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ECE 412 Module

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University of Bohol

Tagbilaran City, Bohol, Philippines

www.UniversityOfBohol.edu.ph (038) 411-3484, Fax No. (038) 411 - 3101

College of Engineering and Technology


Descriptive Title: Principles of Communication Systems
Course Code: ECE 412 / ECEP 221
Credit Units: 3 units lecture and 1 unit laboratory
Total No. of Hours: 54 hours (3 hours/week)
Prerequisite: Electronics 2 (Lecture and Laboratory)
Contact Info: Engr. Florante O. Robin, email: [email protected], phone: 09104769037


This course enables the engineering students to submit and present a portfolio of compiled reports regarding the primary communication system. The students can
acquire knowledge of the principles and concepts of electronic communication systems. This course covers the following topics: Introduction to Electronic Communication
system, types of electronic communications, electromagnetic spectrum, AM, FM, PM, and modulation techniques. This course focuses on the fundamental concepts of
electronic communication systems.


At the end of the course, the engineering students are expected to:
1. Conceptualize and analyze the basic principle of the electronic communication system. (CO1)
2. Demonstrate and solve electronic communication system parameters for various types of modulation and demodulation techniques. (CO2)
3. Apply the concepts to practical applications in telecommunication. (CO3)
4. Design, interpret and troubleshoot electronic communications circuits and diagrams. (CO4)
5. Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively and working as an individual or as a team member. (CO5)


Module 1
 Week 1: Orientation (Aug. 26-30, 2020)
 Week 2: Introduction to Electronic Communication System (Sep. 1-4, 2020)
 Week 3: Types of Electronic Communication System (Sep. 7-11, 2020)
 Week 4: Electromagnetic Spectrum (Sep. 14-18, 2020)
 Week 5: Electronic Fundamentals for Communication (Sep. 21-25, 2020)
(Modulation, Multiplexing, and Bandwidth)
 Week 6: Electronic Fundamentals for Communication/Prelim Exam (Sep. 28, 2020 – Oct. 2, 2020)
(Gain, Attenuation, Decibel, Tuned Circuits, Filters, Fourier Theory)

Module 2
 Week 7: Noise (Oct. 5-9, 2020)
 Week 8: Amplitude Modulation (AM) (Oct. 12-16, 2020)
(AM Concepts, Modulation Index, AM Power)
 Week 9: Amplitude Modulation (AM) (Oct. 19-23, 2020)
(Amplitude Modulation Circuits)
 Week 10: Midterm Examination (Oct. 26-30, 2020)

Module 3
 Week 11: Single-Sideband Techniques (Nov. 3-6, 2020)
 Week 12: Frequency Modulation (FM) & Phase Modulation (PM) (Nov. 9-13, 2020)
(FM & PM Concepts, Modulation Index, Deviation Ratio, Frequency Deviation)
 Week 13: Frequency Modulation (FM) & Phase Modulation (PM) (Nov. 16-20, 2020)
(Frequency Modulators, Noise Suppression in FM, Frequency Demodulators)
 Week 14: Digital Modulation (Nov. 23-27, 2020)
(Digital Transmission of Data, Parallel & Serial Transmission)
 Week 15: Digital Modulation / Semi-Final Exam (Nov. 30, 2020 – Dec. 4, 2020)
(Digital Signal Processing, Pulse Modulation)

Module 4
 Week 16: Antenna & Wave Propagation (Dec. 7-11, 2020)
 Week 17: Communication Receivers (Dec. 14-18, 2020)
 Week 18: Final Examination (Dec. 21-25, 2020)


Training Teaching and Learning Assessment Methods
Module Platforms Intended Learning Outcomes Topics/References
Time Activities (TLA) and Tasks
and Apps

Organizational Week 1,  Facebook At the end of the session, the  Introduction of the Course The instructor will:  The students will
Day 1 hour  Messenger engineering students can:  Orientation to the new set up  Collect contact details for enrolled create an account
 Edmodo of the class students on Edmodo and
(Aug. 26-  School  explain how the course is  Provide a brief overview of the join the ECE 412
30, 2020) Automate structured course using the syllabus and online classroom for
(for the final  discuss the course goals & course requirements first-semester class.
class list) expected outcomes  Explain how the class will be  The students will
 describe each of the course conducted online and the schedule update their user
activities and assessments of online meetings information on
 create an account on a  Discuss the payment procedures of Edmodo.
learning management tuition fee and other required
system app (Edmodo) for school fees  The students will
the online digital classroom  Require the students to sign-up on introduce
 navigate through and use Edmodo (https://bit.ly/31AJexm) themselves to the
the tools of the online and join the ECE 412 class online discussion.
classroom (https://edmo.do/j/ywwvkv)

The instructor checks if the students

have already registered in the online

Students need to download the

 Reference book: Principles of
Electronic Communications, Louis E.
Frenzel Jr., McGraw Hill, 4th Edition,
2016 (https://bit.ly/3abK9rH)
 Laboratory Manual for Principles of
Communication System

Module 1 Week 2, 3  Edmodo At the end of the session, the Introduction to Electronic The following are recommended Lecture:
Weeks 1-6 hours  Facebook engineering students can: Communication System: discussion topics and learning activities Students will answer an
 Messenger that can be completed in class. online examination
(Sep. 1-4,  YouTube  Present the chronological  Significance and barrier of regarding the concepts
2020)  Google development of electronic human communication Lecture: of the topic this week.
Meet communications and show 1. The instructor presents the concepts
interest in how it was  Elements of electronic of the introduction to the electronic Students submit the
conceived. communication: communication system. report of the evaluation
- Information of the electronic
 Describe the different - Transmitter 2. The students will view the videos communication system
barriers to communications - Medium regarding the history and evolution in their locality online.
and how they are solved - Receiver of the electronic communication
today. - Noise system.
 Explain the functions of the Reading: 3. Students participate in the lecture- Students submit a
different elements of an Read the following chapter in discussion via Google Meet about laboratory experiment
electronic communication Principles of Electronic the introduction to electronic report.
system and give examples of Communications (4th Edition): communication to ask questions
these elements.  Chapter 1: “Introduction to and clarify topics.
Electronic Communication.”
 Identify the elements of an Feel free to post questions 4. Students evaluate five electronic
electronic communication and comments about these communication systems in their
system. resources in Edmodo. locality and identify the different
elements present in the system.
Watch the following videos: 5. Students present the result of their
 A Brief History of evaluation in a document at the end
Communication of the week.
 Evolution Of Communication - Laboratory:
Stone Age To Modern Age 1. The instructor provides the students
(https://bit.ly/31DlEQF) with the laboratory manual.

Lecture: 2. The students perform and complete

Lecture on the module concepts a laboratory experiment. Simulation
using the PowerPoint file via computer software can be used
presentation of Principles of to get the result.
Electronic Communications (4th
 Lesson 1 - Introduction to Note: An interactive discussion and
Electronic Communication short question and answer will be
(https://bit.ly/30Gzpi4). Read conducted through the class stream.
Part 1 only.

Laboratory manual can be
accessed here: Laboratory Manual
for Principles of Communication
System (https://bit.ly/3iQsYze)

Module 1 Week 3, 3  Edmodo At the end of the session, the Types of Electronic The following are recommended Lecture:
Weeks 1-6 hours  Facebook engineering students can: Communication System: discussion topics and learning activities Students answer online
Messenger that can be completed in class. examination of the
(Sep. 7-11,  Google  Describe the different types - Simplex and Duplex basic concepts of the
2020) Meet of electronic Lecture: types of electronic
 YouTube communication systems - Analog and Digital 1. The instructor provides a brief communication
and list examples. discussion of the types of electronic systems.
- Baseband and Broadband communication systems using the
 Differentiate each type from PowerPoint presentation file. Students research new
the other. technology or an
Reading: 2. The students participate in the electronic
 Discuss the role of Read the following chapter in online discussion via Google Meet communication system
modulation and Principles of Electronic and can ask questions and innovation. Then, they
multiplexing in facilitating Communications (4th Edition): clarifications. submit an e-portfolio of
signal transmission.  Chapter 1: “Introduction to the research results. The
Electronic Communication” 3. Using the result of the activity in e-portfolio must contain
Week 2, the students classify the the following:
Lecture: electronic communication system a. History
Lecture on the module concepts as: b. Advantages
using the PowerPoint file a. Simplex or Duplex (Half-Duplex & c. Disadvantages
presentation of Principles of Full-Duplex) d. Applications
Electronic Communications (4th b. Analog or Digital e. Personal Opinion
Edition): c. Baseband or Broadband/Modulated
 Lesson 1 - Introduction to
Electronic Communication Laboratory:
(https://bit.ly/30Gzpi4). Read Laboratory: Students submit a
Part 1 only. 1. The instructor provides the students laboratory experiment
with the laboratory manual. report.
Laboratory: 2. The students perform and complete
Laboratory manual can be a laboratory experiment. Simulation
accessed here: Laboratory Manual via computer software can be used
for Principles of Communication to get the result.
System (https://bit.ly/3iQsYze)
Note: An interactive discussion and
short question and answer will be
conducted through the class stream.

Module 1 Week 4, 3  Edmodo At the end of the session, the Electromagnetic Spectrum: The following are recommended Lecture:
Weeks 1-6 hours  Facebook engineering students can: discussion topics and learning activities Students will answer an
 Messenger  Frequency that can be completed in class. online quiz regarding
(Sep. 14-18,  Google  Define frequency,  Wavelength the electromagnetic
2020) Meet wavelength, its units,  Electromagnetic Spectrum Lecture: spectrum.
 YouTube electromagnetic spectrum,  Regulation of the 1. The instructor discusses different
and identify the different electromagnetic spectrum frequency names in the Students submit an e-
frequency bands in the electromagnetic spectrum with portfolio of the
electromagnetic spectrum Reading: emphasis on the frequency range solutions for the
used in communication. Read the following chapter in and wavelength and will show the problems solved in the
Principles of Electronic students a way to familiarize the learning activities. They
 Explain the relationship Communications (4th Edition): names more accessible. will be graded on the
between frequency,  Chapter 1: “Introduction to process of the solution
wavelength, and the speed Electronic Communication” 2. Students view the videos listed in and the accuracy of
of light. the reference section. their answers.
 Familiarize different Watch the following videos: 3. Students list down applications in Students submit a short
regulating bodies governing  The Electromagnetic Spectrum the electronic communication report on the different
the use of the Song (https://bit.ly/2DJVV0u) system for the different frequency regulating bodies for
electromagnetic spectrum.  Frequency, wavelength, and bands in the electromagnetic the use of frequency
the Speed of Light spectrum. signals in electronic
 Solve problems involving (https://bit.ly/2DrRmby) communication in the
electromagnetic spectrum. 4. Students solve problems involving Philippines and abroad.
frequency, wavelength, and speed They will be graded
Lecture: of light. based on the content of
Lecture on the module concepts their report.
using the PowerPoint file 5. Students perform quick research of
presentation of Principles of the different regulating bodies for
Electronic Communications (4th the use of frequency signals in Laboratory:
Edition): electronic communication in the Students submit a
 Lesson 1 - Introduction to Philippines and abroad. laboratory experiment
Electronic Communication report.
(https://bit.ly/30Gzpi4). Read
Part 2 only. Laboratory:
1. The instructor provides the students
Laboratory: with the laboratory manual.
Laboratory manual can be
accessed here: Laboratory Manual 2. The students perform and complete
for Principles of Communication a laboratory experiment. Simulation
System (https://bit.ly/3iQsYze) via computer software can be used
to get the result.

Note: An interactive discussion and

short question and answer will be
conducted through the class stream.

Module 1 Week 5 &  Edmodo At the end of the session, the Electronic Fundamentals for The following are recommended Lecture:
Weeks 1-6 6,  Facebook engineering students can: Communication: discussion topics and learning activities Students submit an e-
6 hours  Messenger that can be completed in class. portfolio of the
 Google  Explain the importance of  Modulation solutions to the
(Sep. 21-25 Meet modulation and  Multiplexing, and Lecture: problems given by the
& Sep 28-  YouTube multiplexing in the  Bandwidth 1. The instructor presents conditions instructor. Grades will
30) electronic communication where modulation and multiplexing be based on how clear
system. Electronic Fundamentals for are applicable in an electronic they present their
Communication communication system. solution and the
 Solve problems involving  Gain accuracy of the answer.
modulation, multiplexing,  Attenuation 2. The instructor shows the students
and bandwidth.  Decibel the problem-solving methods in Students present the
 Tuned circuits dealing with fundamental electronic design of the tuned
 Design different circuits and  Filters problems and will give sample circuit via Google Meet
filters with capacitors,  Fourier Theory problems to the students. Each to the instructor.
inductors, and resistors as student may be given a different set
components. of problems.
Reading: Laboratory:
 Compute the voltage, Read the following chapter in 3. The students solve the voltage, Students submit a
current, gain, and Principles of Electronic current, gain, and attenuation in laboratory experiment
attenuation in decibels and Communications (4th Edition): decibels (dB) and apply these report.
apply these formulas in  Chapter 2: “Electronic formulas in applications involving
applications involving Fundamentals for cascaded circuits.
cascaded circuits. Communication”
4. The students solve the inductance,
Lecture: capacitance, resonant frequencies,
Lecture on the module concepts and bandwidth of tuned circuits
using the Powerpoint file using conventional methods and
presentation of Principles of Fourier analysis.
Electronic Communications (4th
Edition): 5. Students draw and design a tuned
 Lesson 1 - Introduction to circuit using capacitors and
Electronic Communication inductors based on required
(https://bit.ly/30Gzpi4). Read specifications.
Part 2 only.
 Chapter02 - The Fundamentals
of Electronics Laboratory:
(https://bit.ly/2DVvq8P) 1. The instructor provides the students
with the laboratory manual.
Laboratory manual can be 2. The students perform and complete
accessed here: Laboratory Manual a laboratory experiment. Simulation
for Principles of Communication via computer software can be used
System (https://bit.ly/3iQsYze) to get the result.

Note: An interactive discussion and

short question and answer will be
conducted through the class stream.

Module 2 Week 7,  Edmodo At the end of the session, the Noise: The following are recommended Lecture:
Weeks 7-10 3 hours.  Facebook engineering students can:  Correlated Noise discussion topics and learning activities Students submit the
Messenger  Uncorrelated Noise that can be completed in class. report on the noise
(Oct. 5-9,  Google  Describe noise and its  Miscellaneous Noise observation conducted
2020)  YouTube categories, solve noise  External Noise Lecture: at home. The report
 Microsoft levels for a variety of  Internal Noise 1. The instructor presents an must contain the
Access conditions, and introductory discussion about noise following:
demonstrate an Noise Computations: and how they affect the electronic a. Noise
understanding of signal-to-  Noise voltage communication system. b. Effect
noise (S/N) ratio and the  Noise current c. Suggested Solution
equations involved.  Noise power 2. The instructor shows steps in d. Summary
solving Noise problems like noise
 List the major types of power, noise voltage, noise current, Grades are based on
external and internal noise, Reading: etc. the rubrics below.
and explain how each Read the following chapter in
interferes with signals both Principles of Electronic 3. Students observe their home and
before and after they reach Communications (4th Edition): list down five noises present that Laboratory:
the receiver.  Chapter 9: “Communication affect the electronic communication Students submit a
Receivers,” pp. 314-325. system in the area. laboratory experiment
 Calculate the noise factor, report.
noise figure, and noise Video: 4. The students suggest solutions to
temperature of a receiver. Watch the following videos: minimize and eliminate the effect of
 What is Noise in Radio these noises.
 Calculate noise level Frequency?
problems, including noise (https://bit.ly/3aaCKJd) 5. Students solve problems in noises
produced by resistance and  Different Types Of Noise In involving noise poser, noise voltage,
temperature variations. Radio Frequency noise current, noise factor, noise
(https://bit.ly/3fMCCAN) figure, noise temperature, and noise
Lecture on the module concepts Laboratory:
using the PowerPoint file 1. The instructor provides the students
presentation: with the laboratory manual.
 Introduction to noise
(https://bit.ly/33OsvcJ) 2. The students perform and complete
a laboratory experiment. Simulation
Laboratory: via computer software can be used
Laboratory manual can be to get the result.
accessed here: Laboratory Manual
for Principles of Communication
System (https://bit.ly/3iQsYze) Note: An interactive discussion and
short question and answer will be
conducted through the class stream.

Module 2 Week 8 &  Edmodo At the end of the session, the Amplitude Modulation (AM) The following are recommended Lecture:
Weeks 7-10 9,  Facebook engineering students can: Concepts: discussion topics and learning activities Students submit an e-
6 hours.  Messenger that can be completed in class. portfolio for the
 Google  Describe the Amplitude  Modulation index and solutions to the
(Oct. 12-16 Meet Modulation (AM) process; percentage of modulation Lecture: problems in Amplitude
& 19-23)  YouTube solve the modulation index  AM Power 1. Students view the video and the Modulation.
and problems involving  AM Voltage presentation lecture provided by the
bandwidth calculations;  AM Current instructor. Students submit the
analyze and determine soft copy of the
through computation the Amplitude Modulator and 2. There is an online discussion where simulation file they have
carrier power and sideband Demodulator Circuits: the students can ask questions. made about the AM
power in AM. modulator circuit.
 Basic Principles of Amplitude 3. The instructor presents the process
 Explain how an AM signal Modulation of solving problems involving AM. Grades are computed
distributes power between  Amplitude Modulators based on the rubrics
the carrier and the  Amplitude Demodulators 4. The students solve given problems below.
sideband.  Balanced Modulators and submit their answers with
solutions online.
 Compute the carrier Laboratory:
&sideband powers, given Reading: 5. Using simulation software, students Students submit a
the percentage of Read the following chapter in implement an AM modulator circuit laboratory experiment
modulation. Principles of Electronic and simulate its output waveform report.
Communications (4th Edition):
 Explain the standard  Chapter 3: “Amplitude
relationship of the basic Modulation Fundamentals” Laboratory:
equation for an AM signal pp. 92-108. 1. The instructor provides the students
to the production of  Chapter 4: “Amplitude with the laboratory manual.
amplitude modulation, Modulator and Demodulator
mixing, and frequency Circuits” 2. The students perform and complete
conversion by a diode or a laboratory experiment. Simulation
other nonlinear frequency Video: via computer software can be used
component or circuit. Watch the following videos: to get the result.
 Understanding Amplitude
 State the primary function Modulation
of balanced modulators and (https://bit.ly/3ktyvgU) Note: An interactive discussion and
describe the differences short question and answer will be
between lattice modulators Lecture: conducted through the class stream.
and IC modulator circuits Lecture on the module concepts
using the PowerPoint file
 Amplitude Modulation
 Chapter03 – Amplitude
 Chapter04 – Amplitude
Modulator & Demodulator

Laboratory manual can be
accessed here: Laboratory Manual
for Principles of Communication
System (https://bit.ly/3iQsYze)

Module 3 Week 11  Edmodo At the end of the session, the Single-Sideband (SSB) The following are recommended Lecture:
Weeks 11-15 3 hrs.  Facebook engineering students can: Techniques: discussion topics and learning activities The students submit an
Messenger that can be completed in class. e-portfolio of the
(Nov. 3-6,  Google  Describe the importance of  Single-sideband modulation solutions involving
2020)  YouTube single-sideband modulation  Sidebands and frequency Lecture: single-sideband
 Zoom and its advantage over domain 1. The instructor conducts an online modulation.
 Web-based standard AM.  Double-sideband suppressed discussion about the basic concepts
Presentatio carrier (DSSC or DSB) of single-sideband. The students submit the
n Software  Explain the terms DSB and  Single-sideband suppressed report on the
 Microsoft SSB and state the main carrier (SSSC or SSB) 2. The students view the video and applications of single-
PowerPoint advantages of an SSB signal  Classification of Radio download the lecture presentations. sideband modulation.
over a conventional AM Emissions:
signal.  SSB Circuits 3. Students solve problems in single- Grades will be based on
sideband modulation, computing its the rubrics below.
 Calculate peak envelope peak envelope power (PEP), signal
power (PEP), given signal Reading: voltage, and load impedances. Laboratory:
voltages, and Read the following chapter in Students submit a
load impedances. Principles of Electronic 4. The students research more laboratory experiment
Communications (4th Edition): applications of single-sideband report.
 Chapter 3: “Amplitude modulation.
Modulation Fundamentals”
pp. 108-114. 5. Students design and simulate an
SSB circuit using simulation
Video: software.
Watch the following videos:
 Understanding Single
Sideband Laboratory:
(https://bit.ly/2Y1Ti1d) 1. The instructor provides the students
with the laboratory manual.
Lecture on the module concepts 2. The students perform and complete
using the PowerPoint file a laboratory experiment. Simulation
presentation: via computer software can be used
 Chapter03 – Amplitude to get the result.
 Single-Sideband Modulation Note: An interactive discussion and
(https://bit.ly/2DScsjn) short question and answer will be
conducted through the class stream.
Laboratory manual can be
accessed here: Laboratory Manual
for Principles of Communication
System (https://bit.ly/3iQsYze)

Module 3 Week 12 &  Edmodo At the end of the session, the Frequency Modulation (FM) & The following are recommended Lecture:
Weeks 11-15 13,  Facebook engineering students can: Phase Modulation (PM): discussion topics and learning activities Students answer an
6 hrs. Messenger that can be completed in class. online examination of
 Google  Recognize Frequency  Frequency Modulation (FM) the basic concepts of
(Nov. 9-13  YouTube Modulation (FM) in the and Phase Modulation (PM) Lecture: Frequency Modulation
& 16-20) frequency and time domain; Principles 1. The instructor reviews the topic of (FM).
solve the modulation index  Modulation Index, deviation Amplitude Modulation (AM) and
and other parameters; ratio and frequency deviation presents the introductory topic of The students present
understand FM theory and  FM in time and frequency Frequency Modulation (FM). the FM modulator or
draw an FM waveform; domain demodulator circuit to
compare and contrast FM  Noise suppression in FM 2. The instructor shows the basic the instructor through
and Phase Modulation (PM).  AM versus FM approach in dealing with problems video and explain the
 FM versus PM in FM. function of each part.
 Describe how FM signals  Frequency modulators
are generated and received  Phase modulators 3. The students describe how FM
by the receivers; compare  Frequency demodulators signals are generated and identify Laboratory:
direct and indirect methods the signals present in an FM signal. Students submit a
of FM generation laboratory experiment
Reading: 4. The students solve problems in FM report.
 Calculate the bandwidth of Read the following chapter in and explain the implications of their
an FM signal by using two Principles of Electronic results.
methods and explain the Communications (4th Edition):
difference between the two.  Chapter 5: “Fundamentals of 5. The students simulate an FM
Frequency Modulation” modulator or demodulator circuit
 Explain the general  Chapter 6: “FM Circuits” (provided by instructor) using the
principles of phase chosen software and discuss it with
modulator circuits and list Video: the instructor.
the basic techniques for Watch the following videos:
achieving the phase shift.  Understanding Frequency Laboratory:
Modulation 1. The instructor provides the students
 Draw a standard block (https://bit.ly/2DZNn5U) with the laboratory manual.
diagram of a phase-locked  Basic Principles of Frequency
loop (PLL), state what each Modulation 2. The students perform and complete
component does, explain (https://bit.ly/31V5imv) a laboratory experiment. Simulation
the operation of the circuit, via computer software can be used
and define the capture Lecture: to get the result.
range and the lock range of Lecture on the module concepts
a PLL. using the PowerPoint file Note: An interactive discussion and
presentation: short question and answer will be
 Chapter05 – Frequency conducted through the class stream.
 Chapter06 – FM Circuits

Laboratory manual can be
accessed here: Laboratory Manual
for Principles of Communication
System (https://bit.ly/3iQsYze)

Module 3 Week 14 &  Edmodo At the end of the session, the Digital Modulation: The following are recommended Lecture:
Weeks 11-15 15,  Facebook engineering students can: discussion topics and learning activities Students answer online
6 hrs.  Messenger  Digital transmission of data that can be completed in class. examination on the
 Google  Give a step-by-step account - Parallel and serial transmission basic concepts of digital
(Nov. 23-27  YouTube of the transmission of - Asynchronous transmission Lecture: modulation.
& Nov. 30- analog signals using digital - Synchronous transmission 1. The instructor discusses the basic
Dec 4, techniques; describe the concepts of digital modulation and Students submit their
2020) three most common types  Data conversion digital communication. presentations. Grades
of analog-to-digital - Sampling are based on the criteria
converters and draw the - Quantization 2. The instructor gives the students a below.
block diagram of a digital - Coding topic on digital modulation for
signal processing (DSP). them to research and make a
 Data Communication presentation. Laboratory:
 Describe how quantizing Modulation Students submit a
error occurs, describe the - Frequency-shift keying (FSK) 3. The students make a short laboratory experiment
techniques used to - Phase-shift keying (PSK) presentation of the topic given. The report.
minimize it, and calculate - Quadrature amplitude presentation should contain:
the minimum sampling rate modulation (QAM) a. History & Application
given the upper-frequency - Orthogonal frequency-division b. Advantages/Disadvantages
limit of the analog signal to multiplexing (OFDM) c. Future Innovations
be converted.
 Pulse modulation 4. The students solve fundamental
 Explain why pulse-code - Pulse-amplitude modulation problems in DSP and perform some
modulation has superseded (PAM) ADC/DAC conversion using the
pulse-amplitude - Pulse-width modulation correct conversion process.
modulation (PAM), pulse- (PWM)
width modulation (PWM), - Pulse-position modulation
and pulse position (PPM) Laboratory:
modulation (PPM). - Pulse-code modulation (PCM) 1. The instructor provides the students
with the laboratory manual.
 Digital signal processing (DSP)
- Analog-to-digital conversion 2. The students perform and complete
(ADC) a laboratory experiment. Simulation
- Digital-to-analog conversion via computer software can be used
(DAC) to get the result.

Read the following chapter in Note: An interactive discussion and
Principles of Electronic short question and answer will be
Communications (4th Edition): conducted through the class stream.
 Chapter 7: “Digital
Communication Techniques”

Watch the following videos:
 Digital Modulation
 Pulse Modulation

Lecture on the module concepts
using the PowerPoint file
 Chapter06 – Digital

Laboratory manual can be
accessed here: Laboratory Manual
for Principles of Communication
System (https://bit.ly/3iQsYze)

Module 4 Week 16,  Edmodo At the end of the session, the Antenna & Wave Propagation The following are recommended Lecture:
Weeks 16-18 3 hrs.  Facebook engineering students can: discussion topics and learning activities The students submit an
Messenger  Antenna Fundamentals that can be completed in class. EZNEC file of their
(Dec. 7-11,  Google  Describe the characteristics - Radio Waves antenna to the
2020)  YouTube of a radio wave. - Electromagnetic field Lecture: instructor.
- Polarization 1. The instructor gives a brief
- Antenna reciprocity discussion on the concepts of the The students make an
 Compute the length of one-
- Directivity topic antenna and wave e-Brochure of their
quarter wavelength and
propagation. antenna with the
one-half wavelength
 Common Antenna Types following information:
antennas, given the - Dipole antenna 2. The students view the videos and a. history
frequency of operation. - Conical antenna lectures given in the resource part b. application
- Folded dipole of the module. c. limitations
d. antenna
 Explain how arrays are used
 Radio Wave Propagation 3. The students select one antenna for characteristics
to create directivity and
- Reflection their research task. Grades are based on
- Refraction the rubrics below.
- Diffraction 4. Using EZNEC software, the students
 Describe ways in which design the antenna with the desired Laboratory:
antenna design can be Reading: parameters and do simulation. Students submit a
modified to produce an Read the following chapter in laboratory experiment
optimal match between the Principles of Electronic 5. The students record the antenna report.
impedances of a transmitter Communications (4th Edition): characteristics, as shown in the
 Chapter 14: “Antennas and EZNEC software.
and an antenna.
Wave Propagation”
 Describe the characteristics Video: 1. The instructor provides the students
of ground waves, sky waves, Watch the following videos: with the laboratory manual.
and space waves.  Antenna Theory Propagation
(https://bit.ly/2DJCEwH) 2. The students perform and complete
 Antenna Fundamentals: a laboratory experiment. Simulation
Directivity via computer software can be used
(https://bit.ly/2PWEHzC) to get the result.

Lecture on the module concepts Note: An interactive discussion and
using the PowerPoint file short question and answer will be
presentation: conducted through the class stream.
 Chapter14 – Antenna & Wave

Laboratory manual can be
accessed here: Laboratory Manual
for Principles of Communication
System (https://bit.ly/3iQsYze)

Module 4 Week 17,  Edmodo At the end of the session, the Communication Receivers: The following are recommended Lecture:
Weeks 16-18 3 hrs.  Facebook engineering students can: discussion topics and learning activities Students answer an
 Messenger  Basic principles of signal that can be completed in class. online examination for
(Dec. 14-  Google reproduction the basic concepts of
18, 2020) YouTube  Provide the advantage and  Tuned-radio frequency (TRF) Lecture: the communication
disadvantages of tuned-  Superheterodyne receiver 1. The instructor gives an online receiver.
radio frequency (TRF) and  Typical receiver circuits discussion of the concepts of
Superheterodyne receivers;  Receivers and transceivers communication receivers. Students submit their
draw and identify the parts original communication
of these two receivers. 2. The students are grouped, and each receiver design files
Reading: group will work on a together with a short
Read the following chapter in communication receiver. The description and
 Identify the function of each Principles of Electronic receiver could be an AM or FM specifications in a
component of a Communications (4th Edition): receiver. document.
superheterodyne receiver.  Chapter 9: “Communication
Receivers” 3. The students design their new Laboratory:
communication receiver using a Students submit a
 Express the relationship
Video: simulation software of their choice. laboratory experiment
between the IF, local Watch the following videos: . report.
oscillator, and signal  Heterodyne Receiver and
frequencies mathematically Image Rejection Laboratory:
and calculate any one of (https://bit.ly/31RLlwN) 1. The instructor provides the students
them, given the other two.  How does a Superheterodyne with the laboratory manual.
radio work?
(https://bit.ly/30Ynigq) 2. The students perform and complete
 Explain how the design of a laboratory experiment. Simulation
dual-conversion receivers Lecture: via computer software can be used
allows them to enhance Lecture on the module concepts to get the result.
selectivity and eliminate using the PowerPoint file
image problems. presentation:
 Chapter09 – Communication Note: An interactive discussion and
Receivers short question and answer will be
(https://bit.ly/3fXuJsB) conducted through the class stream.

Laboratory manual can be
accessed here: Laboratory Manual
for Principles of Communication
System (https://bit.ly/3iQsYze)

Course Requirements:

1. Online Learning Responses

2. Digital Portfolios
3. PowerPoint Presentations
4. Research Output
5. Major Exams
6. Compilation of Laboratory Experiments Report


a. Frenzel, L. (2016). Principles of Electronic Communication Systems (4th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.
b. Kennedy, G., & Davis, B. (2009). Electronic Communication Systems (4th ed.). Tata McGraw-Hill.
c. Tomasi, W. (2014). Advanced Electronic Communications Systems (6th ed.). Pearson Education.
c. Couch, L. W. (1995). Modern Communication Systems: Principles and Applications. Prentice-Hall.
d. Carlson, A. B., Crilly, P. B., & Rutledge, J. C. (2002). Communications Systems (4th ed.). McGraw Hill.

Problem Set Grading:

Each problem received a maximum of 5 points:
 5 points if solved correctly with detailed solution and demonstrate a perfect grasp of the concept
 4 points if solved successfully but lacks some resolution but still show a good grasp of the concept
 3 points if answered with minor errors but addressed the idea adequately or indicated a significant understanding of the concept
 2 points if not solved but givens are appropriately labeled and show a significant misunderstanding of the concept
 1 point if no solution, only givens are listed and shows no understanding of the concept
 0 point for no attempt and don’t address the concept

Rubric for rating e-portfolios/report:


CONTENT (50 pts) (41 – 50) (31 - 40) (21 - 30) (1 - 20)

It refers to the completeness of the A portfolio/report contains all the A portfolio/report contains most, A portfolio/report contains some, A portfolio/report contains few,
information contained in the required files or materials. The about 75%, of the required files or about 50%, of the required files or about 25% or less, of the required
portfolio or report submitted. student can give what is needed and materials. The portfolio/report lacks materials. Half of the content files or materials and does not meet
even included additional useful minimal information. needed is lacking, or half of the the necessary information needed.
information into his/her report. information is not relevant to the The report includes minimal to none
topic. relevant information.
ORGANIZATION (30 pts) (24 – 30) (16 – 23) (8 – 15) (1 – 7)

It refers to how the content is The portfolio/report is entirely and The portfolio/report is well The portfolio/report is reasonably A portfolio/report shows an attempt
arranged and presented in the aesthetically organized, tables and organized; most tables and figures organized.  Some tables and figures at an organization or is poorly
portfolio or report. figures are relatively and are relatively and appropriately are relatively and appropriately organized.  Most tables and figures
appropriately named. A reader can named.  A reader has little difficulty named, and some are not. A reader are not relatively and appropriately
quickly understand the information in understanding the topic being may have difficulty understanding named.  A reader will have difficulty
with or without prior knowledge of discussed. The report requires the topic being discussed because in understanding the topic being
the topic being discussed. minimal revision. of the incoherent presentation. discussed. The flow of the
presentation requires revision.
SUBMISSION (20 pts) (16 - 20) (11 – 15) (6 – 10) (1 – 5)
A portfolio is submitted very late or
It refers to the timing of the A portfolio/report is submitted A portfolio/report is submitted 4 to A portfolio/report is submitted 11 – more than 20 days after the
submission. before the scheduled date, on the 10 days after the scheduled date of 20 days after the scheduled date of scheduled date of submission.
scheduled time, and three days after submission. submission.
the expected date of submission.

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Date Approved:

Instructor OIC Dean, CET Vice-President for Academics

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