Comparative Study On Incident Management: January 2012
Comparative Study On Incident Management: January 2012
Comparative Study On Incident Management: January 2012
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International Journal of Applied Information Systems (IJAIS) – ISSN : 2249-0868
Foundation of Computer Science FCS, New York, USA
Volume 3– No.2, July 2012 –
Differences: The only difference is the name; for BMC the informs problem to manager of the affected service to stop
name is "Incident Request Registration" and for CA the name future occurrences [8].
is "Raise an incident".
CA Check Junction: It is about Incident Management
BMC – Incident Request Assignment: After registering new outputs derived from detection and reporting of incidents and
incident, agent confirms that service management application providing a way to proactive and optimize problem
have capability to assign incident automatically to an management. The accurate incident recording will minimize
appropriate group. Assigned group manager reviews the incident repetition. Alternatively check junction provides
incident and sends back to Service desk, in case information is capability to incident management for taking inputs from
not completed. This gives an idea to agent for better problem management to stream line whole process [2].
understanding of customer information and correct assigned Investigate & Diagnose – Service Desk Analyst investigates
group. In case of correct group assignment, manager assigns and analyses all related information of an incident. If
incident to specialist otherwise incident request required resolution is not provided by analyst then route incident to
Change Management process [8]. subject matter experts (SMEs). Integrated Management
technologies can play a vital role to identify and route
CA – Record an Incident: In most of the cases, incidents are incidents to suitable SMEs. In this process, involvement of
recorded by service desk. Users should possibly report multilevel SMEs group and vendor may require [2].
incidents in quick fashion, providing complete information to
front line analyst. Most effective way is capability of system Similarities: In CA case, an incident is routed to SMEs if
itself for auto record incidents. Recording of an incident is resolution is not provided by the Service Desk Analyst. In
important even if users have resolution of an incident. The BMC case, group manager reviews the incident and sends
service desk calls can be minimize by using effective back to Service desk, in case information is not completed
Knowledge Management, and web interface to log an incident otherwise manager assigns an incident to specialist. The basic
[2]. Categorization of an incident is sub part of record concept is same.
function in Incident Management. Categorization has two
aspects; classification and affected configuration item. Service Differences: The Check Junction, and Investigate & diagnose
desk agent should categorize an incident rightly, otherwise process does not exist in BMC Incident Management Process
complication can occur [2]. separately.
International Journal of Applied Information Systems (IJAIS) – ISSN : 2249-0868
Foundation of Computer Science FCS, New York, USA
Volume 3– No.2, July 2012 –
can be done very quickly, and incidents are required to 5. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION
escalate to problem management for identifying cause of In this paper we had compared incident Management
problem [2]. Workaround - The workaround requires to be processes of BMC and CA, which demonstrate that there are
documented in problem record and creation of known error few similarities among them, which may help for
record. During root cause analysis, it is possible that an standardization of ITIL process and obviously there are few
organization can find resolution to a problem, but differences, which are liable to resist standardization of ITIL
management may deem costly permanently fixed. In such processes. The versions of ITIL process can be set if ITIL
cases, workaround is the permanently fixing the problem and incidents management standards exist, the versioning concept
record denotes this status [2]. is always a useful for the enhancements of the processes at all
Similarities: No similarities. the time. One should consider the possibility of open
standards as a new initiative [5][9].
Differences: The workaround concept is used as part of
Incident Request Resolution by Specialist in BMC but 6. REFERENCES
Workaround process is separately used in CA Incident [1] Rob Addy, Effective IT Service Management: To ITIL
Management process. and Beyond, 2007, Springer, 1st Edition, ISBN-10:
3540731970, ISBN-13: 978-3540731979
BMC – Solution Approval: As Manager notifies for a new
proposed solution, he/she reviews in detail. If Manager [2] Technology Brief: CA Inc., Incident Management ITSM
satisfies that solution can help to resolve incidents in future Process Map, 2012,
and helpful for customers, specialists and agents, he/she
makes the availability of solution for general use [8]. dent-manage-it-serv-manage-2010_234994
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(RFC) will be submitted, so automated transfer of incident
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error and then incident can close [2]. [5] Tariq Rahim Soomro and Amanullah Bashir,
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Incident management process.
CA – Restore Service: The main objective of incident [7] CA Technologies, About CA Technologies, 2012,
management process is service restoration. It is ensuring that
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satisfaction surveys are helpful for effective delivery of high-
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