BSC Bed Physics 2 Year
BSC Bed Physics 2 Year
BSC Bed Physics 2 Year
Part II
Group B : Core Course (CC)
Force on a moving charge: Lorentz force, equation and definition of B, force on a
straight conductor carrying current in a uniform magnetic field, Torque on a current
loop, magnetic dipole moment, angular momentum and gyromagnetic ratio. Motion
of charged particles in electric and magnetic fields. Linear accelerator, E as
deflecting field – CRO, sensitivity. Transverse B field, curvatures of tracks for
energy determination of nuclear particles, principle of a cyclotron. Mutually
perpendicular E and B fields- mass spectrograph, velocity selector, its resolution.
Response curve for LCR circuit and resonance frequency, quality factor.
Unit - V
Magnetic Fields in Matter
Biot-Savart law, calculation of H in simple geometrical situations, Ampere‘s Law,
the divergence and curl of B, field due to a magnetic dipole, magnetization current,
magnetization vector, magnetic permeability (linear cases), interpretation of a bar
magnet as a surface distribution of solenoidal current, the field of a magnetized
Textbooks and references
Barkeley Physics Course; Electricity and Magnetism, Ed. E.M. Purcell (McGraw-
Halliday and Resnik; Physics, Vol 2.(Wiley Eastern)
D.J. Griffith; Introduction to Electrodynamics (Prentice-Hall of India).
Reitz and Milford; Electricity and Magnetism (Addison-Wesley).
A.S.Mahajan and A A Rangwala; Electricity and Magnetism (Tata McGraw-Hill).
A.M. Portis; Electromagnetic Fields.
Pugh and Pugh; Principles of Electricity and Magnetism (Addison-Welsley).
Panofsky and Phillips; Classical Electricity and Magnetism (India Book House).
S.S.Atwood; Electricity and Magnetism (Dover).
Transport phenomena in gases: Molecular collisions, mean free path and collision
cross sections, Estimates of molecular diameter and mean free path, Transport of
mass, momentum and energy and interrelationship, dependence on temperature and
Unit -III
The laws of thermodynamics: The Zeroth law, various indicator diagrams, work
done by and on the system, first law of thermodynamics, internal energy as a state
function, reversible and irreversible changes, Carnot cycle and its efficiency, Carnot
theorem and the second law of thermodynamics, Different versions of the second
law, practical cycles used in internal combustion engines, Entropy, principle of
increase of entropy, The thermodynamic scale of temperature, its identity with the
perfect gas scale, Impossibility of attaining the absolute zero temperature, third law
of thermodynamics.
Unit - IV
Thermodynamic relationships: thermodynamic variables- extensive and intensive,
Maxwell‘s general relationships, application to Joule – Thomson expansion and
adiabatic cooling in a general system, Van der Waals gas, Clausius-Clapeyron heat
equation, Thermodynamic potentials and equilibrium of thermodynamical systems,
relation with thermodynamical variables, Cooling due to adiabatic demagnetization,
production and measurement of very low temperatures.
Unit - V
Blackbody radiation: Pure temperature dependence, Stefan-Boltzmann law,
pressure of radiation, Spectral distribution of blackbody radiation, Wein‘s
displacement law, Rayleigh-jean‘s law, Planck‘s quantum postulates, Planck‘s law,
complete fit with experiment, interpretation of behaviour of specific heats of gases at
low temperature.
Textbooks and References
1. M.W.Zemansky Heat and Thermodynamics (Mcgraw-Hill Book Company)
2. M.N. Saha, B.N.Srivastava A Treatise on Heat (The Indian Press,
(Publication) Pvt. Ltd. Allahabad)
3. M.N. Saha, B.N.Srivastava A Textbook of HeatA (Science Book Agency,
4. A. N. Matveev Molecular Physics (Mir Publishers, Moscow, 1985 )
5. Joseph O. Hirschfelder et al Molecular Theory of Gases and Liquids (John
Wiley & Sons, Newyork)
6. K.S. Pitzer, L. Brewer, Thermodynamcs (Mc Graw Hill Book Company)
7. S.C.Garg, R.M. Bansal, C.K. Ghosh, Thermal Physics (Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Company Ltd.)
8. Samuel Glasston, Thermodynamics for Chemists (Affiliated East West Press
Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi)
9. Yu. B. Rumer, M. Sh. Ryvkin Thermodynamics, Statistical Physics and
Kinetics (Mir Publishers, Moscow)
10. S.S. Singhal, J.P. Agarwal, Satya Prakash, Heat and Thermodynamics
(Pragati Prakashan, Meerut).
11. lDlsuk] flag] jkor *Å"ekxfrdh rFkk lkaf[;dh; HkkSfrdh*
¼dkWyst cqd gkÅl] t;iqj ½
12- Hk.Mkjh] f”k”kksfn;k] ijkatis] ohjsUnz dqekj] *lkaf[;dh; ,oa Å"ekxfrdh; HkkSfrdh*
¼jes”k cqd fMiks] t;iqj½
Duration : 3 hours Max. Marks : 40 Note – The paper
is divided in five independent units. Two questions will be set from each unit. The
candidates are required to attempt one question from each unit. MKSA system of
units is to be used. The question paper shall have atleast 30 per
cent weightage of problems and numericals.
Unit I
Aberration in images: Chromatic aberrations, achromatic combination of lenses in
contact and separated lenses, Monochromatic Aberration and corrections, aplanatic
points of a spherically refracting surface and sphere, oil immersion objectives,
meniscus lens.
Optical instruments: Entrance and exit pupils, Need for a multiple lens, eyepiece,
common types of eyepieces.
Unit – II
Interference of a light: Division of wavefront and division of amplitude, The
principle of superposition, two-slit interference, Fresnel biprism, thin film
interference, Newton‘s rings, application of interference in determination of
wavelength and precision measurements.
Haidinger fringes: fringes of equal inclination, Michelson interferometer, its
application for precision determination of wavelength, wavelength difference and the
width of spectral lines, Intensity distribution in multiple beam interference, Fabry-
Perot interferometer.
Unit - III
Fresnel diffraction: Fresnel half-period zones, Types of zone plates, Circular
aperture, Circular disc, Diffraction at a straight edge, Construction and working
principle of Zone plate and its application as a lens.
Fraunhofer diffraction: Phasor diagram, Diffraction at a single slit, double slits &
N parallel slits and their intensity distribution, plane diffraction grating, reflection
grating and blazed grating, Concave grating and different mountings, diffraction at a
circular aperture.
Rayleigh criterion of Resolution, Resolving power of Telescope, Microscope,
Grating and Prism.
Unit IV
Polarization and Optical Rotation: Meaning and representation of Polarized light,
Types of polarized light, Production of Polarized light, Brewster law, Malus law,
double refraction, Phase retardation plates, Analysis of Polarized light as plane
polarized, circularly polarized and Elliptically polarized light, Rotation of plane of
polarization, Specific rotation and its experimental determination, Polarimeter
(Laurent and Biquartz).
Unit – V
Lasers: Laser system, Radiative and Non-radiative Transition mechanisms, Basic
necessity for a Lasing device, Purity of a spectral line, coherence length and
coherence time, spatial coherence of a source, Einstein‘s A and B coefficients,
Spontaneous and Induced emissions, conditions for laser action, population
Construction, Working principle and Applications of Ruby laser, He-Ne Laser and
Semiconductor lasers, spatial coherence and directionality, estimates of beam
intensity, temporal coherence and spectral energy density.
Basic concepts of Holography, Construction of a Hologram and reconstruction of the
Textbooks and References
1. A. K. Ghatak, Physical Optics – Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd, New
2. D. P. Khandelwal, Optics and Atomic Physics (Himalaya Publishing House,
Bombay, 1998).
3. F. Smith and J.. Thomson; Manchester Physics series; Optics (English
Language book Society and John Wiley, 1977).
4. Bom and Wolf; Optics.
5. K. D. Moltev; Optics (Oxford University Press)
6. Sears; Optics.
7. Jenkins and White; Fundamental of Optics (McGraw-Hill)
8. Smith and Thomson; Optics (John Wiley and Sons).
9. A.K. Ghatak, Physical Optics
10. B.B. Laud; Lasers and Non-linear Optics (Wiley Eastern 1985)
B.Sc.B.Ed. Part-II
Duration: 5 hours Max. Marks: 50 Min. Pass Marks : 18
Any twelve out of the following experiments are to be conducted. Few more
experiments may be set at the institutional level.
1. Determination of wavelength of light using diffraction grating.
2. To find out the wavelength of a monochromatic source of light using Newton‘s
rings and find the refractive index of liquid.
3. Find out the wavelength of a given monochromatic (Sodium light) source using
Michelson‘s interferometer and determination of D1& D2.
4. Determination of wavelength using Biprism.
5. Determine the specific rotation of sugar solution byPolarimeter.
6. Study of polarization by reflection from a glass plate with the help of Nichol
prism and Photo cell and verify Brewster‘s law.
7. Find out the melting point of a given substance using platinum resistance
8. Determine thermal conductivity of a bad conductor by Lee‘s method.
9. Determine the thermodynamic constant -Cp/Cv using Clements‘s and
Desormas method.
10. Study of variation of total thermal radiation with temperature.
11. Determination of Stefan‘s constant.
12. Study thermo emf versus temperature of a thermo couple. Find the neutral
temperature and use it to find temperature of an unknown substance.
13. Study the magnetic field along the axis of a current carrying circular coil for
different currents. Plot the observations on a graph and find out the radius of a
circular coil.
14. Determination of band gap using a junction diode.
15. Determination of power factor (cos ) of a given coil using CRO.
16. Determination of velocity of sound in air by standing wave method using
speaker microphone and CRO.
17. Measurement of inductance of a coil by Anderson‘s bridge.
18. Measurement of Capacitance and dielectric constant of a liquid by desauty