Module 11 Written Assignment - Claros With Pic

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Part 1
Teacher A Teacher B
Category: Professional Teacher Category: Unfocused Teacher
Description of the specific behavior Description of the specific behavior

Teacher X has been in the public school for Teacher I has been in the service for three
two years already. Despite being new in the years as Teacher I. She is seen as someone
service, this does not make him not effective who do her tasks wholeheartedly,
in the delivery of quality instruction. committed to every challenge given to her.
Currently, he is assigned in the Senior High As a teacher, she makes sure that the
School with five regular teaching loads and students’ concerns and questions are
three ancillary functions. This teacher addressed via online messaging, call or text
always finds time and ways to accommodate or even face to face with the parents during
his learners with various learning needs the distribution and retrieval of SLMs.
despite of the many tasks he needs to attend When her fellow teachers would ask or
to everyday. With the present situation consult her with something, she is ready and
brought about by the pandemic, it does not willing to help them. In observing
hinder him to render help or assistance to punctuality, this teacher has been observed
his students and fellow teachers whenever to submit reports, required outputs and
they need him. Though new in the service, school forms early. She ensures that efforts
this teacher can easily think and apply are exerted in order to help her students,
concrete solutions to problems he colleagues, and other community members.
encounters as a teacher, adviser and a As an adviser, she always updates her
member of the school community. As a classroom structuring to make it more
colleague to his fellow teachers, he make enticing to the learners and visitors as well.
sure that he gives time to share his insights In short, she puts everything in order.
to everybody and gladly mentors them Teacher Y is also willing to be always
especially those who need him the most be observed by her school principal and
it in ICT, pedagogy, or practical problems in instructional supervisors in terms of her
the school. Teacher X also allot time in delivery of instruction. Despite these great
helping fellow teachers in the preparation of accomplishment, Teacher Y fails to provide
their instructional materials like video concrete, immediate, and doable solutions to
lessons, powerpoint presentations, particular problems in her class as adviser
contextualized activity sheets, and many and consults her colleagues and school
more. Indeed, he is someone whom every principal for problems. It can be gleaned
teacher can rely on. As a passionate teacher, from her that she is still dependent to her
he is also a coordinator of the different fellow teachers and school principal in
organizations in school. In addition, Teacher addressing such problems. In terms of her
X continuously aspire for excellence instructional plan, it has been observed that
through professional development programs some activities in the lesson do not develop
and activities that will help him reflect and students’ critical thinking skills. During the
improve everyday as a teacher. He can conduct of classroom observation using the
delegate the tasks given to him and COT, it was found out that the lesson was
accomplish them excellently the work given not engaging because it is teacher-centered.
to him by his school head. A non-directive The teacher has dominated the entire
approach where the instructional session, giving limited time for students to
supervision is to listen, clarify, and interact.
encourage is being used by the school
principal in supervising him. At present, Teacher Y is an unfocused teacher.
Teacher X is enrolled in the degree, Master Demonstrating, directing, standardizing, and
of Arts in Catechetics since he firmly performing are the supervisory behaviors
believes that to make him more effective, applicable to her.
professional development should be always

Teacher X is a Professional Teacher and the

supervisory which are applicable to him are
listening, clarifying and encouraging.

A non-directive approach is what suits best A directive approach fits Teacher Y in terms
to Teacher X based from the evaluation of supervisory orientation based form the
conducted by the school principal. He evaluation conducted.
greatly depends on his own self and
generates resources. The instructional supervisor posits that
learning is acquired not only through
From the behavior manifested by the following the set of standards but also
teacher, it can be noted that he has a through constant practice of desirable
maximum responsibility while the school behavior. The school head needs to use the
head has the minimum responsibility. In behaviors of directing, demonstrating, and
addition, the school head encourages the standardizing, and reinforcing to develop
teacher to make sound decisions and the competencies. With this, it can be noted
empower fellow teachers in helping one that the instructional supervisor has the
another. maximum control while Teacher B has the
minimum control.


The school which is always viewed as the learning hub for children with various need should
ensure that quality instruction is served and that quality instructional leaders and
implementers like teachers are exemplary. Learning becomes impossible when instructional
planners do not possess such quality. Teachers as facilitators of learning are responsible for
the over-all development of learners for them to become at par with global standards.

Anonang National High School dreams to be producing world-class graduates who are
resilient and adaptive to the changes of times. This can be achieved only from the quality
instruction that the teachers provide to them in school. To attain this long-term goal, Anonang
National High School ensures that the faculty and staff are equipped with the best content and
pedagogical skills as well as instructional supervision. The School Learning Action Cell as
one of the avenues to mentor one another and showcase innovative in classroom practices is a
great help for teachers. However, this does not totally address problems specifically for the
learners. That is why, the school conducts capability buildings and mentoring programs for
teachers to help them address their problems.


Teacher Y who is labeled as unfocused teacher has prepared a lesson which is
teacher-centered. Meaning, activities in the lesson are dominated by the teacher. This
has been observed during the conduct of the classroom observation by the school
head. Despite the teacher’s effort in providing lessons to her students, the lesson still
does not advocate creativity and critical thinking skills.

The unfocused teacher clearly needs instructional support from her colleagues and
school head. This can be in a form of capacity building and upskilling of the mastery
of the pedagogical skills.

To retrain the teacher to devise interactive, creative activities which will entice
students to participate well in the discussion


Reflective thinking is one of the ways that the teacher will practice. Directive
approach is the best way to supervise her. A directive approach involves a transfer of
wisdom, where the mentor or coach provides advice or direction, probably based on
their experience and expertise. This approach suits best to her because at her present
situation, she cannot translate the behaviors of directing, demonstrating,
standardizing, and reinforcing to classroom practice.

In order to help Teacher Y with her problem, the instructional supervisor may apply
the possible solutions:

Directive approach- the counsellor plays on important role. A major goal is to replace
the emotional behavior of the individual with deliberately rationale behavior.
Although, the counsellor avoids dictatorial advice. The approach is also known as
counsellor centered.

During the post conference, the school head has to discuss and explain everything to
the teacher for her to understand the nature of the problem. In short, the instructional

1. Crafts a lesson plan with relevant learning activities which are engaging, creative
and develop the students’ critical thinking skills
2. Explain to Teacher Y the importance of the congruence of the learning objectives
to the series of activities to be prepared in the lesson plan.
3. Discuss the activities that are engaging and how these activities will be achieved
4. Checks the lesson plan made by Teacher Y.
5. Allows Teacher Y to come up with another lesson plan incorporating the
suggestions and recommendations presented during the conference.

Holistic coaching- this style of coaching is founded on the theory that a happy team naturally
becomes a successful team. Very little is offered in terms of structured training or positive
feedback. Instead, the holistic coach works to create an environment where teachers feel
comfortable exploring and pursuing skills development on their own time and in their own
way. The coach does not act as a central authority, and instead allows teachers to set their
own agenda.
After the conference with the teacher, the supervisor:
1. Requires the teacher to develop a lesson plan
2. Check the teacher’s lesson plan to see if changes have been observed
3. Allows the teacher to finalize her work by giving her more time
4. Checks the developed lesson plan before using it in the class
Peer Mentoring
Peer mentoring is a relationship between people who are at the same career stage or age,
in which one person has more experience than the other in a particular domain and can
provide support as well as knowledge and skills transfer. Peer mentoring may be a one-
on-one relationship or experienced in a group.
After the conference with the teacher, the supervisor:
1. Calls for a conference to address problems encountered by the teacher
2. Require the teacher to craft an action plan
3. Schedule another meeting to listen and clarify on her plans
4. Another schedule for meeting for the reporting of the results

In conducting instructional supervision, there were times when teachers misunderstood

the goal which will create problems between the relationship of teachers to the school
head. As a school head, it must be carefully analyzed in order to provide effective
technical assistance to the teachers with various needs.

As an instructional supervisor, I need to anticipate the problems and carefully provide

possible solutions that are doable, effective, and long term. I also need to assess on how
will I execute these solutions to achieve better results for the benefit of my teachers.
In authoritarian coaching, I should be the one to decide on what the teacher should do,
and how she should do it. Understanding on the part of the teacher is the key to the
success of this type of coaching. Otherwise, everything will just be a waste of time and

In Holistic coaching with reinforcing as the supervisory behavior, I need to make sure
that I give clear instructions in what the teacher should do for the improvement of her
performance. The teacher is given an opportunity to follow her desire but still under the
supervision of the school head.

In Peer Mentoring, I have to carefully explain the roles and responsibilities of the mentor
who will help the mentee to improve her performance. This is very important in order to
create impact.

Based from the analysis of the three possible solutions, authoritarian coaching best suit
for the teacher with directing and demonstrating as the supervisory behavior. In effect,
this will provide best results that would benefit not only the teacher but the entire school
community as well.

As an instructional supervisor, I need to understand that there are many unfocused teacher
who will be under my supervision and as their mentor, I feel the need to help them in
everything that I can.

1. Instructional supervisor is responsible for the evaluation of teachers’ supervisory
orientation and behavior based from the evaluation conducted
2. He conducts regular conference with teacher concerned
3. Present evidences to the teacher
4. Explains to the teacher the supervisory orientation and the supervisory behaviors to
5. Informs clearly the teacher that the instructional supervisor has the greater
responsibility over her personal responsibility
6. Requires the teacher to identify the competencies from the MELCs
7. As instructional supervisor, he must prepare the lesson plan first
8. He should monitor closely the teacher
9. Checks teachers’ outputs


1. Attends regular conferences
2. Listens attentively to instructional supervisor
3. Asks clarification to supervisors when confused or in doubt
4. Listens and follows instructions
5. Provides the instructional supervisor with the competency.
6. Consults the instructional supervisor/coach whatever parts of the lesson
7. Takes down notes to ensure that none are missed
8. Clarifies some instructions that are confusing.
9. Consults the instructional supervisor whatever doubts she encounters.
10. Implements the tasks with culture of excellence

The implementation of DepEd’s PPAs and staff development are some of the tedious
tasks of a supervisor. Implementation cannot be done without clear directions and
functional monitoring and evaluation tool to track the performance of the teacher.

These mechanics were implemented via series of conference which involved the teacher
following the matrix of activity. She was always called to ensure that all instructions
were done according to standard. She was closely monitored on the assigned tasks to
check whether she understood the instructions.

Matrix of Activity
Mechanics Timeline
Instructional Supervisor/Coach The Teacher
1. The instructional supervisor is May 7, 2021
responsible for the evaluation of
teacher’s supervisory orientation and
behaviors based on observation, and
other documents submitted.
2. Conducts conference with the Attends conference with the May 10, 2021
teacher to report her supervisory instructional supervisor/coach.
orientation with the application of
supervisory behaviors.
3. Presents each to the teacher with Listens to the instructional May 12, 2021
the support of the data gathered. supervisor and clarifies whatever
doubts with regard to the results
of the evaluation
4. Explains the supervisory Asks clarifications on the May 14, 2021
orientation and the supervisory supervisory orientations and
behaviors to the teachers. supervisory behaviors and these
would fit to her performance
5. Clearly informs the teacher that Listens and asks the instructional May 14, 2021
the instructional supervisor has the supervisor/coach arrives with the
greater responsibility over her approach of supervision.
responsibility emphasizing that
directive approach and authoritarian
coaching are used to arrive with fast
and good result.
6. The instructional supervisor Provides the instructional May 17, 2021
requires the teacher to identify supervisor with the competency.
competency from the MELs for the
sample lesson plan.
7. The Instructional supervisor would Listens and follow instructions. May 17, 2021
prepare the lesson plan applying the Consults the instructional
mastery of the content across supervisor/coach whatever parts
curriculum, engaging activities up to of the lesson that confuses her.
the evaluation part of the lesson.

8. The instructional Supervisor *Takes down notes to ensure that May 19, 2021
discusses each part of the lesson plan, none are missed.
how and when engaging activities can *Clarifies some instructions that
be done with mastery of the content are confusing.
across curriculum. *Consults the instructional
supervisor whatever doubts she
9. The instructional supervisor would Implements the tasks May 20-May 25,
monitor closely and evaluates the 2021
performance of the teacher.
10. Checks and provides suggestions Submission of her own output. May 28, 2021
to the submitted output of the


Module II Developmental Supervision, enables me to reflect on many things as an
instructional supervisor. Firstly, I need to assess teachers in terms of their level of
commitment and level of abstraction to place them in the right label or stage. Assessment
and evaluation must be authentic and should be based on observation and records. The
provision of instructional supervision is just useless if it will not undergo the processes of
effective supervision. This maybe the reason why many teachers on the ground who are
unfocused. Describing teachers of their specific behaviors fitted to the indicators on the
commitment and abstraction should be done to identify the appropriate supervisory
orientation that is needed to each teacher. It is also very important that teachers should
understand why and how their approach should be conducted. They too deserve
explanations to avoid conflicts within the school community. Based from what I
conducted in school, some of my teachers, those that are informed and explained well,
understood why they were categorized in such. I need to admit that I find it difficult to
choose who will I categorize because of various considerations.
An instructional supervisor always treats criticisms and feedbacks as points for
improvement. One can never grow if he will not embrace these things. This process of
implementing developmental supervisory approach enhances my attitudes, knowledge,
and skills in supervision as a school head.
To become more effective instructional supervisors, we should conform ourselves with
the following steps in providing developmental supervisory approach/es.
1. Assess teachers on the level of commitment and abstraction.
2. Write a description of the specific behaviors of each teacher fitteed to his/her present
3. Choose a specific supervisory orientation for each teacher and discuss to him/her.
4. Prepare a workable actional plan with specific activities/steps.
5. Implement the action plan with photo documentation.
6. Monitor and evaluate each teacher for future directions.

Prepared by:

Principal II
Anonang National High School
Schools Division of Island Garden City of Samal
Region XI

The professional teacher with the instructional supervisor

having a conference on the evaluation conducted. The
supervisor explained thoroughly the importance of the process.

The instructional supervisor explained comprehensively to

the professional teacher the processes and
considerations why he was considered as a professional
teacher. The teacher was also able to learn the
supervisory orientation and behavior.
The instructional supervisor and the professional teacher
discussed with each other the various roles and
responsibilities of both the coach and the mentor.
The instructional supervisor and the unfocused teacher
discussed the results of the evaluation conducted. The
supervisor explained also to the teacher about
supervisory orientation, supervisory behaviors and the
supervisory approach that would be applied to her.

The instructional supervisor orients the teacher on the

various roles and responsibilities of both the coach and
the mentee.
The teacher was also asked to identify the most essential
learning competencies (MELCs) to be used in the
development of lessons plan.

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