Ogawa 2000
Ogawa 2000
Ogawa 2000
1, 2001
Translated from Denshi Joho Tsushin Gakkai Ronbunshi, Vol. J82-B, No. 10, October 1999, pp. 18471856
where AT and AM are proportional constants, and mV and
mH are the mean elevation angles of the T- and M-component
wave distributions observed from the horizontal direction.
VV and VH are the standard deviations of the T- and M-com-
Fig. 3. Arrangement of load impedances. ponent wave distributions.
3. Effect of the Shoulder on the Basic mately a wavelength. In contrast, the impedances decrease
with oscillation as the antenna approaches the head. In
Characteristics particular, the imaginary part decreases significantly in the
vicinity of the head. The results mentioned above are com-
3.1. Impedance characteristics pared to those of a previous study [9]. A relatively large
discrepancy was observed between the shoulder and non-
As for the impedance characteristics, the effect of the shoulder models for D < 15 cm. For example, when D = 10
shoulder was investigated by comparing the characteristics cm the real and imaginary part of the impedances for the
for the human model with the shoulder, shown in Fig. 1, shoulder model were 15 ohms greater than those of the
with those without the shoulder corresponding to the cylin- nonshoulder model. This discrepancy is prominent for dis-
drical head only in Fig. 1. These are referred to as the tances from 5 to 15 cm, while it is very small for distances
shoulder model and the nonshoulder model, respec- less than 5 cm. This phenomenon is accounted for by the
tively. fact that the influence of the head is dominant for small D
Figure 4 shows the real and imaginary part of the and decreased with increasing D, where the influence of the
input impedances for the horizontal dipole antenna with the shoulder begins to appear.
antenna-to-head distance as a parameter. The figure plots Figure 5 shows the calculated and measured results
the calculated and measured data at 900 MHz. The biologi- for the vertical dipole antenna. In comparison with the
cal parameters used in the calculation are Hr = 42 and V = horizontal dipole antenna in Fig. 4, a similar behavior of the
0.85 S/m. The measurement was conducted using the hu- impedance variation was observed as D was changed,
man phantom mentioned in Section 2.1. A good agreement whereas the influence of the shoulder was smaller for the
between the calculated and measured results was obtained vertical antenna. This is because of a weak electromagnetic
for the shoulder and nonshoulder models. The input imped- coupling between the antenna and the shoulder due to their
ances converge to the free space impedances when the normal orientation. It is clear from the results that the
distance D exceeds 30 cm, which corresponds to approxi- influence of the shoulder on the impedance characteristics
Fig. 4. Impedance versus antennahead distance Fig. 5. Impedance versus antennahead distance
(horizontal dipole). (vertical dipole).
is greater in the case of the horizontal dipole antenna
compared with the vertical antenna.
Fig. 6. Radiation pattern changes due to shoulder Fig. 8. Radiation pattern of a horizontal dipole antenna
(horizontal dipole: D = 5 cm, H = 10 cm). located near a human head (D = 5 cm, H = 10 cm).
Table 1. Comparison between calculated and measured
MEGs (horizontal dipole: XPR = 6 dB, mV mH = 20°,
VV VH = 20°)
Fig. 11. MEG versus antenna inclination angle D.
Table 2. Measurement results of incident wave
created by reflections from the walls, floor, and ceiling in a 5. Gain enhancement due to the shoulder in the high
regular manner since there is no furniture such as desks or elevation angles occurs more markedly in the case of a
bookshelves in the room. horizontal dipole antenna than a vertical dipole antenna.
Figure 14 plots the measured MEGs together with the 6. The MEG decreases to 9 dBd when the antenna
calculated ones for the shoulder and nonshoulder models. approaches the human head for both vertical and horizontal
The receiving dipole antenna is located horizontally. The configurations in a typical radio wave environment in an
figure shows the average receiving powers measured with urban area.
the human phantom directed to 0°, 90°, 180°, and 270° 7. The MEG enhancement for the horizontal dipole
relative to the tangential direction of the rotating arm. The is due to the radiation pattern change in the direction of
average value for the four measurements is also shown. incident waves.
There is some discrepancy between the receiving powers in
the four directions, implying that incident waves were Field experimentation in cellular propagation envi-
nonuniform in azimuth. However, even in such a situation ronments is left for future studies.
it has been reported that the averaging process for the
receiving power for azimuthally nonuniform incident
waves agrees very well with that for a uniform model [19].
Acknowledgments. The authors wish to express
Thus, it is concluded that the measured result in Fig. 14 that
their appreciation to Mr. Toru Ishida, director of the Device
should be compared with the analytical result is the average
Engineering Development Center, for his support and en-
value of the four directions. The average values show good
couragement, and to Dr. Tomoki Uwano, manager of the
agreement with the calculated ones. In addition, it can be
Central Research Laboratory, for useful suggestions.
seen from Fig. 14 that the MEG increment due to the
presence of the shoulder is confirmed by experiment. These
results indicate that the MEG analysis detailed in this paper
is of sufficiently high accuracy.
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Koichi Ogawa (member) received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from Shizuoka University in 1979
and 1981. He joined Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. in 1981, and engaged in research and development on a 50-GHz
millimeter-wave integrated circuit and a 12/14-GHz very small aperture terminal (VSAT) satellite communication system. He
is currently a research group leader of Mobile Communication RF-Devices. His research interests include diversity antennas
for portable handsets, compact antennas for mobile communication systems, and other related areas of radio propagation. He
received the OHM Technology Award from the promotion foundation for electrical science and engineering in 1990. He was
elected a member of the IEICE Committee on Electromagnetic Human Phantom. He is a member of IEEE. He is listed in Whos
Who in the World.
Toshimitsu Matsuyoshi (member) received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in communication engineering from Osaka
University in 1992 and 1994. He joined Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. in 1994, and has been engaged in research and
development on microwave filters and amplifiers. He is presently engaged in research and development on antennas for mobile
communication systems. He is a member of IEICE.
Kenji Monma received his B.S. degree in communication engineering from Tohoku University in 1996. He then joined
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd., and has been engaged in research and development on microwave circuits and antennas
for mobile communication systems.