Proceedings of a seminar on curriculum and syllabus
design for training English-as-a-Second-Language teachers are
presented in the form of papers, presentations, and summary
narrative. They include: "Curriculum and Syllabus Design in ELT";
"Key Issues in Curriculum and Syllabus Design for ELT" (Christopher
Brumfit); "Approaches to Curriculum Design" (Janet Maw); "Graded
Objectives in Modern Languages" (Sheila Rowell); "Performance
Objectives in the Hong Kong DTEO" (Richard Cauldwell); "The
Relationship between Teaching and Learning" (Dick Allwright); "Three
Basic Requirements of Teaching and Teaching Methods" (Robert
O'Neill); "The Implementation of Communicative Syllabuses" (Keith
Johnson); "Evaluating Curricula and Syllabus" (Charles Alderson);
"Examinations" (Charles Alderson); "Educational Technology and
Curriculum Renewal" (Martin Phillips); "The Organisation and
Structure of the Seminar"; "What Do We Mean by 'Curriculum' and
'Syllabus'?"; "What Gets in the Way?"; "Curriculum and Syllabus
Design: What Are the Key Questions?"; "Case Study Design Tasks:
Instructions and Notes for Session One"; "Case Study One: University
of Sana'a Language Centre, Yemen Arab Republic"; "Case Study Two:
Cairo Direct Teaching of English Operation"; "Interim Evaluation";
"Options"; and "Seminar Evaluation." An article summary, results of a
pre-seminar questionnaire, and a report on an alternative case study
design are appended. (MSE)
Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made
from the original document.
TO TrtE ZDIICATIONAL RESOURCES Points of view Of OPIn one ststed in the docu-
IN FORMATION :ENTER (ERIC) ment do not necessarily represent official
OERI position or policy
The seminar has been run annually in July for the past six years. Each year a
particular theme has been addressed, with a natural progression often emerging
from one year to the next. The theme for 1984 reflects a growing concern
within the profession for a comprehensive approach to the design,
implementation and evaluation of language programmes. To capture the. variety
of issues relevant to this theme the seminar bears the title: Curriculum and
Syllabus Design in ELT.
Charles Alderson
The second part of the report is more concerned with the participants'
activities in the seminar, and to this extent tries to capture more of the
dynamic and interactive aspects of the seminar. The consciousness-raising
activities of the first day are documented first, and then the various stages
is then
of the Case Study Design Tasks. The mid-seminar interim evaluation
recorded and this is followed by an account of one or two of the 'options'
sessions which took place in the final week largely as a result of decisions
made in the interim evaluation session. The second part is concluded with a
section aimed at evaluating the seminar itself. In the Appendix to the report
referred to
a number of documents and collections of questionnaire responses
in other sections of the report have been reproduced for reference.
In the second part of the report many of the documents were written or
by one or more of the participants. No names have been put to these
documents, however, as it seems fair to claim that the seminar was a combined
effort and each participant contributed in some way or other to everything
due thanks
that came out of the seminar. For this reason the participants are
experience for
in equal part for making the seminar a fruitful and enjoyable
all who attended it.
Terry Toney
THURSDAY 'Where do we go Evaluation of Depart
26 from here?' Dunford: 1978-84
Key: CA Charles Alderson (IELE, U of Lancaster) Staff: Tony O'Brien (ELSD, Course Director)
DA Dick Allwright (Dept Ling, U of Lancaster) Peter Hargreaves (ELSD, Academic
CB Chris Brumfit (ESOL Dept, Inst Educ, U of Consultant)
London Rebecca Cheeseman (ELSD, Course Officer)
RC Richard Cauldwell (ex-ADOS, BC Hong Kong) Peter Hayman (Principal, Dunford House)
PH Peter Hargreaves (ELSD, British Council)
KR Keith Johnson (Dept Ling, U of Reading)
JM Janet Maw (Dept Curriculum Studies, Evening Speakers:
Inst Educ) CBu Chris Bury (ELSD)
TO'B Tony O'Brien (ELSD, British Council) LM Liz Moloney (Literature Unit, BC)
RO'N Robert O'Neill (Textbook writer) PS Peter Scopes (ODA Education Adviser)
MP Martin Phillips (ELSD, British Council)
SR Sheila Rowell (Gen Inspector, Croydon)
Mike KELLY Senegal ELT Adviser, Min of National Education, Dakar KELT
Gerald MOSBACK Sri Lanka ELT Adviser (Materials), Ministry of Education KELT
Tom MURPHY Zambia Lecturer in English and ELT Training, Nkrumah KELT
Teachers College, Kabwe
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The tone of the seminar is set by the Keynote address given by Chris Brumfit.
As a backdrop to his argument Chris outlines the variety of disciplines and
theories on which much language teaching is based. Apart from the more
academic disciplines these also include the research into the characteristics
of the good language learner done by Naiman et al in Canada. This provides a
meaningful context in which to consider curriculum and syllabus design.
While both the above approaches clearly relate to syllabus statements about
what should be taught or learned, it is perhaps the process approach to
curriculum design which gives rise to a more complex notion of syllabus.
Chris Brumfit takes up the issue of different kinds of syllabus in the second
part of his Keynote address and in particular the assumptions which syllabuses
make about the process of learning and their implications for teaching.
-5- ;
implementing a design should beware of taking suggested techniques and methods
as law. They should rather look to the intent or aim of the design and be
flexible in the way they achieve that. This implies a certain amount of
reflection on the implementation. In effect this means evaluating the design
and implementation.
Any seminar dealing with education, while dealing with recent developments and
practices, must also keep an eye on the future. The final contribution in the
first part of this report does rrecisely that. The future in this case is
interpreted as 'educational tee lology' and in particular the microcomputer.
When talking of possible futures it does not do to set down answers, and
indeed Martin Phillips has shrewdly avoided doing any such thing, choosing
instead to provoke thought by leaving us with a number of questions about our
wishes, as teachers, for the curriculum and syllabus of tomorrow.
There is much food for thought in the following papers. The variety of issues
covered serves to reflect the complexity of the learning process. It remains
to be seen whether our future curriculum and syllabus design can take on board
all these perspectives and still be viable.
Christopher Brumfit
University of London Institute of Education
discussion of
Let me start with three diagrams to indicate the background to
syllabus design.
Figure 1 illustrates the major disciplines which influence our views
language teaching, either through general education or through the
specifically language-orientated discipline of applied linguistics.
I APPLIED Psycholinguistics
Psychology .
/ ; PRACTICE OF EFL Pedagogical
TEACHING Principles
Philosophy of
/// //Real World //
1/ /' /
The important point to note about this is that all our intellectual
world, for it is
academic understanding needs to be mediated through the real
only through interaction with real world problems that the
made appropriate to the needs of students and
premisses can be validated and
attempt to convert
educational systems. Syllabus design is essentially an
principle into operational practice.
of language
Figure 2 is a schematic representation of current discussion
important for the argument,
teaching ideas. The names at the bottom are no'
discussed within
but are simply to enable you to locate ideas that are much
'Communicative' language teaching has mainly been
the general scheme.
functional and
influenced by theories in its underlying assumptions (through
anthropological approaches to language, and through psycholinguistic
Syllabus and
discussion), in syllabus design, in materials, and in methods.
this total
curriculum design for language work must be seen as part of
The only one of these that requires glossing is the final one. This simply
means that the student should not be fazed by the psychological threat of
risk-taking, and appearing to be foolish, or of being identified as an
outsider, through use of the foreign language.
Syllabus and curriculum design should work within the contexts provided by
these three diagrams.
The terms 'curriculum' and 'syllabus' are often confused, and practices
differ. In general, in British educational discussion, 'curriculum' is a
broader term than 'syllabus', and is held to embrace the totality of
educational experience, while a syllabus is usually a specification of what is
to be taught in a particular subject area. This may be broken into shorter
units of 'schemes of work' which may in turn break down to particular
materials and lesson plans. Thus many people use the term 'curriculum' as if
it is the sum of the individual subject syllabuses in a school. In the US,
however, this distinction is not usually maintained. The term 'syllabus' is
rarely used (though it does occur in Canada sometimes), and 'curriculum'
embraces both the concepts as they are used in Britain.
But the situation is further confused, for the formal specification of what is
taught does not cover by any means the whole educational experience. The term
'hidden curriculum' has been adopted to cover all the covert aspects of
education. For example, recently I saw an induction ceremony for new pupils
at a former direct grant grammar school. The staff were lined up on a high
platform, all wearing gowns, and the boys were formally shaken by the hand by
the headmaster, in a semi-religious manner. When the pupils had all been led
away to their classrooms, the gowns were taken off and the teachers relaxed to
talk to visitors on an equal basis. The curriculum notions of hierarchy, of
respect for formal academic attainment, and of authority, were all clearly
embedded in this ceremony, even though they would not be necessarily specified
in any teaching syllabus.
Within all of these lies the less formally designed concept of 'methodology'.
I would wish to define this as 'the systematic study of the practice of
teaching', perhaps for many purposes adding 'particular subjects' after
'teaching', though this would not of course apply at junior levels when
integrated teaching is widespread.
However, there have been two kinds of attack on this notion in the past
fifteen years or so. In Britain, the work of Lawrence Stenhouse particularly
has been concerned with the idea of an ongoing permanently developing
curriculum process in which teachers are never faced with a static set of
content specifications. In the States, many people have called for a more
humanistic, process-orientated curriculum which reflects the affective
dimensions of education more fully, and it has been insisted that process is
content just as much as more conventional specifications.
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A concern for 'process' implies certain views on teaching methods, for
'process' classrooms tend to be more learner centred, to have more group work
and cooperative procedures, and to be concerned more with development than
with knowledge. All this is familiar within the context of language teaching
changes of the last few years, and can be related to the paper of Ron White's
provided as background reading (not included in this volume but see
bibliography for reference).
Syllabus development was the first major change in the movement towards
communicative language teaching, and it should not be necessary to go into
the history of this in any detail. Suffice it to say that the concern about
the ineffectiveness of structural syllabuses led to proposals for
alternatives. Wilkins most neatly encapsulated the discussion by rejecting
situational syllabuses as ungeneralisable, but looking with interest at the
possibilities of functional or notional syllabuses as sources of generalisable
descriptions of (respectively) language use and language meaning. However,
most moves in the direction of functional syllabuses (there have been no true
notional syllabuses to my knowledge) have failed to solve the problems posed
by grammatical syllabuses and their failure. Perhaps, some people are asking,
the difficulty lies in the use of the 'syllabus'.
2. Interactional systems.
3. Content systems.
The first point to make is that syllabuses control teaching, not learning, for
it is teaching that is overt and observable. We cannot make someone learn,
either in a particular way, or at all. But we can control much of our
teaching behaviour so that it is compatible with what we understand to be the
learning process. Learning need not be linear, either, but teaching can be
planned along a time dimension, and a syllabus is no more than a generalised
plan derived considerably from our earlier experience with similar learners.
10 -
1. Language analyses
2. Interactional analyses
function (discourse/rhetoric)
3. Content/topic analyses
i. socially directed
- cultural
ii. educationally directed
- interdisciplinary
iii. language directed
Here we see that language analysis will use any or all of a range of
categories derived from descriptive linguistics, interactional analysis will
use categories from social psychology, speech act theory, or rhetoric, and the
content (or topic) analysis will involve learning the language either through
the learning of culture, or other subjects in the curriculum (as in immersion
programmes), or through literature, or through descriptions of English, ie
elementary linguistics. I think this list is exhaustive, but, of course,
these may occur in a range of combinations.
A final point needs to be made about syllabuses, and this is how they relate
to learning theory:
1. 1 i 2 2. 5 3.
I 1
i 1 2 41
1 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 I
2. 3.
1 9
Model A assumes that learning is linear, and that the syllabus should reflect
this. But if we assume that the learner has from the beginning a dim
perception of the whole system, rather than a clear perception of some
items, built up bit by bit, then Model B becomes more appropriate. The
paradox is that we teach by Model A, because teaching is linear, but most
people would now accept Model B as closer to learning.
Because of this, some people, such as Prabhu in South India, have argued th.t
a procedural syllabus is sufficient. He has produced a sequence of tasks
which involve using English but no overt teaching or learning of English
items. These tasks are graded by trial and error so that learners can
generally perform them satisfactorily, and in so doing have to make use of
English provided in the stimuli for the tasks. Early results of this
extremely radical approach are promising, but for the moment we may be
inclined to be more cautious.
Janet Maw
University of London Institute of Education
In recent years writing on curriculum design has tended to move away from the
dogmatic certainties of the early 1970s, when the 'rational curriculum
planning model' was equated with the strict use of behavioural objectives as
the only permissible structuring device in curriculum design. The crusading
nature of the movement's devotees, at least in the United States, was
acknowledged by a car - sticker exhorting the reader to "Help Stamp out Non-
Behavioural Objectives"! An early twinge of doubt is shown by the modifica-
tion of this sticker to read "Help Stamp out some Non-Behavioural Objectives"!
Since then writing on curriculum design has become more diverse, reflective,
and exploratory, less strident and assertive. It is recognised that
curriculum design cannot be treated as a purely technical problem, that it is
inescapably value-saturated, and the absence of theories and laws equivalent
to those of the physical sciences is not simply the result of a perverse
failure on the part of curriculum theorists and designers to be adequately and
properly 'scientific', but derives from the nature of the problems we face in
curriculum design. Reid includes these problems in the category of 'uncertain
practical problems', which are characterised by their need for action, their
dependence on context (which nevertheless cannot be exhaustively analysed),
their inevitable selectivity of values and interests, and the impossiblity of
fully predicting the outcomes of any course of action decided upon. In such a
situation the curriculum designer needs to use theory flexibly and
imaginatively, to be both eclectic and heuristic. A curriculum is not to be
judged on how closely it approximates to an a priori model of design but to
how appropriate it is to a particular context of implementation, and to what
extent it respects the integrity of the subject matter presented.
Objectives have been used in various ways in curriculum design, and for
teachers there have been problems in the confusion of terminology. At times
'objectives' have been qualified by the descriptions 'educational',
'instructional', 'behavioural', and 'operational' - the description becoming
increasingly precise and prescriptive over time. Other writers simply assume
that 'objectives' mean] behavioural or even operational objectives, even when
this is neither clear nor obvious. What is meant by 'behaviour' also varies.
One of the most influential writers on curriculum design, Ralph Tyler,
insisted that objectives should be specified in terms of both content and
behaviour, but not necessarily in precise form, largely because such
precision is a practical impossibility in teaching. This patently obvious
fact was ignored by later writers. In practice, the use of objectives in
curriculum design has been overwhelmingly in the middle range of precision,
clearly specifying the nature of behaviour, but not its precise form. The
move towards greater precision was dictated by the needs of evaluation rather
- 13
than design, and it is against the precisely specified objectives that the
arguments of reductionism, trivialisation, mechanistic manipulation, and
materialism have their greatest force. In this country, the Schools Council
Project 'Science 5-13' used objectives flexibly and imaginatively, and in
spite of the various arguments against them objectives are alive and well and
living in the Assessment of Performance Unit, Local Authority testing, and
graded tests, inter alia!
-14- '42
Sheila Rowell
General Adviser for European Languages, London Borough of Croydon
The Situation
Before 1965, Modern Languages were studied by only 25% of the school
population, mainly in selective schools, and for a clear purpose: to obtain
matriculation, ie entry to Higher Education. The approach was analytical, the
objective to produce correct written language, the aim to show a level of
intelligence which was thought to be transferable.
The Problems
Unfortunately our pupils already speak the most important world language.
Whereas in other countries a knowledge of English is sometimes essential and
always useful, no ONE language is seen as being all-important to a UK citizen.
The question "Which language?" can easily become "Why any language?". Yet the
learning of a foreign language has a vital role to play in showing pupils that
there are 2 sides (or more) to every question.
The introduction of Modern Language learning to the whole ability range in the
1960s and early 70s was chaotic. Many teachers, accustomed to teaching
more-able pupils, and in many cases believing that this was educationally
justified, resented having to deal with the wh-Jle ability range. They had no
appropriate training, suitable materials were not available, and when they
appealed for help colleagues with long experience of teaching the less-able
were unsympathetic. Their problems were exacerbated by the widespread
introduction of mixed-ability teaching (now acknowledged by HMI to be inappro-
priate for Modern Language teaching after the first year) and by the practice
of 'blocking' the timetable, so that Modern Language lessons became longer but
fewer and farther between, and pupils needed more and more revision before
they could proceed with new work.
Two thirds of our pupils embark on an essentially academic 5 year '0' level
course on which they are bound to fail. They realise this early in the
course, and opt to drop-out at the first possible opportunity, because they
have no achievable goal. They may have studied a language for 2, 3 or 4
years, but have no outward recognition of their achievement, and because of
the nature of the course, which is not usually designed to provide a logical
leaving point for those who do not complete the whole course, many of these
pupil& feel that they have wasted their time, and want nothing more to do with
French, the French or France.
Even those who have enjoyed their introduction to the language often find
themselves obliged to give it up at the fourth year option stage because the
- 15
foreign language is set against a more desirable - or apparently more useful
subject, or because they are actively discouraged (this seems to be common
in the 14-18 schools).
Despite encouraging public statements (eg the Duke of Kent speaking for the
British Overseas Trade Board) there is little support for foreign language
learning in the community, and rising unemployment has tended to make it even
more unpopular. This is somewhat ironical, since it is clear that we need
more education for leisure (which will certainly include foreign travel) and
those seeking work will have much more scope if they can handle an EEC
Our public examination system is designed to select out for the next stage of
education rather than to assess what has been achieved so far. In foreign
languages, it selects those who can write French accurately, though very few
will ever be called upon to do so, and gives little credit for achievement in
those skills which will be most useful outside school, namely speaking and
listening. None of our public examination syllabuses are based on what one
might consider to be an obvious aim, ie a working knowledge of a foreign
The Remedy
In the mid-70s a number of teachers set out to tackle the main problem: lack
-if motivation. They felt that this could be improved only if the dismal
record of failure at increasing hurdles could be turned into a ladder of
success. Basing their scheme on the idea of a series of graded levels, akin
to those long used in Music, Dance, Gymnastics and Swimming, they suggested
that each level should be complete in itself, but should also lead on
logically to the next level. Instead of failing almost from the beginning of
a long haul, the pupil would attempt a small, realistic, defined step, and if
successful, move on to the next step. Tests would be based on a defined
syllabus and would be designed to show what the pupil COULD achieve, rather
than trying to highlight his weaknesses. A pupil who did not wish to continue
his language study would take a final achievement test and would, if
successful, have something to show for his years of study, however few, rather
than merely 'dropping' the subject.
Since the first schemes were launched in 1977, over 80 groups of teachers in
78 LEA's have devised their own 'GOML' schemes (Graded Objectives in Modern
Languages). The results have shown greatly increased motivation towards the
subject on the part of both pupils and parents (in the York schools the fourth
year take-up rate for French has increased from 46% in 1976/7 to 97% in
1983/4)and considerably improved morale on the part of the teachers. This is
because they have for the first time been involved in devising their own
syllabuses and in working together to find the best ways of teaching and
testing those syllabuses. What began as an exercise in raising the interest
of the pupils has turned out to be the most successful in-service exercise
ever invented. As for the pupils: over 350,000 throughout the UK chose to
take a language achievement test in 1983.
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2 51
reach the same level at 16 is equivalent to expecting every child of 10 to
have the same reading age. What is important is to be able to assess the
appropriate reading or French level at any age.
It is hoped that pupils who have enjoyed their language learning at school,
and who feel that they have had some success (at whatever level) will be more
likely to leave school with positive attitudes towards the foreign country and
people, and to want to continue their language study in later life when there
may be a vocational reason for learning a particular language. The RSA has
already set up graded levels for adults based on these lines, and it should be
possible to provide a link between school and FE/AE Courses in Croydon.
The levels are LEVELS OF PERFORMANCE, ie the certificate clearly states what
it is that a pupil who achieves a certain level can do- It follows that the
tests themselves must involve genuine activities (finding out information,
writing a letter, role playing) rather than mere testing devices (eg picture
essay, prose translation). This is particularly important since a survey by
the National Association of Language Advisers has shown that teaching is
adversely affected by back-wash from examinations as much as 5 years before a
public examination is due to be taken, despite evidence that practising
examination techniques is neither a very effective nor a very motivating
approach to learning.
The search for ways of improving motivation has led to new thinking about ways
of presenting a Modern Language syllabus. The GOML groups have adopted a
FUNCTIONAL approach to syllabus design, that is, the target language is
thought of in terms of what one can do with it, rather than how one can
analyse it. This means that a teaching unit will not consist of, eg "present
tense -er verbs", but eg "how to say what you do in your spare time".
Teaching to this sort of syllabus means that both teacher and pupil know what
they are teaching a unit of language FOR, and what they will be able to do at
the end of it. Hence the possibility of defining performance levels.
An important factor in the raising of interest of pupils has been the transfer
of emphasis from written skills to oral/aural skills. The levels of
achievement which GOML seeks to reward are for performance in COMMUNICATION,
initially in listening, speaking and reading, and later also in writing.
(Unfortunately even pupils who achieve Grade A in GCE are rarely able to
communicate.) Teachers involved in GOML schemes have adopted a communicative
approach to language learning, that is, they try to ensure that at all levels
of learning, language is used for a purpose, not treated as a series of
meaningless structural exercises. Structures have, of course, to be learnt
and practised, but too often they are not put to any USE.
GOML and Public Examinations: in most areas groups have devised 3 lower
levels, and have then submitted their Level 4 as a CSE Mode 3 (in 1983, 23
such examinations had been accepted by CSE Boards) and have plans to submit a
Level 5 as a Mode 3 '0' Level (two of these will be operational in 1985, and
many others are in preparation). It should be noted that the East Midlands
Regional Examining Board is certificating in their area at all levels from 1
to 5. Meantime the new Examining Authorities have set up Working Parties to
work out new syllabuses based on the Joint Criteria, and have incorporated
much of the developmental work already done by GOML groups: the new NEA
(Northern Examinations Area) 16 plus, to be offered in French, German and
Spanish in 1987, is in fact the York area's Level 5 graded test. For once
development has started from the bottom, and teachers who set out to provide
an alternative system of examinations for Modern Languages have ended up by
provoking changes in the examinations they found so unsuitable for the
majority of pupils. For the new 16 plus, when it arrives, will be criterion-
Currency of Certificates: the main purpose of the certificate is to reward the
pupil personally for his achievement. It also clarifies this level of
achievement for the school and for any subsequent educational institution and
for parents and friends. Finally, although it is not intended to be a
vocational passport in the style of eg 'RSA Typewriting Stage 2' it neverthe-
less indicates to a future employer: a. that the pupil has successfully
completed a course in a modern language; and b. that he/she can perform in the
language in the areas and to the level indicated on the certificate.
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A report of a session run by Richard Cauldwell,
formerly of Hong Kong DTEO
1. Background
The Hong Kong Direct Teaching of English Operation (DTEO), in common with many
other DTEOs, was faced witb a number of problems bordering on administrative
areas on the one hand and professional areas on the other. Two such problems
were associated with the division of courses into different levels. These
problems were accentuated in an institute the size of Hong Kong (between
9,000-12,500 students) with some twelve levels up to Cambridge First
Certificate. The problems were as follows:
1.1 It was often very difficult to match students who were being
promoted from one level to the next with new students who were entering
at the second level. The new entrants often had a better command of
Inside Outside
Work Study 1 Social classroom classroom
The purposes above reflect the findings of the survey of the students. Of the
various groups making up the student body two prominent groups wishing to be
able to use English in their work settings were office workers in clerical
posts and manual workers. As a starting point for the sizable task of drawing
up performance objectives for all groups at all levels, the Hong Kong team
decided to single out the purpose of using English in the work situation for
the clerical group. This is then just a small part (the extreme bottom left
of Figure 1 for one group only) of the eventual target of the project.
2. Listen actively means that the student has the confidence to:
These are expanded as follows:
ii. maintenance.
It was felt that a useful way to come to grips with performance objectives
might be to try to prepare them. In groups following the guidelines taken
from Mager 1962 the Dunford seminar participants were to prepare performance
objectives for the second sub-goal in Figure 1: Learning English.
- 21 -
4.1 Guidelines (Taken from Mager 1962)
4.2 Task
Learning English
in out of
Either or
Class Class
Dick Allwright
University of Lancaster
Teachers do not expect their learners to learn everything that they teach
them, but, if their learners have no other opportunities to learn, then
teachers are likely to expect that WHAT their learners learn is directly
related to what they teach.
It has been suggested that whatever learners are taught will need an
'incubation' period before it can be expected to appear in their
performance. Such an incubation period could account for findings that
otherwise appear to point to a lack of causal relationship between
teaching and learning, because it would predict that recently taught
items would, in performance, appear not to have been learned, and it
would also predict that items would appear to have been learned that had
not recently been taught. The incubation hypothesis, however, would not
predict the appearance of items not yet taught. To account for such
findings an alternative hypothesis is needed.
It may be that what learners are taught is not simply the 'syllabus', as
planned and implemented in a 1:1 fashion by the teacher, but something
potentially much more complex the product of the classroom interaction
process, whereby what gets taught becomes modified, probably enriched.
This hypothesis would suggest that the lack of apparent relationship
between teaching and learning is an artefact of the failure to observe
and take properly into account what actually gets taught in the
classroom, as opposed to what has been planned to be taught there, or
assumed to have been taught there. The hypothesis could be tested by
relating detailed observationof actual teaching to learning
performance. An alternative hypothesis would be needed if much appeared
in performance that could not be traced back to specific acts of
It may be that what learners can learn from is not just what gets
specifically 'taught'. They may be able to learn from things that
happen in the classroom that are not in themselves specific acts of
'teaching'. Perhaps classroom interaction offers a wide range of inputs
to learners' learning processes. Perhaps they can learn from all the
classroom management talk, for example, at least if it is conducted in
the target language. It may be that in this way 'what is available to
be learned from' offers such a variety of learning opportunities that it
should come as no surprise if what learners learn is only weakly related
to that subset of learning opportunities produced directly by acts of
teaching. Perhaps the mere frequency of learning opportunities for a
particular item, whether or not 'teaching' is involved, will be enough
to facilitate learning.
It may be that teaching and learning are only indirectly related because
learners, even in a formal classroom setting, are following a natural
order of acquisition which is unrelated either to the teaching syllabus,
or to whatever actually does get taught, or even to the frequency of
whatever 'becomes available to be learned from' in the classroom. Again
one should be able to test this hypothesis (in principle at least) by
comparing the performance of classroom learners with that of untutored
acquirers. But it would be difficult to maintain the 'natural order'
hypothesis if learners' 'orders' turned out to be idiosyncratic. For
such results we might turn to the last hypothesis here.
- 24-
General Comments
e. It seems most likely that we shall eventually have to accept that all
the hypotheses (and probably others as yet unimagined) are needed to help us
understand the complexities of classroom language learning. Any apparent
incompatibility between them is probably an illusion.
- 25 -{
Robert O'Neill
1. A Clear Centre
2. Forward Impetus
3. Buoyancy
However, I have come to believe that grammatical and functional goals are far
too narrow to provide this centre I am talking about. That is:
I believe that materials design and lesson planning (and, by the way, I
believe that lessons are more likely to suffer from over-planning than no
planning at all) should try to find their "centre" in something that includes
perhaps one or two main grammar or functional points, some lexical work, and
other things as well (such as intonation, review of previous grammar and
functions etc). But this "centre" should be easily summed up without
reference to any of these things. The centre can often come from a theme, a
story, an incident, or something else, primarily non-linguistic in nature,
which will interest the learners. Of course, it is terribly difficult to
predict what will interest them, but unfortunately we still have to try.
keep you afloat. A drowning teacher dashes to and from the blackboard,
constantly tries to initiate, gets little or nothing back from the class, and
enters into the same cycle of leaden exhaustion as a drowning non-swimmer.
Buoyancy cannot come directly from the materials being used. Sometimes it
comes from a deliberate decision to use no materials at all. But materials,
when they are used, can help the teacher to achieve this buoyancy. They can
help the teacher by giving the learner something to work with, a framework to
work within, and above all, something for both the teacher and the class to
react to and to improvise upon.
27 -
Keith Johnson
Centre for Applied Language Studies, Unviversity of Reading
Ideas, innovatory or otherwise, may be seen as having two sides to them. The
spirit of the idea is to its central insight. But ideas also often carry
with them a great deal of paraphernalia; elaborate procedures, complex
frameworks, philosophical hullabaloo: their hooha. Where spirit ends and
hooha begins will of course often be a question of personal interpretation,
and it is admitted that this contribution uses the terms (particularly hooha)
in a vague and sometimes ambiguous way. Nevertheless the claim is that the
distinction, however personally interpreted, can be useful when considering
the implementation of innovations.
Two (personally interpreted) examples. The spirit of the Silent Way is its
insight that student engagement is increased by reducing teacher input. The
Cuisenaire rods, the colour charts, the philosophical hinterland are the
hooha. The spirit of needs analysis is the realisation that it is important
to have clear ideas on why students are learning a language. The hooha are
the elaborate needs analysis models.
Nor is hooha without its effect. The language teaching world is quite capable
of espousing new models, new procedures without the slightest conception of
the spirit behind them. Was every audio-lingual teacher a confirmed
behaviourist? It would be naive to assume that the spirit of an idea needs to
be understood and accepted for its accompanying hooha to be universally used.
Hooha without spirit is often a waste of time because it has no real impact.
New Hooha becomes grafted on to old spirit, and nothing substantially changes.
The confirmed structural teacher may enthusiastically espouse communicative
metalanguage to describe traditional techniques. A drill of the sort:
28 - ci
Further, hooha of its nature wastes time by breeding more hooha. A decision
to adopt a notional syllabus may lead to an elaborate needs analysis taking
many years. When the level of materials production is reached the analysis
may prove largely useless because it imposes conditions on the materials that
they cannot possibly meet. Then there are likely to be lengthy discussions on
the differences between notions and functions (angels on a pinhead?). Then
come the agonies of decisions about ordering - which functions should be
taught before which other functions? Hooha without spirit is trees without
the wood, and the potentiality for getting lost is great.
The innovator who seeks to introduce such ideas on the hooha level is likely
to encounter severe problems. Any suggestion that linguistic control should
be abolished directly confronts long-established hoohas. In many countries
such a suggestion would not even be considered. But even if it were, there
would be the danger of a new hooha developing. Task-based syllabuses would
introduce an entire new industry. Task-based needs analyses? Grading of tasks
in terms of cognitive complexity? .... Spirit beware, hooha is there.
J Charles Alderson
Institute for English Language Education, University of Lancaster
Any consideration of curriculum and syllabus design must begin with two
questions: What do we intend to achieve with our curriculum and syllabus, and
How are we going to know what we have achieved and how we have achieved it?
As Wiseman and Pidgeon (1970) put it:
In other words, designers are necessarily and essentially concerned not only
with establishing curricular aims, but also with evaluation, and ensuring
adequate means of evaluating success (or otherwise). Not only does this mean
taking evaluation seriously in curriculum development, but also and
importantly integrating evaluation into design projects from the very
beginning, rather than leaving it until the design has been finalised and the
curriculum implemented. As Wiseman and Pidgeon point out, evaluation must be
considered and built in to projects at the same time as the aims and
objectives and the means of implementing these are being developed. Typically,
however, and not only in language teaching projects, evaluation is left until
the end of a project, at which point evaluators are invited in to pronounce
judgements on the worth of a project (which can, not surprisingly, cause
considerable resentment). Despite the attention paid to evaluation in the
Cameroons Textbook project, for example, (Wilson and Harrison, 1983), it
appears to have been the case that the lack of priority given to evaluation in
the planning stages of the project led to inadequate provision and above all
to the results of evaluation being ignored. Wilson and Harrison clearly show
how the almost daily changes in constraints on development projects make it
essential that evaluators work as closely as possible with developers from the
inception of a project. Unfortunately, however, theorists may often recognise
the importance of evaluation, yet fail to show how such evaluation could or
should be implemented (see, for example, Breen and Candlin, 1980). This is,
indeed, particularly a problem in language teaching, especially in EFL. As
Murphy (1985) says:
- 30-
materials and methods have been designed and established. Yet if evaluation
is to guide the curriculum process and decisions, then it must be incorporated
ab initio - so that it can take account of the developing aims of the
project, and even contribute to such aims, and also so that its findings can
be fed back into the design process in a continuous dynamic interaction.
In this view, evaluation is much more than "just" measuring: it is part of the
process of understanding.
There is, however, a regrettable tendency also to view testing as simply the
administration and interpretation of pen and paper tests. I prefer to take a
wider view of testing, and see it as a two-part activity: elicitation and
judgement. A test is essentially a device for eliciting relevant behaviour
which then becomes describable and some procedure for judging that behaviour
which implies the establishment of criteria for adequacy and acceptability.
This wider view of testing allows us to consider as a suitable instrument any
procedure which elicits and allows for description, and then provides for
comparison and judgements. It is interesting to compare this definition of a
test with Nisbet's view of evaluation (Nisbet, 1972):
31 -
Examples of three different procedures
What is interesting is not so much the results (although these tend to show
limited advantage for the experimental group over the control group) as the
fact that the evaluators might be said to have stacked the dice against the
experiment by selecting tests rather than engaging in extended analyses of
attitudes, of classroom discourse or of subsequent use of English "in the real
world" or whatever other procedure might have found more potentially
favourable results. Instead, traditional criteria were used to convince
Both the Bangalore and the Tanzanian projects are not1:::e because their use of
language tests as instruments allows for public scrutiny and criticism of
criteria and the operationalisation of objectives they represent.
-32- I' 0
for the students, a questionnaire on their expectations and wants regarding
the course and an interview with course tutors. Duz,.ng the course each tutor
fills out an activity report on which he not only describes what he has done
in class, but also provides an initial evaluation of its effectiveness. This
is done for each lesson. Weekly planning meetings allow for more reflective
feedback and discussion. The students fill out a mid-course questionnaire and
have the opportunity to give feedback to their personal tutors in tutorials.
At the end of the course they fill out an individual questionnaire, discuss
their evaluations in groups without tutors present and then finally report to
tutors in plenary what was felt about the course. Tutors make a written
record of the discussion, fill out their own final evaluation questionnaire
and then write a report on their own area of responsibility, and the materials
they have used. In addition, students are given a further test of language
and study skills, which enables us both to assess progress during the course
and to make recommendations to sponsors and subject tutors about the need for
and nature of follow-up help. Finally, ex-students are canvassed some six
months after leaving the course for their opinion of its effectiveness in the
light of their experience in their target study situations.
However, the difficulty of making the judgements that evaluation requires does
not absolve us from the responsibility of gathering believable, relevant and
accountable information.
procedures, in the interpretation of the resultant data, in drawing up
recommendations and in evaluating the evaluation.
Lastly, since "what constitutes success for one party may well be
insignificant to the concerns of others, it is important to recognise
contributions from a variety of contexts" (Rea, 1983). Since such contexts
goals, it is important to take account of the fact that
may have conflicting
the content and method of evaluation will vary according to its audience
of quoting myself
its purpose, and, if I may follow the time-honoured custom
authority, "what we need is not Evaluation by Standardized
as if I were an
Procedures but Evaluation for Specific Purposes" (Alderson
A report of a session led by Dr Charles Alderson
Institute for English Language Education, University of Lancaster.
a. Formative b. Summative
Are not distinguished for the purpose of this presentation. They are located
before and/or at the end of a course of study, and essentially make pass/fail
distinctions. They are viewed as important as they are a public certification
of success for student, teacher and sponsor/employer. However, the ELT
profession views testing and examinations as negative processes: 'test is a
four letter word'.
c. Tests are not always negative per se, but they are often seen to be
negative in the effect they have on students. To provide good tests is a
matter of constructing suitable tests which provide a positive backwash.
Solutions suggested
Point 5. Innovation
iii. Better solution to fuse i. and ii. by training teachers to use new
b. A testing approach
Tests have influence, learners are motivated by them, and this should be taken
into account and harnessed to encourage innovation and change. One example is
the Modern Language Teaching development in the UK which has used a testing
approach to innovation and has begun a complete reform from 'bottom up' (The
GOML projects, see section 4.0).
This whole programme has been shown to have a positively motivating effect on
learners and teachers.
Materials were not available so they were produced by teachers to meet the
demands of the graded tests.
Point 6. Supposed divorce of tests from teaching lies not with the tests
but with the theories about what the tests are supposed to measure.
a. If you can teach something rather than have learners learn something,
then what you teach must be testable.
d. Learners are also affected by tests; they are interested in the dialogue
about the tests. Tests which are attainable have positive effects:
difficult tests have a negative effect a fact well illustrated by the GOML
36 41H:
Point 8. Conclusion.
a. Tests are devices for eliciting relevant behaviour (which then becomes
describable) and some procedure for judging that behaviour (implies criteria
for adequacy and acceptability).
b. Tests are a procedure to elicit and describe, then compare and judge.
Final Comment.
Martin Phillips
English Language Services Department, The British Council
These possibilities are, however, not neutral: the computer is not, as many
seem to think it is, an impartial 'delivery system', simply a medium which
does not affect the message. The new technology has profound implications for
our activity. It brings into question quite fundamental notions such as the
nature of the curriculum, the concept of the classroom itself, the locus of
control over the learning process as well as the status of materials, the
nature of methodology, the role of the teacher, and of teacher training. Let
us briefly look at the sort of issues involved we will not have time to
explore any of them in any detail.
Question: Is there any reason to suppose that the new technology could not
have the same impact on the definition of the language curriculum? Is this
what is needed to give muscle to the notion of procedural syllabus? (See
Prabhu, 1983.)
The concept of the classroom: The technology offers the prospect of the
distributed classroom micro bulletin boards, telephone teaching.
This raises the next issue:
Locus of control over the learning process: One of the conventional
justifications trotted out for the computer is the justification for any self-
access approach: learner-centred, self-pacing. The proportion of teacher-led
to learner-controlled activity can change. More importantly it offers choice
if a student doesn't like one computer assisted language learning (CALL)
program, (s)he calls up another instantaneously, programs can be sensitive to
level and, in the future, self-adjusting in real time in response to what they
'learn' about the student. Students have a tool which allows them to assume
mastery of their own learning experience.
Status of materials: Hitherto, video has been passive, nothing the student
said or did could influence in a deep sense the linear progression of the
tape. This is even truer of print materials of course. Now, as I have just
suggested, they can be self-modifying to accommodate themselves to the
requirements of the individual student. In a sense, this is already with us,
this is what is meant by interactivity.
Questions: What are the implications of having materials that can 'bite
back', as it were? Is it desirable that more of the management of learning
be embodied in the materials themselves rather than in the way they are
Question: What might the nature be of the new equilibrium that will be
brought about by the new technology in the delicate balance among students,
materials and the teacher?
-39- P.1
Whether the new educational technologies merely reinforce current practice or,
what would be even more sterile, fossilise outmoded methodologies, or in
contrast offer fruitful opportunities for curriculum renewal depends in part
on our willingness to identify and face issues of the sort I have just
outlined, in part on technical advances and in part on theoretical progress.
These are not separate problems. To exploit fully the potential of the new
technology for language learning, a number of currently distinct applications
need to be integrated and the man-machine interface has to become considerably
more sophisticated than it is at present. Linguistic databases containing
lexical and syntactic information, word processing functions, natural language
parsing, knowledge based systems, speech synthesis and, ultimately speech
recognition, need to be integrated with pedagogic programs and testing
routines if the use of interactive technologies in language learning is to
transcend its present trivial level of development. At the same time, we
should beware of claiming for computer assisted language learning more than we
know about language or learning. Our theories of both are not yet adequate to
have really powerful, and more importantly, trustworthy technologies based on
them. It is crucial, then, that we do not lose sight of the 'assisted' in
computer assisted language learning.
What relevance does this have to, say, the teacher working in the African
bush? All this talk of advanced technologies and the problems they raise
hardly affects that working environment. But I would claim it does and in two
ways, one relatively short-term and superficial, one longer-term and
fundamental. In the short-term we shall all have to get to grips with the new
technologies. I have heard of plans by one of the major British manufacturers
of home computers to produce a self-assembly version of its most popular model
which will run off a 12 volt car battery. It will soon not be possible to
ignore the threat and the potential. This makes it all the more urgent to
face up to the issues. To return to the analogy with the language lab, I
believe the questions raised by the new technologies are far subtler and the
temptations more seductive than they ever were with the language lab. So the
deeper relevance is that it behoves us to consider our position, to prepare
ourselves for the impact of the new technology and to absorb its implications
for curriculum change so that we can channel its force in appropriate
directions. Otherwise most of the developing world and a large part of the
developed world too risks being littered, firstly with the hardware wreckage
of ill-conceived CALL and half-baked interactive video and secondly with the
aftermath of the curriculum changes that they have brought in their wake. I
shall leave you with a final question:
There is an even deeper reason why this question demands urgent consideration.
This is because it is not merely a technical question, that is a matter of
technique, nor yet a political question concerned with ensuring that
appropriate technologies are used where they are needed rather than where
manufacturers would like to sell them, but ultimately an ethical question. We
have to be clear about the nature of the curriculum renewal we want to bring
about by the use of educational technology because the answer we give reveals
our views of man and of what it is proper for man to delegate to machines.
Seminar preparation
- 41 -
The Report
Group Tasks
2. Curriculum as technology.
5. Academic rationalism.
NB: Please prepare a wall display to set out your responses to the above
Almost immediately the session divided intosix groups to discuss Eisner and
Vallance's article 'Five Conceptions of Curriculum: Their Roots and:
Implications for Curriculum Planning' (see ;Appendix A for summary).. The
questions considered by each group are given above in the section titled Group
Most groups thought that there was considerable overlap between some of Eisner
and Vallance's five conceptions. Group 2 felt this overlap could ,lead to
false distinctions being made. Group 5 stressed,that the qiestion of which
conceptions were most appropriate for ELT depended very muh on °he's
definition of ELT; for instance different conceptions woulalprobably be
appropriate to ESL as opposed to EFL situatiems."-14
All groups found it impossible to choose only one dpnception or model which
was appropriate to their own teaching situations'. Group 5 found ."various
elements in each model to be relevant". Group,4 thought that ideally ELT
should be characterised by the first, third 4 fourtiftodkptions; in
practice however teaching situations are tord ikely to beicharacterised by
the second, fourth and fifth conceptions. GrOup 2 found tpat the fourth and
fifth conceptions were not at all appropriate to ELT. Crop') 5 was unwilling
to commit itself to any of the conceptions, deciding that Ole choice would
depend on:
- 43
This session was predominantly used for group discussion of the replies to the
pre-seminar questionnaire. Discussion focused on the constraints mentioned in
answer to the question "What sorts of things, if any, make it difficult for
your involvement in curriculum and/or syllabus development to be as effective
as you would like it to be?" (See Appendix B2 for the replies.)
Groups were then asked to discuss the Agencies and Resources (sub-divided into
Human and Material) which might be relevant constraints at the various stages.
Dick Allwright pointed out that the relationship between the Human Resources
of Power, Expertise and Responsibility was not always a very close one. He
also suggested that the discussion could be directly relevant to the case
studies to be discussed on the following day.
There was only about 30 minutes available for group discussion and so most
groups did not manage to proceed through many of the phases represented on the
There was, however, some uniformity in responses to item one, for example,
which may be a little surprising considering the diverse inputs.
15.1 Participants were invited to consider in their case study groups the key
questions in curriculum and syllabus design.
15.2 Group findings were as follows: (Note: most groups restated in their
own words what they felt to be the key questions. Not all the findings were
listed in order of priority.)
Group 1
The Syllabus
Local Materials
Group 2
1. Implementation of syllabus:
a. acceptance by authority
b. methods
4. Prescriptive syllabus
Group 3
Group 4
1. How does the content of the syllabus reflect current thinking about
5. Evaluation procedures
Group 5
- Methodology
- Language content
- Constraints
- Resources
Statement of aims and objectives
I'. ...4
3. The relationship between testing and syllabus design
Group 6
5. Evaluation
15.4 Extrapolation of the findings of all six groups reveals the following to
be the areas most commonly identified as important. All were listed by at
least half the groups in one form or another:
3. Local constraints
t (-1
- 48 -
16.1 Before you attack the case study task itself, we suggest you appoint
someone as a 'progress chaser' for the rest of the week.
16.3 Once you have these two appointees settled, discuss the case study
material already available to you in order to decide whether or not to adopt
the task set (or one of the tasks set), or to design yourselves a new task.
16.4 Decide what additional information you need, if any, from the case study
originator, and plan to have all your first questions ready for 10.00, when
the originator will visit your group for just half an hour. Thereafter, you
are asked to restrict your demands on this person to one 'go' per case study
session, and to have your 'go' by sending a well briefed emissary to consult
the originator. This restriction is necessary to ensure that the case study
originators are not taken away from their groups for any longer than is
absolutely necessary.
16.5 Having consulted, now finalise the task you will tackle.
- 49
Originator: Alan Evison
The University of Sana'a was established in 1970 with financial assistance from
Kuwait. It has rapidly expanded to its present size of approximately 7,000
full-time students and it continues to grow. Most of the teaching staff are
Egyptians whose salaries are paid by Kuwait. The Language Centre was formed in
March 1983 with assistance from the British Council. It is an autonomous
institution within the university intended to service the language needs
(English, Arabic and French) of all the faculties: Science, Arts, Education,
Law, Commerce, and the newly-formed Faculties of Medicine, Engineering and
Agriculture. Among the high priority areas of the English Language Unit are
the language and methodology courses for English specialists in the Faculty of
Education. The English Language Unit has a Head and 16 teaching staff, 7 of
whom are non-native speakers (including 2 PhDs). The Unit is responsible for
teaching about 2,000 students mostly in their 1st and 2nd years. All English
language courses are compulsory and part of the credit system of assessment.
The case study will focus on the ELCS (English Language Communication Skills)
courses fcr 1st and 2nd year students in the Faculty of Science, for which the
following facts are salient:
Science (inc 20
;120 6 132 115 4 88
Sept intake
- Feb intake 50 6 132
:130 6 83 51* 4 88
Science Education
Medium of instruction: English (officially; in practice, a lot of Arabic used)
There are considerable economic constraints on the operations of the Language
Centre (Yemen is currently on an 'austerity budget'): these and the relatively
high teaching loads limit the amount of time and resources that can be devoted
to developmental work. Courses are based firmly on existing published
textbooks (with the exception of the Intensive Science Course) and are
supplemented with domestically-produced and other adapted materials. The
Language Centre as yet possesses few teaching aids other than portable tape
recorders (although a video and some OHPs have just arrived) and books and
paper are supplied by the University.
Class sizes in the Science Faculty are around 25 and students are on the whole
keen to learn.
Design a course, and produce sample materials (or units) for one of the
The Yemen Arab Republic is a country of 6 million people. The capital, Sana'a,
has a population of about 500,000 and lies at an altitude of 7,500 feet.
The economy of Yemen is largely agricultural with very few goods produced for
export. Textiles and salt are the most important industries. The GNP is
among the ten lowest in the world. However, two external factors affect the
economic situation considerably. Firstly, Yemen is the recipient of
substantial quantities of foreign aid both from neighbouring Arab countries
(especially Saudi Arabia and Kuwait) and from the industrialised countries of
the East and West. Indeed, the University of Sana'a operates for the most
part on Kuwaiti funds. Secondly, the million or so Yemenis who work in the
Gulf countries and in the West remit very large sums in foreign currency to
their families at home.
Recently, however, the decline in the oil market has reduced the amount of aid
coming from the Arab countries, and this has had a direct effect on the
Until the mid 1960s education in the Yemen was confined to Islamic studies.
Since the 1962 revolution, when the ruling Imamate was replaced by a military
republic, there has been a free and compulsory education system, funded
largely by Arab aid and staffed in the main by Egyptian teachers. English is
studied for 6 years in school and since 1980 a textbook and in-service
teacher-training project ('English for Yemen'), run by the British Council
under the KELT scheme, has been raising the standard of English in the
schools. The University should be benefiting from the results of this in two
years' time.
- 51 -
The University was founded in 1970 and is the only university in the YAR. It
is independent, answerable only to a Council, the Chairman of which is the
Minister of Education.
There are five faculties operating (Science, Arts, Education, Law and
Commerce) on two campuses. The new Faculties of Medicine, Engineering and
Agriculture will start teaching next year. This year future Medicine and
Engineering students have been attending courses in the Faculty of Science.
There are approximately 7,000 full-time students at the University and several
thousand part-time students, many of whom only attend examinations. After
leaving school, men have to do a year's military service. Furthermore, many
of the men have jobs throughout their university careers (eg driving taxis or
working in the commercial sector) and do not devote much time to study outside
the classroom.
Classes are mixed, with approximately 50% men and women. Many women wear the
veil in class. Ages range from 18 to 30 and over. Most students come from
middle- to lower middle-class homes, some from the towns and some from out-
lying villages. About 90% of the students are Yemenis, with others coming
from Egypt, Palestine, Sudan, Ethiopia and Somalia.
A.1 Aim
A.2 Objectives
2.1.1 role:
2.1.2 status:
it should be a service to the University as a whole, including any
outside institutions the University may contract to provide training
2.2 The project to establish the Language Centre should therefore have
the following implementational objectives:
The Language Centre should have the following terms of reference in terms of
the programmes it can offer to the University.
- 53 -
3.3 To provide special courses of ELCS instruction for particular
important groups of students in the University, as identified by the
University eg demonstrators in various departments, students going
overseas for postgraduate studies, etc.
Of these two criteria the second implies a need for greater competence in
English on the part of students, and therefore a greater deployment of
resources to achieve that competence ie longer or more intensive courses of
instruction. Accordingly, we may prioritise needs as follows:
-54- 6
4.3 Low priority needs:
This would include Faculties/Departments where English has only a minor
i T
role as an 'access' language. ' t,,-; ,
, ifi t 'il
- Faculty of Sharia and Law . 4-
Faculty of Commerce: Economics ankStatistiRcs
- Faculty of Arts: Arabic, Islamic atudiO.
5.2.2 Development phase: This will last from June 19831to June
1985 during which, on the basis of a settled structure,Wa fully
equipped and staffed Language Centre will meet objectives 2.2.5 to
2.2.7 in accordance with the terms of reference set for the Centre's
programmes of instruction (3.1 to 3.5). This is the coxe
implementation phase.
5.2.3 Maintenance phase: This will last from June 1985 to June
1987, when programmes of instruction developed during the previous
two phases will achieve a settled state, and the achievement of the
project can be evaluated from a summative viewpoint. s4
5.3 In as much as new objectives are set for the project eg,the opening
of the Faculties of Engineering and Agriculture during the life-span of
the project, it may be necessary to extend the lengh of the groject.
This will be subject to on-going negotiation with the University. But
for each new set of objectives assigned to the Prdject, the three phases
above should be passed through.
A.6 Project Staff Structure
The project will have the following staffing structure reflecting the needs of
a Language Centre for particular kinds of expertise.
6.4 Administrative and technical staff: who will assist 6.1 to 6.3,
consisting of project administrative assistant, secretary/typist,
technical assistant.
6.5 Consultants: who would be assigned the role from time to time of
monitoring the progress of the project. Such consultants can be drawn
from British Council headquarters in London and/or from a British
University which is familiar with the problems of running such
institutions, in Britain and overseas.
Mountford suggests bands four and five on the following scale as target levels
for the Science Faculty course.
- 56 -
57 -
B.3 RLO 'A' should approach VSO about the possibility of recruiting a small
number of graduate teaching VSOs for the LC, and if the response is
positive, Representative Yemen should approach the Vice Rector with a
proposition to supply such teachers to the LC.
B.4 The two KELT posts currently occupied by the textbook writers on the
EFY project should be transferred to the LC in September 1984 and two
teachers experienced in teacher-training should be recruited for these
B.8 Background
Following Alan Mountford's visit to Yemen in May 1982 and his report "An
outline project design document for the teaching of English language
communication skills (ELCS) in the University of Sana'a" the Sana'a University
Language Centre (henceforth in this report "the LC") opened early in 1983.
The reader is referred to Mountford's report for a succinct statement of the
aims and objectives of the LC Project, time-scales, staffing structure,
content of programmes, etc. The British Council and the University, in an
exchange of letters which took place on the 19/20 May 1982, agreed that the
Mount.ford report would form the basis for the future development of the LC.
58 t;
There is a group of 8 non-native speaker staff. Most of them were transferred
from the English Department when it hived off service English teaching to the
newly created Language Centre.
The Head of the Language Centre is a Yemeni, Dr Mahmoud Daoud, who holds a
Georgetown PhD in Theoretical Linguistics.
The LC has been promised permanent premises on the old campus of the
University, where most of its teaching will continue to take place. At the
moment, however, its offices are in the Law Faculty on the new campus - a
cause of considerable inconvenience. The question of exactly when the
premises earmarked for the LC will be vacated and converted for LC use was
still unresolved at the time of my visit:.
From this brief sketch it can be seen that the LC is still very much a new
creation composed of somewhat disparate parts, lacking a permanent base, and
still feeling its way towards a precise definition of its role. This is, of
course, hardly surprising at this early stage in its evolution. The objective
of this report is to recommend ways in which the teething troubles of the LC
project can be overcome, and to suggest how the excellent start which has been
made can be capitalised upon in the future.
One significant direction in which the LC will develop over the next few years
is in the pre-service training of Yemeni school-teachers of English. As will
have been apparent from the part of this report devoted to EFY, one of the
main hopes for the maintenance of teaching standards in Yemeni schools after
the departure of the KELT team is the creation of an influential cadre of
Yemeni ELT professionals. This cadre will receive its pre-service training at
the LC, and it is therefore important that close professional cooperation
between the LC and the EFY Project is established during the final two years
of the latter's ODA-funded lifetime.
The teaching load of the LC at the time of my visit was 212 contact hours per
week. 92 of the hours were split between British members of staff as follows:
92 hpw
The remaining 120 hours of teaching were divided between the 8 non-native
speaker teachers, at an average load of 15 hpw per teacher.
Each KELT or SSS has tended, so far, to spend most of his/her contact hours in
one particular faculty, and in addition to his/her teaching load, each has
responsibility for a functional aspect of the LC's work (eg testing,
course-design, teacher-training etc) and/or responsibility for coordinating
the teaching in a particular faculty.
Several questions are immediately raised when the situation described above is
compared with those parts of Mountford's design document which deal with
teaching loads and "priority areas". Mountford was concerned that the LC
- 59 -
should devote most of its resources to "high priority" areas: that is, to
faculties in which students were being trained as English language teachers
and to faculties in which the medium of instruction is English, ie:
0 60 -
the size of this potential teacher-training problem would obviously
depend on exactly what the quality of directly-recruited expatriate staff
This seems to me the main problem the Language Centre has to face: how to
maintain a clear focus on priorities at the same time as ensuring reasonable
general standards throughout the University as a whole. Reduction of contact
hours in low priority Faculties is part of the solution, and I recommend
that Brian East keeps this firmly in his sights; the development of self-
access programmes which can be used with larger groups and/or in private
study is another part of the long-term solution, which the project team is
actively, and rightly beginning to pursue; but ultimately because the role of
the directly-recruited teaching staff is bound to become bigger as the
University expands, the most important part of the solution lies in sensible
decisions on direct recruitment and a long-term plan of counterpart-training
which produces good quality Yemeni staff. The crucial questions of
recruitment and counterpart-training are dealt with below.
C.1 Two KELT posts should be transferred from the EFY Project to the
University for pre-service training: Senior Teacher Trainer (ME3) and
Teacher Trainer (HE4).
C.2 Representative should not become involved in recruitment, other than for
replacements in existing SSS posts, and then only if the University
accepts certain conditions and agrees to pay the recruitment fee.
C.3 Representative should identify funds to send as many new Yemeni Language
Intructors as possible from Sana'a University Language Centre on a
3-month training course in the UK, and ask consultant ELSD to identify
suitable courses.
C.4 The current post of Teacher Trainer in Sana'a University Language Centre
should be redesignated Specialist in ESP Teacher Training and Course
Design, with special responsibility for in-service training of Yemeni
Language Instructors.
C.6.1 The Language Centre has been an autonomous body within the
University since March 1983 and it has clearly grown in influence among
the Faculties. It has a Director, Dr Mahmoud Daoud, who is determined
to make it a successful and respected Centre within the University, and
- 61 -
who has evolved a philosophy which is Yemeni rather than British. The
Centre has responded well to the recent mushrooming demands made upon it
as a service centre to the Faculties.
Another is that SSS are on what are essentially PhD salaries with MA
qualifications. More important professionally is the difficulty of
getting across the developmental aspect of the KELT posts: there is
something of a chicken and egg situation here since one of the reasons
for KELTs not doing much developmental work is that they have taken on
extra hours, which they have been forced to do partly because D/LC
thinks they are not doing much developmental work.
C.6.3 The 4 KELTs are currently teaching more contact hours than
originally envisaged:
Although they are not doing very much developmental work, most of them
are doing a lot of coordination, and helping the English Language Unit
to keep on top of a somewhat rapidly evolving situation where new
courses appear to be starting up all the time. See Brian East's "Report
on Faculty Loading for February 1984" at Appendix E. There are signs
that H/ELU is beginning to win some battles on contact hours, allocation
to priority courses, etc. For example, in Commerce only 2nd year
students will be taught from now on, and the KELT Coordinator will hand
over at the end of this term to an American local appointee. There are
also signs that developmental work is beginning to increase: eg the
preparation of 'home access materials' for the Faculty of Law; the
preparation of a Study Skills booklet for all Faculties, the drawing up
of course outlines for a Language Centre brochure.
- 62 -
entry levels should improve all round as the EFY curriculum in the
schools begins to have an effect. In the terminology of the Mountford
document the Centre is only just out of the initial implementation phase
and into the development phase.
C.6.5 Clive Holes' report indicated that the University had not yet
fully met its commitment to provide the equipment specified in the
Design Document. Little has changed. But perhaps we need to accept
that the situation he describes, of a lack of funds from Kuwait, is also
not going to change. It appears that the University accords the
Language Centre a relatively high priority within the University.
Evidence of this is the imminent (we were promised) move of the LC to
the Administrative Building - in spite of competition from other
Faculties. This building has 10 rooms and what will be 3 'model
classrooms'. At the same time the LC will keep on 2 offices in the
Faculty of Law. The Centre has acquired, within the last year:
2 duplicators
3 typewriters
1 photocopier (and another large one on order)
numerous cassette tapes
2 x 25 booth Philips Language Laboratories
3. 4 x 3M portable OHPs
- 63-
17.3 Report on the Design Produced by Dunford Seminar Participants
EAP considerations:
1 set texts for specialist courses
2 - handouts and other additional reading tasks
3 - library reference reading facilities
64 -
4 - lectures for specialist courses
5 practical work for specialist courses
6 written assignments
7 - examination requirements and formats
8 any circumstances under which students may have a requirement
for spoken FL.
EOP considerations:
Biographical detail
General learning background
FL learning background
Learning history
School certificate record
Pre-testing (elements of test to be derived from needs analysis).
EAP considerations:
The specification should cover all years of the degree programme since
the course will provide the students' only FL instruction; it should not
meet the requirement of the General Science component alone.
EOP considerations:
Only the briefest account of likely EOP requirements is needed; the
course is not expected to provide specific EOP training. But awareness
of future needs should feed into decisions on weighting of the content in
the syllabus specification.
- 66 -
t ;.1.
Ideal goals and student entry profiles:
17.3.4 Constraints
I ,
Language Centre I
- 67 -
An inventory of the more important potential constraints now follows:
a. Students
Mode of study:
How do they expect to be taught?
Row do they study in and out of class? 4
extrinsic, ie credits, grade point averages
intrinsic, ie how important do they consider the course?
b. Teachers
96 (second semester)
Classrooms: location
furniture (eg free or fixed)
- 68 -
Support: administrative support staff (eg typing, reprographic)
teaching aids, portable or fixed
reprographic facilities
teacher resources centre/demonstration room
Using the data provided by the investigation and modification stages, the
modified goals can be interpreted in terms of four broadly defined
features in the syllabus itself. This is illustrated in the diagram on
the following page (Figure 3). The four labels in the syllabus 'tube'
refer to the following features: 1
a. the realisation of the goals in terms of the communication
skills at any level on the macro-micro scale - derived from the
identified performance objectives.
In theory, any one of the above four features could be used as the main
thread or as the starting point for all or for one part of the syllabus,
depending on the results of the investigation and modification stages of
the design. The data available so far suggest that the feature labelled
'communication skills' may be the most appropriate main thread throughout
this syllabus and would also constitute the largest single feature. The
relationship of the four elements for this syllabus could then be
represented as shown in Figure 4.
Needs Analysis
Wants Analysis
Logistic Factors
Human Factors
Support: administrative support staff (eg typing, reprographic)
teaching aids, portable or fixed
reprographic facilities
teacher resources centre/demonstration room
Using the data provided by the investigation and modification stages, the
modified goals can be interpreted in terms of four broadly defined
features in the syllabus itself. This is illustrated in the diagram on
the following page (Figure 3). The four labels in the syllabus 'tube'
refer to the following features:
In theory, any one of the above four features could be used as the main
thread or as the starting point for all or for one part of the syllabus,
depending on the results of the investigation and modification stages of
the design. The data available so far suggest that the feature labelled
'communication skills' may be the most appropriate main thread throughout
this syllabus and would also constitute the largest single feature. The
relationship of the four elements for this syllabus could then be
represented as shown in Figure 4.
- 69
Needs Analysis
/B/ /C/
Logistic Factors
Human Factors
The order in which the three 'outer' elements are integrated into any
particular unit of the syllabus will depend on the nature of the
paricular communication skill taken as the starting point for that unit.
All the following are theoretically possible including cases where not
all four elements are actually included in the unit:
While the group is aware that the above description is not exhaustive, we
consider that this model offers a satisfactory design procedure for the
English for General Science course. Factors arising during the
implementation and evaluation stages should provide fresh inputs, using
the same procedure, to produce appropriately amended syllabuses.
-71 -
17.4 Two Reactions to the Design
1. There was a general reaction that the setting up of ideal goals was
a waste of time. The real world was acknowledged in the 'modified
goals" and why not start from there, as there is a real temptation to
cling to first thoughts rather than jettison freely what won't fit.
5. The point was raised that more real time was needed for a realistic
design model to emerge from a KELT project. The operational difficulties
were probably underestimated from the appointing body and that to
produce the goods, a team would likely require three years rather than
one, ie never enough consideration is given from homebase on the length
of time that is spent on groundwork, follow-up etc. Perhaps there is a
real need for early "feasibility studies" to be undertaken so that
realistic goals can be set in the time allocated for certain posts.
fed back into Pre testing/evaluation
4 original
7 2
3. Priority of item selection good. Diagrammatically not so good.
Communication skills expansion suggestions in 17.3.5 most interesting
needs work on realisations.
enabling strategies
design of syllabus
- not chronological
i. Annual
7. Model
- 73-
The Value of Explicitness
The explicitness of the group's paper was very useful and helped focus my own
attention on the need for similar explicitness in any design documents which I
The need for explicitness was clearly stated by Charles Alderson in his
proposed 'testing' approach to syllabus design: if one can teach something,
then what is taught must be testable because it can be made explicit. The
corollary of this is that what is made explicit can be evaluated.
Unfortunately, the group's paper had nothing to say on evaluation.
'Ideal Goals'
One area of doubt I have about their proposals relates to their procedural
model entailing a 'statement of ideal goals' which then becomes modified by
constraints. It seems that although a designer must start somewhere, to reach
a statement of goals without taking constraints into consideration from the
start would waste time.
To sum up, I am very grateful to the case study group for tackling the problem
they set themselves in such a 'head-on' way and for producing such a polished
document in the little time available.
- 74
Originator: Rob Batstone
Students 2,000 plus, mostly middle class and many requiring English for
between levels.
their jobs. Average class size of 19. Considerable turnover
Impetus for change - Cairo DTE currently engaged in work on general
dissatisfaction with current course system. This is
reformulation, prompted by
based on series of poorly related and discrete textbooks, lacks
cohesion re. language input, has insufficiently broad communicative
and is especially weak on phonology and skills components.
Developments to date - Began with needs/wants survey and series of
analysis (ongoing) of courses
on syllabus specifications. The latter led to of
and of additional selected resources (books, videos) utilising taxonomies
structures, functions, topics, sub-skills.
Objectives - a. To project revised syllabus content using, taxonomies,
(partly via
view to exploiting a wider range of sources than at present
information obtained from resources analysis). b. Subsequently to
retrieval for general
revised materials. c. To implement a system of materials
DTE use via analysis of resources.
revised syllabus
Current situation - Work about to commence on outlining
of completing draft proto syllabus by September
content with tentative aim
Outline Participants, provided with DTE taxonomies and any other required
information/materials, to work on producing proto syllabus outline as
framework for coherent series of courses (Elementary to Higher).
Context Only constraint is that syllabus outline should appear
given DTE situation, particularly our objective of achieving a cohesive
syllabus without creating need for excessively large quantities
DTE-produced materials.
- 73 -
18.2 Background Information
Students The average enrolment per term is c 2,500, and the highest
proportion of these are at E - level. Students are generally from the educated
middle classes, though some belong to relatively underprivileged low income
groups. Students study at the Council for a variety of reasons, including
professional (there is a widespread belief that English is the key to enhanced
job prospects) and social (the Council is one of few places where male and
female students can meet informally).
Classrooms These are all equipped with whiteboard, cassette and video
recorder, OHP and screen.
Teacher Training - One full-time ADOS and 3 TT Assistants who between them
have 75 hours per week available for TT duties. Their time is mainly taken
up with In-Service Observation and follow up support for all staff, though the
intensity of this fluctuates according to other priorities eg RSA Prep Cert
course and TT seminars/workshops. In addition KELTs and visitors to KELT
projects contribute to DTE seminars/workshops for teachers.
76 --
18.2.2 1983-84: Developments to date
1 E/1 I/1
I Follow Me Building Strats
E/2 1/2
Follow Me Building Strats
.., N
..., N
E/3 * 1/3 *
Encounters A DTE-made
E/4 i 1/4
Follow Me L I Exchanges A
., .. .....
E/5 * 1/5 *
Encounters B Exploring
Exchanges B
1/7 *
- 77
Ill "../
Developing Strats
Developing Strats
Speaking NB: Each course lasts 12
weeks/72 hours, organised as
three 2 hour lessons per week.
* = remedial course
H/5 H/6
Conversation Studying Strats
Higher Level
- 78-
context of overall syllabus. Inevitably distinctive textbooks (such as
Building Strats and Exchanges) differ so much in format and Language content
that the resulting system lacks organisational uniformity, defined aims or
language core.
v. Syllabus type - At present the DTE course system lacks adequate focus
with respect to syllabus type, within individual courses as well as within the
wider parameters of E/I/H. Both teachers and students would benefit from
working with material with aims stated in consistent and coherent terms.
vi. Sequence Many language items re-occur from course to course with
excessive regularity, but with little or no development. Others are neglected,
only to be 'assumed' at a later stage.
ix. Perceived and actual needs - Current courses have been developed
without any thorough attempt to define student needs, and the extent to which
these may concur with course content arises from adaptations made by
individual teachers to suit the needs of individual classes.
Needs/Wants questionnaire -
- 79 - tw
Ii. Interpretation - One purpose of the questionnaire was to assess if it
was possible to make meaningful generalisations about if/how students needed
to use Englit.h outside the classroom. The large percentage of students from
servicing/accountancy areas who seem to fall into this category could argue
for extending the DTE's ESP operation, or alternatively for building
components into the revised syllabus oriented towards the needs of these
service industries.
1. Channel
2. Purpose
E am E pm I am I pm H am H pm
With foreign friends 3:29% 4:21% 2:42% 4:24% 2:50% 4:28%
at work 2:51% 1:56% 3:42% 1:55% 2:50% 1:57%
at school/university 4:23% 3:30% 4:28% 2:40% 3:38% 3:39%
on trips abroad 1:53% 2:41% 1:58% 3:32% 1:57% 2:47%
NB: Alongside the 4 categories above students were asked to choose between
'a lot/a little/never'. Above data is taken only from the first of these.
t, r
3. Turnover
4. Classroom apporoaches
Q: 'Would you like to spend more or less time in class on each of the
following tems, or are you hap on?'
Grammar explanations/exercises
eg 'some' vs 'any' 5:57%
Language games
Explaining/correcting h/work
NB: Preceding chart gives percentages only where over 50% of students
specified 'more time'. Figures need to be treated circumspectly very
few students specified 'less time' for any item.
5. Learning style
together independently
E 53% 47%
64% 36%
H 63% 37%
Study Jobs
E -Faculty of Commerce 42% Accountancy 21%
Materials analysis -
ii. Resources analysis - Since March 1984 the taxonomies have also been
used as the basis for analysis of selected printed materials
in the DTE's well
stocked Resources Room. The Resources Analysis serves two purposes:
- 82 -
b. Through careful indexing/cataloguing, it could form the basis for a
system of materials retrieval (with material called initially through the
primary specifications of structure/function/topic/sub-skill), always
assuming that the analysis could be ongoing, and that teachers would be
encouraged to make regular use of it. Such a system could, at a later
date, be transferable to a data base.
iv. Updating -
Course analysis - This was completed in May 1984, and led to the (ongoing)
production of 'digested' unit and course overviews intended for use by both
teachers and syllabus planners.
Aims -
ii. 'Sub-skills' built into the syllabus across the board, and (where
possible) integrated into other syllabus components.
ii. Overall phasing of current system (12 week/72 hour courses) remains
v. Testing procedures will be revised and piloted in line with revised
vii. Syllabus development will be undertaken with the format of the final
product in mind eg undesirability of current handout system as core/
possibility of DTE printed workbooks as desirable alternative.
ii. Copyright - The Cairo DTE has recently come under critical scrutiny
from publishers' representatives, though our exact position re conditions
governing potential breac;ies of copyright is still in the process of being
The situation here could m.ke for significant difficulties with respect to our
general aim of utilising a variety of printed sources, and particularly
concerning the reproduction of listening and reading materials (tricky on a
'home made' basis).
General procedure -
Course Breakdown
(description of
weak /strong areas
+ rationale for
Choice of
syllabus type
Revisions acc
to feedback +
85 - 4
0 13
Proto-syllabus stage
i. Choice of syllabus type - This involves an overall decision about guiding principles
on which the language content of courses would be based at each stage, and with which other
elements of communicative competence would be linked. We envisage that the organising
principle on which the proto syllabus would be based will be an ideal - a means of
organising the proto syllabus rather than a fixed objective to which we should adhere as if
writing a new syllabus 'from scratch'. A preliminary decision has already been taken to
make the E-level proto syllabus topic/setting/role based, with structures and functions (and
ultimately sub-skills) integrated within this context. However this does not imply that no
other option will be considered, either for E or for I/H levels.
It is assumed that the final decision for any level would inevitably be within the (very
wide) context of a communicative approach.
i. Assessment At this stage we should have the means for assessing the effectiveness
of the current system ie proto syllabi and overviews of present courses. Since both of
these will be couched in the same terms (ie are based on DTE taxonomies) effective
comparison between the two should not prove too difficult. At the same time, decisions may
be taken to replace some of the current core coursebooks with alternative core books.
Indications of the nature of such changes will already have emerged from ongoing course
development work. With this in mind, resources analysis from September 1984 will focus
partly on potential alternative textbooks.
ii. Pedagogical syllabus framework The basic framework of the pedagogical syllabus
will be the overall structure of the selected core book (either current or a replacement)
with modification through inserting/developing new inputs (chiefly streamlining target
language and integrating phonology, discourse and other 'sub-skills' components).
These inputs should come from as wide a variety of sources as possible, including (ideally)
a number of 'supplementary material textbooks' in addition to the 'core' book and our own
The strong tendency of DTE supplementary materials to be over-prescriptive (to 'drive' the
teacher rather than vice versa) encourages a 'laissez faire' attitude to lesson planning. A
revision of course materials, involving greater attention to a wider range of communicative
components and giving a higher priority to methodology, could not be properly undertaken
without support from teacher training activities. Such activities would aim to make
teachers aware of methodological implications, and help them to implement them in the
classroom. Over and above this, teacher training is crucial both for increasing teacher
awareness of syllabus development, and in encouraging their acceptance of it.
86 -
18.3 Report on the Design produced by Dunford Seminar Participants
In the event Group A used the documentation provided to put together as full a
picture as possible of the motivation for and the probable consequences of the
syllabus design project as a whole. From there an attempt was made to provide
a plan of action for defining, modifying and implementing an institutional
syllabus giving consideration to rather broader issues than those outlined in
the initial task.
The reason given for the syllabus design project in the Case Study Originator's
documentation is dissatisfaction (notably among the institute teaching staff)
with the current general course system. (See Documentation Section 2.1)
2. To provide guidance for the teachers on how the courses relate to the
overall plan, and to win their approval of it.
Pedagogic Aspects
proposed for other DTEOs. This led to a proposal for a 'core' syllabus, which
could be followed by different DTEOs, and suggestions for procedures for
localising the core syllabus to produce an institutional syllabus.
Implementational Aspects
This section considers the presentation of the proposed syllabus to the staff,
and the arrangement of seminars to carry out the localisation procedures with
the production of the syllabus and of teacher's guides and student course
outlines. It involves a trialling period before proceeding to the production
of final versions and full implementation of the proposed syllabus and leads
on to an evaluation and eventual modifications to the original syllabus.
Organisational Aspects
An enormous amount of work is currently being done in the Cairo DTEO (and it
would seem also in a large number of other DTEOs around the world) on the
production of an appropriate local syllabus. A brief comparison was made of
the elementary syllabuses proposed for Naples, Madrid, Algiers as well as the
proposed proto-syllabus for the Cairo DTEO. This showed clearly a large
measure of agreement on the items to be taught, but considerable variation in
the organisation of the items, the terminology employed and the degree of
detail as regards lexical fields, topics etc ....
A Proposal
1 Fly
i. Language form is the one element which appears consistently in all
the syllabi which were studied.
ii. Language form still offers the most complete and structured
description of language available to us. Atempts to describe language in
terms of function are still at a relatively early stage.
The list of forms would be drawn up from an existing DTEO syllabus for this
level or could be adapted from descriptions of language now available.
From this list of language forms would be derived the language functions to be
taught. This specification of forms and functions would constitute the core
list of language to be taught in the different institutions.
The subsequent division of this list into levels, and the specification of
what should be taught at each level would be determined by individual DTEOs
based on local constraints such as the length and nature of the courses, the
course-books used, the motivation and learning speed of the students and so on.
In addition to the division of the list into levels, the following extension
work to the syllabus would be carried out at the level of individual DTEOs.
*Local because of the local elements in the institutional syllabus.
format of the guide may follow general principles available to all DTEOs.
- 89 -
covered. This latter would help re-assure them of the reasons for certain
items in the course books being emphasised, while others are sometimes
re-ordered or even omitted altogether.
Clearly no syllabus will remain unaltered from fear to year as new materials
(both published and locally-produced) will be introduced and will need to be
integrated. Course books will need to be evaluated to determine their
appropriacy in practice. It is important that teachers should be involved at
all stages in any additions and amendments to the syllabus.
For the Cairo DTEO our proposal offers little more than a general indication
of areas that need to be considered in the next stage of their syllabus
development programme. There is little in the way of concrete proposals as is
perhaps inevitable from the limited time available for our Case Study.
Beyond the Cairo DTEO, however, we would suggest that we have raised serious
issues that need to be faced by DTEOs working together and in association with
the British Council. There would seem to be a clear need for much greater
co-operation between DTEOs in the establishment of a core syllabus and in
addition, perhaps shared banks of materials, which would reduce the present
duplication of effort going on in so many similar institutions. The
initiative should perhaps come from ELSD to set up a working party of
concerned people from different DTEOs to work towards the establishment of a
core syllabus and the resolution of this problem.
" 1 I 1-
18.3.3 Implementational Aspects
- 91
Syllabus Seminar
B. In view of its importance, the seminar should occupy a full day and be
attended by all teachers.
C. Suggested seminar aims, methods and sample group task sheet material:
C1.5 Within the constraints of C1.3 and C1.4 to give the teachers full
opportunity to discuss all aspects of the project among themselves
and with the senior staff.
C2.1 A limited input from the ADOS in the form of a general summary of
proposals and short introductions to the key discussion areas. ADOS'
input should be limited to avoid creating the impression amongst
teachers that they are being lectured on matters that are being
imposed on them from above with no consideration for their thoughts
on the matters.
- 92 -
- Which books?
4. "I want to finish the whole book. Why are we leaving out some of the
units?" (A student)
(DOS will, of course, also be involved to the extent that other duties
syllabus task groups: two hours per fortnight for all teachers
- progress review seminars: 1/2 day every six weeks (ie twice a
term) for all staff.
3. A specific amount of the non-contact time written into the contracts of
London-appointed staff must be reserved for syllabus development. This
time allocation must not be eroded by the demands of other duties - eg
day-to-day running of the DTEO.
L/C ADOS 6 27
L/R ADOS 6 27
MAINTAINERS X 6 108 (18 X 6) 54 (9 X 6)
(L/R = 4, L/E = 2)
DEVELOPERS X 3 54 (18 X 3) 27 (9 X 3)
(L/R = 2, L/E = 1)
TEACHER TRAINING Assts X 3 36 (12 X 3) 54 (18 X 3)
(L/R = 2, L/E = 1)
L/R TEACHERS X 13 312 (24 X 13) * 26 (13 X 2)
L/E TEACHERS X 19 ** 19 (19 X 1)
- 94- 1
Task responsibilities
The syllabus breakdown in the individual centres is according to the following categories:
NAPLES: Language form. Language use. Pronunciation/Stress/Intonation. Comment.
MADRID: Notions. Specific Realisations.
ALGIERS: Functions. Realisations (with some indication of situation). Some indication of source of material.
CAIRO: Topic. Behavioural Specification of Setting. Derived structures. Derived functions.
Suggested Syllabus Format for a Structures and Functions Syllabus. Elementary Level, Term 1, Year ?
Can/could making requests Text Book Worksheet [u] phoneme in Cue card: Set "C"
and offers Unit ETV Unit "could" must
Page Video: VE Unit remain short.
The basic syllabus for Year 1 should be a guide available to the teacher, giving indications of the main points to be
covered and the materials available for this. It should not be prescriptive to the point where it gives rise to
resentment among the teachers, but it should provide enough guidance for the young and less experienced teacher.
I_ 1
18.4 Two Reactions to the Design
in the evaluation
These reactions were produced by other design groups
exercise on Monday 23.
99 -
18.5 Reaction of the Case Study Originator
In terms of value to the Cairo DTE, Cairo A's design provides us with some
very useful points of reference and food for thought.
The report also discusses the wider issue of providing a common syllabus
formula for various DTEO's. This topic has already arisen in correspondence
between DTEO Cairo and ELSD, and Cairo A's comments add more grist to the mill
- particularly at a time when a number of DTEO's are looking at ways of
achieving a more cohesive and comprehensive syllabus. We concur entirely with
the report's comments on the 'reinventing the wheel' syndrome, and on the
consequent need for a central coordinating body.
However, the report's suggestions still seem to leave the bulk of the actual
work in the hands of individual DTEO's (see points a. to h. listed under 'A
Proposal'). Further investigation might suggest that the area of common needs
between DTEO's is greater than at first appears.
For example, the report suggests that although there should be a single list
of language forms and functions used by different institutions, it should be
left to the respective institutions to "indicate against the core list
references to any course book chosen". Working on the assumption that there is
an identifiable range of basic textbooks which different DTEO's use in
common (certainly at Elementary and Intermediate levels), the task of cross
referencing commonly used course books with taxonomies could more economically
be done centrally. To leave the job to individual DTEO's would, perhaps, be
reinventing the wheel on an unnecessarily large scale. Certainly our own
materials description project has indicated how time consuming such a process
can be, even on a relatively small scale.
Similarly the report delegates the stage of drawing up and cross referencing
"syllabi for listening, reading and writing skills" to the DTEO level. There
may well be less of an identifiable common core amongst different institutions
particularly as regards the appropriacy of specific sub-skills, particularly
at higher levels. Nevertheless, fairly comprehensive taxonomies of skills,
discourse and phonological specifications (perhaps of the kind produced at
Cairo DTEO) should be as generally applicable as those for language form and
100 -
function. Equally, amongst the growing number of 'supplementary material
books' there might still be an 'inner group' comprising those most commonly
used by DTEO's. There may, then, be a strong case for investigating the
validity of centralising the process of cross referencing selected books with
taxonomical lists across the standard classifications - language form,
function, topic, phonology, discourse and other 'sub-skill' areas.
Developments in the Eurocentres/Bell/British Council Database Project may well
prove valuable in this respect.
In conclusion, I hope that Dunford participants from both Cairo groups found
the discussion and ideas arising from the case study as thought provoking as
we have found their final reports to be.
- 101
1 1.
The purpose of this session was both to look back over the week's work so far,
and, in the light of any comments made, to look forward to the next week's
programme, suggesting any possible adjustments.
Dick Allwright gave his view of the design of the seminar so far. He saw the
seminar itself in terms of a curriculum and expressed the hope that the design
had benefitted from the experience gained in previous seminars.
He exemplified his view of the seminar by referring back to the five concepts
of the curriculum expressed in the Eisner and Valiance article (see Appendix
A) and situating the present seminar as follows:
ii. There was some element of "social reconstruction" to the extent that
in some of the KELT projects under discussion education was seen as an
agent of social change.
iii. The seminar was not orientated towards "the development of cognitive
He therefore saw the primary aim of the seminar as "promoting the productive
processes" for the participants, but not without paying due attention to the
content in the form of ideas from outside. As regards performance objectives,
it was up to the participants to evolve their own in the form of a personal
agenda, in which they should be helped. On the theme of 'new ideas from
outside', ie 'encounters with relevant framework', he went on to query
whether the pre-course work had actually helped to make sense of the
subsequent tasks, and was assured that this had been so. In his view the
seminar had provided opportunities
At this point the process diarists for the different groups were invited to
bring up any points arising from the group activities.
The most important discussion which emerged revolved around the following
- 102
'2 I)
Some people felt it was more important to have had experience of the
geographical area rather than the ELT field involved (ie an Arabic background
for a certain task was more important than a teacher training one) as this
would prevent transferring ideas from your own setting to another where they
may not be appropriate.
Some groups said they had very strong views on who did what and weren't sure
whether this was a strength or a weakness. Other groups felt that the fact
that the task was at one remove from them and unreal, meant that it didn't
matter at all who did what - it was all very hypothetical anyway.
There was also varying views on whether the process diarist should feed back
insights gained from previous sessions in order to assist the group process
ie "We got bogged down yesterday, so let's see if we can avoid that today."
Most groups felt that there was no pressure to actually finish the task itself
given the value of what they were doing. For the same reason one group said
that they preferred working all together, rather than splitting up into
subgroups, which they would have done, had they considered the end product to
be more important than the discussion.
The general feeling was that they were very useful as a peg for the group
task discussions, but that it was too soon to evaluate their long-term
usefulness: an incubation period was needed.
The scheduled programme for the second week was felt to be generally
acceptable and all agreed that no changes were necessary. Discussion focussed
on the options day.
It was explained that this had been included since participants in previous
seminars had often felt that no time was left for them to devote to their own
- 103 -12:
personal interests. Participants were then invited to make suggestions for
sessions and the following options were proposed:
The options were organised and run by the participants for the most part.
- 104 -
Six options were proposed, which resulted in a heavy schedule for the day.
Several sessions had to be run concurrently which meant that participants had
to choose between various options. In the event, the day proved so intense
that the final session "Mechanisms for teacher and student involvement in the
implementation of syllabuses" was dropped on general agreement. The following
is a brief report of the issues addressed by the different option groups.
The main part of this session was devoted to a report by two of the
participants on a large scale in-house testing project in Italy: The
Foundation Certificate. This was a low-level achievement test for
students at the 200/250 hour level of English in the Italian Direct
Teaching of English Operations. The report consisted of two parts, the
first an historical account of the development and administration of the
test from the Italian point of view, and the second a description of the
content of the test and associated documents.
The description of the test covered the four papers: Reading, Writing,
Listening and Grammar. The Oral test was also mentioned. In addition to
the skills papers two administrative documents were also described, these
were the Marking Guide and the Invigilator's Notes.
4 "
- 105 -
Student Motivation
There are two main groups of students at this level, those who are
preparing for public examinations and those who are studying for other
reasons. The exam orientated group generally prefer a more traditional
approach to learning, but this was not felt to be a bad thing. Learners
not preparing for exams were felt to be both more flexible and more
demanding. With both these groups the problem of maintaining interest
and enthusiasm was felt to be a challenge (preparing for advanced
examinations is a long business).
All three groups were concerned largely with identifying the constraints
peculiar to the institutions they were considering and then developing
strategies and procedures for overcoming these constraints. A major
issue for all was that of how to enlist the cooperation of the personnel
involved in implementing curricula. Personnel identified included
teachers, teacher trainers and senior staff, and educational inspectors
and administrators.
Discussion focussed on what stages and types of training might be
necessary to ensure both requisite standards in DTEOs and career
development for individual teachers.
-107 -
It is quite possible to leave a seminar such as this one with a hazy, euphoric
feeling that it has all been very good - and then get back to work after the
holidays and carry on as before! What exactly is the value of spending ten
professionally stimulating days focussing on a topic such as "Curriculum and
Syllabus Design in ELT"? To answer this question it is useful for
participants to pause for a while and think back over the issues and events of
the seminar, and then to consider what difference the experience has made to
their own thinking. What will they do differently on their return to work?
Has their understanding of the issues changed in any respect? What message
will they carry back for their colleagues? The answer will, of course, be
different for each participant, but it is well worth reflecting on the
questions because they will help each of us to clarify in our own minds what
we have gained and what we take away with us.
The Issues
Most of these points were dealt with in some way, though not always in the way
implicit in the first day formulation. It was interesting to reflect on the
way in which this seminar contrasted with earlier Dunford Seminars on syllabus
design (1978, 1979) which had concentrated on syllabus content from a
particular viewpoint. There does not seem to be a current orthodoxy - except
perhaps that there is not, and should not be, such a thing; that we need to be
open-minded in ELT and take a wide range of factors into account, not just the
professional or academic. For this reason it had been particularly
interesting to hear from Janet Maw, as an education specialist who professed
no knowledge of ELT, about three main approaches to syllabus design: content,
outcomes and process (see section 3.0).
In the design tasks as well as in the input sessions we looked at three vital
elements in curriculum development: design, implementation and evaluation.
These are sometimes considered, in linear fashion, to be three linked but
separate phases of many projects, each with its appropriate chronological
slot. As the seminar progressed, however, it became more and more clear that
these three elements are in fact inextricably linked. Design, implementation
and evaluation are like the facets of a gemstone: on the surface each element
can be distinguished (and labelled), but when we go beneath the surface of -any
one, we find that we are also partly below the surface of the others, and as
we look deeper still we see that the elements are inseparable,
indistinguishable. When we are considering one, we are considering all
three. And in fact, as with a gem, there are a number of other facets of
educational issues and projects. The view we have of any one of these facets
depends not only on the play of light reflected directly off the surface, but
also on the light which enters through the other surfaces and is refracted
through the stone. When we look at syllabus design issues, we are inevitably
also looking at aspects of implementation and evaluation. We cannot consider
any one in isolation, but must recognise that we are concerned always with all
three to a greater or lesser extent.
1. The needs and wants of the learners, not just as language teaching
fodder, but as individuals with educational and cultural backgrounds,
with hopes and aspirations, with changing requirements which were often
ill defined and so on.
- 109-
reassessments of the aims of the evaluation procedures, of the groups they are
aimed at, and of the best way to get particular messages across to particular
Finally three issues are suggested as being likely to receive attention in the
immediate future.
1. The "common core" syllabus. We found that there were many problems
in reaching agreement in a specific situation on how to identify and
specify the elements in a common core syllabus, and that there were
therefore many further problems in attempting to design and implement any
such thing. Nevertheless there is a considerable interest within the
profession in this concept, and a certain administrative and economic
imperative, which means that the problem has to be faced.
The end of seminar questionnaires (see list of questions below) were handed
out to participants well before the end of the seminar to give them time to
think about the questions and their reactions to the seminar. Most
participants came to the evaluation session on Thursday morning (ie the last
day) with questionnaires already filled in. At the beginning of the session
they were divided into groups and asked to discuss their reactions to the
seminar. The groups later summarised the pcints they had made about the
seminar and presented these in a plenary session at the end of the morning.
After this open discussion, participants were given time to add to or change
their completed questionnaires before these were finally handed in.
1. In what ways do you think that this seminar will prove useful to you
in your work in the next year or two?
2. Which topics or areas covered in the seminar were most relevant and
useful to you? Which were the least relevant? Why?
3. Which of the input sessions provided you with the most/least useful
4. Which activities did you find most/least absorbing and effective? What
in particular do you feel about the Case Study Design Task and Review?
- 110 -
5. How did you feel about the balance of input and information sessions to
group tasks? Would you have liked more/less input, more/fewer group
7. Which of the morning and afternoon speakers were most effective in their
manner of presentation, and why? Which were the least effective and
8. Which of the evening sessions were most informative and enjoyable? Which
were least so? Why?
9. Was the length and intensity of the seminar too light/about right/ too
heavy? Why?
10. Please add any comments you have about other aspects of the seminar.
111 r.
4.1 u
21.3 Participants' evaluation
The questionnaire (see section 21.2) was drawn up with the primary purpose of
soliciting participant's views of what they felt they had got from the
seminar while the experience was still fresh in their minds; a secondary
purpose was to gauge reactions to the design and conduct of the seminar
itself. Comments on the latter are already feeding into the planning and
design of Dunford 85; feedback on the former will provide the detailed base-
line data against which subsequent comparison of participants' views of
Dunford 84 can be made. Here it is possible to make a selection from
participants' comments and especially those relating to what they felt they
had got from the seminar - since this is the area likely to be of most
interest to participants and readers alike.
Perhaps the strongest impression which came through from the answers to the
questionnaire is the variety at least in emphasis of ways and topics which
participants found most useful. This is not simply a reflection of the
differences in the groups represented in the returns (13 ODA, 6 DTE, 5
BC/other). There is as much variation in what eg individual KELTs got out of
Dunford as DTE staff and this is largely a function of the personal agendas
which participants brought to the seminar.
On the content (product and process) of the seminar, participants' views of
what was most relevant to them were clearly influenced by their personal
agendas, but aspects of syllabus design (including the case study design
tasks) and evaluation attracted most comment. On syllabus it was the
aspect of 'implementation' which was most relevant for one participant; for
another the syllabus 'as a negotiated product'; for another 'heightened
awareness of teacher and learner involvement in syllabus planning'; yet
another found the 'inputs from outside ELT' especially valuable. On
evaluation it was its 'integration .... into syllabus' that was most useful
for one participant because as another explained 'it often does get tacked
on to the end of syllabus design'. One KELT felt it was not possible to
single out particular topics because they appeared 'to form a unity .... and
contributed to the whole'.
One other aspect of the seminar where it is perhaps worth reporting the views
of respondents here is their attitude to themselves as participants (vis a vis
each other, the course organisers, lecturers etc) and as groups (KELT, DTE, BC
etc). On the first point, at least one participant was unhappy about what he
described as 'too much self seriousness, jargon chopping, competitive one
upmanship (in the nicest possible ways)' although even he/she saw an
improvement in the second week: 'less tension, glowering, clever-booting'. On
participant interaction a typical view was that 'people mixed well' and that
the seminar was characterised by an 'absence of personality clashes'. The
differences in the backgrounds/situations of participants were generally seen
as an advantage rather than the opposite. As one KELT put it: 'A good mix of
participants: it is useful to know how these matters are approached in DTEOs
(and CBT) as well as in other KELT projects'. Another KELT stressed the
importance of a theme which cut across section 1 interests: 'Success of this
seminar derived from a theme - a design task of genuine interest to both KELT
and DTEO/BC groups: just putting those two groups in juxtaposition won't
itself produce a useful exchange'.
113 -
1 ti
Finally, what of the follow-up? There are clear indications from the replies
that the value of the seminar will extend beyond its immediate impact; that
some areas will be 'immediately useful, the other areas subject to incubation
and synthesis'; that 'several concepts and practical ideas will resurface and
become useful'. How can we find out whether or to what extent this happens?
One way is to send out a follow-up questionnaire, as suggested above. This
idea is echoed in one participant's feeling that 'there should .... be some
further evaluation at a remove in time from the event itself (eg 6 months or
1 year)'. This would at least allow some omissions in the questionnaire
replies to be made good. As one participant earnestly remarked when asked for
additional comments: 'These I will add (really!) from a larger perspective -
say next year!'. When Dunford 84 participants are filling in another set of
questionnaires in the summer of 85 they should bear in mind that the
suggestion of follow-up evaluation came from their own ranks!
- 114
I t.-4 I .1
Society is made up of many varied groups with many varied interests. These
groups see the goals of education from their different standpoints and
the perspective of their different values. It is no wonder then that there
are a great variety of views on what constitutes education, that is on what
the content of the curriculum should be and how it should be organised. The
authors aim in this article to try to make some sense of this diversity by
broadly classifying the various views of education into five general
Theoretical Perspective
2. Curriculum as technology
This orientation again focusses on process, but not on the process of learning
It is based
rather on the process of presenting material in an efficient way.
learning occurs in certain systematic and predictable
on the assumption that
ways, and the learner is seen more or less as a constant. The focus is on the
optimal organization of material to produce learning.
This orientation places the needs of society above those t.f. the individual.
Education is seen as a force in social reform. It emphasizes the need for a
'fit' between the individual and society.
5. Academic rationalism
This orientation is concerned with the transmission of the great ideas and
creations of the learner's culture. Education should equip the learners to
enable them to participate in the Western cultural tradition. There is a
strong feeling that some subject matters are more important than others.
The article concludes with a warning about three curriculum fallacies: those
of formalism, content and universalism. The fallacy of formalism emphasizes
the importance of how learning takes place while playing down the role of
content, that is, what is learned. On the other hand the fallacy of content
does precisely the reverse of this. The fallacy of universalism ignores the
targets of the curriculum: the learners. This fallacy encourages the belief
that there is an ideal curriculum irrespective of the learners it is intended
The article aims only to clarify the issues, not to provide answers or
solutions to them. This summary includes the main points in the article, but
not the arguments for or against them. For those arguments the reader must
consult the original work.
Present post:
4. Whatever you wrote for 3, what in general are the major issues in
curriculum and/or syllabus development?
7. What would you expect to most resent not getting from the Dunford
Seminar? (Sorry for the awkward wording - I hope the logic is clear
Dick Allwright
March 1984
1 '4- C
Q.3 What sort of things, if any, make it difficult for your involvement in
curriculum and/or syllabus development to be as effective as you would
like it to be?
10. The necessary low priority accorded to the development of new syllabuses
and the revision of old courses.
16. In this case the time allowed is short, and the group which will be
working on the new curriculum do not know each other.
- 2 -
Q.4 What in general are the major issues in curriculum and/or syllabus
1. I don't think there are any major issues on the ground. Curriculum
development is a matter of balancing a vast number of factors, many of
which are crucial variables.
5. i. In KUC the need to establish a language syllabus which will have some
performance rather than dependent on interests or enthusiasm of
individuals; ii. in general education system need for more of a LAC
7. The relationship between the syllabus and learning - how far can one be
expected to reflect the other? And the reasons for any mismatch. Making
a syllabus more than an inventory: ie defining in terms of skills what a
student should be able to do as a result of covering the syllabus. The
nature of the testing-syllabus relationship.
15. Achieving a balance between what is possible, what is necessary and what
is expected.
- 2 -
Q.5 In what terms does it make most sense to evaluate curriculum and/or
syllabus programmes.
2. By some form of assessment test - but the form of any such test is likely
to be the subject of a great deal of debate concerning pragmatic factors
and the ideal.
14. "Before the event": how far the curriculum/syllabus appears to correspond
to student needs with the emphasis on, eg particular skills, lexical
fields. "After the event": in terms of student achievement; in terms of
teacher/student satisfaction.
15. In terms of ensuring that topics and materials are part of an overall
integrated design aimed at producing specified linguistic behaviour and
which takes particular notice of student needs and administrative
17. a. How to find out teachers' and students' perceptions of i. what worked
most effectively; ii. what did not work in the existing programmes; b.
how to find out how learners learn 'best' in certain local environments.
18. For the DTEO "evaluation" will be the student vote and the teachers
commitment to the teaching programme; if these clash, if the students
don't perform what we predict, or dislike doing a programmed course, we
have problems: end-of-syllabus achievement will not necessarily reflect
syllabus content.
- 2 -
The Case Study Group, therefore, decided to choose a different task from the
one outlined, rather than try and reinvent the wheel. It would have been
possible to embark on the design of the pedagogical syllabus, but as the
decision had already been taken to base the framework of the pedagogical
syllabus on the overall structure of a selected coursebook, this alternative
was also rejected.
it was felt that the syllabus was sufficiently important for the group
to look at ways of promoting its implementation.
2. The role of the syllabus may not be apparent to the teacher
c. Teachers are busy people and do not have much time to spend
trying to understand a document they may find confusing. So any
form of guidance must be concise, clear and attractively presented.
Fufthermore, a guide booklet could be referred to at any time, as
frequently as necessary and as selectively as necessary, which would
not be the case with such forms of presentation as an induction
course, a lecture or a video presentation (all of which have their
own role). The ideal guide would be an experienced teacher (who has
used the syllabus), but such people's time is also at a premium.
- 2 -
to present the information in the form of questions and answers. The
questions would be those that a new teacher, or a teacher facing a new
syllabus, might ask.
evaluate the
to outline a mechanism(s) by which the teacher can
syllabus and feedback to the course design.
The Product: In the time available the group has not been able to do more
order them in
than list main points for inclusion in the guide and attempt to
These have been reproduced in the
terms of questions and skeletal answers. produced
ideas for format were also
following section. One or two examples of
but are not included here.
- 3
I. 4 r,
Essentially it's a framework to assist you in your teaching, and a plan for
course designers.
This syllabus comes from our need for a coherent overall framework of all our
language teaching from Level 1 to FCE.
It states what language your students should cover, what skills they should
develop and gives some suggested means of how you can enable your students to
be successful learners.
The coursebook will help your learners learn a lot of what is in the syllabus:
we cannot expect one book to contain everything your students need. The
coursebook is written for a general market, but the syllabus has been designed
for you and your students. So, the syllabus is your first priority, NOT the
Well, not exactly. Teaching isn/t just following somebody else's list blindly
the most important element is the learner. As a teacher you should adapt
the syllabus to your particular learners, not attempt to adapt your learners
to the'syllabus.
what they want from the course and whether they are getting it. This involves
much more than eg questionnaire.)
(This section will refer the teacher to the relevant part of the syllabus and
will deal with end-of-course evaluations, placement, progress testing etc.)
(This section will indicate where materials are located and the people to
contact for information on classification and retrieval systems. A pictorial
representation of storage layout would be appropriate.)
Reaction One
1. Practical survey:
Public relation aspect has been addressed even if we didn't like the
i. textbook static
ii. excludes change
iii. external dynamic.
Reaction Two
On the whole we are very sympathetic to the aims of the Cairo B Group, and we
feel there is a need for a guide.
2. We feel that there are possibly two audiences (at least) for the
guide: the new teacher and the experienced new teacher. These two
different audiences might need a different approach to the presentation
of the syllabus. For this reason we are not sure that the question and
answer approach is the right one.
6 - IA
Thanks are due to a number of Guest Speakers for the contents of this
bibliography, in particular Charles Alderson and Janet Maw.
ALLWRIGHT, R L 1982 'Communicative curricula in language teaching.'
prepared for the LSTLL Conference, Bari, Italy. University of Lancaster MS.
BRUMFIT, C 1980 Problems and principles in English teaching.
CALDERHEAD, James 1984 Teachers' classroom decision-making.
Rhinehart, Winston.
in the
CANDLIN, C N 1983 'Applying a systems approach to curriculum innovation
Paper given at the 18th RELC seminar, Singapore. University
public sector.'
of Lancaster MS.
Croom Helm.
COHEN, L & MANION, L 1980 Research methods in education.
methods in
COOK, T D & REICHARDT, C (eds) 1979 Qualitative and quantitative
evaluation research. Sage Publications. Sage research progress.
GOLBY, M et al 1975 Curriculum design. London, Croom Helm & the Open
HARDING, A et al 1980 Graded objectives in modern languages. London, CILT.
HARLEN, Wynne (ed) 1981 Evaluation and the teacher's role. London,
Macmillan Educational Schools Council Research Studies.
HARRIS, A et al 1978 Curriculum innovation. London. Croom Helm & the Open
HORTON, T & RAGGAT, P 1982 Challenge and change in the curriculum. London,
Hodder & Stoughton.
MACINTOSH, H G & HALE, D E 1976 Assessment and the secondary school teacher.
London, Routledge & Kegan Paul.
- 2 -
and cons. Sage
PERLOFF, Robert (ed) 1979 Evaluator intervention: pros
PETERS, R S 1959 Authority, responsibility and education.
scenarios for the
PHILLIPS, M K 1984 Logical possibilities and classroom
special issue. 1985. Oxford,
development of CALL. To appear in ELT does
Englewood Cliffs N J, Prentice
POPHAM, W J 1973 Evaluation instruction.
goals. Englewood
POPHAM, W J & BAKER, E L 1970 Establishing instructional
Cliffs N J, Prentice Hall.
Paper given at the 18th regional
PRABHU, N S 1983 'Procedural syllabuses'.
seminar of the SEAMEO Regional Language Centre, Singapore.
with special reference
REA, Pauline M 1983 'Evaluation of eduational projects
In ELT Docs 116, pp 85-98. Oxford,
to English language instruction'.
London, Routledge & Kegan
REID, W 1978 Thinking about the curriculum.
RICH, Robert F (ed) 1979 Translating evaluation into policy.
SCHULBERG, H C & JERRELL, J M (eds) The evaluator and management.
SHAW, A M 1977 'Foreign language syllabus development: some
Language teaching and linguistics: abstracts, 10, pp 217-233.
SOCKET, H 1980 Accountability in the English education system.
Hodder & Stoughton.
and development.
STENHOUSE, L 1975 An introduction to curriculum research
London, Heinemann.
trends and implications.
TAWNEY, D (ed) 1976 Curriculum evaluation today:
London, Macmillan Educational.
TYLER, R W 1949 Basic principles of curriculum instruction.
University of Chicago Press.
syllabus design'.
WHITE, R 1983 'Curriculum development and English language
In Johnson and Porter (eds).
London, Oxford University Press.
WILKINS, D 1976 Notional syallabuses.
particular reference
WILSON, P & HARRISON I 'Materials design in Africa with
Cameroon' in Brumfit, C (ed). ELT
to the Francophone Primary School Project,
Documents 116. Oxford, Pergamon.
WISEMAN, S & PIDGEON 1970 Curriculum Evaluation.
YALDEN, J 1983 The communicative syllabus: evolution, design
implementation. Oxford, Pergamon.
-3 -152