T-TET Paper-I Syllabus 2020.docx - 0
T-TET Paper-I Syllabus 2020.docx - 0
T-TET Paper-I Syllabus 2020.docx - 0
Process of thinking and learning of children: causes of children’s failure to achieve success in
school performance with respect to quality education.
Basic approaches to learning: processes of teaching and learning, children’s strategies of learning,
learning as social activity, social context of learning, child as a problem solver and scientific
Alternative concepts of learning in children: understanding children’s ‘errors’ as significant steps
in the learning process.
Cognition and emotions: concept and nature of cognition, basic emotions, characteristics of
childhood emotionality.
Motivation and learning: factors contributing to learning-personal and environmental, influence of
motivation in learning.
Class-room management: creation of non-threatening learning environment, managing
behavioural problems in class-room.
Punishment and its legal implications, rights of a child.
Guidance and counselling: concept, nature and types.
(i) Two passages, one from prose and the other from poetry with questions on comprehension, inference,
grammar and test of vocabulary. (prose passage may be literary, scientific, narrative or discursive.)
Framing Yes/No & 'WH' questions
Question tags
Tense and time
Phrasal verbs
Gerunds & Participle
Auxiliary verbs
1z Af¢Wa NcÉ¡wn Hhw Af¢Wa fcÉ¡wn bL Ahh¡d (Comprehension) j§mL fËnÀ, hÉ¡LlZ J i¡o¡j§mL cra¡ k¡Q¡C LlZz
2z h¡wm¡ p¡¢qaÉl fË¢bakn¡ p¡¢q¢aÉLcl p¡¢qaÉL«¢a pðå£u p¡d¡lZ d¡lZ¡: j¡CLm jd¤p§ce cš, h¢ˆjQ¾cÊ Q–¡f¡dÉ¡u, lh£¾cÊe¡b
W¡L¥l, nlvQ¾cÊ Q–¡f¡dÉ¡u , ¢hi¨¢ai¨oZ h¾c¡f¡dÉ¡u , üZÑL¥j¡l£ ch£, L¡¢je£ l¡u, ¢àS¾cÊm¡m l¡u, L¡¢mc¡p l¡u, L¥j¤c l¾Se j¢õL,
ka£¾cÊj¡qe h¡NQ£, paɾcÊe¡b cš, Aa¥mfËp¡c pe, L¡S£ eSl¦m Cpm¡j, Ahe£¾cÊe¡b W¡L¥l, p¤¤L¡¿¹ i–¡Q¡kÑ, p¤¤L¥j¡l l¡u, m£m¡
3z h¡wm¡ p¡d¤ J j¡eÉ Q¢mai¡o¡ pÇfLÑ d¡lZ¡z
4z hZÑ J dÆ¢e fËLlZz
5z (L) f¢ÕQjh‰ h¡wm¡ BL¡c¢j-l h¡e¡e¢h¢d pÇfLÑ f§ZÑ¡‰ d¡lZ¡z
(M) NWe J AbÑ¡e¤p¡l h¡LÉl NWe fËZ¡m£z
(N) p¢å pÇfLÑ d¡lZ¡z
(O) hQe J ¢m‰ pÇfLÑ d¡lZ¡z
(P) pj¡pz
(Q) L¡lL - ¢hi¢š²z
(R) h¡Nd¡l¡ J h¡LÉ pwL¡Qez
(S) pj¡µQ¡¢la ¢iæ¡bÑL nëz
(T) ¢hfl£a nëz
(U) h¡wm¡ nài¡™¡l - Hl ¢ae¢V ¢hi¡Nl ( j±¢mL , BN¿¹¥L Hhw pˆl h¡ ¢jnË në ) A¿¹NÑa në…¢ml EvpNa
nË¢Z¢hi¡N (avpj , AdÑavpj , aáh , c¢n , ¢hc¢n CaÉ¡¢c ) , pw‘¡ J Ec¡qlZz
1. f¢lS¡Lu¡ LLhj aC LLmh¢e p±Pj¤P¢e ¢h¢pwa±C ¢pl±Lj¡ (Comprehension), LLj¡ aC LL¢e l±Pj¡e
2. LLhlL LLl±h¡C¢e j¤PN±e¡P l±h¡Cg¡PlN¢e LLl±h¡Ce p¡EC j¡ej¤P: L¡¢S c±ma Bqjc, l¡d¡j¡qe W¡L¥l, hwn£ W¡L¥l ,
l¡jQlZ chhjÑ¡ , p¤¤deÄ¡ chhjÑ¡ , k¡N¾cÊ Q¾cÊ chhjÑ¡ , ljn chhjÑ¡, L¥jc¤ l”e chhjÑ¡ , n¡¢¿¹ju Qœ²haÑ£ , A¢m¾cÊm¡m
¢œf¤l¡ , N¡f£ hõi LmC , nÉ¡jm¡m chhjÑ¡ , e¾c L¥j¡l chhjÑ¡ , X: ¢ea¡C BQ¡kÑ , Q¾cÊL¡¿¹ j¤s¡¢pw , ¢eaÉ¡e¾c chhjÑ¡ ,
N‰y¡QlZ chhjÑ¡ , el¾cÊ chhjÑ¡ , lh£¾cÊ ¢Ln¡l chhjÑ¡ , Lj¢mu¡ chhjÑ¡ , L¥” ¢hq¡l£ chhjÑ¡ , Evfm chhjÑ¡ , p¡Qm¡w
¢œf¤l¡ , pÀqju l¡u Q±d¤l£ , N£aÉL¥j¡l ¢lu¡w , c£f¡m£ chhjÑ¡ , ng¡m£ chhjÑ¡ , p¤¤l”e L¥ä¥ Q±d¤l£ , p¢ha¡ chhjÑ¡ z
3. (i) LLhlL aC LLl±h¡C¢e m¡Ch¤j¡e’ p¡EC j¡ej¤Pz
(ii) N¢pS¡L LLhlL LLe’ p¡EC j¡ej¤P (j¡eÉ LLhlL i¡o¡ pÇfLÑ d¡lZ¡) z
4. p±Cb¡C aC f¤Pj¤PlN (hZÑ J dÆ¢e fËLlZ)z
5. (i) LLhlLe’ a¡h¤L p±um¡C aPj¡¢e LLb¡C E¡j¤P¢e l¡Cc¡lNe' p¡EC j¡ej¤P (LLhlL fËQ¢ma h¡e¡e ¢h¢d pÇfLÑ
(ii) LLh¡L aC ¢h¢e c¡mhlj (fc J a¡l fËL¡lic)z
(iii) p±e¡jS¡Lj¤P aC LLj¡P l±N±C LLh±a¡wlL a¡Lj¡¢e l¡Cc¡lN (NWe J AbÑ¡e¤p¡l h¡LÉl NWe fËZ¡m£)z
(iv) Ml¡P j¡eS¥ aC LLb¡C j¡eS¥e a±u±C p¡EC j¡ej¤P (p¢å J pj¡p pÇfLÑ d¡lZ¡)z
(v) p±L aC ¢ple’ a±u±C p¡EC j¡ej¤P (hQe J ¢m‰ pÇfLÑ d¡lZ¡)z
(vi) a¡Pq¡mL aC ¢p¢ej¡¢l (L¡lL J ¢hi¢š²)z
(vii) LLMQlj¤P aC LL¢h¢g¢lw (h¡LÉ pwL¡Qe J h¡Nd¡l¡)z
(viii) M±m¡CSl¡ h¡C M±m¡Cj¡P (¢œ²u¡l L¡m J l©f)z
(ix) pmeLp¡ LLj¡PS¥c¡ LLb¡C aC LLj¡P¢gm LLb¡C (pj¡µQ¡¢la ¢iæ¡bÑL në J ¢hfl£a në)z
(x) LLhlL mM¡j¤P l¡Cc¡ (LLhlL NZe¡ fÜ¢a)z
6. (i) LLhlL LL¢e N±l±P (LLhlL i¡o¡l ül©f J fËL«¢a )z
(ii) j¡¢e LL g±l±Pj¡¢e e¡uj¤PlN (j¡a«i¡o¡ ¢nrZl EŸnÉ J mrÉ)z
(iii) LL¢e l±Pj¤PlN : M±e¡j¤P , p¡j¤P , f¢lj¤P , p±uj¤P (i¡o¡ L±nml ¢hL¡n : n¡e¡ , hm¡ , fs¡ , mM¡ )z
(iv) LLhlL p±l±Pj¤P aC g±l±Pj¤P l¡Cc¡ (LLhlL ¢nMe J ¢nrZ ¢h¢d)z
(v) LL p±l±Pj¡¢e aC g±l±Pj¡¢e l¡Cc¡lN (i¡o¡ ¢nr¡l J ¢nrZl fËZ¡m£)z
(vi) g±l±Ph±m¡C (Lesson Plan).
Family and Friend: Relationships, duties of family members, nuclear and joint families, social abuse (child
marriage, child labour, and dowry system), rights and responsibilities in common places.
Work and Play: different types of professions in our surroundings, effects of games and sports on health.
Plants and Animals: World of plants and animals, parts of plants (leaves, flowers, types of root and stem,
different kinds of fruit and seeds), germination, pollination, dispersal of seeds, plants in our society (sacred
groves, flowers and festivals, vanamohatsav), photosynthesis, animals in different environments,
movement and food habit, uses of animals, animal products, reserve forest, sanctuaries, tiger reserves,
national parks.
Food: Different types of food, balanced diet and its importance, nutrients of food, nutrient deficiencies and
related diseases.
Health and Hygiene: External parts of body and their cleanliness, general understanding of internal parts of
our body, causes of some common diseases (gastroenteritis, amoebiasis, anaemia, flurosis, malaria and
dengue) and their prevention.
Shelters: Types of shelters, characteristics of animal shelters, various types of houses and building
Travel: Types of vehicles used, railways, waterways and airways.
Water: Types of water resources, conservation of water resources, water pollution, cause and prevention of
water pollution, impact of water pollution on environment, flood and drought.
Air: Composition of air, causes and impact of air pollution on environment, green house effect and global
Soil: Different types of soil, soil erosion, impact of soil pollution and its prevention.
Energy: Types of energy and its transformation from one to another, application of energy in daily life,
various types of fuels, renewable and non-renewable resources of energy, conservation of energy.
Environmental Characteristics of Tripura: Location, climate, crops, clothes, village, districts, physical
features, hills and plains, rivers, plants and animals, endangered and rare species, reserve forests,
Environmental Protection: Constitutional provision, role of individuals, local bodies and government in
environmental protection, major environmental protection acts.
Things we make and do.