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Concept, Nature and Significance of Business Environment

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Concept, Nature and Significance of Business Environment

Business organisation has to interact and transact with its environment. Hence, both the business
and environment are totally interrelated and mutually interdependent. Business environment
refers to those aspects of the surroundings business enterprise, which affect or influence its
operations and determine its effectiveness.
According to Keith Davis, “Business environment is the aggregate of all conditions, events and
influence that surrounds and affect it”.
According to Andrews, “The environment of a company as the pattern of all external influences
that affect its life and development”.

The business environment is always changing and is uncertain. It is because of dynamism of

environment. As it is already said that the business environment is the sum of all the factors
outside the control of management of a company, the factor, which are constantly changing, and
they carry with them both opportunities and risks or uncertainties which can, make or mark the
future of business.
Business environment encompasses all those factors that affect a company’s operations and
includes customers, competitors, stakeholders, suppliers, industry trends, regulations other
government activities, social and economic factors and technological developments. Thus,
business environment refers to the external environment and includes all factors outside the firm,
which lead to opportunities and threats of a firm.
Nature of Business Environment
The nature of business environment is as follows:
1. Complex: Business environment is compound in nature. Environment consists of a number of
factors, events, conditions and influences arising from different sources which impact business
thus making the business complex.
2. Interdependence: The environment of the business is made of social, economic, legal,
cultural, technological, and political factors. These factors of the environment are inter-
dependable. The economic status of a country affects the development of technology. A rich
country can make sufficient expenditure on the research and development.
3. Dynamic: Business environment is constantly changing process. Business environment is
dynamic as it keeps on changing in terms of technological improvement, shifts in consumer
preferences or entry of new competition in the market. The various forces in the environment
keep on changing from time to time thus making business dynamic and not static.
4. Inter-relatedness: The different factors of business environment are co-related. For example,
let us suppose that there is a change in the import-export policy with the coming of a new
government. In this case, the coming of new government to power and change in the import-
export policy are political and economic changes respectively. Thus, a change in one factor
affects the other factor.
5.Impact: Business environment has both long term and short term impact. Environment
therefore has different effects on different firms in the same industry, for example, drugs.
6.Uncertainty: Business environment is largely uncertain as it is very difficult to predict future
happenings, especially when environment changes are taking place too frequently as in the case
of information technology or fashion industries.
7. Relativity: It is a relative concept since it differs from country to country and region to region.
Political conditions in the USA, for example differ from those in China or Pakistan. Similarly,
demand for sarees may be fairly high in India whereas it may be almost non-existent in France.

Significance of Business Environment

Some of the direct benefits of understanding the business environment are given below:
1. Customer Focus: Environmental understanding makes the management sensitive to the
changing needs and expectations of consumers. For example: Hindustan Lever and several other
FMCG companies launched small sachets of shampoo and other products realising the wishes of
customers. This move helped the firms to increase sales.
2. Strategy Formulation: Environmental monitoring provides relevant information about the
business environment. Such information serves as the basis for strategy making. For example:
ITC realised that there is a vast scope for growth in the travel and tourism industry in India and
the government is keen to promote this industry because of its employment potential. With the
help of this knowledge ITC planned new hotels both in India and abroad.
3. Public Image: A business firm can improve its image by showing that it is sensitive to its
environment and responsive to the aspirations of public. Leading firms like Reliance Industries,
ICICI Bank and others have others have built good image by being sensitive and responsive to
environmental forces. Environmental understanding enables business to be responsive to their
4. Continuous learning: Environmental analysis serves as broad based and ongoing education
for business executives. It keeps them in touch with the changing scenario so that they are never
are caught unaware. With the help of environmental learning managers can react in an
appropriate manner and thereby increase the success of their organisations.
5. Giving Direction for Growth: The interaction with the environment leads opening up new
frontiers of growth for the business firms. It enables the business to identify the areas for growth
and expansion of their activities.
6. Change Agent: Business leaders act as agents of change. They create a drive for change at the
grass root level. In order to decide the direction and nature of change, the leaders needs to
understand the aspirations of people and other environmental forces through environmental
scanning. For example: contemporary environment requires prompt decision-making and power
to people. Therefore, business leaders are increasingly delegating authority to empower their
staff and to eliminate procedural delays.

Micro and Macro level Environment

Every business is affected by a myriad of factors. In other words, an organization as such can
never exist and operate “in a vacuum”. It is a part of a larger entity known as the business
environment. In broad terms, this environment can be divided into two categories. The first one
is the micro-environment. This category influences the functionality of a particular business
itself. The latter one is the macro-environment which affects the operation of all existing
business entities out there.
The two categories may be different, but both are essential to understand in order to truly see
your business in its full context. You have to be knowledgeable about the business environment
in order to be able to track and comprehend how various factors affect your company.

What is the micro-environment?

The micro-environment is basically the environment that has a direct impact on your business. It
is related to the particular area where your company operates and can directly affect all of your
business processes. In other words, it consists of all the factors that affect particularly your
business. They have the ability to influence your daily proceedings and general performance of
the company. Still, the effect that they have is not a long-lasting one.

The micro-environment includes customers, suppliers, resellers, competitors, and the general

What is the macro-environment?

The macro-environment is more general - it is the environment in the economy itself. It has an
effect on how all business groups operate, perform, make decisions, and form
strategies simultaneously. It is quite dynamic, which means that a business has to constantly
track its changes. It consists of external factors that the company itself doesn’t control but is
certainly affected by.

The factors that make up the macro-environment are economic factors, demographic forces,
technological factors, natural and physical forces, political and legal forces, and social and
cultural forces.

Micro-environment factors:


The kind of customer base that your company attracts, as well as the reasoning behind
purchasing your product, are going to highly affect the way you create marketing campaigns.
Your customers can be B2C, B2B, international, local, and so on.

Important factors related to customers are:

▪ Stability of demand
▪ Prospects of sale growth
▪ Relative profitability
▪ Intensity of competition

If a supplier of a particular product is the largest, or even the only one, they are certainly going to
have a big influence on how successful your business is.
The suppliers are extremely important factors as:

▪ Key link in the value delivery process

▪ Insurance that your business has the necessary resources
▪ Essential determinants in terms of price increase or decrease

If you decide to sell your product via a third party reseller, or middlemen such as wholesalers
and retailers, then the success of your marketing is going to be highly dependent on them. If let’s
say, a certain retail seller has a strong reputation, it will pass on to your product.

As a link between you and the customer, they are important in terms of these factors:

▪ Promotion
▪ Sale
▪ Distribution
▪ Marketing
▪ Financial mediation

Logically, every business that sells the same or a similar kind of product as you do is your
competition on the market. So, their sale and marketing tactics matter to you a lot. You need to
answer various questions, such as how their product and its price affects yours and how you can
make use of that in order to gain an edge over them.

The three factors that matter in this case are:

▪ Desire competition
▪ Product form competition
▪ Brand competition

The general public

Of course, every business organization has in its best interest to appease to the general public.
Every step that you take needs to be viewed from their perspective as well. It is extremely
important how your actions affect others because their opinion can be the one thing that either
pushes you towards success or pulls you down from the pedestal.

So, the general public is very important in terms of:

▪ Public opinion
▪ Media
▪ Environmental pollution
Macro-environment factors

Economic factors
Basically, the very environment of the economy can have an effect on two essential aspects –
your company’s levels of production and the decision-making process of your customers.

Some examples of economic factors affecting business:

▪ Interest rates
▪ Exchange rates
▪ Recession
▪ Inflation
▪ Taxes
▪ Demand / Supply

Demographic forces
Each and every chunk of the market is affected by universal demographic forces. These are age,
education level, cultural characteristics, country and region, lifestyle, and so on.

The crucial variables include:

▪ How income variables influence business

▪ Age variables that affect business
▪ Geographic Region Variables
▪ Education Level as a Variable

Technological factors
These factors are related to skills and ability that are implemented into production, as well as all
the materials and technology that a particular product requires to be made. They are essential and
can have a big impact on how well your business is running. It boils down to even the most basic
factors, such as what kind of maintenance trolleys you use in order to preserve your tools and
equipment for as long as you possibly can.

Some of the most common technological factors are:

▪ Automation
▪ Internet connectivity
▪ 3D technology
▪ Speed/power of computer calculation
▪ Engine performance and efficiency
▪ Security in terms of cryptography
▪ Wireless charging

Natural and physical forces

Every business must also take into account the very planet and its resources. There are those that
can be renewed, such as forests and agricultural products, and those that cannot, such as coal,
minerals, oil, and the like. Both are strongly related to production. So, natural and physical
forces can be:

▪ Climate change
▪ Pollution
▪ Weather
▪ Availability of both non-renewable and renewable resources
▪ Laws that regulate the environment
▪ Survival of particular biological species

Political and legal forces

The market develops according to the political and legal environment in various areas. This
means that every business needs to be up to date with such forces worldwide in order to be able
to make the right decisions.

This generally includes legal factors such as:

▪ Copyright law
▪ Employment law
▪ Fraud law
▪ Discrimination law
▪ Health and Safety law
▪ Import/Export law

Social and cultural forces

Finally, it is crucial to understand that the product that you bring to the market can have a strong
impact on society. For example, your production needs to eliminate every practice that is
hazardous to society, and show that it is socially responsible. There is a wide variety of social
and cultural factors, some of them being:

▪ Purchasing habits
▪ Level of education
▪ Religion and beliefs
▪ Consciousness about health issues
▪ Social classes
▪ Structure and size of a family
▪ Growth rate of the population
▪ Emigration and immigration rates
▪ Life expectancy rates and age distribution
▪ Different lifestyles

➢ Both micro and macro factors have a strong influence on how successful your business is.
Every decision that you make needs to take these two environments into consideration.
Your marketing strategies have to be based on them as well, if you truly want them to be
lucrative, and retain a reputable position on the market.
Technique of Environmental Analysis

1. Environmental Threat and Opportunity Profile Analysis (ETOP)

ETOP is considered as a useful device that facilitates an assessment of information related to the
environment and also in determining the relative significance of external environment threats and
opportunities to systematically evaluate environmental scanning. By dividing the environment
into different sections, the ETOP analysis helps in analyzing its impact on the organization. The
analysis is based on threats and opportunities in the environment.

2. Quick Environmental Scanning Technique Analysis (QUEST)

QUEST is an environmental scanning technique that is designed to assist with organizational
strategies by keeping adheres to change and its implications. Different steps involved in this
technique are as follows:

▪ The process of environmental scanning starts with the observation of the organization’s
events and trends by strategists.
▪ After observation, important issues that may impact the organization are considered using
environment appraisal.
▪ A report is created by making a summary of these issues and their impact.
▪ In the final step, planners who are responsible for deciding the feasibility of the proposed
strategy, review reports.

3. SWOT Analysis
SWOT analysis stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats analysis of a business
environment. Strengths and weaknesses are an organization’s internal factor while threats and
opportunities are considered as external factors. So, the process of SWOT analysis includes the
systematic analysis of these factors to determine an effective marketing strategy. It is a tool that
is used by the organization for auditing purposes to find its different key problems and issues.
These are identified through internal and external environmental analysis.

Internal environment analysis/ scanning

Different factors are considered while analyzing the internal environment of an organization like
the structure of the organization, physical location, the operational capacity and efficiency of the
organization, market share, financial resources, skills and expertise of employees, etc.

Strengths: The strength of any organization is related to its core competencies i.e. efficient
resources or technology or skills or advantages over its competitors. For example, the marketing
expertise of a firm can be its strength. Apart from this, an organization’s strength can be:
▪ Strong customer relations
▪ Market leader in its product or services
▪ Sound market image and reputation
▪ Smooth cash-flows
Weaknesses: A weakness or limitation of an organization is related to the scarcity of its
resources or skill-set of staff or capabilities that creates an adverse effect on its performance. For
example, limited cash-flow and high cost are considered as a financial weakness of the
organization. Similarly, other weaknesses can be:
▪ Poor product quality
▪ Low productivity
▪ Unrecognized brand name or poor brand image

External environment analysis/scanning

Different factors that are considered while scanning the external environment of the organization
like Competitors, customers, suppliers, technology, social and economic factors, political and
legal issues, market trends, etc.
Opportunities: An opportunity of the organization’s environment is considered as its most
favorable situation. These are the circumstances that are external to the business and can become
an advantage to the organization. For example, different opportunities for a firm can be:
▪ Social media marketing
▪ Mergers & acquisitions
▪ Tapping new markets
▪ Expansion in International market
▪ New product development
Threats: Threats of an organization are current or future unfavorable situations that may occur
in its external environment. For example, below are a few major threats for a firm:
▪ A new competitor in the market
▪ The slow growth of the market
▪ Changing customer preferences
▪ Increase in the bargaining power of consumers
▪ Change in regulations or major technical changes

4. PEST Analysis
PEST technique for a firm’s environmental scanning includes analysis of political, economic,
social, and technical factors of the environment.

a) Political/ Legal factors: Different factors like changes in tax policy, availability of raw
material, etc. creates a direct effect on a business. So organizations are required to constantly
monitor tax-related policy changes as an increase in tax may increase the heavy financial burden
on them. Similarly, different laws like “Consumer protection act” also play an important role in
an organization’s operation activities as it is important to abide by the act.
More examples can be foreign trade policy, political changes, regulations in competition, trade
restrictions, etc. also considered as different political/ legal factors that exist in the external
business environment.
b) Economic factors: Different economical Factors like the unemployment rate, inflation, cost
of labor, economic trends, disposable income of consumers, monetary policies, etc. play an
important role in environmental scanning.
For example, in the case of high unemployment, a company may decrease the prices of its
products or services and in opposite situation i.e. when the unemployment rate is low then prices
can be high. This happens because if more customers are unemployed then by lowering the
prices, an organization can attract them.
c) Social / Cultural factors: Attitude, trends, and behavioral aspects of society also create an
impact on the functioning of the organization. Studying and understanding the lifestyle of
consumers is very much required to target the right audience and to offer the right product or
services based on their preferences.
For example, Issues and policies related to the environment like pollution control are also being
considered by organizations to ensure that it operates in an environment-friendly atmosphere.
Taking care of the cultural aspect of different countries while doing business at the international
level, is also an important factor.
d) Technological Factors: Technological factors affect the way firms produce products and
services as well as market them. Like, “processes based on new technologies” is one of the
important factors of a technological environment. To maximize profits, production should be
handled most cost-effectively and this, technology has an important contribution.
For example, an increase in computer and internet-based technology is playing a major role in
the way organizations are distributing and marketing their products and services. Also, different
advancements in technologies like automation of the manual process and use of machinery based
on more advanced and latest technologies, more investment in research & development by
organizations have increased their efficiency by increasing production in less time, cost-
reduction and better investment in the long run.

Social Responsibility of Business

Social responsibility of business implies the obligations of the management of a business
enterprise to protect the interests of the society.

According to the concept of social responsibility the objective of managers for taking business
decisions is not merely to maximize profits or shareholders’ value but also to serve and protect
the interests of other members of a society such as workers, consumers and the community as a
Though all stakeholders including the society in general are affected by the business activities of
a corporate enterprise, managers may not acknowledge responsibility to them. Social
responsibility of business implies that corporate managers must promote the interests of all
stakeholders not merely of shareholders who happen to be the so called owners of the business

1. Responsibility to Shareholders:
In the context of good corporate governance, a corporate enterprise must recognise the rights of
shareholders and protect their interests. It should respect shareholders’ right to information and
respect their right to submit proposals to vote and to ask questions at the annual general body
The corporate enterprise should observe the best code of conduct in its dealings with the
shareholders. However, the corporate Board and management try to increase profits or
shareholders’ value but in pursuing this objective, they should protect the interests of employees,
consumers and other stakeholders. Its special responsibility is that in its efforts to increase profits
or shareholders’ value it should not pollute the environment.

2. Responsibility to Employees:
The success of a business enterprise depends to a large extent on the morale of its employees.
Employees make valuable contribution to the activities of a business organisation. The corporate
enterprise should have good and fair employment practices and industrial relations to enhance its
productivity. It must recognise the rights of workers or employees to freedom of association and
free collective bargaining. Besides, it should not discriminate between various employees.

The most important responsibility of a corporate enterprise towards employees is the payment of
fair wages to them and provide healthy and good working conditions. The business enterprises
should recognise the need for providing essential labour welfare activities to their employees,
especially they should take care of women workers. Besides, the enterprises should make
arrangements for proper training and education of the workers to enhance their skills.

However, it may be noted that very few companies in India follow many of the above good
practices. While the captains of Indian industries generally complain about low productivity of
their employees, little has been done to address their problems. Ajith Nivard Cabraal rightly
writes, “It should perhaps be realised that corporations can only be as effective and efficient as
its employees and therefore steps should be taken to implement such reforms in a pro-active
manner, rather than merely attempting to comply with many labour laws that prevail in the
country. This is probably one area where good governance practices could make a significant
impact on the country’s business environment.”

3. Responsibility to Consumers:
Some economists think that consumer is a king who directs the business enterprises to produce
goods and services to satisfy his wants. However, in the modern times this may not be strictly
true but the companies must acknowledge their responsibilities to protect their interests in
undertaking their productive activities.

Invoking the notion of social contract, the management expert Peter Drucker observes, “The
customer is the foundation of a business and keeps it in existence. He alone gives employment.
To meet the wants and needs of a consumer, the society entrusts wealth-producing resources to
the business enterprise”. In view of above, the business enterprises should recognise the rights of
consumers and understand their needs and wants and produce goods or services accordingly.

The following responsibilities of business enterprises to consumers are worth mentioning:

1. They should supply goods or services to the consumers at reasonable prices and do not try to
exploit them by forming cartels. This is more relevant in case of business enterprises producing
essential goods such as life-saving drugs, vegetable oil and essential’ services such as electricity
supply and telephone services.

2. They should not supply to the consumers’ shoddy and unsafe products which may do harm to

3. They should provide the consumers the required after-sales services.

4. They should not misinform the consumers through inappropriate and misleading advertise-
5. They should make arrangements for proper distribution system of their products so as to
ensure that black-marketing and profiteering by traders do not occur.

6. They should acknowledge the rights of consumers to be heard and take necessary measures to
redress their genuine grievances.

Despite the above responsibilities which are generally regarded as good marketing practices by
management experts the business enterprises in India generally do not pay heed to them and as a
result consumers are dissatisfied or disappointed in a large number of cases. There has been a
growing awareness of consumer rights.

The organised movement to protect consumer rights which is termed as consumerism has been
the result of the negligence of business enterprises to their responsibilities to consumers. Besides,
due to the indifferent attitude of business enterprises to consumer rights, Government has been
compelled to enact Consumer Protection Act to protect consumers’ rights and to prevent their
exploitation by the businesses.

4. Obligation towards the Environment:

The foremost responsibility of business enterprises is to ensure that they should not damage the
environment and for this purpose they should reduce as much as possible air and water pollution
by their productive activities. They should not dump their toxic waste products in rivers and
streams to avoid their pollution. Pollution of environment poses a great health hazard for the
people and is a cause of several respiratory and skin diseases.

In economic theory pollution of environment is regarded as social cost that must be minimised.
There is now a growing awareness towards reduction in environment pollution. According to the
recent findings the climate change is occurring due to greater emission of carbon dioxide and
other pollutants.

Therefore, the corporate enterprises should adopt high standards of environmental protection and
ensure that they are implemented regardless of enforcement of any environment laws passed by
the government. Many countries including India have passed laws to protect the environment but
they are not properly and strictly enforced.

Business enterprises in their attempt to maximise profits recklessly and negligently pollute the
environment. Therefore, it is required that government should take tough measures and enforce
environment laws strictly if environment is to be protected.
5. Responsibility to Society in General:
Business enterprises function by public consent with the basic objective of producing goods and
services to meet the needs of the society and provide employment to the people. The traditional
view is that in performing this function businesses maximise profits or shareholders’ value and
doing so they do not behave in any socially irresponsible way.

According to Adam Smith whose invisible hand theorem is often quoted that while maximising
their profits, businessmen are led by an invisible hand to promote the interests of the society. To
quote him, “An individual or business generally, indeed neither intends to promote the public
interest, nor knows how much he is promoting it…. He intends only his own gains, and he is in
this, as in many other cases, led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his
intention,…… By pursuing his own interest he frequently promotes that of the society more
effectively than when he really intends to promote it”.

In the present world where there are monopolies, oligopolies in product and factor markets and
also there are externalities, especially detrimental externalities such as environment pollution by
the activities of business enterprises maximisation of private profits does not always lead to the
maximisation of social benefit.

In fact in such imperfect market conditions, consumers are exploited by raising of prices much
above the cost of production, workers are exploited as they are not paid fair wages equal to the
value of their marginal product. Besides, there are harmful external effects to which are not
given due considerations by private enterprises in making their business decisions. Therefore,
there is urgent need to make business enterprises behave in a socially responsible manner and to
work for promoting social interests.

In view of the above in the context of modern developments, it is hard to agree with Milton
Friedman, a winner of Nobel Prize in economics, who called the idea of corporate social
responsibility as a “fundamentally subversive doctrine”. Friedman writes, “There is one and only
one social responsibility of business – to use its resources and engage in activities designed to
increase its profits so long as it stays within the rules of the game, which is to say, engages in
open and free competition without deception or fraud”.

However, few economists and rational thinkers will subscribe to Friedman’s views like that of
Adam Smith. Thus, authors of a noted textbook on management write, “It is true that Friedman
sets a rather high standard when he suggests that businesses should operate within the ‘rules of
the game’, practicing neither deception nor fraud. The rules of the game obviously include
accepted ethical practices, in addition to international, national and other laws. How many
corporations are willing to tell the absolute truth in the advertisements and to engage in open and
fair competition avoiding collusion, price fixing and so forth. The fact is that few subscribe to
Friedman s hard-line views today”.

Expressing the same sentiments, Dr. Manmohan Singh, who has been instrumental in initiating
economic reforms promoting liberalisation and privatization, in his recent speech while
inaugurating the campus of Institute for Studies in Industrial Development on May 1, 2007 said,
“I was struck by a comment in the media that most of the billionaires among India’s top business
leaders operate in oligopolistic markets and in sectors where the government has conferred
special privileges on a few. This sounds like a crony capitalism……. Are we doing enough to
protect consumers and small businesses from the consequences of modern capitalism in our
country” Later, on May 24, 2007, while giving inaugural address at the Annual Session of CII he
urged the captains of Indian industry to break cartels and abstain from greed in their quest for
profit maximisation.

To quote him, “The operation of cartels by groups of companies to keep prices high must end. It
is unacceptable to obstruct the forces of competition from having free play. It is even more
distressing in a country where the poor are severely affected by rising commodity prices. Cartels
are a crime and go against the grain of an open economy”. More importantly, he further adds,
“Maximisation of profits should be within the bounds of decency and greed”.

The above views of Dr. Manmohan singh show that corporate businesses in India do not show
any sense of social responsibility and due to oligopolies, informal collusion and other
malpractices fleece the customers by charging higher prices in order to maximise their profits.
This is clearly refutation of Friedman’s view that profit maximisation always implies social
responsibility of business.

Business enterprises have a lot of responsibility to the society at large.

We mention below some of them:

1. To take appropriate measures to reduce level of pollution and adopt eco-friendly technologies.

2. To generate sufficient employment opportunities so as to make good contribution to the

reduction of poverty in the country.
3. Respect the rights of workers and other employees and take appropriate measures to ensure
their safety and to improve their working conditions.

4. To provide quality healthcare to their employees.

5. To invest adequately in the research and development so as to make innovations to improve

their productivity.

Dr. Manmohan Singh in the speeches referred to above adds the following social
responsibilities of the corporate enterprises in India:
6. Do not pay excessive remuneration to promoters and senior executives as it creates social

7. To end cartels that keep prices highly

8. To implement affirmative action and to provide jobs to SCs, STs and OBCs. Besides, Dr.
Manmohan Singh wants the private corporate sector to give preference to minorities, especially
Muslims in providing employment.

9. To resist to pay bribes to officials and therefore do not promote corruption. He thus says,
“Corruption need not be the grease that oils wheels of progress. There are many successful
companies today that have refused to yield to this temptation. Others must follow”.


1. Ashwathappa, K., ―Business Environment for Strategic Management‖, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Adhikari, M., ―Economic Environment of Business‖, Excel Book.
3. Cherunilam, Francis. ―Business Environment‖, Himalaya Publishing House.
4. Dutta & Sundaram, ―Indian Economy‖, S.Chand.
5. http://bemdu.blogspot.com/2014/11/what-is-concept-of-business-environment.html
6. https://www.mageplaza.com/blog/micro-and-macro-factors-affect-your-business.html
7. https://studiousguy.com/techniques-of-environmental-scanning/
8. https://www.economicsdiscussion.net/business/social-responsibility/social-responsibility-of-

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