Lady Bug: Amigurumi
Lady Bug: Amigurumi
Lady Bug: Amigurumi
CH: Chain
SL: Slip Stitch
AM: Magic ring
X: Single crochet
V: Increase
A: Decrease
T: Half double crochet
F: Double crochet
TV: Increase half double crochet
TA: Decrease half double crochet
FV: Increase double crochet
FA: Decrease double crochet
W: 3 single crochet in one st
M: 1 single crochet from 3 sts
FLO: Front loop only
BLO: Back loop only
- 2mm hook
- Acrylic yarn for 3mm hook: Red, cream, black and navy blue
- Cotton thread: Black, white and turquoise
- Sttufing
- Scissors and needle
- Acrylic or textile paint: Cream and black
- Brush and water
- Cardboard
- Wire
- Tweezers
- Liquid silicone or glue
- Flat iron
- Pet brush
Try to knit tight, so that when stuffing the doll there are no holes where
the filling can come out. If you feel that you knit very loose you can
choose to change to a smaller crochet hook.
cut more and finally adjust the size.
Round 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
01. AM de 6x 6 sts With the tweezers we will give the shape of the
sole to the wire and then introduce the wire
02. 2V, 4X 8 sts INICIO into the little foot of our wrist.
03. 8X 8 sts
NOTE: From this point we will have to start filling as we go
04. 3V, 5X 11 sts knitting.
05. - 06. 11X 11 sts
07. X, 2A, 3X, A, X 8 sts Round
08. A, 2X, A, 2X 6 sts 08. 5V, X 6 sts
09. - 11. 6X 6 sts 09. - 10. 6X 6 sts
12. 3x, v, 2x 7 sts 11. V, 5X 7 sts
13. - 14. 7 pts 7 sts 12. 7X 7 sts
15. 4X, V 2X 8 sts 13. X, V, 5X 8 sts
16. - 17. 8X 8 sts 14. 8X 8 sts
18. X, A, 2X, 2V, X 9 sts 15. 2X, V, 5X 9 sts
19. X, V, 2X, 2A, X 8 sts 16. 9X 9 sts
20. - 29. 8X 8 sts 17. 3X, V, 5X 10 sts
Finish with a slip stitch and cut the thread 18. 10X 10 sts
LEGS (x2) 19. 3X, 2V, 5X 12 sts
We started knitting the sole with 8 chains 20. - 26. 12X 12 sts
and an extra chain to go up and make the
second round 27. 4X, 2A, 4X 10 sts
28. 9X, V 11 sts
The second round will be done as in the
diagram 29. V, 2X, 2A, 4X 10 sts
From round 02 to 7, each round will end with 30. 10X 10 sts
a SL followed by a CH. To begin the next 31. 8X, A 9 sts
round, we started at the same stitch where we
made the slip stitch 32. A, 7X 8 sts
33. 5X, V, 2X 9 sts
34. 5X, V, 3X 10 sts
Round 35. - 36. 10X 10 sts
01. 9CH 37. 6X, V, 3X 11 sts
02. V, 6X, V, V, 6X, V SL, CH 20 sts 38. 11X 11 sts
03. V, 6X, 3V, 8X, 2V, SL, 26 sts 39. 7X, V, 3X 12 sts
40. 12X 12 sts
At the end of round number 03 we drew the 41. 8X, V, 3X 13 sts
sole on the cardboard, we decrease a few
millimeters and stuck it to the surface with liquid 42. - 43. 13X 13 sts
silicon or glue (this cardboard will remain
Round At the end of the first leg we make a slip stitch
and we cut thread. In the second leg we do
04 BLO (7X, 11T, 8X, 26 sts not cut the thread, we continue knitting to
SL, CH make the union of the legs and thus continue
05. 7X, 5TA, 9X, SL, CH 21 sts knitting the body.
06. 6X, 5A, 5X, SL, CH 16 sts
07. 3X, 5A, 3X, SL, CH 11 sts
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Designed and Pattern By @stitcheshandmade @skisofrenik
BODY Round
To begin to knit the body, first we will join the
legs starting with the right leg. From where we 66. 3X, 8X, 10X, 8X, 7X 36 sts
stayed we went to round 44, we knit 6X of 67. 2X, A, 6X, A, 8X, A, 6X, 32 sts
the right leg, then we do 3CH to pass to the A, 6X
left leg, we knit the 13X of the left leg, then 68. 2X, 2A, 2X, 2A, 6X, 2A, 24 sts
3X in the 3CH that we made and we finished 2X, 2A, 4X
knitting the remaining 7X the right leg. 69. X, 4A, 4X, 4A, 3X 16 sts
* For the pupil of the eyes I recommend * We brush all the hair with a pet brush and
embroidery in cross stitch, pacifying the thread
several times until obtaining a circle.
3 4 give the desired shape with scissors.
* The white part of the eye can be embroide- HAIR *Diluting a few drops of acrylic paint or textile
red using the same method or in the way that * We cut strips of navy blue yarn, don’t worry
cream create the blush on the cheeks, nose,
best suits you. if they are too big, then they can be trimmed
neck. ears and the front line of the head.
and it’s better than over if it’s missing.
Queda prohibido compartir, reproducir o distribuir este patrón con otras personas o grupos, ya sea público o privado
– Puedes vender el producto terminado siempre y cuando des agradecimiento a los autores del patron, gracias por tu cooperación