Caste Conversion A Colonial Cons
Caste Conversion A Colonial Cons
Caste Conversion A Colonial Cons
A s is customary these days, before embarking upon any critique, irrespective of how justified, it
is appropriate to make a “declaration of innocence”, simply to meet the inevitable “ad
hominems” and “knee-jerk” uproar which follows, usually from those for whom their own vested
interests and prejudices are sacrosanct and for whom evidence is an optional desirable but not a
This note is not an “attack on Christians” but an evidence supported response to the manner in
which the primary Anglican Institution, the Church of England has abused its dominant position to
architect and inflict a hate crime upon the Dharmic community, Hindus, Sikhs, Jains and other
communities of non-Abrahamic Indian origin, resident in the UK.
It is a response to the manner in which Parliament, the Equalities and Human Rights Commission
failed in their duty to require evidence and remain impartial, and failed in their duty to protect a
non-violent, fully integrated and successful British religious minority, the Dharmic community.
We bear no animosity to Lord Harries the instigator of this hate crime, an elderly member of the
Upper Chamber and respected in matters of “Faith & Belief” but in this issue, his actions have had
devastating consequences, consequences which we submit were both predictable and anticipated
as well as advantageous to an Evangelical Institution committed to the conversion of Dharmic
communities, here in the United Kingdom and particularly in their declared target marketplace,
We accept that the former Bishop of Oxford was continuing in the culturally “hard wired”
tradition of his institutional ancestors (a tradition moulded by a white supremacist Colonial past in
which a heaven exists from which Hindus are still barred, an orientation which must be difficult to
shed in a single lifetime) a tradition of “religiously colonising and oppressing” my own Dharmic
religious ancestors, an activity which if it were not protected by cassocks and crosses, would be a
Hate Crime, past and present.
When the Church fathers first encountered the “life – affirming” Dharmic ideals in the India of the
16th/17th century, their own institutions’ “life-dominating” ideals were naturally jeopardised and
whilst the plunderers set about colonising the physical continent, the Church’s missionaries set
about their “religious colonisation” of the minds of the Dharmic community. Both employed
tactics which fall well within the definition of “Crimes against Humanity” and breach every “Hate
Crime” definition being diligently and rightly promoted by PM Teresa May’s government. We
submit that the Church of England is still engaged in “religious colonialism” and actively pursuing
its mission of “saving the heathen” using the weapons of denigration followed by religious
grooming and radicalisation, the deliberate creation of an atmosphere rife, particularly with
“Hindu-odium – deep seated hatred of all things Hindu” and thus is actively engaged in Hate
Crimes, today.
Religious Colonialism, i.e. the replacement of heathen cultures and religions is as much if not
more an act of genocide as the physical genocide, in that it seeks to destroy not only the fabric of
a community, but the core psychological links with its ancestors and their spiritual and cultural
knowledge. It is an act of emotional and intellectual violence of the most heinous kind, a crime
which has no place in the 21st Century, and we petition those responsible for the protection of
justice & human rights, to ensure that the Dharmic community of the United Kingdom receives
justice and protection from this institution, and its “Caste Proliferation” initiative.
Pt S. K. Sharma, B.Sc (Hons) MBCS FRSA @dharmarising
T he British Hindu community asked the protectors of Equality “Did no one in the Upper Chamber
even think to check the context, the data and the possible motives before embarking on this 21st
Century Witch Hunt?” Or even worse can no religious minority now rely on the Upper Chamber or
British Human Rights bodies for protection from the religious persecution being so skilfully
perpetrated by the majority aggressively evangelical religion? The House of Lords needs to justify
its competence, perhaps its very existence, once again, thanks to Lord Harries of Pentregarth. It is
respectfully suggested, that only once it has been purged of those who act with blatantly
sectarian, wholly non-secular and supremacist motives, can it rightfully be a voice for the good of
all British citizens, especially the minority Dharmic, non-aggressive, non- conversionary British
Jains, Sikhs and Hindus.
The 18th century Anglican mission of “One Church to rule them all and One Church to find them,
one church to bring them all and in the darkness bind them..” seems less incredible now than it
did before the 4th March 2013.
It is our hope that once all see the above design laid out before them, the gentle deeply
philosophical and entirely peaceful depths of the Dharmic community’s presence will be also
increasingly accepted and appreciated again, as is the Dharmic vision of harmonious community
co-existence. The insane pursuit of “Unity in conformity”, the mainstay of this Anglican
Institution, will have been seen to again have generated friction and dischord, and the ancient
Dharmic principle of “Unity in Diversity” will again come to the fore, bringing tranquillity and
harmony with it.
And what of the Caste concept itself? Once the psychological virus, which is the caste concept,
has been removed, dissolved from humanity’s consciousness, the Dharmic traditions, free of this
cancerous, wholly Colonialist Anglican ideology, will again be able to contribute their 5,000- year-
old holistic, inclusive, respectful vision of tranquil co-existence. Enshrining the concept of Caste
in law, under the guise of equality legislation is a retrograde step which will enforce its
resurrection here in the UK of the 21st Century. A fuller explanation of the science, social and
material behind Jati, Varna and Kul and Gotra, will be presented in the full British Board of
Dharmic Scholars (BBDS) Report on the Caste Legislation, of which this forms a part and which will
be published shortly.
It should now be clear that by entrenching a falsified and fabricated, Christian concept of Caste
into Law, the Church of England sought to protect its centuries old anti-Hindu negative-branding
project. The “divide and rule” policy being so skilfully executed to separate and maintain distance
between Dharmic communities along the lines of Caste required the concept of Caste to be
enshrined in law. This would allow Christian Clergy the world over to leverage the concept as a
platform from which to denigrate the oldest most tranquil spiritual tradition in the world, thereby
facilitating “easy conversionary pickings” year after year, generation after generation.
We are at a juncture in British Indian history where the past atrocities instigated and often
inflicted by this Institution, have now been brought centre stage. Very soon they will be
appearing on every negotiating table and will become the subject of every post Brexit trade
dialogue or political engagement. The British Government, obliged and desirous of acting on
behalf of all of the British people will falter and stumble each time the issue of the Churches
sponsored and supported past atrocities are revealed, not just in the Indian context but in the
global context. It is clear that without the help and active support of the British Hindu
community, the past cannot be reconciled and a path towards a mutually Indo British respectful
future, with both nations benefiting will not so easily be laid.
It’s also self-evident that only in a world where Dharmic ideals are providing guidance (as was the
case in pre-Abrahamic days) can intercultural harmony exist. We must recognise the Dharmic
principles which teach that
• none are deemed sinners at birth, nor criminal at birth
• none can claim exclusive entry to higher realms of consciousness,
• no theocracy is required for humanity to exist according to our naturally endowed higher
qualities and aspirations,
• Divinity can be found in the deepest heart of all people simply by sustained tranquil
• thus all are truly equal in the eyes of Divinity.
Consider a possibly extreme, light hearted example. Even if one think’s that the “Hare Krishna’s”
are a little “dynamic” in their devotion, it is certain that if all humanity were “Hare Krishna’s”,
there would be food for all, more dancing and singing and no religious warfare. The same applies
to all members of the Dharmic family of spiritual traditions. The record (as opposed to the
marketing literature) of the Abrahamic traditions of enforcing with violence, their exclusivist,
aggressive insistence on uniformity and submission over 2,000 years, rests in stark contrast and is
also plain to see.
It has not escaped our attention that this issue has been the favoured “stomping ground” of vast
hordes of “academics” and politicians, many of whom have made lifelong careers by ensuring that
this long standing wound in the psyche and the body of the former colony is not permitted to heal,
and by diligently avoiding any number of solutions. Many “academics” and Anglican Bishops have
beaten their breasts with indignation, fueled with cheap moral indignation and ever present self
righteousness and yet how many have accomodated the historical facts presented by an
insignificant and unpolished community organisation such as the NCHT(UK)? These academicks,
these Bishops and these scholars MUST be asked this question … where did all that “public purse
supported” research funding go?
They must also be asked, that if the obvious solution is to reverse the harm done by the Anglican
colonial power and to re-unite the Dharmic family, why is it that every solution presented by them
after all of their lifetimes of study, revolves around the denigration and vilification of the Dharmic
religions and the conversion of their communities from their “false religion” to Christianity?
Pseudo academics play many games, most pernicious of which involves the maintenance of endless
public funded “academicking” ie mimicking real academic effort and this activity can be best seen
in the endless circles of peer reviewed self referential, generally unintelligible, nonsense which
emerges. A recent academick escapade, at the taxpayers expense, sought to define Caste and
concluded that an “elastic definition” was necessary, overlooking the fact that no definition by
definition can be elastic, since in being elastic it ceases to define. Obvious to any A level student
and yet this was the output of the EHRC, and its preferred vastly experienced academicks, all at
the public expense.
Recalling the words of the ancient Hindu Mundaka Upanishad, and the Indian national motto,
‘Satyam Eva Jayate – truth/reality alone triumphs’, recalling also St Augustine’s pronouncement
“truth does not need to be defended, it is a lion and merely needs to be released”, we present
our understanding of the truth of the Bishop Lord Harries “Caste Amendment”.
We shall be encouraging all British Hindus, Sikhs and Jains to give the deepest reflection as to
whether there is benefit in adopting a policy of avoiding Anglican Clergy altogether. If it is agreed
that in the opinion of the Dharmic Organisations who will be sent a copy of this note, that the
Church of England has acted in bad faith and aggressively towards British Hindus, Sikhs and Jains,
we may have no choice
but to explore all avenues to ensure the protection and wellbeing of our Dharmic community
against the aggression of the professional Clergy of the Church of England, whilst welcoming closer
interaction with grass roots Anglicans and Christians, especially those no longer infected with
supremacist conversionary predatorial predilections.
The permanent solution to eradicating any Caste discrimination is to erase the Colonial concept of
Caste from Consciousness altogether and clearly not to preserve and sustain it, by enshrining it in
The Global Hindu community can then turn its attention to recognising and acknowledging fully
the incomprehensible suffering of the “Dalit” community and their ancestors at the hands of the
Anglican Colonialists, to helping their communities back to health and prosperity as Hindu
brothers and sisters, from a position of respect and fraternity, fully equal members of the Dharmic
family. This without, it must be noted, the help, guidance, or advice from any third person
wishing to carry the “White man’s burden” thank you very much.
“The Government’s commitment to tackling hate crime is underpinned by some of the strongest
legislation in the world, which protects communities from hostility, violence and bigotry. This
includes specific offences for racially and religiously aggravated activity and offences of the
stirring up of hatred on the grounds of race, religion and sexual orientation. It is imperative that
those laws are rigorously enforced”. Rt Hon Amber Judd, Home Secretary ”
The British Hindu community recognises that many who are innocent of Hindu-odium, merely
trusting of the Anglican Bishops and of the members of the Upper Chamber, will have come under
the sway of a passionate but unevidenced and prejudicial arguments and we look forward to
working with them to undo the harm which has been done to the British Dharmic community. They
have the opportunity to approach us which we would welcome, and to offer their support in
reversing the effects of this act of malice and we look forward to hearing from them. Together we
will find means to repair the harm and as the “good book” says by their works shall ye know them.
In conclusion we would like to thank Lord Harries for giving us an opportunity to draw the
attention of the wider British public to the tragic and cynical machinations of the Church of
England, past and present, and forcing upon us the necessity, however misguided and
unintended, to share the truth behind the creation of “Dalits” and “Caste” as well as being able to
draw a contrast between the violent history of the Church of England and the Anglicans who acted
in accordance with its teachings, and the most ancient and longstanding of Dharmic values, with
our fellow British citizens.
An Appeal to “Dalits”
T he Church of Empire drove your ancestors from their homes and trades, put them in chains and
destroyed your spirit, simply because your ancestors resisted the tyrannical British Colonial Laws.
The Colonial Anglicans then declared your whole community as “criminals by birth” … and for 200
years they have been blaming your own family members, brother and sister Hindus Sikhs and
Jains, the “non-Dalits”, for your plight.
Please reflect upon the motives of those who have done this to us and those who have benefitted
from sustaining and inflaming this family rift. Irrespective of colour or religion, whether we see
them as our own or as others, those who divided us for political gain or favour, they are the
source of unimaginable suffering, within our family. Those who seek to exploit this wound even
today, whether it is for reasons of conversion, academic patronage, political advancement or
personal prominence, now know the real cause of the Dalit suffering and their conscience must
ask “Who benefits from prolonging this rift and who is truly going to continue to suffer?” Knowing
now the truth of the source of Dalit suffering, we each need to re-assess our loyalties and choose
our “camp” – the colonial evangelicals or our ancestral brothers and sisters, all of whom were
victims of the Anglican Jihad.
We are led to believe that the Anglican white supremacists who were responsible of enslaving
Indian and other non-white nations and cultures, suddenly disappeared in 1947, being replaced by
a benevolent, paternal, welcoming Clergy and “fairy godmother” establishment. The process of
this legislation, its creation and guidance through Parliament, its approval by the EHRC and the
Governments Equality Office, the existence of this word Caste in legislation at this very time,
requires this assumption to be scrutinised as a matter of urgency, if multicultural interfaith
harmony and social integration is to be achieved.
An Appeal to Hindus, Sikhs & Jains – British and Non British, White and non-white.
The Author and associated Hindu Scholars express their deepest gratitude and acknowledges their
debt to the Dharmic wise ones in our families and the intellectuals, teachers, gurus and priests of
all Jatis, Kul and Biradri’s whether Kshatriya, Vaishya or Shudra, whether, Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist or
Jain, the true Brahmins of India , for their sacrifices and determination to ensure that the Dharmic
knowledge of our ancestors should not die – humanity is indebted to you and all will see this soon.
We declare upon the strength of the evidence provided that your ancestors were not guilty of
“caste discrimination” and that our scriptures and sages have always challenged ignorance and
prejudice at every turn.
For the younger British Hindus who have recently become concerned that their ancestors were
“casteist” we state with certainty that they were not. You are descendants and inheritors of the
last great life affirming, free thinking civilisation extant and your ancestors were NOT CASTE
PREJUDICED. Many of our contemporaries in India were infected, and continue to be infected with
this Colonial legacy, this mental virus and we must help them to recover from it with all speed.
Shed your burden of guilt, it is founded upon baseless accusations made by invaders and pirates,
the worst the world has ever seen, of whom Tagore said “the sun never sets upon their Empire
because not even God can trust the British in the Dark”. You are free to stand tall and give voice
to the vision of your ancestors.
Resume your caste free friendships and seek especially to give respect to our Dalit brothers and
sisters, they have suffered as much as all of us at the hands of these Anglican Colonialists, even if
in different ways, and in many ways their physical suffering was and continues to be at a level at
least matching the evils inflicted upon the Aboriginals in Australia, the Native and African slaves in
the Americas. It is time for them to come home, welcome them.
Letter from Mike Purton (1st March 2017)
(A former BBC television producer and writer on spiritual matters)
I have been shocked by your assessment of the Lord Harries amendment and your interpretation of
the real intentions behind it. While accepting your outline of the events leading up to this, I find it
extraordinary that there are issues here of which until now I have had absolutely no knowledge.
My feeling is that the majority of native Britons will share this reaction.
It has long been clear that this country’s occupation of India was an unholy alliance between state
and church. The state, Great Britain, in pursuit of international standing absurdly out of
proportion to its own size and the massive material advantages that went with it. The Church,
Christianity, which had perverted the simple message of its founder and believed it could justify
imposing its own version on a “primitive” people with a concept of original sin and the claim that
it alone possessed the means to personal salvation. Between them they were able to devise an
extraordinarily successful divide-and-rule format which did immense damage to that country.
The tragedy seems to be that they chose to ignore the fact that they were working hand in hand
to gain power over a nation whose spiritual tradition had already been in existence for three
thousand years when Jesus Christ was born. A tradition, moreover, based on the direct religious
experiences of its founders, rather than the man-made tenets of a self-serving priesthood.
The class system already so successful in Great Britain (and still firmly in place to this day) was
the obvious model to achieve this end. But as I understand you, what I – and I believe many other
people here – did not know was that in India before we arrived only a social system which defined
people according to the work that they did, often passed on from father to son, was in existence.
I had no idea that it was the British and its Church which turned these people into a criminal caste
– and worse – one to which they were condemned from birth, with no possibility of escape or
redemption . I had been led to believe that this appalling idea was something which the British
inherited from the Indians themselves. As such, it has always been quoted as a major criticism of
pre-colonial India, and by extension, as a justification of our time there. Against this, you refer to
the absence of the word caste in Hindu scriptures… To learn what really lay behind the British Raj
places a wholly different complexion on “the jewel in the crown.”
Clearly, it seems to me you are right in demanding an apology for this disgraceful falsehood. And
also such reparation as is possible at this distance in time for the damage it has caused – and is
still causing to people both in India itself and among the Dharmic residents of this country. An
amendment to the Act must, in addition, contain the clearest possible assurances that a
continuation of any remnants of caste will be fully addressed by the legal system. This brings me
to the question of your approach to this matter at this particular time.
The West, quite understandably despite all its statements about “the battle against terrorism,” is
now reaping the whirlwind for the sins of our fathers. We are seeing the collapse of our world on
the same two fronts that brought about the exploitation of the Indian sub-continent, of Africa and
everywhere else where the opportunity for material or religious gain could be seen. We have long
had it coming, and now it has arrived. At this moment we are almost certainly closer to destroying
the world than we have ever been. So far, we have been discussing fairly recent events which
have helped to bring us to this point. The bigger picture, however, reveals a fundamental
aberration regarding man’s attitude to this universe and our purpose in being here.
As the founding fathers of the Hindu tradition – and others even before them – were aware, both
man and his fellow sentient creatures are spiritual beings. But science, which set out to discover
the mind of God, after early successes in explaining the workings of the universe, decided in its
hubris that it no longer needed him, switching its focus to a purely material reality, a thing of
chance mutation subject only to the prevailing environment as to what should and should not
survive. And so began our descent into materialism from which all our problems stem.
I see our situation as a reflection not of gross human wickedness but of man’s frailty in his role as
the present cutting edge of progress. In a godless, purposeless creation of only material substance
at the whim of chance mutation what else is there but every-man-for-himself and the pursuit of
personal wealth? We have learned the hard way that if that really is how things are there is a
heavy price to pay. Greed, the exploitation of the weakest, the widening gulf between the haves
and have-nots lead to violence, mass rape and child-abuse and all the other horrors of which we
now hear every single day. The result is that both our materialist science and Christianity in the
perverted form in which it has come down to us are now both in their death throes.
Again, though surprised by the vehemence with which you express your feelings in regard to the
treatment of your people, I must say again that I recognise that you appear to have right on your
side. But it brings us to the living individuals against whom you are currently directing your attack.
Yes, of course we collectively share the inherited responsibility for what the British did. Those
personally responsible, however, are now long gone. The targets at which you are aiming are not
those people themselves. I wonder, too, just how many of those on the receiving end of this
attack are any more aware of the full background to the hate crimes to which you refer than I
was. A number of the people you quote suggest that it is a large proportion. Unfortunately there is
a great deal of repetition in your response to the Harries amendment. This has the effect of
progressively reinforcing the sense of animosity that already pervades it.
Unlike the Jihad element of Islam, the Dharmic nations have not, thank God, descended into the
extremes of mass killing and suicide bombers. You have so far retained the moral high ground,
despite the high proportion you quote of racist threats, bullying and especially Islamophobic hate
crimes directed against Hindus.
The West is at a crucial point in its history. Both the reductionist scientific method, which has
sought to explain creation in purely material terms, and the perverted form of Christianity which
has come down to us have each failed and are now in their death throes. But my intuition tells me
that they are linked in a way which will soon bring about major changes for both. The key is the
present state of physics, which I believe will now be forced to accept the existence of nonlocal
mind. It is only this which will enable science to overcome the greatest challenge it has ever
faced: the unification of general relativity and quantum mechanics. For almost a hundred years
the two have seemed totally incompatible.
The acceptance of nonlocal mind will bring about immense changes. In science, it will open the
door to a range of psychic human experiences which so far have been anathema to the materialist
position. In the Christian religions, it will affect such issues as direct spiritual contact with the
godhead and reincarnation, which have for so long been barriers to the reality of the cosmos. So I
believe change is on the way, and the experiences which the Dharmic traditions have accepted for
so long will be an important part of it.
Which brings me back to that Sunday morning and the television programme “The Big Questions”
when I first saw you in action from your position on the moral high ground. As the spokesmen (and
women) of the warring Christian factions were knocking seven bells out of one another, you sat
quietly in the front row. When the chair-man finally came to you, suddenly here was a grown-up,
talking real sense and from a much longer perspective, gently chiding them, but with humour and
more in sorrow than anger.
In addition to his healing mission to the planet Earth, the man Jesus brought the message that the
most important means of dealing with the ills of the aberrant creation into which we have got
ourselves is forgiveness. Please forgive us now, so that we can move forward together.
Extract from Voice of Dalit International - Annual Accounts 2013-2014 Lambeth Palace
“Meetings with Lord Bishop Richard Harries and participation in the Church Urban Forum [CUF]
conference on ‘Poverty in London’, wherein the ArchBishop of Canterbury was giving the keynote
address, gave an opportunity for VODI to raise a criticism from the Dalit Diaspora Communities,
who felt that despite living in a Christian country, the UK Church seemed inactive on the caste
legislation issue. This led to a meeting for VODI and DSNUK representatives at Lambeth Palace,
with Canon Toby Howorth, Inter - Religious Affairs. He said that unfortunately they did not have a
Dalit Desk, that the Church of England [C of E] supports the caste legislation, which could be seen
clearly through Bishop Lord Harries, one of the main persons driving the course of the legislation.
Other C of E Bishops were also there in the House of Lords. VODI suggested that the Hindu section
of the Dalit Diaspora communities be invited for the inter-faith meetings of the Hindu and
Christian organisations. Canon Howorth said that if caste was put on the agenda, the mainstream
Hindu representatives who refused to discuss it, would not attend. However he said he would raise
the concerns of the Diaspora communities to the ArchBishop, that it seemed that the Church was
not active enough on the caste issue and see what more could be done.”