A Quick Tour of Python
A Quick Tour of Python
A Quick Tour of Python
May 2, 2002
Space Telescope Science Institute
Email: [email protected]
This document serves as a whirlwind overview of the basics of Python. We hope it will give adventurous PyRAF
users a better idea of what is going on in the Python environment.
1 Python is Dynamic 2
5 Control Constructs 7
8 Defining Functions 8
1 Python is Dynamic
Python is dynamically typed. You do not need to declare variables. You may simply assign to them, which creates the
variable. Variables may hold simple types (integers, floats, etc.), functions, and objects among other things.
x = 1
name = "sample string"
name2 = ’another sample string’
name3 = """a multiline
string example"""
y = 3.14
longint = 100000000000L
z = None
Note the last example. Python has a special value called None. It is generally used to represent a null value. Variable
names are case sensitive. Variables can change type, simply by assigning them a new value of a different type.
x = 1
x = "string value"
Typing a variable name by itself at the interactive prompt results in its value or information about it being printed out
(unless you are in PyRAF and type the name of an IRAF task, in which case CL emulation mode is entered and the
task runs with no command-line arguments). Unlike the IRAF CL, no equal-sign (=) is needed to inspect a Python
>>> x = 1
>>> x
>>> x+3
One exception to the rule is that if the value of the expression is None then nothing is printed.
A common error is to expect the same behavior in Python scripts. In a script nothing will be printed for the above
example; if you want a script to print a value, use the print statement. Another common error is to leave off
parentheses for a Python function. For example,
>>> raw_input()
you are simply inspecting the raw input variable, which as the message says is a Python built-in function.
indentation is considered in the same block. For example,
if x > 0:
print "x is greater than 0"
print "but I don’t care"
if y > 0:
print "y is greater than 0"
The first if block consists of two print statements, and the second consists of one. The amount of indentation does not
matter (as long as it increases for nested blocks), but it must be consistent within a block.
The main source of problems with indentation as a blocking scheme is inconsistent mixing of tabs and spaces. Python
treats tabs as 8 spaces. If you use an editor that treats tabs as anything but 8 spaces, and you mix spaces and tabs, you
may see indentations in your editor’s display that appear identical but are different as far as Python is concerned. So
the general rule is: Don’t mix tabs and spaces for indentation. Use one or the other exclusively.
It may take a little time to adjust to the use of indentation for blocking, but if your experience is like ours, you will
soon be wondering why all programming languages don’t work this way. It leads to clear, easy-to-read code and is far
less likely to lead to errors in blocking than approaches that use braces.
3.1 Strings
The simplest and most familiar data structure is a string. String constants can be written with either single or double
quotes. Python has a number of built-in string operations. Strings can be indexed and slices extracted using a simple
subscripting notation. For example,
>>> x = ’test string’
>>> x[2]
>>> x[1:3]
>>> x[-2]
>>> x[2:]
’st string’
>>> x[:2]
These few examples illustrate some unusual features. First, indexing is 0 based. The first element of a N-character
string is number 0, and the last character is number N-1. (This is familiar to C and IDL users but differs from IRAF
and Fortran.)
When a range (or “slice” in Python terminology) is specified, the second number represents an index that is not
included as part of the range. One should view indexing as working like this
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 positive indices
t e s t s t r i n g
-11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 negative indices
The indices effectively mark the gaps between the items in the string or list. Specifying 2:4 means everything between
2 and 4. Python sequences (including strings) can be indexed in reverse order as well. The index -1 represents the last
element, -2 the penultimate element, and so forth. If the first index in a slice is omitted, it defaults to the beginning
of the string; if the last is omitted, it defaults to the end of the string. So s[-4:] contains the last 4 elements of the
string (’ring’ in the above example).
Strings can be concatenated using the addition operator
>>> print "hello" + " world"
’hello world’
There is also a string module (see below for more on modules) in the standard Python library. It provides many
additional operations on strings. In the latest version of Python (2.0), strings also have methods that can be used for
further manipulations. For example s.find(’abc’) returns the (zero-based) index of the first occurence of the
substring ’abc’ in string s (-1 if it is not found.) The string module equivalent is string.find(s,’abc’).
3.2 Lists
One can view lists as generalized, dynamically sized arrays. A list may contain a sequence of any legitimate Python
objects: numbers, strings functions, objects, and even other lists. The objects in a list do not have to be the same type.
A list can be specifically constructed using square brackets and commas:
x = [1,4,9,"first three integer squares"]
Elements of lists can be accessed with subscripts and slices just like strings. E.g.,
>>> x[2]
>>> x[2:]
[9,"first three integer squares"]
(Here # is the Python comment delimiter.) Elements can be deleted and inserted:
>>> del x[3]
>>> x
[1, 4, 9, ’new end of list’]
>>> x.insert(1,’two’)
>>> x
[1, ’two’, 4, 9, ’new end of list’]
The product of a list and a constant is the result of repeatedly concatenating the list to itself:
>>> 2*x[0:3]
[1, ’two’, 4, 1, ’two’, 4]
There are a number of other operations possible including sorting and reversing:
>>> x = [5, 3, 1, 2, 4, 6]
>>> x.sort()
>>> print x
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
>>> x.reverse()
>>> print x
[6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
A list can have any number of elements, including zero: [] represents the empty list.
3.3 Mutability
Python data structures are either mutable (changeable) or not. Strings are not mutable – once created they cannot
be modified in situ (though it is easy to create new, modified versions). Lists are mutable, which means lists can be
changed after being created; a particular element of a list may be modified. Either single elements or slices of lists can
be modified by assignment:
>>> x
[1,4,9,’new end of list’]
>>> x[2] = 16
>>> x
[1,4,16,’new end of list’]
>>> x[2:3] = [9,16,25]
[1,4,9,16,25,’new end of list’]
3.4 Tuples
Tuples are essentially immutable lists. There is a different notation used to construct tuples (parentheses instead of
brackets), but otherwise the same operations apply to them as to lists as long as the operation does not change the
tuple. (For example, sort, reverse and del cannot be used.)
x = (1,"string")
x = () # empty tuple
x = (2,) # one element tuple requires a trailing comma (which is legal
# for any length tuple also) to distinguish them from expressions
3.5 Dictionaries
Dictionaries are hash tables that allow elements to be retrieved by a key. The key can be any Python immutable type
such as an integer, string, or tuple. An example would be:
3.3 Mutability 5
>>> employee_id = "ricky":11,"fred":12,"ethel":15
>>> print employee_id["fred"]
Note that braces are used to enclose dictionary definitions. New items are easily added:
>>> employee_id["lucy"] = 16
The order of the keys is random, but you can sort the list if you like. You can delete entries:
>>> del employee_id[’fred’]
>>> print employee_id.keys()
[’ricky’, ’lucy’, ’ethel’]
It is a rare Python program that doesn’t use these basic data structures (strings, lists, and dictionaries) routinely and
heavily. They can be mixed and matched in any way you wish. Dictionaries can contain lists, tuples, and other
dictionaries (and different entries can contain different types of objects), and the same is true of lists and tuples.
• None is false.
• Numeric types:
– Nonzero values are true.
– Zero values (0, 0L, 0.0, complex 0+0j) are false.
• Strings, lists, tuples, dictionaries:
– Empty values are false, so "", [], (), and {} are all false.
– Non-empty values are true (even if filled with zeros or None’s, for example, [None] is true. "" is false,
but the string "false" is true).
• Other objects:
– All other objects are considered true (unless the programmer has done some fancy stuff to make them test
as false). For example, after fh = open(’filename’), the filehandle fh is true (even if the file is
closed with fh.close()).
One cannot (mistakenly or deliberately) put an assignment statement inside a conditional as one can in C. For example
the following is not legal Python:
if x = 0:
print "did I really mean to write a never used print statement?"
5 Control Constructs
Python has if, for, and while control statements. The for statement is different than that in most other languages; it is
more like the foreach loop in csh. It takes the following form:
for item in itemlist:
print item
The loop body is executed with a new value for the variable item for each iteration. The values are taken from a
sequence-like object (such as a string, list, or tuple ... but other possibilities exist), and item is set to each of the
values in the sequence.
Note the colon after the statement – all statements that control the execution of a following block of statements
(including for, if, while, etc.) end with a colon.
To get the common loop over consecutive integers, use the built-in range function:
for i in range(100): print i
range(100) constructs a list of values from 0 to 99 (yes, 99!) and the for loop repeats 100 times with values of
i starting at 0 and ending at 99. The argument to range is the number of elements in the returned list, not the
maximum value. There are additional arguments to range if you want a loop that starts at a value other than zero or
that increments by a value other than 1.
If you are testing a module you have written and have changed it, importing the revised module a second time, even
from within a completely different program, has no effect (Python notices that it has already been imported and doesn’t
bother to read and execute it again). To reload a module that was already imported, type:
>>> reload(mmm)
where mmm (with no quotation marks) is the name of your Python module that you wish to reload.
You can import using an alternate form:
>>> from string import *
>>> print capitalize(s)
Note that with this form of import, you do not prepend the module name to the function name, which makes using the
capitalize function a bit more convenient. But this approach does have drawbacks. All the string module names
appear in the user namespace. Importing many modules this way greatly increases the possibility of name collisions.
If you import a module you are developing and want to reload an edited version, importing this way makes it very
difficult to reload (it’s possible, but usually too tedious to be worthwhile). So, when debugging Python modules or
scripts interactively, don’t use from mmm import *!
A better way to use the from ... import ... form of the import statement is to specify explicitly which
names you want to import:
>>> from string import capitalize
>>> print capitalize(s)
This avoids cluttering your namespace with functions and variables that you do not use. Namespaces in general are
a large and important topic in Python but are mainly beyond the scope of this quick overview. They are ubiquitous –
there are namespaces associated with functions, modules, and class instances, and each such object has a local and a
global namespace.
8 Defining Functions
Defining functions is easy:
8 8 Defining Functions
def factorial(n):
"""a simple factorial function with no overflow protection"""
if n:
return n*factorial(n-1)
return 1
Note that, like other code blocks, indentation is used to decide what belongs in the function body. Also note that
Python allows recursive functions.
The string at the beginning of the function is called a “doc string” and contains documentation information on the
function. It is available as the doc attribute of the function, so print factorial. doc will print the
string for the example function. The doc string can have multiple lines and is by convention enclosed in triple quotes
(which allow strings that extend across lines) even when it contains only a single line, as in the sample.
Python provides a great deal of flexibility in handling function arguments. Check books or references to see how to
handle default values, keyword arguments and a variable number of arguments.
• PDF Slides
• PDF Slides (b&w)
Python’s object system provides great flexibility and allows operator overloading, special syntax enhancement (for
example, making subscripting behave in a special way for a new class), introspection features (allowing run-time
examination of objects to determine their characteristics), and all sorts of other goodies. But explaining these really
does require a book.
Python also has many modules (libraries if you will) available to do string manipulation, regular expression matching,
operating system access, etc. See the Python library reference and books listed below for documentation of the standard
library. One interesting module is Numeric, which adds a numeric array data type to the language and allows easy
array computations. We are not currently using many of Numeric’s capabilities but intend to make it a focus of much
of our future enhancements of PyRAF. In fact, we are in the process of rewriting the Numeric module (as numarray) to
make it more flexible and maintainable. We are also developing a Python FITS module, pyfits, that provides powerful
but intuitive access to FITS files.
10.1 Books
At the beginning of 1999 there was little to choose from in the way of Python books. There were really only two
English language books and neither was an ideal introduction to the language. Two years later the situation is quite
different. Numerous books have been published and more are on the way. We will only mention some of the available
books here. Those wishing to see the whole list should visit the Python web site “bookstore”.
Currently we feel that the following two books are the best introductions to Python:
• Quick Python by Harms and McDonald. Published by Manning (ISBN: 1-8847-7774-0).
Do not confuse Learning Python with Programming in Python by Lutz (also an O’Reilly book) which is older and
much longer. In our view, the older book is poorly organized and not very convenient to use.
The standard Python documentation may also be purchased as bound books (but is available for free online in html,
postscript or pdf form). Check the PSA bookstore link provided above to see how to order the hardcopy versions.
People may find the following books useful:
• Python Essential Reference by Beazley. Published by New Riders (ISBN: 0-7357-0901-7). Condenses the
standard documentation into a compact book. Very nice reference book.
• (the eff-bot guide to) The Standard Python Library by Lundh. (On-line only, see above PSA bookstore link to
find how to obtain it.) Provides many short examples of how to use the standard library, but is not an alternate
reference to the standard library.
• Python Pocket Reference by Lutz. Published by O’Reilly (ISBN: 1-5659-2500-9). A very compact, inexpensive
book that serves as a basic reference for Python (and does fit in your pocket). Not nearly as complete as Python
Essential Reference, however.
The Standard Python Distribution is generally documented quite well. The documentation may be obtained from
www.python.org/doc/ in various formats. Available are the following:
Document Comment
Tutorial Introduction to Python
Library Reference Essential reference
Language Reference Should not be needed by most
Extending and Embedding For those interested in accessing C or C++ code from Python, or Python from C or C++.
Python/C API More information on the Python/C interface.
There are also a number of Topic guides and How-to’s available. Those making extensive use of regular expressions
may find Mastering Regular Expressions by Friedl (O’Reilly, ISBN: 1-5659-2257-3) useful, though its references to
Python regular expressions are now obsolete (Python regular expressions now behave much more like those of Perl).
Tkinter is currently the most widely used GUI toolkit library available for Python, and there is now a good book that
describes how to use it: Python and Tkinter Programming by Grayson, published by Manning (ISBN: 1-8847-7781-3).
There is also on-line documentation by Fredrik Lundh available, though it is not as complete as the book. Most will
also benefit from Tk documentation or books (particularly Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk by Welch).
wxPython is another cross-platform GUI library that is gaining momentum. Although a book is in the works, it will
not be available until next year. See the wxPython web site for details.
Numeric, the module that provides arrays for efficient numerical programming, is not part of the standard distribution,
but we expect to use it heavily in the future. PyRAF already makes use of Numeric for some array conversion
functions. The current documentation for Numeric may be found at http://numpy.sourceforge.net. Our rewrite of
Numeric, numarray, is available at http://stsdas.stsci.edu/numarray, and our Python FITS module pyfits is available at