Subject-And-Object-Pronouns - 2
Subject-And-Object-Pronouns - 2
Subject-And-Object-Pronouns - 2
Subject Object
What do you think of…
pronouns pronouns
1. Britney Spears? ______ I like her. / I don’t like her. ____
I me
You you2. your best friend? ____I like her/I don’t like her____
he him3. computer games? ___I like them/I don’t like them_____
she her
4. your school? ___I like it/I don’t like it_____
it it
we us5. your city/town? ___I like it/I don’t like it_____
they them
6. your neighbours? I like them/ I donґt like them gossips
7. museums? ____ I like them/I don’t like them _____
8. dance music? ____ I like it/I don’t like it _____
3) Underline the correct word. 5) Complete the dialogue. Use the correct pronouns.
1. Mary likes sweets. She like sweets Sam: Have you got a present from your Mum?
2. The Browns had dinner with Tom and Ann. Nick: Yes, 9 SHE bought 10 ME a new pair
They has dinner with them of jeans. I like 11 THEM very much.
3. John gave the flowers to his grandmother. Sam: And your Dad?
He gave the flowers to her Nick: 12 HE’s taking my brother and 13 ME to the
4. The cat chased the mouse. football match on Saturday. Do you want to go with
14 US?
It chased it
Sam: Yes, please.
5. Sarah and I don’t like meat.
We don’t like it Nick: Here’s my Dad. Let’s ask 15 HIM.