes simultaneously access the BUS, the CAN-BUS has an arbitration
phase which determines who may continue to send his telegram. When there is a conflict in accessing BUS the
user with the lowest telegram number (identifier) has priority. This user then can completely send his telegram
without repeating the first part. All other nodes go into receiving status and stop sending their telegram. Thus it
is determined that lower telegram numbers have automatically priority. The available telegram numbers in the
CAN version 2.0A are limited to 2032 identifiers (0...2031).

Fig. 11.1.7 CanOpen operator

SDO (green): SDO-communication active

PDOUT (green): PDOUT data are written to
the FI control.
PDIN (green): PDIN data are read by the FI
E (red):    on => Inverter ready for operation
    flashing => Inverter fault
     off => No supply voltage
START E Diag: Diagnostic interface to the PC

CAN f: CAN interface (socket-con-
PDIN nector)
CAN m: CAN interface


CAN f CAN m 10

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 10.1 - 7

Network components

10.1.8 Sercos operator 00.F5.060-6000

The herein described unit is a plugable operator with SERCOS interface for the frequency inverter or servo
KEB COMBIVERT F5. As far as possible the hard and software were developed taking the DIN/EN 61491 into
consideration. The voltage supply occurs via the inverter, for an independent supply it can also be fed in exter-
nally over the control terminal strip of the inverter. The SERCOS interface is designed as optical fibre ring for
plastic (POF) or fibre glas cable (HCS) with F-SMA plugs. The SERCOS service channel as well as cyclic data
transfer are available. Operation via integrated display/keyboard and an additional serial interface for diagno-
sis/parameterization (KEB COMBIVIS) is possible parallel to SERCOS operation (depending on the operation
mode it may be disabled). SERCOS operation parameters like slave address, transmitting power etc. can be
adjusted via the keyboard.

Fig. 11.1.8 Sercos operator

COM (green): Lights up when access via the

SERCOS service channel
LWL (red):
Full brightness no SERCOS input signal (LWL
disconnected, previous device
switched off)

Low brightness receive distortion of the SER-

COS input signal (transmission
power of the previous device
too high or too low, incorrect
SPEED E baud rate)
LWL E (red):  on => Servo/inverter ready for operation
   flashing => Servo/inverter fault
     off => no supply voltage
Diag Diag Diagnostic interface to the PC
S-IN SERCOS input interface
S-OUT SERCOS output interface



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Network components

10.1.9 Bus parameter Inverter address (SY.06)

In SY.06 can be adjusted, if the inverter shall be responded via "COMBIVIS" or another control. Values between
0 and 239 are possible, the default value is 1. If several inverters are operated on the bus simultaneously, it is
absolutely necessary to assign different addresses to them, since otherwise it leads to communication failu-
res, because several inverters may answer at the same time. The description of the DIN 66019II protocol (C0.
F5.01I-K001) contains further information to this. SY.06 is not reset on loading the default parameters. Baud rate ext. bus (SY.07)

Following values for the baud rate of the serial interface are possible:

SY.07: Baud rate ext. bus

Value Baud rate
0 1200 Baud
1 2400 Baud
2 4800 Baud
3 (default) 9600 Baud
4 19200 Baud
5 38400 Baud
6 55500 Baud

If the value for the baud rate is changed via the serial interface, it can be changed again only via keyboard or
after adapting the baud rate of the master, because no communication is possible with different baud rates of
master and slave.
Should problems occur at the data transmission choose a transfer rate of maximal 38400 baud. Baud rate int. bus (SY.11)

The transmission speed between operator and inverter is determined with the internal baud rate. The following
values are possible (unit-dependent):

Va- Baud rate Value Baud rate Va- Baud rate

lue lue
3 9,6 kBaud 6 55,5 kBaud 9 115,2 kBaud
4 19,2 kBaud 7 57,6 kBaud 10 125 kBaud
5 38,4 kBaud 8 100 kBaud 11 250 kBaud 10 Watchdog time (Pn.06)

For continuous control of the communication at the operator interface it is possible to trigger an error message
of the inverter, without incoming telegrams after expiration of an adjustable time (0.01… 10 s). The function can
be deactivated by setting the value "off". Response to E.bus (Pn.05)

This parameter determines the response to a watchdog error. The message E.buS or A.buS is output depen-
dent on the selected adjustment.

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 10.1 - 9

Network components HSP5 Watchdog time (SY.09)

The HSP5 watchdog function monitors the communication of the HSP5 interface (control card - operator; or
control card - PC). The adjusted response in Pn.05 is released if no telegrams after expiration of an adjustable
time (0,01...10 s) are received. The value „off“ deactivates the function. Auto store (ud.05), auto store state (ud.04);

only at F5-S in A housing

(ud.05) auto store

This parameter activates storing in EEPROM.

Generally the internal RAM of the microcontroller is used. Thereby there are no waiting periods or other diffe-
rences to other F5 units. The non-volatile storage is however not done immediately, but carefully to the life of
the EEPROM adapted algorithm.

The approx. 10 Kbyte parameter range is cyclically compared every 10 seconds with the EEPROM. The diffe-
rent memory cell is stored in the EEPROM at detected changes.
Although cyclic writing is automatically detected via the process data (e.g.) you should deactivate the automatic
storage in these cases.

If you want switch off the unit after download, ensure that any changes are stored in the EEPROM. This follow-
ing procedure is necessary.

Following the download switch ud.05 to off. Then read about 2 seconds status ud.04 until it is on stand by. Now
all changes are stored non-volatile.

If this procedure is not observed, it takes 6 minutes in worst case until the last
change is stored in the EEPROM. If the unit is switched off during this time, the
last changes are not stored.

(ud.04) auto store state

The status of the auto storage is visible here. The range of the hour meter and error counter is stored in each
case approx. every 6 min.

(ud.07) memory store input select

A digital input which can trigger fast storing of all parameters in the EEPROM is selected with this parameter.

ud.05 must be set to 1:auto:

With active input function, the status in ud.04 changes after about 3 seconds to "0: stand by" if all the parame-
ters are stored non-volatile in the EEPROM.

Storage in EEPROM via password ud.01

In order that the unit is compatible as far as possible with the previous F5 units, the EEPROM in the memory is
also triggered if the password level is written on customer read only or customer read write. This is done e.g. at
the end in many download lists. ud.05 is also written to 0 in this case.

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Network components Status and control word

The control word is used for the status control of the inverter via bus. The actual state of the inverter can be
read out with the status word.

The control word low is bit-coded designed as follows.

SY.50: Control word low

Bit Function Value Description
This bit is only effective if di.01 „select signal source“ bit 0 is
Control re-
0 1: ST set. Then the AND operation of this bit with di.02 „digital input
setting“ bit 0 is valid.
An error reset is executed when changing from not activated (0)
1 Automatic 2: RST
to activated (2).
0: Stop Direction of rotation release or the „start “(„run “) command can
2 Start / stop be given via the control word, if oP.01 „rotation source“ contains
4: Start the values 6, 8, 9 or 10.
0: Clockwise
Clockwise / rotation If oP.01 „rotation source“ contains the values 8 or 9, the direction
3 counter clock-
8: Counter-clock- of rotation is preset via this bit.
wise rotation
wise rotation
0: Set 0
16: Set 1
32: Set 2
48: Set 3 Selection of the active parameter set, if in Fr.02 „parameter set
4...6 Parameter set
64: Set 4 source“ the value „5: control word (SY.50)“ is programmed
80: Set 5
96: Set 6
112: Set 7
7 reserved
Fast stop on
8 256: Fast stop Releases fast stop (OR operation with further fast stop sources).
/ off
Start approach 512: Start ap-
Change of not activated (0) to activated (512) starts approach
9 to reference proach to refe-
to reference point.
point rence point
Start Positio- 1024: Start Posi- Change of not activated (0) to activated (1024) starts the posi-
ning tioning tioning.
Change of not activated (0) to activated (2048) stops the positio- 10
11 Interruption 2048: Interruption
ning (drive is stopped with ramp according to positioning profile)
0: off
4096: Synchro-
nous running Selection of the operating mode via the control word.
12, 13 Only valid if in PS.00 „posi/syn mode“ in bits 0..2 value „7: via
mode 8192: positioning control word“ is programmed)
12288: Contou-
ring control
14, 15 reserved

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Network components

SY.41: Control word high

Bit Function Value Description
16 I1 1: I1
17 I2 2: I2
18 I3 4: I3 corresponding input is set via the control word instead via hardware input.
19 I4 8: I4 These bits are only effective if in di.01 „select signal source“ the bit for the
20 IA 16: IA appropriate input is set. Then the OR operation of this bit with the appropriate
21 IB 32: IB bits of parameter di.02 „digital input setting“ is valid.

22 IC 64: IC
23 Id 128: Id
24 O1 256: O1 appropriate output is set via the control word or via the switching conditions.
25 O2 512: O2 Output signals O1, O2, R1 and R2 (visible in parameter ru.80) are OR ope-
rated with the appropriate bits of the control word. The connection occurs
26 R1 1024: R1
according di.42 „inverted outputs “(inverting level for the output signals) and
27 R2 2048: R2 before they are switched to the hardware outputs with do.51 „hardware output
28...31 reserved

Control word long SY.43

The control word long (32 Bit) consists of SY.50 and SY.41.

Status word low SY.51

The actual state of the inverter can be read out with the status word.

SY.51: Control word low

Bit Value Description
0 1: ST 1= set control release (AND operation with di.01 bit 0)
1 2: Error Inverter is in error state
0: Stop The modulation is switched off at „stop“ and switched on at „start“.
Exception: if a positioning is stopped with bit 11 "abort" in the con-
2 trol word, "stop" is displayed in the status word, if the drive re-
4: Start aches speed 0 (even if modulation is still active). This exception
can be cancelled with bit 9 in parameter Pn.65 „special functions“
0: Clockwise
3 rotation Display of the actual direction of rotation
8: Counter-clockwise rotation
0: Set 0
16: Set 1
32: Set 2
48: Set 3
4...6 Display of the actual parameter set
64: Set 4
80: Set 5
96: Set 6
112: Set 7

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Network components

128: Actual value = Setpoint ru.07 „actual value display“ with a hysteresis of +/- LE.16 „freq./
value speed hysteresis“ has the same value as ru.01 „set value display“
8 256: Fast stop Fast stop is active
9 512: HSP5 bus-synchronous Inverter in bus-synchronous operation
1024: Approach to reference Approach to reference point was executed since the last power on
point completed (or the position was validate otherwise)
Display that the position profile is completed and the drive is within
11 2048: Position reached
the range of “+/- PS.30 „target window“ near ru.61 „target position“
0: Speed control Display of the operating mode selected via control word
4096: Synchronous running (only identical with the actual operating mode of the inverter, if in
12, 13
8192: positioning PS.00 „pos/syn mode“ in bits 0...2 value „7: via control word“ is
12288: Contouring control programmed)

Posi or approach to reference

14 Positioning or approach to reference point is active
point active
The speed setpoint value or any controller (e.g. current, flux, speed
15 internal limit or external PID controller) is in limitation (also in V/f characteristic
open-loop operation)

Status word high SY.42

The status word high is bit-coded designed as follows.

Sy.42 Status word high

Bit Value Explanation
1: I1
2: I2
4: I3
8: I4 Display of the internal input terminal status (input terminals and software inputs after
16: IA the input processing block). Corresponds to the display in ru.22 „internal input state“
32: IB
64: IC
128: Id
256: O1
512: O2
1024: R1
2048: R2 Display of the state of the output terminals and the software outputs (digital outputs
8...15 after the output proccessing block). Corresponds to the display in ru.25 „output 10
4096: OA terminal state“
8192: OB
16384: OC
32768: OD

It is necessary that the watchdogs are active at control via bus (operator and HSP5).

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 10.1 - 13

Network components Speed setting via bus

Status word long (SY.44)

The control word long (32 Bit) consists of SY.51 and SY.42.

Set speed value (SY.52)

Setting of the set speed value in the range of ±16000 rpm. The rotation source is determined via oP.01 (like
other absolute setpoint sources). The setpoint source oP.0 must be adjusted to „5“ via Sy.52 for setpoint setting.

Actual speed value (SY.53)

The actual speed can be read out in rpm with this parameter. The direction of rotation is signalled by the sign.

Page 10.1 - 14 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H © KEB, 2012-10


1. Introduction

2. Summary

3. Hardware

4. Operation

Selection of Operating

6. Initial Start-up 11.1 Parameter

7. Functions

8. error assistance

9. Project Design

10. Networks 10

11. Parameter Overview 11

12. Annex

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 11.1 - 1


11.1.1 Parameter Groups................................................................................................................... 11.1 - 3

11.1.2 Characteristics of the F5-S in A housing.............................................................................. 11.1 - 4 The following parameters are not available at A-Servo:.............................................. 11.1 - 4 The following parameters are available at A-Servo:.................................................... 11.1 - 4
11.1.3 Parameter list F5-A, -E and ‑H............................................................................................... 11.1 - 5

Page 11.1 - 2 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H © KEB, 2012-10


11. Parameter Overview

11.1 Parameter
11.1.1 Parameter Groups
The frequency inverters KEB COMBIVERT F5-A / -E / -H include 19 fixed and one free definable parameter
group. In the fixed parameter groups the parameters are combined function-related.

Figure 11.1.1 Parameter overview

Adjustment System para- Status display Inverter Parameter set Bus Interface User-defined
/ Assistant meter Information Programming and Keyboard Parameters
Parameter Configuration
AA-Parameter SY-Parameter ru-Parameter In-Parameter Fr-Parameter ud-Parameter CP - Parameter

Synchronous mode drive
Posi mode Encoder
PS-Parameter interfaces PG

PS-Parameter Ec-
Motor model
Protective and dr-Parameter
special functions nn-Parameter
Speed and PG
Pn-Parameter torque controller
drive-dep. control
Modula- M
Ramp generator cS/cn-Parameter dS-Parameter tor 3~
and s-curves


Setpoint calculation


Analog inputs Digital inputs Digital outputs Switching level

An-Parameter di-Parameter do-Parameter LE-Parameter

Terminal strip

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 11.1 - 3


11.1.2 Characteristics of the F5-S in A housing The following parameters are not available at A-Servo:

ru 29, 30, 31, 32, 35, 36

An.10-29, 36-52
di.19-21, 32-34
do.28, 36
cS.36, 38, 41, 43-45
Ec.53-55 The following parameters are available at A-Servo:

Ec.08, 09
Ud.01, 05, 07

Page 11.1 - 4 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H © KEB, 2012-10


11.1.3 Parameter list F5-A, -E and ‑H

Parameter: Parameter group, number and name (ordered by parameter group and number)
Addr.: Parameter address in hex
R: Password level appl => application, ro => read only
P: p => set-programmable; np => not set-programmable
E: E => Enter-Parameter
Lower limit: Min. value (normalized); the non-normalized value results on division by the step range
Upper limit: Max. value (normalized); the non-normalized value results on division by the step range
Step: Step size, resolution
Default: Default value (normalized); the non-normalized value results on division by the step range
LTK => the default value is dependent on the power circuit identification
Unit: Unit
Reference: further information to this parameter on stated page (not chapter)

Parameter Addr. R P E Lower limit Upper limit Default Step Unit See on page
AA.16 Speed diff. filter 1210h appl np --- 0: off 1: on 0: off 1 ---
AA.59 modus isd_ref 123Bh appl np --- 0 2 0 1 ---
AA.60 PT1-Tau isd_ref 123Ch appl np --- 0 65535 1024 1 ---
AA.61 appc./act. torq. PT1-time 123Dh appl np --- 0 10 3 1 ---
AA.62 sel. int. data addr. 123Eh appl np --- 0 38 0 1 ---
AA.63 int. Data address 123Fh RO np --- 0 0FFFFh 0 1 hex
AA.64 Actual value PT1 time 1240h appl np --- 0 10 0 1 ---

An.00 AN1 interface selection 0A00h appl np E 0 2 0 1 --- 3.1-3, 7.1-9, 7.2-3, 7.2-4
An.01 AN1 noise filter 0A01h appl np E 0 4 0 1 --- 7.2-3, 7.2-5, 7.3-15, 7.4-5
7.2 - 3,7.2 - 5,7.2 - 6,7.3 - 17
An.02 AN1 save mode 0A02h appl np E 0 3 0 1 ---
An.03 AN1 save trig. inp. sel. 0A03h appl np E 0 4095 0 1 --- 7.2 - 3,7.2 - 6,7.3 - 11
An.04 AN1 zero point hysteresis 0A04h appl np --- -10.0 10.0 0.2 0.1 % 7.2-3, 7.2-7
An.05 AN1 gain 0A05h appl P --- -20.00 20.00 1.00 0.01 --- 7.2-3, 7.2-8, 7.4-5
An.06 AN1 offset X 0A06h appl P --- -100.0 100.0 0.0 0.1 % 7.2-3, 7.2-8, 7.2-9, 7.4-5
An.07 AN1 offset Y 0A07h appl P --- -100.0 100.0 0.0 0.1 % 7.2-3, 7.2-8, 7.2-9, 7.4-5
An.08 AN1 lower limit 0A08h appl P --- -400.0 400.0 -400.0 0.1 % 7.2-3, 7.2-9
An.09 AN1 upper limit 0A09h appl P --- -400.0 400.0 400.0 0.1 % 7.2-3, 7.2-9
3.1-3, 7.1-9, 7.1-10, 7.2-
An.10 AN2 interface selection 0A0Ah appl np E 0 2 0 1 ---
AN2 interference suppressi-
An.11 0A0Bh appl np E 0 4 0 1 --- 7.2-3, 7.8-13, 7.9-3
on filter
An.12 AN2 save mode 0A0Ch appl np E 0 3 0 1 --- 7.2-3, 7.2-5, 7.8-13, 7.9-3
An.13 AN2 save trig. inp. sel. 0A0Dh appl np E 0 4095 0 1 --- 7.2 - 3,7.2 - 6,7.3 - 10,7.3 - 11
An.14 AN2 zero point hysteresis 0A0Eh appl np --- -10.0 10.0 0.2 0.1 % 7.2-3, 7.2-7, 7.8-13
An.15 AN2 gain 0A0Fh appl P --- -20.00 20.00 1.00 0.01 --- 7.2-3, 7.2-8, 7.15-17
An.16 AN2 offset X 0A10h appl P --- -100.0 100.0 0.0 0.1 % 7.2-3, 7.2-8, 7.15-17
7.2-3, 7.2-8, 7.8-13, 7.9-3,
An.17 AN2 offset Y 0A11h appl P --- -100.0 100.0 0.0 0.1 %
An.18 AN2 lower limit 0A12h appl P --- -400.0 400.0 0.0 0.1 % 7.2-3, 7.2-9, 7.15-17
An.19 AN2 upper limit 0A13h appl P --- -400.0 400.0 400.0 0.1 % 7.2-3, 7.2-9, 7.15-17
An.20 AN3 interface selection 0A14h appl np E 0 1 0 1 --- 7.2-3, 7.2-5
An.21 AN3 noise filter 0A15h appl np E 0 4 0 1 --- 7.2-3, 7.2-5
AN3 save mode
AN3 save trig. inp. sel.
7.2 - 3,7.2 - 6,7.3 - 10,7.3 - 11
An.24 AN3 zero point hysteresis 0A18h appl np --- -10.0 10.0 0.0 0.1 % 7.2-3, 7.2-7
An.25 AN3 amplification 0A19h appl P --- -20.00 20.00 1.00 0.01 --- 7.2-3, 7.2-8
An.26 AN3 offset X 0A1Ah appl P --- -100.0 100.0 0.0 0.1 % 7.2-3, 7.2-8
An.27 AN3 offset Y 0A1Bh appl P --- -100.0 100.0 0.0 0.1 % 7.2-3, 7.2-8
AN3 lower limit
AN3 upper limit
7.2-3, 7.2-9
7.2-3, 7.2-9, 7.2-10
3.1-4, 7.1-12, 7.2-3, 7.2-
An.30 Sel. REF input./AUX function 0A1Eh appl P E 0 16383 2112 1 --- 10, 7.4-4, 7.8-13, 7.9-3,
3.1 - 3,7.2 - 11,7.2 - 13,7.12 
An.31 ANOUT1 function 0A1Fh appl P E 0 29 2 1 --- - 70,7.15 - 31

7.2-11, 7.2-13, 7.2-15,7.15-

An.32 ANOUT1 value 0A20h appl P --- -100.0 100.0 0.0 0.1 %
further on next side

© KEB, 2012-10 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 11.1 - 5


Parameter Addr. R P E Lower limit Upper limit Default Step Unit See on page
An.33 ANOUT1 gain 0A21h appl P --- -20.00 20.00 1.00 0.01 --- 7.2-11, 7.2-14, 7.2-15
An.34 ANOUT1 offset X 0A22h appl P --- -100.0 100.0 0.0 0.1 % 7.2-14, 7.2-15
An.35 ANOUT1 offset Y 0A23h appl P --- -100.0 100.0 0.0 0.1 % 7.2-14
An.36 ANOUT2 function 0A24h appl P E 0 29 6 1 --- 7.2-13, 7.12-70
An.37 ANOUT2 value 0A25h appl P --- -100.0 100.0 0.0 0.1 % 7.2-15
An.38 ANOUT2 gain 0A26h appl P --- -20.00 20.00 1.00 0.01 --- 7.2-11, 7.2-14
An.39 ANOUT2 offset X 0A27h appl P --- -100.0 100.0 0.0 0.1 % 7.2-14
An.40 ANOUT2 offset Y 0A28h appl P --- -100.0 100.0 0.0 0.1 % 7.2-14
An.41 ANOUT3 function 0A29h appl np E 0 29 12 1 --- 7.2-11, 7.2-13
An.42 ANOUT3 value 0A2Ah appl np --- -100.0 100.0 0.0 0.1 % 7.2-15
An.43 ANOUT3 gain 0A2Bh appl np --- -20.00 20.00 1.00 0.01 --- 7.2-14
An.44 ANOUT3 offset X 0A2Ch appl np --- -100.0 100.0 0.0 0.1 % 7.2-14
An.45 ANOUT3 offset Y 0A2Dh appl np --- -100.0 100.0 0.0 0.1 % 7.2-14
An.46 ANOUT3 period 0A2Eh appl np E 1 240 1 1 s 7.2-11, 7.2-12, 7.3-19
An.47 ANOUT4 function 0A2Fh appl np E 0 29 12 1 --- 7.2-13
An.48 ANOUT4 value 0A30h appl np --- -100.0 100.0 0.0 0.1 % 7.2-15
An.49 ANOUT4 gain 0A31h appl np --- -20.00 20.00 1.00 0.01 --- 7.2-14
An.50 ANOUT4 offset X 0A32h appl np --- -100.0 100.0 0.0 0.1 % 7.2-14
An.51 ANOUT4 offset Y 0A33h appl np --- -100.0 100.0 0.0 0.1 % 7.2-14
An.52 ANOUT4 period 0A34h appl np E 1 240 1 1 s 7.2-12, 7.3-19
analog parameter setting
An.53 0A35h appl np E 0 5 0 1 --- 7.11-15, 7.15-22
max. value
an. parameter setting max.
An.54 0A36h appl np E -1: off 7FFFH -1: off 1 hex 7.11-15, 7.15-22
an. para setting offset para-
An.55 0A37h appl np --- -2^31 2^31-1 0 1 --- 7.11-15, 7.15-22
meter setting max. value
an. parameter setting max.
An.56 0A38h appl np --- -2^31 2^31-1 0 1 --- 7.11-16, 7.12-46, 7.12-70
An.57 an. para set. set pointer 0A39h appl np E -1: act set 7 0 1 --- 7.15-23

7.15-28, 7.15-30, 7.15-31,

cn. 00 PID reference source 0700h appl P --- 0 4 0 1 ---
7.15-28, 7.15-30,
cn. 01 PID abs. reference 0701h appl P --- -400.0 400.0 0.0 0.1 %
7.15-31, 7.15-32
7.15-29, 7.15-30, 7.15-31,
cn. 02 PID act. value src. 0702h appl P --- 0 7 0 1 ---
cn. 03 PID abs. act. value 0703h appl np --- -400.0 400.0 0.0 0.1 % 7.15-29
7.15-22, 7.15-26, 7.15-30,
cn. 04 PID kp 0704h appl P --- 0.00 250.00 0.00 0.01 ---
7.15-31, 7.15-32
cn. 05 PID ki 0705h appl P --- 0.000 30.000 0.000 0.001 --- 7.15-26
cn. 06 PID kd 0706h appl P --- 0.00 250.00 0.00 0.01 --- 7.15-26
cn. 07 PID pos. limit 0707h appl P --- -400.0 400.0 400.0 0.1 % 7.15-26, 7.15-30, 7.15-31
cn. 08 PID neg. limit 0708h appl P --- -400.0 400.0 -400.0 0.1 % 7.15-26, 7.15-30, 7.15-31
cn. 09 PID fading time 0709h appl P --- -0.01: freq 300.00 0.00 0.01 s 7.15-26
7.15-26, 7.15-27, 7.15-30,
cn.10 PID reset condition 070Ah appl P --- 0 2 0 1 ---
7.15-31, 7.15-32
cn.11 PID reset inp. sel. 070Bh appl np E 0 4095 0 1 --- 7.3-10, 7.15-26, 7.15-27
cn.12 I reset inp. sel. 070Ch appl np E 0 4095 0 1 --- 7.3-10, 7.15-26, 7.15-28
7.3-10, 7.15-26, 7.15-27,
cn.13 fade in reset inp. sel. 070Dh appl np E 0 4095 0 1 ---

cs.00 speed control config. (servo) 0F00h appl P E 4 6 4 1 --- 5.1 - 3,6.2 - 4,6.2 - 6,6.2 - 9,6

.2 - 13,7.5 - 9,7.5 - 10,7.5 - 1
1,7.5 - 12,7.5 - 28,7.6 - 4,7.6 
speed control config. (Gene- - 8,7.9 - 4,7.9 - 5,7.12 - 26,7.
cs.00 0F00h appl P E 0 127 0 1 ---
ral, Multi) 12 - 79,7.13 - 13,7.13 - 24,7
.15 - 3,7.15 - 26,7.15 - 27,7.
15 - 32
cS.01 act. source (Multi) 0F01h appl P E 0 6 0 1 --- 5.1 - 3,6.2 - 6,6.2 - 9,6.2 - 13,
cS.01 act. source (Servo) 0F01h appl P E 0 5 0 1 --- 6.2 - 17,6.2 - 19,7.1 - 6,7.5 - 
9,7.5 - 10,7.5 - 14,7.5 - 28,7.
6 - 4,7.6 - 8,7.12 - 18,7.12 - 2
cS.01 act. source (General) 0F01h appl P E 0 6 2 1 --- 6,7.12 - 30,7.12 - 31,7.12 - 3
3,7.12 - 34,7.12 - 79,7.13 - 3
4,7.15 - 3
cS. 03 slipcomp. regen. gain (vvc) 0F03h appl P --- 0.50 2.50 1.00 0.01 --- 7.5-10, 7.5-11
n* 5.1-4, 7.5-9, 7.5-10, 7.15-
cS.04 speed control limit (vvc) 0F04h appl P --- n*0 n * 4000 n * 750 rpm
0.125 32
cS. 05 KP/KI speed mode 0F05h appl P E 0 3 0 1 --- 7.7.4
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Parameter Addr. R P E Lower limit Upper limit Default Step Unit See on page
6.2-5, 7.5-9, 7.5-10, 7.5-
cs.06 KP speed 0F06h appl P --- 0 32767 300 1 --- 13, 7.7-3, 7.7-7,
7.7-9, 7.15-22
cS. 07 KP speed gain 0F07h appl P --- 0 32767 0 1 --- 7.7-7
cS. 08 KP speed limit 0F08h appl P --- 0 32767 0 1 --- 7.7-7
6.2 - 5,6.2 - 11,6.2 - 15,7.5 - 
cs.09 KI speed 0F09h appl P --- 0 32767 100 1 --- 9,7.5 - 10,7.5 - 13,7.7 - 3,7.
7 - 7
cS. 10 KI offset 0F0Ah appl P --- 0 32767 0 1 --- 7.6-24, 7.7-7, 7.15-16
1; 5.1-4, 7.6-24, 7.7-7, 7.15-
cS. 11 max speed for max KI 0F0Bh appl P --- -1 ; -0,125 16000 ; 2000 10 ; 1.25 rpm
0.125 16
cS. 12 min. speed for cS.09 0F0Ch appl P --- 0 16000 ; 2000 500 ; 62.5 rpm 5.1-4, 7.6-24, 7.7-7, 7.7-9
cS. 13 max. speed for quadr. Function 0F0D appl P --- 0 32000 32000 1 rpm
cs.15 torque reference source 0F0Fh appl P E 0 6 2 1 --- 7.8-13, 7.9-3
cS. 16 torque acc. time 0F10h appl P --- 0: off 60000 0: off 1 ms 7.9-3, 7.9-5
cs.18 torque ref. setting % 0F12h appl P --- -100.0 100.0 100.0 0.1 % 7.8-13, 7.9-3
7.1 - 14,7.5 - 12,7.6 - 5,7.8 - 
cS.19 abs. torque ref. 0F13h appl P --- -32000.00 32000.00 LTK 0.01 Nm 13,7.8 - 14,7.8 - 15,7.9 - 3,7.
11 - 23,7.11 - 24,7.11 - 25
cS.20 torque limit for. mot. 0F14h appl P --- -0.01: off 32000.00 -0.01: off 0.01 Nm 7.5-12, 7.6-5, 7.8-13
cS. 21 torque limit rev. mot. 0F15h appl P --- -0.01: off 32000.00 -0.01: off 0.01 Nm 7.8-13
cs.22 torque limit for. gen. 0F16h appl P --- -0.01: off 32000.00 -0.01: off 0.01 Nm 7.8-13
cs.23 torque limit rev. gen. 0F17h appl P --- -0.01: off 32000.00 -0.01: off 0.01 Nm 7.5-12, 7.8-13, 7.9-3
cs.25 inertia (kg*cm^2) 0F19h appl P --- 0.00 10737418.23 0.00 0.01 --- 7.5-13, 7.7-3, 7.7-8, 7.7-9
cs.26 optimisation 0F1Ah appl P E 1.9: off 15.0 1.9: off 0.1 --- 7.5-13, 7.7-3
cs.27 pretorq. speed PT1-time 0F1Bh appl P --- 0 9 3 1 --- 7.7-9, 7.7-10
cS. 28 pretorq. speed fact. % 0F1Ch appl P --- 0.0 200.0 0.0 0.1 % 7.7-9, 7.7-10
cS. 29 act. curr. ref. PT1-time 0F1Dh appl P --- 0 9 0 1 --- 7.5-26, 7.6-24, 7.7-9
cS. 31 spline pret. PT1-time 0F1Fh appl np --- 0 65535 0 1 ms
cs.34 ref. torque isq table 0F22h appl np --- -32000 32000 0 1 --- 7.6-6
cs.35 ref. torque isd table 0F23h appl np --- -32000 32000 0 1 --- 7.6-6

di.00 PNP / NPN selection 0B00h appl np E 0: PNP SHR 0: PNP 1 --- 3.1-4, 7.3-4
7.3-3, 7.3-4, 7.3-5, 7.3-11,
di.01 select signal source 0B01h appl np E 0 4095 0 1 --- 7.3-12, 7.13-34, 10.1-10,
7.3-4, 7.3-5, 7.3-11,
di.02 digital input setting 0B02h appl np E 0 4095 0 1 ---
7.3-12, 10.1-10, 10.1-11
di.03 digital noise filter 0B03h appl np E 0 127 0 1 ms 7.3-6
di.04 input logic 0B04h appl np E 0 4095 0 1 --- 7.3-6
di.05 Input trigger 0B05h appl np E 0 4095 0 1 --- 7.3-7, 7.3-8
di.06 select strobe source 0B06h appl np E 0 4095 0 1 --- 7.3-8
di.07 strobe mode 0B07h appl np E 0 2 0 1 --- 7.3-8, 7.3-9
di.08 input strobe dependence 0B08h appl np E 0 4095 0 1 --- 7.3-8
di.09 reset input selection 0B09h appl np E 0 4095 3 1 --- 7.3-9, 7.3-10, 7.3-11
di.10 reset input slope sel. 0B0Ah appl np E 0 4095 3 1 --- 7.3-9
7.3 - 3,7.3 - 10,7.3 - 11,7.3 - 
di.11 I1 functions 0B0Bh appl np E -2^31 2^31-1 1 1 hex 12,7.3 - 13,7.12 - 4,7.12 - 5,
7.12 - 63,7.12 - 74
7.3 - 10,7.3 - 11,7.3 - 12,7.3 
di.22 ST functions 0B16h appl np E -2^31 2^31-1 128 1 hex
- 13,7.12 - 63,7.12 - 74
di.23 fast dig. noise filter 0B17h appl np E 0.00 31.75 0.00 0.25 ms 7.3-3, 7.3-6
di.24 I1 prog. function 0B18h appl np E 0 21 0 1 ---
di.25 I2 prog. function 0B19h appl np E 0 21 0 1 --- 10
di.26 I3 prog. function 0B1Ah appl np E 0 21 0 1 ---
di.27 I4 prog. function 0B1Bh appl np E 0 21 0 1 --- 7.3 - 10,7.3 - 12,7.12 - 35,7.
di 28 IA prog. function 0B1Ch appl np E 0 21 0 1 --- 12 - 39,7.12 - 71,7.12 - 73,7
di 29 IB prog. function 0B1Dh appl np E 0 21 0 1 --- .12 - 74
di 30 IC prog. function 0B1Eh appl np E 0 21 0 1 ---
di 31 ID prog. function 0B1Fh appl np E 0 21 0 1 --- 11
di.35 ST prog. function 0B23h appl np E 0 21 0 1 ---
7.3-10, 7.3-12, 7.3-13,
di.36 software ST input sel. 0B24h appl np E 0 4095 0 1 ---
di.37 ST lock input sel. 0B25h appl np E 0 4095 0 1 --- 7.3-10, 7.3-12, 7.3-13
di.38 turn off ST delay time 0B26h appl np --- 0 10.0 0 0.1 s 7.3-13
7.3-10, 7.3-12, 7.3-14,
di.39 disable dig. ST inp.sel. 0B27h appl np E 0 4095 0 1 ---
di.40 I1 activation delay 0B28h appl np – 0 32.00 0 0.01 s
di.41 I1 deactivation delay 0B29h appl np – 0 32.00 0 0.01 s
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Parameter Addr. R P E Lower limit Upper limit Default Step Unit See on page
di.42 I2 activation delay 0B2Ah appl np – 0 32.00 0 0.01 s
di.43 I2 deactivation delay 0B2Bh appl np – 0 32.00 0 0.01 s
di.44 I3 activation delay 0B2Ch appl np – 0 32.00 0 0.01 s
di.45 I3 deactivation delay 0B2Dh appl np – 0 32.00 0 0.01 s
di.46 I4 activation delay 0B2Eh appl np – 0 32.00 0 0.01 s
di.47 I4 deactivation delay 0B2Fh appl np – 0 32.00 0 0.01 s
di.48 IA activation delay 0B30h appl np – 0 32.00 0 0.01 s
di.49 IA deactivation delay 0B31h appl np – 0 32.00 0 0.01 s
di.50 IB activation delay 0B32h appl np – 0 32.00 0 0.01 s
di.51 IB deactivation delay 0B33h appl np – 0 32.00 0 0.01 s
di.52 IC activation delay 0B34h appl np – 0 32.00 0 0.01 s
di.53 IC deactivation delay 0B35h appl np – 0 32.00 0 0.01 s
di.54 ID activation delay 0B36h appl np – 0 32.00 0 0.01 s
di.55 ID deactivation delay 0B37h appl np – 0 32.00 0 0.01 s

7.3 - 14,7.3 - 16,7.3 - 17,7.3 
do.00 condition 0 0C00h appl P E 0 92 20 1 --- - 22,7.3 - 26,7.12 - 11,7.12 - 
48,7.12 - 49,7.12 - 75
do.01 condition 1 0C01h appl P E 0 92 3 1 --- 7.3-23, 7.3-26, 7.12-49
do.02 condition 2 0C02h appl P E 0 92 4 1 --- 7.3-26, 7.12-49
do.03 condition 3 0C03h appl P E 0 92 2 1 --- 7.12-49
do.04 condition 4 0C04h appl P E 0 92 0 1 --- 7.5-26, 7.12-49
do.05 condition 5 0C05h appl P E 0 92 0 1 ---
do.06 condition 6 0C06h appl P E 0 92 0 1 ---
7.3-14, 7.3-16, 7.3-17, 7.3-
do.07 condition 7 0C07h appl P E 0 92 0 1 ---
22, 7.12-75
do.08 inv. cond. for flag 0 0C08h appl P E 0 255 0 1 --- 7.1-8, 7.3-16, 7.3-22
do.09 inv. cond. for flag 1 0C09h appl P E 0 255 0 1 --- 7.3-23
do.10 inv. cond. for flag 2 0C0Ah appl P E 0 255 0 1 --- 7.3-26
do.11 inv. cond. for flag 3 0C0Bh appl P E 0 255 0 1 ---
do.12 inv. cond. for flag 4 0C0Ch appl P E 0 255 0 1 ---
do.13 inv. cond. for flag 5 0C0Dh appl P E 0 255 0 1 ---
do.14 inv. cond. for flag 6 0C0Eh appl P E 0 255 0 1 ---
do.15 inv. cond. for flag 7 0C0Fh appl P E 0 255 0 1 --- 7.3-16, 7.3-22
7.3-16, 7.3-23, 7.3-26,
do.16 cond. select. for flag 0 0C10h appl P E 0 255 1 1 ---
do.17 cond. select. for flag 1 0C11h appl P E 0 255 2 1 --- 7.3-26, 7.12-49
do.18 cond. select. for flag 2 0C12h appl P E 0 255 4 1 --- 7.3-26, 7.12-49
do.19 cond. select. for flag 3 0C13h appl P E 0 255 8 1 --- 7.12-49
do.20 cond. select. for flag 4 0C14h appl P E 0 255 16 1 ---
do.21 cond. select. for flag 5 0C15h appl P E 0 255 32 1 ---
do.22 cond. select. for flag 6 0C16h appl P E 0 255 64 1 ---
do.23 cond. select. for flag 7 0C17h appl P E 0 255 128 1 --- 7.3-14, 7.3-20
7.3 - 16,7.3 - 23,7.3 - 26,7.1
do.24 AND/OR conn. for flags 0C18h appl P E 0 255 0 1 ---
2 - 49
do.25 inv. flags for O1 0C19h appl P E 0 255 0 1 --- 7.3-16, 7.3-24, 7.3-26
do.26 inv. flags for O2 0C1Ah appl P E 0 255 0 1 ---
do.27 inv. flags for R1 0C1Bh appl P E 0 255 0 1 --- 7.3-26
do.28 inv. flags for R2 0C1Ch appl P E 0 255 0 1 ---
do.29 inv. flags for OA 0C1Dh appl P E 0 255 0 1 ---
do.30 inv. flags for OB 0C1Eh appl P E 0 255 0 1 ---
do.31 inv. flags for OC 0C1Fh appl P E 0 255 0 1 --- 7.12-50
do.32 inv. flags for OD 0C20h appl P E 0 255 0 1 --- 7.3-24
7.3 - 16,7.3 - 24,7.3 - 26,7.1
do.33 flag select. for O1 0C21h appl P E 0 255 1 1 ---
2 - 48
do.34 flag select. for O2 0C22h appl P E 0 255 2 1 --- 7.3-26
do.35 flag select. for R1 0C23h appl P E 0 255 4 1 --- 7.3-26
do.36 flag select. for R2 0C24h appl P E 0 255 8 1 --- 7.3-4
do.37 flag select. for OA 0C25h appl P E 0 255 16 1 --- 7.12-49
do.38 flag select. for OB 0C26h appl P E 0 255 32 1 ---
do.39 flag select. for OC 0C27h appl P E 0 255 64 1 --- 7.12-50
do.40 flag select. for OD 0C28h appl P E 0 255 128 1 --- 7.3-24
7.3 - 4,7.3 - 16,7.3 - 24,7.3 - 
do.41 AND conn. for outputs 0C29h appl P E 0 255 0 1 ---
26,7.12 - 49
do.42 inverted outputs 0C2Ah appl P E 0 255 0 1 --- 7.3-16, 7.3-24
do.43 cond. 0 filter time 0C2Bh appl P --- 0 1000 0 1 ms 7.3-16
do.44 cond. 1 filter time 0C2Ch appl P --- 0 1000 0 1 ms 7.3-16
do.51 hardw. output allocation 0C33h appl P E 0 255 228 1 ---

6.2 - 5,6.2 - 7,6.2 - 10,6.2 - 1
dr.00 DASM rated current 0600h appl P --- 0.0 1100.0 LTK 0.1 A 4,7.5 - 8,7.5 - 12,7.5 - 16,7.5 
- 23,7.11 - 24,7.15 - 5
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Parameter Addr. R P E Lower limit Upper limit Default Step Unit See on page
1; 5.1 - 4,6.2 - 5,6.2 - 7,6.2 - 10,
dr.01 DASM rated speed 0601h appl P --- 0 64000 ; 8000 LTK rpm 6.2 - 14,7.5 - 8,7.5 - 12,7.5 - 
25,7.11 - 24
6.2 - 5,6.2 - 7,6.2 - 10,6.2 - 1
dr.02 DASM rated voltage 0602h appl P --- 120 830 LTK 1 V 4,7.5 - 8,7.5 - 9,7.5 - 12,7.1
1 - 24
6.2 - 7,6.2 - 10,6.2 - 14,7.2 - 
dr.03 DASM rated power 0603h appl P --- 0.10 1000.00 LTK 0.01 kW 13,7.5 - 8,7.5 - 12,7.7 - 3,7.
11 - 24
6.2 - 5,6.2 - 7,6.2 - 10,6.2 - 1
dr.04 DASM rated cos (phi) 0604h appl P --- 0.50 1.00 LTK 0.01 ---
4,7.5 - 8,7.5 - 16,7.11 - 24
6.2 - 5,6.2 - 7,6.2 - 10,6.2 - 1
dr.05 DASM rated frequency 0605h appl P --- 0.0 1600.0 LTK 0.1 Hz 4,7.5 - 8,7.5 - 9,7.5 - 12,7.1
1 - 24
6.2 - 5,6.2 - 7,6.2 - 10,6.2 - 1
dr.06 DASM stator resistance 0606h appl P E 0.000 250.000 LTK 0.001 Ohm 1,6.2 - 14,6.2 - 15,7.5 - 8,7.5 
- 9,7.5 - 14,7.5 - 16,7.11 - 24
6.2-10, 6.2-14, 7.5-16, 7.5-
dr.07 DASM leakage inductance 0607h appl P --- 0.01 655.35 LTK 0.01 mH
19, 7.5-24, 7.5-27, 7.11-24
6.2-10, 6.2-14, 7.5-4, 7.5-
dr.08 DASM rotor resistance 0608h appl P --- 0.000 250.000 LTK 0.001 Ohm
16, 7.5-19
dr.09 breakdown factor 0609h appl P --- 0.5 4.0 2.5 0.1 --- 7.5-8, 7.5-9, 7.5-10
6.2-7, 6.2-10, 6.2-11, 6.2-
dr.10 DASM head-inductance 060Ah appl P --- 0.1 3276.7 LTK 0.1 mH
14, 6.2-15, 7.5-14, 7.5-16
dr.11 motorprotection mode 060Bh appl P --- 0 1 1 1 --- 7.13-27
dr.12 motorprot. rated current 060Ch appl P --- 0.0 1100.0 LTK 0.1 A 7.13-26, 7.13-27
dr.13 DASM magnetizing current 060Dh appl P --- 0.0 1100.0 0.0 0.1 A
dr.14 DASM rated torque 060Eh RO P --- 0.01 32000.00 0.01 Motdat 0.01 Nm 7.2-13, 7.5-26, 7.8-4
7.8-5, 7.8-6, 7.8-7,
dr.15 max. torque FU 060Fh RO P --- 0.01 32000.00 0.01 Motdat 0.01 Nm
7.8-15, 7.9-3, 7.13-29
7.5 - 12,7.5 - 25,7.5 - 26,7.8 
dr.16 DASM Mmax at dr.18 0610h appl P --- 0.01 32000.00 0.01 Adpt 0.01 Nm
- 5,7.8 - 6,7.13 - 13,7.13 - 20
5.1-4, 6.2-11, 6.2-15, 7.5-
900 ; 112.5 1 ;
dr.17 DASM speed for max. torque 0611h appl P --- 1 ; 0.125 64000 ; 8000 rpm 13, 7.5-17, 7.5-18, 7.5-20,
Adpt 0.125
5.1 - 4,6.2 - 10,6.2 - 14,7.5 
1; - 12,7.5 - 15,7.5 - 23,7.5 - 2
dr.18 DASM field weak speed 0612h appl P --- 0 64000 ; 8000 0 Adpt rpm
0.125 5,7.5 - 37,7.8 - 5,7.8 - 6,7.8 
- 15
7.5 - 12,7.5 - 15,7.5 - 16,7.5 
dr.19 flux adaption factor 0613h appl P --- 25 250 100 Adpt 1 %
- 19,7.5 - 23
dr.20 field weak. curve 0614h appl P --- 0.01 2.00 1.20 Adpt 0.01 --- 7.5-12, 7.5-15, 7.5-37
dr.21 no load voltage 0615h appl P --- 0.0 100.0 75.0 0.1 %
6.2 - 18,6.2 - 19,7.6 - 3,7.6 - 
dr.23 DSM rated current 0617h appl np --- 0.0 1100.0 LTK 0.1 A
6,7.6 - 10,7.11 - 24,7.13 - 30
dr.24 DSM rated speed 0618h appl np --- 0 64000 ; 8000 LTK rpm
0.125 5.1 - 4,6.2 - 18,6.2 - 19,7.6 - 
1; 3,7.6 - 17,7.11 - 24,7.13 - 30
dr.24 DSM rated speed 0618h appl np --- 0 32000 ; 4000 LTK rpm
6.2-18, 6.2-19, 7.6-3, 7.11-
dr.25 DSM rated frequency 0619h appl np --- 0.0 1600.0 LTK 0.1 Hz
6.2-18, 6.2-19, 7.6-3, 7.6-
dr.26 DSM EMC [Vpk*1000RPM] 061Ah appl np --- 0 32000 LTK 1 ---
4, 7.6-11, 7.8-7, 7.11-24
5.1-4, 6.2-18, 6.2-19, 6.2-
20, 7.2-13, 7.6-3, 7.8-2,
dr.27 DSM rated torque 061Bh appl np --- 0.1 ; 1 6553.5 ; 65535 LTK 0.1 ; 1 Nm
7.8-7, 7.8-9, 7.8-10, 7.11-
6.2-18, 6.2-19, 7.6-3, 7.6-
dr.28 DSM curr. f. zero speed 061Ch appl np --- 0.0 1090.0 LTK 0.1 A
4, 7.11-24, 7.13-30
DSM motor winding resi- 6.2-18, 6.2-19, 7.6-3, 7.6-
dr.30 061Eh appl np --- 0.000 250.000 LTK 0.001 Ohm
stance 11, 7.11-24
DSM motor winding in- 6.2-18, 6.2-19, 7.6-3, 7.6-
dr.31 061Fh appl np --- 0.01 500.00 LTK 0.01 mH
ductance 10, 7.11-24
7.2-13, 7.8-9, 7.8-10, 7.11-
dr.32 DSM rated power 0620h RO np --- 0.01 1000.00 LTK 0.01 kW
further on next side

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Parameter Addr. R P E Lower limit Upper limit Default Step Unit See on page
5.1-4, 6.2-18,6.2-20, 7.6-5,
dr.33 DSM max. torque 0621h appl np --- 0.1 ; 1 6553.5 ; 65535 LTK 0.1 ; 1 Nm 7.6-22, 7.8-9, 7.8-10, 7.11-
24, 7.13-29
dr.34 mot. prot. time min. Is/Id 0622h appl np --- 0.1 25.5 8.0 0.1 s
dr.34 mot. prot. time min. Is/Id 0622h appl np --- 0.1 10.0 0.5 0.1 s
dr.35 mot. prot. time Imax 0623h appl np --- 0.1 10.0 0.2 0.1 s 7.13-29
dr.36 mot. prot. recovery time 0624h appl np --- 0.1 300.0 5.0 0.1 s 7.13-30
7.5-27, 7.8-12, 7.8-14,
dr.37 max. current 0625h appl np --- 0.0 1100.0 LTK 0.1 A
7.10-4, 7.15-5
32000 ; 1;
dr.39 DSM corner speed 1 0627h appl np --- 0 64000 ; 8000 rpm 5.1-4, 7.6-25, 7.8-9, 7.8-10
4000 0.125
dr.40 DSM corn. max. torque 2 0628h appl np --- 0.1 ; 1 6553.5 ; 65535 0.1 ; 1 0.1 ; 1 Nm 5.1-4, 7.6-25, 7.8-10
32000 ; 1;
dr.41 DSM corner speed 1 2 0629h appl np --- 0 64000 ; 8000 rpm 5.1-4, 7.6-25, 7.8-10
4000 0.125
dr.42 DSM corner max. torque 3 062Ah appl np --- 0.1 ; 1 6553.5 ; 65535 0.1 ; 1 0.1 ; 1 Nm 5.1-4, 7.6-22, 7.8-10
32000 ; 1;
dr.43 DSM corner speed 1 3 062Bh appl np --- 0 64000 ; 8000 rpm 5.1-4, 7.6-22, 7.8-10
4000 0.125
dr.44 DSM corn. max. torque 4 062Ch appl np --- 0.1 ; 1 6553.5 ; 65535 0.1 ; 1 0.1 ; 1 Nm 5.1-4, 7.6-22, 7.8-10
32000 ; 1;
dr.45 DSM corner speed 1 4 062Dh appl np --- 0 64000 ; 8000 rpm 5.1-4, 7.6-22, 7.8-10
4000 0.125
dr.46 DSM corner max. torque 5 062Eh appl np --- 0.1 ; 1 6553.5 ; 65535 0.1 ; 1 0.1 ; 1 Nm 5.1-4, 7.6-22, 7.8-10
32000 ; 1;
dr.47 DSM corner speed 1 5 062Fh appl np --- 0 64000 ; 8000 rpm 5.1-4, 7.8-10
4000 0.125
6.2 - 11,6.2 - 15,6.2 - 18,6.2 
- 19,7.5 - 16,7.5 - 17,7.5 - 18
dr.48 motor identification 0630h appl np E 0 255 0 1 --- ,7.5 - 19,7.5 - 20,7.5 - 21,7.5 
- 22,7.5 - 23,7.6 - 8,7.6 - 9,7.
6 - 10,7.6 - 11,7.6 - 12
5.1-5, 6.2-11, 6.2-15, 7.5-
dr.49 Lh ident. acc/dec time 0631h appl np --- 0.00 300.00 5.00 0.01 s 17, 7.5-20, 7.5-21, 7.6-11,
dr.50 mot. prot. min. Is/Id 0632h appl np --- 100 500 150 1 % 7.13-29, 7.13-30
dr.51 motortemp.for Rs corr. 0633h appl np --- 0 200 20 1 degree 7.3-21
dr.52 temperature coefficient 0634h appl np --- 0.0: off 25.0 0.0: off 0.1 ---
dr.53 Rs corr. delta temp. 0635h appl np --- 0: off 200 0: off 1 degree
dr.54 Rs corr. warning time 0636h appl np --- 240 16000 4000 1 s
dr.55 Rs corr. cooling time 0637h appl np --- 240 16000 4000 1 s
dr.56 Rs corr. max. temp. 0638h appl np --- 30 200 90 1 degree
dr.58 torque offset selector 063Ah appl np E 0 79 0 1 --- 7.5-21, 7.6-12
dr.59 torque offset 063Bh appl np --- -320.00 320.00 0.00 0.01 Nm 7.5-21, 7.6-12
dr.60 Rs corr auto temp. mode 063Ch appl np --- 0: off 1: on 0: off 1 ---
dr.61 Rs corr auto temp in.sel. 063Dh appl np E 0 4095 0 1 --- 7.3-10, 7.3-12
6.2-11, 6.2-15, 7.5-17, 7.6-
dr.62 state motor ident. 063Eh RO np --- 0 255 0 1 ---
dr.63 063Fh appl np --- 0 255.996 0 0.004 --- 7.6-3, 7.6-4, 7.6-11
DSM winding inductance ma-
dr.64 0640h appl np --- 0.01 500.00 LTK 0.01 mH 7.6-3
DASM head inductance 50%
dr.65 0641h appl P --- 99 305 99 0.006 %
dr.66 motor identification error 0642h RO np --- 0 255 0 1 ---
current for Ls/loff identifica-
dr.67 0643h appl np --- 10 250 100 1 %

dS.00 Kp current 1100h appl P --- 0 32767 1500 Adpt 1 --- 7.5-12, 7.6-5, 7.10-3
dS.01 Ki current 1101h appl np --- 0 32767 1500 Adpt 1 --- 7.5-12, 7.6-5, 7.10-3
dS.02 current decoupling 1102h appl np E 0: off 2 0: off 1 --- 6.2-11, 6.2-15, 6.2-18,
dS.02 current decoupling 1102h appl np E 0: off 1 0: off 1 --- 6.2-20, 7.10-3
7.5-25, 7.8-5, 7.8-10, 7.8-
dS.03 curr./torq. mode 1103h appl np E 0 63 0 1 --- 11, 7.8-12, 7.8-13, 7.10-3,
7.10-4, 7.15-5
6.2-7, 6.2-10, 6.2-14, 7.5-
16, 7.5-22, 7.5-23, 7.5-25,
dS.04 flux/rotor adaption mode 1104h appl P E 0 4095 0 1 ---
7.5-33, 7.5-37, 7.8-3, 7.15-
5, 7.15-16
dS.07 KI rotor adaption 1107h appl P --- 0 32767 1000 1 ---
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Parameter Addr. R P E Lower limit Upper limit Default Step Unit See on page
dS.08 KP Umax 1108h appl np --- 0 32767 0 1 --- 7.5-37
dS.09 KI Umax 1109h appl np --- 0 32767 50 1 --- 7.5-37
dS.10 Umax modulation limit 110Ah appl P --- 0 110 97 1 % 7.5-37, 7.8-3
ds.11 KP Flux 110Bh appl P --- 0 32767 1000 1 --- 7.5-13, 7.5-22
ds.12 KI Flux 110Ch appl P --- 0 32767 300 1 --- 7.5-13, 7.5-22
7.5 - 13,7.5 - 22,7.8 - 7,7.8 - 
dS.13 magn. current limit 110Dh appl np --- 0 1100.0 0 0.1 A
8,7.8 - 9,7.8 - 10,7.8 - 12
dS.14 Kp speed calc. ASCL 110Eh appl P --- 0 32767 1500 1 --- 7.5-13, 7.5-32
dS.15 Ki speed calc. ASCL 110Fh appl P --- 0 32767 1500 1 --- 7.5-13, 7.5-33
dS.17 speed PT1-time ASCL 1111h appl P --- 0 9 3 1 --- 7.5-32
7.5 - 24,7.5 - 25,7.5 - 30,7.5 
dS.18 Model adaption 1112h appl P --- 0 2048 0 1 ---
- 31
1; 5.1-4, 7.5-13, 7.5-28, 7.5-
dS.19 limit uf-control dec. ASCL 1113h appl P --- 0 32000 ; 4000 0 rpm
0.125 29
dS.20 delay time uf-contrl. 1114h appl P --- -1 4000 0 1 ms 7.5-28, 7.5-29
n* 5.1-4, 7.5-24, 7.5-28, 7.5-
dS.21 startup speed 1115h appl P --- 0 n * 4000 0 rpm
0.125 30
7.5-24, 7.5-25, 7.5-28, 7.5-
dS.22 startup time 1116h appl P --- 0.00 300.00 5.00 0.01 s
dS.23 observer factor 1117h appl P --- 0 100 0.02 0.006 % 7.5-25, 7.5-32
dS.24 Ki current multiplier 1118h appl np --- 0 65535 65535 1 ---
dS.25 current decoupling time 1119h appl np --- 0.000 4095.938 0.000 0.063 ms
dS.26 wait for minimum flux 111Ah appl P --- 40 110 95 0.006 %
dS.30 rotor position detection 111Eh appl np E 0 15 0 1 --- 7.6-18
dS.31 rotor position mode 111Fh appl np E 0 1 0 1 --- 7.6-18, 7.6-19
dS.32 KI HF detection 1120h appl np --- 0 32767 1500 1 --- 7.6-18
dS.33 step current 1121h appl np --- 0 15000 0 1 A 7.6-18
dS.34 diff. Ld Lq Level 1122h appl np --- 0 1000 200 1 %
dS.35 diff. saturation Level 1123h appl np --- 0 1000 50 1 %
dS.36 diff. actual saturation 1124h appl np --- 0 1000 0 1 %
dS.37 usd max modulation ref. 1125h appl np --- 0 100 95 0.006 % 7.8 -12, 7.8-13
dS.38 encoder delay 1126h appl np --- 0 1 0 1 --- 7.11-25
dS.39 reserved modulation factor 1127h appl np --- 0 50 0 0.006 % 7.8-4, 7.10-4
dS.40 torque mode 1128h appl np --- 0 2 0 1 --- 7.9-6

7.11 - 10,7.11 - 11,7.11 - 18,
Ec.00 encoder 1 interface 1000h appl np E -127 127 GBK 1 --- 7.11 - 21,7.11 - 22,7.13 - 10,
7.16 - 12,8.1 - 5
6.2 - 7,6.2 - 9,6.2 - 17,7.6 - 6
,7.11 - 11,7.11 - 14,7.11 - 15
,7.11 - 17,7.11 - 22,7.11 - 2
Ec.01 encoder 1 (inc/r) 1001h appl np E 1 65535 GBK 1 inc
3,7.11 - 24,7.11 - 25,7.12 - 
14,7.12 - 17,7.12 - 30,7.12 
- 31,7.12 - 33,7.12 - 51
6.2 - 18,7.6 - 6,7.6 - 7,7.11 - 
Ec.02 absolute pos. enc. 1 1002h appl np E 0 65535 57057 1 ---
23,7.11 - 24
Ec.03 time 1 for speed calc. 1 1003h appl np E 0 9 3 1 --- 7.11-11, 7.11-23, 7.11-24
7.11-13, 7.11-14, 7.11-15,
Ec.04 gear 1 numerator 1004h appl np --- -32000 32000 1000 1 ---
7.12-30, 7.12-33, 7.15-22
7.11 - 14,7.11 - 15,7.11 - 25,
Ec.05 gear 1 determinator 1005h appl np --- 1 32000 1000 1 ---
7.12 - 33
Ec.06 enc. 1 rotation 1006h appl np E 0 19 0 1 --- 7.5 - 14,7.11 - 12
Ec.07 enc. 1 trigger 1007h appl np E 0 13 GBK 1 ---
7.6 - 7,7.11 - 13,7.12 - 30,7.1 10
2 - 31,7.12 - 33,7.12 - 51
Ec.08 encoder 1 excitation 1008h appl np E -1.94 9.14 6.10 0.14 kHz
7.11 - 6,7.11 - 10,7.11 - 11,7.
Ec.10 encoder 2 interface 100Ah appl np E -127 127 GBK 1 ---
11 - 18,8.1 - 5
7.6 - 6,7.11 - 11,7.11 - 14,7.
Ec.11 encoder 2 (inc/r) 100Bh appl np E 1 65535 GBK 1 inc 12 - 14,7.12 - 17,7.12 - 30,7
.12 - 31
Ec.12 absolute position enc.2 100Ch appl np E 0 65535 57057 1 --- 7.6-6, 7.6-7
Ec.13 time 2 for speed calc 100Dh appl np E 0 9 3 1 --- 7.11-11
7.11 - 13,7.11 - 14,7.11 - 15,
7.11 - 16,7.12 - 14,7.12 - 17,
Ec.14 gear 2 numerator 100Eh appl np --- -32000 32000 1000 1 ---
7.12 - 18,7.12 - 24,7.12 - 26,
7.12 - 31
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Parameter Addr. R P E Lower limit Upper limit Default Step Unit See on page
7.11 - 14,7.12 - 14,7.12 - 17,
Ec.15 gear 2 determinator 100Fh appl np --- 1 32000 1000 1 --- 7.12 - 18,7.12 - 24,7.12 - 26,
7.12 - 31
Ec.16 enc. 2 rotation 1010h appl np E 0 19 0 1 --- 7.11-12
Ec.17 enc.2 trigger 1011h appl np E 0 13 GBK 1 --- 7.11 - 13,7.12 - 30,7.12 - 31
7.11 - 7,7.11 - 10,7.12 - 15,7
Ec.20 enc. 2 operating mode 1014h appl np --- 0 3 GBK 1 ---
.12 - 16
Ec.21 SSI multiturn resolution 1015h appl np E 0 13 12 1 --- 7.11-19, 7.12-31
Ec.22 SSI clock frq. sel. 1016h appl np --- 0 1 0 1 --- 7.11-19
Ec.23 SSI data code 1017h appl np --- 0 1 1 1 --- 7.11-19
Ec.24 SSI power failure bit 1018h appl np --- 0: off 1: on 0: off 1 --- 7.11-19
Ec.25 nominal tacho speed 1019h appl np --- 1 16000 ; 2000 1500 ; 187.5 rpm 5.1-4, 7.11-20
Ec.27 operation mode output 101Bh appl np E 0 127 0 1 --- 7.11-10, 7.11-16, 7.11-17
Ec.28 position ch2 over bus 101Ch appl np --- -2147483648 2147483647 0 1 inc 7.11-10, 7.11-13
Ec.29 position ch1 direct 101Dh RO np --- -2147483648 2147483647 0 1 inc
Ec.30 position ch2 direct 101Eh RO np --- -2147483648 2147483647 0 1 inc
Ec.31 position ch1 101Fh RO np --- -2147483648 2147483647 0 1 inc 7.3-12
Ec.32 position ch2 1020h RO np --- -2147483648 2147483647 0 1 inc 7.3-12
Ec.33 system offset ch1 1021h appl np E -2147483648 2147483647 0 1 inc 7.11-18
Ec.34 system offset ch2 1022h appl np E -2147483648 2147483647 0 1 inc 7.11-18
Ec.36 enc. 1 encoder type 1024h RO np --- GBK GBK GBK 1 --- 7.11-21
7.11-21, 7.11-22, 7.11-24,
Ec.37 enc. 1 encoder status 1025h RO np --- 0 255 0 1 ---
Ec.38 enc. 1 encoder r/w 1026h np E 0 30 4 1 ---
(st) 7.11-21, 7.11-23, 7.11-24,
appl 7.11-25, 7.12-14
Ec.38 enc. 1 encoder r/w 1026h np E 0 62 4 1 ---
Ec.39 enc. 1 over transmission 1027h appl np E 0 5 0 1 --- 7.11-4, 7.11-15,
Ec.39 enc. 1 over transmission 1027h appl np E 0 4 0 1 --- 7.11-25, 7.12-33, 7.12-34
Ec.40 act. absolute pos. el. 1028h RO np --- 0 65535 0 1 --- 7.5-34, 7.5-35
Ec.41 mode disp. multiturn 1029h appl np E 0 15 0 1 --- 7.11-20
Ec.42 enc. alarm mode 102Ah appl np --- 0 15 0 1 ---
7.4-14, 7.11-7, 7.11-8
Ec.42 enc. alarm mode 102Ah appl np --- 0 15 1 1 ---
Ec.43 SSI data code channel 1 102Bh appl np E 0 1 0 1 --- 7.11-19
Ec.44 abs. Res. channel 1 102Ch appl np E 0 13 10 1 ---
Ec.45 UVW commutation per res. 102Dh appl np E 0 127 0 1 ---
Ec.46 PT1 time channel 1 102Eh appl np --- 0 256 0 1 ms 7.12-34
Ec.47 PT1 time channel 2 102Fh appl np --- 0 256 0 1 ms 7.12-34
scan channel 2 input selec-
Ec.48 1030h appl np E 0 4095 0 1 --- 7.3-10
scan channel 1+ channel 2
Ec.49 1031h appl np E 0 4095 0 1 --- 7.3-10
input selection
Ec.50 scan position Ec.60 1032h RO np --- -2^31 2^31-1 0 1 inc 7.3-12
Ec.51 scan position Ec.61 1033h RO np --- -2^31 2^31-1 0 1 inc 7.3-12
encoder 1 SSI multiturn reso-
Ec.53 1035h appl np E 0 13 0 1 --- 7.11-18, 7.12-33
Ec.54 encoder 1 SSI mode 1036h appl np E 0 3 0 1 --- 7.11-19
Ec.55 encoder 2 SSI mode 1037h appl np E 0 2 0 1 --- 7.11-20
Ec.56 gear 1 numerator 1038h appl np --- -2^30 2^30-1 0 1 --- 7.11-14
Ec.57 gear 1 denominator (long) 1039h appl np --- 1 2^30-1 1000 1 --- 7.11-14
Ec.58 gear 2 numerator 103Ah appl np --- -2^30 2^30-1 0 1 --- 7.11 - 13,7.11 - 14,7.12 - 24
Ec.59 gear 2 denominator (long) 103Bh appl np --- 1 2^30-1 1000 1 --- 7.11-14
Ec.60 system position channel 1 103Ch RO np --- -2^31 2^31-1 0 1 inc
Ec.61 system position channel 2 103Dh RO np --- -2^31 2^31-1 0 1 inc
Ec.63 encoder 2 over gear 103Fh appl np E 0 1 0 1 ---

6.2 - 4,6.2 - 6,6.2 - 9,6.2 - 13
Fr.01 copy parameter set 0901h appl P E -9 7 0 1 --- ,6.2 - 17,6.2 - 19,7.6 - 11,7.
6 - 12
Fr.02 parameter set source 0902h appl np E 0 5 0 1 --- 10.1 - 10
Fr.03 parameter set lock 0903h appl np E 0 255 0 1 --- 7.13-9
Fr.04 parameter set setting 0904h appl np E 0 7 0 1 ---
Fr.05 set activation delay 0905h appl P --- 0.00 32.00 0.00 0.01 s
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Parameter Addr. R P E Lower limit Upper limit Default Step Unit See on page
Fr.06 set deactivation delay 0906h appl P --- 0.00 32.00 0.00 0.01 s
Fr.07 paraset input selection 0907h appl np E 0 4095 0 1 --- 7.3-10, 7.3-11
Fr.08 motor set classification 0908h appl P E 0 7 0 1 --- 7.13-28, 7.13-29
Fr.09 bus parameter set 0909h appl np --- -1: act set 7 0 1 ---
Fr.10 load mot. dependent para. 090Ah appl P E 1 3 1 1 --- 6.2 - 5,6.2 - 7,6.2 - 10,6.2 - 1
, 4,6.2 - 18,6.2 - 19,7.5 - 9,7.
5 - 12,7.5 - 13,7.5 - 22,7.5 - 2
Fr.10 load mot. dependent para. 090Ah appl np E 1 2 1 1 ---
9,7.6 - 5,7.6 - 12,7.6 - 13,7.6 
- 17,7.7 - 3,7.10 - 3,7.11 - 25
Fr.11 reset set input sel. 090Bh appl np E 0 4095 0 1 --- 7.3-10, 7.3-11
Fr.12 set change mode mod. on 090Ch appl np E 0 3 2 1 ---
Fr.12 set change mode mod. on 090Ch appl np E 0 3 0 1 ---

In.00 inverter type 0E00h RO np --- 0 65535 0 1 hex 7.1-4, 7.1-16

7.2 - 13,7.13 - 14,7.13 - 19,7
In.01 rated inverter current 0E01h RO np --- LTK LTK LTK 0.1 A
.13 - 25
7.1-4, 7.1-16, 7.10-2, 7.10-
In.03 max. carrier frequency 0E03h RO np --- 0 4 LTK 1 ---
7.1-4, 7.1-16, 7.10-2, 7.10-
In.04 rated carrier frequency 0E04h RO np --- 0 LTK LTK 1 ---
In.06 software version 0E06h RO np --- SW SW SW 0.01 --- 7.1-4, 7.1-16
In.07 software date 0E07h RO np --- SW SW SW 0.1 --- 7.1-4, 7.1-17
In.10 serial no. (date) 0E0Ah sup np --- 0 65535 0 1 --- 7.1-4, 7.1-17
In. 11 serial no. (count) 0E0Bh sup np --- 0 65535 0 1 --- 7.1-4, 7.1-17
In.12 serial no. (AB-no. high) 0E0Ch sup np --- 0 65535 0 1 --- 7.1-4, 7.1-17
In.13 serial no. (AB-no. low) 0E0Dh sup np --- 0 65535 0 1 --- 7.1-4, 7.1-17
In.14 customer no. high 0E0Eh sup np --- 0 65535 0 1 --- 7.1-4, 7.1-17
In.15 customer no. low 0E0Fh sup np --- 0 65535 0 1 --- 7.1-4, 7.1-17
In.16 QS no. 0E10h sup np --- 0 65535 0 1 --- 7.1-4, 7.1-17
In. 17 temp.- mode 0E11h RO np --- LTK LTK LTK 1 hex 7.1-4, 7.1-17
7.5-17, 7.6-8, 7.6-17, 7.8-
In.18 hardware current inverter 0E12h RO np --- LTK LTK LTK 0.1 A
4, 7.8-7, 7.10-4
In.20 KEB service slector 0E14h sup np E 0 39 0 1 --- 7.5-32, 7.16-12
KEB serv.
In.21 KEB service data 0E15h sup np --- KEB serv. data KEB serv. data 1 --- 7.5-32
In.22 user parameter 1 0E16h appl np --- 0 65535 0 1 --- 7.1-4, 7.1-18
In.23 user parameter 2 0E17h appl np --- 0 65535 0 1 --- 7.1-4, 7.1-18
In. 24 last error 0E18h sup P E 0 255 0 1 --- 7.1-4, 7.1-18
In. 25 error assistance 0E19h RO P --- 0 65535 0 1 hex 7.1-4, 7.1-18
In.26 E.OC error counter 0E1Ah sup np --- 0 65535 0 1 --- 7.1-4, 7.1-18
In.27 E.OL error counter 0E1Bh sup np --- 0 65535 0 1 --- 7.1-4, 7.1-18
In.28 E.OP error counter 0E1Ch sup np --- 0 65535 0 1 --- 7.1-4, 7.1-18
In.29 E.OH error counter 0E1Dh sup np --- 0 65535 0 1 --- 7.1-4, 7.1-18
In.30 E.OHI error counter 0E1Eh sup np --- 0 65535 0 1 --- 7.1-4, 7.1-18
In.31 KEB-Hiperface 0E1Fh RO np --- 0 65535 GBK 1 --- 7.1-4, 7.1-18
In.32 interface software date 0E20h RO np --- 0 6553.5 GBK 0.1 --- 7.1-4, 7.1-18
In.33 interface software version 0E21h RO np --- 0 655.35 GBK 0.01 --- 7.1-19
In.34 LTK data Id 0E22h sup np E 0 20 0 1 ---
In.35 LTK data index 0E23h sup np --- -1 LTK data Id -1 1 ---
In.36 LTK value index 0E24h sup np E 0 LTK 0 1 ---
In.37 LTK data 0E25h RO np --- 0 65535 0 1 ---
In.39 deadtime selector 0E27h appl np E 0 329 0 1 --- 7.6-11
In.40 deadtime 0E28h appl np --- 0 255 0 1 --- 7.6-11

LE.00 comparison level 0 0D00h appl P --- -10737418.24 10737418.23 0.00 0.01 ---
7.3-22, 7.12-75, 7.15-76, 10
7.15-9, 7.15-12, 7.15-22
LE.01 comparison level 1 0D01h appl P --- -10737418.24 10737418.23 0.00 0.01 --- 7.3-26, 7.12-49
LE.02 comparison level 2 0D02h appl P --- -10737418.24 10737418.23 100.00 0.01 --- 7.3-26, 7.12-49
LE.03 comparison level 3 0D03h appl P --- -10737418.24 10737418.23 4.00 0.01 --- 7.12-49
LE.04 comparison level 4 0D04h appl P --- -10737418.24 10737418.23 0.00 0.01 --- 7.5-26
LE.05 comparison level 5 0D05h appl P --- -10737418.24 10737418.23 0.00 0.01 --- 11
LE.06 comparison level 6 0D06h appl P --- -10737418.24 10737418.23 0.00 0.01 ---
7.3 - 22,7.12 - 75,7.12 - 76,7
LE.07 comparison level 7 0D07h appl P --- -10737418.24 10737418.23 0.00 0.01 ---
.15 - 12
LE.08 hysteresis 0 0D08h appl P --- 0.00 300.00 0.00 0.01 --- 7.3-22
LE.09 hysteresis 1 0D09h appl P --- 0.00 300.00 0.00 0.01 --- 7.3-22, 7.3-26
LE.10 hysteresis 2 0D0Ah appl P --- 0.00 300.00 5.00 0.01 --- 7.3-26
LE.11 hysteresis 3 0D0Bh appl P --- 0.00 300.00 0.50 0.01 ---
LE.12 hysteresis 4 0D0Ch appl P --- 0.00 300.00 0.00 0.01 --- 7.5-26
LE.13 hysteresis 5 0D0Dh appl P --- 0.00 300.00 0.00 0.01 ---
LE.14 hysteresis 6 0D0Eh appl P --- 0.00 300.00 0.00 0.01 ---
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Parameter Addr. R P E Lower limit Upper limit Default Step Unit See on page
LE.15 hysteresis 7 0D0Fh appl P --- 0.00 300.00 0.00 0.01 --- 7.3-22
n* 7.3 - 18,7.3 - 22,7.13 - 41,7.
LE.16 freq/speed hysteresis 0D10h appl np --- 0 n * 200 n * 15 rpm
0.125 15 - 4,10.1 - 12
7.1 - 11,7.3 - 10,7.3 - 11,7.1
LE.17 timer 1 start inp. sel. 0D11h appl np E 0 4095 0 1 ---
5 - 9,7.15 - 10,7.15 - 11
LE.18 timer 1 start condition 0D12h appl np E 0 15 0 1 --- 7.15-9, 7.15-10, 7.15-11
7.3 - 10,7.3 - 11,7.12 - 50,7.1
LE.19 timer 1 start inp. sel. 0D13h appl np E 0 4095 0 1 ---
5 - 9,7.15 - 11
LE.20 timer 1 reset condition 0D14h appl np E 0 31 16 1 --- 7.15-9, 7.15-11
7.1 - 11,7.15 - 9,7.15 - 10,7.1
LE.21 timer 1 mode 0D15h appl np --- 0 63 0 1 ---
5 - 11,7.15 - 12
7.1 - 11,7.3 - 10,7.3 - 11,7.1
LE.22 timer 2 start inp. sel. 0D16h appl np E 0 4095 0 1 ---
5 - 9,7.15 - 10,7.15 - 11
LE.23 timer 2 start condition 0D17h appl np E 0 15 0 1 --- 7.15-9, 7.15-10
7.3-10, 7.3-11, 7.15-9,
LE.24 timer 2 start inp. sel. 0D18h appl np E 0 4095 0 1 ---
LE.25 timer 2 reset condition 0D19h appl np E 0 31 16 1 --- 7.15-9, 7.15-11
LE.26 timer 2 mode 0D1Ah appl np --- 0 63 0 1 --- 7.1-11, 7.15-9, 7.15-10
LE.27 reference torque 0D1Bh appl np --- 0.00 32000.00 0.00 0.01 Nm 7.8-15

7.6-3, 7.6-8, 7.6-11, 7.6-14,

nn.00 motor model select 1400h appl np E 0 32767 191 1 ---
7.6-16, 7.6-17, 7.6-18
standstill current and stabili- 7.6-5, 7.6-13, 7.6-14, 7.6-
nn.01 1401h appl np --- 0 1100.0 0 0.1 A
sation current 15, 7.6-16, 7.6-17
minimum speed for current 1; 5.1-4, 7.6-5, 7.6-13, 7.6-
nn.02 1402h appl np --- 0 32000 ; 4000 0 rpm
0.125 14, 7.6-15
maximum speed for current 1; 5.1-4, 7.6-5, 7.6-13, 7.6-
nn.03 1403h appl np --- 0 32000 ; 4000 0 rpm
0.125 14, 7.6-15
nn.04 time speed calculation 1404h appl np --- 0.000 4095.938 0.125 0.063 ms 7.6-17
nn.05 filter speed calculation 1405h appl np --- 0.000 4095.938 1.000 0.063 ms 7.6-17
nn.06 RS adaption factor 1406h appl np --- 0 32767 100 1 --- 7.6-17
nn.07 observer factor 1407h appl np --- 0 60.00 2.00 0.0015 % 7.6-17
start-up speed n*
nn.08 1408h appl np --- 0 n * 4000 0 rpm 5.1-4, 7.6-14, 7.6-15
nn.09 start-up time 1409h appl np --- 0.00 300.00 5.00 0.01 s 7.6-14
standstill current 7.6-5, 7.6-13, 7.6-16, 7.6-
nn.10 140Ah appl np --- 0 1100.0 0 0.1 A
nn.11 stabilisation time 140Bh appl np --- 0.000 4095.938 0.250 0.063 ms 7.6-5
nn.12 deviation control time 140Ch appl np --- 0.000 4095.938 10.000 0.063 ms 7.6-18
nn.13 C filter [uF] 140Dh appl np --- 0.00 655.35 0.00 0.01 --- 7.6-18
nn.14 amplitude HF injection 140Eh appl np --- 0 16383 1500 1 --- 7.6-21
nn.15 optimization HF injection 140Fh appl np E 20 15.0 4.0 0.1 --- 7.6-21
nn.17 open loop speed 1411h appl np --- 0 n * 4000 0 rpm 7.6-21

7.1-21, 7.4-2, 7.4-4, 7.4-5,

oP.00 reference source 0300h appl P E 0 10 0 1 --- 7.15-25, 7.15-29, 7.15-30,
7.1-21, 7.4-2,
7.4-7, 7.4-8, 7.4-9, 7.4-10,
oP.01 rotation source 0301h appl P E 0 11 7 1 ---
7.4-11, 7.12-4, 7.12-80
7.13-6, 10.1-10, 10.1-13
oP.02 rotation setting 0302h appl P E 0 2 0 1 --- 7.4-7, 7.4-8, 7.4-10
n* 7.4 - 4,7.12 - 77,7.12 - 78,7.
oP.03 dig. setpoint setting 0303h appl P --- n * -4000 n * 4000 0 rpm
0.125 12 - 79,7.12 - 80
oP.05 reference setting % 0305h appl P --- -100.0 100.0 0.0 0.1 % 7.2-10, 7.4-4
n* 7.3-21, 7.4-4, 7.4-5, 7.4-
oP.06 min. reference forward 0306h appl P --- 0 n * 4000 0 rpm
0.125 13, 7.4-15, 7.5-30, 7.13-24
n * -0.125: n * -0.125: n* 7.3-21, 7.4-4, 7.4-5, 7.4-
oP.07 min. reference reverse 0307h appl P --- n * 4000 rpm
=For =For 0.125 15, 7.5-30
7.1 - 14,7.4 - 4,7.4 - 5,7.4 - 1
3,7.4 - 14,7.4 - 15,7.12 - 22,
oP.10 max. reference forward 030Ah appl P --- 0 n * 4000 n * 2100 rpm 7.12 - 28,7.12 - 29,7.12 - 35,
7.12 - 37,7.12 - 38,7.12 - 46,
7.12 - 48,7.13 - 24,7.15 - 27
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Parameter Addr. R P E Lower limit Upper limit Default Step Unit See on page
n * -0.125: n * -0.125: n* 7.4-4, 7.4-9, 7.4-13, 7.4-14,
oP.11 max. reference reverse 030Bh appl P --- n * 4000 rpm
=For =For 0.125 7.4-15, 7.12-22, 7.12-28
7.4 - 5,7.4 - 13,7.4 - 14,7.12 
oP.14 abs. max. reference for 030Eh appl P --- 0 n * 4000 n * 4000 rpm - 14,7.12 - 22,7.12 - 28,7.12 
- 29,7.12 - 78,7.12 - 81
7.4 - 13,7.4 - 14,7.12 - 14,7.
n * -0.125: n * -0.125: n*
oP.15 abs. max. reference rev 030Fh appl P --- n * 4000 rpm 12 - 22,7.12 - 28,7.12 - 78,7
=For =For 0.125
.12 - 81
oP.16 rotation delay time 0310h appl np --- 0 1000 0 1 s 7.4-10
oP.18 step value rot. source 0312h appl P E 0 10 7 1 --- 7.4-11, 7.4-12
7.3-10, 7.3-11, 7.4-11, 7.4-
oP.19 step value input sel. 1 0313h appl np E 0 4095 16 1 ---
7.3-10, 7.3-11, 7.4-11, 7.4-
oP.20 step value input sel. 2 0314h appl np E 0 4095 32 1 ---
oP.21 step value 1 0315h appl P --- n * -4000 n * 4000 n * 100 rpm 7.4-11, 7.4-12, 7.16-6
oP.22 step value 2 0316h appl P --- n * -4000 n * 4000 n * -100 rpm 7.4-11
oP.23 Step value 3 0317h appl P --- n * -4000 n * 4000 n*0 rpm 7.4-11, 7.4-12
oP.27 031Bh appl P E 0 511 0 1 --- 7.4-16, 7.4-20, 7.4-22
7.4-17, 7.4-18, 7.4-20, 7.4-
oP.28 acceleration time forward 031Ch appl P --- 0.00 300.00 5.00 0.01 s
22, 7.12-19, 7.16-6
oP.29 acc. time reverse 031Dh appl P --- -0.01: =For 300.00 -0.01: =For 0.01 s 7.4-17, 7.4-18
7.4-18, 7.4-20, 7.4-21,
oP.30 deceleration time forward 031Eh appl P --- -0.01: =Acc 300.00 5.00 0.01 s
7.4-17, 7.4-18, 7.4-20, 7.4-
oP.31 dec. time reverse 031Fh appl P --- -0.01: =For 300.00 -0.01: =For 0.01 s
21, 7.12-28
oP.32 s-curve time acc. for. 0320h appl P --- 0.00: off 5.00 0.00: off 0.01 s 7.4-17, 7.4-19, 7.12-28
oP.33 s-curve time acc. 0321h appl P --- -0.01: =For 5.00 -0.01: =For 0.01 s 7.4-19, 7.4-20
oP.34 s-curve time dec. for. 0322h appl P --- -0.01: =Acc 5.00 -0.01: =Acc 0.01 s 7.4-19, 7.4-20
oP.35 s-curve time dec. rev. 0323h appl P --- -0.01: =For 5.00 -0.01: =For 0.01 s 7.4-17, 7.4-19, 7.12-28
n* 7.4-14, 7.6-17, 7.12-28,
oP.40 max. output val. for. 0328h appl P --- 0 n * 4000 n * 4000 rpm
0.125 7.13-10, 7.13-24
n * -0.125: n * -0.125: n*
oP.41 max. output val. rev. 0329h appl P --- n * 4000 rpm 7.4-14, 7.6-17, 7.13-10
=For =For 0.125
oP.44 ext. function mode/source 032Ch appl P E 0 79 0 1 --- 7.15-19, 7.15-21
oP.45 ext. funct. dig. source 032Dh appl P --- 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.01 % 7.15-19, 7.15-21
oP.46 ext. funct. acc/dec time 032Eh appl P --- 0.00 20.00 10.00 0.01 s 7.15-19, 7.15-22
oP.47 sweep-gen. acc. time 032Fh appl P --- 0.00 20.00 10.00 0.01 s 7.15-19, 7.15-20
oP.48 sweep-gen. dec. time 0330h appl P --- 0.00 20.00 10.00 0.01 s 7.15-19, 7.15-20
oP.49 diam. corr. dmin/dmax 0331h appl P --- 0.010 0.990 0.500 0.001 --- 7.15-21
oP.50 motorpoti function 0332h appl np E 0 7 0 1 --- 7.1-11, 7.15-7, 7.15-8
7.4-4, 7.11-16, 7.12-24,
oP.52 motorpoti value 0334h appl P --- -100.00 100.00 0.00 0.01 %
oP.53 motorpoti min. value 0335h appl np --- -100.00 100.00 0.00 0.01 % 7.1-11, 7.11-16, 7.15-9
oP.54 motorpoti max. value 0336h appl np --- -100.00 100.00 100.00 0.01 % 7.11-16, 7.15-9
oP.55 motorpoti reset value 0337h appl np --- -100.00 100.00 0.00 0.01 % 7.15-7, 7.15-8
oP.56 mot.poti inc. input sel. 0338h appl np E 0 4095 0 1 --- 7.3-10, 7.3-11, 7.15-7
oP.57 mot.poti dec. input sel. 0339h appl np E 0 4095 0 1 --- 7.3-10, 7.3-11, 7.15-7
oP.58 mot.poti reset inp. sel. 033Ah appl np E 0 4095 0 1 ---
7.3-10, 7.3-11, 7.15-7, 10
motorpoti increase/decrease
oP.59 033Bh appl P --- 0.00 50000.00 66.00 0.01 s 7.1-11, 7.15-7, 7.15-8
oP.60 dir. forward input sel. 033Ch appl np E 0 4095 4 1 --- 7.3-10, 7.3-11, 7.4-8, 7.4-9
direction reverse input selec-
033Dh appl np E 0 4095 8 1 --- 7.3-10, 7.3-11, 7.4-8, 7.4-9 11
oP.62 acc/dec time factor 033Eh appl np E 0 4 0 1 --- 7.4-22
oP.63 ref. value high-res. 033Fh appl np --- -2^31 2^31-1 0 1 --- 7.4-4, 7.4-6, 7.4-7
oP.64 rel. value high-res. 0340h appl P --- n * 600 n * 4000 n * 2100 rpm 7.4-4, 7.4-5, 7.4-6, 7.4-7
oP.65 min. proh. reference 1 0341h appl np --- n * -4000 n * 4000 0 rpm 7.4-15, 7.5-30
oP.66 max. proh. reference 1 0342h appl np --- n * -4000 n * 4000 0 rpm 7.4-15
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Parameter Addr. R P E Lower limit Upper limit Default Step Unit See on page
oP.67 min. proh. reference 2 0343h appl np --- n * -4000 n * 4000 0 rpm 7.4-15
oP.68 max. proh. reference 2 0344h appl np --- n * -4000 n * 4000 0 rpm 7.4-15, 7.5-30
oP.69 motorpoti deceleration time 0345h appl P --- -0.01 50000.00 -0.01 0.01 s
7.4-17, 7.4-19, 7.4-20,
oP.70 s-c. up time acc. for. 0346h appl P --- -0.01: = low 5.00 -0.01: = low 0.01 s
oP.71 s-c. up time acc. rev. 0347h appl P --- -0.02: =For 5.00 -0.01: = low 0.01 s 7.4-19, 7.4-20
oP.72 s-c. up time dec. for. 0348h appl P --- -0.02: =Acc 5.00 -0.01: = low 0.01 s 7.4-19, 7.4-20
7.4-17, 7.4-19, 7.4-20,
oP.73 s-c. up time dec. rev. 0349h appl P --- -0.02: =Acc 5.00 -0.01: = low 0.01 s
oP.74 reference splitting 034Ah appl np --- 0 127 0 1 ms 7.7-10

Pd.00 PD Byte order 0100h appl np E 0 2 2 1 ---

Pd.01 PD0 Out Index 0101h appl P E 0 32767 0 1 ---
Pd.02 PD Out Subindex 0102h appl P E 8 1 1 1 ---
Pd.03 PD Out Offset 0103h appl P E 15 0 0 1 ---
Pd.04 PD Out Type 0104h appl P E 3 0 0 1 ---
Pd.05 PD Out Count 0105h appl np E 0 8 0 1 ---
Pd.06 PD0 In Index 0106h appl P E 0 32767 0 1 ---
Pd.07 PD0 In Subindex 0107h appl P E 1 8 1 1 ---
Pd.08 PD0 In Offset 0108h appl P E 0 15 0 1 ---
Pd.09 PD0 In Type 0109h appl P E 0 3 0 1 ---
Pd.10 PD0 In Count 010Ah appl np E 0 8 0 1 ---
Pd.11 PD1 Out Index 010Bh appl P E 0 32767 0 1 ---
Pd.12 PD1 Out Subindex 010Ch appl P E 1 8 1 1 ---
Pd.13 PD1 Out Offset 010Dh appl P E 0 15 0 1 ---
Pd.14 PD1 Out Type 010Eh appl P E 0 3 0 1 ---
Pd.15 PD1 Out Count 010Fh appl np E 0 8 0 1 ---
Pd.16 PD1 In Index 0110h appl P E 0 32676 0 1 ---
Pd.17 PD1 In Subindex 0111h appl P E 1 8 1 1 ---
Pd.18 PD1 In Offset 0112h appl P E 0 15 0 1 ---
Pd.19 PD1 In Type 0113h appl P E 0 3 0 1 ---
Pd.20 PD1 In Count 0114h appl np E 0 8 0 1 ---
Pd.21 PD2 Out Index 0115h appl P E 0 32767 0 1 ---
Pd.22 PD2 Out Subindex 0116h appl P E 1 8 1 1 ---
Pd.23 PD2 Out Offset 0117h appl P E 0 15 0 1 ---
Pd.24 PD2 Out Type 0118h appl P E 0 3 0 1 ---
Pd.25 PD2 Out Count 0119h appl np E 0 8 0 1 ---
Pd.26 PD2 In Index 011Ah appl P E 0 32767 0 1 ---
Pd.27 PD2 In Subindex 011Bh appl P E 1 8 1 1 ---
Pd.28 PD2 In Offset 011Ch appl P E 0 15 0 1 ---
Pd.29 PD2 In Type 011Dh appl P E 0 3 0 1 ---
Pd.30 PD2 In Count 011Eh appl np E 0 8 0 1 ---

Pn.00 auto. retry UP 0400h appl np --- 0: off 1: on 1: on 1 --- 7.3-21, 7.13-16
Pn.01 auto. retry OP 0401h appl np --- 0: off 1: on 0: off 1 --- 7.13-16
Pn.02 auto. retry OC 0402h appl np --- 0: off 1: on 0: off 1 --- 7.13-17
7.13-7, 7.13-11, 7.13-12,
Pn.03 E.EF stopping mode 0403h appl np --- 0 6 0 1 ---
7.3-10, 7.3-11, 7.13-7,
Pn.04 ext. fault input select 0404h appl np E 0 4095 64 1 ---
7.12 - 78,7.12 - 80,7.13 - 4,7
Pn.05 E.buS stopping mode 0405h appl np --- 0 6 6 1 --- .13 - 7,7.13 - 11,7.13 - 12,7.1
3 - 17,10.1 - 9,10.1 - 10
7.3-21, 7.12-80, 7.13-7,
Pn.06 watchdog time 0406h appl np E 0.00: off 40.00 0.00: off 0.01 s
7.12 - 4,7.12 - 9,7.12 - 29,7.
prohibit rotation stopping
Pn.07 0407h appl np --- 0 6 6 1 --- 12 - 64,7.13 - 4,7.13 - 7,7.13 
- 11,7.13 - 12,7.13 - 17
7.3 - 17,7.13 - 6,7.13 - 11,7.1
Pn.08 warning OL stop. mode 0408h appl np --- 0 6 6 1 ---
3 - 12,7.13 - 17
Pn.09 OL warning level 0409h appl np --- 0 100 80 1 % 7.3-17, 7.3-19, 7.13-6
warning OH stop. modeRes- 7.3 - 17,7.13 - 4,7.13 - 6,7.1
Pn.10 040Ah appl np --- 0 6 6 1 ---
ponse 3 - 11,7.13 - 12,7.13 - 17
Pn.11 OH warning level 040Bh appl np --- 0 90 70 1 degree 7.3-17, 7.13-4, 7.13-6
warning dOH stop. modeRe- 7.1-17, 7.3-17, 7.13-8,
Pn.12 040Ch appl np --- 0 8 6 1 ---
sponse 7.13-11, 7.13-12, 7.13-17
Pn.13 E.dOH delay time 040Dh appl np --- 0 120 0 1 s 7.1-17, 7.3-17, 7.13-8
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Parameter Addr. R P E Lower limit Upper limit Default Step Unit See on page
7.3 - 17,7.13 - 8,7.13 - 9,7.1
warning OH2 stop. modeRe- 3 - 11,7.13 - 12,7.13 - 17,7.1
Pn.14 040Eh appl np --- 0 6 6 1 ---
sponse 3 - 27,7.13 - 28,7.13 - 29,7.
13 - 30
Pn.15 OH2 warning levellevel 040Fh appl np --- 0 100 100 1 % 7.3-17, 7.13-9, 7.13-30
7.3 - 17,7.13 - 6,7.13 - 11,7.1
Pn.16 warning OHI stop. mode 0410h appl np --- 0 7 7 1 ---
3 - 12,7.13 - 13,7.13 - 17
Pn.17 E.OHI delay time 0411h appl np --- 0 120 0 1 s 7.3-17, 7.13-6
7.13-9, 7.13-11, 7.13-12,
Pn.18 E.Set stopping mode 0412h appl np --- 0 6 0 1 ---
Pn.19 stall mode 0413h appl P E 0 255 0 1 --- 7.13-23, 7.13-24, 7.13-25
Pn.20 stall level 0414h appl P --- 0 200: off 200: off 1 % 7.3-17, 7.13-23, 7.13-24
stall acceleration/decelerati-
Pn.21 0415h appl P --- 0 300.00 2.00 0.01 s 5.1-5, 7.13-24, 7.13-25
on time
Pn.22 LAD stop function 0416h appl P E 0 7 0 1 --- 7.13-22, 7.13-23, 7.13-26
7.3-10, 7.3-11, 7.13-22,
Pn.23 LAD stop input selection 0417h appl np E 0 4095 0 1 ---
7.13-23, 7.13-26
Pn.24 LAD load level 0418h appl P --- 0 200 140 1 % 7.3-18, 7.13-22, 7.13-25
375 ; 720 ; 7.3-18, 7.13-22, 7.13-23,
Pn.25 LD voltage 0419h appl P --- 200 1200 1 V
1100 7.13-26
Pn.26 speed search condition 041Ah appl P E 0 31 8 1 --- 7.5-30, 7.6-13, 7.13-21
Pn.27 speed search mode 041Bh appl np E 0 255 88 1 ---
Pn.28 DC braking Mode 041Ch appl P E 0 506 7 1 --- 7.5-30, 7.15-4
Pn.29 DC brake input selection 041Dh appl np E 0 4095 0 1 --- 7.3-10, 7.3-11, 7.15-4
Pn.30 DC braking time 041Eh appl P --- 0.00 100.00 10.00 0.01 s 7.15-4, 7.15-5
Pn.31 DC braking max. voltage 041Fh appl P --- 0.0 25.5 25.5 0.1 % 7.15-5
Pn.32 DC braking start level 0420h appl P --- 0 n * 4000 n * 120 rpm 5.1-4, 7.15-4, 7.15-5
DC braking maximum current
Pn.33 0421h appl P --- 0.0 400.0 100.0 0.1 % 7.5-30, 7.15-5
Pn.34 brake control mode 0422h appl P E 0 4 0 1 ---
Pn.34 brake control mode 0422h appl P E 0 4 2 1 --- 7.6-8, 7.15-13
7.6 - 13,7.15 - 14,7.15 - 15,
Pn.35 premagnetizing time 0423h appl P --- 0.00 100.00 0.25 0.01 s
7.15 - 16,7.15 - 17,7.15 - 18
7.3 - 12,7.6 - 13,7.15 - 13,7.
Pn.36 brake release time 0424h appl P --- 0.00 100.00 0.25 0.01 s
15 - 14,7.15 - 15,7.15 - 17
n* 5.1 - 4,7.15 - 14,7.15 - 15,7.
Pn.37 brake ctrl. start ref. 0425h appl P --- n * -600 n * 600 0 rpm
0.125 15 - 16,7.15 - 17,7.15 - 18
Pn.38 brake fadeout time 0426h appl P --- 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.01 s 7.15-15
Pn.39 brake delay time 0427h appl P --- 0.00 100.00 0.25 0.01 s 7.15-14, 7.15-15, 7.15-18
7.3-12, 7.15-13, 7.15-14,
Pn.40 brake closing time 0428h appl P --- 0.00 100.00 0.25 0.01 s
n* 5.1-4, 7.15-15, 7.15-16,
Pn.41 brake ctrl. stop ref. 0429h appl P --- n * -600 n * 600 0 rpm
0.125 7.15-17
Pn.42 brake check input sel. 042Ah appl np E 0 4095 0 1 --- 7.3-12, 7.15-14
Pn.43 min. load brake ctrl. 042Bh appl P --- 0: off 100 0: off 1 % 7.15-13, 7.15-14, 8.1-5
7.13 - 31,7.13 - 32,7.13 - 33,
Pn.44 power off mode 042Ch appl np E 0 1023 0 1 --- 7.13 - 34,7.13 - 35,7.13 - 36,
7.13 - 37,7.13 - 38
290 ; 500 ;
Pn.45 power off start voltage 042Dh appl np --- 200 1200 1 V 7.13-31, 7.13-33
Pn.46 power off auto st. level 042Eh appl np --- 50 90 80 1 %
7.13-31, 7.13-32, 7.13-33
Pn.46 power off auto st. level 042Eh appl np --- 50 100 80 1 %
7.13-31, 7.13-32, 7.13-34,
Pn.47 power off brake torque 042Fh appl np --- 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.1 %
7.13-36, 7.13-37
5.1 - 4,7.13 - 31,7.13 - 32,7.
Pn.48 power off restart level 0430h appl np --- 0 n * 4000 0
rpm 13 - 34,7.13 - 35,7.13 - 37,7 11
.13 - 38
Pn.49 power off start input selection 0431h appl np E 0 255 0 1 --- 7.13-31, 7.13-32, 7.13-37
290 ; 500 ; 7.13 - 31,7.13 - 32,7.13 - 35,
Pn.50 power off ref. DC volt. 0432h appl np --- 200 1200 1 V
860 7.13 - 36,7.13 - 37,7.13 - 38
Pn.51 power off KP DC voltage 0433h appl np --- 0 32767 128 1 --- 7.13 - 31,7.13 - 35
7.13 - 31,7.13 - 32,7.13 - 35,
Pn.52 power off restart delay 0434h appl np --- 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.01 s
7.13 - 36,7.13 - 37
Pn.53 power off KP act. curr. 0435h appl np --- 0 32767 800 1 --- 7.13-31, 7.13-35
Pn.54 power off KI act. curr. 0436h appl np --- 0 32767 800 1 --- 7.13-31, 7.13-35
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Parameter Addr. R P E Lower limit Upper limit Default Step Unit See on page
Pn.55 power off KD act. curr. 0437h appl np --- 0 32767 0 1 --- 7.13-31, 7.13-35
Pn.56 power off jump factor 0438h appl np --- 0 800 100 1 % 7.13-31, 7.13-34, 8.1-8
Pn.57 power off KI DC voltage 0439h appl np --- 0 32767 5 1 --- 7.13-31, 7.13-35
7.13 - 14,7.13 - 15,7.13 - 18,
Pn.58 quick stop mode 043Ah appl np E 0 31 0 1 ---
7.13 - 19,7.13 - 20
Pn.59 quick stop level 043Bh appl np --- 0 200 200 1 % 7.13 - 14,7.13 - 18,7.13 - 19
5.1 - 5,7.12 - 9,7.13 - 13,7.1
3 - 14,7.13 - 18,7.13 - 19,7.
Pn.60 quick stop deceleration time 043Ch appl P --- 0 300.00 2.00 0.01 s
13 - 22,7.13 - 25,7.13 - 37,7
.13 - 38
7.5 - 12,7.6 - 5,7.11 - 25,7.1
Pn.61 quick stop torque limit 043Dh appl P --- 0 32000.00 0 Adpt 0.01 Nm 2 - 9,7.13 - 13,7.13 - 18,7.1
3 - 19
Pn.62 dOH warning level 043Eh appl np --- 0 200 100 1 degree 7.1-17, 7.13-17
Pn.64 act. GTR7 input selection 0440h appl np E 0 4095 0 1 --- 7.3-10, 7.3-11, 7.13-38
7.13 - 4,7.13 - 7,7.13 - 17,7.
13 - 38,7.13 - 39,7.13 - 40,7
Pn.65 special functions 0441h appl np E 0 32768 0 1 ---
.13 - 41,7.13 - 43,8.1 - 8,10.
1 - 12
Pn.66 software limit stopping mode 0442h appl np --- 0 6 6 1 --- 7.13-8, 7.13-11, 7.13-12
qucik stop max. torque corner 7.12 - 9,7.13 - 13,7.13 - 18,7
Pn.67 0443h appl P --- 0 32000.00 0 Adpt 0.01 Nm
speed .13 - 20
Pn.68 max. abn. stopping time 0444h appl np --- 0.00: off 100.00 0.00: off 0.01 s 7.13-15, 7.13-20
380 ; 740 ;
Pn.69 GTR7 voltage 0445h appl np --- 300 1500 1 V 7.13-38, 7.13-41
Pn.70 brake pretorq. source 0446h appl P E 0 3 0 1 --- 7.15-16
Pn.71 pretorque ref. setting % 0447h appl P --- -400.0 400.0 100.0 0.1 % 7.15-16
Pn.72 set prog. spec. functions 0448h appl P --- 0 1 0 1 --- 7.1-17
Pn.74 out phase check mode 044Ah appl np --- 0 1 0 1 ---
Pn.75 E.SCL stopping mode 044Bh appl np --- 0 6 6 1 --- 7.13-10, 7.13-11, 7.13-12
Pn.76 max. E.UP warning time 044Ch appl np --- 0.00: off 32.00 0.00: off 0.01 s 7.3-21, 7.13-16
Pn.77 load-shunt activation voltage 044Dh appl np --- 0 1500 0 1 V
Pn.78 USV operation input selection 044Eh appl np E 0 4095 0 1 --- 7.3-12
Pn.79 acceleration limit 1/s^s 044Fh appl np --- 0.01 10737418.23 0.01 0.01 --- 7.3-21, 7.13-10
Pn.80 acc. scan time 0450h appl np --- 0 60000 0 1 ms 7.3-21, 7.13-10
warning acceleration stop
Pn.81 0451h appl np --- 0 6 6 1 --- 7.13-10, 7.13-11, 7.13-12
Pn.82 GTR7 resistance 0452h appl np --- 0.000 5000.000 0.000 0.001 Ohm 7.13-39
Pn.83 quick stop s-curve time 0453h appl P --- 0 500 0 0 s
Pn.84 no Pu / E.UP delay time 0454h appl np --- 0 3200 0 1 s 7.13-5
Pn.90 speed limit (ASCL) 045Ah appl np --- -20 20 2.0 0.1 %
Pn.91 flow ctrl. mode 045Bh appl np E 0 3 0 1 --- 7.13-42 ff
Pn.92 valve ctrl. output select 045Ch appl np E 0 255 0 1 ---
Pn.93 flow switch input select 045Dh appl np E 0 4095 0 1 --- 7.13-42 ff
Pn.94 flow ctrl. warning delay 045Eh appl np --- 0 6000 0 1 s
Pn.95 flow ctrl. min. temp. 045Fh appl np --- 0 90 0 1 °C 7.13-42 ff
Pn.96 max. time f. rest. 0460h appl np --- 0 10000 0 1 s 7.13-36

PP.00 Prog. Parameter 00 3300h appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 --- 7.16-12
PP.01 Prog. Parameter 01 3301h appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
PP.02 Prog. Parameter 02 3302h appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
PP.03 Prog. Parameter 03 3303h appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
PP.04 Prog. Parameter 04 3304h appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
PP.05 Prog. Parameter 05 3305h appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
PP.06 Prog. Parameter 06 3306h appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
PP.07 Prog. Parameter 07 3307h appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
PP.08 Prog. Parameter 08 3308h appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
PP.09 Prog. Parameter 09 3309h appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
PP.10 Prog. Parameter 10 330Ah appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
PP.11 Prog. Parameter 11 330Bh appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
PP.12 Prog. Parameter 12 330Ch appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
PP.13 Prog. Parameter 13 330Dh appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
PP.14 Prog. Parameter 14 330Eh appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
PP.15 Prog. Parameter 15 330Fh appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
PP.16 Prog. Parameter 16 3310h appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
PP.17 Prog. Parameter 17 3311h appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
PP.18 Prog. Parameter 18 3312h appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
PP.19 Prog. Parameter 19 3313h appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
PP.20 Prog. Parameter 20 3314h appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
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Parameter Addr. R P E Lower limit Upper limit Default Step Unit See on page
PP.21 Prog. Parameter 21 3315h appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
PP.22 Prog. Parameter 22 3316h appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
PP.23 Prog. Parameter 23 3317h appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
PP.24 Prog. Parameter 24 3318h appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
PP.25 Prog. Parameter 25 3319h appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
PP.26 Prog. Parameter 26 331Ah appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
PP.27 Prog. Parameter 27 331Bh appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
PP.28 Prog. Parameter 28 331Ch appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
PP.29 Prog. Parameter 29 331Dh appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
PP.30 Prog. Parameter 30 331Eh appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
PP.31 Prog. Parameter 31 331Fh appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
PP.32 Prog. Parameter 32 3320h appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
PP.33 Prog. Parameter 33 3321h appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
PP.34 Prog. Parameter 34 3322h appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
PP.35 Prog. Parameter 35 3323h appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
PP.36 Prog. Parameter 36 3324h appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
PP.37 Prog. Parameter 37 3325h appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
PP.38 Prog. Parameter 38 3326h appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
PP.39 Prog. Parameter 39 3327h appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
PP.40 Prog. Parameter 40 3328h appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
PP.41 Prog. Parameter 41 3329h appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
PP.42 Prog. Parameter 42 332Ah appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
PP.43 Prog. Parameter 43 332Bh appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
PP.44 Prog. Parameter 44 332Ch appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
PP.45 Prog. Parameter 45 332Dh appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
PP.46 Prog. Parameter 46 332Eh appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---
PP.47 Prog. Parameter 47 332Fh appl np --- ud. 31 ud.30 0 1 ---

7.12 - 11,7.12 - 18,7.12 - 19,
7.12 - 20,7.12 - 22,7.12 - 24,
7.12 - 26,7.12 - 27,7.12 - 28
,7.12 - 30,7.12 - 31,7.12 - 34
,7.12 - 35,7.12 - 37,7.12 - 3
8,7.12 - 39,7.12 - 40,7.12 - 4
PS.00 posi/synchronous mode 1300h appl P E 0 8127 0 1 ---
1,7.12 - 44,7.12 - 45,7.12 - 4
6,7.12 - 48,7.12 - 49,7.12 - 6
0,7.12 - 61,7.12 - 62,7.12 - 6
4,7.12 - 68,7.12 - 69,7.12 - 7
5,7.12 - 76,7.12 - 77,7.12 - 7
9,10.1 - 11,10.1 - 12
7.12 - 17,7.12 - 18,7.12 - 26,
PS.01 actual position source 1301h appl P --- 0 2 1 1 --- 7.12 - 29,7.12 - 30,7.12 - 33,
7.12 - 34,7.12 - 74,7.12 - 79,
7.3 - 10,7.3 - 11,7.12 - 19,7.1
PS.02 posi/synch input select 1302h appl np E 0 4095 0 1 --- 2 - 26,7.12 - 27,7.12 - 29,7.1
2 - 34,7.12 - 79
PS.03 shifting slave input selection 1303h appl np E 0 4095 0 1 --- 7.3-10, 7.3-11, 7.12-25
PS.04 shifting slave 1304h appl np --- -2^30 2^30-1 0 1 inc 7.12-25
7.12 - 19,7.12 - 20,7.12 - 21,
PS.05 start offset 1305h appl P --- -2^30 2^30-1 0 1 inc
7.12 - 22,7.12 - 23,7.12 - 24
7.12 - 4,7.12 - 14,7.12 - 18,7
PS.06 KP pos/syn 1306h appl P --- 0 32767 500 1 --- .12 - 26,7.12 - 29,7.12 - 59,7 10
.12 - 79,7.12 - 81
PS.07 KP speed limit reduction 1307h appl P --- 0.0 100.0 100.0 0.1 % 7.12-4, 7.12-81
n * -0.125: n* 5.1-4, 7.12-4, 7.12-14,
PS.08 speed limit for ps.07 1308h appl P --- n * 4000 n * 4000 rpm
off(ru.63) 0.125 7.12-29, 7.12-81
5.1 - 4,7.12 - 14,7.12 - 20,7.
PS.09 pos/syn position limit 1309h appl P --- 0 n * 4000 n * 250
rpm 12 - 22,7.12 - 28,7.12 - 29,7.
12 - 32,7.12 - 81
PS.10 shift. slave inv. input sel. 130Ah appl np E 0 4095 0 1 --- 7.3-10, 7.3-11, 7.12-25
PS.11 reset m/s diff. inp.sel. 130Bh appl np E 0 4095 0 1 --- 7.3-12
PS.13 set ref. point inp. sel. 130Dh appl np E 0 4095 0 1 --- 7.3-12, 7.12-13
7.12 - 5,7.12 - 6,7.12 - 7,7.1
PS.14 mode of position reference 130Eh appl np E 0 32767 0 1 --- 2 - 8,7.12 - 9,7.12 - 10,7.12 - 
11,7.12 - 12,7.12 - 13
PS.15 limit switch left 130Fh appl np --- -2^31 2^31-1 -2^30 1 inc 7.13-8
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Parameter Addr. R P E Lower limit Upper limit Default Step Unit See on page
PS.16 limit switch right 1310h appl np --- -2^31 2^31-1 2^30-1 1 inc 7.13-8
7.3 - 12,7.12 - 7,7.12 - 10,7.
PS.17 reference point 1311h appl np E -2^31 2^31-1 0 1 inc 12 - 11,7.12 - 12,7.12 - 55,7.
12 - 56,7.12 - 75
reference switch input selec-
PS.18 1312h appl np E 0 4095 0 1 --- 7.3-10, 7.3-11, 7.12-5
7.3-10, 7.3-11, 7.12-5,
PS.19 start reference input selection 1313h appl np E 0 4095 0 1 ---
7.12-6, 7.12-7, 7.12-9,
PS.20 reference acc/dec time 1314h appl np --- 0.00 300.00 0.50 0.01 s
7.12-10, 7.12-12
n* 5.1-4, 7.12-6, 7.12-7, 7.12-
PS.21 reference speed 1315h appl np --- n * -4000 n * 4000 n * 100 rpm
0.125 10
n* 5.1-4, 7.12-6, 7.12-7, 7.12-
PS.22 reference drive free speed 1316h appl np --- 0: off n * 4000 0: off rpm
0.125 10
7.12 - 35,7.12 - 38,7.12 - 41,
7.12 - 42,7.12 - 44,7.12 - 45,
PS.23 index selection 1317h appl np E 0 31 0 1 --- 7.12 - 46,7.12 - 47,7.12 - 50,
7.12 - 51,7.12 - 62,7.12 - 64,
7.12 - 70,7.12 - 72,7.12 - 73
7.3 - 12,7.12 - 29,7.12 - 35,
7.12 - 36,7.12 - 38,7.12 - 39
,7.12 - 41,7.12 - 42,7.12 - 44
,7.12 - 45,7.12 - 46,7.12 - 47
,7.12 - 49,7.12 - 50,7.12 - 51
PS.24 index position 1318h appl np --- -2^31 2^31-1 0 1 inc ,7.12 - 52,7.12 - 54,7.12 - 55
,7.12 - 56,7.12 - 57,7.12 - 58
,7.12 - 62,7.12 - 63,7.12 - 64
,7.12 - 68,7.12 - 69,7.12 - 70
,7.12 - 71,7.12 - 73,7.12 - 74
,7.12 - 75,7.12 - 77,7.12 - 78
5.1 - 4,7.12 - 12,7.12 - 28,7.
12 - 29,7.12 - 30,7.12 - 32,7
.12 - 35,7.12 - 36,7.12 - 37,7
n* .12 - 38,7.12 - 39,7.12 - 40,
PS.25 index speed 1319h appl np E n * -4000 n * 4000 0 rpm
0.125 7.12 - 41,7.12 - 42,7.12 - 43,
7.12 - 44,7.12 - 45,7.12 - 46,
7.12 - 47,7.12 - 48,7.12 - 50,
7.12 - 51,7.12 - 62,7.12 - 68
7.3 - 19,7.12 - 35,7.12 - 38,7
.12 - 39,7.12 - 41,7.12 - 42,7
PS.26 next index 131Ah appl np E -1: PS.28 31 -1: PS.28 1 --- .12 - 44,7.12 - 45,7.12 - 47,7
.12 - 50,7.12 - 51,7.12 - 62,7
.12 - 75
7.3 - 12,7.12 - 35,7.12 - 38,
7.12 - 39,7.12 - 40,7.12 - 41
,7.12 - 42,7.12 - 44,7.12 - 45
PS.27 index mode 131Bh appl np E 0 31 0 1 ---
,7.12 - 47,7.12 - 50,7.12 - 51
,7.12 - 52,7.12 - 56,7.12 - 57
,7.12 - 58,7.12 - 62,7.12 - 74
7.3 - 19,7.3 - 20,7.12 - 35,7.
12 - 39,7.12 - 40,7.12 - 41,7
.12 - 44,7.12 - 46,7.12 - 48,7
PS.28 start index new profile 131Ch appl P E 0 31 0 1 ---
.12 - 51,7.12 - 62,7.12 - 63,
7.12 - 64,7.12 - 69,7.12 - 72,
7.12 - 75
7.3 - 10,7.3 - 11,7.12 - 29,7.1
PS.29 start posi input selection 131Dh appl np E 0 4095 0 1 --- 2 - 44,7.12 - 46,7.12 - 48,7.1
2 - 49,7.12 - 63
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Parameter Addr. R P E Lower limit Upper limit Default Step Unit See on page
7.3 - 19,7.12 - 48,7.12 - 71,7
PS.30 target window 131Eh appl np E 0 65535 1024 1 inc
.12 - 75,10.1 - 12
7.12 - 28,7.12 - 30,7.12 - 35,
7.12 - 36,7.12 - 38,7.12 - 39,
PS.31 max. speed setting % 131Fh appl np --- 0.0 100.0 100.0 0.1 %
7.12 - 40,7.12 - 46,7.12 - 48,
7.12 - 62,7.15 - 22
limit acceleration/decelerati-
PS.32 1320h appl np --- 25.0 100.0 100.0 0.1 % 7.12-65, 7.12-66, 7.12-74
on reducing %
source contouring mode po-
PS.33 1321h appl np E 0 7 0 1 --- 7.12-77, 7.12-78
PS.34 contouring mode position 1322h appl np E -2^31 2^31-1 0 1 inc 7.12-77, 7.12-78, 7.12-79
PS.35 teach mode 1323h appl np --- 0 4 0 1 --- 7.12-72, 7.12-73
PS.36 teach input selection 1324h appl np E 0 4095 0 1 --- 7.3-10, 7.3-12
7.3-10, 7.3-12, 7.12-71,
PS.37 pos. scan index inp.sel. 1325h appl np E 0 4095 0 1 ---
7.3 - 10,7.3 - 12,7.12 - 35,7.
PS.38 rel. pos. f/r inp.sel. 1326h appl np E 0 4095 0 1 ---
12 - 39
7.12 - 51,7.12 - 52,7.12 - 53,
PS.39 position range 1327h appl np E 0 2^30-1 0 1 inc
7.12 - 54,7.12 - 55
7.3 - 20,7.12 - 56,7.12 - 62,
PS.40 reference point window 1328h appl np --- 0 2^30-1 0 1 inc
7.12 - 63,7.12 - 64,7.12 - 75
PS.41 reference position 0% 1329h appl np --- -2^30 2^30-1 0 1 inc 7.2-13, 7.12-70
PS.42 reference position 100% 132Ah appl np --- -2^30 2^30-1 -2^30 1 inc 7.2-13, 7.12-70
PS.43 corr. ref. point inp.sel. 132Bh appl np E 0 4095 0 1 --- 7.3-10, 7.3-12
limit acceleration/decelerati- 7.12 - 59,7.12 - 60,7.12 - 61,
PS.44 132Ch appl np --- 25.0 100.0 100.0 0.1 %
on correction % 7.12 - 66
PS.45 index selection correction 132Dh appl np E 0 31 0 1 --- 7.12-64
7.12 - 38,7.12 - 58,7.12 - 59,
PS.46 rel. corr. switch for 132Eh appl np E 0 2^30-1 0 1 inc
7.12 - 62,7.12 - 63,7.12 - 64
7.12 - 38,7.12 - 58,7.12 - 59,
PS.47 rel. corr. switch rev 132Fh appl np E 0 2^30-1 0 1 inc
7.12 - 62,7.12 - 63
Automatically execution posi-
PS.52 1334h appl np --- 0: off 1: on 0: off 1 --- 7.12-69
tioning after STOP
PS.53 distance for no abort 1335h appl P --- 0 2^30-1 0 1 inc 7.12-66
PS.55 play of gear 1337h appl P E -2^31 2^31-1 -2^30 1 inc 7.12
PS.56 position target source 1338h appl np E 0 5 0 1 ---
PS.57 positon target input selection 1339h appl np E 0 4095 0 1 ---
PS.58 teach index selection 133Ah appl np E 0 31 0 1 ---
PS.59 teach index position 133Bh appl np --- -2^31 2^31-1 0 1 inc
PS.61 pre speed corr.correction 133Dh appl np E 0 1 0 1 ---
PS.64 spline position PT1-time 1340h appl np --- 0 65535 0 1 ms

rG.00 register mode 1700h appl P E 0 255 0 1 --- 7.15-23, 7.15-24, 7.15-25
register max. gear change
rG.01 1701h appl np E 0.0 100.0 1.0 0.1 % 7.15-25
per pulse
register max. angle change
rG.02 1702h appl np E 0 2^30-1 0 1 inc 7.15-25
per pulse
register difference time angle
rG.03 1703h appl P E 0.000 (2^31-1)/8 5.000 0.125 ms 7.15-25
register master input selec-
rG.04 1704h appl np E 0 4095 0 1 --- 7.15-25
rG.05 register slave input selection 1705h appl np E 0 4095 0 1 --- 7.15-25 10
rG.06 register ratio master 1706h appl np E 0 15 1 1 --- 7.15-25
rG.07 register ration slave 1707h appl np E 0 15 1 1 --- 7.15-25
rG.08 register angle level 1 1708h appl np E -2^30 2^30-1 0 1 inc 7.15-24, 7.15-25
rG.09 min. speed for level 1 1709h appl np --- n * -4000 n * 4000 0 rpm 7.15-24, 7.15-25
rG.10 register angle level 2 170Ah appl np E -2^30 2^30-1 0 1 inc 7.15-24, 7.15-25 11
rG.11 min. speed for level 2 170Bh appl np --- n * -4000 n * 4000 0 rpm 7.15-24, 7.15-25
rG.14 register distance master 170Eh RO np --- -2^31 2^31-1 0 1 inc 7.15-24
rG.15 register distance slave 170Fh RO np --- -2^31 2^31-1 0 1 inc 7.15-24, 7.15-25
register difference distance
rG.16 1710h RO np --- -2^31 2^31-1 0 1 inc
rG.17 register time master 1711h RO np --- 0.000 12500 0.000 0.125 ms
rG.18 register time slave 1712h RO np --- 0.000 (2^31-1)/8 0.000 0.125 ms
rG.19 register difference time m/s 1713h RO np --- -2^31/8 (2^31-1)/8 0.000 0.125 ms
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Parameter Addr. R P E Lower limit Upper limit Default Step Unit See on page

ru.00 inverter state 0200h RO np --- 0 255 0 1 ---7.1-5

5.1 - 4,7.1 - 3,7.1 - 5,7.2 - 13,
7.3 - 18,7.4 - 3,7.4 - 21,7.5 - 
ru.01 set value display 0201h RO np --- n * -4000 n * 4000 0 rpm 22,7.13 - 41,7.15 - 4,7.15 - 1
4,7.15 - 15,7.15 - 30,7.15 - 3
1,10.1 - 12
5.1 - 4,7.1 - 3,7.1 - 5,7.2 - 13,7
.3 - 18,7.3 - 19,7.3 - 21,7.4 - 3,
7.4 - 21,7.5 - 34,7.5 - 35,7.6 - 
13,7.9 - 4,7.12 - 7,7.12 - 10,7.
12 - 12,7.12 - 14,7.12 - 29,7.1
ru.02 ramp output display 0202h RO np --- n * -4000 n * 4000 0 rpm 2 - 43,7.12 - 47,7.12 - 53,7.12 
- 54,7.12 - 61,7.12 - 65,7.12 - 
67,7.12 - 68,7.12 - 73,7.12 - 8
1,7.13 - 22,7.13 - 25,7.15 - 4,
7.15 - 21,7.15 - 27,7.15 - 28,7
.15 - 30,7.15 - 31,7.15 - 32
5.1 - 4,7.1 - 3,7.1 - 5,7.4 - 3,7
n* .5 - 4,7.5 - 5,7.5 - 29,7.5 - 34,
ru.03 actual frequency display 0203h RO np --- n * -400 n * 400 0 Hz
0.0125 7.5 - 35,7.13 - 24,7.13 - 25,7
.15 - 4,7.15 - 5,7.15 - 28
ru.06 calculated actual value 0206h RO np --- n * -4000 n * 4000 0 rpm 5.1-4
5.1 - 4,7.1 - 3,7.1 - 6,7.1 - 1
4,7.2 - 10,7.2 - 13,7.3 - 18,
n* 7.3 - 21,7.4 - 14,7.5 - 29,7.
ru.07 actual value display 0207h RO np --- n * -4000 n * 4000 0 rpm
0.125 5 - 34,7.5 - 35,7.6 - 15,7.6 - 
17,7.11 - 17,7.13 - 10,7.13 
- 41,7.15 - 5,10.1 - 12
n* 5.1-4, 7.1-3, 7.1-6, 7.2-10,
ru.09 encoder 1 speed 0209h RO np --- n * -4000 n * 4000 0 rpm
0.125 7.3-21, 7.6-6
5.1-4, 7.1-3, 7.1-6, 7.2-10,
ru.10 encoder 2 speed 020Ah RO np --- n * -4000 n * 4000 0 rpm 7.3-21, 7.6-6, 7.12-14,
7.1-3, 7.1-6, 7.1-14, 7.2-11,
ru.11 set torque 020Bh RO np --- -32000.00 32000.00 0 0.01 Nm
7.1 - 3,7.1 - 6,7.1 - 14,7.2 - 1
1,7.5 - 21,7.5 - 29,7.5 - 30,7.
ru.12 actual torque 020Ch RO np --- -32000.00 32000.00 0 0.01 Nm
6 - 9,7.6 - 11,7.6 - 17,7.8 - 14
,7.8 - 16
7.1-3, 7.1-6, 7.3-18, 7.10-
ru.13 actual utilization 020Dh RO np --- 0 65535 0 1 %
5, 7.13-25, 7.15-29
ru.14 peak utilization 020Eh appl np --- 0 65535 0 1 % 7.1-3, 7.1-6
7.1 - 3,7.1 - 6,7.2 - 11,7.2 - 1
3,7.3 - 19,7.5 - 29,7.10 - 5,7.
ru.15 apparent current 020Fh RO np --- 0 6553.5 0 0.1 A
13 - 19,7.13 - 24,7.13 - 26,7.
13 - 27,7.13 - 29
ru.16 peak apparent current 0210h appl np --- 0 6553.5 0 0.1 A 7.1-3, 7.1-6
7.1 - 3,7.1 - 6,7.2 - 11,7.2 - 13
,7.3 - 18,7.3 - 21,7.5 - 34,7.5 
ru.17 active current 0211h RO np --- -3276.7 3276.7 0 0.1 A
- 35,7.6 - 17,7.13 - 19,7.13 - 2
4,7.15 - 29,7.15 - 31,7.15 - 32
7.1 - 3,7.1 - 7,7.2 - 11,7.2 - 1
ru.18 actual DC voltage 0212h RO np --- 0 1500 0 1 V 3,7.3 - 18,7.5 - 34,7.5 - 35,7.
13 - 23,7.13 - 26,7.15 - 29
ru.19 peak DC voltage 0213h appl np --- 0 1500 0 1 V 7.1-3, 7.1-7
ru.20 output voltage 0214h RO np --- 0 1167 0 1 V 7.1-3, 7.1-7, 7.2-11, 7.2-13
ru.21 input terminal state 0215h RO np --- 0 4095 0 1 --- 7.1-3, 7.1-7, 7.3-3, 7.3-5
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Parameter Addr. R P E Lower limit Upper limit Default Step Unit See on page
7.1-3, 7.1-7, 7.3-2, 7.3-3,
ru.22 internal input state 0216h RO np --- 0 4095 0 1 --- 7.3-5, 7.3-19, 7.3-20, 10.1-
ru.23 output condition state 0217h RO np --- 0 255 0 1 --- 7.1-3, 7.1-8, 7.3-15, 7.3-16
ru.24 state of output flags 0-7 0218h RO np --- 0 255 0 1 --- 7.1-3, 7.1-8, 7.3-15, 7.3-16
7.1 - 3,7.1 - 9,7.3 - 15,7.3 - 1
ru.25 output terminal state 0219h RO np --- 0 255 0 1 ---
6,7.3 - 25,10.1 - 13
7.1 - 3,7.1 - 9,7.13 - 29,7.1
ru.26 active parameter set 021Ah RO np --- 0 7 0 1 ---
5 - 8
7.1 - 3,7.1 - 9,7.2 - 3,7.2 - 11,
ru.27 AN1 pre amplifier disp. 021Bh RO np --- -100.0 100.0 0 0.1 % 7.2 - 13,7.15 - 30,7.15 - 31,7
.15 - 32
7.1 - 3,7.1 - 9,7.2 - 3,7.2 - 10,
7.2 - 11,7.2 - 13,7.15 - 19,7.1
ru.28 AN1 post amplifier disp. 021Ch RO np --- -400.0 400.0 0 0.1 %
5 - 21,7.15 - 28,7.15 - 29,7.1
5 - 30,7.15 - 31,7.15 - 32
7.1 - 3,7.1 - 9,7.2 - 3,7.2 - 11,
ru.29 AN2 pre amplifier disp. 021Dh RO np --- -100.0 100.0 0 0.1 % 7.2 - 13,7.15 - 30,7.15 - 31,7
.15 - 32
7.1 - 3,7.1 - 10,7.2 - 3,7.2 - 1
0,7.2 - 11,7.2 - 13,7.15 - 19,
ru.30 AN2 post amplifier disp. 021Eh RO np --- -400.0 400.0 0 0.1 %
7.15 - 21,7.15 - 28,7.15 - 29,
7.15 - 30,7.15 - 31,7.15 - 32
ru.31 AN3 pre amplifier disp. 021Fh RO np --- -100.0 100.0 0 0.1 % 7.1-3, 7.1-10, 7.2-3
7.1 - 3,7.1 - 10,7.2 - 3,7.2 - 1
ru.32 AN3 post amplifier disp. 0220h RO np --- -400.0 400.0 0 0.1 % 0,7.15 - 19,7.15 - 21,7.15 - 2
8,7.15 - 29
ru.33 ANOUT1 pre ampl. disp. 0221h RO np --- -400.0 400.0 0 0.1 % 7.1-3, 7.1-10, 7.2-12
7.1-3, 7.1-10, 7.2-10, 7.2-
ru.34 ANOUT1 post ampl. disp. 0222h RO np --- -115.0 115.0 0 0.1 %
12, 7.3-20
ru.35 ANOUT2 pre ampl. disp. 0223h RO np --- -400.0 400.0 0 0.1 % 7.1-3, 7.1-10, 7.2-12
7.1-3, 7.1-10, 7.2-10, 7.3-
ru.36 ANOUT2 post ampl. disp. 0224h RO np --- -115.0 115.0 0 0.1 %
7.1 - 3,7.1 - 11,7.2 - 10,7.4 - 
ru.37 motorpoti actual value 0225h RO np --- -100.00 100.00 0 0.01 % 4,7.8 - 13,7.9 - 3,7.11 - 16,7.
15 - 7,7.15 - 9
7.1-3, 7.1-11, 7.2-11, 7.2-
ru.38 power module temperature 0226h RO np --- 0 150 0 1 degree
13, 7.3-19
7.1-3, 7.1-11, 7.3-17, 7.13-
ru.39 OL counter display 0227h RO np --- 0 100 0 1 %
ru.40 power on counter 0228h sup np --- 0 65535 0 1 h 7.1-3, 7.1-11
ru.41 modulation on counter 0229h sup np --- 0 ru.40 0 1 h 7.1-3, 7.1-11
6.2 - 7,7.1 - 3,7.1 - 11,7.5 - 4,
ru.42 modulation grade 022Ah RO np --- 0 110 0 1 % 7.5 - 5,7.5 - 15,7.5 - 23,7.8 - 
9,7.13 - 17
7.1 - 3,7.1 - 11,7.3 - 18,7.12 
ru.43 timer 1 display 022Bh appl np --- 0 655.35 0 0.01 --- - 50,7.15 - 9,7.15 - 11,7.15 
- 12
7.1 - 3,7.1 - 11,7.3 - 18,7.15  10
ru.44 timer 2 display 022Ch appl np --- 0 655.35 0 0.01 ---
- 9,7.15 - 11,7.15 - 12
ru.45 act. switching frequency 022Dh RO np --- 0 4 0 1 --- 7.1-3, 7.1-12, 7.10-5
7.1 - 3,7.1 - 12,7.1 - 17,7.2 - 
ru.46 motor temperature 022Eh RO np --- 0 255 0 1 degree 11,7.2 - 13,7.3 - 19,7.13 - 17
,7.13 - 18 11
ru.47 actual torque limit motor 022Fh RO np --- -32000.00 32000.00 0 0.01 Nm 7.1-3, 7.1-12, 7.8-14
ru.48 actual torque limit generator 0230h RO np --- -32000.00 32000.00 0 0.01 Nm 7.1-3, 7.1-12, 7.8-14
ru.49 actual reference torque 0231h RO np --- -32000.00 32000.00 0 0.01 Nm 7.1-3, 7.1-12
ru.51 power module temperature 0233h RO np --- -40 120 0 1 °C 7.1-3, 7.1-12,
7.1 - 3,7.1 - 12,7.2 - 10,7.2 - 
ru.52 ext. PID out dislay 0234h RO np --- -400.0 400.0 0 0.1 % 11,7.2 - 13,7.4 - 4,7.15 - 26,
7.15 - 30,7.15 - 31,7.15 - 32
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Parameter Addr. R P E Lower limit Upper limit Default Step Unit See on page
7.1 - 3,7.1 - 12,7.11 - 15,7.1
ru.53 AUX display 0235h RO np --- -400.0 400.0 0 0.1 % 2 - 46,7.15 - 19,7.15 - 21,7.1
5 - 28,7.15 - 29,7.15 - 30
7.1 - 3,7.1 - 13,7.2 - 11,7.2 - 
13,7.3 - 12,7.3 - 19,7.3 - 20,
7.12 - 6,7.12 - 7,7.12 - 10,7.
12 - 11,7.12 - 12,7.12 - 14,7.
12 - 17,7.12 - 18,7.12 - 20,7.
12 - 22,7.12 - 23,7.12 - 26,7.
ru.54 actual position 0236h RO np --- -2^31 2^31-1 0 1 inc 12 - 29,7.12 - 34,7.12 - 35,7.
12 - 45,7.12 - 47,7.12 - 55,7.
12 - 56,7.12 - 57,7.12 - 58,7.
12 - 62,7.12 - 65,7.12 - 71,7.
12 - 72,7.12 - 73,7.12 - 74,7.
12 - 75,7.12 - 78,7.12 - 79,7.
12 - 80,7.12 - 81,7.13 - 8
7.1 - 3,7.2 - 11,7.2 - 13,7.3 - 
12,7.3 - 19,7.12 - 14,7.12 - 1
7,7.12 - 18,7.12 - 20,7.12 - 
22,7.12 - 23,7.12 - 25,7.12 
- 26,7.12 - 28,7.12 - 29,7.1
ru.56 set position 0238h RO np --- -2^31 2^31-1 0 1 inc 2 - 34,7.12 - 35,7.12 - 36,7.1
2 - 43,7.12 - 50,7.12 - 53,7.1
2 - 54,7.12 - 55,7.12 - 58,7.1
2 - 59,7.12 - 60,7.12 - 61,7.1
2 - 67,7.12 - 71,7.12 - 74,7.1
2 - 75,7.12 - 76,7.12 - 81
7.1 - 3,7.1 - 13,7.2 - 11,7.2 - 
ru.58 angle difference 023Ah RO np --- -2^31 2^31-1 0 1 inc 13,7.3 - 18,7.12 - 35,7.12 - 7
4,7.12 - 75,7.12 - 81
7.1-3, 7.1-13, 7.5-4, 7.5-
ru.59 factor rotor adaption 023Bh RO np --- 0 200 0 1 %
33, 7.12-13
7.1 - 3,7.1 - 13,7.3 - 20,7.12 
ru.60 actual position index 023Ch RO np --- 0 255 0 1 --- - 45,7.12 - 47,7.12 - 50,7.12 
- 74,7.12 - 75
7.1 - 3,7.1 - 13,7.3 - 19,7.12 - 
28,7.12 - 29,7.12 - 34,7.12 - 3
6,7.12 - 43,7.12 - 45,7.12 - 47
,7.12 - 50,7.12 - 53,7.12 - 54,
ru.61 target position 023Dh RO np --- -2^31 2^31-1 0 1 inc
7.12 - 55,7.12 - 57,7.12 - 58,7
.12 - 59,7.12 - 61,7.12 - 67,7.
12 - 68,7.12 - 71,7.12 - 74,7.1
2 - 75,7.12 - 76,10.1 - 12
5.1 - 4,7.1 - 3,7.1 - 13,7.4 - 4,
ru.63 profile speed 023Fh RO np --- n * -4000 n * 4000 0 rpm 7.12 - 28,7.12 - 46,7.12 - 47,
7.12 - 74,7.12 - 81
7.1-3, 7.1-13, 7.13-31,
ru.68 rated DC voltage 0244h RO np --- 0 1500 0 1 V
7.1 - 3,7.1 - 13,7.12 - 13,7.1
ru.69 distance ref.-zeropoint 0245h RO np --- -2^31 2^31-1 0 1 inc
2 - 58,7.12 - 59,7.12 - 74
7.1 - 3,7.1 - 13,7.3 - 12,7.3 - 
ru.71 teach/scan position 0247h RO np --- -2^31 2^31-1 0 1 inc 20,7.12 - 72,7.12 - 73,7.12 - 
74,7.12 - 75
ru.73 set torque in percent 0249h RO np --- -400.0 400.0 0 0.1 % 7.1-3, 7.1-14, 7.8-14
ru.74 actual torque in percent 024Ah RO np --- -400.0 400.0 0 0.1 % 7.1-3, 7.1-14, 7.8-14
actual value display in per-
ru.78 024Eh RO np --- -400.0 400.0 0 0.1 % 7.1-3, 7.1-14
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Parameter Addr. R P E Lower limit Upper limit Default Step Unit See on page
n* 5.1 - 4,7.1 - 3,7.1 - 14,7.4 - 1
ru.79 abs. speed value (EMK) 024Fh RO np --- n * -4000 n * 4000 0 rpm
0.125 4,7.6 - 4,7.8 - 7,7.13 - 10
7.1 - 3,7.1 - 14,7.3 - 15,7.3 - 
ru.80 digital output state 0250h RO np --- 0 255 0 1 ---
16,7.3 - 25,10.1 - 11
7.1 - 3,7.1 - 14,7.2 - 11,7.2 - 
ru.81 active power 0251h RO np --- -1000.00 1000.00 0.00 0.01 kW
13,7.3 - 20
ru.82 ramp. val. disp. high-res 0252h RO np --- -2^31 2^31-1 0 1 --- 7.1-3, 7.1-15, 7.4-7
ru.83 act. val. display high-res 0253h RO np --- -2^31 2^31-1 0 1 --- 7.1-3, 7.1-15
7.1-3, 7.1-15, 7.12-65,
ru.84 accessible rel. position 0254h RO np --- -2^31 2^31-1 0 1 inc
7.12-66, 7.12-74
ru.85 peak encoder 1 speed 0255h appl np --- 0 n * 4095.875 0 rpm 5.1-4, 7.1-3, 7.1-15
ru.86 peak encoder 2 speed 0256h appl np --- 0 n * 4095.875 0 rpm 5.1-4, 7.1-3, 7.1-15
7.1 - 3,7.1 - 15,7.5 - 25,7.5 - 
ru.87 magnetizing current 0257h RO np --- -3276.7 3276.7 0 0.1 A
34,7.5 - 35
ru.89 actual source speed 0259h RO np --- n * -4000 n * 4000 0 rpm 5.1-4, 7.1-3, 7.1-15
7.1 - 3,7.1 - 15,7.2 - 11,7.2 - 
ru.90 max. torque in percent 025Ah RO np --- 0.00 400.00 0 0.01 % 13,7.8 - 3,7.8 - 14,7.8 - 15,7
.8 - 16
ru.91 energy over gtr 7 025Bh appl np --- 0 99999 0 1 KWh 7.1-15
ru.92 input power 025Ch RO np --- -1000.00 1000.00 0.00 0.01 kW 7.1-15
ru.93 power loss 025Dh RO np --- -1000.00 1000.00 0.00 0.01 kW 7.1-15

Sy.02 inverter identifier 0002h cp-ro np --- identifier identifier identifier 1 hex 7.1-4, 7.1-19
Sy.03 power unit code 0003h cp-ro np E 1 255 LTK 1 --- 7.1-4, 7.1-19, 8.1-7
Sy.04 cfg. data 0004h cp-ro np --- 0 24 0 1 --- 7.1-19
Sy.05 cfg. data 0005h RO np --- -32727 32767 0 1 --- 7.1-19
Sy.06 inverter address 0006h appl np E 0 239 1 1 --- 7.1-4, 7.1-19, 10.1-9
Sy.07 baud rate ext. bus 0007h appl np E 0 6 3 1 --- 7.1-4, 7.1-19, 10.1-9
7.1 - 4,7.1 - 20,7.12 - 77,7.1
Sy.08 bus synchronous time 0008h cp-ro np --- 0: off 65000 0: off 1 µs
2 - 80
7.1 - 4,7.1 - 20,7.3 - 21,7.12 
Sy.09 HSP5 watchdog time 0009h cp-ro np E 0.00: off 10.00 0.00: off 0.01 s
- 80,7.13 - 7,10.1 - 10
Sy.10 F5-B; F5-G; F5-M 000Ah RO np --- 0 0 0 1 ---
Sy.11 baud rate int. bus 000Bh cp-ro np E 3 11 5 1 --- 7.1-4, 7.1-20, 10.1-9
Sy.12 message para. 1 defin. 000Ch cp-ro np --- -1: off 7FFFH -1: off 1 hex
Sy.13 message parameter 1 set 000Dh cp-ro np --- 1 128 1 1 ---
Sy.14 message para. 2 defin. 000Eh cp-ro np E -1: off 7FFFH -1: off 1 hex
Sy.15 message parameter 2 set 000Fh cp-ro np E 1 128 1 1 ---
Sy.16 proc. read data 1 defin. 0010h appl np E -1: off 7FFFH -1: off 1 hex 7.12-78, 7.12-80
Sy.17 proc. read data 1 set 0011h appl np E 1 128 1 1 --- 7.12-80 , 7.16-12
Sy.18 proc. read data 2 defin. 0012h appl np E -1: off 7FFFH -1: off 1 hex 7.12-78, 7.12-80
Sy.19 proc. read data 2 set 0013h appl np E 1 128 1 1 --- 7.12-80
Sy.20 proc. read data 3 defin. 0014h appl np E -1: off 7FFFH -1: off 1 hex 7.12-80
Sy.21 proc. read data 3 set 0015h appl np E 1 128 1 1 --- 7.12-80
Sy.22 proc. read data 4 defin. 0016h appl np E -1: off 7FFFH -1: off 1 hex
Sy.23 proc. read data 4 set 0017h appl np E 1 128 1 1 ---
Sy.24 proc. write data 1 def. 0018h appl np E -1: off 7FFFH -1: off 1 hex 7.12-80
Sy.25 proc. write data 1 set 0019h appl np E 1 255 255 1 --- 7.12-80
Sy.26 proc. write data 2 def. 001Ah appl np E -1: off 7FFFH -1: off 1 hex 7.12-80
Sy.27 proc. write data 2 set 001Bh appl np E 1 255 255 1 --- 7.12-80
Sy.28 proc. write data 3 def. 001Ch appl np E -1: off 7FFFH -1: off 1 hex 7.12-80 10
Sy.29 proc. write data 3 set 001Dh appl np E 1 255 255 1 --- 7.12-81
Sy.30 proc. write data 4 def. 001Eh appl np E -1: off 7FFFH -1: off 1 hex
Sy.31 proc. write data 4 set 001Fh appl np E 1 255 255 1 ---
Sy.32 scope timer 0020h RO np --- 0 65535 Sy.32 1 --- 7.1-4, 7.1-20
Sy.33 scope data 1 defin. 0021h cp-ro np --- -1: off 7FFFH -1: off 1 hex
scope data 1 set
scope data 2 defin.
-1: off
-1: off
--- 7.16-4
Sy.36 scope data 2 set 0024h cp-ro np --- 1 128 1 1 ---
Sy.37 scope data 3 defin. 0025h cp-ro np --- -1: off 7FFFH -1: off 1 hex
Sy.38 scope data 3 set 0026h cp-ro np --- 1 128 1 1 ---
Sy.39 scope data 4 defin. 0027h cp-ro np --- -1: off 7FFFH -1: off 1 hex
Sy.40 scope data 4 set 0028h cp-ro np --- 1 128 1 1 ---
SY.41 control word (high) 0029h appl np E 0 65535 0 1 hex 7.1-4, 7.1-21, 10.1-11
SY.42 status word (high) 002Ah RO np --- 0 65535 0 1 hex 7.1-4, 7.1-21, 10.1-13
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Parameter Addr. R P E Lower limit Upper limit Default Step Unit See on page
7.1 - 4,7.1 - 21,7.3 - 12,7.3 - 
14,7.12 - 18,7.12 - 27,7.12 
SY.43 control word (long) 002Bh appl np E -2^31 2^311 0 1 hex
- 63,7.13 - 15,7.13 - 20,10.
1 - 11
7.1 - 4,7.1 - 21,7.13 - 16,7.1
SY.44 status word (long) 002Ch RO np --- -2^31 2^311 0 1 hex
3 - 18,10.1 - 13
Sy.45 drive mode reference value 002Dh appl np --- 0 n * 4095 n * 1500 rpm 5.1-4
Sy.46 drive mode rotation 002Eh appl np --- 0 15 0 1 hex
7.1 - 4,7.1 - 21,7.3 - 12,7.3 - 
14,7.4 - 7,7.4 - 11,7.4 - 12,7
.12 - 18,7.12 - 19,7.12 - 27,
SY.50 control word (low) 0032h appl np E 0 65535 0 1 hex
7.12 - 63,7.12 - 79,7.12 - 80
,7.13 - 14,7.13 - 15,7.13 - 1,
7.13 - 20,10.1 - 10,10.1 - 11
7.1-4, 7.1-20, 7.1-21,
Sy. 51 status word (low) 0033h RO np --- 0 65535 0 1 hex 7.3-19, 7.13-15, 7.13-17,
7.13-38, 10.1-12, 10.1-13
32000; 64000; 5.1-4, 7.1-4, 7.1-21, 7.4-4,
SY.52 set speed value 0034h appl np --- -64000; 0 1; 2; 4 rpm
128000 10.1-13
32000; 64000; 5.1-4, 7.1-4, 7.1-21, 10.1-
SY.53 actual speed value 0035h RO np --- -64000; 0 1; 2; 4 rpm
128000 13
Sy.54 message time stamps 0036h cp-ro np --- 0 255 0 1 hex
Sy.56 start display address 0038h cp-ro np E 0 7FFFH 0209h 1 hex 7.1-4, 7.1-22
Sy.57 watchdog time address 0039h cp-ro np --- -2 -1 -2 1 hex
Sy.58 proc. read data 5 defin. 003Ah appl np E -1 7FFFH -1 1 hex
Sy.59 proc. read data 5 set 003Bh appl np E 1 128 1 1 ---
Sy.60 proc. read data 6 defin. 003Ch appl np E -1 7FFFH -1 1 hex
Sy.61 proc. read data 6 set 003Dh appl np E 1 128 1 1 ---
Sy.62 proc. read data 7 defin. 003Eh appl np E -1 7FFFH -1 1 hex
SY.63 proc. read data 7 set 003Fh appl np E 1 128 1 1 ---
SY.64 proc. read data 8 defin. 0040h appl np E -1 7FFFH -1 1 hex
Sy.65 proc. read data 8 set 0041h appl np E 1 128 1 1 ---
Sy.66 proc. write data 5 def. 0042h appl np E -1 7FFFH -1 1 hex
Sy.67 Proc. write data 5 set 0043h appl np E 1 255 255 1 ---
Sy.68 proc. write data 6 def. 0044h appl np E -1 7FFFH -1 1 hex
Sy.69 Proc. write data 6 set 0045h appl np E 1 255 255 1 ---
Sy.70 proc. write data 7 def. 0046h appl np E -1 7FFFH -1 1 hex
Sy.71 Proc. write data 7 set 0047h appl np E 1 255 255 1 ---
Sy.72 proc. write data 8 def. 0048h appl np E -1 7FFFH -1 1 hex
Sy.73 Proc. write data 8 set 0049h appl np E 1 255 255 1 ---
Sy.74 Proc. data 1-4 size 004Ah appl np E 0 65535 0 1 hex
Sy.75 Proc. data 5-8 size 004Bh appl np E 0 65535 0 1 hex
SY.77 Control word S4 004Dh appl np E 0 65535 0 1 hex
SY.78 Status word S4 004Eh appl np --- 0 65535 0 1 hex
SY.79 Status word 1 PROFIdrive 004Fh appl np --- 0 65535 0 1 hex 7.1-22
SY.80 Status word 2 PROFIdrive 0050h appl np --- 0 65535 0 1 hex 7.1-22

ud. 01 Password 0801h cp-ro np o.P. 0 9999 Application 1 --- 6.2-3, 7.16-12
ud.02 Control type 0802h appl np E 0 15 0 1 --- 5.1 - 5,6.2 - 9,7.1 - 5,7.2 - 10
,7.2 - 11,7.2 - 12,7.4 - 4,7.4 - 
5,7.4 - 6,7.4 - 18,7.4 - 21,7.4 
ud.02 Control type 0802h appl np E 0 15 8 1 ---
- 22,7.4 - 24,7.12 - 81,7.15 - 
5,7.15 - 28
ud. 04 Auto store state 0804h appl np --- 0: off 1: on 1: on 1 ---
ud. 05 auto store 0805h appl np --- 0: off 2 1: on 1 --- 10.1-10
ud. 09 drive-mode-control 0809h appl np --- 0 11 0 1 ---
7.16 - 3,7.16 - 4,7.16 - 6,7.1
ud.15 CP selector 080Fh appl np E 1 36 1 1 ---
6 - 9
7.16 - 3,7.16 - 4,7.16 - 6,7.1
ud.16 cp address 0810h appl np E -1: off 7FFFH CP def. 1 hex
6 - 9
ud.17 cp set norm 0811h appl np E 1 8191 1 1 --- 7.16-3, 7.16-6
further on next side

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Parameter Addr. R P E Lower limit Upper limit Default Step Unit See on page
7.16 - 5,7.16 - 6,7.16 - 7,7.1
ud.18 divisor display norm 0812h appl P E -32767 32767 1 1 ---
6 - 8,7.16 - 9
ud.19 multiplier display norm 0813h appl P E -32767 32767 1 1 --- 7.16-7, 7.16-8, 7.16-9
ud.20 offset display norm 0814h appl P E -32767 32767 0 1 --- 7.16-7, 7.16-8, 7.16-9
ud.21 ctrl. display norm 0815h appl P E 0 1791 0 1 --- 7.16-6, 7.16-7, 7.16-8
ud. 22 PP selector 0816h appl np E 0 47 0 1 --- 7.16-12
ud.23 PP address 0817h appl np E -1: off 7FFFH -1: off 1 hex 7.16-12
ud.24 PP properties 0818h appl np E 1 2^20-1 1 1 --- 7.16-4, 7.16-12
ud. 25 PP write multiplier 0819h appl np --- -32767 32767 1 1 ---
ud. 26 PP write shifter 081Ah appl np --- 0 48 0 1 ---
ud. 27 PP read multiplier 081Bh appl np --- -32767 32767 1 1 ---
ud. 28 PP read shifter 081Ch appl np --- 0 48 0 1 ---
ud.29 PP offset 081Dh appl np --- -2^31+1 2^31-1 0 1 ---
ud.30 PP upper limit 081Eh appl np --- -2^31+1 2^31-1 1 1 ---
ud. 31 PP lower limit 081Fh appl np --- -2^31+1 2^31-1 0 1 ---

n* 5.1-4, 6.2-4, 7.5-4, 7.5-6,

uf.00 Rated frequency 0500h appl P --- 0 n * 400 n * 50 ; 60 Hz
0.0125 7.5-9
6.2-4, 7.5-4, 7.5-9,
uf.01 Boost 0501h appl P --- 0.0 25.5 LTK 0.1 %
n * -0.0125: n*
uf.02 Additional frequency 0502h appl P --- n * 400 0: linear Hz 5.1-4, 7.5-5, 7.5-9
parab. 0.0125
uf.03 Additional voltage 0503h appl P --- 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.1 % 7.5-5, 7.5-9
uf.04 Delta boost 0504h appl P --- 0.0 25.5 0.0 0.1 % 7.5-4
uF.05 Delta boost time 0505h appl P --- 0.00 10.00 0.00 0.01 s 7.5-4
uf.06 energy saving mode 0506h appl P --- 0 79 0 1 ---
7.5-7, 7.5-11, 7.15-6
uf.06 energy saving mode 0506h appl P --- 0 127 0 1 ---
uf.07 energy saving factor 0507h appl P --- 0.0 130.0 70.0 0.1 % 7.5-7, 7.15-6
7.3 - 10,7.3 - 11,7.5 - 7,7.5 - 1
uF.08 energy saving input sel. 0508h appl np E 0 4095 0 1 ---
1,7.15 - 6
7.5 - 5,7.5 - 6,7.5 - 9,7.5 - 12
uf.09 Voltage stabilization 0509h appl np E 1 1120: off 1120: off 1 V ,7.5 - 13,7.6 - 5,7.13 - 33,7.
13 - 35
uF.10 Max. voltage mode 050Ah appl P --- 0 3 0 1 --- 7.5-4, 7.5-5
uF.11 Carrier frequency 050Bh appl P E 1 LTK LTK 1 ---
7.5-7, 7.10-5, 7.10-6
uF.11 Carrier frequency 050Bh appl P E 0 LTK LTK 1 ---
uF.12 base block time 050Ch RO np --- 0.05 10.00 LTK 0.01 s 7.13-16, 7.13-17
uF.13 base block voltage level 050Dh RO np --- 1 50 LTK 1 % 7.13-17
uF.14 Transistor on delay time 050Eh RO np --- 0 LTK LTK 0.05 µs
6.2 - 11,6.2 - 15,6.2 - 18,6.2 
uF.15 hardw. curr. lim. mode 050Fh appl np E 0 2 1 1 --- - 20,7.8 - 4,7.8 - 7,7.10 - 4,7
.13 - 5
uF.16 Autoboost configuration 0510h appl P --- 0 3 0 1 --- 7.5-9, 7.5-11
uF.17 Autoboost gain 0511h appl P --- 0.00 2.50 1.20 0.01 --- 7.5-9, 7.5-11
6.2 - 11,6.2 - 15,6.2 - 20,7.5 
uF.18 deadtime comp. mode 0512h appl np E 0 3 0 1 ---
- 21,7.5 - 23,7.6 - 12,7.6 - 18
Dead time compensation off 7.3-10, 7.3-12, 7.5-23, 7.6-
uF.21 0515h appl np E 0 4095 0 1 ---
input selection 12
Dead time e-compensation
uF.22 0516h sup np --- 0.00 10.00 0.00 0.01 µs
Dead time e-compensation
uF.23 0517h sup np --- 0 32000 0 1 ---
uF.24 deadtime comp. PT1 time 0518h appl np --- 0.000 4095.938 0.000 0.063 ms
uF.25 dead time soft on/off 0519h appl np --- 0: off 1024 0: off 1.000 ms 10


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1. Introduction

2. Summary

3. Hardware

4. Operation

Selection of Operating

6. Initial Start-up

7. Functions 12.1 Search and Find

8. Error Assistance

9. Project Design

10. Networks

11. Parameter Overview

12. Annex 12

© KEB, 2008-02 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 12.1 - 1


12.1.1 Index......................................................................................................................................... 12.1 - 3

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An.22 7.2 - 3 Braking

12. Annex An.23 7.2 - 3, 7.2 - 6, 7.3 - 26, option 9.1 - 4
12.1 Search and Find 7.3 - 27 resistance................................9.1 - 4
12.1.1 Index An.24 7.2 - 3, 7.2 - 7, 7.2 - 8 time 9.1 - 4
An.25 7.2 - 3, 7.2 - 8, 7.2 - 9 torque 9.1 - 4
Index An.26 7.2 - 3, 7.2 - 9 braking transistor......................2.1 - 5
An.27 7.2 - 3, 7.2 - 9
Symbole An.28 7.2 - 3, 7.2 - 10 C
An.29 7.2 - 3, 7.2 - 10 calculation.....7.5 - 3, 7.5 - 10, 7.5 - 13,
A An.30 7.1 - 13, 7.2 - 3, 7.2 - 10, 7.5 - 15, 7.5 - 18, 7.5 - 19,
7.4 - 4, 7.8 - 12, 7.9 - 3, 7.5 - 23, 7.5 - 24, 7.5 - 26,
Acceleration..............................7.5 - 6 7.12 - 47, 7.15 - 32
time 7.4 - 18 7.5 - 30, 7.5 - 32, 7.5 - 34
An.31 3.1-3, 7.2 - 11, 7.2 - 12, CAN-Bus................................10.1 - 3
Acknowledgement of status signals.. 7.2 - 14, 7.12 - 71, 7.15 - 32
4.1 - 5 CanOpen operator..................10.1 - 7
An.32 7.2 - 12, 7.2 - 14, 7.2 - 16, cdf 9.1 - 4
Actual value..............7.5 - 34, 7.5 - 35, 7.15 - 23
7.11 - 17, 7.11 - 18 cn-Parameter
An.33 7.2 - 11, 7.2 - 15, 7.2 - 16 cn. 00 7.15 - 29, 7.15 - 31, 7.15 - 32,
calculation...........................7.15 - 30 An.34 7.2 - 15, 7.2 - 16
source 7.15 - 30 7.15 - 33
An.35 7.2 - 15 cn. 01 7.15 - 29, 7.15 - 31, 7.15 - 32,
Address..................................7.1 - 20 An.36 7.2 - 14, 7.12 - 71
adjust 7.11 - 16, 7.11 - 19 7.15 - 33
An.37 7.2 - 16 cn. 02 7.15 - 30, 7.15 - 31, 7.15 - 32,
analog 7.11 - 2, 7.11 - 3, 7.11 - 16, An.38 7.2 - 11, 7.2 - 15
7.11 - 22 7.15 - 33
An.39 7.2 - 15 cn. 03 7.15 - 30
Analog 7.5 - 1, 7.11 - 1, 7.11 - 3, An.40 7.2 - 15
7.11 - 10, 7.11 - 16 cn. 04 7.15 - 23, 7.15 - 26, 7.15 - 27,
An.41 7.2 - 11, 7.2 - 14 7.15 - 31, 7.15 - 32, 7.15 - 33
mass 3.1-3 An.42 7.2 - 16
analog setting.......... 7.11 - 2, 7.11 - 16 cn. 05 7.15 - 26, 7.15 - 27
An.43 7.2 - 15 cn. 06 7.15 - 26, 7.15 - 27
Angular reset........................7.12 - 26 An.44 7.2 - 15
ANOUT....................7.2 - 14, 7.12 - 72 cn. 07 7.15 - 26, 7.15 - 27, 7.15 - 31,
An.45 7.2 - 15 7.15 - 32, 7.15 - 33
An-Parameter An.46 7.2 - 12, 7.2 - 13, 7.3 - 34
An.00 3.1-3, 7.1 - 9, 7.2 - 3, 7.2 - 4 cn. 08 7.15 - 26, 7.15 - 27, 7.15 - 31,
An.47 7.2 - 14 7.15 - 32, 7.15 - 33
An.01 7.2 - 3, 7.2 - 5, 7.3 - 33, 7.4 - 5 An.48 7.2 - 16
An.02 7.2 - 3, 7.2 - 5, 7.2 - 6, 7.3 - 33 cn. 09 7.15 - 26, 7.15 - 27
An.49 7.2 - 15 cn.10 7.15 - 26, 7.15 - 27, 7.15 - 31,
An.03 7.2 - 3, 7.2 - 6, 7.3 - 27 An.50 7.2 - 15
An.04 7.2 - 3, 7.2 - 7, 7.2 - 8 7.15 - 32, 7.15 - 33
An.51 7.2 - 15 cn.11 7.3 - 26, 7.3 - 27, 7.15 - 26,
An.05 7.2 - 3, 7.2 - 8, 7.2 - 9, 7.4 - 5 An.52 7.2 - 13, 7.3 - 34
An.06 7.2 - 3, 7.2 - 9, 7.4 - 5 7.15 - 27, 7.15 - 28
An.53 7.12 - 24, 7.12 - 36, 7.12 - 47, cn.12 7.3 - 26, 7.3 - 27, 7.15 - 26,
An.07 7.2 - 3, 7.2 - 9, 7.4 - 5 7.12 - 70, 7.15 - 22
An.08 7.2 - 3, 7.2 - 10 7.15 - 28
An.54 7.12 - 36, 7.12 - 47, 7.12 - 70, cn.13 7.3 - 26, 7.3 - 27, 7.15 - 26,
An.09 7.2 - 3, 7.2 - 10 7.15 - 23
An.10 3.1-3, 7.1 - 9, 7.1 - 10, 7.2 - 3, 7.15 - 27, 7.15 - 28
An.55 7.12 - 47, 7.12 - 71, 7.15 - 23 cn.14 7.15 - 26, 7.15 - 28, 7.15 - 33
7.2 - 4 An.56 7.12 - 47, 7.12 - 71, 7.15 - 23
An.11 7.2 - 3, 7.8 - 13, 7.9 - 3 COMBIVIS..............................7.1 - 20
An.57 7.15 - 23 communication.................... 7.11 - 22,
An.12 7.2 - 3, 7.2 - 5, 7.8 - 13, 7.9 - 3 assignment...............................7.5 - 7
An.13 7.2 - 3, 7.2 - 6, 7.3 - 26, 7.11 - 25, 10.1 - 3, 10.1 - 6,
Automatic restart..................7.13 - 17 10.1 - 7, 10.1 - 9, 10.1 - 10
7.3 - 27 AUX 7.4 - 3, 7.12 - 36, 7.12 - 47
An.14 7.2 - 3, 7.2 - 7, 7.2 - 8, 7.8 - 13 Communication........7.1 - 21, 7.13 - 7,
Function...................................7.4 - 3 8.1 - 5, 8.1 - 7, 8.1 - 8
An.15 7.2 - 3, 7.2 - 8, 7.2 - 9, averaging..................................7.2 - 5
7.15 - 17 Communication faults.............7.1 - 20
An.16 7.2 - 3, 7.2 - 9, 7.15 - 17 B condition......7.5 - 16, 7.5 - 17, 7.5 - 18,
An.17 7.2 - 3, 7.2 - 9, 7.8 - 13, 7.11 - 9
7.9 - 3, 7.15 - 17 Baud rate contouring speed..................7.15 - 20
An.18 7.2 - 3, 7.2 - 10, 7.15 - 17 int. Bus 7.1 - 22, 10.1 - 9 Control 7.5 - 10, 7.5 - 11, 7.5 - 14, 12
An.19 7.2 - 3, 7.2 - 10, 7.15 - 17 Binary-coded set selection.....7.14 - 9 7.5 - 25
An.20 7.2 - 3, 7.2 - 5 brake 7.5 - 16, 7.5 - 17 release 3.1-3, 7.3 - 19
An.21 7.2 - 3, 7.2 - 5 Brake control........................7.15 - 13 Converter..................................2.1 - 3

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Copying 7.12 - 18, 7.12 - 26, 7.12 - 30, Data transfer...........................7.1 - 21

of parameter sets.....7.14 - 4, 7.14 - 5 7.12 - 31, 7.12 - 33, 7.12 - 34, DC 7.5 - 3, 7.5 - 5, 7.5 - 9, 7.5 - 12,
Counter................................. 7.11 - 14 7.12 - 80, 7.13 - 34 7.5 - 13, 7.5 - 19, 7.5 - 26,
Reset condition....................7.15 - 12 cs.04 7.15 - 33 7.5 - 27, 7.5 - 30, 7.5 - 31,
CP - Parameter cS.04 5.1 - 4 7.5 - 34, 7.5 - 35, 7.11 - 8
assignment.7.1 - 14, 7.2 - 10, 7.3 - 31, cs.06 6.2 - 5, 7.15 - 23 brake 7.15 - 3
7.3 - 32, 7.3 - 40, 7.3 - 41, cS.06 7.7 - 3, 7.7 - 7, 7.7 - 9 link 2.1 - 3
7.3 - 42, 7.16 - 4, 10.1 - 12, cS. 07 7.7 - 7 DC-braking.............................7.15 - 3
7.1 - 3 cS. 08 7.7 - 7 Default set..............................7.14 - 5
define 7.16 - 3 cS.09 6.2 - 5, 6.2 - 10, 6.2 - 14, define 7.5 - 26
cs.00 7.13 - 25, 7.15 - 3 7.7 - 3, 7.7 - 7 Diameter
cS.00 7.5 - 2, 7.5 - 9, 7.5 - 10, 7.5 - 11, cS. 10 7.7 - 7, 7.7 - 4, 7.7 - 7, 7.6 - 25 ratio 7.15 - 22
7.5 - 12, 7.5 - 27, 7.6 - 4, cS. 11 5.1 - 4, 7.7 - 7, 7.15 - 16 Diameter correction..............7.15 - 20
7.6 - 9, 7.9 - 4, 7.9 - 5 cS.11 7.6 - 25 digital 7.5 - 3, 7.5 - 7, 7.5 - 23,
cs.01 7.15 - 3 cS. 12 5.1 - 4, 7.7 - 7, 7.7 - 9 7.5 - 26, 7.11 - 3, 7.11 - 22
cS.01 7.5 - 2, 7.5 - 9, 7.5 - 10, 7.5 - 13, cS.12 7.6 - 25 Digital
7.5 - 14, 7.5 - 28, 7.6 - 4, cS.15 7.8 - 12, 7.8 - 13, 7.9 - 3 mass 3.1-3
7.6 - 9, 7.12 - 30, 7.12 - 31, cS. 16 7.9 - 3, 7.9 - 5 Digital filter..............................7.3 - 22
7.12 - 33, 7.12 - 34, 7.13 - 34 cS.18 7.8 - 12, 7.8 - 13, 7.9 - 3 DIN 66019.................7.1 - 20, 10.1 - 4
cS.04 7.5 - 2, 7.5 - 9, 7.5 - 10 cS.19 7.1 - 14, 7.6 - 5, 7.8 - 12, di-Parameter
cs.06 7.15 - 23 7.8 - 13, 7.8 - 14, 7.9 - 3 di.00 3.1-4, 3.1-5, 7.3 - 20
cS.06 7.7 - 3, 7.7 - 7 cS.20 7.6 - 5, 7.8 - 12, 7.8 - 13 di.01 7.3 - 19, 7.3 - 20, 7.3 - 21,
cS. 07 7.7 - 7 cS. 21 7.8 - 13 7.3 - 28, 7.3 - 30, 7.13 - 37,
cS. 08 7.7 - 7 cs.22 7.8 - 13 10.1 - 11, 10.1 - 12
cs.09 7.5 - 10 cS.23 7.8 - 12, 7.8 - 13, 7.9 - 3 di.02 7.3 - 20, 7.3 - 21, 7.3 - 28,
cS.09 7.7 - 3, 7.7 - 7 cS.25 7.7 - 3, 7.7 - 8, 7.7 - 9 7.3 - 30, 10.1 - 11, 10.1 - 12
cS. 10 7.7 - 7, 7.15 - 16 cS.26 7.7 - 3 di.03 7.3 - 22
cS. 11 7.7 - 7, 7.15 - 16 cS.27 7.7 - 9, 7.7 - 10 di.04 7.3 - 22
cS. 12 7.7 - 7 cS. 28 7.7 - 9, 7.7 - 10 di.05 7.3 - 23, 7.3 - 24
cS.15 7.8 - 12, 7.8 - 13, 7.9 - 3 cS. 29 7.7 - 9 di.06 7.3 - 24
cS. 16 7.9 - 3, 7.9 - 5 cS.29 7.6 - 25 di.07 7.3 - 24, 7.3 - 25
cS.18 7.8 - 12, 7.8 - 13, 7.9 - 3 current 7.5 - 2, 7.5 - 3, 7.5 - 7, 7.5 - 8, di.08 7.3 - 24
cS.19 7.5 - 12, 7.6 - 5, 7.8 - 12, 7.5 - 10, 7.5 - 11, 7.5 - 12, di.09 7.3 - 25, 7.3 - 26, 7.3 - 27
7.8 - 13, 7.8 - 14, 7.9 - 3, 7.5 - 13, 7.5 - 14, 7.5 - 15, di.10 7.3 - 25
7.11 - 23, 7.11 - 24, 7.11 - 25 7.5 - 16, 7.5 - 18, 7.5 - 19, di.11 7.3 - 19, 7.3 - 26, 7.3 - 27,
cS.20 7.6 - 5, 7.8 - 12, 7.8 - 13 7.5 - 20, 7.5 - 21, 7.5 - 22, 7.3 - 28, 7.3 - 29, 7.12 - 4,
cS. 21 7.8 - 13 7.5 - 23, 7.5 - 24, 7.5 - 25, 7.12 - 5, 7.12 - 64, 7.12 - 74
cs.22 7.8 - 13 7.5 - 26, 7.5 - 27, 7.5 - 28, di.22 7.3 - 26, 7.3 - 27, 7.3 - 28,
cS.23 7.8 - 12, 7.8 - 13, 7.9 - 3 7.5 - 29, 7.5 - 30, 7.5 - 31, 7.3 - 29, 7.12 - 64, 7.12 - 74
cS.25 7.5 - 13, 7.7 - 3, 7.7 - 8 7.5 - 32, 7.5 - 34, 7.5 - 35, di.23 7.3 - 19, 7.3 - 22
cS.26 7.5 - 13, 7.7 - 3 7.11 - 8, 7.11 - 24 di.24 7.3 - 26, 7.3 - 28, 7.12 - 35,
cS. 28 7.7 - 9, 7.7 - 10 Current limit 7.12 - 40, 7.12 - 72, 7.12 - 73,
cS. 29 7.7 - 9 level 7.1 - 7, 7.3 - 21, 7.3 - 28, 7.12 - 74
cs.30 7.12 - 79 7.3 - 33, 7.3 - 34, 7.3 - 35, di.35 7.3 - 26, 7.3 - 28, 7.12 - 35,
CS.30 7.12 - 79 7.3 - 36, 7.3 - 37, 7.3 - 42, 7.12 - 40, 7.12 - 72, 7.12 - 73,
cS-Parameter 7.3 - 43, 7.13 - 6, 7.13 - 7, 7.12 - 74
cs.00 5.1 - 3, 7.13 - 14, 7.13 - 25, 7.13 - 9, 7.13 - 16, 7.13 - 18, di.36 7.3 - 26, 7.3 - 28, 7.3 - 29,
7.15 - 3, 7.15 - 26, 7.15 - 27, 7.13 - 19, 7.13 - 20, 7.13 - 25, 7.13 - 39, 7.13 - 40
7.15 - 33 7.13 - 31, 7.13 - 32, 7.15 - 10, di.37 7.3 - 26, 7.3 - 28, 7.3 - 29
cS.00 6.2 - 4, 6.2 - 6, 6.2 - 9, 6.2 - 12, 7.15 - 12, 7.15 - 14, 8.1 - 8, di.38 7.3 - 29
7.6 - 4, 7.6 - 9, 7.9 - 4, 7.9 - 5, 10.1 - 4 di.39 7.3 - 26, 7.3 - 28, 7.3 - 30,
7.12 - 26, 7.12 - 80 cycle time.................................9.1 - 4 7.13 - 41
cs.01 7.15 - 3 Cyclic duration factor................9.1 - 5 do-Parameter
cS.01 5.1 - 3, 6.2 - 6, 6.2 - 9, do.00 7.3 - 30, 7.3 - 32, 7.3 - 33,
6.2 - 12, 6.2 - 16, 6.2 - 18, D 7.3 - 38, 7.3 - 42, 7.12 - 10,
7.1 - 6, 7.6 - 4, 7.6 - 9, 7.12 - 11, 7.12 - 49, 7.12 - 50,

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7.12 - 75 dr.14 7.2 - 14, 7.8 - 4 dS.00 7.6 - 5, 7.10 - 3

do.01 7.3 - 39, 7.3 - 42, 7.12 - 50 dr.15 7.8 - 5, 7.8 - 6, 7.8 - 14, dS.01 7.6 - 5, 7.10 - 3
do.02 7.3 - 43, 7.12 - 50 7.9 - 3, 7.13 - 30 dS.02 6.2 - 10, 6.2 - 14, 6.2 - 18,
do.03 7.12 - 50 dr.16 7.8 - 5, 7.8 - 6, 7.13 - 15, 6.2 - 19, 7.10 - 3
do.04 7.12 - 50 7.13 - 20 dS.03 7.8 - 5, 7.8 - 9, 7.8 - 10,
do.07 7.3 - 30, 7.3 - 32, 7.3 - 33, dr.17 5.1 - 4, 6.2 - 10, 6.2 - 14 7.8 - 11, 7.10 - 3, 7.10 - 4,
7.3 - 38, 7.12 - 75 dr.18 5.1 - 4, 6.2 - 10, 6.2 - 13, 7.15 - 5
do.08 7.1 - 8, 7.3 - 32, 7.3 - 39 7.8 - 4, 7.8 - 5, 7.8 - 14 dS.04 6.2 - 7, 6.2 - 9, 6.2 - 13,
do.09 7.3 - 39 dr.23 6.2 - 17, 6.2 - 18, 7.6 - 3, 7.8 - 3, 7.15 - 5, 7.15 - 16
do.10 7.3 - 43 7.6 - 8, 7.6 - 12, 7.13 - 30 dS.08 7.5 - 37, 7.8 - 4
do.15 7.3 - 32, 7.3 - 39 dr.24 5.1 - 4, 6.2 - 17, 6.2 - 18, dS.09 7.5 - 37, 7.8 - 4
do.16 7.3 - 32, 7.3 - 39, 7.3 - 43, 7.6 - 3, 7.6 - 18, 7.13 - 30 dS.10 7.8 - 3
7.12 - 49, 7.12 - 50 dr.25 6.2 - 17, 6.2 - 18, 7.6 - 3 dS.12 7.5 - 13, 7.5 - 22
do.17 7.3 - 43, 7.12 - 50 dr.26 6.2 - 17, 6.2 - 18, 7.6 - 3, dS.13 7.8 - 7, 7.8 - 8, 7.8 - 9, 7.8 - 11
do.18 7.3 - 43, 7.12 - 50 7.6 - 4, 7.6 - 13, 7.8 - 7 dS.14 7.5 - 2, 7.5 - 13, 7.5 - 32
do.19 7.12 - 50 dr.27 5.1 - 4, 6.2 - 17, 6.2 - 18, dS.15 7.5 - 13, 7.5 - 32
do.23 7.3 - 32, 7.3 - 39 6.2 - 19, 7.2 - 14, 7.6 - 3, dS.17 7.5 - 2, 7.5 - 32
do.24 7.3 - 32, 7.3 - 39, 7.3 - 40, 7.8 - 6, 7.8 - 8, 7.8 - 9 dS.19 5.1 - 4
7.3 - 43, 7.12 - 50 dr.28 6.2 - 17, 6.2 - 18, 7.6 - 3, dS.20 7.5 - 28, 7.5 - 29
do.25 7.3 - 32, 7.3 - 40, 7.3 - 43 7.6 - 4, 7.13 - 30 dS.21 5.1 - 4
do.27 7.3 - 43 dr.30 6.2 - 17, 6.2 - 18, 7.6 - 3, dS.22 7.5 - 24, 7.5 - 25, 7.5 - 28,
do.31 7.12 - 51 7.6 - 13 7.5 - 30
do.32 7.3 - 40 dr.31 6.2 - 17, 6.2 - 18, 7.6 - 3, dS.23 7.5 - 25
do.33 7.3 - 32, 7.3 - 40, 7.3 - 43, 7.6 - 12 dS.30 7.6 - 20
7.12 - 49 dr.32 7.2 - 14, 7.8 - 8, 7.8 - 9 dS.31 7.6 - 20
do.34 7.3 - 43 dr.33 5.1 - 4, 6.2 - 18, 6.2 - 19, dS.32 7.6 - 20
do.35 7.3 - 43 7.6 - 5, 7.8 - 8, 7.8 - 9, dS.33 7.6 - 20
do.36 7.3 - 20 7.13 - 30, 7.6 - 26 dS.39 7.10 - 6
do.37 7.12 - 50 dr.34 7.13 - 30
do.39 7.12 - 51 dr.35 7.13 - 30 E
do.40 7.3 - 40 dr.36 7.13 - 31 Ec-Parameter.........................7.5 - 35
do.41 7.3 - 20, 7.3 - 32, 7.3 - 40, dr.37 7.8 - 11, 7.8 - 14, 7.10 - 4, Ec.00 7.16 - 11, 8.1 - 5
7.3 - 41, 7.3 - 43, 7.12 - 50 7.15 - 5 Ec.01 6.2 - 6, 6.2 - 9, 6.2 - 16,
do.42 7.3 - 32, 7.3 - 41 dr.39 5.1 - 4, 7.8 - 8, 7.8 - 9, 7.6 - 26 7.6 - 8, 7.12 - 14, 7.12 - 17,
do.43 7.3 - 32 dr.40 5.1 - 4, 7.8 - 9, 7.8 - 9, 7.6 - 26 7.12 - 18, 7.12 - 30, 7.12 - 31,
do.44 7.3 - 32 dr.41 5.1 - 4, 7.8 - 9, 7.6 - 26 7.12 - 33, 7.12 - 52
do.51 7.1 - 14, 7.3 - 32, 7.3 - 41, dr.42 5.1 - 4, 7.8 - 9, 7.6 - 26 Ec.02 6.2 - 17, 7.6 - 8, 7.6 - 9
7.3 - 42, 10.1 - 12 dr.43 5.1 - 4, 7.8 - 9, 7.6 - 26 Ec.03 7.11 - 12, 7.11 - 23, 7.11 - 24
dr-Parameter dr.44 5.1 - 4, 7.8 - 9, 7.6 - 26 Ec.04 7.12 - 30, 7.12 - 33, 7.15 - 23
dr.00 6.2 - 5, 6.2 - 7, 6.2 - 9, dr.45 5.1 - 4, 7.8 - 9, 7.6 - 26 Ec.05 7.12 - 33
6.2 - 13, 7.15 - 5 dr.46 5.1 - 4, 7.8 - 9, 7.6 - 26, Ec.06 7.5 - 14, 7.11 - 12
dr.01 5.1 - 4, 6.2 - 5, 6.2 - 7, 6.2 - 9, 7.6 - 26 Ec.07 7.6 - 8, 7.6 - 9, 7.12 - 30,
6.2 - 13 dr.47 5.1 - 4, 7.8 - 9 7.12 - 31, 7.12 - 33, 7.12 - 52
dr.02 6.2 - 5, 6.2 - 7, 6.2 - 9, 6.2 - 13 dr.48 6.2 - 10, 6.2 - 14, 6.2 - 17, Ec.10 8.1 - 5
dr.03 6.2 - 7, 6.2 - 9, 6.2 - 13, 6.2 - 19, 7.6 - 10, 7.6 - 11, Ec.11 7.6 - 8, 7.12 - 14, 7.12 - 18,
7.2 - 14, 7.7 - 3 7.6 - 12, 7.6 - 13, 7.6 - 14 7.12 - 30, 7.12 - 31
dr.04 6.2 - 5, 6.2 - 7, 6.2 - 9, 6.2 - 13 dr.49 5.1 - 5, 6.2 - 10, 6.2 - 14, Ec.12 7.6 - 8, 7.6 - 9
dr.05 6.2 - 5, 6.2 - 7, 6.2 - 9, 6.2 - 13 7.6 - 11, 7.6 - 13 Ec.13 7.11 - 12
dr.06 6.2 - 5, 6.2 - 7, 6.2 - 9, dr.50 7.13 - 30, 7.13 - 31 Ec.14 7.12 - 14, 7.12 - 17, 7.12 - 18,
6.2 - 10, 6.2 - 13, 6.2 - 14 dr.51 7.3 - 37 7.12 - 24, 7.12 - 27, 7.12 - 31
dr.07 6.2 - 9, 6.2 - 13 dr.61 7.3 - 26, 7.3 - 28 Ec.15 7.12 - 14, 7.12 - 17, 7.12 - 18,
dr.08 6.2 - 9, 6.2 - 13 dr.62 6.2 - 10, 6.2 - 14, 7.6 - 10
dr.10 6.2 - 7, 6.2 - 9, 6.2 - 10, dr.63 7.6 - 3, 7.6 - 4, 7.6 - 13
7.12 - 24, 7.12 - 27, 7.12 - 31 12
Ec.16 7.11 - 12
6.2 - 13, 6.2 - 14 dr.64 7.6 - 3 Ec.17 7.12 - 31
dr.11 7.13 - 28 dr.66 7.6 - 14 Ec.20 7.12 - 15, 7.12 - 16
dr.12 7.13 - 27, 7.13 - 28 dS-Parameter

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Ec.21 7.12 - 31 flag In.12 7.1 - 4, 7.1 - 17

Ec.22 7.11 - 20 adjust 7.3 - 43 In.13 7.1 - 4
Ec.23 7.11 - 20v fluctuations...............................7.5 - 5 In.14 7.1 - 4, 7.1 - 17
Ec.25 5.1 - 4 Fr-Parameter In.15 7.1 - 4, 7.1 - 17
Ec.31 7.3 - 28 Fr.01 6.2 - 4, 6.2 - 6, 6.2 - 8, In.16 7.1 - 4, 7.1 - 17
Ec.32 7.3 - 28 6.2 - 12, 6.2 - 16, 6.2 - 18, In. 17 7.1 - 4, 7.1 - 18
Ec.33 7.11 - 19 7.6 - 13 In.18 7.6 - 10, 7.6 - 18, 7.8 - 4,
Ec.34 7.11 - 19 Fr.02 10.1 - 11 7.8 - 6, 7.10 - 4
Ec.36 7.11 - 21, 7.11 - 22 Fr.03 7.13 - 10 In.20 7.16 - 11
Ec.37 7.11 - 22, 7.11 - 24, 7.11 - 25 Fr.04 7.14 - 8, 7.14 - 9 In.22 7.1 - 4, 7.1 - 18
Ec.38 7.11 - 21, 7.11 - 22, 7.11 - 23, Fr.05 7.14 - 12 In.23 7.1 - 4, 7.1 - 18
7.11 - 24, 7.11 - 25 Fr.06 7.14 - 12 In. 24 7.1 - 4, 7.1 - 18
Ec.39 7.12 - 33, 7.12 - 34 Fr.07 7.3 - 26, 7.3 - 27 In. 25 7.1 - 4, 7.1 - 19
Ec.42 7.4 - 14 Fr.08 7.13 - 29, 7.13 - 30 In.26 7.1 - 4, 7.1 - 19
Ec.46 7.12 - 35 Fr.09 7.14 - 4, 7.14 - 5 In.27 7.1 - 4, 7.1 - 19
Ec.47 7.12 - 35 Fr.10 6.2 - 5, 6.2 - 7, 6.2 - 10, In.28 7.1 - 4, 7.1 - 19
Ec.48 7.3 - 26 6.2 - 13, 6.2 - 17, 6.2 - 18, In.29 7.1 - 4, 7.1 - 19
Ec.49 7.3 - 26 7.6 - 5, 7.6 - 14, 7.6 - 15, In.30 7.1 - 4, 7.1 - 19
Ec.50 7.3 - 28 7.6 - 18, 7.6 - 19, 7.7 - 3, In.31 7.1 - 4, 7.1 - 19
Ec.51 7.3 - 28 7.10 - 3 In.32 7.1 - 4, 7.1 - 19
Ec.53 7.12 - 33 Fr.11 7.3 - 26, 7.3 - 27 In.33 7.1 - 19
Ec.58 7.12 - 24 Fr.12 7.14 - 11 input 7.5 - 3, 7.5 - 4, 7.5 - 7, 7.5 - 9,
Ec.59 7.11 - 14 function.. 7.5 - 2, 7.5 - 3, 7.5 - 4, 7.5 - 5, 7.5 - 12, 7.5 - 13, 7.5 - 23,
Edge-triggering.......................7.3 - 23 7.5 - 6, 7.5 - 7, 7.5 - 10, 7.5 - 11, 7.5 - 26, 7.5 - 27, 7.11 - 2,
E.Hyb 7.11 - 10, 7.11 - 22 7.5 - 14, 7.5 - 23, 7.5 - 26, 7.11 - 3, 7.11 - 4, 7.11 - 6,
E.HybC................................. 7.11 - 10 7.5 - 31, 7.5 - 32, 7.5 - 33, 7.11 - 7, 7.11 - 10, 7.11 - 12,
Electronic motor protection...7.13 - 27 7.11 - 3, 7.11 - 7, 7.11 - 8, 7.11 - 16
EMC 3.1-4 7.11 - 17, 7.11 - 19, 7.11 - 20, coded set selection..............7.14 - 10
conform installation.................6.1 - 3 7.11 - 25 Input
Encoder.......7.5 - 10, 7.5 - 35, 7.11 - 2, Fundamentals...........................4.1 - 3 signals 7.3 - 20
7.11 - 3, 7.11 - 4, 7.11 - 6, inputs 7.5 - 7, 7.11 - 4, 7.11 - 6
7.11 - 7, 7.11 - 9, 7.11 - 10, G Inputs
7.11 - 12, 7.11 - 13, 7.11 - 15, Gear factor.7.11 - 2, 7.11 - 14, 7.11 - 15, Analog 7.2 - 3
7.11 - 18, 7.11 - 19, 7.11 - 20, 7.11 - 16, 7.11 - 17 Input trigger............................7.3 - 23
7.11 - 21, 7.11 - 22, 7.11 - 23, generator...................7.5 - 12, 7.5 - 13 InterBus
7.11 - 25 groups 7.11 - 24 Loop 10.1 - 6
input 7.1 - 6 Operator................................10.1 - 3
Energy saving...7.5 - 2, 7.5 - 7, 7.5 - 33 H InterBus operator....................10.1 - 6
function..................................7.15 - 6 interface.........7.5 - 3, 7.5 - 10, 7.5 - 13,
level 7.15 - 6 HSP5-cable............................10.1 - 4 7.5 - 14, 7.11 - 2, 7.11 - 3,
Energy saving function.7.5 - 2, 7.5 - 3, Hysteresis...............................7.3 - 38 7.11 - 4, 7.11 - 5, 7.11 - 6,
7.5 - 7, 7.15 - 6 7.11 - 7, 7.11 - 9, 7.11 - 10,
ENTER-Parameter...................4.1 - 5 I 7.11 - 11, 7.11 - 15, 7.11 - 17,
Error 7.5 - 1, 7.5 - 22, 7.11 - 1, Incremental encoder.7.11 - 2, 7.11 - 3, 7.11 - 18, 7.11 - 19, 7.11 - 21,
7.11 - 20, 7.11 - 22, 7.11 - 23 7.11 - 6, 7.11 - 7, 7.11 - 10 7.11 - 22, 7.11 - 23
diagnosis.................................8.1 - 3 In-Parameter...............7.1 - 4, 7.1 - 18 Operator................................10.1 - 3
messages................................8.1 - 3 In.00 7.1 - 4, 7.1 - 16 Interface operator...................10.1 - 4
search 8.1 - 3 In.01 7.1 - 4, 7.1 - 16, 7.2 - 14, Inversion of Inputs..................7.3 - 22
7.13 - 16, 7.13 - 19, 7.13 - 20, inverter 7.5 - 5, 7.5 - 7, 7.5 - 8, 7.5 - 9,
F 7.13 - 25 7.5 - 12, 7.5 - 13, 7.5 - 14,
Factory setting........................7.14 - 5 In.03 7.1 - 4, 7.1 - 17, 7.10 - 5 7.5 - 16, 7.5 - 19, 7.5 - 20,
Fading time...........................7.15 - 27 In.04 7.1 - 4, 7.1 - 17, 7.10 - 5 7.5 - 21, 7.5 - 22, 7.5 - 23,
Fan cooling...............................9.1 - 3 In.06 7.1 - 4, 7.1 - 17 7.5 - 24, 7.5 - 26, 7.5 - 27,
Filter time................................7.3 - 32 In.07 7.1 - 4, 7.1 - 17 7.5 - 30, 7.5 - 33, 7.11 - 4,
Fixed frequency............3.1-3, 7.4 - 11 In.10 7.1 - 4, 7.1 - 17 7.11 - 5, 7.11 - 6, 7.11 - 10,
In. 11 7.1 - 4, 7.1 - 17 7.11 - 14, 7.11 - 17, 7.11 - 18,

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7.11 - 20, 7.11 - 22, 7.11 - 23, 7.5 - 18, 7.5 - 20, 7.5 - 21, nn.07 7.6 - 19

7.11 - 24, 7.11 - 25 7.5 - 23, 7.5 - 25, 7.11 - 8, nn.08 5.1 - 4, 7.6 - 15, 7.6 - 16
state 7.1 - 5 7.11 - 23, 7.11 - 24 nn.09 7.6 - 15, 7.6 - 16
Loop 7.5 - 3 nn.10 7.6 - 5, 7.6 - 15, 7.6 - 17,
J 7.6 - 18
M nn.11 7.6 - 5
K mass 7.5 - 26 nn.12 7.6 - 19
Master 7.1 - 21 nn.13 7.6 - 23
Keep-On-Running..................7.13 - 4 nn.14 7.6 - 22
KTY 7.13 - 9 mode 7.5 - 2, 7.5 - 3, 7.5 - 4, 7.5 - 5,
7.5 - 7, 7.5 - 10, 7.5 - 11, nn.15 7.6 - 22
7.5 - 15, 7.5 - 16, 7.5 - 17, nn.17 7.6 - 22
L Noise filter...................7.2 - 6, 7.3 - 22
7.5 - 19, 7.5 - 22, 7.5 - 23,
LE-Parameter 7.5 - 24, 7.5 - 25, 7.5 - 26, Non-programmable parameters........
LE.00 7.3 - 38, 7.12 - 75, 7.12 - 77, 7.5 - 27, 7.5 - 28, 7.5 - 30, 4.1 - 5, 7.14 - 3
7.15 - 9, 7.15 - 12, 7.15 - 23 7.5 - 31, 7.5 - 32, 7.5 - 33, no PU 7.13 - 5
LE.01 7.3 - 42, 7.12 - 50 7.11 - 2, 7.11 - 3, 7.11 - 7, NPN 3.1-5, 7.3 - 20
LE.02 7.3 - 43, 7.12 - 50 7.11 - 14, 7.11 - 17, 7.11 - 19,
LE.03 7.12 - 50 O
7.11 - 20
LE.07 7.3 - 38, 7.12 - 75, 7.12 - 77, Mode 7.5 - 1, 7.5 - 33, 7.9 - 4, 7.9 - 5, Operating.....................7.5 - 1, 7.11 - 1
7.15 - 12 7.11 - 1, 7.11 - 20, 7.12 - 41, data 7.1 - 3
LE.08 7.3 - 38 7.12 - 53, 7.12 - 54, 7.12 - 57, mode 4.2 - 3
LE.09 7.3 - 39, 7.3 - 42 7.12 - 72 Operating surface...................7.16 - 3
LE.10 7.3 - 43 Motor 7.5 - 1, 7.5 - 2, 7.5 - 3, 7.5 - 6, oP-Parameter
LE.12 7.5 - 26 7.5 - 8, 7.5 - 9, 7.5 - 12, oP.00 7.1 - 23, 7.4 - 4, 7.4 - 5,
LE.15 7.3 - 38 7.5 - 15, 7.5 - 20, 7.5 - 31, 7.12 - 80, 7.15 - 26, 7.15 - 31,
LE.16 7.3 - 34, 7.3 - 39, 7.13 - 41, 7.5 - 34, 7.5 - 35, 7.11 - 1, 7.15 - 32, 7.15 - 33
7.15 - 4, 10.1 - 13 7.11 - 9, 7.11 - 14, 7.11 - 16, oP.01 7.1 - 23, 7.4 - 7, 7.4 - 8,
LE.17 7.1 - 11, 7.3 - 26, 7.3 - 27, 7.11 - 17, 7.11 - 23, 7.11 - 25 7.4 - 9, 7.4 - 10, 7.4 - 11,
7.15 - 9, 7.15 - 10, 7.15 - 11, poti 7.12 - 4, 7.12 - 80, 7.13 - 8,
7.15 - 12 function...............................7.15 - 7 10.1 - 11, 10.1 - 14
LE.18 7.15 - 9, 7.15 - 10, 7.15 - 11, rise time..............................7.15 - 9 oP.02 7.4 - 8, 7.4 - 10
7.15 - 12 protection oP.03 7.4 - 4, 7.12 - 78, 7.12 - 79,
LE.19 7.3 - 26, 7.3 - 27, 7.12 - 50, function.............................7.13 - 27 7.12 - 80, 7.12 - 81
7.15 - 9, 7.15 - 10, 7.15 - 12 set assignment....................7.13 - 28 oP.05 7.2 - 11, 7.4 - 4
LE.20 7.15 - 9, 7.15 - 10, 7.15 - 12 Motorpoti oP.06 7.3 - 37, 7.4 - 4, 7.4 - 5,
LE.21 7.1 - 11, 7.15 - 9, 7.15 - 10, Max. value.............................7.15 - 9 7.4 - 13, 7.4 - 15, 7.13 - 24
7.15 - 12 Min. value..............................7.15 - 9 oP.07 7.3 - 37, 7.4 - 4, 7.4 - 5,
LE.22 7.1 - 11, 7.3 - 26, 7.3 - 27, Ramp time.............................7.15 - 8 7.4 - 15
7.15 - 10, 7.15 - 11, 7.15 - 12 rise time.................................7.15 - 9 oP.10 7.1 - 14, 7.4 - 4, 7.4 - 5,
LE.23 7.15 - 10, 7.15 - 11 7.4 - 13, 7.4 - 14, 7.4 - 15,
LE.24 7.3 - 26, 7.3 - 27, 7.15 - 10, N 7.12 - 22, 7.12 - 28, 7.12 - 29,
7.15 - 12 7.12 - 36, 7.12 - 38, 7.12 - 39,
LE.25 7.15 - 10, 7.15 - 12 Net
rectifier 2.1 - 3 7.12 - 47, 7.12 - 48, 7.13 - 24,
LE.26 7.1 - 11, 7.15 - 10 7.15 - 27
LE.27 7.8 - 14, 7.8 - 15 work components..................10.1 - 3
nn-Parameter oP.11 7.4 - 4, 7.4 - 13, 7.4 - 14,
level 7.5 - 23, 7.5 - 26, 7.5 - 27, 7.4 - 15, 7.12 - 22, 7.12 - 28
7.11 - 3, 7.11 - 4, 7.11 - 6, nn.00 7.6 - 3, 7.6 - 9, 7.6 - 13,
7.6 - 17, 7.6 - 18, 7.6 - 19 oP.14 7.4 - 5, 7.4 - 13, 7.4 - 14,
7.11 - 11 7.12 - 14, 7.12 - 22, 7.12 - 28,
limits 7.5 - 12, 7.5 - 13, 7.5 - 21 nn.01 7.6 - 5, 7.6 - 15, 7.6 - 16,
7.6 - 17, 7.6 - 18 7.12 - 29, 7.12 - 79, 7.12 - 82
Limit switch error....................7.6 - 17 oP.15 7.4 - 13, 7.4 - 14, 7.12 - 14,
line number........................... 7.11 - 11 nn.02 5.1 - 4, 7.6 - 5, 7.6 - 15,
7.6 - 16 7.12 - 22, 7.12 - 28, 7.12 - 79,
link 7.5 - 5, 7.5 - 9, 7.5 - 12,
nn.03 5.1 - 4, 7.6 - 5, 7.6 - 15, 7.12 - 82 12
7.5 - 13, 7.5 - 26, 7.5 - 27 oP.18 7.4 - 11, 7.4 - 12
load 7.5 - 3, 7.5 - 5, 7.5 - 6, 7.5 - 7, 7.6 - 16
nn.05 7.6 - 19 oP.19 7.3 - 26, 7.3 - 27, 7.4 - 11,
7.5 - 8, 7.5 - 11, 7.5 - 14, 7.4 - 12
7.5 - 15, 7.5 - 16, 7.5 - 17, nn.06 7.6 - 18

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oP.20 7.3 - 26, 7.3 - 27, 7.4 - 11, oP.71 7.4 - 19, 7.4 - 20 braking power..........................9.1 - 4

7.4 - 12 oP.72 7.4 - 19, 7.4 - 20 PI 7.5 - 3, 7.5 - 26
oP.21 7.4 - 11, 7.4 - 12, 7.16 - 5 oP.73 7.4 - 18, 7.4 - 19, 7.4 - 20, Reset conditions..................7.15 - 27
oP.22 7.4 - 11 7.12 - 28 PID
oP.23 7.4 - 11, 7.4 - 12 oP.74 7.7 - 11 output 7.3 - 22, 7.3 - 31, 7.3 - 32,
oP.27 7.4 - 16, 7.4 - 20 option 7.11 - 10, 7.11 - 16 7.3 - 34, 7.3 - 35, 7.3 - 36,
oP.28 7.4 - 17, 7.4 - 18, 7.4 - 20, output 7.5 - 4, 7.5 - 5, 7.5 - 7, 7.5 - 8, 7.3 - 37, 7.3 - 39, 7.3 - 40,
7.12 - 19, 7.12 - 20, 7.12 - 22, 7.5 - 9, 7.5 - 14, 7.5 - 16, 7.3 - 41, 7.3 - 42, 7.3 - 43,
7.12 - 24, 7.12 - 28, 7.12 - 29, 7.5 - 23, 7.5 - 24, 7.5 - 26, 7.4 - 4, 7.6 - 19
7.16 - 5 7.5 - 28, 7.5 - 29, 7.5 - 31, Output 2.1 - 3, 3.1-3, 7.1 - 8, 7.1 - 9,
oP.29 7.4 - 18 7.5 - 32, 7.5 - 34, 7.5 - 35, 7.1 - 12, 7.1 - 14, 7.2 - 3,
oP.30 7.4 - 18, 7.4 - 20, 7.4 - 21, 7.5 - 37, 7.11 - 2, 7.11 - 3, 7.2 - 11, 7.2 - 12, 7.2 - 13,
7.16 - 5 7.11 - 7, 7.11 - 10, 7.11 - 17, 7.2 - 14, 7.2 - 15, 7.2 - 16,
oP.31 7.4 - 17, 7.4 - 18, 7.4 - 20, 7.11 - 18, 7.11 - 25 7.8 - 13, 7.9 - 3, 7.13 - 4,
7.4 - 21, 7.12 - 28 Output 7.5 - 6 8.1 - 4, 7.13 - 4, 7.13 - 11,
oP.32 7.4 - 18, 7.4 - 19, 7.12 - 28, terminals 7.13 - 13, 7.13 - 14, 7.13 - 15,
7.12 - 29 State...................................7.3 - 41 7.13 - 32, 7.13 - 35, 7.1 - 3,
oP.33 7.4 - 19, 7.4 - 20 outputs 7.5 - 1, 7.11 - 1, 7.11 - 13 10.1 - 12, 7.15 - 13, 7.13 - 42,
oP.34 7.4 - 19, 7.4 - 20 analog 7.12 - 47, 7.12 - 71 7.13 - 42
oP.35 7.4 - 19, 7.4 - 20, 7.12 - 28 digital 7.12 - 80 Pn-Parameter
oP.40 7.4 - 14, 7.6 - 19, 7.12 - 28, Digital 3.1-3, 3.1-4 Pn.00 7.3 - 37, 7.13 - 17
7.13 - 11, 7.13 - 24 Outputs Pn.01 7.13 - 18
oP.41 7.4 - 14, 7.6 - 19, 7.13 - 11 Analog 7.2 - 11 Pn.02 7.13 - 18
oP.44 7.15 - 18, 7.15 - 19, 7.15 - 21 digital 2.1 - 3, 6.2 - 7, 6.2 - 11, Pn.03 7.13 - 7, 7.13 - 12, 7.13 - 13,
oP.45 7.15 - 19, 7.15 - 21 6.2 - 15, 7.2 - 12, 7.3 - 19, 7.13 - 18
oP.46 7.15 - 19, 7.15 - 22 7.3 - 20, 7.3 - 22, 7.3 - 30, Pn.04 7.3 - 26, 7.3 - 27, 7.13 - 7,
oP.47 7.15 - 19, 7.15 - 20 7.4 - 4, 7.4 - 11, 7.13 - 41, 7.13 - 40
oP.48 7.15 - 19, 7.15 - 20 7.15 - 19, 7.15 - 21, 7.15 - 26, Pn.05 7.12 - 79, 7.12 - 80, 7.12 - 82,
oP.49 7.15 - 22 7.15 - 27, 10.1 - 11, 10.1 - 12 7.13 - 4, 7.13 - 7, 7.13 - 12,
oP.50 7.1 - 11, 7.15 - 7, 7.15 - 8 Terminal status...................7.3 - 21 7.13 - 13, 7.13 - 18, 10.1 - 9,
oP.52 7.4 - 4, 7.12 - 24, 7.15 - 7, over 7.5 - 22, 7.5 - 29, 7.5 - 32, 10.1 - 10
7.15 - 9 7.11 - 2, 7.11 - 7, 7.11 - 10, Pn.06 7.3 - 37, 7.12 - 80, 7.12 - 82,
oP.53 7.1 - 11, 7.15 - 9 7.11 - 12, 7.11 - 15, 7.11 - 18, 7.13 - 7, 10.1 - 9
oP.54 7.15 - 9 7.11 - 25 Pn.07 7.12 - 4, 7.12 - 9, 7.12 - 29,
oP.55 7.15 - 7, 7.15 - 8 current 7.13 - 4 7.12 - 66, 7.13 - 4, 7.13 - 8,
oP.56 7.3 - 26, 7.3 - 27, 7.15 - 7, load 7.13 - 29 7.13 - 12, 7.13 - 13, 7.13 - 18
7.15 - 8 Pn.08 7.3 - 33, 7.13 - 6, 7.13 - 12,
oP.57 7.3 - 26, 7.3 - 27, 7.15 - 7, P 7.13 - 13, 7.13 - 18
7.15 - 8 Parameter.......................................... Pn.09 7.3 - 33, 7.3 - 35, 7.13 - 6
oP.58 7.3 - 26, 7.3 - 27, 7.15 - 7, 4.1 - 3, 7.5 - 1, 7.5 - 8, 7.5 - 16, Pn.10 7.3 - 33, 7.13 - 4, 7.13 - 7,
7.15 - 8 7.5 - 28, 7.5 - 35, 7.11 - 1, 7.13 - 12, 7.13 - 13, 7.13 - 18
oP.59 7.1 - 11, 7.15 - 7, 7.15 - 8, 7.11 - 7, 7.11 - 14, 7.11 - 15, Pn.11 7.3 - 33, 7.13 - 4, 7.13 - 7
7.15 - 9 7.11 - 19, 7.11 - 22, 7.11 - 25 Pn.12 7.1 - 18, 7.3 - 33, 7.13 - 8,
oP.60 7.3 - 26, 7.3 - 27, 7.4 - 8, groups 4.1 - 3 7.13 - 13, 7.13 - 14, 7.13 - 18
7.4 - 9 number 4.1 - 3 Pn.13 7.1 - 18, 7.3 - 33, 7.13 - 8
oP.61 7.3 - 26, 7.3 - 27, 7.4 - 8, set Pn.14 7.3 - 33, 7.13 - 9, 7.13 - 13,
7.4 - 9 lock...................................7.14 - 12 7.13 - 18, 7.13 - 28, 7.13 - 29,
oP.62 7.4 - 22 selection.............................7.14 - 8 7.13 - 30, 7.13 - 31
oP.63 7.4 - 5, 7.4 - 6, 7.4 - 7 sets 4.1 - 3, 7.14 - 3 Pn.15 7.3 - 33, 7.13 - 9, 7.13 - 31
oP.64 7.4 - 5, 7.4 - 6, 7.4 - 7 value 4.1 - 3 Pn.16 7.3 - 33, 7.13 - 7, 7.13 - 12,
oP.65 7.4 - 15 Parameter listing.................... 11.1 - 5 7.13 - 13, 7.13 - 14, 7.13 - 18
oP.66 7.4 - 15 Password Pn.17 7.3 - 33, 7.13 - 7
oP.67 7.4 - 15 level 4.2 - 5 Pn.18 7.13 - 10, 7.13 - 12, 7.13 - 13,
oP.68 7.4 - 15 structure..................................4.2 - 3 7.13 - 18
oP.70 7.4 - 18, 7.4 - 19, 7.4 - 20, Peak Pn.19 7.13 - 24, 7.13 - 25, 7.13 - 26
7.12 - 28, 7.12 - 29 Pn.20 7.3 - 33, 7.13 - 24, 7.13 - 25

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Pn.21 5.1 - 5, 7.13 - 24, 7.13 - 25 7.13 - 20 PS.03 7.3 - 26, 7.3 - 27, 7.12 - 25

Pn.22 7.13 - 22, 7.13 - 23, 7.13 - 24, Pn.60 5.1 - 5, 7.12 - 9, 7.13 - 14, PS.04 7.12 - 25
7.13 - 27 7.13 - 16, 7.13 - 18, 7.13 - 19, PS.05 7.12 - 19, 7.12 - 20, 7.12 - 21,
Pn.23 7.3 - 26, 7.3 - 27, 7.13 - 23, 7.13 - 20, 7.13 - 23, 7.13 - 26, 7.12 - 22, 7.12 - 23, 7.12 - 24
7.13 - 24, 7.13 - 27 7.13 - 37, 7.13 - 38 PS.06 7.12 - 4, 7.12 - 14, 7.12 - 18,
Pn.24 7.3 - 33, 7.13 - 22, 7.13 - 23, Pn.61 7.6 - 5, 7.12 - 9, 7.13 - 14, 7.12 - 26, 7.12 - 29, 7.12 - 60,
7.13 - 26 7.13 - 18, 7.13 - 20 7.12 - 80, 7.12 - 82
Pn.25 7.3 - 33, 7.13 - 22, 7.13 - 23, Pn.62 7.1 - 18, 7.13 - 9 PS.07 7.12 - 4, 7.12 - 82
7.13 - 26, 7.13 - 27 Pn.64 7.3 - 26, 7.3 - 27, 7.13 - 38 PS.08 5.1 - 4, 7.12 - 4, 7.12 - 14,
Pn.26 7.6 - 15, 7.13 - 22 Pn.65 7.13 - 4, 7.13 - 7, 7.13 - 18, 7.12 - 29, 7.12 - 82
Pn.28 7.15 - 4 7.13 - 38, 7.13 - 39, 7.13 - 40, PS.09 5.1 - 4, 7.12 - 14, 7.12 - 20,
Pn.29 7.3 - 26, 7.3 - 27, 7.15 - 4 7.13 - 41, 7.13 - 42, 7.13 - 43, 7.12 - 22, 7.12 - 28, 7.12 - 29,
Pn.30 7.15 - 4, 7.15 - 5 7.13 - 43 7.12 - 32, 7.12 - 82
Pn.31 7.15 - 5 Pn.66 7.13 - 8, 7.13 - 12, 7.13 - 13 PS.10 7.3 - 26, 7.3 - 27, 7.12 - 25
Pn.32 5.1 - 4, 7.15 - 4, 7.15 - 5 Pn.67 7.12 - 9, 7.13 - 15, 7.13 - 18, PS.11 7.3 - 28
Pn.33 7.15 - 5 7.13 - 20 PS.13 7.3 - 28, 7.12 - 11
Pn.34 7.6 - 9, 7.15 - 13 Pn.68 7.13 - 16, 7.13 - 21 PS.14 7.12 - 5, 7.12 - 6, 7.12 - 7,
Pn.35 7.6 - 15, 7.15 - 14, 7.15 - 15, Pn.69 7.13 - 38, 7.13 - 39, 7.13 - 41 7.12 - 8, 7.12 - 9, 7.12 - 10,
7.15 - 16, 7.15 - 17 Pn.70 7.15 - 16 7.12 - 11, 7.12 - 12, 7.12 - 13
Pn.36 7.3 - 28, 7.6 - 15, 7.15 - 13, Pn.71 7.15 - 16 PS.15 7.13 - 8
7.15 - 14, 7.15 - 15, 7.15 - 17 Pn.72 7.1 - 18 PS.16 7.13 - 8
Pn.37 5.1 - 4, 7.15 - 14, 7.15 - 15, Pn.75 7.13 - 11, 7.13 - 12, 7.13 - 13 PS.17 7.3 - 28, 7.12 - 6, 7.12 - 7,
7.15 - 16, 7.15 - 17 Pn.76 7.3 - 37, 7.13 - 17 7.12 - 10, 7.12 - 11, 7.12 - 12,
Pn.38 7.15 - 15 Pn.78 7.3 - 28 7.12 - 56, 7.12 - 57, 7.12 - 75
Pn.39 7.15 - 14, 7.15 - 15, 7.15 - 18 Pn.79 7.3 - 37, 7.13 - 11 PS.18 7.3 - 26, 7.3 - 27, 7.12 - 5
Pn.40 7.3 - 28, 7.15 - 13, 7.15 - 14, Pn.80 7.3 - 37, 7.13 - 11 PS.19 7.3 - 26, 7.3 - 27, 7.12 - 5,
7.15 - 15 Pn.81 7.13 - 11, 7.13 - 12, 7.13 - 13 7.12 - 6
Pn.41 5.1 - 4, 7.15 - 15, 7.15 - 16, PNP/NPN...............................7.3 - 20 PS.20 7.12 - 6, 7.12 - 7, 7.12 - 9,
7.15 - 17 Posi mode............................7.12 - 27 7.12 - 10, 7.12 - 12
Pn.42 7.3 - 28, 7.15 - 14 Power Factor Control...............2.1 - 5 PS.21 5.1 - 4, 7.12 - 6, 7.12 - 7,
Pn.43 7.15 - 14, 8.1 - 5 PP-Parameter 7.12 - 9, 7.12 - 10
Pn.44 7.13 - 32, 7.13 - 33, 7.13 - 34, PP.00 7.16 - 11 PS.22 5.1 - 4, 7.12 - 6, 7.12 - 7,
7.13 - 35, 7.13 - 36, 7.13 - 37, Product description...................2.1 - 3 7.12 - 10
7.13 - 38 Profibus-DP operator..............10.1 - 5 PS.23 7.12 - 35, 7.12 - 39, 7.12 - 43,
Pn.45 7.13 - 32, 7.13 - 33, 7.13 - 34 programming.7.5 - 9, 7.11 - 2, 7.11 - 16 7.12 - 45, 7.12 - 47, 7.12 - 48,
Pn.46 7.13 - 32, 7.13 - 34 Protective functions.....7.6 - 3, 7.13 - 4 7.12 - 51, 7.12 - 52, 7.12 - 63,
Pn.47 7.13 - 32, 7.13 - 33, 7.13 - 35, PS-Parameter 7.12 - 65, 7.12 - 70, 7.12 - 73
7.13 - 36, 7.13 - 38 PS.00 7.12 - 11, 7.12 - 18, 7.12 - 19, PS.24 7.3 - 28, 7.12 - 29, 7.12 - 35,
Pn.48 5.1 - 4, 7.13 - 32, 7.13 - 33, 7.12 - 20, 7.12 - 22, 7.12 - 24, 7.12 - 37, 7.12 - 39, 7.12 - 40,
7.13 - 35, 7.13 - 36, 7.13 - 37, 7.12 - 26, 7.12 - 27, 7.12 - 28, 7.12 - 43, 7.12 - 45, 7.12 - 46,
7.13 - 38 7.12 - 30, 7.12 - 31, 7.12 - 34, 7.12 - 47, 7.12 - 48, 7.12 - 50,
Pn.49 7.13 - 32, 7.13 - 33, 7.13 - 37 7.12 - 36, 7.12 - 38, 7.12 - 39, 7.12 - 51, 7.12 - 52, 7.12 - 53,
Pn.50 7.13 - 32, 7.13 - 33, 7.13 - 35, 7.12 - 40, 7.12 - 41, 7.12 - 42, 7.12 - 55, 7.12 - 56, 7.12 - 57,
7.13 - 36, 7.13 - 37, 7.13 - 38 7.12 - 45, 7.12 - 46, 7.12 - 47, 7.12 - 58, 7.12 - 59, 7.12 - 63,
Pn.51 7.13 - 32, 7.13 - 35 7.12 - 49, 7.12 - 50, 7.12 - 61, 7.12 - 64, 7.12 - 65, 7.12 - 69,
Pn.52 7.13 - 32, 7.13 - 33, 7.13 - 36, 7.12 - 62, 7.12 - 63, 7.12 - 65, 7.12 - 70, 7.12 - 71, 7.12 - 73,
7.13 - 37 7.12 - 66, 7.12 - 69, 7.12 - 70, 7.12 - 74, 7.12 - 75, 7.12 - 78,
Pn.53 7.13 - 32, 7.13 - 35, 7.13 - 36 7.12 - 75, 7.12 - 76, 7.12 - 78, 7.12 - 79
Pn.54 7.13 - 32, 7.13 - 35, 7.13 - 36 7.12 - 80, 10.1 - 11, 10.1 - 13 PS.25 5.1 - 4, 7.12 - 12, 7.12 - 28,
Pn.55 7.13 - 32, 7.13 - 35, 7.13 - 36 PS.01 7.12 - 17, 7.12 - 18, 7.12 - 26, 7.12 - 29, 7.12 - 30, 7.12 - 32,
Pn.56 7.13 - 32, 7.13 - 34, 8.1 - 8 7.12 - 29, 7.12 - 30, 7.12 - 33, 7.12 - 36, 7.12 - 38, 7.12 - 39,
Pn.57 7.13 - 32, 7.13 - 35 7.12 - 34, 7.12 - 35, 7.12 - 74, 7.12 - 40, 7.12 - 42, 7.12 - 43,
Pn.58 7.13 - 15, 7.13 - 16, 7.13 - 17, 7.12 - 80 7.12 - 44, 7.12 - 45, 7.12 - 46,
7.13 - 18, 7.13 - 19, 7.13 - 20, PS.02 7.3 - 26, 7.3 - 27, 7.12 - 19, 7.12 - 47, 7.12 - 48, 7.12 - 49,
7.13 - 21 7.12 - 26, 7.12 - 27, 7.12 - 29, 7.12 - 51, 7.12 - 52, 7.12 - 63,
Pn.59 7.13 - 16, 7.13 - 18, 7.13 - 19, 7.12 - 34, 7.12 - 80 7.12 - 69

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PS.26 7.3 - 35, 7.12 - 35, 7.12 - 39, Ramp 7.5 - 26, 7.5 - 34, 7.5 - 35 rG.15 7.15 - 24, 7.15 - 25
7.12 - 40, 7.12 - 43, 7.12 - 45, calculation...............................7.4 - 3 Rotation................................ 7.11 - 12
7.12 - 46, 7.12 - 48, 7.12 - 51, generator...............................7.4 - 16 selection..................................7.4 - 3
7.12 - 52, 7.12 - 63, 7.12 - 75 setting 7.4 - 3 RS232/485.............................10.1 - 3
PS.27 7.3 - 28, 7.12 - 35, 7.12 - 36, Ramp output..............7.5 - 34, 7.5 - 35 RS485 interface......................10.1 - 4
7.12 - 39, 7.12 - 40, 7.12 - 41, display 4.1 - 5, 7.3 - 32, 7.3 - 34, ru-Parameter............................7.1 - 5
7.12 - 43, 7.12 - 44, 7.12 - 45, 7.3 - 36, 7.3 - 37, 7.4 - 3, ru.00 6.2 - 4, 6.2 - 6, 6.2 - 8,
7.12 - 46, 7.12 - 48, 7.12 - 51, 7.4 - 4, 7.4 - 14, 7.4 - 21, 6.2 - 10, 6.2 - 11, 6.2 - 14,
7.12 - 52, 7.12 - 53, 7.12 - 57, 7.6 - 9, 7.8 - 13, 7.13 - 4, 6.2 - 16, 6.2 - 18, 6.2 - 19,
7.12 - 58, 7.12 - 59, 7.12 - 63, 7.8 - 15, 7.13 - 4, 7.13 - 11, 7.1 - 3, 7.1 - 5, 7.6 - 8,
7.12 - 74 7.13 - 34, 7.13 - 37, 7.13 - 38, 7.6 - 10, 7.12 - 4, 7.12 - 30,
PS.28 7.3 - 35, 7.3 - 36, 7.12 - 35, 7.13 - 40, 7.13 - 41, 7.15 - 4, 7.12 - 37, 7.12 - 69, 7.12 - 76,
7.12 - 41, 7.12 - 43, 7.12 - 45, 7.16 - 5, 7.15 - 9, 7.15 - 10, 7.13 - 4, 7.13 - 17, 7.13 - 18,
7.12 - 47, 7.12 - 49, 7.12 - 52, 7.15 - 11, 7.15 - 12, 7.15 - 13, 7.13 - 26, 7.13 - 40
7.12 - 63, 7.12 - 64, 7.12 - 66, 7.16 - 5, 7.16 - 6, 7.16 - 8, ru.01 5.1 - 4, 7.1 - 3, 7.1 - 5, 7.1 - 6,
7.12 - 70, 7.12 - 73, 7.12 - 75 7.16 - 9, 8.1 - 3, 10.1 - 6, 7.2 - 14, 7.3 - 34, 7.4 - 3,
PS.29 7.3 - 26, 7.3 - 27, 7.12 - 29, 10.1 - 8, 10.1 - 12, 10.1 - 13, 7.4 - 21, 7.13 - 41, 7.15 - 4,
7.12 - 45, 7.12 - 47, 7.12 - 49, 7.6 - 23 7.15 - 14, 7.15 - 15, 7.15 - 31,
7.12 - 50, 7.12 - 64 Ramp time..............................7.5 - 26 7.15 - 32, 7.15 - 33, 10.1 - 13
PS.30 7.3 - 35, 7.12 - 49, 7.12 - 71, ratio 7.11 - 14, 7.11 - 15, 7.11 - 25 ru.02 5.1 - 4, 7.1 - 3, 7.1 - 5,
7.12 - 72, 7.12 - 75, 10.1 - 13 re 7.5 - 30 7.2 - 14, 7.3 - 34, 7.3 - 35,
PS.31 7.12 - 28, 7.12 - 30, 7.12 - 36, start 7.15 - 18 7.3 - 37, 7.4 - 3, 7.4 - 21,
7.12 - 39, 7.12 - 40, 7.12 - 42, reduction..........7.5 - 2, 7.5 - 7, 7.5 - 14, 7.6 - 15, 7.9 - 4, 7.12 - 7,
7.12 - 47, 7.12 - 48, 7.12 - 63, 7.5 - 15 7.12 - 10, 7.12 - 12, 7.12 - 14,
7.15 - 23 Reference 7.12 - 29, 7.12 - 44, 7.12 - 48,
PS.32 7.12 - 66, 7.12 - 67, 7.12 - 68, sources................................7.15 - 29 7.12 - 54, 7.12 - 55, 7.12 - 62,
7.12 - 74 Register function..................7.15 - 23 7.12 - 66, 7.12 - 67, 7.12 - 68,
PS.33 7.12 - 78, 7.12 - 79 reset 7.5 - 13, 7.5 - 29, 7.11 - 11, 7.12 - 69, 7.12 - 73, 7.12 - 82,
PS.34 7.12 - 78, 7.12 - 79, 7.12 - 80, 7.11 - 22, 7.11 - 23, 7.11 - 24, 7.13 - 23, 7.13 - 26, 7.15 - 4,
7.12 - 81 7.11 - 25 7.15 - 22, 7.15 - 27, 7.15 - 28,
PS.35 7.12 - 73, 7.12 - 74 Error messages................................ 7.15 - 31, 7.15 - 32, 7.15 - 33
PS.36 7.3 - 26, 7.3 - 28 4.1 - 5, 6.2 - 3, 6.2 - 8, 6.2 - 11, ru.03 5.1 - 4, 7.1 - 3, 7.1 - 6, 7.4 - 3,
PS.37 7.3 - 26, 7.3 - 28, 7.12 - 72 6.2 - 15, 6.2 - 18, 7.1 - 18, 7.13 - 25, 7.13 - 26, 7.15 - 4,
PS.38 7.3 - 26, 7.3 - 28, 7.12 - 35, 7.13 - 4, 8.1 - 3, 8.1 - 5 7.15 - 5, 7.15 - 28
7.12 - 40 peak values.............................4.1 - 5 ru.04 7.2 - 11
PS.39 7.12 - 52, 7.12 - 53, 7.12 - 54, Reset 3.1-3, 7.5 - 12 ru.05 7.2 - 11
7.12 - 55, 7.12 - 56 resistance................................7.5 - 2, ru.06 5.1 - 4
PS.40 7.3 - 36, 7.12 - 57, 7.12 - 63, 7.5 - 3, 7.5 - 8, 7.5 - 9, 7.5 - 15, ru.07 5.1 - 4, 7.1 - 3, 7.1 - 6,
7.12 - 64, 7.12 - 75 7.5 - 16, 7.5 - 17, 7.5 - 18, 7.1 - 14, 7.2 - 11, 7.2 - 14,
PS.41 7.2 - 14, 7.12 - 71 7.5 - 19, 7.5 - 20, 7.5 - 25, 7.3 - 34, 7.3 - 37, 7.4 - 14,
PS.42 7.2 - 14, 7.12 - 71 7.5 - 31, 7.5 - 32, 7.5 - 33, 7.6 - 17, 7.6 - 18, 7.13 - 11,
PS.43 7.3 - 26, 7.3 - 28 7.11 - 24 7.13 - 41, 7.15 - 5, 10.1 - 13
PS.44 7.12 - 60, 7.12 - 61, 7.12 - 62, rG-Parameter ru.09 5.1 - 4, 7.1 - 3, 7.1 - 6, 7.2 - 11,
7.12 - 67 rG.00 7.15 - 24, 7.15 - 25 7.3 - 37, 7.6 - 8
PS.45 7.12 - 65 rG.01 7.15 - 26 ru.10 5.1 - 4, 7.1 - 3, 7.1 - 6, 7.2 - 11,
PS.46 7.12 - 39, 7.12 - 59, 7.12 - 60, rG.02 7.15 - 24, 7.15 - 26 7.3 - 37, 7.6 - 8, 7.12 - 14,
7.12 - 63, 7.12 - 64 rG.03 7.15 - 26 7.12 - 82
PS.47 7.12 - 39, 7.12 - 59, 7.12 - 60, rG.04 7.15 - 26 ru.11 7.1 - 3, 7.1 - 6, 7.1 - 14,
7.12 - 63, 7.12 - 64 rG.05 7.15 - 26 7.2 - 12, 7.8 - 13
PS.52 7.12 - 70 rG.06 7.15 - 26 ru.12 7.1 - 3, 7.1 - 6, 7.1 - 14,
PS.53 7.12 - 67, 7.12 - 68 rG.07 7.15 - 26 7.2 - 12, 7.6 - 11, 7.6 - 13,
PTC 7.13 - 9 rG.08 7.15 - 24, 7.15 - 25, 7.15 - 26 7.6 - 18, 7.8 - 13, 7.8 - 14,
rG.09 7.15 - 24, 7.15 - 25, 7.15 - 26 7.8 - 15
Q rG.10 7.15 - 24, 7.15 - 25, 7.15 - 26 ru.13 7.1 - 3, 7.1 - 6, 7.3 - 34,
rG.11 7.15 - 24, 7.15 - 25, 7.15 - 26 7.10 - 5, 7.13 - 26, 7.15 - 30
R rG.14 7.15 - 24 ru.14 7.1 - 3, 7.1 - 6

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ru.15 7.1 - 6, 7.2 - 12, 7.2 - 13, 7.9 - 3, 7.1 - 3, 7.15 - 7 ru.57 7.8 - 13, 7.9 - 3
7.2 - 14, 7.3 - 35, 7.13 - 20, ru.38 7.1 - 11, 7.2 - 12, 7.2 - 14, ru.58 7.2 - 12, 7.1 - 13, 7.2 - 13,
7.1 - 3, 7.13 - 25, 7.13 - 27, 7.3 - 34, 7.1 - 3, 7.3 - 34 7.2 - 14, 7.3 - 34, 7.1 - 3,
7.13 - 28, 7.13 - 30 ru.39 7.1 - 11, 7.13 - 6, 7.1 - 3 7.12 - 74, 7.12 - 75
ru.16 7.1 - 3, 7.1 - 6 ru.40 7.1 - 3, 7.1 - 11 ru.59 7.1 - 13, 7.1 - 3
ru.17 7.1 - 7, 7.2 - 12, 7.2 - 12, ru.41 7.1 - 3, 7.1 - 11 ru.60 7.1 - 13, 7.12 - 46, 7.1 - 3,
7.2 - 13, 7.2 - 14, 7.6 - 18, ru.42 6.2 - 7, 7.8 - 8, 7.1 - 11, 7.12 - 45, 7.12 - 48, 7.12 - 74,
7.3 - 34, 7.3 - 37, 7.13 - 20, 7.13 - 18, 7.1 - 3 7.12 - 75
7.13 - 25, 7.15 - 30, 7.1 - 3, ru.43 7.1 - 11, 7.3 - 34, 7.12 - 51, ru.61 7.1 - 13, 7.3 - 35, 10.1 - 13,
7.15 - 30, 7.15 - 33 7.1 - 3, 7.15 - 10, 7.15 - 11, 7.12 - 28, 7.12 - 29, 7.12 - 35,
ru.18 7.1 - 7, 7.2 - 12, 7.2 - 13, 7.15 - 12 7.12 - 37, 7.12 - 44, 7.12 - 45,
7.2 - 14, 7.13 - 23, 7.13 - 27, ru.44 7.1 - 11, 7.15 - 10, 7.1 - 3, 7.12 - 46, 7.12 - 48, 7.12 - 54,
7.15 - 30, 7.1 - 3, 7.15 - 30 7.15 - 11, 7.15 - 12 7.12 - 55, 7.12 - 56, 7.12 - 58,
ru.19 7.1 - 3, 7.1 - 7 ru.45 7.1 - 12, 7.1 - 3 7.12 - 59, 7.12 - 60, 7.12 - 61,
ru.20 7.1 - 7, 7.2 - 12, 7.1 - 3, ru.46 7.2 - 12, 7.1 - 12, 7.1 - 18, 7.12 - 62, 7.12 - 68, 7.12 - 69,
7.2 - 14 7.2 - 14, 7.3 - 34, 7.13 - 18, 7.12 - 71, 7.12 - 74, 7.12 - 75,
ru.21 7.1 - 7, 7.1 - 8, 7.1 - 3, 7.3 - 34, 7.1 - 3, 7.13 - 9 7.1 - 3
7.3 - 19, 7.3 - 21 ru.47 7.1 - 12, 7.8 - 13, 7.1 - 3, ru.63 5.1 - 4, 7.4 - 5, 7.1 - 13,
ru.22 7.1 - 8, 7.3 - 19, 7.3 - 21, 7.8 - 13 7.4 - 4, 7.1 - 3, 7.12 - 28,
7.3 - 35, 7.3 - 36, 7.1 - 3 ru.48 7.1 - 12, 7.8 - 13, 7.1 - 3, 7.12 - 47, 7.12 - 48, 7.12 - 74,
ru.23 7.1 - 8, 7.1 - 3, 7.3 - 31 7.8 - 13 7.12 - 75
ru.24 7.1 - 8, 7.1 - 3, 7.3 - 31 ru.49 7.1 - 3, 7.1 - 12 ru.65 7.12 - 56
ru.25 7.1 - 9, 7.3 - 31, 7.3 - 32, ru.50 7.1 - 12 ru.68 7.1 - 13, 7.13 - 34, 7.1 - 3,
7.3 - 41, 7.1 - 3 ru.52 7.2 - 11, 7.1 - 12, 7.2 - 11, 7.13 - 34, 7.13 - 39
ru.26 7.1 - 9, 7.13 - 30, 7.13 - 27, 7.2 - 12, 7.2 - 13, 7.2 - 14, ru.69 7.1 - 13, 7.1 - 3, 7.12 - 13,
7.1 - 3, 7.15 - 8 7.4 - 4, 7.15 - 26, 7.1 - 3, 7.12 - 59, 7.12 - 74
ru.27 7.1 - 9, 7.2 - 12, 7.2 - 14, 7.15 - 31, 7.15 - 32, 7.15 - 33 ru.71 7.1 - 14, 7.3 - 28, 7.12 - 72,
7.15 - 31, 7.1 - 3, 7.15 - 32, ru.53 7.1 - 13, 7.12 - 47, 7.12 - 46, 7.1 - 3, 7.12 - 72, 7.12 - 73,
7.15 - 33 7.1 - 3, 7.15 - 21, 7.15 - 29, 7.12 - 74, 7.12 - 75
ru.28 7.1 - 9, 7.2 - 3, 7.2 - 11, 7.15 - 30, 7.15 - 32 ru.73 7.8 - 13, 7.1 - 14, 7.1 - 3
7.2 - 12, 7.2 - 13, 7.2 - 14, ru.54 7.2 - 12, 7.1 - 13, 7.2 - 13, ru.74 7.8 - 13, 7.1 - 14, 7.1 - 3
7.1 - 3, 7.15 - 21, 7.15 - 29, 7.2 - 14, 7.3 - 28, 7.3 - 35, ru.78 7.1 - 3, 7.1 - 14
7.15 - 30, 7.15 - 31, 7.15 - 32, 7.3 - 36, 7.12 - 6, 7.12 - 7, ru.79 5.1 - 4, 7.1 - 14, 7.4 - 14,
7.15 - 33 7.13 - 8, 7.12 - 10, 7.12 - 11, 7.6 - 4, 7.8 - 6, 7.13 - 11,
ru.29 7.1 - 9, 7.2 - 12, 7.2 - 14, 7.12 - 12, 7.12 - 14, 7.12 - 17, 7.1 - 3, 7.13 - 11
7.15 - 31, 7.1 - 3, 7.15 - 32, 7.12 - 18, 7.12 - 20, 7.12 - 22, ru.80 7.1 - 14, 10.1 - 12, 7.3 - 31,
7.15 - 33 7.12 - 23, 7.12 - 26, 7.12 - 29, 7.3 - 32, 7.3 - 41, 7.1 - 3
ru.30 7.1 - 10, 7.2 - 3, 7.2 - 11, 7.12 - 34, 7.12 - 35, 7.12 - 45, ru.81 7.2 - 12, 7.1 - 14, 7.2 - 13,
7.2 - 12, 7.2 - 13, 7.2 - 14, 7.12 - 46, 7.12 - 48, 7.12 - 56, 7.2 - 14, 7.1 - 3, 7.3 - 36
7.1 - 3, 7.15 - 21, 7.15 - 29, 7.12 - 58, 7.12 - 59, 7.12 - 66, ru.82 7.1 - 15, 7.1 - 3
7.15 - 30, 7.15 - 31, 7.15 - 32, 7.12 - 67, 7.12 - 72, 7.12 - 73, ru.83 7.1 - 3, 7.1 - 15
7.15 - 33 7.12 - 74, 7.12 - 75, 7.12 - 76, ru.84 7.1 - 15, 7.12 - 66, 7.1 - 3,
ru.31 7.1 - 10, 7.1 - 3 7.12 - 79, 7.12 - 80, 7.12 - 81, 7.12 - 66, 7.12 - 67, 7.12 - 74
ru.32 7.1 - 10, 7.2 - 3, 7.2 - 10, 7.1 - 3 ru.85 5.1 - 4, 7.1 - 3, 7.1 - 15
7.2 - 11, 7.1 - 3, 7.15 - 21, ru.55 7.1 - 13 ru.86 5.1 - 4, 7.1 - 3, 7.1 - 15
7.15 - 29, 7.15 - 30 ru.56 7.2 - 12, 7.2 - 13, 7.2 - 14, ru.87 7.1 - 3, 7.1 - 15
ru.33 7.1 - 10, 7.2 - 13, 7.1 - 3, 7.3 - 28, 7.3 - 35, 7.1 - 3, ru.89 5.1 - 4, 7.1 - 3, 7.1 - 15
7.2 - 13 7.12 - 14, 7.12 - 17, 7.12 - 18, ru.90 7.2 - 12, 7.1 - 15, 7.2 - 13,
ru.34 7.1 - 10, 7.2 - 11, 7.2 - 11, 7.12 - 20, 7.12 - 22, 7.12 - 23, 7.2 - 14, 7.1 - 3, 7.8 - 3,
7.2 - 12, 7.2 - 13, 7.1 - 3, 7.12 - 25, 7.12 - 26, 7.12 - 28, 7.8 - 14, 7.8 - 15
7.3 - 36 7.12 - 29, 7.12 - 34, 7.12 - 35, ru.92 7.1 - 16
ru.35 7.1 - 10, 7.2 - 13, 7.1 - 3 7.12 - 37, 7.12 - 43, 7.12 - 44, ru.93 7.1 - 16
ru.36 7.1 - 10, 7.2 - 11, 7.2 - 10, 7.12 - 54, 7.12 - 55, 7.12 - 56,
7.2 - 11, 7.1 - 3, 7.3 - 36 7.12 - 59, 7.12 - 60, 7.12 - 61, S
ru.37 7.2 - 11, 7.1 - 11, 7.2 - 10, 7.12 - 62, 7.12 - 68, 7.12 - 74, search 7.5 - 30
7.2 - 11, 7.8 - 12, 7.8 - 13, 7.12 - 75, 7.12 - 76

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select 7.5 - 17, 7.5 - 20 linking.................................7.3 - 40 7.1 - 4, 10.1 - 12, 10.1 - 14

selection............................................ select..................................7.3 - 43 SY.52 5.1 - 4, 7.1 - 23, 7.4 - 4,
7.5 - 2, 7.5 - 7, 7.5 - 13, 7.11 - 3, hysteresis..............................7.3 - 38 10.1 - 14, 7.12 - 78, 7.1 - 4,
7.11 - 9, 7.11 - 23, 7.11 - 24 Switching condition 10.1 - 14
Selection of a parameter..........4.1 - 4 State 7.12 - 4, 7.12 - 37, 7.12 - 61, SY.53 5.1 - 4, 10.1 - 14, 7.1 - 23,
Sercos operator......................10.1 - 8 7.12 - 62, 7.12 - 66, 7.12 - 67, 7.1 - 4
Serial interface.......................7.1 - 21 7.12 - 69, 7.12 - 70, 7.12 - 72 Sy.56 7.1 - 4, 7.1 - 23, 7.1 - 24,
Service mode...........................4.2 - 3 SY-Parameter 7.1 - 25, 7.1 - 26
Setpoint.......................7.4 - 3, 7.4 - 11 Sy.02 7.1 - 4, 7.1 - 20 SY.76 7.12 - 79, 7.12 - 80
and ramp presetting................7.4 - 3 Sy.03 7.1 - 20, 7.1 - 4, 8.1 - 7 SY.77 7.1 - 24
calculation..................7.4 - 3, 7.4 - 15 Sy.04 7.1 - 20 SY.78 7.1 - 25
fluctuations...............................3.1-5 SY.05 7.1 - 20 SY.79 7.1 - 25
limits 7.4 - 13 Sy.06 7.1 - 20, 7.1 - 4, 10.1 - 9 SY.80 7.1 - 26
setting 3.1-5 Sy.07 7.1 - 21, 7.1 - 4, 10.1 - 9
setpoint setting.......................7.5 - 22 SY.08 7.1 - 21, 7.12 - 78, 7.1 - 4, T
set-programming..... 7.11 - 2, 7.11 - 16 7.12 - 77, 7.12 - 78 Target set................................7.14 - 4
sets 7.5 - 1, 7.5 - 30, 7.11 - 1 Sy.09 7.1 - 21, 7.3 - 37, 7.13 - 7, Technology control...............7.15 - 26
Set speed...............................7.1 - 23 7.13 - 6, 7.1 - 4 Telegrams...............................7.1 - 21
Setting parameter set.7.14 - 8, 7.14 - 9 Sy.11 7.1 - 4, 7.1 - 22, 7.1 - 24, terminal.................. 7.11 - 10, 7.11 - 12
settings..........7.5 - 2, 7.5 - 11, 7.5 - 13, 7.1 - 24 Terminal status.......................7.3 - 21
7.5 - 17, 7.5 - 18, 7.5 - 30, SY.16 7.12 - 79, 7.12 - 81 thermal overheating................7.13 - 4
7.5 - 31, 7.11 - 15 Sy.17 7.12 - 81 time 7.5 - 2, 7.5 - 3, 7.5 - 4, 7.5 - 7,
signals 7.5 - 17, 7.5 - 18, 7.5 - 31, SY.17 7.16 - 11 7.5 - 16, 7.5 - 17, 7.5 - 18,
7.11 - 3, 7.11 - 4, 7.11 - 6, SY.18 7.12 - 79, 7.12 - 81 7.5 - 20, 7.5 - 22, 7.5 - 23,
7.11 - 7, 7.11 - 9, 7.11 - 11, SY.19 7.12 - 81 7.5 - 26, 7.5 - 28, 7.5 - 29,
7.11 - 13, 7.11 - 18, 7.11 - 19, SY.20 7.12 - 81 7.5 - 30, 7.5 - 31, 7.5 - 32,
7.11 - 22 SY.21 7.12 - 81 7.5 - 34, 7.5 - 35, 7.11 - 3,
Signal source selection..........7.3 - 20 SY.24 7.12 - 81 7.11 - 9, 7.11 - 12, 7.11 - 24
Slave 7.1 - 21 Sy.25 7.12 - 81 Timer 7.15 - 9
source 7.5 - 3, 7.5 - 9, 7.5 - 10, 7.5 - 13, SY.26 7.12 - 81 programming.........................7.15 - 9
7.5 - 14, 7.5 - 31, 7.11 - 3, SY.27 7.12 - 81 Timer and Counter..................7.15 - 9
7.11 - 16, 7.11 - 17, 7.11 - 18 SY.28 7.12 - 81 torque 7.5 - 2, 7.5 - 3, 7.5 - 4, 7.5 - 7,
Parameter set........................7.14 - 8 Sy.29 7.12 - 81 7.5 - 8, 7.5 - 9, 7.5 - 10, 7.5 - 11,
Source set..............................7.14 - 4 SY.32 7.1 - 4, 7.1 - 22 7.5 - 12, 7.5 - 13, 7.5 - 14,
ST 7.3 - 19, 7.5 - 12, 7.11 - 11, SY.34 7.16 - 4 7.5 - 16, 7.5 - 17, 7.5 - 20,
7.12 - 26, 7.12 - 80 SY.41 10.1 - 12, 7.1 - 22, 7.1 - 23, 7.5 - 21, 7.5 - 22, 7.5 - 25,
Stall 7.1 - 4, 10.1 - 11 7.5 - 26, 7.5 - 27, 7.5 - 29,
function................................7.13 - 24 SY.42 7.1 - 22, 7.1 - 23, 7.1 - 4, 7.5 - 30, 7.5 - 33, 7.5 - 34,
start 7.5 - 12, 7.5 - 13, 7.5 - 16, 10.1 - 14 7.5 - 35, 7.11 - 24, 7.11 - 25
7.5 - 22, 7.5 - 23, 7.5 - 25, SY.43 7.1 - 22, 7.1 - 23, 7.3 - 28, Torque reference...........7.9 - 3, 7.9 - 5
7.5 - 28, 7.5 - 30, 7.11 - 10, 7.12 - 18, 7.13 - 16, 7.12 - 19, Transistor output........................3.1-3
7.11 - 22, 7.11 - 23 7.12 - 27, 7.13 - 19, 7.13 - 21, tripping times........................7.13 - 27
Starting frequency................7.15 - 15 7.1 - 4 tripping times.....................................
Start-up.............6.2 - 3, 7.5 - 1, 7.11 - 1 SY.44 7.13 - 17, 7.1 - 22, 7.1 - 23, 7.13 - 29
Static strobe...........................7.3 - 24 10.1 - 14, 7.13 - 17, 7.13 - 18, Type code.................................2.1 - 5
status 7.5 - 9, 7.5 - 12, 7.11 - 22, 7.1 - 4
7.11 - 24, 7.11 - 25 Sy.45 5.1 - 4 U
Status control...........................7.4 - 9 SY.50 7.1 - 22, 7.1 - 23, 7.3 - 28,
Strobe 7.3 - 24 7.3 - 30, 7.4 - 11, 7.4 - 12, ud-Parameter
mode 7.3 - 24 7.13 - 15, 7.12 - 19, 7.12 - 27, ud.01 6.2 - 3, 7.16 - 11
structure............................... 7.11 - 22 7.12 - 64, 7.12 - 80, 10.1 - 11, ud.02 5.1 - 5, 6.2 - 8, 7.1 - 5, 7.2 - 11,
Sweep generator..................7.15 - 18 7.13 - 15, 7.13 - 16, 7.13 - 18, 7.2 - 12, 7.4 - 4, 7.4 - 5,
Switching.........7.5 - 2, 7.5 - 7, 7.5 - 20, 7.13 - 21, 7.1 - 4, 10.1 - 11 7.4 - 6, 7.4 - 18, 7.4 - 21,
7.5 - 24, 7.5 - 26, 7.5 - 29, Sy. 51 7.1 - 22, 7.1 - 23, 7.3 - 37, 7.12 - 82
7.5 - 31 7.13 - 17, 7.12 - 78, 7.13 - 17, Ud.02 7.15 - 5, 7.15 - 28
condition................................7.3 - 38 7.13 - 18, 7.13 - 38, 7.13 - 40, ud. 09 7.14 - 6

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ud.15 7.16 - 3, 7.16 - 4, 7.16 - 5, Z

7.16 - 8
ud.16 7.16 - 3, 7.16 - 4, 7.16 - 5, Zero point hysteresis....7.2 - 3, 7.2 - 7,
7.16 - 8 7.2 - 8, 7.8 - 13, 7.9 - 3
ud.17 7.16 - 3, 7.16 - 5
ud.18 7.16 - 5, 7.16 - 6, 7.16 - 7,
7.16 - 8
ud.19 7.16 - 6, 7.16 - 7, 7.16 - 8
ud.20 7.16 - 6, 7.16 - 7, 7.16 - 8
ud.21 7.16 - 6, 7.16 - 7
ud.23 7.16 - 10, 7.16 - 11
ud.24 7.16 - 4, 7.16 - 11
uf.00 5.1 - 4, 6.2 - 4
uf.01 6.2 - 4, 7.15 - 23
uf.02 5.1 - 
uF.05 7.5 - 2, 7.5 - 4
uf.06 7.15 - 6
uf.07 7.15 - 6
uF.08 7.3 - 26, 7.3 - 27, 7.15 - 6
uF.09 7.5 - 2, 7.5 - 5, 7.5 - 6, 7.5 - 9,
7.5 - 12, 7.5 - 13, 7.6 - 5,
7.13 - 33, 7.13 - 35
uF.10 7.5 - 2, 7.5 - 4, 7.5 - 5
uF.11 7.10 - 5, 7.10 - 6
uF.12 7.13 - 18
uF.13 7.13 - 18
uF.15 6.2 - 10, 6.2 - 14, 6.2 - 18,
6.2 - 19, 7.8 - 4, 7.8 - 6,
7.10 - 4, 7.13 - 6
uF.16 7.5 - 2, 7.5 - 9, 7.5 - 11
uF.17 7.5 - 2, 7.5 - 9, 7.5 - 11
uF.18 6.2 - 10, 6.2 - 14, 6.2 - 19,
7.6 - 13, 7.6 - 14, 7.6 - 20
uF.21 7.3 - 26, 7.3 - 28, 7.6 - 14
underload.............................7.13 - 29
Unit data...................................7.1 - 3
Using 7.5 - 32
intended...................................2.1 - 4

V/F characteristic control........7.15 - 5
V/Hz-characteristic.................7.15 - 6
Voltage 7.5 - 2, 7.5 - 5, 7.5 - 6, 7.5 - 7,
7.5 - 13, 7.5 - 21, 7.5 - 31,
7.5 - 32, 7.11 - 2, 7.11 - 8
reduction................................7.15 - 6

winding product....................7.15 - 20
write protection.........................4.2 - 3

© KEB, 2008-02 COMBIVERT F5-A, -E, -H Page 12.1 - 13

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