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1) Which of The Following Cannot Be The Value of 'M'? Refer To The Data Below and Answer The Ques Ons That Follow

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Questions: 1 to 32 Section : Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning Change Section here

Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow. 1) Which of the following cannot be the value of 'm'? 

The batch of 2019-21 of Na onal Ins tute of Management Shillong

(NIMS) has a total of 500 students. These students have been divided
into four sec ons, named Sec on A, Sec on B, Sec on C and Sec on 36.25
Out of the students of the batch, 52% are freshers while the 37.75
remaining 48% have work experience. The number of students in
each sec on can be no less than 50 and no more than 175.
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The following par ally filled table shows the informa on about the
break-up of the students in terms of freshers or with work Explana on:

experience in the four sec ons.

Correct Answer:

Time taken by you: 523 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 139 secs

Your A empt: Wrong

% Students got it correct: 24 %

2) What can be said about the rela ve values of ‘m’ and ‘n’? 

No conclusion can be drawn because it will depend on the
number of students in each sec on

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Questions: 1 to 32 Section : Data Interpretation & Logical ReasoningExplana on:

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We have the following:

Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow.

The batch of 2019-21 of Na onal Ins tute of Management Shillong

(NIMS) has a total of 500 students. These students have been divided
into four sec ons, named Sec on A, Sec on B, Sec on C and Sec on

Out of the students of the batch, 52% are freshers while the
remaining 48% have work experience. The number of students in Total number of freshers = 52% of 500 = 260 and the total
each sec on can be no less than 50 and no more than 175.
number of students with work experience = 48% of 500 =
The following par ally filled table shows the informa on about the 240.
break-up of the students in terms of freshers or with work
experience in the four sec ons. It can be seen that the total percentage of freshers is 52%,
while the percentage of freshers in the three sec ons A, B
and C is 55%, which is higher than 52%.
Similarly, the total percentage of students with work
experience is 48%, while the percentage of the students with
work experience in the three sec ons A, B and C is 45%,
which is lower than 48%.
Therefore, the value of ‘m’ has to be lower than 52%, while
the value of ‘n’ has to be higher than 48%.
From the explanatory answer to the previous ques on, we
know that the value of ‘m’ can be 30% or 36.25% or 40% or
42.5% or 44.29% or 45.625%. It can be seen that the value of
‘m’ is less than 50%. Therefore, the value of ‘n’ is more than
Therefore, m < n. Hence, [2].

Correct Answer:

Time taken by you: 100 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 113 secs

Your A empt: Wrong

% Students got it correct: 56 %

3) If there are 120 students in Sec on D, which of the followingis

closest to the ra o m : n?


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We have the following:

Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow.

The batch of 2019-21 of Na onal Ins tute of Management Shillong

(NIMS) has a total of 500 students. These students have been divided
into four sec ons, named Sec on A, Sec on B, Sec on C and Sec on

Out of the students of the batch, 52% are freshers while the
remaining 48% have work experience. The number of students in Total number of freshers = 52% of 500 = 260 and the total
each sec on can be no less than 50 and no more than 175.
number of students with work experience = 48% of 500 =
The following par ally filled table shows the informa on about the 240.
break-up of the students in terms of freshers or with work
experience in the four sec ons. From the explanatory answer to the first ques on of the set,
if there are 120 students in sec on D, 51 students
are freshers and the remaining 69 students are with work
experience. Therefore, the required ra o of m : n is 51 : 69 or
close to 3 : 4. Hence, [2].

Correct Answer:

Time taken by you: 97 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 123 secs

Your A empt: Correct

% Students got it correct: 62 %

4) If the ra o of the number of students in sec ons A, B and C  is

4 : 6 : 7, what is the difference in the number of students in the
sec ons B, C and D taken together who are freshers and who have
work experience?

Cannot be determined

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Questions: 1 to 32 Section : Data Interpretation & Logical ReasoningExplana on:

Change Section here

We have the following:

Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow.

The batch of 2019-21 of Na onal Ins tute of Management Shillong

(NIMS) has a total of 500 students. These students have been divided
into four sec ons, named Sec on A, Sec on B, Sec on C and Sec on

Out of the students of the batch, 52% are freshers while the
remaining 48% have work experience. The number of students in Total number of freshers = 52% of 500 = 260 and the total
each sec on can be no less than 50 and no more than 175.
number of students with work experience = 48% of 500 =
The following par ally filled table shows the informa on about the 240.
break-up of the students in terms of freshers or with work
experience in the four sec ons. As seen from the explanatory answer to the first ques on of
the set, the number of students in each sec on is a mul ple
of 20. If the ra o of the number of students in sec ons A, B
and C is 4 : 6 : 7, the total number of students in these three
sec ons taken together is (4 + 6 + 7)20 = 340 and the number
of students in Sec on D = 500 – 340 = 160. Also, the numbers
of students in sec ons A, B and C are 80, 120 and 140
respec vely. Using the inference drawn in the explanatory
answer to the previous ques ons, we have the following:

Therefore, the required difference = 216 – 204 = 12. Hence,


Correct Answer:

Time taken by you: 10 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 93 secs

Your A empt: Skipped

% Students got it correct: 38 %

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Questions: 1 to 32 Section : Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning Change Section here

Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow.

The batch of 2019-21 of Na onal Ins tute of Management Shillong

(NIMS) has a total of 500 students. These students have been divided
into four sec ons, named Sec on A, Sec on B, Sec on C and Sec on

Out of the students of the batch, 52% are freshers while the
remaining 48% have work experience. The number of students in
each sec on can be no less than 50 and no more than 175.

The following par ally filled table shows the informa on about the
break-up of the students in terms of freshers or with work
experience in the four sec ons.

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Questions: 5 to 32 Section : Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning Change Section here

Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow. 1) For which of the following teachers, the children selected 
by them cannot be uniquely determined?
P, Q, R and S are four children each having dis nct number of Re. 1
coins. Six teachers – A, B, C, D, E and F selected two children in the
same order. Also, no two teachers selected the same pair of children.
The two children selected by teacher A divided their coins equally E
between each other. The same holds true for the pair of children
Both (D) and (E)
selected by other teachers as well.
Neither (D) nor (E)
The following line graph provides informa on about the number of
coins with P, Q, R and S at two stages: Video Explana on:

Stage I: A er the children selected by teacher C divided their coins.
Stage II: A er the children selected by teacher F divided their coins.
Explana on:

It is known that the teacher F selected children R and S, whereas We know that the pair Q-R was the third pair to be selected.
teacher C selected children Q and R. Therefore, the number of coins with P and S remained
unchanged a er selec on 2. Also since Q and R exchanged
coins in selec on 3, the number of coins with Q and R a er
selec on 2 must be (42+ a) and (42 – a).
Similarly we know that R-S was the sixth pair to be selected.
Therefore, the number of coins with P and Q remained
unchanged a er selec on 5. Also since R and S exchanged
coins in selec on 6, the number of coins with R and S a er
selec on 5 must be (40 + b) and (40 – b).
Note: The values of a and b can be nega ve.
In selec on 5, the number of coins with two of the four
children were equal as a result of exchange of coins in
selec on 5. Therefore, the number of coins with R and S
must be 39 and 41 in some order. So far we have,

Now, it can be seen that the number of coins with all four of
them underwent change between Selec on 3 and Selec on
5. Therefore, two mutually exclusive pairs were chosen in
Selec on 4 and 5. These pairs must be (P-R) and (Q-S) in
some order.
Case 1: Pair P-R is selected in Selec on 4 and pair Q-S is
selected in Selec on 5

Therefore, we have the following:

Case 2: Pair Q-S is selected in Selec on 4 and pair P-R is

Previous Next Exit Review selected in Selec on 5
Questions: 5 to 32 Section : Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning
Therefore, we have the following: Change Section here

Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow.

P, Q, R and S are four children each having dis nct number of Re. 1
coins. Six teachers – A, B, C, D, E and F selected two children in the
same order. Also, no two teachers selected the same pair of children.
The two children selected by teacher A divided their coins equally
between each other. The same holds true for the pair of children
selected by other teachers as well.
Both are valid cases.
Now, in both the cases, in selec on 1 and 2, the pairs
The following line graph provides informa on about the number of selected must be P-S and P-Q in the same order (since in
coins with P, Q, R and S at two stages: selec on 2, the number of coins with P and S are different.).
Stage I: A er the children selected by teacher C divided their coins. Accordingly we have the following:
Stage II: A er the children selected by teacher F divided their coins.

It is known that the teacher F selected children R and S, whereas

teacher C selected children Q and R.

Hence, [3].

Correct Answer:

Time taken by you: 0 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 273 secs

Your A empt: Skipped

% Students got it correct: 59 %

2) How many coins did R have ini ally? 

Cannot be determined

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Explana on:

We know that the pair Q-R was the third pair to be selected.
Therefore, the number of coins with P and S remained
unchanged a er selec on 2. Also since Q and R exchanged
coins in selec on 3, the number of coins with Q and R a er
selec on 2 must be (42 + a) and (42 – a).
Similarly we know that R-S was the sixth pair to be selected.
Therefore, the number of coins with P and Q remained
unchanged a er selec on 5. Also since R and S exchanged
Previous Next Exit Review coins in selec on 6, the number of coins with R and S a er
selec on 5 must be (40 + b) and (40 – b).
Questions: 5 to 32 Section : Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning Change Section here
Note: The values of a and b can be nega ve.
In selec on 5, the number of coins with two of the four
Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow. children were equal as a result of exchange of coins in
selec on 5. Therefore, the number of coins with R and S
P, Q, R and S are four children each having dis nct number of Re. 1
must be 39 and 41 in some order. So far we have,
coins. Six teachers – A, B, C, D, E and F selected two children in the
same order. Also, no two teachers selected the same pair of children.
The two children selected by teacher A divided their coins equally
between each other. The same holds true for the pair of children
selected by other teachers as well.

The following line graph provides informa on about the number of

coins with P, Q, R and S at two stages:
Stage I: A er the children selected by teacher C divided their coins.
Stage II: A er the children selected by teacher F divided their coins. Now, it can be seen that the number of coins with all four of
them underwent change between Selec on 3 and Selec on
It is known that the teacher F selected children R and S, whereas 5. Therefore, two mutually exclusive pairs were chosen in
teacher C selected children Q and R. Selec on 4 and 5. These pairs must be (P-R) and (Q-S) in
some order.
Case 1: Pair P-R is selected in Selec on 4 and pair Q-S is
selected in Selec on 5

Therefore, we have the following:

Case 2: Pair Q-S is selected in Selec on 4 and pair P-R is

selected in Selec on 5

Therefore, we have the following:

Both are valid cases.

Now, in both the cases, in selec on 1 and 2, the pairs
selected must be P-S and P-Q in the same order (since in
selec on 2, the number of coins with P and S are different.).
Accordingly we have the following:

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Hence, [1].
Questions: 5 to 32 Section : Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning Change Section here
Correct Answer:

Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow.
Time taken by you: 0 secs
P, Q, R and S are four children each having dis nct number of Re. 1
coins. Six teachers – A, B, C, D, E and F selected two children in the Avg Time taken by all students: 98 secs
same order. Also, no two teachers selected the same pair of children.
The two children selected by teacher A divided their coins equally Your A empt: Skipped
between each other. The same holds true for the pair of children
selected by other teachers as well. % Students got it correct: 48 %

The following line graph provides informa on about the number of

coins with P, Q, R and S at two stages:
Stage I: A er the children selected by teacher C divided their coins. 3) How many coins did P have ini ally? 
Stage II: A er the children selected by teacher F divided their coins.
It is known that the teacher F selected children R and S, whereas 32
teacher C selected children Q and R.
Cannot be determined

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Explana on:

We know that the pair Q-R was the third pair to be selected.
Therefore, the number of coins with P and S remained
unchanged a er selec on 2. Also since Q and R exchanged
coins in selec on 3, the number of coins with Q and R a er
selec on 2 must be (42 + a) and (42 – a).
Similarly we know that R-S was the sixth pair to be selected.
Therefore, the number of coins with P and Q remained
unchanged a er selec on 5. Also since R and S exchanged
coins in selec on 6, the number of coins with R and S a er
selec on 5 must be (40 + b) and (40 – b).
Note: The values of a and b can be nega ve.
In selec on 5, the number of coins with two of the four
children were equal as a result of exchange of coins in
selec on 5. Therefore, the number of coins with R and S
must be 39 and 41 in some order. So far we have,

Now, it can be seen that the number of coins with all four of
them underwent change between Selec on 3 and Selec on
5. Therefore, two mutually exclusive pairs were chosen in
Selec on 4 and 5. These pairs must be (P-R) and (Q-S) in
some order.
Case 1: Pair P-R is selected in Selec on 4 and pair Q-S is
selected in Selec on 5
Previous Next Exit Review
Questions: 5 to 32 Section : Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning Change Section here
Therefore, we have the following:

Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow.

P, Q, R and S are four children each having dis nct number of Re. 1
coins. Six teachers – A, B, C, D, E and F selected two children in the
same order. Also, no two teachers selected the same pair of children.
The two children selected by teacher A divided their coins equally
between each other. The same holds true for the pair of children
selected by other teachers as well.
Case 2: Pair Q-S is selected in Selec on 4 and pair P-R is
The following line graph provides informa on about the number of selected in Selec on 5
coins with P, Q, R and S at two stages:
Stage I: A er the children selected by teacher C divided their coins. Therefore, we have the following:
Stage II: A er the children selected by teacher F divided their coins.

It is known that the teacher F selected children R and S, whereas

teacher C selected children Q and R.

Both are valid cases.

Now, in both the cases, in selec on 1 and 2, the pairs
selected must be P-S and P-Q in the same order (since in
selec on 2, the number of coins with P and S are different.).
Accordingly we have the following:

Hence, [4].

Correct Answer:

Time taken by you: 0 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 36 secs

Your A empt: Skipped

% Students got it correct: 54 %

4) Which two children were selected by teacher B? 

Q and R
P and Q
P and S
Cannot be determined

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Questions: 5 to 32 Section : Data Interpretation & Logical ReasoningVideo Explana on:

Change Section here

Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow. Explana on:

P, Q, R and S are four children each having dis nct number of Re. 1 We know that the pair Q-R was the third pair to be selected.
coins. Six teachers – A, B, C, D, E and F selected two children in the Therefore, the number of coins with P and S remained
same order. Also, no two teachers selected the same pair of children. unchanged a er selec on 2. Also since Q and R exchanged
The two children selected by teacher A divided their coins equally
coins in selec on 3, the number of coins with Q and R a er
between each other. The same holds true for the pair of children
selected by other teachers as well. selec on 2 must be (42 + a) and (42 – a).
Similarly we know that R-S was the sixth pair to be selected.
The following line graph provides informa on about the number of Therefore, the number of coins with P and Q remained
coins with P, Q, R and S at two stages: unchanged a er selec on 5. Also since R and S exchanged
Stage I: A er the children selected by teacher C divided their coins. coins in selec on 6, the number of coins with R and S a er
Stage II: A er the children selected by teacher F divided their coins. selec on 5 must be (40 + b) and (40 – b).
Note: The values of a and b can be nega ve.
It is known that the teacher F selected children R and S, whereas In selec on 5, the number of coins with two of the four
teacher C selected children Q and R. children were equal as a result of exchange of coins in
selec on 5. Therefore, the number of coins with R and S
must be 39 and 41 in some order. So far we have,

Now, it can be seen that the number of coins with all four of
them underwent change between Selec on 3 and Selec on
5. Therefore, two mutually exclusive pairs were chosen in
Selec on 4 and 5. These pairs must be (P-R) and (Q-S) in
some order.
Case 1: Pair P-R is selected in Selec on 4 and pair Q-S is
selected in Selec on 5

Therefore, we have the following:

Case 2: Pair Q-S is selected in Selec on 4 and pair P-R is

selected in Selec on 5

Therefore, we have the following:

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Questions: 5 to 32 Section : Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning Change Section here

Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow.

P, Q, R and S are four children each having dis nct number of Re. 1
coins. Six teachers – A, B, C, D, E and F selected two children in the
same order. Also, no two teachers selected the same pair of children.
The two children selected by teacher A divided their coins equally
between each other. The same holds true for the pair of children Both are valid cases.
selected by other teachers as well. Now, in both the cases, in selec on 1 and 2, the pairs
selected must be P-S and P-Q in the same order (since in
The following line graph provides informa on about the number of selec on 2, the number of coins with P and S are different.).
coins with P, Q, R and S at two stages: Accordingly we have the following:
Stage I: A er the children selected by teacher C divided their coins.
Stage II: A er the children selected by teacher F divided their coins.

It is known that the teacher F selected children R and S, whereas

teacher C selected children Q and R.

Hence, [2].

Correct Answer:

Time taken by you: 0 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 56 secs

Your A empt: Skipped

% Students got it correct: 54 %


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Questions: 9 to 32 Section : Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning Change Section here

Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow. 1) Which of the following is not a number of phones added 
to memento collec on by Dr. Pakshirajan?
Dr. Pakshirajan is an avid mobile phone collector. Star ng from year
1, he bought a certain number of mobile phones on 1st January every
year for 'N' consecu ve years. Out of the phones bought in year ‘m’,
he discarded x% phones in October of the year (m + 1) and retained 864
the remaining phones. Out of the phones retained ll the end of year
(m + 1), he discarded y% phones in October of the year (m + 2) and
retained the remaining phones. Out of the phones retained ll the 504
end of year (m + 2), he discarded z% phones in October of the year
(m + 3) and retained the remaining phones. The phones that he
Video Explana on:

retained ll the end of the year (m + 3) were added to his 'memento
collec on' in October of year (m + 4). This holds true for all integer
values of ‘m’ between 1 and ‘N’ (both inclusive). Further, out of Explana on:

x%, y% and z%, one value is 10%, one other value is 20% and the
remaining value is 30%. It can be seen that all the phones bought on 1st January of
year ‘m’ were either discarded or added to memento
collec on by October of year (m + 4). Thus Dr. Pakshirajan did
The following graph shows the number of phones with Dr. not have any phone in year (m + 5) that he bought in year
Pakshirajan (i.e., the number of phones other than those discarded ‘m’. Since he did not have any phone le at the end of the
or added to his memento collec on) on 15th August of different year 10, he bought phones only in the first six years and he
years. It is known that he added 252 phones to his memento did not buy a single phone in the years 7, 8, 9 and 10. Also,
collec on in year 10 and was le with no phone a er that. out of the phones bought in year 6, the number of phones
added to his memento collec on in year 10 = 252.
The percentage of phones bought in year ‘m’ that are added
to memento collec on in year (m + 4) = 100 × (1 – 0.1) × (1 –
0.2) × (1 – 0.3) = 50.4%.
Only op on [2] does not result in integer number of phones
purchased. Hence, [2].

Correct Answer:

Time taken by you: 0 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 153 secs

Your A empt: Skipped

% Students got it correct: 53 %

2) What is the sum of the total number of phones discarded 

by Dr. Pakshirajan over the given years?


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It can be seen that all the phones bought on 1st January of

Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow. year ‘m’ were either discarded or added to memento
collec on by October of year (m + 4). Thus Dr. Pakshirajan did
Dr. Pakshirajan is an avid mobile phone collector. Star ng from year not have any phone in year (m + 5) that he bought in year
1, he bought a certain number of mobile phones on 1st January every ‘m’. Since he did not have any phone le at the end of the
year for 'N' consecu ve years. Out of the phones bought in year ‘m’, year 10, he bought phones only in the first six years and he
he discarded x% phones in October of the year (m + 1) and retained did not buy a single phone in the years 7, 8, 9 and 10. Also,
the remaining phones. Out of the phones retained ll the end of year out of the phones bought in year 6, the number of phones
(m + 1), he discarded y% phones in October of the year (m + 2) and added to his memento collec on in year 10 = 252.
retained the remaining phones. Out of the phones retained ll the
end of year (m + 2), he discarded z% phones in October of the year The percentage of phones bought in year ‘m’ that are added
(m + 3) and retained the remaining phones. The phones that he to memento collec on in year (m + 4) = 100 × (1 – 0.1) × (1 –
retained ll the end of the year (m + 3) were added to his 'memento 0.2) × (1 – 0.3) = 50.4%.
collec on' in October of year (m + 4). This holds true for all integer Thus, (100 – 50.4)% = 49.6% phones were discarded by him.
values of ‘m’ between 1 and ‘N’ (both inclusive). Further, out of Only op on that gives integer value of the number of
x%, y% and z%, one value is 10%, one other value is 20% and the phones, when divided by 0.496 is 3224. Hence, [1].
remaining value is 30%.

Correct Answer:

The following graph shows the number of phones with Dr.
Pakshirajan (i.e., the number of phones other than those discarded
or added to his memento collec on) on 15th August of different Time taken by you: 0 secs
years. It is known that he added 252 phones to his memento
collec on in year 10 and was le with no phone a er that. Avg Time taken by all students: 24 secs

Your A empt: Skipped

% Students got it correct: 21 %

3) What is the number of phones bought by Dr. Pakshirajan 

on 1st January of year 5?

Enter your response (as an integer) using the virtual keyboard

in the box provided below.

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Questions: 9 to 32 Section : Data Interpretation & Logical ReasoningExplana on:

Change Section here

It can be seen that all the phones bought on 1st January of

Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow. year ‘m’ were either discarded or added to memento
collec on by October of year (m + 4). Thus Dr. Pakshirajan did
Dr. Pakshirajan is an avid mobile phone collector. Star ng from year not have any phone in year (m + 5) that he bought in year
1, he bought a certain number of mobile phones on 1st January every ‘m’. Since he did not have any phone le at the end of the
year for 'N' consecu ve years. Out of the phones bought in year ‘m’, year 10, he bought phones only in the first six years and he
he discarded x% phones in October of the year (m + 1) and retained did not buy a single phone in the years 7, 8, 9 and 10. Also,
the remaining phones. Out of the phones retained ll the end of year out of the phones bought in year 6, the number of phones
(m + 1), he discarded y% phones in October of the year (m + 2) and added to his memento collec on in year 10 = 252.
retained the remaining phones. Out of the phones retained ll the
end of year (m + 2), he discarded z% phones in October of the year The percentage of phones bought in year ‘m’ that are added
(m + 3) and retained the remaining phones. The phones that he to memento collec on in year (m + 4) = 100 × (1 – 0.1) × (1 –
retained ll the end of the year (m + 3) were added to his 'memento 0.2) × (1 – 0.3) = 50.4%.
collec on' in October of year (m + 4). This holds true for all integer
values of ‘m’ between 1 and ‘N’ (both inclusive). Further, out of
x%, y% and z%, one value is 10%, one other value is 20% and the
remaining value is 30%.
The reduc on in the number of phones between years 9 and
10: 1368 – 252 = 1116. In year 9, 50.4% of the phones bought
The following graph shows the number of phones with Dr. in year 5 are added to memento collec on and certain
Pakshirajan (i.e., the number of phones other than those discarded number of phones bought in year 6 are discarded. We have
or added to his memento collec on) on 15th August of different the following cases:
years. It is known that he added 252 phones to his memento
collec on in year 10 and was le with no phone a er that.

So percentage of phones discarded in year (m+3) = 21.6% or

12.6% or 5.6%.
The number of phones bought in year 6 that are discarded in
year 9 = 21.6% of 500 = 108 or 12.6% of 500 = 63 or 5.6% of
500 = 28.
If he bought ‘M’ phones in year 5, we have, 0.504M + (108 or
63 or 28) = 1116
Therefore, 0.504M = 1008 or 1053 or 1088.

Thus, number of phones bought in the year 5 were 2000.

Therefore, x = 10%, y = 20% and z = 30% or x = 20%, y = 10%
and z = 30%
By further calcula on it can be shown that x cannot be 20%.
For solving the ques on we do not require the value of x,
hence, these calcula ons are not shown here.

Dr. Pakshirajan bought 2000 phones in year 5.

Therefore, the required answer is 2000.

Correct Answer:

Time taken by you: 0 secs

Previous Next Exit Review

Avg Time taken by all students: 4 secs
Your A empt: Skipped
Questions: 9 to 32 Section : Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning Change Section here

% Students got it correct: 5 %

Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow.

Dr. Pakshirajan is an avid mobile phone collector. Star ng from year

1, he bought a certain number of mobile phones on 1st January every 4) What is the value of ‘N’? (Write your answer as 0, if
year for 'N' consecu ve years. Out of the phones bought in year ‘m’, 
cannot be determined).
he discarded x% phones in October of the year (m + 1) and retained
the remaining phones. Out of the phones retained ll the end of year
(m + 1), he discarded y% phones in October of the year (m + 2) and Enter your response (as an integer) using the virtual keyboard
retained the remaining phones. Out of the phones retained ll the in the box provided below.
end of year (m + 2), he discarded z% phones in October of the year
(m + 3) and retained the remaining phones. The phones that he
retained ll the end of the year (m + 3) were added to his 'memento
collec on' in October of year (m + 4). This holds true for all integer
values of ‘m’ between 1 and ‘N’ (both inclusive). Further, out of
x%, y% and z%, one value is 10%, one other value is 20% and the Video Explana on:

remaining value is 30%.

The following graph shows the number of phones with Dr.

Pakshirajan (i.e., the number of phones other than those discarded
or added to his memento collec on) on 15th August of different
years. It is known that he added 252 phones to his memento
collec on in year 10 and was le with no phone a er that.

Previous Next Exit Review

Questions: 9 to 32 Section : Data Interpretation & Logical ReasoningExplana on:

Change Section here

It can be seen that all the phones bought on 1st January of

Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow. year ‘m’ were either discarded or added to memento
collec on by October of year (m + 4). Thus Dr. Pakshirajan did
Dr. Pakshirajan is an avid mobile phone collector. Star ng from year not have any phone in year (m + 5) that he bought in year
1, he bought a certain number of mobile phones on 1st January every ‘m’. Since he did not have any phone le at the end of the
year for 'N' consecu ve years. Out of the phones bought in year ‘m’, year 10, he bought phones only in the first six years and he
he discarded x% phones in October of the year (m + 1) and retained did not buy a single phone in the years 7, 8, 9 and 10. Also,
the remaining phones. Out of the phones retained ll the end of year out of the phones bought in year 6, the number of phones
(m + 1), he discarded y% phones in October of the year (m + 2) and added to his memento collec on in year 10 = 252.
retained the remaining phones. Out of the phones retained ll the
end of year (m + 2), he discarded z% phones in October of the year The percentage of phones bought in year ‘m’ that are added
(m + 3) and retained the remaining phones. The phones that he to memento collec on in year (m + 4) = 100 × (1 – 0.1) × (1 –
retained ll the end of the year (m + 3) were added to his 'memento 0.2) × (1 – 0.3) = 50.4%.
collec on' in October of year (m + 4). This holds true for all integer
values of ‘m’ between 1 and ‘N’ (both inclusive). Further, out of
x%, y% and z%, one value is 10%, one other value is 20% and the
remaining value is 30%.
The reduc on in the number of phones between years 9 and
10: 1368 – 252 = 1116. In year 9, 50.4% of the phones bought
The following graph shows the number of phones with Dr. in year 5 are added to memento collec on and certain
Pakshirajan (i.e., the number of phones other than those discarded number of phones bought in year 6 are discarded. We have
or added to his memento collec on) on 15th August of different the following cases:
years. It is known that he added 252 phones to his memento
collec on in year 10 and was le with no phone a er that.

So percentage of phones discarded in year (m+3) = 21.6% or

12.6% or 5.6%.
The number of phones bought in year 6 that are discarded in
year 9 = 21.6% of 500 = 108 or 12.6% of 500 = 63 or 5.6% of
500 = 28.
If he bought ‘M’ phones in year 5, we have, 0.504M + (108 or
63 or 28) = 1116
Therefore, 0.504M = 1008 or 1053 or 1088.

Thus, number of phones bought in the year 5 were 2000.

Therefore, x = 10%, y = 20% and z = 30% or x = 20%, y = 10%
and z = 30%
By further calcula on it can be shown that x cannot be 20%.
For solving the ques on we do not require the value of x,
hence, these calcula ons are not shown here.
N = Number of consecu ve years in which Dr. Pakshirajan
bought mobile phones. Dr. Pakshirajan bought mobile
phones for 6 consecu ve years.

Therefore, the required answer is 6.

Correct Answer:

Previous Next Exit Review Time taken by you: 0 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 6 secs
Questions: 9 to 32 Section : Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning Change Section here

Your A empt: Skipped

Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow.
% Students got it correct: 6 %
Dr. Pakshirajan is an avid mobile phone collector. Star ng from year
1, he bought a certain number of mobile phones on 1st January every
year for 'N' consecu ve years. Out of the phones bought in year ‘m’,
he discarded x% phones in October of the year (m + 1) and retained
the remaining phones. Out of the phones retained ll the end of year
(m + 1), he discarded y% phones in October of the year (m + 2) and
retained the remaining phones. Out of the phones retained ll the
end of year (m + 2), he discarded z% phones in October of the year
(m + 3) and retained the remaining phones. The phones that he
retained ll the end of the year (m + 3) were added to his 'memento
collec on' in October of year (m + 4). This holds true for all integer
values of ‘m’ between 1 and ‘N’ (both inclusive). Further, out of
x%, y% and z%, one value is 10%, one other value is 20% and the
remaining value is 30%.
The following graph shows the number of phones with Dr.
Pakshirajan (i.e., the number of phones other than those discarded
or added to his memento collec on) on 15th August of different
years. It is known that he added 252 phones to his memento
collec on in year 10 and was le with no phone a er that.

Previous Next Exit Review

Questions: 13 to 32 Section : Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning Change Section here

Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow. 1) What was the number of ICSE Board Schools in Chennai 
in the year 2018?
Four ci es Mumbai, Jaipur, Kolkata and Chennai have schools of four
different educa on boards namely State board, CBSE board, ICSE Enter your response (as an integer) using the virtual keyboard
board and IGCSE board. The number of schools of each type of in the box provided below.
boards in each city is a non zero mul ple of 25. The following graph
shows the par al informa on about the number of schools of
different boards in the four ci es for the year 2018:

Video Explana on:

Explana on:

By using the informa on given in the graph and points 3, 2, 1
and 4 in the given sequence, the following table can be

Following points are known:

1. The number of CBSE Board Schools in Mumbai was 80% of the

number of State Board Schools in Jaipur.
2. Total number of Schools of State Board category in four ci es was
325% greater than that of IGCSE Board category.
3. The number of IGCSE Board Schools and CBSE Board Schools was
same in Kolkata.
4. The number of ICSE Board Schools in Chennai was one third the
number of CBSE Board Schools in Mumbai.
5. The total number of schools of all the boards combined across the
given four ci es was 2800.

The number of ICSE Board schools in Chennai in the year

2018 was 100.
Therefore, the required answer is 100.

Correct Answer:

Time taken by you: 332 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 563 secs

Previous Next Exit Review
Your A empt: Skipped
Questions: 13 to 32 Section : Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning Change Section here

% Students got it correct: 54 %

Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow.

Four ci es Mumbai, Jaipur, Kolkata and Chennai have schools of four

different educa on boards namely State board, CBSE board, ICSE 2) In the year 2019, 12% of State Board Schools in Jaipur are 
board and IGCSE board. The number of schools of each type of closed down, but the total number of schools in the city
boards in each city is a non zero mul ple of 25. The following graph remained the same. For this the number of ICSE and
shows the par al informa on about the number of schools of IGCSE Board Schools was increased by ‘p’ percentage
different boards in the four ci es for the year 2018: each. What is the value of ‘p’?

Enter your response (as an integer) using the virtual keyboard

in the box provided below.

Video Explana on:

Following points are known:

1. The number of CBSE Board Schools in Mumbai was 80% of the

number of State Board Schools in Jaipur.
2. Total number of Schools of State Board category in four ci es was
325% greater than that of IGCSE Board category.
3. The number of IGCSE Board Schools and CBSE Board Schools was
same in Kolkata.
4. The number of ICSE Board Schools in Chennai was one third the
number of CBSE Board Schools in Mumbai.
5. The total number of schools of all the boards combined across the
given four ci es was 2800.

Previous Next Exit Review

Questions: 13 to 32 Explana on:
Section : Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning

Change Section here

Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow.
By using the informa on given in the graph and points 3, 2, 1
and 4 in the given sequence, the following table can be
Four ci es Mumbai, Jaipur, Kolkata and Chennai have schools of four made:
different educa on boards namely State board, CBSE board, ICSE
board and IGCSE board. The number of schools of each type of
boards in each city is a non zero mul ple of 25. The following graph
shows the par al informa on about the number of schools of
different boards in the four ci es for the year 2018:

Following points are known:

1. The number of CBSE Board Schools in Mumbai was 80% of the

number of State Board Schools in Jaipur.
2. Total number of Schools of State Board category in four ci es was
325% greater than that of IGCSE Board category.
3. The number of IGCSE Board Schools and CBSE Board Schools was
same in Kolkata.
4. The number of ICSE Board Schools in Chennai was one third the 12% of State Board Schools in Jaipur = 375 × 0.12 = 45
number of CBSE Board Schools in Mumbai. (150 × p) + (75 × p) = 45
5. The total number of schools of all the boards combined across the p = 20%
given four ci es was 2800. Therefore, the required answer is 20.

Correct Answer:

Time taken by you: 0 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 65 secs

Your A empt: Skipped

% Students got it correct: 51 %

3) What was the average number of CBSE Board schools in 

the given four ci es in the year 2018?

Previous Next Exit Review
Questions: 13 to 32 Section : Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning Change Section here
Cannot be determined
Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow.

Video Explana on:

Four ci es Mumbai, Jaipur, Kolkata and Chennai have schools of four
different educa on boards namely State board, CBSE board, ICSE
board and IGCSE board. The number of schools of each type of Explana on:

boards in each city is a non zero mul ple of 25. The following graph
shows the par al informa on about the number of schools of By using the informa on given in the graph and points 3, 2, 1
different boards in the four ci es for the year 2018: and 4 in the given sequence, the following table can be

Following points are known:

1. The number of CBSE Board Schools in Mumbai was 80% of the

number of State Board Schools in Jaipur.
2. Total number of Schools of State Board category in four ci es was
325% greater than that of IGCSE Board category.
3. The number of IGCSE Board Schools and CBSE Board Schools was
same in Kolkata.
4. The number of ICSE Board Schools in Chennai was one third the
number of CBSE Board Schools in Mumbai.
5. The total number of schools of all the boards combined across the
given four ci es was 2800.

625/4 = 156.25
Hence, [1].

Correct Answer:

Time taken by you: 0 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 95 secs

Your A empt: Skipped

% Students got it correct: 84 %

4) In the year 2019, the number of CBSE Board Schools in 

Previous Next Exit Review
Kolkata increased by m% and the number of ICSE Board
Schools in Jaipur also increased by m%. As a result, the
sum of the number of CBSE and ICSE schools across the
Questions: 13 to 32 Section : Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoninggiven four ci es became equal. What
is Section here
the value of 'm'?

Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow. 20
Four ci es Mumbai, Jaipur, Kolkata and Chennai have schools of four
different educa on boards namely State board, CBSE board, ICSE
board and IGCSE board. The number of schools of each type of 37.5
boards in each city is a non zero mul ple of 25. The following graph
shows the par al informa on about the number of schools of
Video Explana on:

different boards in the four ci es for the year 2018:

Explana on:

By using the informa on given in the graph and points 3, 2, 1
and 4 in the given sequence, the followingtable can be made:

Following points are known:

1. The number of CBSE Board Schools in Mumbai was 80% of the

number of State Board Schools in Jaipur.
2. Total number of Schools of State Board category in four ci es was
325% greater than that of IGCSE Board category.
3. The number of IGCSE Board Schools and CBSE Board Schools was
same in Kolkata.
4. The number of ICSE Board Schools in Chennai was one third the
number of CBSE Board Schools in Mumbai.
5. The total number of schools of all the boards combined across the
given four ci es was 2800.

Correct Answer:

Time taken by you: 0 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 125 secs

Your A empt: Skipped

Previous Next Exit Review
% Students got it correct: 83 %
Questions: 13 to 32 Section : Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning Change Section here

Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow.

Four ci es Mumbai, Jaipur, Kolkata and Chennai have schools of four

different educa on boards namely State board, CBSE board, ICSE
board and IGCSE board. The number of schools of each type of
boards in each city is a non zero mul ple of 25. The following graph
shows the par al informa on about the number of schools of
different boards in the four ci es for the year 2018:


Following points are known:

1. The number of CBSE Board Schools in Mumbai was 80% of the

number of State Board Schools in Jaipur.
2. Total number of Schools of State Board category in four ci es was
325% greater than that of IGCSE Board category.
3. The number of IGCSE Board Schools and CBSE Board Schools was
same in Kolkata.
4. The number of ICSE Board Schools in Chennai was one third the
number of CBSE Board Schools in Mumbai.
5. The total number of schools of all the boards combined across the
given four ci es was 2800.

Previous Next Exit Review

Questions: 17 to 32 Section : Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning Change Section here

Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow. 1) On which day was Q paired with T? 

In Kanodia Residen al School, every week, 6 students are given the

responsibility of grocery shopping for Hostel mess. All six students
have to go for shopping every day from Monday to Friday in the pair Wednesday
of two. In each pair, one student gets Rs. 500 more than the other
student. Each student has to make pair with each other student
exactly once in the whole week. From 22nd July to 26th July, 6 Cannot be determined
students, P, Q, R, S, T and U were given the responsibility for the
shopping of the hostel mess. The following table shows the amount
Video Explana on:

received by each of them (in Rs.) on each day from Monday to Friday.

Explana on:

If we look at the amount with each student on Monday, we
can say thatQ(4,800) and S(4,300) were paired together. Now
on Friday, we can say that S(2,100) and U(2,600) were paired
together. S and T can be paired together only on Thursday.
Now on the remaining 2 days, S must be paired with P and R.
On Wednesday, S(3,300) cannot be paired with P, thus, S was
paired with R(2,800). On Tuesday, S(3,000) was paired with
We can tabulate the following the informa on we have so
far, as given below.

In the table we can see that Q and R cannot be paired on

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Thus, Q(2,700) and
R(3,200) were paired on Thursday. Now the third pair on
Thursday must be P(2,700) and U(3,200). Thus, on
Wednesday, U(2,800) was definitely paired with T(2,300). The
third pair on Wednesday was P(2,300) and Q(2,800). Now on
Friday Q(2,400) was definitely paired with T(2,900). P(2,900)
was paired with R(3,400). Therefore, on Monday P(3,700)
must have been paired with T(4,200) and R(4,200) with
U(3,700). So on Tuesday R(3,500) was paired with T(3,000)
and Q(3,500) with U(3,000).

Q was paired with T on Friday.

Hence, [3].

Correct Answer:

Time taken by you: 0 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 393 secs

Your A empt: Skipped

% Students got it correct: 44 %

Previous Next Exit Review

2) On Tuesday R was paired with ______ . 
Questions: 17 to 32 Section : Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning Change Section here

Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow.
In Kanodia Residen al School, every week, 6 students are given the U
responsibility of grocery shopping for Hostel mess. All six students
Cannot be determined
have to go for shopping every day from Monday to Friday in the pair
of two. In each pair, one student gets Rs. 500 more than the other
student. Each student has to make pair with each other student Video Explana on:

exactly once in the whole week. From 22nd July to 26th July, 6
students, P, Q, R, S, T and U were given the responsibility for the
Explana on:

shopping of the hostel mess. The following table shows the amount
received by each of them (in Rs.) on each day from Monday to Friday.
If we look at the amount with each student on Monday, we
can say thatQ(4,800) and S(4,300) were paired together. Now
on Friday, we can say that S(2,100) and U(2,600) were paired
together. S and T can be paired together only on Thursday.
Now on the remaining 2 days, S must be paired with P and R.
On Wednesday, S(3,300) cannot be paired with P, thus, S was
paired with R(2,800). On Tuesday, S(3,000) was paired with

We can tabulate the following the informa on we have so

far, as given below.

In the table we can see that Q and R cannot be paired on

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Thus, Q(2,700) and
R(3,200) were paired on Thursday. Now the third pair on
Thursday must be P(2,700) and U(3,200). Thus, on
Wednesday, U(2,800) was definitely paired with T(2,300). The
third pair on Wednesday was P(2,300) and Q(2,800). Now on
Friday Q(2,400) was definitely paired with T(2,900). P(2,900)
was paired with R(3,400). Therefore, on Monday P(3,700)
must have been paired with T(4,200) and R(4,200) with
U(3,700). So on Tuesday R(3,500) was paired with T(3,000)
and Q(3,500) with U(3,000).

On Tuesday R was paired with T.

Hence, [2].

Correct Answer:

Time taken by you: 0 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 61 secs

Your A empt: Skipped

% Students got it correct: 46 %

Previous Next Exit Review 3) What was the sum of the amount received by P and P’s 
partner on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and
Questions: 17 to 32 Section : Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning Change Section here

Enter your response (as an integer) using the virtual keyboard

Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow. in the box provided below.

In Kanodia Residen al School, every week, 6 students are given the

responsibility of grocery shopping for Hostel mess. All six students
have to go for shopping every day from Monday to Friday in the pair
of two. In each pair, one student gets Rs. 500 more than the other
student. Each student has to make pair with each other student Video Explana on:

exactly once in the whole week. From 22nd July to 26th July, 6
students, P, Q, R, S, T and U were given the responsibility for the
shopping of the hostel mess. The following table shows the amount Explana on:

received by each of them (in Rs.) on each day from Monday to Friday.
If we look at the amount with each student on Monday, we
can say thatQ(4,800) and S(4,300) were paired together. Now
on Friday, we can say that S(2,100) and U(2,600) were paired
together. S and T can be paired together only on Thursday.
Now on the remaining 2 days, S must be paired with P and R.
On Wednesday, S(3,300) cannot be paired with P, thus, S was
paired with R(2,800). On Tuesday, S(3,000) was paired with

We can tabulate the following the informa on we have so

far, as given below.

In the table we can see that Q and R cannot be paired on

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Thus, Q(2,700) and
R(3,200) were paired on Thursday. Now the third pair on
Thursday must be P(2,700) and U(3,200). Thus, on
Wednesday, U(2,800) was definitely paired with T(2,300). The
third pair on Wednesday was P(2,300) and Q(2,800). Now on
Friday Q(2,400) was definitely paired with T(2,900). P(2,900)
was paired with R(3,400). Therefore, on Monday P(3,700)
must have been paired with T(4,200) and R(4,200) with
U(3,700). So on Tuesday R(3,500) was paired with T(3,000)
and Q(3,500) with U(3,000).

The total amount = 4200 + 3700 + 3500 + 3000 + 2800 + 2300

+ 3200 + 2700 + 3400 + 2900 = 31700
Therefore, the required answer is 31700.

Correct Answer:

Time taken by you: 0 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 65 secs

Your A empt: Skipped

% Students got it correct: 35 %

Previous Next Exit Review

4) What was the minimum amount received by any pair on any 
day in the week?
Questions: 17 to 32 Section : Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning Change Section here

Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow. Enter your response (as an integer) using the virtual keyboard
in the box provided below.
In Kanodia Residen al School, every week, 6 students are given the
responsibility of grocery shopping for Hostel mess. All six students
have to go for shopping every day from Monday to Friday in the pair
of two. In each pair, one student gets Rs. 500 more than the other
student. Each student has to make pair with each other student
exactly once in the whole week. From 22nd July to 26th July, 6 Video Explana on:

students, P, Q, R, S, T and U were given the responsibility for the
shopping of the hostel mess. The following table shows the amount
received by each of them (in Rs.) on each day from Monday to Friday. Explana on:

If we look at the amount with each student on Monday, we
can say thatQ(4,800) and S(4,300) were paired together. Now
on Friday, we can say that S(2,100) and U(2,600) were paired
together. S and T can be paired together only on Thursday.
Now on the remaining 2 days, S must be paired with P and R.
On Wednesday, S(3,300) cannot be paired with P, thus, S was
paired with R(2,800). On Tuesday, S(3,000) was paired with

We can tabulate the following the informa on we have so

far, as given below.

In the table we can see that Q and R cannot be paired on

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Thus, Q(2,700) and
R(3,200) were paired on Thursday. Now the third pair on
Thursday must be P(2,700) and U(3,200). Thus, on
Wednesday, U(2,800) was definitely paired with T(2,300). The
third pair on Wednesday was P(2,300) and Q(2,800). Now on
Friday Q(2,400) was definitely paired with T(2,900). P(2,900)
was paired with R(3,400). Therefore, on Monday P(3,700)
must have been paired with T(4,200) and R(4,200) with
U(3,700). So on Tuesday R(3,500) was paired with T(3,000)
and Q(3,500) with U(3,000).

The minimum amount was received by U and S on Friday =

2600 + 2100 = 4700.
Therefore, the required answer is 4700.

Correct Answer:

Time taken by you: 0 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 97 secs

Your A empt: Skipped

% Students got it correct: 72 %

Previous Next Exit Review

Questions: 17 to 32 Section : Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning Change Section here

Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow.

In Kanodia Residen al School, every week, 6 students are given the

responsibility of grocery shopping for Hostel mess. All six students
have to go for shopping every day from Monday to Friday in the pair
of two. In each pair, one student gets Rs. 500 more than the other
student. Each student has to make pair with each other student
exactly once in the whole week. From 22nd July to 26th July, 6 Loading...
students, P, Q, R, S, T and U were given the responsibility for the
shopping of the hostel mess. The following table shows the amount
received by each of them (in Rs.) on each day from Monday to Friday.

Previous Next Exit Review

Questions: 21 to 32 Section : Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning Change Section here

Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow. 1) Which conference did H a end for full day? 

The American Board of Pediatrics (ABM) organized five

Pediatric Gastroenterology
conferences on five subjects Adolescent Medicine, Pediatric
Cardiology, Developmental-BehavioralPediatrics,Pediatric Pediatric Cardiology
Endocrinology and Pediatric Gastroenterology from 21st August
Pediatric Endocrinology
to 25th August, 2019 in that order. Ten Pediatricians, A, B, C, D, E,
F, G, H, I and J from four countries Canada, Argen na, Brazil and Cannot be determined
Peru a ended the conferences. Each Pediatrician a ended one
conference for half day and another conference for full day.
Video Explana on:

Following informa on is known about the conferences:

1. 3 Pediatricians were from Canada and Peru each and 2

Pediatricians were from Brazil and Argen na each.
2. All 3 Pediatricians from Canada a ended full day conference
on Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics.
3. No Pediatrician a ended Pediatric Cardiology conference for
half day.
4. B, D and E were from Peru and each of them a ended
Adolescent Medicine conference for half day.
5. C & F were from Brazil and a ended Pediatric Cardiology
conference for full day.
6. A, F and I a ended Pediatric Gastroenterology conference for
half day.
7. No two Pediatricians a ended conferences on same subject
combina on.
8. J did not a end conference on Adolescent Medicine. H and I
did not a end conference on Developmental-
Behavioral Pediatrics.

Previous Next Exit Review

Questions: 21 to 32 Explana on:
Section : Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning

Change Section here

Using points 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 & 8 it is clear that A, G and J are

Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow. from Canada and the table can be par ally filled as
The American Board of Pediatrics (ABM) organized five
conferences on five subjects Adolescent Medicine, Pediatric
Cardiology, Developmental-BehavioralPediatrics,Pediatric
Endocrinology and Pediatric Gastroenterology from 21st August
to 25th August, 2019 in that order. Ten Pediatricians, A, B, C, D, E,
F, G, H, I and J from four countries Canada, Argen na, Brazil and
Peru a ended the conferences. Each Pediatrician a ended one
conference for half day and another conference for full day.
Using point 7: Conference of each subject was a ended
by 4Pediatricians. Since no one a ended Pediatric
Following informa on is known about the conferences: Cardiology conference for half day it can be concluded
that 4 pediatricians a ended conference on Pediatric
1. 3 Pediatricians were from Canada and Peru each and 2 Cardiology for full day. Since F a ended full day
Pediatricians were from Brazil and Argen na each. conference on Pediatric Cardiology and half day
2. All 3 Pediatricians from Canada a ended full day conference conference on Pediatric Gastroenterology, I did not
on Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics. a end full day conference on Pediatric Cardiology, Thus,
3. No Pediatrician a ended Pediatric Cardiology conference for definitely H and one among B, D and E a ended full day
half day. conference on Pediatric Cardiology.
4. B, D and E were from Peru and each of them a ended
Adolescent Medicine conference for half day.
5. C & F were from Brazil and a ended Pediatric Cardiology G and J a ended half day conference on Adolescent
conference for full day. Medicine or Pediatric Endocrinology in any order. Using
6. A, F and I a ended Pediatric Gastroenterology conference for point 8, J a ended half day conference on Pediatric
half day. Endocrinology and G a ended half day conference on
7. No two Pediatricians a ended conferences on same subject Adolescent Medicine. I definitely a ended the Pediatric
combina on. Endocrinology conference for full day. Since H did not
8. J did not a end conference on Adolescent Medicine. H and I a end conference on Developmental-Behavioral
did not a end conference on Developmental- Pediatrics, the conference combina on of Pediatric
Behavioral Pediatrics. Cardiology and Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics
must have been a ended by C. Thus, H definitely
a ended Pediatric Endocrinology conference for half

B, D and E a ended full day conference on Pediatric

Cardiology, Pediatric Endocrinology and Pediatric
Endocrinology in any order.

Hence, [2].

Correct Answer:

Time taken by you: 843 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 277 secs

Your A empt: Skipped

% Students got it correct: 35 %

Previous Next Exit Review
Questions: 21 to 32 Section : Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning Change Section here
2) Which conference did B a end for full day? 
Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow.
Pediatric Gastroenterology
The American Board of Pediatrics (ABM) organized five
conferences on five subjects Adolescent Medicine, Pediatric Pediatric Cardiology
Cardiology, Developmental-BehavioralPediatrics,Pediatric Pediatric Endocrinology
Endocrinology and Pediatric Gastroenterology from 21st August
to 25th August, 2019 in that order. Ten Pediatricians, A, B, C, D, E, Cannot be determined
F, G, H, I and J from four countries Canada, Argen na, Brazil and
Peru a ended the conferences. Each Pediatrician a ended one Video Explana on:

conference for half day and another conference for full day.

Following informa on is known about the conferences:

1. 3 Pediatricians were from Canada and Peru each and 2

Pediatricians were from Brazil and Argen na each.
2. All 3 Pediatricians from Canada a ended full day conference
on Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics.
3. No Pediatrician a ended Pediatric Cardiology conference for
half day.
4. B, D and E were from Peru and each of them a ended
Adolescent Medicine conference for half day.
5. C & F were from Brazil and a ended Pediatric Cardiology
conference for full day.
6. A, F and I a ended Pediatric Gastroenterology conference for
half day.
7. No two Pediatricians a ended conferences on same subject
combina on.
8. J did not a end conference on Adolescent Medicine. H and I
did not a end conference on Developmental-
Behavioral Pediatrics.

Previous Next Exit Review

Questions: 21 to 32 Explana on:
Section : Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning

Change Section here

Using points 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 & 8 it is clear that A, G and J are

Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow. from Canada and the table can be par ally filled as
The American Board of Pediatrics (ABM) organized five
conferences on five subjects Adolescent Medicine, Pediatric
Cardiology, Developmental-BehavioralPediatrics,Pediatric
Endocrinology and Pediatric Gastroenterology from 21st August
to 25th August, 2019 in that order. Ten Pediatricians, A, B, C, D, E,
F, G, H, I and J from four countries Canada, Argen na, Brazil and
Peru a ended the conferences. Each Pediatrician a ended one
conference for half day and another conference for full day.

Following informa on is known about the conferences: Using point 7: Conference of each subject was a ended
by 4Pediatricians. Since no one a ended Pediatric
1. 3 Pediatricians were from Canada and Peru each and 2 Cardiology conference for half day it can be concluded
Pediatricians were from Brazil and Argen na each. that 4 pediatricians a ended conference on Pediatric
2. All 3 Pediatricians from Canada a ended full day conference Cardiology for full day. Since F a ended full day
on Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics. conference on Pediatric Cardiology and half day
3. No Pediatrician a ended Pediatric Cardiology conference for conference on Pediatric Gastroenterology, I did not
half day. a end full day conference on Pediatric Cardiology, Thus,
4. B, D and E were from Peru and each of them a ended definitely H and one among B, D and E a ended full day
Adolescent Medicine conference for half day. conference on Pediatric Cardiology.
5. C & F were from Brazil and a ended Pediatric Cardiology
conference for full day. G and J a ended half day conference on Adolescent
6. A, F and I a ended Pediatric Gastroenterology conference for Medicine or Pediatric Endocrinology in any order. Using
half day. point 8, J a ended half day conference on Pediatric
7. No two Pediatricians a ended conferences on same subject Endocrinology and G a ended half day conference on
combina on. Adolescent Medicine. I definitely a ended the Pediatric
8. J did not a end conference on Adolescent Medicine. H and I Endocrinology conference for full day. Since H did not
did not a end conference on Developmental- a end conference on Developmental-Behavioral
Behavioral Pediatrics. Pediatrics, the conference combina on of Pediatric
Cardiology and Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics
must have been a ended by C. Thus, H definitely
a ended Pediatric Endocrinology conference for half
B, D and E a ended full day conference on Pediatric
Cardiology, Pediatric Endocrinology and Pediatric
Endocrinology in any order.

Hence, [4].

Correct Answer:

Time taken by you: 7 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 93 secs

Your A empt: Skipped

Previous Next Exit Review
% Students got it correct: 69 %
Questions: 21 to 32 Section : Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning Change Section here

Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow.
3) Which of the following combina on of Pediatrician – 
The American Board of Pediatrics (ABM) organized five Country – Full day conference– Half day conference is
conferences on five subjects Adolescent Medicine, Pediatric definitely correct?
Cardiology, Developmental-BehavioralPediatrics,Pediatric
Endocrinology and Pediatric Gastroenterology from 21st August
to 25th August, 2019 in that order. Ten Pediatricians, A, B, C, D, E, D– Peru – Pediatric Cardiology– Adolescent Medicine
F, G, H, I and J from four countries Canada, Argen na, Brazil and E– Peru – Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics–
Peru a ended the conferences. Each Pediatrician a ended one Adolescent Medicine
conference for half day and another conference for full day.
J–Canada– Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics–
Pediatric Endocrinology
Following informa on is known about the conferences:
G–Canada– Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics–
1. 3 Pediatricians were from Canada and Peru each and 2 Pediatric Gastroenterology
Pediatricians were from Brazil and Argen na each.
2. All 3 Pediatricians from Canada a ended full day conference Video Explana on:

on Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics.
3. No Pediatrician a ended Pediatric Cardiology conference for
half day.
4. B, D and E were from Peru and each of them a ended
Adolescent Medicine conference for half day.
5. C & F were from Brazil and a ended Pediatric Cardiology
conference for full day.
6. A, F and I a ended Pediatric Gastroenterology conference for
half day.
7. No two Pediatricians a ended conferences on same subject
combina on.
8. J did not a end conference on Adolescent Medicine. H and I
did not a end conference on Developmental-
Behavioral Pediatrics.

Previous Next Exit Review

Questions: 21 to 32 Explana on:
Section : Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning

Change Section here

Using points 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 & 8 it is clear that A, G and J are

Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow. from Canada and the table can be par ally filled as
The American Board of Pediatrics (ABM) organized five
conferences on five subjects Adolescent Medicine, Pediatric
Cardiology, Developmental-BehavioralPediatrics,Pediatric
Endocrinology and Pediatric Gastroenterology from 21st August
to 25th August, 2019 in that order. Ten Pediatricians, A, B, C, D, E,
F, G, H, I and J from four countries Canada, Argen na, Brazil and
Peru a ended the conferences. Each Pediatrician a ended one
conference for half day and another conference for full day.
Using point 7: Conference of each subject was a ended
Following informa on is known about the conferences: by 4 Pediatricians. Since no one a ended Pediatric
Cardiology conference for half day it can be concluded
1. 3 Pediatricians were from Canada and Peru each and 2 that 4 pediatricians a ended conference on Pediatric
Pediatricians were from Brazil and Argen na each. Cardiology for full day. Since F a ended full day
2. All 3 Pediatricians from Canada a ended full day conference conference on Pediatric Cardiology and half day
on Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics. conference on Pediatric Gastroenterology, I did not
3. No Pediatrician a ended Pediatric Cardiology conference for a end full day conference on Pediatric Cardiology, Thus,
half day. definitely H and one among B, D and E a ended full day
4. B, D and E were from Peru and each of them a ended conference on Pediatric Cardiology.
Adolescent Medicine conference for half day. G and J a ended half day conference on Adolescent
5. C & F were from Brazil and a ended Pediatric Cardiology Medicine or Pediatric Endocrinology in any order. Using
conference for full day. point 8, J a ended half day conference on Pediatric
6. A, F and I a ended Pediatric Gastroenterology conference for Endocrinology and G a ended half day conference on
half day. Adolescent Medicine. I definitely a ended the Pediatric
7. No two Pediatricians a ended conferences on same subject Endocrinology conference for full day. Since H did not
combina on. a end conference on Developmental-Behavioral
8. J did not a end conference on Adolescent Medicine. H and I Pediatrics, the conference combina on of Pediatric
did not a end conference on Developmental- Cardiology and Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics
Behavioral Pediatrics. must have been a ended by C. Thus, H definitely
a ended Pediatric Endocrinology conference for half
B, D and E a ended full day conference on Pediatric
Cardiology, Pediatric Endocrinology and Pediatric
Endocrinology in any order.

Hence, [3].

Correct Answer:

Time taken by you: 30 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 280 secs

Your A empt: Correct

% Students got it correct: 78 %

Previous Next Exit Review
Questions: 21 to 32 Section : Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning Change Section here
4) How many Pediatricians did a end full day 
conference for Pediatric Endocrinology?
Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow.

The American Board of Pediatrics (ABM) organized five 1

conferences on five subjects Adolescent Medicine, Pediatric
Cardiology, Developmental-BehavioralPediatrics,Pediatric 2
Endocrinology and Pediatric Gastroenterology from 21st August 3
to 25th August, 2019 in that order. Ten Pediatricians, A, B, C, D, E,
F, G, H, I and J from four countries Canada, Argen na, Brazil and 4
Peru a ended the conferences. Each Pediatrician a ended one
conference for half day and another conference for full day. Video Explana on:

Following informa on is known about the conferences:

1. 3 Pediatricians were from Canada and Peru each and 2

Pediatricians were from Brazil and Argen na each.
2. All 3 Pediatricians from Canada a ended full day conference
on Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics.
3. No Pediatrician a ended Pediatric Cardiology conference for
half day.
4. B, D and E were from Peru and each of them a ended
Adolescent Medicine conference for half day.
5. C & F were from Brazil and a ended Pediatric Cardiology
conference for full day.
6. A, F and I a ended Pediatric Gastroenterology conference for
half day.
7. No two Pediatricians a ended conferences on same subject
combina on.
8. J did not a end conference on Adolescent Medicine. H and I
did not a end conference on Developmental-
Behavioral Pediatrics.

Previous Next Exit Review

Questions: 21 to 32 Explana on:
Section : Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning

Change Section here

Using points 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 & 8 it is clear that A, G and J are

Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow. from Canada and the table can be par ally filled as
The American Board of Pediatrics (ABM) organized five
conferences on five subjects Adolescent Medicine, Pediatric
Cardiology, Developmental-BehavioralPediatrics,Pediatric
Endocrinology and Pediatric Gastroenterology from 21st August
to 25th August, 2019 in that order. Ten Pediatricians, A, B, C, D, E,
F, G, H, I and J from four countries Canada, Argen na, Brazil and
Peru a ended the conferences. Each Pediatrician a ended one
conference for half day and another conference for full day.

Using point 7: Conference of each subject was a ended

Following informa on is known about the conferences: by 4Pediatricians. Since no one a ended Pediatric
Cardiology conference for half day it can be concluded
1. 3 Pediatricians were from Canada and Peru each and 2 that 4 pediatricians a ended conference on Pediatric
Pediatricians were from Brazil and Argen na each. Cardiology for full day. Since F a ended full day
2. All 3 Pediatricians from Canada a ended full day conference conference on Pediatric Cardiology and half day
on Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics. conference on Pediatric Gastroenterology, I did not
3. No Pediatrician a ended Pediatric Cardiology conference for a end full day conference on Pediatric Cardiology, Thus,
half day. definitely H and one among B, D and E a ended full day
4. B, D and E were from Peru and each of them a ended conference on Pediatric Cardiology.
Adolescent Medicine conference for half day.
5. C & F were from Brazil and a ended Pediatric Cardiology
conference for full day. G and J a ended half day conference on Adolescent
6. A, F and I a ended Pediatric Gastroenterology conference for Medicine or Pediatric Endocrinology in any order. Using
half day. point 8, J a ended half day conference on Pediatric
7. No two Pediatricians a ended conferences on same subject Endocrinology and G a ended half day conference on
combina on. Adolescent Medicine. I definitely a ended the Pediatric
8. J did not a end conference on Adolescent Medicine. H and I Endocrinology conference for full day. Since H did not
did not a end conference on Developmental- a end conference on Developmental-Behavioral
Behavioral Pediatrics. Pediatrics, the conference combina on of Pediatric
Cardiology and Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics
must have been a ended by C. Thus, H definitely
a ended Pediatric Endocrinology conference for half

B, D and E a ended full day conference on Pediatric

Cardiology, Pediatric Endocrinology and Pediatric
Endocrinology in any order.

Hence, [2].

Correct Answer:

Time taken by you: 0 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 59 secs

Previous Next Exit Review Your A empt: Skipped

% Students got it correct: 65 %
Questions: 21 to 32 Section : Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning Change Section here

Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow.

The American Board of Pediatrics (ABM) organized five

conferences on five subjects Adolescent Medicine, Pediatric
Cardiology, Developmental-BehavioralPediatrics,Pediatric
Endocrinology and Pediatric Gastroenterology from 21st August
to 25th August, 2019 in that order. Ten Pediatricians, A, B, C, D, E,
F, G, H, I and J from four countries Canada, Argen na, Brazil and
Peru a ended the conferences. Each Pediatrician a ended one
conference for half day and another conference for full day.

Following informa on is known about the conferences:

1. 3 Pediatricians were from Canada and Peru each and 2
Pediatricians were from Brazil and Argen na each.
2. All 3 Pediatricians from Canada a ended full day conference
on Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics.
3. No Pediatrician a ended Pediatric Cardiology conference for
half day.
4. B, D and E were from Peru and each of them a ended
Adolescent Medicine conference for half day.
5. C & F were from Brazil and a ended Pediatric Cardiology
conference for full day.
6. A, F and I a ended Pediatric Gastroenterology conference for
half day.
7. No two Pediatricians a ended conferences on same subject
combina on.
8. J did not a end conference on Adolescent Medicine. H and I
did not a end conference on Developmental-
Behavioral Pediatrics.

Previous Next Exit Review

Questions: 25 to 32 Section : Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning Change Section here

Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow. 1) If the match between Valencia and Real Sociedad was a 
draw then for how many matches the result is not known?
The Royal Spanish Football Federa on organised the Copa del Rey in
which teams of 7 clubs par cipated. The clubs are Sevilla, Real
Enter your response (as an integer) using the virtual keyboard in
Sociedad, Spor ng de Jijón, Valencia, Athle c Bilbao, Espanyol and
the box provided below.
Atlé co Madrid. Each team played exactly once against each other in
the tournament. The teams got 4 points for winning and no points for
losing the match. If a match was a draw, each team got one point.

Further the following points are known:

Video Explana on:

1. Each team won at least one match.
2. Real Sociedad won four matches.
3. Sevilla drew a match against Valencia, Real Sociedad and Athele c Explana on:

4. Athle c Bilbao won the match against Valencia and Espanyol and lost Let us first denote the team names with short forms :Sevilla –
the match against Real Sociedad and Spor ng de Jijón. S, Real Sociedad – RS, Sporting de Jijón – SDJ, Valencia – V, Athle c
5. Real Sociedad did not lose any match. Bilbao – AB, Espanyol – E, Atlé co Madrid – AM. From the given
informa on, following par ally filled table can be drawn:

Using the addi onal informa on given in the ques on.

The results of 10 matches are s ll not known.

Therefore the required answer is 10.

Correct Answer:

Time taken by you: 698 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 210 secs

Your A empt: Correct

% Students got it correct: 33 %

2) What could be the minimum difference between the total 

points scored by Sevilla and Spor ng de Jijón?

Previous Next Exit Review Enter your response (as an integer) using the virtual keyboard in
the box provided below.
Questions: 25 to 32 Section : Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning Change Section here

Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow.

The Royal Spanish Football Federa on organised the Copa del Rey in
Video Explana on:

which teams of 7 clubs par cipated. The clubs are Sevilla, Real
Sociedad, Spor ng de Jijón, Valencia, Athle c Bilbao, Espanyol and
Atlé co Madrid. Each team played exactly once against each other in Explana on:

the tournament. The teams got 4 points for winning and no points for
losing the match. If a match was a draw, each team got one point.
Let us first denote the team names with shortforms : Sevilla –
S, Real Sociedad – RS, Sporting de Jijón – SDJ, Valencia – V, Athle c
Further the following points are known: Bilbao – AB, Espanyol – E, Atlé co Madrid – AM. From the given
informa on, following par ally filled table can be drawn:
1. Each team won at least one match.
2. Real Sociedad won four matches.
3. Sevilla drew a match against Valencia, Real Sociedad and Athele c
4. Athle c Bilbao won the match against Valencia and Espanyol and lost
the match against Real Sociedad and Spor ng de Jijón.
5. Real Sociedad did not lose any match.

To get the minimum difference between the total points of S and SDJ,
let us try if it is possible that both the team got the same score. For
this, match between S and SDJ must be a draw. Without loss of
generality, assume that S won against E. In this case, the results of the
matches played by S and SDJ could be following:

Now let us see, whether this table can be filled sa sfying all the
given condi ons. Here, we can see that RS’s matches with S
and SDJ were draw thus RS won all the other four matches.

Since each team won at least one match, thus E might have won
against one among V and AM. AM might have won against
anyone among V, AB and AM. So this case is valid.

Thus, the minimum difference between the total score of S

and SDJ = 0

Hence, the answer is 0.

Correct Answer:

Time taken by you: 88 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 47 secs

Your A empt: Wrong

% Students got it correct: 32 %

Previous Next Exit Review

3) Addi onal informa on for Q.27: 
Questions: 25 to 32 Section : Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning Change Section here

Espanyol got maximum possible points for the remaining

Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow. matches and Atlé co Madrid won only one match, which
was against Valencia and lost all other matches.
The Royal Spanish Football Federa on organised the Copa del Rey in
which teams of 7 clubs par cipated. The clubs are Sevilla, Real
Who won the match between Sevilla and Spor ng de Jijón?
Sociedad, Spor ng de Jijón, Valencia, Athle c Bilbao, Espanyol and
Atlé co Madrid. Each team played exactly once against each other in
the tournament. The teams got 4 points for winning and no points for Spor ng de Jijón
losing the match. If a match was a draw, each team got one point.
The match was a draw
Further the following points are known:
Cannot be determined
1. Each team won at least one match.
2. Real Sociedad won four matches.
Video Explana on:

3. Sevilla drew a match against Valencia, Real Sociedad and Athele c
4. Athle c Bilbao won the match against Valencia and Espanyol and lost Explana on:

the match against Real Sociedad and Spor ng de Jijón.
5. Real Sociedad did not lose any match. Let us first denote the team names with shortforms : Sevilla –
S, Real Sociedad – RS, Sporting de Jijón – SDJ, Valencia – V, Athle c
Bilbao – AB, Espanyol – E, Atlé co Madrid – AM. From the given
informa on, following par ally filled table can be drawn:

To get the maximum possible points, E must have won its matches
against S, SDJ, V and AM and the match between E and RS must be a

The table can be filled as follows:

The result of the match between S and SDJ is not known.

Hence, [4].

Correct Answer:

Time taken by you: 124 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 176 secs

Your A empt: Wrong

Previous Next Exit Review % Students got it correct: 75 %

Questions: 25 to 32 Section : Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning Change Section here

4) Addi onal informa on for Q 28: 

Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow.

Espanyol got maximum possible points for the remaining

The Royal Spanish Football Federa on organised the Copa del Rey in
matches and Atlé co Madrid won only one match, which
which teams of 7 clubs par cipated. The clubs are Sevilla, Real
was against Valencia and lost all other matches.
Sociedad, Spor ng de Jijón, Valencia, Athle c Bilbao, Espanyol and
Atlé co Madrid. Each team played exactly once against each other in
the tournament. The teams got 4 points for winning and no points for Which team got the second lowest points among the seven
losing the match. If a match was a draw, each team got one point. teams?

Further the following points are known: Atlé co Madrid

1. Each team won at least one match.
2. Real Sociedad won four matches. Sevilla
3. Sevilla drew a match against Valencia, Real Sociedad and Athele c
Spor ng de Jijón
4. Athle c Bilbao won the match against Valencia and Espanyol and lost
the match against Real Sociedad and Spor ng de Jijón. Video Explana on:

5. Real Sociedad did not lose any match.

Explana on:

Let us first denote the team names with shortforms : Sevilla –
S, Real Sociedad – RS, Sporting de Jijón – SDJ, Valencia – V, Athle c
Bilbao – AB, Espanyol – E, Atlé co Madrid – AM. From the given
informa on, following par ally filled table can be drawn:

To get the maximum possible points, E must have won its matches
against S, SDJ, V and AM and the match between E and RS must be a

The table can be filled as follows:

The 2nd lowest points were 5 scored by V.

Hence, [2].

Correct Answer:

Time taken by you: 130 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 93 secs

Previous Next Exit Review
Your A empt: Correct
Questions: 25 to 32 Section : Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning Change Section here

% Students got it correct: 69 %

Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow.

The Royal Spanish Football Federa on organised the Copa del Rey in
which teams of 7 clubs par cipated. The clubs are Sevilla, Real
Sociedad, Spor ng de Jijón, Valencia, Athle c Bilbao, Espanyol and
Atlé co Madrid. Each team played exactly once against each other in
the tournament. The teams got 4 points for winning and no points for
losing the match. If a match was a draw, each team got one point.

Further the following points are known:

1. Each team won at least one match.

2. Real Sociedad won four matches.
3. Sevilla drew a match against Valencia, Real Sociedad and Athele c
Bilbao. Loading...
4. Athle c Bilbao won the match against Valencia and Espanyol and lost
the match against Real Sociedad and Spor ng de Jijón.
5. Real Sociedad did not lose any match.

Previous Next Exit Review

Questions: 29 to 32 Section : Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning Change Section here

Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow. 1) If X starts from India on the same day at midnight, then at 
what me would he reach back to Scotland? (Scotland
Turkey is 2 hours ahead of Scotland and 4 hours behind India. X leaves me)
Scotland at 6:00 PM on Friday and reaches Turkey the next day. A er
wai ng there for 3 hours, he leaves at 5:00 AM and reaches India at
8:00 AM
5:00 PM on his return journey, he takes the same route as before, but
halts at Turkey for 1 hour less than his previous halt there. He then 10:00 AM
proceeds to Scotland.
11:00 AM
None of these

Video Explana on:

Explana on:

The me in different countries during the travel can be listed as

Number of hours travelled from Scotland to Turkey = Midnight

12 – 6:00PM = 6 hours.
Number of hours travelled from Turkey to India =1:00 PM–
5:00 AM = 8 hours.

Total travelling me = 6 + 8 = 14
Total hal ng me = 2 hours
Total me taken to reach Scotland = 14 + 2 = 16 hours. Indian
me = 12 midnight + 16 hours = 4:00 PM
Scotland me = 4:00 PM – 6 hours = 10:00 AM
Hence, [2].

Correct Answer:

Time taken by you: 430 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 344 secs

Your A empt: Skipped

% Students got it correct: 56 %

2) If X halts in India for 12 hours, then a er how many hours 

did X reach back to Scotland (from the me he started from

Enter your response (as an integer) using the virtual keyboard in

the box provided below.


Previous Next Exit Review

Questions: 29 to 32 Section : Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning Video Explana on:

Change Section here

Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow. Explana on:

Turkey is 2 hours ahead of Scotland and 4 hours behind India. X leaves The me in different countries during the travel can be listed as
Scotland at 6:00 PM on Friday and reaches Turkey the next day. A er follows:
wai ng there for 3 hours, he leaves at 5:00 AM and reaches India at
5:00 PM on his return journey, he takes the same route as before, but
halts at Turkey for 1 hour less than his previous halt there. He then
proceeds to Scotland.

Number of hours travelled from Scotland to Turkey = Midnight

12 – 6:00PM = 6 hours.
Number of hours travelled from Turkey to India =1:00 PM –
5:00 AM = 8 hours.

Total travelling hour both ways = 2(6 + 8) = 28 hours

Total number of hal ng hours = 3 (Turkey) + 12 (India) + 2
(Turkey) = 17 hours
So X reach back to Scotland a er 28 + 17 = 45 hours
Therefore, the required answer is 45.

Correct Answer:

Time taken by you: 119 secs

Avg Time taken by all students: 53 secs

Your A empt: Wrong

% Students got it correct: 39 %

3) Y leaves Scotland at 10:00 PM on Friday and reaches Turkey 

on Saturday. Then he proceeds to India a er a halt of ‘t’
hours. He reaches India next day at 11:00 PM. For how
many hours did he halt in Turkey?

Enter your response (as an integer) using the virtual keyboard in

the box provided below.

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The me in different countries during the travel can be listed as

Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow. follows:

Turkey is 2 hours ahead of Scotland and 4 hours behind India. X leaves

Scotland at 6:00 PM on Friday and reaches Turkey the next day. A er
wai ng there for 3 hours, he leaves at 5:00 AM and reaches India at
5:00 PM on his return journey, he takes the same route as before, but
halts at Turkey for 1 hour less than his previous halt there. He then
proceeds to Scotland.
Number of hours travelled from Scotland to Turkey = Midnight
12 – 6:00 PM = 6 hours.
Number of hours travelled from Turkey to India =1:00 PM –
5:00 AM = 8 hours.

When it is 11:00 PM in India, it is 5:00 PM in Scotland. Total

me taken = 19 hours. Total travelling me = 14 hours. So halt
me in Turkey = 19 – 14 = 5 hours.
Therefore, the required answer is 5.

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Avg Time taken by all students: 60 secs

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% Students got it correct: 48 %

4) Z leaves Scotland at 6:00 AM on Friday and reaches Turkey 

the same day. Then he proceeds to India a er a halt of 10
hours. At what me does he reach India? (Indian me)

At noon on Saturday
At 10:00 AM on Saturday
At 9:00 AM on Saturday
At 6:00 AM on Saturday

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Questions: 29 to 32 Section : Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning Explana on:

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The me in different countries during the travel can be listed as

Refer to the data below and answer the ques ons that follow. follows:

Turkey is 2 hours ahead of Scotland and 4 hours behind India. X leaves

Scotland at 6:00 PM on Friday and reaches Turkey the next day. A er
wai ng there for 3 hours, he leaves at 5:00 AM and reaches India at
5:00 PM on his return journey, he takes the same route as before, but
halts at Turkey for 1 hour less than his previous halt there. He then
proceeds to Scotland.
Number of hours travelled from Scotland to Turkey = Midnight 2
– 6:00 PM = 6 hours.
Number of hours travelled from Turkey to India = 1:00 PM –
5:00 AM = 8 hours.

Z reaches Turkey a er 6 hours, i.e., noon in Scotland and

2:00 AM in Turkey. A er a halt of 10 hours, he starts from
Turkey at midnight. He reaches India a er 8 hours. i.e.,
8:00 AM in Turkey and noon in India.
Hence, [1].

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% Students got it correct: 78 %


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