PAK in Pathogen-Host Interactions: Cellular Logistics
PAK in Pathogen-Host Interactions: Cellular Logistics
PAK in Pathogen-Host Interactions: Cellular Logistics
To cite this article: Jean-Philippe Semblat & Christian Doerig (2012) PAK in pathogen-host
interactions, Cellular Logistics, 2:2, 126-131, DOI: 10.4161/cl.20222
Eukaryotic, prokaryotic and viral pathogens are known to pathogen escape and can invade a new cell. One of the main
interfere with signaling pathways of their host to promote defense mechanisms developed by mammalian cells against
their own survival and proliferation. Here, we present selected intracellular pathogens is the induction of apoptosis. To ensure
examples of modulation of PAK activity in human cells by both survival of their host for the duration of their own maturation,
intracellular and extracellular pathogens, focusing on one intracellular pathogens must block apoptosis, induction of which
eukaryotic pathogen, the human malaria parasite Plasmodium is in many instances triggered by the trauma that breaking in of
falciparum, two Gram-negative bacteria (Helicobacter pylori the pathogen causes. Many intracellular pathogens achieve this
and Pseudomonas aeruginosa), and two viruses belonging to through inhibition of the NFkB pathway. Yersinia pestis, the agent
distinct groups, the lentivirus HIV and the orthomyxovirus responsible for the plague disease, secrete a protein called YopP
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Influenza virus A.
that prevents ubiquitination of IkB, a protein that sequesters and
thus inhibits the kB transcription factor, thereby blocking the
expression of pro-apoptotic genes.5 Other host cell signaling
pathways targeted by pathogens are those implicating MAPKs
(mitogen-activated protein kinases). Bacillus anthracis, for example
Introduction: Subversion of Host Signaling
secretes a metalloproteinase toxin called lethal factor (LF) that
by Pathogens
cleaves the N-terminal extension of MAPKK (MAP kinase
kinase). Once the kinase is cleaved, MKK cannot interact
Intracellular pathogens face many challenges to achieve prolifera-
anymore with its substrate.6 Inactivation of the MAPK pathway
tion and dissemination. They need first to enter the host cell, then
by LF factor leads to impairment of innate and adaptive
create a niche inside the cell in order to mature and multiply, and
their progeny must finally exit from the cell. Pathogenic bacteria
In the following sections, we will consider selected examples of
and parasites have developed efficient secretion and translocation
eukaryotic (the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum),
systems to export protein effectors into their host cell, where they
prokaryotic (the bacteria Helicobacter pylori and Pseudomonas
manipulate host cell signaling for their own benefit. Likewise,
aeruginosa) and viral (HIV and influenza virus) pathogens that
viruses use the host cell gene expression machinery to produce a
interfere with PAK signaling to promote their survival and
large variety of proteins that similarly divert host signaling
proliferation in their host.
pathways. There are even cases where virus-infected cells secrete
viral proteins to the extracellular medium, from which they are Activation of a Host Cell PAK-MEK Pathway
taken up by bystander cells where they subvert signaling in Malaria Parasite-Infected Erythrocytes
pathways; for example, cells infected by the human immuno-
deficiency virus HIV secrete the virally-encoded Tat and Nef Malaria remains one of the most devastating infectious diseases,
proteins, which find their way into bystander lymphocyte to claiming the lives of close to one million persons every year, most
modulate the immune response.1,2 Many pathogens that remain of whom are young children in sub-Saharan Africa. The agent
extracellular also manipulate cells of their host organism, through responsible for the most severe form of human malaria is
complex secretion systems such as type 3 and 4 secretion systems Plasmodium falciparum, an intracellular parasite of belonging to
(T3SS and T4SS), that allow them to directly transfer toxins and the phylum Apicomplexa. Transmitted to the human host
effectors across their own membranes and that of the target cell, through the bite of an infected Anopheles mosquito, the parasite
and which are major virulence factors (reviewed in refs. 3 and 4). quickly reaches the liver and invades a hepatocyte, where a first
During these processes, host cells are subject to important round of (asymptomatic) asexual multiplication (exo-erythrocytic
modifications such as membrane modifications or reorganization schizogony) requires seven days to reach completion. In order to
of the cytoskeleton. The challenge is to manipulate the host cell maintain survival of its host hepatocyte for that duration, the
for its own benefit and maintaining the cell alive until the parasite interferes with the NFkB pathway, thereby preventing
apoptosis.7,8 This is not the only host cell pathway that is
tampered with by the parasite. A kinome-wide RNAi study
*Correspondence to: Jean-Philippe Semblat and Christian Doerig;
Email: [email protected] and [email protected]
identified five host protein kinases implicated in hepatocyte
Submitted: 02/27/12; Revised: 03/22/12; Accepted: 03/30/12 infection by the rodent malaria Plasmodium berghei,9 and indicated that PAK3 inhibition leads to a reduction in parasite
infection. Further specific investigations would be required to that human MEK1 was phosphorylated on Ser298 in infected
confirm the role of host hepatocyte PAK3 during Plasmodium erythrocytes, but not (or to very low levels) in uninfected
development. erythrocytes. Ser298 phosphorylation is known to promote
Following hepatocyte rupture, free malaria parasites (mero- MEK1 activation, and PAK is the only kinase described so far
zoites) invade red blood cells and initiate cycles of asexual to phosphorylate MEK on this residue.22,23 As expected,
multiplication (erythrocytic schizogony) that are responsible for phosphorylation of PAK on Ser141 was higher in P. falciparum-
malaria pathogenesis. Each cycle consists of a succession of infected erythrocytes than in uninfected erythrocytes.
developmental stage, starting with the so-called ring stage that Furthermore, incubation of P. falciparum cultures with the
immediately follows invasion (named after the shape of the chemical PAK inhibitor IPA-324 blocked parasite maturation and
intracellular parasite in Giemsa-stained blood smears), followed by multiplication and reduced phosphorylation of MEK at serine
the trophozoite stage during which the parasite grows by feeding 298.18 Taken together, these data indicate that a host erythrocyte
largely on host cell hemoglobin, and finally the schizont stage, PAK-MEK pathway is activated by P. falciparum infection
that is defined as the multi-nucleated parasite resulting from (Fig. 1). However, several questions remain:
multiple nuclear divisions prior to cytokinesis and merozoite First, how is PAK activated? In view of the implication of
release. During the invasion process, a parasitophorous vacuole heterotrimeric G proteins in erythrocyte infection, it is attractive
(PV) is formed, inside which the parasite will reside during its to speculate that they are involved in the process; however, the
development in the red blood cell. Maturation of the parasite in parasite exports a large number of proteins (including protein
the erythrocyte results in an important reorganization of the red kinases) to the erythrocyte (see above), and triggering of the PAK-
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blood cell cytoskeleton,10 and the infected erythrocyte becomes MEK pathway may result from the activity of such parasite-
spherical and rigid. Such a red cell would be eliminated by the encoded proteins present in the erythrocyte cytoplasm.
spleen if the parasite had not developed a strategy to adhere to Second, what are the effectors of the PAK-MEK pathway, and
endothelial cells and be sequestered from the circulation, thus why is parasite development blocked by MEK or PAK inhibitors?
avoiding the spleen.11 During parasite maturation, numerous An attractive hypothesis is that the pathway is responsible for
Plasmodium proteins are exported to the cytosol or the plasma activation of the new permeation pathways (NPP) that
membrane of the host erythrocyte through a specific translocon characterize infected erythrocytes, and that allow intake of
located at the PV membrane;12 these include the variant antigens nutrients that are essential for parasite growth into the infected
of the PfEMP1 family that mediate cyto-adhesion13). Conversely, cell.25 Many eukaryotic transporters are indeed positively
it has recently been shown that the parasite imports a host cell regulated by phosphorylation.26 Interestingly, it appears that
protein (peroxiredoxin II),14 and this may occur for many other ERK1/2, the only known substrates of MEK in eukaryotic cells,
host cell proteins. Such protein trafficking is indicative of intimate are not hyper-phosphorylated in Plasmodium-infected compared
molecular interactions between parasite and host cell. Moreover, with uninfected erythrocytes,18 and that alternative substrate(s)
host erythrocyte signaling is essential for malaria parasite entry may be used by the enzyme in this system.
and maturation. Indeed, blocking GPCR (G protein-coupled Third, what are the roles of host PAK homologs during
receptors) and heterotrimeric G proteins signaling inhibit Plasmodium erythrocyte infection? It is likely, considering the
Plasmodium entry and development in the red blood cell.15,16 multiple functions of PAK in other cell systems, that the role of
Another signaling molecule, the host erythrocyte protein kinase C the enzyme(s) is not restricted to phosphorylation of MEK on
(PKC), is activated upon P. falciparum infection,17 although the Ser278. For example, PAK is known for its role in cytoskeletal
physiological significance of this observation has not been reorganization (reviewed in ref. 27). One can hypothesize
established. that PAK participates in the extensive reorganization of the
An extensive investigation of host erythrocyte signaling events erythrocyte cytoskeleton that occurs during invasion and parasite
triggered during Plasmodium proliferation has been made difficult maturation.
by the impossibility of performing reverse genetics and RNAi
approaches in a mature red blood cell. Pharmacological Pathogenic Bacteria and PAK-Selected Examples
interference represents an alternative route of investigation, and
implementing this approach led to the observation that several Helicobacter pylori. Helicobacter pylori is a Gram-negative,
structurally distinct, highly selective MEK inhibitors block microaerophilic bacterium found in the stomach, where it adheres
parasite development at the trophozoite stage, and that under at the surface of epithelial cells. More than 50% of the world’s
MEK inhibitor treatment, parasite DNA replication was severely population harbor H. pylori in their upper gastrointestinal tract
impaired.18 At the time these initial experiments were performed, but over 80% of infected individuals show no symptoms.
it was thought that the target was a parasite-encoded MEK; H. pylori bacteria are present in patients with chronic gastritis,
however, subsequent availability of the P. falciparum genome gastric ulcers and gastric carcinoma.28,29 Between 50 and 60% of
sequence19 and in silico characterization of the parasite’s kinome H. pylori isolates possess a DNA segment called the CagA
revealed the absence of genes encoding MEK homologs in the pathogenicity island (PAI; reviewed in ref. 30). Patients infected
plasmodial genome.20,21 This suggested the intriguing possibility with strains carrying the cag PAI display a stronger inflammatory
that the inhibitors exerted their effect through inhibition of a host response in the stomach and are at a greater risk of developing
erythrocyte MEK. Consistent with this hypothesis, it was found peptic ulcers or stomach cancer than those infected with strains
Figure 1. Hijacking of the host erythrocyte MAPK pathway by the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Infection of the erythrocyte by P. falciparum results
in the activation of a PAK-MEK pathway in the host cell. To the right, the canonical MEKK-MEK-MAPK is depicted. As indicated to the left, parasite infection
results in PAK activation, through mechanisms that remain to be elucidated. This leads to PAK-dependent phosphorylation of MEK1 on S298, an event known
to cause auto-phosphorylation of MEK1 on its activation loop (Ser 217–221), and hence activation of MEK1. The effectors of the pathway also remain to be
determined, although it is known that interference with PAK or MEK function blocks parasite development. See text for details.
lacking the island;31 infection with CagA-positive H. pylori is the signaling pathways are downstream targets of a-Pix. Additionally,
strongest risk factor for gastric carcinoma.32 a-Pix siRNA suppressed IL-8 induction after translocation of
H. pylori infection leads to a profound reorganization of the CagA into the cells, indicating that IL-8 expression is dependent
host cell cytoskeleton, with actin polymerization and ruffle-like on the CagA-a-Pix interaction.38 H. pylori infection leads to an
structures appearing at the cell periphery.33 After cagA-positive important proinflammatory response induced mainly by the
H. pylori adheres to gastric epithelial cells, the CagA protein is interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β) cytokine. H. pylori lipopolysaccharide
translocated into gastric epithelial cells through a type IV secretion (LPS) induced direct interaction between PAK1 and caspase-1 (a
system.34 Inside the cell, CagA is tyrosine phosphorylated and protease that is required for the maturation of pro-IL-1β into the
stimulates many signaling pathways.35 One of its effects is active cytokine), and immunoprecipitated PAK1 from lysates of
activation of the small Rho GTPases Rac1 and Cdc42, leading to H. pylori LPS-challenged cells was able to phosphorylate
the activation of PAK1.36 A different study described the role of recombinant caspase-1. These data indicate that upon H. pylori
a-Pix (PAK-interactive exchange factor), a PAK-binding protein LPS induction, activated PAK stimulates IL-1 production39 and
know to represent strong PAK activators.33 Phosphorylated CagA therefore plays a major role in the inflammatory response that is
leads to dephosphorylation of a-Pix and may thereby modulate one of the hallmarks of H. pylori pathogenesis.
cytoskeletal changes in gastric epithelial cells through PAK Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a Gram-
regulation.37 Moreover, down-regulation of a-Pix through an positive aerobic bacteria found in soil and aquatic environment,
siRNA approach resulted in the absence of PAK activation by is an opportunistic human pathogen that represents a major
CagA.38 These authors also demonstrated that ERK and NFkB cause of nosocomial infection in humans, causing severe
additive effect when depleting both Abl1 and PAK1 suggest that domains55 and can be regulated through its attachment to the
Abl1 and Pak1 belong to the same pathway.47 In contrast, PAK1 lipid rafts.56-58 Which member of the PAK family is binding Nef is
inhibition had no effect on bacterial adhesion.48 Expression of a still a subject to debate. The original school of thought favored
constitutively active mutant as well as a kinase-dead mutant of PAK2 as the Nef-binding PAK isoform.29,59 In 2006 however,
Pak1 inhibited bacterial internalization,47 consistent with the based on a siRNA approach, Nguyen et al. demonstrated that
proposition that oscillation of the kinase between an active and PAK1 but not PAK2 inhibition strongly reduced HIV infection in
inactive state is required for its function.49 The Arp2/3 complex, a multiple cell systems, suggesting that PAK1 is the Nef partner
major regulator of actin polymerisation, is also required in during the virus infection, even if no direct demonstration that
P. aeruginosa invasion,47 and may be one of the effectors of PAK1 PAK1 is binding Nef was provided.60 One can envisage that both
function in the process. PAK1 and PAK2 are important for the virus pathogenicity, with
each protein having a distinct function.
Viruses and PAK: Selected Examples Influenza virus. Propolis, a plant mixture collected and
processed by bees, has been used to prevent or treat flu influenza
HIV. UNAIDS and the WHO estimated that AIDS (acquired infection since the ancient Egyptian era. However, the mode of
immune deficiency syndrome) killed more than 25 million people action of propolis was totally unknown until the recent
between 1981 and 2005, making it one of the most destructive observation that propolis contains a variety of PAK1-blockers
pandemics in recorded history. Around 30 million people are such as caffeic acid phenethyl ester, apigenin and Artepilin C, that
infected worldwide and there are 3 million new infections each impact a variety of solid tumors such as pancreatic and colon
year. AIDS is caused by the HIV retrovirus, which infects cells cancers, all of which require PAK1 for their growth and
that play crucial roles in the human immune system, such as metastasis61-63 (for detail, see the previous and next papers in
helper T cells (specifically CD4+ T cells), macrophages, and this issue). Since PAK1 has been implicated in the replication of
dendritic cells.34 When CD4+ T cell numbers decline below a several viruses including HIV, a Korean group led by Young-Ki
critical threshold of 200 cells per mL, cell-mediated immunity is Choi started testing first if replication of the influenza A virus
lost, exposing the patient to a wide variety of opportunistic stimulated the auto-phosphorylation of PAK1, and showed that
microbial infections. Thus, the major causes of AIDS patients’ this is indeed the case.64 Moreover, transfection of a constitutively
death are deadly infection by a variety of pathogenic bacteria/ active form of PAK1 (rendered active through the phosphomi-
fungi or tumor viruses, mainly due to the loss of their immune metic T423E mutation) in A549 cells induced ~10-fold higher
system. Although treatments for HIV/AIDS can slow-down the viral titers compared with those observed after transfection of the
course of the disease, there is no known cure or HIV vaccine. control vector or of a plasmid expressing a kinase-dead K299R
Anti-retroviral treatment reduces both the deaths and new mutant PAK1. Furthermore, PAK1-specific siRNA knockdown
infections from HIV/AIDS, but these drugs are expensive and reduced the virus yield by 10–100-fold, and treatment with TAT-
the medications are not available in a number of developing PAK18, a cell permeable anti-PAK1 peptide, suppresses both
African and South-Asian countries. Due to the difficulty in ERK 1/2 phosphorylation and infectious virus production, as does
treating HIV infection, preventing infection is a key aim in U0126, a specific MEK/ERK inhibitor. These findings clearly
controlling the AIDS pandemic, with health organizations indicate that like malaria and HIV infection, the infection with
promoting “safe sex” and “no needle-exchange” programs in influenza virus activates PAK1 in host cells, which is essential for
attempts to slow the spread of this virus. However, once people robust replication of the pathogen.64 The pathway leading to PAK
are contracted with HIV, both effective and relatively inexpensive activation during viral infection remains to be elucidated.
downstream effectors of such pathways, as well as cross-talk We thank Prof. Hiroshi Maruta for suggesting this review, for his
between established pathways. Second, it opens perspectives for insightful suggestions, notably relating to the sections on bacteria
novel perspectives in anti-infectious chemotherapeutic strategies. and viruses, and for his critical comments on the manuscript.
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