New Roster (Warhammer 40,000 7th Edition) (4002pts) : Formation Detachment (Chaos Space Marines: Codex (2012) ) (4002pts)
New Roster (Warhammer 40,000 7th Edition) (4002pts) : Formation Detachment (Chaos Space Marines: Codex (2012) ) (4002pts)
New Roster (Warhammer 40,000 7th Edition) (4002pts) : Formation Detachment (Chaos Space Marines: Codex (2012) ) (4002pts)
Formation [4002pts]
Ahriman [260pts]
Champion of Chaos, Fearless, Independent Character, Mark of Tzeentch, Master of Sorcery, Psyker: ML4, Veterans of the
Long War, Warlord Traits: Master of Deception
Disc of Tzeetch [30pts]
Name Disciplines Ref
Astral At the start of the Movement phase, pick the bearer or a single friendly Infantry unit within 12" of the
Grimoire bearer. For the duration of the phase, that unit has the Jump unit type.
Aura of Dark
5+ Invunerable save
Disc of
+1 Attack and becomes Jetbike
Gift of
Before deployment, roll on the Chaos Boon table. Ignore Spawnhood and Dark Apotheosis results.
Helm of the The wearer and any unit he joins can fire Overwatch even if they have the Slow and Purposeful special
Third Eye rule. Units that do not have the Slow and Purposeful special rule can instead fire Overwatch at BS2.
Havocs [175pts]
Mark of Tzeentch, Veterans of the Long War
5x Havoc [65pts], 3x Lascannon [60pts], Mark of Tzeentch [12pts], Missile Launcher [15pts], Veterans of the Long War
Raptors [110pts]
Fear, Mark of Tzeentch, Veterans of the Long War
Flamer [5pts], Mark of Tzeentch [10pts], 4x Raptor [68pts], Veterans of the Long War
Raptor Champion [27pts]
Champion of Chaos
Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon
Sorcerer [125pts]
Champion of Chaos, Independent Character, Mark of Tzeentch, Psyker, Veterans of the Long War
2x Additional Mastery Level [50pts], Force Sword, Mark of Tzeentch [15pts], Power Armour, Veterans of the Long War
Jump Infantry
Chaos Lord (Mark of Tzeentch, Jump Pack) 6 5 4 4 3 5 3 10 3+ /6++
Jump Infantry
Raptor Champion (Veterans of the Long War) 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 10 3+
Gift of Mutation Before deployment, roll on the Chaos Boon table. Ignore Spawnhood and Dark Apotheosis results.
Sigil of
Confers a 4+ Invulnerable Save
Close Combat
- User - Melee BRB
Gift of
Before deployment, roll on the Chaos Boon table. Ignore Spawnhood and Dark Apotheosis results.
At the beginning of each of the bearers turns, the bearer may choose to gain an extra power for the rest
Scrolls of of the game. Roll a D6 (and consult the chart in Codex:CSM under its profile) and then randomly
Magnus generate a power from the selected discipline. Each time the bearer uses the scrolls (including re-rolls),
it must take a Str 3, AP,1 Ignores Cover hit.
Sigil of
Confers a 4+ Invulnerable Save
The bearer may re-roll failed Psychic tests.
Close Combat
- User - Melee BRB
Sorcerer [200pts]
Bulky, Champion of Chaos, Independent Character, Mark of Tzeentch, Psyker, Relentless, Veterans of the Long War
2x Additional Mastery Level [50pts], Combi-bolter, Force Axe, Gift of Mutation [10pts], Mark of Tzeentch [15pts], Sigil of
corruption [25pts], Spell familiar [15pts], Terminator Armour [25pts], Veterans of the Long War
Sorcerer [175pts]
Champion of Chaos, Concussive, Force, Independent Character, Mark of Tzeentch, Psyker, Repelling Sweep, Veterans of
the Long War
2x Additional Mastery Level [50pts], Gift of Mutation [10pts], Jump Pack [15pts], Mark of Tzeentch [15pts], Power Armour,
Spell familiar [15pts], Staff of Arcane Compulsion [10pts], Veterans of the Long War
Sorcerer [153pts]
Champion of Chaos, Independent Character, Mark of Tzeentch, Psyker, Veterans of the Long War
2x Additional Mastery Level [50pts], Combi-bolter [3pts], Force Sword, Gift of Mutation [10pts], Mark of Tzeentch [15pts],
Power Armour, Spell familiar [15pts], Veterans of the Long War
Sorcerer [150pts]
Champion of Chaos, Independent Character, Mark of Tzeentch, Psyker, Veterans of the Long War
2x Additional Mastery Level [50pts], Bolt Pistol, Force Stave, Gift of Mutation [10pts], Mark of Tzeentch [15pts], Power
Armour, Spell familiar [15pts], Veterans of the Long War
Name Disciplines Ref
1 Tzeentch
Terminator 2+/5++, have the Bulky, Deep Strike, Relentless special rules, and may not make sweeping
Armour advances.
Staff of Arcane
- +2 4 Melee, Concussive, Force, Repelling Sweep
Selection Rules
A Tide of Traitors: Each time a unit of Chaos Cultists from the Lost and the Damned is completely destroyed, roll a D6. On a 4+, you can
immediately place a new, identical unit into Ongoing Reserve. These new units gain the Outflank special rule, but otherwise count as being part
of the original Formation, so roll a D6 as described above if they are subsequently destroyed as well. Victory points are awarded as normal for
new units in this Formation that have been completely destroyed.
Blessing of Tzeentch: If a unit with the Veterans of the Long War special rule is affected by a blessing, their invulnerable save is improved by
1 until the start of your next Psychic phase.
Blood Feud: All units with the Veterans of the Long War special rule re-roll failed To Hit rolls in every round of close combat when attacking
Space Wolves units. However, all Space Wolves units have the Hatred (Thousand Sons) special rule.
Bulky: Bulky models count as two models for the purposes of Transport Capacity. (BRB)
Cabal of the Rubric: Ahriman, and models from this Formation that are within 18" of him, harness Warp Charge points on a result of 3+ when
attempting to manifest psychic powers.
Champion of Chaos: A Model with this rule must issue and accept challenges. Where there are multiple models with this rule, the controlling
player may decide.
Whenever a model with this rule kills a character, roll a D66 and consult the Chaos Boon chart. This boon remains for the rest of the game.
Concussive: A model that suffers one or more unsaved Wounds from a weapon with this special rule is reduced to Initiative 1 until the end of
the following Assault phase. (BRB)
Deep Strike: Deep Strike Mishap Table: D6 Roll
2-3: Misplaced - Your opponent may deploy the unit anywhere on the table (excluding impassable terrain, but including difficult terrain, which of
course counts as dangerous for Deep Striking units), in a valid Deep Strike formation, without rolling for scatter. Units embarked on a
misplaced Transport can disembark during their Movement phase as normal.
At the end of each turn, roll a D6 for each unit with a Soul Blaze counter on it. On a 3 or less, the flames die out and the unit is no longer ablaze
- remove your reminder counter. On a 4+, the unit takes D3 Strength 4 AP5 hits with the Ignores Cover special rule. These Wounds are
Randomly Allocated. A unit cannot have more than one Soul Blaze counter on it at a time. (BRB)
Veterans of the Long War: Models with this rule have +1 Ld and Hatred (Space Marines)
This Hatred applies for the following books:
Codex: Space Marines
Codex: Dark Angels
Codex: Space Wolves
Codex: Blood Angels
Codex: Grey Knights
Warlord Traits: Master of Deception
Zealot: A unit containing one or more models with the Zealot special rule automatically passes Pinning, Fear and Regroup tests and Morale
checks, but cannot Go to Ground and cannot choose to fail a Morale check due to the Our Weapons Are Useless rule. If a unit gains the Zealot
special rule when it has Gone to Ground, all the effects of Go to Ground are immediately cancelled.
In addition, units containing one or more models with the Zealot special rule re-roll all failed To Hit rolls during the first round of each close
combat - they do not get to re-roll failed To Hit rolls in subsequent rounds. (BRB)