P 930 Management Review SAMPLE
P 930 Management Review SAMPLE
P 930 Management Review SAMPLE
Management Review
1.0 Purpose/Scope
1.1 The purpose of this procedure is to provide for a system for scheduling, conducting and recording
management review of the Quality Management System at Your Company.
1.2 The procedure applies to the review of QMS processes where performance is evaluated.
2.1 The President has the prime responsibility and approval authority for this procedure.
2.2 In support of the President, the Quality team / ISO steering committee is responsible to ensure that
information, trends, and indicators relating to review inputs is available.
2.3 Additional responsibilities for the Quality team / ISO steering committee and Management
personnel are detailed in relevant paragraphs of section 5.0 below.
3.1 Reference
3.1.1 This document relates to clause 9.3 of the ISO 9001:2015 standard, Management review
3.2 No definitions
4.0 Resources
4.1 None
5.0 Instructions
5.1 In support of the procedure P-910 for Monitoring, measuring, analysis and evaluation, this
procedure addresses management review to ensure that the QMS continues to be suitable,
adequate, effective, and is aligned with the strategic direction of the company..
5.1.1 Top management reviews the QMS at planned intervals and at least once each
calendar year. At the call of the President, the number of reviews may be more frequent
based on performance and results of the system.
5.2 The President in conjunction with the Quality team leader / ISO management representative
schedules the management reviews.
5.2.1 Regardless of other inputs, management review meetings are scheduled within (1) one
month after the completion of the internal audits, per P-920.
5.3 Management review meetings are attended by the President, the Human Resources Manager, the
Manufacturing Manager, the Sales & Marketing Manager, the Materials Manager, the Engineering
services manager, and the ISO management representative.