AFAR 2 Syllabus
AFAR 2 Syllabus
AFAR 2 Syllabus
VISION Tarlac State University is envisioned to be a premier university in Asia and the Pacific.
Tarlac State University commits to promote and sustain the offering of quality and programs in higher and advanced education
ensuring equitable access to education for people empowerment, professional development, and global competitiveness.
Towards this end, TSU shall:
1. Provide high quality instruction trough qualified, competent and adequately trained faculty members and support
MISSION staff.
2. Be a premier research institution by enhancing research undertakings in the fields of technology and sciences and
strengthening collaboration with local and international institutions.
3. Be a champion in community development by strengthening partnership with public and private organizations and
E - xcellence
Q - uality
U - nity
CORE VALUES I - ntegrity
T - rust in God, Transparency & True Commitment
Y - earning for Global Competitiveness
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OBTL Plan AFAR 2: Accounting for Special Transaction
Program Goals
To produce competent and ethical professional accountants, with an attitude of “learning to learn,” capable of adapting to change, and providing relevant contributions to the profession
and society in which they work.
Program Outcomes
GRADUATE should be able to:
1. Resolve business issues and problems with a global and strategic perspective using knowledge and technical proficiency in the areas of financial accounting and reporting, cost
accounting and management, accounting and control, taxation, and accounting information systems;
2.Conduct Accountancy/Accounting Information System research through independent studies of relevant literature and appropriate use of accounting theory and methodologies;
3. Employ technology as a business tool in capturing financial and non-financial information, generating reports and making decisions;
4. Apply knowledge and skills to successfully respond to various type of assessments; and (including professional licensure and certifications); and
5. Confidently maintain a commitment to good corporate citizenship, social responsibility and ethical practice in performing functions as an accountant.
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OBTL Plan AFAR 2: Accounting for Special Transaction
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OBTL Plan AFAR 2: Accounting for Special Transaction
1. Define and explain the purpose nature of Chapter 1. Partnership Formation Millan, Use of online Attendance Internet Week
partnership and how is differ from other i. Introduction Accounting for lecture (Slides, connection 1-5
business organizations. ii. Partnership as a Business Special Videos and Online Oral Electronic
2. Recognize the advantages and Organization Transactions discussion) Exercises device
disadvantages of a Partnership business. iii. Accounting for Partnership 2018e LMS and
3. Identify the different forms of partnership, (Concept) Use of scheduled Group other
and the different kinds of partners. iv. Accounting for Partnership Dayag, Advanced and unannounced Presentation educational
4. Journalize Partnership transactions Formation Financial oral exercises platforms
relating to formation, operation, dissolution v. Bonus or Revaluation approach on Accounting and Formative (MS Teams,
and liquidation Initial Investments Reporting 2019e Examinations Zoom,
5. Prepare, Analyze and interpret Partnership Use of work Facebook,
financial statements Chapter 2. Partnership Operations Guerrero, exercises such as Summative etc.)
6. Understand the concept and the different i. Distribution Of Profit Or Losses Advanced theoretical Examinations
methods on how to divide profit and losses ii. Methods of Dividing Profit or Loss Accounting application and Printed
of the Partnership to partners. iii. Illustration (Procedural problem solving Module
7. Appreciate and recognize Changes in the iv. Financial Statements For A Approach)
profit and loss ratio and can prepare Partnership Video Links
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OBTL Plan AFAR 2: Accounting for Special Transaction
corrections on errors of Partnership net v. Changes In The Profit And Loss Baysa and
income in prior periods. Ratio Lupisan,
8. Define, and identify the nature, and scope vi. Correction Of Partnership Net Advanced
of Partnership dissolution. Income in Prior Period Accounting 2018
9. Categorize the different factors that causes e
dissolutions Chapter 3. Partnership Dissolution
10. Identify the difference between admission i. Nature of Partnership Dissolution
of partner/s by means of purchase of ii. Accounting for Partnership
interest against by means of investment. Dissolution
11. Solve problems relating to different causes iii. Admission of Partner (Purchase of
of dissolution. interest, Revaluation of asset and
12. Define, and explain the nature and scope of Investment in partnership)
Partnership Liquidation in general. iv. Withdrawal, Retirement or Death of
13. Determine and prepare the different steps a Partner
in liquidating the partnership on a lumpsum v. Incorporation of a Partnership
and on installment basis
14. Prepare schedule of safe payment and Chapter 4. Partnership Liquidation
cash priority program. And identify the i. Liquidation
difference in their preparation. ii. Procedures in Liquidation
iii. Methods of Liquidation
iv. Pro-forma Entries
v. Lump-sum Liquidation
vi. Installment Liquidation
vii. Schedule of Safe Payments
Cash Priority Program
Millan, Use of online Attendance Internet Week
1. Understand the accounting concept of Chapter 5. Corporate Liquidation Accounting for lecture (Slides, connection 5- 6
distressed corporation. i. Introduction Special Videos and Online Oral Electronic
2. Journalize transactions needed in ii. Corporate Liquidation Transactions discussion) Exercises device
liquidation. iii. Statement of Affairs 2018e LMS and
3. Prepare and determine the different iv. Statement of Deficiency Use of scheduled Group other
terminologies utilized in preparing the v. Statement of Realization and Dayag, Advanced and unannounced Presentation educational
statement of Affairs, deficiency statements Liquidation Financial oral exercises platforms
and statement of realization and liquidation Accounting and Formative (MS Teams,
Reporting 2019e Examinations Zoom,
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OBTL Plan AFAR 2: Accounting for Special Transaction
Video Links
Week 9
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OBTL Plan AFAR 2: Accounting for Special Transaction
1. Understand the application of the general Chapter 7. Revenue Recognition – Millan, Use of online Attendance Internet Week
and specific principles of PFRS 15 to Contracts with Customers (PFRS15) Accounting for lecture (Slides, connection 10-11
account for revenues from construction i. Introduction Special Videos and Online Oral Electronic
contracts, franchise contracts and ii. Core Principle of IFRS 15 Transactions discussion) Exercises device
revenues from consignment contracts. iii. The Five-Step Process 2018e LMS and
2. Recognize the five –steps process in iv. Contract Costs Use of scheduled Group other
revenue recognition v. Presentation Dayag, Advanced and unannounced Presentation educational
3. Specify some other revenue recognition vi. Other Revenue Recognition Financial oral exercises platforms
concerns Issues Accounting and Formative (MS Teams,
4. Define and explain the nature, scope, and Reporting 2019e Examinations Zoom,
characteristics of construction contracts. Chapter 8. Revenue Recognition – Use of work Facebook,
5. Identify and differentiate the different Contracts with Customers: Construction Guerrero, exercises such as Summative etc.) Week
methods of revenue recognition in Accounting Advanced theoretical Examinations 12 - 14
construction accounting i. Introduction Accounting application and Printed
6. Solve simple and complex problems ii. Construction Contracts problem solving Module
relating to different concerns in iii. Construction Revenue PFRS 15:
construction accounting iv. Construction Cost Revenue from Video Links
7. Journalize the different transaction v. Methods of Revenue Recognition Contracts with
necessary in construction accounting. in Construction Accounting Customers
vi. Recognition of Expected or
8. Prepare and evaluate financial statements Anticipated Losses
of a construction business. vii. Changes in Estimates
9. Define, explain and appreciate the concept viii. Contract Retention
, nature and scope of franchise and ix. Financial Statement Presentation
licensing business and consignment
10. Apply the five-step process in recognizing Chapter 9. Revenue Recognition –
revenue from franchise and licensing Contracts with Customers: Franchise and
transactions and from consignment. Consignment
11. Journalize all transactions related to i. Franchise and Licensing
franchising and licensing business. And ii. Franchise Accounting (Application
from consignment of PFRS 15)
12. Appreciate theoretical accounting concepts iii. Contract cost
applied to these special revenue iv. Uncertainty in the collectability of
transactions and relate them in solving Contract Revenue
problems v. Consignment Arrangements
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OBTL Plan AFAR 2: Accounting for Special Transaction
1. Outline the standard and accounting Chapter 10. Foreign Currency Transaction Millan, Accounting Use of online Attendance Internet Week
concept of Foreign currency transaction i. Introduction for Special lecture (Slides, connection 15-17
and translation (PAS 12) ii. Accounting for Foreign Currency Transactions Videos and Online Oral Electronic
2. Evaluate the effect of foreign currency Transaction 2018e discussion) Exercises device
transaction to the company’s revenue. iii. Foreign Currency Transaction with LMS and
3. Appreciate the nature of Hedging and Hedging Dayag, Advanced Use of scheduled Group other
Derivatives and their advantages and iv. Fair Value Hedge Financial and unannounced Presentation educational
disadvantages v. Cash flow Hedge Accounting and oral exercises platforms
4. Identify the different methods of Hedging Reporting 2019e Formative (MS Teams,
and how to use them as a tool in managing Chapter 11. Foreign Currency Translation Examinations Zoom,
business. i. Introduction Guerrero, Use of work Facebook,
5. Understand the different foreign currency ii. Accounting Procedures (Current Advanced exercises such as Summative etc.)
translation methods . and prepare financial Method and Temporal Method) Accounting theoretical Examinations
statement applying these methods iii. Goodwill Arising from the Principles and application and Printed
6. Solve special problems concerning foreign Acquisition of Foreign Subsidiary Procedural problem solving Module
currency transactions and translations iv. Functional Currency is the Application 2017e
Currency of Hyperinflationary Video Links
Economy PFRS 9: Financial
v. Hedge of Net Investment in Instruments
Foreign Operations
PAS 21: The
Effect of Changes
in Foreign
. Exchange Rates
Suggested Readings
and References Textbooks:
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OBTL Plan AFAR 2: Accounting for Special Transaction
Other references:
Relevant Philippine Financial Reporting Standards (PFRS)
Relevant Philippine Accounting Standards (PAS)
Relevant International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC)
Grading System STUDENT PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Weight Grade Equivale Description Remark Grade Equivalence Description Remarks
nce s
Attendance, Oral Exercises and/or 15% 1.00 98-100 Excellent Passed 3.00 75% Passing Passed
Group Presentation %
Formative Examinations 40% 1.25 95-97 Excellent Passed 3.50 75-78% C. Failure C. Failure
Summative Examinations 45% 1.50 92-94 Very Good Passed 4.00 71-74% C. Failure C. Failure
TOTAL 100% 1.75 89-91 Very Good Passed 5.00 Failed Failure Failed
Credit Grade (Final Grade) = (Midterm 2.00 86-89 Good Passed DRP Dropped Dropped Dropped
Grade + Final Term Grade) / 2
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OBTL Plan AFAR 2: Accounting for Special Transaction
1. Microsoft Teams will be used as the primary platform in every class; thus, all students are advised to download and install the aforementioned
application. Just go to and login using your account, choose Teams from the list of applications, from there your
enrolled subjects will appear;
2. To uphold delivery of quality instruction, the class may also use added online platforms and applications like Zoom Cloud Meeting, FB Messenger,
Telegram and the like.
3. There are specific periods or schedules wherein synchronous learning shall be required. The student shall be ready as such to attend the said
scheduled meeting and make the necessary adjustments to be able to attend and be present.
4. Plagiarism in case of copyrighted articles is strictly prohibited and direct copying of classmates work will be sanctioned by not accumulating any
points, both on the part of the two or more parties involved.
5. Required output such as the Portfolio Journal for work exercises shall be submitted on the scheduled time stipulated or announced by the instructor
in charge. Failure to do so will render your portfolio non admissible for grading purposes.
Recommending Approval:
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OBTL Plan AFAR 2: Accounting for Special Transaction
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