Second Grading Examination. Philosophy

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Senior High School Program



NAME:______________________________________________SCORE :_____________________
DATE:__________________________ SECTION:________________ NO. OF ITEMS: 50 ITEMS


TEST I- Multiple Choice
Instruction: Encircle the letter that corresponds to the correct answers. STRICTLY NO ERASURES.
_________1. It is the study or discipline that uses human reason to investigate the ultimate causes, reasons, and principles
which govern all things.
a. Pilosophy b. Sociology c. Anthropology d. Philosophy
_________2. The Greek term for philosophy, philosophia means____________________________.
a. Love of Wisdom b. Love of Knowledge c. Love of Learning d. Love of Information
_________3. It is an activity that requires a person to examine his or her thoughts, feelings, and actions and learn from
a. Reflection b. Reflexion c. Deliberation d. Careful Listening
_________4. It is a perspective that focuses on specific aspects of a situation.
a. Wholistic Thinking b. Partial Thinking c. Less Thinking d. Holistic Thinking
_________5. It is a clear awareness and understanding of something.
a. Practical Understanding b. Knowledge c. Education d. Information
_________6. These are statements that express convictions and are not easily explained by facts.
a. Beliefs b. Opinion c. Tenet d. Guess
_________7.This is a series of statements that provide reasons to convince a person that a claim or opinion is truthful.
a. Arguments b. Interpretation c. Exposition d. Beliefs
_________8.These are arguments based on faulty reasoning.
a. Bias b. Impartiality c. Fallacy d. Just
_________9.These are tendencies or influences that affect the views of people.
a. Bias b. Impartiality c. Fallacy d. Favor
_________10 This a one common bias whose characteristics is having a tendency to judge a person’s personality by his or
her actions, without regard for external factors or influences.
a. Correspondence bias b. Confirmation bias c. Framing d. Hindsight
_________11. This term refers to man as a species and distinguishes man from other animals.
a. Humanity b. Human Nature c. Human Person d. Human Being
___________ 12. This refers to the totality of an individual who possesses awareness, self-determination, and the capacity
to interact with others.
a. Human Person b. Human Nature c. Human Being d. Humanity
___________13 This refers to the ability of the person to experience an “inner world” that is defined by personal thoughts
and ideas.
a. Inferiority b. Interiority c. Externality d. Exteriority
___________14. This enables the person to act whenever he or she wants to and makes self-determination possible.
a. Free will b. Free Choice c. Unrestricted d. Independent
___________15.This is the inherent value of a person which cannot be expressed in quantifiable terms.
a. Human Dignity b, Nobility c. Greatness d. Integrity
___________16. This is the ability to surpass limits.
a. transcendence b. transfiguration c. transformer d. tranquility
___________17. This refers to the capability of persons to make choices and decisions based on their own preferences,
monitor, and regulate their actions, and be goal-oriented and self-directed.
a. self-determination b. self-awareness c. free will d. rationality
___________18 This is a view between humanity and environment that focus on significant role of the human kind.
a. anthropocentrism b.biocentrism c. ecocentrism d. sociocentrism
___________19. This is a view that believes that human kind is part of a greater biological system or community and that
we have significant role as stewards or guardians of nature.
a. anthropocentrism b.biocentrism c. ecocentrism d. sociocentrism
__________20. This view that believes that humans are not the only significant species on the planets and all other
organism have inherent value and should be protected.
a. anthropocentrism b.biocentrism c. ecocentrism d. sociocentrism
__________21 It is the discipline in philosophy that studies moral relationship of human beings with the environment.
A. Nature Ethics b. Environmental Philosophy c. Environment Justice d. Climate Justice

II. Items No.22-26.In the poem of the 6 Blind Men and the Elephant by John Godfrey Saxe it depicts the importance of
holistic thinking and partial thinking in our daily lives. Create 2 graphic organizers on how having holistic thinking and partial
thinking help us become better individuals. Write your answer on the space provided. (5 pts)

II- Items No. 27-34. Construct a matrix explaining the characteristics of the following fallacies (Argumentum ad Hominem,
Argumentum ad Baculum, Argumentum ad Misericordiam and Argumentum ad Populum) and provide examples in each
fallacy. Write your answer on the space provided. (2 pts each fallacy)

IV. Items No.35-45 Create a bubble graph describing characteristics and traits of human person. Write you r answer on the
space provided (11 pts.)

V. Items No. 45-50. Create a poem in the language of your choice depicting your personal commitment and contribution in
the protection and preservation of the environment. Your poem must compose of three (3) stanzas, having four lines per
stanza. Write your poem on the space provided below (5 pts)

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