Exam Preparatory Manual of Oral Medicine and Radiology: November 2019

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Exam Preparatory Manual of Oral Medicine and Radiology

Book · November 2019

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1 author:

Anbarasi K
Sri Ramachandra University


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Exam Preparatory Manual of
Oral Medicine and Radiology
Exam Preparatory Manual of
Oral Medicine and Radiology

K Anbarasi MDS PhD

Associate Professor
Faculty of Dental Sciences
Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology
Sri Ramachandra Dental College
Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research (DU)
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

N Gnanasundaram


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Exam Preparatory Manual of Oral Medicine and Radiology
First Edition:  2020
ISBN  978-93-5270-602-0
Printed at

Chapter Contributor (Radiology)

TN Uma Maheswari MDS PhD
Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

1. Aarthi Mu
2. Abbyraamy N
3. Abinaya R
4. Abitha V
5. Ahamed Anwer
Alumni (2010–15 Batch)
Faculty of Dental Science
Sri Ramachandra Dental College
Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research (DU)
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Art Work
MC Pandi Meena MDS
Alumni (2015–2018)
Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology
Sri Ramachandra Dental College
Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research (DU)
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
The art of teaching in a specialty subject is rewarded by the student’s
excellence in the particular domain. The author of this manual is my student
and I am happy about her merits.
When students are studying, they need to gain knowledge and write exam
to prove their learning level. Mere teaching will not help the students to crack
the exams easily. Exam preparatory guides always solve the issue in a placid
Dr Anbarasi, MDS in Oral Medicine and Radiology has 13 years of experience in the subject
and she is one of the best teachers in her institution. She has done PhD in dental education
and familiar about the students needs and she has written this guide on the exam point of view
of a student. She has given model questions and answers for essays, short notes, MCQs and
sample viva voce questions for each chapter. This guide will really help the students for exam
preparation in a better way as it reduces the burden of studying voluminous material in the
I recommend students to read the textbooks for the better understanding of the subject and
gain knowledge from your teachers to sustain in the field with good credits. Students can use
this exam preparatory manual as a key to open the doors of examination and walk out with good
I am sure that this preparatory manual will make students preparation much easier and
also motivate the students to prepare the exam syllabus with a complete understanding.
Students should use this manual to appear for the examination with more confidence and
clarity. I appreciate the work by Dr Anbarasi to help the students and her efforts in satisfying
the students’ needs.

N Gnanasundaram
Visiting Faculty
Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology
Faculty of Dental Sciences
Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research
Former Principal and Professor
Government Dental College
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Textbook are the ultimate source of providing knowledge. The students need to progress with
consistent learning goals and dynamic academic strategies throughout their course period. The
hardest and most challenging part in this period is facing examination. The exam preparation
requires systematic planning of time management, appropriate course materials, ability to keep
up with the materials, hard work, reading, and memorizing. The amount of information need to
be understood and memorize is huge in oral medicine and radiology. Many students experience
difficulty in understanding the concepts and proper application of the understanding to
analytically and interpretively tackle the questions. All these factors lead to increased “anxiety”
and “burn out” feeling during the exam time which ultimately reduce their potential and
This preparatory manual was started with the interest of overcoming these concerns and
providing a fruitful solution for the exam preparation. Great care was taken to consolidate and
integrate the topics in a relevant manner. Each topic is provided with an introduction, headings
and subheadings for clarity and meaningful connections. In addition, flowcharts and tables
were used to explain the concepts and line diagrams to encourage the art work in the answer
sheets. The whole idea is to set the task of studying for the exams and helping the undergraduate
dental students to apply the theoretical information to solve the exam puzzle.
The topics are intellectually compiled by carefully reviewing the standard works of pioneers
in the field as well as the recent advances added by experts in journal articles. Maximum effort
was taken to cover all the relevant topics dictated by Dental Council of India and the exam
requirement of different institutions at national as well as Pan Asian level.
This radiology annexure aims to create an interest and basic idea on dental radiology.
The work focuses on normal anatomy and interpretation of most common dental diseases
associated with pulp, periapical and periodontal structures in everyday practice. It is exclusively
a practical guidance for undergraduates on many things that may be missed out.
This annexure was prepared by a team of interns under my guidance. The interns have put in
lots of effort in compiling radiographs from patients that walk in Department of Oral Medicine
and Radiology, Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research (SRIHER). With
all our hard work behind the process, we thought of sharing our experience in the journey
of learning radiology with beginners of dentistry. The visual representations were made for
the better perceptive which will raise beginner’s curiosity in examination of radiograph and
diagnosis. Hence, this annexure is an, “Introduction to dental radiology to dental students
by dental students”.
This manual will help the students to prepare the contents well in advance the class schedule
and utilize the lecture hours for discussion. The faculty members can also extend the scope of
their classes beyond exam point of view.
In this fine moment, I like to sincerely register my acknowledgment for the support and
encouragement of my institution, SRIHER central library staff members, postgraduate trainees
of my department, and all my beloved students.
x Exam Preparatory Manual of Oral Medicine and Radiology

The reviewer commends, critical suggestions, and publishers support are the great boon to
complete this task in a successful way.
I hope the good intention and sincere effort taken to prepare this book will be recognized by
the faculty members and students. I wish a very happy and hazel free learning experience for
all students.
Best wishes and good luck for all students
K Anbarasi

1. Red, White and Mixed Red and White Lesions 3
2. Vesiculobullous and Ulcerative Diseases 24
3. Orofacial Pain 46
4. Pigmented Lesions of Oral Mucosa 58
5. Salivary Gland Diseases 69
6. Dental Consideration for Patients with Systemic Diseases/Disorders 83
7. Bleeding Disorders 100
8. Cervicofacial Lymphadenopathy 112
9. Oral Cancer—Investigation and Treatment Procedures 117
10. Focal Sepsis 132
11. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 135
12. Infectious Disease of Oral Cavity 140
13. Discoloration of Teeth 151
14. Odontogenic and Nonodontogenic Cysts 155
15. Odontogenic and Nonodontogenic Tumors 163
16. Temporomandibular Joint Disorders 180
17. Oral Manifestations of Endocrine Disorders 188
18. Immunological Diseases 199
19. Bone Disorders 203
20. Oral Manifestations of Nutritional Disorders 211
21. Dental Caries 219
22. Drugs Used in Dentistry 223
23. Developmental Disorders of Teeth and Orofacial Structures 230
24. Infection Control in Dental Clinics 238
25. Miscellaneous Topics 245

26. Radiation Physics 257
27. Radiation Biology 269
28. Radiation Protection 280
29. Image Receptors, X-ray Film, Intensifying Screens, and Grids
and Image Characteristics 288
30. X-ray Film Processing and Faulty Radiographs 298
31. Projection Geometry 311
32. Quality Assurance in Dental Radiography 317
33. Intraoral Radiographic Techniques 324
34. Extraoral Radiographic Techniques 340
xii Exam Preparatory Manual of Oral Medicine and Radiology

35. Temporomandibular Joint Projections 353

36. Advanced Imaging Modalities 357
37. Dental Anomalies, Dental Caries, Pulp, Periapical, and Periodontal Lesions 367
38. Radiolucent Lesions 380
39. Radiopaque Lesions 388

40. Forensic Dentistry 397

Milestone in Periapical Radiographic Interpretation 411
Index 445

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