XENSIV™ - SP40+: Tire Pressure Monitoring Sensors (TPMS)
XENSIV™ - SP40+: Tire Pressure Monitoring Sensors (TPMS)
XENSIV™ - SP40+: Tire Pressure Monitoring Sensors (TPMS)
Tire Pressure Monitoring Sensors (TPMS)
The Infineon SP40+ product family provides highly integrated devices which perform Features
all functions for a wheel module of a Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) suited for
high-volume applications. The devices measure pressure in the range from 100 kPa up › Absolute pressure sensor from
to 1400 kPa and acceleration between -355g and 355g as well as temperature and supply 100 kPa up to 1400 kPa
voltage. Furthermore, they feature an efficient power management and an integrated mi- › Radial accelerations sensor
crocontroller. An integrated LF receiver and RF transmitter allow wireless communication. › Temperature sensor
For wired data transfer, the hardware I²C and UART interface can be used. Further wired › Supply voltage sensor
interfaces such as SPI or PWM can be realized in software. › Embedded 8-bit microcontroller
› Up to 14 kB flash for application code
Block diagram SP40+ › 256 byte flash for configuration data
Data & address bus
› 16 kB retention RAM
› 315 and 434 MHz FSK/ASK
Memories Core RF transmitter
› 125 kHz ASK high-sensitivity receiver
› System controller with flexible
Pressure XOUT
sensor wake-up and power management
sensor LF receiver
› Ultra-low power down current
controller › Supply voltage range 1.9 to 3.6 V
Clock generators › Operating temperature from
VDDREG -40°C to 125°C
Power supply
& Wake-up IO-port
PP1/SDA › PG-DSOSP-14-82 package
GNDA reset generator controller PP2/UART Rx
Customer benefits
Optimized for battery-powered applications, the system controller with flexible wake-up › Tire pressure monitoring
and power management, ultra-low power down current and the wide range of supply › Further possible high
voltage ensures a long lasting battery lifetime (for typical TPMS applications 10 years with pressure applications
a CR2032 battery). Together with the possibility to generate a wake-up from the integrat- – Air suspension
ed Interval timer, SP40+ products are perfectly suited for standalone remote pressure – Air brake, and more
sensing solutions demanding low charge consumption. For such applications, the LF
receiver with wake-up capability and best-in-class sensitivity provides the possibility of
on-demand measurements.
Product brief
Tire Pressure Monitoring Sensors (TPMS)
Wake-ups can also be generated via one of the four GPIOs. These on the internal pulling resistors, for example, only the external
GPIOs can also be used for digital interfaces such as I²C, UART or power supply and a few capacitors for voltage stabilization are
SPI. Therefore, SP40+ products also provide a flexible low power needed. In case the improved timing capabilities of the SP40+
solution for wired high-pressure sensor applications. device is needed on top of that, only a 26 MHz crystal oscillator
Moreover, having all active components already integrated, only is necessary. Stepping from a wired solution to a wireless digital
few additional passive components are required to complete sensor solution using the built-in RF transmitter and LF receiver
an application based on SP40+ products. Thus it offers a truly requires apart from the crystal oscillator just the addition of an
competitive low-cost solution while still providing high quali- LRC oscillator circuit for LF as well as the matching network and
ty. For a wired digital sensing solution providing compensated antenna for RF.
pressure measurements using the integrated I²C handler based
Minimal application diagram for a wired sensing Minimal application diagram for a wireless
solution using SP40+ sensing solution with SP40+ using RF transmission
and LF reception
10 pF 1.7–3.6 V
Digital interface 10 pF
or blocked by PP1 VDDPA PP1 VDDPA
capacitor 10 pF
RF matching
& antenna
Product table
Product variant Product name Pressure range Flash size for code Package Ordering code
[kPa] [kB]
SP400-11-01 SP40+ 900 12 PG-DSOSP-14-82 SP001605668
SP400-11-11 SP40+ XCS 900 14 PG-DSOSP-14-82 SP001605672
SP400-15-11 SP40Truck 1400 14 PG-DSOSP-14-82 SP003269636
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Document number: B142-I1034-V1-7600-EU-EC-P failure of the product or any consequences of the use thereof
Date: 09 / 2020 can result in personal injury.