Issues Related To Training Professional Therapists
Issues Related To Training Professional Therapists
Issues Related To Training Professional Therapists
Various authors have studied problems faced by trainee counsellors. Becoming therapists
have challenges like being self-critical in practice and having troubling reaction to clients
(Hill, Sullivan, Knox, & Schlosser 2007). Novice therapists experience stress (Kumary &
Baker, 2008; Skovholt & Ronnestad, 2003).Trainee counsellors experience anxiety and
counter-transference management (Nutt-Williams cited in Anastasiou, 2006).Trainees
experience impasse and that they react with negative emotions because they did not know
what to do in session (De Stefano, D’iuso, Blake, Fitzpatrick, Drapeau, & Chamodraka
Some authors have spoken of problems faced by therapists initially. Nystul (2003) has
identified the following as common problems of novice therapists: focusing on the first issue
in a session, overlooking physical or medical issues, wanting to rescue clients from their
unhappiness, having perfectionist tendencies, having unrealistic expectations, getting carried
away with the latest technique, getting lost in the counseling process, using inappropriate
phrases, having an excessive desire to help, having an excessive need to be liked, getting too
emotionally involved, taking things too personally, having difficulty differentiating between
normal and abnormal, being uncertain about self-disclosure, and being uncertain about
Others like Theriault, Gazzola and Richardson (2009) have noted that novice therapists
experience feelings of incompetence and that the beginning counsellors have career concerns
(Busacca & Wester, 2006). Much of this has been substantiated by Pereira (2012), who
studied the professional problems faced by therapists. He found that thry face various
professional problems like incompetency in skills, theories, techniques, ethical dilemmas,
anxiety due to client's problems, lack of supervision, low salary and inadequacy in applying
classroom learning to practice and so on.
Professional Problems
1. Training and Application Practical training was not sufficient during the post-graduate
studies. Exposure to actual counselling settings was not adequate during post-graduate
2. Stigma, Awareness and understanding of Counselling
3. Awareness of counselling is low among people. People are not aware of the difference
between a counsellor, a clinical psychologist, and a psychiatrist. The term counselling is
not clearly defined in India. It is understood differently by different people.
4. Stress and Burnout
Overload of work causes stress in the counsellor. Clients’ issues lead to emotional
exhaustion in the counsellor.
5. Pay/Salary
Counsellors are not paid sufficient salary. Clients are not ready to pay for sessions as
they think that counselling involves only listening and talking.
6. Counselling Process (sessions) and the Client
Clients think counselling is a short-term process. Convincing the family members of the
client about the treatment is a challenge. Clients are reluctant to meet young counsellors
because they think that young counsellors are not good counsellors. Counselling in the
vernacular is difficult as what was learned in English cannot be translated adequately.
7. Ethical Issues
8. In critical cases like suicide, deciding on how much information to disclose to family
members is a challenge.
9. Setting Issues
As in some places, there is no separate room for counselling, privacy and confidentiality
cannot be maintained. As the job is contractual in nature, there is no job-security for
counsellors. There is no proper coordination between various levels of authority and this
causes problems to the counsellor. Because of heavy clerical work, counsellors do not
find enough time for counselling. Workload (case load) is very heavy for counsellors.
Competence is defined as ‘‘the possession of required skill, knowledge, qualification or
capacity’. It is very important that therapists are aware of their competence, with regard to the
level of his/her knowledge, training and supervised experience in a particular kind of therapy.
In addition to the above, some of the authors also include ‘emotional competence’ to
knowledge and technical skills. This actually means, whether the therapist is aware of his
emotional state while dealing with their clients. It is important that the therapists refrain from
initiating or continuing a therapy when they know or should know that there is a substantial
likelihood that their personal problems will prevent them from performing their work in a
competent manner. Further, when a therapist becomes aware of personal problems that may
interfere with performing their duties adequately, they take appropriate measures, such as
obtaining professional consultation or assistance, and determine whether they 8 should limit,
suspend, or terminate the therapy .
From an ethical point of view, it is important that the therapists are aware of their
responsibility towards their clients. These include:
Responsibilities to the client
1. Therapy should be undertaken only with professional intent and not casually and/or in
professional relationships.
2. Contracts involving the client should be realistic and clear.
3. Therapists take all reasonable steps to avoid harm to their clients as a result of the therapy.
4. Therapist should seek supervision or refer the client in situations which are beyond their
5. Therapist should promote client autonomy and encourage clients to make responsible
decisions on their own behalf.
6. Therapist should maintain the professional boundaries.
7. Therapist should avoid any other relationship with their clients which can be detrimental to
the therapeutic process.
8. Therapist should maintain confidentiality. This applies to all verbal, written, recorded or
computer stored material pertaining to the therapeutic context. All records, whether in written
or any other form, need to be protected with the strictest of confidence.
9. In exceptional circumstances when confidentiality has to be broken, attempts must be
to seek client’s permission.
10. Agreements about confidentiality continue after the client’s death unless there are
overriding legal considerations.
11. Therapists should not exploit clients (past or present), in financial, sexual, emotional or
other way.
12. Sexual relations between the client and the therapist are never acceptable. This is not
restricted to sexual intercourse and includes any form of physical contact, whether initiated
by the client or the therapist, which has as its purpose some form of sexual gratification, or
which may be reasonably construed as having that purpose.
13. Therapist should not accept or offer payments for referrals, or engage in any financial
transactions, apart from negotiating the ordinary fee charged for the therapy.
14. If a therapist makes an attempt to make a relationship with a former client, he should seek
15. When a client is incapable of giving informed consent, therapist should obtain consent
from a legally authorised person.
16. Any publicity material and all written and oral information should reflect accurately the
nature of the service offered and the training, qualifications and relevant experience of the
Informed consent to therapy is invaluable as it ensures that a patient’s decision to take part in
psychotherapy is informed, voluntary, and rational. Although it is presumed that seeking help
of the therapist for their problems by the patient means implied consent, but this does not
amount to “informed consent”.
Informed consent should be seen as the primary means of protecting the self-determination
and self-governing rights of clients as it gives the client an opportunity to make an informed
decision about engaging in psychotherapy and it communicates respect for personhood and
reflects the collaborative nature of psychotherapy. It also emphasizes the patient’s role in
making treatment decisions and increasing a sense of ownership over the process. A proper
informed consent procedure also helps the therapist and the client establish a partnership,
with a common goal, decreases the likelihood that patients will put the therapist on a pedestal
and become overly or dangerously dependent on the therapist. Last but not the least, a proper
informed consent procedures can reduce the client’s anxiety by demystifying the therapeutic
process .
The therapeutic contract should be a written document, which includes the responsibilities of
the therapist and the client in participating in a particular psychotherapy. It should cover the
1. Time: the time of the day when the therapy is to be conducted and provision of change in
2. Duration: the contract must include the duration of each sessions (say 50 minutes)
3. Frequency of sessions: Frequency of the sessions will be______ per week (usually agreed
upon between the client and therapist depending on the variety of the problems and
4. Late to the session: If the therapist will be ever late, he will try to let the client know in
advance, even if the delay is just a few minutes. If the therapist is responsible for delay in
start of the session and the client can stay longer, then the therapist will see the client you for
the full time. If the client arrives late for an appointment, then the session may still end at the
scheduled time, however if it is possible than the session may go to the full time. If either the
therapist or the client is late by more than 15 minutes and don’t inform the other party than
the session will stand cancelled. However, in such a situation either of the party has to bear
the financial liability.
5. Cancellation: In the event of either the client or therapist are unable to keep the
they are required to provide twenty-four (24) hours notice of cancellation or they will be
charged for the session.
6. Fees: the client is supposed to pay Rupees ____ for each 50 minutes session. Client should
make the payment is to be made at the beginning of the session. If the duration of the session
extends beyond one hour than the patient will be required to pay an additional fee.
7. Emergency contact: If the patient needs to contact the therapist between sessions, she/he
should call at _____number and leave the message and also mention that it is an emergency.
the therapist doesn’t call back the client in _____ time (say 30 min), patient should attend the
emergency outpatient department of the hospital.
8. Issues of confidentiality: The therapeutic contract should mention that the therapist will
maintain confidentiality of the information revealed during the psychotherapy. However it
should also provide the provisions under which the information would be disclosed to others,
for example the confidentiality clause can be worded as: “Information shared by the client
will be maintained strictly confidential except in the following situations:
a) To ensure the best treatment, therapist will at times discuss the case with his colleagues or
supervisor, keeping the identity of the client confidential.
b) If the client communicates threat of bodily injury to self or to another the information
would be disclosed to the family members and the legal authorities.
c) When there is reasonable suspicion of child abuse or abuse to a dependent adult has
occurred, or is likely to occur.
d) If ordered by a court of law, the details of the treatment will be revealed to that court.
e) In case of the couple and family therapy, the therapist should mention that “if you tell me a
secret, you are asking me to help you disclose it, which I will assist you in doing”. “I
the right to disclose confidential information to other participants in the family or couple if I
feel it is in the best interest of the family or couple to do so. You have equal rights to release
information to outside parties but I will withhold it unless it is in your best interest”.
f) Therapist will disclose the information to a third person or agency, if patient gives in
written to release the information
g) If the patient files a case in the court against the therapist then the patients his privilege of
9. Termination: If the client decides to discontinue the therapy, he will make this known to
the therapist within a session, so that an end date can be decided and the client and therapist
can work towards an appropriate ending. Termination of therapy cannot be done on phone,
nor be the decision solely of the client (This is to safeguard the client as frequently, during
the therapy, client may have to discuss underlying difficult material which has been kept
suppressed for the years. Certain defenses/aspects of client may stop him to discuss the same
and that may convince their ego that either - they can’t afford therapy, they don’t have the
time, therapy is not working, or nothing is happening, when, actually a breakthrough is about
to happen. So it is important that they ask for inner guidance with the help of their therapist
when they have these doubts, rather than leave just when life can begin to have new
10. Gifts: No gifts will be accepted by the therapist from the client and neither the therapist
will offer any gifts to the client.
11. Self disclosure: The therapy will focus on the issues of the client and the therapist will not
respond to any questions regarding the personal details, and any such attempt by the client
be interpreted.
12. Home work assignments: As part of the therapy client will be given some home work
assignments in between the sessions, and the client is expected to carry out the same. If the
client comes to the session, without completion of the homework assignment, then the
has the right to cancel the session. However, in such situation, the client has to pay for the
13. Documentation: The therapist may take notes during the therapy session.
14. Recording: The therapist may tape record/video record the therapy session for
documentation and supervision purposes.
15. Provision for revision: If required by either the therapist or the client the contract will be
revised after mutual discussion.
16. No suicide contract: In case, patient is suicidal, the contract can include the clause that
patient is not going to harm her/him, and in case she/he has the urge to indulge in the self
harming behaviour, she/he will contact the therapist.
Maintaining confidentiality is the foundation of the psychotherapy. Without the assurance
about the confidentiality, the clients cannot be expected to reveal embarrassing, sometimes
personally damaging, information in treatment setting . As part of the medical profession, the
therapists are expected to maintain the confidentiality of their clients. However, it is
important to remember that the ethical requirement of confidentiality overlaps with the law,
hence, answers to some of the situations can only be predicted by an understanding of both
ethics and law. Hence in situations where things are not clear the therapist should seek legal
However, it is also important to note that there are certain exceptions to maintaining privacy.
Hence, information about the exception should be part of both informed consent procedure
and therapeutic contract, because not doing so can place both the therapy and the therapist at
significant risk .
Documentation in psychotherapy should be regarded as a medical and legal record of
assessment, diagnosis, investigations, decision-making, pharmacological and non-
pharmacological management done in the specific case. From the medicolegal point of view
psychiatrists are expected to maintain factual, legible and accurate records because it serves
as a guide to the clinician to provide and plan care for the patient and also as a guide for the
care of the patient in case of change of psychiatrist. Another important usage of medical
record is in the court of law in cases of litigations due to various reasons involving the patient
or the clinician. A proper documentation of what has transpired between the patient and
clinician can at times come to the rescue of the psychotherapists in the court of law or when
such an evaluation is done in cases of complaints against the clinicians.
At the time registration under section 19, every professional shall make and subscribe an
affirmation or a declaration in the From appended to these regulations and shall agree to
abide by the same.
No professional shall indulge himself in exaggeration of forecasting of the course of disease
or gravity of the condition of any person with disability.
If a professional, —
(a) indulge in exaggeration of forecasting of course of disease;
(b) involve in any indecent act;
(c) maintain improper or elicit relations with any person with disability;
(d) make use of harsh and rough language with any person with disability:
(e) charge exorbitant consultation fee or service charges;
(f) take any undue advantage from the mental or physical affliction of a person with
(g) insert, affix or adjust knowingly any non-standard aids or appliance to a person with
(h) does not undertake the rehabilitation or treatment of persons with disabilities on regular
and required intervals or proper time;
(i) neglects knowingly and intentionally any person with disability;
(j) avails or attempt to avail any benefit meant for persons with disabilities; or
(k) undertake practice in any field other than his specialisation, shall be declared as
professional of infamous conduct.
Whenever any information in respect of the qualifications, practice, place of practice or
residence of professional or any other kind of information is required by the Council or the
Central Government, of professional shall submit the same without any delay.