Damage Control Surgery and ICU (Feb-14-08)
Damage Control Surgery and ICU (Feb-14-08)
Damage Control Surgery and ICU (Feb-14-08)
Department of Intensive Care, Liverpool Hospital, Sydney, Australia
University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
KEYWORDS Summary The introduction and establishment of the ‘damage control surgery’ con-
Damage control surgery cept has led to increasing numbers of severely injured and unstable patients being
(DCS); presented to Intensive Care Units (ICU) for ongoing resuscitation. These patients
Hypovolaemia; present many challenges for the Intensive Care team and emphasise the need for a
Intensive Care Unit multidisciplinary approach to optimise trauma patient management. Multiple issues
need to be addressed simultaneously while the overall aim is to rapidly achieve a
physiological environment that will allow the best possible recovery. The ‘lethal triad’
of hypothermia, acidosis, and coagulopathy due to initial hypovolaemia require
aggressive correction. From the outset ICU management must also attempt to minimise
the complications of these injuries and the resuscitative process. This review will
address some of the key issues relating to the care of these patients in the ICU.
ß 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
there are clear circumstances when, as with DCS, Upon arrival in the ICU, a brief primary survey,
procedures and treatments may be delayed and confirming the ABCD status of the patient should be
deferred until more stability or improvement has repeated. These patients are often unstable during
been achieved. The following will serve as exam- transfer and serious things can happen in transit
ples: the trauma patient with a severe brain injury that require immediate attention on arrival in the
will not be put through extensive radiology to ICU. Following this, there are a number of key issues
attempt to clear the thoracolumbar spine when to be identified early and addressed during ICU
the priority of management is to achieve a stable management (Table 1).
intra-cranial pressure. Field cannulae and resusci-
tation cannulae are not changed and procedures
that may involve bleeding are delayed until coagu- Identifying patients for surgical re-
lopathy is fully reversed. For the medical hypother- exploration or angiography-guided
mic patient, all non-life-saving procedures are haemorrhage control procedures
delayed until effective rewarming has taken place.
In essence the principles proposed by the DCS The principles of damage control surgery dictate
approach are fully consistent with current high that there is no further benefit to the patient from
quality Intensive Care Medicine. continued operative intervention and definitive sur-
gical procedure should be carried out after correc-
tion of the serious metabolic abnormalities. There
Handover to the intensive care team may however be situations where these patients do
require further surgical or radiology-guided hae-
DCS patients will have been in the operating room morrhage control procedures.
for a significant period of time and the decision to Occasionally a patient who has been returned to
adopt a DCS strategy should be communicated to the ICU for correction of acidosis, hypothermia and
the ICU team prior to patient arrival in the ICU. This coagulopathy will suddenly haemorrhage from a
will provide the opportunity for the ICU team to vessel that was not identified at the initial opera-
prepare for optimal care of the patient. In alerting tion. This may be revealed as haemodynamic
the ICU team, details of the trauma, initial resusci- instability with rapid filling of drains left at opera-
tation and surgical intervention will be described. tion or a distending abdomen. This may be in rela-
The extent of the acidosis, coagulopathy and tion to vessels not identified as bleeding due to
hypothermia can be discussed and the strategies vasospasm and the poor perfusion at operation
to reverse these can then be planned. This may which now with improving temperatures and reper-
include such issues as preparing an isolation room fusion are revealed as active bleeding sites. Urgent
to high ambient temperature, preparing warming re-exploration to stop the haemorrhage may be
devices, obtaining warm fluids, preparing special lifesaving. Usually however all surgically controlla-
equipment (e.g. ventilators and renal replacement ble bleeding will have been dealt with at the time of
therapy (RRT) machines) and alerting the Blood operation and the ongoing haemorrhage is likely to
bank to the likely on-going requirement for blood represent bleeding from a site that cannot be man-
products. Early discussion may also help in identify- aged in the operating room. Some of these patients
ing patients that require angiography with a view to may benefit from interventional radiology with
embolisation of identified active haemorrhage. angiography followed by embolisation of identified
actively bleeding vessels. This strategy has been Abdominal compartment syndrome
credited with improved outcomes.15,27,36 This
approach of urgent post-operative angiography Patients managed by damage control laparotomy
should be considered for patients with complex are at high risk of intra-abdominal hypertension and
hepatic injury (e.g. for deep or transhepatic abdominal compartment syndrome. 30 For this rea-
GSW), when intrahepatic arterial bleeding or an son the abdomen is only partially (or temporarily)
AV fistula can be embolised/occluded. Hepatic closed. Despite this, intra-abdominal hypertension
angiography appears to be a safe adjunct to the and abdominal compartment syndrome may still
principles of damage control.32 Angiography should occur because of increasing visceral swelling,
also be considered for patients with significant expanding haematomata, and the use of abdominal
retroperitoneal, pelvic or deep muscle injuries packs. Signs of a distended abdomen, increased
identified at surgery. A contrast blush seen at angio- ventilator inspiratory pressure requirement, raised
graphy indicates active arterial bleeding and the intracranial pressure, oliguria progressing to anuria,
need for embolisation. Angiography before damage a decreased cardiac output and hypotension may
control laparotomy may also be indicated if there is occur insidiously and can also be associated with
a very high suspicion of a bleeding lesion that may other pathologies than intra-abdominal hyperten-
be amenable to embolisation. sion and abdominal compartment syndrome.48
Clearly, safe patient transfer to the angiography An objective assessment of intra-abdominal pres-
suite will require a coordinated approach between sure is therefore required. Intra-abdominal pres-
intensive care, surgical and radiology staff. The sure can be estimated most conveniently from
monitoring, ongoing resuscitation, and medical the transduced pressure of an indwelling urinary
and nursing supervision of these patients in the catheter.29 This is usually done by intermittent
radiology department needs to be of the same measurement but it is also possible to monitor
standards as the ICU and OR for optimal outcome continuously using a three-way irrigation cathe-
and serves to emphasise the importance of seeing ter.35 A pressure >30 mmHg confirms ACS and
‘intensive/critical care as a process and not a loca- requires return to OR for initial or further decom-
tion’. Therefore, patients should be transferred pression. Decompression should lead to improved
with full monitoring in place and with the equip- visceral perfusion, cardiac function, and ventilatory
ment to provide optimal care including a high capa- mechanics. Occasionally complex pelvic injuries
city fluid warmer and a forced air heating device may need fascial closure to achieve pelvic tampo-
that can be used in the radiology department. This nade at the cost of renal dysfunction and this may
will require a large team of individuals to coordinate be an indication for early RRT to optimise the
safe transfer. metabolic and fluid status of the patient.
the more justification for aggressive warming, Dilution of coagulation factors and platelets
including extracorporeal techniques. A variety of occurs early and abnormal prolonged coagulation
invasive techniques of rewarming have been studies may be demonstrated after even small
described including gastric lavage, bladder irriga- volume fluid resuscitation. The clinically observed
tion, and peritoneal or pleural lavage. While all may coagulopathy however, may not be confirmed by
have potential uses, they are often difficult to man- laboratory investigation, demonstrating that ele-
age effectively especially in the multi-trauma situa- ments other than levels of clotting factors and
tion. Extracorporeal rewarming is possible using platelet count are involved in haemostatic failure.
several techniques and is likely to see increased Hypothermia results in dysfunction of intrinsic and
popularity given the increasing availability of simple extrinsic coagulation cascades that will not be
pumps and heparin-bonded circuits. The need for demonstrated by laboratory prolongation of pro-
anticoagulation however, may restrict use. Contin- thrombin time (PT) and activated partial thrombo-
uous arteriovenous rewarming has been achieved plastin time (APTT) because coagulation testing is
using a heparin-bonded circuit without a pump normally performed at 37 8C rather than at the
where flow is driven by the patient’s own blood patient’s core temperature.44,45
pressure. This technique rewarms at a rate of 4— Hypothermia causes a temperature-dependent
5 8C/h, which is more efficient than many other defect in thromboxane B2 production and altered
methods. Because the warmed blood is sent directly enzyme kinetics which delay the initiation and
to organs, continuous arteriovenous rewarming propagation of platelet aggregation.53 Resultant
rapidly increases core temperature without shiver- platelet dysfunction is seen despite adequate repla-
ing .20 Depending on the technique used extracor- cement of platelet number.18 Also the increasing
poreal rewarming can achieve warming rates of 4— use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and
50 8C/h. Advocates suggest that if the temperature aspirin impair platelet activity prior to the trauma
drops below 33 8C, aggressive extracorporeal incident.
rewarming (arteriovenous or veno-venous) rewarm- As there is often poor correlation between plate-
ing should be considered.20,26,43 The fact that let count and ability to form clots in patients who
despite aggressive replacement of clotting factors have received massive transfusion, the presence of
and platelets, normal coagulation may not occur continued haemorrhage in this setting is an indica-
until the core temperature exceeds 34 8C adds sup- tion for platelet transfusion even with a ‘‘normal’’
port to this suggested approach.44 platelet count.
Many coagulation factors and enzyme reactions
are pH dependent and the presence of severe meta-
Coagulopathy bolic acidosis may directly contribute to the coa-
gulation failure.8 Citrate present in transfused
The incidence of early coagulation abnormalities blood may decrease calcium concentration and
after trauma is high and they are independent pre- add to the coagulopathy,12 rapid plasma protein
dictors of mortality. An initial abnormal PT administration may also decrease ionised calcium
increases the adjusted odds of dying by 35% and levels, presumably as a consequence of the binding
an initial abnormal APTT increases the adjusted of calcium ions to anionic sites on plasma protein. In
odds of dying by 326%.40 The late coagulopathy most situations this is a transient phenomenon and
associated with DCS is multifactorial in origin dependent on the total dose of citrate administered
(Table 3). and the rate of infusion. Often calcium is given in an
empiric fashion during massive and continuing high
volume transfusion but rational calcium replace-
Table 3 Factors contributing to coagulopathy
ment may be based on direct ionised calcium mea-
Hypothermia surement. Interestingly, Haemaccel, a gelatin
Dilution of coagulation factors colloid solution has a calcium concentration of
Continued loss of coagulation factors from bleeding 6.25 mmol/l, and its use during trauma resuscita-
Thrombocytopaenia tion has been associated with transient hypercal-
Non-functional platelets caemia.17
Acidosis Increased fibrinolysis is seen in hypothermia and
imbalances in the production and degradation of
Reduced synthesis of coagulation factors due to liver
dysfunction secondary to hypoxic/ischaemic insult
fibrin may also lead to excessive bleeding.16,49
Fibrinolysis Fibrinolysis may also be excessive due to extensive
Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) tissue damage and hypotension, and is particularly
seen in head injury and lung injury and results in a
718 M.J.A. Parr, T. Alabdi
DIC with prolonged coagulation, low fibrinogen, include the provision of up to 10 units of group
elevated D dimers and thrombocytopaenia. O, non-cross-matched packed red blood cells
As conventional laboratory assessments of coa- (PRBCs), 6 units of platelets, and 4 units of stored
gulation function have limitations in the DCS situa- (previously thawed) fresh frozen plasma (FFP) as
tion, thrombelastography has been advocated as a the initial response.33 A further 4 units of FFP should
technique to determine coagulation abnormalities be thawed to replace the dispensed FFP and five
and give information about fibrinolytic activity more units of group O blood should be available on
and platelet function.34,41 Thromboelastography request. The cycle should repeat automatically
assesses the clotting from initial platelet-fibrin until discontinued by the trauma team. The ongoing
interaction, through platelet aggregation, clot availability of blood products needs to be con-
strengthening, and fibrin cross-linking, to clot lysis, firmed, particularly for hospitals that may be large
within around 20 minutes. It is practical for use in distances from a central blood transfusion service.
the ICU and OR, simplifies the diagnosis of coagulo- Prolonged turn around times from request to infu-
pathy, and may be an early predictor of the need for sion of blood products will not help these patients.
transfusion. However, despite the availability of Guidelines for the administration of blood pro-
thromboelastography technology it has not become ducts vary on what is the ideal red blood cell,
popular. Recently, the activated coagulation time platelet and clotting factor replacement regimen
(ACT) has been assessed in relation to global coa- and the ideal endpoints. Again a locally agreed
gulation status. The investigators suggest that an policy is the way to appropriately plan for and
elevated ACT (which only takes a few minutes to provide the optimal chances of survival for these
perform) is an objective indicator that the coagula- patients.28
tion system reserve is near exhaustion and may The rheological effect of anaemia (platelet func-
represent an indication for considering damage tion is inversely related to haematocrit) is com-
control manoeuvres or more aggressive resuscita- pounded by thrombocytopenia < 100 109 l1
tion.3 resulting in an increasingly prolonged bleeding
There are no simple strategies to correct coagu- time. It follows that during continued haemorrhage
lopathy that can be applied to all trauma patients. and instability especially if head injury is present
Computer modelling has generated suggested pre- that the haematocrit should be maintained >30 and
ventive strategies recognising that existing proto- the platelet count > 100 109 l1. These values
cols underestimate the dilution of clotting factors in correlate with the minimum value recommended
severely bleeding patients.25 Again a number of by the British Committee for Standards in Haema-
strategies (Table 4) may need to be implemented tology for intracranial or eye surgery.6
simultaneously and enrolling the help of experi- DCS patients should receive the freshest blood
enced haematologist should be considered at an available and as whole blood if possible. However
early stage. the increasing use of donated blood to provide blood
To optimize early blood product resuscitation, a components has lead to whole blood availability
local ‘trauma exsanguination policy’ needs to be being very limited.
agreed that can be activated to allow rapid blood Platelet counts of < 100 109 l1 can be antici-
product availability during DCS and ICU care. This pated when between 1 and 1.5 blood volumes have
protocol should only require a single phone call for been replaced.9 Initially platelets will be given
activation and should result in the expedited deliv- empirically and repeated according to ongoing
ery of blood and blood products to the OR. A reason- blood loss, transfusion requirement and platelet
able approach for a major trauma centre would counts. In the face of massive transfusion and
Reverse hypothermia and maintain an effective circulating blood volume and oxygenation
Preferably use whole blood and/or the freshest available
Give FFP to replace coagulation factors (10—15 ml/kg approx. 2 units will achieve 30% factor activity in adults)
Give platelets
Give cryoprecipitate if fibrinogen level is <1 g l1
Give calcium (10 mmol) to reverse hypocalacaemia
Consider the use of adjuncts to promote coagulation/reduce fibrinolysis (e.g. aprotinin)
Consider the use of rVIIa
Give Vitamin K
Repeat coagulation tests and blood count and modify treatment accordingly
Damage control surgery and intensive care 719
DCS aiming for an early platelet count > 100 tinues despite all attempts at correcting coagulation
109 l1 will provide a margin of safety. With resolu- and all attempts at surgery and embolisation; then
tion of the acidosis, coagulopathy and approaching rVIIa is administered in a dose of 100 mg kg1. Higher
normothermia lower platelet counts (50— doses or repeated doses have been used and remain
75 109 l1) may be a more suitable level to aim an option.42 A haemotologist should be involved in
for. Platelets are presented in different volumes the decision making process.
and platelet yields depend on their method of pre- There is also anecdotal evidence (including the
paration (either single donor, apheresis or pooled). authors experience) that aprotinin, the protease
A standard single donor unit (average platelet inhibitor may have a role as adjunctive therapy in
yield ¼ 55 109 unit) can be expected to raise the presence of ongoing coagulopathy and potential
the platelet count by 5—10 109 l1 in marrow DIC by decreasing fibrinolysis.52
failure patients, but in the DCS patient this level
of effect may be unlikely as they are rapidly con-
sumed. The initial adult dose will be 4 units or one Acidosis
adult therapeutic dose for pooled packs and apher-
esis packs (average platelet yield > 240 109 unit). All patients having DCS have a lactic acidosis that
The requirement for FFP is less predictable as the reflects the degree of anaerobic metabolism in the
labile factors V and VIII have wide normal ranges and presence of inadequate oxygen delivery. The acido-
levels down to 20% of normal may not result in sis also contributes to coagulopathic bleeding
coagulopathy if the haematocrit and platelet count resulting in a vicious cycle of continued blood loss,
are maintained. FFP should also be given initially coagulopathy, hypovolaemia and worsening acido-
empirically in massive transfusion (defined as the sis. The correction of this acidosis therefore
replacement of one blood volume in 24 h) and then requires control of haemorrhage and optimization
laboratory tests should be used to assist with of oxygen delivery, initially by blood and fluid
ongoing requirements. FFP 10—15 ml/kg or an administration. Inotropic/vasopressor should be
empiric approach of giving 4 units initially and then considered if the patient does not respond ade-
at a ratio of 2:5 for FFP:PRBCs is often practiced quately to volume and red cell loading and myo-
once one blood volume has been replaced and cardial depression may be seen at pH < 7:2.
bleeding is not under control. Frequent samples However, the need for inotropes and vasopressors
should be taken for the usual clotting assays includ- correlates with poor outcomes for these patients.
ing fibrinogen. Because FFP may not supply enough The acidosis puts a large burden on the respiratory
fibrinogen in the massive transfusion situation system and continued ventilatory support is
cryoprecipitate (10 units) should be given if the required. The direct use of IV sodium bicarbonate
measured fibrinogen levels is <1 g l1. If the to raise the pH > 7:2 remains an option but may be
hypothermia is not corrected the administered pla- better avoided (particularly for patient who appear
telets and coagulation factors will remain ineffec- to be stable) because of well recognised adverse
tive. Blood components are administered until the PT effects of bicarbonate administration. Some
and APTT reach less than 1.25 times control levels, patients will have established acute renal failure
the platelet count is more than 100 109 l1, and and the early commencement of RRT may benefit
the fibrinogen is greater than 1 g l1. these patients with more rapid correction of acido-
Recently, recombinant activated factor VII sis (particularly if a bicarbonate dialysis fluid is
(rFVIIa) has been reported as useful for adjunctive used) and provision of an optimal metabolic envir-
treatment of coagulopathy in trauma patients and is onment. The persistence of a metabolic acidosis
undergoing trials. rFVIIa was originally developed as and base deficit are negative prognostic indicators
a pro-hemostatic agent for the treatment of hae- in trauma patients10,11,46 and although the initial
mophilia patients who had become sensitised to lactate level may not be predictive, lack of clear-
donated factor VIII or IX. rFVIIa has been successfully ance of lactate within 48 h is strongly predictive of
used, with impressive clinical resolution of bleeding mortality.1 Clearance of lactic acidosis in DCS
in moribund trauma patients in whom standard pro- patients suggests that optimal resuscitation has
cedures had failed. Various dosage regimens have occurred while persistent acidosis is generally a sign
been used and clinical studies are under way.38,39 In of hypovolaemia. Persistent acidosis may also
the absence of definitive studies local agreed poli- represent reduced cardiac output, reduced oxygen
cies on the use of rFVIIa need to be formulated. Our delivery or abnormal oxgen utilisation and empha-
current approach is that if after the administration sises the need for continuous monitoring, repeated
of 10 units of PRBCs, 10 units of platelets, 10 units of objective assessment and setting appropriate resus-
FFP, and 10 units of cryoprecipitate, bleeding con- citation endpoints.
720 M.J.A. Parr, T. Alabdi
Measurement of IAP
The response to therapy is monitored initially by
Peptic ulceration prophylaxis
observing vital signs and urine output. However, Thromboprophylaxis
even in young trauma patients, these signs may Protective lung ventilation
be unreliable and fail to demonstrate significant Infection control and appropriate antimicrobial
cardiac depression.47 These patients may therefore therapy
benefit from invasive (PA catheter) or non-invasive Early nutritional support (preferably enteral)
(echocardiography) repeated assessments of car-
diac filling and contractility. A number of resusci-
tative end points have been proposed that go
beyond conventional ‘‘vital signs’’, including serum but may be better delayed until the acidosis is
lactate and base deficit as stated above, mixed corrected and splanchnic perfusion is deemed to
venous oxygen saturation in conjunction with oxy- be adequate. Compression stockings should be
gen delivery and consumption4 and gastric mucosal applied initially and calf compressors added at an
pH31. No particular strategy has been shown to be early stage, heparin will be withheld until the coa-
universally applicable and all have potential limita- gulopathy is corrected. Low molecular weight
tions or risks that need to be considered but aggres- heparin may be an option but renal impairment
sive therapy, continuous assessment and repeated and repeated surgery restrict is use in the early
laboratory evaluations are well justified. The abso- days post injury. These patients are at high risk
lute level of haemoglobin required in the acute of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
setting is controversial and while much has been because of chest trauma, aspiration, hypotension
written on the tolerance of restrictive transfusion and large IV fluid administration or transfusion
strategies in critically ill patients 24, the unstable associated lung injury (TRALI), in which case a lung
DCS patient at high risk of organ failure is not a protective ventilatory strategy will be appropriate.2
suitable candidate for this strategy in the immedi- Scrupulous infection control is required and the
ate ICU phase. Maintaining a haemoglobin level rational use of antibiotics is particularly important.
>10 g dl1/haemotocrit >30% will provide a margin Positioning the patient head up will reduce the rate
of safety in the initial ICU phase. of nosocomial pneumonia. Antimicrobial prophy-
laxis should be limited and proven infection should
be appropriately targeted. The indisciminant use of
Specific strategies to reduce braod spectrum antimicrobials will promote bacter-
complications ial resistance and must be avoided. General nursing
and pressure area care must be meticulous and
Given the critical condition of DCS patients it is not neuromuscular blockade should be avoided. Ade-
surprising that the overall mortality rate is high quate sedation and analgesia will be required. A
(12—67%) and complications are frequent50. How- tertiary survey should be performed within 24 h to
ever many of the complications are predictable ensure that all injuries have been identified and the
(Table 5) and strategies can be commenced early priorities of interventions and ongoing management
in the ICU phase to reduce the risks (Table 6). are agreed. It is not uncommon for these patients to
All patients should have IAP measured and pro- have been incompletely assessed on admission
phylaxis from peptic ulceration should be com- because of haemodynamic instability requiring
menced on admission (H2 blocker or proton pump immediate surgery. It may be only after resuscita-
inhibitor)7. Early enteral nutrition is also protective tion in the ICU that the patient is deemed stable
enough to be transferred for further radiology ima-
Table 5 Predictable complications seen in DCS ging if needed.
Peptic ulceration
Venous thromboembolism
ARDS Given the complexity of the management of DCS
Nosocomial infection patients it is not surprising that one of the crucial
Intra-abdominal infection, fistula, dehiscence factors in optimising care is communication. This is
Nutritional failure often overlooked.13 Whether it is the timely avail-
Critical illness myoneuropathy ability of blood products, the comprehensive
assessment of all injuries, the coordinated return
Damage control surgery and intensive care 721
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